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[Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1914, January 14 -- "Under Vital Stats 1913. March 10, 1913 a son born to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DeLong." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Y] 1925, July 15 -- Albert DeLong wrote a letter to his father from a camp apparently near Cooperstown. [C609] 1925, December 23 -- "Albert DeLong, Porter Reed and Ernest Bush were quite badly burned in the laboratory of the high school last Thursday afternoon by the unexpected explosion of chemicals while performing tests. The former was burned about the face while the others suffered minor injuries." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AQ] 1926, July 3 -- Played clarinet in Worcester school Boys Band [Newspaper article, C165] "...Albert DeLong taught there [Worcester District No.14] in the late 1930s." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 151] 1933, January 11 -- Date of the first of four surviving 1933 letters that Albert DeLong wrote to his father while at Hartwick College. [C610-C613] Early in their marriage, Al revealed to his bride that the DeLongs were partly descended from Blackfoot Indians. Neither his reputation for a droll wit, nor the fact that the Blackfeet live in Montana, dissuaded Dot and their children from believing this fiction for 25 years. [Family story] 1937, June 30 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong have moved in the apartment in the Chase house on upper Main Street." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BA] 1937, October 18 -- Albert DeLong purchases William Millis house at the corner of old South Hill Road in Worcester, N.Y. from William E. and Lucy Hollenbeck; sells it back to them November 22, 1940. {382 Otsego County Deeds 487 and 394 Otsego County Deeds 402; C15] 1937, October 29 -- "A clean-cut young man who has spent his whole life in Worcester, a graduate of the Worcester Central School and of Hartwick College, now a teacher in District 14, Town of Worcester. A vote for DELONG is a vote for good government and a square deal for all who may come before him." [Election advertising, Worcester Times, C168, and Oneonta Daily Star, C171] 1937 -- " ...the votes were: ... justice, long-term, Albert DeLong, R, 544, [August M.] Beers, D. 368 ... [Albert E.] Smith, D, 513, Elmer J. Skinner, R, 495; ..." [Oneonta Daily Star, C175] 1938, January 1 -- Justice of Peace, Town of Worcester; resigned August 1, 1940. [Officers of the Town of Worcester, 10] A summary of the 11 cases from his docket appears at C597-C599. 1938, May 11 -- "Peter Hollenbeck was selected trustee in District No. 14 and has re-engaged Albert DeLong as teacher for the coming school year." [Linda Robinson Worcester Times; C96BD] 1939, December 27 -- "Albert DeLong of this village has been appointed an examiner of the county welfare office by the new commissioner, William Roseboom, to succeed Mrs. Milloe Shepard of Cooperstown, who has resigned. He will assume his new duties next week. Mr. DeLong has resigned his position as teacher in rural school District No. 14, the Hollenbeck district, a post which he has filled for several years. Miss Eleanor Putnam of the 'county' has been engaged to complete the school term. Mr. DeLong is a graduate of Hartwick College, a justice of peace of the town and a young man of outstanding ability. His appointment by commissioner Roseboom is pleasing to residents of our village and all join with the Times in extending congratulations." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BI] 1940, May 22 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong have moved from the Mrs. Azro Chase residence to the home owned by Miss Erva Rock on lower Main Street." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BK] 1940, July 3 -- "Albert DeLong elected president of the Worcester High School Alumni Association." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BK] 1941, March 12 -- "Albert S. DeLong passes civil service exam and is now eligible for appointment as investigator with the Otsego County Welfare office." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BL] 1942, December 2 -- "Albert S. DeLong has joined the honor roll of local sportsmen by shooting a fine buck in the town of Decatur last Saturday afternoon." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BN] 1943, November 17 -- "Seventeen men from the Oneonta draft board passed the medical test in Utica last Thursday ... Albert DeLong and John L. Tauzel, Jr. were assigned to the army and will have a twenty-one day furlough before induction." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BQ] 1943, November 18 -- Inducted as Private into U.S. Army; serial number 32947775. Reported to Camp Upton, New York for basic training. A chronological record of Albert DeLong's Army service appears at C175A and C175B. [Lawrence A. DeLong research] 1943, December 8 -- "Albert DeLong leaves tomorrow, Thursday, for induction into the Army. Mrs. DeLong will close her home for the present and will join her parents at New York Mills." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BQ] 1943 -- "Oneonta and vicinity sent 11 more reservists into Army service yesterday morning when a detachment ... entrained for Camp Upton. They received gifts and lunches packed by the Red Cross motor corps, New Testaments from the Gideons, and coffee and doughnuts served at the D&H station by the AWVS. "Addressing the group at the Palace theatre ... Dr. Harold C. Buckingham, First Methodist minister, recalled his experiences in the Navy in World War I, and suggested how the men can fit into their new life ..." Caption under photo reads: "... Back [row]: ... Albert DeLong, and John Tauzel, Worcester." [Newspaper article, D136] 1944, February 1 -- Date of surviving post card to his wife from Camp Wolters, Texas. [C614], followed by a letter to Nettie, Wickham and Anita Griswold on March 12. [C614 and D137-D139] More 1944 Army letters to Carmen Caiazza from Camp Robinson, Arkansas and Fort Benning, Georgia appear ar C615-C616. 1944, May 5 -- "Albert DeLong is now located at Camp Robinson, Arkansas." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR] 1944, July 4 -- Home on leave; then reported to Camp Robinson, Arkansas. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C175A] Worcester Times of July 5 reports that "Pvt. Albert DeLong of Camp Robinson Ark. has been spending a few days with his his family in this village." The July 19 issue reported his promotion to corporal. [C96BR] 1944, November 5 and 12 -- Letters to son from Army Officer Candidate School, Fort Benning, Georgia, where he had reported on September 5 [C175A, C176, C177, C617-C618] 1944, December 31 -- First of 13 surviving Army letters to his father. [C619-C622 and C625-C634] 1945, January 11 -- Commissioned Second Lieutenant in Infantry, serial number O-1330526. Ordered to report to 140th Infantry, Camp Swift, Texas, and then to Camp Rucker, Alabama for training as a replacement (occupation) officer. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C175A] A newspaper article of this date reports "Lt. Albert DeLong at Camp Blanding FL visiting" [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR and C96BS] 1945, January 17 -- "Ft. Benning, Ga. -- Albert S. DeLong ... was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army last Thursday, Jan. 11, upon successful completion of the Officers Candidate Course at the Infantry School at Ft. Benning. ... The new lieutenant was inducted into the Army on Dec. 9, 1943, and served with the IRTC 77th Reg., Camp Robinson, Ark. before going to Officers Candidate School four months ago. He held the rank of Corporal before being commissioned. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR-C96BS] The January 24 issue reports that "Lt. Albert DeLong left Sunday by auto for his new army post at Camp Swift, Texas. He was accompanied by Mrs. DeLong and their son." [C96BS] One time during his Army service, Al was appointed Ammunition Officer for the day. As often happens in the military, nobody told him what duties the job included. That morning, he showed up at the firing range to face an enraged colonel and a line of nonchalant soldiers with empty rifles. When the colonel demanded to know where the ammunition was, Al replied that he didn't know. With the colonel's loaned jeep and a requisition, he headed to the ammo dump, where German and Italian prisoners-of-war issued him the rounds. [Family story] When the DeLong family lived at Camp Rucker, Al and Dot were known as "Dewey" and "Mrs. Dewey" after the governor of their home state. Larry was called "Little Dewey." Army policy at the time was not to send pre-Pearl Harbor fathers into combat, which is one reason that Al trained for occupation duty. [Family story] 1945, August 26 -- Letter to son from Camp Rucker, Alabama, noting plans to go to Camp Roberts, California, and then "overseas" for occupation of Japan. Lists previous duty stations as "Camp Upton and then to Camp Wolters, Texas and then to Camp Robinson, Arkansas. ... Then the Corporal went to Fort Benning, Georgia. Here he was given a commission as a Second Lieutenant ... [then] Camp Swift, Texas ... [and] Camp Rucker ..." [C177-C179, C623-C624] 1945, September 14 -- Assigned to Camp Adair, Oregon, awaiting overseas deployment. Left from Seattle October 18 for Japan on SS Cape Victory. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C175A] 1945, November 6 -- Viewed atom bomb damage from Nagasaki harbor. Arrived Kyoto November 13 as replacement officer. Some duties included requisitioning suitable housing for Occupation officials. Promoted to First Lieutenant May 31, 1946. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C175A-C175B] 1946, August -- Left Yokohama for San Francisco on USAT General J.H. McRae. Arrived August 29. Separated from service at Fort Dix, New Jersey on September 5. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C175B] 1946, September 25 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong and children are spending two weeks in camp on Lake Morraine in the Adirondacks. Lt. DeLong, who recently returned from long service overseas, is enjoying a much needed rest before returning to his duties with the County Welfare Department." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BU] 1948, October 14 -- Albert and Dorothy DeLong purchase 38 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. from Irving Wilber [436 Otsego County Deeds 472; C15] Responding to a pre-dawn alarm in the mid-1950's, half-awake volunteer fireman Al DeLong fell into a four-feet-deep hole that he and his son Larry had begun to dig for a new cesspool in the back yard of their home. A few days later on Easter Sunday, the family found that a skunk had fallen into the same hole, now nine feet deep. The skunk climbed out that evening on a long board that Al lowered into the hole. [Family story] 1955, October 30 -- Facetious letter to driver whose car had hit daughter's dog Buzzy. [C635] "... Albert DeLong ... is in charge of the Food Stamp Program for Otsego County ..." [Newspaper article, C180] 1975, April 10 -- "Albert S. DeLong, a native of Worcester who recently retired from the Otsego county Department of Social Services after 35 years of service, was honored at a testimonial dinner at the Lake House in Richfield Springs Friday evening, Apr. 4. ... "Ani P. Colone, who himself recently retired from the department, was master of ceremonies. "Among those ... who responded with words of ... recognition ... were Bernice Jones, former county treasurer, Robert Atwell, former county clerk, William Sherman, county chief probation officer, Marjorie Munford, director of administrative services in the Department of Social Services, Perry Hotaling, former case worker, William Wedgewood, former case worker, and Maynard Crounse, at one time deputy commissioner in the department. "Alton E. Shillieto, commissioner, presented Mr. DeLong with a silver tray, appropriately engraved ... "Guests of honor in addition to Mr. DeLong were his wife Dorothy, and his son and daughter, Lawrence DeLong of Waterford and Mrs. Linda Raide of Syracuse. "Mr. DeLong is a graduate of Worcester Central school and a 1934 graduate of Hartwick College. During World War II he served in camps in Texas, Arkansas and Alabama. He attended officers candidate school in Georgia and served with the Army of Occupation in Japan. "He has been an active fireman for many years and a member of the fire commissioners. He served as school treasurer and is a member of the Worcester American Legion Post 1584 and a member of the United Methodist Church. ..." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor, C182] 1975 - "Albert S. DeLong ... ended a lengthy career February 28 with the Otsego County Department of Social Services dating back to January 1, 1940 ..." [Oneonta Daily Star article, C183; retirement dinner program, C184] 1981, December 31 and January 1, 1982 -- "[Al] was working on the farm that summer [1934] ... for the Odells, I think the name was. Up on the South Hill. ... we ... didn't think we had enough money to get married on. And he taught for two years until we got married. ... he taught five years in school, two years before we were married and three years after ... Then he was hired by Bill Roseboom to work over at the Welfare Department [in 1940] ... He always hated school teaching. ... when he got his job ... with the county he had to quit [as] Justice of Peace. ... "... One night [in 1943] ... I ... got the mail ... That was the only thing in the mail, was that draft card. ... [Edith Bolt] came in March and stayed [with the family at 37 Main Street] until just before Dad came home. ... After basic training [July, 1944] he came home and he was promoted to corporal ... in January [1945] when he graduated from O.C.S. He came home and got us. ... We went to [Camp Swift] Texas ... on this little ranch ... [then] We found an apartment in Austin ... [after] a month or two he got his orders to come back to ... Camp Rucker [Alabama] ... After peace was declared ... He went overseas [in October]. He brought us home. ... " [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 19, 21-27; H119, H121-H127] 1982, January 20 -- "Albert S. DeLong, 38 Main Street, Worcester, was honored Jan. 13 for his 45 years of service to the Worcester Fire District ... In his remarks, DeLong mentioned that from the time he turned 50 years old he has asked to be put on the inactive firemen's list. Every year that was voted down. ..." [Freeman's Journal article, C185] 1986, June 14 -- Letter to grandson Carl DeLong [C635] 1991 and 1995 -- Note and letter to great-grandson Derek Roberts [C636] 1992, September 8 -- Lawrence A. DeLong completed tape recording "A Conversation With Albert S. DeLong," which appears at C501-C583. 1992, December 4 -- Albert and Lawrence purchase 2.659-acre empty lot at 40-42 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. from Alton Makely and John H. Turner [764 Otsego County Deeds 388; C15] About 1993 -- Albert DeLong contributed a long gun to the Worcester Historical Society. One of the double barrells is rifled and the other is smooth. The gun, made in Decatur, N.Y., had been in the DeLong family for generations. Tradition says that Oscar (and perhaps Awry) DeLong saved ammunition by waiting until two ducks were lined up on the Tuscan Mill Pond and then dispatching both with one shot. The gun survived the Worcester Great Fire of 1994 and a subsequent attempted theft, and remains on display at the Worcester Museum. [Family story] 1995, September 7 -- Lawrence A. DeLong tape recorded his father as he related numerous anecdotes from his life. A transcription appears at C585-C596. Albert DeLong wrote down more of his life stories and experiences in a book of notes found in 1995 after his death. These appear at C600-C607. A glossary of all these stories appears at C650-C653. 1995, October 28 -- "Worcester -- Albert S. DeLong, 82, of Worcester, died Thursday, Oct. 26, 1995, at Bassett Healthcare Hospital in Cooperstown. "He was born March 10, 1913 in Worcester, the son of Arthur S. and Harriett (Albert} DeLong. He married Dorothy S. Smith on June 30, 1936 in New York Mills. She predeceased him on May 4, 1991. "Mr. DeLong was a World War II U.S. Army veteran. He served from 1942 to 1946, attaining the rank of First Lieutenant. He was a member of the Occupation of Japan Forces. "A lifelong area resident, Mr. DeLong was a school teacher for the Hollenbeck District School on Smith Road in Worcester for four years. Then, for 35 years, he was employed by the Otsego County Department of Social Services as a case supervisor, retiring on Feb. 28, 1975. "He was a member of the United Methodist Church in Worcester, an alumni of the Class of 1930 at Worcester Central School, an alumni of the Class of 1934 at Hartwick College in Oneonta and a charter member of Worcester American Legion Post 1584. "Mr. DeLong was a member of the Historical Society of Worcester, for whom he was currently serving as a trustee. He also served as Worcester historian, Town of Worcester Justice of Peace in 1938 and, at one time, as Worcester Fire Commissioner. "He is survived by a son, Lawrence A. DeLong of Clifton Park; a daughter, Linda J. Raide of Penn Yan; a sister, Mrs. Gilbert F. (Irene) Smith of Worcester; two grandchildren, Michael Raide of Penn Yan and Melissa Raide of Fayetteville, N.C.; one great-grandson, Derek R. Roberts of Waterford; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. "Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 30 at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, 115 Main St., Worcester, with the Rev. John Phillippe, pastor of the United Methodist Church of Worcester, officiating. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ... "Contributions may be made in memory of Albert to the Worcester Historical Society ... or the Worcester Emergency Squad ..." [Oneonta Daily Star, C196] 1995, October 30 -- Honorary casket bearers were Maynard H. Crounse and Perry R. Hotaling; active casket bearers were Ani P. Colone, Henry Habinc, Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., James S. Pula, Melissa A. Raide and Michael R. Raide [Albert S. DeLong committal service program, C210] 1997, April 3 - "This book is dedicated to the memory of Albert S. DeLong, whose life was one of service to the Town of Worcester and his country -- past, present and future. As an officer in World War II, he helped safeguard the future for generations to come. As a school teacher in Worcester and case supervisor for the Otsego County Department of Social Services he helped generations of youth and young adults to grow in the present. Finally, as Town Historian he helped preserve the past, ever conscious of the precious links from the past to present to future to which his whole life offered invaluable and exemplary witness." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, page ix, C202] 1997, April 3 -- A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester includes anecdotes about the life of Albert DeLong as follows: A Secret Place (page 116, C203), Geography Regents (page 127, C204), Hallowe'en (page 146, C205) , O Well (page 150, C206), A Lack of Support (page 226, C207), and Town Board's Truck Purchase (page 227, C208) 1997, December 15 -- "...I knew Albert DeLong very well. He taught school in the Hollenbeck district and walked to town to spend weekends with his father. He always stopped in at Webb Neal's barbershop to find out what was going on in town. His 'teaching' duties included starting the fire in the heater, bringing in the wood, and filling the water pail." [Letter from Willard Wright to his sister Marilyn Dufresne, C188] 1999, June 23 -- The DeLong family donated most of Albert DeLong's military uniforms and memorabilia, including a helmet; Japanese samurai sword, kimono, fishing pole, sake dish, abacus and figurines; a 57 mm. artillery shell casing and photographs, to the New York State Museum for permanent storage and display. Included were brochures from Kyoto and two ornamental fans autographed by the mayor of that city, a record of DeLong's Army service, copies of his orders and miscellaneous items. The family also donated his wedding suit and photograph from June 30, 1936 to the Museum. A duplicate "Eisenhower jacket" Army tunic and a second samurai sword went to the Worcester Historical Society, Inc. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 2000, April 25 -- The Worcester Historical Society placed an historical marker at the I-88 eastbound rest area in Worcester, in memory of Albert S. DeLong and Homer A. Empie, who had worked on the project some years earlier. 2001, July 3 -- Lawrence DeLong and Linda Raide publish "Conversations," tape recordings and anecdotes from the lives of their parents.1911 -- When Dot was born, her mother Lillian Smith decided that she would name the new baby Agnes Shires Smith, but her father Amos quickly ended the idea by objecting to the resulting initials. [Family story] Dot DeLong intensely disliked the color green. It almost never occurred that she or any member of her family owned anything green. [Family story] Shortly after their marriage, Albert DeLong revealed to his wife Dot that the DeLongs were partly descended from Blackfoot Indians. Neither Al's reputation for dry wit nor the fact that the Blackfeet iive in Montana, dissuaded Dot from believing this fiction for 25 years. [Family story] 1939, December 13 -- "Article on the Baptist Church Xmas Cantata 'The Christmas Song of the Ages' indicated direction by Miss Frances Johnson; Mrs. Albert DeLong in charge of costuming." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BI] 1941, October 29 -- "Mrs. Willard Chase, Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Mrs. Andrew Skinner were hostesses at a dessert bridge and shower for Mrs. Albert DeLong at the Chase home Friday evening. There were twenty-four present and prizes were won by Mrs. Melvin Ferguson, Mrs. Matthias Smith and Mrs. Howard Henderson. Mrs. DeLong received many gifts." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BL] 1944, March 15 -- "Mrs. Albert DeLong and son, who have been spending several months in [New York] Mills, have returned to this village and opened her home." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR] 1948, October 13 -- "Article about Indoor Circus put on by Ways and Means Committee of Worcester Literary Club, Mrs. Albert DeLong in charge." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BW] 1981, December 31 and January 1, 1982 -- Lawrence A. DeLong tape recorded "A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong," which appears at H100-H137. 1981, December 31 -- "I went to New York Mills School [on Burrstone Road], which burned down when I was in the first grade. ... then I went to the elementary school down further in New York Mills. ... The [school] on the left-hand side ... was the high school then. ... I graduated from that school ... [in] 1928. ... I went to ... Excelsior School of Business in Utica. .. I think it was a two-year course. ... In the meantime ... I worked next door at the Woolworth Company five-and-ten-cent store. ... My mother was taken ill and I had to quit to take care of her for a while. Then I went back in the five-and-ten as secretary to the manager there, and I worked there until I was married in '36. ... I did work a short term over in Sears and Roebuck Company ... As a bookkeeper ... "I went to the ... First Methodist Church in New York Mills. [I was baptised] Catholic. Methodist. And when I was married ... I was baptised Baptist. ... my Dad worked on the railroad seven days a week and my mother was Protestant, and we could walk to the Protestant church. There was no Catholic church located where we were. ... I remember the ringing of the bells. I remember the end of [World War I]. ... I remember [Uncle Bob Platt] coming home on furlough. And I remember about the Kaiser ... [My father kept his job] All the time [during the Depression. "...I wasn't going anywhere until my Uncle Sid -- being a Shires -- he insisted that I go to business school. He paid my way through business school. "... eight of us girls who worked at Woolworth's the last of August [1934] rented this camp up on Sylvan Beach ... Mary [Kaut] was one and Ross [Stanhouse] was coming up to see her ... and asked me if I would mind if he brought his ... friend along [as a blind date]. ... And Daddy was the one he brought. ... neither one of us liked each other when we first met. ... I thought he looked like a frog. ... We went together for a year ... then we were married the following June ... Ross Stanhouse was the best man and Aunt Winnie was the ... Maid of [Honor]. ... then [after honeymoon] we went to summer school in Albany ... To get his [master's] degree. ... We were there for six weeks ... Then we came back to Worcester [and lived] ... with Grandpa. ... Dad taught school up in the old schoolhouse up on the hill. .. I went to work up in Uncle Earl's ... Variety Store. "... in the spring [1937] we rented the apartment [at 217 Main Street] ... then we moved to [37 Main Street in 1940] ... And we moved over here [38 Main Street in 1948] ... " ... later along in life we joined the Methodist church because there was some trouble up in the Baptist church ..." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 12-16, 18-22; H112-H116, H118-H122] 1991, May 6 -- "Worcester -- Dorothy S. DeLong, 80, of 38 Main St., Worcester, died Saturday, May 4, at M.I. Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown. "She was born March 6, 1911, in Utica, the daughter of Ambrose W. and Lillian E. (Platt) Smith. She married Albert S. DeLong on June 30, 1936, in New York Mills. "She was a housewife and a 55-year resident of Worcester. "She was a member of the United Methodist Church and United Methodist Women of Worcester; member and past president of the Worcester Woman's Club; past president of the Worcester American Legion Auxiliary Post 1584; Worcester Historical Society and Women's Republican Club. "Survivors include her husband, Albert, one son, Lawrence A. DeLong of Clifton Park; one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Linda) Raide of Dundee; one sister, Mrs. Stanley (Winifred) Pula of New York Mills; three grandchildren, Michael and Melissa Raide and Carl DeLong; one great-grandson, Derek Roberts; three nieces, six nephews and several cousins. "Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, at Skinner Funeral Home, 115 Main St., Worcester, with the Rev. John Phillippe, pastor of the Worcester United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester ... "Contributions in her memory may be made to the Worcester Emergency Squad..." [Oneonta Daily Star, C190] 1991 -- "Dorothy S. DeLong, 80, passed away Saturday, May 4, 1991 at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital. "Mrs. DeLong was born March 6, 1911, the daughter of the late Ambrose and Lillian Platt Smith. Until her marriage in June 1936 she resided in New York Mills. "Besides her husband, Albert, she is survived by a son, Lawrence, a daughter and son-in-law, Linda and Robert Raide, four grandchildren, a sister, Winifred Pula, New York Mills, a nephew, Dr. James Pula, Saratoga Spa; a niece, Cheryl Pula, New York Mills. She was predeceased by a brother, Dr. James A. Smith. ..." [Obituary of Dorothy S. DeLong, C192] 1991, May 7 -- Pallbearers were Carl A. DeLong, Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., James S. Pula, Michael R. Raide, Robert J. Raide and Bruce A. Smith [Dorothy S. DeLong funeral memorial book] 1999, November 18 -- Linda J. Raide donated her mother's wedding dress to the New York State Museum. 2001, July 3 -- Lawrence DeLong and Linda Raide publish "Conversations," tape recordings and anecdotes from the lives of their parents.1941, November 26 -- "A son, Laurence Albert, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong at the Bassett hospital, Cooperstown, Nov. 18." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BL] 1941 -- After Larry was born, his grandmother Lillian Smith wanted to know what name the new baby had received. She was quite chagrined and astonished when told that he had been named Oscar Napoleon after his great-grandfathers. [Family story] 1949, March 30 -- "Larry, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong, was taken to the Bassett hospital, Cooperstown, on Sunday and on the following day submitted to a tonsillectomy operation. The lad was able to return home on Tuesday." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BW] 1959, April 12 -- "Worcester Central School Seniors, Class of 1959 -- enjoyed a visit to Washington during Easter vacation ... Back row: ... Larry DeLong ..." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor; photo; D143] 1963, July 1 -- New York State Public Administration Intern, placed in Office of Legislative Research, State Assembly [C243] 1964, January 10 -- "Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964," edited by Town Historian Lawrence A. DeLong, placed on sale. [C243] 1964, January 30 -- Enlisted in U.S. Naval Reserve. Reported to Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island April 17. A chronological record of Lawrence DeLong's Navy service appears at C238A-C238B. 1964 -- "On Aug. 21, Lawrence A. DeLong of Worcester was commissioned an ensign in the United States Naval Reserve, following the completion of an 18-week course of indoctrination at the U.S. Naval Officer Candidate school at Newport, R.I. Following a few days spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong, he left for six months of further instruction at the U.S. Naval Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga. "Ensign DeLong is a graduate of Worcester Central school and Hamilton College and is on leave of absence from employment with the state of New York. He was formerly historian of the town of Worcester. While at OCS, he was the company commander of F Company, a unit of 133 men." [Newspaper article, C239] 1964, September 15 -- U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Georgia. Graduated March 11, 1965. [C238A] 1965, March 29 - Reported to USS Newport News in Norfolk, Virginia. Dominican Republic service April 29 to May 11. Later port calls were to Boston, Florida, Guantanamo Bay, San Juan, Charlotte Amalie, Newport, New York, Annapolis, Oslo, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Portsmouth, Bermuda, Nassau, and Halifax. [C238A, C244] 1967, September 5 -- Ship departed from Norfolk, Virginia for shore bombardment duties off coast of Vietnam, arriving in Da Nang harbor on October 9. DeLong was assigned duty as Turret I Officer in the main battery of eight-inch automatic guns. Port visits included Colon, Balboa, Pearl Harbor, Guam, Subic Bay, Hong Kong, Yokosuka and Sasebo. Left to return to Norfolk April 18, 1968; arrived May 13; left active duty as Lieutenant May 30. [C238A-C238B] 1967 -- "Two Times-Monitor area men are presently serving aboard the same U .S. Navy ship off North Vietnam. They are Lt. Lawrence DeLong of Worcester and Gunner's Mate First Class Barry G. Hoyte of Schenevus. "Both are assigned to the heavy cruiser USS Newport News (CA-148) which is presently serving as a shore bombardment ship on Operation Sea Dragon in the Gulf of Tonkin. The Newport News is the world's largest cruiser, having a displacement of 21,500 tons, and has the biggest, fastest naval guns presently in operation anywhere in the world. "DeLong and Hoyte are, in fact, members of the same eight-inch gun turret crew and during battle stations they have the task of loading, training and firing Turret One, which is the forward gun turret on the ship. ... "The Newport News is one of [four cruisers that] working in rotation, shell highways, bridges, ships, railroad yards, ammunition dumps, radar stations and similar targets in order to stop the flow of supplies to the North Vietnamese Army in South Vietnam.... "DeLong ... worked in the state government in Albany for a year and entered the Navy in 1964. In addition to his duties as a turret officer, Lt. DeLong is responsible for the operation of the ship's store, laundry, barber shop, tailor shop, snack bar and dry cleaning and is the supervisor of 62 men ..." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor, C241] 1970, January 17 -- Co-founder and a first trustee of Worcester Historical Society, Inc. [Resume of Lawrence A. DeLong, C248; A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 189] 1970, June 4 -- Joined Assembly Standing Committee Central Staff [C244] 1976, November 11 -- Deputy Director, Assembly Program and Committee Staff [C244] 1979, September 10 -- Purchases 238 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, N.Y. from Dorothy E. Healey [C244] 1982, November -- Jefferson County Department of Social Services placed Clarence D. Waite, also called "Sam" or "Skippy," with Larry DeLong for prospective adoption. This attempt came to an end on December 29. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 1983, October 17 -- "Lawrence DeLong, acting parliamentarian of the state Assembly, reads the orders from the Duke of York to Gov. Thomas Dongan that led to the formation of the Assembly 300 years ago. Assemblyman Richard J. Conners, D-Albany, looks on." [Newspaper caption, C242] 1984-1985 -- President of Worcester Central School Alumni Association [C244] 1989, July 6 -- First Coordinator of Recruitment and Training, State Assembly [C244] 1992, December 4 -- Albert and Lawrence DeLong purchase 40-42 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. from Alton Makely and John H. Turner [764 Otsego County Deeds 388, C15] 1993 -- Listed in Who's Who in the East [C245] 1996, October 18 -- Lawrence DeLong and Linda Raide purchase 38 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. from estate of Albert S. DeLong [790 Otsego County Deeds 349; C15] 1996, November 18 -- Retired [C245; Hamilton Alumni Review, C246] 1997, December 6 -- "A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester," principally edited by Lawrence A. DeLong, goes on sale. [C245] 1997 -- "Lawrence A. DeLong, whose family members have been in Worcester since at least 1795, prepared histories of town government and politics, expanded and catalogued the town historical collection, and was a co-founder of the Worcester Historical Society. He was a third-generation appointed Town Historian, whose grandfather Arthur S. DeLong and father Albert S. DeLong also performed that responsibility." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 189] 1999, June 23 -- Larry DeLong gave most of his military uniforms and memorabilia, including a record of his naval service, to the New York State Museum for permanent storage and display. He also donated two World War II German Army helmets that he had found in barns in Worcester, New York; one was in Afrika Corps tan and the other was green. Duplicate "blue" and khaki Navy uniforms went to the Worcester Historical Society, Inc. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 2000, April 19 -- "The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families," compiled by Lawrence A. DeLong and Donald P. Petro, is distributed. 2001, July 3 -- Lawrence DeLong and Linda Raide publish "Conversations," tape recordings and anecdotes from the lives of their parents. 2002, March 18 -- "I collect stamps, coins, license plates and political buttons, and enjoy baseball, hockey, reading, travel, current events, hiking and camping. I managed youth baseball and bowling teams for 11 years and served as an officer of six baseball leagues or organizations. "I was Historian of the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York, or custodian of its historical collection (1960-1991 and 2000), and compiled a publication on town officers from 1797, using original records. I was a co-founder and original trustee of the Worcester Historical Society, Inc., and a co-author of the town's bicentennial history. I am co-compiler of aq book on my family's history, and of another on my parents' lives. I am Chairman of the Town of Worcester Planning Board and a trustee of the Maple Grove Cemetery Association. "My activities include volunteer service in a number of political campaigns, beginning in 1948. I was also a volunteer worker at an Albany center for displaced children, and became a single adoptive parent." {Resume, C248] ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIўџџџKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYўџџџ[\]^_`abcdeўџџџghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€1945, December 19 -- "A daughter, Linda Joan, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong at the Bassett hospital, Cooperstown, on Dec. 13." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BU] 1977 -- Received permanent teaching certification at Nazareth College [Linda J. Raide] Received advanced certificate in Education Administration 1996, October 18 -- Linda Raide and Lawrence DeLong purchase 38 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. from estate of Albert S. DeLong [790 Otsego County Deeds 349; C15] 1997, August 23 -- Appointed Principal of Penn Yan Middle School 2001, July 3 -- Lawrence DeLong and Linda Raide publish "Conversations," tape recordings and anecdotes from the lives of their parents.1858, March 9 -- "Voted to recei      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ўџџџ`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}ўџџџ§џџџ€1891 -- Flossie M. and Arthur S. DeLong are listed as students in Tusculum Dist. No. 10 [Worcester, New York] in 1891-92 and 1892-93. [M35] A photograph of Arthur DeLong as a student at District No. 16, about 1895, appears on page 151 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. 1906, March 1 -- "Arthur DeLong, clerk at Eitapence's Hardware Store during the past two years, has resigned his position and gone to Poughkeepsie to take a course in Eastman's Business College." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96A] The June 7, 1906 issue said that he had returned to his home in Worcester. [C96A] 1908, January 16 -- "An article on the Minyo Tribe noted that A. DeLong was appointed as Brave in the tribe. W[orcester] T[imes]" [Linda Robinson, C96N] 1908, May 7 -- "At the social gathering of the Baptist young people Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeLong were presented with a handsome eight day clock. The evening was pleasantly spent with music, games and refreshments." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O] 1908, July 30 -- "Arthur DeLong lost his left thumb at the first joint Saturday morning, while operating a small saw at Hadsell's Mill. Arthur can't explain just how it happened, but thinks he must have taken his eyes off his work for a fraction of a second. The saw did a neat job, severing the thumb in a clean, workmanlike manner." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96N] Art DeLong accidentally cliced off the top half of his left thumb while working for Hadsell Brothers. Later, his daughter Irene lost her belief in Santa Claus when she noticed that the gentlemanm dressed in the red suit only had half his thumb. [Family story] 1908, December 17 -- "Herbert L. Kinney, Arthur DeLong, Ed Persons and John Griffen went to Cooperstown Saturday to try the RFD examination. They are candidates for the position of carrier on Route No. 2." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O] 1909, August 19 -- "Arthur DeLong is substituting as mail carrier on Worcester Route No. 1 and will probably be appointed as regular carrier in place of W.C. Dodge, resigned." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96P] 1909 -- "The earliest rural carrier in the official records for Worcester R.D.1 was Arthur S. DeLong, who began serving on 1 September 1909. In 1915 the route was 24.2 miles long and the salary was $1200; in 1928 the route was 25.3 miles with a salary of $1830, and by 1949 the route had increased to 29.08 miles and a salary of $3236. DeLong retired on 1 December 1953. Substitute carriers were Earl F. Johnson (1906-1936), Matthias E. Smith (appointed 17 June 1936) and Erwin V. Hunt (appointed 20 February 1941). ... After DeLong retired, on 2 January 1953, Erwin V. Hunt was appointed to R.D.1, but that particular route was discontinued on 15 June 1953. ..." [Otsego County Postal History, C119] "Arthur DeLong, in a 1926 letter to patrons, set the date as September 1, 1905, and recalls Wilbur C. Dodge as the first carrier. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 178] 1909, December 30 -- "Article [in Worcester Times] on Minyo Tribe indicates A. DeLong newly elected Sen. Sac. (senior sachem?) ..." [Linda Robinson, C96Q] 1910 -- "Arthur DeLong, foreman on the [Wieting Opera House] job recalls the hand labor necessary to dig that large basement. The dirt was drawn in wagons to the Maple Grove Cemetery for fill. Some of the horses, 'kickers' were the more serious causes of labor troubles. Because so many stones rolled off the wagons along Cook Street one man was hired to take them out of the way." [Town of Worcester -- A History, 104] 1910, September 22 -- "Arthur DeLong has been taking a ten days' vacation from his duties as carrier on R.D. route No. 1. Earl Johnson, substitute carrier, covered the route." and "Mr. and Mrs Arthur DeLong have been enjoying a week's visit with friends at Whitney Point, Broome county." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96R] 1912, January 10 -- "Arthur DeLong elected usher [of Worcester Baptist Church]." and "A. DeLong elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Baptist Sunday School for 1912." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96U] 1912, May 8 -- "Arthur DeLong will move from Mrs. Dailey's house on [18-20] Decatur street to Mrs. O.P. Groff's house on [25-27] Water street, occupied by Mrs. Helen Davis who moves to rooms vacated by Mr. DeLong." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1912, June 12 -- "Arthur DeLong, mail carrier on Route No. 1, is assisting in Rockefeller's hardware store several hours every morning." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] About 1912 -- "Charles Eitapence [operator of 'Cash Hardware Store' in Worcester] ... and employees, L to R, Arthur DeLong, Oscar Galer, William Elwell and Walter Bingham." [Caption under Mrs. Eva Galer's photo, Works of W. Fern Ferguson, D94] 1912, June 26 -- "New Officers of Minyo Tribe: ... Arthur DeLong is delegate to the great council." An August 11 article says that "Arthur DeLong is in Syracuse this week representing the Minyo Tribe at the great council of Red Men." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1912, September 4 -- "Rural mail carriers are to receive another increase in salary, whereby Will Elwell and Arthur DeLong will each get $1,100 per year. Herbert Kinney, the other Worcester carrier, who has a shorter route, gets $1,056 per year." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1913, January 15 -- "Item noting A.S. DeLong appointed 3rd brave of the Minyo Tribe." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1913, May 28 -- "Earl Johnson is carrying the mail on Route No. 1 this week, while the regular carrier Arthur DeLong, takes a vacation. 'Art' was overhauling his fishing tackle yesterday and we presume he will salt down a barrel or two of the largest fish for winter use." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1914, January 7 -- "Arthur DeLong appointed Chief of Records of Minyo Tribe." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Y] 1914, February 14 -- "Mail carriers Herbert L. Kinney of route No. 2 and Arthur DeLong of route No. 1 are, we understand, preparing to open the season with new Ford touring cars, so big parcel post packages will have no terrors for them. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Y] 1914, February 18 -- "The heaviest snowfall that Worcester has experienced in recent years is in town ... the ground was covered to a depth of 26 inches. ... None of the Worcester rural letter carriers got through the drifts Saturday, and Arthur DeLong of Route No. 1 was the only carrier to make a complete trip on Monday." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Z] 1914, February 25 -- "Arthur DeLong will on the first of April move from Mrs. O.P. Groff's house on Water Street to the James Whalen house on Elm Street, where Will Hudson now resides..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Y] 1914, March 13 -- Arthur DeLong buys 1/4 acre on Depot Street (now 4 South Hill Road) in Worcester, New York, from Norman and Bessie Baldwin. He sold it to James and Frances Fisher of Worcester on December 28, 1920, for $1. [288 Otsego County Deeds 248, and 312 Otsego County Deeds 577; C15] 1914, March 18 -- "Norman Baldwin has sold his house on Depot street to Arthur DeLong. Possession is given at once, subject to leases held by Bert Cole and Stanley Howe." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Z] 1914, May 20 -- "Commencing June 1, the mail on routes 1 & 2 will be carried in autos. Carrier McKinney has a new Maxwell and Cdarrier DeLong, a new Ford." and "From April 16 to May 15 inclusive [Route No. 1] delivered 6,253 pieces of mail weighing 961 lbs; collected 893 pieces, 56 lbs." In April 1915, Route 1 delivered 7,658 pieces weighing 1,568 pounds, and collected 1,140 pieces weighing 136 pounds, 9 ounces. [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Z and C96AA] 1914 -- A photograph of the Arthur S. DeLong family in its new automobile appears on page 77 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. 1914, November 18 -- "The rural carriers on routes 1 an 2 have laid by their automobiles for the winter and are now delivering the mail by good old horse and wagon." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA] 1915, March 31 -- "Recent movers are Arthur DeLong to his house on Depot street..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA] 1915, April 7 -- "Mrs. Louis Bellinger, Jack Colbeck, Arthur DeLong and Fred VanBuren were in Oneonta yesterday, taking the chauffeur's examination." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA] 1915, September 8 -- "Worcester's rural mail carriers Messrs. Kinney, Elwell and DeLong, accompanied by their wives, attended a meeting of the R.D. Association held in Richfield Springs Monday." A November 24 article said that "Arthur DeLong, who has been carrying the mail in route No. 1 with an automobile has started his winter schedule on Monday with horse." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AC] 1916, August 23 -- "Arthur DeLong and family, Ella DeLong and Frances Johnson are camping at Caryl's Lake." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AD] 1920, April 21 -- "Arthur DeLong has sold his residence to James Fisher of Walton. Possession about May 15." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AI] 1920, May 26 -- Arthur buys Wagoner house, 1/2 acre at 3 South Church Street in Worcester, from Robert W. and Ida M. Davidson of Worcester, for $1. He sold it to Harry E. and Agnes H. Jones on June 28, 1923, for $1,800. [310 Otsego County Deeds 502, and 322 Otsego County Deeds 267; C15] 1920, June 24 -- Arthur buys 1 Water Street, Worcester, from Emma DeLong for $1. He adds a slice of land from the estate of John H. Salisbury of Worcester on November 29, 1924, for less than $100. [311 Otsego County Deeds 161, and 329 Otsego County Deeds 240; C15] 1920, September 22 -- "Arthur DeLong among list of those buying a pipeless furnace from Eitapence & Co." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AJ] 1921, February 23 -- "In spite of the fact that the term of office of postmaster Leroy Goodell does not expire in over two years and regardless of the fact that the office is run in an efficient and satisfactory manner, petitions are already being circulated to have a Republican put in his place. The report is current on the street that among those who would like the position are Arthur DeLong and Mrs. Rose Snyder." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AK] 1921, August 17 -- "The post office situation in this town is beginning to boil and indications point to a 'humdinger' of a contest ... Arthur DeLong has circulated a petition, and has secured many signers, for the post office here, although Leroy Goodell has over a year yet to serve. At least two other petitions will be in evidence within a day or two. ... Reports reach us that the contest will be carried to the primaries to be Sept. 13th in an effort to elect a county committeeman favorable to their candidate. Contrary to reports Leroy Goodell does not intend to resign and the only way he can be removed is for cause." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1923, April 14 -- "Notices have been posted in the post office in this village announcing an open competitve examination to be held on May 12, 1923 to fill the position of postmaster here to succeed C.L. Goodell whose term expires on August 5th next. The salary is $1,800 per year. The examination will not be held under the Civil Service Act but under an executive order. Mr. Goodell has filled the position for two terms giving the best of satisfaction. Those prominently mentioned for the position are A.S. DeLong, C.I. Henderson, Howard Galer and Mrs. Rose Snyder, each of whom has strong backing." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AM] 1924, August 6 -- "Rural Route No. 1, running out of this village, of which Arthur DeLong is the carrier, is the only route in this part of the state and one of less than three hundred in the United States, where all the mail boxes and posts are painted white and are all reported in first class condition. H.R. Nichols, 4th Asst. Postmaster General, has written a letter to Postmaster Henderson and the carrier complimenting them for their efforts." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN] 1924, August 20 -- "Rural Mail Carrier Arthur S. DeLong and family left last Wednesday for Elmira where the former attended the State RFD Carriers Convention. The trip was made by auto." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN] 1926 -- "Rural Route No. 1 Worcester, New York 21st Birthday Anniversary Sept. 1, 1926 -- To the Patrons of Rural Route No. 1, Worcester, New York. "Greetings:-- Perhaps few of you realize that 21 years ago today (Sept. 1st, 1905) the service you have been receiving was inaugurated. Credit ... should be given very largely to the late Mr. Sidney J. Burton, who worked long and hard to interest enough of you or rather the families of that time, to secure favorable action by the department. "Mr. Wilbur C. Dodge, now Rev. W.C. Dodge, pastor of the M.E. Church at Montrose, Pa., was the first carrier, serving just four years, while your humble servant has yesterday completed 17 years. "These years for the most part have been happy ones for me and I trust happier ones for you. I have tried to keep the slogan of the Post Office Department, 'Service with a Smile' ever before me even sometimes when the smile came hard. As I now review the years gone by I think of the many kind words you have said to me, sometimes when a kind word was much needed. You have helped me many times when parts of my equipment were broken. You have loaned me things many times to help me home. Once I was cared for over night when I was snowed in and two or three times I have had a horse loaned me when mine was tired out. You have acted on my suggestion to never put coins loose in the box but buy stamps and stamped envelopes in advance. You have erected your box to suit my convenience, painted it white and kept it accessible by shoveling the snow away in winter. I might say together we have a route to take pride in. "You have left many things of value in the box for me at different times. You have kindly called my attention to the mistakes I sometimes make, and have shown many other favors for which I am truly thankful. I shall try to give you the best possible service in appreciation. "It may interest you that the route is 24.2 miles in length, that the line of travel was changed once owing to bad roads; that I handle about 120,000 pieces of mail each year; that there are 110 families living on the route, only 20 of which have been continuous patrons since the route started in 1905. "I not only keep a complete census of all the patrons, but in co-operation with the Dept. of Agriculture furnish stock and crop reports, and even take a census of the pigs twice a year. ... "I have tried to use the newest methods in work and keep constantly in touch with our officials and the department orders, and am a member of the Rural Letter Carriers Asso., County, State and National, have served as president and now as vice-president of the County organization, and for many years have been a delegate to the State Convention. ... "Arthur S. DeLong" [See also A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 178-179] 1926, September 29 -- "Mr. & Mrs. F.A. Rickard and A.S. DeLong and family were in Sidney last Saturday attending the annual picnic and banquet of the Mail Carriers Asso. of the 34th Congressional district. Mr. DeLong acted as toastmaster at the banquet." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AR] 1927, December 7 -- "Arthur DeLong of this village was elected President of the Otsego County branch of the Rural Mail Carriers Asso. at their meeting held in Otego last Saturday. The ladies auxiliary of the association held their meeting at the same time and Mrs. DeLong was cjosen as their president." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AS] 1932, October 26 -- "Sometime during last Tuesday night, the residence of Arthur S. DeLong of this village was entered and about $20 in money and a quantity of edibles taken. Entrance was made by way of an unlocked rear door. A purse containing $20 and belonging to Miss Irene DeLong was removed. Evidence was left showing that the burglars had helped themselves to lunch out of the refrigerator. Mr. DeLong had quite a sum of money belonging to the Playground Association and the Baptist Church but this was not discovered. The family were at home at the time but heard no sound." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AU] 1933, May 10 -- "Article on Worcester baseball team start-up indicates Arthur S. DeLong as treasurer." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AV] 1933, July 12 -- "A rather unusual accident occured at the swimming pool late Monday afternoon. Cars owned by R.W. Vickers and A.S. DeLong were parked alongside the road when without warning the brakes released on the Vickers machine which backed into the DeLong car which ran down the short incline and turned over into the pool. The DeLong car was damaged considerably but the Vickers car was stopped before any damage was done." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AV] 1934, May 9 -- "Arthur DeLong elected president of Wocester baseball organization." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AX] 1934, July 11 -- "The Oneonta Star of Monday published an excellent picture of A.S. DeLong in connection with the story of the Letter Carriers' convention to be held in that city on July 26, 27 and 28. Mr. DeLong worked persistently for several years to have this convention meet in the City of the Hills ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AX] 1934, August 22 -- Arthur DeLong left last Friday evening for Denver, Colorado, where he will attend the National Mail Carriers' Convention as a delegate from New York. On his return he plans to attend the Century of Progress at Chicago for a few days." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AX] 1934, November 21 -- "Reference to Arthur S. DeLong being re-elected president of the Otsego County Mail Carriers Assoiciation." Many succeeding articles detail Arthur DeLong's RLCA activities. [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AY ff.] Articles on October 12, 1938 and January 11, 1939 list Art as guest speaker at Worcester D.A.R. and Grange respectively, on "The Romance of the United States Mail." [C96BF] 1947, February 26 -- "Arthur S. DeLong, who has been spending several weeks at St. Petersburg and other interesting points in Florida, returned home last week." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BU] 1948, April 5 -- "Following his job as a rural letter carrier for many years, Arthur DeLong, father of Albert and a grandfather of Larry, retired in 1953. He also worked as a part-time bookkeeper at Chase Chevrolet, Inc. It was April 5, 1948, and DeLong went outside the garage and started a bonfire to burn a pile of papers. The fire somehow got out of control, ignited grass and spread to a small barn adjoining the garage facility. The barn, owned by Frank Snyder, was used by painter Ed Graney, who lived with the Snyders, to store equipment. The barn also had its sides covered with old cardboard, so that it made especially good fuel for the fire. In the end all that remained of Graney's push cart was its metal frame. The newspaper account of the incident closes with this: 'Although Ed Graney lost much of his painting equipment, he's still painting.'" [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 178] 1950, April 5 -- "Rural carrier Arthur DeLong, who spent several weeks vacation in Florida and later on a motor trip as far west as Texas, returned last Friday and resumed his duties on RD1." [Linda Robinson notes, Worcester Times; C96BX] 1952, December 17 -- "Arthur S. DeLong, mail carrier on route 1 out of this village, was quite badly injured in an accident on the Little Elk Creek road, yesterday, Tuesday, afternoon while making deliveries. "While enroute, his car skidded, apparently on a piece of concealed ice, and crashed into a tree with considerable force. Mr. DeLong received a bruised knee and chest, a severe cut on the chin requiring several stitches to close, as well as many other contusions. Fortunately no bones were broken. The car was badly wrecked. Substitute Erwin V. Hunt is now carrying the mail on this route. [Worcester Times, C123] 1952 -- "Arthur S. DeLong, rural mail carrier, will retire from the postal service December 31 after delivering the mail on Worcester RD 1 for 44 years. "He was named a substitute carrier Jan. 1, 1909, and took over the route as a full carrier the following September 1. He succeeded Wilber C. Dodge, then in training for the ministry, who died last June after serving Methodist parishes in this area for many years. "Mr. DeLong served for 20 years as president of the Otsego County Rural Letter Carriers Association, and for 12 years as secretary. For three years he served on the state executive board of the association, one year as chairman of that board. "'There aren't more than ten people now on the route who were there when I started,' Mr. DeLong commented. "During the years, the route has been changed four times, lengthening each time with the progress of modern transportation, but still retaining its old designation as 'RD 1.' "There have been many changes in the almost half a century he has delivered the mail. When he first started on the route, there were no improved roads, no electricity, only a few telephones, no school busses or milk trucks and no power snow plows or road machines. " Farms in the early days had board fences and stone walls. Along his route were no less than eight one room schools, of which not one remains today. "There have been changes in salary, and working conditions, too. He started at $900 a year, and the Christmas and Armistice Day holidays were unheard of. "Even then, however, it was a civil service post. He took his examination in Cooperstown, and had to leave Worcester the night before by train in order to be in the county seat for the examination at 9 a.m. "During the first few years on his route, he had to go armed during hop picking season for protection against the imported pickers. Trouble was, he said, the government didn't furnish the arms or ammunition. He kept a .22 calibre pistol of his own concealed beneath the blanket on the seat of his rig. "Nowadays, he said, most of the roads on the route are improved and kept clear of snow during the winter months. Many of the once productive farms to which he delivered mail are now nothing but summer homes. Among the farms to which he has delivered mail is the Worcester farm on which he was born. "The character of the mail, too, has changed materially during the years. Forty years ago, for example, there were few souvenir post cards and very few Christmas cards. "'You get to know people and their fine points as well as their shortcomings,' Mr. DeLong said. 'Happiness and sadness go along with the mail. I have been privileged to serve some of the finest people in the world and will miss my contacts with them. I will also miss the beautiful hills and scenery, but most of all the happy faces of children when I hand them the mail.' "Mr. DeLong figures he has travelled a total of 346,500 miles along RD 1. During his long connection with the carriers' organization, he has collected badges from 30 state and nine national conventions, and from all but three states. "Mr. DeLong's children, Albert DeLong and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, are both residents of Worcester." [Oneonta Star, December 12, D96; excerpted in Worcester Times, December 17, C122] 1957 -- Withdrew nomination to run for Assessor of Town of Worcester. [Lawrence A. DeLong information, C4] 1957 -- "We learn with deep regret this Thursday morning of the unexpected death of Arthur S. DeLong, aged about 71, at the Bassett hospital, Cooperstown. ... Mr. DeLong had been a mail carrier from the Worcester office for over forty years, but had been retired for about two years. Surviving is a son, Albert DeLong, and a daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, both of this village." [Newspaper article, C124 and T188] 1957, November 8 -- "Worcester -- Arthur S. DeLong, 70, a rural mail carrier in Worcester for 44 years and lifelong resident of this community, died November 7 in Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, following a short illness. "Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday in Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester. The Rev. George Silbern, pastor of Second Baptist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Mr. DeLong was born Nov. 23, 1886, in Worcester, son of Oscar and Emma (Golden) DeLong. He married Harriet Albert in April 1908, in Worcester. She died in 1918. "He was a member of the Baptist Church, Worcester Rotary Club and of the State and County Rural Letter Carriers Associations. He was president of the Maple Grove Cemetery Association. "Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, and one son, Albert DeLong, both of Worcester; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Cattell, of Albany, and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Worcester, and seven grandchildren. ..." [Oneonta Star, C125] 1957 -- "Funeral services for Arthur S. DeLong, retired rural mail carrier, who died November 7 in Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, following a short illness were held Saturday afternoon in the Skinner Funeral Home in this village. "The Rev. George Silbern of the Baptist Church, officiated. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery. "The bearers were Leon Nichols, Willard Chase, Raymond Potter, Frank Rickard, Howard Galer and Albert Smith. "Relatives and friends attending the service from out of town were: Mrs. Charles D. Cattell, Albany; Mrs. Howard DeLong, Clarence Putnam and Mrs. Mildred Morrison of Oneonta; Mrs. Nettie Griswold, Mrs. Marjorie Freeman, Schenevus; Mrs. Raymond Axtell, Maryland; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Smith, Catskill. "From the Rural Letter Carriers Association: Lewis French, Paul Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dubben, Schenevus; Stanley R. Phillips, Hartwick; Ralph Baker, Howard Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morey, Mrs. Jessie Hathaway, August Gardella, Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Harrison, Mount Vision; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peabody, Cooperstown; Howard Preston, Franklin; Howard Helmer, Herkimer; Mr. and Mrs. William B. Neal, Cherry Valley; Whitman Nichols, D.L. Stewart, Jefferson." [Obituary of Arthur S. DeLong, D98; guests repeated D100-D101] 1957, November 13 -- "Funeral services for A.S. DeLong, 71, were held from the Skinner Funeral Home in this village last Saturday afternoon with interment in Maple Grove Cemetery. "Rev. F. George Silbern, pastor of the Worcester Baptist church, of which the deceased was a member, officiated. "Mr. DeLong had been ill with the prevailing flu but had been about on Monday and was able to come out on election day to vote. The following day he was removed to the Bassett hospital, Cooperstown, in serious condition. He passed away several hours later. "Surviving are two children, a daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith; and a son Albert DeLong, both of this village. Mrs. DeLong passed away during the flu epidemic of 1920. "Mr. DeLong was rural mail carrier from the local post office for 44 years until his retirement about two years ago. Since that time he has traveled considerably; passing the winters in Florida, and during the summer months enjoyed many extensive motor trips through the United States and Canada. "He was affiliated with the Worcester Baptist Church and during his lifetime had held many church posts. For a number of years he had been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Maple Grove cemetery. Possessed with a studious nature he spent considerable time in securing an authentic history of the town of Worcester and this community. His file of information along this line was extensive and it is hoped they may be preserved as a matter of authentic local records." [Worcester Times, C126 and D99] NO SPACE LEFT IN NOTE SECTION FOR ARTHUR S. DELONG; Please see continuation under NOTES for his wife, Harriett D. Albert.1899 - Hattie and Nettie E. Albert are listed as students in School District No. 10, Worcester, N.Y. [M35] 1904, August 20 -- "Harriet" and Nettie Albert are listed as playing several piano selections at Avis Florine Multer's Pupils' Recital No. 4. [M23] 1911, December 13 -- "Newly elected C.E. Officer of the Worcester Baptist Church include Mrs. Arthur DeLong as V.P." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96U] 1912, February 14 -- "Mrs. Hattie DeLong of Worcester was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Stephen Becker, a few days this past week." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96V] 1913, January 29 -- "Mrs. Arthur DeLong and daughter Irene visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Albert of Tuscan Saturday." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1917, August 8 -- "Mrs. A. DeLong listed as one of the newly-elected v.p.'s of the Worcester WCTU." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AE] 1920 -- "Harriet Albert, wife of Arthur S. DeLong, the latter being the well-known rural letter carrier on route 1 from Worcester, is dead at the family home in that village from pneumonia following influenza, and her husband and two children are all in bed suffering the latter disease, it being hoped they will escape the more serious ailment. Mrs. DeLong had been suffering from the influenza since Tuesday last and pneumonia did not develop until Saturday. It is feared that she was weakened by caring for her family. She was given the care of a trained nurse as soon as her condition became critical, but she succumbed after two days, death occurring at 7 o'clock last evening. Her passing has caused a deep gloom over the village ... She was an active member of the Baptist church and of the W.C.T.U. "Surviving her are the husband and two children, her mother, Mrs. Elva Albert, and one sister, Mrs. Wickham Griswold, both of Worcester. The family was greatly bereaved in May last when a loved son died of diphtheria ..." [Newspaper article, C114] 1920, February 18 -- "Harriet Albert, wife of Arthur S. DeLong, died at her home in this village at seven o'clock Monday evening following an attack of influenza. The bereaved husband and little son and daughter have all been in bed with influenza but it is hoped no serious consequences will follow. Mrs. DeLong was taken ill with influenza on Tuesday, Feb. 10, but pneumonia did not develop until Saturday. It is feared that in caring for the sick ones at home her condition became weakened so that her strength was not sufficient to withstand the disease. Constant medical care, a trained nurse and friends done all in their power to assist in the battle for life but to no avail. ... "Hardly a year has passed since her father, Luther H. Albert, was called to the Great Beyond and only last May their youngest son was taken with diphtheria. "Mrs. DeLong was born in December, 1887, and is survived by her husband, two children, her mother, Mrs. Elva Albert and one sister, Mrs. Wickham Griswold, of this town. "Hers was a beautiful Christian character ... Her pride was her home and her family and out of their lives has gone a shining light that none can ever fill. She was conscious until the end ... There was no fear of going. Only the regret that she must leave her family and friends. She was an active member of the Baptist Church and of the W.C.T.U. "On account of the illness of the husband and children the funeral was strictly private and was held from her late home at 2:00 p.m. this Wednesday afternoon. Her pastor Rev. C.L. Herrick officiating. The body will be placed in the vault in Maple Grove Cemetery." [Worcester Times, C115 and D141] 1920 -- "Worcester, Feb. 19 -- The funeral of Mrs. Harriett Albert DeLong was held from her home on Depot street [later 4 South Hill Road] Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. "The services, which were private and attended only by the family and a few personal friends, were in charge of Rev. C.L. Herrick, not only her pastor but a close family friend. His remarks were based on the words found in John 13:7: 'What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter,' and he closed by reading one other favorite songs, 'God will take care of you.' "Untimely as the passing away of Mrs. DeLong seems to be there is a reason to be explained hereafter why one who was so young and apparently so much needed by her home and community should be taken. "Mrs. DeLong stood for all that was upright and was ever ready to do her best in whatever position she was placed. She was an active member of the Baptist church, a treasurer of its Lend-a-Hand society. She was also secretary of both the local W.C.T.U. and Home Economics club. In all of these positions she will be greatly missed." [Newspaper article, C114] 1920 -- Harriett DeLong was pregnant at the time of her death. [Frances C. Johnson, Albert S. DeLong] 1920, June 1-2 -- "We suffered an unspeakable loss through the death of our Bible school superintendent, Mrs. Harriet DeLong, a woman just in the prime of life, of irreproachable Christian character, an ideal woman and worker in her home, her church and the community. ..." [Minutes of the Worcester Baptist Association, Second Baptist Church, 23; C115D] ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR ARTHUR S. DELONG, Husband of Harriett D. Albert: 1957 -- "November 1, 1949 "Last Will and Testament of Arthur S. DeLong "In the Name of God, Amen, I Arthur S. DeLong of the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York, being of full age, sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life, do therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say: "First I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my estate. "Second I give and bequeath to the Maple Grove Cemetery Association, Worcester, New York, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) to increase the perpetual care of my lot in said cemetery. "Third I give and bequeath to my sister, Ella Frances Cattell, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.) if she survives me. In the event that my sister, Ella Frances Cattell, does not survive me, then I direct that said legacy to her shall lapse and shall revert to and become a part of my residuary estate herein after mentioned. "Fourth I give and bequeath to the Second Baptist Church of Worcester, New York the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.) and I direct that said sum shall cancel and annul any unpaid subscription to said Church that I may owe at the time of my death. "Fifth I give and bequeath to my son, Albert S. DeLong, all my tools such as garden tools and carpenter tools and all of my jewelry and watches that I may own at the time of my death. "Sixth I give and bequeath to my daughter, Irene M. Smith, my antique mahogany bureau. "Seventh All the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate real, personal or mixed of every name and nature and wheresoever situate, I give, devise and bequeath unto my son, Albert S. DeLong, and my daughter, Irene M. Smith, to be equally divided between them share and share alike." [C127] 1957 -- Arthur wills 1 Water Street to his daughter Irene D. Smith and son Albert S. DeLong. Joseph B. Nelson, Jr. bought this property from the estate. [Last Will and Testament, C127 and 482 Otsego County Deeds 76; C15] 1999, July 12 -- The DeLong family donated two of Arthur DeLong's postal carrier address books for RD#1, Worcester, New York, to the New York State Historical Association in Cooperstown, New York. One was dated 1920, and the other 1931. The gift included a number of annual meeting programs of the Worcester Baptist Association which had been Arthur DeLong's property. [C120A-C120C]‚ƒ„…†‡ўџџџ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™ўџџџ›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛўџџџНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмноўџџџ§џџџстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ1915, March 3 -- "Born, Monday night, to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DeLong, a ten-pound son. 'Art' will have help on the mail route now." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AB] 1919 -- "Everet, the little four-year-old son of Arthur Delong and wife of this village, died Monday forenoon of diphtheria after an illness of only a few days. Last Wednesday he was taken ill but it was not diagnosed as diphtheria until Saturday. The little fellow grew steadily worse until the end came to relieve the suffering. The body was laid to rest that afternoon in Maple Grove cemetery. There are two other cases in town and both are the daughters of Mrs. J.C. Lincoln of Maple street. The younger daughter, Pearl, is very sick, while the elder daughter, Ruth, has the disease in a milder form. While the little girl is seriously ill there nevertheless is a good chance for her recovery. A trained nurse is caring for them. Health Officer Dr. M.H. Nichols has taken every possible precaution to prevent the spread of the disease and it is expected that there will be no epidemic ... All students of the high school who have been exposed in any manner have been sent home to await developments. The high school has been thoroughly cleaned and fumigated and Dr. Nichols states that there is no need, at present, of keeping any children from school. If any further spread of the disease should appear in the home or at school Dr. Nichols will immediately take proper steps to stamp it out. ... "It seems to be a deep mystery how the disease reached this village as all the cases developed at about the same time." [Newspaper article, C113 and D141-D142] 1919 -- "Worcester, May 21 -- A cloud of sadness passed over this village Monday when it was known that Everett, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. DeLong had passed away. The little lad was only sick a few days when the disease was diagnosed as diphtheria and the heart failing to do its work all efforts for his recovery seemed to be of no avail. A short burial service was conducted Monday evening at the grave by Rev. C.L. Herrick of the Baptist church. Besides his parents, he leaves a sister, Irene, and a brother, Albert." [Newspaper article, C220]Middle name variations -- Marjorie on certification of birth [D102]; Marjory on 1932 Hartwick College Commencement program [D105] and on 1934 marriage announcement [D109] 1911, April 20 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeLong are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter. Weight, 10 lbs." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96T] 1916, November 8 -- "Irene Delong" in cast of Home Talent Show, The Wieting, Worcester. [T215] 1917, January 10 -- "The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. DeLong was operated on in Oneonta last Friday by Dr. Mcmenamin for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Dr. Nichols assisted." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AD] 1923, February 14 -- "The Crusaders will meet with Miss Irene DeLong on Saturday Feb. 17 at 2 o'clock." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AM] 1932, July 13 -- "Irene DeLong mentioned as being Superintendent of Daily Vacation Bible School." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AU] 1932, August 31 -- "At a meeting of the Board of Education last Tuesday, Miss Irene DeLong was engaged to teach in the fourth grade to succeed Mrs. Reed Morris, resigned ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AU] 1967, March 22 -- "Congratulations! You should be proud that you were nominated as a candidate for 1967 Teacher of the Year in New York State. As such, your local colleagues recognize you as representative of the best in the teaching profession." [Letter from Gladys E. Newell, President of the New York State Teachers Association, to Mrs. Irene D. Smith, D135] 1998, March 26 -- "Worcester -- Irene DeLong Smith, 86, of Worcester died Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at Robinson Terrace, Stamford. "She was born April 10, 1911 in Worcester, the daughter of Arthur S. and Harriett D. (Albert) DeLong. "She married Gilbert F. Smith on March 30, 1934 in Worcester. "Mrs. Smith was a Worcester resident all of her life. She lived on the Smith Jersey Dairy Farm until 1970 when she and her family moved into the village [4 Elm Street]. "She and her husband spent the winters in [Lincoln Arms, Box 81, 5030 14th Street West] Bradenton, Fla. [34207] "She was a graduate of Worcester Central School and was in the first graduating class from Hartwick College in Oneonta and also has taken graduate courses at Syracuse University and SUNY Oneonta. "Mrs. Smith was an elementary school teacher for the Worcester Central School for many years. "Mrs. Smith was a member of the Worcester United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School, was the Worcester Historical Society Curator, a board member of the Worcester Library, a member of the Worcester Woman's Club, the DAR Iroquois Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma and the Retired New York State Teachers Association. She also taught 4-H and Girl Scouts and was a former member of the Order of the Eastern Star in Schenevus. "She is survived by her husband, Gilbert F. Smith; three daughters and sons-in-law, Patricia and Bernard Hoye of Worcester, Gwen and Donald Petro of Petaluma, Calif. and Harriet and Douglas Cornwell of Schoharie; two sons and daughters-in-law, Gerald G. and Sue Smith of Mohawk and Bruce A. and Janice Smith of Oneonta; 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Matthias and Charlotte Smith of Syracuse; and several nieces and nephews. "She was predeceased by two brothers, Albert and Everett. "A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, 1998 at the Worcester United Methodist Church ... "The Rev. Joyce Allen, pastor, and the Rev. John Phillippe, retired, will be officiating. "Burial will take place in the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester ... "Calling hours will be Saturday, March 28 from 1 p.m. until service time at 2 p.m. at the Worcester United Methodist Church. "Contributions may be made in loving memory of Mrs. Smith to the Worcester Historical Society ... or the United Methodist Church ... "Funeral arrangements are by E.J. Skinner Co., 115 Main St., Worcester." [Oneonta Daily Star, C149] 1998, March 28 -- Pallbearers were Gerald G. Smith, Bruce A. Smith, Lowell E. Smith, Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., Donald P. Petro, Douglas A. Cornwell and Lawrence A. DeLong. [Irene Smith funeral program, C151] 2000, April 25 -- The Worcester Historical Society placed an historical marker at the I-88 westbound rest area in East Worcester, in memory of Gilbert F. and Irene D. Smith.Surname variations: "Delong" appears occasionally in general usage, but "DeLong" seems to be the accepted and customary form. 1882, February 14 -- Oscar DeLong is listed as a Worcester Excise Commissioner [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 27] He is known to have held these other offices: Overseer of Highways 1884-1886, 1888, 1892, 1894 [Officers, 72-75, 77] Inspector of Elections 1890, 1892, 1898 [Officers, 106-107] Clerk of the Town Meeting 1893-1895, 1901, 1903 [Officers, 122] Commissioner of Highways 1896-1898 [Officers, 36]. As Commissioner, he was responsible on behalf of the Town of Worcester for construction of the South Worcester iron bridge [from plaque on bridge; photographs of bridge on page 109 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester]. 1885 -- Oscar makes a welcoming address to the Worcester Baptist Association on behalf of the Second Baptist Church, which was apparently the host. He cites five parishioners who died in 1884 and provides other statistics. He lists himself among the deacons and signs the address as "Clerk." [C95-C96] 1887, December 24 -- Oscar, Emma and Elizabeth Delong sell 174 rods of service pipe right-of-way to the Worcester Water Company for $174. [234 Otsego County Deeds 570; C14] 1905, January 5 -- "Oscar DeLong, who has been superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School for 25 years, positively declined a reelection last Sunday." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96A] 1907, February 14 -- "Oscar DeLong has sold his farm of 100 acres located one mile west of this village to Mrs. Cora Hubert of Oneonta, who has engaged Clarence Putnam to work the place. Price paid for the farm [estimated] at $2,900. Possession given April 1st. Mr. DeLong expected to buy or rent a house in this village. At present he is negotiating for the Andrew Skillin place on Water Street, now occupied by V. Dikeman." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96D] Another Times article on February 28 said that Oscar had purchased the Andrew Skillin house, corner of Main and Water Streets, "now occupied by V. Dikeman." Consideration $1,365. Mr. DeLong takes possession of the place April 1st. "Mr. Dikeman has not yet found another house." [C96E] 1907, March 27 -- Oscar buys 1/4 acre at 1 Water Street in Worcester, New York, from Anna M. Skillen of Rome, New York, for $1,365. Oscar, Emma and Elizabeth sell the "DeLong Family Homestead" to Cora Hubert of the Town of Oneonta, for $3,000 plus $1,200 mortgage due. The house burned down in 1920. [266 Otsego County Deeds 353 and 356; C14-C15 and E34; Albert S. DeLong conversation, C2] 1907, September 19 -- "Oscar DeLong spent last week in Syracuse where he had a position as a ticket collector at the grandstand on the State fair grounds." [Robinson transcription; C96F] 1908, January 9 -- "Oscar Delong, who has served the [Baptist] church as clerk the past 30 years was reelected." [Robinson transcription; C96N] 1909, April 29 -- "S.W. Ferguson and Oscar DeLong appraised the estate of the late Mrs. Rosepha Keller on Saturday." [Robinson transcription; C96P] 1910, January 13 -- "Article [in Worcester Times] on Minyo Tribe installation mentions O. DeLong as a Guard." [Robinson; C96Q] 1910, December 1 -- "Oscar DeLong is assisting with the work at the D&H station." [Robinson transcription; C96R] 1911, January 26 -- "Oscar DeLong will lead the prayer meeting Thursday evening." [Robinson transcription C96S] 1912, January 10 -- "Oscar DeLong elected Clerk of the Worcester Baptist Church." A January 24 article notes "O. DeLong appointed as Guard of the Wigwam." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96U] 1912, April 17 -- "Oscar DeLong, employed at the D&H Station in this village, has been laid off. Agent E.L. Emmons and Telegrapher Grant Vagel now being the only ones employed there." [Linda Robinson transcription; Worcester Times; C96V] 1912, June 26 -- "New Officers of Minyo Tribe: Oscar DeLong is new Trustee ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1914, June 3 -- "Oscar DeLong's residence has been improved by the addition of a piazza." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Z] 1915, January 6 -- "Oscar DeLong is carrying the mail between the post office and depot in place of 'Lige' Sperbeck." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA] Oscar was the Worcester agent for Lister's Bone Phosphates. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, photo, 76; C99] 1918 -- "Worcester, July 15 --- Oscar DeLong, one of Worcester's most respected citizens, passed away at his home this afternoon, aged 67 years. The funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. "The deceased was born in he Town of Westford, March 5, 1851, being the son of Avery and Elizabeth (Arnold) DeLong. While he was yet young his family moved to a farm near Tuscan, on which farm, and another in Tuscan, he resided until 11 years ago, when on account of ill health he removed to this village. For several years past he has been a faithful employe at the D. & H. freight office. "In 1880 Mr. DeLong was married to Emma Golden of Rensselaerville, who with two daughters, Mrs. E.F. Johnson and Miss Ella DeLong, and one son, Arthur S., all of this place, survive him. "Of his immediate family, a sister Mrs. M.J. Esmay, and an infant daughter, Fannie, died a long time ago. He was the only remaining one of his father's family. Five weeks ago he suffered an attack of angina pectoris, which was successfully treated but Bright's disease developed and medical skill was unable to overcome its ill effects. "Other surviving relatives of Mr. DeLong are Mrs. Cora Hubert of Freeport, L.I.; Howard DeLong, Oneonta; Mrs. C.P. Putnam of this place, who are nephew and nieces. Dewitt DeLong of Cooperstown is a cousin. "Mr. DeLong was an upright man, of the finest Christian character and always a loyal townsman, once representing the town as commissioner of highways. He was long a member of the Worcester Baptist church, serving it for 40 years as clerk and for 25 years as Sunday school superintendent, and at the time of his death, he was one of its deacons. ..." [Obituary of Oscar DeLong, C111] 1918 -- "Oscar DeLong died at his home in Worcester on Monday afternoon, July 15. the funeral services occur to-day (Wednesday) at 2 P.M. from the Baptist church, with burial in Maple Grove cemetery. His pastor, Rev. C.L. Herrick, will officiate. "Deacon DeLong was a man of sterling qualities, quiet and unassuming but thoughtful and courageous in speaking his convictions when occasion required. His influence was felt in the affairs of the community in which he lived, but it was in his Christian life and in the Baptist church of which he was a life-long member that his influence was most felt and appreciated. Honored by the church with nearly all of its most important offices, he filled them to the satisfaction of all and gave added dignity and influence to the office. For 40 years he was clerk of the church, for 25 years superintendent of the Bible school and for many years one of its deacons, which office he held at the time of his death. During the present pastorate of nearly eight years he was absent from the Lord's supper but once, and that the last one on Sunday, June 30. He loved his Bible and had strong convictions regarding Scripture truths, and while he taught a class in the Bible school for years he was an eager and attentive listener ... he was a man of exemplary Christian character, and his memory and influence will abide long in his family, the church which he loved so much and also in the community in which he lived. ..." [Obituary of Oscar DeLong, E42] 1918, July 29 -- Oscar wills his real property to his wife Emma. [302 Otsego County Deeds 585; C15] 1940s -- "South Worcester -- Charlotte Valley is crossed by few bridges, the one at South Worcester being the highest and possibly the most interesting. It is a steel structure erected more than 50 years ago by the Oswego Bridge Co., the expense shared by Delaware and Otsego Counties since it is an inter-county link. "On the Delaware side the names of officials in office then are listed as follows: W.M. Beckley, super[visor]; S. VanDeusen, justice of peace, and H.G. Gaylord, commissioner. On the Otsego side are: Charles Goodell, super[visor]; S.M. Robinson, clerk; B. Cipperly, justice of peace, and O.C. Delong, commissioner ..." [Lela M. Gibbs, Oneonta Star article, D74; includes photo; other photos in A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 109]"Florence DeLong was the daughter of Oscar DeLong and Emma Golden who lived in Tusculum (Tuscan). Emma came from Rensselaerville, a small unique community in the Helderbergs. Most of the homes touched the side walk with the lawn at the side and rear and all were painted white. It seemed to be a cut above the ordinary community not financially but educationally. Grandma went to Mrs. Betts Select private school. In more recent years N.Y.S. has conducted (in the town) many summer institutes ... "I shall never know how Oscar and Emma met. [Lawrence A. DeLong's guess is that it was through the region-wide meetings of the Rensselaer Baptist Association.] "The Johnsons and the Russes were Methodists. Emma Golden was probably Presbyterian or Episcopalian as those were the two local churches of Rensselaerville but Oscar DeLong was Baptist and eventually my grandparents all became Worcester Baptist affiliants ..." [Frances C. Johnson, P85] 1912, May 29 -- "The W.C.T.U. will meet at the home of Mrs. O. DeLong Wednesday, June 5, at 2:30 o'clock. Subject, 'Sabbath observance.' Leader, Mrs. Judson Goodenough." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1917, December 12 -- "Oscar waterman and Mrs. DeLong have sold their land bordering on Caryl's Lake to the Worcester Water Co." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AE] About 1936 -- "Dear Walter "Today is God's day and I am here all alone and in gloom. The people have all gone to Church as usual but why do I say alone and in gloom for have I not Gods promise that He will never leave nor forsake me and His word is true but I will say however that while sitting here alone my thought came to me that I would love to do something for my dear grandchildren. I then thought I could do nothing to show forth my interest in them than to try to write a brief outline of each of their lives as I had observed them as they had grown up before me. I will now start in by taking Frances C. Johnson my eldest who when very young was noted by many friends as having a great thirst for knowledge and she started in the W.H.S. the same that her Father and Mother and came through her Father as a faithful worker in the Church and Church School and her Mother an efficient Home Maker and both do this work well. Frances is also a worker. She has passed through the W.H.S. also the College for Teachers in Albany with success. She then had a call to teach mathematics in a large High School at Bainbridge and she accepted. She taught there long and would have been there yet had she not got a call from a large high school in the City of Oneonta. She accepted that as it brought her nearer her Home and she had the week ends where she could be a great help to her mother in Home Making and it gave her the Sabbath for Church and Church School work and she has a large Bible class. She is still teaching in Oneonta but while hard at work at teaching she was struck with the idea that she would like a Masters Degree and she went to work and after much hard study and many long trips to Albany to have her work tested she came pleased for she had succeeded and had her reward with her which was her Diploma. We think she is able to do much so will give her in the care of one who loves her and gave his life for her which is Christ Jesus and take up the next to come up before they are the two children of my only son Arthur S. DeLong. They are Albert and Irene and were given a chance of a liberal education by their Father which they both made use of as they both passed W.H.S. also Hartwick College and are both engaged in Teaching at present. Irene as teacher of the fourth grade in the W.H.S. and Albert at present in a rural school both have high aims and are trying to live them through. They are trying to lay in store much that will be of use to them through life so I think they both have a good start on Gods everlasting road as they have as leader One who doeth all things well. "Now here comes my fourth Burdette Johnson "A fine clean youngster who has made a good start on the right way that he has a good religious education for he was brought up in the Church he has come through the W.H.S. and is now a fine student of Ithaca College and is making high marks. He also has high ideas and is showing them forth. "The next are my three youngest grandsons. They are Kenneth Johnson, Walter and Donald Cattell. Kenneth has made good progress in W.H.S. and they are fine in music. Kenneth at the piano, Walter on the violin and Donald on the clarinet. Walter has passed through the Philip Livingston Junior and is now in the Albany Sen H.S. and is making good advancement and Donald he is rather unfortunate. He loves play more than study but he is young and growing and there are things we all have to grow into and we earnestly hope as he grows he will see his mistakes and will go to work and make good and will come forth a Worth while Lad. One that God will be pleased with. "And here comes my last. A dear little girl one whom we all love we have observed has commenced to climb the ladder of success. We hope she will continue until she reaches the top when God will call her home where he has said Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God. "Now what I have written thinking that perhaps some time after I have passed on you think you would like to look it over and see what your Dear old Grandmother has seen in your lives that was worth noting I will say however I have seen much that I have but will leave you to show forth by living true religious lives before your friends what God can do through regeneration and follow your example of being born again. "I will now leave you for I am used up and I have often to call upon God to have me not in the time of Old age nor neglect me not when my strength faileth me and He will not so good bye "Your lovingly "Grandma "Remember me to all and overlook all errors E" [Letter by Emma Golden DeLong, C97-C98] 1937 -- "Worcester, May 12 -- Mrs. Emma (Golden) DeLong, widow of Oscar DeLong, passed away this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Johnson. She had been in failing health for some years, but only seriously ill for the past 10 days. Death was caused by the infirmities of age. "The deceased was eight of a family of 10 children, born at Rensselaerville, to William H. and Hannah (Arnold) Golden. She was united in marriage at Rensselaerville February 19, 1880, to Oscar DeLong, and has been a resident of this village since that date. "Funeral services will be held from Skinner's Funeral home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. L.C. Jones of the Baptist church will officiate and burial will be made in Maple Grove cemetery. "Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. DeLong, Fanny, who died in infancy, Mrs. E.F. Johnson, Arthur S. DeLong of this village, and Mrs. Charles D. Catell of Albany. Three sisters also survive, Mrs. Ella Kline, Miss Elizabeth Golden, Mrs. Agnes Bennett, as does one brother, Charles Golden, all of Rensselaerville. "Other surviving near relatives are eight grandchildren, Miss Frances Johnson, a member of the faculty at Oneonta High School, Burdette Johnson and Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Albert DeLong of Worcester, Walter, Donald and Dorothy Catell of Albany, and one great grandchild, Patricia Ann Smith. "Mrs. DeLong was a member of the Baptist church of this village and of the various organizations of that church ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Emma DeLong, C113] 1937 -- "... Mrs. DeLong ... was born at Rensselaerville on Aug. 27, 1853 ... "Funeral services will be held from Skinner's Funeral Home at 2:00 p.m. Thursday ... Her pastor, Rev. L.C. Jones, will conduct the services." {Obituary of Mrs. Emma DeLong, E43] 1937, May 13 -- "The following were the bearers: Fred Whiteman, Kerrie McCabe, D.A. Starkweather, W.E. Hollenbeck, L.J. Nichols and L.J. Bentley. those from out of town attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattell and children, Walter, Donald and Dorothy, of Albany; Mrs. Agnes Bennett, Charles Smith, William Smith, son and daughter, of Rensselaerville; Miss Elizabeth DeLong, B.G. Johnson, of Cooperstown; Mrs. Vianna Hoogkerk, Mrs. Cora McClucky, Mrs. Kenneth Wilcox, of Albany; Mrs. Ernest Russ of Chaseville; and Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Diefendorf, of Oneonta." [Newspaper article, E43] 1998, April 14 -- "...How well I remember my Grandmother! She always wore black and was so pretty. She used Old English lavender powder & perfume & was so strong it made me sick. She got all us grandchildren mixed up and that bothered her so much." [Dorothy L. Burgess letter, S20]    ўџџџJ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIўџџџKxMNOPQRSTUVWўџџџYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwўџџџzБ{|}§џџџ€Surname variations: "Delong" appears in many documents. "DeLong" appears in others, in Awry's obituary and on his grave marker. It was apparently in Awry's lifetime that his branch of the family began to capitalize the "L" in its surname. The 1847 marriage of "Awry Delong" is recorded in the Family Bible (1855), as is the later entry of "Awry DeLong" at his death in 1887. [C79 and C81] 1846, May 4 -- Letter to Awry from "Colonel" Cornelius DeLong, Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory addresses Awry as "Nephew," says that Cornelius left Chautauqua Co., N.Y. in the spring of 1817, went down Allegany and Ohio Rivers and up Wabash, settling in Illinois. Left there for Wisconsin in autumn of 1831, where Cornelius owned 520 acres and cultivated grain. Refers to Awry's "Uncle Henry" who left Cornelius' home in Illinois in 1823 or 1824, went east to Vermont, where he found that his wife had died. In 1826 Henry's wife's brother named xxx Barber told Cornelius that Henry had married again. Henry later bought a farm on the "Green Creek" in Huron County, Ohio. Cornelius' children were oldest daughter Calista, married xxx Smelser; Lucetta, youngest daughter married xxx Carpenter; oldest son Horatio killed by fallen tree about age 20; Homer age 24 living at home; Obed age 22 sickly and a peddler; Cornelius 19 living at home. Refers to Cornelius' "sister Sally," perhaps the Sally Peake who wrote Ephraim Delong in 1841 and called him "brother." {C32-C33; more information on Cornelius DeLong appears in the 1881 History of Iowa County, Wisconsin and an obituary in the August 9, 1854 Mineral Point Tribune, C37-C41] 1850 -- Census of Town of Westford shows Awry Delong 32M Farmer $2200 b. NY, Elizabeth 29 F NY, Dayton E. 1 M, and Lewis Fox 15 M Farmer. {C67A] 1850 -- In Westford. Living with the family was Lewis Fox, age 15 [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D46; C67A] 1853, March 31 -- Awry buys the 138 acres on Smoky Hollow Road in the Town of Westford, Otsego County, New York, previously owned by his father Ephraim, from Aaron Butler, except for 35 eastern acres "contracted" to Abraham Pierce, for $642. On April 4 he buys adjoining land ("bounded on the south by land owned by Awry Delong") from Nehemiah and Pauline Tompkins of the Town of Maryland, for $100. Calvin Chase had previously conveyed this land to Ephraim Delong from McKee's Patent, Great Lot 23, subdivision 8. On July 1 Awry and Elizabeth Delong make a $900 mortgage on the remaining 103 acres, and on the adjoining land, from Aaron Butler. [96 Otsego County Deeds 504; 98 Otsego County Deeds 313; and 43 Otsego County Mortgages 397; C13-C14, C16, E58] 1855, March 12 -- "C.D. Parshall, Auctioneer. AUCTION. The subscriber having sold his farm, will sell at Auction, at his residence in Westford, on Thursday, March 29, 1855 at 10 A.M., the following property, viz: 1 Span of Horses, 6 years old, 6 cows, 1 yearling Devonshire Bull, 1 Hog, 25 Fowels, 1 hundred bushels Oats, 2 or 3 tons of hay, 250 bushels of Potatoes, 40 bushels Rutabagas, 1 lumber pipe box two horse Wagon, nearly new; 1one horse lumber wagon, 1 lumber Sleigh, 1 set two horse harness, 1 set one horse do. 1 Horse Rake, 2 Plows, 2 sets whiffletrees, 1 Harrow, 1 Log Chain, 1 Crow Bar, half of a two horse Threshing and Wood-Sawing Machine, 1 Caldron Kettle, 1 three pail do., 500 hop poles, 3 dozen Milk Pans, 3 swarms of Bees, and various other other articles too numerous to mention. "TERMS -- All sums under $5, cash down; all sums of $5 and over, a credit of 9 months will be given, for approved notes on interest. AWRY DELONG. ..." [Auction notice, C70-C71] 1855, April 2 -- Awry sells 102 of the remaining acres, plus the adjoining land, to Augustus Bush of the Town of Maryland, for $2,500. On May 22 he sold the other acre in the Town of Maryland to Christopher Hathaway of the Town of Westford, for $1. [104 Otsego County Deeds 211 and 233; C14] 1855, September 3 -- Awry buys 88-3/4 acres on the Tuscan-Westford Road in the Town of Worcester (now 304 Up County Road) from Resina Wilsey family members for $1,000. This transaction is actually dated 1835, but is more likely 1855, inasmuch as it was recorded on September 13, 1855. This land was near or on the old road to Caryl's Lake. On April 1, 1856 Awry and Elizabeth Delong make a 2-year $500 mortgage on the new land from Lucinda Wilsey of the Town of Worcester, with interest to be paid annually. [106 Otsego County Deeds 382, and 44 Otsego County Mortgages 533; C14, E58] 1858, March 9 -- "Voted to receive Aura Delong as a member of this Church by letter" [Minutes of Covenant meeting, Second Baptist Church of Worcester, New York] 1860, April 2 -- Awry and Elizabeth make a $500 mortgage on 88 acres of their Worcester land from John J. Sutherland of San Francisco, California, to be paid in full by April 1, 1862, with interest. They also bargain off 3/4 acre along the west line to Erastus Fuller. [57 Otsego County Deeds 307; C14] 1863, July 5 -- Letter found among DeLong family memorabilia in 1997, presumably to Awry and Elizabeth ("Dear Uncle & Aunt") from John J. Sutherland, San Francisco, California, dated July 5, 1863 states that it had been "nearly five years" ... "since I was with you," describes California glowingly and says that "Father is well" {C73-C74] 1870, March 29 -- Awry and Elizabeth sell a half-acre on Caryl's Lake to William Roads, Jr., of the Town of Worcester, for $15. Awry reserves timber rights for 15 years. [175 Otsego County Deeds 549; C14] 1871, March 31 -- Awry buys the "DeLong Family Homestead" (now 116 Up County Road), 100 acres near the Tuscan sawmill and extending up the west side of Caryl's Lake Hill to the lake's shore and margin, from Joseph and Charlotte Pixley of Albion, Orleans County, for $3,000. [158 Otsego County Deeds 308; C14] 1874, November 7 -- Another Sutherland letter, this one from Petaluma, California, refers to a "letter from Flora" and says that "Wesley seems to think ...;" requests assistance from "Uncle" and "you Aunt" in persuading "Mother" to "come here." Letter says that things are "of a different nature now," cites a "little girl 6 years old last July" and a son 2 years old "last October;" says "daton I believe is Married" [probably Dayton DeLong] and requests that "Daton" ... "write to me" [C75-C76] 1880 -- "... two of [Ephraim's] children in the 1880 census ... indicate their parents were born in NY. "Awry was 62 in Worcester. Wife Elizabeth was 59 b. NY to NY parents. The households are not numbered so I cannot tell whether we are dealing with multiple occupancies or up to four individual households. These four families are in a row: "Dayton (son of Awry) 31, Kate 30, Llewelyn 10, Cora 5, Libby 2. "Next was Bentley D. Moses 45 Jane 34, Willie 9. "Third Awry and Eliz. ... "Finally Oscar 29 and Emma 26. (son of Awry)" [John D. Baldwin letter, June 17, 1993; B58] 1882, March 31 -- Awry and Elizabeth sell 93 acres, roughly their former 1855 property ("same premises purchased by Andrew G. Dunham deceased from [the Delongs] and now occupied by Calista H. Dunham, widow ..."), to Dunham family members of the Town of Worcester, for $3,000. [194 Otsego County Deeds 174; C14] 1885, August 4 -- Awry and Elizabeth sell one acre, apparently from their 1855 property, to Almon H. Davis of the Town of Worcester, for highway access, for $1. Reference is made to "the old highway." [205 Otsego County Deeds 426; C14] 1887 -- "In the death of Mr. Awry DeLong our community mourns the loss of one of its most respected citizens. He was born in the town of Westford in the year 1818. At the age of eighteen he experienced, and made a profession of religion, and united with the Baptist church at Maryland, N.Y. In December 1837 he married Miss Elizabeth Arnold. Four children were born to them, two sons and two daughters, one only of whom is still living. "In the year 1847, he moved to Worcester, and connected his church relation with the Baptist church of this place, and continued an honored and influential member to the time of his death. He died Monday morning, April 24, 1887, aged 69 years. He leaves to mourn his loss a brother, Mr. Amos DeLong, who resides in Kansas, Mrs. Chas. Chase, Schenevus, New York, his widow and son, Oscar DeLong, together with a large circle of other relatives. "His life was one full of many deeds worthy of imitation. Few men were possessed of such an even disposition; at home and elsewhere, he was ever the same ... there breathed in his life a truly christian spirit ... During his recent illness he was 'ready to depart' at any time God wished to send the call. One of the characteristics which, perhaps, first impressed a stranger, was his quiet and gentle manner. He was gentle, not seemingly so, but there was no weakness in his gentleness. When principle was at stake, he was found as firm and unyielding as the occasion demanded. His piety and gentleness were coupled with a strong and sterling sense of what was right .. "His funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon in the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, C.M. Jones, the remarks being based upon the words 'I have Fought the Good Fight of Faith.' Rev. I. Powers and J. Evans, former pastors of the deceased aided in the services. The esteem in which he was held was evidenced by the large congregation assembled ... 'Good night,' beloved, but not 'farewell, In a little while, all God's saints shall dwell In hallowed union, indivisible -- Good night.'" [Memorial article, E36] 1887, March 10 -- "I, Aury Delong of the town of Worcester, County of Otsego and State of New York, mindful of the uncertainties of human life do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following -- "First -- After my just debts and funeral expenses are paid I give devise and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Delong all of my house-hold furniture of every name and kind -- "Second -- I give devise and bequeath to my son Oscar Delong all of my real estate and personal property except the foregoing to my wife Elizabeth Delong and charge upon my said estate so bequeathed to my son Oscar Delong the pay-ment to each and every one of my son Dayton E. Delong's deceased children the sum of two hundred $200.00 dollars each to be paid to them as each one becomes of age. "Third -- I hereby nominate and appoint my son Oscar Delong the executor of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made. "In Witness whereof, I have hereunder set my hand and seal this 10th day of March 1887. "Aury Delong. (L.S.)" Witnessed by L.J. Barnes and Sam'l H. Grant of Worcester, Otsego Co N.Y. Albert C. Tennant -- Surrogate V.A. Hyam, Clerk of the Court [207 Otsego County Deeds 441; C14 and E58] 1887, April 28 -- "Rarely, if ever, have we had the sad duty of recording so many deaths in the week as appears in this issue of the paper. Mr. Ora DeLong, a prominent citizen of this village, was buried from the Baptist church. Mr. Delong had been in poor health all winter, but passed away suddenly at last. The immediate cause of death being heart disease. A suitable obituary will be given in the next issue of this paper." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96J-C96K; the next two issues of the paper are missing and not on the microfilm.]ve Mrs. A. Delong as a member of this church on her experience after Baptism" [Minutes of Covenant meeting, Second Baptist Church of Worcester, New York] 1908 -- "Mrs. Elizabeth DeLong died at the home of her son Oscar in this village on Sunday morning, April 5, 1908, at 3 o'clock, aged 87 years. She was the daughter of James and Mary Arnold and was born in the town of Westerlo, N.Y. Her parents died when she was quite young, and when sixteen years of age she went to reside with her sister [Celite Sutherland] at Elk Creek. She became the wife of Orra DeLong in 1847. Two sons and two daughters were born to them. She united with the Baptist church in this village fifty years ago, being baptised by Rev. Jesse Evans. Mrs. DeLong lived a quiet, beautiful Christian life, always enjoying the comforts and blessings of her home, and taking an eager interest in the affairs of life around her. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church, attending its services and showing an active interest until laid aside by old age and disease about two years ago. "The funeral service was conducted at the house on Tuesday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. J.A. Cabberly, and burial was in Maple Grove cemetery." (Obituary of Mrs. Elizabeth DeLong, E36) 1908, April 16 -- "Card of Thanks "We desire to express our appreciation and thanks to our neighbors and friends who by their sympathy and acts of kindness assisted us during the last sickness and burial of our aged mother. "Oscar DeLong and Family." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O]1845 -- "Friday the 28 [February] visited to Mrs. Hewits with Clarissa Willsey and Mary Jane, Mrs. Delong and two of Mrs. Chase's daughters." [Diary of Harriet Emmons Rice, "Maryland & Westfor"[James Delong's] children had a cousin Ephraim, who dwelt on 'Crumhorn' Mountain, so-called, Otsego Co., N.Y. ..." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 472; X102] "... is believed to be the son of Lawrence. The Aylsworth Genealogy says Ephraim was a nephew of James..., and brother Lawrence is the best possibility to be the father. Also, Westford was settled by Vermonters which is another clue." [John D. Baldwin research, B4] "... nephew of James ... so was son or nephew of Lawrence ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B69] "According to the Aylsworth Genealogy Ephraim was a nephew of James ... the brother of James who was possibly a father of Ephraim was a Lawrence b. 1755-1769 ... This family is not complete and Ephraim could have been an unamed son in the 1800 census. ... Westford was settled by Vermonters so he may be one of the unknown sons of Lawrence of Vermont and Mass. Note that Alanson has Mass. connections." [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D45 and D46] "Mrs. [Irene] Smith says Ephraim had brothers William and Martin. But we find no William in Vt. or NY with either Ephraim or Martin." [Baldwin] 1810 -- Ephraim appears in the 1810, 1820 and 1830 censuses for Westford. [Mary Austin letter of July 25, 1963; D46] 1810 -- "Westford as E. Delong 01100/00100. Their only child would have been Henry b. 1809, and not before 1800 as enumeration suggests." [Baldwin, B79] A "C. Delong" 00001/01000 appears next to Ephraim. [C67A] 1811, October 5 -- Otsego Herald contains its first mention of Ephraim Delong having mail awaiting him at the Otsego (Cooperstown) village post office. Other mentions on October 11 and 19. [Lawrence A. DeLong; New York State Historical Association Library, C17] 1812, December 26 -- Ephraim buys 129 acres east of Elk Creek in the Town of Westford (McKee's Patent, Great Lot 23, subdivision 3), from Dean Chase of the Town of Maryland, for $400. This land appears to have been near or on the present Serafen Road at the Westford-Maryland town border. [P Otsego County Deeds 240; C13 and E56] 1816, January 1 -- Ephraim buys 138 acres, all of subdivision 7 of Great Lot 23 of McKee's Patent, from George W. Prevost of New York State, for $586.50. This property, which the DeLong family has always called "Mount Airy," straddles the present Smoky Hollow Road in the Towns of Maryland and Westford, on the hill high above the Elk Creek and to its east. He makes a 7-year $586 mortgage on this parcel, with interest, from Prevost. [W Otsego County Deeds 471 and G Otsego County Mortgages 43; C13, C16, E57] 1819, November 19 -- Ephraim makes a $126.40 mortgage on the 129 acres above from Ezra Williams of the Town of Westford, due with interest on January 1, 1821. [H Otsego County Mortgages 76; C13] 1820 -- "Westford 102210/10010 (next door to Hannah as discussed [below]). The household is impossible to understand. Henry would have been past his 10th birthday but there is no son 10-15. Awry would be the son 0-9 and Azenith (I presume female) the daughter 0-9. Amos would then have died young. The two males 16-18 are unidentified, perhaps brothers or brothers-in-law." [Baldwin, B79] 1820, September 12 -- Ephraim sells the southern 60 of the 129 acres above to Eleazar Gove of the Town of Maryland, for $600. [BB Otsego County Deeds 295; C13 and E57] 1820 -- Westford census lists Ephraim's household with 1 male under 10, 2 (10-17), 2 (18-26) 1 (26-45), 1 female under 10, 1 (26-45); 3 engaged in agriculture [interpretation of Frances C. Johnson research, E7; needs to be checked] 1821, February 6 -- "By virtue of fi fa and a Justice's execution, I shall sell at the house of Dyer Adams, in the Town of Westford, on the 19th day of February next, at one o'clock P.M., the right, title and interest of Ephraim Delong, to a certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the town of Westford, bounded on the west by lands of said Ephraim Delong, on the east by Benjamin Chase jun., on the north by Calvin Chase, on the south by Craudius Wilson. Dated January 8, 1828 [1821?]. Seth Chase, Sheriff. By Samuel Z. Fuller, Deputy" [Linda Robinson transcription, Cherry Valley Gazette; C15A] 1821, November 13 -- "Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the payment of the money secured by a mortgage executed on the 19th day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen, by Ephraim Delong, to Ezra Williams, and by him assigned to me and registered in the Clerk's office of the county of Otsego, in book H of mortgages, page 76&c, I shall, pursuant to a power in said mortgage contained, on the second Monday of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, sell at the office of J.O. Morse in the village of Cherry Valey in the county of Otsego, at public auction or vendue, the northern half or moiety of lot number three in great lot twenty-three in M'Kees patent, in the town of Westford, in said county, being part of the said mortgaged premises. Dated Nov. 5, 1821. John Waterman, Jun. Assignee. J.O. Morse, Atty." [Linda Robinson transcription, Cherry Valley Gazette; C15B] 1825, July 6 -- Anna Chase, wife of Dean Chase, Jr., and Betsy Delong, wife of Ephraim Delong, sell the 129-acre parcel to John Waterman, Jr. of the Town of Westford, for $1. [KK Otsego County Deeds 543; C13] 1826, January 4 -- First known entry for Ephraim Delong in daybooks of Leonard Caryl's store(s) in the hamlets of Tusculum and/or Brighton, Town of Worcester. These accounts of everyday transactions, as well as some of Ephraim's credit record, cover at least 23 entries through February 16, 1832. A typical purchase on December 24, 1830 includes a pocket knife at 1/6, a pound of molasses at 7 cents, "Yarn etc." for 3/ and one "s/w Tobacco" at 1/, for a total of 69 cents. Ephraim also earned $2.25 credit that day for "freighting small crate crockery from Albany." [An 1826 Visit to Caryl's Store, by W. Fern Ferguson, C50-C51; individual entries copied by Lawrence A. DeLong, C52-C54] 1829 -- "school trustee, Town of [Westford]" [Baldwin, B80] 1830, January 1 -- Ephraim buys the 138 acres on the hill from William McLeod of New York City, for $500. He makes a $400 mortgage from McLeod, to be redeemed by $100 payments each, with interest, by April 1, 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1835. Acreage was bounded on the north by lands of Calvin Chase and John Delong, Jr. and on the south by lands of Eleazar and Moses Gove. [RR Otsego County Deeds 159 and O Otsego County Mortgages 219; C13, C16, E57] "Is this name right? Who was he? John b. 1780 was of town of Otsego but I know of no John Jr. There was a contemporary John also of Otsego b. 1772-3 but here again no known John Jr ... These men are differentiated in one instance by John [b. 1780] being listed as 'John Delong 1st' even though he was slightly younger, Perhaps the Jr. used in this 1830 record was also an attempt to distinguish these men." [Baldwin, B80] 1830 -- "Otsego 1310001/1001001. Fits parents and seven youngest children" [Baldwin, B80] 1830, August 19 -- Ephraim sells the 138-acre parcel to Sally Ingalls for $100. [SS Otsego County Deeds 155; C13, C16, E57] 1834, January 21 -- Ephraim Delong and Sally Ingalls make a 3-year $155.46 mortgage, with interest, on the 138 acres from Aaron Butler of the Town of Greenville, Greene County. [S Otsego County Mortgages 93; C13, C16] 1837, December 11 -- Ephraim sells the 138 hill acres to Aaron Butler for $100. [60 Otsego County Deeds, 164; C13, C16, E57] 1838, December 8 -- Aaron Butler forecloses on Ephraim Delong, Sally Ingalls and seven others regarding mortgages from the 1837 sale. Ephraim's debt is redeemed by Eben B. Morehouse for $825 plus $82.50 in interest. [62 Otsego County Deeds 508; C13, C16, E57] 1840 -- Ephraim appears at 253 in the census of Westford with 1 male 50-60, 1 (20-30), 3 (15-20), 1 (10-15) and 1 under 5, 1 female 50-60, 1 (20-30) and 1 (10-15). [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C63] 1841, April 13 -- Letter to Ephraim Delong from Sally Peake in Sweden N.Y. in which she describes Ephraim and Elizabeth Delong as her "Brother and sister" -- also addresses part of letter to Eliza Ann Huson and refers to an "Azro," whom Sally expected to travel To Westford, N.Y. in June, 1841. Refers to an Esq Peasly and a Mr Shutts, apparently known to the Delongs; states that Sally "left Westford" and asks Delongs to "Kifs Irene and Olive." [C30-C31; Sally may be the sister of a Cornelius DeLong who wrote Awry DeLong in 1846, C32-C33.] 1843, December 5 -- Location of Ephraim's death has been given as "in the Catskill Mountains." [Irene D. Smith research, C2] Given the DeLong family's early origins in the Hudson Valley, it is possible that this notation instead reflects the family's casual understanding of his place of birth. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 1844, October 18 -- Albert Hubbard dies aged 31y-6m-12d, buried in Ephraim Delong plot in Badeau Hill Cemetery near Westford, New York. Only other burials are those of Ephraim and Elizabeth Delong. Albert Hubbard is likely the first husband of Ephraim's daughter Asenith; their probable children are listed in the 1850 census in the Silas Manzer household. [Arthur S. DeLong, D54; Lawrence A. DeLong, C56, C61] 1878 -- "Samuel Hewitt came into the town [Westford] in an early day, and located where Henry Prindle now lives. A grandson, A.C. De Long, Esq., resides in Schenevus. On the hill on the premises now occupied by Edward Bentley, his father was a pioneer." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 354; E21] 1993, June 10 -- "... there is no strong evidence that Ephraim was a son of Lawrence. If not a son, perhaps he was a nephew -- the very old Aylsworth Gene[alogy] which has a large DeLong section says Ephraim was nephew of James ... so he must have been grandson of Arie ... The fact that many Vermonters were among the Westford settlers suggests that Ephraim may have come from there. ... "The 1800 census shows Lawrence with two sons age 16-25 who would have been Joseph b. 1777-8 and George b. 1778-80. There was one son age 10-15 and there are two candidates for this -- Ephraim b. 1785 and Martin 1786. Still, it may have been one of the older boys who had moved out with Ephraim perhaps put in the 16 and up category. He would turn 16 in Jan. of 1801, not long after the census." [John D. Baldwin letter, B48] 1993, June 10 -- "... Lawrence's brother Frans was an earlier settler in Otsego Co. (maybe by 1787) so Ephraim obviously followed an uncle there as did John b. 1780 ... Note Moses Gove who was Justice of Peace in Lincoln [Vermont] 1815 and 1816. Then note Ephraim's 1830 land acquisition in Westford adjoined land of Moses Gove. Another reason to suggest Ephraim was of the Vt DeLongs who went to Westford." [Baldwin letter, B50-B51] 1994, February -- "Ephraim b. NY Jan. 31, 1785, Suggested, still tentatively, as son of Lawrence who was still in NY at this date. He is called a nephew of James in Aylsworth Genealogy -- the only possibilities seem to be Lawrence or Martin. "Ephraim is encountered only in records of Westford, Otsego Co. NY, beginning in 1810. Westford was settled by Vermonters which may suggest a connection between Ephraim and Lawrence. "Mrs. Gilbert Smith stated in 1963 that Ephraim had brothers Martin and William. Martin could be either Martin b. 1785-6 (same age as Ephraim) who is associated with Lawrence's clan, or Martin b. say 1780-4 purportedly from Vt. who settled in the Niagara area by 1820 ... No William is known for Lawrence, and no William is found in association with either Martin after they begin to appear in NY records. "A probable connection of Ephraim is Hannah Delong living next to him in Westford 1820, 100000/10001. She was over 45, born by 1775, Perhaps she was grandmother rather than mother of the two children with her age 0-9. Thus she may well have been Ephraim's mother which would then suggest he was not Lawrence's son; at least no wife Hannah has been found for Lawrence. Can Hannah's husband have been the 'C.' Delong who was in Westford 1810? The enumeration was 0001/01000. Note he was born by 1765, but that no wife appears in 1810 so Hannah can only be suggested as his widow with reservations. (I rechecked the 1810 census to confirm that the initial was C. and not possibly a misreading of some other letter.) Note 3 of Ephraim's sons had initial C. "Another possible connection -- see John Delong 'Jr' discussed under 1830 [above]." [Baldwin, B79] 1994, August 21 -- "Ephraim born Jan. 31, 1785 (calc. from t.s.) in NY (per son Henry in 1880) ... Mrs. Gilbert Smith said in 1963 that Ephraim had brothers Martin and William, her source not reported. In that four of five sons [Howland, Joseph,. George and Martin b. 1785-1786] are identified for Lawrence, it is not possible to add both Ephraim and William to that list. Thus Ephraim, William and Martin [b. 1780-1784] all seem to be sons of Martin [b. 1748]. The birthdates for Martin [b. 1780-1784] and Ephraim are too close, however it is entirely possible that one is in error. Faulty family records as well as tombstone errors are all too common. I would suggest Ephraim, probably born NY, was senior to Martin [b. 1780-1784] probably born Vt." [Baldwin letter, B100] 1997, March -- "Ephraim b. Jan 31, 1785 (calculated from t.s.), in NY per son Awry's 1880 census enumeration. I long ago suggested he was son of Lawrence [b. 1755] which however now seems unlikely. He is not traced prior to the 1810 census of Otsego Co NY" [Baldwin, B115]d," D149; Harriet was the only child of Olney Rice and Betsey Babcock, daughter of Jonas. She married Jonathan Wilsey, grandson of Abraham, and had several children. She was born in 1828, he in 1822; D152.] 1850 -- "Elizabeth 60 b. NY, in Maryland, Otsego Co. home of dau Abigail [Chase]." [Baldwin, B81]Surname variation -- "DeLong" appears in Otsego Herald and on gravestone [C17, C59] 1850 -- The phrasing of the notice of the death of "Oscher C. De Long" makes it unclear whether it is h1830 -- Henry is in the 1830 and 1850 census for Otsego. [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D46] 1830 -- "Otsego Co., NY 00001/10011." [John D. Baldwin research, B161] 1838 -- Record of Henry's marriage to Sarah Brewer gives his residence as "Herkimer Co." (Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D46] Following are the children of Henry DeLong, but by which wives Mrs. Austin's letter [D46] does not provide: Sarah [M]aria? b. December 16, 1838(5?), d. Aug 19, 1848 ae 11y-8m-3d; buried Hickory Grove Cemetery Emily b. ca 1837 NY, 13 in 1850 Henry b. ca 1841 NY, 9 in 1850 David b. ca 1842 NY 8 in 1850 John b. ca 1849 NY, 6 in 1850 John Baldwin lists six children as "By 2, or more likely 3 who had 8 ch" [Baldwin, B162] 1842 -- "a child of Henry and Polly [Abby Ann] died." [Baldwin, B161] 1850 -- Census lists Henry's wife as Mary. [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D46] 1850 -- Town of Cherry Valley census at 012 lists Henry Delong 43 Blacksmith $900, Mary 38, Emily 13, Henry Jr. 9, David 4, John 1, Alba Fling 29, Menzo Snell Blacksmith 23, all born in New York. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C61] "In the home 1850 was Abbe Fling 29. She appears in 1865 as Abigail Fling 44, sister-in-law, dressmaker. (must be sister of 3rd wife of Henry - Mary A. 'Polly' Fling)." [Baldwin, B162] 1855 -- "Cherry Valley, Henry 49, blacksmith, Polly 43 at this time b. CT." [Baldwin, B161] 1860 -- Town of Cherry Valley census at 192 lists Henry Delong 54 Blacksmith Rl. Est. $1600, Pers. $1000, Polly 48 Housekeeper, Henry 18 Blacksmith, David 14, John 12, Mary 8, George 4, all born in New York. [DeLong, C62] "DeLong, Henry N. [likely son of Henry] -- Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1862, at Cherry Valley, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 23, 1862; mustered out with company, June 25, 1865, near Hall's Hill, Va." [Patricia A. Hoye notes from the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, No. 36, 49; C59A] 1865 -- "Cherry Valley, Henry, 59, blacksmith, Polly 53, mother of 8 ch." [Baldwin, B161] 1878 -- "Henry N. De Long, enl. in Co. G, 121st Regt., Aug. 18, 1862; dis. in 1865." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 138] 1880 -- "... two of [Ephraim's] children in the 1880 census ... indicate their parents were born in NY. "Henry was 74 [71?] in Cherry Valley, Otsego Co. His third wife Mary is listed by nickname Polly b. NY to Ct. parents. She was 68. Still in the home were son David 34 and daughter Mary 28. ... "Note Henry's birth calculates to 1805-6, and this is supported by 1855 and 1865 state censuses while the 1850 census indicates 1806-7. Thirty years ago Mrs. Gilbert Smith of Worcester said August 1809, and [Larry DeLong has] a specific date of Aug. 29, 1809." [John D. Baldwin letter, June 17, 1993, B58] 1880 -- "Cherry Valley, 74, b. NY of NY parents. Polly 68, b. NY of CT f & NY m." [Baldwin, B162]Surname variations -- "Delong" and "DeLong" both appear in Hurd's History of Otsego County, 1878 [pages 178 and 180]. "DeLong" appears on gravestone. [C59] "ALANSON ... b. Westford, Otsego Co., NY, Feb. 25 (t.s.) or 27 (LaDeL), 1821. He was named for his mother's brother Alanson Hewitt." [John D. Baldwin research, B148] 1830 -- "oldest of 3 sons age 0-9" [Baldwin, B148] 1850 -- Alanson claims Massachusetts birth when he was enumerated in census at Maryland, Otsego County, New York. [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D46] "Maryland, Otsego Co., NY age ___ & ___, both Mass. (Wrong for him) Son Gibson also listed as Mass." [Baldwin, B148] 1850 -- Town of Maryland census at 154 lists Alanson Delong 29 Daguerrotype artist $500 NY, Mary 30 NY, Gibson W. 7 NY and Maria Badeau 21 NY. {Lawrence A. DeLong research, C61 and C64] 1860 -- Town of Maryland census at 426 lists Alanson C. Delong 39 Farmer $2500, $1000, Mary 40 Dress Maker, Gibson 17 Laborer. [DeLong, C62] 1865 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists a $1,000 plank house next to John Chase with Alanson C. Delong, 44 M, Farmer, born in Otsego Co.; Mary Delong, 45 F, wife, Dress Maker, Otsego Co.; and Gibson W. Delong, 22 M, child, Farm Laborer, Otsego Co., Army. It gives Gibson's service record. [DeLong, C60D] 1866 -- Alanson and wife convey land to the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad [Frances C. Johnson research, E57] 1876, May 26 -- "On receipt of the instruments, Mr. A.C. DeLong, the efficient leader for the past eight or ten years, and just yielding to Mr. Cleveland, was most agreeably surprized by the presentation of a superb silver cornet elegantly burnished and with gold plate bearing his name with complements of the band." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96K; Mrs. Robinson thinks the name of the band was the Schenevus Silver Cornet Band.] The May 11, 1877 issue has a small blurb about his leaving the band. [C96K] 1878 -- "He is probably the A.C. DeLong named in history of Otsego Co. (1878) as grandson of Samuel Hewitt, residing at Schenevus." [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963: D46] 1878 -- "Samuel Hewitt came into the town [Westford] in an early day, and located where Henry Prindle now lives. A grandson, A.C. De Long, Esq., resides in Schenevus. On the hill on the premises now occupied by Edward Bentley, his father was a pioneer." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 354; E21] 1878 -- "William S. Delong, sergt., enl. in Co. F, 121st Regt., Aug. 6, 1862; in battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg; dis. in Feb. 1863." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 182; C58 and E21] Could he be the son or nephew of Alanson DeLong? Could he be Gibson? 1879, July 25 -- "A.C. Delong died Sunday morning after a long and painful illness. Funeral services July 21st. Rev. David Collins of Richmondville officiating." [Linda Robinson transcription; Schenevus section of Worcester Times; C96J] 1879, July 25 -- "At a regular meeting of the S.V. Band held at their Band Rom in Schenevus on Monday evening, July 21, 1879, a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of A.C. DeLong, an honorary member for two years past, and formerly leader of the Band for two years. "The committee reported the following which was immediately approved. "' Whereas, it has pleased an all wise Providence to remove by death our esteemed associate and friend, Mr. A.C. DeLong, one of only four remaining members of those composing the Band at its organization in 1866 -- he being the first to be called from the living, of them who are now or have been members of the organization; numbering in all more than forty. It is therefore "'Resolved, That we bow with reverence and resignation to the decree of Him who doeth all things well, and while we mourn the loss of one endeared to us by a long intimate and pleasant association, we cherish the hope that our friend and brother has gone to join the Heavenly choir where all complete harmony, and no weariness, pain or sorrow is ever known. "'Resolved, That we will ever cherish his memory and the many pleasant recollections of our association, with sincere gratitude for his earnest self-sacrificing labors in building up and so successfully maintaining the Band during the long years of his leadership, and the keen interested, manifested and continued efforts for the good of the Band, after failing health prevented his remaining an active member. "'Resolved, That to his sorrow stricken wife and friends we tender our most respectful sympathies in the great loss they have sustained; and these we affectionately command to the only source of consolation in the hour of great affliction. "'Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be entered upon the records of the Band, a copy sent to the family of the deceased, and the same furnished to the Schenevus Monitor and the Worcester Times for Publication.' "F.H. Cleveland "[?] T. Brown "C.M. Wright" [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96L-C96M] 1879, July 29 -- "Mr. Alanson C. DeLong, after a long and severe illness, died at his residence in Schenevus, Sunday morning July 20th, of heart disease, aged about 58 years." [Linda Robinson transcription, Stamford Mirror; D46A] 1879, August 1 -- "Editor, Worcester Times -- I notice the death of my friend A.C. Delong of Schenevus. It filled me with melancholy emotions when I looked back to the time I was Col. of the 7th Regt., and he, through the series of years up to 1866, was a musician. Major Delong was one of the best I ever knew at drill and review. I went to Chicago with him on a trip. He was a tried and companionable gentleman having many excellent qualities. I became much attached to him because of his noble and kind heart, and his death seems to me as if I had lost a brother which I have. But he has passed to a better world there to enjoy the happiness bestowed upon him by his heavenly father. [General] S[amuel] S. Burnside." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96J] 1880, January 9 -- "I, Alanson C. Delong, of the village of Schenevus in the Town of Maryland, Otsego County, N.Y., aged 55 years and upwards and being of sound, disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say: "First, I give, bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Mary Delong all my real and personal estate, except the specific Legacy hereinafter made. "Second, I give and bequeath to my youngest sister, Abigail Chase, wife of Charles Chase, a legacy of one hundred dollars, to be paid her by my Executrix hereinafter named, six months after my decease. "Thirdly and Lastly, I hereby appoint my beloved wife, Mary Delong, Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. (dated April 21, 1876) A.C. Delong [C96MB] 1880 -- "his will prob. Jan 9 (27:127) of Schenevus in Md, aged 55 and upwards. Wife Mary executor. The only survivor mentioned is his youngest sister Abigail Chase, wife of Charles. (His son was living)." [Baldwin, B149] 1880, January 30 -- "From the Surrogate's Court proceedings of the week ending Jan. 13, 1880: "Estate of Alanson Delong, late of Maryland, deceased. Petition filed for probate of will. Orders entered, will admitted to probate and letters of testamentary issued to Mary Delong, executrix." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96J] 1938, July 26 -- "Among the bands which were making such a vigorous bid for fame in this part of the state 55 or 60 years ago, the Schenevus Valley band at Schenevus ranked near the top. In this old picture are shown, back row-- ... El. DeLong ..." [Oneonta Daily Star caption, D64] 1998, May 25 -- U.S. flag on burial plot on Memorial Day. Does that mean that Gibson W. DeLong (or maybe even William S.) is buried here? Or does it commemorate Alanson's service in the militia?e or his brother Alanson whose residence was in Schenevus, and which if either was a "resident of St. Johnsville." [Otsego Herald, New York State Historical Association Library, C17]1830 -- "middle of three sons age 5-9" [John D. Baldwin researchўџџџƒ„…†‡ўџџџ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸўџџџЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнўџџџпрстуфхцчшщъыьэўџџџя№ёђѓєѕўџџџїјљњћќ§ўџ, B141] 1850 -- The Federal census for the Town of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York at 170 lists Hewlit P. Welling, 29 M, born in Ireland, whose entry for "Occupation" says "Pu[b]lic House;" Araminta Welling, 26 F, Ireland; Ruth A. Welling, 2 F, Ireland; George Welling, 1 M, Ireland; Dolin (?) Maha, 16 M, Ireland; Rinaldo C. Delong, 30 M, None [occupation], New York; Mary Delong, 25 F, New York; and Elizabeth Delong, 7 F, birthplace not given. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60C, C61] 1875-1876 -- "NY City Dir. lists R.C. DeLong. Either we have wrong death date or this should be Mrs. R.C." [Baldwin, B141] About 1963 -- Lawrence A. DeLong wrote a letter to a Rhynaldo C. DeLong, listed in the New York City phone book, inquiring about a possible family connection. There was no reply."... prob. dau. of James and Lurendia (Hazen) who were md. Dec. 14, 1818 per a record in the same bible given Alanson's marriage." [John D. Baldwin research, B148]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒВŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃўџџџЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАўџџџhГДЕЖЗИ&КЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧўџџџЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгўџџџ§џџџжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ1845 -- "Friday the 28 [February] visited to Mrs. Hewits with Clarissa Wilsey and Mary Jane, Mrs. Delong and two of Mr. Chase's daughters. [Diary of Harriet Emmons Rice, "Maryland & Westford," D149] 1850 -- The Federal census for the Town of Maryland at 150 lists Josiah Chase, 51 M, Farmer, $2,000, NY; Elizabeth Chase, 44 F, NY; Mary C. Chase, 16 F, NY; Asa Chase, 75 M, Mass; Leah L. Wilder, 18 F, NY; Albert M. Surriner (?), 5 M; John Cunningham, 24 M, Laborer, NY; Clarissa Delong, 26 F, NY; and Alvin D. Delong, 1 M, NY. [John D. Baldwin research, B12; Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60C] 1855 -- Widow Clarissa DeLong, age 30, and a son "Alva," age 6, appear in the Maryland Census [Mary Austin letter, July 6, 1965, D153; Baldwin, B12]1880 -- "24th Dist. 9th Ward, Mrs. Mary Delong 56, b. NY of NY par" [John D. Baldwin research, B141] 1880-1881 -- "Mary M. widow of Rinaldo C., 241 W. 13th St. (NYC Dir)" [Baldwin, B142] 1904, May 19 -- "Mary Delong was born Nov. 27, 1823 at Cairo, Greene county, and died at Waterbury, Conn., on the 11th day of May, 1904, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Harding, after an illness of only three days. The immediate cause of death was pleuro pneumonia. "Mrs. DeLong was a daughter of Joshua Salisbury and one of eleven children. When a small child she removed with her parents from Cairo to Westford, where she resided during girlhood. At the age of 18 she was married to Rhynaldo DeLong. After several years in Otsego county Mr. and Mrs. DeLong removed to New York city, where she has since resided. Her husband died in 1872. She was the mother of three children, Mrs. D.A. Anderson and Frank DeLong of New York and Mrs. H. Harding of Waterbury, Conn. "Funeral services were held in Waterbury and New York. Brief services were held at the home of M. Griggs in Worcester on the 14th inst., the day of burial, Rev. J.N. Lee officiating, and the remains were laid at rest in Maple Grove Cemetery. "Mrs. DeLong was for many years a member of the Calvary M.E. church of New York, and took an active interest in all church work. During her long life she spent much of her time doing what she could for the betterment of mankind. The esteem in which she was held was best shown by the beautiful floral tributes from her co-workers and friends in her home church. "She is survived by the three children above mentioned and by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Lydia Chase, Mrs. Paul Waterman and Miss Emily Salisbury of Worcester; Mrs. William Stanley and Mrs. Leonard Elmore of Richmondville; William Salisbury of Albany; and John Salisbury of Waycross, Georgia." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C68]1850 -- "Charles 27 and Abigail 21 both b NY were in Maryland Otsego Co. ... Her mother was with them." [John D. Baldwin research, B81] 1850 -- Town of Maryland census at 147 lists Charles Chase 27, Abigail 21, Esther L. 1 and Elizabeth Delong 60, all born in New York State. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C61] 1860 -- Town of Maryland census at 427 lists Charles Chase 33 Stone Mason $150, $50, Abigail 35, Esther 9, Fayette 7, Mary M. 1, all born in New York State. {DeLong, C62]2002, February 6 -- Derek Ramond Roberts legally changed his name to Derek Raymond Roberts DeLong. [State Supreme Court petition, F35-F39] 2003, September 9 -- Lawrence A. DeLong received sole legal custody of Derek R.R. DeLong. [F39A-F39B] From Oneonta, New York (Mrs. Clarence S. Austin) 1943,Surname variations -- "Delong" and "DeLong" appear variously in newspaper articles. "DeLong" is on the grave marker. "Res. Oneonta (Rowley Gen.)' [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D46] 1885, July 30 -- "This community received a profound shock of sorrow, Tuesday morning, as the news rapidly spread from one to another, that Dayton DeLong had been instantly killed by an engine, a telegram to that effect having been received by Geo. B. Wright, who immediately communicated the terrible fact to the afflicted family. The intelligence was soon confirmed. His father, accompanied by Mr. Abram Diefendorf of this place, left on the first train for the scene of the accident and to bring home the remains, which arrived here on the sleeper, Wednesday at about 3 o'clock A.M. The following description of the accident is from a Pittsfield paper and is substantially correct. Mr. DeLong was boarding with Mr. Gage at Dalton, and had gone to Pittsfield to get a letter from his wife. The body was found only four feet from where he had been struck. He only made a few groans and all was over: "'Last evening D.E. DeLong, a canvasser for Wright & Co., portrait copyists of Worcester, came into town from Dalton to ascertain if there was any mail matter for him, with the intention of returning on the last train. He unfortunately missed the train, and in company with J.T. Gage, started to walk to Dalton, where he was temporarily boarding. A little beyond the Junction a freight train overtook the men, and they quickly left the north track to avoid it, and stepped directly in front of an engine coming towards this town on the other track. The noise of the freight train probably distracted their attention, and the engine was not perceived until too late for DeLong, and Gage had a very narrow escape. DeLong was struck on the chest and almost instantly killed. His body was taken on board the engine and brought to Pittsfield. Medical Examiner Paddock viewed the remains, and they were then given into the care of Undertaker Jolls. DeLong leaves a wife and two children.' --[Pittsfield paper of Tuesday. "Dayton DeLong was born in the town of Westford, Sept. 24, 1848, about three miles from where he has always lived. He leaves a wife and three interesting little children, and father, mother and one brother to mourn his loss; besides a host of friends to whom he had endeared himself by his manly virtues. ... he performed many little acts of kindness which will keep his memory green in the hearts of the recipients. "The funeral services will be held from the Baptist church, Thursday at 11 o'clock A.M." [Worcester Times, E44 and A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 124] 1885 -- "A sad accident occurred Monday evening. A man whose name was D.E. Delong, a picture agent from Worcester, N.Y. who was stopping for a few days on Crane avenue, while he canvassed the town, went with Mr. Jesse Gage to Pittsfield, on the Adams train from Coltsville, expecting to return on the next, but being a little too late to board the train, started to walk home on the track; when they were near the 'tin bridge' a freight train was going up and they were between the tracks; Mr Gage was ahead of Mr DeLong and seeing the light of an engine coming down around a curve, he shouted to his companion and jumped, thus escaping injury, but Mr Delong was a second too late, and was struck by the engine on the right side, just above the hip, and the bones about there were badly broken and other internal injuries inflicted so that he lived but a few moments. He was taken to Undertaker Jolls', in Pittsfield, and the news sent to the firm by whom he was employed. Of course the news will be sudden and sad to his bereaved family. He was expecting to go home this week, and his business to Pittsfield, Monday evening, was to see if there was a letter for him from home. He leaves a wife and three children." [Newspaper article, Dalton, Massachusetts, E44] 1885 -- "The news of the sudden and untimely death of Dayton E. Delong whose obituary notice was published in the Worcester Times of the 30 of July cast a gloom over the place of his residence and the town of Worcester. "The demonstrations of heartfelt grief by his wife, parents, brother and relatives were sad and pitiable to witness, and many were the sympathetic tears that were shed by his neighbors and friends. Dayton had a warm place in the hearts of his friends and neighbors engendered by his manly and noble virtues. His was a winning and genial presence that gave pleasure to all with whom he associated. He was a reliable and efficient agent for Mr. Wright in whose employ he has been engaged for a number of years traveling from place to place. "He had been absent from home about three weeks when the sad news of his demise reached his friends by telegram. A letter from him to his wife a few days previous to his death contained the welcome news that he desired to be home and there to remain in the bosom of his family. "When he was last home he seemed to be absorbed by his family, in whose presence he desired to remain until the time arrived for him to leave them to continue his duties to his employer. ... "His funeral was attended by large concourse of people at the Baptist church in Worcester. Forty carriages filled with people constituted the cortege that followed his remains from his father's residence to the church where the Rev. Mr. Jones preached an able and well digested discourse from the text found in the 20th chap. of 1st Samuel and the last clause of the 3rd verse. 'There is but a step between me and death.' After which his remains were interred in the Maple Grove cemetery." [Newspaper article, E44]1880, March 12 -- "Entered into rest in Worcester, March 10th, 1880 ... Ella, wife of M.J. Esmay and daughter of Awry and Elizabeth Delong, aged 21 years. ... "With garnered hopes of future health and usefulness, she struggled with the fatal disease which had insidiously crept upon her ... "She gave her heart to her Saviour four years ago, and united with the Baptist church of this place ... Eleven weeks ago she was married to M.J. Esmay, of Westford. With apparent bright hopes for the future she received the congratulations of her many friends. "She leaves a husband, father, mother, and two brothers to mourn the loss ..." [Obituary of Ella Esmay, C90; Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96H]] 1880 -- "The funeral services of the late Mrs. M.J. Esmay, took place from the Baptist church, Saturday, March 13th, 1880, at 1 o'clock p.m. in presence of a very large concourse of neighbors and friends. "The exercises were introduced by singing hymn No. 450, 'With tearful eyes I look around &c.' Scripture lesson 22nd chap. Rev., read by Rev. J.M. Chase. Prayer was offered by Rev. N.S. Reynolds. Second hymn 'It is thy hand my God &c.' Sermon by Rev. I.J. Bailey, text Isaiah 61:3, 'Beauty for ashes.' ... "At the request of the deceased she was laid out in her wedding garments, by the same hands that assisted in her bridal toilet, but eleven short weeks before. A cluster of heliotrope and sweet alyssum was placed at her neck and in her hair. "The following gentlemen acted as pall-bearers, W.H. Cook, A.P. Backus, C. Taylor, H.L. Tipple, J. Leonard, W. Wright." [Newspaper article, E43] 1880, March 26 -- "SO CALMLY SHE SANK; suggested by the peaceful, triumphant death of Mrs. M.J. Esmay and to those who so deeply mourn her loss, tenderly dedicated by Ira J. Bailey "So Calmly she sank in the arms of her God, So sweetly her eyes closed in sleep, That glory shone round as we passed neath the rod, And love calmed the heart's troubled deep. "As the beautiful sur-rays, sweep out into space, Hiding stars neath the mantle of day, So the glorious sun, whence cometh all grace, Kissed our darling, our love, star away. "Crowned with lily and myrtle, we lay thee away, Unfaded thy bridal-wreath flowers, -- Crowned with halo eternal, thy beauty shall stay, Embalmed in our heart's sacred bowers. "The SPIRITU SANTO its petals unfold O'er lowest malarial ground; Its purity dove-like the traveller beholds, Where foot of no seeker is found. "Thus in purity Christlike, by heaven bestowed, She gladdened lone earth for a time, Till her blossom was plucked, by the hand of her God, And planted 'mid beauty sublime. "In the garden of God, where glorified souls Make harp trills symphonie ring, And music's unspeakable harmony rolls, As the blood-washed their Glorias sing. "O, weary one, rest in the light of the Throne, Thy beauty attracts us to thee, And to'rds thee we'll press th' drear and alone Till we meet by the far crystal sea. "Worcester, New York, March 22nd, 1880" [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96I]      ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*ўџџџ,-./ўџџџ123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijўџџџlmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€ March 10 -- "Obit for Mrs. Catherine Crippen. She died in Tuscan at home of Clarence Putnam (son-in-law). She was dau. of William and Maria Snyder Smith, born at Hyndsville Jan. 1, 1850. She married Dayton DeLong in 1868 and he died 17 years later. Her next husbad was Emmett Crippen. She was mother of Howard DeLong of Oneonta, 5 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren and three nephews. Interred Maple Grove Cemetery." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BP] 1943, March 17 -- "Pallbearers at Mrs. Crippen's funeral were Kenneth Wilsey, Claude Hartwell, Arthur DeLong and Earl F. Johnson." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BP] 1943, March 24 -- "Out-of-town attendees at Mrs. Crippen's funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Howard DeLong, Mrs. Clarence Whitbeck, Mrs. Claude Safford, Mrs. Florence Crippen, Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Johnson, Freeport; Mrs. George Sisson, West Berne; Mr. ad Mrs. George Smith, Mineral Springs; Mrs. Ralph Myers, Barnervile; Mrs. Robert Warren, Afton; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Putnam, Richmondville." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BP]1898, July 7 -- "... Postmaster Melvin J. Esmay placed a notice in the Schenevus Monitor with the Schenevus Post Office hours and times that mail had to be at the post office to make the various trains. Office hours were 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM. Money orders and Registered letters could be handled between 7:30 AM and 8:00 PM. Mails closed for eastbound trains at 7:25 AM, 10:25 AM, and 6:35 PM and for westbound trains at 9:40 AM and 6:05 PM. Westford and Davenport stage mails closed at 12:30 PM." [Schenevus Post Office Sesquicentennial, C101]1880, December 24 -- "Died, Sunday, Dec. 19th, infant daughter of Oscar Delong." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96J]1891 -- Flossie M. and Arthur S. DeLong are listed as students in Tusculum Dist. No. 10 in 1891-92 and 1892-93. [M35] "From high school mother went to Teacher Training Institute in Schenevus and was one of two ladies to be certified after one year. The others studied for two years. She taught at Elk Creek two years and lived with Mr. and Mrs. 'Hen' Chase. I suppose his name was Henry but it might have been otherwise. ... My mother did substitute work in various district schools. She took me once when I was too young for school. I remember sitting up on the teacher's desk to eat my lunch out of the lunch pail. She took me hop picking once. I learned what a kissing loop was and watched the men put a female picker in the hop box -- Boxes were usually double. I suppose the picker had to pick enough to refill the box ... She took me 'pea' picking once -- up early as the farmer picked up the pickers around town. As I recall that was on the Howard and Maggie Butler farm." [Frances C. Johnson, P87-P88] 1909, December 2 -- "Mrs. Earl Johnson is teaching Miss Lucy Baker's school in the Sissum district for a few weeks, on account of Miss Baker's illness." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96Q] 1910, May 5 -- "Miss Pearl Green has the German measles and Mrs. Earl Johnson is teaching her school at West Richmondville." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96Q] 1912, May 29 -- "Article identifies Mrs. Earl Johnson as one of the attendees of the Otsego Co. Christian Endeavor Convention held at Hartwick." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1915, November 17 -- "Mrs. Earl Johnson was in Syracuse the last of the week, attending the State Federation of Women's Clubs." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AC] 1934, May 23 -- "Mrs. E.F. Johnson elected sect. at annual meeting of the Otsego County Council of Religious Education annual meeting held in Edmeston." She was elected Treasurer in 1936 and 1937. [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AX and C96BA] 1944, December 6 -- "Mrs. E.F. Johnson is president of the Missionary Society of the Baptist Church." A December 13 article states that "While walking along Main Street about 10 o'clock last Friday [she] slipped and in falling broke her left arm ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR] 1974 -- "Mrs. Florence M. Johnson, 92, of 35 Main Street, Worcester, died at Fox Hospital nursing home on Monday, Aug. 5, 1974 after a long illness. "She was born Oct. 15, 1881, at Worcester, the daughter of Oscar and Emma (Golden) DeLong. She married Earl F. Johnson on June 17, 1903 in Worcester. "She is a graduate of Worcester Union School in 1900 and from Schenevus Training Class in 1901. She taught in Elk Creek and Worcester. "She was a lifelong resident of Worcester and had been a member of the Second Baptist church since 1895. She was also a member of the Worcester Woman's Club and the Worcester WCTU. She taught Sunday School for many years and offering plates were presented in her honor for her faithful service to the church. "She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Frances Johnson of Worcester, two sons, James Burdette Johnson of Hinsdale and Kenneth Johnson of Wilmington, Del.; five grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Charles Cattell of Ballston Spa; nieces and several nephews. "Funeral services were held Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the Second Baptist church, Worcester, with the Rev. George Goodwin, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Maple Grove cemetery, Worcester. "Contributions have been given in her honor to the building fund of the Second Baptist church, Worcester, in lieu of flowers." [Obituary of Mrs. E. Johnson, E78, P54, P70 and P71]A photograph of Ella DeLong Cattell as a student in Worcester [New York] District #16, about 1895, appears on page 151 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. 1910, October 6 -- "Miss Ella DeLong has given up her position at E.F. Johnson's store and entered the training school for nurses at the Cooperstown hospital to fit herself for a professional nurse." An October 20 article noted that "Mrs. Earl Johnson visited her sister, Miss Ella DeLong, at the Cooperstown hospital last Saturday. Miss DeLong, who expects to become a professional nurse, is much pleased with her new duties." And on November 17, "Miss Ella DeLong, a Worcester girl who is taking the course for nurses at the Cooperstown hospital, was made happy on Tuesday by receiving a very handsome gold watch, a gift from her father." [Linda Robinson transcriptions, Worcester Times; C96R] 1914, October 14 -- "Miss Ella DeLong, clerk at Johnson's store, is having a vacation." An April 28 article stated that she was "taking a week's vacation from duties at Johnson's store and will spend part of the time at Richfield Springs." A September 29, 1915 article says she was "kept home last week by an attack of quinzey." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA and C96AC] 1977 -- "Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Ella F. Cattell, 85, of RD 3, Ballston Spa. Mrs. Cattell passed away last week Tuesday at Saratoga County Infirmary, Ballston Spa, after being in poor health for several months. "Mrs. Cattell lived most of her life in Albany, moving to Ballston Spa in 1975 having lived in Canastota with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Burgess for about a year. "She is survived by her husband, Charles D. Cattell; one son, Walter H. Cattell of Ballston Spa; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Burgess of Canastota; nine grandchildren; six great grandchildren; two nieces and three nephews. "Rev. and Mrs. Burgess attended the funeral services at Skinner's Funeral Home in Worcester. Accompanying them were their children, Mark and David of Canastota; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burgess of Rome and Lt. Alan J. Burgess, stationed with the U.S. Air Force in Heidelberg, Germany. Rev. Burgess officiated at the Memorial Service." [Newspaper article, S10] 1977 -- "Mrs. Ella DeLong Cattell, 85, died at Ballston Spa on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1977. "She was born Feb. 27, 1891 in Worcester, the daughter of Oscar and Emma (Golden) DeLong. She married Charles Cattell. "A former Worcester resident, she had lived in the Albany area approximately 50 years. "Surviving are her husband; a son, Walter of Malta; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Burgess of Canastota; nine grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews ... "... Burial will be later in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester." [Obituary of Mrs. C. Cattell, S10]      !"#$%ўџџџ'()*+,-i/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOўџџџQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ўџџџ`abcdefgўџџџЁjklmno—qrstuvwxyzўџџџ§џџџ}~€"The Johnson family lived on South Hill Road [Worcester, New York], where the Russ and Ridge families were neighbors. Earl F. Johnson, a descendant of this family, attended the Hall School and graduated from Worcester High School. He was a well-known businessman in Worcester all his life." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41] "Earl Johnson was the son of Levi M. Johnson and Clarissa (who always called herself Clara) Russ descendants of parents residing south of the village of Worcester and west of Charlotteville -- typical farm folks." [Frances C. Johnson, P84] "My father, Earl, was an only child. He attended the Hall School House and he desired education beyond that of district school. ... Grandfather stayed on the hill farm and brought Grandmother and Dad down to spend the school week and returned them to the farm for the week end. "Raymond Tyler from Westford stayed during the school week for continuing education. "My father had no formal education beyond high school. He worked for Griff Glove Co. in Gloversville. He tried the 2 day N.Y. State examination for a teacher's license and passed. I couldn't possibly pass the tests which covered many subjects & administrative techniques. He taught in several district schools and Worcester village school and also in Maryland N.Y. where he was principal of the upper Elementary grades. [Frances C. Johnson, P86-P87] "At the time my parents married June 17th 1903 Dad worked at W.R. Preston's grocery store for $6.50 a week 6 days a week 7 AM until evening closing time. I have his diaries for 1903 and 1904 with expense accounts [some excerpts on P89] ... After my birth he ceased to continue the financial record. Perhaps he didn't have time to make the notations or more likely enough money to make the record balance. "In March of 1904 they rented rooms of my birthplace from Mrs. Cipperley. Evangelist John Davis and a song leader came to Worcester and were hosted by my parents. The town experiences a great time of revival. [Frances C. Johnson, P87] 1908, May 9 -- For $3,400 Earl F. Johnson purchases the goods, wares, merchandise and fixtures in the store occupied by George R. Criss in Worcester, paying an additional $5.50 for a marble slab for a soda fountain. He then leased the store from "Mr. Cady" the next day. Johnson makes payments to Criss from May 11, 1908 to April 1, 1923. [Frances C. Johnson research, P167] 1908 -- "In 1908 Earl F. Johnson purchased the Tripp Store and by 1912 he had enlarged his line of household goods and magazines. A soda fountain, which included a 20-foot-long section of marble for a counter, a stainless steel work area for making sodas and a huge background mirror, was added to a section on the right side of the store. Johnson remarked of his 37 years in business: 'English Ivy trailed from the window over the soda fountain, where popular chocolate sodas made the store a mecca for people from far and near.' An essay written years ago by Johnson states: 'the business saw many economic and political changes. From prosperity to panic times, the business survived two world wars. Although the regular hours were from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., there were times on Saturday nights that we stayed open until midnight. On some busy nights I remember stepping to the door and requesting that people stay out until seats were vacated.' For many years, Johnson served as Otsego County Sealer of Weights and Measures. Johnson, his wife Florence DeLong, and children Frances, Burdette and Kenneth all helped in the 'Economy Store,' and lived in an apartment upstairs. Later they moved to a house at 35 Main Street. "Carl Brownell purchased the Johnson store in 1945 ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 69; soda fountain photo, 70] 1910, October 27 -- "Earl F. Johnson goes to Schenectady to attend the Baptist State convention." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96R] 1910, December 29 -- "Earl Johnson says that if the person who took the pepper dish from his store will come again, the salter may also be had, and welcome. Here's a fine chance for the souvenir hunter." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96S] 1911, January 26 -- "E.F. Johnson and I.W. Haynor installed Bell phone in their stores last Monday." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times, C96S] 1911, May 18 -- "Earl Johnson has been chosen acting president of te Worcester High School Alumni and a meeting will be held at his home Friday evening at 7:30." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96S] 1913, February 19 -- "Earl Johnson and Lewis W. Wade have moved to the newly arranged flats over their stores." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96X] 1913, July 23 -- "Will Elwell, mail carrier on Route No. 3, had a tussel with appendicitis last week and Earl Johnson handled the mail. ..." An August 20 article notes that "Earl Johnson is carrying the mail on Route No. 2 for two weeks." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1913, November 7 -- Earl F. Johnson is appointed Inspector of Elections, First District, Town of Worcester, being reappointed in 1916, 1918, 1919 and 1921. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 107] Other Worcester offices he is known to have occupied are: Justice of Peace, June 1 to December 1, 1954 [Officers, 11] First person elected Council Member; served January 1, 1958 to at least December 31, 1965 [Officers, 12] 1915, November 17 -- "E.F. Johnson is preparing to ship a quantity of old paper soon. Anyone having newspapers, magazines and catalogues which they wish to dispose of may do so now, if they will notify him so he can collect them when the car is ready to be loaded." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AC] 1916, February 16 -- "E.F. Johnson, who recently was appointed mail carrier of RD No. 2 out of Maryland, has declined the appointment." {Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AC] 1916, December 20 -- "Wm. McRory, the present Sealer of Weights and Measures, has resigned his position to take effect April 1, 1917, and Earl F. Johnson of this village has been appointed by the Board of Supervisors to take his place. The position, we are informed, pays $900/year and expenses. Mr. Johnson informs us that in order to do justice to his new office, that he will dispose of his store. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AD] 1919, December 31 -- "Beginning Jan. 1, the store of E.F. Johnson will close one hour after arrival of night mail train." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AG] 1920, April 28 -- "E.F. Johnson has installed one of the most complete and up-to-date soda fountains that we have ever had the pleasure of inspecting. His ever increasing business has demanded this modern convenience." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AI] 1924, September 10 -- "E.F. Johnson was in Jamestown last Thursday and Friday attending a meeting of the State Sealers of Weights and Measures Association. Mr. Johnson was elected second vice president of the organization." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN] 1925, January 1 -- Earl F. and Florence Johnson make a $2,500 mortgage with 6% interest to Maria A. Fredenburg to purchase the Economy Store. On January 2, 1926, the mortgage was assigned to Homer Truax of Binghamton. [Frances C. Johnson research, P166; 216 Otsego County Mortgages 274, P166] 1925, January 21 -- "E.F. Johnson has purchased the store building that he has occupied for a number of years of Mrs. Chas. Fredenburg." The January 28 newspaper related that he "has wired the flat over the store for electric lights. Miller and Co. did the work" [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AO] 1926, January 27 -- "E.F. Johnson and son, Burdette, were in Binghamton on Sunday attending the evangelistic meetings being conducted in that city by Billy Sunday. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AQ] 1926, December 15 -- "County Sealer of Weights and Measures E.F. Johnson of this village was in Cooperstown last Thursday to give the board of supervisors a full account and explanation of his office in regard to the large number of violations of weights and measures in Otsego county. He explained that a large percentage of the inaccuacies discovered by his inspection lay in butter received from local farmers, bread, gas measures and the like. Whenever an inaccurate measure was discovered, he said that the correct amounts were given and that generally the trouble was immediately remedied. He said that it had been his policy to use the methods of persuasion rather than prosecution an felt they had been reasonably successful. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AR] 1927, December 14 -- "... During the past year Mr. Johnson traveled a distance of 3,598 miles and made 561 inspections by which 3,891 weighing and measuring devices were inspected and 349 packages were weighed. Of these 215 were found incorrect. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AS; numerous articles concerning Earl Johnson's activities and reports as Sealer of Weights and Measures appear in succeeding years, beginning at C96AR] 1929 -- Upon the death of Levi Johnson, 35 Main Street in Worcester became the property of his widow Clara Johnson and his son Earl F. Johnson. Earl became the absolute owner on the death of his mother in 1944. [Frances C. Johnson research, P156] 1931, November 11 -- "E.F. Johnson has installed an All-White Knight soda fountain made by the Knight Soda Fountain Co. of Chicago, Ill. The fountain and sink section is all white vitreous with black bakelite covers and the back is faced with porcelain. It is 100% electrically refrigerated, even to the jar chamber, with a Frigidaire system. From a sanitary standpoint it is perfect and as to construction it is the last word in fountain building. The counter is of gray Bardiglio marble with black curly top and trim. Deluxe counter seats will be installed. Mr. Johnson never uses anything but the best fruits, syrups and ice cream so the products dispensed from his fountain will be second to none anywhere. The public is invited to inspect the new fountain." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AT] 1932, July 13 -- "E.F. Johnson mentioned as being chair of the organ committee in article about dedication of the Baptist church organ." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AU] 1933, July 12 -- "E.F. Johnson has addee an electric popcorn machine to his store equipment. Last Saturday evening the new popper proved the Johnson store to be one of themost popular places in the village." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AV] 1938, March 23 -- "Shortly after retiring at about eleven o'clock last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Johnson, who reside over their store, heard someone walking in the rear of the building. Arising, they saw a man climbing up the embankment, knock a window out of the basement of the Victory chain store and then crawl into the building. Apparently the culprit made little if any attempt to be quiet as he could be heard rummaging about the building. "Mr. Johnson promptly called the trooper outpost at Schenevus but was informed that none of the officers were at home. A general alarm was then sent out from the Schenevus station. Mr. Johnson then called the Worcester Inn, which was open, and Deputy Sheriff J.F. Colbeck, Landlord Conners and others about the hotel responded. "Franklin Ames, manager of the Victory store, was summoned and an investigation of the premises made. The building had been entered but the burglar disappeared. Shortly Troopers Knapp and Elmendorf appeared and the seaerch continued. "While standing at the corner of the post office building one of the basement windows was suddenly forced out, almost at the feet of the officers. The glove factory door in the basement of the building was forced open and Trooper Elmendorf entered with his flashlight. With a drawn gun the officer ordered the burglar to come out of the cellar back of the machine room. "From the back room appeared a tramp with his face and hands deeply stained whom the officers recognized as one he had ordered out of Schenevus that afternoon. It appeared that the tramp had either attempted to drink some glove dye or had spilled iodine on his face and hands ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BC] 1942, January 14 -- "E.F. Johnson of this village will head local division (rationing board) which composes Maryland, Decatur, Roseboom, Westord and Worcester towns." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BM] 1942, March 4 -- "The Western Union company has completed arrangements with E.F. Johnson for an extension in their telegraph service. Anyone desiring to send a message may telephone the Johnson store." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BM] 1945, August 9 -- "Article about E.F. Johnson selling store to Carl E. Brownell of Worcester. He purchased it from George Criss in May 1908. Moving to home on lower Main Street." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BT] 1945, August 23 -- Carl L. Brownell purchases the Economy Store and its stock for $5,000. [Frances C. Johnson research, P167] 1945, December 12 -- "Earl F. Johnson elected to succeed late C. Irving Henderson as Director of Bank of Worcester." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BU] 1950, August 17 -- Earl F. and Florence M. Johnson became joint owners of 35 Main Street in Worcester. [445 Otsego County Deeds 458, P156] 1957 -- "Cooperstown -- Carlton J. Hinman of Middlefield was appointed Otsego County sealer of weights and measures by a unanimous vote by the Otsego Board of Supervisors yesterday to succeed Earl F. Johnson of Worcester, who served [since 1917]. ... "The retiring Mr. Johnson wished his successor good luck and success in a brief address to the board, reporting that he had completed inspection of all work in the county for this year. "... Mr. Johnson, who retired last July, said yesterday that he has seen many changes during the 35 years he had served his office. "'When I began my work in 1917, there were several rural cheese factories in Otsego County. Today, only the Milford Pineapple Cheese factory is left,' Mr. Johnson pointed out. "Another change has been the increase in the number of gasoline stations since he began work. "'There were about 12 stations when I started,' Mr. Johnson recalled, 'Today there are 500 to be checked twice a year.' "He pointed out that there is a growing fuel oil business in the county. 'Until 1945 there were no dealers in the county. Now 30 dealers are located who operate from one to five trucks each.' ... "When Mr. Johnson first undertook his duties, Richfield Springs Supervisor Stanley B. Sheridan was on the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Sheridan, who was elected last fall, was again on the board when Mr. Johnson retired. "Mr. Johnson said that he has no immediate plans, that he just plans to take life moderately." [Oneonta Star, P62-P63] 1972, January 13 -- "Approximately 75 people attended the 90th birthday reception given by the Worcester Baptist Men's Sunday School class on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 9, to honor Earl F. Johnson, a long time teacher of the class. "Mr. Johnson was born on South Hill, Worcester, Jan. 11, 1882, the son of Levi M. and Clara Russ Johnson. He attended the Hall school house and later Worcester school, graduating in the class of 1900. He has rather vivid memories of much of Worcester history and can narrate events associated with the cyclone of 1887 and the famous blizzard of 1888. "Out of town guests at the reception included Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Farmer and family of Oneonta, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shalor of Middleburgh, Mrs. Bernard (Alice) Phillips, of Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritton of Hyndsville; George Umbach, Mrs. Shirley Rode and children of Schenevus; W. Carl Hastings of Jefferson and Oneonta, a cousin of Mr. Johnson's. "Miss Melody Farmer, a daughter of Rev. Farmer sang a song which she dedicated to Mr. Johnson. This music and an interview with Mr. Johnson were recorded and broadcasted over WGNR ... "In talking with Mr. Johnson Tuesday morning at the Times office when asked if he was having a happy birthday he replied, 'It took me an hour to open my mail this morning -- what more could you ask for?' ..." [Worcester Times, P64] 1972 -- "... Mr. Johnson's wife Florence is in Ann's Rest Home. The couple has two sons, James Burdette of Hinsdale and Kenneth of Wilmington, Delaware; and one daughter Miss Frances Johnson at home and several grandchildren. "Mr. Johnson operated a store in Worcester for many years. He was sealer of weights and measures of Otsego County until he was 70 years old." [Newspaper article, P65] 1975 -- "Worcester -- Earl F. Johnson, 93, of 35 Main Street, Worcester, a retired Worcester businessman, died Friday, August 22, at the Fox Hospital Nursing Home Unit. "Mr. Johnson was born January 11, 1882 in Worcester, a son of Levi M. and Clara (Russ) Johnson. He married Florence M. DeLong on June 17, 1903. Mrs. Johnson died August 5, 1974. "He had spent his entire life in Worcester. He was graduated from Worcester Union School, Class of 1900, and taught in various district schools in the Worcester area. "He also taught in Maryland and Worcester Union School. He owned and operated a general store in Worcester from 1908 until 1945. He was also Otsego County Sealer of Weights and Measures from 1917 to 1957. "He was a member of the Second Baptist Church, Worcester; past president of the Worcester Central School Board of Education; served as school Tax Collector for many years; a charter member of the Worcester Rotary Club, and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Upstate Home for Retarded Children. "He is survived by a daughter, Miss Frances Johnson, Worcester; two sons, James Burdette Johnson, Hindsdale, and Kenneth E. Johnson of Wilmington, Del.; five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, and several nieces, nephews and cousins. "The funeral will be at 1 p.m., Tuesday, August 26, at the Second Baptist Church, Worcester, with the Rev. George Goodwin, pastor, officiating. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester ... "The family has requested no flowers and asked that those who wish make donations to the Fox Memorial Hospital Expansion Fund or the Moody Bible Institute." [Obituary of Earl Johnson, P68] 1975 -- "Last week this community was saddened with the passing of Earl F. Johnson at the age of 93. Perhaps no other man has left his mark so indelibly on Worcester during the past 75 years than Mr. Johnson. "E.F. was a schoolteacher, businessman, town official, board of education president, Sunday School teacher and a long-time stalwart member of the Second Baptist church. He was a deeply religious man and public-spirited citizen in every respect. "Perhaps one of the most remarkable qualities he possessed was his ability to keep in touch with the community and especially, his keen sense of being able to communicate with people many years his junior. "In May of 1974 E.F. was chosen as Senior Citizen of the Month by this newspaper. "A correlation of the passing of Earl F. Johnson is that, this week, The Times is celebrating its 100th anniversary and his life-span covered all but seven years of this period. "This newspaper joins its readers in extending sincere sympathy to his family and relatives. Mr. Johnson's counsel and wisdom will be sorely missed." [Worcester Times, P69] 1975 -- "A guest book and stand and a plaque were dedicated in memory of Earl F. Johnson during the Sunday morning worship service at the Second Baptist church in Worcester. The plaque read, To the glory of God and in loving memory of Earl F. Johnson from the congregation and friends of the Second Baptist Church. "The dedication service was led by the pastor, Rev. George Goodwin, Jr., and the response of acceptance of the gift for the church by the congregation. Dale All sang a favorite hymn and one which Mr. Johnson had sung many times as a member of the choir, 'His Eye is on the Sparrow' and 'Because He Lives.' The choir also selected a favorite,'The Beautiful Garden of Prayer.' ..." [Newspaper article, P69] "By 1974 the town moved [its historical] collection to a new Town History Room later named in honor of Earl F. Johnson on the second floor of the new [town office] facility." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 190]1920, February 4 -- "Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Cattell have rented a part of Azro Chase's house and will move about April 1." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AH] 1921, September 28 -- "I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of collector on the Democratic ticket. -- C.D. Cattell" [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1921, December 14 -- "C.D. Cattell has redecorated the interior of his barber shop in white and it now presents a very neat and attractive appearance. Hereafter the shop will be known as the Sanitary Barber Shop." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1923, November 28 -- "Harry E. Jones has sold his house and lot on Church Street to Chas. L. Cattell and will move to Oneonta this week. Mr. Cattell will take possession on Thanksgiving." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AM] 1931, April 29 -- "C.D. Cattell abd family, former residents of this village, have moved to Rensselaer from Stop 20 on the Albany-Schenectady Road." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AT] 1978 -- "Ballston Spa -- Charles Cattell, 91, of Ballston Spa, died Sunday, June 25 at Benedict Hospital, Ballston Spa. "He was born April 10, 1887 in Lynn, Mass. He married Ella DeLong April 15, 1910. She died in 1977. "Mr. Cattell is survived by a son, Walter, Ballston Spa; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Burgess, Canastota; nine grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. "The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 27 at the Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ..." [Obituary of Charles Cattell, S10] 2011, April 27 -- "My grandfather ran away to the circus and had a colorful childhood if his stories were true. .. [Walt Cattell] did know that his grandfather and father both did time in a youth detention center. " [Donna Cattell Pensabene; S43 and S46]1925, September 16 -- "... to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cattell, Worcester, a daughter." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AP] 2000, March 26 -- "Dorothy L. Bu"The name Gilbert ... was as far as I know not picked for anyone special but his middle name, Ford, was for the family doctor, a Dr. Ford of Hensonville." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 2; T302] 1965 -- "This is to announce that Mountain Dairy of Cobleskill has purchased our processing equipment and retail milk business effective at the close of business on January 16, 1965. We are sure that this dairy will continue to furnish you with the same courteous service and good products that we have endeavored to provide for the past 36 years. We trust that you will favor them with your loyal patronage. "For the present we will continue to deliver to your homes while our milk production will be going into their Cobleskill plant for processing and labeling. We are sure that you will experience no inconvenience during the transition period. There will be no further sale of milk tickets, but those which you have on hand may be used up for milk or redeemed for cash. "We want to pause here to thank our many friends and customers for the many courtesies shown us and for their loyalty to our family business during this long period of time (July 1, 1928 - January 16, 1965). All members of our families join us in saying -- THANK YOU. "Gilbert and Matt Smith" [T187] "Effective January 1, 1965, Smiths' Jersey Dairy sold the rights to deliver milk on its retail routes to Mountain Dairy of Cobleskill, which made deliveries briefly in East Worcester. The Smiths continued to produce milk for shipment to market until 1967, when they sold the farm and the milking stock." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 84-85] "A Farmer's Dream -- By far the best farm buy in the area. A beautiful property. All white buildings. 3 car garage. Large Early American home with up to 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, 110 head of stock, bulk tank with pipeline, 2 cement silos, 3 tractors plus complete line of machinery. River flat land .. complete only $88,000 ..." [Newspaper advertisement, T116] 1967 -- "Gilbert Smith has announced that the entire purebred Jersey herd from Smiths dairy in Worcester has been sold to Pryor Bros., Hendersonville, N.C. The Smith herd numbered 102 head and have joined the Pryor Bros. herd of about 350 Jerseys. Pryor Bros. retail milk under the all Jersey trademark. "The Smith farm was purchased in 1926 by the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Smith. The original cows were brought from Greene county. Mr. Smith started a retail milk business in the Worcester and East Worcester area in 1928, assisted by his sons, Gilbert and Matt E. Smith. This business was carried on until 1965 when the milk business was sold to Mountain Dairy of Cobleskill. "Matt is now president of the Farmers and Traders Insurance Co. in Syracuse. Gilbert told the Times-Monitor that the farm is for sale and his future plans are indefinite. However, spring crops will be planted, he said. "The farm is jointly owned by Gilbert and Matt Smith and has been one of the outstanding dairies in New York state for many years." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor, T188; maps of Smith property, T182-T184]] 1969, July 24 -- "Announcement has been made this week of the sale of the well-known Smith dairy farm in Worcester to Mr. and Mrs. John Stockdale of Ridgetown, N.J. ... Mr. and Mrs. Stockdale expect to take possession on Aug. 2 and will reside there with their youngest son. The Stockdales will raise beef cattle and later they expect to add truck gardening to their operation. ..." [Newspaper article, T186] 1969, August 1 -- Smiths' Jersey Dairy machinery and equipment is sold at auction. [Auction notice, T188] 1997 -- A photograph of "Gilbert F. Smith Supervising the bottling operation at Smiths' milk house" appears on page 58 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. 1999, November 9 -- "Worcester -- Gilbert F. Smith, 87, of Worcester, died Saturday, Nov. 6, 1999, at Robinson Terrace in Stamford. "He was born Sept. 27, 1912, in Cornwallville, the son of Albert E. and Minnie A. (France) Smith. "He married Irene DeLong on March 30, 1934, in Worcester. She predeceased him on March 25, 1998. "Mr. Smith moved to Worcester in the eighth grade. He lived on the family farm, Smith Jersey Dairy. The family had a retail milk route in Worcester, East Worcester and Schenevus. "In 1970, he and his family moved into the village of Worcester. Mr. Smith then worked for Rua & Sons Hardware Co. in Cobleskill and after retirement spent the winters in Bradenton, Fla. "Mr. Smith was a member of the Worcester United Methodist Church, and at one time was an official on the board and was the treasurer for the church; he was a member and past master of the Schenevus Valley Masonic Lodge 592; a member and past officer of the Worcester Historical Society; a member of the Worcester Grange 1274; GLF/Agway councilman; on the board of directors for the Eastern Artificial Breeders; a councilman for the town of Worcester; and on the Worcester Assessment Board. "Mr. Smith is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Patricia and Bernard Hoye of Worcester, Gwen and Donald Petro of Petaluma, Calif., and Harriet and Douglas Cornwell of Schoharie; two sons and daughters-in-law, Gerald G. and Sue Smith of Cold Brook and Bruce A. and Janice Smith of Oneonta; 12 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren, brother and sister-in-law, Matt E. and Charlotte Smith of Syracuse; and nieces, nephews and cousins. "Calling hours will be from noon until the service time at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11, 1999, at the United Methodist Church, Main Street, Worcester. "A Masonic service will be held at 1 p.m. by the Schenevus Valley Masonic Lodge 592 and the funeral service will follow, with the Rev. Joyce Allen, pastor, officiating. "Burial will be at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. "Contributions may be made in memory of Mr. Smith to the Worcester Historical Society ... or the United Methodist Church ... "Funeral arrangements are by the E.J. Skinner Co., 115 Main St., Worcester." [Obituary of Gilbert F. Smith, T216-T217] 1999, November 11 -- Pallbearers were Gerald G. Smith, Bruce A. Smith, Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., Donald P. Petro, Douglas A. Cornwell, Lowell E. Smith and Lawrence A. DeLong. 2000, April 23 -- "Gilbert F. Smith -- Cause of death and underlying disease process: "Gilbert died 11/6/1999 at Robinson Terrace Nursing Home in Stamford, New York. Certificate of death Part 1-A&B shows congestive heart failure and arteriosclerotic heart disease. This is correct. Part 2 'Other significant conditions contributing to death but not related to cause given in Part 1A' lists Muscular Dystrophy. This is incorrect based on family knowledge and information. "Records at Robinson Terrace Nursing Home listed Muscular Dystrophy and Roussy-Levy Syndrome. This information came from Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown NY, where Gilbert was followed by Dr. Emery Herman and others for primary care needs. "In 1976 Gilbert was evaluated by Dr. Peggy Hansen, a neurologist affiliated with Albany Medical Center. She wondered if he might have Distal Dystrophy. ... "Following ... evaluations and testing, Dr. Hansen reported that Gilbert did not have Muscular Dystrophy and/or Distal Dystrophy. She did not suggest further evaluation be done regarding the Roussy-Levy Syndrome diagnosis. "In the early 1990's it was advised by Dr. Edwin L. Rosenblum, neurologist [Medical Director for the Center for the Disabled -- formerly the Cerebral Palsy Center for the Disabled], that work be done at Albany Medical Center to confirm or deny Roussy-Levy Syndrome -- he stated that he did not believe it to be a correct diagnosis as none of Gilbert's 5 children [by then middle aged adults] had symptoms -- nor could anyone report any known family history. "No work up was undertaken and Gilbert and his wife, Irene, both deteriorated in general health and trips to Albany were impossible. "It appears that information from outside MD's did not become a part of Gilbert's Bassett Healthcare medical record. "Patricia Smith Hoye "Harriet Smith Cornwell" [T218] 2000, April 25 -- The Worcester Historical Society placed an historical marker at the I-88 westbound rest area in East Worcester, in memory of Gilbert F. and Irene D. Smith.1920 -- "C.D. Cattell has taken a partner into his barber business. His name is Walter Howard Cattell, weight 8 pounds, and was born to Mr. & Mrs. Cattell Sunday, January 11, 1920." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AH] 1923, January 17 -- "Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Cattell gave a party last Thursday evening in honor of their son, Walter's, birthday. Those present were Irene and Albert DeLong, Burdette Johnson and Mariam Schutt." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1926, July 14 -- "Dr. D.F. Bolt assisted by Mrs. F.J. Holliday operated on the two small sons of Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Cattell for relief from adenoids and tonsils." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AR] 1942, January 21 -- "Note about Walter Cattell, son of Charles Cattell, formerly of Worcester, enlisting in the Marines and being sent to Parris Island, South Carolina." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BM] 1944, April 5 -- "Acquaintances of Cpl. Walter H. Cattell will be pleased to note his citation by Gen. Alex. A. Vandergrift U.S.M.C. for outstanding bravery and fulfillment of duty in the action at Tulagegavnter, Tanambogo, Florida and Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands. He is one of the 1st Marine Division and has been oveseas since June, 1942. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR] 2011, June 29 -- "Walter Cattell 91 of Malta, N.Y. and Okeechobee, Fl. passed away Wednesday June 22, 2011 at Raulerson Hospital. Born on January 11, 1920 in Worcester, N.Y., he was son of Charles Dorsey Cattell and Ella F. Cattell. Predeceased by brother Donald (Lucy) and sister Dorothy Burgess (Rev. Robert). Survived by son Richard Keith Cattell (Martha Cattell-Sears) and daughters Donna Pensabene (Lawrence) and Kim Garrow. Walt's three granddaughters, Lucinda Cattell, Laurie Herman, and Melissa Place (Denis), great-grandsons Garret Herman and Jaden Place. Predeceased by spouse[s] Elizabeth Carroll Cattell, Marge Lavery Cattell, Myra Sowle Cattell. Having step children Neal Sowle (Alice), Noel Sowle (Marion), Nate Sowle (Ann), Nevin Sowle and their families. " He was raised in Worcester and the Albany area and loved to fish and hunt. He graduated from Albany High School and entered the Marines when World War Two began, serving as sergeant in 'The Old Breed' 1st Marine Division at the Battle of Guadalcanal, Savo Island, Cape Gloucester, and the Battle of New Britain. "Walt was a Renaissance man who worked as a mechanic and welder and founded various businesses including Walt's Welding Supply. Walt became a certified welder at General Electric and could fabricate about anything with steel, blueprint or not. The people in his area knew he used large amounts of oxygen, acetylene and welding rod and came to him to borrow supplies. Walt saw this as an opportunity. For many years he fabricated and installed trailer hitches at Northway Travel Trailers in Malta. He also had been employed by J.H. Maloy and Sons as a master mechanic and Red Star Express Lines. Walter had been a member and board member of Barkersville Christian Church from 1980-1990. His many and varied talents included bowling, an accomplished violinist and spoke fluent German. "Upon retirement, he spent time at Lake Okeechobee, Florida, and the Kissimmee River where he enjoyed his first love, fishing. Sunday morning Walt felt sick but wanted to go for a ride to visit all his favorite fishing holes. When he finished to his satisfaction he announced he felt better; however he needed to go to the hospital. "A memorial service and interment will take place at the Gerald B. Solomon National Cemetery, Schuylverville NY July 8, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. EST; all welcome." [Obituary, Burgess Family Web Site; S59]1921, June 8 -- "A son was born on Monday June 6 to Mr. & Mrs. Cattell. Weight 9-1/2 pounds. We extend congratulations. The youngster has been christened Donald Charles." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1926, July 14 -- "Dr. D.F. Bolt assisted by Mrs. F.J. Holliday operated on the two small sons of Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Cattell for relief from adenoids and tonsils." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AR] 1954 -- "A former Albany man, Donald C. Cattell, 33, was killed yesterday at North Highlands, Calif., when the government truck he was driving blew a tire and plunged down an embankment. "Cattell, who graduated from Albany High School in 1939, had lived in California seven years. He was employed at McClelland Air Base. "His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattell, 447 First St., were told the accident happened about 2 p.m. A fellow worker, who was on the truck with the former Albany man, was injured critically. Mr. and Mrs. Cattell left Albany by plane this afternoon to attend funeral services Thursday at North Highlands. "Cattell, who had three years of service in World War 2 as a ground crewman in the Marine Air Wing, was stationed at Hawaii and Midway. He received recognition in 1942 when he enlisted as the 1,000th recruit from the Albany station. "Besides his parents, survivors include his wife, the former Elizabeth Lucy Norman of Sacramento; a son, James, 2; a brother, Walter Cattell, North Highlands, and a sister, Mrs. Robert Burgess Jr., of Canastota. "Before entering service, Cattell was employed by General Electric Company. He lived for a time at 12 Villa Rd., Menands, before going to California." [Newspaper article, D97] 1954 -- "... Donald C. Cattell was the son of Charles D. and Ella (DeLong) Cattell and was born in the village of Worcester on June 6, 1921. His father, it will be recalled, operated a barber shop in this village before moving to Worcester. Mrs. Cattell is a sister of Mrs. E.F. Johnson and Arthur DeLong, both of Worcester." [Newspaper article, T250]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇўџџџЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабўџџџгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓўџџџѕіїјљњћќ§ўџrgess, 74, of 105 Bruno Road, died Wednesday, March 22, 2000, at Crouse Hospitals, Syracuse, following a lengthy illness. "She was born on September 16, 1925, in Worcester, NY, the daughter of Charles and Ella DeLong Cattell. "Dorothy spent her early years in Worcester and Albany, NY, attending Albany High School. She came to Canastota in 1954, where she had spent most of her life. From 1985 to 1989 she and her husband lived in Bristol, NH, where he was pastor of the Bristol Baptist Church. "She had taught Bible study classes in nursing homes, and also taught Sunday school, summer Bible School and released-time Religious Education classes, as well as being involved in various women's ministries. She loved her children and grandchildren. "Dorothy had been a member of the First Baptist Church of Canastota. "She married Rev. Robert J. Burgess on December 9, 1945 in Albany. "Surviving besides her husband are five sons and four daughters-in-law, Alan J. & Kathryn Burgess of Yreka, CA, Ronald A. & Mary Burgess of Belleville, OH, Thomas G. & Rene Burgess of Syracuse, NY, David P. Burgess of Cicero, NY and Mark S. & Nettie Burgess of Twin Falls, ID; an 'adoptive' daughter and her husband, Mary & Robert Bruzgulis of Frankfort, NY; one brother and two sisters-in-law, Walter H. & Myra Cattell of Ballston Spa, NY and Lucille Cattell of Lubbock, TX; thirteen grandchildren; two great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was pre-deceased by a brother, Donald Cattell and two grandchildren. "Burial will be in Lenox Rural Cemetery, Canastota. In her memory contributions may be made to the American Bible Society ... the Arthritis Foundation ... or the Greater Lenox Ambulance Service ..." [Obituary of Dorothy L. Burgess, S23]2003, April 6 -- "Rev. Robert J. Burgess, 78, of Canastota, died Friday, April 4, 2003 following a lengthy illness. He was born on September 20, 1924, in Newark, NY, the son of Robert J. Sr. and Anna A. Mellman Burgess. Bob was a 1942 graduate of Albany High School, later moving to Canastota. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Theology and a Masters Degree in Divinity from the International Bible Institute Seminary in Plymouth, Florida. After coming to Canastota, he had been a school bus driver for Oneida City Schools. Bob had served as pastor in several local churches. He had been a member of the VFW Memorial Post #600 in Canastota, the Canastota Rotary Club, a founder of GLAS (Greater Lenox Ambulance Service), a member of the American Baptist Churches of NYS, and had served as a board member for numerous charitable organizations. After his retirement, he was an Associate Director for Upstate Homes for Children and Adults Foundation, Inc., of Oneonta NY and President of the Canastota Overseas Veterans Association, Inc. In recent years, he had been honored for his service by GLAS, the Canastota Rotary Club and the Canastota Arera Association of Churches. He was a veteran of WWII, serving overseas with the US Army. Bob married Dorothy L. Cattell on December 9, 1945 in Albany. Dorothy died on March 22, 2000. Survivors: Five sons and four daughters-in-law, Alan & Kathryn Burgess of Yreka, CA, Ronald & Mary Burgess of Belleville, OH, Thomas and Rene Burgess of Syracuse, David P. Burgess of Cicero and Mark & Netti Burgess of Twin Falls, ID; one brother and sister-in-law, Richard & Kay Burgess of Lockport; one sister and brother-in-law, Ida May and Alden TenEyck of Winthrop, NY; eleven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. In addition, there are many others who are like family. Bob was predeceased by three sisters; and one granddaughter. Services: 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2003 at the First Baptist Church of Canastota, 304 S. Peterboro Street. The Rev. James R. Harriff, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Canastota and The Rev. William A. Carlsen, Executive MInister, American Baptist Churches of New York State, will co-officiate. Burial will be in Lexon Rural Cemetery, Canastota. Calling hours, Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the J. Homer Ball Funeral Home, Inc., 201 James Street, Canastota. Contributions: GLAS ... P.O. Box 382, Canastota NY 13032, the First Baptist Church of Canastota ... or Upstate Homes for Children and Adults, Inc., ... Oneonta NY. ..." [Syracuse Post Standard; S35]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–ўџџџ˜™š›œžŸ ЂтЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЭЎЏАБВГДЕўџџџЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬўџџџЮЯабсгдежзийклмнопрўџџџуђфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёѓfєѕіїјљњћќ_§џџџџPhotographs of the Albert Smith house in Cornwallville, New York, appear on pages T174 and T178. Photographs of Albert and Minnie Smith with Gilbert and Matt as young children appear on page T173. A portrait of Albert E. Smith appears on page 227 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. "Papa saw the need of mail delivery on the back roads around Cornwallville. Apparently he went around and obtained signatures of the people who would be interested in having R.F.D. ... In 1907, the government approved the idea and Papa was named carrier on a fourteen-mile route. ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 3; T303; further description of the mail route is at T308-T309] "Albert Smith is the carrier on the newly established R.F.D. route, and began his work Monday. During the winter the mail will be delivered the day after arrival at the office here to nearly all families south of this place, as far as George Paddock's, and as far north as Warren Finch's, including over fifty families altogether." [Newspaper article, T169] "At about the time of their marriage ... the folks together purchased the farm in the village of Cornwallville where they were to make their home until 1926. The house was located on the side of a hill so that the main floor was on the level of the back of the house while the basement area opened on the level of the street. ... another house alongside the main house was at first rented but later used for housing of our hired men ... The farm consisted of some 160 acres ... The cattle barn held about twelve cows (always Jerseys) ..." [Hours, 3-4; T303-T304; a map of Cornwallville is at T307] "Early in 1926, the folks made a major decision ... to leave Cornwallville and start a new life ... They had never lived anywheres but Cornwallville and there they were very active ... Papa had carried mail half of his life (19 years) and he was tired ... he wanted to get a larger dairy farm for him and the boys to work on ... Mama ... was determined that Gilbert and I would go to high school ... the folks made out a 'want' list ... The [Worcester farm of Irving Wiltsie] fulfilled the requirements ... " [Hours, 9-10; T309-T310] 1926, September 3 -- "At the Hall last Saturday night more than one hundred people gave a surprise and farewell party to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and sons, as this week they went to their new home in Worcester. their going is a great loss to our village, as they are good neighbors and willing to help in any church benefits. ..." [The Recorder, T171] 1926 -- "Village Dwelling Suitable for Boarders; 375 Pear Trees -- Come along and see this desirable property. The 30x45 barn has been converted into a poultry house capable of carrying 800 birds; the old Colonial house has 10 rooms, newly painted, new roof, hardwood flooring, running water, bath, electric lights. Located in a pleasant village, near all advantages, on asphalt highway, just mile to lovely pond, easy run to Catskill. About 6 acres for fruit and garden; some apples; 375 bearing pear trees. This may be just the property for you. Terms." [Newspaper advertisement, T113] "... When Papa was still on the [milk] route, the local Catholic priest, Father Reilly, who was very fond of our NYS Governor, Alfred Smith, started to call Papa 'the Governor' and this nick name was soon adopted by us and many others in town." [Hours, 13; T313] 1962, August -- The Farmer's Museum acquired the Cornwallville Methodist Episcopal Church, and later moved the building "piece by piece" to its grounds in Cooperstown and restored it as part of its Village Crossroads exhibit. [Newspaper articles, T195-T205] This had been the ancestral church of the Smith family. [Gilbert F. Smith] 1963 -- "Albert E. Smith, 74, of Worcester, died Friday September 27, in the Jobmann Nursing Home, Worcester, after a long illness. "Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday September 30, in the Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester. The Rev. Larry H. Saxe, Worcester Methodist Church pastor, will officiate. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Mr. Smith was born Nov. 14, 1888, in the Town of Durham, Greene County, son of Edward and Minnie (Eckler) Smith. "He married Minnie A. France March 8, 1911, in Cornwallville. "Mr. Smith had been an RFD mail carrier in Cornwallville and in 1926, moved to Worcester, where he and his sons operated a dairy farm and retail milk business. "He was a member of the Worcester Methodist Church, Schenevus Valley Lodge F&AM, Schenevus; Tri-County, New York State and American Jersey Cattle Clubs, Worcester Grange, and the Otsego County Pomona and New York State Granges. "He was the local committee chairman for the Otsego County Extension Service, State Agriculture Department; chairman of the local G.L.F. Patron's Committee for many years; served as Justice of the Peace, Town of Worcester from Jan. 1, 1934 to Jan. 1, 1954, and was supervisor of the Town of Worcester from April 30 to December 31, 1954. "He is survived by his wife; two sons, Gilbert and Matthias Smith, Worcester; two brothers, Arthur and Ernest Smith, Catskill; a sister, Mrs. Frank Lance, Bernardsville, N.J.; six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; and two nieces. ..." [Obituary of Albert E. Smith, D98 and T189] 1997 -- "The Chamberlain Farmstead, at 17-20 Main Street, was once owned by Albert and Minnie Smith, who operated Smiths' Jersey Dairy along with their sons, Gilbert and Matthias. The family took great pride in its herd of Jerseys. On July 1, 1928 it began its own milking, processing and bottling business, which also included home deliveries. A pasteurizing process was added about 1940 and home deliveries were extended to East Worcester. Customers appreciated the excellent quality of the Jersey milk and cream. Effective January 1, 1965, Smiths' Jersey Dairy sold the rights to deliver milk on its retail routes to Mountain Dairy of Cobleskill, which made deliveries briefly in East Worcester. the Smiths continued to produce milk for shipment to market until 1967, when they sold the farm land and milking stock." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 58; includes photos of the dairy and of Gilbert F. Smith] 1997 -- "The town entered 1950 under the elected leadership of nine long-serving officers... Albert E. ('the Governor') Smith had been Justice since 1934 ... Two deaths in 1954 brought additional changes -- [C. LeRoy] Goddell's passing resulted in the April appointment of Smith as Supervisor, and the latter's retirement from office at the end of the year led to the election of Maynard B. Skinner ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 226-227; includes photo of Albert E. Smith]"... Mama, before marriage ... did work during a few summers at the Lake Mohonk resort near New Paltz ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 3; T303] 1967 -- "Mrs. Minnie A. Smith, 78, died Jan. 12, 1967 at the McDonough nursing home, Worcester. "Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Skinner funeral home, Worcester. The Rev. Thomas P. White, pastor of the Worcester Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be later in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "She was born Aug. 12, 1887, in Cornwallville, daughter of Matthias and Ella (Bouton) France. She was married to Albert E. Smith March 8, 1911, in Cornwallville. He died in 1963. "She had lived in the town of Worcester for the past 40 years, moving from Cornwallville. She was a member of the Methodist church of Worcester, the Worcester Grange and the OES. "Surviving are two sons, Gilbert of Worcester and Matthias of Fayetteville; six grandchildren; five great grandchildren, and a niece. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Minnie A. Smith, T191] 2000, January 6 -- "Meme ... always spoke of Indian blood in family. Charlotte Smith has passed on to me a silver bracelet with 'Indian' motifs -- she says it was given to her by Meme & that she was told it came to the family via Charlotte Mudge (wife of James Boughton)." [Patricia S. Hoye]1954, October 19 -- "Patricia Ann Smith, Hartwick College school of nursing student, yesterday received the $350 scholarship given by the Otsego County Tuberculosis and Public Health Association. "Miss Edith Lacey, chairman of the association's scholarship committee and dean of the nursing school, presented the award on behalf of the scholarship committee ... "Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Worcester. Her mother is a 1932 graduate of Hartwick College. "Miss Smith was active in school affairs at Worcester Central School, where she graduated in 1954. She was class secretary, on the school paper, Student Council, Music Club, cheerleaders and elected to the Sportsmanship Brotherhood. "She received the American Agriculturist Foundation award and other awards in homemaking, speaking contests, music, arts and crafts and poster contest. "The scholarship is being supplemented by the school of nursing to give Patricia a full tuition scholarship of $500." [Oneonta Star, including photo, T221; won again in 1955, T222]1959, June 4 -- "Miss Gwen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, was graduated on Saturday from a two year secretarial       !"#ўџџџ%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=ўџџџ?@ABCDўџџџFўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџMNOPQRSTUVўџџџXYZ[\]ўџџџ_`aўџџџcdefghijklmnўџџџpqrsўџџџuvwxўџџџz{|}ўџџџ€course at the Alfred Agricultural and Technical school. "Attending from Worcester were her parents ... her grandmother, Mrs. Albert E. Smith; her brothers, Gerald and Bruce, and sisters, Mrs. Bernard Hoye Jr. of Cooperstown and Miss Harriet Smith of Worcester ..." [Newspaper article, D71] 1961 -- "Home for Christmas before leaving the U.S. to serve abroad with the United States Foreign Service is Gwen A. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith of 20 Main street, Worcester. "She will fly from New York Jan. 3 for Germany to serve as a secretary in the American Consulate General in Munich for the next two years. "Miss Smith is a graduate of Worcester Central and Alfred State Technical Institute. At the time of her appointment to the Foreign Service staff of the Department of State, she was a stenographer with the N.Y. State Department of Health. "Since her arrival in Washington, D.C. in May, Miss Smith has been receiving training in the Bureau of European Affairs of the Department of State. Her Washington assignment was capped by a three weeks' orientation course at the Foreign Service Institute in Arlington, Va., where new employees are familiarized with conditions they will encounter overseas, as well as with matters of protocol and diplomatic procedure." [Newspaper article, T250; similar article in Oneonta Star, December 28, 1961, P111]1959, April 12 -- "Worcester Central School Seniors, Class of 1959 -- enjoyed a visit to Washington during Easter vacation ... Back row: ... Jerry Smith ..." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor; photo; D143] "Marine Aviation Cadet Gerald G. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Smith of 20 Main street, Worcester, on Mar. 8 made his first solo flight in a jet trainer while undergoing flight training with Training Squadron Seven at the McCain Field Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Meridian, Miss. "Students in the training squadron receive approximately 18 hours of dual instruction in the North American T2J-1 'Buckeye' jet trainer before attempting their first solo flights. "Cadet Smith entered the service in April 1962 and is a graduate of Cobleskill Agricultural and Technical Institute." [Newspaper article]"Four area girls are among the 81 persons who have successfully passed the recent state examination for dental hygienist. Newly licensed hygienists include ... Harriet Irene Smith, Worcester." [Newspaper article, T294]The Hamwey family is Greek in origin. [Janice H. Smith], CA April 19 -- "The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families," compiled by Lawrence A. DeLong and Donald P. Petro, is published.Lucinda Swan "lived in Otsego Co." presumably at or before the time of her marriage. [Irene M. Smith research, C19] 1845 --2011, July 16 -- "Worcester -- Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., 75, died Wednesday, July 13, 2011, at Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown. "He was born July 21, 1935 in Walton, the son of Bernard F. Hoye, Sr. and Lena (Terry) Hoye. "Bernard was a graduate of Worcester Central School, Class of 1952, and of Paul Smith's College in 1954, with a degree in forestry. "He served in the United States Army National Guard. "He married Patricia Smith on Nov. 22, 1958, at St. Joseph's Rectory in Worcester. "Bernard was employed by the state Department of Transportation as a highway engineer for 37-1/2 years, retiring in 1991. "He was a member of the Worcester Fire Department, where he was a former first assistant chief and served on the Fire Advisory Board. He was a member of the Worcester Pool Development Corp., the Worcester Emergency Squad, Worschenevus Camp, the Fire Department Bowling Team and the Worcester Investment Club. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America and as an adult was on the local Boy Scout Committee. He was also a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. "He enjoyed fishing, hunting, RV traveling and was an avid kite flyer. "He is survived by his wife, Patricia; children Bernard and wife, Ellen, of Skippack, Pa.; Timothy and wife, Carol, of Downingtown., Pa., and Lisa and husband, Gary Mantz, of Chittenango; grandchildren, Emily and Timothy Hoye, Connor, Garret, Sarah and Rachel Mantz; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. "He was peredeceased by his sister, Joan Stahlnecker. "Calling hours will be held 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 17, 2011 at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, Worcester. "A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, July 18, 2011 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Worcester, with the Rev. Ronald Green as celebrant. "Interment will be in the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. "Donations may be made to St. Joseph's Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Centers, 159 Glenwood, P.O. Box 470, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 or Worcester Emergency Squad, P.O. Box 191, Worcester NY 12197 ... " [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; T230AA-T230AB]Surname variations -- "Hewett" appears in Samuel's will [D35-D36]; "Hewitt" appears on his and Lucinda's gravestones [Lawrence A. DeLong]. 1762 -- One of three years of birth that appear in Irene D. Smith's genealogical research [C11]. It is interpolated from the gravestone inscription; the other years are 1765 [The Hewit Family by Rev. Dr. Hewitt of Bridgeport, Conn., D30] and 1766 [C18 and Descendants of William Cheseborough, D24]. "lived in Otsego Co." [The Hewit Family, D30] 1848, April -- "Surrogate's Office, Cooperstown, Otsego, N.Y. "Index of Wills, page 171. "Vol. 8 - page 218, Book 1846-1853 "Will of Samuel Hewett, Westford, Otsego Co., New York. "Samuel Hewett died July 11, 1847 "In the name of God, Amen. I Samuel Hewett of the town of Westford, in the County of Otsego, State of New York, being sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do hereby make publish and declare my last Will and testament in manner and form following; that is to say -- "First, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Polly Chase the wife of Benjamin Chase, one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executors in one year after my decease without interest. "Second, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Betsy Delong, wife of Ephraim Delong, one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executors in two years after my decease without interest. "Third, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eunice Snyder, wife of George Snyder, one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executors in three years after my decease without interest. "Fourth, I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Hewett Jr. one hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid to him at such time as he shall call for the same, without interest. "Fifth, I give and bequeath to my son Doctor Jesse Hewett the sum of fifty dollars to be paid to him by my executors at the expiration of four years from my decease without interest. "Sixth, I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren, Fanella (?) Wright, Lyman Wright and Olive Wright, the children of Pomeroy Wright of Westford in the county of Otsego, State of New York, ten dollars each to be paid to them respectively by my executors at the expiration of five years from and after my decease without interest. "Seventh, I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren, John Hewett, Harriet Hewett and Mary Hewett, children of my son Amos Hewett, deceased, the sum of ten dollars each to be paid to them respectively by my executors at the expiration of five years from my decease without interest. "Eighth, I give and bequeath unto my wife Lucinda Hewett the use of one half of my dwelling house for herself and my daughter Lucinda Hewett to use occupy and dwell in during the life of my wife Lucinda also I give and bequeath unto my said wife all of my household furniture also two cows to be kept on the farm by my executors where I now reside and furnished and provided with sufficient keeping both summer and winter and taken care of by my executors. I also direct my executors to furnish my said wife during her natural life with all the things making for her comfortable maintenance and support both in sickness and in health and for the maintenance and support of my daughter Lucinda. I also direct my executors to provide and furnish my said wife from time to time with good and sufficient fire wood prepared fit for the fire and delivered to the door for her use and comfort during her natural life and I further also order and direct and so declare my will to be that in case my said daughter Lucinda shall survive my said wife, that she, my said daughter shall have the right to remain and dwell in said dwelling house on said farm during her natural life if she shall choose so to do and there to be provided for and furnished by my executors with all things necessary for her comfortable maintenance and support. "Ninth, I further give and bequeath unto my said wife Lucinda and daughter Lucinda the sum of five dollars annually at the expiration of each and every year during the natural life of both and after the death of my said wife I give and bequeath to my said daughter Lucinda, if she shall survive my wife the sum of two dollars and fifty cents annually to be paid by my executors each and every year during her natural life. "Tenth, It is hereby declared to be my intent and will that the above bequeath and provision to and for my said wife Lucinda is and shall be in heir [lieu?] of all dower or right of dower or thirds which she may be entitled out of my said property and estate. "Eleventh, I give, devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of my personal and real estate which I shall own or be possessed of at the time of my death to my two sons, Lyman and Alanson Hewett, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever, share and share alike. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons, Lyman Hewett and Alanson Hewett executors of this my last Will and testament ... "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and forty. "... witnesses Samuel Hewett, L.S. Schuyler Crippen, Cooperstown, N.Y. Samuel S. Bowne, Cooperstown, N.Y. "Affirmed before me, this 19th day of April, 1848. "Hiram Kinne, Surrogate." [D35-D36] 1878 -- "Samuel Hewitt came into the town [Westford] in an early day, and located where Henry Prindle now lives. A grandson, A.C. De Long, Esq., resides in Schenevus. On the hill on the premises now occupied by Edward Bentley, his father was a pioneer." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 354; E21] "Friday the 28 [February] visited to Mrs. Hewits with Clarissa Willsey and Mary Jane, Mrs. Delong and two of Mrs. Chase's daughters." [Diary of Harriet Emmons Rice, "Maryland & Westford," D149]1845 -- "Friday the 28 [February] visited to Mrs. Hewits with Clarissa Willsey and Mary Jane, Mrs. Delong and two of Mrs. Chase's daughters." [Diary of Harriet Emmons Rice, "Maryland & Westford," D149]"father of author Dr. Hewit of Bridgport" [Notes accompanying Irene M. Smith's and Frances C. Johnson's research, D30]Surname variation -- "Hewit" appears in Last Will and Testament of Joseph Hewit (the father) [D33] A death date of May 2, 1751 appearing in Irene M. Smith's genealogical research is obviously erroneous inasmuch as Joseph appears in his father's will executed in 1784 [D33] , and the marriage year is more likely 1757 instead of 1751 inasmuch as the first child appeared in 1758. [Lawrence A. DeLong]Called "a wild man" in Irene M. Smith's genealogical research. [C18 and The Hewit Family by Rev. Dr. Hewitt of Bridgeport, Conn., D30]]Note that Nathaniel Hewitt married "Mrs. Rebecca Grant" may indicate that she had been married previously. [Irene M. Smith reseaSurname variation -- "Hewit" appears in Joseph's Last Will and Testament [D33] "A Benjamin Hewitt intervenes between Joseph (1720) and Samuel Cheseborough who is known only by tradition." [The Hewit Family by Rev. Dr. Hewitt of Bridgeport, Conn., D30] 1787, January 2 -- "At a court of Probate held at Stonington Jany 2 1787 "Present the Honbl Chs Phelps Esqr. Judge "Appeared in this Court Joseph Grant Hewit and exhibited the last Will of Capt Joseph Hewit late of Stonington decd which this Court hath proved by the testimony of Mesrs Joshua Swan and Asher Brown and this Court doth approve sd Will & order it recorded. "The Last Will & Testament of Joseph Hewit of Stonington in the County of New London & State of Connecticut is as followeth (viz) my Will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my executor hereafter named and as touching such estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give, devise & dispose of the same in manner and form following viz -- "(Impr) I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Mehetabel Hewit the use and improvement of the west great room and the chamber over it and the northeast bed-room in the house where I now live and room in the cellar sufficient for her use and a privilege in the oven in the kitchen and liberty of water at and in the well and the use and improvement of the east part of the farm I now live on - Beginning at a corner of a wall about 4 rods north of my stable then southerly as the wall now runs to the stable so as to include one half of it to the east and so bounded southerly and then westwardly to the road so as to include a small yard southwest from the house and so bounded on the east side of the road to Eldredge's land for and during the whole term that she shall remain my widow. Also I give to her dispose forever my riding mare or one that shall be worth 40 dollars which she shall choose Woman's Saddle and bridle and the choice of my cows and my Indian boy named Peter together with all my household goods or indoor moveable estate to be at her disposal forever. "Item -- I give to my beloved son Joseph Hewit my gun or fire Lock -- five pounds lawful money to be paid to him or his heirs in one year after the death of my wife by my executor hereafter named. "Item -- I give to my daughter Hannah Wheeler one dollar to be pd to her in 1 year after my decease. "Item -- I give to my daughter Prudence Lewis one dollar to be pd. in two years after my decease by my executor "Item -- I give to my daughter Ann Whipple 2 dollars to be pd in 2 years after my decease by my executor "Item -- I give and bequeath to my grand-son Josiah Grant Hewit the house and farm where I now live and all my other estate both real and personal that I am seized of to him and his heirs forever, he first paying all mu just debts & also all the above legacies at the time I have ordered them to be paid out of my movable estate or lands. "Finally -- I do hereby nominate ordain and appoint my grandson Josiah Grant Hewit to be executor ... dated at Stonington the 18th day of Nov. A.D. 1784. "Joseph Hewit. (Seal) "Signed sealed published pronounced & declared by the Testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of these witnesses. Joshua Swan Asher Brown & Joseph Denison" [Probate Records of the District of Stonington, Vol. 5, pages 23-24; D33-D34] 1938, October -- "We have a Joseph Hewitt leaving a Will, who evidently died sometime in 1787. ..." [Letter from Winifred H. Casey, Judge of Probate, Stonington, Conn., D25]rch, C18]Irene Smith's genealogical research lists Priscilla Hewitt and Elizabeth Baldwin as wives of Jesse Swan in different places. It is uncertain what is accurate.1908, October 15 -- "Mrs. Oscar DeLong was called to Rensselaerv‚ƒ„…†ўџџџˆ‰Š‹ŒŽўџџџ‘’“”•–—˜™ўџџџ›œўџџџžŸ ЁЂўџџџЄЅІЇЈЉўџџџЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШўџџџЪЫЬЭЮЯабвўџџџдежўџџџийкўџџџмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕўџџџїјљњћќ§ўџille on Saturday by the illness of her sister, Miss Lucy Golden. Miss Golden died on Saturday, before Mrs. DeLong's arrival, we understand. The funeral was held Tuesday." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O]1909, May 6 -- "Mrs. Oscar DeLong and daughter Ella attended the funeral of the former's brother M.S. Golden, at Rensselaerville last Tgursday. Less than a year ago, Mrs. DeLong was called to the same place by the death of a sister." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96P]"... she was from Schoharie County -- around the Howes Cave area, as I visited her sister when I was around 12 yrs old -- She was married to Zeh ... Also Kniskern -- seems to be a name from that area that rings all ..." (Betty Eaton letter to Irene and Gilbert Smith, May 25, 1991, D88-D89]"Early Res. Preston, Conn." [Arthur S. DeLong ancestry chart, D90]"A Benjamin Hewitt intervenes between Joseph (1720) and Samuel Cheseborough who is known only by tradition." [The Hewit Family by Rev. Dr. Hewitt of Bridgeport, Conn., D30]While both William Cheseborough and Anna Stephenson were born in England, one in 1594 and one in 1598, researchers have confused notes of the exact dates applicable to each [C11, D29, E23 are all different]1850 -- The Federal census for the Town of Maryland at 192 lists Silas Manzer 46 Farmer $1200, Asenath 36, Alford 14, Benjamin 10, Albert 1, Celesta Hubbard 13, Betsey A. Hubbard 11, Amanda Hubbard 8, all born in New York. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C61] 1875 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists Silas Manzer, 71 M, Stone Mason, born in Otsego Co.; Aseneth Manzer, 62 F, wife, Otsego Co.; Albert V. (?) Manzer, 26 M, child, Farmer, Otsego Co.; Rebecca Manzer, 24 F, daughter-in-law, Delaware Co.; Rynaldo Manzer 3-7/12 M, grandson, Otsego Co.; and Francis H. Manzer, 2-5/12 M, grandson, Otsego Co. [DeLong, C60E] 1998 -- Silas Manzer plot in Schenevus Cemetery contains markers for Silas, his wife "Asenath Delong" and "Alfred H., son of Silas and Mary." The age difference between Silas and Asenith would allow for a likely first wife Mary, who would have been the mother of the first two boys in the 1850 census. [Lawrence A. DeLong speculation]1840 -- Albert Hubbard appears at 260 in the census of the Town of Westford, Otsego County, New York, with 1 male 20-30, 1 female 20-30 and 2 females under 5. Chauncey Hubbard appears on the same page with 1 male 20-30, 1 (15-20), 1 female 20-30 and 1 female under 5. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C63]Irene M. Smith's genealogical records indicate that the relationship between Mary Clark and Elizabeth Baldwin is not certain.Details of the life of Capt. James Babcock appear on pages 14-18 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O142-O146]"The Hewit family is supposed to be descended from Sir Robert Hewitt of Derbeshire, England who lived in the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547). Coat of Arms - Three owls and a dove. Rev. Dr. Hewitt in Cromwell's time (about 1660) was brought to trial as a traitor to Cromwell's government and adherence to the Crown. When summoned to the bar, he refused to plead thinking that to plead under such circumstances would be to betray the liberties of Englishmen. His standing mute was taken as evidence of guilt and he was beheaded by Cromwell notwithstanding the interference of Cromwell's son-in-law and his favorite daughter. He was a most useful and active man (See Index to Lingards History of England page 362)" (from The Hewit Family by Rev. Dr. Hewit, Bridgeport, Connecticut; Irene M. Smith and Frances C. Johnson research; D26, E25 and E31)1899 -- Hattie and Nettie E. Albert are listed as students in Sc     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFўџџџHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzўџџџ|}~€hool District No. 10, Worcester, N.Y. [M35] 1904, August 20 -- "Harriet" and Nettie Albert are listed as playing several piano selections at Avis Florine Multer's Pupils' Recital No. 4 [M23] 1966, February 16 -- "Schenevus -- Mrs. Nettie E. Griswold, 75, of 2 East St., died February 15 at Fox Hospital, Oneonta, after a short illness. "Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Bennett Funeral Home, Schenevus, with the Rev. George Ree, pastor of Schenevus Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Worcester Cemetery at the convenience of the family. "Mrs. Griswold was born Feb. 15, 1891 at East Worcester, daughter of Luther and Eva (Dauley) Albert. She married Wickham H. Griswold Jan. 26, 1914 in Worcester. "She had been a glovemaker in area factories for nearly 30 years, and was a lifelong resident of the area. "She attended Schenevus Baptist Church. "Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Raymond Axtell, Maryland; Mrs. Marjorie Freeman, Schenevus; a niece, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Worcester, and a nephew, Albert DeLong, Worcester, several cousins. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Nettie E. Griswold, N10] 1915 -- "W.H. Griswold has moved from the Judson Goodenough farm at Tuscan to his father's 210-acre farm three miles below this village. His father, John Griswold, has moved to a house which he recently purchased in Schenevus." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AC] 1950 -- "Schenevus -- Wickham H. Griswold died in his home in Schenevus Friday after an illness of four years. "Funeral services will be held at the Tillapaugh Funeral Home in Schenevus at 2 p.m., Monday, with the Rev. Lynn Brown, pastor of the Schenevus Methodist Church, officiating. "Mr. Griswold was born in Elk Creek March 27, 1876, son of John and Elizabeth VanWee. He was married to Nettie Albert Jan. 26, 1914, in Worcester. His education was received at the Schenevus district school. "He was a former member of the Worcester Grange and the Schenevus Lodge, IOOF. "Surviving Mr. Griswold is his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Freeman of Schenevus and Mrs. Raymond Axtell of Maryland; one brother, Charles Griswold of Cooperstown ..." [Newspaper article, N10] 1950, February 22 -- "Wickham H. Griswold obit. He was the son of John and Frances VanWie Griswold. Bo. Elk Creek March 27, 1876. Married Nettie Albert of Tuscan in Worcester on Jan. 26, 1914. Funeral held in Schenevus." [Linda Robinson notes, Worcester Times; C96BX]"John Dawley, born Lisnegarvey (      !"#$%&'(ўџџџ*+,-./012345678ўџџџ:;<=>?@ABCDўџџџFGHIJKLMNOPQўџџџSTUVWXYZ[\]^ўџџџ`abcdegЖЎijklmnopqrsўџџџ§џџџvwxyz{|}~€Amos spoke French until he was 10 years old. [Unverified family story] 1910 - Lived at 2101 Bleecker Street, Utica, New York, following marriage [Smith-Platt wedding article, H15] 1953, June 14 - "Last Monday was a big day for Amos W. Smith, marking, not only his retirement, after 47-1/2 years with the Utica & Mohawk Valley Railroad, New York State Railways and Utica Transit Corp., but his 43rd wedding anniversary. "A bus driver on the cross-town lines, alternating between New York Mills and Whitesboro runs, Smith has literally hundreds of well-wishing friends of all ages. His full-time record, on file in the Main St. office of the transit corporation, is completely creditable. "He is quitting the job, not because he's weary of it -- rather, he says, he has liked it more and more each year -- but because he is in the best of health and spirits, and wants to stay that way. He has a lot of fishing to do -- for bullheads and trout -- a garden to cultivate and he and Mrs. Smith will be doing considerable traveling. They'll leave next month for a southern trip that will include several weeks stay with a son and daughter-in-law in Boston, Ky. "Born in a log cabin, one of a little community of similar dwellings out Port Leyden way, youngest of four children of a log jobber and his wife, Smith was christened Ambrose. But the name never stuck. Somewhere, somehow, as a young fellow he became 'Amos' to everyone. Despite his surname, his background on both sides of his family was French. "Although he came, with the family, to New York Mills to live when he was eight, Amos brought with him a love for the woods, inherited from his father, which has lasted through the years. In the village, where his father died at a comparatively early age, young Smith went to public school up to the eighth grade. "Then, at 13, (tall and strapping enough to get by, with no questions about his age), he went into the mills on a full time, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. basis. Saturday afternoons 'off' had just come into the industrial picture, so Amos considered himself in luck. "He had reached what, likely, would have been his top weekly salary, $3.50, except for another circumstance. When, one day, he fell four stories down an unguarded elevator shaft in the mill, his father was informed swiftly that his son's wages had, within an hour of the accident, been raised to $6. 'Dad was a good, trusting, typical woodsman,' Amos relates. 'A law suit for damages to his son and heir would have been the furthest thing from his mind. When I became conscious, four days after the fall, he told me happily that the company was even going to foot the doctor's bill!' "Amos was 18 when he went to work for the Utica & Mohawk Valley Railroad, which included all city lines and the well-remembered electric third-rail line from Little Falls to Syracuse. Young Smith was one of an exceptional lot, the street railroaders of that period. Many of them country or village boys, they gave their best then and for years to come to their jobs, including patience and courtesy. Consequently, everyone of them made lasting friendships among their passengers. "For 21 consecutive years Smith's run, as a conductor, was from the Utica Park terminal to New York Mills. Then came about six years on New Hartford and Clinton lines, before he settled down again, gladly, to cross-town runs. "Smith saw the old, breezy open cars (delightful for passengers, but not so delightful for conductors who, in fine or foul weather, had to collect their fares by way of an outside running board) abandoned for 'convertibles' and later for buses. "As one-man operators succeeded two-man crews and as the omni-present bus drivers came into the picture, Amos went right along with the trend of the times. Teen-agers of late years have known him as a fine driver and their dependable friend. Their parents and grandparents can remember bowling along to Summit Park, on a Saturday afternoon, in a packed 'open-air' car with Amos in command. "With the exception of the first two years after he went to work for the street railway company (when he boarded and roomed at Jefferson Ave. and Bleecker St., so as to be nearer the car barns at Utica Park) Smith has lived in 'the Mills,' and ' liked every day of it.' Just as he has liked the 'fresh morning air, Winter and Summer,' with which, for so long, he began his day, at 4 a.m. "He married Lillian Edith Platt, a New York Mills girl, who worked as a secretary in the Curtin & Lee law offices. Amos says he has known her all his life except for eight years -- the eight years he lived in Port Leyden. A thoroughly happy couple, their home at 49-1/2 Clinton St. in 'the Mills' is a hospitable place. Family parties or picnics are on the program all year 'round, with the Smiths. "There are four children -- Dorothy, now Mrs. Albert De Long, Worcester, N.Y.; Dr. James A. Smith, a graduate of Syracuse University and now a member of the faculty of that university; Winifred, now Mrs. Stanley Pula, employed in the office of American News, this city; the Rev. Robert Smith, pastor of a Boston, Ky., church. "Grandchildren are Patty and Susan Smith, Syracuse; Melvin, Robert and Jim Smith, Boston, Ky.; Sherrill Ann and James Pula, New York Mills; Larry and Linda De Long, Worcester. "Amos has two sisters, Mrs. Wesley Schabott, New York Mills, and Mrs. Michael Kelly, E. Syracuse "He attends Our Lady of the Rosary Church, New Hartford. As an active member of the Amalgamated Street & Electric Railway Local 582, he has seen a seven-day week (10 hours a day at 16-1/2 cents an hour) for street railway employes succeeded by the present five-day week for Transit Corp. employes. "The Smiths have been entertained at dinner parties by friends during the week. On the day of his retirement Amos engineered a dinner with the girl he married in 1910 as his special guest." ["People Worth Knowing," by Alberta J. Dickinson, Utica Observer-Dispatch; includes photograph; H6-H7] 1958 - "Amos W. Smith, 70, died Oct. 27, 1958, at his home, 37-1/2 Clinton St., New York Mills, after a brief illness. "Mr. Smith, who retired in 1954 as a bus driver for the Utica Transit Co., was born March 25, 1888, in Port Leyden, son of Napoleon and Levina LaPan Smith. He came to New York Mills as a child. Mr. Smith was educated in local schools. "He married Lillian E. Platt June 8, 1910, in Utica and had lived in New York Mills for the past 50 years. "Mr. Smith was a member of the New York Mills Men's Club, and the Amalgamated Association of Street Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America, CIO-AFL. "Besides his wife, he leaves two daughters, Mrs. Albert DeLong of Wooster, and Mrs. Stanley Pula of New York Mills; two sons, Dr. James Smith of Syracuse, and Rev. Martin Platt of Lubbock, Tex.; a sister, Mrs. Dora Chabott of New York Mills; 10 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. "The funeral will be held at 2 Friday from the Gordon Funeral Home, 6 Steuben Pk., with the Rev. Herbert E. Levoy, pastor of the New York Mills Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills." [H16] 1958 - Pallbearers were Archie Jennings, Francis Zorn, Michael Kelly, Reginald Smith, Joseph Ruskey and Alfred Platt [funeral notice, H17] 1981, December 31 -- "... my father was a real regular guy. He didn't have much education ... he was very friendly, very jolly and made many friends. He was a good family man ... He worked 40 years on the railroad before he retired. He passed away four years later. ... he was very strict with us -- his discipline ... we knew when he spoke to us that was what we had to do. ... [He was] Very affectionate, very thoughtful. You know, he was always thinking of his family and doing for others. He was Catholic ... until later years when we all left home he did go to the Methodist Church with my mother. ... "... He was very dark. He was French and he was stout, but when he was younger he was very thin. Nice-looking person and always jolly ... "... I had never heard my father speak French. Whether he did -- He probably did when he was younger and just forgot it, I don't know. ... He never spoke French to us to my knowledge. "... he had a vocabulary all his own. He liked to tell jokes with his son-in-law. ... in general he liked people all the time. ... he had a French temper ... he was very good at drawing. Creating. I mean nobody would notice because of his [lack of] education. All he told us he quit school at sixth grade. Didn't like school and got in a fight with a teacher and set her in a chair and left school and never went back. ... I remember him telling how they would go skating and take the bell with them so they wouldn't have to go back ... so she couldn't ring the bell so they had to go back to school in the afternoon and instead go skating. Another story he always told was how if they misbehaved she'd put them down at the desk and they'd tie her shoe laces together. Or they'd take down the stove pipe -- you know, several things like that. I imagine he was quite a corker when he was in school, the way he told stories. ... Whether this was just -- he liked to add as he went along, or whether, you know -- He always had fun, I guess. "It seems vaguely that he worked maybe in the mills up home where he had a cotton -- where we had corduroy for one thing and knit mills and like that and I think he might have worked -- Yes, he did, because he fell through the elevator ... In his earlier days ... Before he was married ... And then I don't know how he got on the streetcar, you know. [Winifred Pula adds that Amos Smith received a convenient raise in pay from the company to head off a lawsuit following the elevator shaft fall.] "I haven't the slightest idea [how Amos, his parents or siblings came to the Utica area.] ... I don't remember [how her parents met.] ... "My mother moved up in the houses [at 49 and 49-1/2 Clinton Street in New York Mills] ... And the house where we lived [49-1/2] was the barn to the front house, and which they renovated and made a house out of it. And then my mother and father moved there when I was three years old. "He had ... either hardening of the arteries or a heart attack, which we never really knew. ... he always had these attacks. We figured out it was probably slight heart attacks he was having. I don't know for sure ... it must have been through a period of years that he was sick ... "... he used to roll his own [Bull Durham] cigarettes. He got that notion." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 1-7, 11, 17; H101-H107, H111, H117]"Lili E. Platt rec'd Holy Baptism in St. John's Church, Whitesboro, Diocese of Central NY on Whitsunday, May 20, 1888. Parents = James & Kate Platt. Sponsors & Witnesses = Thomas Platt, Jennie Van Vliet & Edith Shires. James K. Parker = Rector" [James S. Pula notes from newspaper article, H11] Lillian Smith read her own death notice in the Utica newspaper, which had printed it in error in the same edition in which she was also mentioned in an article in the society section. [Family story] Everybody in the family except Stanley Pula got sick after eating a Thanksgiving dinner that Lillian Smith had cooked at her home. Stan was the only one who had not eaten the dressing. [Family story] 1967 - "Mrs. Amos (Lillian) Smith, 79, New York Mills, died Aug. 27 following a long illness. "Funeral services were held today (Thursday) at the Gordon funeral home, Utica. "She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Albert DeLong, Worcester; Mrs. Stanley Pula, New York Mills; two sons, Dr. James A. Smith, Oswego, and Dr. Robert Platt, Avilene, Miss.; 10 grandchildren." [H17] 1967 - "Precious Memories -- Lillian E. Smith "b. N.Y. Mills, N.Y., April 4, 1888 "d. August 27, 1967, Richfield Springs, N.Y. "age 79 years, 4 mo., 23 days "John S. Friedel Funeral Homes, Inc., Gordon Chapel "Wake Aug. 30, 1967, 10:30 a.m. "Rev. Ronald Bogart, Pastor, N.Y.M. Methodist Church "Delta Beta Society were Honorary Bearers "Funeral August 31, 1967 "Glenside Cemetery "Father was James Platt "Mother was Kate Shires "Husband Ambrose W. Smith "Member: W.S.C.S., NYM Meth. Church, Delta Beta Society" [James S. Pula notes from Lillian E. Smith memorial card, H14] 1981, December 31 -- "... Lillian Edith Platt ... was born in New York Mills. ... I think it was [on] Prospect Street ... [Her parents] came from England. ... She was very genteel. She was very hospitable. And very community-minded. Very friendly -- made friends. ... she was a secretary ... to a lawyer in Utica. ... When she was married she gave that up. ... they furnished a home, their own home, there in Utica on Bleecker Street. That's where I was born. ... I remember my ... mother telling that the next morning after they were married my grandfather was on the doorstep. That's how he came to live with us. They never had a honeymoon. And my mother, she always had somebody to take care of, all her life, either his family or her family. Or her own family, meaning my brother, my sister or myself. ... She was a very small person [in height and weight]. She was the smallest of any of the family, grandchildren included. ... Very small face. Blond hair ... As she grew older it got darker and it got gray ... Very small stature ... Small boned ... Frail. But strong-willed. English. ... She wasn't as outgoing as my dad but she loved community work, and she liked social things, you know. She liked to be in everything and worked in the church. Very religious person ... "... my mother wasn't much of a businesswoman and she just took ['my uncles and all them'] in without any undrerstanding about anything -- about what board they should pay or anything and for four grown-up people she was only paid a pittance of three dollars and a half a week. ... to feed all those peopld on, say, $25 a week was pretty -- "... She tried hard, but with the money she had she just couldn't make it ... She just wanted to take care of people and have people happy and she just couldn't say 'No.' "... she lived alone [after Amos died] and she really started going downhill. ... We had to put her in a nursing home ... she didn't live that long ... She broke her hip. She was in the hospital." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 5, 8, 10-12; H105, H108, H110-H112]1981, December 31 -- "Aunt Winnie and Stan went to school together. I presume they were in the same class at school. I know they were in school together." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 11; H111] " ...Winifred Pula retired in 1982 as secretary to the supervising principal at New York Mills Junior-Senior High School. She was a secretary in the district for 25 years. Prior to that, she worked for the American News Co. "While her mother enjoyed working, Cheryl said, she also enjoys retirement. She does yard work, home improvements, fixes machinery, Cheryl says, 'and tries to get it all done by evening so she can sit down and read for a few hours. ..." [Utica Observer-Dispatch article by Dave Dudajek] 2000, August -- "In May, Utica College established the Winifred and Stanley Pula Scholarship Fund ... The scholarship will be awarded to graduate or undergraduate students from Oneida County who will attend Utica College to study in the field of History. They must be students who demonstrate academic merit and financial need. ..." [History Club Newsletter, 2; I23] 2007, September 27 -- "Winifred S. Pula, a lifelong resident of New York Mills, died on Monday, September 24, 2007, at the Presbyterian Home for C.N.Y. "She was born in New York Mills on January 28, 1920, the daughter pf Ambrose and Lillian Platt Smith, and graduated from New York Mills High School. On May 25, 1943, she married Stanley J. Pula in St. Mary's Church, New York Mills. He died on August 17, 1981. Winifred was employed with the Principal's office in New York Mills as a confidential secretary for over 30 years until her retirement. She was a member of the History Club in Whitesboro and the Daniel Butterfield Civil War Roundtable Group in Utica. "Her survivors include her daughter, Cheryl Pula, of New York Mills; a son, James Pula of Chesterton, IN; two grandchildren and their spouses, Michael S. and Jenifer Pula, of Worthington, OH, and Marcia and Matt Lynch, of Laurel, MD; and two great-grandchildren, Kaitlyn Pula and Haley Lynch. She was predeceased by her brother, James Smith, and her sister, Dorothy DeLong. "Funeral services will be held on Saturday morning at 10:15 at the Kowalczyk Funeral Home, 284 Main St,, New York Mills, and at 11:00 a.m. at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Relatives and friendsd may call Friday from 5 until 8 p.m. Burial will take place in St. Stanislaus & Casimer Cemetery. "Winifred's family would like to express their sincere thanks to the nurses and staffs of Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare and the Presbyterian Home for CNY for the excellent care she received. "Memorial contributions in her name may be made to the Winifred and Stanley Pula Scholarship Fund at Utica College ..." [Obituary, Utica Observer Dispatch; I38]1913, June 18 -- "Mr. & Mrs. L.H. Albert, Miss Nettie Albert and Miss Irene DeLong visited friends at East Worcester on Sunday." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1919 --- "Luther H. Albert, one of the best known and most highly respected residents of this town, passed away at his home in Tuscan last Thursday morning, after an illness of several weeks of diabetes. He was born in the town of Summit, near Lutheranville, nearly sixty years ago. For a number of years he resided at East Worcester but removed to this village twenty-one years ago. He is survived by his widow, Elva Dauley Albert; two daughters, Mrs. Arthur DeLong of this village and Mrs. Wickham Griswold, who resides between here and Schenevus; and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Belden of East Worcester and Mrs. Hiram Spooner of Seward. He was a member of Worcester Tent No. 710, K.O.T.M., and Worcester Grange, No. 1274. "The funeral was held from his late home at 2 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, the Rev. C.B. Henry of the Methodist church officiating. The body was laid to rest in Maple Grove cemetery." [Obituary of Luther H. Albert, C114, L81] 1919, February 19 -- "Those from out of town who attended the funeradl of the late Luther Albert were Mrs. Sylvester Dibble, Cobleskill; Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Babcock and family; Mrs. Stephen Becker, Henry Barnes and the Misses Bernice and Elva Alvord, East Worcester; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornell and Charles W. Stever, Schenevus." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AG] 1919, February 19 -- "Resolutions "Whereas -- The Angel of Death has visited our order and taken from our midst our beloved brother, Luther H. Albert, and "Whereas -- While we mourn his loss we believe that our Heavenly Father doeth all things well. "Resolved -- That the members of the Worcester Tent No. 710 K.O.T.M. hereby tender to the bereaved wife and children of our departed brother our sincere sym,pathy in their great loss. "Resolved -- That in token of our sorrow and sympathy our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days and that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our order and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family. "Wm Mereness I.J. Becker Ed. Dickinson Com." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AG] 1919, February 26 -- "Resolutions "Whereas -- God in his Majesty, has seen fit to remove from our midst our dearly beloved friend and brother Luther Albert of Worcester Grange, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those whom were nearest and dearest to him. Therefore be it "Resolved -- That we deeply deplore the loss of Brother Albert "Resolved -- That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. "Resolved -- That this testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded to the family by our secretary, and that our Charter be draped, for a period of thirty days and also spread upon the minutes of the Grange. "Louise Utter Bell Bulson J.B. Aney Com." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AG]In her later life, Grandma Albert was among a number of elderly women who knitted young children's booties and other clothing to gain a living. When I ran for Justice of Peace in 1937 and assisted her to the voting machine, she had me pull all the Democratic levers except for my own and Ray Potter's. [Albert S. DeLong] 1938 -- "Worcester, March 13 -- Mrs. Elva Albert passed away at her home on Church street at 7 this morning from the infirmities of age. She had been in declining health for several months. Funeral services will be held from Skinner's funeral home Tuesday afternoon at 2. Rev. Paul Gage will officiate, and burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery. "Mrs. Albert was born February 24, 1862, at East Worcester, a daughter of John and Harriett (Ostrom) Dauley. She was married August 20, 1881, to Luther M. Albert of Worcester, who died in February, 1919. "Mrs. Albert, a resident of the town of Worcester all her life, ... was an attendant of the Baptist church. "Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. W.M. Griswold of Schenevus; three granddaughters, Mrs. James Freeman, Miss Anita Griswold of Schenevus, Mrs. Gilbert Smith of Worcester; one grandson, Albert Delong of this village, and one great-granddaughter, Patricia Ann Smith, and several nieces and nephews. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Elva Albert, C111] 1938 -- "Mrs. Elva Albert, a beloved and respected resident of this village, passed away at her home on Church St. in this village at seven o'clock last Saturday morning from the infirmities of old age. She had been in poor health for some time and the end was not unexpected. "She was the daughter of John and Harriet Ostrom Dauley and was born at East Worcester on Feb. 24, 1862. On Aug. 20, 1881, she was united in marriage to Luther Albert who died 19 years ago. Deceased had spent her entire life in the town of Worcester and was beloved by a wide circle of friends. "The Funeral was held from the Skinner Mortuary at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon and the body laid at rest in Maple Grove cemetery. Rev. Paul Gage conducted the services. "Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Wickham Griswold of Schenevus, and four grandchildren, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, and Albert DeLong of Worcester, and Mrs. James Freeman and Miss Anita Griswold of Schenevus." [Obituary of Mrs. Elva Albert, D98] 2000, December 25 -- "I do know that Grandma A. did work some -- she stayed at Earl All's -- I think when Roger was born. Another year she kept house for an old man in Schenevus -- Dick Mead. My folks used to take her to a Cobleskill bank now and then, so she must have had an account there." [Anita E. Axtell letter] 2001, February 12 -- "The last place Grandma lived on No. Church St. was just a couple of houses above where the Snyders and Mr. Graney lived. In summer when they practiced their music -- the whole neighborhood could hear it -- very enjoyable. I remembered another place Grandma A. worked at one time was for Jess Bradley's family. I think he sold real estate in Oneonta area. (His wife was my Father's cousin). ..." [Anita E. Axtell letter]now Lisburn) in Down and Antrim County, North Ireland, about 1635; married Sarah -- and landed in Massachusetts Colony about 1660; thence to North Kingstown, Rhode Island and finally to Exeter, Washington County, Rhode Island, where he reared his family." [Genealogical notice by E.E. Brownell, B.E.E., 1418 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, date unknown; O1] "probably came from Canada ?" [Irene D. Smith notes, M19] "John H. Dauley came to New York State from Canada; relatives in Belleville and Morrisberg, Ont. Isaac S. Dauley - Morrisberg of (Dauley & Wright - marble dealers in Oneonta) was a nephew of John H. Dauley" [W. Fern Ferguson research, O11] "When Pres. Lincoln assinated J.D. lived on corner West Hill below Vaughn place in E.W. & at time first D&H train went through - later moving to Brooker Hollow." [W. Fern Ferguson research, O11] 1860s -- "John Dauley moved from E.W. to Brooker Hollow in the late 1860s. Beatrice Vrooman says - Mother told me of living in Brooker Hollow when 11 years of age - Mother was born in 1858 " [W. Fern Ferguson research, O10] "John Dauley lived with Miles Dauley near Binghamton after wife died -- also with Isaac Dauley near Cherry Valley. 1901 - death." [W. Fern Ferguson research, O11] 2001, February 26 -- "[John Dauley] used to go to Canada with Egbert Snyder of East Worcester & bring back horses for sale here. They went in the winter so they could bring them back across the frozen Lake Ontario! Aunt Ora [Frawley] said there were distant Canadian Dauley relatives. ..." [Harriet Babcock letter, O121]"Grandmother Dauley, John and Garretta were first buried on the farm at Brooker Hollow -- later in 1890's were moved to E.W. [presumably Maple View Cemetery]. J‚ƒ„…†ўџџџˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦўџџџШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџohn H. Jr. & Garretta placed in one grave with Garretta's name on it" [W. Fern Ferguson research, O1] The Family Record of Edmund B. Ostrom (b. 1827) and apparent children appears at O30. Is he Harriett's brother?As a young boy, Larry DeLong oft1856 -- It is not known whether the "Henry Albert" listed as a Town of Worcester officer is John Henry Albert, Henry C. Albert, Henry Albert, Jr., Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 1860 -- John H. Albert, farmer, ae 23 appears at 429 in the Schoharie County census; also Sarah A. ae 21, Vienna E. ae 2 yrs., Luther ae 5 mos.; $1,300 property, $275 personal [Irene D. Smith research, M40; Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69B] 1861, February 16 -- "The site on which the last four school buildings [in Worcester District No. 6] were erected was acquired from Bradley and Rebecca Ritton on February 16, 1861. It consisted of one-fourth acre for the price of $150. The trustees at this time were Joseph Wilsey, Nathaniel Wilder and Henry Albert." Is this Henry Albert, Jr., John Henry Albert, Henry C. Albert, Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else? [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 144-145; from Here's to You, Worcester Schools, 19] 1870 -- John H. Albert, farm laborer, ae 32, appears in the Schoharie County census; also Sarah A. "keeping house" ae 30, Vienna ae 12, Luther ae 10 [Smith, M41] 1880 -- John H. Albert, cabinet maker, ae 44, appears in Town of Summit census; also Sarah A. wife ae 41, Luther son ae 20, Minnie dau ae 8, Maria mother ae 71 widow. [Ruth S. All research, L150] 1883 -- "Lots #21 and 26 [of Maple View Cemetery in East Worcester, N.Y.] were owned by Riley Pitcher in the old days. He gave #21 (after removing his father and mother to Lower Cem. at E.W.) to John Henry Albert and wife, Sara Brown; also gave the two head stones marked Father and Mother to Mr. Albert. They are there still, with Cornelius Pitcher and wife's [Levantia] names, on back (nothing re Albert) and supposedly, Mr. and Mrs. Albert are buried there." [W. Fern Ferguson research and map, L78] Lot #21 is listed on the the Maple View Cemetery map as belonging to "John Albert" or "J.H. Albert." [Lawrence A. DeLong information, M64 and Harriet Babcock information, N36] 1887, September 7 -- Upon payment of $4, George H. Warner of the Town of Summit executed a release conveying Lot #11 in "the Cemetery of the East View Burial ground Association" to John H. Albert of the Town of Worcester. [Original in possession of Irene D. Smith children] 1892 -- John H. Albert ae 53 appears in the Schoharie County census; also Sarah A. ae 54, Matie ae 7, Maria ae 83 [Smith, M42] 1915 -- There is a "John Albert" buried with his wife in Maple View Cemetery, East Worcester, whose headstone indicates that he died on May 12, 1915. [Smith, L93, M17, M52] "John Henry Albert (son of Henry & Margaret Albert) b. 1814 d. 1883 bur. E. Worcester upper cemetery m. Sarah Ann Brown ..." [Irene D. Smith research, M77] 1998, June 7 -- "I feel quite sure that John and Sarah are buried in that plot in E.W. upper cemetery. For many years my folks visited that cemetery with flowers -- at last once a year. ..." [Anita E. Axtell letter, N43]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–ўџџџ˜™š›œžŸўџџџЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ўџџџЏАБВГДЕЗеИЙКЛМНОЪРСТУФХЦЧШЩўџџџЫЬЭЮЯабвгдж зийклнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓўџџџѕіїјљњћќ§ўўџџџ§џџџNapoleon worked in the lumber camps of the Adirondacks, and his wife Lavinia cooked and baked for boarders in or from those same camps. At least two of their children (Ambrose/Amos and Victoria/Dora) were born in the "French Settlement" east of Port Leyden, New York. The family later followed the lumber camps to Forestport, New York, before moving to New York Mills. [Winifred L. Pula] The original family name was Beseau (or Beaseau). Napoleon Smith's father is said to have changed it to Smith, taking the name of his profession, blacksmith. The family was not originally French-Canadian, but among a group of emigrants sent by the government of France to live in Quebec. [family tradition as related to Winifred L. Pula] Abridged English-French dictionaries, however, list the French word for "blacksmith" as "forgeron," and for "ironsmith" as "marechal-ferrant." The common words "beseau," "besau," "besaw," "beaseau," "basau," "baseau," "besseau," and "basseau" do not appear in abridged French-English dictionaries. A Besaw family genealogist in Saskatchewan wrote Larry DeLong that the proper name "Besaw" [and presumably its variations] is as common in the French language as "Smith" is in English. [Lawrence A. DeLong] "St. Anthony's Church 1879-1913 St. Anthony's Church was built here in the French Settlement to serve 35 Catholic families. Originally the church was served by the priest from Croghan, N.Y. In 1880 it became a mission of St. Martin's. With the end of the logging industry the Settlement was reduced and the church was closed in 1913." [Sign at the site of St. Anthony's Church, former French Settlement east of Port Leyden, Town of Lyonsdale, Lewis County, New York] "St. Anthony's of Padua was a church from 1878-1913. It was the first church in the Port Leyden-Lyons Falls area. It was built in what was called the French Settlement, where thirty-five Catholic families lived. Father Francis Koch, O.F.M. from Croghan had the church built and serviced the churchy every four to six weeks. "After 1879, the churchy became a Mission of Port Leyden." [Message from Ogdensburg Diocese, 2003; H349] "Material for the [St. Anthony of Padua] Church was $194.70." [Dorothy D. O'Brien letter; H37] 1878 -- "Napoleon Smith et Levana Depan conjuncti sunt matrimonio die 7ma Julii et P. Francisco Koch coram Eugene LaLonde et Delphina Wine (Vovion) ... "Luis Boivin et Zelphinia Smith in matrimonio conjuncti sunt die 6 Sept coram Luis Berichon et Levana Smith P. Francis Koch O.S.F." [Records of St. Anthony's Church; H38-H39] 1916, May 30 -- "The death of Napoleon Smith of 710 Mary street occurred at 8 o'clock yesterday morning at his home after an illness of about three weeks with heart trouble. He was born in Canada 62 years ago, and when 10 years of age he came to this country. Before coming to Utica, about 10 years ago, he resided in Port Leyden and New York Mills. Mr. Smith was an employee of the Utica Knitting Mill on Erie street, and was a hard working and most estimable man. He was a member of St. Partrick's Church. He married Lavinia D'Pan in Port Leyden 37 years ago, and she survives, with two sons, Edward of Fall River, Mass., and Ambrose of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Michael Kelly and Mrs. Leslie Chabott, also of Utica, and 12 grandchildren." [Obituary, Utica Daily Press; H34] 1916, May 30 -- "SMITH -- Entered into rest in this city, Monday morning, May 29, 1916, Napoleon Smith, formerly of New York Mills, aged 62 years, one month and 21 days. Notice of funeral hereafter." [Death notice, Utica Daily Press; H34] "Dad was a good, trusting, typical woodsman." [Amos W. Smith, 'People Worth Knowing," Utica Observer-Dispatch," July 14, 1953, H7] 1981, December 31 -- "... I would presume [that Napoleon worked in the lumber camp}. I don't know. He helped [his wife]. I was always told he wasn't very ambitious. ... He died when I was quite young. ... I can remember his curly hair ... And rocking us on his knee and telling us stories, and I can remember the day he died, but that's all. ... at the time of his death he was living -- They separated. They didn't live -- One was with Aunt Dory and Grandpa went and moved -- after Mother and Dad were married he went and lived with them. Why, I don't know. ... I was always told they had come from Canada [and settled in the French Settlement east of Port Leyden]." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 3; H103] 2003, July 21 -- "... my only living aunt [Doris Klenck] in Idaho ... told me that the Smiths were French Canadian and that their French name was Bessaunt. ... Further, she told me that my great-grandfather (Napoleon) was a laborer on the railroad and that he was killed on the job. There was no support for his widow, so the RR gave her a job as a janitor at a RR station." [Penny Miller; H66] 2003, July 22 -- "As far as I know, Napoleon died a natural death. I had not heard the railroad story regarding Napoleon before. [His son] Amos worked on the railroad." [Lawrence A. DeLong; H67] 2003, July 22 -- "A cute family story is that when Amos and Lillian were married, Napoleon showed up unexpectedly in Utica NY planning to live with them. Lillian would not let him into the house until he was deloused. (He was an Adirondack lumberjack and had just come from the north woods.)" [Lawrence A. DeLong; H67] 2003, August 18 -- Lavina Smith at one time worked at Union Station in Utica. [Winifred L. Pula; H68] 2003 -- Map shows Adirondack Railroad tracks being laid as follows: 1853 Utica to Remsen 1855 Remsen to Boonville 1863 Boonville to Lowville 1872 Lowville to Carthage [Adirondack Life, September/October, 55; H69] 2003 -- Perhaps it was Napoleon's father who worked on the railroad and was killed on the job. The Besaws/Smiths came to the US about 1864. The railroad tracks were being laid about that time. Cloise is a widow by 1875. Maybe she worked at a RR station, or maybe Doris Klenck's account referred to Lavina and not to Cloise. Maybe Napoleon worked on the railroad at some point, but he didn't die until 1916. When we speak of Amos "working on the railroad," we mean Utica city streetcars and buses -- which were operated by a railway company -- not actual railroads. All this needs to be ironed out. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 2007, August 8 -- "I would be surprised if there were a formal (legal) name change with the Besseau (or whatever spelling) adoption of "Smith." If there were, the legal records might still exist somewhere. Assuming it was done after arrival in the French settlement, it might be possible to locate any extant records by general geographic location and time frame. But I suspect it was probably just done by him adopting and using the new name. Another possibility would be finding the original birth records of the various generations moving back in time until ... the names on the certificates might indicate a change or correspond to the given names of people you can trace. I once ran across a reference in the Oneida County Historical Association, in a list of archival holdings, that indicated records of St. Anthony's church were in the archives of the Diocese of Ogdensburg. I e-mailed them last year, but after a couple of vague responses stopped hearing from them..." [James Pula message; H73] 2007, August 8 -- "The 1875 NYS census lists Napoleon 19, his mother and two siblings Lewis 25 and Mary Ann 22 under the surname Besaw, but the 1878 marriage records at St. Anthony's Church lists him as Napoleon Smith. I think that you are right when you say that the name change was informal. It must have occurred during the three-year interval. "The census says that Mary Ann had married a man named Henry Beans Jr. (originally LaFave), and that all of them lived together in a 'shack.' "I got the marriage information from the Lyonsdale Town Historian, who got it from the priest at St. Martin's in Port Leyden." [Lawrence DeLong response; H74] 2007, August 8 -- "...If you have the census with the name Besaw (which could easily be an English corruption of the real spelling) that lists his mother's name, perhaps it would be possible to trace this back to French records. My mother always said the family originated (at least in Canada) from Trois Rivieres or its vicinity outside Montreal. There must have been a French census. If we could locate a family with a similar name with the same wife's name and children ... voila! ..." [Pula; H74] Grandma customarily spoke French and smoked a pipe. [Dorothy S. DeLong and Winifred L. Pula] 1938 - "Yorkville -- Mrs. Levina Smith, 83, a resident of this vicinity for more than half a century, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dora Chabott, 2217 McBride Ave., yesterday. Mrs. Smith was born in Port Leyden, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePan. She was married to Napoleon Smith 60 years ago. His death occurred in 1913. "Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Chabott and Mrs. Michael Smith, Syracuse, and two sons, Amos, New York Mills, and Edward Smith, Jackson City, N.C.; also 19 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren." [Obituary of Mrs. Levina Smith, C166, H8] 1938 - "SMITH -- Entered into rest, at Yorkville, N.Y., Wednesday morning, March 9, 1938, Lavinia DePan, wife of the late Napoleon Smith, aged 83 years, 1 month, 26 days. Residing at her home, 2217 McBride Ave. ..." [Funeral notice of Lavinia Smith, C166] 1938 - "Mrs. Lavinia Smith d. March 9, 1938 "Funeral at Sacred Heart Church w/requiem high Mass. "Bearers = George Lozo, Albert Platt, Paul DeLaine, John Lamaanque, Woodrow DeLaine, & Hector Supernaut' "Buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Whitesboro "Rev. J.F. McCarthy pronounced final absolution. "Aged 83 yrs, 1 mo, 26 days." [James S. Pula notes from Lavinia Smith funeral record, H12] 1981, December 31 -- "... I remember my grandmother. She lived until she was 83. ... Her name was Lavina Smith and she was this French lady. She spoke French. ... they told me that she run a lumber camp for lumberjacks ... I would presume [in Port Leyden] ... she did all the work. She cooked and made all --- "... She was living with my aunt [Dora Chabott], is when I remember her. [She smoked] a corn-cob pipe. ... Old-fashioned French ladies smoked corn-cob pipes. And Mordechai Brown tobacco, which was the tobacco at that time. ... "She spoke English and she also spoke French so I wouldn't understand and she and my aunt would make me laugh. She was a very kind person and jovial. ... She worked hard all her life. ..." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 2-3, H103-H103] 2003, August 18 -- Lavina Smith at one time worked at Union Station in Utica. [Winifred L. Pula; H68]"The Depan family came here [Port Leyden, New York] then to Montague, NY; Lewis Co. and then back here. ... The Leafs, Depans, Lalonds (Leland), Charbonneau[s], Belnaps, Wines, Trombleys, Hance[s[, Christy[s[, Rivets, McHales were intermarried -- also Valencourt[s], LaFave (Bean). The early French Canadians came down to log -- river drivers and tanneries, sawmills. ..." [Dorothy D. O'Brien letter; H37, H39] 1850 -- Census of Town of Lorraine, Jefferson County, New York: Joseph DePan 22 b. Canada, Marie 22 b. Canada, Joseph Jr. 3, Mariah 1; lived next door to Vertil Mennvil family. [H160] 1860 -- Census of Town of Grieg, Lewis County, New York: Joseph Dipper 33, Mariah 31, Joseph 13, Mariah 12, Dolphina 9, Theopheal 5, Loroina 4, Joseph Shortsleeve 22, Bridget Shortsleeve 27 [H160] 1869, December 16 -- "Lewis County, NY Joseph DePan Lowville Born April 5, 1830 Canada, Arrived April 1838 NYS. Nat'l 16 Dec. 1869 Witnesses John DePan, Greig and Charles Tarcott, Lowville" [Helene McHale research, H160] 1870 -- Census of Town of Grieg: Joseph DePan 41 b. Canada, Catherine 28 b. Canada, Tuffield 19 b. NY, Lavina 13 b. NY [H160] 1875 -- "June 1875 census Lyonsdale -- Lewis Co. "House -- Plank Valued at $40.00 "Joseph Depan -- 46 yrs old "born in Canada -- Shoemaker "Catherine Dupan -- wife 35 yrs old "born in Ireland (1875 census) born in Canada (1870 census) "Tuffield -- age 20 born -- Jefferson Co. Shoemaker "Lavine Dupan 18 born -- Jefferson Co. "Edward -- 6 yrs Born in Lewis Co. "William -- 4 yrs Born in Lewis Co. "Margrett -- 2-9/12 yr Born in Lewis Co. "Living with the family -- George Dupan -- 21 yrs old born in Oneida Co. "(They could have lived in Lorraine, N.Y.; Jefferson Co." [Dorothy D. O'Brien letter; H42] 1888, November 15 -- "Mr. DePau, of Salmon River, has moved into the house of E.J. Leonard, Port Leyden." [Journal and Republican, H158] 1911, September 14 -- "Joseph Depan, of Montague, is visiting his son, Joseph D. DePan, of French Settlement. Mr. DePan is 86 years old, in excellent health, and as active as though many years younger. While in town he received his first shave in his life time, being shaven by William Cone. He had always been his own barber up to that time. He has three children living, Mrs. Lavina Smith, of Utica; Mrs. Joseph Wine and Joseph Depan, of French Settlement; also 22 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren." [Newspaper article, H158] 1912, April 12 -- "The body of Joseph Depan, who died at Osceola, was brought to this village and interred in the Port Leyden cemetery on Tuesday. Mr. Depan was eighty five years of age." [Journal and Republican, H158] 1912, April 25 -- "Joseph DePan died Saturday at his home in the town of Montague, aged 85 years. Three sons and three daughters survive, J.D. DePan, of Port Leyden; William DePan, of Houseville; Edward DePan, of Gouverneur; Mrs. Mary Wine, of Port Leyden; Mrs. Lavina Smith, of Utica; and Mrs. Margaret Mumford, of Lowville. He is also survived by 24 grandchildren and 47 great-grandchildren. The funeral services were held Tuesday and interment made at Port Leyden." [Journal and Republican, H158] "Betty Swift [of Boonville] said he was married twice. Yes, he was. Maybe 3 times [Ann, Maria, Catherine]." [Helene McHale, H158]en stood on a stool before his great-grandfather in his grandparents' living room and sang "Pistol Packin' Momma, Lay That Pistol Down!" to him. [Family story] 1882, June 2 -- The passenger list of the S.S. Arizona shows that James Platt age 20, estimated birth about 1862, arrived in New York City from Liverpool, England by way of Queenstown, Ireland [J84-J86] 1947 - "James Platt d. Apr. 3, 1947 at 49-1/2 Clinton St, NYM "Gordon Funeral Home, 6 Steuben Park. "Sat afternoon - services at 2:30 pm "Ritualistic Service of Central City Lodge #68, IOOF at 8 pm." [James S. Pula notes from obituary of James Platt, H8] 1947 - "A Funeral record of James Platt 'd. April 3, 1947, 10:19 P.M. "age 85 years "buried Glenside Cemetery, N.Y. Mills, N.Y. "Member: I.O.O.F., Central City Lodge, Utica, N.Y. "Funeral: Gordon's Funeral Home, Apr. 5, 1947, 2:30 PM "Rev. Aaron B. Corbin "Bearers: James A. Smith, Robert M. Platt, Alfred S. Platt, Jr., Albert S. DeLong, Stanley J. Pula, Leroy Strange" [James S. Pula notes, H10] 1947 -- Lived in New York Mills, N.Y. for 64 years [Lawrence A. DeLong notes, J13] 1981, December 31 -- "[Lillian Smith's] parents came from England directly. ... After [James Platt] came here ... he was a supervisor in the corduroy mill up in New York Mills. I think they met over there and they came here. He sent for her, or something to that effect. ... "[James Platt had] Quite [an English accent.] ... I can remember they lived almost across from the Methodist Church in New York Mills. ... how my grandfather got hold of those houses [at 49 and 49-1/2, later 37 and 37-1/2 Clinton Street] I don't know ... house that he lived and my grandmother was the front house [49] ... "... they were very, very stately English people ... "... the ... corduroy mills shut down. That's why Grandpa ... retired." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 6-7, 13; H106-H107, H113]1918 - "New York Mills, July 11 ўџџџ     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:ўџџџ<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKўџџџMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ўџџџ`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€-- At the home of her daughter in Clinton Street, early this morning occurred the death of Mrs. James Platt, a respected resident of this village. Mrs. Platt had been in ill health for the past two years, and while to her family her death did not come wholly unexpected it comes as a distinct shock to her many friends in this town and vicinity. "Mrs. Platt was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1863, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shires, and came to this country in 1881, coming directly to New York Mills, at which place she always resided. In 1885 she was married to James Platt, who survives. "When health permitted Mrs. Platt faithfully attended the services of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this village. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Amos W. Smith, of this village; two sons, Alfred S. Platt of Utica, and Robert S. Platt, who is now serving in the United States navy; two brothers, Walter Shires of this village, and Sidney A. Shires of Montreal, Canada; three sisters, Jane and Mabel Shires of New York Mills, and Mrs. Ernest Stolterfoht of Fort Worth, Texas, and three grandchildren. "The funeral will be held from her late home on Clinton street Sunday afternoon at 2:30, interment to be made in Glenside Cemetery." [Obituary of Mrs. James Platt, J16, J84] 1981, December 31 -- "... All I remember is she was like my mother, very ... she was taller, but she was very genteel. Very quiet person. But she was very ill, like my mother. ... My brother and I used to try to take care of her. She would have spells where she would run away. But she was ... a very, very nice person. I think [she spoke with an English accent.] Aunt Jane did, too. Her sister. Aunt Mabel. They all had an English accent. [James Platt had] Quite [an accent.]" [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 6; H106]1908 - "New York Mills, May 27 - Alfred Shires, one of the best known residents of this village, died yesterday after a long illness. He was one of the foremen of the New York Mills Company, a1861 -- The census of Crompton civil parish in Oldham, Lancashire, England, lists Robert Platt age 21, estimated birth about 1840 in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England, and Mary 20 and Amelia 2 [J74-J75] 1862, January 3 - Robert Platt was living in Lower Doghill, Crompton, District of Oldham, County of Lancaster, England [Birth certificate of James Platt, J12] 1871 -- The census of Moorside ecclesiastical parish, Oldham, Lancashire, England, lists Robert Platt age 31, estimated birth about 1840 in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England, and Mary 30, Amelia A. 12, James 9, Thomas H. 2 and Esther A. 1 month. [J76-J77] 1881 -- The census of Crompton, Oldham, Lancashire, England, lists Robert Platt age 41, estimated birth about 1840 in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England, cotton weaver, at 24 Christine Street, and Mary 40, James 19, Thomas H. 12, Esther A. 10, Jane A. 3 and Clara. [J78-J79] 1915, October - "Robert Platt, a former well known resident of New York Mills, died at 6:15 this morning, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.H. Van Vliet, 1,315 Nelson St. He came there last July from Blackington, Mass., to visit his daughter and was taken sick about two months ago. Since then he had failed steadily until death came. "Mr. Platt was born July 26, 1839, in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England, and was married in Oldham, England, to Mary Bastow. They came to the United States and to New York Mills in January, 1882, and made their home there until Mrs. Platt died four years ago last April. Mr. Platt then went to Blackington, Mass., and made his home with his daughter [Clara; Mrs. Edward Jones] in that place until he came to Utica. "Mr. Platt was a spinner by trade, and he worked at that trade for the New York Mills for nearly 30 years. He was a dependable workman, and an expert at his trade. ... He was a member of Central City Lodge of Odd Fellows and of the sons of St. George of Utica ... He is survived by two sons, James Platt of New York Mills [sic], and by four daughters, Mrs. J.H. Van Vliet of this city, Mrs. Edward Williams of North Pownal, Vt., Mrs. Edward Jones of Blackington, Mass., and Miss Mary Platt of Capron. Eighteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren also survive. ..." [Obituary of Robert Platt, J3, J4, J72] 1941, November 12 - "My father Robert Platt, came to America in January 1882. We [family?] came seventeen weeks later and landed in New York on June 5th at Castle Garden. We came to New York Mills and worked in the Walcott and Campbell Mills." [Statement by Esther Ann Platt VanVliet to Mrs. Frances Lane, J17] "...Robert and his wife Mary are buried at Glenside Cemetery in New York Mills along with 2 daughters and a son." [Robert A. Platt notes, J72] millwright by occupation, and had been a resident of this place for 27 years. He was born at Rawdon, Yorkshire, England, May 25, 1837, and was married in England to Susannah Fowler April 16, 1860. They came to this country in 1881. He leaves besides his widow, four daughters, Mrs. James Platt, Mrs. M. Blackman, and the Misses Jane and Mabel Shires, and and two sons, Walter and Sydney Shires, all of New York Mills. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Mills of New York Mills and Mrs. Ann Carlisle of Minneapolis, Minn. "The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at the family residence on Porter street ..." [Obituary of Alfred Shires, J32, J46, K1] From Leeds, England [Obituary of Sydney A. Shires, K7]1916 - "New York Mills, March 7 -- Susanna Fowler, wife of the late Alfred Shires, died last night at her home on Main street in New York Mills. She sustained a stroke yesterday which proved fatal, although she had been in failing health for some time. "The deceased was born in Yorkshire, England, Sept. 6, 1840, and came to America with her husband in 1881. They first located in New York Mills and have since resided in this village. She attended the M.E. Church until ill health prevented ... "She is survived by the following children: Mrs. James Platt, Miss Jane Shires, Miss Mabel Shires and Walter Shires, all of New York Mills, Mrs. Ernest Stolterfoht of Fort Worth, Texas, and Sidney A. Shires of Montreal, Canada, also five grandchildren and two great grandchildren." [Obituary of Mrs. Alfred Shires, J46] From Leeds, England [Obituary of Sydney A. Shires, K7]1841 -- The census of Rochdale civil parish, Agbrigg (Upper Division) hundred, Delph, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, England, lists Benjamin Platt age 40, estimated birth about 1801, and Ann 40, John 16, Peggy 15, James 13, Joseph 11, Benjamin 8, Mary 6, Susan 4 and Robert 2 [J64-J65] 1861 -- The census of Crompton civil parish, East Crompton ecclesiastical parish, Oldham, Lancashire, England, lists Benjamin Platt age 63, estimated birth about 1798, and Ann 60, Benjamin 27, Susan 23, and Ann Platt 19; also Fanny Worswick 17 [J66-J67]1941, November 12 - "[James] Bastow's mother and three brothers and one sister came to America about 1840 or 1842. They were on the water so long that my great grandmother Bastow was too weak to stand the trip. She died on the train coming from New York to Utica. She was buried in the cemetery on Oxford Road in New Hartford, New York. One [brother] Henry Bastow was buried in Clayville, New York; another Forest Hill, Utica, and another in Pittsfield, Mass. The sister, Mrs. George Wood, is buried in Clayville." [Statement by Esther Ann Platt VanVliet to Mrs. Frances Lane, J17]"Mrs. Victoria (Dora) Chabott, 7‚ƒўџџџ…†‡ˆўџџџŠ‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСўџџџУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьўџџџюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ9, of 37-1/2 Clinton St., New York Mills, died today in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Archie Jennings, 2202 McBride Avenue, after a long illness. "Mrs. Chabott was born Apr. 24, 1880, in Port Leyden, daughter of Napoleon and Lavina DePan Smith and was educated in Port Leyden schools. She was married to Wesley Chabott in 1903 there. He died in December of 1920. "The couple lived in Utica for a brief time. Mrs. Chabott had lived in New York Mills for 10 years. "She was employed by the Dunlop Tire & Rubber Co. for 25 years. She retired 15 years ago. "Mrs. Chabott was a member of the Church of the Sacred Heart. "Besides Mrs. Jennings, she leaves two other daughters, Mrs. Francis Zorn, Utica, and Mrs. Joseph Ruskey, Jr., Deerfield; 18 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Another daughter, Mrs. Robert Kennerknecht, died in October of 1943. "The funeral will be held at 8:30 Tuesday from the Heintz Funeral Home, 1517 Whitesboro Street, and at 9 from the Church of the Sacred Heart ... Burial will be in St. Agnes Cemetery..." [Obituary of Mrs. Victoria Chabott, K8]1992, May -- "A very good Father. Always dressed in a suit. Never saw him in old clothes. Everything matched." [Letter from Loretta Smith Weiss; H71]2007, February 2 -- "Anita Elva (Griswold) Axtell, 88, passed away Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at Otsego Manor, where she had been a resident since February 2006. "She was born May 25, 1918, the daughter of the late Wickha1904 -- "Sat Nov 5, 1904 Cold. Stormy. Rain and snow all day. Baby born at 4 o'clock in morning "Weighed just 6 pounds without clothes" [Diary of Earl F. Johnson, P89] "I was born in 1904 November 5th. at home. 'Mollie' Mead was the attending nurse. She was a grandmother of Andrew Skinner and her husband was a pharmacist and jeweler etc. in a store 111 Main St." [Frances C. Johnson, P88] 1923, January 31 -- "Miss Frances Johnson, of the Albany State College for Teachers, has been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Johnson. She has been assisting in the high school during the illness of members of the faculty." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1925, March 11 -- "Miss Frances Johnson, a member of the senior class of the State College for Teachers, has been elected instructor pf algebra, biology and chemistry in the Bainbridge high school for the coming year." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AO] 1925, June 17 -- "Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Johnson and Mr. & Mrs. A.S. DeLong were in Albany Sunday and Monday attending the commencement exercises of the New York State College for Teachers, when Miss Frances C. Johnson was graduated with a B.A. degree with honor. Of the 110 students receiving the degree ... only 12 graduated with honor. It is pleasing, indeed, to note that Miss Johnson's name is included among the first twelve." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AO] 1926, February 27 -- "... Frances Johnson ... has been re-engaged to teach in the Bainbridge school for the coming year at a substantial increase in salary." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AQ] 1931, March 4 -- "Miss Frances Johnson, a graduate of the New Yorktate College for Teachers, Albany, and for some time an instructor in mathematics at Bainbridge has been elected by the Oneonta Board of Education to a similar position in the Oneonta High school. Her apppointment was made to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Bernice Rourke, which is to take effect at the end of the present school year ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AS] 1934, December 5 -- Frances Johnson noted as writing and directing a pageant, "The Rainbow of Service," feature of the vesper services of the World Wide Guild of the River Street, West Oneonta and Main Street Baptist Churches. [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AY] 1940, June 19 -- "Note about Frances Johnson working as a math teacher at Hartwick College during a summer course." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BK] Earl F. and Florence M. Johnson conveyed 35 Main Street in Worcester, New York to Frances Johnson. [Frances C. Johnson research, P156] 1983 -- "I am of the opinion that I am Frances Claudia Johnson born November 5th, 1904 the daughter of Earl Francis Johnson and Florence Mildred DeLong. According to the transcript that I obtained from the town clerk January 2nd, 1960, I was born of said parents. I was white, my middle name was Claudia and registered number was 843. The medical attendant was V.V. McCabe, M.D. "I understand that I was born in the residence now numbered 138 Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. not Dorchester as the transcript notes. ..." [Frances C. Johnson, P84] 1994 -- "Worcester -- Frances C. Johnson, 89, of Kingston, formerly of Worcester, died Saturday, May 28, 1994 at Kingston Hospital ... "She was born Nov. 5, 1904 in Worcester, the daughter of Earl F. and Florence M. (DeLong) Johnson. She had lived in Kingston for six months, moving there from Fox Hospital Nursing Home. "Miss Johnson was a 1921 graduate of Worcester High School, a graduate of Albany State Teachers College, where she received a bachelor of arts degree in 1925 and a master of arts degree in 1934. She taught in Bainbridge High School from 1925-1931 and Oneonta Senior High School from 1931-1970. She also taught 'Making Mathematical Models' at Summer Institute, Duke University, Syracuse University and the University of Virginia. "Miss Johnson was a past president of the Otsego County Math Teachers, the New York State Association of Math Teachers, the National Council of Math Teachers and the Oneonta Teachers Association, where she was also a past president. "Miss Johnson was a charter member and past president of Oneonta Chapter of American Association of University Women, a charter member of Rho Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma and past president of the New York State Teachers Organization. "She joined the Second Baptist Church of Worcester in November 1915, where she was an organist, a Sunday School teacher and past president of the Missionary Society. She was also a member and past president of the Worcester Historical Society and the Worcester Woman's Club, a long-time member of the Oneonta Community Concert Association and the New York State Historical Association and a member of the Otsego County Cooperative Extension and the Fox Hospital Auxiliary. "Miss Johnson received two special awards, the New York State College Member of Signum Laudis and the New York State Achievement Pin, Delta Kappa Gamma. "She is survived by one brother, James B. Johnson of Ocala, Fla., several nephews including David Johnson of Kingston, James Johnson of Allegany and William Johnson of Milford, Mass.; several nieces including Judy Shelly of Mandeville, La. and Janis Phillips of Ocala, Fla.; and several great-nieces, great-nephews and cousins. ... "Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 4, at the Second Baptist Church, Main Street, Worcester, with the Rev. Norman Moran of Oneonta, officiating. "Memorial contributions in Miss Johnson's name may be made to the Worcester Historical Society, ... Rho Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship Fund ... or World Vision International. "Arrangements are by the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Home, Worcester." [Obituary of Frances C. Johnson, P90]1921, July 27 -- "Born, Sunday evening July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson of this village, a son, Kenneth E." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL] 1926, December 29 -- "Kenneth, the young son of Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Johnson suffered a slight concussion last Saturday when his handsleigh collided with a telephone pole while coasting on Depot Street." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AR] 1937, May 5 -- "Article on prize speaking contest at Worcester Central school notes that Kenneth Johnson takes 2nd place in the boys division with a speech entitled 'Sit-down, Labor's New Technique.'" [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times, C96BA] 1938, June 15 -- "Description of W.C.S. Commencement notes 'The Class Valedictorian Kenneth Johnson, will use for his speech the subject "Ever Forward"'" [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BD] 1938, September 24 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... leave[s] tomorrow, Thursday, for Albany to take up ... studies at the State College for Teachers." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BF] 1939, August 23 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... underwent a tonsil operation at the Fox hospital in Oneonta on Monday. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BG-C96BH] 1942, May 20 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... who will graduate from the Albany College for teachers, has been reappointed a Bristol-Myers fellow in the Department of chemistry in Stanford University, Palo Alto," [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BM] 1942, June 3 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. Mr. Johnson minored in mathematics. While in college he was a member of Kappa Delta Rho, a social fraternity, and Chemistry Club ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BM] 1943, September 29 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... has accepted a position with the American Anode Co., a subsidiary of the B.F. Goodrich Co. at Akron, Ohio. Mr. Johnson is a graduate of the Worcester High School and the Albany State College for Teachers and won his Master's degree at Leland Stanford College at Palo Alto, Calif." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BQ] 1945, August 8 -- "Kenneth Johnson of Akron, Ohio ... talked on rubber products at the [Worcester] Rotary meeting Friday noon. He was very conversant with the subject and gave many interesting facts ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BT] 1947, November 26 -- "Kenneth Johnson ... who for the past three and a half years has been employed by the B.F. Goodrich Rubber Co. at Akron, Ohio, as a chemist, has ... accepted a similar place with the DuPont Co. of Fairfield, Connecticut. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BV]     ўџџџ!G"#$%&'()*+,-./012H456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFўџџџXIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWY}f[\]^_`abcdeўџџџghijklmnozqrstuvwxyўџџџ{|ž§џџџ€1917, March 7 -- "Born, Monday, March 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson, a son, J. Burdette. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AD] 1934, August 9 -- "E.F. Johnson motored to Ithaca on Monday to take his son Burdette Johnson, to Ithaca College where he will enroll for a course in Physical Education. He is living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vroman, former residents of Jefferson." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AX] 1935, May 8 -- "Burdette Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Johnson of this village, has been elected to membership of the Adelphi Honorary Society of Ithaca College, Ithaca. This is in recognition of his marked ability as a student of the college." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AZ] 1937, July 14 -- "Burdette Johnson ... entered the Bassett Hospital last Friday where he underwent a major operation. He withstood the ordeal quite nicely and the hospital states that his condition is quite favorable." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BA] 1937, August 11 -- "Mrs. Anna H. Bull of RD 1 has announced the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Elizabeth Bull, to J. Burdette Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson of this village." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BE] 1938, February 23 -- "... Burdette Johnson ... has signed a contract to become director of physical education and coach of soccer, basketball and baseball at Hinsdale High school, Hinsdale, N.Y. during the coming year. Johnson was manager of the Ithaca College football team last fall and is a member of the Adelphi freshman honorary scholastic society; and Phi Epsilon Kappa, national physical education fraternity. He is teaching physical education to Candor High school students and has charge of adult education there." A June 8, 1938 article describes Burdette's graduation from Ithaca College. [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BC and C96BD] 1945, May 9 -- "J. Burdette Johnson, physical education director at the Hinsdale NY central school, has been accepted in the merchant marines. Tuesday he left for Buffalo to join his contingent and from there went to the induction center at Sheepshead Bay." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BT] "Ocala, Fla. -- Dr. James B. Johnson of 3214 SE 39 Ave., formerly of Fay Hollow Road in Hinsdale, N.Y., died Saturday (Aug. 19, 2000) in Munroe Regional Medical Center. "Born March 5, 1917, in Worcester, N.Y., he was a son of the late Earl and Florence DeLong Johnson. On Aug. 17, 1939, he married the former Ethel E. Lucas, who survives. "Dr. Johnson had lived in Florida for the past 24 years. He was a 1934 graduate of Worcester Central School. In 1938, he graduated from Ithaca College in Ithaca, N.Y., with a bachelor of Science degree. He received his master of education degree from St. Bonaventure University in Allegany, N.Y., in 1946. In 1972, he earned his doctoral degree in education from Laurence University in Sarasota. He was a member of the Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity. "Dr. Johnson served in the Merchant Marines in 1944. He was a faculty member of the Portville Central School in Portville, N.Y., Allegany Central School and Hinsdale Central School. From 1958 to 1972, he was the principal at Hinsdale Central School. From 1972 to 1976, he was superintendent of the Olean City School District. "His current memberships and affiliations included the Cattaraugus County Chief School Officers, National Education Association, American Association of School Administrators, the New York State Retired Teachers Association, the National Retired Teachers Associations, Boy Scouts of America, and the AARP. He was a hunter training safety instructor. "He was also a member of the New York State Council District Administrators, a member and past president of the Hinsdale Volunteer Firemen, a member of the Parent Teacher Association, and a member of the Cattaraugus County Athletic Association. He was a member of Cuba Masonic Lodge 306 F&AM, the National Rifle Association, Retired Citizen Association Marion County Chapter, and District Administrative National Register of Prominent Americans. "Dr. Johnson enjoyed hunting and fishing. "In addition to his wife of 61 years, he is survived by two daughters, Judith Ann (Jess) Shelley of Mandeville, La., and Janis Lynn Phillips of Tampa, Fla.; a son, James B. Johnson of Allegany, five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. "A private viewing for the family will be held Friday at 7 p.m. Family and friends are invited to attend funeral services on Saturday (Aug. 26, 2000) at 11 a.m. in Guenther Funeral Home, 1303 E. State St., Olean. The Rev. Frank Hayman, pastor of the Allegany Baptist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Five Mile Cemetery in Allegany. A scholarship will be established in memory of Dr. Johnson. Memorials may be made to the scholarship fund at Hinsdale Central School." [Obituary of James B. Johnson, P172-P173]m H. and Nettie (Albert) Griswold of Schenevus. "A lifetime area resident, she graduated from Schenevus High School, class of 1936. "On Nov. 27, 1946, she married Raymond F. Axtell. "The Axtells owned a dairy farm on Axtell Road in Maryland for many years. "Mrs. Axtell was a past regent and historian of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Iroquois Chapter, Worcester. She was a life member of the National Society Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, havinfv descended from a Founder ancestor, Michael Griswold, and a Patriot ancestor, Aaron Griswold, both of the Colony of Connecticut. She was also aembver of the New York State Historical Association and the Otsego County Women's Republican Club. "Mrs. Axtell was predeceased by her parents; a sister, Marjorie (Griswold) Freeman on Nov. 9, 1968; and her husband, July 1, 2003. "In 2004, she became a resident of the Thanksgiving Home in Cooperstown, where she resided until February of 2006, when illness necessitated her to move to Otsego Manor. "She is survived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Lucy (Axtell) Tait of Maryland; several cousins and several nieces and nephews of Mr. Axtell. "There will be no viewing or funeral. "A graveside service will be held in Maryland Cemetery in the spring. "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Schenevus-Maryland Emergency Squad ... or to the DAR Iroquois Chapter ... "The Heller Funeral home, 25 Arch Street, in Schenevus, is serving the family." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; N12C]2003, July 2 -- "Maryland -- Raymond F. Axtell, 89, died Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at Eden Park Nursing Home in Cobleskill. "Raymond was born Feb. 14, 1914, in Bainbridge, N.Y., the son of Oscar and Jennie (Miller) Axtell. He married Anita Griswold on Nov. 27, 1946, in Schenevus. "After several years as a dairy farmer, Raymond was employed by General Electric in Schenectady, retiring in 1979. He was a trustee and past president of the Maryland Cemetery Association, and he was a 45-year member of Otsego County Extension Service. "He is survived by his wife, Anita Axtell; a sister, Lucy Taite of Maryland; and five nieces and two nephews: Patricia Walling of New Jersey; Cynthia Amash of Albany; Mrs. Budd (Lois) Whitbeck of Round Lake; Mrs. Charles (Johanna) Loveland of Missouri; Mrs. Matt (Margaret) Petrillo of New Jersey; Steven Taite of Niskayuna; and Robert Decker of Florida. "He was predeceased by a brother, Ralph Axtell, and a sister, Lemora Decker. "Friends may call on Saturday, July 5 from 10 to 11 a.m., at Heller Funeral Home, Schenevus. "Funeral services will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Heller Funeral Home, with the Rev. Frank MacCracken Sr. offriciating. "Burial will follow at the Maryland Cemetery. "Memorials may be made to Schenevus-Maryland Emergency Squad ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; N12A-N12B]1923, February 2 -- "The funeral of John H. Griswold, who died at his home in Schenevus on Mondaўџџџ    ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:ўџџџ<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgўџџџijklmўџџџopqrsўџџџuvwxyўџџџ{|ўџџџ~€y Jan. 29, was held from the house at 2 pm Thursday and the body interred in the Schenevus cemetery. Deceased was born in the town of Westford on April 22, 1846. In October 1867, he married Elizabeth Van Wie of Tuscan and to them three children were born, Mary, deceased; Wickham who lives on the old home farm between here and Schenevus, and Charles who resides at home. His first wife died early in life and on November 23, 1892 he married Miss Hattie L. Champion of Worcester, who survives him." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AL]1998, May 25 -- Beside Wickham and Lucy Griswold's, other gravestones in this plot include those of "Sarah," daughter of "William" and Lucy Griswold, d. Dec. 11, 1842 ae 17 years, 9 months, 6 days; "Sara, wife of Wickham Griswold," d. Oct. 29, 1860, ae 31 years, 6 months, 13 days; and Lyman Griswold, d. Mar. 22, 1864 ae 48 years, 2 days. [Gravestone inscriptions, M64]1807 -- "Living in Maryland, NY" [Griswold Family in America, Vol. 2, by Glenn E. Griswold, 181; N4]1996, December 15 -- Griswold Family in America says that Michael Griswold settled in the colony of Connecticut before 1640. The first Griswolds in America came from Kennilworth, Warwickshire, England. Brothers Edward and Matthew Griswold, relatives of Michael, settled in Windsor, Connecticut in 1639. The earliest Griswold known to Anita Axtell in 1996 is George, born April 23, 1548 in Kennilworth. Information about George was compiled by Roy S. Berlin of Waukegan, Illinois, in 1930. [Anita E. Axtell letter, N1] 1997, February 25 -- "The first Griswold in America came to Windsor, near Hartford, Ct. in 1630 was Matthew. He moved to Lyme & died there 1698. His brother Edward came in 1639 and a relative (Michael) came a few years later and put in at New Haven. Edward's father was George Griswold born 4-23-1548, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England. Edward was born in 1607 and died in 1691. He married Margaret Hicks who died in 1670 and hers is the oldest grave at Killington (now Clinton) Ct. Historians don't agree on some of this genealogy. I think I told you when I joined 'Daughters of Founders & Patriots' - the Nat'l genealogist changed my descendant to Michael instead of Edward. Evidently no one referred to 'Ancient Windsor Conn.' I still maintain my ancestor was Edward." (Anita E. Axtell letter, N2)2002, July 9 -- "Cohoes -- Jane A. Roberts, 52, of Cohoes and Waterford died at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan on July 7, 2002 after a courageous battle with liver disease. "Born and educated in Cohoes, [she] was the daughter of the late Armand LaForest and Ursula Brammer. Mrs. Roberts was a communicant of St. Bernard's Church, and loved to spend time with her family and travel. "Beloved mother of Amy Roberts Bonville of Waterford, Leo Roberts, Jr. of Cohoes and Melissa Roberts of Cohoes; fiance of Robert A. McMahon Sr. of Cohoes; sister of Wilma Daniel of Cohoes, Joanne Cusack of Troy, Dawn Sanderson of Cohoes, Shirley Hickman of Green Island, Ursula Guilianelli, Gary LaForest, and Christopher Brammer, all of Cohoes, and the late Armand LaForest; grandmother of Derek, Leah, Samantha, Amanda, Mariah, Jack and Jared Roberts, Sara Bartlett, and Bailey Bonville. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. "Funeral Wednesday, 9 a.m. from the Dufresne Funeral Home., Inc., 216 Columbia St., Cohoes and 9:30 a.m. at St. Bernard's Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery, Waterford. Relatives and friends are invited to call at the funeral home Tuesday, 4-8 p.m. "Family asks that you remember the importance of the donation and transplant program and that you share your wishes with your loved ones. ..." [Albany Times Union; F23]1948, July 7 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson received word of the birth of a son on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson of Hawleyville, Conn." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BW]1944, November 15 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Johnson of Hinsdale NY are parents of a son, James Barry, born last Saturday. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BR]1940, August 14 -- "A seven pound and two ounce daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Burdette Johnson of Hinsdale on Thursday of last week. ..." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BK]Had a sister Mrs. Robert Antoinette of Albany, according to wedding notice"Earl Johnson was the son of Levi M. Johnson and Clarissa (who always called herself Clara) Russ1886, September 29 -- Levi M. Johnson of Worcester buys 137 acres on South Hill in the Town of Worcester (McKee's Patent, 5th Allotment, southern half of Lot 4; and 3rd Allotment, part of Great Lot 8) from James C. and wife Selecta Johnson of Summit, for $2,000. [206 Otsego County Deeds, 282, P151] Grant and Anna M. Beach of Rensselaer bought this farm in April, 1922 for $3,300, taking a $2,800 mortgage from the Johnsons [P157 and P169]. The Beaches conveyed this land to Levi and Clara Johnson for $1 on April 24, 1925 [321 or 331 Otsego County Deeds 262, P155] and Levi conveyed it to Clara Johnson for $1 on June 19, 1926. [348 Otsego County Deeds 580, P155] In an arrangement dated November 15, 1925, "each party" was to furnish half the seed grain, seed potatoes and fertilizer. Each party would share half the potatoes and turnips. Grain was to be threshed and divided half and half. [P157] 1891 -- "Deed dated Mar. 2 1891 "Richard & Jane Winegard to Levi M. Johnson [for $700] "Bounded on the west by lands of Elmon Howe, deceased. On the north & east by land formerly owned by Hamilton Russ On the south by center of highway containing 1 acre, more or less. Excepting & reserving therefrom a strip of land on the easterly side of said premises four rods wide" "There is now an iron axle in the center of the drive way near the side walk marking the south east corner agreed upon by my father & John Baldwin or Sheldon Mereness. "The maple tree on the bank south west corner was agreed as the corner by L.W. Bellinger & me" [Earl F. Johnson written notes of deed and property lines at 35 Main Street, Worcester, New York, P51; Earl and Frances Johnson's diagrams of the property appear at P52 and P53; 222 Otsego County Deeds 44, P153] 1891 -- "Levi Johnson purchased the property at 35 Main Street Worcester from Richard Winegard in 189[1]. Previously George Henry and family lived in a story and a half house (red) at the back of the lot next to the hill and had a blacksmith shop where the present garage stands. Mr. Johnson lived at 39 Main Street from March until the summer of 1893. then went into the present 35 Main St. home built by Josephus Simmons and L.M. Johnson. The barn was west of the house at foot of the bank and moved to present position in 1894." [Frances C. Johnson research, P50] "... grandfather bought the property at 35 Main Street of Richard Winegard, who owned many places in Worcester. At the south west end of the property was a black smith shop, farther north a barn and near the bank on the north a story and a half house. All have been demolished. In 1893 the house now standing was built by Levi Johnson and Josephus Simmons ... The barn was built in 1894 according to date on the partition between the main part and the stables which at one time housed 2 cows and gentle Ben, a horse not so gentle. Grandfather stayed on the hill farm and brought Grandmother and Dad down to spend the school week and returned them to the farm for the week end. "Raymond Tyler from Westford stayed during the school week for continuing education. ..." [Frances C. Johnson, P86] 1913, August 6 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Johnson visited the Ashokan dam yesterday. Louis Bellinger conveyed them in his five-passenger Detroiter." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1927, September 21 -- "Levi Johnson, Earl F. Johnson and Kenneth Johnson attended the Truesdell-Johnson family reunion at Prattsville last Saturday." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AS] 1929 -- "Worcester, April 26 -- Levi M. Johnson, father of E.F. Johnson, county sealer of weights and measures, passed away at his home on lower Main street Friday morning following a three months illness from heart trouble. "The deceased was born April 20, 1853, on Johnson's hill in the town of Summit on the old Johnson homestead, a son of James C. and Selecta (Mead) Johnson. October 15, 1879, he was united in marriage with Clara Russ of Worcester, and immediately after their marriage they went to live on Mr. Johnson's farm on South Hill, where they resided until 1893, when they came to this village to live. "Mr. Johnson's entire life was spent in this vicinity with the exception of the year 1878, when he resided in Nebraska. After moving to this village he worked at the carpenter's trade. Surviving relatives are, the wife and son mentioned; one sister, Mrs. Dora Baldwin of Charlotteville; and three grandchildren, Miss Frances Johnson, a member of the Bainbridge High school faculty and Burdette and Kenneth Johnson of this village. "The deceased was a member of the Baptist church of this village and always interested in its activities as long as health permitted. ... "Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon from the home at 2 o'clock, Rev. Arnold Natino officiating. Interment will be made in Maple Grove cemetery. ..." [Obituary of Levi Johnson, P54]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕўџџџЗИўџџџКЛМНОПРўџџџТУўџџџХЦЧўџџџЩўџџџЫўџџџЭўџџџЯўџџџбвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќўџџџўџ ..." [Frances C. Johnson, P84] "The Johnsons and the Russes were Methodists. Emma Golden was probably Presbyterian or Episcopalian as those were the two local churches of Rensselaerville but Oscar DeLong was a Baptist and eventually my grandparents all became Worcester Baptist affiliants but Clara Johnson never acquiesced to the baptismal waters. She was a regular attendant and worked on the chicken pie suppers." [Frances C. Johnson, P85] 1944. August 2 -- "Worcester -- Mrs. Clara Russ Johnson, 86, died Tuesday at 8:20 pm at her home here of infirmities after an illness of four weeks. Funeral will be held at the home Friday at 3, Rev. L.C. Jones, Baptist church pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the family plot at Maple Grove cemetery beside her husband. ... "Mrs. Johnson was born April 4, 1858, in Worcester, daughter of Alonzo and Amanda (Wilber) Russ whose parents had been early settlers of the South Hill district. Oct. 15, 1879 she was married to Levi M. Johnson of Charlotteville at Worcester, and they lived on their South Hill farm until 1893, when they moved to the village. Mr. Johnson died in April, 1929. Mrs. Johnson was a member of the Baptist church. "Surviving is a son, Earl F. Johnson, county sealer of weights and measures, Worcester; a brother, Wallace Russ, Chaseville; three grandchildren, Miss Frances C. Johnson, Worcester, Oneonta high school teacher, J. Burdette Johnson, physical education instructor, Hinsdale central school, and Kenneth E. Johnson, research chemist, Akron, O.; a great-granddaughter, Miss Judith Ann Johnson, Hinsdale, and several nephews and nieces." [Obituary of Mrs. Johnson; Worcester Times; P62 and C96BR]Surname variations -- Wilber seems most frequent; Wilbor also appears.1850 -- Alonzo ae 21 appears in the Census with the family of Charles R. Chamberlain ae 31. [Frances C. Johnson research, Q30] "Alonzo Russ married Amanda Wilbur. They lived on South Hill Road." [Frances C. Johnson research, with map, Q74]Surname variations -- Frances Johnson uses Wilbor; Wilber also appears1826 -- "David J.S. b 1826 d ?" given as child of David Wilbor and Clarissa Jolls. [Frances C. Johnson research, R18]Surname variation -- Frances Johnson uses Wilbor.Surname variation -- Frances Johnson uses WilborSurname variation -- Frances Johnson uses Wilbor and WilboreSurname variations -- Frances Johnson uses WilboreSurname variations -- Frances Johnson uses Wilbore See "The Wilbores in America," a family tree by John R. Wilbor, published by the author in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1907. [Frances C. Johnson research, R9] 1633 -- "...Samuel Wilbore, who with his wife Ann and children Samuel, Jr., Joseph and Shadrach arrived in Boston in 1633." [Frances C. Johnson research, R5] Frances C. Johnson research includes another William Wilbore, son of John Wilbore of Braintree, England. John was the son of another John, who was the son of Joseph, who was the son of Nicholas, who may have been the son of Thomas. Frances noted that "this same William is listed as a possible son of Samuel Wilbore" and that "It is thought that William and Samuel Sr. were cousins. Samuel transferred land to Wm on 10 July 1654." [R5, R17] 1633, December 1 -- "Sam Wilbore -- first account -- admitted First Church of Boston Dec. 1, 1633. Married in England about 1633. Banished from Boston with Roger Williams on account of their religious views." [Frances C. Johnson research, R4] 1637 -- "Owned considerable property in Taunton, Mass. " In Nov 1637 banished from the colony on account of religious views. " Acting on the advice of Roger Williams he fled to Providence. "18 persons founded Providence. In 1645 Samuel returned to Boston and later built an iron furnace in Taunton." [Frances C. Johnson research, R9]1633 -- "Samuel Wilber and Ann Bradford came from England about 1633. They were banished from Boўџџџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567ўџџџ9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRўџџџTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnўџџџpqrstuvwxyz{|}~€ston with Roger Williams on account of their religious views." [Frances C. Johnson research, R2]1888, September 1 -- Austin Payne agrees to furnish what house room is necessary with suitable board and draw all the wood required for fuel to be used in a cer"Director of Bank and lived on Water Street near stone bridge. ? ... He was a farmer and lived near Charlotteville." [W. Fern Ferguson research, P33A] 1856, April 21 -- James C. Johnson of Summit buys a 121-acre farm in the Town of Jefferson (Strasburgh Patent, Lot 97), from Charles and wife Martha Truax of Jefferson, for $900, subject to a $450 mortgage to Levi Gallup. [Frances C. Johnson research, P151] 1857, April 1 -- James C. Johnson of Summit buys 118 acres in the Town of Jefferson (Butler's Patent, parts of Lots 102 and 103), from John D. Mead of Jefferson, for $2,500. [Frances C. Johnson research, P152; 3 Schoharie County Mortgages 96, P158] 1864, September 28 -- James C. Johnson of Summit buys land in the Town of Jefferson {southern half of 50 acres of Lot 106 and northerly 30 acres of Lot 107 in the northern half of the Strasburgh Patent granted to John Butler, to the corner of Jacob Johnson's land), from Henry J. and wife Martha Fox of Summit, for $2,500. [Frances C. Johnson research, P150] 1868, January 1 -- James C. Johnson of Summit sells 116 acres of land to Isaac Truax of Jefferson for $2,300, with Truax to make annual payments of at least $100 plus interest on November 1 each year. Payments are recorded through 1873. [Frances C. Johnson research, P164] 1878, June 1 -- James C. Johnson of Summit buys land on South Hill in the Town of Worcester (McKee's Patent, 5th Allotment, southern half Lot 4; and 3rd Allotment, part of Great Lot 8) from James H. and wife Ellen (or Helen) Langdon of Worcester, for $2,800. [180 Otsego County Deeds 539, P150] 1878, October 10 -- John H. and wife Julia Woodbeck of Worcester take out a $2,000 mortgage to James C. Johnson of Summit regarding two parcels of farm land, 100 acres in the Towns of Jefferson and Summit and 23 acres apparently in Otsego County. [P160] 1880, November 1 -- Johnson and Truax renew their 1868 agreement pertaining to the John Meed farm which Truax occupies, except for the 1/4-acre "burying ground." The balance due is $1,700. On November 1 Truax is to pay $200 on principal and interest until paid in full. This agreement was renewed again in 1881 and full payment occurred on November 1, 1890. [Frances C. Johnson research, P162-P163] 1884, June 5 -- James C. Johnson of Summit buys 83 acres atop South Hill in the Town of Worcester (McKee's Patent, Great Lot 7, Lot 1, at the corner of the Skinner and Bradt Patents) from James and wife Rose A. Johnson of Worcester, for $3,300. [198 Otsego County Deeds 375, P150] "The Johnson family lived on South Hill Road, where the Russ and Ridge families were neighbors. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41] 1888, March 3 -- Selecta Johnson and Levi M. Johnson are named administrators of the effects of James C. Johnson. [Frances C. Johnson research, P154]tain part of the dwelling of Selecta Johnson. She is to pay for cutting the wood to fit the stove if not already cut. The arrangement is for the rest of Selecta Johnson's natural life. Compensation is in the sale of a farm in Charlotteville owned by Selecta Johnson, deeded to Payne for $1,000 to be paid to Selecta Johnson beside house rent, board, washings and fuel. Mr. Payne is to furnish shelter for firewood. [Frances C. Johnson research, P161] 1894, April 11 -- Levi M. Johnson appointed administrator of Selecta's goods and chattel. [Frances C. Johnson research, P153 and P168] 1914, May 5 -- Homer Truax of Binghamton purchases three parcels of land from the heirs of Selecta Johnson for $1,450. The "only next of kin" are listed as Levi Johnson, Clara Johnson, Mary Sperbeck, George Payne and Roxey Payne of Worcester; Dora Baldwin, Emma Smith and Rose Wayman of Charlotteville; Burton Johnson and wife Florence Johnson of Cooperstown; Betsey Truax of Binghamton; and James Johnson. The parcels are: 1) 123-1/2 acres in the Charlotte River Patent and 2) 6 acres in the Strasburgh Patent, Town of Jefferson, both of which were conveyed by Jacob L. Johnson and his wife Sally to James C. Johnson on May 14, 1850 [28 Schoharie County Deeds 513, P154], and 3) a piece of land in Summit bounded by Luke Collington and Wesley Cornell. "These are the same premises conveyed by James C. Johnson to Rose Johnson and by Rose Johnson to Selecta Johnson." [Frances C. Johnson research, P154]1887, March 10 -- James C. Johnson of Summit conveys a tract of land in Summit which he had received from William N. Eckerson and his wife in 1876, to Rose Johnson of Worcester. [Frances C. Johnson research, P151] 1887, March 10 -- Rose Johnson of Worcester obtains a quit-claim deed on 5 acres in the Town of Jefferson, which her parents had bought from Luke Colliton in 1874, for $1. The transaction also includes 123-1/2 acres in the Charlotte River Patent in the Towns of Summit and Jefferson and 6 acres in Lot 112 of the Strasburgh Patent in the Town of Jefferson which her father had bought from her grandparents Jacob J. and Sally Johnson in 1850. [102 Schoharie County Deeds 135 and 137, P152-P153 and P168] Selecta Johnson's heirs sold off all these lands to Homes Truax of Binghamton in 1914. [Frances C. Johnson research, P154]1967 -- "Charlotteville -- Mrs. Nina A. Baker, 86, died November 27 at the Community Hospital, Cobleskill, after an extended illness. "Funeral services wiAbout 1967 -- "Cooperstown -- Berton G. Johnson, 94, died Wednesday morning at Woodside Hall. "Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Tillapaugh Funeral Home, Cooperstown, with the Rev. Larry Campbell officiating. Burial will be in Hartwick Seminary Cemetery. "He was born Feb. 6, 1873, Worcester, the son of James and Rose Ann (Johnson) Johnson. He graduated from Worcester High School, Albany Business College, and Albany Law School in 1895. "He was admitted to the bar in 1896 and opened a law office in Cooperstown. In 1897 he was appointed clerk of Surrogate Court. He was Clerk of the Otsego County Board of Supervisors, and Otsego County Treasurer from 1917 until 1924. "In 1924 he was named as Postmaster of Cooperstown, serving in that capacity until 1936. He was County Court Stenographer for the County Grand Jury, and chairman of the Board of Assessors for the Town of Otsego for nine years, a member of the equalization committee for Madison County from 1939 until 1948. "He was a former Village Board Trustee; a director of the Cooperstown Savings and Loan, and a director of the Cooperstown National Bank. He served as Secretary of the Otsego County Fair for twenty years, during the years the fair was held in Cooperstown. He was a life member of the Fly Creek Grange, an honorary member of the Cooperstown Rotary Club and a past president of the organization. "He was a member of Otsego Lodge, F&AM, for 68 years; Otsego Chapter Royal Arch Masons for 67 years and High Priest of the Chapter in 1904 and 1905. "He joined the Little Falls Commandery, Knights Templar and was a charter member of Otsego Commandery, Commander in 1923, and was a member of Cyprus Shrine since 1902, and of the Mohawk Valley Consistry. "At the age of 90 he was the oldest practicing attorney in Otsego County, but at the time of his death was retired. "He married Florence Smith, Feb. 24, 1897. She died Nov. 4, 1953. "He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Robert S. Johnson, Cooperstown, Mrs. James Tracy, Buffalo, and Mrs. Marion McRae, Leonia, N.J.; a son, James Douglas, Clearwater, Florida, seven grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. "Otsego Lodge will have a masonic service at 8 p.m. Friday. ..." [Obituary of Berton G. Johnson, P39]ll be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, at the First Summit Baptist Church, Charlotteville. The Rev. Earl Colson will officiate. "Mrs. Baker was born Sept. 17, 1881, at Summit, the daughter of Erskine and Dora (Johnson) Baldwin. She married John Baker, who died in 1914. She spent her entire life in the town of Summit. "Survivors include a brother, Al Ray Baldwin of Richmondville; two nieces, Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Oriskany, and Mrs. Beryl Wilklow of Voorheesville and two nephews, Lloyd Baldwin of Woodenville, Washington, and Robert Baldwin of Albany and several cousins. "Friends may call at the Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester Wednesday afternoon and evening." [Obituary of Mrs. Nina A. Baker, P39]1973 -- "Richmondville -- Ray Ba‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽўџџџ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃўџџџЅўџџџЇўџџџЉЊЋўџџџ­ЎЏАБВГДўџџџЖЗИЙКЛўџџџНОПРўџџџТўџџџФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуўџџџхцчшщъўџџџьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљўџџџћќ§ўџўџџџ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰—‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–ўџџџ˜™š›œŸЎ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­Џ' АБВЩДЕЖЗИЙКЛўџџџНОПРСТУФХЦЧШўџџџЪЫЬЭЮЯа№вгдежзийкўџџџмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяўџџџёђѓ& §џџџіїјљњћќ§ўџ ldwin, 84, of 59 East Main St., died Monday, Dec. 17 at Community Hospital in Cobleskill, having been a patient there for 12 days. "Mr. Baldwin was born Oct. 14, 1889 at Charlotteville, son on the late Erskine and Dora (Johnson} Baldwin. His wife, Elda (Sisum) Baldwin, died in 1970. "He was a carpenter and mason. He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Richmondville and the Senior Citizens Club. He was a resident of Richmondville for 33 years. "Mr. Baldwin is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Beryl Wilklow of Voorheesville; two sons, Lloyd of Woodinville, Wash. and Robert L. of Albany; three grandchildren, eight great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. "Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church with the Rev. William J. Preuss, pastor, officiating. Burial will be at a later date. "Friends may call at the Robert A. Guffin Funeral Home in Cobleskill Wednesday evening. ..." [Obituary of Ray Baldwin, P39]"Jacob Johnson lived on Charlotteville Hill. He came from Berne." [Frances C. Johnson research, P82] 1857, November 14 -- Date of will of "Jacob J. Johnson," which was probated on December 6, 1858. The will mentioned sons James C., Jacob M., William and Nathaniel and four daughters "(except my daughter Polly Shea are mentioned)." Executors were Jacob M. Johnson and Daniel H. Stilwell. Witnesses were Daniel H. Stillwell of Jefferson and W.C. Lamont. [Frances C. Johnson research, P24 and P81] Apparent epitaph "Lord, make me to know my end and the measure of my days What it is that I may know how frail I am." [Frances C. Johnson research, P140, Q70]From Gallupville, New York (Frances C. Johnson)Note "Lexington" from Frances Johnson researchFrances Johnson's genealogical research has a question mark after Libbie's name, followed by the notation "Ida Dunbar."1934, December 19 -- "Earl F. Johnson and mother, Mrs. Clara Johnson of this village were in Prattsville on Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs. [sic] Sarah Johnson, 93 years old, a native of Lexington, and a cousin of the Johnsons." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AY]1924, March 12 -- "Levi and Earl Johnson were in Charlotteville last Saturday attending the funeral of Malissa Johnson, who was found dead in bed by neighbors on Thursday before." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN]Note "Jess" in Frances Johnson research [P31] Apparent epitaph "This mortal shall put on immortality." [Frances C. Johnson research, P140]Perhaps same as Francis L. Johnson born May 2, 18561959 -- "Vol Russ, 64, of Maryland died Dec. 27 at Fox Hospital after a long illness. "Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Bennett funer"In the History and genealogy of the MEAD FAMILY compiled by Spencer P. Mead and published by the Knickerbocker Press in 1901 page 167 lists a David Mead born about 1772 as removing to Albany County, NY. "I have found nothing on a David Mead in the 1790 and 1800 census listings for Albany County and the surrounding areas. However John D. Mead is listed in the 1790 and 1800 census for Albany County. I am presuming that the D. after John's name is David as it has come down his line in two generations thereafter. John D. Mead was born July 19, 1774. "His son David Mead was born December 19, 1806 in the Town of Bethlehem, Albany County according to David's death records in the office of the clerk of the Town of Jefferson, County of Schoharie. It also lisdts both his parents as being from Bethlehem. "John D. Mead is listed in the census records for the Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, NY from the year of 1810 to 1860. He died November 29, 1860. He had a son John D. Mead and his son David had a son John David Mead. ..." [Donald H. Hull, Jr.; Ancestors and some Descendants of John D. Mead, Z152] "... further research .. [has] come up with this theory that ... Nehemiah who lived in Horseneck, was born at Ballston probably the son of Nehemiah [was the father of John D. Mead]..." [Donald H. Hull, Jr. letter, December 28, 1998, Z124] "I am basing my theory on Nehemiah out of the Mead book by Spencer P. Mead ... Census records ... show a Henry Mead in the Town of Bethlehem [in 1810]. Henry probably could be a brother to John but goes through Zebulon to Timothy and so forth. Nehemiah on the other hand was in the Albany area thru several census lists and possibly could be John's ancestor." [Hull research, Z141] "The records on the entry on David Mead, [John's] son at the Jefferson Town Clerk showing David's death state that not only was David born in the Town of Bethlehem, Albany County but his parents John D. and Elizabeth were either born there or that they were from there also." [Hull research, Z141] 1831, February 22 -- John D. Mead purchased a 118-acre farm in Butler's Patent, Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York, the eastern half of Lot 103, from Blandina Bruyn of Kingston, Ulster County, New York, for $600. [Hull letter, December 21, 1998, Z123] 1849, February 27 -- John D. Mead and his wife Elizabeth sold 43 acres in the Town of Jefferson, part of Lot 85 of the Strasburgh Patent, to Henry Mead, for $300. [Hull letter, December 21, 1998, Z123] 1850, December 31 -- John D. and Betsy Mead sold 60 acres in the Town of Jefferson, the northern half of Lot 98 of the Strasburgh Patent, to Abram Mead, for $2. this property was surveyed August 1, 1793 by John S. VanSten. On April 1, 1876 this property was sold by John D. Mead's heirs to David Hix of Jefferson, for $1,560. [Schoharie County Deeds; Hull letter, December 21, 1998, Z123] 1857, April 1 -- John D. Mead sold the 118 acres that he had purchased in 1831 to James C. Johnson of Summit, for $2,500. [Hull letter, December 21, 1998, Z123] 1860 -- "John D. Mead was counted as living with David in the 1860 census with an age of 85 years. ..." [Hull research, Z144]al home, Schenevus. The Rev. Walter H. Read, vicar of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Schenevus, officiated. Burial will be in Maryland cemetery. "He was born May 15, 1895, in Milford, the son of Abram and Mary (Wilbur) Russ. He married Ida Wieser in Apr. 1919. She died Nov. 14, 1943. He married Ella May Blencoe Wightman in Feb. 1946. She died Aug. 23, 1958. "Mr. Russ was a farmer and a driver of a school bus for the Draper central school, Schenevus. He lived all his life in Maryland and vicinity. "He is survived by one brother, Wilbur I., Maryland; two sons, Vol, Kansas City, Mo. and John, Salt Lake City, Utah; six step-children, Cyrus and Charles Wightman, Maryland; Wayne Wightman, Bordentown, N.J.; Mrs. Leah Dante, Cobleskill; Mrs. Laura Mabie, Albany, and Mrs. Velma Mostar, Richmondville, and three grandchildren." [Newspaper article, P39]1912, June 5 -- "Item identifying the death of Mr. John Houghkerk. Funeral Albany attended by Mr. & Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. Samuel Russ and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W]1963 -- "At the residence, 80 Benson St., on May 9, 1963, Cora Hooghkerk McClasky; mother of Mrs. Kenneth (Blanche) Wilcox; grandmother of Muriel and Bruce Wilcox; aunt of Mrs. John Reynolds, Mrs. Raymond Hassett, Mrs. Carlton Stoneburner and Edgar Hooghkerk. Funeral services Saturday at 2 p.m. from Stanco Funeral Home, 466 Madison Ave., with the Rev. Alvin Butz officiating. ... Interment Albany Rural Cemetery." [Funeral notice of Cora McClasky, P40]1914, April 15 -- "Edward Hookerk and bride of Albany, who were married in that city on Monday, are guests of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Johnson." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96Z] ўџџџ   ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTўџџџVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsўџџџuvwxyz{|}~€"Abraham Russ lived on South Hill Road [Worcester, New York] south of the turn to South America Road, with his wife Anna [sic] and children. These were ancestors of Rhoba Russ, wife of William H. French, a long-time druggist in Worcester." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41]"Williiam Russ married Amanda Wilber [actually Mary Ellen Tripp; his brother Alonzo married Amanda Wilber]. After her death he married Addie ?. After his death Addie married John Walker. The Walkers lived on Park Street and later corner Main & So. Church." [Frances C. Johnson research, Q74] A diagram by Frances C. Johnson locates the property of a "Wm. Russ" on Park Street in Worcester, New York. [Q40; this reference may be to the William Russ, son of Samuel Russ, born 1866] "... married Addie, who was born c1844 "son, Alfred Russ, born c1875" [Russ Genealogy II, 110]1919 - Family was living at 2139 Whitesboro Street in Yorkville, N.Y., at birth of son Robert J. Platt. [Newspaper article, J48] 1947 -- In New Hartford, New York [Lawrence A. DeLong notes, J13] 1955 - "Alfred S. Platt, Sr., 62, of 20 Westmoreland St., Whitesboro, died Dec. 11, 1955 at the Robert Parker Hospital, Sayre, Pa., after a brief illness. "He was born in New York Mills May 24, 1893, son of James and Kate Shires Platt. He was educated in schools there. On July 15, 1916, he married Elizabeth Hiller in New York Mills. He was employed for the past 11 years by the Babcock Machinery Company as a salesman and manager. "He was a member of New York Mills Presbyterian Church, Schuyler Lodge 147 IOOF, Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans. "He was a past chief potentate, Steuben Encampment No. 57 IOOF; past district deputy grand potentate of Oneida-Herkimer District IOOF; past grand [?] Steuben Lodge 147, IOOF; past district deputy of Oneida Division, No. 1; member of Utica Rebekah Lodge 157; past grand Monarchos of Hagge Sanetoream 168 and its registrar; past supreme Monarchos of Western Division of AMOS and division supreme secretary of Western Division of AMOS, and a member of the noble grand association. "Besides his wife, he leaves two sons, Alfred S. Platt Jr., Whitesboro, and Capt. Robert J. Platt, USA; a sister, Mrs. Amos Smith, New York Mills; an aunt, Miss Jane Shires, Whitesboro; four grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. "The funeral will be at 1:30 Thursday from the Gordon Funeral Home, 6 Steuben Park, the Rev. Kenneth L. Bowster, First Presbyterian Church, Whitesboro, officiating. Burial will be in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills." [Obituary of Alfred Platt, Sr., J49, J50, J95]1918 -- Robert Standring Platt was walking up the gangway of a troop transport when notified of his mother's death. He was thereby spared that trip. The ship sank on the way to Europe. Platt later met only one survivor. [Family story; Winifred L. Pula] 1947 -- Living in Lucy, Tennessee [Lawrence A. DeLong notes, J13] 1951 (fall - Oct?) - "Robert S. Platt, brother of Lillian E. Smith, dies in Memphis, Tenn. Ill for 2 years" preceding death [James S Pula notes from obituary of Robert S. Platt, H9] "...I was born June 10, 1928 in Utica, New York. My mother died when I was seven months old and Grandma [Lillian] Smith and Grandpa [James] Platt reared me. My father, Robert Standring Platt, worked for McFadden (a Montreal corporation) as a cotton buyer. He lived in Shelby County, Tennessee (near Memphis) until his death in 1952(?). He married a Tennessee debutante and had one son, my step brother, William Standring Platt ..." [Robert M. Platt letter, J40]1966 - "Whitesboro -- Mrs. Isabel C. Platt, 67, of 20 Westmoreland St., widow of Alfred S. Platt, died yesterday in St. Luke's M‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•ўџџџ—˜™š›œžўџџџ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзўџџџйкўџџџмнопрстуўџџџхўџџџчўџџџщъўџџџьэюя№ёђѓєўџџџіїјљњћќ§ўџџџџemorial Center, Utica. "She was born in Osceola, daughter of Charles F. and Sarah Bellinger Hiller. She was married to Mr. Platt in 1916. He died in 1956. She lived in New York Mills for 18 years before coming here in 1943. She was associated in the slip-cover business with her partner, Edna Lemanski, Whitesboro, until she retired in 1962. She was a Presbyterian, a member of Utica Chapter, OES and the Rebekah Lodge. "She leaves two sons, Alfred Jr., Whitesboro and Robert J., Wilmington, Del.; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Owens, Oneida, and Mrs. Margaret Gavoille, Milford, and three brothers, Charles Hiller, Canastota; David Hiller, Plainfield, Iowa, and Robert Hiller, Green Lake. "The funeral will be at 10:30 Tuesday from the Dimbleby Funeral Home with the Rev. William Loan, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Isabel Platt, J49, J96]1981, December 31 -- "[Lillian] was a very, very nice person. ..1997 - "Alfred S. Platt, Jr., 79, passed away February 15, 1997, at home. "He was born May 15, 1917, in Whitestown, the son of Alfred S. and Isabel C. Hiller Platt, Sr. He achieved his education in NY Mills schools, served in the Army during WW II, and married Shirley Lomax, January 12, 1941, in Washington Mills. She died October 13, 1990. Al was employed at Griffiss Air Force Base as a civilian guard. He was a member of the Church of Christ and an avid bowler, recently elected to the Utica Bowling Association Hall of Fame. He was a soft-ball umpire and a member of the Whitestown American Legion Post #1113. "He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Marie and Jerry Wilmoth; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Margaret Platt, all of Whitesboro; five grandchildren, Stephen Sabino, Sondra Sabino, Tanya Grosnick, Dana Carlson and Shawn Platt; seven great-grandchildren; a brother, Robert J. Platt, Deland, FL; and a special friend, Philomena Fargnoli of Utica. "The funeral will be this evening at 8 o'clock at the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Forty Main St., Whitesboro. Interment will be this spring in Grandview Cemetery. Calling hours will be today from 4 o'clock until funeral time." [Obituary of Alfred S. Platt, Jr., J19, J102] 1997, February 27 -- "The Utica Men's Bowling Association will honor four bowlers during a dinner ... March 15 at Valley View Country Club ... Alfred S. Platt ... who died Feb. 15 at 70, bowled for five decades and served as an officer in many leagues. He was the winner of the Utica Men's Bowling Association city tournament doubles competition with his partner, Stan Augustyn, in 1963, and was UBA's tournament singles champion in 1964 and 1974. He also won the 'Best Pin' Tournament of Champions in 1967. He had a high 10 of 269, a high series of 725 and a high season average of 193." [Newspaper article; J101] 1997 -- "Four of the area's outstanding bowlers were enshrined in the Utica Men's Hall of Fame Saturday ... Platt's award was accepted posthumously by his son, Robert Platt." [Newspaper article; J101]"...My name at birth was R. Martin Platt. My mother's maiden name was Martin. ... A great, great maternal uncle was Michael Minard, one of the original founders of Galveston, Texas. "I was born June 10, 1928 in Utica, New York. My mother died when I was seven months old and Grandma [Lillian] Smith and Grandpa [James] Platt reared me. My father, Robert Standring Platt, worked for McFadden (a Montreal corporation) as a cotton buyer. He lived in Shelby County, Tennessee (near Memphis) until his death in 1952(?). He married a Tennessee debutante and had one son, my step brother, William Standring Platt ... " [Robert M. Platt letter, J40] 1956, Jan 9 - "Robert M. Platt minister of First Christian Church, Dawson Spr., Ky." [James S. Pula notes from Robert M. Platt letter to (?) Shires, H13] 1981, December 31 -- "... After [Lillian Platt] died [Robert Platt] left Marty with Mother and Grandfather. ... [Lillian Smith] took [Marty] in. That was her youngest brother's child. His mother died. ... Uncle Bob remarried after his wife died and he came to take Marty, and took him down home there [Tennessee], but the second wife, of course, didn't -- rejected it, you know, so he brought him back to my grandfather and my mother ..." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 9; H109] "I found out many things [in the book 'Conversations'] that I did not know about myself. How much of it is fact we probably will never know. I did not know that my mother ever went South with my father after I was born. She died in Faxton Hospital in Utica and I was told it was from pneumonia. I was born in Faxton Hospital and she was never well after my birth. Her name was Lillian, the same as Grandma Smith's. I always called Grandma Smith 'Mom,' and considered her children Win, Jim and your mother as my brother and sisters, even though I was never legally adopted. "I knew my father took me South after my mother died. But at the time of her death, I went to live with Grandma [Lillian] Smith and Grandpa [James] Platt (her father). The story I got was that after my father took me South, my Uncle Ed, who was my mother's brother and was an attorney, wrote to my father telling him that Grandpa Platt was beside himself and they feared he was losing his mind from my absence. He urged my father to send me back to Mom and Grandpa. "It may well be that my step mother was also a factor but the New York Mills folks never spoke well of my step mother and some of what they believed may not have been true. They considered her a Southern Belle who thought she was better than the rest of us. (She surely was better educated and wealthier than any of us at that time.) Whenever she came to visit us with my father she would stay a day or two at the most and then take a train to New York City where she had friends and could enjoy the theatres and New York life. She always treated me well on the several occasions when I visited them (i.e., about every third year after I was five years old). Grandpa Platt took me by train to Memphis when I was five. It was then that I saw my first black person. ..." [Robert M. Platt letter, J51] [Winifred Pula stated on August 18, 2001 that Marty Platt returned to live in New York Mills because he was homesick.]. And after she went south when they were married she contracted TB and he brought her home with the baby and after she died he left Marty with Mother and Grandfather." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 9; H109]1942, October 5 -- Stanley J. Pula entered active service in the U.S. Army. He separated at Fort Dix, New Jersey on Feb. 27, 1946. His specialties were listed as Range Section Operator and Bookkeeper. He received the American Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal and World War II Victory Medal. [Separation Record, Discharge Certificate and Service Record; I29, I31-I32] During his Army service in World War II, Stan was at one time stationed in Fort Lewes, Delaware. Hitchhiking part-way home on a week-end pass, he was once picked up by a chauffered limousine, in which he rode in style with the Governor of Delaware. [Family story] 1981 -- "New York Mills -- Stanley J. Pula, 63, of 57 New Hartford Street, died Monday, August 17, 1981 in St. Elizabeth's Hospital unexpectedly. "He was born in New York Mills, the son of Jan and Katherine Tuman Pula and was a life-long resident of this community. He married Winifred Smith May 25, 1943 in New York Mills. Mr. Pula was employed by Oneida Limited as a supervisor until his retirement in January of this year. He was a member of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, the Oneida Limited Management Assoc., and the Community Association Club. Mr. Pula was a veteran of WWII, serving in the U.S. Army. "Besides his wife he leaves a son, James of Rochester; a daughter, Cheryl at home; a brother, Frank of Utica; and a sister, Mrs. Chester (Stella) Pilawa of Whitesboro. He is also survived by two grandchildren, Michael and Marcia. "Funeral services will be conducted Thursday morning at 8:30 from the Kobielski Funeral Home, 284 Main St. and at 9 o'clock from Our Lady of the Rosary Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be offered. Interment will be in Sts. Stanislaus and Casimer Cemetery, Whitestown. ..." [Obituary of Stanley J. Pula]Books by James S. Pula: Polish Americans: An Ethnic Community (New York, Twayne, 1995) United We Stand (with Eugene E. Dziedzic; New York, Columbia, 1990) Ethnic Utica (ed., Utica, Ethnic Heritage Studies Center, 1994) For Liberty and Justice: The Life and Times of Wladimir Krcyzanowski (Chicago, Polish American Congress, 1978) Polish Democratic Thought From the Renaissance to the Great Migration (ed. with M.B. Biskvyski; New York, Columbia) The Memoirs of Ludwik Zychlinski (ed. with Gene Podraza; New York, Columbia) [I11, I17-I21] The Sigel Regiment (Savas Publishing, 1998) Thaddeus Kosciuszko, The Purest Son of Liberty (New York, Hippocrene, 1999) 1994 - "James S. Pula is Dean of Metropolitan College at The Catholic University of America. After graduating from New York Mills High School he received his B.A. in social sciences from the State University of New York at Albany, and M.A. and Ph.D. in history from Purdue University, an M.Ed. from the University of Maryland, and did additional post-graduate work at Harvard University. He is the author of the scholarly journal 'Polish American Studies,' and a member of the Boards of Directors of the Polish American Historical Association and the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America." [from Ethnic Utica (Utica College), I16] 1999 - "Born and raised in New York Mills, New York, Dr. James S. Pula received his baccalaureate degree from SUNY-Albany before obtaining an M.Ed. in higher education administration from the University of Maryland, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in history from Purdue University. He is currently serving as Dean at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Dr. Pula's research has centered on the experience of Polish immigrants and their ethnic communities in the United States. The author and editor of more than a dozen books on the subject, he was twice awarded the prestigious Oskar Halecki Prize for outstanding books on Polonia, as well as being honored with the Mieczyslaw Haiman Award from the Polish-American Historical Association for scholarly contributions to the study of Polish American history and culture, and the Distinguished Service Award from the American Council for Polish Culture. ..." [from Thaddeus Kosciuszko, The Purest Son of Liberty]1977, May 25 - "Dr. James A. Smith, 63, retired professor of elementary education at SUNY Oswego and widely known educational author, was found dead at his Happy Hollow home early Tuesday evening. "His wife, the former Dorothy Beekman, was in the Utica area where her father is seriously ill, and reached a neighbor, Thomas Perkins, when she had not received a planned telephone call from her husband. He investigated and found Dr. Smith in his flower garden. Dr. Smith had been under doctor's care for a heart condition. "District Attorney Robert Hurlbutt was notified by the Sheriff's Deputy Michael Warchol and directed the body to be taken to Oswego Hospital where a physician pronounced Dr. Smith dead on arrival. "Dr. Smith was born April 28, 1914 in New York Mills, son of Amos and Lillian Platt Smith. He attended the last Teacher Training Class at New York Agricultural College at Morrisville and obtained a teaching certificate. He later earned a normal school diploma at Oneonta, his B.S. degree at New York State University at Albany and his M.A. and doctorate in elementary education at Syracuse University. "He began his career in a one-room school at Millers Mills near West Winfield. He moved on up the educational ladder through multi-grade schools and taught grades before becoming principal at Slingerland Elementary School. He later was a demonstration teacher at Montevallo, Ala., and at Oneonta and was a demonstration teacher at Syracuse University. "For 10 years he was principal of the Syracuse University Summer Demonstration School. At Syracuse he was also director of teacher preparation in Early Childhood and Elementary Education for 15 years. He also helped train Peace Corps volunteers for African countries. He came to SUNY Oswego in 1965 as professor of elementary education and retired in 1974 due to his health problem. "He was also a visiting professor at various colleges and universities in the 1940-55 period. "For two years, during World War 2, he served in the U.S. Marines where he helped establish and became acting principal of the only U.S. Marine School for Illiterates. He also organized a school to help returning Marines complete their high school education. "For nearly 20 years he had acted as consultant to various school systems throughout the United States, including Alaska. "Dr. Smith was a member of many educational associations and was listed in Who's Who in America in the East, in Contemporary Authors, in Outstanding Educators of America and the writer's directory. "He was the author of more than 200 articles, books and pamphlets during his long educational career. Among his writings is a series of children's books. His textbooks are used in many colleges and universities. In addition he found time to speak at many educational and public gatherings, 25 to 50 times a year. "Dr. Smith was formerly a trustee and member of the Presbyterian Church and active in its Christian Education program for many years. "In his last years he was pursuing his main interest, Creativity, through writing and through his development of a television course being sponsored by the University of the State of New York. It is being used with the Bell teleculture system for graduate credit in schools in this state. "Surviving, besides his wife, are two daughters, Mrs. Sue A. Harmon of Niagara Falls and Miss Patricia Smith, Liverpool; a grandson; and two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Delong of Worcester and Mrs. Winifred Pula of New York Mills. "Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Presbyterian Church. "There will be no calling hours. "Arrangements are in charge of the Scoville Funeral Home. "Memorial contributions may be made in Dr. Smith's name to the Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund to the church library or to the American Heart Fund." [Oswego Palladium-Times, H21] "Word has been received of the death of Dr. James A. Smith, Oswego, brother of Mrs. Albert DeLong, Worcester ... "Dr. Smith is survived by his wife, Dorothy; two daughters, Susan of Niagara Falls and Patricia of Baldwinsville; a sister, Mrs. Stanley (Winifred) Pula of New York Mills; his father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Beekman of New York Mills; a cousin, Martin Platt of Fort Worth, Texas; several nieces and nephews." [C192] 1981, December 31 -- "My brother married a girl he went to school with all the time. ... But they didn't start going together until a year after they left school. ... He went to ... Morrisville ... for three years and then he went to ... Oneonta and he taught in Bugbee School. Then ... he got a Ph.D. He taught in Syracuse University years and then he went to Oswego. ... Jimmy was very artistic, and his art teacher ... realized it when he was in high school. So she lent him the money to go on ... he went to Morrisville .. then he taught up in Miller's Mills, and then he went from there to -- I think it was principal at Delmar. ... And he got his degree from Albany, I think. And he went from there to SUCO. ... He taught at Bugbee School." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 11, 16; H111, H116]Also lived in Adams, Massachusetts (per newspaper clipping on parents' fiftieth anniversary)1915, October -- Robert Platt's obituary cites Mary as "Miss Mary Platt of Capron." [J3, J4] 1947 -- Living in Hansdale, Massachusetts [Lawrence A. DeLong notes, J13] Left New York Mills about 1938; husband died five years before she did. [Lawrence A. DeLong notes, J13]Father of six children [Dorothy S. DeLong conversation]Six children (per Dorothy S. DeLong)Lived in Herkimer, New York at time of marriage [James S. Pula research, H2]1976 - "Dr. and Mrs. James S. Pula of Kadena, Okinawa, announce the birth of a son on Nov. 11 in Okinawa. Mrs. Pula, the former Marilyn Nichols, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Nichols of 205 Steuben St., Herkimer. Dr. Pula is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pula of 57 New Hartford St., New York Mills." [H17]According to the passenger records of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Katarzyna T                     ўџџџ    ! " # $ % ўџџџ( 8 ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H J c K L M N O P Q R S a U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` ўџџџb d v e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u w Б x y „ §џџџ| } ~  € 1979, November 23 - "... Ms. Pula is information service librarian for Mid-York Library. "Although her job is to find books for people, she's asked for all sorts of information, she said. "The information service department locates books for libraries, schools and individuals. Last year, it handled 5,127 information requests. "Ms. Pula is the sole librarian in the department. "'I get six to a dozen calls a day,' she said. 'The time it takes to satisfy each request varies. It can take from five [minutes] to several hours.' "Sometimes the simplest questions are the most difficult to research, she said ... information requests range from 'Who played the role of General Herkimer in the film Drums Along the Mohawk?' to 'How do I deprogram a Moonie?' ,,, "Questions on genealogy are frequent, she said. 'Ever since Roots appeared, people want to know how to locate information of their ancestors ...' "Ms. Pula said a knowledge of trivia helps her. 'My friends used to kid me about the trivia I had collected. Now I find it most helpful.' "She said she likes her job because 'it's interesting and no two days are alike. Everyday there is something new to learn. Besides I like books.' "A native of New York Mills, the librarian has been with Mid-York since May 1977. She started as a general assistant and moved up to the information services position this year. "A graduate of Mohawk Valley Community College and the State University College at Oswego, she received a master's degree in library science from the University of Michigan in 1976." [Utica Observer-Dispatch, I13] "Winifred Pula is a woman ahead of her time. Always was. And for that, her daughter is grateful. ... " 'When I was young, girls weren't supposed to aspire to greatness,' said Cheryl Pula of New York Mills. 'My mother didn't believe that. She always told me that girls were just as smart as boys, that if I applied myself, I could achieve whatever I wanted.' "Mom was right. Cheryl graduated from Mohawk Valley Community College in 1970 and New York's College at Oswego in 1972. After several years of substitute teaching, she decided what she really wanted was to become a librarian. "Go for it, Mom said. "'She told me, "Well, you always did like books,"' Cheryl said. 'She was very supportive.' "In 1976, Cheryl graduated from the University of Michigan with a master's degree in library science. Since, she's been reference specialist for Mid-York Library, head of adult services at Utica Public Library and is currently the reference librarian at Dunham Public Library in Whitesboro. It's a job that proves both challenging and rewarding. "The building blocks for success were there early on, Cheryl said, reinforced by her mother and father, Stanley, who died in 1981. Their home was always rich with reading material, and family vacations were often spent visiting historic sites. Cheryl's older brother, Jim, did well in school, too, and today is a history professor at Keuka College. "'One thing my mother did was insist that we always do our own research for school reports', said Cheryl, noting that she often sees parents in the library doing the work for their children. 'Doing it yourself makes you independent.' "Today, mom and daughter live together in New York Mills. ..." [Utica Observer-Dispatch article by Dave Dudajek] 1994 - "Cheryl A. Pula is Assistant Director/Reference Librarian at the Dunham Public Library in Whitesboro, New York. A graduate of New York Mills High School, she received an Associate of Arts and Science degree in Liberal Arts from Mohawk Valley Community College, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian from the State University of New York, College at Oswego, and a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Michigan. She previously served as Reference Specialist for the Mid-York Library System in Utica and Head of the Adult Services Department at the Utica Public Library. Ms. Pula received an Honorable Mention for the SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award given by the New York State Library Association honoring librarians who have upheld the principles of Intellectual Freedom. She is a member of several historical associations, including the Titanic Historical Society, the Eighth Air Force Historical Society and the Memphis Belle Memorial Association. She resides in New York Mills." [Ethnic Utica (Utica College), I16] 1994 - Cheryl A. Pula contributed "Utica's Irish Heritage," a chapter in Ethnic Utica, with Philip A. Bean 2012, January 5 -- "A native of New York Mills, New York, Cheryl Pula is a retired Reference Librarian. She is a Regents graduate of New York Mills Jr.-Sr. High School, with a concentrate in science and mathematics, Cheryl attended Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, New York, where she received an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts, then went to SUNY Oswego, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Russian Language with a minor in German. She was on the Dean's List at both schools. After substitute teaching in the New York Mills Union Free School District for five years for both foreign language and special education classes, she went back to school and received a Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she is a lifetime member of the University of Michigan Alumni Association. Her first library position was as the supervisor of the Lending Department at the Mid-York Library System in Utica, where she performed all the reference work foe the system's 43 member libraries. After almost ten years, she became the Head of the Adult Services Department at the Utica Public Library in Utica, then in 1987, the Reference Librarian at the Dunham Public Library in Whitesboro. Though officially retired in August 2011, she now works part-time at the New York Mills Public Library in New York Mills, NY. "In 1988, she was awarded the New York Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Award. She served on the Board of Trustees of the New York Mills Public Library. Cheryl also teaches for the Mohawk Valley Institute for Learning in Retirement at SUNYIT in Marcy, New York, teaching a variety of historical subjects to retirees who are interested in continuing their education. She has taught courses on unsolved historical mysteries; the American Civil War; World War II; The Titanic and several other topics. "Cheryl was a founding member of the New York Mills Historical Society, and served as its first president in the late 1970's. She is currently the village historian of New York Mills and President of The History Club, which she founded in Whitesboro in 1995. She is the club's newsletter editor. She is also the founder, current secretary and newsletter editor of the General Daniel Butterfield Civil War Roundtable in Whitesboro. She is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary of the Arthur Moran Post #66 in Camden, New York, as well as an honorary member of the Memphis Belle Memorial Association of Memphis, Tennessee. She is known around the central New York area for presenting a number of historical lectures (89 to be exact!) on topics from the Titanic to the first moon landing in July 1969. Cheryl was elected "Historian of the Year" by the Oneida County Historian's Association in 2006. In 2010, she was listed in Who's Who in America. "She is an author, having written on Irish immigrants to the Utica area in a book entitled Ethnic Utica, published in 1994 by Utica College. With her brother, she is co-author and co-editor of a book on the Civil War regiments from Oneida County, which was published by the Eugene Nassar Ethnic Studies Department of Utica College in November 2010 entitled, With Courage and Honor; Oneida County's Role in the Civil War. She is a contributing author, co-editor and served as proofreader for The Polish-American Encyclopedia, published by McFarlane Publishers in July 2011. For her work on the Encyclopedia, she has just been awarded the Polish-American Historical Society's Distinguished Achievement Award. She is the author of a novel, the first in a series of at least four books about Eighth Air Force bomber crews in World War II England, titled The Children's Crusade, published in November 2011 by Whitehall Publishing. The second book in the series, titled The Ragged Irregulars, is due out in the spring of 2012. "She has traveled extensively all over the United States, having visited 45 of the 50 states, as well as trips abroad to Canada, the Bahamas, England, Finland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia. "Cheryl is the daughter of the late Winifred and Stanley Pula of New York Mills, and sister of Dr. James Pula, a professor at Purdue University North Central in Indiana, himself a well-known local author and lecturer. Her mother was the confidential secretary to the principal of New York Mills High School for almost thirty years, and her father was a foreman for Oneida Ltd. Silversmiths in Sherill, New York. She is the granddaughter of Amos and Lillian Platt Smith, and Jan and Katrzyna Tuman Pula. Her grandfather Amos Smith was a popular streetcar conductor and operator of the last street car to make the run between Utica and Oriskany. Her grand uncle, Michael Tuman, was the president and organizer of the first worker's union in the textile mills in New York Mills." [The Children's Crusade website; I14A-I14B]1937 -- "Two boys and their rescuer narrowly escaped drowning in the lake near Greenman Avenue, New York Mills, when they plunged through the ice into six feet of water. "Peter Juchniewicz, 7, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Juchniewicz, 42 Greenman Avenue, was the most seriously affected of the victims of the accident yesterday afternoon. He developed a temperature of 103 during the night and pneumonia was feared. The other boy, Henry Gondarowski, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gondarowski, 40 Greenman Avenue, apparently had no ill effects from his experience. "John Pula, 45, of 40 Greenman Avenue, who heard the shouts of others after the boys had broken through the ice, where they had been playing, leaped into the icy waters and with the aid of a plank succeeded in getting both boys to the surface and to safety. "It was necessary to use the plank in getting Mr. Pula out of the channel, which is about 50 feet wide at that point. The ice was about two inches thick. ..." [Newspaper article; I24] "New York Mills, NY -- Last Sunday, a group of Lodge 2066 members of the Polish Teachers Associationj participated in the ceremony of prsenting Mr. John Pula with a Golden Medal for the act of his heroic rescue of two Polish boys from drowning. Mr. John Pula risked his own life to save these two boys' lives. The dinner honoring Mr. Pula's heroism was followed by the recognition ceremony. Mr. John Pula currently lives at Greenman Avenue. Among the more than 200 invited guests were representatives of the local authorities and local communities. Miss W. Trela and Miss J. Pezdek provided a beautiful musical arrangement for the event. Mr. M. Powicki, Vice-President of the Polish Teacher Association, made a special trip to personally present Mr. John Pula with a Golden Medal for the act of his heroic rescue of two Polish boys from drowning "The Newsweek for All staff and the readers congratulate Mr. John Pula on his heroic act and wish him the best with an old Polish 'God Bless You.' The Newsweek for All also extends its gratitude to the Polish Teacher Association for making this wonderful ceremony happen. Thank you." [I27] 2007, August 8 -- "... It has always bothered me that I cannot find any record of my grandfather, Jan Pula, arriving in the US when I can find everyone else on his side of the family. I am goimg to try some variations on the name ... but I suspect that since he originally settled in Massachusetts that perhaps he came in through Boston rather than New York ... I am planning to check ..." [James Pula message; I43]uman, "Austria Polish" of Ryglice, "Galicy," single and age 18, arrived in the United States on March 8, 1910, on the ship Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm from Bremen, Germany. [I39]2009, May -- "Whitesboro -- Stella C. Pilawa, 82, a lifelong are      !"#$%&'()*+,-.ўџџџ01ўџџџ3456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVўџџџXYZ[ўџџџ]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{ўџџџ}~€a resident, died on Friday, May 1, 2009, at Faxton-St. Lukes Healthcare, after a prolonged illness. She was born in New York Mills on February 9, 1927, the daughter of Jan and Katarzyna Tuman Pula, and attended local schools. On October 18, 1947, Stella was united in marriage to her beloved Chester Pilawa at St. Mary's Church, New York Mills; a loving union shared for over 61 years until his death on March 30, 2009. She was employed with several area businesses including Brown Brothers which Stella always boasted was her favorite job at which she had the most fun. She later retired from the Ramada Inn. She was a member of Holy Trinity Church, Utica. Her survivors include her two sons, Donald and his wife, Diana Pilawa, of Minoa, and Dennis and his companion, Kimberly Brennan, of Chardon, OH; several additional sisters and brothers-in-law, to include her special goddaughter, Lydia and her husband, Gustav Bitzer, of New Hartford. Also included are eight grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and several nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her two brothers, Stanley and Frank Pula. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Kowalczyk Funeral Home, 1156 Lincoln Avenue, Utica, and at 9 a.m. at Holy Trinity Church, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated ... Burial will take place in Holy Trinity Cemetery. In Stella's memory, contributions may be made to the Stevens Swan Humane Society of Oneida County ..." [Obituary; I45]"Oldest child of the family - Frank - died as an infant." [James S. Pula research, I1]"Reginald J. Smith, 75, of 432 East Ave., Minoa, died yesterday at home after a long illness. "Mr. Smith retired in 1974 after more than 49 years, mostly as a locomotive engineer, with the former Penn Central Railroad. "He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers, and was a past terminal president of its Relief and Compensation Fund. "Mr. Smith was a communicant of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Minoa. "Surviving are his wife, the former Marie E. Sullivan; three daughters, Rita Matthes of Minoa, Donna Matyac of Fairfax, Va., and Janice Kettle of Falls Church, Va.; two sons, Frederick M. of North Syracuse and Reginald J. Jr. of Fairmount; a stepsister Margaret Casprus of Fremont; seven grandchildren; a great-grandchild; and a niece. "Services will be tomorrow at 9 a.m. at Russel H. Schepp Funeral Home, Minoa, and at 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Minoa. "Contributions may be made to the Minoa Ambulance Fund or to the Eastern Area Volunteer Emergency Services." [H17] 1983, May 4 -- "... A native of Utica ..." [Utica Daily Press article]1930 - "d. Walter Shires, age 61, 10 mo, 17 days. Sat. Match 1, 1930, Yorkville, N.Y." [James S. Pula notes from obituary of Walter Shires, H9]1951- "New York Mills -- Mrs. Edith Shires, 80, formerly of this village, died Mar. 2, 1951, in Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Pa. "She was born in England on July 14, 1870, daughter of Amos and Harriett Cherry Healey. She came to the United States at an early age and lived in Clarks Mills for two years. After that she made her home in New York Mills, until eight years ago when she went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Homer Mills, Pittsburgh. "On Oct. 15, 1887, she was married to Walter Shires, who died Mar. 1, 1930. "Besides her daughter, Mrs. Shires leaves three sisters, Mrs. Lewis Littler and Mrs. Annie Gillespie, both of New York Mills, and Mrs. Lydia Joesbury, Ilion; three brothers, William Healey, Frankfort, Fred Healey, New York Mills, and Robert J. Healey, Utica. "The funeral will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday from the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Littler, 26 Porter St., New York Mills. Burial will be in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills." [Obituary of Mrs. Edith Shires, K9]1930? - "Mr. Sydney A. Shires w/Rhodes, Woodward & Co. of NY since 1904. Then w/cotton firm of Leslie M. Brennan & Co., April 1,‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВўџџџДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШўџџџЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјўџџџњћўџџџ§ўџ ?" [James S. Pula notes from clippings, H9] 1946 - "A resident of Montreal for many years where he was prominently identified with cotton brokerage circles and was a member of many civic clubs, Sydney Ashton Shires, 63, died Wednesday in the New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, Mass., according to word received here. "Mr. Shires was born in Utica, New York on April 2, 1883, the son of the late Alfred and Suzanna Towler Shires of Leeds, England. He came to Canada in April, 1914, settling in Montreal as manager of the business of George H. McFadden & Bro., cotton brokers and merchants, with which firm he had been actively associated until his death. "He was a member of the St. James Club, the Royal Montreal Golf Club, the Montreal Club and the Chapleau Fish and Game Club. He was a member of the Free and Associated Masons in which order he held a 32nd degree. "Mr. Shires is survived by his wife, the former Nadine Betts of Utica, New York, and two daughters, Mrs. Harold St. Clair Walker and Mrs. John Edward Martin, both of Montreal. "The body of Mr. Shires has been brought to Montreal and is resting at the Jos. C. Wray and Bro. funeral chapel, 1234 Mountain street. The funeral service will be conducted at Wray's Chapel at noon tomorrow by Rev. George H. Donald. "The honorary pallbearers will be William Eden, Frank Kavanagh, Raymond Allan, William Chambers, Ernest Dean and Harold Sherey." [Obituary of Sidney A. Shires, K7] 1946 - Also "leaves sisters Jane Shires and Mrs. Edith Stolterfoht" [James S. Pula notes from obituary of Sydney A. Shires, H9]1923 - "New York Mills, Jan. 7 -- Miss Mabel Shires, for many years a resident of this village, died this morning at her residence, 429 Main street, after an illness of short duration. ... "Miss Shires was born in Radon, Yorkshire, England, and came to this country with her parents when a young girl. The family came direct to New York Mills, where the family had since resided. She was a devout member of the Methodist Church ... "She is survived by two sisters, Miss Jane Shires of New York Mills and Mrs. Edith Stolterfoat of Fort Worth, Tex., and two brothers, Walter of this village and Sidney Q. of Montreal, Canada." [Obituary of Miss Mabel Shires, K10]1957 - "Miss Jane Shires, 90, formerly of New York Mills, died Jan. 7, 1957 in the Eastern Star Home, Oriskany. "Born April 2, 1866, in Yorkshire, England, she was a daughter of Alfred and Susan Towler Shires. She came to New York Mills as a child. "Miss Shires entered the home Oct. 4, 1956. "She was a member of the New York Mills Methodist Church and taught Sunday School there for many years. She was also a member of the Utica Chapter 452 OES. "Survivors are four nieces, Mrs. Amos Smith, New York Mills; Mrs. Homer Mills, Plattsburgh; and Mrs. Harold Walker and Mrs. John Martin, both of Montreal. "The funeral will be held at 1:30 tomorrow from the Howard H. Wells Funeral Home, 100 Main St., Whitesboro. Burial will be in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills." [Obituary of Jane Shires, J16] 1957 - "In Memoriam -- Jane Shires ... "age 90 years, 9 mo., 5 days "Services Jan. 9, 1957, 1:30 PM "Rev. Weston Stevens, N.Y. Mills Methodist Church "Buried Glenside Cemetery ... 2:30 PM, Jan. 9, 1957 "Bearers: Stewart Diehl, Richard Whittles, Stewart Bowman, Charles Caryl" [James S. Pula notes from Jane Shires memorial card, H10] 1981, December 31 -- "In the lower mills, Aunt Jane worked in the -- she made sheets. She made the big hem on the sheets ... And when Aunt Mabel died Aunt Jane moved up into the house where Aunt Winnie [later lived, 49 Clinton Street, New York Mills], next to my mother ..." [A Conversation with Dorothy S. DeLong, 7, 13; H107; H113]From South Williamsport, Pennsylvania [Robert M. Platt letter, J40]2000, February -- "... I graduated from Oswego in 1969. I started teaching 2nd grade at McNamara School in Baldwinsville [New Yo       ўџџџ  ўџџџ                ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? ўџџџA B C D E F G H ўџџџJ ўџџџL ўџџџN ўџџџP ўџџџR S ўџџџU V W X Y Z [ ўџџџ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € rk] that September. and have been there ever since. ... One year I taught 1st grade and kept the same class for 2nd grade. I have taught 2nd grade all the other years. I got my Masters in Education in 1974 (from Oswego) ..." [Patricia L. Smith, H29]Pula 'spelled with Polish letter l [with diagonal line]" [James S. Pula research, I1] The ancestral home of the Pula family is the area of Zakopane, in the Carpathian Mountain area of Poland. [James S. Pula]2009, March -- "Whitesboro -- Chester J. Pilawa, a lifelong area resident, died on Monday, March 30, 2009, after a brief illness, at Faxton-St. Lukes Heakthcare. He was born in Utica on July 12, 1923, the son of Jacob and Mary Siuta Pilawa and attended local schools. He served proudly with the U.S. Army during WWII. Chester was united ibn marriage to Stella Pula at St. Marys Church, New York Mills; a loving union for over 61 years. He was employed with the New York Central Railroad for 21 years and then with the Utica Cutlery for many years until his retirement in 1988. He was a member of Holy Trinity Church, Utica. His survivors include his beloved wife, Stella of Whitesboro; two sons, Donald and his wife, Diana Pilawa of Minoa, and Dennis and his companion, Kimberly Brennan of Chardon, OH; three sisters and their spouses, Adeline and George Maynard of Webster, Lydia and Gustave Bitzer of New Hartford and Maryrose and Robert Gal of CA; three brothers, Edwin Pilawa of WI, Edward Pilawa of VA and Casimer Pilawa of Clinton. Also included are 8 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild and several nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brothers Henry, Matthew, Stanley and John and his sisters, Felicia and Frances. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 8:30 a.m. at the Kowalczyk Funeral Home, 1156 Lincoln Avenue, Utica, at 9 a.m. at Holy Trinity Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated ... Burial with Military Honors will take place in Holy Trinity Cemetery ..." [Obituary; I44]According to the passenger records of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Jozef Tuman, "Austria, Galicy, Polish," of Lubienko, "Galicy," single and age 16, arrived in the United States on June 20, 1907 on the ship Prinzess Alice from Bremen, Germany. [I41]From Montreal, Quebec [Robert M. Platt letter, J40]From Kennedale, Texas [Robert M. Platt letter, J40]From Fort Worth, Texas [Robert M. Platt letter, J41]From Fort Worth, Texas [Robert M1938 -- "New York Mills -- Michael Tuman, 203 Main St., died Oct. 20, 1938, at his home after a brief illness. "Born in Poland Sept. 5, 1883, he came to this country 37 years ago, settling here. He was an organizer and member of St. Mary's Church, St. Stanislaus Society, Polish National Alliance 2066 ZNP, and held offices in Polish Catholic Alliance in America, the local United Textile Workers Association and the Independent Club of New York Mills. "His first wife, Mary Tuman, died about 10 years ago. The following year he married Anna Sitek, who survives with these children: Mrs. Joseph Woloch, Auburn; Mrs. John Jakubowski, Mrs. Thomas Donovan, Mrs. Edward Glatt, all of Utica; a stepdaughter, Miss Gladys Sitek, New York Mills; a brother, Joseph, New York Mills; and five sisters, Mrs. Frank Szulc, Yorkville; Mrs. Andrew Killian and Mrs. John Pula, here; Mrs. Peter Kusmiesz, Buffalo; and Mrs. Frank Witecha, in Poland. ..." [Obituary; I24] 1938, October 28 -- "New York Mills -- Last Sunday afternoon, the local Polonia paid homage to a man who for years had devoted himself to social, national and organizational work. Very many people came to the funeral of Michal Tuman, residing at 203 Main St., who had died the week before, after [a] short illness. "He was born in Poland in 1883 and arrived in America 37 years ago. He settled in New York Mills. He was one of the organizers of the parish of Our Lady of Czestochowa, as well as of the Association of St. Stanislaus, the Association of the Sacred Family, of Group 2066 of Polish National Alliance, of the United Textile Workers Ass'n of America, of the Non-party Political Club. He was also chairman of the Polish National Alliance in the former 4th District in eastern New York State. "The wife of the late P.M. Tuman is the present chairwoman of the Polish National Alliance in 3rd district of eastern New York State. She is a lady who shows the same degree of dedication to social and national matters as her late husband. The first wife of the deceased died 10 years ago. In the following year, he married Anna Sitek, who is now mourning his death. He left the following children now also mourning him: Wladyslawa Woloch residing in Auburn; Mrs. Barbara Jakubowicz, Mrs. Zofia Donovan, and Mrs. Katarzyna Glatt. All of them live in Utica; stepdaughter, Miss Wladyslawa Sitek; brother Jozef in New York Mills; 5 sisters: Mrs. Rozalia Szulc in Yorkville, Mrs. Aniela Kusmierz from Buffalo and Mrs. Filomena Witecha in Poland. "The funeral mass was celebrated by Rev. Aleksander Fijalkowski. Other priests who attended the funeral were: Rev. Edmund Stankiewicz, Rev. Jan Woloch from Corning, and Rev. Jozef Jankowski, pastor in the parish of St. Stanislaus in East Utica. "The body was buried at the Cemetery of St. Stanislaus and St. Casimir in Whitesboro. The farewell speech at the cemetery was made by vice-censor, Mr. M. Powicki, who presented the merits of late P.M. Tuman. All the arrangements for the burial were made by Mr. S.J. Swiatek." [I26] According to the passenger records of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Michal Tuman, "Galicy," of Lubienko, single and age 19, arrived in the United States on May 9, 1901 on the ship H.H. Meier from Bremen, Germany. [I40]. Platt letter, J41]Original family name is "Nicole," of French derivation [James S. Pula conversation; also I15]1998, April -- Converted to Judaism. [Susan S. Harmon letter, April, 1998, H25] 1998, August 9 -- Married to woman from Jericho, Long Island, New York. [Susan S. Harmon letter, April, 1998, H25 and Dorothy B. Smith letter, February 24, 1999, H28]1941, November 12 - "My name is Esther Ann Platt Van Vliet. I was born in Watersheddings W. Oldham, Lancaster, England on Februa ‚ ƒ „ ўџџџ† ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ўџџџŒ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б ўџџџГ Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я ўџџџб в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ўџџџэ ю я ўџџџё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ ry 20, 1871, daughter of Mary Bastow and Robert Platt. My grandparents are Benjamin and Arna Standering Platt, and James and Ann Bastow. Grandfather Bastow's mother and three brothers and one sister came to America about 1840 or 1842. They were on the water so long that my great grandmother Bastow was too weak to stand the trip. She died on the train coming from New York to Utica. She was buried in the cemetery on Oxford Road, New Hartford. One Henry Bastow was buried in Clayville, another in Forest Hill, Utica, and another in Pittsfield, Mass. The sister, Mrs. George Wood, is buried in Clayville. My grandparents are buried in England, on the Platt side. My father Robert Platt, came to America in January 1882. We [family?] came seventeen weeks later and landed in New York on June 5th at Castle Garden. We came to New York Mills and worked in the Walcott and Campbell Mills. "My parents are laid to rest in Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills along with 2 daughters and a son. In 1892 I was married to J. Harry Van Vliet of Chittenango, NY. Six children blessed this marriage." [Statement by Esther Ann Platt VanVliet to Mrs. Frances Lane]1941, November 12 - "...In 1892 I was married to J. Harry Van Vliet of Chittenango, NY. Six children blessed this marriage." [Statement of Esther Ann Platt VanVliet to Mrs. Frances Lane]1901 - "Many expressions of sympathy from friends of Thomas Whynall, of New York Mills, are extended to him in the bereavement he sustained in the death of his wife, Amelia Ann Platt. Mrs. Whynall's death occurred Tuesday after a short illness. "Born in Moorside, Lancashire, Eng., on November 12, 1858, Mrs. Whynall passed the greater portion of her life there. May 14, 1877, she was united in marriage to Mr. Whynall. In August, 1894, they came to this country, locating in New York Mills, which had since been their home. Mrs. Whynall in England was an active member of the Salvation Army for 12 years, and continued with the organization in this country, being concerned with the branch in Utica. "The surviving relatives are her husband, two children, Lizzie and Ernest Whynall, and the following brothers and sisters, James Platt of New York Mills; Thomas Platt and Mrs. J.H. Van Vliet, of Utica; Mrs. Edward Williams of Adams, Mass.; Miss Mae Platt of New York Mills, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Platt of New York Mills. "The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 from the home, and at 2:30 from the Methodist Church. Burial was in Glenside Cemetery." [Obituary of Mrs. Thomas Whynall, J32]1919 - "Many friends of Thomas Whynall attended his funeral service at his home in New York Mills yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Frederick Maunder of South Street Methodist Episcopal Church in this city officiated, and spoke briefly and earnestly ... The bearers were Harold Platt, R.P. Van Vliet, Albert Platt, Henry Van Vliet, Amos Smith and Robert Platt. Burial was made in Glenside Cemetery in New York Mills. "Thomas Whynall was ill about a week and a half and his death followed an attack of heart trouble. He was born in Burnley, England, about 60 years ago. He came to America and located in New York Mills 30 years ago. In 1877 he was united in marriage with Amelia Ann Platt, who died 18 years ago. Mr. Whynall was a member of the M.E. Church of the village and was quiet and of a fine type of character. ... "There survive one son, Ernest Whynall, and four sisters who live in England." [Obituary of Thomas Whynall, J31]1902 - "The funeral of Lizzie Whynall, daughter of Thomas Whynall, of New York Mills, whose death occurred Tuesday, was held Thursday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Robert Platt and the Methodist Church in New York Mills. Interment was in Glenside Cemetery in that village. The death of Miss Whynall is the second to occur in the family in a brief period, her mother having passed away shortly before Thanksgiving. "Born in Shaw, Lancaster, Eng., September 3, 1880, Miss Whynall lived there until she came to New York Mills with her parents in 1894. There she had since resided. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of the Epworth League and the Sunday school connected therewith. Miss Whynall was a young lady of many estimable qualities and her demise is deeply mourned by her many young friends. Her father and a brother, Ernest, survive." [Obituary of Lizzie Whynall, J32]All information about Alma Gorton Whynall is presumed and undocumented, including her parentage and her marriage ўџџџ   ўџџџ ўџџџ                   ! " # ўџџџ% & ' ўџџџ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ўџџџ< = ўџџџ? ўџџџA B C D E F G H ўџџџJ K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f ўџџџh i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ўџџџ€ 1955 - "Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Nannie Deaderick Betts, 87, wife of the late Frank Homer Betts. Mrs. Betts died Jan. 3, 1955, in Montreal, Canada. "Mrs. Betts had been a resident of Utica for 25 years, and of Clinton for 15 years, prior to moving to Montreal. "Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Sydney A. Shires and two grand-daughters, all of Montreal, and a sister, Mrs. Edwin Martin, Clinton. "The funeral was held Jan. 5, 1955, in Montreal. Burial will be in Utica in the spring." [Obituary of Nannie D. Betts, K2]1946 - "Oct. 18, 1946, Montreal, daughter to Sybil & John E. Martin." [James S. Pula notes from newspaper article, H9]Surname variations -- Wilber most frequent; Wilbor also appears ‚ ƒ ўџџџ… † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ В ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І ўџџџЈ Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А ўџџџТ Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С У Ю Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Я т а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с у ѕ ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є і @ ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § џ §џџџ 1919 - "...The other prize-winning baby for 1919 is the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Platt, 2,139 Whitesboro St., Yorkville, who was introduced to his proud parents by Dr. Harriet P. Cutter at 6:15 A.M. on the first day of the year. He has been named Robert James Platt and he, also, will be the recipient of a number of useful gifts..." [Newspaper article, J48] 1951 - "Robert J. Platt, son of Mrs Isabel C. Platt entered Army in Feb 1951. A Capt & CinC 666th Transportation Light Truck Co., Ft. Benning, Ga. Also w/8154th Area Svc. Unit on Okinawa before that." [James S. Pula notes from newspaper article, H11] 2003 -- "Deland -- Robert J. Platt, 84, of McDonald Avenue, died July 17, 2003 at Florida Lutyeran Health Center. "Born Jan. 1, 1919, in Yorkville, N.Y. to Alfred and Isabel Hiller Platt, Mr. Platt grew up in New York Mills, N.Y. and graduated from Excelsior School of Business. "Drafted into the U.S. Army in February 1941 and assigned to Fort DuPont, Del., he attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Army in October 1942. "Mr. Platt married Jane Schell in Wilmington, Del., in October 1942. "He was assigned to the European theater in World War II, and participated in the Normandy invasion, the battle of Bastogne, the Battle of the Bulge, and the Rhine River crossing. "After the war, Mr. Platt had assignments in the United States, including Alaska, as well as in Okinawa and Italy. He retired as a major at Fort Jay, Governors Island, N.Y., in 1963. "He then made his home in Wilmington and had a second career as a purchasing agent for Westvaco, retiring in 1988. "Mr. Platt was Lutheran, a 32nd-degree Mason, and a member of Solomon Lodge No. 36 in Newark, Del. "He moved from Wilmington to DeLand in 1995 to be near his daughter and play golf year-round. "Mr. Platt was preceded in death in December 1990 by his wife of 48 years, Jane. He is survived by one daughter, Sandra Simoneau of DeLand, one son, Bruce of Wilmington, and one grandson, James Buckman of Newark. "Memorial donations may be made to Florida Lutheran Health Center, 450 N. McDonald Ave., DeLand FL 32724 ..." [Obituary; J53, J105]1982 -- "Schenevus -- Maud Russ Pirnie, 87, of 1 East St., Schenevus, died April 19 at her residence after a brief illness. "She was born April 5, 1895, in Albany. She was twice married, first to Michael E. Phillips in Schenectady in 1914. He died many years ago, and in 1950 she was married to Ford Pirnie in Utica. He died 10 years ago. "Mrs. Pirnie was recognized for her care of many senior citizens at her East Street residence. She had resided in Schenevus for the past 27 years, and was previously a resident of Utica. "She is survived by one brother, Ernest G. Russ, Chaseville. "Funeral services were April 22 at Heller Funeral Home, Schenevus, with Rev. David Rumbold, pastor of the Schenevus United Methodist Church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Lynn H. Brown. "Burial will be later in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester." [Obituary of Maude R. Pirnie, Q50]Alice E. Packer's wedding clipping indicates that her sister was "Mrs. Robert Antoinette, Albany""Isaac came to Charlton, New York, Saratoga County, in the 1700's. Herbert Smith, Alice's cousin, now owns the farm (6th generation)" [Frances Johnson research, P3] 1821, March 21 --"... 'I, Isaac Smith, Jr. give and bequeath unto my beloved wife the use, all my real and personal property for and during her natural life ...' Others mentioned in his will are his four sons Zadock, Elias, Isaac and Abijah Smith. In addition Isaac Jr. bequeathed 'unto my step-grand-daughter Orpha, a daughter of Hannah (Smith) _____ one good feather bed.' ..." [Thelma D. Arnold letter (partial), August 27, 1980, Q22]"This becomes the Smith-Holbrook line." [Frances C. Johnson research, P113]Birth year 1837 may be in error; mother was born in 1786.1854 -- "A few Excerpts from Debit-Credit Day Book of Jacob M. Johnson from 1854 -- Names mentioned etc information 'bits' "...F.N. Johnson Nov. 1, 1856 "...Jacob M. Johnson May 1861 "...Jacob M. Johnson Aug. 8, 1860 2-1/2 day haing 2.25 ..." [P130-P131]1962 -- "Jefferson -- Jennie M. Hastings, 81, of Blenheim Hill died March 1 at Stamford Nursing Home after a long illness. "Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 3 at the Hall Funeral Home, Stamford, Rev. William Phinney of Stamford Methodist Church will officiate. "Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Jefferson. "She was born May 1, 1880 at North Blenheim, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Hager) Carl. She married Luther M. Hastings Feb. 22, 1905 at Blenheim. He died in August, 1930. "She has been a resident of Blenheim Hill most of her life. She was a member of Pomona Grange, Jefferson. "She is survived by a son, Carl, of Blenheim Hill; three daughters, Mrs. Velmore Scutt, Fort Plain; Mrs. Roy Sloan, of Davenport, and Mrs. Donald Frazee, of South Jefferson; nine grand children, six great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Jennie Hastings, P40]"John Tripp was born at Northumberland County, England 1610 died at Portsmouth, Rhode Island 1678. He landed at Newport Rhode Island 1630 and was one of the signers of a compact entered in Portsmouth April 30, 1699. He was Deputy for many years from 1648 to 1672. He was a Quaker. John Tripp was the son of John and Isabel Moses of Lincolnshire, England. John Tripp was apprenticed to house carpentry trade and with his master Randall Holden came to Newport or Portsmouth, Rhode Island in 1630 after completing his time. Joh Tripp married Mary Paine daughter of Anthony Paine. John had eleven children. James Tripp of whom we are a descendant was the tenth child of John." [from James Tripp book - Albany; Frances C. Johnson research, Q2]1838, November 20 -- Nehemiah m"Joseph Johnson lived and died with his father on Johnson Hill - Came from Berne." [Frances C. Johnson research, P82, Q50] "These three brothers [Joseph , Nehemiah, Sabin] are supposed to have come from England during the Revolutionary War. One settled in Duchess Co. One settled in Oneida Co." [Frances C. Johnson research, P82, Q50] 1778, September 12 -- Private, "In the Field" at Camp White Plains on muster roll of "Capt. James Rosekrans's Company, Colo. Lewis DuBois's Regiment" [P15] 1778, October 7 -- "Sick in Hospital" at Camp Continental Village, muster roll of same company in the "Batt'n of New York Forces, commanded by Col. Lewis Duboys." [P15] 1778, November 1 -- "Sick in Hospital, Fishkill" at Camp Continental Village, same muster roll [P15] 1779, March 11 -- On muster roll of same company, in "Schohary" [P16] 1830, June 30 -- "On the 30th day of June 1830, personally appeared in open court, being a court of record called the court of oyes and tirmines holden in and for the county of Schoharie, Joseph Johnson, a resident in said county, aged about seventy-four years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the acts of Congress of the 18th of March, 1818, and the first of May 1820, that he ... enlisted for the term of one year in the month of February 1775 or 1776, in a company commanded by Captain James Rosecrantz in a regiment commanded by Colonel DuBois, in the line of the State of New York, on the continental establishment, that he continued to serve in the said corps until March in the year 1776 or 1777, when he was discharged from said service at Fort Montgomery in the State of New York, that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension except the present; That his name is not on the roll of any other State that he knows of. And in pursuance of the act of the first of May 1820, I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the united States on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner, disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled 'an act to provide for certain persons in the land and naval service of the united States in the revolutionary war," passed on the 18th day of March, 1818, and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property, or securities, contracts or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto affixed and by me subscribed. Real Estate I have none -- my personal property is as follows one cow worth about $13.00 Some ordinary household furniture in all worth about 20.00 Joseph Johnson X his mark "I am a farmer by occupation and can labour but little in consequence of old age and rheumatism. My family consists of myself, and wife aged about sixty four years and out of health, and who has not been able to work of any consequence for these ten or twelve years past. That since the 18th day of March 1818 the following changes have been made in my property, To wit, in the year 1816, I purchased seventy five acres of Land of one Jabez Gross, Jnr. and Elizabeth his wife and I gave a mortgage on Said Land, to the Said Jabez Gross, Jnr. to secure to him five hundred and seventy five dollars the balance of the purchase money then remaining unpaid --- Some having been by me, paid down, by turning out a cow and a horse and some money at the time of the purchase that in 1826 the lands were sold on the mortgage and did not fetch sufficient to pay and satisfy the bond and mortgage as I have been informed. After I made the purchase the land fell in value and my crops were cut off for two years in succession so that I had to buy my grain for my bread; That I made several payments on the bond and mortgage afterwards, but do not think they much more than paid the interest;That I found it impossible for me to pay up the bond and mortgage and keep the land. That the mortgage after it became due was foreclosed and the land sold, and by the foregoing and other means I was reduced to poverty and have remained so ever since. That on the 18th day of March 1818, I owned two ordinary horses, they both went to pay doctors bills and for the support of myself and wife. I also had two cows the one died and the other I sold and part of the consideration money went to pay my hired girl and the residue for the use of my family as near as I can remember. That I applied for a pension about four years ago and failed on account of Some defects in the affidavits or want of certificates, and on account of not having stated the changes in my property &c. And the reason I did not apply sooner was, because I could not find proof of my service which I understood to be necessary. Joseph Johnson X his mark [Pension application of Joseph Johnson, P10-P13]1839, May 8 -- "On this 8th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, personally appeared before me John Westour one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Schoharie and State aforesaid, Grace Johnson, a resident of the town of Jefferson, in the county of Schoharie and state aforesaid, in the seventy sixth year of her age, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on her oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress, passed July 7, 1838, entitled 'An act granting half pay and pensions to certain widows:" That she is the widow of Joseph Johnson, who was a Revolutionary pensioner of the United States at the time of his death of 96 Dollars per annum. She further declares that she was married to the said Joseph Johnson, on the eighth day of September, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty one by a minister of the gospel, then of the county of Dutchess in said State, that the marriage was solemnized at the, then, town of Fredericksburgh in the said county of Dutchess, but now town of Paterson in said County, as she understands. That her name before marriage was Grace Brown, that her husband, the aforesaid Joseph Johnson, died on the fourth day of June, 1832, that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place previous to the first of January, seventeen hundred and ninety four, viz. at the time above Stated, and that she has remained a widow ever since the death of the said Joseph Johnson "Grace Johnson "X her mark" [Pension application of Grace Johnson, P6-P7] 1844, January 10 -- "Under the act of the 6th of April, 1838, entitled "An Act directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by certain Pensioners, and authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasury of the United States," and the third section of the Act of August 23, 1842, extending the time within which pensioners may receive their pensions from the pension agents, The Adm. of Grace Johnson, decd., a Pensioner on the Roll of the Albany, New York Agency, at the rate of Eighty Dollars per annum, under the law of 7th July 1838, has been paid at this Department, from the 4th of March to the 30th May 1840. Respectfully yours, /s/ [Second] Comptroller [U.S. Treasury Department] [P14] ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž ўџџџ ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ ўџџџž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ ўџџџЅ І ўџџџЈ Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П ўџџџС Т У Ф Х Ц ўџџџШ Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю ўџџџа б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ ўџџџade a deposition stating that he was present at the marriage of his brother Joseph to Grace Brown in 1781, at the end of which was another statement: "I do hereby certify that I have been an Acquainted with the above named Nehemiah Johnson upwards of fifty years and that the reason he cannot write his name, is his arm being crippled many years ago which renders it so weak & trembling that he cannot write. ... Benoni Pearce Justice of the peace" [P18]"...Druggist Gordon Haggerty purchased the business [at 82 Main Street in Worcester, New York] from William H. and Rhoba French, who left many glass negatives from which a variety of old pictures have been printed. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 69] "... The William H. French Pharmacy later followed in [Frank E.] Bolles' photographic tradition." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 201]A diagram by Frances C. Johnson locates the property of a "Wm. Russ" on Park Street in Worcester, New York. [Q40; this reference may be to the William Russ born 1826 who was married to Mary Ellen Tripp]"Epitaph 'Suffer little children to come unto me.'" [Frances C. Johnson research, P140]1857, May 1 -- David Mead purchased 59 acres of land in the Strasburgh Patent, Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York, the west half of Lot 90, from Joel B. Nott and his wife, for $354. [Schoharie County Deeds; Donald H. Hull, Jr. letter, December 21, 1998, Z121] 1858, February 25 -- David Mead purchased 50 acres of land in the Strasburgh Patent, Town of Jefferson, the east half of Lot 90, from William J. Lamb and his wife, for $250. [Schoharie County Deeds; Hull letter, December 21, 1998, Z121]. Lot 90 is between Merchant Road and Tuttle Road. [Hull research, Z144] 1895, May 13 -- The above two properties were sold by Frederick Mead and Sarah E. Mead, jointly as heirs of David Mead, to Harrison Mead for $1. [Hull letter, December 21, 1998; Z121, Z123]1881, February 22 -- John D. Mead obtains land in the Town of Jefferson (eastern half of Butler's Purchase, part of Tract 103) from Blandina Bruyn of Kingston. [Q Ulster County Deeds 428-429, P153]"... Abraham Mead and his wife and one child are ... buried [in the Mead Cemetery off the former Cottage Road in the Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York] along with other persons." [Donald H. Hull, Jr. research, Z149]1983 -- "Dr. Leon Howard Wayman, 87, of 46 Center St., Oneonta, died Wednesday, July 20, at Fox Hospital, Oneonta. "He was born Jan. 10, 1896, in Charlotteville, the son of John M. and Rose (Payne) Wayman. He married Isabel Dix Sept. 28, 1922, in Asbury Park, N.J. "Dr. Wayman was a 1918 graduate of New York University Dental School. He practiced orthodonistry in Oneonta from 1945-79. He had served as a dentist in both World War I and II and in 1945 was Lt. Colonel of the United States Air Force. "He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and was one of the first New York State members of the American College of Dentistry. He was also a member of the American Society of Orthodontists, the New York State Dental Society, the BPOE No. 312 and Oneonta F&AM. He was a member of the Oneonta American Legion Post No. 259, member and past president of Rotary International and a past president of the Citizen Board at Hartwick College, Oneonta. "He is survived by his wife; two sons, John Dix of Ithaca and Dr. R. Douglas of Santa Rosa, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. June W. Zogg, McGraw; a brother, Dr. John M. of Oneonta; a sister, Mrs. Laura Winnie, Cobleskill; 14 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews and cousins. "Memorial services are 11 a.m., Saturday, July 23, at Lewis Funeral Home, Oneonta, with the Rev. William Rambo, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Oneonta, officiating. "Dr. Wayman's body was donated to Albany Medical College. ..." [Obituary of L. Wayman, P41]           ўџџџ              ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ўџџџ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ўџџџY Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € 1788, March 1 -- Alleged to have been the first white child born in the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York. [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 357] Gravestone inscription states "First White Male Child Born in the Town of Worcester." [N21] This claim is almost surely inaccurate; Jacob Servos is said to have been born in the Adaquitangie Valley of that town in 1751, and there were other earlier settlers. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 4-8] "1860 - Moved to Schenevus" [Irene Smith notes, M50]1992 -- "Worcester -- Lena T. Hoye, 91, of Worcester, died Thursday, June 18, 1992 at A.O. Fox Nursing Home in Oneonta. "She was born on Jan. 27, 1901, the daughter of Alfred R. and Emma (Truesdell) Terry. She married Bernard F. Hoye Sr. on Aug. 18, 1929 in Walton. He died on June 12, 1970. "Mrs. Hoye graduated from the Albany Business College on May 29, 1919. She worked for many years as a secretary at Worcester Central School, retiring in December 1966. "She was a member of the Altar Rosary Society of St. Joseph's in Worcester and the Fortnightly Club in Worcester. "She is survived by her son, Bernard F. Hoye, Jr. of Worcester, seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. "A mass of Christian burial will be held Monday, June 22, 1992 at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Church in Worcester, the Rev. Crandall officiating. ... "Burial will be at St. Joseph's Cemetery, Worcester. "Contributions may be made to the Worcester Emergency Squad. "Funeral arrangements by the E.J. Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester" [Obituary of Lena Hoye, T263] 1992 -- "Worcester -- Omitted from the obituary of Lena T. Hoye was the fact that she was predeceased by a daughter, Joan Hoye Stahlnecker of Independence, Ohio, who died on June 2, 1980." [Newspaper article, T263]2005, April 12 -- "Richard Lawrence LaSalle passed away on Friday, April 8, 2005 at the age of 75 years. Richard was a 41-year resident of Marin County and a 40-year employee of Pacific Bell. "Richard is survived by his loving family, wife Shirley Jean LaSalle; Children Deborah Rogers and husband Michael, Richard LaSalle and wife Anna, Darla Kramer and husband Kelly; Derek LaSalle and wife Cheryl; Granddaughters, Nicole, Melanie, Erica, Jena; Great Grandsons Ethan and Tyler; Brother, Ernest LaSalle; Sister Lillian Mattoon. "A celebration of Richard's life will be held on Wednesday April 13, 2005 at 11 AM in the Chapel at Valley Memorial Park, 650 Bugela Lane at Atherton Ave., Novato. The Rev. Chris Losey officiating. At the request of the family donations to the American Lung Association 1900 Powell Street, Emeryville, CA 94688 would be appreciated. "Keaton's Redwood Chapel" [Marin Independent Journal; ўџџџƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ ўџџџ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю ўџџџа б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я ўџџџё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ 2006, December 3 -- "West Berne (Town of Wright, Schoharie County): Mrs. Alice C. Cornwell of Schoonmaker Road, died Wednesday, November 29th at St. Peter's Hospital, Albany. "Mrs. Cornwell was born May 11, 1915 in Dunnsville, Town of Guilderland. She lived in the town of Wright since 1943 and was a clerk at the former West Berne Post Office for 29 years. She was a member of the Gallupville United Methodist Church, serving on many committees and was head of the ladies aide for many years. "She was married to Welton S. Cornwell on September 4, 1943 until his death May 15, 1993. "Survivors include: 2 sons, Alan R. Cornwell, of the Town of Wright, and Douglas A. (Harriet) Cornwell, of Schoharie. 1 sister, Janet Marvin, of North Carolina, 4 Great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. "As requested by Alice, there will be no public calling hours, however, all are invited to a graveside service at 11:00 AM on Saturday, December 2nd at the Prospect Hill Cemetery, Guilderland. "In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in memory of Mrs. Cornwell to the Gallupville United Methodist Church, C/O of Dorothy Underwood, Treasurer ... "The Langan Funeral Home of Schoharie and Central Bridge is assisting the family with arrangements." [Obituary, Langan Funeral Home website; T280]1914, December 2 -- "Born, Tuesday, Nov. 17, to Mr. & Mrs. Wickham H. Griswold, an eight pound baby girl, Marjorie Anette." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AA] 1924, April 26 -- "Marjorie, the little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wickham Griswold who reside between this village and Schenevus, was operated upon last Saturday at the Fox Memorial Hospital in Oneonta for a serious mastoid trouble. Her condition is reported favorable." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN] 1968 -- "Schenevus -- Mrs. Marjorie Griswold Freeman, 53, of 2 East Street, Schenevus, a life-long resident of the Schenevus area, died Saturday, November 9, in Memorial Hospital, New York City, following an extended illness. "Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 12, at the Bennett Funeral Home, Sschenevus, with the Rev. George Ree, pastor of the West Oneonta Baptist Church, officiating. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Mrs. Freeman was born November 17, 1914 in Worcester, a daughter of Wickham H. and Nettie (Albert) Griswold. She was married to James Freeman who died several years ago. "She attended the Schenevus Baptist Church. "Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Raymond (Anita) Axtell, Maryland, and several cousins." [Obituary of Mrs. Marjorie Freeman, N13]"James Freeman, well known farmer of this community for the past 36 years, passed away Friday at the Worcester Nursing Home where he had been a patient for eight days. Mr. Freeman had been in poor health for some time and gradually grew worse until he could no longer be cared for at home. "He was highly respected in the community and his genial personality won him many friends. "Mr. Freeman was born at Decatur December 18, 1877, son of James and Frances (Bloomfield) Freeman. "He was twice married, his first wife being Jessie Ullman, whom he married in June, 1901. She passed away in October 1936. "On June 18, 1937, he married Miss Marjory Griswold, who survives. "He is also survived by a son, Alva, Schenectady; two sisters, Mrs. Chancy Beard, Milford, and Mrs. Bessie Wade, Sidney; and two brothers, William, Roxbury, and Frederick, Summit. "Funeral services were held from the Tillapaugh Funeral Home here at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Rev. George Savige of Oneonta officiated. The body was placed in the Tillapaugh vault." [Newspaper article, N15]1956 -- "Schenevus -- Oscar S. Axtell, 78, RD 1, Maryland, died June 8 in Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, after a short illness. "Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Potter Funeral Home, Schenevus, with the Rev. Lynn H. Brown, pastor of the Schenevus Methodist Church, presiding. Burial will be in Maryland Cemetery. "He was born Oct. 24, 1879 at Deposit, son of Erwin and LaMora (Hess) Axtell and moved to the vicinity of Maryland 41 years ago. "He married the former Jennie Miller, who died in 1931. He retired from farming several years ago and had spent several years in Miami, Fla., with his son. "Surviving are two sons, Ralph Axtell, Miami, Fla., and Raymond Axtell, Maryland RD 1; two daughters, Mrs. Clyde Decker, Maryland, and Mrs. Edward Taite, Oneonta; three brothers, Dr. Earl Axtell, Rantoul, Ill., Dr. Guy Axtell, Saugerties, and John Axtell, Woodhaven, L.I.; a sister, Mrs. Vernon Crounse, Newark Valley, seven grandchildren and two aunts. ..." [Obituary of Oscar S. Axtell, N13]        ўџџџ                   ! " # $ % & ўџџџ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D ўџџџF G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ўџџџ € 1910, August 25 -- "Mrs. Maria DeLong and grandson James Milliken of New York are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Griggs." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96R] "Mrs. May L. Griggs, 56, of Afton, died Saturday night in a Doctor's office in Bainbridge. She is survived by her husband, William L. Griggs; a son, William Lee Griggs of Massena, ; three daughters, Mrs. Clifford Sharlow of Massena, Mrs. Leland Vrooman of East Worcester, Mrs. Nicholas Jamba of Norwich; two grand daughters and two grandsons. "The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock at the family home in Afton, with Rev. Frederick Nichols of the Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in the Ninevah Cemetery. "Mrs. Griggs has been a resident of Afton for the past twenty years." [Obituary of Mrs. May L. Griggs, L77; photograph, L75]1928 -- "Jacob E. Belden of East Worcester receives the residuary estate left by his brother, the late John Arthur Belden, according to a report issued by the New York state transfer tax department at New York yesterday. He will receive a legacy of $82,135. A gift of $200 goes to a niece, Sarah Freese, of East Worcester. "Mr. Belden died July 9, 1928 leaving an estate which was appraised today at $92,118 gross value net $83,335. Additional bequests of $500 go to Daniel D. Lusk of Yonkers and Leona E. Hotchkiss of Junius, S.D. Mr. Lusk and John F. Kenny are executors." [Newspaper article, L73] 1930 -- "Lots #21 and 26 [in Maple View Cemetery, East Worcester, N.Y.] were owned by Riley Pitcher in the old days ... "Lot #26 has, besides Flora Belden's (daughter) stone, the following: "Jacob Belden, 1853-1930 "Vianna Albert, wife, 1857-1921" [W. Fern Ferguson research and map, L78]1937 -- "Cobleskill, Aug. 4 -- Funeral services were held this afternoon for Hiram Spooner, aged 70, who committed suicide by hanging early Monday morning near his home on Railroad avenue in this village. Rev. Timothy Meek, retired pastor of this village, officiated at the services at 2 o'clock at the Bunday Funeral home. Burial was in the Cobleskill Rural Cemetery. "Mr. Spooner was born at Charlotteville July 4, 1867, a son of William and Eleanor Wayman Spooner. Survivors include his wife, five daughters, Mrs. Clark Handy, Seward; Mrs. Edith Mabbett, Utica; Mrs. Herschel Mrereness, Sharon Springs; Mrs. Leon Tissiere, Hyndsville; and Miss Dorothy Spooner of Oneonta; two sons, Ray Spooner of Oneonta, and Earl Spooner of East Springfield; a brother, Omar Spooner of Richmondville, and three sisters, Mrs. Florence Sipperly, Worcester; Mrs. Margaret Kahr, Cobleskill, and Mrs. Bertha Wilsey of Johnson City." [Newspaper article, M82]"I do remember Flora Belden and how Clark and Ethel (Spooner) Handy kept her in their home until almost all of the uncle's inheritance was gone. Flora would sneak a letter out to my Mother now and then." [Anita E. Axtell letter, February 25, 1997, L72] 1941, July 9 -- "I, Flora A. Belden, of the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, and State of New York ... do make ... my last will and testament ...: "FIRST: I Direct that all my lawful debts and funeral expenses be paid. "SECOND: I direct that my body be buried in the same plot in which my father and mother are buried in the Maple View (Upper) Cemetery at East Worcester, N.Y. ... and that suitable markers be placed on the graves ... "THIRD: I give my clothing to the Town Welfare Officer ... to be distributed ... [to] needy persons ... "FOURTH: All the residue ... I bequeath as follows: "(a) One-half ... to the Maple View ... Cemetery ... for care to the lot ... "(b) One-half ... to the Charlotteville Methodist Episcopal Church ... "LASTLY: I hereby appoint Wickham Griswold (the husband of my cousin Nettie Griswold) of Schenevus, New York, the executor ..." [Will of Flora A. Belden, in possession of the children of Irene D. Smith] 1944 -- "Worcester -- Miss Flora Belden, 65, died at her home in East Worcester Friday, the result of a stroke suffered last August. Funeral will be held Monday at 2 at Skinner's funeral home, Worcester, with later burial in Upper cemetery, East Worcester. Rev. George McAllister, East Worcester Methodist pastor, will officiate. "Miss Belden was born in Summit Feb. 22, 1879, daughter of Jacob and Vianna (Albert) Belden. She had lived in East Worcester five years and was a member of the Charlotteville Methodist church." [Newspaper article, N13]1968 -- "Mrs. Ethel M. Handy of Janesville, died on Mar. 2, 1968 ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › ўџџџ ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К ўџџџМ Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ўџџџы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ўџџџј љ њ ћ ќ § ўџџџџ at the Palatine nursing home at Palatine Bridge after a long illness. "She was born at Charlotteville on Mar. 28, 1891, daughter of the late Hiram and Minnie Albert Spooner. She was married to the late J. Clark Handy on Sept. 18, 1918. "She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harry (Gladys) Brust of Canajoharie RD, and Mrs. Edythe Houghton of Phoenix, Ariz., a son John Clark Handy, Jr. of Central Bridge; three sisters, Mrs. Leon Tissiere og Hyndsville, Mrs. Herschel Mereness of Sharon and Mrs. William Beckman of Phoenix, Ariz.; two brothers, Ray Spooner of Phoenix and Earl Spooner of Irving, Tex., grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. "Services were conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Bundy funeral home by the Rev. Leonard M. Braam. Interment will be in the spring in Dorloo cemetery." [Obituary of Mrs. J.C. Handy, M82]1973 -- "Services for Leslie Mabbett Sr., 79, of 248 Main Street, Fort Plain, who died Wednesday in Little Falls Hospital, will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Swartz Funeral Home, Fort Plain. "Born in Johnstown, Mr. Mabbett had worked at the Utica Knitting Co. until 1951 when he became the proprietor of the Mabbett Adult Home in Fort Plain. "He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. "Survivors include his [second] wife, Elsie Becker Keneston Mabbett; four sons, Donald, Gerbert and William, all of Fort Plain, and Leslie Mabbett, Jr. of Mohawk; five daughters, Mrs. Eugene Monnier of Clark Mills, Mrs. Arthur Featherbay of Westmoreland, Mrs. Thomas Rolands of Utica, Mrs. Harold Lockwood of Whitesboro and Mrs. George Lewis of Scotia; a step-son, Gordon Keneston of Gloversville; one step-daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Daws of Troy; 35 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. ... "Burial will be in Grandview Cemetery, Whitesboro." [Newspaper article, M82]1968 -- "Mrs. Leona Jamba of 108 Jamesville Road, Dewitt and Norwich died Saturday evening, Nov. 2, 1968 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse following an exte      A                    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? ўџџџ[ B C D V F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U ўџџџW X Y Z \ r ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s „ t u v w x y z { | } ~   nded illness. "She was born in East Worcester and was the daughter of Burton and Matie Albert Winchell. "She is survived by her husband, Nicholas Jamba of Dewitt and Norwich. a daghter, Mrs. Barbara Nelson Jamba of Oneonta; a grandchild, Mark Stephen Jamba of Oneonta; a sister, Mrs. Beatrice Vrooman of East Worcester and several nieces and nephews. "Mrs. Jamba was a member of the United Church of Christ First Congregational of Norwich. "She was a former school teacher at Norwich, North Norwich and Oxford schools, also of Jefferson, Grand Gorge and Lutheranville in this area. She had been a resident of Norwich for 25 years while her husband was serving as senior vice president of the National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. In 1963, when he resigned his position with the bank, she and her husband moved to Ithaca, later to Fayetteville and then to Dewitt. "Mrs. Jamba had served as superintendent of the Weekday School of Religion in Norwich and taught Sunday School for many years. She also taught ballroom dancing. "Funeral services were held Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the United Church of Christ First Congregational, with the Rev. Donald C. Esslinger, minister officiating. Burial will take place in Mt. Hope cemetery at a later date." [Obituary of Mrs. N. Jamba, M82-M83]"...In May 1893 Clara Bailey and Beatrice Vrooman met with Pastor Ben Wilkerson of Lowville and Pastor J. Paul Reno of Hagerstown, Maryland, to consider reopening the [First Baptist Church of Worcester]." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 137] In May, 1986, Beatrice Vrooman compiled a history of the First Baptist Church of Worcester. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 272]Ruth All notes associate William Lee Griggs with Massena, New York. They also indicate a sister, Mrs. Clifford Sharlow, also associated with Massena. One or both of these siblings had "1 son 2 dau" but it is not clear which.1820 -- Gilbert appears along with Bela at 019 in the census of While Albert S. DeLong pronounced his first name "AL-bert," he said that the Albert family of Worcester, New York pronounced their surname as "AWL-burt." [Lawrence A. DeLong] "Research into the ALBERT surname has produced 4 separate and distinct lines none of which have been connected as of December 1998. These lines are those ALBERT families who originated in France and came to the 'New World' thru Canada ... the families of Gabriel Albert ... Pierre Albert ... Guillaume Albert ... and ... Nicolas Albert ... "There are more ALBERT lines who came to this continent and to the USA through various routes. One such family is the ALBERT family of Butler County, PA ..." [Joe Albert, Albert Genealogy, http://joe2557.com] "Jansen Van Amsterdam - desc. Alberts Albert - from Amsterdam. Probably came over 1641. Rensselaerwyck, N.N. 1642 New Amsterdam (later New York City) 1658 d. before 26 Feb. 1659. Carpenter Father of Jan Alberts of Coxsackie, N.Y. whose sons were surnamed Jansen." [National Genealogical Society Quarterly 71:107 (desc) N.N. = New Netherland, Dutch colony along the Hudson; L1; M49] 1790 -- Federal census of New London County, Connecticut shows Obed Albert with 3 free white males 16 or over, 4 free white males under 16 and 7 free white females. Census also shows a Daniel Albert in Worcester County, Masssachusetts, with one free white female. Can one of these be Henry's original family? [M69C] 1795 -- Otsego Herald lists Henry Albert three times as having mail awaiting him at the Otsego [Cooperstown] village post office. [Lawrence A. DeLong; New York State Historical Association Library, C17] 1797, May 10 -- "One highway that can be pictured was noted on May 10, 1797 as follows: 'A Publick Road laid from Charlotte to Schenevus Crick Beginning at Cumfort Davis Running a Northwardly course till Henery Alvert mill from thence to Fredricks Alberts Sawmill from thence to Abner Teas." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 107] 1801, April 7 -- Henry Albert listed as Overseer of Highways in Town of Worcester. These are the public offices in which a Henry is known to have served: Overseer of Highways 1801-1803, 1811-1812, 1815, 1822-1823, 1826, 1831 [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 39-40, 44-48]; Poundmaster 1802 [Officers, 100] Fence Viewer 1804, 1814 [Officers, 13-14] Assessor 1813-1815 [Officers, 20] Commissioner of Common Schools 1815 [Officers, 96; A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 144]] Member of New York State Assembly Nov. 5-12, 1816 and Jan. 14 to Apr. 15, 1817 Sessions [Officers, 125] Commissioner of Highways 1833 [Officers, 35] 1807 -- "But that 27th day of June [1807] was a very crowded day. It was when ... Henry Albert and his wife Margaret [and four others] ... were received into the fellowship of the church." [Thomas Bruxholm, Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of the Town of Summit, ca. 1910; 9] 1809 -- "At the church meeting in Nov. 1809, the so-called old Henry Albert, Levi Lincoln, James Brown and Wiatsill Cleveland were appointed to collect what was subscribed for Elder Carr for the past year." [Bruxholm; 10] 1810 -- An "H. Albert" is at 250 in census of Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York, with 3-3-1-1-0 and 1-0-1-1-0. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69 and M69C] 1813 -- "[on] Aug. 14, 1813 [Jesse Carpenter] requested to be relieved of keeping the church book and Henry Albert was appointed church clerk in his room ... Henry Albert, called old Henry, lived on the west side of the Hornknocker Creek, in a house that stood on what is known as the old Payne Smith farm ... The house of the old Henry Albert stood across the road nearly opposite the present Center Valley Schoolhouse." By 1819, Samuel Stillwell had succeeded Henry Albert as clerk. [Bruxholm; 9, 14] 1814 -- "On Feb. 9, 1814, at the house of Henry Albert, a Council was called by the Baptist Church of Jefferson (name not changed to Summit until 1820) for the purpose of assisting them in setting apart to the office of deacon brother Levi Lincoln." [Bruxholm; 12] 1816 -- "At a Covenant meeting of the church held at the home of Deacon Levi Lincoln Sat. Dec. 7, 1816, a peculiar incident occurred. The record says that Henry Albert 'riz' from his seat and spake of his unprofitfulness to the church and requested that the church grant him the favor of withdrawing the hand of fellowship from him. He would make no explanations whatever. Accordingly, at the church meeting of Jan. 11, 1817 it was voted that Henry Albert should have a letter of excommunication and the letter was duly written and sent to him. But Henry Albert must have been one of the faithful brethren after all, for in the records nine and a half years afterwards, namely July 5, 1826, it was the request of the Baptist Church of Summit that a council be convened at Henry Albert's in said Summit to ordain James Ingalls to the gospel ministry." [Bruxholm, 2, 13; full minutes of council, 19] 1818, February 15 -- Henry Albert and his wife Margaret, both of the Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, convey 50 acres in Lot 5 of the 4th Allotment of Skinner's Patent to Henry Albert, Jr. of Schoharie County, for $350. [HH Otsego County Deeds 286; L5] 1825 -- A Henry Albert appears in the Schoharie County census; 6 males, 3 females, 80 acres [Irene D. Smith research, M36] 1830 -- Henry and William S. Albert appear at 164 in the census of the Town of Summit, Schoharie County. [DeLong, M69] 1878 -- "It may not be uninteresting, before leaving the history of Worcester, to give the names of residents of this town who have served as members of assembly ... The first was Silas Crippen, in 1816; the next, Henry Albert, emigrated from New England at an early day, settled on South Hill, and raised a large family, -- Frederick Albert, now seventy-eight years of age, still a resident of this town, is a son of his, born in Worcester, his father was a member in 1817 ..." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 363; M2] 1910 -- "And now thru the good memory of Miss Betsy C. Ryder, now in her 83rd year, we have learned where old Henry Albert lived. We have already said that he lived in the Hornknocker neighborhood in the town of Worcester. And so he did. But before he lived there he lived in the house in the town of Summit in which Joseph Lincoln Jr. afterward lived and which stood on the corner before you reach the house where the present Deacon Isaac Gage lives ... Mrs. Ryder says that her father at one time worked for old Henry and lived in part of the house and thinks she was born in it. ... "Old Henry was a great sufferer from cancer and no doubt became reduced financially and he finally moved to a small place in the Hornknocker neighborhood and lived out his days there. We are indebted to old John Wesley Albert of Worcester for the information that one of old Henry's sons was named Henry and that he lived and died in Orleans County and also that old Fred Albert, old Henry's brother, had a son named Henry." [Bruxholm, 13-14] 1998, May 25 -- Beside Henry and Margaret Albert, George N. Albert and his wife Mary Multer, and Maggie S. Albert are buried in the plot. [Gravestone inscriptions, M61 and Ruth S. All research, L140] 1998 -- While Henry receives credit as the patriarch of the Albert family that thrived on both sides of the county line on South Hill, there is much less documentation of the relationships among the first- and second-generation Albert settlers as there is census listing verifications, for example, of the composition of later third- and fourth-generation families. Possible brothers and cousins of Henry may have headed their own families in the area, and it is not certain how many second-generation Alberts were Henry's offspring and how many belonged to possible siblings and cousins. Among the latter might be: -- Frederick, the South Hill sawmill owner in 1797, Worcester Fence Viewer in 1798 [Bicentennial History, 107 and 223], and Worcester Pathmaster in 1801 [Officers, 39, M25], whose wife might have been Lucy ("wife of Frederick Albert Junr"), admitted and baptised January 11, 1801, by Rev. W.J. Bushnell, [Worcester] Congregational Church; to Utica church January 4, 1803 [All, L43 and L121 and Worcester Congregational Church records provided by Marilyn E. Dufresne, Worcester Presbyterian Church historian, M103] ; a Frederick appears at 159 in the 1810 census of New York County and at 429 in the 1830 census of Rensselaerville, Albany County. A Lucy appears at 171 in the 1850 Worcester census. [DeLong, M69, M69A]; --John; a John and a Bernard are at 114 in the 1820 census of Durham, Greene County, and another John was in Hillsdale, Columbia County that same year at 152 [DeLong, M69, M69A]; --Joseph, who was a Worcester Pathmaster in 1805 [Officers, 41]; a Joseph appears at 167 in the 1820 census of Hamburg, Niagara County [DeLong, M69, M69A] -- William S., who appears in the 1825 Schoharie County census, 2 males, 3 females, no land [Irene D. Smith research, M36]; at 164 in the 1830 Summit census [DeLong, M69], at 312 in the 1840 Worcester census [All, L110] and at 312 in the 1850 Summit census [All, L110 and L111] -- Bela, at 019 in the1820 Worcester census along with Gilbert [All, L110; DeLong, M69, M69A] -- Aaron, at 223 in the 1820 Middleburgh census, at 021 in the 1830 Middleburgh census, and at 90 in the 1850 Middleburgh census, age 82, born in New York, pauper, poor house [All, L111, Smith M58 and DeLong, M69] 1998 -- Possible second-generation Alberts might have been: -- Asahels, who appear at 58 and 61 in the 1830 Decatur census [DeLong, M69, M69A] -- Gilbert, 1796-1841, listed as son of Henry [All, L3]; in 1820 [at 019] and 1830 [at 044] Worcester censuses [DeLong, M69]; -- William P., about 1799, in the 1850 Schoharie county census, laborer age 51, Martha age 48, Orlando age 10, Patience age 2 [Irene M. Smith research, M38]; a Martha 1801-1889 is buried in the Schenevus Cemetery [All, L102] -- Frederick, about 1800, alive in 1878, son of Henry [Hurd 363, M2] -- Frederick, about 1800, possible son of Frederick, in 1835 Schoharie County census, wife, 2 boys, 1 girl, 120 acres, 12 cattle, 2 horses, 25 sheep, 8 hogs, 13 yards manufactured cloth, 18 yards woolen cloth, 60 yards linen cloth [Smith, M37]; and at 310/312 in the 1850 Summit census, farmer age 50, Se-- female age 49, Jane age 25, Henry age 20, Emily age 5 or 9, $2,000 property [Smith, M38 and M58]; wife Sebe Lincoln, sister of Joseph Lincoln and daughter of Levi and Betsy Lincoln [All, L111, L121] died April 28, 1851, age 50 years, 2 months, 8 days, buried in Summit Baptist Church Settlement Cemetery [Smith, M17 and Lawrence A. DeLong information, M65]; likely father of Frederick Albert, Jr., in the 1850 Schoharie County census age 28, Susan age 28, David H., age 6, $500 property [Smith, M38] The following Frederick listings are in the 1860 census: Albany Co. at 763, Otsego Co. at 203, Ulster Co. at 654 and Westchester Co. at 720. [DeLong, M69B] -- Joseph, 1805-1861, listed as a son of Henry [All, L3]. A Joseph appears in the 1840 [at 312], 1850 [at 178] and 1860 [at 479] Worcester censuses. [DeLong, M69A, M69B] -- James, 1812-1877, [All, L131]; A James appears in the 1850 [at 177] Worcester census and the 1860 [at 428] Schoharie Co. censuses. [DeLong, M69A, M69B] -- John, 1814-1888, at 150 in 1840 Summit census; at 431 in 1860 Schoharie County census, farmer age 45, Lucy age 44, John E., age 10, Alice C., age 5, $1,400 property, $384 personal [Smith, M40, All, L150; DeLong M69B]; and in 1870 Schoharie County census, age 55, Lucy age 54, Alice age 15, $2,500 real estate, $800 personal [Smith, M41]; "J. Albert" residence appears on east side of Charlotteville Road, just north of the hamlet, in 1866 [W. Fern Ferguson drawing from Schoharie County Atlas, M20]; John born November 12, 1814 died February 16, 1888, Lucy born February 18, 1816 died March 10, 18x8 [hard to read; might be 1858, 1868, 1888], and Mary Ann Lape their daughter died May 2, 1869 age 33 years, 3 months, 8 days are all buried in Charlotteville Cemetery [Smith, M17 and DeLong M65] -- George N., 1818-1875, buried in same cemetery plot [All, L140]; a George is at 312 in the 1840 Worcester census and 234 in the 1860 Otsego Co. census, and George N. is at 178 in the 1850 Worcester census. [DeLong, M69A, M69B] -- Margaret J., 1820-1896, wife of J.P. Smith, buried in Charlotteville; J.P. born January 13, 1820 died November 5, 1887; Margaret born December 17, 1820 died April 11, 1896 [DeLong, M65] -- Abram, about 1822, at 173 in 1850 Worcester census age 28 worked as laborer for John M. Wayman [All, L110] -- "H. Albert, Jr.," year unknown, in 1820 (at 021] and 1830 [at 46] Worcester censuses [DeLong, M69, M69A]; received property from Henry and Margaret in 1824 [HH Otsego County Deeds 286; L5]. A Henry is at 289 in the 1840 census of Hamburg, Erie Co., N.Y. and at 206 in the 1860 Otsego Co. census. [DeLong, M69A, M69B] 1998 - Some other Alberts of unknown relationship include: -- Della E., 1862-1889, buried in the Schenevus Cemetery [All, L102] -- Emilie, in Horton P. Albert scrapbook [All, L34, L53] -- George, about 1834, in 1850 Worcester census age 16 worked as laborer for John M. Wayman [All, L44 and L110] -- Gilbert, at 239 in the 1860 Otsego Co. census [DeLong, M69B] -- Lucy I., about 1834, at 171 in 1850 Worcester census worked for Peter Mitchell [All, L45, L110 and L121; DeLong, M69A] -- Mary A., married Isaiah Smith in 1849 [All, L42] -- two Peters, in the 1820 Durham census at 114 and the 1820 census of Perry, Genesee County, N.Y. at 232 [DeLong, M69A] -- Prissilla, about 1830, age 20 in 1850 [Schoharie County?] census as domestic in family of Shubel Smith [Smith, M39]. A Priscilla appears at 414 in the 1860 Schoharie Co. census. [DeLong, M69B] -- William, at 118 in the 1840 Middleburgh census, 1 m 40-50, 1 f 30-40, 1 m 15-20, 2 f 15-20, 1 m 10-15, 1 f 10-15, 1 m 5-10, 1 f 5-10, 2 m under 5 [All, L111 and Smith, M60]                     ўџџџ    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ ўџџџB C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York. [Ruth S. All research, L110; Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69] 1830 -- Gilbert is at 044 in the Worcester census. [DeLong, M69] "Gilbert Albert purchased land in [Worcester Common School District No. 18, the 'Albert' District] on November 2, 1838..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 151] 1840 -- Gilbert appears at 310 or 312 in Worcester census; 2 m under 5; 2 m 5-10; 1 m 10-15; 1 m 15-20; 1 m 30-40; 1 m 40-50; 2 f 15-20; 1 f 40-50. [Ruth S. All research, L110; Irene D. Smith research, M60; Anita E. Axtell letter, May 22, 1998, N35] 1998, May 25 -- Beside Gilbert and Mary Albert and their family and John W. and Noah Albert and their wives, John Queal and his wife Mary and a Mary S. Fancher are buried in the plot [Gravestone inscriptions, M62].1805, March 5 -- Another Joseph Albert is listed as a Worcester Overseer of Highways. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 41] 1836, March 1 -- Jo1797, May 10 -- "One highway that can be pictured was noted on May 10, 1797 as follows: 'A Publick Road laid from Charlotte to Schenevus Crick Beginning at Cumfort Davis Running a Northwardly course till Henery Alvert mill from thence to Fredricks Alberts Sawmill from thence to Abner Teas.'" [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 107]. This other Frederick Albert is listed as Town of Worcester Fence Viewer in 1798 [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 223] and again in 1801 as Pathmaster [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 39]. 1835 -- A Frederick Albert and wife appear in the Schoharie County census; 2 boys, 1 girl, 120 acres, 12 cattle, 2 horses, 25 sheep, 8 hogs, 13 yards manufactured cloth, 18 yards woolen cloth, 60 yards linen cloth [Irene M. Smith research, M37] 1847, March 2 -- "Frederick Albert, Jr." listed as Inspector of Elections, Second District, Town of Worcester [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 109] 1850 -- Frederick Albert, ae 50, appears at 312 in the Schoharie County census; also Se--- ae 49, Jane ae 25, Henry ae 20, Emily ae 9 or 5 "in school"; $2,000 property [Irene M. Smith research, M38, M58; Anita E. Axtell letter, May 22, 1998, N33] "Fred son -- Fred mar Seba Lincoln - sis of Joseph Lincoln their parents Levi & Betsy Lincoln" [Ruth S. All research, L121] 1850 -- Frederick Albert, Jr., ae 28 appears in the Schoharie County census; also Susan ae 28, David H. ae 6; $500 property [Irene M. Smith research, M38] "Frederick w Bapt 1854 with 1855" and "F. Jr wife Lucy Bap Cong 1-11-1801 Lucy to Utica Cong church record 1-4-1803" [Ruth S. All research, L121] "I Frederick Albert of the town of Worcester County of Ostego (sic) and state of New York being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament that is to say "1st After all my lawful debts and funeral expenses are paid and discharged, I give devise and bequeath to my executors hereafter nominated and appointed Four Hund dollars, Three hundred and fifty of which to be paid out and expended by them in the purchase of a monument to be placed in my lot in Maple Grove Cemetery in said Town of Worcester, and Fifty dollars to said Maple Grove Association to be by them or the proper Officer of said association placed at interest on good security on keeping my lot in said cemetery and the monument placed there in good order. "2nd I give devise and bequeath to my wife Mary Louisa Albert all the rest and residue of my real and personal estate of every name or kind, to be by her and appropriated and expended or so much thereof as she may deem necessary for her comfort support and happiness during her life, at her decease what remains unexpended for her support as aforesaid -- I give and devise and bequeath as follows viz: To my daughter Emdie [?] Aneilin [?] I give and bequeath promissory note of three hundred dollars and the unpaid interest that is unpaid on said note I hold against her bearing date April 1st 1875 and signed by my said daughter and her husband. "3rd I give and bequeath to my grand son James Martin Two Hundred dollars and to my Grand Daughter Addie Bates Two Hundred Dollars. "4th I give and bequeath to my Grand Son Harlem and Frederic Albert One Hundred dollars each to share and share alike. "5th What remains of my real and personal estate after the above legacies are paid I give and bequeath one third part to my son Fredrick Albert and his heirs. One third to my Daughter Amelia [?] and her heirs, and the remaining one third to the children and their heirs of my daughter Jane Bates deceased and to share and share alike. "Likewise I make constitute and appoint my wife Mary Louisa Albert Executrix and Seneca B. Hartwell Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. I hereby authorize my Executors to sell at private or public sale any or all of my real estate that I may [?] at any time they may think proper." [Carol Anderson research; M213-M214] [NOTE -- Further discussion of the various persons named Frederick Albert appears in the Notes section under Henry Albert.seph Albert is listed as a Worcester Overseer of Highways. He is known to have served in this office through 1842, and in 1845, 1857 and 1858. He was Poundmaster in 1937. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 51-53, 55, 60, 102] 1840 -- Joseph appears at 312 in Worcester census; 2 m 5-10; 1 m 30-40; l f under 5; 1 f 30-40; 1 f 80-90. [Ruth S. All research, L110; Irene D. Smith research, M60; Anita E. Axtell letter, May 22, 1998, N35] 1850 -- Joseph, farmer, appears at 178 in Worcester census; includes Joseph ae 44; Catherine ae 51 or 50; Andrew ae 17; Nicholas ae 15; and Arminda [Lucinda?] ae 13 (previous three "in school"); value $7,200. [Ruth S. All research, L42, L110; Irene D. Smith research, M59; Anita E. Axtell letter, May 22, 1998, N33]] 1860 -- Joseph is at 479 in the Worcester census. {Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69A, M69B] 1998, May 25 -- Beside Joseph, Catherine, Andrew, Achsah, Nicholas and D N Albert, the families of Joseph T. and James C. Waid are buried in the plot. [Gravestone inscriptions, M61]1883, June 2 -- "Mary Louise Albert of the town of Ames, County of Story, State of Iowa, being of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this my last will and testament. First: After all my lawful debts and funeral expenўџџџ‚ ƒ ўџџџ… † ўџџџˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž ўџџџ  Ё Ђ ўџџџЄ Ѕ ўџџџЇ Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З ўџџџЙ К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч ўџџџЩ Ъ Ы ўџџџЭ Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п ўџџџс т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ўџџџэ ўџџџя № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ ўџџџї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ ses are paid and discharged, I give and bequeath to the following mentioned individuals and corporations the amounts that are specified with each party. To my nephew Irving Queal Two Hundred and Twenty five Dollars -- To my Nephew William Clinton Houghton, One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars. -- To the last named legatees daughter Louise Houghton One Hundred Dollars -- To my niece Louisa Linda [?] and Elvira Cook to each severally Twenty five dollars. To my Nephew W.A. Markham Thirty Five Dollars. To my brother Horace Cook of the State of Wis. Fifty Dollars -- To my cousin Rev. Asher Cook now residing in Galloway Saratoga Co. New York Fifty Dollars. To Helen Maud Toll of Chicago Ill Twenty Dollars in gold -- to Mrs. Simpkins wife of Rev. Thomas Simpkins now of Amsterdam N.Y. Twenty Five Dollars. To Wm Cook my Nephew of Worcester NY Twenty Five Dollars. To the 1st Baptist Church of Ames Iowa Twenty Five Dollars. To Madison University located at Hamilton Madison Co New York Two Hundred Dollars. To the American Baptist Missionary Union Two Hundred Dollars. Second: What remains of my personal estate after the above legacies have been paid I devise and direct that my executor divide the residue among the parties specified in this [?] in the same proportion as I have arranged the amount bequeathed -- with the following exceptions -- I desire him to make no increase in my bequests to Madison University -- To the American Baptist Missionary Union -- To the 1st Baptist Church of Ames Iowa To Helen Maud Toll of Chicago Ill. -- To Mrs. Simpkins or to Horace Cleveland of New York et al. Third: I hereby nominate and appoint D.A. Bigelow of Ames Iowa executor of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 2nd day of June 1883." [Carol Anderson research, M212-M213]Census indicates birth date of 1833; cemetery marker says April 30, 1835 (Ruth All)"Went to Corunna Michigan. Had pictures taken there" [Ruth All research, L40]1856 -- It is not known whether the "Henry Albert" listed as a Town of Worcester officer is Henry Albert, Jr., Henry C. Albert, John Henry Albert, Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 1861, February 16 -- "The site on which the last four school buildings [in Worcester District No. 6] were erected was acquired from Bradley and Rebecca Ritton on February 16, 1861. It consisted of one-fourth acre for the price of $150. The trustees at this time were Joseph Wilsey, Nathaniel Wilder and Henry Albert." Is this Henry Albert, Jr., Henry C. Albert, John Henry Albert, Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else? [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 144-145; from Here's to You, Worcester Schools, 19]"She lived at the corner of Main St & West Hill Road [in Worcester, New York] " [Ruth S. All research, L151]Elam and Horton are conjectured to be "Nephews of Andrew & Emma?" [Ruth S. All research, L50]Elam and Horton are conjectured to be "Nephews of Andrew & Emma?" [Ruth S. All research, L50] "Horton uncle Fred Albert" [Ruth S. All research, L34; might there have been another Horton, son of Joseph Albert, or another Frederick, son of Joseph?] "One place in [her mother's scrap]book states that Horton P. Albert went to Cortland, Cortland County, to attend school." [Ida K. Roberts letter, March 25, 1994, L53, L58] 1873, March 13 -- H.P. Albert listed as a performer at the Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Worcester Graded School [L55]1850 -- Mary Albert, ae 51 appears at 170 in the Worcester census; also Gilbert W. ae 24; Peter ae 22; John W. ae 18 or 17; Samuel H. ae 14; William H. ae 12, Sally Ann ae 10 (previous four "in school"); and Maria Tripp, ae 31, working in household; Mary value $3,425; Gilbert value $1,000; Peter value $1,000. [Ruth S. All research, L42 and L110; Irene M. Smith research, M59; Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69A]] 1860 -- Mary appears at 239 in the 1860 Otsego Co. census. [DeLong, M69B]"Maggie S. Albert, daughter of the late Gilbert Albert, died in Altona, Illinois." [Ida K. Roberts letter, March 25, 1994, L53]"one of a family of 8 ... Lived whole life on So Hill [Worcester, New York] on land of his father" [Ruth All research, L20] "Lived near Smith Road on Burnside Road" [Ruth All research, L20] 1855, March 6 -- "Wesley" Albert listed as Overseer of Highways. He is also known to have served in the same office in 1859, 1866, 1873, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1901. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 59, 61, 64, 67, 70, 72-80] 1863, September 22 -- John W. Albert is cited as being in the first Worcester Civil War draft lottery. [Bloomville Mirror; C60I]1837, March 7 -- Another "William Albert" is listed as a Worcester Constable in 1837 and 1838, and "Wlliam S. Albert" is listed as Collector in 1838. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 25, 85]. 1857, March 3 -- "William Albert" is listed as a Worcester Overseer of Highways in 1857, 1865 and 1868. [Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 60, 63, 65] "Horton uncle Fred Albert" [Ruth S. All research, L34]1998, May 25 -- Beside George and Nancy Cooper, others in this plot are Mason Springfield and his wife Jane Cooper, Judson Goodenough and his wife Cassandra Cooper and Herman W. Merchant and his wife Catharine Cooper. [Gravestone inscriptions, M63]"JW lived with him" [Ruth S. All research, L30] 1935 -- "Th     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567ўџџџ9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]ўџџџ_`abcdefghijklmnopqrGtuvwxyz{|}~€e entire community joins in extending to Mrs. Noah Albert and her little family its united sympathy in the loss of their husband and father. Surely it can be truly said that the world is better that he has lived. As we look today back over the past and review the years that Mr. Albert has lived among us we see a life of helpfulness and neighborly love that shall linger long in the hearts of men. A citizen of rugged honesty, a farmer of unusual ability, a man of the highest character, beloved, honored and respected, has been called home to rest, and we who remain are saddened beyond measure. The life he lived, the good he did, the friends he made shall ever be a monument to his memory lasting for many years to come." [Newspaper article, L159] 1935 -- "Noah sur by 2 sisters Eva Milks & Mary Hughes" [Ruth S. All research, L29] 1998 -- Albert S. DeLong always maintained that there were two separate Albert family groups, each separate from the other. [Lawrence A. DeLong] "I believe your father was in reference to the Noah Albert family, as I know my mother also thought they were not closely (if at all) related." [Anita E. Axtell letter, June 7, 1998, N44]1953 -- "Mrs. Eva Milks, wife of the late Oscar Milks, passed away at her home on Main St. in this village at eleven o'clock last Thursday evening following a long illness from heart trouble. "Funeral services were held from the Skinner Funeral Home in this village at two o'clock Monday afternoon with burial in the Elk Creek cemetery. Services were conducted by the Rev. Richard Graham, pastor of the Methodist church of which she was a member. "She was a daughter of Wesley and Eva (VanValkenburgh) Albert and was born in the town of Worcester March 16, 1874. On Jan. 7, 1903, she was united in marriage to Oscar Milks, who passed away many years ago. "Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Robert Darling of Schenectady; a grandson Robert Farnum, and a great grandson, Thomas Farnum, both of Worcester." [Obituary of Mrs. Eva Milks, N11]1952 -- "Mrs. Mary Hughes, 80, a resident of Schenevus and vicinity for her entire life, died at Fox Memorial Hospital in Oneonta, Monday, where she had been a patient for ten days. She had been in ill health for several years. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. at the Potter Funeral Home in Schenevus. The Rev. Lynn H. Brown, pastor of the Schenevus Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Mrs. Hughes was born near Worcester, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Alberts, October 16, 1871. After her marriage to Arthur Hughes, who died three years ago, she and her husband conducted a farm near Elk Creek until a few years ago, from where they removed to Schenevus. "Beside one sister, Mrs. Eva Milks of Worcester, Mrs. Hughes is survived by the following grandchildren: Mrs. William McCabe of Yonkers; Mrs. Beverly Gallup of Phoenix; Mrs. Catherine Mann, Gerald Russell, Miss Betty Russell, and Miss Emily Russell of Schenectady; Royal Russell of Delmar; Robert Russell in the U.S.A. service; Larry Russell of San Antonio and a number of cousins, nephews and nieces." [Obituary of Mrs. Arthur Hughes, L26, L163]2005, August 12 -- "William Stahlnecker, 76, of Independence, we§џџџ‚ ƒ … ” † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ • Ї – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ј q Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б  Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю ўџџџ№ ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ ўџџџ§џџџќ § ў џ nt to the Lord to join his beloved wife, Joan Marie (nee Hoye). Loving father of William E. Jr., Raymond B. (Karen), Judith A. McNichol (Gene), and Linda L. Perkins (Donald); devoted grandfather of Tracey, Beth, Olivia, Matthew (Meagan), Adam and Jessica; cherished brother of Dorothy McCambell (Donald), and the late Raymond; dear brother-in-law of Bernard Hoye (Pat). Passed away Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005. Memorials may be forwarded to Camp Cheerful, 15000 Cheerful Lane, Strongsville 44136. All services private. Veteran USMC. Busch Funeral and Crematory Service ..." [Cleveland Plain Dealer; T230A] Mo"The death of Charles Griswold, aged 68, occurred suddenly Monday morning at his room at the Knox School dormitory following a heart attack. Mr. Griswold, who h‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘ўџџџ“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПўџџџСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэўџџџя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџad been a resident of Cooperstown for about six years, had finished his morning duties in the kitchen at the school where he was employed and had returned to his room about 9:30 a.m. He was found about an hour later by a fellow worker. "He was born in Schenevus on August 14, 1884, a son of John and Elizabeth (VanWie) Griswold, and had always lived in that community until he moved to Cooperstown where he was employed at Knox. He never married. "Surviving is a sister-in-law, Mrs. Nettie Griswold of Schenevus; two nieces; and several cousins. "Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Tillapaugh Funeral Home here with the Rev. Kenneth E. Hardy, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was in Schenevus cemetery." [Obituary of Charles Griswold, N14]1992, March 20 -- "Milford -- Bertha M. Vredenburg celebrated her 100th birthday on March 18. "Born in Worcester the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Grueber, she attended Worcester High School, Schenevus Training Class of 1911, and Oneonta State Teachers College. "Vredenburg taught 4th and 5th grade at Davenport Central School from 1939-1964. She has a son, Ernie Vredenburg of Oneonta, three grandchildren and one great-gandchild." [Newspaper article, L162] 1992 -- "Davenport -- Bertha M. Vredenburg, 100, of Davenport, died Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1992 at Chase Memorial Nursing Home, New Berlin. "She was born March 18, 1892 in Worcester, the daughter of Siegfried Grueber and Orcelia Craft. She married the late Noah Vredenburg in 1917 in Worcester. "She was a school teacher for 25 years at Charlotte Valley Central School, Davenport. She was a lifelong area resident. "She was a member of the Davenport Methodist Church and the New York State Retired Teachers Association. "She is survived by one son, Ernest Vredenburg of Oneonta; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. "Memorial services will be held Saturday, Oct. 10 at 11 a.m. at the Davenport Methodist Church, with the Rev. Patricia Goodwin officiating. "Burial will be later in Worcester Cemetery. ... "Memorial contributions may be made in her memory to the Davenport Methodist Church. ..." [Obituary of Bertha Vredenburg, L26]1930 -- "Schenevus, May 25 -- Funeral services for Sylvester Hughes, a Civil War veteran whose death occurred Wednesday, were held Saturday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Beams. Rev. C.L. Buckingham, of the Baptist church, officiated. Rev. Robert E. Fletcher and Mrs. Fletcher sang two favorite hymns of the deceased: 'Nearer My God to Thee' and 'Sweet Hour of Prayer.' "... Burial was made in the family plot in Maple Grove cemetery, Worcester. "The bearers were all ex-service men of the World War, Ray Banker, James Macduff, Benjamin VanWie and Donald Hall. At the cemetery, Taps were sounded by George Snyder, of Worcester. One former comrade of Johnson post, G.A.R., was in attendance, Seth Flint of Worcester. "The deceased had over 30 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren. Among relatives and friends from away were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Elk Creek; Sylvester Hughes, Oneonta; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sperry and family, Dr. M.G. France and family, Mr. and Mrs. How\ard Butler, Mrs. Carrie A. Aldrich, all of Worcester; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and daughter, Laurens; Mrs. Fred Winnie and son, Decatur; Mrs. Sarah Morrow, New York city; Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Lockwood, Cobleskill; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lockwood, Richmondville; Mr. and Mrs. William Denny and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hughes, East Worcester; and Mr. and Mrs. David Russell and family, Westford." [Newspaper article, L164]1914, February 1 -- "The Tidings last week told of the death of    ўџџџ ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;ўџџџ=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZўџџџ\]^_`abcdefўџџџhijklmnoўџџџqrstuvwxўџџџz{|}~€Clifford Hughes of Elk Creek. At that time it was given out that he shot himself accidentally. Upon further questioning his companion, Alton Sperry, on Monday he confessed that the rifle was in his hands when the shot was fired: The following are his words: "'My God -- I did it; I cannot sleep. Clifford never had the rifle in his hands. Clifford and I left the house to go to the barn to shoot at a target, and as he walked out toward the lumber pile to put up the target, I pulled back the hammer to slip in a cartridge and I must have pulled it back too far, for the gun went off, Clifford fell on his face and cried out "Oh." I was so badly scared to tell the truth and I said that Clifford had shot himself. I felt so bad that I couldn't sleep, but I didn't dare tell the truth.' "Mrs. Hughes will make no trouble for the boy." [Newspaper article, L163]"4 dau Mrs Ethel Hughes, Mrs Allen [?] DuBois, Mrs Morris Barnes, Mrs Geo Vallee" [Ruth S. All research, L25] "3 sis Mrs Geo Marrow, Mrs W Beams, Mrs Bruce Sperry, 2 Bro Sylvester Hughes, John Hughes, half bro Arthur" [Ruth S. All research, L25]See husband's Notes for four more daughters."John D. Hughes, well known resident of Chaseville, passed away at 2:30 a.m. wednesday at the Fox hospital in Oneonta where he had been a patient for several weeks. "Mr. Hughes was born May [sic] at Worcester, son of Sylvester and Sarah (ClenDenning) Hughes. He married Leta Crandall of Westford on June 26, 1907. "He had always lived in this vicinity and early in life followed the occupation of farming. In later years he was a mechanic by trade. For the past several years he had worked with his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Russ in the glove business. ... "Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ernest Russ of Chaseville, and Mrs. Guy Maddalone of Schenevus; one grandson, Ernest Russ, Jr.; three sisters, Mrs. Sara O'Morrow, Worcester; Mrs. William Beams, Binghamton; and Mrs. Bruce Sperry, Worcester; two brothers, Arthur Hughes, Schenevus, and Sylvester Hughes, Oneonta. "Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. from the Tillapaugh funeral home in this village. Rev. Robert Fletcher, former pastor of the Schenevus Methodist church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Maple Grove cemetery at Worcester." [Newspaper article, N15]1976 -- "Worcester -- Beverly H. Gallup, 51, of Huntsville, Ala., formerly of Worcester, died unexpectedly Tuesday, October 26. "He was born June 1, 1925, in Worcester, the son of Fenton W. and Bessie (Hughes) Gallup. "He retired from the Motorola Corporation in February, 1976, where he was a military representative in the electronics division. He served in the Air Force in WWII from 1943-45 as an Air Force radio technician. "He is survived by two daughters, Karen Davis and Claire Hall, both of Albuquerque, N.M.; a sister, Mrs. William McCabe, Worcester; a half brother, Robert Gallup, Oneonta; a step brother, Lester Holt, Chatham; two aunts, and several cousins. "Funeral services will be at 1 p.m., Monday, at the Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester, with the Rev. Jeffrey Glassey, pastor of the Worcester United Methodist Church, officiating. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ..." [Obituary of Beverly H. Gallup, N15]2001, February 26 -- "John Ostrom, originally from Brooker Hollow & later in life E. Worcester, had the present Howard Johns farm in E.W. (I think he also built Howard's house.) His old maid daughter lived in a house he built for her next door -- where Ron VanBuren lives now. The daughter, Rosalia (Ostrom) Jaycox (m. later in life) died in 1917. ..." [Harriet Babcock letter, O120]"Grandmother Dauley, John and Garretta were first buried on the farm at Brooker Hollow -- later in 1890's were moved to E.W. [presumably Maple View Cemetery]. John H. Jr. & Garretta placed in one grave with Garretta's name on it" [W. Fern Ferguson research, O10]"Grandmother Dauley, John and Garretta were first buried on the farm at Brooker Hollow -- later in 1890's were moved to E.W. [presumably Maple View Cemetery]. John H. Jr. & Garretta placed in one grave with Garretta's name on it" [W. Fern Ferguson research, O10]"Miles W. Dauley, Sr., farm manager, of Whitney Point, NY, was born 24 Nov 1850 in Schogarie County, NY (the son on John Dauley and Elizabeth Ostrum). He was married c. 1876 to Lucinda L. Race who was born Jul 1858. He was l‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒўџџџŽ‘’“”•–—˜™ўџџџ›œўџџџŸ ЁўџџџЃЄўџџџІўџџџЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎўџџџАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩўџџџЫЬЭўџџџЯабўџџџгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџўџџџiving in Vestal at the time of the 1892 and 1900 census, working as a farm manager in PA. In 1904, he moved to Whitney Point, Broome County, and became manager of the Merchant Farm on the west side of the Otselic River, a 400 acre dairy of 107 cows as of 1917. He died of grippe 24 Nov 1935. Lucinda died in 1942. They are buried at Riverside Cemetery in Whitney Point ..." [Larry Bell research, O24]"burried on lot Marvin Crosby (who married a grandaughter of John H. Dauley - no marker" [W. Fern Ferguson notes, O10] "brought from Whitney Point in 1909 or 1910" [W. Fern Ferguson notes, O10] 2001, February 26 -- "I remember Elias Dauley when I was very small. He lived up in Decatur & was Dad's uncle -- his mother's brother. He was a drinker ..." [Harriet Babcock letter, O123]"Henry Alvord - buried in upper cemetery but later moved to lower cemetery in E.W." [W. Fern Ferguson research, O11]"Wesley Dauley, Isaac's son, burried in Simmons lot [presumably in Maple View Cemetery]" [W. Fern Ferguson research, O11]"She married Walter Dingman." [Descendants of Parley Brown, M151]"She Married Near." [Descendants of Parley Brown, M151]"Draper was a hard-working farmer who was proud of his home and land. He cared for his farm animals and nurtured them as though they were his family, to whom he remained devoted until his death." [Descendants of Parley Brown, M151-M152]"Frederick worked with his father on the farm. Frederick was very active in the Grange and devoted many hours doing carpentry for them, as well as volunteering his accomplished acting abilities to their community theatre. Frederick was well known for his organizational and kitchen skills, and the townsfolk still reminisce about his old-fashioned clambakes which brought friends and neighbors to the Grange Hall from around the county. During the '30's Frededrick, together with his wife Gertrude, were forever busy performing exhibition square dances for Smalley Theaters which, incidentally, they performed in colonial costumes. After leaving the farm, Frederick was employed at the Schenectady Army Depot. Frederick enjoyed the world of politics and served for many years as a Committeeman for the Republican Party." [Descendants of Parley Brown, M152]A Betsey Albert appears in the 1860 Otsego Co. census at 240. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69B]1790 -- "Perhaps [Arie's] widow was the Ann DeLond of NYC census"... The brother of James who was possibly the father of Ephraim was a Lawrence b. 1755-1769, md. Sarah ______ a Quaker; in 1790 was in Lanesboro, Mass., and then moved to Lincoln, Vt. by 1800. This family is not complete and Ephraim could have been an unamed son in the 1800 census. ..." [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D45] 1755 -- "As youngest son and under age in 1769, his birth date seems to firmly have been 1755-6. There is exactly a ten-year discrepancy on his tombstone ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B67] 1772 -- "md. Sarah probably Howland, the first son being named for her. ..." [Baldwin, B67] 1785, August 25 -- "They moved from Dutchess Co. to Berkshire Co. Mass. Certificate of removal Aug. 25, from Nine Partners Friends Monthly Meeting to East Hoosick, NY 'Our friend Sarah Delong, wife of Lawrence Delong, having removed with her husband to settle within the verge of your Monthly Meeting, we inform you she is a member of this meeting and we recommend her to your Christian Tenderness.'" [Baldwin, B67] 1790 -- "Lanesboro, Berkshire Co., Mass. Census" [Baldwin, B9]; "at 1-5-4" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 153; X48] 1790 -- "To analyze Lawrence's household in 1790 and 1800 ... there were five boys born by 1790 of which three were still at home in 1800. If those of 1790 were all Lawrence's, we have Howland 1773, Joseph 1777-8, George ca 1780, Ephraim 1785 and Martin 1786. "We know Howland had his own home in 1800, in La[whence]'s home, there are three places for the other four, two over 16 and one 10-15. The one 10-15 must be Martin. The obvious candidates for the older two are Joseph and George. "But we cannot overlook Ephraim. Can he have been listed as 16 which age he would turn the following January? If so, then we can conclude either that Joseph was working outside the household (he was 22) or else George was not in the home. And there may be a good reason -- the one family tradition that he was cousin and not brother to the father of the younger George b. 1824-5 may well be correct. "All in all there are too many questions. Was Ephraim son or nephew of Lawrence? Was George 1780 son or nephew of Lawrence? Who was the Martin b by 1794 in Vt. who went to Niagara Co? If Lawrence had Howland, Joseph and Martin for sure, then which of the others account for the third male still in the house in 1800, Howland being gone? And after that fourth is identified, who is the fifth as shown in 1790? Maybe he had both sons and nephews in the home 1790 (his older brother Martin is untraced after 1781). The trouble is, we have six and not five names -- Howland, Joseph, George, Ephraim, and two Martins [not to mention a possible William put forth by Irene M. Smith at B9]." [John D. Baldwin letter, June 11, 1993, B55] 1792 -- "Sarah transferred to the Saratoga Meeting. This must have been separation/divorce. The children were with Lawrence in 1800." [Baldwin, B67] 1795 -- "In March 1795, Marcus Hedding, Lorenzo Orvis, Lawrence Delong and their families established the first permanent settlement in Lincoln. The men had worked throughout the previous spring, clearing land and building their shelters near the north end of Quaker Street." [Lincoln, Vermont 1780-1980 (Barre, Modern Printing), 13] "Lawrence Delong -- came to Lincoln Vt, March 1795." [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z6] 1797 -- "Lawrence a petitioner to 'Honourable General Assembly' at Windsor, Vt. with son Howland" [Baldwin, B9] 1798, February 26 -- "By 1798 the population of Lincoln had grown sufficiently to warrant the organization of a town government. The settlers presented a petition to Henry McLaughlin, Justice of the Peace in Bristol, requesting him to warn a town meeting in Lincoln ... "'Lincoln Feb the 26 day 1798 "'We the subscribers Humbly Request your Honour to worn a town meeting for the Habitance of the town of Lincoln on the second tuesday of March Next at the Dwelling house of Jedediah Durfey in Said Lincoln. And we yours are in Duty Ever bound to Henry McLaughlin Justice of Pice in county of Addison. "'Loren Orvis Lawrence Delong "'Jedediah Durfey Wolcott Burnham "'Samuel Eastman Demarcerios Hedding "Howland Delong John Hedding'" [Lincoln, Vermont, 1780-1980, 27] 1800 -- The Federal census of Lincoln, Addison County, Vermont, lists the "Laurence Delling" household at 0-1-2-0-1 and 3-0-3-0-0. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5] "Lincoln, VT., Census 01201/30300. No wife; Howland was married; rest are six of his other seven children. Who were the three under 10?" [Baldwin, B9] "Six adults or near adults, perhaps all his children, or perhaps one was son- or daughter-in-law and parent of the three children under 10. About the only candidate to be married with children is Polly b. 1774. Howland had his own household, Phoebe and Joseph not yet married, others too young." [Baldwin, B67] 1800, March 19 -- "Lawrence and (son) Joseph of Lincoln purchased 100 A[cres] undivided land (where?) for $166 from Henry McLaughlin of Bristol ... Witnesses Truman Parmely and Luther Eastman (2:316)." [Baldwin, B10] 1800, May 30 -- "Lawrence and (son) Joseph of Lincoln bought 10 A[cres] in Bristol, E. end of Lot 34, from Timothy Chase of Bristol ... (2:160)" [Baldwin, B10] 1802 -- "md 2d Hinesburg, Chittenden Co. Vt. Jerusha Whitney who was 1st married 1772 in Ridgefield Ct to David Gates." [Baldwin, B67] 1803, January 17 -- "Lawrence of Lincoln when he sold to (son) Joseph of Bristol 50 A[cres] of undivided land out of the orig. right of Wm Field in Bristol ..; Witnesses were Howland Delong and George Delong (sons). (2:381)" [Baldwin, B10] 1810 -- "Hinesburg, Chittenden Co., Vt. Census 00001/00001." [Baldwin, B9] 181-- -- "Lawrence apparently went to Canada with, more likely to join, son George." [Baldwin, B9] "There is a slight doubt he went there; see [following discussions]." [Baldwin, B68] 1819 -- "d1819, ae 73, bur. Halliday Cem. ... If our subject, he would be 63 or the year would be 1829; the stone has been checked. It seems likely that this Lawrence is the father of George b 1780, bur. in same cemetery, who came from VT; 'a t.s. error seems probable.'" [Baldwin, B9] 1820 -- "His widow is probably the Jerusha DeLong of Perry, Genessee Co. NY 000000/00101. Recall that she was first a widow Gates, and near her this year were Isaac Gates and Ardel Gates." [Baldwin, B68] 1978 -- "1819 tomb stone of Lawrence Delong was rechecked in 1978 by J.A. McBranfey, 208 Frost St. Smith Falls, Ont. K7A 4E3" [Baldwin, B10] 1993 -- Possible burial in the Old Settlers Cemetery in Lincoln, Vermont, suggested. "Larry DeLong reports a 'footstone' in the Lincoln cemetery, marked L.D., next to other graves of early settlers. Can this be his burial with the Elgin Ont. marker a memorial? Or vice versa?'" [Baldwin, B10; Baldwin and DeLong both have color photographs of the cemetery and 'footstone'] 1993, June 2 -- "I was interested in learning of the L.D. footstone. It would seem almost certainly to pertain to Lawrence, but I feel the marker in Elgin, Ont. does also. It reads died 1819 age 73 which calculates to birth of 1745-6 while it is likely that he was born 1755-6. So either the age or the year on the stone is off by ten years. (The stone was rechecked for me in 1978 by an Ontario correspondent -- [death] 1819 age 73 was reconfirmed as the inscription). "Perhaps Lawrence is buried at one place and memorialized at the other. His son George is buried in the same cemetery at Elgin and there is no other early Lawrence who would be a candidate to be the man buried or memorialized there." [John D. Baldwin letter, B44] " I checked 1790-1800-1810-1820 census indexes hoping to find an L.D. in Lincoln other than Lawrence DeLong. No luck. I'm beginning to suspect Lawrence may have died in Vt, and that the stone in Canada, replete with an error in date or age, is just a memorial." [John D. Baldwin, B65] 1993, June 10 -- "... Tradition in family of Lawrence's brother James said that James had two Tory brothers who settled in Canada. Perhaps Martin was one of them (though I've never found him); the other was Lawrence (though he was ca 21 in 1776, he appears in no Rev War records) whom we know went to Canada." [John D. Baldwin letter, B49] 1993, June 17 -- "... Is it possible that this [grave marker in Lincoln, Vermont marked 'L.D.'] could be a marker for a grandson named for Lawrence, Maybe a son of Howland or Martin or Joseph that died young[?] I recently received a copy of the 1820 Vermont Census for the town of Bristol VT on Martin DeLong. According to the census, he had two sons born between 1811-1820, and a son born between 1804-1810. The two sons between 1811-20 would have been Ebenezar and Norris DeLong, but the son born between 1804-10 [who may have been either Henry J. or Norris according to Baldwin, B53] is unaccounted for in the 1830 Census. Either he was on his own in 1830 or he died before 1830. "Another possibility regarding the 'L.D.' marker might be that the person buried there is a 'Durfey.' The Durfeys moved to Lincoln not long after the DeLongs did." [Daniel Burdick letter, Z9] 1993, September -- "Lawrence's several sons (five are indicated by 1790 census) are not as certainly identified as we once felt. Howland and Joseph appear in Vt. records with Lawrence and their identity would seem certain. George is buried in the Ontario cemetery where a grave marker (or memorial?) for Lawrence is found. Martin lived in Bristol Vt. where Lawrence owned land and Howard and Joseph also lived. Ephraim is called nephew of James in the Aylesworth Gene[alogy] and Lawrence's large household of males could well embrace him. "What then is the problem? Martin b. 1785-6 had a son George who married Caroline DeLong, a granddaughter of George b. 1780. Assuming Martin and the older George were brothers, then Caroline married her father's first cousin. But a niece or great-niece of Caroline once wrote that Caroline and her husband were 'unrelated.' While that is unlikely to be the case, perhaps Martin and the older George were less closely related, cousins and not brothers. This suggests that one of them would have been the son of Martin [1748], a traditional Loyalist for whom no family is known. In that event I would opt for Martin b. 1785-6 being son of the older Martin, since George b. 1780 is buried in the cemetery where Lawrence is memorialized and would likely be his son. "And if Martin is Martin's son, then perhaps Ephraim is also -- Mrs. Gilbert Smith wrote in 1963 that Ephraim had brothers Martin and William (though I do not know the strength of her evidence for Martin and know of no candidate William to be a brother). "Just to Mention all the Martins in the area -- there was a Martin b. Vt. by 1794 (md. Mary Edmunds and went to Niagara Co. NY and Victoria Co Ontario). He was perhaps son of E. DeLong who was in Niagara by 1810. ... "For now, George, Ephraim and Martin are all left as sons of Lawrence though it does seem possible that the latter two were sons of the older Martin. ..." [Baldwin, B68-B69] 1994, February -- "Lawrence's several sons (five are indicated by 1790 census) can be suggested by fairly convincing circumstantial evidence. Howland, Joseph and George all appear with Lawrence in an 1803 document and seem certainly to be his sons. Further, George is buried in the same Ontario cemetery where a gravemarker (or memorial?) exists for Lawrence. Martin, a fourth possibility, is associated at later dates in documents with Joseph and Howland. A fifth possibility Ephraim. He is called nephew of James in Aylsworth Gene. The only likely possibilities to be his father are subject Lawrence, and Martin, of whose children, if any, nothing is known. No Vt. association has been noted for Ephraim but it is possible -- he was born NY 1785 before Lawrence left for Vt, and is next found in Westford, Otsego Co. NY (which was settled largely by Vermonters) in 1810. "There is a marker with full inscription for Lawrence in Halliday Cemetery in Canada. There is also this marker [photo of footstone with initials 'L.D.' carved thereon] in the Old Settlers' Cemetery, Quaker Street, Lincoln, Vt. I have found no other earlier settler with the same initials L.D. "There is perhaps one bit of uncertainty with Martin. He had a son George who md. Caroline Delong, a granddaughter of Lawrence's son George. Thus the younger George married a daughter of his own first cousin if Martin and the older George were sons of Lawrence. But some descendants claimed Caroline and her husband were 'not related.' That is most unlikely, but could it have been more remote than the closeness indicated here? In that event, Martin wouod likely have been a son of the older Martin rather than Lawrence, but I think son of Lawrence is more likely. "To mention a contemporary Martin, there was a Martin b. say 1780-4, in New England per a County History, specifically Vt. per a son in 1880. This man was in Western NY by 1820 while the Martin in association with Lawrence was still in Vt. 1822. ... "And a final word about Ephraim. Mrs. Gilbert Smith said he had brothers Martin and William. I do not know if this is family fact or tradition, or simply a conclusion she somehow reached. A brother Martin could be either of the two discussed above, so that does not help pinpoint his paternity. No William has been found in Vt., nor in connection with either Martin after they left Vermont." [Baldwin, B68rev, B68A, B69rev] 1994, August 21 -- "... Lawrence left NY for Mass. 1785, settled Vermont in 1795. The 1790 census suggests five sons. ... [Howland, Joseph and George] appear together with Lawrence in an 1803 document and would be his sons. ... Martin b. Mass. 1785-6 ... appears as witness in 1822 in a land sale in Bristol [Vermont] by Lawrence's son Howland so is likely a fourth son of Lawrence. Note Mass. birth fits Lawrence's move there. ... Howland, Joseph, George and Martin [b. 1785-6 m. Roxana] were all likely sons of Lawrence ... They are well documented in his early years in Vermont in association with Lawrence and each other. Their birthplaces correspond with Lawrence's residences in those years." [Baldwin letter, B99, B100, B103] 1995, August -- " Thus [knowing that they were Quakers] I suggest that Martin [b. 1785-1786] and William were sons of Lawrence, and that if Ephraim had brothers of those names then he too would have been son of Lawrence. This would total to six sons for Lawrence while the 1790 census indicates only five. This however need not negate the suggestion, as the eldest may well have been working away from home. "Should however another William, contemporaneous with Lawrence's children, ever be noted, then it would be comfortable to suggest that Lawrence's five sons were Howland, Joseph, George, Martin [b. 1785-1786] and William, and that Lawrence had nephews Martin [b. 1780-1784], Ephraim and also a William. "Indeed such birthdates as are known or inferred from the records suggest a probability of two sets of brothers, otherwise the field is crowded ..." [Baldwin, B111]1756, February 1 -- "She is likely the Sarah b. Dartmouth Mass. Feb. 1, 1756, daughter of Israel and Drusilla (Wood) who moved to Quaker Hill, Dutchess Co. [Pawling, NY] and were members of the Oblong Friends' congregation. Mrs. H.G.R. White, Howland researcher of the Mayflower Society Five Generations Project, believes Israel is not descended from passenger John Howland but rather from brother Henry or Arthur." [John D. Baldwin research, B9, B67] 1785, August 25 - "Certificate of removal Aug. 25, from Nine Partners Monthly Meeting [Dutchess County, N.Y.] to East Hoosick, NY 'Our friend, Sarah Delong, wife of Lawrence Delong, having removed with her husband to settle within the verge of your Monthly Meeting, we inform you that she is a member of this Meeting and we recommend her to your Christian Tenderness'" [Baldwin, B9, B67] 1792 - "Sarah transferred to the Saratoga Meeting. (Can this have been a separation?)" [Baldwin, B9] 1795, August -- "The Aug. 1795 East Hoosick Meeting advised the Saratoga Meeting that Sarah, the wife of Lawrence DeLong 'some time past informed us that she had a prospect of Removing with her husband near Ferrisburgh within the verge of your Meeting. According to the Rules of Settlement She belongs to Ninepartners Meeting.'" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 153-154; X48-X49] 1993, June 2 -- "I am unsure whether Sarah was deceased by time of 1800 census or whether they separated, perhaps because of religion. She was a Quaker in 1785, he apparently was not. In 1792, she transferred to the Saratoga NY meeting. Lawrence was in Mass in 1790 and went to Vt. in 1795; I've never seen a Saratoga reference to him." [John D. Baldwin letter, B44] 1993, June 11 -- "I think it is at least possible that they were separated rather than her being deceased by 1800. She was a Quaker, he was not. I'm surprised she wasn't drummed Out of Meeting when they married; perhaps she affiliated with them after marriage. [Daniel Burdick] could be right that she was dead however; Lawrence md. again in 1802." [Baldwin letter, B56] 1993, June 17 -- "It is interesting that Lawrence's wife Sarah Howland is likely descended from one of John Howland's brothers, because I am descended from John Howland of the Mayflower from a different section of my family. My Mayflower ancestors are Mr. and Mrs. John Tilley and their daughter Elizabeth Tilley, who married John Howland. ... Enclosed ... is a story having to do with John Howland, John Alden, and Miles Standish, and the fur-trading outpost at Cushnoc (Augusta), Maine, at that time being run by Howland. ..." [Daniel Burdick letter, Z10, Z15-Z17]                 ўџџџl        ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 ўџџџ3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ўџџџ@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k ўџџџm n o p r Ё s t u v ‰ §џџџy z { | } ~  € "In the court records he sometimes appears as "Arie, sener" (senior) to distinguish him from his cousin Arie ['Arie, Jr.,' baptised 1713, son of Jan DeLang] and later from Arie ['Arie B.,' baptised 1719, son of Jonas DeLang] after ['Arie, Jr.'] left the area or died." [John D. Baldwin research, B33] Lived in Fishkill [Aylsworth Genealogy; Mary Austin letter of July 25, 1963; D45] 1732, March 28 -- "The county paid him 1 shilling for a wolf's head;" "He was a member of the Fishkill D.R. Ch. June 17." [Baldwin, B33] 1733-1739 -- "taxed Middle Ward, Beekman;" also "taxed Beekman" 1739-1758 [Baldwin, B33] 1736-1769 -- "his name appears on Court of Common Pleas, Poughkeepsie records, several times serving as juror." [Baldwin, B33] 1737, May 18 -- "Henry Filkin vs. Martin Bock. Debt. ... A few days later sworn as evidence (Jury or witness?) George Thorne, Arie DeLange, Arie DeLange Jr ... (Common Pleas Court)" [Baldwin, B33] 1741 -- "assessed 12 pounds. He was probably on a 200-acre farm in Lot 22 just East of his father" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 149; X46, B33] 1742 -- "his rent for the farm was 20 bushels of wheat" [Baldwin, B33] 1743, November 1 -- "Counrate Delong, yeoman ... and Arye Delong sener are firmly bound unto Mathew Duboys of Fishkills merchant for 41 pounds, 12 shillings, 2 pence, Nov. 1, to pay full sum with lawful interest ... on 1st January next. ... Aern Delang signed his own mane. Arie owed the money, his cousin was cosigner. Arie was taken Oct. 1744 and held to bail by sheriff Henry Filkins of Poughkeepsie (Common Pleas)" [Baldwin, B33] 1744, October -- "Aeeri DeLange otherwise called Arye Delong, Sener signed a note at Poughkeepsie to Mathew Duboys of the Fishkills ... (Ancient Records #1933)." [Baldwin, B33] 1745, October -- "Mathew Dubois vs. Aerrie DeLange. The sheriff returns the defendant in custody ... (CP)" [Baldwin, B33] 1747, May -- Court orders Dutchess County Sheriff to pick up Samuel Griswold and John Damon (or Simon) "to answer unto Arie Delong assignee of Henry Filkin, Esquire in a plea of trespass upon the case separately (A.R. #1803);" "Jury, James Paddock and John DeLangh ... The sheriff returns the defendant in custody ..." (CP); " Arie Delong assignee vs John Simpson (husband of sister Catherine), and again 1748 (CP)" [Baldwin, B34] 1748, October -- Arie DeLangh to jury duty; also May, 1752, with Simon Flegelar, brother to his cousin's wife. [Baldwin, B34] 1751, May -- "Arie Delangh vs. James Brown (CP)" [Baldwin, B34] 1754 -- "sued by William Smith (perhaps a relative of his mother-in-law?)" [Baldwin, B34] 1756, October -- "Aeerie de Laenge (crudely signed) claims plaintiff has no ... cause of action [because he] became special bail for [his brother] Elias DeLong, [defendant] of May 1756, and since then has surrendered himself to sheriff and Elias was legally discharged by judge. ... Aried de long was served with a --- and to pay debt due from Elias to Mathew Du Bois and said Arie is now charged with cost thereon and absolutely refused to pay (A.R. #4546)" [Baldwin, B34] 1757 -- "The King vs Simon Noxon. Justice DeLaVergne delivered an order in bastardy. James Vanderburgh and Bartholomew Noxon as sureties for the defense. They asked to be relieved and were replaced by Thomas Noxon and Arie Delong" [Baldwin, B34] 1758, February -- "... he had removed [to Crum Elbow/Charlotte] by Feb. 1758 ... " [Doherty, 149; X46] 1758-1770 -- "He was taxed Crum Elbow as Capt. Arie which would indicate he was an officer in the Colonial Militia (though neither he nor any other DeLong appears in any of the Dutchess Co. Colonial period Muster Rolls)." [Baldwin, B34] 1761, April 7 -- "As Orrey, elected Pathmaster at Crum Elbow ... Again 1765." [Baldwin, B35] 1762, March 20 -- "Crum Elbow was divided ... into Charlotte (western part) and Amenia (eastern part) [MacCracken: Old Dutchess Forever 457]. Note ... Doherty said he was taxed Crum Elbow from 1758 to 1770. Perhaps it is simply evident that he was on the same property after it became Charlotte. My own older notes add to the uncertainty -- they say he was of Charlotte Pct. in 1761 (before it was created) and 1765; taxed Crum Elbow 1763 (after it ceased to exist)." [Baldwin, B35] 1765, October -- "Matthew Dubois vs. Arie DeLong (CP)" [Baldwin, B35] 1769, May -- "Robert Livingston vs. Arie DeLong (CP)" [Baldwin, B35] 1769, June 17 -- "Arie died between 17 June 1769 and 27 Oct. 1770 when his will was written and probated. It is abstracted as follows: 'I, Aerrie Delonge, of Charlotte Pct, Dutchess Co, being of perfect mind. 'I give my estate to my three oldest sons, my land and moveables equally to be divided. Frances Delonge, my eldest son, Elias Delonge, my second son, and Martin, my third son, and they are to find their mother one room, which she shall chose, and widow's furniture, and to purvide for her to her satisfaction, and if she is not satisfied with their purviding, the three shall be in equal Purposhen, to pay her one hundred pounds, at her demand.' And they shall pay all just debts, and they shall give to my daughter Mary Cronchright, 60 pounds' and to my daughter Ruth Ferguson, and my daughter Jene Ismul, 60 pounds. If there are any bonds or notes against their husbands 'they are to ballance upon the same.' 'And they shall pay to my sons Jeams and Lawrence, each 150 pounds, when of age.' My three eldest sons shall divide the estate amongst themselves. 'And Elies and Martin shall pay to Franses 5 pounds each over and above.' And my said sons shall pay all debts and legacies. I make my wife Anne and my sons, Franses and Elies, and David Sutherland, executors. Witnesses, Comer Bullock, Deliverance Bullock, Ellis Bullock. [WN-YHS VII:356; from Doherty].' We have not found any burial records for this Arie DeLong." [Baldwin, B35; Doherty,150, X47] 1770 - "Probably died in summer or early fall. His will was proved October 27." [Baldwin, B35]; Will probated [Aylsworth Genealogy; Mary Austin letter of July 25, 1963; D45] 1994, August 21 -- "Arie .. had five sons clearly identified in his will. The Aylsworth Genealogy ... says James [b. 1751] had two Tory brothers who fled to Canada. These were not either Frans [b. 1740] ... who served in the Revolutionary War as a commissioned officer, nor Elias [b. 1746] ... who served uncommissioned (he was not the known Loyalist named Elias). By elimination, the Tories were then Martin [b. 1748] who indeed may have fled to Canada, he is untraced after 1781 though he probably had children in NY and/or Vt. in the mid-1780s, and Lawrence [b. 1755] who was too young for much political thought during the war but who, his wife being a Quaker, was likely a pacifist and likely going to Canada toward the end of his life." [Baldwin letter, B99]." [John D. Baldwin research, B35]1661, May 9 -- "... Again we have a Dutch patronymic, Maritje, daughter of Jan. [Rachel] was one of two daughters, age 1 1/2 and 4, who appear unnamed with their parents, Jan Theunissen and 1681, April 24 -- "might [Gretjen Jans] have been sister of Frans' mother?" [John D. Baldwin research, B22] 1703, July 31 -- Resident of New York City at time of marriage intention. [Baldwin, B22] 1711, July -- "'ffrans deLange' on list from Ulster County, under command of Captain Wessel ten Broeck to march upon 'ye expedition to Canada.' [1:442 -- Annual Report New York State Historian, 1869]" [Baldwin, B23] "The DeLong family was one of the first families of Beekman [Patent, Dutchess County, New York]. They settled in Arthursburgh in the area where the present towns of Beekman, East Fishkill and LaGrange meet and played an important part in the early settlement of the Patent." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 134; X39] 17xx - "Without giving a date, Doherty says Frans settled in Arthursburgh in the present town of LaGrange, probably on the farm that later belonged to Samuel and Enoch Dorland. The farm probably contained land on both sides of present day route 82 and included much of Clapp Hill Road." [Baldwin, B23] 1714 -- "Frans had crossed the Hudson River into Dutchess County, and is found in the 1714 census as 1/4/1. At this time he, to our knowledge, had only three sons but also one daughter, so perhaps 1/3/2 was intended." [Baldwin, B23] 1715, February 27 or May 27 -- "A child [Jannetje] was baptised back across the river in Kingston, the Dutchess County church not being established until 1716." [Baldwin, B23] 1715, November 21 -- "'Frans deLangen' on list of military forces from Dutchess County under Captain Barend Z. Van Kleek [1.553, Annual Report]" [Baldwin, B23] 1716, March 14 -- "Lott 8, Nine Partners, New York 1/2 of 1/2 Woolfert Weber of Bowery which Hendrick Van Schyk bought from Jacobus Dekey, merchant, and Sarah of New York City January 10, 1698/9 100 pounds." [Baldwin, D23] 1717/1718 -- "taxed south Ward through 1738, then Beekman until June 1756, and last the estate taxed Feb, 1756." [Baldwin, B23] 1718, January 21 -- "Maritje joined the Fishkill DR Church ... while Frans joined either at that time or on Oct. 27, 1731 (another interpretation is that they were both members at the earlier date according to a membership list of the latter)." [Baldwin, B23] 1719, April 7 -- "Captain Frans DeLange with Peter Lassing was overseer of the Kings Highway in the South Ward" [Baldwin, B23] 1720 -- "was paid 10 shillings for a wolf's head" [Baldwin, B23] 1720, April 5 -- "Elected overseer on the 'Way from Pagquaick' ... Was road overseer in the South ward through 1736." [Baldwin, B23] 1720/1721 and 1722 -- Assessed 20 pounds [Baldwin, B24] 1721 -- "juror, Court of Common sessions" [Baldwin, B24] 1723/1724, January 16 -- Taxed on 23 pounds, 1 shilling, 3 pence [Baldwin, B24] 1724 and 1725 -- Assessor at Fishkill [Baldwin, B24] 1726/1727 --- "elected overseer of highways, South Ward. Appears same day in a deed from Catherine Brett to George Cooper near a place called Poughquaick about three English miles South from Frans DeLongs [D 1:63]" [Baldwin, B24] 1727, October 17 -- "As juror France deLangs" [Baldwin, B24] 1731 -- "Frans was one of fifteen men who called for a permanent pastor for the church." [Baldwin, B24] 1734, December 13 -- "road description ... a high way Leading from ye land of Cornelius Wiltse over ye hills as ye roads now go's as it is marked to ye Roade yt [which] goes from Capt. DeLongs to ye fish Kill ..." [Baldwin, B24] 1736, September 18 -- "road description ... beginning by the house of Nicholas Du Langes and so along the fence of Arey De Lange and to runn as it is Now Mark'd to Capt Frans de Lange and so along the road to the Bridge that is upon the Meadow Whare the Roads Meet one another upon the Plains ... [...at east Noxon and Rymph Roads -- FJD] [SBP 1:337]" [Baldwin, B24] 1737 -- "Frances DeLang was captain of a company of 100 men [NY Annual Report 1869; 2:493]" [Baldwin, B24] 1738 -- "jurors included France DeLangh and son-in-law Lowrence Lossy" and Frans "taxed at Beekman," jurors in 1739 "Frans DeLangh and Simon Flagler whose sister married Arie;" juror in 1741 "Frans DeLangh" [Baldwin, B24] 1739 -- "Capt. Frances DeLange of Beekman Pct (Dutchess Annual Report 2:500)" [Baldwin, B24] About 1740 -- "An early map ... shows Frans DeLong just North of the Northwestern tip of the Poughquag purchase. His son Arie appears just Northeast of him. ... Perhaps the same property was 'The next settler west [of Johnsville] on the road leading to Fishkill village was Frances DeLangdon. The house that he built was taken down in 1844' [Bailey: Local Tales and Historical Sketches p. 371; Fishkill 1874]." [Baldwin, B25] 1741 -- Bail transactions and petitions for road changes indicate that Frans remains in Beekman Precinct. [Baldwin, B25] 1742, July 23 -- "Capt. Francis DeLong Dr to a mare of myn he says to have sold to one Baeker at Pouguag for his wife & he accounts to me for four pounds ten shillings. ..." Frans taxed 1742/1743 and 1743/1744 as "Captain" [Baldwin, B25] 1747, June 2 -- "Henry Beekman paid Capt. Frans DeLong ... for staying at his house for three nights at three shillings a night [ELP]" [Baldwin, B25] 1750 -- Three court cases, Frans De Lang/DeLong/DeLange vs. John Simpson. In May, Frans receives 15 pounds satisfaction for a black roan stallion which had disappeared, only to turn up with Simpson. In the second case, Simpson is ordered into custody, and in the other Frans sues for 3 pounds, 15 shillings, 11 pence due from Simpson for "labours and services," as well as 8 pounds Simpson had "refused to pay." [Baldwin, B25] 1751, May 9 -- Will : "Francis DeLang of Beakmans prect., Dutchess Co. Wife Mary all the estate, real and personal while she remains my widow. But if she be married to another, she to have what the law allows her. The rest to my children Arre, Rachel, Nicholas, Catherine, Elias, Gesgee and Egie. Real and personal property. Executors were the wife, Benjamin Hasbrouck and Peter Van DeWater. Witnesses were John Winslow and William Haff." [Baldwin, B26] 1755 -- "he died in the Spring, will proved May 29, Surrogate's Court, New York City, before Matthew DuBois, Judge of Common Pleas, Bartholomew Noxon and William Davenport, justices (NYWF 106, WN-YHS V:243);" "estate taxed June 1755 through Feb. 1756" [Baldwin, B26] 1688-1689 -- "Maritje, born as late as 1688-9 (upwards of 70 in 1758) and of Kinderhook, was no doubt daughter or granddaughter of Claes Van Schaick of that place. Claes' widow was born ca 1635. Their age difference argues for granddaughter, not daughter, yet Maritje named her second son Niclaas which in patronymic style would be for her own father. (Frans and Maritje followed patronymic procedures in naming oldest son for the paternal grandfather, but seemingly did not do so with their daughters. The first daughter was named for the father's mother rather than the mother's; it is unlikely an earlier daughter named for Jannetje could be fitted into the known chronology.) "Melwood Van Scoyac of Sarasota, Fla., Van Schaick genealogist, wrote in 1988 that little is known of Claes other than being father of Dominicus b. 1667 and Emanuel b. 1680. Other likely sons were Elias and Laurens of Kinderhook 1720, both of which names are found among Maritje's children. 'Jannetje Claas Beevers, or Van Schayk's widow, about 94 years old' died Kinderhook and buried there Feb. 10, 1829 (NYG&B Vol. 105 Jan. 1974)" [John D. Baldwin research, B22] 1703, July 31 -- Born at and resident of Kinderhook "(in today's northern Columbia County)" at time of marriage intention. "At that time, Kinderhook included what is now Stuyvesant so perhaps the Van Schaicks lived near the Hudson." [Baldwin, B22] 1757 -- "Mary taxed Rombout" [Baldwin, B26] 1758, February -- "Mary taxed Beekman" [Baldwin, B26] 1758, June 23 -- "A petition of Henry DeLaenge [must be transcription error for Herrie, Arie ...] and other children of Frans DeLaenge of Beekman. says Frans died Spring of 1755. Widow Mary, now upwards of 70 is deprived of her reason and understanding. There is an affidavit by William Huff and affirmations by Robert Dinge and Samuel Durland to that effect. Petition that Benjamin Hasbrouck and Peter Van der Water be appointed guardians to care for the body and estate of Mary. [Records of the New Chancery Court, New York, Guardianships; Cpp 87-90];" "... signed by Herrie DeLaeng, ... Peter Vand der Water and wife Egie, Maria Vandewater [I think this is a clerical error for Maria Wiltsie], Joseph Doty and wife Persis [i.e., Geesje], Ledeah DeLaeng [why her maiden name only?], Larns Losee and wife Rachel, Benjamin Hasbrouck and wife Jane, Elizabeth Elsworth [Ref: Chancery Court ... BM 534-0]." [Baldwin, B26] 1759-1762 -- Mary died during this period. [Baldwin, B26] 1763, May -- "Court Poughkeepsie, the executors of the will of Frans Delong, 'and Maria his widow, deceased' sued Coenrat deLong of Beekman for money lent to Coenrat 21 Nov. 1751 by Frans. Coenradt has refused to pay both Frans and the executors and his refusal is delaying execution of the will. F. Doherty has confirmed that Mary was deceased, earlier readings did not indicate so. Apparently, having been named an executor, she had to be accounted for in this suit by the surviving executors." [Baldwin, B26] 1764, May -- Court ordered judgment by default against Conrad DeLong. Sheriff possessed his goods and chattels in October. [Baldwin, B26] "... another group of French and German Protestants came first to the Hudson Valley and later resettled in eastern Pennsylvania. Among these immigrants was ... Pieter DeLong, ... regarded by his descendants as the first DeLong of their branch to settle in America. He is believed to have been born between 1685 and 1702... in Switzerland, the Palatinate or England. ... Others believe Pieter was born in the Hudson Valley, but no record exists. ... Eventually he appeared in America about 1722 and settled near Kingston, N.Y. ... Records indicate he had a younger brother Abraham, born between 1703 and 1706, in Germany. Abraham also lived near Kingston ... but soon moved to Pennsylvania's Northampton County. ... Still another line was established by Arie Fransen DeLong who also settled near Kingston about 1680. ... In the 1730s Pieter DeLong, [his wife] Eva [Elizabeth Weber] and at least three children also journeyed to a new home in Pennsylvania. They moved to Berks County, an area predominantly settled by Palatines. Pieter soon was farming a 187-acre tract at Bowers, Pa. ..." [The DeLongs of New York and Brooklyn, 24-27] "The emigrant ancestor of [the DeLong] family was Arie Fransen who was in Ulster Co. [New York] by 1670 ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 134, X39] "Surnames were just coming into common usage among the Dutch in Arie's lifetime; in some but not all records, he is surnamed Langet and similar variations, probably a reference to his height and conveniently serving to distinguish him from shorter Arie nearby though we have no reason to think it was another Arie Fransen. Thus he is found in either church or other documents as Ary Frans Langet, Ariaan France Lange and Arie Fransen Langerth, but in others simply as Aryan Fransen, Ary Frans, Arie Franssen, Ary Franze, Ariaan France, Adriaan Franzen, etc. His children became DeLangs, grandchildren DeLongs. " Such versions as France reflect solely the inconsistency of spelling in this era but regrettably are the source of such mistranslations as 'Aaron the Frenchman'. It is of course possible that he could have originated from a French Reformed (Huguenot) family, many of which did go into the Netherlands, but there is absolutely nothing in primary evidence which would confirm so, and in 35 years of DeLong research [1992] I have seen nothing to make me believe so." [John D. Baldwin research, B15] "In the Dutch Patronymic system (used before and during development of surnames) a child was identified with the father's name. Thus our Arie Frans(en) [many variants in spelling are found] was simply Arie son of Frans. His wife Maritje Jans was Maritje daughter of Jans even as her father was Jan Theunissen, Jan son of Teunis. "Arie is found in one record as Arie Langet, in another spelled Langerth. This presumably means the Tall Arie to differentiate him from some other Arie in town of lesser physical stature. Adoption of surnames proceeded rapidly after the British occupation of New Netherlands so this clan adopted De Lang, De being Dutch for The. While Arie does not seem to have the article De, his sons adopted the term De Lang as their surname (In Dutch format, the sons would have been known as Frans Ariens, Jan Ariens, Jonas Ariens, but they have never been found that way). This is all suitably Dutch; there is no reason to think the De was the French article De or Du (meaning of). "By the third generation, the name somehow 'Anglicized' to DeLong instead of DeLang." [John D. Baldwin letter, June 11, 1993, B55-B56] 1634, February 4 -- "Another European record merits mention if only because it has been attributed without any particular justification to Arie. This was the birth in Etten-Leur, Brabant Feb. 4, 1634 of Adrianus Fransciscuszn, son of Franciscus Adrianns and Johanna Jacobusdotur. The record was fortuitously obtained by Joan DeLong of Vancouver who seeing that Arie's son was born in Brabant, actually in Ulster Co. NY, wrote the archives in Brabant Holland. The record may well pertain to subject, particularly if he were the emigrant of 1659, but it is open to conjecture, and it is unfortunate that some researchers have published it as fact. Of interest is the fact that the VanEtten family of New Netherlands at times used the surname DeLong; VanEtten is adjacent to Etten-Leur." [Baldwin, B15] 1656, March 5 -- "...an Amsterdam [Netherlands] church record ... seems a few years too late ... reference is either a birth or baptism ... for one Ariaen Fransen, son of Frans Fransen and Ariaantje Pieters (Ref. Bijzonderh 105 Kerk 61)" [Baldwin, B15] 1659, February 12 -- "The ... passenger list for the ship 'De Trouw' (The Faith) from Netherlands to New Netherlands includes Arent Franken, a baker from Jever, no doubt a place somewhere in Holland though some researchers have associated it with both the French towns of Evron near Lavalle in Moyenne, and Evran, Cotes-du-Nord, Brittany. Another correspondent substituted Ieveren for Jever; perhaps he saw a different publication of the passenger list. This version supposedly reads 'Arent Franken, of Arthur: Frenchman, arrived in New Amsterdam on the ship Faith 12 February 1659 from Ieveren.' I suspect Arthur. Frenchman is a mistranslation of Arent Franken (=Arie, son of Frans) Can Ievren possibly be Deventer from where Arie's eventual grandfather-in-law originated?" [Baldwin, B16] 1659 -- "Additional data on New Paltz [Huguenots who were not patentees] (from the David Vorrhees 'Concise Directory of Huguenot Ancestors' (1985)" includes "DeLanguet, Arent Franken (Lange, Langet, De Lang, De Long, Long): Amsterdam (1659); New Amsterdam; Esopus (Kingston, N.Y.); d. before 1699, Ulster Co., NY." [Huguenot Refugees in the Settling of Colonial America, 368-369; X26] 1666, November 17 -- "Arie Fransen, a Dutch Patronymic meaning Aaron son of Frans, was probably born in the Netherlands. No Frans has been found in the new world who would be a good candidate for father, however a sister may well have been the Jannetie Francen who (in 1668?) requested judicial enforcement of a sentence dated Nov. 17, 1666 against Cornelis Vernoy (Versteeg: NY Hist[orical] M[anuscripts-] Dutch; Kingston Papers I;315)" [Baldwin, B15] 1670 -- "... he appears as Arian ffrancon, one of a group of militiamen. (New York State Library #22:99, Minutes of Executive Council of Province of New York). Perhaps this is also the source of the statement he appeared this year on the muster roll of Captain Pawling's company. The Minutes apparently indicate he and others drew lots 'the following day' at Kingston, Marbletown and Esopus. This is presumably the origin of the 32 acres he reportedly had at 'ye roundout kill' which is Esopus. Thus he was in Ulster County by this date and likely earlier." [Baldwin, B16] 1671 -- "in Ulster Co, NY, by 1671. Probably from Holland. Married Rachel Jans, born 1657 or 1659, who came as a young child on the ship 'De Ste. Jan Baptiste' from Amsterdam with her parents ... Arie... seldom used a surname, was usually known as Arie Frans (= Arie, son of Frans) in accordance with the Dutch practice." [Baldwin, B4] 1671 -- "Adrian Fransen was witness in a knife assault (Versteeg ... Kingston Papers p. 464)" [Baldwin, B16] 1671, October 7 -- Capt. Thomas Chambers leases a farm "near Wisquaemsickx" to Hendrick Albertson and Adriaen Fransen as sharecroppers for 10 years, agreeing to furnish "two good horses, mares, with a stallion or gelding, two cows, a wagon and a plow." Gains and losses were to be equally divided. Two sows would be returned "as big" at the end of the lease. Exceptions were made "in case war should break out, which God forbid, with the aborigines of this land ..." [Kingston Papers, 703; Baldwin B16-B17] 1672, November 5 -- Dirck Hendricksen replaces Adriaen Fransen as leaseholder. Fransen signs with his mark. [Kingston Papers, 724; Baldwin B18] 1672, December 3 -- George Hal demands that Adrian Fransen pay an acknowledged debt of 32 sch. of wheat. The court orders the officer to judicially enforce the judgment. Fransen then brought a case against Schout Grevenraedt for dismissing debtor Van der Coelen without bond. [Kingston Papers, 488, 492-493; Baldwin B17] 1674 -- Schout Grevenraedt accuses Adriaen Fransen of "fighting with several persons, yea, till blood was shed, and was the cause of the quarrel." He demanded a fine of 50 guilders. Fransen "says he knows nothing about it, and requests the plaintiff shall pay the same." The court set a fine of 30 guilders, plus court costs. Fransen also admits a debt of "32-1/2 sch. of wheat for vendue, and further for the mirror nine guilders, five st." to Hendrick Paeldin. [Kingston Papers, 515, 519; Baldwin B18] 1675 -- "Adraien Fransen a witness to lease of parcel of land called Brabender's thicket. (Note a Jan Brabender in 1662 held the old lot #10 in Wilkwyck.)" [Kingston Papers, 746; Baldwin B18] 16xx -- "Unreferenced correspondence reports he was skipper of a yacht. New Amsterdam Records 3:49 reports a suit by Werner Wessels vs. Derek Smitt which centers around 120 florins of tobacco asked of Arie Fransen. It seems Arie was to go to Virginia (as a skipper?) but didn't, and Wessels was demanding payment of tobacco." [Baldwin, B19] 1678, September 29 -- "Could he have had a first wife? Maria daughter of Arie Freese was baptised at Hurley, Ulster County, September 29; ... Arie Fransen's known daughter Maritje baptised Kingston, Ulster County in 1684. Maritje is Dutch for Mary/Maria and the marriage of two distinct Maritje DeLangs are found in the early 1700s, both of whom are clearly associated with [Arie's] family." [Baldwin, B19] 1679-1680 -- "He was married by this time to Rachel Jans (their son Frans born 1681). ..." [Baldwin, B19] 1685, February 15 -- "... Leanard Coale of Marbletown and Mary his wife to Mr. Francis Rombout of the 'citty of new york,' deeds for 10 shillings land over the Rideouts Kill or creek at Mombackes which Leonard hath let unto farme to Arien France of Mombackus ... " [Early English Deeds, Ulster County, 1:26; Baldwin B19] 1687, June 7 -- "Another possibly younger relative might be Judith Fransen born Flesinger (Vlissingen, or Flensburg, in Province of Zeeland, Netherlands) who[se] marriage banns with Johanis Wincoop born Albany were dated Je 7, 1687. In 1688, Johannes Wynkoop, Evert Wyncoop and Judith Fransen were sponsors for a son of Moses de Puits (DePu) and Maria Wynkoop (where?)." [Baldwin, B15] 1689 -- "Arrie Ffrance on a list of Ulster County inhabitants (Early NY State Census Recs)" (Baldwin, B20] 1694/1695, February -- "Tjerke Clase de Witt of Kingston sells for 50 pounds to Cornelis Swits of Mombackus land at Mombackus to west of other lands of sd. Tjerke de witt, now in possession of Jan de witt; and East of land of Mr. Ffrederick philips, containing about 60 acres, and fformerly sold to Tjerke de witt by Ariaan ffrance and james pemmits; with small peece of paster land ..." [Signed in Kingston; Early English Deeds, Ulster County, I;150; Baldwin, B20] 1695, June 6 -- "Henricus Cooke and Wyntje Franse had Elsie ... (where?)" [Baldwin, B15] 1696-1698 -- "Death of Arie occured during this period" [Baldwin, B20]Maritje Jans, on the May 9, 1661 passenger list of the ship 'De St. Jan Baptist' ... The record of her second marriage shows that Maritje was born Amsterdam. The father was very likely the Jan Teunisze who was born at Amsterdam 10-19-1631, son of Teunis Jans from Deventer, Ourjas, Netherlands and his wife Jannetje Arents which couple had married (Amsterdam?) September 14, 1624. [The Lost Palatine 16:10]. " [John D. Baldwin research, B4, B19) "The two 'sons of Teunis,' Jan and Arent, adopted the surname of Pier, also found as Pyer. Jan's daughter Rachel, the wife of Arie Fransen is found as Rachel Jansen Pyer, Rachel Janse Pier, Rachel Rachel Jansen Pier, Rachel Pier, also simply by the patronymic Rachel Jans and Ragel (Dutch for Rachel) Jans." [Baldwin, B19] 1703, 1707, 1711 -- "Likely she used her married surname as the Maritje Ploeg, sponsor at baptisms of four of her DeLong grandchildren." [Baldwin, B20] 1712 -- "A witness to baptism of child in Kingston." [Baldwin, B20] 1716 -- "Sponsor at birth of Neeltje, daughter of probable daughter Willemtje." [Baldwin, B20] 1720/1721 -- "Rachel and Hendrick Ploeg on Kingston tax list, perhaps the mother and son." [Baldwin, B20] 1723 -- "Sponsor in Kingston" [Baldwin, B20]     ўџџџ !"#$%&'ўџџџ)*+,-./0123456789:;<ўџџџ>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTўџџџVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstўџџџvwxyz{ўџџџ}~€1661, May 9 -- On the passenger list of the ship "De St. Jan Baptist" with his wife Maritje Jans and two daughters, ages 1-1/2 and 4. [John D. Baldwin research, B19] 1661, May 9 -- "Arrived on the ship 'De Jan Baptist' May 9, 1661 from Amsterdam ... After coming to America, this family later adopted the surname of 'Pier' or 'Pyer'." [Ray H. Ebbett research, conrad.ftw] "The two 'sons of Teunis,' Jan and Arent, adopted the surname of Pier, also found as Pyer." [Baldwin, B19] 1670, March 12 -- "Jan Theunissen appears among the older members of the Brooklyn Dutch Reformed Church on a list of March 12, 1670. He died prior to 1676 when his widow remarried ... " [Baldwin, B19]1661, May 9 -- On the passenger list of the ship "De St. Jan Baptist" with her husband Jan Theunissen and two daughters ages 1-1/2 and 4. "Again we have a Dutch patronymic, Maritje, daughter of Jans ... The record of her second marriage shows that Maritje was born in Amsterdam. The father was very likely the Jan Teunisze who was born at Amsterdam 10-19-1631, son of Teunis Jans from Deventer, Ourjas, Netherlands and his wife Jannetje Arents, which couple had married (Amsterdam?) September 14, 1624. [The Lost Palatine 16:10]." [John D. Baldwin research, B19]  ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ўџџџŠ ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ Ђ • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   ўџџџт Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ К Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й ўџџџс М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з ўџџџй к л м н о п р ўџџџу  ф х ц ч ш і ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ ўџџџ §џџџљ њ ћ ќ § ў џ 1797, October 3 -- "Howland was one of ten men of Lincoln Vt to petition 'Honourable General Assembly ... to convene at Winsor' (Windsor Ct) for a tax of 2 cents per acre for 'Maken road and Building Bridges ...' Howland was listed first, Lawrence later in the group." [John D. Baldwin research, B69A] 1798, February 26 -- Lawrence and Howland Delong were among eight persons petitioning Addison County Justice of Peace Henry McLaughlin to hold a meeting the following month to establish a town government for Lincoln, Vermont. [Lincoln, Vermont 1780-1980, 27] 1798 -- "When the first Town Meeting was held, with McLaughlin as Moderator, virtually every man of voting age was given a position in the town government, including Howland Delong as town clerk ..." [Lincoln, Vermont 1780-1980, 27-28] "Howland was named Town Clerk and again 1799 through 1805. Lincoln is Addison County." [Baldwin, B69A] 1800 -- "Lincoln, VT., Census ... Howland was married ..." [Baldwin, B9] "Two sons and a dau all under 10. These couod be William S. and another son, and perhaps Sarah." [Baldwin, B69A] 1800- The Federal census of Lincoln, Addison County, Vermont lists a "Howland Dellong" household at 2-0-0-1-0 and 1-0-0-1-0. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5] 1803, January 17 -- "Howland a witness together with George Delong to land sale in Bristol Vt ... by Lawrence Delong of Lincoln to Joseph Delong, no doubt their father and brother." [Baldwin, B69A] 1805 -- "Howland was member of Vermont House of Representatives from Lincoln which met this year in Danville Vt" [Baldwin, B69A] 1805 -- "Justice of the Peace, again 1806" [Baldwin, B69A] 1810 -- "Lincoln 20010/10010. One of the sons would be Joseph b. 1809. The other two children are suggested as William and Sarah though William was at least ten (based on 1830 census). Sarah too was likely at least ten, otherwise there was a different dau. born 1790-1800 and deceased by 1810 with Sarah being the dau. born in the new decade." [Baldwin, B69A] 1812, April 12 -- "Howland of Lincoln sold land there to Moses Gore [Gove?] of Lincoln for $550, the s. half of Lot #5 laid out to the original right of John Knickerbocker ... Wits. were (bro) Joseph and (Joseph's wife) Lucy at which date Joseph was Lincoln town clerk." [Baldwin, B69A] 1814? -- "Howland of Bristol and (bro.) Joseph of Lincoln sold to Augustus Haskin for $200 land in Lincoln Tp, half of a 50 acre lot which was in the n. half of Lot #5, drawn as a 1st Division to the orig. right of John Knickerbocker. Howland reserved the rails on the lot and the privilege of cutting 15 middle-sized ash trees suitable for making rails within three years. Witnesses: Ebenezer Blodget and Daniel Heath. (2:387) (Date not quoted but preceding it on same page is a sale by (bro) Martin, dated July 27, 1814.)" [Baldwin, B69C] 1819, March 13 -- "Howland of Bristol sold to Gershom Hart of Bristol land in Bristol for $257.50, as a mortgage to be void if repaid ..." [Baldwin, B69C] 1822, January 2 -- "Howland of Bristol sold Bristol land to Seth Peake of Bristol for $200 as a mortgage ... Wits. (bro) Martin and Harvey Munsill. (5:645)." [Baldwin, B69C] 1824, March 15 -- "Howland of Bristol sold land there to Hiland Hall of Bristol, 90 acres on which Howland then lived, the same land he had mortgaged to Seth Peake two years earlier, said Hall to clear the land of encumbrance. ... Wits. Henry Soper and Henry C. Soper. (8:150)" [Baldwin, B69C] 1830 -- "Cens. Starksboro, Vt. 'Holand' -- 00101001/1000001." [Baldwin, B69C] 1831, April 30 -- "Howland was a witness to a Washington Co., NY indenture in which the following persons (his children) sold real estate which they had inherited as heirs of Polly Delong, deceased, as a part of the real estate of Cornelius Bronson, deceased: Joseph Evans and wife Sarah, of Granville, NY; Joseph Delong of Starksboro, Vt., William S. Delong of Bristrol, Vt., Eliza Delong of Bristol, Vt." [Baldwin, B69C] 1994, August 21 -- "Howland b. 1773, presumably NY, lived out his life in Vt." [Baldwin letter, B99]"Vt researcher Leon Bushey ... wrote 'Howland DeLong married a Mary Buffam who was the wife of a Joshua Buffam who had been arrested for breaking in a store and let go for that day of hearing as he told them where he would look if he were them, and they found the goods at the place he told them he would look there (all sic). He was then told that (sic) to stay around as circumstantial evidence was strong against him, but he skipped and left his wife who later married Howland.' 'The breakin at the store has been set about 1808 so Mary had been alone about nine years when she married Howland.'" [John D. Baldwin research, B69B] .1800, March 19 - Lawrence and (son) Joseph of Lincoln purchased 100 A[cres] undivided land (where?) for $166 from Henry McLaughlin of Bristol ... Witnesses Truman Parmely and Luther Eastman (2:316)" [John D. Baldwin research, B10] 1800, May 30 -- "Lawrence and (son) Joseph of Lincoln bought 10 A[cres] in Bristol, E. end of Lot 34, from Timothy Chase of Bristol ... (2:160)" [Baldwin, B10] 1803, January 17 -- "Lawrence of Lincoln when he sold to (son) Joseph of Bristol 50 A[cres] of undivided land out of the orig. right of Wm Field in Bristol ... Witnesses were Howland Delong and George Delong. (sons). (2:381)" [Baldwin, B10] 1994, August 21 -- "Joseph, b. NY 1777-78, from Vt. to Ohio in 1818" [Baldwin letter, B99]1847, July 12 -- "George Delong [son of Law] of So. Crosby near Newboro, on July 12, 1847, sent a petition to be granted a deed to the property which he had bought in 1833. Being an infirm old man, he wanted to settle his worldly business so that his daughter, Mrs. S. Jones, and her family could continue to live there after his death. Lot 24, Concession 12, Bedford, Midland district. (Archives of Ontario). This solves an old puzzle. Long ago corresp. Mrs. Eastland gave Harriet, wife of Stephen Jones as a dau of George. This was contradicted by Helen Kilborn, desc. of George's son Jesse, that Mrs. Jones was a dau of Martin [1786]. Obviously the former was correct." [John D. Baldwin research, B65] 1994, August 21 -- "George b. 1780, presumably NY, from Vt. to Leeds Co, Ont. 1803-04." [Baldwin letter, B99] "...a replacement t.s. erected in 1921 by Willis Chipman names George Del[ong], his death date and age, then Mary Del., wife of Nathaniel Ketchum, her age and death date. ..." [Baldwin, B69]1921 -- "Replacement t.s. erected 1921 by William Chipman names George Del., his death date and age, then Mary Del;., wife of Nathaniel Ketchum, her age and death date." [John D. Baldwin research, B9]1820 - "Jerusha Delong, widow, of Perry, Genessee Co., NY Census 000000/00101. Lawrence's widow?" [John D. Baldwin research, B9]1993, June 10 -- "Having given my reasons for suggesting Ephraim as a son of Lawrence, I'll now touch on Martin. Martin was b. 1785-6 in Mass. per his 1850 census entry, in Vermont per a son's death record in 1891. Note that in 1785, Lawrence and Sarah settled within the verge of the East Hoosick Monthly Meeting (Quaker). I assume this is within the Town of Hoosick in today's Rensselaer Co. which abuts Vt. just above the Mass. border. They were probably in Lanesboro Mass at this time and are found there in 1790, going not long after to Vt. "This Martin's son George b. Vt. 1824 married Caroline DeLong, daughter of Jesse and graddau. of Lawrence and Sarah' s son George. A descendant of Caroline's sister said an old aunt claimed Caroline and husband George were not related, which is highly unlikely ... because another old aunt had a different version. She said Martin's father was brother to the older George's father. Since Lawrence was the father of the older George, this would make Martin a son of Lawrence's brother Martin, there being no other candidate. This is surely possible and if Martin b. 1785-6 is removed from Lawrence's family, this leaves Ephraim as the only candidate to be the son 10-16 in 1800. "My problem in accepting this scenario is that so little is known about Lawrence's brother Martin ... "There is a third Martin in this puzzle. He was b. by 1794, probably in Vt, md. Mary Edmonds and was in Clarence, Niagara Co. NY by 1820. They took their sons John and Joseph Atwood to Victoria Co, Ontario by 1830. These some later went to Michigan. "Clarence, Niagara Co. adds to the puzzle. There was an E. DeLong there in 1810. Could this be the Elias who was in Worcester 1805 and 6? "I think this Martin b. by 1796 is more likely to be son of Law[rence]'s brother Martin than is the Martin b. 1805-6 {1785-6?]. Thus the latter likely belongs to Law[rence] and this leaves Ephraim in limbo. Could belong to either. ..." [John D. Baldwin letter, B49] 1993, September -- "... lived near Lawrence and his sons Howland and Joseph, would be son or nephew of Lawrence. ..." [Baldwin research, B69] 1994, February -- John D. Baldwin wrote an analysis [B84] of the relationship between Martin Delong born 1780-84 (wife Mary) and this Martin born 1785-86 (wife Roxana). This account appears in the Notes section for Martin born 1780-84. 1994, August 21 -- "Martin b. Mass. 1785-6 md Roxana, lived at Bristol Vt and later St. Lawrence Co. NY. He appears as witness in 1822 in a land sale in Bristol by Lawrence's son Howland so is likely a fourth son of Lawrence. Note Mass. birth fits Lawrence's move there." [Baldwin letter, B100] 1994, September 22 -- "[Guy Wallis] sent a land record in which Martin Delong of Bristol sold land [in Starksboro] to Francis [Delong] of Shoreham [for $130]. This was 1826 and helps further confirm that Lawrence's son was the Martin [b. 1785-1786] who by 1830 was in St Law Co, while the Martin [b. 1780-1784] of very close age who went to Niagara by 1820 then to Canada was not." [Baldwin letter, B105; Guy Wallis letter, August 31, 1994, B109]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’ўџџџ”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁўџџџЃЄЅІўџџџЈЉЊЋЌўџџџЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабўџџџгдежзўџџџйклмўџџџопрўџџџтуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ "Recall that she was first a widow Gates, and near her this year were Isaac Gates and Ardel Gates." [Baldwin, B68] 1840 -- "Jerusha died St. Albans Vt. July 29 or 31." [Baldwin, B68] 1993, June 2 -- "In 1802, Lawrence remarried to Jerusha (Whitney) Gates. My original text suggested she was the widow Jerusha DeLong of Genessee Co. NY in 1820 though she died in St. Albans Vt in 1840. Later I learned that on the adjacent page of the 1820 census are Isaac Gates and Ardel Gates who might be connected with her first husband (perhaps even to her children?)." [John D. Baldwin letter, B45]1741 -- " Some Cronkhite family papers ... said ... Henry was supposedly 9 at immigration so born ca 1732, which correlates much better with Mary's age than the 1720 from unknown source cited [elsewhere]." [John D. Baldwin research, B40] "He supposedly settled in Danbury CT, then Dutchess Co. Was in Claverack, now Columbia Co. before 1759, in Hoosick now Rensselaer Co. before the Revolution, in Canajoharie 1790, then Danube and Minden." [Baldwin, B40]1741 -- "Some Cronkhite family papers ... said brothers Kasper, James and Jacob came to America in 1741." [John D. Baldwin research, B40]1977 -- [Mrs. Elton DeLong of Moncton, Vermont] "says family was 'probably all mostly Quakers,' lived Nine Partners Tract in Dutchess Co." [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"... A Francis DeLong was taxed in Charlotte Prec. from Feb. 1763 to June 1767 and then 'farm' was listed from 1770-73. Jacobus Striker was on this farm in 1773-4. Frans was a blacksmith and bought 25 acres in lot 8 in Charlotte 15 July 1764 from Joshua Gidney. ... He was a path master in 1772 in Charlotte from Asa Allens to Isaac Veals. ... He was a customer at the Schenck store in Pleasant Valley and Schenck sued him in Oct. 1767. He was taxed on real property in East Claverack, Albany Co. in 1779 at 200 pounds and on personal property valued at 600 pounds, 15 shillings. He was in Hillsdale, Columbia Co. in 1790 and was between John Chase and Peter Lee." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 150-151; X47] "Frans .. b. 1740, had 1787 state pension in Otsego Co., but was in Columbia Co. 1790 ... [?] suggests living Otsego 1820!" [John D. Baldwin research, B11] 1769, June 17 -- "my eldest son" in will of father Arie Delong [B35] 1993, June 10 -- "... Lawrence's brother Frans was an earlier settler in Otsego Co. (maybe by 1787) so Ephraim obviously followed an uncle there as did John b. 1780." [John D. Baldwin letter. B50]1760, April -- "died in the French and Indian Wars. David Southerland picked up the billeting money due Cornelis DeLong, deceased. son of Arie DeLong Apr. 1760" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"... He was taxed as Elias Jr. in Crum Elbow from June 1766 through 1772. An ear mark that had been given to Israel Vail in Crum Elbow on 6 June 1751 was transferred to Elias on 17 March 1768 ... He was a customer at the Schenck store. "His name was mentioned in the margins of a lot 16 lease to Martin Easterly in Aug. 1772 and he paid rent in 1776 on Easterly's farm. This appears to be the only year he was involved on this farm. He removed to the east part of Claverack, Albany County, by March 1779 where he was taxed on real property worth 50 pounds and was between Daniel Downing and Abraham Chase. He was also assessed on personal property with a value of 468 pounds, 11 shillings, 14 pence. John Mandigo from Beekman was next to him on the list. He served as 2nd Lieut. in the 1st Claverack Militia Company, 9th Regiment. He was also listed 12 August 1778 in the Exempts from Claverack. ... He was a Lieut. in the Levies and has DAR listing 46158. "He was most likely the man in Duanesburg Town in Albany County in 1790 at 1-3-1 and at 1-1-1-0-1 and 1-0-0-1--0 in 1800. In 1790 he was between Daniel Chapman and William Patterson and in 1800 he was between David Gage and Joseph Edmunds. It seems possible that his wife m. 2nd Thomas Clark of Troy with whom Lorenda, dau. of [Elias' daughter] Mary DeLong ... lived before her marriage to George Smith of Troy." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Parent, IV, 181; X62] 1769, June 17 -- "my second son" in will of father Arie Delong [B35] Elias DeLong is listed as a Lieutenant in the Levies; his wife is given as "Mabel Dickinson." [Ulster County in the Revolution, 60; X18] 1803 -- An "Elias Delong" is among the persons listed as having mail awaiting them at the Otsego (Cooperstown) village post office. [Otsego Herald, New York State Historical Association Library, C17] 1805, March 5 -- An "Elias DeLong" is listed as a Worcester [New York] Overseer of Highways. {Officers of the Town of Worcester 1797-1964, 41] "Westford was until 1808 [s/b 1809] a part of the Town of Worcester, so it is possible that Elias lived in Westford." [Lawrence A. DeLong letter, February 28, 1994, B95] 1994, March 15 -- "The Elias pathmaster in Worcester 1805 may be significant. I think he must be Lawrence's brother Elias ... b. 1746. There is no other Elias candidate. this one is last noted in Duanesburg in 1800, could easily have gone on to Otsego Co. ... The only other adult Elias known for the period was Elias ... uncle of the brothers ... b. 1723 ... too old to be pm in 1805 (if still living, and he prob. wasn't -- last record is 1786 ... his son Daniel was in Otsego in 1800 census. He had three sons b 1784-90 ... Might Ephraim [belong here]? ... " [John D. Baldwin letter, B97] 1994, September 22 -- "... Elias, pathmaster at Worcester in 1805 ... must be Elias, another brother to Frans and James. Elias had been at Duanesburg 1790. His wife traditionally was named Isabel Dickerson but I have never found primary evidence. They had five ch. 1765-1776 known from a Bible." [Baldwin letter, B105]1769, June 17 -- "last daughter to be named in father's will ... She is called Jene Ismul in the will. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B35 and B42]1706, October 2 -- "named for maternal grandfather Claes Van Schaick." [John D. Baldwin research"probably baptised Poughkeepsie during the break in the church records. Perhaps married." [John D. Baldwin research, B42] "... apparently born Poughkeepsie during a break in the church records, probably about 1748." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1769, June 17 -- "my third son" in will of father Arie Delong [B35, B114] 1769-1777 -- "Taxed Nine Partners/Crum Elbow" [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1777, June 12 -- "The Sub committee reported that Marten DeLong, Anthony Slingerlandt, John Frayer and Isaac Frayer and John Douglass are proper subjects to be discharged from Confinement upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance -- the said persons were accordingly called in and took the said Oath and were thereupon discharged from Confinement and permitted to return to their respective places of abode". [Minutes of the Albany Committee of Correspondence 1775-1778; June 12, 1777, I:792; Baldwin, B66, B114] 1777, August 22 -- "Martin DeLong being Examined under Oath, Saith, that at the Time the Prisoners were at Van Ness's, some of them, to wit, the [K]]napps & Marks & Creamer appearing exceeding uneasy at Hunters being sent for as a Witness, and that Creamer said he was afraid that Hunter would do them hurt, for that he had it in his power to do it if he would. Ordered that he be discharged. (NY Commission for Conspiracies p. 363). (Another deponent this same date was Jacob Diamond, brother-in-law of Frans ...)." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1779 -- "he was at Claverack, now Columbia Co., with (served in militia with?) nephews Frans ... and Ezekiel ..." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1779 -- "On tax list of Canaan, Columbia Co (with Jonas DeLong ...)." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1781 -- "Witness to will of Godfrey Shoemaker of Claverack, now Columbia Co." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1799 -- "He was taxed on real property in East Claverack in 1799 at 100 pounds. ... He probably went to Canada." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 152; X48] "Three brothers Ephraim, William and Martin [presumably sons of Martin] "Ephraim -- lost trace of "William -- Ephraim went to Canada thence to California during gold craze; Came back and settled in states ... Awry "Martin move to Canada about 1830. 12 children ... " [Frances C. Johnson research; E77] 1993, June 10 -- "... so little is known about Lawrence's brother Martin. He was a Tory sympathizer and was released from confinement in 1777 after taking Oath of Allegiance. I last find him in Claverack, Columbia Co. in 1781. Tradition in family of Lawrence's brother James said that James had two Tory brothers who settled in Canada. Perhaps Martin was one of them (though I've never found him); the other was Lawrence (though he was ca 21 in 1776, he appears in no Rev War records) whom we know went to Canada. "I've never found a family for Martin, although admittedly either Ephraim or the younger Martin may have belonged to him." [John D. Baldwin letter, B49] 1993, June 11 -- "No family is known but I can't help but think he must have been father of a third Martin b. Vt. by 1794 who md. Mary Edmonds. They settled Niagara Co. NY by 1820, had sons John and James Atwood born in the next decade and went on to Victoria Co. Ontario in 1830. The sons eventually ended up in Michigan." [Baldwin letter, B54] 1993, September -- "Tradition says that James had two brothers who settled in Canada. These must be Lawrence who apparently went to Canada but not until after 1810, and ... Martin who however has never been found in Canadian records. "No family has been found for Martin. Attention should however be called to some possibilities. "Ephraim b. 1785; Martin b. 1786; William? These men would be sons or nephews of Lawrence. They ... may belong [to Martin]. "E ______ b. 1765-94, known only from the 1810 census of Niagara Co, NY, 000001/0000 living alone. (misindexed as 'E1'). "Martin born by 1794 (Aug 7, 1785) probably in Vt. Of Niagara Co. NY in 1820 and perhaps a son of E. of that place 1810. He md. Mary Edmunds. They were in Erie Co. NY 1826 and to Victoria Co. Ont. 1830. A possible clue to his mother or mother-in-law is the name of their second son Joseph Atwood DeLong." [Baldwin, B66, B114] 1994, March 15 -- "... Martin ... of whose family we know nothing but who must account for some of the unplaced persons encountered ... And two unplaced persons who must be desc. of one of the five brothers are Francis b. 1793-4 and Cornelis b. 1792-3. Corn. was in Chautauqua Co. 1813-15 and reached lll. by 1817. Francis was trad. in Chautauqua 1817 but by 1820 was in Allegany Co. and by 1830 in Warren Co. Pa. " [Baldwin letter, B97] 1994, August 21 -- "... Martin ... was overlooked in [the 1790] census, had more likely fled to Canada, or had died. ... Ephraim, William and Martin [b. 1780-1784] were all likely sons of Martin [b. 1748, who] is undocumented after 1781 and none of the three likely sons is documented in his early years. While all may have been born in NY or Vt, they might have been raised somewhere in Ontario wilderness. Northumberland Co. has not been well researched to my knowledge for DeLongs. Other than William's land acquisition 1823, nothing else of an early date has been reported to me." [Baldwin letter, B99, B103] 1997, March -- "Larry DeLong (desc. of Ephraim ...) has found an 1846 letter [C32-C33] from Cornelius DeLong of Wisc. to nephew Awry who was son of Ephraim. The letter also mentions Awry's uncle Henry of Huron Co. Ohio, no surname given but I think likely to have been the Henry DeLong of Sandusky and Ottawa Cos, Ohio. If those three were brothers then a possible fourth was Francis Delong who is first known in Chautauqua Co NY as is Cornelius. And a fifth and sixth could have been Martin [b. 1780-1784] and William, named as brothers to Ephraim in a letter received long ago from Ephraim's descendant Mrs. Gilbert Smith though I do not know her source. The letter also names a sister. "Who then might have fathered these six sons? The names Francis, Cornelius and Martin all suggest connection with the family of Arie [b. 1705] and clearly the best candidate line would be through Martin [b. 1748]. The six possible brothers were born 1783 to 1794. Martin disappears from New York records after 1781, and presumably was one of Arie's two sons who went to Canada. Two of the six possible brothers are found in later years in Canada. Did Martin start a family after fleeing the States? Or perhaps first live a while in Vt. as did his brother Lawrence [b. 1755] before going to Canada? Yet five of the six b. US, the other of unknown birthplace. "Or is it possible that Martin was grandfather of the possible brothers? He however would have been only about 35 at birth of the first of the six." [Baldwin, B115] 1997, March 29 -- "... As a result of reading the Cornelius letter [1846], I had also concluded (without any other hard evidence) that Ephraim, Cornelius and Sally were likely children of Martin [all four of whom may have been in the Westford area]. There is no record of them belonging to Lawrence, and there is no sibling of Elizabeth Delong named Sarah or Sally ... [however,] Maybe Sally [in her 1841 letter] was using the terms sister and brother in a religious sense ..." [Lawrence A. DeLong letter, B131]"Capt. James was born probably in Dutchess or Columbia Co., N.Y. His parents may have come from the New England States. "A tradition prevails that four brothers came from France to the Colonies about the time or a little before the Revolution, two of whom became rebels and two tories; the tories going to Canada, and Captain James was one of the two brothers who were rebels, remained in the Colonies." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 471; X101] "James, b. ca. 1750; m. Elizabeth Sessions ... He was taxed in Charlotte from 1771-73 and was granted an ear mark there 20 Jan 1773. He was in East Claverack in 1770 where he was taxed on real property valued at 200 pounds and personal property woth 710 pounds, 18 shillings, 10 pence. He was listed in the Militia in Hillsdale, Col. Co., NY in 1786. He was listed in Hillsdale in 1790 at 3-3-7 and was between John Crumb and Jacob Hogaboom. In 1800 he was in Warren, Herkimer Co. He may be the man listed in 1800 in Minden, Montgomery Co. at 0-2-1-0-1 and 1-1-2-1-0 between John Rose and John Graves." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 152; X48] "James b. prob. 1751-2, perhaps md. twice, one probably NOT Session, the other perhaps Shaw" [John D. Baldwin research, B42] "According to the Aylsworth Genealogy Ephraim was a nephew of a James of Columbia Co. and later of Herkimer Co. James' father was Arie ... " [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963; D45] "[James'] children had a cousin Ephraim, who dwelt on 'Crumhorn' Mountain, so-called, Otsego Co., N.Y. Another cousin, James Delong, dwelt at Herkimer, N.Y., and tended canal locks and was overseer of the poor-house. Another cousin from Herkimer Co. was Cornelius Steward, and some of his descendants went to Lawrence [sic] Co." [Aylsworth Genealogy, 472; X102] 1804 and 1812 -- A "James Delong" is listed among those persons who have mail awaiting them at the Otsego (Cooperstown) village post office [Otsego Herald; New York State Historical Association Library, C17] 1808 -- Son John "grantee Otsego Co. [N.Y.] land from his father." [Baldwin, B93] 1810 -- Son John "Otsego ... as J., two houses from his father" [Baldwin, B93], D27]"... On 14 January 1741 [Nicholas] leased from Capt. Albert Pawling a 221 acre farm in lot 21 [of the Beekman Parent] ... This farm was at the intersection of East Noxon and Cross Roads in present day [1997] LaGrange [Dutche     ўџџџўџџџ !"#ўџџџ%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPўџџџRSTUVWXўџџџZ[\]^_`abcdefghiўџџџklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€ss County, New York]. The lease ledger later states, regarding this farm: 'Abraham Losee, formerly Nicholas DeLong -- sold to Chauncey Losee.' "The lease was for the lives of Nicholas DeLong, his wife Joanna and their son Francis. Rents of 20 bushels of wheat were to begin 1744 and brought to a mill owned by the landlord within four miles of the farm. He also had to provide two coplue of live fat hens and perform one days riding. Nicholas signed the lease and his father Frans signed as a witness in a very unsteady hand. "Nicholas, his wife and son took another lease from Albert Pawling on 3 June 1745, in the Clove, east of lot 21, near where Beekmanville is today on Beekman Road. This farm was 200 acres and was rectangular in shape, a mile long and about a third of a mile wide. He was taxed in the Middle Ward and in Beekman from Feb. 1733/34 through Feb. 1742/43 when the listing became Jr. until 1747. (This is somewhat unusual since Nicholas could not have a son old enough by 1743 to be taxed [but perhaps the listing assumes Nicholas' deceased older brother of the same name as Sr. -- Lawrence A. DeLong]). "In May 1750 a Nicholas De Long, Samuel Perry, Peter Falconer and John Charleston were found guilty of trespassing on Indian lands in Cumberland Co., PA and their cabins were burned. ... The [listed] children are probable but not proven." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 154-155; X49]Baptism sponsored by cousin Ary Kool [son of Willemtje] and wife"Lawrence DeLong seems to have lived first in lot 19 just south of Barmore Road but by 1762 he was noted in a lease description as being in lot 22 close to the rest of his family. This farm was at the intersection of present state Route 82 and Emans Road in LaGrange and his father was on an adjacent farm. In a letter by Henry Beekman dated 7 April 1752 Lawrence Delong was mentioned as being behind in his rent. He originally settled on a 138 acre farm in lot 19 that had been settled by Gerret Davids before 1731 and then farmed by Michael VanDebogart until Lawrence DeLong was noted in the records in 1746. On 1 May 1751 Peter DeWitt's name was in the record and the next year that of Frans Cool. Samuel Knight Jr. was listed in 1754 but in 1757 Lawrence DeLong was again mentioned. On 3 June 1757 a reentry was made on the farm bt Everitt (the sheriff) and by _______ Scot and Myndert Velie. By 1761 the farm definitely belonged to Samuel Knight Jr. His wife and son Nicholas were on his lease. "The Livingston Papers also contain the following notes: "22 May 1752: 'Lawrence & Elias DeLong Debit by bond then entered is for 18 pounds, five shillings payable 22 May next with interest from the date for the above amt.' "8 Aug 1756: 'Ordered James Livingston Jr. to take out writs vs. Elias DeLong by bond dated 18 Oct. 1750 10 pounds 14 shillings Lawrence & Elias DeLong bond 22 May 1751 18 pounds 5 shillings' "Henry Beekman wrote his thoughts about this bond on its reverse: 'Find not that they have paid any thing -- Therefore, the least that is that they, with an other good surity, Joyntly enter in bond for the whole debt, as it now stands -- I must say debtors (?) is the reason for my staying to (sic) long. I never yet had a (line illeg.) ... therefore, soon to Blame yourselves, as Mr. Lawrence D'Long has blamed me already to my face, and if I must be blamed it shall be for something, Tho I design it shall be no reasonable one' "In May 1752 he loaned 50 pounds to Peter DeWitt. There is a bond in the ancient documents but no suit. Arie Cole was a witness as was Clement Earl ... He was sued in May 1746 by Matthew DuBois for 25 pounds, the penal sum for 12 pounds, 10 shillings he had borrowed 15 Nov. 1743. He and Elias DeLong signed a note to Isaac Marks for six pounds November 1753 and in May 1755 Lawrence sued Peter DeWitt. Witnesses to the note and resulting action were Aaron Cole and Clement Carle (Earl?). Henry Beekman sued Lawrence DeLong in Oct 1757. He borrowed 36 pounds, one shilling from Angus McDougall 21 April 1760 and McDougall sued him in May 1763. He was on a bond with Robert Dingee in Oct. 1761 in an action against Dingee brought by Murray Lester. "The Livingston Papers note: '5 May 1758 Frans Cool & Mindert Velie Dr for 1 bond for back rent 30 bushels & Prevailed (?) for the farms first Lawrence DeLong then P. DeWitt and now the above Cool. ...' "Lawrence DeLong was taxed in Rombout from 1740 to 1745 and then in Beekman from Feb. 1744/45 through 1775 with constant tax assessment of one pound. His tax listing changed to Daniel (sic for Damon?) for just the year 1775." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 157-159; X50-X51] Elizabeth van Lew (sic) Boogaard." (John D. Baldwin)1739 -- "She was granted a lease in her name by Henry Beekman ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 143; X43] 1755 -- "Doherty advises she is named in father's will; earlier    ўџџџ                  1    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 2 Y 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A N C D E F G H I J K L M ўџџџZ P Q R S T U V W X ўџџџe [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d f † g h i j k x m n o p q r s t u v w ўџџџy z { | } ~   "... Elias was noted as of Poughquag in the church record [1749]. He was taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1753 (assessed at two pounds) through Feb. 1756 and then in Rombout for 1760-61. He was in Beekman again from June 1761 to June 1762 when he evidently removed to Schagticoke in Albany Co. On 22 April 1786 Elias DeLong and Stephen Leduc of Half Moon District gave a deposition on behalf of Alexander Schut and Abraham Griggs that 'they had heard price of 1000 pounds offered for claimants' farm.' Elias DeLong had an account at the Lansing general store in Halfmoon ca. 1773. Jacob DeLong was also at this store. Elias was not in the 1790 NYS census. "The [Livingston Papers] contain a few notes on Elias: 11 Aug 1750; 'Sent my Bloss with Jeremiah Hunt at 4/ per month; is sold to Elias DeLong.' 22 October 1750; 'Jeremiah Hunt Dr. for the sale of my blass gelding to Elias DeLong for 10 pounds who gave me a bond for the same.' Elias DeLong, Yeoman of Dutchess County, bound himself to Henry Beekman 18 Oct. 1750 in the sum of 20 pounds. He had borrowed 10 pounds which he promised to pay the following 18 October. Arie DeLong and Henry Bell were witnesses to his bond, which he signed. He was noted in a letter of Henry Beekman of 7 April 1752 as owing a bond of 10 pounds, 14 shillings which he hjad signed 18 Oct. 1750 (possibly the same). ... On 22 May 1751 Elias and Lawrence DeLong gave a bond to Henry Beekman for 36 pounds, 10 shillings (the penal sum; actually 18 pounds, 5 shillings was owed) which they promised to repay the following year with 7% interest. Elias DeLong signed the bond and Lawrence made his mark. ... "He had the usual number of law suits, the earliest being in May 1752 when Nathaniel Richards began an action against him which lasted until July 1755. He was also involved in actions with Isaac Marks, George Ellsworth Jr., merchant Dirk Brinkerhoff, John DeGraaf, Samuel Brown Jr., Leonard Van Kleeck and Mathew DuBois. In May 1758 Henry Beekman sued him, probably for rent. ... "... Elias and his wife joined the [First Reformed Church of Fishkill] soon after their marriage. "The ... children [Annatje, Daniel and Catherine] are somewhat of a mystery. The baptismal records in the Hopewell Church list [the father of Annatje] as Elias DeLong and 'Unlawful', meaning (usually) illegitimate; [Daniel and Catherine] were noted as 'unlawful', with no father listed, and the mother as Sara Titsvort. There are no dates listed for the births and we could assume that these three children were born before the marriage in 1749. However, Daniel was born ca. 1760, according to his Revolutionary War Pension application, well after the marriage of his parents in 1749. The term 'unlawful' remains a mystery." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 160-162; X52-X53] "... last record is 1786" [John D. Baldwin letter, March 15, 1994, B97]I had understood that she was not. She appears as PERSE in the [father's] 1758 estate petition." [John D. Baldwin research, B31]1678, September 29 -- "...baptised Hurley, Ulster County ... daughter of Arie Freese. Might this be Arie Fransen? ... the name of the mother was not recorded. Maria is rendered Maritje in Dutch, and two contemporary Maritjes appear in the records in association with the family of Arie Fransen. ... One would be his daughter of 1684. ... Perhaps the other is this Maria. ... One married 1706 Johannes Bokee (Boke), 2d 1715 Jan Tomasse. She was born Esopus, Ulster County. Jannetje ... and Frans ... served as sponsors for some of her children. She was dead by 1719. The other Maritje married 1702 Jacob Keyser at which time she said she was born and resident of Mombachus, Dutchess County. Willemtje ... was sponsor for one of their children. Perhaps one of the Maritjes was ... Maria ... " [John D. Baldwin research, B21] "Some authorities ... insist that there were two daus. in this family both named Mary. The Kingston Church book records a Maria born to Ary Freese with wife not named who was bp. 29 Sept. 1678 at Hurley ... This Maria is purported to be the one who m. Jacob Kyser ... Our personal belief is that the dau. Mary b. 1684 is the one who m. Kyser but we have decided to list them as put forward by [the genealogy column of the Boston Transcript newspaper]. We will call the early Mary the first child but we question whether she belongs to this family." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 134; X39]1680 -- "Probable child, mother unknown: Willemtje born ca 1680, in New York City per marriage record. She was a baptismal sponsor in 1713 for child of Maritje (DeLang) Keyser, one of the two Maritjes ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B21]"... there were two Maritjes associated with the family of Arie Fransen. One married 1706 Johannes Bokee (Boke), 2d 1715 Jan Tomasse. She was born Esopus, Ulster County. Jannetje ... and Frans ... served as sponsors of some of her children. She was dead by 1719. The other Maritje married 1702 Jacob Keyser at which time she said she was born and resident of Mombachus, Dutchess County. Willemtje ... was sponsor for one of their children. Perhaps one of the Maritjes was ... Maria." [John D. Baldwin research, B21]"Jan DeLong was not listed in the 1714 census and was first taxed in the South Ward in Dutchess County in Feb. 1717/18. He was taxed through June 1748 in Beekman and was evidently in Poughquag‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–ўџџџ˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅўџџџЇЈЉЊўџџџЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКўџџџМНОПРўџџџТУФХЦЧШўџџџЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ by 1718 when the Lutheran Church of New York City record states that his daughter Christina Magdelena was 'born at Pachquee.' His assessments were one pound in 1717/18, five pounds in 1720/21, six pounds in 1722 and two pounds in Feb. 1741. He was elected an overseer of the highways in the South Ward on 2 April 1723 and on 7 April 1730 he was elected as 'Survayor along ye Road from Pocghqueick.' He was again elected in 1731 and on 4 April 1732 he was chosen as 'Survayor of the Road from Pegoquayick to the Mill and Water Side.' He served on a jury in May 1747. "He was involved in a number of legal actions: Frans Filkins sued him in May 1737 for 7 pounds, 3 shillings, 9-1/2 pence. He was a customer at this store, as was widow DeLong. ... On 1 Dec. 1741 John Alsop filed suit and was granted a judgment 4 April 1742. He sued William Tanner 16 Oct. 1750 and the case lasted through October 1753. In August 1747 John Simpson was charged with burning a number of shingles belonging to John DeLong, farmer of Beekman ... "We have few records for him or his wife after 1748. It seems likely that he sold his farm and several members of this family went to Pennsylvania." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 144-145; X44]"... the last child of Arie Fransen and his wife. There are no tax listings for Jonas in Dutchess Co, but he was taxed in Kingston at two pounds in Feb. 1718/9 and at three pounds in Jan. 1720/1. ... Jonas DeLong ... born near Brabent (an area of Kingston on the northern side of the present Esopus Creek) ... in 1728 was listed as a freeholder in Kingston. ... "He died between 7 and 12 Aug. 1739. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 147; X45]1713 -- "probably a daughter. She was a sponsor 1713 at baptisms of sons of [her probable brothers] Frans and Jan ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B21]"I remember that she did my mother's hair a few times -- she did marcels, cuts, etc." [Anita E. Axtell note, April 26, 2000] 1924, March 26 -- "Mrs. A.S. DeLong and Donald Morse have disposed of their home on Railroad St. to Mrs. Helen Davis who will take possession at once." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AN] 1926, February 10 -- "Charles Boyce [Maudene's stepfather] of Oneonta spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. DeLong." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AQ]1938, August 2 -- "grandfather lived here [Rensselaerville, New York] and was buried in a burial plot not far from here ... " [Agnes Bennett letter to "Niece" Irene Smith, D78-D79]Both the Fox family ancestry chart [D11] and information listed by Albert S. DeLong [C161] seem to confuse Ebenezer Fox and his son Ebenezer. Dates and marriage information regarding both need clarification. [Lawrence A. DeLong]2002 -- "Schenectady -- Hilton I. Bonney, 70, of 3207 Delmar Ave., Schenectady, passed away Thursday, Jan. 10, 2002, at N. East Center for Special Care, KIngston. "He was born Aug. 14, 1931, in Niskayuna. "He wasўџџџ      !"#$%&'()*+,ўџџџ./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHўџџџJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdўџџџfghijklmnopqўџџџstuvwxyz{|}~€ employed by the General Electric Co., Turbine Division, in the boiler room for 37 years; he retired in 1989. He was a member of the Quarter Century Club of GE. "He was a veteran , serving in the Marines. "He is survived by his mother, Elizabeth (Merwin) Bonney, of Glenville; sons, Hilton Bonney, Jr. of Schenectady, William Bonney, Marcey and Barry Bonney, both of Victory Mills; stepson, Lewis Merwin of Jefferson; and daughters, Sara Jane Porter of Texas and Eliza Althiser of Schenectady. "Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002, at the Bond Funeral Home, Inc. in Schenectady. Service time will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2002, at the funeral home. Burial will be on the Memory's Garden Cemetery, Colonie. "Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Association. ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; F45] 2002, January 14 -- "Schenectady -- Hilton I. Bonney, 69, of Delmar Ave., died Thursday, January 10, 2002, at the Northeast Center for Special Care in Lake Katrine, NY. "Born in Niskayuna, ... for more than 37 years he worked for GE in the turbine division, retiring in 1989. Mr. Bonney was a WWII Marine veteran and a member of the Quarter Century Club of GE. "He is survived by five children, and one step-child: Hilton I. Bonney, Jr. of Schenectady, William W. Bonney of Marcey, Barry E. Bonney of Victory Mills, NY, Sara Jane Porter of Belmont, TX, Eliza Althiser of Schenectady and Lewis Merwin of Jefferson NY; his mother Elizabeth Merwin Bonney of Glenville; two brothers, George Bonney of Schenectady and Harold Bonney of Albany; a sister, Dorothy Pace of Schenectady, 18 grandchildren, one great-grandchild and several nieces and nephews. ..." [Schenectady Gazette; F46-F47]1990 -- "Whitesboro -- Shirley R. Platt, of 20 Westmoreland St., died October 13, 1990, at Faxton-Children's Hospital. She was born July 20, 1919, the daughter of Arthur and Cornelia Lomax. She was educated in Whitesboro Schools and married to Alfred S. Platt, Jr., on January 12, 1941, in Washington Mills. Shirley was employed by Horrocks-Ibbotson and operated the Whitesboro News and Coffee Shop and was the present director of the Whitestown Senior Center. She was a member of the Whitesboro Presbyterian Church, the H.H. Winchell Post of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and a member and past president of the Whitestown American Legion Post #1113 Auxiliary. Besides her husband, she is survived by a daughter Marie (Platt) Sabino, of Marcy; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Margaret Platt, of Whitesboro; five grandchildren, Stephen Sabino, Sondra Sabino, Tanya (Platt) Grosnick, Dana (Platt) Carlson and Shawn Platt and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be Tuesday morning at 10:00 at the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Whitesboro, with Rev. John R. Sisley, Jr., officiating. Interment will be in Grandview Cemetery, Whitesboro." [Obituary, J103]"A little to the east along Main Street [in Worcester, New York] and across from the Congregational Church was the home of Nathaniel H. Wilder. ... at 151 Main Street ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 32] "...[The later Civil War General Delevan Bates got] a job as a clerk in Nathaniel H. Wilder's general store [about 1856] at age 16..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 45] "Later, after a fund-raising drive was conducted [in 1887 for the new fire department], it was decided to name the company after the most generous contributor. Nathaniel H. Wilder gave a check for $100 plus a new hose cart. So the company became the Wilder Hose Company." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 166] A portrait of Nathaniel H. Wilder appears on page 100 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester."James B. Cooley built his harness shop in 1849 at 124 Main Street [in Worcester, New York]. It was located across the street from where Cooley built his home. The first issue of The Worcester Times advertised Cooley's harnesses, made by hand, as well as zinc Saratoga trunks, zinc and leather satchels and ladies' and gents' walking bags. Upon Cooley's death, his son Charles H. took charge of the business. Following Charles' death, James Tabor purchased the stock and leased the shop. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 71-72; photographs on page 73] "In the fall of 1850 James Cooley and his wife Sally, a daughter of Silas Crippen, were among the first to have a building on their lot ... at 131 Main Street. Cooley, a harness maker, had a shop across Main Street from his house." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31]"... these ... men were able to obtain tracts of land in the later hamlet of Worcester [New York] between 1845 and 1850: ... Harrison Crippen $1,600 ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31] "Later, at the location of the present Nelson's Garage [68 Main Street], a house was built where Silas Crippen's grandson Harrison lived. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 34]"George B. Crippen, brother of Edward, became the fourth president [of the Bank of Worcester, New York] in 1906. A descendant of Silas Crippen, the Revolutionary War soldier who had settled at‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”ўџџџ–ўџџџ˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉўџџџЋЌ­ЎЏАБўџџџГДЕЖЗИЙКЛўџџџНўџџџПўџџџСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬўџџџЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђўџџџєѕіїўџџџљўџџџћўџџџ§ўџўџџџ Tusculum in 1787, Crippen had started with the bank in September 1886 at the age of 21. He was appointed assistant cashier the following year and then succeeded John B. Holmes as cashier. In 1895 he was elected director. Crippen was president of the bank from 1906 until his death in 1955, at which time he was the oldest active bank president in the entire United States,having served 69 years with the institution." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 100, with photo] "...These 'orthodox' or 'reform' Presbyterians conducted services at The Wieting, and later at the home of George B. Crippen at 10 Cook Street. When Crippen died in April 1955 he deeded his home to Rev. Rankin, but the church gradually broke up and the clergyman sold the house in 1962." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 141] 1876, August 3 -- Marriage date is obviously erroneousMarriage date is obviously erroneous1928 -- "Jacob E. Belden of East Worcester receives the residuary estate left by his brother, the late John Arthur Belden, according to a report issued by the New York state transfer tax department at New York yesterday. He will receive $82,135. A gift of $200 goes to a niece, Sarah Freese, of East Worcester. "Mr. Belden died July 9, 1928 leaving an estate which was appraised today at $92,118 gross value net $83,335. Additional bequests of $500 go to Daniel D. Lusk of Yonkers and Leona E. Hotchkiss of Junius, S.D. Mr. Lusk and John F. Kenny are executors." [Newspaper article, L73]"perhaps. Seversmith ['Colonial Families of Long Island'] made this placement, finding no better place for a Simon of Horseneck. He would have been first son and named for paternal grandfather." [John D. Baldwin research, B27]1760 --- "...d. quite young. Widow Mary, father-in-law Lawrence Losee and Abraham Adriaens were executors of his will 1760. Will names wife Maryah, nephew Jacobus son of Benjamin Van Der Water. (a widow Mary Van der Water of 1758 does not belong here; see aunt Maritje ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B27]Marriage "perhaps" to Anna Losee (John D. Baldwin)1788 -- Will [John D. Baldwin research, B27]"... [Jonas] was probably the man who served in Cooper's Rangers ... He removed to Schagticoke probably after 1783 and apparently died there before 1786 [1787?] when it appears his widow bp. a son [Jonas] in D[utchess] C[ounty] at the First Reformed Church of Fishkill. He was noted as dec'd in his father's will in 1797." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 188-189; X66]"... The widow Ann was listed in Beekman in 1810 at 2-0-1-0-0 and 0-2-1-0-0 with 3 horses, 3 cattle, 12 sheep, 1 loom and 50 yards of cloth. She was between Isaac Holmes and John DeLong. "There are two mortgages of record affecting [Richard's] estate: on 5 March 1814 Anna DeLong, widow, and Francis Losee DeLong and Sally of Beekman gave a mortgage of $1077.50 to Stephen Montfort of Fishkill on the farm of the late Richard DeLong, dec'd. The widow Anna had one third and she bought the rights of John Jackson and Parlina, Joseph Vincent and Sally, and John DeLong and Maria, heirs. There were 3 undivided 8th parts and Francis had 1/8th. The property was 105-3/4 acres and James DeLong and Joshua Baker were witnesses. ... On 18 September 1818 Anna DeLong, widow of Richard DeLong of Beekman, and Happy DeLong, mortgaged for $479.62 105 acres 3 roods and 12 perches of land to James DeLong. Also included was land Anna DeLong bought of John DeLong, son of Richard DeLong and the rights of Joseph Vincent and Sally. John Jackson and Paulina and Francis L. DeLong and Sally. The witnesses were Asahel Hall and Wheeler Gilbert. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 191; X67]"[Rachel] was probably deceased by 1797 and not mentioned in her father's will." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 175; X59]"... Richard DeLong was noted as his son-in-law in the will of Francis Losee of Beekman Precinct, dated 10 March 1788. ... Richard served in the 5th Regiment under Col. William Humphrey for 10 days in September and October 1777 and was paid 17 shillings, sixpence. "He was involved in several court actions. He was fined 10 pounds for a misdemeanor in 1780. ... On 13 October 1786 he was in an ejection suit, evidently brought by Stephen Townsend and Henry Hilliker. ... On 1 Sept. 1798 Mary Ferguson and Nelly Losee were indicted for assault and battery and pleaded not guilty. George Losee and Richard Delong were bound in appearance bonds of $200. ... "He was in Beekman at 1-1-3 and 1 slave in 1790 and was between Samuel Cypher and Samuel Ferguson. In 1799 he was taxed in Beekman on a house and land worth $1312.50 and personal property valued at $530. In 1800 he was listed as 1-1-0-1-0 and 2-2-0-1-0-0 and he was between Lattin Morey and Jeremiah Hunt. "He had taken a lease on 'Wilkies' farm 3 April 1783. ... He sent a letter to W. Kockburn (Cockburn) regarding this farm: 'Sir my father hath sent me to you hous to see about some Land that you have promised him[.] If you could get Madim Levenstons comment that you might sell The Farm of Mr. Wilkey if it is so that you can sell it I should be very glad, and would make a spedy payment for it and would give you my fathers Bond for the remainder of the money. Sir I Would be able (?) To pay you forty pounds of the money down. March th 14 Dom 1783. Richard D.Long, son of Area D Long' "Cockburn noted on the back of the letter, '14 March 1783, Richd DeLong Relating to Wilkies farm ____ promised with ML consent -- for 150 pounds, a lease for 3 lives' ... "Richard DeLong lived near Sylvan Lake next to Hezekiah Rogers and the road from the Clove to Fishkill Landing ... and purchased a farm of 105 acres in lot 10 of the Poughquag Purchase on 22 March 1802 from Edward Livingston for $900. ... From 1790 through 17 Oct. 1799 he paid 200-1/2 bushels rent. He was a customer at the Dirck Brinkerhoff store in Fishkill ca. 1795. ... "He was an executor of his father-in-law's will in Beekman in 1792. ... He probably had eight children as mortgage 20:83 indicates that the farm of Richard DeLong, late of Beekman was divided into eight rights among his heirs. ... James DeLong of Beekman was appointed guardian of his nephew Jonas, born 1803, after the death of his father. ... "He died 14 December 1808 and letters of Administration were granted to his widow Anna 22 Dec. 1808. James and Israel DeLong and John F. Losee were on a $2,000 bond with her. ... The widow Ann was listed in Beekman in 1810 at 2-0-1-0-0 and 0-2-1-0-0 with 3 horses, 3 cattle, 12 sheep, 1 loom and 50 yards of cloth. She was between Isaac Holmes and John DeLong. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 189-190; X66-X67]"Resided Beekman" [John D. Baldwin research, B28]This marriage is probable (John D. Baldwin)Probable daughter of Lawrence Losee and Rachel Delong. "A Rachel md. Moses Barker" [John D. Baldwin research, B28]"East Worcester, Feb. 12 -- Emery J. Babcock, a prominent resident of East Worcester, passed peacefully away Saturday at 10:45. Mr. Babcock had been ailing for some months with diabetes, prior to a fall on June 12 last which resulted in a fracture of the leg which had confined him to his bed since that time. "On December 25, 1932, he suffered a nervous shock and while he partially recovered from it he had gradually failed in health until his death. "Mr. Babcock was born on a farm in the town of Westford on June 20, 1855, the son of the late Eli I. and Dolly S. Woodin Babcock and was of the eighth generation descended from Captain James Babcock, who came from England and settled at Portsmouth, L.I. about 1640. "His father died when he was nearly 13 years of age, and, being the eldest of four children, upon him fell the management of the farm. Ambitious and persevering he met success. Mr. Babcock was one of the largest land owners in this part of the state, his real estate holdings being principally in Otsego and Schoharie counties and he was a busy man looking after his land interests. "About 50 years ago he came in possession of the Colonel Lionel Sheldon estate at East Worcester which was his home for more than 35 years. In 1917 he and his family moved to East Worcester village, where they have since resided. He was a member of the East Worcester Methodist Episcopal church for many years and a regular attendant, as long as his health permitted. "... He was united in marriage on November 15, 1881, to Hattie R. Dauley of Richmondville, who survives, together with six children, Dayton Babcock, who resides on the Babcock homestead at East Worcester, Mrs. Harry Waid and Mrs. Ray Potter of Worcester, Miss Ora Babcock of Syracuse, Wayne Babcock of Schenectady and Lynn Babcock of Hornell; seven grandchildren, five great grandchildren, and one brother, Frank E. Babcock, of Rensselaer, Ind. "The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. from his late home, Rev. E.L. Martin of Worcester officiating, due to the illness of Rev. W.H. Brown of East Worcester. "Interment will be made in the family plot in East Worcester cemetery beside his two daughters, Miss A__ Babcock and Miss Bessie Babcock, who died several years ago." [Obituary of Emery J. Babcock, O50]      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456ўџџџ89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRўџџџTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€1991 -- "Schenectady -- Mrs. Ora (Babcock) Frawley, 93, of Schenectady, died at Chase Memorial Nursing Home, New Berlin, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1991. She had been in declining health since a stroke in April. "She was born July 17, 1898, in East Worcester, the youngest child of Emery J. Babcock and Harriet (Dauley) Babcock. She was predeceased by four sisters, Bessie and Anna Babcock, Edith B. Waid and Ethel B. Potter, and by three brothers, Lynn, Wayne and Dayton. "She married Matthew B. Frawley of Palermo in 1938 and thereafter lived for a time in Skaneateles, later moving to Schenectady. He died on May 24, 1965. She continued to operate their apartment house on Chrisler Avenue, Schenectady, for many years until she retired a year and a half ago to the Juhasz Adult Home in Schenevus. "She was a past member of the former East Worcester Methodist Episcopal Church. "Surviving are several nieces and nephews, including Mrs. Eunasia (Babcock) Lawrence of Schenectady; Mrs. Marion (Potter) Osterhoudt of Cooperstown; Mary Ellen Babcock of Oneonta; Harriet Babcock of East Worcester; Luman Emery Babcock of Cudahy, Wis.; Robert D. Babcock of Wells Bridge; and several great-nieces and great-nephews. "Also surviving are a stepson, Kenneth Frawley of Newport, Vt., and a cousin, Mrs. Anita (Griswold) Axtell of Maryland. "A gravesite memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Oct. 2 at the Lower Cemetery, East Worcester, with the Rev. John Phillippe, pastor, East Worcester United Methodist Church, officiating. "Those who wish may make contributions to the East Worcester United Methodist Women. "Arrangements are by the Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester." [Obituary of Ora Frawley, D14 and O49]1989 -- "Ethel B. Potter, 97, of Woodside Hall, Cooperstown, formerly of Worcester, died Thursday, June 8 at Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown. "She was born Aug. 22, 1891, in East Worcester, daughter of Emery J. and Harriet (Dauley) Babcock. She married Raymond G. Potter April 6, 1920, in Worcester. He died on June 18, 1987. She was a housewife and a member of the First Baptist Church of East Worcester. "She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Homer (Marion) Osterhoudt of Cooperstown; one sister, Mrs. Matthew (Ora) Frawley of Schenectady; one grandson and one great granddaughter. "Funeral services were held Monday, June 12 at the Skinner Funeral Home in Worcester, with the Rev. Clyde Petrie, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Cooperstown, officiating. Burial was at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester." [Obituary of Ethel Potter, O49]"Raymond Potter served the town [of Worcester, New York] for 39 years as a barber. He was born in Worcester in 1888 and learned the barber trade from jeweler Au‚ƒ„…ўџџџ‡ˆўџџџŠ‹ŒўџџџŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžўџџџ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУўџџџХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзўџџџйклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэўџџџя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџstin Wilber. Potter had his own two-chair shop in the Victory block for a time and then moved to a room in the Central Hotel (now Worcester Inn) in 1913. He remained there until he sold the business and equipment. "An important part of every barber shop in the early 1900s was the array of shaving mugs, many of them engraved with gold leaf, belonging to the customers. "The hair cutting was done with hand clippers and the shaving with an old-fashioned straight razor. A strop was fastened to the barber chair ready to sharpen the razor. Sometimes it was necessary to use a hone (a fine whetstone) when the razor became dull. Potter charged 20 cents for a haircut, and a shave was a whole dime. His charge for cutting women's hair was 35 cents. Women customers often brought along a copy of the McCalls magazine to show him a short style they would like copied. "Potter taught the barber trade to several other men. Shop hours were long, from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on weeknights. Saturday hours were from 7:00 A.M. until midnight because the electric lights were turned off at that time in the early 1900s. Saturday night was a big night in town in the summer. There was always a band concert in front of the hotel. Nearly every family planned to come to town, do their grocery shopping for the week, get all of the kids' haircuts from Potter's barbershop and listen to the concert." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 201-202]"... dau. of James of Pierstown-?" [John D. Baldwin research, B12010, July 31 -- "Cooperstown -- Marion Elizabeth (Potter) Osterhoudt, 88, died Friday, July 30, 2010. "She was born in Worcester, on April 13, 1922, the daughter of Raymond George Potter and Ethel (Babcock) Potter. "She graduated from the Worcester Central School with the class of 1938 and she continued some post graduate courses in 1939. Thereafter, she attended the Mildred Elley School in Albany, graduating in 1940 as a secretary. "Marion married Homer M. Osterhoudt in Worcester's Second Baptist Church on June 16, 1946, and they moved to Cooperstown. In 1949, they had a home built at 2 Walnet Street in Cooperstown, living there until they moved to the Cooper Lane Apartments on Chestnut Street in 2005. "In 1940, Marion began working for the Otsego County Welfare Office in Cooperstown. Thereafter, at various times she also worked in the Otsego County Clerk's Office, the Motor Vehicles and Otsego County Surrogate's offices. She also worked at Murdock's Hardware Co. in Oneonta, part-time at Bruce Hall Corp. in Cooperstown and at the Clark Foundation Scholarship Office in Cooperstown. She retired from work outside the home in 1989. "She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Cooperstown, having become a member in 1949. She held various church offices, taught Sunday School, was a member of the Couples Club, Baptist Women's Guild and headed the church's rumage sale for many years. She was a former member of the VFW Auxiliary, Criterion Club and was presently a member of the Native Daughters of Cooperstown. She also served as a volunteer at Bassett Hospital for a number of years. "She and her husband enjoyed dancing and they joined the Doubleday Dancers Western Square Dance Club in 1971. They traveled to Hawaii in 1985 with the club and enjoyed dancing in that tropical paradise. They also danced in Missouri and Florida as well as many other places in the U.S. and enjoyed cruises to Alaska, the Caribbean and the Bahamas. "In 1990, they purchased a mobile home in Wood Dale Mobile Home Park in Zephyrhills, Fla. They sold that home in 2005 after spending 17 winters there. "Marion is survived by her husband, Homer; a son, Darrell Osterhoudt and his wife, Priscilla of Springfield, Va., and a granddaughter, Dana Osterhoudt of Springfield, Mo. "Funeral services for Marion will be at 2 p.m. Sunday. Aug. 1, at the First Baptist Church in Cooperstown with the Rev. Douglas Deer, pastor, officiating. ... A private burial will be in the family plot in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester, at a later date. "In lieu of flowers, friends are asked to consider donations to either the American Heart Association ... or the First Baptist Church ... Cooperstown ... "Arrangements are under the supervision of Tillapaugh Funeral Services ... " [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; O49A-O49B]61]1809 -- "Sarah Maria Lent, b. ca 1809, dau. of James Lent of Pierstown(?). ..." [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D46]1880, November 19 -- "Died -- At the home of his parents, in Tuscalon, Nov. 13, 1880. Lewellyn, only son of Dayton Delong, aged ten years and eight months, of kidney disease. His illness was brief but severe. "He was a lad of more than ordinary mental capacity, gentle and well mannered, and a favorite with all who knew him. "The funeral services took place from the house Monday, one o'clock p.m. Rev. A. Peloubet officiating. The remains were interred in Maple Grove Cemetery." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times, C96G]"Cora m. Hubert, Carney, Boynton (?) "a) Harold (son) "b)Florence (dau.) m. H.P. Johnson" [Frances C. Johnson research, E19] 1908, February 27 -- "Judson Goodenough has sold his 40-acre farm at Tuscan to Mrs. Cora Hubert of Oneonta for $1,700. The place will be occupied by Howard DeLong of Oneonta. Mr. Goodenough gives possession April first, when he will move to this village and occupy the rooms in Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson's house where Wm. Shepard now resides." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96N] 1942, November 18 -- "Obituary for Cora E. Boynton. She was the widow of George I. Boynton and died in Tuscan. Dau. of Dayton and Catherine Smith DeLong. Born Worcester Dec. 12, 1875. She lived in Freeport LI and later Worcester. Funeral held at Skinner funeral home. Interred Glenwood Cem. Oneonta. Mem. of the Brethren organization of the town. Surviving are dau. Mrs. H.B. Johnson of Freeport LI, three grandchildren: Barbara, Hubert and Jean Jihnson; her mother Mrs. Catherine Crippen of Worcester and brother, Howard DeLong of Oneonta. Died last Wednesday [November 11]." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BN]1906, August 9 -- "D&H engineer Chas. Hubert was instantly killed in the railroad yard at Binghamton at 9:30 o'clock Monday morn§џџџ‚ ƒ „ … ‡ ч ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž  Џ ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў ўџџџА Б ц Г Д Е Ж З И Й К ўџџџМ Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б ўџџџг д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ўџџџш  щ ъ ы ь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї  §џџџњ ћ ќ § ў џ ing. He stood on the rear of the tank of his engine No. 524, which was moving slowly, when the open door of a refrigerator car on the next track, going in the opposite direction, struck him upon the left side of the head and killed him instantly. The engineer resided in Oneonta. He leaves a wife and two children, Harold, aged 11 and Florence, 2 years old. His wife was Miss Cora DeLong of Worcester, a niece of Oscar DeLong of this town." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96C]1917, July 11 -- "Mrs. Clarence Putnam of Worcester was the guest of her brother, Howard DeLong of Oneonta, last Friday. Her niece, Miss Marion DeLong, returned home with her for a visit of several weeks." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AE] 1941, November 5 -- "Obit: Elizabeth A. Putnam, wife of Clarence A. Putnam. Died at Tuscan. Dau. of Dayton and Katherine Smith DeLong. Born June 19, 1877 Westford. Married Putnam on Oct. 14, 1895. Mother of Mrs. Mildred Morrison and grandmother of John Morrison. Dau. of Mrs. Katherine Crippen (still alive); sister of Mrs. George I. Boynton of Roosevelt NY and Howard DeLong of Oneonta. Interred Worcester." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times; C96BL]1908, March 9 -- "Howard DeLong of Oneonta spent time the past w     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567ўџџџ9ўџџџ;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLўџџџNOPQRSTўџџџVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€eek with his sister Mrs. Clarence Putnam." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96N] 1908, July 30 -- "A 10 pound boy was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Howard DeLong." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O] 1910, December 1 -- "Howard DeLong mangled the forefinger of his left hand in a corn cutter on Monday. Foreman Lyons gave him a ride up the track on the handcart and Dr. Genung dressed the wounds. The finger will be saved." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96R] 1912, June 5 -- "Born, May 31, to Mr. & Mrs. Howard DeLong, a daughter. Weight, nine pounds." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96W] 1913, January 8 -- "Under Vital stats of the Town of Worcester, 1912, May 21, 1912 to Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. DeLong, a daughter." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X] 1913, July 30 -- "B.W. Waterman paid Howard DeLong $19.10 for a veal calf, the largest veal up to date. Briggs said there was no skim milk in the deal." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X]1850 -- "age 7" [John D. Baldwin research, B151] "DeLong, Gibson W. -- Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1862, at Maryland, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. F, August 22, 1862; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged for disability, February 9, 1863." [Patricia S. Hoye notes from the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, No. 36, 49; C59A] 1865 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists Gibson as 22 M, child of Alanson and Mary Delong, Farm Laborer, born in Otsego County. It says that he enlisted in the 121st New York Volunteers in August, 1861 as a corporal for three years and re-enlisted on August 15, 1863 as a private in Co. D of the 3rd New York Cavalry. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60D] 1878 -- "William S. Delong, sergt., enl. in Co. F, 121st Regt., Aug. 6, 1862; in battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg; dis. in Feb. 1863." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 182; C58 and E21] Could he be the son or nephew of Alanson DeLong? Could he be Gibson? 1999 -- The name of Gibson W. DeLong appears on a Soldiers' Monument plaque in the Schenevus, N.Y. Cemetery honoring Civil War veterans. [Lawrence A. DeLong]2002, December 30 -- "A simple newspaper article we read sometimes can change the course of our lives. "Something similar happened to Harriet Babcock of East Worcester in 1943. Harriet was working at a General Electric defense plant in Schenectady that year. But her mother clipped out an article in the Oneonta Star about a new nursing program at Hartwick College and sent it to Harriet, prompting Harriet to leave her job and enroll in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps. "As it turns out, Harriet was one of the original graduates of the local course. Once the Pearl Harbor disaster took place in December 1941, scores of Hartwick College students enrolled in the armed forces or were drafted. By autumn 1943, enrollment was about 100 students, and almost all of them were women. Hartwick College might have closed if it hadn't been selected for the new government program, to train members of the new Cadet Nurse Corps for duty in the armed services or in public health. "In 1943, there were no online applications or college fairs through which students could check out prospective colleges. A lot of recruitment came by word-of-mouth. Getting a prospective student to come to your school at that time was much like the aggressive techniques used today by football or basketball coaches ... "Babcock said she remembers how just inquiring about the new program brought an unexpected visit within a few days to her East Worcester home from Dr. Herman Keiter, of Hartwick College. "'He was there to recruit me,' Babcock recalls, 'because most of the civilian nurses had gone on to the service, so we were needed to help the civilian population at the time, and to go on to some type of military service afterwards.' "For the Cadet Corps nurses, the government paid the tuition. "Babcock had all but given up on going to college, which is why she went to work in Schenectady during the war. She had applied to the State Normal School in Cortland while at high school, with the goal of becoming a physical education teacher. She said she was rejected, because she allegedly wasn't 'college material.' "Apparently Dr. Keiter at Hartwick thought otherwise. "'I quit my job in Schenectady on Friday and started at Hartwick the following Monday,' Babcock recalled. "That July, Hartwick College had only the original building: Science Hall, later called Bresee Hall. Babcock lived down the hill in a large house on Weidman Place with other students, as there were no dorms. She recalled a lady who supervised the building, requiring all students to be in by 9 p.m. each day. But even then, she and other students had ways of sneaking out, undetected, to go to some corner stores in the area. They didn't sneak out on dates, because all the guys were overseas. "Students would walk up Oyaron Hill to classes each day. Babcock also spent some classtime and practice sessions over at Homer Folks Hospital. "The Hartwick Experience took Harriet to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Batavia for six months. After the war, she went on to work at hospitals in Hancock and Margaretville. She also pursued a college education at Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and she later earned a master's degree in Pittsburgh, Pa. "The Hartwick nursing program later became a four-year program, and it was accredited in 1948. Otherwise, Babcock said, she would've gone on with her education locally. "Edith Lacey, who was head of the nursing school when Babcock attended Hartwick, urged her nurses to seek further college degrees. Babcock's career took her to public health nursing positions in Chenango County, Binghamton and Utica. She finished her career by teaching nursing for 20 years at the State University College of Agriculture and Technology at Morrisville." [Oneonta Daily Star; O124] 2009, June 18 -- "East Worcester -- Harriet Babcock, 84, passed away Tuesday, June 16, 2009, at Otsego Manor. "She was born June 28, 1924, in Oneonta, the daughter of Dayton E. and Clarice (Hughson) Babcock. "Harriet was educated in the East Worcester and Worcester school systems. She then went onto the United States Cadet Nurse Corps at Hartwick College, being in the first graduating class of nurses, and who also recently celebrated 60 years of the nursing program. "Harriet continued her studies at Western Reserve University in Ohio, where she received her registered nurse degree, then earned her master's degree in public health at the University of Pittsburgh. "Harriet was a longtime public health nurse, and supervising nurse for Chenango County, thenn becoming supervising nurse for the Central New York district. She later became a professor of nursing at SUNY Morrisville. "Harriet was a member, lay leader and church historian for the East Worcester United Methodist Church. She was on the board of trustees for the Bank of Richmondville and the East Worcester Cemetery Association. "Harriet established the Clarice Hughson Babcock Scholarship at the Worcester Central School, andv the Harriet Babcock Nursing Scholarship at Hartwick College. "She was nominated for the Otsego County Women of Distinction Award for her civic involvement and humanitarian causes. Her long history of political and social activism and her legacy of kindness and charity have been an inspiration to many people. Her kindness and charity are well known and respected by all whose lives she has touched. Harriet is greatly respected and dearly loved by legions of family, colleagues and friends. "She is survived by numerous loving nieces, nephews and cousins. "Harriet was predeceased by two brothers, Luman E. Babcock and Robert D. Babcock, Sr. "Calling hours will be from 10 a.m. to the service time at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 20, 2009, at the East Worcester United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Nancy Dulkis, pastor, officiating. "Interment will follow in the Babcock family plot in the East Worcester Cemetery, Route 7, East Worcester. "In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in loving memory of Harriet to the Clarice Hughson Babcock Scholarship Fund ... or to the East Worcester United Methodist Church ... The E.J. Skinner Co., 155 Main St., Worcester, is serving the family." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; O210] 2009, Fall/Winter -- "In Memoriam -- Harriet Babcock 1924-2009: Harriet Babcock '46, friend of the Hartwick College Department of Nursing, died at Otsego Manor on June 16, 2009. Harriet entered the first Cadet Nurse Corps class at Hartwick and was the first nurse 'capped' at Hartwick. "Harriet continued her education at Western Reserve University and the University at Pittsburgh, where she earned her master's degree. She was a community health nurse in Chenango County, a supervising nurse for the Central New York district, and a professor of nursing at SUNY Morrisville. "Perrie Saxton, former Chair of the Department, remembers Harriet's alumni involvement and interest in students and the program. An early advocate of Baccalaureate and continuing education for women, she established the Harriet Babcock Nursing Scholarship, awarded annually to a non-traditional rising Nursing senior transfer student or RN student pursuing a baccalaureate degree. "The RN Mobility program decided to document the Cadet Nurse Corps story at Hartwick for its senior thesis project, and Harriet's involvement in the videotaping sessions, luncheons, and the Research Evening Dinner was invaluable to students presenting this project. Her cap was hand-embroidered with 'HC' by the founder of the Cadet Nursing program, Edith Lacy, and a friend when the caps did not arrive as ordered, and has been donated to the College Archives." [Hartwick Nursing News; O212]From Sacramento, California (Donald Cattell obituary)2011, May 2 -- "They [Gary and Laurie] lived in Clarksville Tenn. and were visiting family June 30, 1996 with 6-week-old Garret when a drunk driver ran a stop sign and critically injured all in the car. Gary couldn't handle the situation and divorce followed. In June of 2000 another motor vehicle accident [occurred] involving Laurie and 4-year-old Garret. Laurie has been in a vegetative state since 2000; she and Garret have been cared for by Larry and I since. We are guardians to both. Garret is a strapping 15-yr.-old adolescent 6'2" and 280 pounds." [Donna Pensabene; S55]1976, October 25 -- "Time and place of service "Monday, October 25, 1976 "New ColoniA photograph of Edward Smith's house outside Cornwallville, New York appears on page T176. Two others, and two photographs of the Cornwallville schoolhouse, appear on page T178; "... Although some members of our Smith family have tied our Edward into the Thomas Smith family of Connecticut who were early settlers of the Cornwallville area, I feel that this is incorrect. Our Edward was definitely the son of a Bela Smith (confusion may have been caused in family lines because there were Bela Smiths in the Connecticut Thomas Smith family) and Margaret VanOrden wo are both buried in the Cornwallville cemetery. Margaret VanOrden was of a West Camp (near the Hudson River) farm family which has resided in that area for generations. Although we do not know it, it is very likely that our Bela was also born in that area (or worked there) and after his marriage to the VanOrden lady moved to the Cornwallville area for Edward had at least one brother, Basil, also living near Cornwallville. ... [Hours to Cover Years, 2; T302] "Edward Smith ... had built his hill home on a corner of the Matthew property [on the road between Cornwallville and Paddocks Corners]. Daddy Smith had a few acres around his home and kept a few animals and chickens but his main job was being the caretaker of the Matthew estate. The Matthews were wealthy people from New York City or thereabouts who had made their money by inventing the first soda fountain some years before and they maintained their town of Durham property as a summer home. ... Previous to this job, Daddy Smith was self-employed, hauling freight by team and wagon between the Cornwallville area and the railroads at Catskill and Cairo (On Daddy Smith's hill property there was an extra barn used for hay storage which was located some distance from the house. Once when Daddy Smith went to get hay, he discovered that a car had been put in the barn without his knowing. On reporting it to the police, it turned out that the car belonged to Jack (Legs) Diamond, a notrorious gangster of that period who hung out around the Catskill-Cairo area.). Early in the 1920's, Daddy and Grandma Smith sold this hill farm and bought a house in the village near our home." [Hours to Cover Years, 2; T302]" ... I was named for my mother's father as well as for his father. I also received my middle name, Edward, from my father's father. ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 2; T302] 1959 -- Board member, Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company, Syracuse, New York; Officer 1964; Executive Vice-President and then Acting President 1965 [Hours, 17, 21-22; T317, T321-322] 1966 -- "Matthias E. Smith, acting President of Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company since the death of Alvin E. Hanson, was formally elected President of the Company by the Board of Directors on June 21, 1966. "Mr. Smith came to the Company as Executive Vice President on March 1, 1965 after serving on the Board of Directors since 1959. He has been active in all areas of management, having served on all important Company activities. "Previous to this time, Mr. Smith was engaged in a family dairy enterprise in Otsego County where he was active in many civic, fraternal and church groups. "With a deep interest in the Grange, the sponsoring organization behind Farmers and Traders, Mr. Smith has served the fraternity on all levels. A past Master of his local and county Grange units, he was an officer of the New York State Grange for eight years. At the present time, he is serving as a member of the National Grange Centennial Committee as well as a member of its Health Committee. "Also active in Masonic circles, Mr. Smith is a past Master of his local lodge, a past District Deputy of the Otsego-Schoharie Masonic district as well as a member of Oneonta Chapter #277, RAM; and Otsego Commandery #76, Knights Templar. "In the Syracuse area, Mr. Smith is a member of Syracuse Kiwanis Club, the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce, the Methodist Church of Fayetteville and is affiliated with the local association of Life Underwriters. "Mr. Smith resides with his wife at 125 Euclid Drive, Fayetteville. Their one son, Lowell, is a member of the class of 1966 at Cornell University where he is connected with the Marine ROTC program." [The Broadcast, Special Bulletin, T291] 1970's -- Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Farmers and Traders; led company from 1966 to 1979; retired August 30, 1979; left Board December 1983. (Hours, 22-23; T322-T323] 1997, February 21 -- Matt Smith completed writing an autobiographical account titled "Hours to Cover Years." 1997 -- "Gilbert and I were born in the little hamlet of Cornwallville, town of Durham, Greene County, N.Y., the only children of Albert and Minnie (France) Smith. "In Cornwallville, there were four distinct families of Smiths, unrelated except through Adam and Eve. "1. Addison & Truman Smith families "2. Clarence and Jay Smith families. These [first two groups] might have been related to each other. "3. Descendants of the Thomas Smith family ... [including] a son BELA who had a son BELA, Jr. ... "4. My Smith family, locally headed by a BELA Smith who married a Margaret VanOrden. Our BELA Smith was the father of Edward Smith, my grandfather ... "... I will continue with my personal opinion regarding the confusion caused by so many BELA Smiths ..." [Matthias E. Smith, T297; full account appears in Notes under Bela T. Smith] 2006, September 14 -- "Matthias E. Smith, 92, of Fayetteville, died Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2006, at the Community General Hospital in Syracuse. "He was born Aug. 30, 1914, in Cornwallville, the son of Albert E. and Minnie A. (France) Smith. "He married Charlotte Snyder of East Worcester on Oct. 8, 1937, in Binghamton. She died April 9, 2002. "In 1926, he moved with his parents to Worcester, and after finishing his schooling, he joined his father and brother in the operation of the family farm and retail milk business, Smiths' Jersey Dairy. "Always active in the Grange organization, he served as Master of the Worcester Grange and Otsego County Pomona Grange as well as 11 years as a state Grange officer. In 1959, he was elected a director of Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company (a Grange-sponsored company) and in 1965, he moved to Fayetteville to join the home office of the company in Syracuse. "In 1966, he was elected president of the company and served as its chief executive officer until 1979, when he retired. After his retirement, he and his wife returned to Worcester, spending the summers there and winters in Bradenton, Fla. In 1996, they moved into an adult retirement home in Syracuse. "During his entire adult life, Mr. Smith was active in the United Methodist Church as well as the Masonic organization in which he held membership in the Schenevus Valley Lodge No. 592 (a past master and a past district deputy grand master of the Otsego-Schoharie District), Oneonta Chapter RAM, Otsego Commandery and the Syracuse area Shrine. "He is survived by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Judith B. Smith; granddaughters, Mrs. Ellen (Keith) Butler and Dr. Jill Smith; great-granddaughters, Allison and Joanna Butler; sister-in-law, Mrs. Leah Wright; cousin, Mrs. Connie Brown; and several nieces and nephews. "He was predeceased by his son, Lowell E. Smith; and his daughter, Jeanne Smith. "A Masonic service and the funeral service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006, at the United Methodist Church, Main Street, Worcester. ... Interment will follow in the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in Matthias Smith's memory to the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage, Central New York Community Foundation, Inc., 500 South Salina St., Syracuse NY 13202 or the Wieting Memorial Association, PO Box 472, Worcester NY 12197. " ... The E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, 155 Main Street, in Worcester, is serving the family." [Oneonta Daily Star; T352] "...When Charlotte's sister Leah was born on August 2, 1923, Charlotte's mother died as a result of child birth. With hired help, Guy maintained the home for Charlotte and her sister. Charlotte's father died April 24, 1934, the year that Charlotte was a senior in high school. This left Charlotte and her sister without any relatives in East Worcester except for their step grandmother, Mrs. Rancie Snyder. Charlotte's uncle, an attorney, and his wife, a school teacher (Virgil and Ella Guernsey in Richmond Hill, Long Island) decided that the girls should live with them. This plan was carried out but Leah soon left and returned to East Worcester to live with her step grandmother. Charlotte, however, remained with her uncle and attended Brown Business School in Jamaica and took secretarial courses. ... Upon completion of her schooling, Charlotte looked for work in New York City with no luck and then desperate to get away from there, she went to live with her aunt, Mrs. Hazel Morehouse and her husband, Rev. Harry Morehouse in DeFreestville near Albany. Although Charlotte tried in vain for permanent work in that area, nothing was found except for a temporary job at Montgomery Ward's in advance of the 1935 Christmas season. In January 1936, Charlotte heard through a friend of a vacacncy in the Wilber National Bank in Oneonta. She applied for the job and during her interview with Mr. Edward Crippen, the president of the bank, he told her that he had once bought a horse from her grandfather. The horse must have been a good one for Charlotte got the job ... [She] continued there ... until our first child was about to be born." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 19; T319] 1997 -- "... In 1989, upon the occasion of its hundredth anniversary, the WCS Alumni Association authorized the publication of a history of the central school, and of the common school districts that preceded it. Charlotte S. Smith researched and wrote this booklet, Here's to You, Worcester Schools, with the additional sponsorship and support of the Worcester Historical Society." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 154] 1997 -- "Charlotte S. Smith, an East Worcester native, and Henry W. ('Bud') Cooley ... have specialized in the history of Worcester schools." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 189] 2002, April 11 -- "Syracuse -- Charlotte S. Smith, 85, of Syracuse, died Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at the Iroquois Nursing Home in Jamesville. "She was born Oct. 25, 1916, in East Worcester, the daughter of Victor Guy and Leah (Guernsey) Snyder. "She married Matthias E. Smith of Worcester on Oct. 8, 1937, in Binghamton. "After graduation from East Worcester Union School, she attended Browne's Business School in Jamaica. "During two diffedrent periods, she was employed at the Wilber National Bank in Oneonta. "Always active in the Worcester United Methodist Church, Mrs. Smith was superintendent of its Sunday school for many years and while in that capacity was instrumental in the addition of the educational building which was named in her honor. "Also she served as president of the Oneonta District WSCS for four years. "In 1965, she moved with her husband to Fayetteville and continued her intrerest there in the United Methodist Church and its women's organization. "After her husband's retirement, they returned to Worcester where they spent their summers with winters in Bradenton, Fla. "For more than 50 years, she was a member of the Worcester Women's club and served that organization in many capacities including president at different times. She was also a member of the Schenevus Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Worcester and Schoharie County Historical Societies. "Active with her husband in Grange work, she was a member of Worcester Grange and its higher degrees. She had served in several local Grange offices and as Otsego County Juvenile Grange Deputy and on State Grange committees. "In 1996, she and her husband moved into an adult retirement home in Syracuse. "Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband, Matthias Smith, of Fayetteville; a son, Lowell and wife, Judy Smith of Fayetteville; two granddaughters, Ellen and husband, Keith Butler, and Jill Smith; two great-granddaughters, Allison and Joanna Butler; a sister, Leah Benjamin of Coral Gables, Fla.; and several nieces and nephews. "She was predeceased by her daughter, Jeanne Smith. "Calling hours will be held at the Worcester United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. Saturday until the funeral service time at 11 a.m. The Rev. Jane Pykus, pastor, will officiate. Burial will follow at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Mrs. Smith's memory to the Worcester United Methodist Church or the Worcester Historical Society. "Funeral arrangements are by the E.J. Skinner Co., 155 Main St., Worcester." [Oneonta Daily Star; T335]al Gothic "Millspaugh Funeral Home "139 Jefferson Heights, Catskill, N.Y." [From funeral program of Arthur H. Smith, T193]1966 --"Ernest W. Smith, Jefferson Heights, died Wednesday, Feb. 23 in North Shore Hospital, Miaўџџџ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—ўџџџ™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІўџџџЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвўџџџдўџџџжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџmi, Florida, following heart surgery. He was 64 years of age. "Funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1 from the Deane & Deane Funeral Chapel, the Rev. Paul H. Morehouse, of the Second Reformed Church of Rotterdam, former pastor of the Catskill Reformed Church, will officiate. Interment will be in Jefferson Rural Cemetery. ... "Born May 27, 1901 the son of Minnie Eckler Smith and Edward Smith of Cornwallville, he had been a resident of Catskill for many years. He had been in the real estate business in Kingston and Catskill. He was a member of Catskill Rotary Club, and the Greene County Board of Realtors. "Survivors are his wife, the former Pauline Tompkins, one sister, Mrs. Frank Lance of Bernardsville, N.J.; a brother, Arthur Smith of Catskill, two nieces and two nephews. "Mr. Smith was very well known throughout the county. He and Mrs. Smith had, as usual, been spending the winter in Florida, when he was stricken with a heart attack." [Obituary of Ernest W. Smith, D97 and T194] 1966 -- "Time and Place of Services "Tuesday, March 1, 1966 - 1:30 P.M. "Deane & Deane Chapel "Clergyman "Rev. Paul Morehouse, Pastor "Second Reformed Church "Rotterdam, N.Y." [Funeral program of Ernest W. Smith, T163]"... here [Indiana/Lake Co.] by 1910 (likely info from census)" [John D. Baldwin research, B155] 1938, July 5 -- A letter from Dr. C.A. DeLong to Mrs. Gilbert [Irene D.] Smith of Worcester, New York, gives his address as 583 Broadway, Gary Indiana, his office phone as 2-1890 and his residence phone as 2-6018. He says that his family memory goes back only to his grandfather Alanson, who "died I think before I was born but I do remember seeing his wife [he died in 1879, she in 1898]." [D65] A business card shows Dr. C.A. DeLong in Gary, Indiana with offices at the First National Bank Building, telephone 824L, and at 602 West Fifth Avenue, telephone 18. [DeLong Family photo and memorabilia collection]1938, July 14 -- "I have always been told my grandfather Golden was born in and came from England and that the Arnolds were Huguenots and in some way related to Benedict Arnold of revolutionary fame. My mother suggests that I tell you to write my Aunt Elizabeth Golden at Rensselaerville, N.Y., as she is probably the best informed on the subject of any one we know." [Letter from Arthur S. Golden to Mrs. Gilbert Smith, D80; response on behalf of Elizabeth Golden, D77-D79]"[Jeanne] was an adorable little girl, out going, smart as a button with pretty blond pigtails. ... In the fall of 1953, Jeanne became very ill. Our local doctor, Dr. Mahlon Halleck, sent her to Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown and finally to the Albany Medical Center where she passed away ... " [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 20; T320] 1954 -- "Worcester -- Funeral services for Jeanne Ellen Smith, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Smith, who died Friday at the Albany Hospital, were held at the family home Monday afternoon. The Rev. H. Paul Morehouse of Marion officiated. The body was placed in the vault in Maple Grove Cemetery for burial later. "The bearers were A.B. Doig, Frank Ames, Albert DeLong and Ivan Mereness. "Relatives attending from away were Mrs. Grover Guernsey of East Cobleskill, Mrs. Laura Guernsey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Banyan of Central Bridge, Mrs. Charlotte Moister of Schenectady, Mrs. Leah Benjamin of Altamont, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Catskill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Parks, LeRoy France and Mrs. Helen Smith of Cornwallville." [Newspaper article, T290] 1954 -- "... Born Sept. 5, 1942, in Oneonta, she was in the sixth grade at Worcester Central School, and was a member of the junior choir of Worcester Methodist Church. She is survived by her parents and a brother, Lowell Edward ..." [Obituary of Jeanne Ellen Smith, T261]The Babis family is Hungarian in origin. [Judith B. Smith]1991, July 12 -- "Mrs. Mildred I. Morrison, 86, of Oneonta, died Thursday, July 11 at A.O. Fox M                     ўџџџ:    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ўџџџe < = > ? @ A B C D a F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` ўџџџb c d f … g h i j k w m n o p q r s t u v ўџџџx y { §џџџ| } ~  € Summary of Lowell E. Smith's military and civilian careers: Cornell University first and second years -- Naval ROTC Cornell University third and fourth years -- Marine option Upon graduation -- 2nd Lt. Marine Corps 1966-69 -- Military service including Vietnam (November 1967 to December 1968); honorably discharged as a Captain 1970-73 -- Trust department, Hartford National Bank , Hartford and New London, Connecticut; residence East Lyme, Connecticut 1974-75 -- Trust office, Kingston Trust Co., Kingston, New York; residence Glenford, New York 1975 -- Employee of Mohawk Harvestore, Inc., Amenia, New York; residence Glenford, New York 1976-90 -- Established, owned and operated Empire Harvestore, Inc., Richfield Springs, New York; residence West Winfield, New York 1990-95 -- Director of Financial Services, Farm Credit Bank of Springfield, Massachusetts; residence West Springfield 1995- -- Vice-President, Dairylea Cooperative, Syracuse, New York; residence Fayetteville, New York [Matthias E. Smith, T334] 2005 -- "Lowell E. Smith, Leader, Innovator, Advocate, Teacher, Confidant, Cornellian "These are just a few words to encapsulate the talents, achievements and contributions of one man to his community and the agricultural industry. Lowell has touched many lives from his hometown of Worcester NY, to the Cornell campus, Marine Corps, Farm Credit system, and Dairylea Cooperative. Having just received the first LEAD New York Outstanding Alumni Award reminds his colleagues, friends and family of his continued involvement and active interest in the world around him despite his battle with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). "Circle of Courage: "A group of family, friends and colleagues has created a unique way to honor and continue Lowell's contributions to the agriculture industry and community at large. Their vision is to establish a $500,000 endowment fund to primarily support ALS research and patient care, and to support two additional programs of which Lowell has been an advocate. These programs include: "ALS Association ... the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization dedicated solely to the fight against ... ALS ... "LEAD New York -- For 20 years has served the agriculture and food industry of the state by training men and women to be proactive leaders. Lowell was a member of the first class ... "Heifer International -- This charitable organization directs its efforts toward ending world hunger permanently through the the donations of a heifer, or other young livestock, to a family in need. It allows families to be more self sufficient and in turn, to donate a female offspring from their heifer to another needy family ..." [The Lowell Smith Circle of Courage brochure; T337] 2005, June 9 -- "A Fayetteville man, battling ... ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is helping others despite his own sickness. "A machine helps Lowell Smith communicate with family and co-workers. He's a Vice President at the Dairylea Cooperative, and still participates in confedrence calls for the company. "Lowell and his family and friends started the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage Campaign. It kicks off at Alliance Stadium June 25th. "'We are looking to raise $500,000. We have not even gone public and we're already 70 percent of the way there and that's before even opening it up to the general public. This is a testament to the type of person Lowell Smith is and the love from friends and family and co-workers,' said co-worker Monica Coleman. "Donations go to help those with ALS and to 'LEAD New York,' an organization training men and women in agriculture. It also goes to 'Heifer International,' a charity to end world hunger ..." [News 10 Now; T338] 2005 -- "Take me out to the ballgame! Join us in raising awareness and funds for ALS ... commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. And, help kick off the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage Campaign. Saturday, June 25, 2005, Alliance Bank Stadium, Syracuse, NY ...." [Circle of Courage flyer; T339] 2005, June 27 -- "Lowell Smith didn't get to see his granddaughter throw the first pitch at Saturday's SkyChiefs game. "Smith, who four years ago was found to have ... Lou Gehrig's disease, died shortly before the game, said Monica Coleman, a friend and co-worker. He was 61. "Saturday was ALS Awareness Night at Alliance Bank Stadium, and Smith was to appear on the field to introduce the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage ... "Smith, who lived in the town of Manlius, was an executive with Dairylea Cooperative for the past 10 years. Smith's friends were at a pre-game tailgate party at the stadium when the news came, said Coleman, director of communications at Dairylea. Despite his illness, his death was unexpected. 'We were shocked,' she said. "The evening soon turned into a remembrance. 'What was to be a celebration of the kickoff of the fund turned into a celebration of his life,' she said. "Allison Butler, Smith's 8-year-old granddaughter, did throw a ceremonial first pitch to begin the game ... A moment of silence was observed in honor of Smith ... "The Circle of Courage campaign began May 12 and has raised almost $500,000 ... The fund will be administered by the Central New York Community Foundation ..." [Syracuse Post-Standard; T340-T341] 2005, June 27 -- "Fayetteville -- Lowell E. Smith, 61, a retired executive for member services at Dairylea, died Saturday, June 25, 2005, at his home in Fayetteville following a five-year struggle with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). "Born Jan. 16, 1944, in Oneonta to Charlotte Snyder Smith and Matthias E. Smith, Lowell grew up on his family's jersey farm in Worcester. "After graduating from Worcester Central School in 1962, he attended Cornell University, where he received a B.S. in Agricultural Economics in 1966. During his college years, he was a member of the Alpha Zeta fraternity and a participant in the ROTC program. Following graduation, he served as a Marine officer in Vietnam. Upon completing his militrary service, Lowell pursued his passion for agriculture through his ownership of Empire Harvestore Systems, Inc. (Richfield Springs) and his work at Farm Credit District Bank (Springfield, Mass.) and at Dairylea. "Everywhere he lived, Lowell dedicated time and energy to numerous church boards and committees. He was a member of the first LEAD NY class and served as one of its directors. "He enjoyed sports, especially basketball, baseball and rowing. "Lowell is survived by his wife, Judy Smith, of Fayetteville; his father, Matthias Smith, of Fayetteville; two daughters, Ellen Butler (Keith) of DeWitt and Jill Smith of Schenectady; and two granddaughters, Allison and Joanna Butler. "Calling hours will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Eaton-Tubbs-Schepp Funeral Home, 7191 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. "Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Fayetteville United Methodist Church. "Burial will be at 4 p.m. Thursday in Worcester Maple Grove Cemetery ... "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Lowell Smith's memory to the Fayetteville United Methodist Church or the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage Fund ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; T342-T343] 2005, July -- "After a 4-1/2 year battle with ... ALS, Lowell Smith passed away Saturday, June 25, at the age of 61. "Word of Lowell's passing came to nearly 100 friends and colleagues who were waiting for Lowell and his wife Judy to join them at the official kickoff of the Lowell Smith Circle of Courage Campaign ... during ALS Awareness Night at Alliance Bank Stadium in Syracuse, NY, home of Syracuse SkyChiefs baseball. "Although the spirit of the event changed, a decision was made that the purpose of the day, to honor Lowell and raise awareness for ALS, was more important than ever. Allison Butler, the eldest of Lowell's two granddaughters, threw the honorary first pitch of the game. The game went on to feature three back-to-back homeruns, the first on record in more than 10 years. "Those who had gathered for the event noted that Lowell, an avid fan of baseball, would certainly have enjoyed the play. "On June 30, Lowell's memorial service was conducted at the United Methodist Church in Fayetteville, NY. His memory was joyfully celebrated with song, prayer, and fond remembrances. ... "According to campaign committee members, fundraising efforts will continue ... " [Circle of Courage newsletter; T348]     ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&'()ўџџџ+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCўџџџEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnўџџџpqrstuvwxyz{|}~€emorial Hospital, Oneonta. "She was born Jan. 30, 1905, in Worcester, Otsego County, the daughter of Clarence Philip and Elizabeth (DeLong) Putnam. "She was a native of Worcester, having attended and graduated from Worcester High School and also Albany Business College. Since 1955 she had lived in Oneonta, where for a period of years she was associated with the Fox Hospital business offices. Following her association with the hospital she was the medical secretary and receptionist for Dr. Reade S. Sisson at Oneonta, until she officially retired. "She was a longtime active member of the Main Street Baptist Church, Oneonta. At the time of her death she was serving the church as deaconess. For many years she was involved in the supervision of the church's Vacation Bible School. "For a period well over 30 years she was a member of the Ladies Circle at the church and served as treasurer until recently this year. She was also a member of the church Sunshine Class and its Missionary Promotion Committee, for which she served as treasurer. "She was a member of the Oneonta Federated Garden Club. "She is survived by one son, John C. Morrison of New York City. "The funeral service will be 10 a.m. Monday, July 15, at the Main Street Baptist Church, Oneonta, with the Rev. C. Norman Moran, pastor, officiating. A private burial will be at Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Those who wish may call at the Bookout Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oneonta, after 7 p.m. Sunday, July 14. "A reception will be held at the church at 11 a.m. Monday, July 15. "Expressions of sympathy may be given to the Main Street Baptist Church Memorial Fund in memory of Mildred I. Morrison, 333 Main St., Oneonta, N.Y. 13820. ..." [The Daily Star, Oneonta, N.Y., D73]1938, August 2 -- "... as for the Arnolds she [Elizabeth Golden] knows nothing much she has heard mother say her father started for the war was taken sick and died before he reached his destination." [Agnes Bennett letter to "Niece" Irene Smith, D79]1874, November 7 -- "...I have wrote to Mother if she would come here or whether she preferred to stay there ... I think Mother has got plenty of money to pay her own fare here but if not it will be sent ... I have heard from mother only through Flora[.] I have rote to her begin of her to write but not a word ... I wrote to her soon after my Sister death [1871] ... but I could get no word either yes or no ..." [John J. Sutherland letter from California to Awry and Elizabeth DeLong in Westford, New York, C75]2000, June 2 -- "I have checked into our DuBois records, of which there are a great many. Unfortunately I have not been able to place Rebecca Arnold in any of our families. "One C. DuBois came to America in the early 1600s and settled first in Hurley, then New Paltz and finally Kingston, where he died. He had ten children, one of which, Benjamin, moved to Catskill and it appears that all of our records relate back to him. "If you have not already tried, we would suggest that you write to the DuBois Family Association, Huguenot Historical Society of New Paltz, N.Y., Inc., P.O. Box 239, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561 (tel. 914-255-1660). In all probability your Rebecca found her way into the family of one of the other six sons of the original DuBois." [Shirley McGrath letter, Greene County Historical Society, C72A]1869, January 5 -- "Mr. Awry DeLong, Worcester, Otsego Co. N.Y. "Coxsackie the 5th [January[ 1869 "Dear Brother & Sister "It is with a sad heart that I sit down to pen these lines to inform you that our dear Sister Catharine is dead -- Last Wednesday night I received a letter saying she was sick and not expected to recover and the next day I went out and when I arrived there she was unable to speak or recognise me she died at 4 oclock on New Years morning The funeral was held at the Dutch church on Sunday following and was very largely attenened she had differenet complaints but the physician said worms was the cause of her death as they had eaten her stomach out she has been complaining all the summer and fall but no one realized that she was as bad off as she was until a short time before her death Perhaps you will hear of this before you receive my letter but I thought I would write you so you would be sure and hear of it The rest of the friends are all as well as usual and I hope this may find you and yours the same we have had very strong weather here the 1st and 2nd of this month and the snow is very deep I was sorry that you did not stop and make us that visit that you intended too this last fall but I hope will try it over, hoping to hear from you soon I remain your Loving Sister "Rebecca A. DuBois" [C72]2001 -- "Catskill -- Pauline Est1850 -- Alvin D. [Dewitt?] Delong, son of Clarissa, is age 1 in the Town of Maryland Census. [John D. Baldwin research, B12; Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60C] 1855 -- Widow Clarissa DeLong, age 30, and a son "Alva," age 6, appear in the Town of Maryland Census. [Baldwin, B12] 1860 -- Dewitt Delong is age 11 in the Town of Maryland household of John and Clarissa Chase. [DeLong, C60D] 1865 -- Dewitt is in the Town of Maryland, age 16, Laborer, step-child of John Chase. [DeLong, C60D] 1875 -- The New York State census for the Town of Otsego lists William A. Bailey, 50 M, Boot & Shoe maker, born in Otsego Co.; Elizabeth Bailey, 54 F, wife, England; Dewit Delong, 30 M, son-in-law, Express Agent, Otsego Co.; and Calista E. Delong, 30 F, daughter, Otsego Co. [DeLong, C60E] 1937, March 10 -- "Another of the prominent business men of the past generation in Cooperstown passed into Eternal Life in the death at 4:05 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, of Dewitt Delong. Mr. Delong died at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, where he had been a patient since February 18th, following a fall at his home on Chestnut street, which hastened the end, although he had been in declining health for a period of over two years. "Mr. Delong was the only son of Oscar and Clarissa (Willsey) Delong and he was born at Schenevus November 28, 1848. He attended the Schenevus village school and at an early age became a telegrapher with the Delaware & Hudson company at Albany. Later he spent a year at Oneonta as an employee of the Wilber National Bank and then accepted a position as freight agent of the Cooperstown and Susquehanna Valley railroad at its office in this village. Since then he had made his residence here. Fifty-six years ago he formed a partnership with James H. Austin in the Austin & Delong grocery business which they operated for twenty-eight years. Mr. Delong retired twenty-eight years ago and as long as health permitted, conducted a shop for the renovation of furniture. "He was united in marriage with Miss Calista Bailey of this village, October 27, 1874, and her death occurred June 15, 1910. Their only daughter, Miss Elizabeth Delong, maintained the home after her mother's death and gave her father most devoted care. He was a faithful member of the First Baptist church of Cooperstown and was a charter memberr of the Mohican club. A wide circle of friends will remember him as a sound businessman, an upright man and citizen and a good neighbor. "The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, his pastor, the Rev. Herbert M. Pease, officiating, and the body will be placed in the vault at Lakewood cemetery for interment later in the family plot." [Obituary of Dewitt Delong, Freeman's Journal; C102]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”ўџџџ–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКўџџџМНОПРСТўџџџФХЦЧўџџџЩЪЫЬўџџџЮЯабвгдежзийклмўџџџопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџher Smith, 94, formerly of 238 Jefferson Heights, died Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001, at Eden Parek Nursing Home where she had been a patient since 1994. "Born March 9, 1907, in Prattsville, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Nora Conine Tompkins. "She taught up through eighth grade at Friend's Corner's in West Athens after obtaining her teaching certificate in Albany. "She married Ernest W. Smith and they owned and operated E.W. Smith Realty in Jefferson Heights until 1966. "She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Catskill. "Survivors include her niece, Janet Berra of Kiskatom, as well as several great-nieces and great-nephews. "Mrs. Smith was predeceased by her husband, Ernest W. Smith, on Feb. 23, 1966; a niecexg, Virginia Winans Mallory; and two nephews, Stanley Collier and Cyrus Tompkins. "Services will be conducted 11 a.m. Friday at the Millspaugh Camerato Funeral Home, 139 Jefferson Heights, Catskill, with Associate Pastor Russell Sargeant of the United Methodist Church officiating. ... "Memorial contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church of Catskill." [Obituary; D97A]1978 -- "South Kortright -- Brayton S. Johnson, 90, a resident of South Kortright for 74 years, died Saturday, Sept. 2, at O'Connor Hospital in Delhi. "He was born Dec. 3, 1887 in Ashland, a son of Dr. Brayton and Phoebe (Truesdell) Johnson. "He married Hetti Dibble on March 15, 1911 in South Kortright. She died November, 1973. "He retired from the Town of Stamford Highway Department in 1965. He lived in South Kortright since he was 16 years old. He was a member of the Delaware County Town Superintendents Association. He was also a member of the St. Andrews Masonic Lodge of Hobart for 54 years. "He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bruce (Doris) Nesbitt of Hobart; a son, Roger A. Johnson, South Kortright; two grandchilden; four great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. "The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5 at the MacArthur Funeral Home, Hobart, with the Rev. John Stephenson, Jr., pastor of the South Kortright Methodist Church, officiating. "Burial will be in the Valleyview Cemetery, South Kortright. "Those who wish may make donations in his memory to the Hobart Emergency Squad." [Obituary of Brayton Johnson, P40]"Elizabeth Waterman ... born (perhaps at Amenia, N.Y.), 29 July 1759, died at Worcester, Otsego County, N.Y., 8 Nov. 1845; married at Spencertown, Columbia CounGeorgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. give Silas' father's and grandfather's names as Jabez Crippen. {R33] "As there is no record of Silas and Elizabeth ever being in Kinderhook or Columbia County, it seems more probable that they came from the Sharon, CT, South Amenia, NY area where their first four offspring were born." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R40] "... Silas Crippen, born (probably at Amenia, N.Y.), 29 July 1759, died at Worcester, N.Y., 7 Mar. 1831, perhaps son of John and Mary (Richmond) Crippen. "Silas Crippen served in 1776 in Col. Samuel Elmore's Regiment, Conn. Troops, though the regiment recruited some of its men across the border in New York. In June 1777, he again enlisted, under Capt. Ebenezer Cady, Col. Whiting's N.Y. Regt.; and again in May 1778 under Lieut. Babcock. His residence at enlistment was stated as New Concord, Columbia County, N.Y. "In the winter of 1787-8, the family moved from Columbia County to the township of 'Canajoharie,' Montgomery County, N.Y., settling in a place called Tusculum, about a mile west of the village of Worcester, now in Otsego County. Silas was the first Town Clerk of Worcester, 1797-1805; Supervisor, 1806-15 (excepting in 1808 and 1814); Captain of the 'Worcester Exempts,' 1809; and Judge of the Common Pleas for Otsego County. ..." [Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. I, 326; N66] 1787 -- "It was in the winter of 1787-88 that Silas Crippen, his wife Elizabeth, and four small children faced great hardships as they fought their way through the wilderness in the new country of 'Canajoharie town,' Montgomery County, to a place called Tusculum, a location now a little hamlet about one mile west of Worcester [New York]. "The traditional account [in D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 357] claims that at the time Crippen and his family came to Tusculum, the country was a dense and forbidding area with no foot paths or even marked trees for guides. Subduing the forest and securing for themselves pleasant homes required settlers to have courage, dedication and perseverance. ... "Crippen, an enterprising man, and his family settled on the Schenevus Creek. He cut trees, cleared land and built a home. The nearest mill for grinding was at Sharon, and the next one was located at Central Bridge, in the present Schoharie County, over 20 miles away. Those desiring to travel to Sharon to have their grinding done were required to leave on foot early in the morning with a bushel of grain or corn on their back. The weary traveler returned the following evening with a sack of flour. "By 1790 Crippen built a grist mill with benefit of power from the outlet of a body of water later known as Caryl's Lake. In order to have enough water for even flow he backed up a pond by building a dam. Soon, a smaller pond was added. As new settlers came to the valley they brought their grain to Crippen's mill to be turned into flour or meal. Crippen's specialty was buckwheat flour. "Later, a sawmill was added for cutting logs as the wilderness was being cleared. By 1800 the first log homes built by Crippen and other settlers had been replaced by simple frame dwellings as soon as sawed planks became available. Much rejoicing took place among the settlers who were coming to that area at a rapid rate. The mills proved to be a great convenience to them and helped contribute to the settlement's growth. Until 1923 a mill always stood on that Tusculum site. "Crippen was a man of great physical strength and courage, and became one of the most active citizens in public affairs. The Crippen family, by taking responsibilities in local and statewide government, was very influential in the growth of Worcester in the early nineteenth century. Silas was the first recorded Town Clerk, holding office from 1798 to 1806. He also served as Supervisor off and on from 1806 to 1815, and was Judge of the Common Pleas for Otsego County. ... "Silas Crippen died on March 7, 1831, almost a year after the death of his [second] son [named Silas], and Elizabeth died on November 8, 1845. Their graves were in the burying grounds of the Congregational Church. When the plot was abandoned, their bodies were removed to Maple Grove Cemetery where they now rest surrounded by the remains of several generations of their descendants and relatives. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 21, 24] "Silas Crippen, the Tusculum pioneer, was the first Commissioner of Roads in 1797 ... Crippen was the first recorded Town Clerk, serving eight terms from 1798 to 1806, and the first Supervisor of the 'new' Town of Worcester following the 1809 partition, serving eight terms between 1806 and 1816. In addition, Crippen was a Poundmaster in 1800, a Member of Assembly in 1816 and an occasional occupant of five other town offices." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 223] 1808, March 1 -- Silas Crippen served on the committee to carry out the division of the "old Town" of Worcester into four new towns. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 14] 1814 -- "Lumber for [Todd's Stand in Worcester, New York] was sawed at the Crippen Mill, located on Tusculum flats, later White House Crossing ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 32] 1830, July 9 -- "The will of Silas Crippen of Worcester, dated 9 July 1830, proved 30 June 1831, gave dower right to wife Elizabeth; to son Samuel, $300; to son Asa, $500; to son Daniel, farm on north side of highway that passes house now occupied by Daniel; to son Philip, land purchased from Hiram Burrit and Roswell Waterman, and part of the old farm; to son Schuyler, $700; to youngest son, Charles, $1500, in consideration of his services since he was 21, he to support Silas himself and wife for life; to son-in-law Nicholas Cheesbro and his wife Sally, $270, part to satisfy a note of son Samuel Crippen; to son-in-law John P. Russ and wife Betsy, $200; to son-in-law Leonard Caryl and wife Mary, $200; Sally Crippen, widow of son John dec'd. to have use of house and garden where she lives so long as she remains John's widow; Catherine Crippen, widow of son Silas jr. dec'd, same for her house and garden; to granddaughter Densey Crippen who now lives with me, certain livestock at 18 or if she is to be married soon, to be void if already married or 21 years or shall leave his service. Executors, sons Daniel and Schuyler. Witnesses: Hiram Burritt and William Barney of Worcester, and Orson Parker of Decatur. List of heirs: Elizabeth, Samuel, Daniel, Asa, Philip, Nicholas Cheesbro and wife Sally, Schuyler, John P. Russ and wife Elizabeth, Leonard Caryl and wife Mary, Charles, and Sally Crippen as guardian for Henry, Mary Ann, Prudency, Jane, Sabrina, and John Crippen, infant heirs of Silas Crippen dec'd." [Otsego County Wills 1-90, 521; Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. I, 326, N66]ty, N.Y., Feb. 1778 ..." [Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. I, 325; N65]1798, August 23 -- "Sixteen-year-old Silas was run over by a loaded wagon on Tusculum hill..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 24]1830, May 20 -- "The second Silas was killed in his father's sawmill on May 20, 1830, at the age of 28." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 24]"Across the road from Grant's Hotel [in Tusculum, Town of Worcester, New York] was a store owned by Charles H. Crippen." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25] "Further west on Main Street [in Worcester, New York] is the home of Charles H. Crippen, son of Silas Crippen, who resided on the north corner of West Hill Road at 203 Main Street. In the early 1800s Crippen was a merchant in the Brighton settlement. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31]1961, July 20 -- "Mrs. Leta Cornell Pashley, 79, died July 16 at the Jobmann nursing home, Worceўџџџўџџџ     ўџџџ ўџџџ"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ўџџџ`abcdefghijklmnopqrstўџџџvwxyz{|}~€ster. "Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Schenevus Methodist Church. The Rev. Alton Parker, pastor of the Boonville Methodist Church, a nephew, officiated. Burial was in Schenevus Cemetery. Schenevus Valley Grange conducted graveside services. A Rebekah service was held Monday evening at Bennett funeral home. "Mrs. Pashley was born Nov. 19, 1881, in Chaseville, daughter of Eli and Madore (Chase) Cornell. She was married to Philip Briggs Feb. 12, 1902. He died in 1923. She married Daniel Pashley Sept. 29, 1939. He died in April 1959. "She is survived by a brother, Leslie Cornell, New York City and Elk Creek; several nieces and nephews. "Mrs. Pashley was a long time member of Schenevus Valley Grange, chaplain for many years, also member of Otsego County Pomona Grange, state and national granges. She was a past noble grand of Waiontha Rebekah lodge, past district deputy president of Rebekahs and a member of Schenevus Methodist Church where she sang for many years in the choir." [Obituary of Leta C. Pashley, E79]1908, December 31 -- "Mrs. Howard DeLong will do dressmaking at her home in Tuscan." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O]About 1963 -- Cobleskill (N.Y.) attorney Francis L. Smith, born in Jefferson on May 2, 1888, son of Charles and Catherine E. (Lally) Smith, died at Albany Hospital at the age of 75. He had a brother DeVere. His wife, Teresa Meade, died 12 years earlier. [Obituary of Francis L. Smith, T165-T166]"...In Cornwallville, there were four distinct families of Smiths, unrelated except through Adam and Eve. "1. Addison & Truman Smith families "2. Clarence & Jay Smith families. These [first two groups] might have been related to each other. "3. Descendants of the Thomas Smith family "Thomas Smith, a native of Conn. was one of the earliest settlers in the area. He had a son BELA who had a son BELA, JR. Thomas, Bela and Bela, Jr. are all buried in the Cornwallville cemetery. "BELA, JR. had at least 3 daughters, two of whom I knew when I was a child in Cornwallville. These ladies were of the same age group as my grandparents. "4. My Smith family, locally headed by a BELA Smith, who married a Margaret VanOrden. They are both buried in the Cornwallville cemetery. Our BELA Smith was the father of Edward Smith, my grandfather. Edward had a brother Basil who lived locally and other brothers (Harry? and William?) and perhaps sisters (?). Edward Smith was the father of Albert, Arthur, Ernest and one daughter VIOLA who married a New Jersey dentist, Dr. Frank Lance. "[This is] my personal opinion regarding the confusion caused by so many BELA Smiths. "VIOLA (Smith) Lance, living in New Jersey, wanted to join the DAR and the Mayflower Society so she became very interested in our family's genealogy. Her cousin (and my father's), Amy Oaksford had joined the DAR through the VanOrden ancestry. So Viola joined the DAR on the same line. By the way, I belong to the SAR, through this line also. "Viola still wanted to join the Mayflower Society. By chance, she got in touch with a party in Conn. who was related to the Thomas Smith family. This party had traced the family back to Elder Brewster who had come to America on the Mayflower. As there were Bela Smiths in the Thomas Smith family and Viola's grand-father was a Bela Smith, she tied our Bela with the Thomas Bela, and thus was able to join the Mayflower Society. I am sure that she was perfectly innocent and did not try to defraud her lineage. "Don Petro has tried to locate the father of our Bela Smith, but since the Thomas Smith family's genealogy is so well documented, his computer ties our Bela into the Thomas Smith family records. "I can't prove my opinion for I do not know where my great grandfather Bela Smith came from but I do know he married a woman (Margaret VanOrden) from a rural area near Catskill, N.Y. ..." [Matthias E. Smith, T297-T298; the Smith family ancestry outlined on T8 indicates that families 3 and 4 above had a common ancestor named Thomas Smith, and that all the Thomas and Bela Smiths mentioned above were thus related to each other, so that Viola's credentials were valid even if arrived at by mistake.]1927, January 12 -- "I think we may be quite sure of the date of Thomas Jr birth as 1779 as I copied it myself from the original church records; the whole family were born in Middle Haddam the youngest Vienna in 1787 one year before they moved to Durham Greene Co N.Y." [Merwin L. Smith of Darien, Ct. letter to Viola Lance, T27] 1988, July 25 -- "On Thomas Jr., my papers show that he was married to a Mott & that Bela Thomas was their son. A second marriage to Clarissa Hubbard produced Helen & Isaac." [Joyce M. Drew letter, T67]1900 -- "Cornwallville -- On Tuesday evening death entered this place and removed Matthias France, a lifelong resident. He had been ill only about two weeks, beginning with measles, from which he had nearly recovered, when h ‚ ƒ „ † — ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ” • – ˜ Ј ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Љ Й Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К і Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х є Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я ўџџџб в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ўџџџь э ю я № ё ђ ѓ ўџџџѕ ї ј љ њ ћ ќ § ў џ e was taken with dysentery, which ran into typhoid fever. He leaves a wife, two children and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. He was 48 years of age. The funeral will be held on Friday at the Methodist Church." [Newspaper article, T117] 1900 -- "For the first time in many months death has entered our community, this time taking away one of our best known citizens. Matthias France died last Tuesday night after a short illness. He was taken sick with measles about Jan. 1st. From these he partly recovered, but suffered a relapse. His sudden death comes like a shock to us all who knew him. He was born Feb. 29th, 1854, and was the youngest of a large family of children; he had always lived in this locality and was a prosperous farmer and a respected citizen. In his death the church loses a ready helper and his home a bountiful provider. He leaves a widow and two children. the funeral was held in the M.E. church on Friday, and was largely attended. Among the friends present were William France, Sen., Leonard France, Mrs. Staats, Misses Lena and Jennie France of Castleton, N.Y.; Wm. France, Jr., of White Plains; Mrs. J.B. France and son, of Windham; and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boughton, of South Cairo. the burial took place in the new addition to our cemetery." [Newspaper article, T118] "Matthias France, Jr. died at an early age when my mother was only twelve years old, thus the France farm was left in the hands of Grandma Ella Boughton France and my mother's brother, LeRoy. The France farm like most of the other hill farms in the area was small, supporting a team of horses and a few cows ... The France farm also had some fruit trees, plums and pears ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 3; T303]A photograph of Ella A. (Boughton) France with Gilbert and Matt Smith as young children appears on page T173. 1917 -- "It is with sadness that I write of the death of Ella Boughton, widow of Matthias France, who passed away on Feb. 19th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Smith, after an illness of only a few days, at the age of sixty-three years. The funeral was held at the house on Thursday, interment beside her husband (who died seventeen years ago) in the family plot. Mrs. France ... is survived by a son, LeRoy, one daughter (Mrs. Albert Smith) and three brothers (William and James of this place, and Cornelius of Highlands, N.J.) ..." [Newspaper article, T115]1997, August -- "Jill graduated from Amherst College with major in German, minor in Journalism. ‚ўџџџ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’ўџџџ”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂўџџџЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБўџџџГДЕўџџџЗИЙўџџџЛМНОўџџџРСТУФХЦЧШЩўџџџЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћўџџџ§ўџShe received a Fullbright Award and went to East Germany (Kemenz) to teach English in a German High School for one year. Since then she has taught in two different private schools in Conn. -- teaching German -- and is now a graduate student in Indiana University pursuing her German. ..." [Charlotte S. Smith letter, T300]"... A Nicholas DeLong served in the 14th Albany Militia in the Revolution ... A Nicholas DeLong m. as her 2nd _______ (_______) Kiff, widow of ?Kiff who d. ca. 1758. _______ Kiff had a son John who was known as John DeLong and he enlisted from Pittstown, NY ... A Nicholas DeLong was on the tax roll for Schaghicoke District in March 1779 at 40 pounds. He was listed between Mr. Wager and Ormond Doty. A Jacob DeLong was four away." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 155; X49]"[Lawrence] married ... by Justice Francis Filkin, Neeltje, probably the dau. of Damon and Helena (Titsoort) Palmatier. ... Neeltje was probably born ca. 1717 and they married 10 Nov. 1738 in Fishkill. There is some question that she might be the dau. of Peter and Helena (Vandebogart) Palmatier but we feel that since Elizabeth Palmatier, the dau. of Damon, was a Sp. for one of her children, she must be of the Damon branch of the family." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 157; X50]"Between Stormville and Gayhead, on the south side of the state road, is a stone house owned by Jeremiah Fowler and rented to negro tenants. In the rear or west wall of the house is a stone marked: B H 1755, the initials being those of the builder, Benjamin Hasbrouck, who moved from Ulster County to southern Dutchess before 1737, in which year he mrried Jannetje De Long. ..." [Helen Wilkinson Reynolds, Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley Before 1776, B28A; photo B28B]1746, May 11 -- "Doherty uses this bpt. date for [Jannetje's brother] Frans [John D. Baldwin research, B28]1746, May 11 -- Also given as baptismal date for Frans' sister Jannetje. [John D. Baldwin research, B28]"A fifth Wiltsie child Eugey is given in Wiltsie Gene. as Eugey and translated as Eugene. Prob. error for Eche." [John D. Baldwin research, B29]"He was likely John Bernard Frohlich bpt 1717, son of Valentine and brother of the wife of Conrad [son of Jan Delong]. Lydia and husband were sponsors 1744 Montgomery, Orange Co NY for Lydia dau of Michael Vrans and Charlotte Frolich. They appear as Barent Freylig and Lydia Lange at baptisms of their children." [John D. Baldwin research, B29]"Conrad ... was probably born 1719-23 and m. 18 Sept. 1743 ... Catherina Freligh, probably dau. of Johann Valentin and Anna Appolonia (Rapp) Freligh. ( ... but Catherine is not listed [with other family members]). Conrad was taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1739/40 through Feb. 1756 when he evidently removed to Crum Elbow where he was taxed from Feb. 1757 through 1777. On 9 February 1773 he was assigned an ear mark in Clinton; a swallow fork in each ear and a half penny the fore side of the left ear. The mark was transferred 2 June 1783, but no mention of to whom. ... He was assessed at one pound in Beekman. ... "On 21 Nov. 1751 he borrowed six pounds from his uncle Frans DeLong which was to be repaid within one year with interest of 7%. He did not repay it and the executors of the estate of Frans DeLong (Benjamin Hasbrouck and Peter Van De Water) had to sue him in the May court of 1763. The widow of Frans DeLong was noted as deceased at this time. ... Conrad DeLong sued Lawrence Wooley and Michael Wooley in 1757. "Conrad DeLong was mentioned as a path master in Crum Elbow at the town meeting of 5 April 1768 and was to mend the road 'from David Relyea's field to Poughkepsie precinct.' He was also a path master in 1770, 71, 72, 74, 76. ... No record after 1777." [Doherty, The Settlers of The Beekman Patent, IV, 165; X54] "A large number of his progeny were apparently Tory, since they all seem to have ended up in Ontario, Canada after the Revolution. His son in law Joseph [Ebbett] was indeed Tory." [Ray H. Ebbett research, conrad.ftw]"Kool evidently died before 1715 when the widow Willempje had an illeg. dau. Neeltjen bp. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beeўџџџўџџџ ўџџџ  ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJўџџџLMNOPQRSTUVўџџџXўџџџўџџџ[\ўџџџ^_ўџџџabcўџџџefghўџџџjklўџџџnopqўџџџstuvwxyzўџџџ|}~€kman Patent, 135; X39]" Joris or Frans Elswart bpt Fishkill ..." (John D. Baldwin)1755 -- "bpt. Wednesday after Trinity 1755;" "It is not known if [the family] moved North by 1754 or whether the [third and] fourth child was baptised by a visiting pastor from Loonenburg." [John D. Baldwin research, B30]At baptism "only Catherina Simson shown as parent" (John D. Baldwin)"A Jan Kermer, born in Kingston married Lisabeth Van Campen at Deerpark 15 May 1751." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 138; X41]"... On 7 Aug. 1739 Myndert Vandebogart and Neeltje of Dutchess County sold to Blandina DeLange and husband Jonas and children; Arie, Annatje, Marya and Johannes, land, the deed for which was recorded 18 June 1760. Blandina was taxed in Poughkeepsie from February 1739/40 through Feb. 1741/42 and her husband evidently was deceased by that time. On 12 Aug. 1739 a court order mentioned the wife of the late Jonas DeLong. ... She owed 22 pounds for her dec'd husband, Jonas DeLong, which was for rent of 1 peck of wheat payable yearly 1 May for cutting wood and (removing?) stone from unimproved land (leased?) from Myndert Vandebogart and Neeltje, his wife. ... Blandina DeLong was then taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1743/44 through June 1760 with assessments of three pounds in Feb. 1753, five pounds in June 1758 and one pound in 1760. "She took a lease on a 100 acre farm in Pruym Vlacke in DeMyer's Purchase in the Beekman Patent ca. 1745. The farm had been leased by Jury Lynt (or Leens ... but probably Lane). The credit side of the ledger notes, in big bold letters: 'Blandina or Arie DeLange plead poverty.' Ary was identified as son of Jonas in this record. Arie DeLong paid wheat rents through 1769 at the mills of John Carman, Matthew DuBois and John Pine ... "The Livingston Papers contain two records of her rent payments: on 2 June 1747 Blandina DeLong offered a fat oxen to be delivered in the fall as part of rent. Blandina DeLong paid wheat rent of 10 bushels in March 1749. She died after 3 Dec 1765 when she was recorded as a [baptismal] sponsor. A 'Granny' DeLong was a Sleight store customer ca. 1771 and Joshua Carman Sr. and William Champlin dealt with her. Both Arie and Johannes DeLong were also at this store. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 147-148; X45-X46]1769, March 30 --- "They sold their Dutchess land in 1769 and moved to Rensselaer County. On Mar. 30 Joseph Doty, blacksmith of charlotte Pct, and wife CASHEA sold a total of 263 acres to Samuel Smith Jr. of Jamaica and Melancton Smith of Charlotte for 1000 pounds, witnesses Elias Doty and Elias DeLong (her brother). [Deed 328 5:294]" [John D. Baldwin research, B31]1825 -- "to Huron Co. Mich. 1825." [Doty Genealogy, B31]"of Tinmouth" (John D. Baldwin)1800 -- "Resided Fishkill 1800." [John D. Baldwin research, B32]1800 -- "Resided Fishkill 1800." [John D. Baldwin research, B32]Ancestral chart of Anna Wiltsie shows a question mark regarding Elizabeth Gildersleeve as mother of Elizabeth Wood. [B39]Ancestral chart of Anna Wiltsie shows a question mark regarding Richard Gildersleeve and Joan Appleton as parents of Elizabeth Gildersleeve. [B39]Ancestral chart of Anna Wiltsie shows a question mark regarding Sarah Denton as wife of Richard Cornell. [B39]Ancestral chart of Anna Wiltsie shows question marks regarding Richard Cornell and Elizabeth xxx as parents of Richard Cornell, born 1656. [B39]1997, August -- "Keith is a nephew of Elliott DuBois, and his grandparents, Paul and Emogene DuBois, were very active in New Hartford U. Meth. Church, where Lowell and Judy were real active members while they lived in West Winfield, NY" [Charlotte S. Smith letter, T299]"Leah Guernsey Snyder from Schoharie County was a self-educated school teacher and taught in several schools including Fishkill, Prattsville, Howes Cave and Eas‚ўџџџ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžўџџџ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАўџџџВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНўџџџПРСТУФХЦўџџџШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуўџџџхўџџџчшщъыьэўџџџя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќўџџџўџt Worcester ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 19; T319]"[Egbert] joined his father in the hardware and feed-store business [in East Worcester, New York] at an early age." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37] "Egbert Snyder started a feed and hardware store and was joined by his son Victor Guy who continued the store until 1934, when it was closed and remodeled into a home." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 82] "Egbert Snyder was a prominent East Worcester resident who became a dealer in horses. He introduced the breeding of standard horses and kept from 40 to 60 in stock. He had fine specimens of the Almont breed, one of the best of which was named 'Bugular.' Snyder was born in East Worcester in 1843 and when 20 years old became a merchant. He married Rancie Brown in the Town of Middlefield and the couple had one child, Earl B." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 199]"Martin moved to East Worcester [New York]." [Charlotte S. Smith, O79] "The Samuel Witt property in East Worcester was purchased by Martin Snyder, who built a house and next to it a store. Snyder and his wife Mary Eldred came from Roseboom in the 1840s. He became a successful shoemaker and farmer. They had two sons, Eugene and Egbert, and the latter joined his father in the hardware and feed-store business at an early age. Martin retired from the store in 1874, but continued with his shoemaking trade. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"... these ... men were able to obtain tracts of land in the later hamlet of Worcester [New York] between 1845 and 1850: ... Isaac LaMoure $865.35 ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31] "Isaac LaMoure, great-grandfather of Charlotte Snyder Smith, lived on this property [later occupied by 'Millard Inn' in Worcester], too ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 32]"James changed his name to LaMoure. James came to the Narrows in East Worcester [New York], and built home there." [Charlotte S. Smith, O76] "Other early settlers along the present Alvord Road were ... James LaMoure ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39]"... built the place on North Road [East Worcester, N.Y.] where Harriet Babcock lives. ..." [Charlotte S. Smith, O61] "About the year 1812 Colonel Lionel Sheldon, who was active in the militia, and Joseph Kelso, put in the set of machines for carding wool into rolls and for dressing cloth. There, in the lower rooms of Champion's mills, the first carding and clothing works began operations in the area. Shortly after the Sheldon-Kelso partnership dissolved, Lionel Sheldon and his brother Allen built their own cardng business located about 80 rods below the mill. They successfully continued the business for 25 to 30 years. After Allen left to live in Ohio, Lionel continued the business for another 25 to 30 years. The enterprise, which supplied woolen materials and homespun for nearly 50 years, was then sold to David Anthony." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 34-35]"from Middlesex, Conn." [Charlotte Celia Snyder ancestry, O70]"Jacques appears to have moved to Albany Co. at the beginning of the Revolution where he settled in Rensselaerville. ... His will mentioned 7 sons and one daughter. Only have records for two sons -- George and James." [Charlotte S. Smith, O76]"The only surviving son of [Andre] was Daniel Lamoureux -- his wife was Jeanne Masse -- the Founders of the American Family. He moved to New Rochelle between 1724 and 1726. Final location was in Philipses Precinct), Dutchess Co. (Philipse Manor). There were seven sons and 2 daughters. [Charlotte S. Smith paraphrase from "The Lamoureux Family in America," O60) "Daniel's trade was boot-maker (long boots made from goat skins -- cordovan)" [Charlotte S. Smith, O75]1689 -- "After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 [the French Huguenots] lost the rig      !"#$ўџџџ&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDўџџџFGHIJўџџџLMўџџџOPўџџџRSTUVWXYZ[ўџџџ]^_`abcўџџџefghijklmnўџџџpqrstuvwxyz{|}~€ht to worship in their Protestant beliefs. They fled to other countries -- one place being the British colonies of America. "Andre Lamoureux, a shipmaster and pilot of the western coast of France -- left his home port, a short distance below Bordeaux, with his wife, Suzanne Latour, and 2 children. He went to Bristol, England. The fugitives organized a little French Church there. They remained there for several years. First appeared in the Bristol Church record in 1689. Daniel's birth was recorded there Nov. 29, 1693 -- Bristol, Eng. ... "In anticipation of emigration to America, Andre took out naturalization papers for himself and family, June 22, 1694. Andre and his family were in New York as early as May 15, 1700. His descendants lived in New York City, and in New Rochelle." [Charlotte S. Smith paraphrase from "The Lamoureux Family in America," O74-O75] 1689 -- "He sailed first to Bristol, England about 1689 and there are records [of the family] there until [it] sailed to New York City just before 1700, where they lived and records were in the French Church in N.Y.C. [Charlotte S. Smith paraphrase from "The Lamoureux Family in America," O60]1958 - "Whitesboro -- Charles Hiller, 91, of 20 Westmoreland St., Whitesboro, died Jan. 29, 1958 in a local hospital after a long illness. "He was born Jan. 22, 1867, in Germany, son of Carl and Regina Hiller. He came to the United States at the age of 16 and had since lived in New York Mills, Yorkville and Whitesboro. "Mr. Hiller was a machinist and had been employed by a number of firms in this vicinity. He retired in 1943. "In 1888 in New York Mills, he married Nellie Bellinger. She died in 1948. "He was a former fire chief of the Yorkville Fire Dept. and for many years served as a Republican committeeman for the Town of Whitestown. "He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Glenn Owens of Canastota, Mrs. Clovis Gavoille of Milford, Pa., Mrs. Alfred Platt Sr. of Whitesboro; three sons, Charles S. of Canastota, David B. of Plainfield, Iowa, Robert of Fayetteville; 11 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews." [Obituary of Charles Hiller, J50]1715/1716, January 17 -- "'Jacob Snyder' naturalized at Albany -- Albany Common Council Minutes -- lived in the Schoharie Valley in 1717." [Charlotte S. Smith, O78]"Rancie Brown's parents lived in Schenevus." [Charlotte S. Smith, O81]"... was wife of Dr. L. Genung -- in Worcester ..." [Charlotte S. Smith, O81]"... [Dr. Fred C. Leonard] was followed by Dr. Vincent McCabe, then by Dr. Lewell T. Genung, who remained until about 1913." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 184] "Son -- Judson (deceased) "Daughter -- Dorothy Cooper now Mrs. Hugh J. Baker living in Indianapolis, Ind." [Town of Worcester History, 1954, 154]2011, May 1 -- " ... she was deserted by Charles Dorsey Cattell, Sr [and was] divorced with 6 children. He changed his name to F1925 -- "Donald Morse, a seaman on the USS Cassin of the destroyer division of the Internal Revenue, has been spending an eight day furlough with his sister, Mrs. A.S. DeLong." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AO] "New York, Dec. 2 (AP) -- the body of a young man identified as that of Donald C. Morse, 23, of Worcester, Otsego county, was found today in his room in the Union Square hotel, where he had committed suicide sometime during the night by hanging. "Word of the death of Mr. Morse, was received by his stepfather, Charles Boyce, 19 River street, yesterday afternoon. The body is being shipped here for burial, but funeral arrangements were incomplete last evening. "Morse left Worcester about six years ago to enter the United States coast guard service, in which he served one enlistment. Since then he has been studying electricity and been employed on the [S.S.] Southern Cross between New York and Buenos Aires. "He was born, June 17, 1906, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morse of this city. He is survived by his grandfather, Myron Morse; the stepfather, previously named; one sister, Mrs. Arthur Delong; an aunt, Mrs. Attie Lawrence, and an uncle, Herbert Gordon, all residing at Kelly Corners. Another uncle, James B. Morse, resides in Baltimore, Md. ..." [Obituary of Donald C. Morse, T296] 1929, December 4 -- "Word was received on Monday stating that Donald Morse, a former resident of this village, had committed suicide by hanging and that his body had been found in his room at the Union Square hotel in New York City. It is thought he had committed the deed some time Sunday night. "He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morse and was born in Oneonta June 17, 1906. Several years after the death of her husband Mrs. Morse was united in marriage to Chas. Boyce, and with her two children came to Worcester to live. ...The body has been sent to Oneonta where the funeral will be held. "Surviving are his grandfather, Myron Morse of Oneonta; a sister, Mrs. Maudeine DeLong, an aunt Mrs. Attie Lawrence, an uncle Herbert Gordon, all of Kelleys Corners; a second uncle James B. Morse resides at Baltimore, Md. "Funeral services will be held from the H.A. Lewis funeral parlors in Oneonta st one o'clock Thursday afternoon and the body interred in Glenwood cemetery. Rev. L.A. Dykeman of Worcester will conduct the services." [Worcester Times article]1913, September 24 -- "Eugene G. Morse, son of Myron Morse, the well-known D&H engineer, residing at 46 Burnside avenue, and himself formerly employed as fireman by that company and known in this city, met with a tragic death early Tuesday morning, when the large barn on the farm of the McKown estate, about one-half mile west of Maryland village, was destroyed by fire. The exact circumstances surrounding his unfortunate end will probably never be known. While many theories have been announced, among them the possibility that he was assaulted by tramps who afterward fired the building to cover their crime, the most plausible supposition to many quite familiar with the case being that either the lantern which he was using about the cow stable exploded or that, finding the buildings afire when he reached the stable, he lost his life in an attempt to get out of the building a half dozen calves and one cow which were in the building. The lantern which he had carried to the barn was found in front of the stable door with its burner missing. Oil still remained in it and the lantern globe was near. "The finding of a small .32-calibre revolver near the spot where his body was first seen being explained by the fact that it had been left lying above one of the windows in the stable that he might shoot a skunk seen frequently about the barn. The material facts as disclosed at an investigation conducted by Coroner E.J. Parish, who reached the farm about 8 o'clock, while the big mows of hay were still burning fiercely, are that Mr. Morse, who moved to the farm in April last from the A.D. Sherman farm in Milford, arose about 5 o'clock and, after dressing, left the room in which both he and Mrs. Morse slept with their two children. About 10 minutes later, as near as the wife can judge, she was aroused by the son who slept facing the window who asked her what made such a bright light. Arising and looking out of the window Mrs. Morse discovered that the barn was on fire and had even then made considerable progress. Throwing a rain coat over her shoulders she hastened to the barn. Seeing that she could not enter and thinking perhaps Mr. Morse had gone to summon help from others, she busied herself removing smaller articles from the shed adjoining. Others arrived shortly including John McKown and hired man and all were busy either in removing farm implements or in efforts to save an adjoining barn, the absence of Mr. Morse being overlooked for a time and even when what was thought to be the carcass of a cow fell from within the ruins outside no one dreamed it could be the half burned torso of Mr. Morse. "Later, Mr. Morse not appearing and the heat of the fire having subsided in a measure, several, among them B.F. VanZandt, approached nearer the badly burned body and then insisted that it was a human body and not that of a cow. By liberal use of water about the spot men were able to reach near enough to throw a rope over the body and draw it away from the side of the ruins. It was readily seen to be that of a human being although too frightfully burned to describe. It was removed to the side of the nearby barn to await the arrival of Coroner Parish, at the suggestion of Dr. Burdick who was among the first to arrive at the fire. "Mr. Burdick at once summoned Dr. Parish, to instructed the former to call Undertaker Tillapaugh of Schenevus and to care for the body pending his arrival. When the coroner arrived he and Dr. Parish examined the corpse and found that it was that of a male adult and apparently of about the same size as the body of Mr. Morse, the only person missing about the fire. Dr. Parish took the evidence of Mrs. Morse, John McKown, Dr. Burdick and others and will undoubtedly certify that it was the body of Morse and sign the death certificate. Rivo Tillapaugh arrived shortly after the coroner and prepared the body for burial, although little could be done. "The funeral services will be held from the late home on Thursday at 11 o'clock. Rev. L.A. Dykeman of Maryland will officiate and interment will be made in Glenwood cemetery in this city, where the larger part of his life has been passed. "Eugene C. Morse was born in the town of Sanford, Broome county, Jan. 14, 1875, but removed to Oneonta with his parents when about 12 years of age and this has been his home most of the time since. He formerly was employed at Arkville and Cook's Falls and for about five years was a fireman on the D&H railroad here, becoming a member of thre Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, of which organization he was a member and in good standing at the time of his death. Something more than two years ago he removed to Schenevus, where he had secured employment, his health indicating that the work of a fireman was too severe for him. Shortly after locating there the house was struck by lightning and burned, himself and family escaping with no serious injuries. He then removed to Milford, from which place he removed to Maryland as stated. "In 1903 Mr. Morse married at Pine Hill Miss Nellie Gordon of Fleishmanns and she with two children, Maudene, aged 9 years, and Donald, aged 7 years, survive. His father, stepmother, brother, James, residing at Baltimore, Md., a half brother, Myron Morse of Watervliet, and two half sisters, Miss Cecil Morse, of Clinton, N.J., and Miss Ella, residing at home also survive. The grandfather, Chauncey B. Morse, is also living at the advanced age of 91 years, making his home with his son at 46 Burnside avenue. "Mr. Morse was a man of good habits and character, industrious and hardworking, perhaps beyond his strength, and always cheerful. Mr. McKown, under whose supervision he was working the farm, speaks most highly of him and is confident that he was doing well. He was devoted to his family and withal was well liked and respected by all who knew him. "The barn building was owned by the McKown estate and was a large and valuable one in good condition. It housed a dairy of 31 cows, of which all but one were in the pasture. The one cow and four of six calves, two having been liberated apparently by Mr. Morse, were burned together with something over 80 tons of hay, a ton and a half of feed. Most if not all of the agricultural instruments were removed. The estate had an insirtance of $700 upon the building. Mr. Morse had an insurance upon his half of the contents, but the estate had no insurance upon personal property in the barn." [Oneonta Star; C116A] 2000, December 25 -- "I've always understood that Maudene's father died in a barn fire at the Morehouse farm, Maryland [New York] where Julian Hanson now lives. ... I think it was Ken Ives who said that -- he owned the farm at one time." [Anita E. Axtell letter]Alan J. Burgess states that the Cattell family may have had some Native American ancestry. " [Addie Honeyman] was deserted by Charles Dorsey Cattell Sr [and was] divorced with 6 children. He changed his name to Frank Morse. No record of death found. Most of the history came from my grandfather." [Donna Pensabene; S49] "Jonas Cattell was half Leni Lenape (Delaware) Indian, and during the Revolutionary War was chosen, because of his vast knowledge of the trails and short cuts of South Jersey, to warn the soldiers of Fort Mercer at Red Bank that over 1200 Hessian soldiers were approaching to take over the fort. He is said to have run over 10 miles from Haddonfield, New Jersey, to Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, and arrived in plenty of time for the soldiers to prepare for the attack. Because of his speed afoot, the American soldiers were able to defeat the Hessian troops, leaving over 500 casualties while only sustaining 14 losses and 23 wounded." [Story by Jonas Cattell's great-great-great-granddaughter Merretta Gibson Cattell Weber; S42] " ... a patriot named Jonas Cattell ... from Haddonfield NJ born in 1758 was much like Daniel Boone ... Jonas was quite a colorful character ... " [Donna Pensabene; S43-S44] "My daughter who lives in Ocala Florida wants to run in the Jonas Cattell 43rd run in NJ ... and visit the archives and cemetery of ancestors." [Donna Pensabene; S48] "We both descend from the original Jonas Cattell and Mary Pearce. They had four children that survived. James Cattell b May 27, 1715 William Cattell b Aug 11, 1717 Hannah Cattell b Feb 25, 1719 Jonas Cattell b May 22, 1722 "According to [The Cattell Family in America], you descend from James Cattell. My family descends from his brother Jonas." [Robert Allen to Donna Pensabene; S40] "Charles deserted his family, lived in Phila[delphia], was div[orced], changed his name, and d[ied] in Phila as Frank Morse ... the story comes from his son Charles ..." [The Cattell Family in America, 96; S74]rank Morse. No record of death found ... Most of the history came from my grandfather ... " [Donna Pensabene; S49]1920, October 27 -- "George Cattell of Schenectady is spending several weeks with his brother, Charles Cattell in this village recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AJ] 1941, August 6 -- "Obituary for George Cattell, brother of Charles Cattell." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BL]1919, June 4 -- "Charles Cattell‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—ўџџџ™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉўџџџЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕўџџџЗўџџџЙКўџџџМНОПРСўџџџУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийкўџџџмнопрстўџџџфхцўџџџшщъыьэўџџџя№ёўџџџѓєѕўџџџїјљњћўџџџ§ўџ has received word from his brother Walter Cattell, who is now in Marseilles, France, stating that he has joined the regulars and has been promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. He expects to go to the German frontier at once. " [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AI] 1919, August 8 -- "Lieut. Walter Cattell arrived in town last week and is the guest of his brother, C.D. Cattell. Lieut. Cattell has served in the United States light artillery for the past six years and six months, the last two years of which were spent in France, and seven months on the firing line. During the time spent at the front 90 percent of his battalion were killed and wounded and he, himself, seriously burned by mustard gas. The company, of which he is a member, were used as shock troops during the terrible battles of the Argonne Forest, Soissons and Chateau Thiery. In view of the long time that the Lieutenant has served the country, Mr. Cattell has decided that he has done his bit for the country and has sent his resignation to the War Department and will retire to private life." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96AI] Walter H. Cattell is said to have married Florence Gleiner and had "no issue." [The Cattell Family in America, 96; S74]1988, November 17 -- "My records show that 13 children were born to Ida and George -- He was 44 when he died and she 38. She could have gone on forever it seems. She was a very warm woman, loved every grandchild she had and each one was better than the ones before! My Mother (the eldest in the family) was 21 when she was married and approx. 25 when her dad died -- this left a large family for Grandma Ida to raise by herself. George Ladd Burgess died August 16, 1911 and their last child was born January 6, 1912!!! " [Alice Perry letter, S27]"Charles H. Bump of Longmeadow, Mass., who has made a cast research on the Bump lineage says -- 'Study of the Bumpus-Bumpas family has convinced me that all of us are descended from Edward Bumpasse who arrived at Plymouth Nov. 10, 1621 in the Fortune, the first ship following the Mayflower.'" [Burgess/Bump family summary, S18; Alice Perry information, S25]"one girl married a Hull" [Irene M. Smith research, T61]§џџџ    + !"#$%&'()*,=-./0123456789:;<>M?@ABCDEFGHIJKLN\OPQRSTUVWXYZ[]k^_`abcdefghijl}mnopqrstuvwxyz{|Œ§џџџ€An account of Viola S. Lance's childhood memories appears at T162N-T162TSurname variation -- "Hewit" appears in the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Hewit (the grandfather). [D33] 1784, November 18 -- "Josiah Grant Hewit" named executor of his grandfather Joseph Hewit's will. [D33]Women named Celida appear twice in the Wright family ancestry, one as the daughter of Milton Wright, who was improbably born (1811) only three years before she is said to have been, and one as the daughter of Pomeroy Wright born the same year as the other Celida, 1814. There is also confusion between Fannella who appears in the Wright ancestry as daughter of Edward III and "Fanella (?)" who appears in Samuel Hewitt's will as the daughter of Pomeroy Wright. The only daughters of Pomeroy who appear in the Wright ancestry are Celida, Olive and Abigail. [Two Centuries in Westford, 170-171, C422 and Last Will and Testament of Samuel Hewett, D35] The gravestone of the Celida A. Wright in the Schenevus Cemetery [C59] gives dates of 1846-1910, which would fit if she were Milton Wight's daughter.1878 -- "The year 1793 witnessed the arrival of many settlers anxious to locate their homes in this fertile country [Westford]. Prominent among this number was Benjamin Chase, of honored memory ..." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 352]1878 -- "Calvin and his family moved to Ohio in about the year 1835." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 352]1878 -- "This family gave ten votes for Abraham Lincoln each time he was elected, and nine votes for General Grant, the father at that time being dead." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 352]1878 -- "John and William emigrated to the west." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 352]1878 -- "John and William emigrated to the west." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 352]1878 -- "Jerry Chase, enl. in Co. E, 1st Eng., Aug. 30, 1864; dis. July 14, 1865 (credited to Otsego)." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 183 and gravestone inscription, C59]1878 -- "Miles Chase, enl. in Co. D., 3d Cav, Aug. 20, 1862; in battles of Goldsboro, Kingston, White Hall, Blunt's Mills, and Pўџџџўџџџ    ўџџџўџџџўџџџ ўџџџ"#$%&'()*+,ўџџџ./012ўџџџ456ўџџџ89:;<=>?@ABўџџџDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ўџџџetersburg; dis. June 7, 1865." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 182]1878 -- "R.C. Chase, enl. in 3d Cav., 1861; dis. and re-enlisted for the town of Otsego." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 183] (Might refer instead to Reuben Chase)1878 -- "Edward B. Chase, enl. in Co. D, 3d Cav., Aug. 20, 1862; in battles of Wilson's Raid, etc.; corp.; dis. June 25, 1865." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 183]1878 -- 'Daniel Chase, enl. in Co. C, 51st Regt., Aug. 28, 1861." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 182]1878 -- "R.C. Chase, enl. in 3d Cav., 1861; dis. and re-enlisted for the town of Otsego." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 183] (Might refer instead to Robert Chase)1878 -- "Alphonso D. Chase, enl. in Co. F, 21st Regt., Aug. 9, 1862; in battles of Crampton's Gap, 2d Fredericksburg, Petersburg, Cedar Creek, Winchester; wounded; dis. in June, 1865." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 183]1997 -- "... Another new face from the 1959 election was that of Winfield C. Teller, who defeated John Riese, an incumbent Assessor with 14 years of elective service. Teller then took on [Maynard B.] Skinner in the next election and defeated the incumbent Supervisor." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 227; includes photo of Winfield C. Teller]1938, August 2 -- "Lou Chase that is Arthur Goldens sister has made every effort to join the D.A.R. but has been unable to do so" [Agnes Bennett letter to her "Niece" Irene Smith, D79]2004, October 6 -- "Joseph and LaVerne Tretock raised Lori as their daughter." [Donald P. Petro; V97]"It is said that when South Hill Road [in Worcester, New York] was paved, Arthur McClintock used his political influence to have the macadam go past his farm rather than up the easier grade from the bottom of the hill up the draw to Brady Road. The steep slope below the old McClintock place remains as a result." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 108]1999, September 20 -- "Worcester -- Georgia Sawyer, 80, of Worcester, died Saturday, Sept. 18, 1999, at her son's home in Decatur. "She was born Oct. 21, 1918, in Worcester, the daughter of Arthur and Ruth (Wright) McClintock. "She married Harold Sawyer on Dec. 24, 1937, in Worcester. He predeceased her on Oct. 31, 1978. "Mrs. Sawyer was a lifetime area resident. She attended the Hall Road District School in Worcester, a one-room schoolhouse." "She was employed at Astrocom in Oneonta for several years; most recently she was a self-employed home care giver. "Mrs. Sawyer was a member of the Worcester United Methodist Church, the Worcester Bowling league, and was an avid gardener who enjoyed her family and her home. She will be dearly missed by many. "Mrs. Sawyer is survived by three sons. A. Joseph and his wife, Sharon Sawyer of Worcester, Larry and his wife, Donna Sawyer of Oneonta and Jerry and his wife, Patricia Sawyer of Decatur; four grandchildren, Cynthia Middleton of Michigan, Kristin Sawyer of Schenevus, Jeremy and James Sawyer of Decatur; one great-grandson, Court Middleton; a sister, Nellie Bush of Westford; and several nieces and nephews. "She was predeceased by a brother, Walter McClintock of Worcester and a sister, Dorothy Rexroad of Worcester. "A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1999, at the United Methodist Church in Worcester, with the Rev. Joyce Allen, pastor, officiating. "Burial will follow at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. "There will be no calling hours. "Contributions may be made in loving memory of Mrs. Sawyer to the United Methodist Church, Main Street, Worcester, N.Y. 12197 or the Catskill Area Hospice, Inc., 542 Main St., Oneonta, N.Y. "Funeral arrangements are by the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel,, 115 Main St., Worcester." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКўџџџМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓўџџџѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ2008, January 28 -- "Maryland -- Mrs. Nellie B. Bush, 92, went to see her maker after a very busy life as wife and mother, Jan. 24, 2008. "She was born on Worcester South Hill on Sept. 6, 1915, the daughter of Arthur and Ruth (Wright) McClintock. "Mrs. Bush graduated from Worcester Central School, class of 1935, and attended Mildred Elley School of Business, Albany. "She married Wilber Bush on June 7, 1937, at the McClintock residence; he predeceased her in 1999. "Mrs. Bush was a resident of Westford most of her adult life. "She was a member of Worcester Grange No. 1274, state and national for 75 years. She was a member of Westford United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women and Home Bureau. "Mrs. Bush is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Judith and Joseph Staruck of Schenevus, Marion and Edward Strong of Rolesville, N.C., and Barbara and Richard Strader of Maryland; a son, William Bush of Oneonta; six grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law, Helen McClintock of Worcester; a niece and several nephews. "She was predeceased by two sisters, Dorothy Rexroad and Georgia Sawyer; and a brother, Walter McClintock. "Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, at the Westford United Methodist Church, Westford, with the Rev. Larry Russell, pastor of the Westford/Schenevus United Methodist Churches, and the Rev. Kimberly Strong Lamb of Raleigh, N.C., granddaughter of Mrs. Bush, officiating. "There will be no public calling hours. "Cremation took place at the Leatherstocking Crematory, Inc., Cherry Valley. "In lieu of flowers, contributions in Mrs. Bush's memory may be made to the Catskill Area Hospice or the Westford United Methodist Church. "Arrangements were entrusted to the Ottman Funeral Home, Cherry Valley." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; C422A]2008, March 22 -- "Oneonta -- Mr. Wlliam (Bill) H. Bush, 60, ... has joined the Kingdom of Heaven ... He was born in Cooperstown on March 4, 1848, the son of Wilber and Nellie (McClintock) Bush, who predeceased him. Bill spent most of his life in Westford, where he was known for using his Kubota tractor to mow lawns, plow gardens and driveways and to help his father get firewood. He was a member of the Westford United Methodist Church. "Bill received his formal training through a homebound program provided by the Schenevus Central School. His early training by his dedicated parents laid the foundation that enabled him to become a productive member of society. "In 1996, Bill moved from Westford to Oneonta, where he lived in a group home on Browne Street and worked at the Browne Street Workshop shredding paper. ... "Bill is survived by his three sisters and brothers-in-law, Judith and Joseph Staruck of Schenevus, Marion and Edward Strong of Rolesville, N.C., and Barbara and Richard Strader of Maryland; six nieces and nephews and their families; an aunt, Helen McClintock of Worcester; several cousins and many cherished friends both in Westford and at the Oneonta ARC. "A memorial service ... will be held at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 24, at the Elm Park United Methodist Church, Oneonta. The Rev. Olu Harding, pastor of ... Elm Park ..., the Rev. Judy Thistle of the Worcester Baptist Church and the Rev. Kimberly Strong of Raleigh, N.C., niece of Mr. Bush, will officiate. ... " ... contributions ... may be made to the Browne Street group home, in care of The ARC Otsego ... or the Catskill Area Hospice and Palliative Care ... Oneonta ... "Arrangements are entrusted to the Ottman Funeral Home, Cherry Valley." [Obituary; Oneonta Daily Star; C422B]"Edward Wright, Jr. settled in Westford at an early point. His relationship to John Wright is not clear. However, as a result ofўџџџ    ўџџџўџџџ !"#$%&ўџџџ()*+,-./012345678ўџџџ:;<=>?@AўџџџCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYўџџџ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsўџџџuvwxyzўџџџ|}~€ intermarriage by descendants with the Holmes and Skinner families, a number of current or recent residents trace their ancestry back to him. Among them are the Skellies, the late Henry Snyder, and Nellie, wife of former Supervisor Wilbur Bush." [Two Centuries in Westford, 170, C422]"Chloe Pomeroy's line goes back through the Pomeroys to the daughter of Henry I of England, son of William the Conqueror, then back through the Norman Dukes to such worthies as Hugh Capet, forefather of the Plantagenets, Charlemagne, and to the Frankish Kings, Clovis and Chlotilde etc around 400 A.D." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R30]"The John Peter Russ Store at 73 Main Street [in Worcester, New York], built by Russ in 1850, was first known as Sgafer & Russ. It was owned by David W. Shelland and then Isaac Shelland. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 63]1840 -- A "Fanella(?)" Wright is mentioned in Samuel Hewitt's will as his grandchild, daughter of Pomeroy Wright. "Two Centuries in Westford" gives Fannella as the daughter (1806-1835) of Edward Wright III, and Celida (1814), Olive (1818) and Abigail (1820) as daughters of Pomeroy Wright. "Two Centuries in Westford" also lists Celida (1814) as daughter of Milton Wright (1811), which would be an accomplishment. All these relationships need clarification. [Last Will and Testament of Samuel Hewett, D35 and Two Centuries in Westford, 170-171, C422]"... Burr family goes back six generations to Jehue Burre b. cir. 1600 arrived Winthrop Fleet 1630. Betsy Burr's line also goes back thru Raymond, Bouton, Raymond to Elizabeth Fitch whose great grandfather was Thomas Fitch of Bocking, Essex. Thomas' will was proved 1632. Fitch line produced Richard de Montfichet, one of the 25 Barons at Runnymede 12[15] (Magna Carta}. Trace ends with Baron Richard's great grandfathers, Robert de Gernon and Gilbert, 2nd Lord Clare who both came over [to England] with Wm. the Conqueror." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R31]1876 -- Author of "A Concise History of the Town of Maryland" 1878 -- "William S. Hotchkin, enl. in Co. E, 1st Eng., Aug. 28, 1864; in battle of Chaplin's Farm; dis. July 13, 1865 (credited to Westford)." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 184]"In 1944 an early spring storm had left farmers on West Hill Road [in Worcester, New York] snowed-in for two weeks. One day, Ivan Mereness had picked up cans of milk from his neighbors and was heading for the local creamery with his bobsled and team of horses. He had gotten as far as the school with his rig when it happened! "Lt. Col. Charles F. Wright picked that moment to fly his B-17 at tree-top level down Main Street. ... The Mereness horses, spooked by the loud noise, ran wildly down the street, not stopping until they reached Smiths' Jersey Dairy. Wright maneuvered his plane back through town a second time; however, by now the horses were too tired and didn't offer to run away. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 60]Women named Celida appear twice in the Wright family ancestry, one as the daughter of Milton Wright who was improbably born (1811) only three years before she is said to have been, and one as the daughter of Pomeroy Wright born the same year as the other Celida, 1814. There is also confusion between Fannella who appears in the Wright ancestry as the daughter of Edward III and "Fanella(?)" who appears in Samuel Hewitt's will as the daughter of Pomeroy Wright. The only daughters of Pomeroy who appear in the Wright ancestry are Celida, Olive and Abigail. [Two Centuries in Westford, 170-171, C422 and Last Will and Testament of Samuel Hewett, D35] The gravestone of the Celida A. Wright in the Schenevus Cemetery [C59] gives dates of 1846-1910, which would fit if she were Milton Wright's daughter."buried on [John Dauley] lot Marvin Crosby (who married a grandaughter of John H. Dauley -- no marker; brought from Whitney Point in 1909 or 1910) ... son-in-law of Miles Dauley ..." [W. Fern Ferguson research, O10]1997 -- "Worcester -- After 21 years in education, Richard V. Mabbett still wants to go to school. "But this year, he'll be at Worcester Central School a‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—ўџџџ™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗўџџџЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвўџџџдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчўџџџщъыьўџџџюя№ёђѓєѕіїўџџџљњћќ§ўџs its new superintendent. Mabbett said he looks forward to being part of the community and working with the Board of Education, the school staff and residents to provide a safe and educational environment for students. "Mabbett started Aug. 18 at Worcester with a $74,000 salary. He replaces Lawrence Bobnick, who retires at the end of this month. ... Worcester enrolls about 470 students ... "Most recently, Mabbett was middle school principal at Weedsport Junior-Senior High School. Before becoming an administrator, he taught elementary classes for 14 years. He earned bachelor's and master's degrees from Syracuse University and educational administration certification from the State University College at Oswego. ..." [Newspaper article, M82-M83]1998, June 6 -- "Rotterdam -- Mrs. Alice V. Siegel, 56, of Palmer Street, died Thursday at home after a long illness. "Born in Schenectady, Mrs. Siegel was a lifelong area resident. "She was a homemaker. "Mrs. Siegel was also a member of the Ladies of the Rotterdam Elks and the Adirondack Blue Grass League. She was a communicant of Holy Cross Church in Schenectady. "Survivors include her husband, Bernard Siegel, whom she married in 1991, a son, Gary Fatato of Rotterdam; a daughter, Deborah Broughton of Schenectady; a sister, Sally Parshall of Spencer; her mother, Sadie Siebert of Scotia, and three grandchildren. "Services will be art 10:20 a.m. Monday at the White Funeral Home, 264 N. Ballston Ave. (Route 50), Scotia, and at 11 a.m. at Holy Cross Church, North College Street in the Stockade, where a Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated. "Burial will be in Park Cemetery, Scotia ..." [Obituary of Alice Siegel, Schenectady Daily Gazette, F43]1840 -- James Albert appears at 310 on the 1840 census, 1 m 20-30, 1 f 30-40, 2 f 5-10, 1 m under 5 [Ruth S. All research, L110 and Irene D. Smith research, M60] 1850 -- James appears at 177 in the 1850 Worcester census, farmer age 39, Maria age 41, Caroline age 18, Sally age 16, John H. age 13, Mary L. age 9, last four in school [All, L110 and Smith, M59] 1860 -- James appears at 428 in the Schoharie County census, farmer age 48, Maria age 50, Caroline age 29, $650 property, $150 personal [Smith, M40] 1866 -- "J. Albert" residence appears on west side of main road through Lutheranville, at the intersection. [W. Fern Ferguson drawing from Schoharie County Atlas, M20] 1870 -- James appears in the Schoharie County census, farm laborer age 59, Maria keeping house age 60, $700 real estate, $200 personal. [Smith, M41]"George lived on Center Valley road above the Prentice farm" [Ruth S. All research, L140] 1840 -- A "George Albert" household appears at 312 on the 1840 Worcester census, 1 m 30-40, 1 f 30-40, 2 m 5-10, 1 f under 5, 1 f 80-90. [All, L110 and Irene D. Smith research, M60] 1850 -- George N. Albert at 178 on 1850 Worcester census. Emiline Multer, age 16, lived with family. [All, L44, L110 and L140] 1860 -- George is at 234 in the Otsego County census. 1998, May 25 -- Beside Henry and Margaret Albert, George N. Albert and his wife Mary Multer, and Maggie S. Albert are buried in the plot. [Gravestone inscriptions, M61 and Ruth S. All rsearch, L140]"On Sunday May 4, 1856, the following persons were baptized: ... Caroline Albert ..." [Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of the Town of Summit, 33]1840 -- "Settled in Scho[harie] Co" [Ruth S. All research, L131] 1860 -- Benjamin Gage in Schoharie County census, Sally Albert Gage age 26 [Irene M. Smith research, M40] 1880 -- Town of Summit census shows Benjamin Gage 57 farmer, Sally 46 wife, George 19 son, Carrie 14 dau, Isaac son 12, Warren nephew 16, Mary niece 10. [All, L150]     ўџџџўџџџўџџџ !ўџџџ#$%&'()*+,-./0ўџџџ23456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcўџџџefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€1916 -- "Mrs. D.W. Cornell, the former Mary Lavinia Albert, died early Monday morning after being ill only a few days. The cause of her death is given as heart disease. She was born in this town about 75 years ago. On Dec. 25, 1858, she was married to D.W. Cornell, and lived happily together until last January when their union was broken by the death of Mr. Cornell. With the exception of a few years residence in the town of Summit her entire life was passed in this village. In the passing of Mrs. Cornell this village has lost one of its finest and noblest Christian women. She was an energetic member of the Congregational church of this village. She is survived by one son, Emerson, of Schenevus, and several grandchildren. The funeral was held from her late home at 1:30 p.m. this Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Jones officiating. Interment in Maple Grove cemetery. [Obituary of Mrs. D.W. Cornell, L77and L130]1892 -- "Mary lived in Charlotteville in 1892" [Ruth S. All research, L140]"Joseph owned as much as 1,000 acres of land at one time. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39]1994, March 25 -- "Another name mentioned [in Horton P. Albert's scrapbook] is Maggie S. Albert, daughter of the late Gilbert Albert, died in Altona, Illinois." [Ida K. Roberts letter, L53]1810 -- "Noah Beeman mentioned as regularly attending Baptist Association meetings from 1810 to 1820." [Thomas Bruxholm, Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of the Town of Summit, 16] 1820 -- "On Sept. 2, 1820, Noah Beeman was appointed clerk to succeed [Samuel] Stillwell and held the office until Oct. 18, 1823." [Bruxholm, 14] 1823 -- "On October 18, 1823, Noah Beeman 'requested to be exonerated from the office of church clerk.'" [Bruxholm, 21]1820 -- Henry Albert, Jr. is at 021 in the census of the Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, M69] 1824 -- H. Albert and his wife Margaret, both of the Town of Jefferson, convey 50 acres in Lot 5 of the 4th Allotment of Skinner's Patent to "H. Albert, Jr.," [HH Otsego County Deeds 286, L5] 1830 -- Henry Albert, Jr. is at 046 in the Worcester census. [DeLong, M69] 1840 -- A Henry is at 289 in the census of Hamburg, Erie County, New York {DeLong, M69A, M69B] 1856 -- It is not known whether the "Henry Albert" listed as a Town of Worcester officer is John Henry Albert, Henry C. Albert, Henry Albert, Jr., Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else. [Lawrence A. DeLong] 1860 -- A Henry is at 206 in the Otsego County census [DeLong, M69A, M69B] 1861, February 16 -- "The site on which the last four school buildings [in Worcester District No. 6] were erected was acquired from Bradley and Rebecca Ritton on February 16, 1861. It consisted of one-fourth acre for the price of $150. The trustees at this time were Joseph Wilsey, Nathaniel Wilder, and Henry Albert." Is this Henry Albert, Jr., John Henry Albert, Henry C. Albert, Henry son of Frederick Albert, or someone else? [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 144-145; from Here's to You, Worcester Schools, 19] 1910 -- "We are indebted to old John Wesley Albert of Worcester for the information that one of old Henry's sons was named Henry and that he lived and died in Orleans County ..." [Thomas Bruxholm, Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of the Town of Summit, 13]1943 -- "Schenevus -- Emerson J. Cornell died at his home on upper Main street Thursday evening after several months of poor hea‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽўџџџ’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇўџџџЉЊЋЌўџџџЎЏўџџџБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабўџџџгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџlth. He had been confined to bed only a week. "Funeral will be held from the Tillapaugh funeral home Sunday at 3. Rev. L.C. Jones, pastor of the Baptist church in Worcester, will officiate. Body will be placed in the vault in Worcester cemetery. "Mr. Cornell was born Feb. 5, 1860, a son of D. Webster and Mary (Alberts) Cornell. He married Cora Hull of Schenevus at Worcester March 26, 1881. She passed away Oct. 13, 1938. They came to Schenevus to live in 1893. "He was a handy man with tools and able to repair wood work of all kinds. For the past several years he had conducted a grocery store and gasoline station on upper Main. He was a member of the Baptist church. "Surviving are two sons, Clarence of Hartwick, Floyd of Milford, Mrs. Ray Gallup of Worcester, a niece, Mrs. Gertrude Simmons of Corinth, seven grandchildren, and four great grand children ..." [Obituary of Emerson Cornell, N14] 1943 -- "... Friends attending [Emerson Cornell's funeral] from away were Mrs. Gertrude Simmons of Corinth, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elmer of Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gallup and Mrs. Earl Cornell and family of Worcester, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cornell of Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cornell of Hartwick, and Clyde Cornell of Walton." [Newspaper article, N14]"Milford -- Floyd Cornell, 72, died October 3 at his home on Division Street, Milford. "Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, in the Tillapaugh Funeral Home, Milford, with the Rev. Paul J. McLaughlin, pastor of the Milford Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in Milford Cemetery. "Mr. Cornell was born in Schenevus June 11, 1884, a son of Emerson and Cora (Hull) Cornell. "He has been a resident of Milford many years and has been retired several years. Prior to his retirement he operated a grocery store. "Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ferra Cornell; a sister, Mrs. Ray Gallop, Worcester, and several nieces and nephews. ..." [Obituary of Floyd Cornell, N14]1917, July 30 - "Born, Monday, July 30, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cornell of Decatur, an eight pound daughter." [Newspaper article, L135]"Lived on So Hill (1 mi from Wor[cester])" [Ruth S. All research, L133]1928 -- "Mrs. Cora C. (Hull) Cornell, wife of Emerson J. Cornell of this village, passed away at the family home on upper Main street, Saturday morning, October 13, 1928, following a prolonged illness. The immediate cause of her death was a second stroke of paralysis which she sustained a short time ago and from which she failed to rally. "The deceased was born at Schenevus, Nov. 19, 1860, a daughter of the late Hobart B. and Mary (Chase) Hull. "On March 26, 1881, she married Emerson J. Cornell of Worcester, but practically all her life has been spent at Schenevus. "Beside her husband she is survived by five children, Clarence of Hartwick Seminary; Floyd W. of Milford; Harrie, residing at home; Earl of Decatur; and Mrs. Ray M. Gallup of Worcester; also by seven grandchildren. "The funeral services were held from her late home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Charles L. Buckingham pastor of the Schenevus Baptist church officiating. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester. ..." [Obituary of Mrs. Emerson J. Cornell, L135]1991 -- "Mrs. James E. (Marjorie May) Gage, 74, of Oneonta, died Sunday, Dec. 22, 1991, at A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital Nursing Home, Oneonta. "She was born July 30, 1917, in Decatur, Otseўџџџ      !"#$%&ўџџџ()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@AўџџџCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ўџџџ]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€go County, the daughter of Earl and Cecile (Elmore) Cornell. She married James E. Gage in Worcester on April 20, 1946. He died in May 1976. "She had spent most of her life in Worcester, moving to Oneonta in 1977. During her life she had worked at the Beechnut Packing Company at Canajoharie, and at one time was a seamstress for a glove factory in Richmondville. "At one time she had made flags for the Oneonta Police Department, as well as the Oneonta Fire Department. "In Oneonta she had been a member of the Salvation Army Citadel, the Home League of the Salvation Army and was active in the library of the Oneonta Citadel. Among her favorite hobbies were knitting, needle point and crocheting. "Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Lewis E. and Marion M. Gage of Oneonta; one sister, Mrs. Bill (Cora) Kiezer of East Worcester; one brother, Elmer Gallup of Gallupville; one granddaughter, Mrs. Samuel (Karen) Capps of Oneonta; one grandson, James E. Gage of Oneonta; two great-granddaughters, Samantha and Virginia Capps of Oneonta; nieces, nephews and cousins. "Funeral and committal services will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Dec. 27, at the Bookhout Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oneonta, with Captain Eddie Purvis of the Oneonta Citadel of the Salvation Army officiating. ... burial later in 1992 at the Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ..." [Obituary of Marjorie Gage, L138, L158]2005 -- "Elgin, Texas -- Cora Mary Kaiser, 70, of Elgin passed away Saturday, March 19, 2005, at Smithville Regional Hospital. "Cora was born to Earl Cornell and Cecile Elmore Cornell on April 26, 1934, in Richmondville. "She grew up in and around Worcester until she moved to Elgin in 1993. "Cora was a member of the Central Christian Church in Elgin, where she loved to attend until her illness prevented her from going. "She was preceded in death by her husband, William J. Kaiser; her parents; a sister, Marjorie Gage; and a brother, Elmore Cornell. "She is survived by her son, MSGT LeRoy A. Wilsey, currrently deployed to Afghanistan, and his wife, Beverly, of McDade, Texas; daughters Ruth Shibley and husband Larry of Elgin, Mary Knudsen and husband Dan of Conklin, and Joan Martindale and husband Dennis of Worcester; 13 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. "Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 24, 2005, in the Newby/Jones Family Funeral Home Chapel ... Elgin." [Oneonta Daily Star; L158A]"Hartwick -- Clarence Cornell, 66, formerly fireman at the Dairymen's League plant here died at 10 a.m. yesterday at his home after a year's illness. "The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Maxwell Funeral Home with the Rev. Robert E. Fletcher, pastor og Hartwick Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Hartwick Cemetery. "Mr. Cornell was born, Nov. 15, 1882, at Schenevus, son of Emerson J. and Cora (Hall) Cornell, and was married on Christmas Day 1905, to Nellie Peterson. He was a member of Hartwick Methodist Church and Hartwick IOOF. "Survivors are his wife; four children, Mrs. Leslie Alcott, Worcester, Claude Cornell, South Kortright, Durward Cornell, Albany, Hobart Cornell, at home; a sister, Mrs. Ray Gallup, Worcester; a brother, Floyd Cornell, Milford, and five grandchildren." [Newspaper article, N15]1984 -- "Mrs. Anna E. Alcott, 77, of Worcester, died at Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown on July 24. She was born June 24, 1907, in Schenevus. She was the daughter of Clarence and Nellie Peterson Cornell. She married Leslie W. Alcott June 24, 1929. He died in 1983. "She has lived in Worcester for 46 years, moving here from Schenevus. She was a member of the Second Baptist Church of Worcester, and was secretary of the missionary society of the church. She is survived by two brothers, Clyde Cornell of Delhi and Duward Cornell of Selkirk, N.Y., also several nieces and nephews. "Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Friday, July 27 at the Second Baptist Church of Worcester, Dr. George Goodwin officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ..." [Obituary of Anna E. Alcott, L136]1993 -- "East Worcester -- William J. Kaiser, 67, of North Road, East Worcester, died Monday, Nov. 15, 1993, at A.O. Fox Hospitaўџџџƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІўџџџЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВўџџџДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРўџџџТУФХЦЧўџџџЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ЃŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЄГЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВДаЕЖЗЦЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХўџџџЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯбсвгдежзийклмнопртуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџўџџџl in Oneonta. "Mr. Kaiser was born Jan. 22, 1926, in Westbury, the son of William J. and Catherine (Knipfing) Kaiser He married Cora Wilsey in Westford, on April 6, 1979. "Mr. Kaiser served with the U.S. Navy during World War II, from March 17, 1943 to Feb. 21, 1946 and slso during the Korean War, from July 20, 1950 to July 19, 1954. He received several service medals including four Bronze Stars. "Mr. Kaiser was employed as an electrician in Westbury. He had been a resident of East Worcester for the last 25 years, moving here from Westbury. He was a member of the VFW, Warnerville; the American Legion, Worcester; and the DAV, Albany. "Mr. Kaiser is survived by his wife, Cora, at home; a son, Leroy Wilsey of Texas; three daughters, Ruth Shibley of Texas, Joan Martindale of Worcester and Mary Ann Prouty of Maryland; a brother, Robert Kaiser of Michigan; two sisters, Catherine Molitor and Alice Heron, both of Westbury; 13 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by a sister." [Obituary; L158]1992 -- "James Edward Gage, 23, of Oneonta, died Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1992 at M.I. Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown. "He was born June 20, 1969 in Cooperstown, the son of Lewis E. and Marion (Preston) Gage. "Mr. Gage had lived in Worcester until moving to Oneonta in 1978. He was a 1990 graduate of Oneonta High School. He enjoyed fishing and model building. "He had worked at the ARC Center here in Oneonta, at one time. "He was a member of the Salvation Army Citadel of Oneonta and had done volunteer work at the Citadel. He was also a member of the Mountainview Social Club of Oneonta. "He is survived by his parents ... of Oneonta; one sister, Mrs. Samuel (Karen) Capps of Oneonta; two nieces, Samantha and Virginia Capps of Oneonta; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) Preston of Westford; his fiance, Paula Cannon on Oneonta and cousins. "Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 13, at the Bookhout Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oneonta, with the Captain Eddie Purvis of the Salvation Army Citadel of Oneonta, officiating. "Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. ..." [Obituary of James Gage, L138, L158]1850 -- Silas ae 40 appears in Census with wife Roxey ae 45, son James ae 8, son William ae 7, son John ae 6, son David M. ae 3 and daughter Marilla ae 1. A William Johnson ae 45 may be related to Silas; His household included Rightey ae 44, Silas L. ae 16, Mary C. ae 12, William H. ae 11, David W. ae 9, Eliza S. ae 6 and Sarah A. ae 4. [Frances C. Johnson research, P120-P121]The Jolls family is said to have had Native American ancestry. [Marilyn E. Dufresne] "Gardner can be traced along the Hudson from New York City to Albany and west along the Mohawk Valley. He was a skilled outdoorsman/bow hunter. Gardner fought at Penn Yan during the War of 1812 and lost a leg. The family settled in Cattaraugus Co. ... on land from the Holland Land Co. in 1817." [Genealogy of the Jolls Family in America, R52]"James W. Robinson's wife, Lucy Jolls, was the daughter of Gardner Jolls and Clarissa Stevens Jolls, a Mohawk Indian." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 29; Georgia Ryder Caban and Ralph Caban research, R35]ўџџџ     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456ўџџџ89:;<ўџџџ>?@ўџџџBCўџџџEFGўџџџIJKLўџџџNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeўџџџghijklmnўџџџpqrstuvwўџџџyz{|}~€"The Robinson Mansion [235 Main Street, Worcester, New York] was the next place along this East Main Street area. It must have been very impressive when it was built by James W. Robinson in 1832. Materials were brought from Albany by ox team. The workers, who had also come from the Albany area, tired of the job and went home, delaying the completion of the house for a year. The grand entrance of this Greek Revival house includes Doric columns of white pine, several banks of steps and a veranda to the large front door. A gable over the porch provided rooms for servants which, though comfortably furnished, were dimly lighted by tiny windows. The basement kitchen has a large brick fireplace. The grounds of this property contain approximately 100 acres, including beautiful Robinson Falls and the unusual carriage house. A gazebo has since deteriorated and was taken down. Although the house was built only for a summer home, Mrs. Robinson and her daughters lived there permanently after the death of her husband on November 26, 1843. The Robinson family had come from Omagh, Tyrone County, Ireland. They sailed from Londonderry on May 18, 1804, on the William and Mary of New York. They settled in Washington County before coming to Worcester. James W. Robinson's grandmother, Jane Barber, was the daughter of Jane Hamilton, a sister of Alexander Hamilton. James W. Robinson's wife, Lucy Jolls, was the daughter of Gardner Jolls and Clarissa Stevens Jolls, a Mohawk Indian. James W. and Lucy Jolls Robinson were the great-great-grandparents of Milton, Richard, Marilyn (Wright) Dufresne and Robert Wright, all of Worcester. "... The Robinson family occupied this home for over 60 years, and although it was at one time neglected, its new owner has refinished and painted the outside of the mansion so that it remains in its original state." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 29-30; photo of mansion on page 29; photo of Robinson Falls on page 30]"Hamilton W. Robinson ... was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for New York City. He and his wife, Emma Whitney Robinson, were summer residents [at the Robinson Mansion in Worcester, New York]." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 29-30] "Judge Hamilton W. Robinson summered at the Robinson Mansion (235 Main Street) but there is no record of his ever having practiced law in Worcester." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 103]"Lucy Robinson, a daughter of the [Robinson] mansion's builder [Worcester, New York] and wife of Charles Wright, had her leg amputated as the result of an infection following the birth of a child. Though her husband died when the family was still young she raised the children and maintained the home while using crutches." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 30] "It was at the family home in Wrightville (289 Main Street [Worcester[) that little Bess Wright went with her parents to call on Charles and Lucy Robinson Wright, her grandparents. Bess, who was three or four at the time, was very observant. 'Grandma Robbie,' as she was called, smoked a corncob pipe. When company came, Grandma Robbie hastily stuffed the pipe into the pocket of her long dress before answering the door. Little Bess, who wasn't interested in the conversation of grownups, kept her eyes glued to Grandma Robbie's pocket, wondering if the dress might catch fire from the lighted pipe secretly hidden from view." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 155]"The Robinson family came from Omagh Tyrone Co. in Ireland in 1804 -- settled at Argyle or Salem in Washington Co. (N.Y.)" [Marilyn E. Dufresne information, R10]1634 -- "Came to US in 1634 from Ipswich" [Golden family genealogical chart by John Miller Geritz, G1]1851 -- "Came to US in 1851" [Golden family genealogical chart by John Miller Geritz, G1]1986 -- Co-chairperson of family history report, Two Centuries in Westford [Two Centuries in Westford, 159; C416]"...For many years Horace's son, Waldo, operated a store in town and also was postmaster. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford 159; C416]1862 -- "John K. Tyler, enl. in the 121st Regt. in 1862; he served in the ranks and shared the fortunes of the regiment every day from first to last; never had a ride in an ambulance or a berth in a hospital; he was the only man of the one hundred who went out in Co. G that participated in all of the battles, and came out without a wound." [D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Otsego County, 355] John Kendrick Tyler wrote a poetic "Tribute to the 'Onesters'" (nickname of the 121st New York Volunteers), which appears on page 44 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. "Upstairs tenants [at 95 Main Street in Worcester, New York] in the early days included ... John Kendrick Tyler, Insurance ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 65]1799 -- "In 1799, Eli Tyler, a fifth generation American, settled in Westford with his wife on property that remained in the family for 165 years. It was located on the back (Greenbush) road just beyond the hill to Worcester. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford 159; C416]"...Later the Grange closed the feed business [in Worcester, New York] and sold the building to Harold Tyler." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 74] 1986 -- On editorial board of Two Centuries in Westford [Two Centuries in Westford, 159; C416]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œўџџџžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊўџџџЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙўџџџЛМНОПРСТУўџџџХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопўџџџстуфхцчшщъыьэюўџџџ№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ2000, February 28 -- "Westford -- "George O. Tyler, 85, of Westford, died Thursday, Feb. 24, 2000, at The Meadows in Middlefield, where he had been a resident. "He was born Aug. 7, 1914, in Westford, the son of Lyman and Edna B. (Partker) Tyler. "Mr. Tyler attended the Westford School and worked on the family dairy farm. He was a member of the Westford Methodist Church, where he was the custodian for many years. He also maintained the Westford Cemetery for many years. He enjoyed taxidermy and photography. "He is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Christine Stah-Mann of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Nadine (Stah) White of Oxon, England; one great-nephew; and a cousin, Madaline Eckstein of Florida and Pennsylvania. "He was predeceased by his sister, Dorothy Stah, and a cousin, Harold Tyler. "Calling hours will be ... at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel in Worcester with the Rev. Richard H. Burke, pastor at the Westford and Schenevus Methodist Churches, presiding. "Burial will be at the Westford Cemetery ... "Contributions may be made ... to the United Methodist Church, Main Street, [Westford], New York ..." [Oneonta Daily Star]"...Raymond C. Tyler was the last principal of the [East Worcester, New York] high school from 1932-1939." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 148] "...Ray Tyler taught [at Decatur, New York District No. 4] in 1941-1942..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 152] Lived at 21 Main Street, Worcester, New York, in 1950s. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 89]"... Constance (Connie) [is] presently married to Charles Brown, her third husband. Connie had two sons [Douglas and Christopher] by her first husband and one son, Donald, by her second husband, Donald Molloy. ..." Douglas had two sons named Adam ands Maxwell. [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 5, 33; T305, T333] "3 children; #1 Douglas #2 Christopher; Fr. was McLaren (adopted or use Molloy name - per Matt [Smith])" [Patricia S. Hoye note, T162D]"Harry Smith - m. French Woman by advertizing. She left. He had 2 daughters by a woman (family) who stayed during depression." [Irene M. Smith research, T159] "Joyce Drew: - ? Daughter of Harry Smith? "Lives at Basil Smith house at top of Big Hill." [Irene M. Smith research, T159]1926, October 23 -- "... Capt. Thomas may have served at sea; but if so I have not found any record so far. ... I uncovered the Early Smith records in the Library of the Long Island Historical Society over in Brooklyn. In a Smith Genealogy Entitled Facts and Fancies by Elizabeth Eunice Smith Marcy, Published by Bowman Publishing Co. Evanston Ills -- 1911 -- ... "It seems from this account that quite a Party migrated in 1740 to 43 from Eastham Mass. on Cape Cod, to the East bank of the Connecticut river settling what is now Easthampton Conn, originally this was Easthamtown. Haddam Neck a part of what is now Middle Haddam the birthplace of Capt Thos. is about six or eight miles south of Easthampton, right on the river's bank. I understand there is a Smith Homestead there, built about 1758 or 9 by Ralph Smith. ..." [Merwin L. Smith of Darien, Ct. letter to Viola Lance, T24-T25]1927, January 12 -- "I have also run into some Smith history in a Genealogy entitled Richard Higgins and his descendants. Ruth (Mayo) Smith widow of (Thomas who was born in 1723) married in 1769 (about 10 years after her husband's death) Capt Israel Higgins in Middle Haddam. This genealogy tells something of the migration from Eastham, Mass to Middle Haddam Conn. and helps to verify some of the other records." [Merwin L. Smith of Darien, Ct. letter to Viola Lance, T26]1629 -- "came on ship 'Talbot'"      ўџџџўџџџўџџџўџџџўџџџ!"#$%&'ўџџџ)*ўџџџ,-.ўџџџ012ўџџџ456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXўџџџZ[ўџџџ]^ўџџџ`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€[Irene M. Smith research, T11] 1927, January 12 -- "it would seem that our Ralph Smith was not the Rev. Ralph Smith but a Ralph who came in 1633. I have nothing very definite to base my conclusions on but I have a haunch [sic] that our Ralph may have been a son or at least a relative of the Rev. even though he did come over later." [Merwin L. Smith of Darien, Ct. letter to Viola Lance, T26] 1988, August 18 -- "...The earliest date I have is on a Rebecca Hobart born 1598 & was married to a Ralph Smith who died in 1685, son of Rev. Ralph Smith ... [Note -- a Rebecca Hobart married a Daniel Mason; their daughter Priscilla born in 1691 (D3) continued a line leading to the Hewitts and Delongs in Westford, New York] "The earliest place I have is on Ralph & Rebecca Hobarts children being born in Hingham, Mass. then we go to Haddam & East Hampton Ct. where Capt. Thomas & Urania Wright had their children. ..." {Joyce M. Drew letter, T70]"came over about 16__" [Irene M. Smith research, T12]1869, July 5 -- "Being born in East Windham in 1800, on the top of what was then called the Catskill Mountains, where my father then lived, he having moved there some ten or twelve years before, with his family, from what the Dutch called the Great Imbough, in the Town of Catskill, where he was born. He bought a farm of 200 acres of Thomas Harrit, with a log house, about two acres of land being improved. The remainder was all a wilderness, inhabited by bears, wolves, panthers, wild cats, &c. "My father's house consisted of two rooms below, made of logs, and a loft, with a ladder for stairs. Living where he did, he had a great chance to know the toils and troubles of the early emigrants to reach their locations beyond the mountains, many of which I have heard him relate, and of his own privations and labors and incidents of the first years that he spent there in the woods. Many times he was called upon by people after dark, who were in trouble, travelling to their homes beyond the mountains, with a tired team, in a muddy road, and dark woods. He would get up his ox team and go and 'haul them in,' as they expressed it -- taking hold of the bow of his near ox and feel his way in the dark through the mud and woods; women crying and wishing for their old homes, children tired out and asleep in their wagons. Sometimes the rooms of his log house would be so filled with tired-out emigrants in the night, trying to get a little rest and sleep, that he could hardly find a place to put his feet without stepping on some one. Many were discouraged and very willing to turn back, but would finally go on with those who were willing to proceed. When he first located there his nearest neighbor west was about two miles. There was a small clearing, and a log cabin -- a man by the name of Morrison living there. On the east it was further still, I believe. "I have heard of some men who came on in the spring and worked all summer to make some improvement, to bring on their families the next spring, and then returned winter east. Some who done so did return and settle, and some never returned. "Those were the days that tried men's courage, when they had to travel miles in the woods to find their cattle by the tinkling of a bell, of which I have had some experience myself. Very often out after dark, and perhaps in a shower, from which I have received more than one wet jacket -- sometimes return without them -- a great disappointment in not having a warm bowl of new milk for supper, which was so highly prized in those days. But emigrants began to pour into the new country from all parts of the coast. In those days Goshen Settlement was soon filled with men and women from eastern Goshen, who cleared land, went to making butter and cheese, and raising stock. the Baldwins, Pecks, Squires, Dickermans, and Johnsons, with many others. ..." [Letter from Peter VanOrden of East Durham to Rev. Henry Hedges Prout, author of Old Times in Windham, Chapter XXI, 103-104; T78-T79] "settled in Perth Amboy, N.J." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]"In 1767, when Benjamin died, his eldest son, Solomon was dead, but had left a son Benjamin." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50]"This is the Solomon DuBois who bought lot #1 of the Loveridge Patent, from Alexander McDowell and Margaret Loveridge his wife. Had 900 acres." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50] "Also bought lot of land in Pennsylvania." [Marginal note, T50]"Your line was carried on by Mattheus and Anna Veronica Mancken Jung's daughter Eva Maria Jung, born 8 April, 1718; sponsors were Andreas Ellich, Anna Maria Demuth, and Maria Christina Oberbach ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 7; T109G]1778 -- "Willem b.p. Sept. 13, 1778" [Irene M. Smith research, T46]1790 -- Census records Frederick as living in Germantown, New York. [Ancestral chart of Albert Smith, U1]1790 -- Census records Coonradt as living in Livingston, N.Y. [Ancestral chart of Albert Smith, U1]"Wallerand Du Mont, son of Lord Du Mont was the first permanent settler of that surname in the colonies of which any record has been found, and was ancestor of those residing in Ulster County, N.Y., and Somerset County ? N.J., before 1700. "He emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in 1657, on either the ship 'Draetrat' or the 'Jan Baptiste.' He was a gentleman soldier and a captain in the French Army. He was unmarried when he emigrated. His home was in Coomen, now Commines, a small town formerly in Flanders, now in the Dept. of Nord, France, and eight miles north of Lille, in Vlaenderen (Flanders). He was Cadet of the Hon. West India Company of the Lord Director General Stuyvesant. "He married Grietje (Margaret) Hendricks of Wie near Swol, and the widow of Jan Arentsen, on Jan. 13th, 1664. Both were residing in Wiltwyck or Kingston at the time of their marriage. Jan Arentsen was killed in the 2nd Esopus war with the Indians. "Wallerand died between June 25th and Sept. 13th, 1713. Was trustee of Kingston 1693, deacon 1673, officer under Gen Stuyvesant. His widow was on tax roll until 1728 when she was nearly 90. They had several children. ..." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]1728 --- "on tax roll until 1728 when she was nearly 90." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]"Jan Arentsen was killed in the 2nd Esopus war with the Indians." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]"Louis DuBois, born at Wicres, n‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ўџџџ‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖўџџџИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩўџџџЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклўџџџнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџear Lille, France, in 1626, came to America in 1660, and located at Kingston. He came in the ship 'St. Jean Baptiste' to New Amsterdam in 1661. He was a patentee of New Paltz, N.Y. He was a member of the 1st Court of Sessions in 1664. He led an expedition against the Indians in 1663. In 1655 he married Catherine Blanshan in France, and had three children when he emigrated to this country. Altogether he had ten children. "Louis was a Wallon and French Huguenot. Married October 10th, 1655 to Catherine Blanjean or Blanshan of Mannheim in the Palatinate, on the Rhine, came to America settled in Hurley. "At one time Indians took his wife and three children prisoners along with other families, and Louis led an expedition against the Indians to rescue his family and the other prisoners. After following the Indians for three months, they came up on them just as the Indians were getting ready to set Louis's wife on fire at the stake. She was bravely singing hymns, preparatory to meeting death. "The prisoners were all rescued and returned to their families. "Fourteen years later, he obtained a patent from Gov. Andros, for land in the town of New Paltz. He helped to build the church at Hurley three times after the Indians burned it. Louis died in 1695." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50]"At one time Indians took [Louis DuBois'] wife and three children prisoners along with other families, and Louis led an expedition against the Indians to rescue his family and the other prisoners. After following the Indians for three months, they came up on them just as the Indians were getting ready to set Louis's wife on fire at the stake. She was bravely singing hymns, preparatory to meeting death. "The prisoners were all rescued and returned to their families." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50] "The following is the hymn that Catherine DuBois sang when she was placed on the funeral pyre of wood, preparatory to being burned, and she had evidenced her Christian fortitude by singing hymns that pleased her captors so well that they demanded a repetition of them. It was no new thing for them to hear a warrior sing his death song, but to hear and see a woman show such courage may have excited their admiration, and the strange sweetness of the melodies she sang no doubt arrested their attention. There is an interesting tradition to the effect that the hymn sang by Mrs. DuBois on the occasion just mentioned was the 137th in the Dutch collection, which is translated thus: "By Babel's stream the captives sate "And wept for Zion's hapless fate, "Unless their harps on willows hung "While foes required a sacred song." [The Hudson River, by Bacon; T47]"Judge John M. Brown, chronicler of the Schoharie settlements in 1823 and a grandson of Mattheus Jung wrote of his prominence: '... I was brought up by my grandfather Matthew Junck at West Camp ... my grandfather used to teach a German school three or four months every winter, until the year 1752 then quit when I was seven years old. He was the first that taught school among all the Germans in America. He was very perfect good reader and singer in the German Low Dutch and English, but a very poor writer and knew no arithmetic at all.'" [Philip France of Saugerties, 7; T109G]"'Jacob Mank, aged 39 with wife, daughters 17, 9 and 3, Ref., husbandman and vinedresser' were in the London Census of 1709 ... The author found him at both Urbach and Rengsdorf near Neuweid in Germany; his wife there was Anna Margaretha. The 1710/11 Winter Census of Palatines on the West Bank listed 'Jacob Mand: 1 man; 2 women; 2 maids 9-15 years.' ... 'Jacob Manck' was naturalized at Kingston 8 and 9 September, 1715 ... 'Jacob Manck and Anna Margaretha were at Beekmanb's Land' ... ca. 1716." [Philip France of Saugerties, 7-8; T109G-T109H]"The name 'Schuyler' was originally van Schuyler which means 'one residing in place of shelter' from Dutch 'Schuler,' a hider orўџџџўџџџўџџџўџџџ     ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ўџџџBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVўџџџXYZ[\]ўџџџ_`abcdefgўџџџijklmnopўџџџrstuvwxyz{|ўџџџ~€ 'schull' 'shelter' also from German word 'schuler' a scholar. "The progenitors of the Schuyler family were Philip Pieterse and his brother David Schuyler, sons of Pieter Schuyler of Amsterdam, Holland. They came to this country in 1650. "David, our ancestor, married Catalyna Verplanck at New Amsterdam in October 13h, 1657. They resided in Rensselaerwyck, N.Y., on south corner of Broadway in November 29th, 1692. "The Schuylers were one of the most distinguished families in New York state at that time. ... "The Philip Pieter Schuyler branch is considered by most genealogists as being the regular progenitor of the family, and the most illustrious side of the family, but there were men and women of worth on the side of David also. "David Schuyler was mayor of Albany in 1706." [Hudson and Mohawk Valley, Vol. I, 28; T44] "[Abraham Isaacsen] Verplanck died about 1691. their second child, Catalyna, married David Pieterse Schuyler of Albany, and [father of the] mayor of Albany in 1706." [New Amsterdam and Its People, by Innes; T49]"Remained in Ulster County." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]"This is Schuyler married brother-in-law" [Marginal note, T42]"settled in Cornwallville, N.Y." [Irene M. Smith research, T126]1864, June 7 -- "W Boughton" sends a letter from Saginaw City to his mother and father referring to "Uncel James, "Ant Albine" and "Neley," who goes to school. He says he is well and has been sleeping and working in the store. He gets to drive a horse around the city. He mentions Albina's trouble keeping a suitable hired girl, as well as the great many enlistments in the Union Army. He says to "Direct your letters in cair of Jim Gale." [V117 and V117A]"For years, Uncle Neil maintained a summer home outside the village of Cornwallville ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 3; T303] "Cornelius VanDeusen Boughton died on July 4th after a long illness, at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Pierson of 86 New England Avenue, Summit, N.J. He was born in the town of Durham, this county, June 1, 1849. "While a young man he went to New Jersey and taught school for a number of years at Loantaka, New Vernon and Green Village. At the latter place in 1874 he married Miss Caroline Muchmore, daughter of Mrs. Hetty Muchmore. For over forty years Mr. Boughton was connected with the public schools of New Jersey and New York, teaching in later years, besides the above-mentioned places, at Dunellen, Rahway, Mariners Harbor, Springfield, Staten Island, Guttenberg and Highlands. He was an unusually successful teacher ... For fifty years his Summers were spent in Cornwallville, where he maintained a Summer home. Mr. Boughton was a member of the Congregational Church of East Orange, N.J. "Besides his wife, there survive him two daughters (Mrs. John C. MacLaury of East Orange, N.J., and Mrs. Eugene C. Pierson of Summit, N.J., at whose home the funeral services were held on Saturday). [Newspaper article, T115]"Hit by an automobile on the Menands road, Friday night, James Boughton, sixty-five, who lived at the Home for Aged Men, Broadway, died last night in Albany hospital of a fractured skull. "Arthur W. Morse, 35 Charlotte street, Plattsburgh, was the driver of the car. According to the report made to police, Morse drove his machine through a safety zone in a futile effort to avoid striking Boughton, who was crossing Broadway near the home. "Boughton was taken to Memorial hospital and later transferred to Albany hospital. ..." [Newspaper article, T117; more current style and typeface of article may indicate that this is not the same person as the James Boughton born about 1860]1965, March 9 -- "Service held M1912 -- "While many homes were making ready for the mot pleasant event of the year -- Christmas -- there was occasion for mourning in the home of one of our esteemed citizens, when the angel of death, on Tuesday morning, beckoned home from a bed suffering, John B. France, residing just over the northeastern limits of our village. Mr. France had been in failing health for some time, in fact, had never fully recovered from a serious accident which befell him in November, 1899, at which time he barely escaped death from being hit by a falling tree while in the woods chopping, sustaining a broken collar bone and hip and a puncture of one lung. He was helpless for months and remained a cripple. He recovered after a time, sufficiently, however, to oversee his small farm and do light chores, etc., yet he was never again robust and healthy as before, up to that time never having needed the assistance of a doctor. For a year or more he had been more rapidly declining in health and a physician was often called. His last days were of much suffering, and he pleaded with his Master to 'take him home.' "Mr. France was an upright citizen, a member of the Windham Presbyterian Church and an ardent, yet not offensive, Democrat. In early life he taught school, but after his marriage in 1875, when he came to Windham, he was content to live the quiet, simple life of a farmer. ... "The funeral will be held on Friday at the residence, at 2 o'clock P.M. Owing to the absence of the Rev. J. Markarian, the Rev. C.C. Thorne will officiate. Interment in Windham Cemetery, (new plot). "John B. France was born at Hervey Street, town of Durham, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1841, and was the eldest of six children born to Matthias and Amanda Rickerson France. His early life was spent under the parental roof. He obtained a common school education and for 10 years prior to 1876 was a successful teacher in Greene County and on Long Island. For two years he had charge of a large school at Gravesend, L.I. His last term at teaching was at North Settlement in 1875-6, just after his marriage. When 34 years of age (Nov. 24, 1875), he became a permanent Windham resident, on which date he married Miss Marion Phidelia Macomber, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macomber, and became a member of the family. His wife being the only child, after the death of her parents some years later, Mr. and Mrs. France became the owners of the property, which is still 'the home.' Several years ago the house was overhauled and enlarged and made pleasant for summer guests, but owing to the helplessness of Mrs. France from rheumatism for a few years past, and the crippled and infirm condition of Mr. France since 1899, that avocation was of necessity abandoned and they resorted only to the farm life. By conservative business tact and industrious lives, in their advanced age they have enough and to spare. To them three sons were born -- Wray B., who died July 6, 1910, and is survived by a widow and son in Brooklyn, Richard M., an expert engraver and jeweler, who with his wife now reside at the France homestead; and Ralph W., a prominent young lawyer, now of Sidney, N.Y. Aside from the two sons and the widow of the deceased there also survive two brothers, Ira France of Cornwallville, and William France of Castleton; one sister, Mrs. Rebecca A. Clark, of South Jefferson, Schoharie county, and a half-sister, Mrs. Della Woodard, and a step-mother, Mrs. Mary France, both of Cornwallville. The deceased brothers are Matthias of Cornwallville, and Aaron, of New York." [Obituary of John B. France, T118-T119]§џџџ     " !#j$%&'()*+,-./01234D6789:;<=>?@ABCўџџџEFGkIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiўџџџxlmnopqrstuvwyЁz{|}~•arch 9, 1965 - 2 P.M. "A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, Inc. "Greenville, N.Y. "Officiating Clergyman "Rev. Francis Rivenburg" [LeRoy France funeral program, T163]1970, March 14 -- "Service held "March 14, 1970 -- 2 P.M. "A.J. Cunningham Funeral Homes, Inc. "Greenville, N.Y. "Officiating Clergyman "Rev. Laurence Starr "Spring Interment "Cornwallville Cemetery "Cornwallville, N.Y." [Funeral program of Elizabeth M. Parks, L94]"Married Sarah Jane Pratt Oct 1849. lived in Durham, Greene Co. NY. Studied Medicine; Graduated at Castelton Medical College 1846; Settled in Woodstock, Ulster Co. NY. then moved to Rahway, N.J. Brought back to Durham. No children" [Excerpts, The Mudge Family, T140]"He was a farmer, and resided in Durham, Greene Co., N.Y., where he owned a mill for turning various kinds of wood-work by water power. He lost his right arm by his hand being caught in a rag-wheel, and was crushed to the elbow. He afterward studied medicine, and now keeps an apothecary store in the same town." [Excerpt from The Mudge Family, T139-T140]"He was a millwright, and settled in Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. where he remained till after th‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ўџџџ‹ŒŽ‘’“”•ўџџџ—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊўџџџЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕўџџџЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабўџџџгдежзийклмнўџџџпрсўџџџуфўџџџцчўџџџщъўџџџьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ e birth of his second child, when he removed to Warrensburg, Warren Co, where 4 more of his children were born. He then removed to Cooperstown, Otsego Co., where his 7th child was born; and from there to Bainbridge, Chenango Co., where he d.. June 27, 1833 ..." [Excerpts from The Mudge Family, T137-T138]"Abraham Mudge, youngest son of Ebenezer and Abigail of Sharon, Conn., born June 16, 1728. He was a Yeoman and Millwright, and resided in Sharon until after his sixth child was born, he then removed to Queen's District, Long Island, N.Y. -- where his 7th child was born; then he moved to Chatham and thence to Florida, N.Y. where he died April 30, 1804 ..." [The Mudge Family, T136]"...youngest son of Micah and Mary ... settled in early life in Lebanon, Conn, until 1717; then with his father went to Hebron, until 1735; then to Colchester for 3 yrs.; then settled in Sharon, Conn, one of the original proprietors of that town. He lived there a short time before the first town meeting was held Dec. 11, 1739. He lived there until his death. He and his sons built and owned the first saw-mill, grist-mill, and iron works. (80 children and grandchildren prior to his death) A part of the town of Sharon is called 'Mudge Town' and a beautiful lake 1-1/2 mile long 'Mudge Pond.' (All had left town previous to Rev. War.) ... " [The Mudge Family, T134-T135]"early proprietor of Northampton, Mass. 1670 to 1680 "then went to Northfield, Mass. and as surveyor, Assisted in laying out the town. "He became one of the original proprietors of the town of Lebanon, Conn. where he lived in 1697. "And then, on to Hebron, Conn where he settled in 1717." [The Mudge Family, T133]"The first [Mudge] settler came from Devonshire, England. The writer says, according to Sir Joshua Reynolds, that 'Zachary Mudge, Prebendary of Exeter, and Vicar of St. Andrews, Devonshire, was the wisest man with whom he was ever acquainted.' "Up to this time (1865) the writer has about ninety families of the descendants of Jarvis, by his son Micah." [The Mudge Family, T130-T131] 1638 -- "Jarvis ['Connecticut' Branch] and Thomas (Mass. Branch) came to this Country in the year 1638, and landed at or Near Boston, Mass. Jarvis Mudge was in Boston, as appears of record, in 1638, was in Hartford in 1640, and afterwards settled in Wethersfield, Conn., married Widow Rebecca Elsen in 1649, and removed to Pequot, now New London, where he had two sons, Micah and Moses, and died in 1652. Was the first white man buried in New London." [The Mudge Family, T132]1638 -- "Teunis Dircksen Van Vechten came to New Netherlands in the ship 'Arms of Norway' with wife and one child, whose name was Dirck Teunise, and two servants, a colored man and woman. He settled on a farm at Greenbush, opposite Albany in 1638. Had four children. ... The Van Vechten Family first came to America in 1638. ... " [Irene M. Smith research, T45]1772 -- "Sara b.p. Germantown Aug. 23, 1772 m. perhaps John Grant d -----" [Irene M. Smith research, T46]1774 -- "Marytje b.p. Kaatsbaan Aug 9, 1774" [Irene M. Smith research, T46]1776 -- "Catharina b.p. Kaatsbaan Aug. 14, 1776" [Irene M. Smith research, T46]1782 -- "? Frederick b.p. Kaatsbaan, May 26, 1782 ..." [Irene M. Smith research, T46]"House dated May 3rd, 1751 by Benjamin, Cornelius and Salomon. Probably built by Benjamin for Solomon at time of his marriage. Salomon was a blacksmith. Made a    ўџџџ      ўџџџ    ўџџџ  ўџџџ       ! " # $ % ўџџџ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L ўџџџN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  € waffle iron dated 1754, in possession of his descendants of the Eckler family [through Peter Morris Eckler who married a DuBois sisters Nellie & Margaret DuBois; marginal note]" [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50] "In 1767, when Benjamin died, his eldest son, Solomon was dead, but had left a son Benjamin." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50] "Solomon DuBois house still standing one quarter mile above great falls of that creek (Cauterskill). Initials were carved over the doorway of the builders. [May 1751; marginal note]" [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50]"In 1795 Duke de la Rochefoucault was guest of Jacob Bogardus in the stone house, which now forms a portion of the dwelling of Mr. Caleb Hopkins. "The cottage of Cornelius DuBois stands yet. It is of stone one story high, small windows and steep roof and a porch or stoop. In summer one could look at the Katskill." [The Hudson River, by Bacon; T47]"In 1767, when Benjamin died, his eldest son, Solomon was dead, but had left a son Benjamin." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50]"prob. dau. Hendrik Vandenburg & Tryntje Hoogteling" [Irene M. Smith research, T74]"M. France, an able and well-to-do farmer and fruit-grower living near Cornwallville, is continuing his plum orchard and will soon gather two hundred barrels a year. Furthermore, he has taken The Recorder for about thirty years and is likely to continue, and is not only a sound Democrat but is the father of five grown-up Democratic boys who, we are confident, will carry on the same business." [Newspaper article, T115] 1921 -- "The funeral service of Mrs. Marion Macomber France, mother of Ralph W. France of this village, was held in the Windham Presbyterian Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Previous to this, last Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. Chambers conducted a brief prayer service at the France home on West Main street. A large number of Sidney friends and neighbors was assembled and it was very evident how much this good woman had endeared herself to them during her four years' sojourn in Sidney. ... "Mrs. France was born in Windham village seventy-three years ago and lies buried within full sight and but a few rods from the fine, old house which had been her life-long home. ... "... Attorney Ralph W. France, her son, is the only near relative left to mourn her absence ... "Mrs. France came to this village to live with her son in 1917, and since that time, with the aid of Mrs. F.H. Blenis who aided in caring for her, every care and need that love could suggest was lavished upon her. She had been an invalid for the past 13 years. Her husband, John B. France, died December 24, 1912. Two sons preceded her to the grave, Wray, who died in 1910, and Richard in 1917." [Obituary of Mrs. Marion F. France, T117]1917 -- "Anxious to reach home that he might enjoy at least a portion of the first day of the Neўџџџ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ўџџџŒ  Ž ўџџџ ‘ ’ ўџџџ” • ўџџџ— ˜ ™ š › œ  ž Ÿ   Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І ўџџџЈ Љ Њ Ћ Ќ ­ Ў Џ А Б В Г Д Е Ж ўџџџИ Й К Л ўџџџН О П Р С Т У Ф ўџџџЦ Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в ўџџџд е ж з и й к л м н о п ўџџџс т у ф х ц ўџџџш щ ъ ы ь э ю ўџџџ№ ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ ўџџџћ ќ § ў џ !w Year with his wife and invalid mother, Richard M. France, suffering from a severe attack of the grippe, ventured the tedious trip from Jersey City to Windham, at the cost of his life which he sacrificed seven days later from the effects of pneumonia. He reached home about 6 P.M., and immediately took to his bed. A physician was called, who at once stated he had developed pneumonia. He was seriously ill from the outset, but on Friday his fever lowered and he was thought to be much better, but on Sunday he suffered a relapse and gradually failed until he died. He was conscious until within a few minutes of his death and bore his sufferings without murmur. "... By trade he was an expert engraver, and it was from a special engagement he had been filling during the holidays that he was returning when he was taken ill. His proficiency in the art was valuable to him, but being needed at home to care for his invalid mother, he sacrificed position for mother's love and duty. ... "Mr. France was second son of John B. and Fidelia Macomber France, and is survived by his mother, wife (nee Miss Bessie Swinnerton), and one brother, Counselor Ralph W. France of Sidney. "The funeral was held at the France residence yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. Markarian, pastor of the Windham Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Rev. Geo. Swinnerton, pastor of the Oneida Presbyterian Church, brother of the wife of the deceased, officiating. Int4erment in the family plot." [Obituary of Richard M. France, T115]2001, March 5 -- "It was probably Douglas James Powrie; his father Tom (Thomas Lawrence Powrie) lives in Massachusetts. Douglas is a lawyer in Canada. I could be wrong but I write a newsletfter and am finishing a book on the surname, and it is relatively rare ... pardon the pun!" [Mary Powrie Schacht message, T93A]"The emigrant ancestor of this family was Jacob Frants ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 1; T109A]"She married to Johannes Falk and had died by 1743 when he remarried at Kingston." [Philip France of Saugerties, 5; T109E]"... the later-arriving emigrant Conrad Engel ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 6; T109F]"'Arholt Falig and vrouw with two children' were listed on the 1709 Rotterdam Embarkation Lists in the 3rd party ... The London Census of Palatines listed 'Arnold Falck, age 32, with wife, sons 6 and 2, husbandman and vinedresser, Catholic' in the 3rd arrivals there ... Arnold Falck appeared on the Hunter Subsistence Rolls 1710-12 ... and in the 1711 Census of Palatines remaining in N.Y. City was listed as 'Arnold Falck aged 36, wife Anna Eliz aged 35, son Johannes aged 6' ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 4; T109D]"The London Census of Palatines of 1709 listed him as 'Lorentz Henrich aged 48, with wife, son 2-1/2 and daughter 1-1/4, cooper, Reformed' ... He arrived by himself with one child, according to the Hunter Lisdts 1710-12, and by 4 October, 1710 had remarried to Anna Regina Voland ... The Hunter Lists showed an increase in their family the last entry in 1712, so this probably is when their daughter Maria Henrich was born 'in the Camp' ... " [Philip France of Saugerties, 5; T109E]"... the 1709er Henrich Schwitzeler ... was listed on the 5th party of Palatines emigrating from Rotterdam in 1709." [Philip France of Saugerties, 3; T109C]"... the Palatine 1709er ... Wilhelm Voland was dead by the time the family arrived in colonial New York in 1710, as 'Anna Regina Vollandin' was listed as head of the family in the Subsistece Lists of Gov. Robert Hunter ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 2; T109B]"The founder of the family in America was Anna Regina Voland. She was undoubtedly the widow of the Palatine 1709er 'Johan Willlem Folant' listed as such with his 'vrow and 3 children' in the 1709 Rotterdam Embarkation Lists ... Wilhem Voland was dead by tjhe time the family arrived in colonial New York in 1710, as 'Anna Regina Vollandin' was listed as head of the family ..." [Philip France of Saugerties, 2; T109B]"About eighty-five guests will be present tonight at the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Corneluis V. Boughton at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John C. McLaury of 52 South Maple Avenue, East Orange. "Among those expected are Mrs. Boughton's two sisters, Mrs. Fred Stoll of Madison and Mrs. C.H. Gleason ..." [Newspaper article, T115]"John C. McLaury, principal of the Charlton Street School in Newark, died last night at his home, 52 South Maple avenue, East Orange. Mr. McLaury had been a school principal in the Newark system thirty years. "Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery, Madison. "Though he had not been well for some time, Mr. McLaury was at school until February 5. He was devoted to his profession and a few days before his death told a member of the family that he had never enjoyed his work so much as during the last three years. ... "Mr. McLaury was ill at his home two days, then he was taken to the Homeopathic Hospital of Essex County, where an operation was performed February 9. He rallied and was thought to be recovering until Tuesday, when he contracted a cold. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of death. "A thorough preparation for educational leadership had been made by Mr. McLaury, who was a graduate of New York State Normal College, Albany, and the Illinois Wesleyan University, where he later won the degree of doctor of philosophy. At New York University he earned the degree of doctor of pedagogy. "Mr. McLaury's first principalship was at Sussex Avenue School, beginning September 1900. In January, 1903, he was transferred to Abington Avenue School. In April of that year he was transferred to McKinley School and in 1908 went to his final spot -- Charlton Street. "Mr. McLaury is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary E. McLaury, who is now at home convalescing from an operation at the Homeopathic Hospital. For some time Mrs. McLaury was not expected to recover, but was declared out of danger and removed to her home the day before Mr. McLaury was operated on. "She had occupied the room at the hospital next to that used by Mr. McLaury. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Briggs, and a grandchild, John Briggs, made their home with Mr. and Mrs. McLaury." [Obituary of J.C. McLaury, T110-T111] "John C. McLaury, principal of the Charlton Street School, Newark, who died Wednesday night, was eulogized as an educator and churchman at funeral services yesterday afternoon at his home, 52 South Maple avenue, East Orange. the home was thronged with school principals and teachers, kinsfolk and friends. "Rev. Edwin R. Holden, pastor of Grove Street Congregational Church, East Orange, of which Mr. McLaury had long been an official, and Rev. Frederick Curry of Madison, retired, paid tribute to him. "'Mr. McLaury,' said Mr. Holden, 'was a churchman in the finest sense of the word. Like his Master, he loved children. Nothing human was alien to him. He believed in brotherhood and practised it. No one will ever know what he gave to others. He made himself poor making others rich. He was the most missionary-minded man I have ever known. ... "A blanket of roses sent by Mr. McLaury's pupils was on his bier. ... Practically all of the teachers at Mr. McLaury's school attended. ... "Robert A. MacDonald, president of the Newark School Principals Association, led a delegation of principals to the house in a body. ... "Mr.McLaury's wife, convalescing at home after an operation, had to be carried to the bier. "The principal had succumbed to pneumonia after a two days' illness. He had undergone an operation February 9, but was believed to be recovering. ... "Beside his widow he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Walter D. Briggs, who with Mr. Briggs and their son John, lived with Mr. and Mrs. McLaury. ..." [Newspaper article, T110-T111]1635 -- "John Bouton (or Bowton -- ancestor) came to America on ship Assurance, landing at Boston in 1635. Embarked from Gravesend, England and settled at Norwalk, Ct." [Irene M. Smith research, T126]1862, April 26 -- J.R. Boughton addresses a short letter from Olmstedville to his brother, probably the Union soldier Hamilton Broughton, saying that he has had "a Severe time and am considerably reduced in flesh ..." {V119B]1862, April -- "Elsie B." writes a letter from "Ellenville" to her brother in which she mentions Maria, Manlius and Hamilton in the third person, countenances against intemperance, discusses family relationships, recalls her father's "pious example" and regrets that "we have no father to take care of us ..." [V112-V114 and V112A-V114A]1862, July 16 -- "... Meinlius is [Hamilton Broughton's] brother who is working the gold field at Mokelumnie Hill, Calaveras County, California. ..." [Donald P. Petro, Hamilton Broughton -- Ci"Boughton, Hamilton -- Age, 29 years. Enlisted, December 7, 1861, at Minerva, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, December 16, 1861; discharged for disability, April 10, 1863, at Cumberland, Md." [Report of the Adjutant General, Ninety-third Infantry, 1076; V98] 1862, June 23 -- "... Hamilton wrote a letter to his mother, Eleanor (Winne) Boughton. His father, Lewis, had died when he was a youth. He tells his mother that he is 'alive yet.' He had spent five days in the hospital sick and was out of the hospital now, but weak. Hamilton describes the supply base of White House Landing where George and Martha Washington were married. He tells her he has been in '2 picket skirmishes only since the Battle of Williamsburg.' Little does he know that in two days the Seven Days Battles are about to start. He thought that in May the war would be over by summer and now thinks it'll take another two years. 'The hospital are full of the sick and wounded.' He states that 'typhoid fever rages here with fury.' ..." [Donald P. Petro, Hamilton Brougton -- Civil War Years, 2-3; V122-V123; full text of letter V101-V102 and V101A-V102A] 1862, July 16 -- "We know from Hamilton's letter that by July 16, 1862 he was in the hospital suffering from fever and rheumatism of the legs, back and side. He needed a cane to help him walk. Hamilton was at Stewart's Mansion, U.S. Army Hospital, Baltimore, MD. He writes to his brother, James Boughton, that the people around Baltimore, Maryland are very nice. He bought a pair of shoes for seven shillings. The Baltimore people gave him letter paper and envelopes. He describes himself as an explorer of the Chickahominy Swamp in Virginia who spent a great portion of his time on pioneer duty building corduroy roads. He describes carrying logs day after day, wading in mud and water up to his knees and times when he could not touch bottom at all. After working he would have to ford streams to get to the fighting lines. He describes the 5th Division as only having 1,200 men. (Usually a Regiment has that many men.) Most of the Division was worn out by sickness. Hamilton does not know if his company commander is alive or not. (He is.) He is telling his brother that Richmond has not fallen yet and won't be attacked until General Burnside meets with President Lincoln. Hamilton is like soldiers throughout the world. He is asking for mail and news of home, states letters are better than medics. He is questioning if Meinlius got back to Durham. Meinlius [Manlius] is his brother who is working in the gold field at Mokelumnie Hill, Calaveras County, California. He asks if there is enough to eat if he should come home." [Petro, Civil War Years, 3-4; V123-V124; text V103-V104 and V103A-V104B] 1862, September 1 -- "From Army records we know that about September 1, 1862 Hamilton was sent to Mineral Springs Hospital, Cumberland, Maryland, but we have no other record of why." [Petro, Civil War Years, 4; V124] 1862, October 14 -- "... Hamilton sends a letter to his brother. He states he has been in the Clarysville Post Hospital in Allegheny County, Maryland for the past month. Sometime between July 16 and September 1862 he transferred hospitals. He is not well enough to be released for duty, but can act as an orderly of a convalescent ward 100' x 20'. His pay is increased by $20.00 per month. Hamilton wants to get back to the fighting. 'I am not contented. I want to go to my Regt. As soon as possible I enlisted to fight the Rebels & want to do it until this rebelion is put down if it takes my life.' He gets not much news except the Wheeling papers. 'My health is improving fast but quite weak in my legs & back.' His lungs are sound. ... He is 'Thankful to the giver of all blessings that my life is spared until the present time ...' 'I think the beginning of sorrows has commenced on our family I have witnessed many heart rending scenes on the battlefield among the dead & dying & at the hospital I hear daily the sounds of a death march announcing the departure of a fellow soldier to the long home where no traveler returns ...' He states in his letter that he could have had his discharge if he wanted, but he wants to stay 'until the war is played out.'" [Petro, Civil War Years, 4; V124; text V105-V106 and V105A-V106A] 1862, December 28 -- "... Hamilton sends a short letter to his brother. His health is improving and [he] hopes soon to go to his Regiment or home. He has not received any letters for two months. He is still in the Clarysville Post Hospital." [Petro, Civil War Years, 4; V124; text V107 and V107A] 1863, March 4 -- "... Hamilton informs his brother that the Clarysville Hospital is about to change administration. He thinks he will either get a furlough or discharge. He wants to recruit but the surgeon will not report him fit for duty. He is still thin and weak. He writes he'll see his brother within six weeks or two months. He thinks only a force of arms will end the rebellion. It is the Southern aristocracy against democracy. Hamilton does not like the Southerners. He looks at the rebels as 'clear through as a gang of cutthroats & robers ...' 'Along the line of march from Ft. Monroe to the Chickahomory every house would display a white flag for protection & claim to be true to the Union & after the Army had gone by they would get together & form gueriller band & pitch on our supply trains in the rear & hang our teamsters to trees.' He acknowledges having been in three or four fights with the rebels. Hamilton has saved $100.00 and Uncle Sam owes him money also. He has not had a drop of spirits since he left Albany.." [Petro, Civil War Years, 4; V124; text V108-V109 and V108A-V109A] 1863, March 22 -- "Letter to brother said he would see brother [James] in about six weeks. He has not received letter from miner in California (his brother Meinlius). With the change in the hospital administration the food is greatly improved and they get more rations. He now gets the Daily New York Sun Newspaper. Hamilton is very strongly urging the North to rise to help the Union over the South. He encloses a homemade ring for his brother or his brother's wife, Charlotte, and signs the letter 'True Union Soldier.'" [Petro, Civil War Years, 5; V125; text V110-V111 and V110A-V111B] 1863, April 10 -- "... Hamilton was discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate of Disability by J.B. Lewis, Surgeon of U.S. Volunteers in charge of U.S. General Hospital, Cumberland, Maryland. With his discharge, this 5'-10", light-complected man turned his blue eyes Northward toward home. ... On April 15, 1863 the 93rd Regiment marched on Chancellorsville." [Petro, Civil War Years, 5; V125] "Speculation (mine) -- Hamilton was 29 [years old] when he enlisted. His father, Lewis, had died in 1839 when he was 12 [years old]. Letters, both Hamilton's and those of his siblings, do not provide a clear picture of how or where the children or their mother, Eleanor, lived following the death of Lewis. Likely Hamilton was through with his schooling and 'on his own' by the time he was 15 or 16. Because letters indicate that John Riley Boughton & his wife lived for a period of time in Olmsteadville I wonder if Hamilton went North to live with or near them and to find work. Could that work have been connected with lumbering (leading pursuit in that area ...) and could have affected Hamilton and Minerva enlistees being assigned to Pioneer Duty?" [Patricia S. Hoye letter, March 22, 1999; V100A-V100B] "...It appears that [Hamilton Boughton] received a pension of $4 a month April 11, 1863 to January 2, 1878. A January 12, 1878 claim was rejected. "March 17, 1884 a bill H.R. 5988 was presented to the 48th Congress 1st session 'for the relief of Hamilton Boughton' in the House of Representatives by a Mr. Bagley. It requested that the Secretary of the Interior be authorized to restore H.B. to the pension roll. Report #2202 (to accompany bill HR5988 ...) states: 'the petitioner fails to give any evidence in addition to the affidavits presented to the Pension Office, which were certainly not sufficient to show that he is entitled to a pension. The committee [Committee on Invalid Pensions] ask to be discharged from further consideration of the case, and recommend that the bill lie on the table.' "At this point I have to speculate that his earlier pension applications were done possibly to meet requirements to stay on the roll or to increase his rate; to extend time beyond 1/2/1878..." [Patricia S. Hoye message, April 7, 1999; V162]!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!ўџџџ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!ўџџџ-!.!/!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!!?!@!A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!J!K!L!M!N!O!P!Q!R!S!T!U!V!W!X!Y!Z![!\!]!^!_!`!a!b!c!d!e!f!ўџџџh!i!j!k!l!m!n!o!p!q!r!s!t!u!v!w!x!y!z!{!|!}!~!!€!vil War Years, 4; V124; text of letters V103-V106, V115-V116] 1885, December 16 -- "Meinlius B." writes a letter from "Mokelumne Hill, Calaverius County Cal" apparently to his brother James in which he describes conditions at the gold field and says "I hav not as yet been very lucky but I do not despare of a time when my luck will turne ..." [V115-V116 and V115A, which notes the year as 1855, not 1885, when Manlius was dead; 1865 may also be a possibility.]1864, June 7 -- "W Boughton" sends a letter from Saginaw City to his mother and father referring to "Uncel James," "Ant Albine" and "Neley," who goes to school. He says he is well and has been sleeping and working in the store. He gets to drive a horse around the city. He mentions Albina's trouble keeping a suitable hired girl, as well as the great many enlistments in the Union Army. He says to "Direct your letters in cair of Jim Gale." [V117 and V117A] On July 1, probably 1862 or 1863, Albina sent a letter from Saginaw City to her brother and sister in which she mentions that "James [Gale] has started a provision store here," that "we don't hear from Hamilton [a Civil War soldier] don't know whether he is alive or not ..." and that "I am moving about from place to place cleaning somebodys els old house... I am quite unwell just drag around and do my work ..." [V118-V119 and V118A-V119A]"The remaining house in Secretary Van Tienhoven's hamlet near the 'Ferry' was in 1655 that of his brother-in-law, Abraham Isaacsen Verplanck. This stood in a large garden of about 90 feet front by 200 feet depth and its site is believed to be covered by the modern Fulton St. "Verplanck was one of the earliest settlers and before 1632 had married Maria, eldest daughter of Willem Vinje. "As to the particular occupation of Verplanck, we have but little information. As early as 1638 he had acquired a patent for the tract across the North River called Pouwell's Hook or Paulus Hook, where Jersey City now stands; but he himself does not appear to have been engaged in farming operations. "There were evidences that he was not a popular man in the community, for in 1642 he incurred the wrath of the Director and council by defiantly tearing down the placards of ordinances posted by them. For this offence, enhanced by remarks considered slanderous by the authorities, the rather severe fine of 300 guilders (about $120.00) was imposed upon him. On the other hand, his conduct the following year in signing with his wife's step-father, Jan Damen and with Maryn Adriaensen the petition for leave to attack the Wechquaekeek Indians brought him into great odium among the colonists, who considered him as one of those who were directly responsible for the devastations committed by the natives in retaliation for the massacres by the Dutch. "Verplanck lived for many years after he built his house in the Smits Vly in 1649, but whether he resided there constantly is not known, as there are indications that a portion of his time was spent at Fort Orange or Albany. "Verplanck died about 1691. Their second child, Catalyna, married David Pieterse Schuyler of Albany, and [father of the] mayor of Albany in 1706." [New Amsterdam and its People, by Innis, T49]"[Guillaume Vigne and Adrienne C!‚!ƒ!„!…!†!‡!ˆ!‰!Š!‹!Œ!!Ž!!ўџџџ‘!’!“!”!•!–!—!˜!™!š!›!œ!!ž!Ÿ!ўџџџЁ!Ђ!Ѓ!Є!Ѕ!ўџџџЇ!Ј!Љ!Њ!Ћ!Ќ!­!Ў!Џ!А!ўџџџВ!Г!Д!Е!ўџџџЗ!И!Й!К!Л!ўџџџН!О!П!Р!С!Т!У!Ф!Х!Ц!Ч!Ш!Щ!Ъ!Ы!Ь!Э!Ю!Я!а!б!в!г!д!е!ж!з!и!й!к!л!м!н!ўџџџп!р!с!т!ўџџџф!х!ц!ч!ш!щ!ъ!ы!ь!э!ю!я!№!ё!ўџџџѓ!є!ўџџџі!ї!ј!ўџџџњ!ћ!ќ!ўџџџў!џ!"oville] were some of the very earliest people on Manhattan Island. They were natives of Valencinnes, France. "How they came to be at New Amsterdam in the early days of the trading post is a mystery, but there is nothing improbable that a trader or an officer of the post should have his family with him in New Amsterdam. "There is reason to believe that Willem Vinje and his wife Adrieanje Gulije as their Dutch neighbors called them, were the first tenants of the farm laid out north of the present Wall Street by the West India Company, and that he died there. "They had four children, Maria, who married Abraham Isaac Verplanck, Christinia, who married Dirck Volker Volckersten, Rachel to Secretary Van Tienhoven, and Jan or John, who was the youngest, was in 1632 the later years of their minority, which would have been 17 or 18 at that time, the age of Jan Vinje would be confirmed. this Jan's birth was supposed to be in 1614, making him the first white child born in the New Netherlands or New Amsterdam. "William's widow married Jan Jansen Damen, with whom the farm is more generally associated. In 1632, we are informed by an instrument in the Albany Records of the marriages of the two older children. ..." [New Amsterdam and its People, T48]1614 -- "This Jan's birth was supposed to be in 1614, making him the first white child born in the New Netherlands or New Amsterdam. ... "Later, when Jan Vinje grew up, he kept a brew house for many years and was a prominent and respected citizen. " Maiden Lane in New York City is supposed to be named for Jan's three sisters, who used to stroll up and down this path many years ago. The old Dutch name was the 'Maagde Paetje' or 'Maiden's Path'" [New Amsterdam and its People, T48]§џџџ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”ўџџџ–—˜™š›œžŸ ЂУЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБФГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТўџџџвХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабгдежзийклмнњпрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљўџџџћќ§ў§џџџ"Mrs. [Irene M.] Smith says Ephraim had brothers William and Martin." [John D. Baldwin research, B9] 1993, June 17 -- "... The information ... regarding Lawrence DeLong mentioned the name William DeLong as a possible brother of Ephraim and Martin. I believe, however, that this William could be a son of Howland DeLong. A William S. DeLong appears in Bristol in 1830. If this William was born around the turn of the century, and giving the age of Ephraim & Martin, then he may have been mistaken for the brother of the two." [Daniel Burdick letter, Z9-Z10] 1993, November -- "William b. 1782-3 d. Mar. 20, 1846, age 63, buried Colborne Union Cem, N[orthumberland] Co. His wife Deborah (perhaps Doolittle) was born 1793-4, died May 15, 1858, age 64, same grave marker. "In 1963 Mrs. Gilbert Smith of Worcester [N.Y.] wrote that her ancestor Ephraim b. 1785 had brothers Martin (b. 1786) and William. For lack of a viable candidate, I have always questioned this William, never considering this man of Northumberland Co. though I had accumulated data on him, until Anne DeLong of Bowmanville Ont. recently sent an abstract of his will. He named a son Ephraim and is a good candidate to be brother of Ephraim and Martin. "Over the years, I have tentatively classified Ephraim and Martin as sons of Lawrence ... though ... perhaps they were sons of Lawrence's Tory brother Martin [1748] ... Now we have this William, also possibly son of that older Martin. (And if such is the case, might the Martin born before 1794 of Erie Co. NY ... be a son of Lawrence? Lawrence was of Vt., later Ontario also, and Martin of Erie Co. seems to have been from Vermont.) "William purchased North part Lot 2 Concession 1, Haldimand Tp, N[orthumberland] Co, Apr. 23, 1823 (per one source; another gives 1833 per quote from a Brad Oxford via Marlou Hildrith). Deborah appears in the 1848 census of Cramahe Tp, N. Co. -- 4 residents (including?) one servant and two others not members of the immediate family. 1 was native of England, 1 Canada, 2 America. "The will of William of Haldimand was dated Oct. 17, 1844. He left property and household goods to wife Deborah and son Ephraim. He left son Arry one pound. Various articles to gr-dau Emma Jane Smith. Remainder of estate to daus Mary Hoyt, Eleanor Rose and Caroline More, and gr-son Jason Lee Davis. Execs. were son Ephraim and bro-in-law Ephraim Doolittle (brother to Deborah?), Samuel Noxon and William James Thomas. Wits. Wm Jas Thomas, Jonathon Nixon and James W. Noxon." [Baldwin, B70] 1994, August 21 -- "William, brother to Ephraim per Mrs. Smith ... would be the William born 1783 (age on t.s.) who settled in Northumberland Co. Ont. by 1823 and whose will confirms sons named Ephraim (for his brother) and Arrey (for his grandfather Arie ..." [Baldwin letter, B103] 1997, March -- "William b 1783 (per age on tombstone) known only from records of Northumberland Co Ontario, but about the only candidate to be the William named by Mrs. Smith." [Baldwin, B115] "John born perhaps 1790-1. Was he a brother to William ...? "1822 -- perhaps he was the John age 31, serving in the Prince Edward Co. Militia. In that unit was Henry and some of his clan, also Arra Jr. "1842 -- Cramahe Tp. "1848 -- Cramahe Tp. shoemaker, Church of England, 7 in family. Two born England, 5 Canada. 1 male and 1 female attending school. 1 male and 2 females under 5, 1 male 40-60 and 1 female 15-45. Thus John was born after 1788 and wife after 1803." [Baldwin, B72] "Note that William's sons Ephraim and Arrey both had large households, as did his possible brother John. Most or all of the following likely fit into those family groups. "Lucinda b. perhaps 181__ md. ... Herman Davis ... both of Haldiman Tp. ... "Thomas b. 1823-4 ... Wife Ann ... Both bur. ... Cramahe ... next to them are Sarah ... b. Nov. 1857 ... [and] Mary A. b. 1876 ... "Marie b. perhaps ca 1830 md. ... Thomas Coon, Haldimand Tp "Margaret b. perhaps ca 1830 md. ... Richard Purdy, both of Cramahe ... "Reuben b. Canada 1841-2, md. ... Mary Ann Coombs ... of Owasso, Shiawasee Co., Mich. 1880 ... perhaps a cousin [of Harriet, daughter of Orra/Arrey DeLong] ... Children ... Clarence 1866-7 ... Carry 1868-9 ... Horatio 1873-4 ... Estella 1875-6 ... Myrtle 1877-8 ... Birtee (male) b. April 1880 ... "Harriet b. 1847-9 md Joseph Varco ... "Rosalinde b. 1851 ... md. John Nesbitt ... Hope Tp ... Minnie 1876-7 ... Robert 1879-80 ... John 1883 ... James 1884-5 ... Mary 1887 ... "Nettie D. 1886-1952 and husband Allen A. Tackabury ... buried ... Brighton Tp "Wilfred Reuben perhaps b. ca 1900 md. Annie McBride ... North end of N[orthumberland] County ... George d. 1959 ... Arthur "Julia 1907-1928 and husband Thomas Harold Coltman ... buried ... Brighton Tp "Robert 1910-1962 and wife Euphemia A. Armit ... buried ... Cramahe Tp." [Baldwin, B73-B74]"... poss. the dau. of Thomas Dickenson who was in Beekman from February 1756 through June 1767. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 181; X62]1661 -- "Jan Theunissen's family was accompanied to America by his brother Arent Theunissen, Arent's wife Geesje Jans and their two children age 7 and 4. Both brothers had further families here ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B19] "The two 'sons of Teunis,' Jan and Arent, adopted the surname of Pier, also found as Pyer." [Baldwin, B19]A "Sally Ann Brown," born March 3, 1807, is buried near David Mead in the Evergreen Cemetery, Jefferson, New York. [Schoharie County Cemetery Records, Z142]"Phebe Ann, wife of Philip Mead, May 2, 1865 to 1917" is buried in the "Old Jefferson Cemetery," Town of Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York. [Schoharie County Cemetery Records, Z142]1741 -- "Some Cronkhite family papers ... said brothers Kasper, James and Jacob came to America in 1741." [John D. Baldwin research, B40] "Kasper supposedly returned to Holland after a few years where he made a fortune in the manufacture of Holland gin. He died unmarried, and having asked his brothers to return to Holland, as the story goes, made a will leaving the large fortune in trust in Holland to be distributed in 100 years to the heirs of James and Jacob of the fourth and fifth generations. There was a great fuss and bother about this will by various Cronkhite descendants in the 1890s in which the Ellwoods were doubly involved through Cronkhite and DeLong blood. [The Ellwoods were descendants of James [Delong] ... and wife Alida Cronkhite. I don't see how there was a DeLong involvement except other than through Cronkhite; it seems based on the claim that James' mother was a Cronkhite while the truth of the matter is that his wife's mother was a DeLong, being daughter of ... Hendrick and Mary (DeLong) Cronkhite.]" [Baldwin, B40]1741 -- "Some Cronkhite family papers ... said brothers Kasper, James and Jacob came to America in 1741." [John D. Baldwin research, B40]1805, April 17 -- "Cornelis' will ... names Hannah, three sons and four daus, Executors James and Cornelis, his first cousins (NYG&B Vol. 56). A grandson was Daniel of Minden; Daniel had brother James. One of Cornelius' sons was John C. An unclear letter from Norman W. Countryman of Canajoharie 1902 to Mary (Elwood) Lewis [daughter of Alonzo, grandson of (James, executor above)] seems to indicate he was son of John C's daughter Caty Ann." [John D. Baldwin research, B41]1797, January 27 -- "will Fonda NY" [John D. Baldwin research, B41]"There is nothing to support the Enterprise and News claim that she married her uncle James" [John D. Baldwin research, B41]"... Altje was b. 3 Jan. 1774, probably in Hoosic. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 151; X47]"... Another cousin [of James Delong's children], James Delong, dwelt at Herkimer, N.Y., and ten"""""""" " " " " """""""ўџџџ""ўџџџ""ўџџџ""""" "!"""ўџџџ$"%"&"'"("ўџџџ*"+","-"."/"0"1"2"3"4"5"6"7"8"9":";"<"=">"?"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"O"P"Q"R"S"T"U"V"W"X"Y"ўџџџ["\"]"^"_"`"a"b"c"d"e"f"g"h"i"j"k"l"m"n"o"p"q"r"ўџџџt"u"v"w"x"y"z"{"|"}"~""ўџџџded canal locks and was overseer of the poor-house. ..." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 472; X102] 1804 and 1812 -- A "James Delong" is listed among those persons who have mail awaiting them at the Otsego (Cooperstown) village post office. [Otsego Herald; New York State Historical Association Library, C17] 1845 -- "... [James and Altje] lived at Minden, German Flats and Ilion, NY where he d. 1842. His will was recorded 1845 in Herkimer Co. He was probably the man in Montgomery Co. in 1810 at 2-1-1-1-0 and 3-2-0-1-0." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 151; X47]"prob. the Henry from Moncton Vt 1790" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"res. West Chazy NY 1765, then to Starksboro Vt" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"He was no doubt related to the James Essmond held in Albany Gaol in 1778 under penalty of death. It may have been this Isaiah but I suggest a younger man (son?) who was of Hillsdale, now Columbia Co. NY [where Jannetje's uncle Frans ... lived in 1790]" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"Emma was tragically killed when she was thrown from her carriage as the horses ran away down Main Street [in Worcester, New York]. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 30]"[Brighton, New York storekeeper Leonard] Caryl paid John Peter Russ in pounds sterling for transporting goods from Albany." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 62] "John Peter Russ had a farm on South Hill [Worcester, New York]. In his early life he ran a stagecoach between Richmondville and Oneonta. He operated 'Todd's Tavern,' the only hotel in Worcester, from 1844 to 1864 ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41] "...these ... men were able to obtain tracts of land in the later hamlet of Worcester between 1845 and 1850: John Peter Russ, $1,750 ... Lumber for [Todd's Stand in Worcester] was sawed at the Crippen Mill, located on Tusculum Flats, later Whitehouse Crossing, and drawn to the site of the tavern by John Peter Russ. ... In 1844 John Peter Russ, known as the 'old stager,' who had a route between Richmondville and Oneonta, operated the tavern after purchasing it from Todd." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31-32 and 65] "The John Peter Russ Store at 73 Main Street, built by Russ in 1850, was first known as Shafer & Russ. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 63] "[Worcester] Congregational Church records state as follows: 'The members met for worship in each other's dwellings until the log schoolhouse was built near where Russ's Store now stands [Worcester Market, 73 Main Street] the surroundings of which were used for a burial place, now as a public commons.'" [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 143]"...Hamilton Russ, born 1818, grew up on his father's farm, and was associated with his father in operation of the hotel [former Todd's Tavern in Worcester, New York] all the time his father was there. Hamilton Russ returned to the farm, which he had continued to own while running the hotel. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41] "John Peter Russ' son Hamilton was associated with his father in operation of the inn until 1864 when John Peter died." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 65] "In 1871 the [Worcester] Methodist group secured a site near Decatur Creek upon which to build a church. This was purchased from Hamilton Russ, a Civil War veteran, and his wife Levantia." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 137]"Reuben m. (1) ....... Jones. Their children: "Eliza. "Delos. "He m. (2) ................., and went to Canada, leaving children with relatives. They had: "Susanna. "Joseph." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 472; X102] "Reuben, b. 1772; m. Sybel Becker (or Decker)." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 152; X48]1816 -- "Leonard Caryl started in the mercantile business in Vermont in 1816, and built a store near the Tusculum [New York] residence of Silas Crippen in 1825. Caryl's Lake, located on a nearby hill and an abundant source of water for the town [of Worcester] since 1887, was named for the family. ... it is thought that John Caryl took over that store when Leonard moved to the Brighton area after one year." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 24, 25] "Leonard Caryl, who had been a successful businessman in Vermont, had first moved to Tusculum. In 1826 her purchased a store, two dwellings and other buildings in the Brighton area ... The site of Caryl's home was at 295 Main Street and his store was located west of his home. People came from near and far, making the Caryl business venture a complete success. It was largely trade and barter then since money was scarce and most payments were made by bringing in grain, butter, maple sugar, feather, bark, ashes or potash for credit. Caryl shipped the goods to Albany in large quantities. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 27-28, 62] "In 1835 Leonard Caryl, a storekeeper and 'owner of business property in Worcester,' dewvoted much time and effort encouraging the construction of a railroad through the Schenevus Valley. This would join the Susquehanna Valley route and continue on to Pennsylvania. He spoke 'at Oneonta and different points on the route year after year, besides spending much time in Albany during sessions of the legislature, advocating ... his favorite project.' Caryl was elected to the State Assembly in 1841, carrying Worcester by a majority of more than 140 votes. In 1845 he was elected Worcester Supervisor." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 117] "In 1837 Leonard Caryl built a large three-story hotel opposite his old store in Brighton. This was a popular place for local people and stagecoach passengers traveling to Albany." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 28-29] "In 1841 Leonard Caryl built the next brick building on the southwestern side of the Four Corners [in East Worcester]. The brick three-story building is still standing. The eastern section was used for storage of supplies needed in Caryl's extensive business in Brighton. The store was on one side and the family lived in the western portion, which was very spacious with fireplaces and an open stairway leading to the top floor. It is thought that the bricks were made in a kiln on the flats nearby opposite the old railroad station. ... This is the location where Isaac [Caryl] Sr. had erected a distillery and built a home about 1810. "Caryl built the Brighton Inn, a large colonial hotel, and conducted the business with his brothers John and Isaac Jr. ... Caryl's store partner, Lasell J. Hayden of Middlefield, married his daughter Mary Jane. Caryl and Hayden operated their store for a number of years." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37] "Beyond the junction of the Brooker Hollow Road near the railroad bridge lived Joseph Powers and his large family. Powers kept a tavern for a number of years beginning in 1813. Captain Chester Powers, a son, later ran the tavern and then sold it to Leonard Caryl. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39] "... these ... men were able to obtain tracts of land in the later hamlet of Worcester between 1845 and 1850: ... Leonard Caryl, $162." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31] "... The site of the [Worcester train depot in 1865] had been determined only after a long struggle between factions advocating its location in Tuscan, Brighton or Worcester. Abram Bulson, an innkeeper, fought for Tuscan. Leonard Caryl, another innkeeper, wanted the depot at Brighton, but Worcesterites John Cook and Aborn Bigelow were directors of the railroad and their faction won out." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 118] 1958 -- W. Fern Ferguson published a pamphlet, "An 1826 Visit to Caryl's Store, Worcester, Otsego Co., N.Y." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 268 and C50-C51] Excerpts of Ephraim Delong's purchases are at C52-C54."‚"ƒ"„"…"†"‡"ˆ"‰"Š"‹"Œ""Ž"""‘"’"“"”"•"–"—"˜"™"š"ўџџџœ""ž"Ÿ" "Ё"Ђ"Ѓ"Є"Ѕ"І"Ї"Ј"Љ"Њ"Ћ"Ќ"­"Ў"Џ"А"Б"В"Г"Д"Е"Ж"З"И"Й"К"Л"М"Н"О"П"Р"С"Т"У"Ф"Х"Ц"Ч"Ш"Щ"Ъ"Ы"Ь"Э"Ю"Я"а"б"в"г"д"е"ж"з"ўџџџй"к"л"м"н"о"п"р"с"т"у"ф"х"ц"ч"ш"щ"ъ"ы"ўџџџэ"ю"я"№"ё"ђ"ѓ"є"ѕ"і"ї"ј"љ"њ"ћ"ќ"§"ў"џ"#"In 1944 an early spring storm had left farmers on West Hill Road [in Worcester, New York] snowed-in for two weeks. One day, Ivan Mereness had picked up cans of milk from his neighbors and was heading for the local creamery with his bobsled and team of horses. He had gotten as far as the school with his rig when it happened! "Lt. Col. Charles F. Wright picked that moment to fly his B-17 at tree-top level down Main Street. ... The Mereness horses, spooked by the loud noise, ran wildly down the street ... Wright maneuvered his plane back through town a second time ... "The plane regained altitude and the pilot flew over South Hill, the direction whence he had come, tipping his wings as he went, as if saying good-bye to his hometown before going off to Germany and World War II." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 60]"Robert Wright, who purchased the building [at 111 Main Street in Worcester, New York] in 1953, remodeled it and used it in connection with his electrical business. Wright sold the store to Paul Broumas ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 67] 2003, October 17 -- "Worcester -- Robert H. Wright, 79, died Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003, at Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown. "He was born Feb. 1, 1924, in Oneonta, the son of the late Herman Charles and Estella (Church) Wright. "Bob graduated from Worcester Central School, then served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. "Bob owned and operated Wright's Electric in Worcester. "He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Worcester, and a former member of the Worcester Rotary Club and the Worcester American Legion. "He is survived by his wife, Lois (Gregory) Wright, whom he married on April 10, 1955, in Norwich; their children, Greg and Marie Wright of Durham, N.C., Pam and John Zieno of Norwich, Rob and Michele Wright of Worcester, and Jim and Debbie Wright of Elmira; 10 grandchildren, Lauren, Lindsey and Nathan Wright of Durham, N.C., Taylor Ann, Rachel and Daniel Zieno of Norwich, Michaela and Madison Wright of Worcester, and Lydia and Lucas Wright of Elmira; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. "He was predeceased by two brothers, Charles F. and Horace C. Wright. "Calling hours will be Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel in Worcester. "The funeral service will take place at 11 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 20, at the funeral home, with the Rev. Paul Messner, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hartwick Seminary, officiating. "Following the committal service at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester, friends are invited to join the famioy at the Worcester Whitehouse Inn for a luncheon. ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; R59-R60]"Will, another son of Charles Monroe Wright, was the father of Elizabeth T. ('Bess') Wright, a teacher of music at Packer Collegiate Institute in New York City. Until her death in 1989, she maintained a home in the east end of Worcester. She was still organist at the First Presbyterian Church in her late 80s." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25] 1940 -- "Bessie was teaching at Packer Institute on Joralemon St. downtown Flatbush, Brooklyn at the same time I was going to school at Pratt Institute a couple miles away ... We never did meet then (1940-41) ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R41]"Van F. Wright, a bookkeeper at Borden's [Creamery in Worcester, New York] in the 1920s before he went to wok at The Bank of Wor######## #ўџџџ # # ################### #!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#:#;#<#=#>#?#@#A#B#ўџџџD#E#F#G#H#I#J#K#L#M#N#O#P#Q#R#S#T#U#V#W#X#Y#Z#[#\#]#^#_#`#a#ўџџџc#d#e#f#g#ўџџџi#j#k#l#m#ўџџџo#p#q#r#s#t#u#v#w#x#y#z#ўџџџ|#}#~##€#cester, was pressed into service at the icehouse during busy times. One year a cake of ice came off a chute and hit him, breaking his leg. The break was set by a doctor at a hospital; however, the leg was bowed after the break healed. The bowed leg was most noticeable when he wore his baseball uniform and played on the town team." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 75] "Franklin ... had a son Van F. Wright, who was for a number of years cashier and vice-president of The Bank of Worcester." (A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25) "Van F. Wright began his career in 1921 when he was appointed assistant cashier. ... In 1956 Wright became vice-president and cashier. He died in November 1963 after 42 years of service." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 100-101]2003, November 19 -- "Forest Dale, Vt. -- Williard Franklin Wright, 85, died Nov. 9, 2003, at Rutland Regional Medical Center. "He was born May 20, 1918, in Worcester, the son of Van and Leah (Wade) Wright. "He graduated from Worcester Central High School in 1935, and Albany Business College with a degree in accounting. "He married Martha Knott on Feb. 1, 1975, in Holyoke, Mass. "Mr. Wright worked at Bendix Aviation as an accountant for many years, and retired in 1979, as assistant treasurer for Farm Credit Bank in Springfield, Mass. After his retirement, he continued tax work for Farm Credit Bank at the Williston associate office. "He was a member of the Springfield (Mass.) Area Radio Controllers, and enjoyed building and flying radio remote-controlled airplanes. He attended the Brandon Congregational Church. He also enjoyed gardening, hunting and trapping, and played the piano. "Survivors include his wife of Forest Dale; two daughters, Vanessa Aprilliano of Rutland, and Teresa Sylvia of Milford, Conn.; a sister, Marilyn Dufresne of Worcester; three brothers, George Wright of Queensbury, Milton Wright and Dick Wright, both of Worcester; two granddaughters; and one great-granddaughter. "He was predeceased by his first wife, Dorothy (Faulkner) Wright in 1972; and a daughter, Jeanne Driscoll, in 2002. "The funeral service was held Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Brandon Congregational Church with the Rev. Richard Wright, pastor, officiating. A private burial will take place at a later date. "There will be no calling hours. "Memorial contributions, in lieu of flowers, may be made to the Brandon Area Emergency Squad ... "Arrangements are under the direction of the Miller & Ketcham Funeral Home in Brandon." [Oneonta Daily Star; R57-R58]1982 -- "...Before long, Marilyn E. Dufresne of Worcester [New York] and Joan H. Smith of East Worcester became joint editors [of The Tri-Valley News] ..." [A B"In March 1958 ... Grover Shafer sold his business to Charles L. Ryder, editor and publisher of the Cobleskill Times-Journal. Milton V. ('Flash') Wright was named the new editor of The [Worcester, New York] Times ... "The last issue appeared on December 31, 1981. In 1985 'Flash' Wright, the only editor of The Times-Monitor during its 24-year existence, published Wright on the Line, an 80-page collection of his selected Times-Monitor columns, combining his original humor with conservative political commentary and a tongue-in-cheek autobiography." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 174] 2004, July 19 -- "Worcester -- Milton V. 'Flash' Wright, 84, of Worcester passed away at Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown, on Sunday, July 18, 2004, after a series of strokes. "He was born in Worcester on Oct. 27, 1919, the son of Van F. and Leah (Wade) Wright. "He married the3 former Rose Damaon in Cobleskill on Aug. 17, 1946. They moved back to his hometown of Worcester in February 1950. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in August 1996. "Following his graduation from Worcester Central School in 1937, he attended and graduated from Albany Business College. He joined a field training crew for Proctor & Gamble, traveling around the area and promoting DUZ soap powder. In October 1941, he volunteered for military service and was sent to Fort Eustis, Va. During World War II he spent four years with the 208th Coast Artillery Regimental Band in Townsville, Australia, and Port Moresby, New Guinea. "After his service years he joined the staff of The Cobleskill Times, serving as advertising manager for 44 years. The paper later merged with The Schoharie County Journal imto a new county paper, the Times-Journal. In 1958, publisher Charles L. Ryder purchased The Worcester Times and in August The Schenevus Monitor. "Flash was appointed to the combined job of editor, sports editor, staff writer, photographer and delivery man of the new paper, called The Times-Monitor. He continued to work at The Times-Journal four days a week with one day in Worcester. He began his 'Wright on the Line' column, which appeared in both newspapers. "During the 1960s, The Times-Monitor received a number of awards from the New York State Press Association. He received an award presented by association President George Wortley for the 'Best Sports Page.' The Times-Monitor published a special historical issue in 1976, when the country celebrated its 200th birthday. He was proud to have been chosen chairman of the local Worcester Bicentennial Committee. "Flash met many politicians during pre-dinner press conferences in the 1960s and 1970s at the annual Otsego County Republican dinners in May at the Otesaga in Cooperstown. Some of those dignitaries were Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson, U.S. Sen. Jacob Javits, Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz and state Sen. Warren Anderson, to name a few. "The last issue of The Times-Monitor was printed in December 1982. Flash became semi-retired after that, working only two days a week in Cobleskill, and finally retired several years later. "Flash was a frequent master of ceremonies at various sports banquets and other functions in the tri-county area, as well as a guest speaker at service clubs and other groups. He was first president of the Worcester Historical Society, helping with its organization ande playing an instrumental role in obtaining a state charter. "In high school, he enjoyed baseball and basketball and, because of his speed on the court and field, he was called 'Flash,' a nickname by which most people knew him. He was a staunch Boston Red Sox fan, following the team from 1938, when rookie left fielder Ted Williams joined the club. "From 1952 until 1971m he played with the musical group, 'The Mellow Men.' Musicians featured were Norm Stoddard of Sharon Springs, pianist and vocalist; Rich Nelson of Worcester, drummer; Jack Allen of Warnerville, saxophonist and clarinetist; and Flash Wright, trumpet player, announcer, script writer and booking agent. They played at proms, wedding receptions and other parties. His love of music continued all his life, and he especially enjoyed listening to tunes from Glenn Miller, Harry James, Frank Sinatra and Tommy Dorsey of the Big Band era. During Memorial Day celebrations at Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester, Flash was proud to play the bugle once owned by Seth M. Flint, a Civil War escort bugler. The bugle is now on display in the local Historical Museum. "In 1985, he wrote his book, 'Wright on the Line,' a collection of columns that had appeared over the past 25 years in the Times-Journal. He continued with his column that appeared monthly in the local paper, The Hometown AD*Vantage. He was known to countless people throughout Schoharie and Otsego counties as an outstanding journalist, a writer of great wit and wisdom, and a loyal and loved friend who could soften a serious situation with his warm smile and clever, yet always sensitive, wit ... "Flash was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Worcester for 72 years and served as an elder, Sunday school teacher and dedicated choir member. He was a longtime member of the Worcester Rotary Club, Community Chorale and Wieting Memorial Association. He was on the Worcester board of the Robinson-Broadhurst Foundation of Stamford, a Worcester Historical Society member, former Republican committeeman and a member of the local American Legion post. "The Cobleskill Coffee Club (Knights od the Roundtable) was near and dear to his heart, and even after retirement he enjoyed meeting with friends for a session of jokes and laughter. "He is survivedf by his wife, Rose, Worcester; a daughter, Bonnie Wright, Douglasville, Ga.; and four grandchildren, Lisa (Fink) and her husband, John Thatcher, of New Orleans, La.; Trista (Funk) and her husband, Jeff Neely, of Kennesaw, Ga.; Daryl Fink of New Hope, Pa.; and Allison Fink of New Orleans, La.; great-grandchildren, Tayler, Owen and Alexis Thatcher; Caitlin and Madison Neely. He is also survived by a sister and brother-in-law, Marilyn (Wright) and Charles Dufresne, Worcester; brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Shirley (Holloway) Wright, Worcester; a brother, George Wright of Queensbury; a cousin, Ellen (Moak) Leverett, Cobleskill; a brother-in-law, Mickey Larichulta of New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; and several nieces and nephews. "He was predeceased by his older brother, Willard Wright, and his parents, Van and Leah Wright. "Calling hours will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel in Worcester. "The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery. "Arrangements are by E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, 155 Main St. in Worcester." [Obituary; Oneonta Daily Star; R61-R62]icentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 175] "...Marilyn Dufresne served as the local correspondent for The Freeman's Journal in 1986 and 1987, and for the Cobleskill Times-Journal from 1986 until 1995." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 176] "Marilyn E. Dufresne, another descendant of early Worcester families, has collected and published numerous historical materials in her role as a journalist, and has written a history of the Worcester Fire Department." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 189] 1997 -- Marilyn E. Dufresne is a principal editor of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester and co-author of a local history account, The Elliot Hill Churches, Town of Decatur, Otsego County, N.Y. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, x, 267]"...New owners Richard and Shirley Wright opened their View Wright Video [at 81 Main Street in Worcester, New York] in July 1992." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 64]"Marilyn and Charles Dufresne have lived in [the Sloan house at 127 Main Street in Worcester, New York] since 1963." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 32]1993, June 11 -- "GEORGE. There was a son age 0-5 in 1830. His d     ўџџџ) !"#$%&'(*E+,-./0123456789:;F=>?@ABCDўџџџZGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY[k\]^_`abcdefghijl|mnopqrstuvwxyz{}Ž~€§џџџeath certificate in Leelanau Co, Mich. confirms him as son of Martin and Roxy. His age at that time calculates to birth Oct. 21, 1824 which if correct means he should have been 5-9 and not 0-5 in 1830. In either event, a slight error. He was 45 in 1871 and 54 in 1880 which would support birth in 1825 and not 1824." [John D. Baldwin letter, B53]1875 -- The New York State census of the Town of Maryland lists Hiram White, 29 M, born in Otsego Co., occupation "Commershal Travel;" Corry A. White, 32 F, Mon#‚#ƒ#„#ўџџџ†#‡#ˆ#‰#Š#‹#Œ##Ž###‘#’#“#”#•#–#—#˜#™#š#›#œ##ž#Ÿ# #Ё#Ђ#Ѓ#Є#Ѕ#І#Ї#ўџџџЉ#Њ#Ћ#Ќ#­#Ў#Џ#А#Б#В#Г#Д#Е#Ж#З#И#Й#К#Л#М#Н#О#П#Р#С#Т#У#Ф#Х#Ц#ўџџџШ#Щ#Ъ#Ы#Ь#ўџџџЮ#Я#а#б#в#г#д#е#ж#з#и#й#к#л#м#н#о#п#р#с#т#у#ф#х#ўџџџч#ш#щ#ъ#ы#ь#э#ю#я#№#ё#ўџџџѓ#є#ѕ#ўџџџї#ј#љ#њ#ћ#ќ#§#ў#ўџџџ$tgomery Co., wife; Jimmy S. White, 6 M, Otsego Co., son; and Caroline Delong 62 F, Otsego Co., mother-in-law. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60E]1828 -- "Starksboro ... census of Quakers, listed as minor with bro William S." [John D. Baldwin1790 and 1800 -- "one of the several sons in father's home" [John D. Baldwin research, B93] 1806 -- "Bought Otsego {County, New York] land from uncle Frans and moved" [Baldwin, B93] "[John and Diadama DeLong] dwelt on Stewart's Patent, so-called in the town of Otsego, very near the boundary line dividing this town from the town of Springfield, Otsego Co., N.Y. ..." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 473; X102] 1808 -- "grantee Otsego Co. land from his father." [Baldwin, B93] 1810 -- "Otsego 20010/20010 as J., two houses from his father" [Baldwin, B93] 1820 -- "Listed as 'John Delong 1st' ... in town of Otsego 111110/32010. This perfectly fits John's eight children born to this date." [Baldwin, B93] 1830 -- "Likely the John of Town of Otsego 111001/122101 (the other John was in Middlefield). While not a perfect match for [John's] family, it meshes for the five youngest known daus and adds a sixth. It includes young son Damon (the Middlefield record does not). The other two boys are a puzzle -- while son Orange was possibly still home, he would have been 15-19, not 10-15 or younger. (Further the adults are too young here but that is not an argument as the other John was still older)" [Baldwin, B93] 183__ -- "Did he remarry? See 1840 [census]" [Baldwin, B93] 1840 -- "Town of Otsego 001020001/00021001. This fits John who was about three months into the 60-60 category. The boys fit his three youngest sons, the girls fit the two youngest plus Clarissa (still unmar. in 1850) and excluding the unknown female of 1840, whoever she was. As further evidence, the next door neighbor was Philip King, who was still next door in 1850. There is a puzzle -- did he have a second wife?" [Baldwin, B93] 1850 -- "Otsego age 70. Clarissa, Marietta and Damon with him. Also George Anderson, laborer." [Baldwin, B93] 1855 -- "Otsego age 75 b. Columbia Co., widower, farmer, resident of Otsego 48 years." [Baldwin, B93] 1864, May 16 -- "will proved ..." [Baldwin, B93] 1993, June 10 -- "John Sr. and Jr. were not father and son. One was John b. 1780, son of Lawrence's brother James. The other was b. 1772-3. The one who is called John Delong 1st in 1820 census seems to be John b. 1780, the younger of the two judging from the distribution of the children's ages. This was Otsego Town as were 1830-40-50. John b. 1772-3 had wife Laura, read once as Lany. He was in Otsego Town by 1820, 1850, in town of Middlefield 1830, not in either 1840. ... Lawrence's brother Frans was an earlier settler in Otsego Co. (perhaps by 1787) so Ephraim obviously followed an uncle there as did John b. 1780. " [Baldwin letter, B50] research, B69D] 1830 -- "Monkton, Addison Co., Vt 00001/0010001 (the females need rereading)" [Baldwin, B69D] 1831 -- "Starksboro, Addison Co" [Baldwin, B69D] 1850 -- "Starksboro, he 40 she 39 both b. Vt." [Baldwin, B69D] 1859 -- "Joseph and Roxey owned land which they subsequently sold to son Richard who inturn sold it to son Charles' wife Melissa. The land is owned 1994 by Guy Wallis ..." [Baldwin, B69D] 1860 -- "Starksboro ..." [Baldwin, B69D] 1870 -- "he was 71 in home of son Charles. Where was she?" [Baldwin, B69D] 1993, June 17 -- "I wonder if there might have been another child -- [Larry DeLong's] Lincoln sheet shows a Frank b. 1849-50. He was 40 in 1890 when he and wife Emma V. Taft became parents of Frank George. I don't see a likely place to fit him in. Likely he was born after the 1850 census. I didn't note him in 1860; though young he could have been working out as a farmhand as was next older "brother" Richard." [Baldwin letter, B59]1850 -- "He appears age 17 in his father's home as (Loel) in Starksboro, 1850." [John D. Baldwin letter, June 10, 1993, B51; Baldwin research, B69D] "Lowell DeLong, Pvt. Co. B, 5th Vermont, Sept. 3, 1961-Nov. 21, 1864; taken prisoner June 28, 1863, paroled the same day; deserted July 17, 1863; returned Oct. 29, 1863; transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps Jan. 15, 1864. [R]esidence Shaftsbury." [Daniel Burdick letter, June 17, 1993; Z11] 1880 -- "As Loell, 37 in Weybridge, Addison Co home of bro George. Where was she? [She survived him.] " [Baldwin; B69D] 1993, June 17 -- "I did not note him in reading the four Addison [Co., Vt.] Twps for 1860, perhaps I overlooked him. The censuses account to June 1832 to June of 1833, but [Larry DeLong's] Lincoln sheet has death record calculating to birth May, 1832. He was unmarried as of 1850 though survived by wife Alzina, perhaps a late marriage and no children. ..." [Baldwin letter, B59]"Parishville 1870 -- Ebenezer 56, gunsmith, b. Vt and Jenette 46 b. NY. With them was son Lyman 21 b. NY and last Jennie (Lyman's wife) 26 born Iowa." [John D. Baldwin research, B65]"Parishville 1870 -- Norris DeLong 50 Vt, farmer and wife Chary S. 44 Vt ... Ch were Mary R. 19, George 15, William 12 all b. NY. "So who were the Henry J. and Norris who appear as heirs in St. Law. Co. court records? Something seems fishy -- the list reportedly names Charity S. then Henry J, Albert H., William H. and Norris. But Henry and Norris do not appear in 1850-60-70 or-80 censuses, and William H. died 8 years before his father so hardly an heir. "I found Albert also in P'ville 1870, age 24 with wife as Elma 20. In the home was David Closson age 12. There were no ch. I think it was [Daniel Burdick] who told me they had two ch -- Mabel and Albert -- so they must have been born 1871 or 1872 (Albert Sr. d. Feb. 1872)" [John D. Baldwin research, B65]1993, June 11 -- "[Daniel Burdick's] records show her to be Phebe, which is new for me. ... Somehow connected is a Harriet, wife of Stephen Jones. A Mrs. Eastland once said she was sister of Martin. This was disputed by Helen Kilborn who thought instead Harriet Jones was daughter of Martin. If so, could be the daughter b. 1820-5 ..." [John D. Baldwin letter, B53]1993, June 11 -- "Can she be the Hannah of Parishville who md So Hero Vt. 1850 Samuel Brooks?" [John D. Baldwin letter, B53]1880 -- "George was 28, Emma 27, children Jennie 7 and Daisy 4. In the home was Lowell DeLong 47 identified as brother, and being the same as Loel who was 17 in 1850 in the home of their parents Joseph and Roxy." [John D. Baldwin letter, June 17, 1993, B59]"Richard L. DeLong, Pvt. Co. B, $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$ўџџџ$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$ўџџџ/$0$1$2$3$4$ўџџџ6$7$8$9$ўџџџ;$<$=$>$?$@$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$O$ўџџџQ$R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$Z$[$\$]$^$_$`$a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h$i$j$k$l$m$n$o$p$q$r$s$t$u$v$w$x$y$z${$|$}$~$$€$5th Vermont, Aug. 26, 1861-Nov. 4, 1865; Re-enlisted Dec. 15, 1863; wounded by being run over by cars Mar. 24, 1865. [R]esidence: Shaftsbury ..." [Daniel Burdick letter, June 17, 1993; Z11] 1993, June 17 -- "Richard L.b. Starksboro 1844-5, 4 in 1850, 21 of Bristol when he md. Huntington 1867 Sarah A. Briggs, 35 in 1880. I also found him in 1860, age 16 which is perhaps a little old judging from the other records, farm laborer for Moses Varney in Starksboro. They had four ch., one of whom was ... Gertrude ..." [John D. Baldwin letter, B59]1880 -- "Starksboro 41 and 37. His father lived with them." [John D. Baldwin research, B69E] 1886, July 19 -- "... when they sold the property to Israel Lafayette on 19 July 1886, Charles was in Edmonds County Dakota Territory while Melissa was in Starksboro." [Guy Wallis letter, August 31, 1994, B108] "Melissa had obtained it from Charles' brother Richard, who had obtained it from parents Joseph and Roxy Delong." [Baldwin, B69E] "Per a grandson of son Franklin: 'Grandpa came from Vt. His dad was a boozer and Grandpa hated him because he came home only long enough to make his mom pregnant and leave again.'" [Baldwin, B69E] 1993, June 17 -- "Charles D. b. 1838-9. per 1850 and 1880 censuses. I failed to find him in 1860 but could have overlooked. His wife was Melissa Blanchard and I know of nine ch. Joseph with them in 1880 (prob. widower)." [Baldwin letter, B59]1993, June 17 -- "Mary b. 1852 or early 1853, was of Hinesburg age 15 when she md. Feb. 21, 1868 Louis Dwire of Starksboro. ... She was 6 with parents in 1860, this saying b. 1853-4." [John D. Baldwin letter, B59]"... Lewis was possibly the brother of Philip Dwire who owned the next farm south of Joseph and Roxey [Delong]" [Guy Wallis letter, August 31, 1994, B108]"[Peter] was taxed in Rombout from 1773-79 at one pound with Jacobus Lewis, his wife's brother who married his sister Elizabeth. He was in Saratoga Town in Albany Co. in 1790 at 1-5-2 and was between David Adams and John Shaddock. A Francis DeLong and a James DeLong were close by. In 1800 he was in Plattsburgh in Clinton Co. with his wife, another woman over 45, and 5 sons. His property in Plattsburgh was noted in an assessmenrt of land in Oct. 1798. He adjoined land of John Jarsey and possibly William Brewer. there is no assessment listing for DeLong himself. ... "Perter DeLong was evidently deceased by 1807. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 182-183; X63]$‚$ƒ$„$…$ўџџџ‡$ўџџџ‰$Š$ўџџџŒ$$ўџџџ$ўџџџ‘$’$“$”$•$–$—$˜$™$š$›$œ$$ўџџџŸ$ $Ё$Ђ$Ѓ$Є$Ѕ$І$Ї$Ј$Љ$Њ$Ћ$Ќ$ўџџџЎ$Џ$ўџџџБ$В$Г$Д$ўџџџЖ$З$И$Й$К$Л$М$Н$О$П$Р$ўџџџТ$У$Ф$ўџџџЦ$Ч$ўџџџЩ$Ъ$Ы$Ь$Э$Ю$Я$а$б$в$г$д$е$ж$з$и$й$к$л$м$н$ўџџџп$р$с$т$у$ф$х$ц$ч$ш$щ$ъ$ы$ь$э$ю$я$№$ё$ђ$ѓ$є$ѕ$і$ї$ј$љ$њ$ћ$ќ$§$ў$џ$%1810 -- "Plattsburgh 10100/01100, thus one young son and another woman who was too old to be daughter" [John D. Baldwin research, B8] 1810 -- "... [Abraham] was at 1-0-1-0-0 and 0-1-1-0-0. He was on a 50 acre farm in 1811 which was assessed at $250. He had no personal property assessment and paid a tax of $.83." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 183; X63] 1820 -- "Beekmantown 010020/00010" [Baldwin, B8] 1830 -- "Beekmantown 000011/001001, thus dau. b. 1810-1815 and an unidentified man b. 1790-1800 unless this is an erroneous entry for son b. 1800-1810." [Baldwin, B8] 1850 -- "Beekmantown - Abraham, 66, b. NY and Electa 63, b. Vt. No children." [Baldwin, B8] 1850 -- "Beekmantown - Abraham, 62 b. NY, would seem to be duplicate entry since we know of no other Abraham of this age. Also this Abraham was living with Melissa, ae 30. (dau. or dau-in-law?) and several younger persons." [Baldwin, B8] "At present we are unable to identify all persons' exact relationship. "Son b. shortly before 1810 "Daughter b. 1810-1815 Per 1830 census Not in 1820 "Melissa b. ca 1820, 30 in 1850. Included in second Abraham entry. "Lewis b. ca 1836, 14 in 1850. Seems too old to be son of Melissa but too young to be son of Electa. If the age is incorrect this could be Lewis, son of James Lewis, and the following Malinda his sister. "Malinda b. ca 1835 ... "Samantha b. ca 1848 ... probably a grandchild "Abraham b. ca 1849 ... probably a grandchild "Also there was an: "Abraham of Chazy, Clinton Co. md. Phebe A. Loomis b. May 11, 1811, dau. of Roger and Rachel (Hickok) of Georgia, Vt. (Loomis Gen.) [Baldwin, B8] "Mary b. prob. 181__" [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"... they are on marker adjacent to Wm. & Deborah." [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"... they are on marker adjacent to Wm. & Deborah." [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"Caroline b. 181__" [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"... [born] in 1810s or early 1820s. In Cramahe Tp. census of 1848, farmer, seven residents including one servant, one female 5-14, one single person 18-21. Listed as natives of Scotland (wrong for him and any who might be his child), Free Presbyterian." [John D. Baldwin research, B71] "Went to Canada thence to California during gold craze; Came back and settled in states" [Frances C. Johnson research; E77]"Perhaps. An Ephraim, son of Ephraim md. Wellington Co. Ont. 1868 Nancy Doherty. This couple went to Kansas after birth of a son in 1869, appearing in the 1870 census of Waterville Tp, Marshall Co. age 29 and 20 both b. Canada East (i.e., Quebec, which is doubtful if this is the correct placement as son of Ephraim.) Next door was Rachel Dougherty (sic) 43, born Canada east, no doubt Nancy's mother, and five children born Canada East." [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"Ephriam (sic) b. Canada East (Doubtful?) ca 1869, 1 in 1870" [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"...Teachers [at Decatur, New York District No. 5] included ... Leah Wade Wright." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 152]1808, March 1 -- David Babcock served on the committee that drew lines to divide the "old Town" of Worcester, Otsego County, New York, into four new towns. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 14] "... David Babcock, a seafaring man, settled on his one-sixth tract [in East Worcester, New York] ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 34]Details of the life of Robert Babcock appear on pages 22-24 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O150-O152]Details of the life of John Babcock appear on pages 8-12 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O136-O140]1640 -- "Captain James Babcock ... came from England and settled in Portsmouth, R.I. about 1640." [Obituary of Emery J. Babcock, O50] "James Badcock, b. 1612, probably in Essex Co., England ..." [Babcock Genealogy, O53] "When the will of James Badcock, Sr., was written June 12, 1679, the first syllable of the family name was written, Bad, and had been so written up to that time. Six years later, when the will of John Babcock was made by the Town Council of Westerly, June 26, 1685, the first syllable was spelled Bab, and has been so spelled ever since." [Babcock Genealogy, O54] Detail of the life of James Badcock appear on pages 1-6 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O129-O134]1994 -- "Milwaukee, Wisc. -- Luman Emery Babcock, 72, passed awa"...Clarice Hughson Babcock began teaching [at Worcester, New York District #9] in 1918." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 149] "... following the retirement of Clarice Babcock, the last elementary teacher, the East Worcester school closed for good." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 148] 1993 -- "East Worcester -- Clarice Babcock, 94, of East Worcester, died at the Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown on Sunday, June 20, 1993, after suffering a stroke on June 10. "Mrs. Babcock was born July 14, 1898 in Nelsonville, Putnam County, the daughter of Victor Peter and Harriet (Coe) Hughson. After her father's death in 1902, and her mother's remarriage in 1909 to Luman B. Green of West Oneonta, the family moved to Oneonta. After graduating from Oneonta High School, she went to Oneonta Normal School and graduated in 1918. Her first teaching position was in the East Worcester Union Free School at the age of 20. She taught off and on for the next 20 years, retiring from the Worcester Central School in 1959. "In 1920 she married Dayton B. Babcock of East Worcester. They resided on the E.J. Babcock farm for the remainder of their lives. Her husband pre-deceased her in 1981. Mrs. Babcock was an active member of the East Worcester Methodist Church. She also belonged to the East Worcester Homemakers, the N.Y. Teachers Association and A.A.R.P. "Mrs. Babcock is survived by two sons and a daughter, Luman E., Robert D. and Harriet Babcock. She is also survived by several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. She was pre-deceased by two brothers, Raymond Coe Hughson of Chatham and Thomas Percival Hughson of Oneonta. "Funeral services will be held Thursday, June 24, 11 a.m., at the East Worcester Methodist Church with the Rev. John L. Phillippe, pastor of the East Worcester United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will follow in the Babcock plot in the Lower Cemetery in East Worcester. ... "Contributions in Mrs. Babcock's memory may be made to the East Worcester United Methodist Church. "All arrangements are being made by the E.J. Skinner Funeral Home, Worcester." [Obituary of Clarice Babcock, O48]%%%%%%%% % % % % %%%%%%%%ўџџџ%%%%%%%%%% %!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/%0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%:%;%<%=%>%?%@%A%B%C%D%E%F%G%H%I%J%K%L%M%ўџџџO%ўџџџQ%R%S%T%U%V%W%X%Y%Z%[%\%ўџџџ^%_%`%a%b%ўџџџd%e%f%g%h%i%j%k%l%m%n%o%p%q%r%s%t%u%v%w%ўџџџy%z%{%|%}%ўџџџ%€%y at Marina View Manor on Aug. 3, 1994, following complications of diabetes. "He was born in Oneonta, to the late Dayton Ball Babcock and Clarice (Hughson) Babcock on Sept. 19, 1921. He graduated from the East Worcester Union School in 1939, being a member of the last class to graduate from that school. He resided in East Worcester until moving to Oneonta to manage the W.T. Grant Company store. "He was first married to Mary Jane Mayhew of Bovina, and second to Lucille Beasley of Eldora, Iowa. In 1948 he affiliated with the Caterpillar Company in Milwaukee and retired from there in 1983. For the past 10 years he has been an active member of AA in the Milwaukee area. "Mr. Babcock is survived by six children: Mrs. Carole Meade (Larry), Unadilla, Roderick Allen Babcock (Kristine), Midland, Michigan, Bruce Emery Babcock (Donna), Douglas Dayton Babcock (Barbara), Randall Lee Babcock and Cynthia Topal (Francis), all of Milwaukee; also by 10 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He is also survived by a brother, Robert Deforest Babcock (June), a sister, Harriet Babcock, three nieces, a nephew, several cousins, friends and AA associates. "Visiting hours will be held at the Prasser-Kleczka South Suburban Chapel, 6080 So. 27th St., Milwaukee, Wisc., on Monday, Aug. 8 from 4 to 7:30 p.m. A funeral service will follow at 7:30 p.m. Following cremation, interment services will be held at the Emery Jay Babcock Lot in the East Worcester Cemetery, Route 7, East Worcester. ... "Memorial contributions in Mr. Babcock's name may be made to the Wisconsin Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association ... [Obituary of Luman E. Babcock, O48]1996 -- "Wells Bridge -- Robert D. Babcock, of Beverly Hills, Fla. and Wells Bridge, passed on at Seven Rivers Hospital in Crystal River, Fla., on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1996. "He was born March 6, 1923, in Oneonta, the son of Dayton and Clarice (Hughson) Babcock. "He graduated from Worcester Central School and attended the State University College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, growing up on the Babcock Homestead in East Worcester. "Bob was a well-known business man and operated Babcock Trailer Sales, Inc. on Route 7 for 33 years and the well-known Babcock's Country Western Club. He was well liked and respected by all who knew him. "He was a member of Lodge 324 Unadilla Masons, a life member of the Unadilla Rod and Gun Club, a member of the Sidney Moose Lodge, a former member of the Oneonta Elks Lodge for many years and one of the founders of Country Lanes. He attended the Beverly Hills Community Church and the Otego Baptist Church. ... "He is survived by his wife, June; children, Mrs. Peggy Jones, Ms. Judy Lopez and Robert Babcock, Jr., all of Massachusetts, and Marilyn Babcock of Unadilla; stepchildren, Jackie Burns of Hernando, Fla. and Arthur Ogborn of Round Lake, 10 grandsons and two granddaughters; a sister, Harriet; and several nieces and nephews. "A memorial service was held Monday at the Beverly Hills Community Church, with the Rev. William P. Hand officiating. "Local memorial services will be at a later date, with interment at the Babcock plot in the East Worcester Cemetery on Route 7. "In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Foundation in his name. "Arrangements are by the Hooper Funeral Home of Beverly Hills, Fla." [Obituary of Robert D. Babcock, O50]A photograph of Dr. W.W. Babcock appears on O51."Continental Army in Capt. Ebenezer Pomeroy's regiment -- battle dated Dedham Feb. 17, 1778 ... Private in Lemuel Pomeroy's Co. for 30 days -- was under Col. Ezice May on Expedition to Saratoga 112 miles from home ... raised by town of Amesburg to serve in Continental Army -- term 3 years -- injured June 1, 1779 -- loss of leg" [Pomeroy Family Genealogy; Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R38]"... Ebenezer Kingsley ... of Northampton, Mass. traces the Kingsley line back to 1066, Battle of Hastings with Wm. the Conqueror." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R30]"... Edwin L. Mead came from Otego to work for [Charles O.] Waterman, who sold the [jewelry] store [at 111 Main Street in Worcester, New York] to him in 1873. In 1878 the attic area was made into a second floor. Mead added a toy department which was advertised as the 'best in town.' Flora Mead, a daughter, and her husband Austin Wilber, conducted the business following Mead's death in 1934. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 67] "... His business ... was later the site of a similar enterprise carried on by their daughter, Flora (Mead) Wilber and her husband Austin." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25]"... and in 1915 the home economics department [of Worcester, New York High School] began with new teacher Estella (Church) Wright..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 145]"...[Edwin L. Mead's jewelry] business, located at 111 Main Stre%‚%ƒ%„%…%†%‡%ˆ%‰%Š%‹%Œ%%Ž%ўџџџ%‘%’%“%”%•%–%ўџџџ˜%™%š%›%œ%ўџџџž%Ÿ% %ўџџџЂ%Ѓ%Є%Ѕ%І%Ї%ўџџџЉ%Њ%Ћ%Ќ%ўџџџЎ%Џ%ўџџџБ%В%Г%Д%ўџџџЖ%З%И%Й%ўџџџЛ%М%ўџџџО%П%Р%С%Т%У%ўџџџХ%Ц%Ч%Ш%Щ%ўџџџЫ%Ь%Э%Ю%Я%а%б%в%г%ўџџџе%ж%з%ўџџџй%к%л%ўџџџн%о%п%ўџџџс%т%ўџџџф%х%ц%ч%ўџџџщ%ъ%ы%ь%э%ю%я%№%ё%ђ%ѓ%ўџџџѕ%і%ї%ј%љ%њ%ћ%ўџџџ§%ў%џ%ўџџџet [in Worcester, New York], was later the site of a similar enterprise carried on by their daughter, Flora (Mead) Wilber and her husband Austin." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25] "... Flora Mead, a daughter, and her husband Austin Wilber, conducted the [jewelry] business following [Edwin L.] Mead's death in 1934. Wilber sold jewelry and repaired watches and clocks." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 67]" ...Flora Mead, a daughter, and her husband Austin Wilber, conducted the business following [Edwin L.] Mead's death in 1934. Wilber sold jewelry and repaired watches and clocks." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 67]"Just beyond the Grant Hotel [in Tusculum, Town of Worcester, New York] was the first home of Cyrus Bigelow and family ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25]"Edward Wright bef. 1639 - m. 1659 d. 1677 Sudbury, MA" [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. research, R33]"... original settler of N. Hampton. [M]ade a free man in 1663. [T]ook part in the Falls Fight May 19, 1676. In 1686 he sold his place and moved to E. or S. Hampton" [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R37]"[Margery Rockett] migrated with Eltweed to America." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R38] "... he became blind ..." [Cavans, R38]"She migrated with Eltweed to America." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R38]1758, June -- "He was taxed in the Amenia area of D[utchess] C[ounty] from June 1758 on." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 408]"Mary Doten's grandfather was Edward Doty of the Mayflower." [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan research, R31; Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R40]"They went to Sharon, CT." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 407]"He sold his land in Wareham, MA 21 Dec. 1747, at which time he was in Sharon, CT. A John Doty was in the Gore area of Beekman in 1764, possibly this man." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 408]"... Althea Julia Wright Ryder lived [on Mill Street in Worcester, New York, with her daughter Georgia Ryder Cavan] until [her son] Burr died ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. information, R30]"... Georgia Ryder Cavan ... lived until her father's death when she was twelve at a small house on Mill St.? [in Worcester, New York] across from the Silvernails whose home was backed up by a creek. A couple by the name of Delancy lived on the south side of their home." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. information, R30]1946 -- Married in Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. research, R32]Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. give Thomas Chester as the possible father of Simon. [R33]Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. indicate uncertainty that Abigail Comstock was Simon Chester's mother. [R33]"d. before Thomas" [Georgia Ryder Cavan and Ralph Cavan, Jr. research, R33]1630 -- "... ancestor Jehu Burr came to the colonies (Mass.) with the Winthrop fleet in 1630 ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R42]1643 -- "Robert Waterman served on the town committee (deputy) in the General Court of the Colony, 1643, 1644, 1646-50. Becoming a freeman of the Colony 7 March 1642-43, he immediately became one of two Grand Jurors for Marshfield thus qualifying him as an ancestor for the Massachusetts Society, Colonial Dames of America." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R40]1638, December -- "... Through [his] marriage Robert became the brother-in-law of John Bradford, eldest son of Gov. Wm. Bradford, and also of Josiah Winslow, brother of Gov. Edward Winslow. ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R40]"... Thomas Bourne was a citizen of standing in Marshfield. ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R40]&&&&&&&& & & & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&.&/&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&ўџџџ9&:&;&<&=&>&?&@&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J&K&L&M&N&O&P&Q&R&S&T&U&V&W&X&Y&Z&ўџџџ\&]&^&_&`&a&b&c&d&e&f&g&h&i&j&k&l&m&n&o&p&q&r&s&t&u&v&w&x&y&z&ўџџџ|&}&~&&€&"Schuyler Crippen (1794-1872) studied law and finally settled in Cooperstown. Crippen was a prominent man and served in many official capacities. He was one of the first circuit judges after the reorganization of the Sixth District, was a Member of Assembly in 1831 and District Attorney in 1837. [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 103] "It was a summer day in Worcester [New York], the year 1831... [Madame Jumel's] new coach with a team of four horses made its way through the hamlet. It soon stopped in front of the Circuit Judge's law office. Schuyler Crippen, from the family of the early settler Silas Crippen, met with the elegantly dressed Madame Jumel to discuss her properties in Worcester and nearby Cherry Valley. With her was Mary Eliza, her adopted niece. Thirty years old and unlucky at romance, Mary Eliza's eyes met with Judge Crippen's understudy, Nelson Chase. The young law student, perhaps the son of the town Supervisor, former Judge and Member of Assembly Seth Chase, was her contemporary both in age and availability. Soon a deal was struck between the Madame and the Judge, and she departed leaving her niece behind as his household guest ... Some final arrangements were made and Mary and Nelson were engaged to be married in the fall of 1832 ... Nelson was promised a job in the law office of Aaron Burr and he and his bride would live near the Madame in New York City ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 28] "...It was through the efforts of Schuyler Crippen, who was Judge of the Judicial District from 1837 to 1845 and lived in Cooperstown, that ... six men were able to obtain tracts in the later hamlet of Worcester between 1845 and 1850 ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 31]1630 -- "... ancestor Jehu Burr came to the colonies (Mass.) with the Winthrop fleet in 1630 ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, March 25, 1998, R42] 1997 -- "George B. Wright, a New York native, came to Worcester in 1873 from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. He became a successful portrait copyist who employed as many as three or four artists and had from eight to 10 agents on the road. Wright's medium of work included India ink, water-colors, pastels and crayon portraits. He became known throughout the eastern states and his successful business enabled him to invest considerably in local property. He was a third-party Prohibitionist, and chaplain of the Johnson Post No. 25, G.A.R. He and his wife, Elizabeth Gage, had five children." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 200] 1998, March 25 -- "... What he was doing in Eau Claire I have no idea except that there was a family member whose name escapes me who lived and died in a small town north of Madison WI. Anyway [George B.] was back in Worcester to marry Elizabeth Gage at age 23. So much for 'Uncle George'." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, R42]"Arrey b. prob. 180__, perhaps md. _________ Steele" [John D. Baldwin research, B72] 1831 -- "As Aaron, witness to marriage of Luther Snider and Lydia ( ) Lynton, both of Murray, N[orthumberland] Co." [Baldwin, B72] 1842 -- "As Arrey Haldimand Tp, Lot 5 Conc. 9 as Arrey, family of six (data reported as hard to read)" [Baldwin, B72] 1848 -- "As Arra Cramahe Tp. but perhaps incorrectly reported to me as it was Lot 5 Conc. 9 which in preceding and following censuses reached me as Haldimand. The household however is smaller, 4 persons though perhaps children had died. Three are tabulated as natives of Ireland, only 1 as Canadian. He was a farmer, Church of England. One person was age 5-11, 1 single person 21-30, 1 male 60+, 1 female 45+. In view of the household size just two years later, I question the small count this year, and question the only male being 60+." [Baldwin, B72] 1850 -- "As Irra in Haldimand Tp, Lot 5 Conc 9 (as in 1842), family of eight." [Baldwin, B72]"The History of Shiawassee Co Mich has a sketch on Joseph Varco and wife Harriet DeLong, daughter of Orra DeLong and _________ Steele. Harriet was born Canada 1&‚&ƒ&„&…&†&‡&ˆ&‰&Š&‹&Œ&&Ž&&ўџџџ‘&’&“&”&•&–&—&˜&™&š&›&œ&&ž&Ÿ& &Ё&Ђ&Ѓ&Є&Ѕ&І&Ї&Ј&Љ&ўџџџЋ&Ќ&­&Ў&Џ&А&Б&В&ўџџџД&Е&Ж&З&ўџџџЙ&К&Л&М&Н&О&П&Р&С&Т&У&Ф&Х&ўџџџЧ&Ш&Щ&Ъ&Ы&ўџџџЭ&Ю&Я&а&б&в&ўџџџд&е&ж&ўџџџи&й&к&л&м&н&о&п&р&с&ўџџџу&ф&ўџџџц&ч&ш&щ&ъ&ы&ь&э&ю&ўџџџ№&ё&ђ&ѓ&є&ѕ&і&ї&ј&ўџџџњ&ћ&ќ&§&ў&џ&'847-9. Perhaps [Arrey] was her father -- the Varcos were prob. from N[orthumberland] Co. the History says she was the only one of her father's twelve children to go to the US, but a Reuben DeLong of Canadian birth also is found in Shiawassee censuses. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B72] "Harriet b. Canada of Canadian parents ..." [Baldwin, B75] 1921 -- "She d. Shiawassee Co., birthdate given as 1848. She was age 50 at publication of undated Co. Hist." [Baldwin, B75]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒЙЋ’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊўџџџЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИКЪЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЫЬЭЮЯбвгдежзиўџџџклмнопрстуфхцчшщъўџџџьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјўџџџ§џџџћќ§ўџ1864 -- "The [Shiawassee] Co. History says Joseph went to Michigan age 21 = 1864, worked on a farm in Owosso, Shiawassee Co. for two years, bought 80 acres in Middlebury Tp. after that, and the next year married Harriet. This suggests 1866 for the purchase (while desc. Mrs. Edwin Varcoe reports the purchase as June 4, 1868) and 1867 for the marriage (while a child was born by 1866) so the chronology in the Co. History would appear to be faulty." [John D. Baldwin research, B75] 1870 -- "Age 25 and 20 in Middlebury Tp, both b. Canada of 'foreign' parents." [Baldwin, B75] 1880 -- "Age 36 and 32 in Middlebury Tp, he b. Canada of English parents (which contradicts Co. Hist. for his mother, she b. Canada of Canadian parents." [Baldwin, B75] 1912 -- "He d. Shiawassee Co ..." [Baldwin, B75]"Richard and Hannah were md. in Canada and settled in 'Northumberland near Hamilton,' which we presume means Hamilton Tp. of present Northumberland Co. A William Varco born Eng. and his family are reported in Hamilton Tp, N. Co. 1861. Richard and Hannah died aged about 70.""Isaac ... b. 1771-2, to Otsego Co. after 1850, d. 1858, bur. Richfield Springs. Desc. settled there." [John D. Baldwin research, B11]1777, April 3 -- "Capt. James ... was born April 3, 1777, probably in Columbia Co., N.Y. ..." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 472; X102] 1829 -- "[James] had son born [Otsego County] ... prob. grantee 1808" [John D. Baldwin research, B77] "James had an aunt by the name of Mrs. __________ Smith, and perhaps another who married Isaac Jackson, and dwelt in Columbia [sic] , N.Y." [Aylsworth Genealogy, 473; X102]"Diana, wife of John DeLong b. 1780 d. 6/5/1831 ae. 51" [Purported gravestone inscription, Twelve Thousand Cemetery, Fly Creek Valley, Otsego County, New York, B96]"She married for her second husband Mason Tilden, and removed to Hiram, Portage Co., O., but died not far from Chicago living with her children." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 475; X103]1830 -- "Charles b. 1800-10 in Springfield 1830 10002/00001. Grantee 1835" [John D. Baldwin research, B77]"[Henry and Rosanna] moved to Watertown, N.Y., where he followed the trade of a mason. From this place they went to the western part of Pennsylvania where he engaged in the lumber trade on the Clarion River, at a place afterwards known as Raught's Mills, and where they died." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 475; X103]1829 -- "[James] had son born [Otsego County] ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B77]1875 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists Hiram White, 29 M, born in Otsego Co., occupation "Commershal Travel;" Corry A. White, 32 F, Montgomery Co., wife; Jimmy S. White, 6 M, Otsego Co., son; and Caroline Delong, 62 F, Otsego Co., mother-in-law." [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60E]"... She was 24 with father in 1850, 41 with uncle Damon in 1865, at whose residence she died. Name has been read (or misread?) as Margaret in father's will. Her will 1872, proved Otsego Dec. 1, 1883 (error? why a 10-year wait?) mentions brother Damon H, sister Clarissa." [John D. Baldwin research, B94]"... living with father 1850 age 30 (misreading for 36?). With father in Otsego 1855, age 46 (misreading for 40?) resident 40 years. She was 50 in 1865 living with brother Damon. And 65 in 1880 with Damon." [John D. Baldwin ўџџџ''''ўџџџ''ўџџџ ' ' ' '''''''ўџџџ''''''''''' '!'"'#'$'%'&'''(')'*'+','-'.'/'0'1'2'3'4'5'6'7'8'9':'ўџџџ<'='>'?'@'A'B'C'D'E'F'G'H'I'J'K'L'M'N'O'P'Q'R'S'T'U'V'W'X'Y'Z'ўџџџ\']'^'_'`'a'b'c'ўџџџe'f'g'h'i'j'k'l'ўџџџn'o'p'q'r's't'u'v'ўџџџx'y'ўџџџ{'|'}'~''€'research, B94]"... A sister, name illegible but age 58 which closely fits Octavia, was living with brother Damon 1880." [John D. Baldwin research, B94]"... James (?) Hamilton ..." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 475; X103]181__ -- "[Martin] md. Mary Edmonds born New England (Hist Mecosta), specifically Mass (son Joseph's censuses). She was b. 1783-4 (1861 census). [John D. Baldwin research, B86] 1861 -- "Mary was 77 in Mariposa Tp." [Ba1780-1784 -- "he was born in New England per History of Mecosta Co Mich, specifically Vt. per son Joseph in 1880 and 1900. [John D. Baldwin research, B86] 1810 -- "might he be the E. DeLong, single in Clarence Niagara Co NY where he shows up in the 1820 census as Martin? Arguing against this is inferred marriage in New England, though he may have gone west earlier to take up land." "Perhaps they were brothers."[Baldwin, B85-B86] 1820 -- "History Mecosta says [Martin and Mary] settled NY shortly after their marriage. They were in Clarence, Niagara Co. NY 1820 000010/10010. [Baldwin, B86] 1830 -- "they moved to Victoria Co, Ontario" [Baldwin, B86] About 1830 -- "Martin moved to Canada about 1830. 12 children. Youngest son was Joseph Atwood. John oldest. Benjamin killed when a small boy killing woodpeckers. Lovica, Tryphena, twins Cordelia, Permelia" [Frances C. Johnson research, E77] 1840 -- "census and assessment roll, Victoria Co. shows Martin Delong, 2 males over 15 (Martin and John), 1 under 15 (Joseph), one female over 16 (Mary). They were in Tp. of Mariposa, Conc. 4, Lot 8, South half, 12 of 100 acres under cultivation. Methodists." [Baldwin, B86] 1994, February -- "Martin born say 1780-84; wife Mary was born 1783-4 per age 77 in 1861. Martin was born in Vermont per son Joseph's 1880 and 1900 census records. New England confirmed in Hist. of Mecosta Co, Mich. "I will start by comparing him with another Martin b. 1785-6 (wife Roxana). He was born Mass. per 1850 census which is probably accurate but his son George's death certificate said this Martin was born in Vt. "These men were probably first cousins, one being son of Lawrence who was indeed in Mass. at time of birth of Martin (md. Roxana) so if the Mass. birth option is correct then Martin (md. Roxana) was likely Lawrence's son. " Supporting the position that Martin (md. Roxana) was son of Lawrence is the fact that he would have been the Martin who was witness in Bristol Vt. in 1822 by Lawrence's son Howland (Lawrence having gone from Mass. into Vt. in 1795) By 1822, the other Martin (md. Mary) had been in far western NY state for two or more years. "By elimination, there is no other good candidate to be father of Martin (md. Mary) than an older Martin. He was a Tory or Tory sympathizer, was in what is now Columbia County NY 1779-1781 after which he is untraced. If he went into Vt. where Martin (md. Mary) was supposedly born, no record has been found of it. "One nagging doubt remains with these identifications. Martin (md. Roxana) had a son George who married Caroline DeLong, grand-daughter of an older George Delong. This older George was in Leeds Co, Ontario and buried in the same cemetery there as Lawrence and likely Lawrence's son. Thus Caroline would have married her grandfather's nephew. But 20th century descendants claimed Caroline and her husband were not related. This statement is no doubt wrong, but were they really as close as the connection just described? If Martin (md. Roxana) were son not of Lawrence but rather [his brother] Martin, then Caroline would have married her great grandfather's great nephew. This would be the preferred scenario if there is any meaning in the statement that Caroline was 'not related' to her husband. "One other item perhaps merits mention though it is perhaps too remote to be significant. George, the son of Lawrence md. Tryphena Ketchum in Leeds Co, Ont. 1802. Martin (md. Mary) left western NY for Victoria Co, Ont. in 1830. His son John named a daughter Triphena there in 1852. the name Triphena is not all that common but I am not sure this suggests an association between the family of Martin (md. Mary) and the family of Lawrence." [Baldwin, B84] 1994, August 21 -- "Martin b. Aug. 7, 1785 (family record collected by Sally Britton). If Martin [b. 1785-1786] were son of Lawrence, then Martin [b. 1780-1784] would have been son of Martin [b. 1748]. There is no primary record of birthplace of [Martin b. 1780-1784] but it was Vt. according to son Joseph in 1880 and 1900. If correct, we have our first indication of Martin's [b. 1785-1786] whereabouts after the war. This Martin [b. 1780-1784] is untraced until 1820 when he was in Niagara Co. NY. In 1826 he was in Erie Co NY and in 1830 settled in Victoria Co Ont. In that Martin [b. 1785-1786] was in association with a son of Lawrence back in Vt. in 1822 while [Martin b. 1780-1784] was in Western NY, we seemingly can clearly distinguish between these two cousins. "There are three minor arguments which suggest I have these men reversed ... Martin [b. 1780-1874] named a son Joseph Atwood. It could be suggested he was named for Lawrence's son Joseph who might then be the child's uncle, but he could as easily have been named for some Atwood friend or possibly a relative of [Martin's 1780-1784] wife Mary Edmonds. "Martin [1785-1786] had a son George who married a granddau. of Lawrence's son George. Descendants of that couple claimed they were not related. If [Martin b. 1785-1786] were actually son of Martin [b. 1748], then the couple would at least have been less closely related. "... Ephraim['s] ... birthdate may be only six months different from Martin['s b. 1780-1784]. Either one date is in error or they were cousins, not brothers. "Despite these three counter-arguments, I still believe that Martin born Mass. [1785-1786] and living Vt. until 1822 was Lawrence's son." [Baldwin letter, B100] 1994, August 21 -- "... In 1830 Martin settled in Victoria Co, adjacent to Northumberland. "Many years ago, Mrs. [Sally] Britton's grandfather wrote me that he thought Martin's [b. 1780-1784] son John may have had a son Solomon. Mrs. Britton knows of no such person. Perhaps her grandfather was referring to Solomon born Canada 1845 and settled Mich. by 1865. Recent research by Anne DeLong has shown him to be the grandson of William. This further supports the likelihood that it was Martin [b. 1780-1784], not [Martin b. 1785-1786], who was brother to William and Ephraim." [Baldwin letter, B103] 1997, March -- "Martin b Aug 7, 1785 (per desc Sally Britton) [or 1780-1784] in Vt (per son's 1880 census enumeration. Also a biographical sketch of a son indicates New England, not NY). Martin was in Niagara Co NY 1820 (Francis and Cornelius in not too remote Chautauqua Co NY in the 1810's), then Erie Co NY 1826 and to Victoria Co Ontario in 1830" [Baldwin, B115]ldwin, B86] 18__ -- "Mary Delong to Thos. & Geo. Paxton, #8044, Lindsay, Mariposa Tp." [Baldwin, B86]1822, August -- "born in NY August 1822 per 1900 census, either Niagara or Erie Co" [John D. Baldwin research, B87] 1830 -- "to Victoria Co, Ont. with parents" [Baldwin, B87] 1840 -- 'he and his father were the two males over 15 in Mariposa Tp. census" [Baldwin, B87] 1854-1855 -- "In NY or Mich. depending on which census is correct for birth of son Austin." [Baldwin, B87] 1860 -- "Castleton, Barry Co. Mich. he 37 b. NY, she 24 or 34; the latter would mean only 12 at time of marriage yet it correlates with the age she reported 1870, 80. He erron. said Canada birth." [Baldwin, B87] 1870 -- "Castleton, he 47 b. NY she 35 Canada West" [Baldwin, B87] 1880 -- "Castleton, he 57 b NY, erroneously of English parents. She 45 b. Canada of English parents (questionable ...)." [Baldwin, B87] 1900 -- "Castleton, he 77 b. NY Aug. 1822. With him was daughter Tryphena and a servant Bert Nesbit. He still had his father's birthplace wrong, this time saying Penna. but rightly had his mother as Mass." [Baldwin, B87] 1904, July 25 -- "he d. Jy 25, according to a Perry Delong writing to Eleanor Bell. He gives John's birthplace as Newstead, NY which I do not find in a Gazetteer ..." [Baldwin, B87]1830 -- "to Victoria Co. Ontario with his parents" [John D. Baldwin research, B90] 1840 -- "the male under 16 in census of Mariposa Tp." [Baldwin, B90] 1861 -- "Census of Mariposa as Atwood b NY, English Methodist 35, wife Almira b. Can 35." [Baldwin, B90] "Land records of town of Lindsay, Mariposa Tp: "#3232 George Paxton to Joseph A. Delong "#2789 Joseph A. Delong to Thomas and George Paxton "#7566 Joseph Delong to Philip Ranons "#4804 Joseph A. Delong to D.H. Howard et al "Joseph A. Delong to John Billings "#2464 Col: Sec: Coey to Joseph A. Delong 1864 -- "settled in Wheatland Tp, Mecosta Co. Mich in the autumn" [Baldwin, B90] 1880 -- "Wheatland census he 53 b. NY, she 53 b. Canada of Vt. father and Canadian mother (conflicts with mother from Ireland per Mecosta [County History])" [Baldwin, B90] 1900 -- :Wheatland Tp. he 73 b. NY July (26?) 1826 to Vt. f. and Mass m. She 73 b. 1826 to Irish parents ..." [Baldwin, B90] "Lovicy, prob. a daughter, prob. b. 181__. There was a daughter under 10 in 1820. She was likely the Lovicy who md. Mariposa Tp. Nov. 1, 1838 by 'visual notice' James Mark, both of Mariposa, witnesses Thomas Mark and Mercy Harn ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B86]"Huldah was born Mariposa Tp; the 1880 census says her parents were born England but that is probably doubtful. She appears in Noble History (1896) which would infer a colonial family, should be checked." [John D. Baldwin research, B87] 188__ or 189__ -- "her death" [Baldwin, B87]"Solomon, perhaps. James M. Delong b. 1895 said he thought his great uncle John may have had a son Solomon. Such a man is found in Saginaw Co. Mich. 1880, b. Canada 1845-6. But he was not in John's home 1860 ... Perhaps John had an earlier marriage than that to Huldah 1848." [John D. Baldwin research, B88]"... birthmonth and year from 1900 census, living with father." [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1900 -- "in his own home 1900 in Castleton Tp ... His wife was probably the Emma who follows him in 1880 census before picking up with his siblings (both older and younger though the older sis'‚'ƒ'„'…'†'‡'ˆ'ўџџџŠ'ўџџџŒ''Ž'''‘'ўџџџ“'ўџџџ•'ўџџџ—'ўџџџ™'ўџџџ›'ўџџџ'ž'Ÿ' 'ўџџџЂ'Ѓ'Є'Ѕ'І'Ї'Ј'Љ'ўџџџЋ'Ќ'­'Ў'Џ'ўџџџБ'В'Г'Д'Е'Ж'ўџџџИ'Й'К'Л'М'Н'ўџџџП'Р'С'ўџџџУ'Ф'Х'Ц'Ч'Ш'Щ'ўџџџЫ'Ь'ўџџџЮ'Я'ўџџџб'в'ўџџџд'е'ж'з'и'й'к'л'ўџџџн'о'п'р'с'т'у'ф'х'ц'ч'ш'щ'ъ'ы'ь'э'ю'я'№'ё'ђ'ѓ'є'ѕ'і'ї'ј'љ'њ'ћ'ќ'§'ў'џ'ўџџџter is given a younger age this time.) Emma is listed as a daughter but born Mich to a NY father and Mich. mother which differentiates her parentage from Austin's. No wife is listed with Austin in 1900 but he had three children ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1960 -- "living 1960" [John D. Baldwin research, B88]"He md _______ _______. His marriage license application as Henry A. age 73 to Mabel O. Mieras 55 of Grand Rapids, was printed just two days before his death notice. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1960 -- "survived his father" [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1960 -- "survived her father" [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1960 -- "living 1960." [John D. Baldwin research, B88]1880 -- "not in home 1880" [John D. Baldwin research, B89]1880 -- "not in home 1880" [John D. Baldwin research, B89]"Charles and/or Martin, probably the same person. There was a Martin 1 in 1870 and a Charles 11 in 1880." [John D. Baldwin research, B89]"Eliza A. b. Ont. Nov. 1, 1850. As Eneyann 11 in 1861. She md (LDS) as Lisa Ann Jan. 5, 1868 Charles Pegg. Nephew James M. b. 1895 said her husband was William Pegg, perhaps confusion with her son. Read as Aliza A. Pegg 49 in Wheatland Tp 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B90]"He is listed [in the 1900 census] as Joseph's nephew but Eliza/Aliza is identified as daughter so William is no doubt the grandson." [John D. Baldwin research, B90]"Almeron b. May 18, 1852. 9 in 1861, gone from home by 1880. He is called Albert in a son's 1881 birth record, as Alfred J. in a daughter's 1884 birth record. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B91]"Henry Burt b. Aug. 27, 1881 Montcalm Co. Mich. as Henry. Known as Burt age 89 when he and wife resided 11606 3/4 Oxnard St, No. Hollywood Calif. 91606 in 1970." [John D. Baldwin research, B91]"Irma per James M. Delong, though looks like Emma A. in 1900 census ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B91]"James M. b. Jy 21, 1895, preacher. md. _____ _____ b ca 1900. They res. 528 E. Main St, Edmore Mich. 1966. At that time he reported 5 children, 8 step-children, 4 foster children, 75 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren." [John E. Baldwin research, B92]1865 -- "23 in 1865 living with uncle Damon." [John D. Baldwin research, B94]1865 -- "... 22 in 1865 living with uncle Damon." [John D. Baldwin research, B94]"... under 5 in 1830, otherwise unknown" [John D. Baldwin research, B94]"... He was in Minden town, Montgomery Co. NY in 1800 at 1-0-0-1-0 and 1-0-0-1-0 between Samuel Nought and Henry Murphy. He was four away from his brother James. In 1810 he was at 2-1-2-1-0 and 1-1-0-1-0." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 151; X47]"... [Daniel] was a pensioner from the Revolutionary War (S10556). He stated he was b. 1761 in Fishkill, went with his father to Stillwater where he enlisted in the Revolutionary army. After the Revolution he lived with his father's family for a short time and then removed to Poughkeepsie where he lived for three years. He then returned to Half Moon where he lived 5 or 6 years, then to Fort Plain where he stayed 12 years and then to Oxford in Chenango Co. He applied for a pension 4 Aug. 1832 at Pitcher in Chenango Co. He was granted a pension of $50 per year, beginning 4 March 1834 with arrears of $100. He was probably the man in Half Moon in 1790 at 1-3-3, between Jacob Quackenbush and John Burns. In 1800 he was probably in Springfield Town, Otsego Co., NY. He was still alive in Pembroke, Genessee County, age 80, in 1840 pensioners index. He probably had about seven children but none are proven." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 163; X53] "Daniel moved on ca 1812-4; in 1832, he had lived at Oxford, Chenango Co. 'the most of 18-20 years.'" [John D. Baldwin letter, March 15, 1994, B97](((((ўџџџ((ўџџџ ( ( ( ((((ўџџџ(((((((ўџџџ(((((( (ўџџџ"(#($(%(&('(ўџџџ)(*(+(,(-(.(/(0(1(2(3(4(5(6(7(8(9(:(;(<(ўџџџ>(?(@(A(B(C(D(E(F(G(H(I(J(K(L(M(N(O(P(Q(R(S(T(U(V(W(ўџџџY(Z([(\(](^(_(`(a(b(c(d(e(f(g(h(i(j(k(l(m(n(o(p(q(r(s(t(u(v(w(ўџџџy(z({(ўџџџ}(~((€("The International Genealogical Index [LDS] lists a James DeLong and wife Clarissa Brown in German Flatts, Herkimer Co. in 1828." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 151; X47]"xiii. Dau. per census of 1810." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 152; X48]" ... his wife d. 19 March 1839, aged 69-11-5; ... He might be the James DeLong taxed in Stillwater in 1788 and in Stephentown in 1790 at 1-1-2, next to a Jonas DeLong, unplaced." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 181; X62]1800 -- The Federal census lists the Aaron Delong household in Cornwall, Addison County, Vermont, at 1-0-1-1-0 and 1-0-1-0-0. Francis Delong was also in Cornwall at 2-0-1-0-0 and 1-0-1-0-0. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5]1800 -- The Federal census lists the household of Francis Delong in Cornwall, Addison County, Vermont at 2-0-1-0-0 and 1-0-1-0-0. Aaron Delong's household was also in Cornwall at 1-0-1-1-0 ans 1-0-1-0-0. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5]"John D. Wright, a fifth generation American settled in Westford during the first decade of the Nineteenth Century. John's relationship to Edward Wright is not clear. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford, 172; C423]1830 -- "York Tp, Sandusky Co. 1000001/000001" [John D. Baldwin research, B118] 1840 -- "Carrol Tp, Ottawa Co, O, 01001001/0000001" [Baldwin, B118] 1846, May 4 -- "... you state in your letter that you have not heard from your Uncle Henry for a long time, I will now give you a little more full account of him ... he left my home in Illinois in 1823 or 4 to go East, with a determination to return to Illinois again in a year or so, when he got to Vermont his wife was dead, he wrote me several times while he remained in Vermont, in the fall of 1826 a Brother of his wife by the name of Barber came to my house in Illinois and said Henry would be there that fall or the next Spring that he was married again and determined to come being well pleased with the Illinois Country, "I heard nothing more from him for several years when I received a letter from him informing me that he had bought a farm in Huron county Ohio on a stream called Green Creek since which I have never heard from him ..." [Cornelius DeLong letter from Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory to his nephew Awry DeLong in Westford, New York, C32] 1850 -- "Carroll Tp, [Henry] age 63 b NY and [Lucina] 52 b. Vt. With them was Geo. Conkey 22, b. O." [Baldwin, B118] 1855 -- "... Henry had died and she is the Laucina Delong who md. Ottowa Co. Aug. 5, 1855 Benjamin Stewart." [Baldwin, B118] 1860 -- "No [Delongs] in Tp." [Baldwin, B118] "Henry b. NY 1786-7 (1850 cen.) or Sept-Oct. 1788 (t.s.); If t.s. and its transcript are correct, then not likely Henry who was b. May 1786." [Baldwin, B118] "Henry b NY 1786-7 (per 1850 census) or Sept-Oct 1788 (t.s.). Cornelius' 1846 letter refers to his nephew's [Awry b. 1817] uncle Henry, no surname, as having been in Cornelius' Illinois home leaving for the East in 1823. Several years later Henry wrote Cornelius from his place of settlement on Green Creek in Huron Co Ohio. This I suggest is the Henry b NY 1786-7 or 1788 as above. He was in Sandusky Co Ohio 1830, not far from Huron Co, and still further West in Ottawa Co Ohio 1840." [Baldwin, B116]1810 -- "no census for Chautauqua?" [John D. Baldwin research, B119] 1810-1812 -- "served in War of 1812 (ref = ? Where?)" [Baldwin, B119] 1813 -- "in Gerry, Chautauqua Co. (per descendant Korte)" [Baldwin, B119] 1817, Spring -- "To Edwards Co. Ill. ..." [Baldwin, B119] 1820 -- "Edwards Co. Census" [Baldwin, B119] 1821 -- "Cornelius appointed supervisor on the Old Sallsburg Road (date appears to be 1821) (Hist. Edwards, Lawrence, Wabash Cos.)" [Baldwin, B119] 1821, June 23 -- "home of Cornelius Delong was one of the houses in which elections were held for military officers ..." [Baldwin, B119] 18__ -- "Cornelius of Law. Co. appt. one of the commissioners to determine place of the Wabash Co. seat" [Baldwin, B119] 1830 -- "Lawrence Co. Ill. census" [Baldwin, B119] 1830 [1831] -- "... to Belmont, Mich. Territory, which is now Belmont, Lafayette Co. in SW Wisconsin" [Baldwin, B119] 1832 -- "Captain in Black Hawk War" [Baldwin, B119] 1839 -- "Col. Delong held land Tp 4 Range 1E, Sections 14, 15, 23, 24 and Tp. 5 Range 1E, Section 36, according to Dr. David Dale Owen's map of SW Wisc 1839 (N.G.S.Q. 58:4)" [Baldwin, B119] 1846, May 4 -- "... I left the western part of N. York (Chataque County) in the spring of 1817 with my family we had then but one child a Daughter, in Company with a family living in the same neighborhood went down the Allegany River and down the Ohio as far as the mouth of the Wabash thence up that river and settled in the then territory of Illinois which soon after became under state government, we lived there until in the autumn of 1831 when we again removed to where we now live, in I think the most admirable Country I have ever seen ... I own 520 acres of land but have no more than 80 acres that we now plow and Cultivate for grain but are going on this summer to put under cultivation 160 more acres of prarie ... I had made up my mind ... that I would Surely return to that country some time in ... 1847 ... to see the place of my youthful and juvenile enjoyment ... have your mother show this letter to as many of my acquaintances as is convenient ... "... in this country I bear the appelation of Colonel and therefore my letters and papers are all addressed Col C DeLong" [Cornelius DeLong letter from Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory to Awry DeLong in Westford, New York, C32-C33] 1850 -- "Belmont, Lafayette Co. [Cornelius] age 57 b NY, [Elizabeth] 60 b. NY. In home was Eliza Bryan 25 b. Pa, and Charles 8 and Sarah E. Bryan 3 both b. Ill. Since Eliza was born in Pa. several years after Cornelius had gone to Ill., she is not likely a daughter" [Baldwin, B119] 18__ -- "an assemblyman in Wisc. state legislature, also held other elective offices" [Baldwin, B119] 1854, August 9 -- "At Belmont, LaFayette Co., on Sunday morning, July 30, Col. Cornelius DeLong, aged about 65 years. "Col. DeLong was one of the first settlers of the Mining District of Wisconsin, and has ever sustained the reputation of a good citizen and an honest man. On Friday previous to his death he visited some friends at Shullsburg, and while there two cases of cholera occurred in the family where he stopped. He returned home on Saturday, complaining of a slight diarrhoea, which became worse towards evening, and before the next day terminated his existence, with cholera." [Mineral Point Tribune, C37] 1881 -- "... Col. DeLong came in 1830, the latter locating on the land now occupied by the Welsh settlement in the southern part of the town [of Mifflin]. Here he dug for mineral, and his boys, with four ox teams, engaged in hauling for the miners in the vicinity." [History Of Iowa County, Wisconsin, 814; C39] "Cornelius b NY 1792-3 (per 1850 census; a desc. said specifically 1793 but that may have been deduced from the census). the desc, Mrs John W. Korte in 1976 said he lived in Gerry, Chautauqua Co, NY in 1813, and Cornelius' own letter says he left Chau. for Illinois in 1817 (date also used by Korte). He settled in Edwards Co until 1831 (his letter; another source indicates in 1830) when he went to Belmont, Michigan Terr which later became Belmont, Lafayette Co Wisc. His letter is dated Iowa Co, Wisc Terr 1846. Perhaps that preceded the formation of Lafayette Co or perhaps my earlier source is wrong in saying he settled first in Belmont. But the 1830 or 1831 move was to the place he called Iowa Co in 1846." [Baldwin, B116]1820 -- "In Town of Angelica, Allegany Co. NY 100010/10010." [John D. Baldwin research, B121] 1830 -- "Deerfield Warren Co. Pa. 0021021/no females. Francis was one of two between 30-39, the two youngest boys are his sons. The others are not identified." [Baldwin, B121] 1840 -- "Deerfield census" [Baldwin, B121] 1841 -- "grantee, Warren Co" [Baldwin, B121] 1846 -- "Francis applied for license to operate a tavern, Warren Co." [Baldwin, B121] 1846 -- "Francis and Joanna P-? (prob. O.) were grantors Warren Co" [Baldwin, B121] 1849, May 1 -- "'In the matter of the intended application of Francis De Long, for a license to keep an Inn or Tavern in the Township of Deerfield, we, the undersigned citizens of Deerfield township, do hereby certify that Francis De Long, the petitioner, is of good repute for honesty and sobriety, and that he is well provided with house room and other conveniences for the accomodation of travelers and strangers, and that such Tavern is necessary for the accomodation of travelers and strangers. "J.W. Thompson, Thomas J. Buck, C.E. De Long, Samuel Jason, Robert P. Hunter, E.T.F. Valentine, Samuel McGuire, Amasa Gilson, J.O. Valentine, R.C. Scott, J.S. Snadaker, Hugh Gilson. Deerfield May 1, 1849' (From the Warren Ledger of same date ... It is interesting that the certifiers included a son, a son-in-law and a step-son!)" [Baldwin, B121] 1850 -- "Deerfield [Francis] 56 b NY Innkeeper, [Joanna] 55 b. NY. In the home were her sons Eliel and Herman Valentine." [Baldwin, B122] 1854, October 17 -- "'We regret to learn that the tavern house belonging to Francis De Long, and kept by his son-in-law John B. Warner, in the township of Deerfield, four or five miles below Titioute, was destroyed by fire on Saturday night, the 7th inst. It took fire about 11 o'clock, in the roof of the back part of the building, it is supposed, from some deficiency of the chimney; and so rapidly was the progress of the flames that very little was saved, owing in part to the fact that Mr. Warner and his wife were absent, and there being no help near by. "'The whole loss is estimated to be at least $3000; the most of which falls upon Mr. De Long; and as he is quite an old man [he was 60 or 61], and not in affluent circumstances, it must be felt by him with great severity, particularly at this season of the year, Mr. De Long supposed at the time that the building was insured, but upon examining the policy it was ascertained to have expired.' (Warren Ledger ... The middle initial for Warner is incorrect; it was probably A.)" [Baldwin, B122] 1860 -- "he died prior to the census. Widow appears as Jane 69 b. NY, living with stepdaughter Hannah in PO Cambridge Henry C. Ill. Presumably he had died in Warren Co. Pa. The will was apparently misplaced, as an Intestate Bond was filed Nov. 14 in Warren Co. and son-in-law John A. Warner appointed executor." [Baldwin, B122] 1862 -- "the will was found and recorded Apr 26 ... Cordelia Valentine and J.W. Thompson attested. They plus Warner had been witnesses. Wife Joanna had been nominated as executor but Warner was appointed. Francis in feeble health, bequeathed everything to wife. No one else mentioned." [Baldwin, B122] "Francis b NY 1793-4 (per 1850 census). His daughter Hannah was born in Chautauqua Co NY in 1817 per desc E.J. Hubbard. Francis was in Allegany Co NY in 1820, in Warren Co Pa from 1830." [Baldwin, B116]     ўџџџ- !"#$%&'()*+,.>/0123456789:;<=?M@ABCDEFGHIJKLNœOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\v^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuўџџџ§џџџyz{|}~€1841, April 13 -- Sally Peake addresses a letter from Sweden, New York to her "Brother and sister" Ephraim and Elizabeth Delong of Westford. Her health is good, but "Mr Peaks'" is less so. There was little snow except for "plenty" in March, and the roads are very muddy. Grain is cheap and plentiful, with wheat at six shillings a bushel, but even so, money is scarce and "many people are not contented" and "look for better places." Her neighbors are "kind and friendly" with "no tatlers nor busybodys." Her husband and his children are kind, but Sally prefers "haveing my dear child that is there where I could visit her," and says "if I had never encouraged her to have married I should be very glad but I did not know that I was planting a thorn in my own heart." If she had refused to consent to the marriage proposal to her daughter, "I could have had her company here ..." She invites the Delongs and her daughter to visit in the fall. She has left the "church in Maryland ... and united with the Methodist" because her husband and his children are Methodists and she does not want to be "one alone amongst them," but she doesn't want much said about it "on Eliza's account." Sally sends her respects to "Mr Shutts and tell him that baby that he heard I was going to have when I left Westford has not come along yet and I do not see Any likely hood of its ever coming." In a note at the end, Sally tells Eliza Ann Huson that she wants "to see you so that I feel many times as if I should fly but I can only in my sleep." Azro was in Sweden in February and is going to Westford in June and will relay Eliza's news when he returns. "Father Peake" is going to Florida [New York] in May and will post a letter to Eliza from Fort Plain. She closes by asking the Delongs and/or Eliza to "Kifs Irene and Olive for me." [C30-C31] 1846, May 4 -- "... I wish you would take some pain to have me informed so that I can address a letter to my sister Sally and open a correspondence with her, as we are the only remaining ones of the family of my Father in all probability ..." [Cornelius DeLong letter from Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory to his nephew Awry DeLong in Westford, New York, C33] 1997, March 29 -- "I don't know from the text [of Sally Peake's 1841 letter] who Eliza is ... I assumed without evidence that she was Sally's daughter. ... Also don't know who Irene is, but Olive is likely Elizabeth Hewitt Delong's niece Olive [Wright, b. 1818] of Westford, N.Y. ..." [Lawrence A. DeLong letter, B131] 1997, May 18 -- Letter from Don Petro suggests the possibility that the 'Sally Ingalls' mentioned in DeLong family real estate records [C13] might be Ephraim's sister, later Sally Peake. [V43] 2000, March -- "On April 13, 1841 Sally Peake of Sweden, Monroe County, New York sent a letter to Ephraim Delong of Westford in which she describes Ephraim and his wife Elizabeth as her 'Brother and sister.' She also addressed part of the letter to Eliza Ann Huson [whom she earlier in the letter seems to refer to as 'my dear child'] and referred to an 'Azro,' whom Sally expected to travel to Westford in June. She wrote of an 'Esq. Peasly and a 'Mr Shutts,' apparently known to the Delongs, stated that she 'left Westford,' and asked the Delongs to 'Kifs Irene and Olive.' "We don't know who all these people are. Peake families appear in the 1840 and 1850 censuses of Middlefield and Otsego, and of several Monroe County towns. A Sarah who appears in Sweden in 1850 with Hiram Peake was 34 years old, much younger than Ephraim and Cornelius DeLong. Yet, unless she was using the terms 'brother' and 'sister' in a religious sense, she must have been Ephraim's sibling because his wife Elizabeth had no sister named Sarah or Sally. "An Olive Wright (born 1818) was the Delongs' niece. Husons were early settlers in Westford. They appear in its 1840 census, but not in 1850. An Olive 'Housen' (1840-1906) married John Palmer of Westford in 1865. ... who were Irene and Olive? And how were they all connected to Ephraim and the other DeLongs? ..." [The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families, 12; C30-C31] A February 6, 2000 note from Sheila Shutts of Cerritos, California suggests that "Mr Shutts" might be John Shutts of Westford, son of Simon, who would have been 38 in 1841. Simon Shutts, of Maryland, would have been 62. [C31A-C31B] "Sally -- Cornelius' [1846] letter asks for the address of his sister Sally, saying 'we are the only remaining ones of the family of my father in all probabillty'. Larry DeLong also provided an 1841 letter from a Sally Peake to Cornelius' brother [Ephraim, sent from] Sweden Apr 13 1841. I assume this is Sweden, [Monroe] Co, (NY?). Sally Peak calls Ephraim and [his wife] Elizabeth her brother and sister. Perhaps she was Elizabeth's sister, but I think more likely was the sister named in Cornelius' letter. She presumably married twice, first to _______ _______ and second a minister _______ Peak. I assume Peak was not father of Sally's daughter as she says 'Mr Peak respects her for my sake'. An Eliza is mentioned in the portion of the letter to Ephraim. The final paragraph is seemingly from Sally Peake to Eliza Ann Huson whom I assume is the daughter and concludes with 'Kiss Irene and Olive for me' whom I assume would be Huson children. Earlier text indicates the daughter lived near Ephraim. Mention is also made of Azro, no surname. He had been to Sweden, was to go to Westford. Sally instructs Eliza Ann to 'tell him all you want to and he will tell me' when he again saw Sally, so likely he was a family member." [John D. Baldwin research, B116-B117]1820 -- "the female under 10" [John D. Baldwin research, B122] 1830 -- "must have been with relatives. No females in father's house." [Baldwin, B122] 183__ -- "Md. Edmund Valentine ..." [Baldwin, B122] 1880 -- "She was now in Washington Tp, Jasper Co, Iowa, widow, 63, b. NY to NY father and Ct. mother." [Baldwin, B123] "dau. Joanna's obit says she was of family of eight girls and eight boys. Censuses confirm 8 girls (count includes oldest dau. md before 1850) and 4 boys. E. James Hubbard found reference to 2 more girls, 1 more boy [Effa, Edward, child who died from diphtheria]" [Baldwin, B123] [photograph, B124]"Nathaniel S. Huson, born 3 April 1806, married circa 1835 Eliza _____, who was born in New York State 1815-16. In 1830 Nathaniel was living with his father in Maryland, Otsego County, New York. In 1840-1860 they were farming in Westford, Otsego County, adjacent to Nathaniel's father's property. ... Nathaniel's brother David was in Oneonta ... in 1860 but moved to British Columbia in 1887. I know nothing of ... Wesley and Sarah." [Alan Bunner research, O204-O205] 1850 -- Federal census of Westford, Otsego County, New York shows Nathaniel Husen 45 M Farmer $1700 b. NY, Eliza A. 33 F NY, Irene 11 F NY, Olive 10 F NY and Elijah 76 M Farmer NY. [C67A] 1860 -- Census of Westford at 745 shows Nathaniel Huson 54 M Farmer $2200 $500 NY, Eliza 44 F Wife NY, Irene 22 F Teacher NY, Olive 20 F NY and Cornelius Ingalls 12 M. [C67B]1997, March 29 -- "I don't know from the text [of Sally Peake's 1841 letter] who Eliza is ... I assumed without evidence that she was Sally's daughter." [Lawrence A. DeLong letter, B131] 2000, March -- "On April 13, 1841 Sally Peake of Sweden, Monroe County, New York sent a letter to Ephraim Delong of Westford in which she decribes Ephraim and his wife Elizabeth as her 'Brother and sister.' She also addressed part of the letter to Eliza Ann Huson [whom she earlier in the letter seems to refer to as 'my dear child'] and ... asked the Delongs to 'Kifs Irene and Olive.' ... "We don't know who all these people are. ... "An Olive Wright (born 1818) was the Delongs' niece. Husons were early settlers in Westford. They appear in its 1840 census, but not in 1850. An Olive 'Housen' (1840-1906) married John Palmer of Westford in 1865. ... who were Irene and Olive? And how were they all connected to Ephraim and the other DeLongs? ..." [The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families, 12]"[Jonas and Calista] resided near his parents, across the line in Smelser Tp, Grant Co, Wisc." [John D. Baldwin research, B119]1846, May 4 -- "... (Homer) is now twenty four years of age living now at home with us ..." [Cornelius DeLong letter, C32] (‚(ƒ(„(…(†(‡(ˆ(‰(Š(‹(Œ((Ž(((‘(’(“(”(•(ўџџџ—(˜(™(š(›(œ((ž(Ÿ( (Ё(ўџџџЃ(Є(Ѕ(І(Ї(Ј(Љ(Њ(Ћ(Ќ(­(Ў(Џ(А(Б(В(Г(Д(Е(Ж(З(И(ўџџџК(Л(ўџџџН(О(П(Р(С(Т(ўџџџФ(Х(Ц(Ч(Ш(Щ(Ъ(Ы(Ь(Э(Ю(Я(а(б(ўџџџг(д(е(ж(з(и(й(к(л(м(н(о(п(ўџџџс(т(у(ф(х(ц(ч(ш(щ(ъ(ы(ь(ўџџџю(я(№(ё(ђ(ўџџџўџџџѕ(і(ўџџџј(љ(ўџџџћ(ќ(§(ў(џ()1850 -- "age 28 with parents" [John D. Baldwin research, B120] 1860 -- "Belmont, Wisc. [Homer] age 38 and [Mary] 28. In home was Cornelis C. Carpenter 12 b. Wisc. Could this be a nephew named for Homer's father?" [Baldwin, B120] 1870 -- "Belmont, [Homer] 49 and [Mary] 39" [Baldwin, B120] 1880 -- "he was 57 in Belmont b. Ill. to NY parents. The only other person in the household was Mrs. Mary Ann Foley, housekeeper, b. NY to German parents. The preceding household was headed by Mary E. DeLong 50 b. England, obviously Homer's wife, with four of their children known from earlier censuses. The household on the other side of Homer was son Alfred." [Baldwin, B120]1846, May 4 -- "... (Obed) is twenty two years of age not very robust on account of Great Complaint he is now pedling Dry goods in this Vicinity ..." [Cornelius DeLong letter from Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory to his nephew Awry DeLong in Westford, New York, C32] "... not listed in 1850 census, so perhaps died 1847-49" [John D. Baldwin research, B120]1846, May 4 -- "... (Cornelius) is nineteen years of age living at home. ..." [Cornelius DeLong letter from Mineral Point, Wisconsin Territory to his nephew Awry DeLong in Westford, New York, C33] "Cornelius b. Ill. 1828-9, probably a son. Not noted in 1850, but of Ill. birth (where [father Cornelius] lived) and in Belmont ... Wisc. 1860 (where [father Cornelius] had died). This younger Cornelius was 31 in 1860, living in the home of William Miles, yet shown as owning both real and personal estate. He md. Lucy _______ b. Ill. They were 47 and 32 in Belmont 1870 (which makes him a few years older than [in] 1860). This makes him b. 1822-3. 1826-7 from father's ltr is prob correct" [John D. Baldwin research, B120]"... bur. as Delong but this doesn't rule out 2d marr ... " [John D. Baldwin research, B118]"... He was in his own home 1880 ... with wife Eunice ... Perhaps he was the Albert H. b. Wisc. Sept. 1855 living Monfort, Grant Co. Wisc. 1900 with wife Minerva _______ b. Wisc. Aug. 1844." [John D. Baldwin research, B120]182__ -- "death of Julia" [John D. Baldwin research, B121] "[Julia's] name is known from son William's death certificate. She was born in Ct. per daughter Hannah's 1880 census enumeration. She was an Indian according to descendants in two lines from Hannah according to E.J. Hubbard but I find most claims of Indian descent to be highly unlikely. Perhaps there is a Palmer connection for Francis or Julia -- this was son William's middle name." [Baldwin, B121] 1860 -- [Francis] died ... Widow appears as Jane 69 b. NY, living with stepdaughter Hannah in PO Cambridge, Henry Co. Ill. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B122] "[Joanna] ... was born 1790-1 (1860 census), 1794-5 (1850 census) ... Her parents had moved to Conewago, Warren Co, Pa. between 1810 and 1816 as did several of their children. One of Joanna's children was Edmund Valentine who married Francis' daughter Hannah." [Baldwin, B121]1850 -- "[Edmund} was 37, [Hannah] 33 with 8 ch, next door to her father" [John D. Baldwin research, B122] 1854-1856 -- "to Cambridge, Henry Co, Ill." [Baldwin, B122] 1860 -- "PO Cambridge [Edmund] 47 Pa [Hannah] 43 b NY. His mother, who was her stepmother, was with them." [Baldwin, B122] 1874 -- "his death Mar. 19 (Ill? Ia?)" [Baldwin, B122] [photograph, B124]"... [James and Eliza's] gt-grson was E. James Hubbard of Long Beach, Cal. who d. 1980. His widow Frances res. 1409 Luray St, Long Beach 90807 (1982)." [John D. Baldwin research, B123][photograph, B129]"b. Ill. to NY parents (erron. for father)" [John D. Baldwin research, B123]"(child) prob. female, d. from diphtheria (traditional)" [John D. Baldwin research, B123]"Cyrus W. b. NY prob. ..." [John W. Baldwin research, B125] "There is no primary reference for Cyrus being son of Francis. However both were from NY and lived in Deerfield, Warren Co. )))))))) ) ) ) ) )))))ўџџџ)))ўџџџ))))))))) )!)ўџџџ#)$)%)&)')()ўџџџ*)+),)-)ўџџџ/)0)1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9):);)<)=)>)?)@)A)B)C)D)E)F)G)H)I)J)K)L)M)N)O)P)Q)R)S)T)U)V)W)X)Y)Z)[)ўџџџ])^)ўџџџ`)a)b)ўџџџd)e)f)g)ўџџџi)j)k)l)m)ўџџџo)p)q)r)s)t)u)ўџџџw)x)y)z)ўџџџ|)})~))€)Pa. And Francis' son William and daughter Hannah both named sons Cyrus, in the former case using the same middle initial W." [Baldwin, B127] 1820 -- "the boy under 10" [Baldwin, B125] 1830 -- "older of two males 10-14 (unless census was taken late, his younger brother was really under 10)" [Baldwin, B125] 1849 -- "Cyrus W. and Jennett T. grantors in Warren Co, Pa" [Baldwin, B125] 1850 -- "Deerfield Cyrus 31 b NY, Janett 30 b. Pa." [Baldwin, B125] 1860 -- "Deerfield [Cyrus] age 42 and [Margaret] 24" [Baldwin, B125] "... Margaret Jane Luce b. 1840-1 per t.s., 1835-6 per age 24 in 1860 (is one a misreading?)" [John D. Baldwin research, B125]1856, January 6 -- "[Cyrus] md. 2nd ... 'Miss' Betsy Barr. (Warren Ledger, Jan. 8). However, she was widow of Peter Barr whom she had md. Warren Co. May 12, 1853 and earlier widow of Philo D. Martin whom she had md. Warren Co. Oct. 7, 1846. She is Elizabeth in the marriage records. She was likely first cousin of Cyrus' first wife ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B125]"John b. Pa. 1844-5, 5 in 1850. A John d. Jan. 1, 1870, age 31-6-9 t.s. New Tideoute Cem. Cyrus' family is buried here so likely his son with a misreading of year or age on t.s." [John D. Baldwin research, B127]"Ernest b. 1850-1, named by E. Hubbard. Is he the Ernest L. who with Harriet P. were Warren Co. grantors in 1895?" [John D. Baldwin research, B127]"William Palmer b. Oct. 23, 1820, traditionally Friendship, Allegany Co. NY, son of Francis and Julia (Scott) per descendant. Francis was actually in Angelica, same county, that year." [John D. Baldwin research, B127] 1830 -- "in 10-14 bracket though actually under 10th birthday" [Baldwin, B127] About 1842 -- "prob. md 1st Elizabeth _______. She is known only from a child's death 1843." [Baldwin, B127] 1848 -- "William P. Warren Co. grantee" [Baldwin, B127] 1849 -- "William P. was a grantor Warren Co. Probably recorded 1849 but dated while he was a widower, otherwise Sylvia and not Margaret would have been mother of Mary b. May 1849, neither wife being indexed as co-grantor." [Baldwin, B127] 1850 -- "In nearby Venango Co. Pa as W. 30 erroneously b. Pa, wife as M. 24 b. Pa." [Baldwin, B127] 1860 -- "Deerfield, Warren Co. William P. 43 Margaretta 33." [Baldwin, B127] 1861-1869 -- "to Polk Co Iowa" [Baldwin, B127] 1870 -- "Beaver Tp, PO Altoona Olk Co. Ia. William 50, again erron. b. Pa, Margaret 43 b. Pa. Real estate $21,000. With them were Martha Valentine 22 and Cyrus Valentine 20, children of sister Hannah, helping confirm William P. as son of Francis." [Baldwin, B127] 1900 -- "First St, Mitchellville, Boone Tp, Polk Co, Iowa: Wm P. b. NY Oct. 1820, age 79. Margaret b. Pa Jy 1826, age 73; Son William H. was in the home, as was a boarder Jennie Kane age 38 b. NY Jy 1862" [Baldwin, B127]"... She possibly died soon after birth of a son in 1845." [John D. Baldwin research, B127]1910 -- "Margarette was 83 in Des Moines home of son Wm, b. Pa. of Ger. par." [John D. Baldwin research, B128]"... Living ... Iowa 1900 with brother Walter. William's birth reportedly entered as Oct. 1874. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B128]"Mary Zidania ... called 'Zidania' by her dau-in-law, no doubt named for father's sister M. Zidana. ... Md. ... son of her aunt Hannah Delong." [John D. Baldwin research, B128]"... 49 with parents in 1900. In Des Moines, Polk Co. 1910 ... b. Pa. to NY f. and Pa. mother. The mother was in the home as Margarette 83 b. Pa. to German parents." [John D. Baldwin research, B130] [photograph, B129]"... Prob. the Lizzie who md. Charles Mitchell, son of Thomas ... the founder of Mitchellville ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B130]"There was an obit in Colfax Ia. paper Aug. 31. Funeral home records show burial Aug. 31, coffin $35, Robe $7, embalming and interment $10." [John D. Baldwin reўџџџ‚)ƒ)„)ўџџџ†)‡)ˆ)ўџџџŠ)‹)Œ))Ž)))‘)’)“)ўџџџ•)–)—)ўџџџ™)š)›)œ))ž)ўџџџ )Ё)Ђ)Ѓ)Є)Ѕ)ўџџџЇ)Ј)Љ)Њ)Ћ)ўџџџ­)Ў)Џ)А)Б)В)Г)Д)Е)Ж)З)И)Й)К)Л)М)Н)О)П)Р)С)Т)У)Ф)Х)Ц)Ч)ўџџџЩ)Ъ)Ы)ўџџџЭ)Ю)Я)а)б)в)г)д)е)ж)з)и)ўџџџк)л)м)н)о)п)р)с)т)у)ф)х)ц)ч)ш)щ)ъ)ўџџџь)э)ўџџџя)№)ё)ђ)ѓ)є)ѕ)і)ї)ј)љ)њ)ћ)ќ)§)ў)џ)*search, B130]"James L. b. Pa. 1860-1 ... to Pa. f. and NY mother, which is reversed ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B130]1910 -- "... Lucy _______ was 36 b. Ia. to NY parents, md. 15 years" [John D. Baldwin research, B130]"M(ary?) Zidana b. 1834-5 Pa. Census is hard to read, name looks like Dedona, 15 in 1850. However Owen of Windsor gives her as M. Zidana, and her half-brother William P. Delong named a daughter Mary Zidana. She md. John A. Warner, who was Francis' executor in 1860 so they were married by that year. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B130]"wife from Hartwick [Otsego County, New York], no Delongs there 1850." [John D. Baldwin research, B11]"[Teunis] Kool evidently died before 1715 when the widow Willempje had an illeg. dau. Neeltjen bp. 19 Feb. 1715/16, no father named. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 135; X39]"[Jephta's] father was not named and the child was declared illegitimate in the church record. ... Jephta ... prob. m. Cornelia Sluiter ... " [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 137; X40]"[Sara's] father was not named and the child declared illegitimate. ... Sara ... prob. m. Dirk Keiser ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 137, X40]"... The Country Journal and Dutchess and Ulster County Farmer's Register 21 April 1789 carried the following notice: 'To be sold at public vendue, the 28th of this instant, the Farm whereon Jeremiah DeLong now lives, three miles east of Pleasant Valley, in Dutchess County, in the Great Nine Partners, containing about two hundred acres, well watered, and a plenty of timber; about twelve acres of meadow, and a great plenty of good swamp to be cleared which will make the best of meadow; a log house and barn on the premises, and forty or fifty apple trees. An indisputable title will be given for the same by the subscribers. Jacob Everson Gilbert Livingston' "Jeremiah DeLong was in Clinton in 1790 with 2-0-1 and was between John Krout and Joseph Wilson. No record of wife but probable children [are listed] ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 166; X55]"... There are no tax listings for the Weiser family in Beekman." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 144; X44]"Arie ... was born possibly in Dutchess Co ... Arie DeLong was known as Arie Jr. in the marriage record and on the tax lists where he was listed from Feb. 1734/35 through Feb. 1737/38 in the South Ward and until Feb. 1743/44 in Beekman. He was assessed at two pounds in 1738/39 and 1739/40. We have not found any other records for him." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 146; X54]"[Arie/Margrita] Marriage record from Filken store record ... We believe [Palatine Families book] has erred in stating that Margaret m. Peter Frolich ... [Kingston Marriages] notes marriage of Peter Vrolich and Grietje Vliegelaar whom we believe was the sister of Margaret, born 18 March 1716 in Poughquag. this was Gertrude's 2nd marriage; she had m. Ed McGregory in April 1738 ... Hank Jones, author of Palatine Families, feels, from reviewing church records, that Zacharias Flagler named two daus. Margaret ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 164; X54]Her brother was Barent Freligh, husband of Lydia Lange. [John D. Baldwin]"... A Frans DeLong, son of John DeLong, sued John Simpson in th*ўџџџ***ўџџџ** * * *ўџџџ *********ўџџџ********* *!*"*#*$*%*&*'*(*)***+*,*-*.*/*0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*:*;*<*=*>*?*@*A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H*I*J*K*L*M*N*O*P*ўџџџR*S*T*U*V*ўџџџX*Y*Z*[*\*]*^*ўџџџ`*a*b*c*ўџџџe*f*g*h*i*j*k*l*m*n*ўџџџp*q*r*s*t*u*v*w*x*y*z*{*|*}*~**€*e October 1750 Court of Common Pleas for 3 pounds, 15 shillings, 11 pence. ... He also sued Simpson for a black roan stallion worth 15 pounds. Frans DeLong had 'casually lost' the stallion on 1 May 1750 and Simpson had recovered it. ... He was prob. the Frans DeLong Jr. taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1739/40 through Feb. 1743/44. They had at least two children and then he was most likely the man who was of Smithfield, PA by 1756. ... (Note that Sarah DeLong and Dirck Keyser were at Smithfield in 1750). [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 145; X44]"... [Johannes] is prob. the man who m. Rachel Pugh. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 145; X44]"... Joseph DeLong of Perry Co., Ohio wrote his will 16 July 1831 and Isaac DeLong of the same wrote his 4 April 1842. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 146; X45]"A David DeLong of Damascus township, Williams Co., Ohio wrote his will 22 Jan. 1830. He named his wife Catherine and children Jacob (oldest son), Nicholas (2nd son), Eve Gunn (oldest dau.), sons Jefferson, Columbus, and dau. Eleanor. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 146; X45]"... [Jacobus] was taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1743/44 through June 1766 with an assessment of two pounds in Feb. 1753. The DeLong Mss. claims that he removed to Greene Co. but the bp. of his son recorded 1763 in the Athens Ch. record was performed in Beekman with six other local children the same week. "He took a lease in lot 21 on a farm of 295 acres on 15 Jan. 1750. This farm was located west of present state route 82, north of Noxon Road and south of Alley Road. Elijah Townsend later was on this farm. The lease was to Jacobus, his son Martinus DeLong Jr. (probably as Jr. because of [Martin b. 1748] son of Arie [b. 1705] ...) and Johannes Scherer Jr. It is poss. that Elizabeth, the wife of Jacobus was a Scherer but the records of this family don't seem to fit her in. The sponsors for Martin, son oj Jacobus DeLong, b. 1749, were almost certainly Johannes Scherer, b. 27 April 1718 and his wife Elizabeth Light, and the Johannes Jr. on the lease was their son Johannes, b. 25 Aug., bp. 29 Sept. 1745 in Poughquag. The bp. took place at the home of the (step) uncle of Johannes Scherer. Andries Frederick Peck of Beekman, Johann Theobald Scherer, father of Johannes Scherer, m. in London England 7 Aug. 1709 Justina, step-sister to Andries Pick. ... Johannes and Elizabeth (Light) Scherer were frequent sponsors for apparently unrelated neighbors. "Jacobus DeLong ... was a constable in Beekman in 1752 and the same year was a path master 'for the lower part of Swago.' We have no further records after the 1766 tax list. A Jacobus DeLong was on the tax roll for Kinderhook ca. 1766 or shortly thereafter. He was next to Marcus Dumond who was from Beekman. ... "A Jonas, John and a Thomas DeLong were in Roxbury Town, Delaware Co. in 1800, probably all his children." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 169-170; X56-X57]"[Elizabeth] was poss. Elizabeth, bp. 1740 (prob. as an adult), dau. of Martin and Maria Gertrude (Schmidt) Buck of Beekman. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 169; X56]"... She was most likely the Maria DeLong who had a natural child by Martinus Easterly b. 15 Dec. 1742 named Martinus and Sp. by Jacobus DeLong and Catherine, prob. her brother and sister." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 146; X45]1755 -- "John DeLong Jr. was indicted for an offense ... No further record." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 147; X45]"... Rachel DeLong was taxed in 1799 in Beekman on personal property worth $174. Adrian (sic for Arie) DeLong was next to her at"[Arie] m. Rachel Ferguson, probably related to the numerous other Fergusons who came to Beekman after 1746. This Arie was known as Arie B. since his middle name was Blandina, after his mother, and also as Arie Jonas, because of his father's name. ... "He was taxed in Beekman from Feb. 1759 through 1778 with an assessment of four pounds in 1760 and 1763, five pounds in June 1767, six pounds in June 1770 and seven pounds in 1775 and 1778. He was on [Ancient Documents] ... with Farrington Ferguson, probably his brother-in-law, in 1753 as Arie Sr. He and Ferguson owed Hannah Ter Bush, executor of the estate of John Ter Bush, 20 pounds. Arrie DeLong and Elijah Ferguson were witnesses to this bond. "He was very active in the local Beekman givernment and the town meetings were held at his house almost every other year until the mid 1780s. He was a constable and security for the collector in 1750 and in 1752 he was a constable and a collector. He was also appointed to attend May court that year to represent the precinct. The Colonial Legislature passed an act 7 December 1754 requiring that all elections for overseers of the poor in Beekman Precinct were to be held at the house of Arie Jonas DeLong. ... "His mark was recorded 1751 as a hollow crop on the right ear and his brand was AL. An action was filed against him in the May court 1756 by Lewis Hunt. DeLong was accused of taking a 'brown cow, one red cow and one red eyed bull.' Hunt was suing for damages of 20 pounds. ... He was one of the men involved in collecting fines from the Quakers for refusal to bear arms ca. 1757. ... Arie DeLong kept an active account at the Sleight store in Beekman and his unnamed son and his Negro were on the account from 1767-1771. ... "Aryn Jonas Langs was noted on a bond list for a 100 acre farm in lot 10 in 1759. There was no acreage listed and he owed no back rent. ... He soon after took a lease near the Clove and the following land land records are from the [Edward Livingston Papers]: 'Arie Jonas DeLong, in the Conveyance ... This farm bears date the first day ofd May 1762. The lives therein are said DeLong, Rachel his wife & Charles his son. The yearly rent is 21 bushels, a couple of hens and one day's riding. The farm contains 267 acres.' In 1780, when the estate of Margaret Livingston was distributed, this farm was considered 'good', was valued at 300 pounds with anb assessment of 1600 pounds and the terms were 'reneweable forever.' The farm was 'in good order.' '1774, Oct. 14. This day canceled the above lease & gave the above named Arie DeLong a new lease for his farm. Lives the same as in the old lease with a clause to put in a new life if the lesee applies within 3 months after the decease of any of the persons above mentioned. ... Yearly rent in the new lease 22 bushels of wheat. ...' DeLong paid rents of 22 bushels ... June 1787 and 13 bushels 28 Feb. 1788 ... "On 14 Dec. 1790 Will Cockburn surveyed a parcel of land for Arie DeLong which was adjacent to his old farm ... "Arie DeLong's farm was mentioned in a mortgage of 5 June 1794, as was that of Richard DeLong. ... His farm was mentioned in a deed of 22 March 1802 ... and in [a mortgage] 9 May 1816. On 7 Sept. 1771 William Humphrey Esq. of Beekman took a bond from Peter Nostrant, the father of a natural child born to Margaret Dean at the house of Arie DeLong of Beekman. Margaret had sworn on 22 March 1771 that Peter Nostrant, carpenter of Rombout had the carnal knowledge of her body several times, 'but in particular on or about the middle of August last in the barn of the widow Mary Bush in said precinct and that Norstrant was the only true father of the child.' Margaret Dean was ordered to pay to the overseers of the poor of Rombout 9 pence per week if she refused to nurse her child. Area De Long and William Humphrey both signed the documents. "In Oct. 1773 a note was entered in the Beekman Precinct records: 'Then taken up by Arie DeLong a three year old heiffer colored Brindle with ball'd face mark'd with a crop on the right ear.' ... He was an administrator of the estate of Jacob Stover of Beekman ... proved 1781. ... In January 1781 he filed a complaint against Albert Adriance of Beekman and Joseph Balding of Rombout for failure to pay 80 pounds they had borrowed 1 May 1776. ... "He refused to sign the Association but was granted Land Bounty Rights for service in the 5th (Beekman) Regiment of Militia. In October 1776 he was sent to Exeter New Hampshire with other local Loyalists. While in New Hampshire he lodged at widow Clark's with Michael Vincent of Clapp Hill in Beekman. He evidently spent several months in New Hampshire for we find him at the meeting of the [Committee on Conspiracies] of 27 February 1777: "'Application having been made to this Board, in behalf of Arie DeLong, one of the disaffected persons sent to New Hampshire, & who is lately returned to this State by permission, & is now at home indisposed, and the Time limited for his return being Expired, Resolved, that Arie Delong be permitted to remain at home during his present indisposition, & that as soon as he shall be able to travel, he appear before this Board.' ... "He and his brother Johannes were among the Beekman men who signed a petition in behalf of James Essmond who was sentenced to death in 1778. ... In Oct. 1786 Abel Hunt sued Arie and Rachel DeLong in the court of Common Pleas. "He was listed in Beekman in 1790 at 4-2-6 and 5 slaves and was between Herman Rozelle and Peter Sickler the 1st. He wrote his will at Beekman 4 Feb. 1797 and it was proved 28 March 1798. He named his wife Rachel, sons Richard, Charles, Asa, James and heirs of dec'd sons Jonas and John. Also mentioned were daughters Elinor, Dinah and Hannah. Executors were the sons Richard and James, George Losee and Daniel Uhle. Witnesses were Nathaniel Conklin, Abraham and Anne Adriance and Kourt S. Van Voorhis. There was a codicil dated 18 Jan. 1798. ... "Arie DeLong died 20 January 1798, in his 79th year and was bd. in a family ground in an orchard behind the old hotel in Beekmanville. This area was just east of the intersection of Beekman and Green Haven Roads. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 171-174; X58-X59] $110 personal only. James DeLong was also next to her and had $205 personal. Rachel DeLong died 9 June 1811 age 73 and was bd. in the Verbank cemetery. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 174; X59]"A Jonas DeLong was on the 1759 ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›ўџџџЏžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎАРБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПСбТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯавџгтежзийклмнопрсўџџџуфхцчшщъыьэюяёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўўџџџ"Johannes was a lifelong resident of Beekman and was taxed there from Feb. 1759 through 1777 with an assessment of one pound in 1760, two pounds in June 1763, three pounds in June 1767 and June 1770, and five pounds in 1775 and 1778. He signed the Association in Beekman but later refused to lead his company of militia into battle. "He was charged by Catherine DeLong, single woman of Beekman, with having carnal knowledge of her body several times and she was expecting a child. ... He was brought before William Humphrey, a Beekman justice, on 20 Aug. 1754, and posted a bond of 30 pounds and his brother Area posted one of 20 pounds. They were both listed as farmers of Beekman. ... The Catherine DeLong involved remains unidentified. She was probably a first cousin. Johannes was a Sleight store customer ca. 1770 and his brother's son Jonas was on his account. ... "Johannes was a Captain in the Colonial Militia and was ordered to assemble his troops by the Continental Congress in September 1775. A report made by Charles Platt noted: 'Agreeable to the Resolves of Congress, the Committee of this Precinct has waited upon several Captains; Delong, Emaugh and Vincent, who all refused to call their several Companies on the occasion, upon which we gave them Proper Notice by advertising and on the days apppointed waited upon the Several Companies when the following persons were made Choice of Viz. ...' (etc.). Cornelius Van Wyck was appointed Captain in the place of Johannes DeLong, (and was killed just a year later in a skirmish at White Plains ...). John DeLong was paid $8.00 on 2 May 1781 for four days hire of a two horse team at $2.25/day; (eight shillings was deducted for shoeing). "Johannes DeLong was listed in the lease book as having taken over a farm of 226-1/2 acres in lot 22 that the Lane family had farmed for many years. He gave a bond for back rents on 23 May 1783 in the amount of 44 pounds. ... The farm was ... near the intersection of Dorn and Furnace Roads in present day Town of Beekman. Route 55 is just to the south of the farm. ... "He was probably the John DeLong who was a witness to the will of Bartholomew Noxon dated 12 Feb. 1784 in Beekman ... He was listed in Beekman in 1790 at 2-4-6 and was between John Cornell and George Ralph. In 1799 he was taxed on $3987.50 worth of real property and on personal property valued at $236. In 1800 he was listed at 2-1-1-1-1 and 1-0-1-1-1 and was between Arie DeLong and James Mclees Jr. "His will was written 31 December 1803 and proved 7 Feb. 1804. The will follows: 'I Johannes DLong of Beekman town Dutchess County and State of New York being through divine favour of sound memory tho under some infirmity of Body do this thirty first day of the month called December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and three make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is my Will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of the crops of grain that may be on the ground and the hogs that may be then next after my decease depending and to be fattened out of the grain then depending then which the farm may produce in such year, which if such debts surmounts the proceeds of such crop and hogs the residue of such debts shall be payed by my two sons David and Peter. But if such crop and hogs so depending surmounts the debts that may be due my Will is that my sd two sons shall by amply paid by a deduction in such crop and hogs to be retained by them so far as to compensate them for their trouble and expense they may have at in rearing and raising such crops and hogs then depending. And the remainder if any to be reconed with my other moveables[.] I give unto my wife Mary the full use and occupancy of any rooms she may choose in my dwelling house and to be reserved solely for her use an uninterrupted privilege as far as may be necessary and convenient in the Kitchen, Celler chamber and garden, and furthermore she is by my two sons aforementioned to be supported with everything necessary for food and drink befitting a person in her years and standing both in sickness and in health and all medical aid that may be necessary. Also a Girl she shall be put at liberty to keep and wait on her and to partake with her in her support free from expense. Also to provide and ____ ____ (as in original) redy cut and brought from time to time into the house a competency of fire wood. Also I give unto my Wife two good beds and bedding and as much household furniture as she may think right and necessary for her particular use, also two good milk cows and five sheep and the wool they produce and said number of cows and sheep to be kept good by my said two sons and supported both summer and winter equally well with their own stock of that kind[;] they shall likewisde supply her annually with twenty pounds of flax well dressed and furthermore if my Wife shall anytime choose to live with any other person, then my said sons shall annually pay her twenty pounds in such way and manner as that my son, who shall occupy the room and privileges she leaves shall pay as much more that the other as such room and privileges shall be judged by indifferent men right and reasonable. But in case she shall become so helpless that said twenty pounds is not sufficient for her comfortable support then my two sons shall make up such deficiency as may appear reasonable and right in such proportions as aforementioned. Item; I give and bequeath to my two sons David and Peter all my landed property to be equally divided between them according to the real value and so as that each part shall be duly proportioned with timber, meadow and plow land including the value of the Buildings that [n]one of them may be advantaged before the other and the one to whom the orchard may fall in the division shall allow the other brother an equal right to and privilege of the orchard with himself as it respects the apples until a reasonable time is elapsed for an orchard to become sufficiently grown to produce fruit necessary for his families use and comfort. And further my Will is that the mare which is called the Crouse mare shall belong between them so that between them both they may with what they now possess have a team. My plough Waggon and harrow between them and to David I give a cow. Also that my daughter Catherine while unprovided with a home elsewhere that she have the privilege of house room as she has had and the liberty of keeping her children with her until they arrive at suitable ages to be put to trades but to be supported by her in other respects. Item; all the residue of my moveable and personal property I give unto my for daughters Viz, Catherine, Dinah, Mary and Sarah to be equally divided between them, except the sum of twenty pounds to be raised out of my moveable property to be given to my Wife over and above what is above mentioned. Item; my Will is that my two sons David and Peter within the time of five years next after my decease pay good and lawful money unto my daughter Catherine one hundred pounds[;] unto my Daughter Dinah fifty pounds, and to her son Robert fifty pounds, but if he die before he arrive of lawful age then his mother shall receive his portion[;] unto my daughter Mary one hundred pounds; unto my daughter Sarah one hundred pounds[;] unto my grandson Peter Dorland forty pounds[;] to my grandaughter Maria Noxon forty pounds but if either of them die under age then his or her share shall be equally divided amongst my Daughters except twenty shillings of each legacy I give to the parents of those children. Also in like manner as above I give unto my grandson John McAuly twenty pounds. I also direct my executors in aspect to the legacies here pointed out for Robert Vanderburgh and John McAuley that they use their discretion if they judge it unlikely that either of them or both will make a good use of it then they are authorized to put it into his or her mother's hands. And it is my will that my two sons David and Peter retain the beds and bedding they now lodge on. Lastly I make constitute ordain and and (sic) appoint Peter Brill Senr., Peter Lossing and Thomas Humphrey to be my Executors in trust for the right distribution and arrangement of my said estate according to the true intent and meaning of this my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Johannes DeLong have hereunto set my hands and seal the day and year first above written, 1803.' (signed with his mark). "'The following is a codicil to my last will and testament made this first day of the month called January one thousand eight hundred and four. Namely my will is that if my disposition should soon happen as there is a cow and calf designed for sale, that she and her calf shall go with the crop and hogs towards the discharge of my debts as mentioned in my will. ...' "Peter Lossing and Rowland Ricketson were witnesses. ... He died in Beekman 6 Jan. 1804 in his 76th year. The Poughkeepsie Journal noted 'one of the earliest residents of said (Beekman) town.' He has a DAR listing." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 175-178; X59-X61]*‚*ƒ*„*…*†*‡*ˆ*‰*Š*‹*Œ**Ž***‘*’*“*”*•*–*—*˜*™*š*›*œ**ž*Ÿ* *Ё*Ђ*Ѓ*Є*ўџџџІ*Ї*Ј*ўџџџЊ*Ћ*Ќ*­*Ў*Џ*А*Б*В*Г*Д*Е*Ж*З*И*Й*К*Л*М*Н*О*П*ўџџџС*Т*У*Ф*Х*Ц*Ч*Ш*Щ*Ъ*ўџџџЬ*Э*Ю*Я*ўџџџб*в*г*д*е*ж*з*и*й*к*ўџџџм*н*о*п*ўџџџс*т*у*ф*х*ц*ўџџџш*щ*ъ*ы*ь*ўџџџю*я*№*ё*ђ*ѓ*ўџџџѕ*і*ї*ј*ўџџџњ*ћ*ќ*§*ў*џ*+bond list with Arie Delong. They were listed with 100 acres in lots 8 & 10 [in] the Poughquag Purchase. We think that one or two of these are duplicates. A Jonas DeLong was noted in the [Commission on Conspiracies] meeting of 21 Jan. 1777: 'Whereas it has been represented to this Com: that Jonas DeLong who was lately remov'd from this State to Worcester Gaol in the Massachusets Bay State for disaffection to the American Cause hath Manifested a disposition to return to his Allegiance & become a good subject to this State. Resolved that the said Jonas DeLong be permitted to Return from Worcester accordingly on his parole to appear forthwith before this Committee.' ... Jonas DeLong posted an appearance bond for Elizabeth Hogaboom. She plead guilty & Elizabeth Buck was her witness.; fine 8s. ... [Jonas] was a witness to the will of Peter Hogaboom of Beekman 19 April 1783. ... He was taxed in Beekman in 1778 at one pound. A Jonas DeLong was on the Halfmoon tax list in 1786 between William Ash Jr. (from Beekman) and John Lattimore. A Jonas DeLong was in Stephentown, Albany Co. in 1790 at 3-0-3 and between James DeLong (1-1-2) and Calvin Hind. Jonas DeLong was a witness to a sale of saw-logs to Henry Bailey (probably the man who moved from Beekman) in 1785. There are no DeLongs mentioned in early Rensselaer Co. wills. No further record." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 148-149; X46] "This Jonas and Jonas [b. 1757] son of Arie [Blandina] are difficult to keep straight. We have assumed that [the second] Jonas was dec'd by 1790 and thus could not be the man in Stephentown. The Loyalist activity could be for either man." [Doherty, 149; X46]"A Francis DeLong was in Saratoga Co. in 1790 as 1-0-2." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 155; X49]"... A Jacob DeLong ... served in the 14th Albany [Militia] and was in Pittstown in 1790 at 2-4-5 and was between Peter Doty and Andrew Dever (from Beekman). ... Jacob DeLong was on the tax roll for Schaghticoke in March 1779 at 50 pounds and was between Simon N. Cook and Henry Van Hoof. Nicholas DeLong was four away. In 1800 he was 2-2-2-0-1 and 1-0-1-0-1 and between Edward Ryan and Samuel Pinckney. Jacob DeLong had dau. Lydia who married Oliver Prentice who was born 1773. A Jacob DeLong was at the Lansing general store in Halfmoon ca. 1773. He was noted as living at Cooksborough. They removed to Toronto ca. 1801 then to Geauga Co., OH in 1815. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 155; X49]"A John was in Halfmoon in 1790 ... at 1-1-3. In 1800 he was 2-0-0-1-0 and 2-1-0-1-0. He was between Peter Deyo and Stephen Hunt. There is considerable doubt as to whether this John is of this family. He m. Sarah Clarke and lived at New Brunswick where they had children ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 156; X50]"Eliza b. 179__; poss. m. James Price Thomas. (He may have m. Eliza, dau. of Aaron DeLong ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 156; X50]"?Abraham, probably named for his mother's brother who Sp[onsored the baptism of] Frans 1740. ... He was of Halfmoon in 1790 at 1-1-3 and was between Nicholas Johnson and Peter Groom Jr. He was in Halfmoon in 1800 at 1-1-0-0-1 and 0-2-0-0-1 and between Isaac Crosby and Thomas U. Smith. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 156; X50]"[Abraham] was poss. the man in Schenectady Co. in 1810 at 0-0-1-0-0 and 1-2-0-1-0." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 156; X50]"?Aaron ... was a Loyalist. He had a brother John and was a member of the Loyal American Regiment during the war and later went to Kings Co. New Brunswick. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 156; X50]"[Simon] was a Loyalist and enlisted in the Loyal American Regiment with brothers Aaron and John. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 157; X50]"Frans was taxed in Rombout 1763 but there are no land records there for him. He may have gone to New Paltz, Ulster Co. where his dau. was bp." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 159; X51]"?Frans. (prob.) Possibly the man in the 1820 census of Durham, Greene Co., NY." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekmam Patent, IV, 159; X51]"Helena ... prob. m. Philip Linderbeck ... There were both a Philip and a Jeremias Linderbeck in Beekman ca. 1775-82 ... Philip Linderbeck was a Loyalist and joined DeLancey's Corps in 1777. He lost an arm in the war and in +++++++ўџџџ + + + + ++++++++++++ўџџџ++++++ +!+"+#+ўџџџ%+&+'+(+)+*+ўџџџ,+-+.+/+0+1+2+3+ўџџџ5+ўџџџ7+8+9+:+;+<+=+>+?+@+A+B+C+D+E+F+ўџџџH+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T+U+V+W+X+Y+Z+[+\+ўџџџ^+_+`+ўџџџb+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+l+ўџџџn+o+p+q+ўџџџs+t+u+v+w+x+y+z+ўџџџ|+}+~++ўџџџ1789 was given leave to go to St. John, New Brunswick. He and his wife had five children, three of whom remained with a brother-in-law in Dutchess Co., perhaps Frans DeLong [b. 1739/40] ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 159, X51]1776, April 29 -- "This was the same day that Peter DeLong and Rachel Lewis bp. a child of the same name at this Church. Lawrence m. 1st ?, 2nd Polly ___ (widow Green) and were in Watervliet in 1800 and in Schenectady Co. in 1810 at 4-1-1-0-0 and 3-1-0-1-0. They later were in Duanesburgh District I Schenectady Co. NY where a Lawrence DeLong age 79 was listed in the 1855 census as born in Dutchess County. His wife Polly was noted in the census as born in Washington Co." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 159; X51]"The will of Hiram DeLong of Duanesburgh was written 20 Nov. 1830 and probated 26 Aug. 1831. He named his father Lawrence and mother Polly and brothers and sisters listed [within]. Ira Avery was named executor and he, Asahel Philips and Elisha Chapman were witnesses ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 160; X52]1779, August 29 -- "The bp. was poss. in Beekman as 13 children with local names were bp. that day and recorded in the Gilead Church books." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 160; X52]1824, June 14 -- "... Letters of administration were granted ... on the estate of Peter W. DeLong to the widow Annis and to Benjamin S. Knight and William Higbee, her consort, Schenectady Co., NY ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 160; X52]"... 7 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B142, B144]"... [Francis] and wife Margaret mortgaged several parcels of land in Argyle with Henry Bleecker, merchant of Albany in 1799. ... Francis was a tavern keeper in Argyle, Washington Co., NY where he was listed in 1790 at 1-3-2, between Robert Danielson and Duncan Lindsey, his father-in-law. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 162; X53] 1800 -- The Federal census lists a Francis Delong household in Middle Hero, Franklin County, Vermont, at 2-0-0-1-0 and 1-0-0-1-0. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5]"... [Ezekiel] was associated with Daniel ... and Frans, poss. [Francis]. He served in the ... same [military units] as Daniel. Ezekiel DeLong was on the tax list in Half Moon in 1788 and was between Henry Bailey and Jacob Fordt. He was in Champlain Town, Clinton Co., NY in 1800 at 0-0-1-0-1 and 2-1-0-0-1 between Andrew Savage and Nathan Cummins (probably from Pawling). He probably removed to Canada and was there with an Elias DeLong, prob. his son." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 162; X53] 1790 -- An "Ezekial Dolong" household appears in the Federal census of the Town of Alburgh, Chittenden County, Vermont at 1-1-4. [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z5]"... poss. the Maria b. Rombout who m. Flamen Higbie ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 163; X53]"... [Flamen] was later of Stillwater where he came before the [Committee on Conspiracies] Board in 1780." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 163; X53] "I assume he was not the Flemming Higby b. Cortland Manor, Westchester Co., NY Feb. 22, 1753 who was there in 1790 census with one son and four daughters." [John D. Baldwin, DelongVIArie.FTW]"[Annatje] poss. m. Adam Sexbury and resided Fonda, Montgomery Co. NY." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 163; X53]"... She was probably the Cattrina Delang who married Thomas Murphy ... They were probably the Thomas Murphy family in Hoosick in 1790 at 1-0-1 between James McGowen and William Collier, the child not having survived." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 163; X53]"... Their children were recorded in the same [Fonda] church as those of Annatje..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 164; X54]+‚+ƒ+„+…+†+‡+ˆ+‰+Š+‹+Œ++Ž+++‘+’+“+”+•+–+—+˜+™+š+›+œ++ž+Ÿ+ +Ё+Ђ+Ѓ+Є+Ѕ+І+Ї+Ј+Љ+Њ+Ћ+Ќ+­+Ў+Џ+А+Б+В+Г+Д+Е+Ж+З+И+Й+К+Л+М+Н+ўџџџП+Р+С+Т+У+Ф+Х+Ц+Ч+Ш+Щ+Ъ+Ы+Ь+Э+ўџџџЯ+а+б+в+г+д+е+ж+з+и+й+к+л+м+н+о+п+р+ўџџџт+у+ф+х+ц+ўџџџш+щ+ъ+ы+ь+э+ю+я+№+ўџџџђ+ѓ+є+ѕ+і+ї+ј+ўџџџњ+ћ+ќ+ўџџџў+џ+,"On 20 Aug. 1822 [Joseph] was of Phelps on Ontario Co. NY when he applied for a Rev. Pension. His wife Sally (actual name Nancy M. White but known as Sally) was age 54 and he had an adopted boy, John Dodge, son of Richard, who was 11. He had no other means of support than his daily labor and was unable to support himself and his family. He noted that he had four children who took care of themselves. A Banjamin DeLong, probably his brother, testified 25 July 1819 that Joseph DeLong was an apprentice and enlisted to escape that responsibility. His pension application contains a meager list of his personal possessions. He was probably the Joseph DeLong who was age 59 when he appeared in court 1 Sept. 1820 in Onondaga Co., NY. He stated that he enlisted in Capt. Swartout's Co., Col. Lamb's Regiment, in '82, for three years. Then he was under Capt. Bliss till the war was closed. He finished his 3 years service under Capt. Bryant, and was discharged at West Point by Capt. Johnson. Till pensioned he was not worth $10, but had already saved $113.60, well invested. His wife was 40 years old and he had four children. "He separated from his wife and died in Ashford, Cattaraugas Co. (per statement of son Richard but Rev. Pens. says he d. in Concord, Erie Co. 24 Feb. 1835). He m. 17 Oct 1830, as a 2nd wife, Mary Spooner, widow of Ebenezer. She applied for a pension but her claim was denied. His widow (Nancy/Sally) stated in Feb. 1839 that they were m. at Newtown, a place about 16 miles from Albany on 7 June 1785 by a Baptist preacher named _____ Stark. Joseph DeLong d. June 1835 and his brother James, aged 69 in 1839 and of Herkimer County, was also mentioned. They had a son Richard who testified to his mother's marriage Feb. 1839. The first wife, Nancy White testified that her husband Joseph DeLong was an intemperate man and abused his family and that they did not always live together." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 184; X64]"... Lemuel Conklin Esq. sued a Benjamin DeLong in [Dutchess County] (19 January 1793, Common Pleas). He was not in NYS in the 1790 census. A Benjamin DeLong was listed in the 1800 census in Half-moon, Saratoga Co. as one free person, no other persons listed. "Benjamin DeLong and Lucy Young were Sp. 10 Oct. 1824 for Elizabeth McFarlan, dau. of Joseph at the Dutch Reformed Church of Fort Palatine in Herkimer Co. No further record." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 185; X64]"... was of Herkimer Co., NY 20 June 1839 when he gave testimony for the widow of his brother Joseph. He stated at that time that he was 69 years old. He may have been the James DeLong who was taxed in Stephentown 11 April 1787 and 2 September 1788, (although doubtful because of age), and listed in the 1790 census there as 1-1-2, next to Jonas DeLong and James Biggalow. A James DeLong was in Northumberland town in Saratoga Co. in 1800 at 1-0-0-1-0 and 0-0-0-1-0 between Joseph Wilard and John Gleason. No further record after 1839." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 185; X64]"[Nicholas] prob. m. Peggy _____. He was listed in Montgomery Co. in 1810 at 3-0-0-1-0 and 1-0-0-1-0." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 164; X54]"... The following may apply to this man: 'I do hereby warn all manner of persons not to harbour, entertain, or trust my late wife, Rebecca, on my account, as I will not pay any Debts contracted by her, after this John DeLong Jun., Dec. 1, 1780.' ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 165; X54]"[Michael] was in Clinton in 1790 at 1-0-2 and was next to John Crabsen Sr. and George Elvin. In 1800 he was 2-0-0-1-0 and 0-0-0-1-0 and was next to Gilbert Dougherty and David Burgher ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 166; X55]"A Simon was in Clinton in 1830. A Simon Delong m. Jane ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 166; X55]"[Benjamin] was in Clinton at 0-0-0-1-0 and 3-0-0-1-0 and was between Nathaniel Underhill and Jo,,ўџџџ,,,,,ўџџџ , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,!,",#,ўџџџ%,&,',(,),*,+,,,-,.,/,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,ўџџџ;,<,=,>,?,@,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,[,\,ўџџџ^,_,`,a,ўџџџc,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,{,ўџџџ},~,,€,hn Ranous. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 166; X55]"Mary Delong, dau. of Benjamin, dec'd, was mentioned in the will of Daniel Ward of Pl[easant] Valley written 17 Feb. 1832." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 167; X55]"... Daniel was on a farm in lot 17 of the [Beekman] Patent in 1790 and 1791. He was listed on the 1775 Beekman tax list with an assessment of one pound and was mentioned in a road alteration of 1791. He was probably the Dan"... [Elias] was granted an ear mark in Clinton [Dutchess County] 17 March 1768, which mark had belonged to Israel Vail. ... In 1780 the estate papers of Margaret Livingston note he was on a farm of 95 acres with rents of 12 bushels. The condition of his farm was middling and it was valued at 140 pounds (no assessed value noted). He was a witness to a deed in Clinton 30 March 1769. ... On 14 Oct. 1774 he was indicted with Benjamin DuBois, James Fowler, John Palen and Peter Palen for rioting and was fined 10 shillings. On 7 Feb. 1785 he was a bondsman on the estate of Sarah DuBois, widow of Matthew DuBois. "He was of Beekman in 1790 with a census listing of 2-3-4 and was between William Cronkhite and Jeremiah DuBois, in lot 16 near the Clinton border. On 17 Jan. 1795 he bought 70 acres of land that bounded the Beekman line from Elisha and Elizabeth Masten of Clinton for 1000 pounds. ... In 1800 he was in Poughkeepsie at 0-1-1-0-1 and 0-1-0-0-1, between Thomas Casey, Jr. and Leonard Lewis, Jr. On 16 Oct. 1801 he was still of Poughkeepsie and he and his wife Halachi (sic) sold 24 acres in Clinton to Thomas Casey Sr. and Jr. The land bordered Beekman Town and Jonathan Dean and was sold for $635. ... He was granted Land Bounty Rights for service in the 5th Militia (Beekman) Regiment, ... but was regarded as a Loyalist and his property was allegedly confiscated. A sketch of Conrad DeLong, his son, in the Homer (N.Y.) Republican, 1 Aug. 1878, included the following: "'His father, Elias DeLong, was the owner of a large farm, which was said to contain nearly 1200 acres, upon which himself was reared, and had in prospect the accumulation of a large amount of wealth, but unfortunately for himself and family he had great admiration of English nobility, and having adopted the sentiments of the Crown in his love for royal supremacy, he manifested his attachment to that government by entering the British service, and continued in it until their cause proved a failure and an American Flag flew over this land of the free. At the close of the war he returned to his home and learned, to his deep regret and sorrow, that his large property had been unconditionally confiscated by the Colonial Government, and himself and family reduced from affluence to poverty.' "None of the above appears to be proven fact. His name is not listed under Judgments under the Confiscation Act and it is very doubtful that he owned any more land than that noted above which was valued at 140 pounds. The fact that he was allowed to purchase land after the War also brings his Loyalism into question. His name is not on any list of Loyalists we have found. The only hint of Loyalist activity was probably when in 1781 Eliphalet Platt, Michael Weldon & John Palen were surety for him, probably because he was suspected of Loyalism. ... Elias DeLong was discharged four days later. ... An Elias DeLong served in the King's American Regiment 1779-1801 ... We have not found the particular Roll. "His will was written at Poughkeepsie 13 Sept. 1806, recorded 26 Dec. 1806 and proved 6 Feb. 1806 (sic for 1807). He mentioned his wife Heletje, sons John E., Henry, Simon and Conrad, and two daus., Sarah Ketcham and Laney DeLong. Executors were his widow, son John E. and Harmon (or Hannah) VanDeWater. Witnesses were Samuel Beldin, William Palmer, Asa Bartholomew and Elias L. DuBois. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 185-186; X64-X65]iel DeLong taxed in Half Moon in 1786 between Richard Davis and John Van Dewerke on the list. He was there also in 1788 and was between Davis and John Burhans, possibly related to his wife. He evidently returned to Beekman where he was mentioned in a road dedication on 16 Nov. 1791 in the Oswego area. ... He was the Daniel DeLong in Beekman in 1790 at 1-2-3 and between John Deyo and Joseph Doty. He was (supposedly) in Pittstown, Rens. Co. in 1810 at 0-0-0-0-1 and 0-0-0-0-1 and if he had the children [listed] they must have all left his household by then." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 188; X66]"... David DeLong served in the 12th Regiment of the Albany Co. Militia, the same unit in which Daniel and Ezekiel DeLong served. He was in Watervliet Albany Co. in 1790 at 1-1-3 and was between Andress Flaming and Egbert Van Schaick. He was a first settler in Onisquethaw on leased land, prob. from the Van Rensselaers. He was in Bethlehem, Albany Co. in 1800 at 1-1-1-1-1 and 2-1-0-1-1 between Henry DeLong and Andrew Barger. He was named executor of the will of Anthony Ward dated 10 Feb. 1810. ... He was at 3-0-2-0-1 and 1-2-2-0-1 in Albany Co. in 1810. He wrote his will 26 May 1831 and it was proved 27 May 1833." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 167; X55]1860 -- The Federal census for the Town of Maryland at 436 lists John Chase, 41 M, Carpenter $500 real property and $100 personal born NY; [likely second husband of] Clarissa [Wilsey DeLong?] Chase, 36 F, NY [likely second wife of John]; Menzo Chase, 12 M, NY, school [likely child of John's first marriage]; and Dewitt [Alvah D.?] Delong, 11 M, NY, school [likely child of Clarissa and Oscar C. DeLong]. [Lawrence A. DeLong research, C60D, C66] 1865 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists a $650 frame house between Rensselaer Hubbard and Alanson C. Delong, with John Chase, 46 M, Carpenter and Farmer, born in Otsego Co., married twice; Clarissa Chase, 41 F, wife, Otsego County, married twice; Menzo Chase, 17 M, child, Otsego Co., Laborer, unmarried; and Dewitt Delong, 16 M, step-child, Otsego Co., Laborer, unmarried. [DeLong, C60D] 1875 -- The New York State census for the Town of Maryland lists John Chase, 56 M, Carpenter, born in Otsego Co.; Clarissa Chase, 51 F, wife, Otsego Co.; and Menzo Chase, 28 M, Marble cutter, Otsego Co., son. [DeLong, C60E]"Anthony ... m. 1st __?__, 2nd Mary Bradt ... 3rd Maritje Slingerland ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 168; X56]"{Henrich and Margaret] were at Rensselaerville in 1790 with 1-1-1 and between Nathaniel Douglas and William Marshall (or between Henry Wiltsie and Johannes Clink. There are two Henry DeLongs in this town with the same census record). Henry DeLong took a lease of a 177 acre farm in lot 43 in Berne on 29 Dec. 1790 in Rensselaer Manor. The lease includes a map of the parcel. He was in Bethlehem, Albany Co. in 1800 at 2-1-0-1-0 and 3-0-0-1-0 and was between his brother David and Philip Spegerman. He was back in [Dutchess County] in 1801 and witnessed a land transaction of his brother Elias and as 'formerly of Poughkeepsie' he mortgaged land to Leonard Davis in 1806. On 20 Aug. 1814 this land was to be sold because of a default on the mortgage." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 168; X56]"A Martin Delong was on the Canaan, Columbia Co. tax list in 1779 with a Jonas DeLong." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Pa"[Joseph and Lena] were probably of Pittston in 1790 and listed at 2-3-6 and next to Barnabas Clapp and Aaron Case. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 169; X56] "I have in this family, Conrad, son of Jan, and grandson of Arie Delong who was born abt 1723. [He] resided in Dutchess Co. NY (Fishkill or Poughkeepsie). His dau. Eleanor married Joseph Ebbett. Joseph was my 10th ggfthr. ... May be spelt Abbett, Abbott, Ebbets, Ebbet etc. Although the name is English, they were Dutch, and Joseph was a Loyalist during the Rev. He was born about 1740-1750. They had daughters ... and possibly 1 son. Apparently most of Conrad's children, and perhaps he as well, were Tory. ..." [Ray H. Ebbett E-mail, May 15, 1998; X75] "... If the Beekman Ebbett and mine are indeed one and the same, (and Lena was my Joseph's wife), they could not have been on the Beekman Patent in 1790. Joseph was a Loyalist and was kicked out of NYC (where he had gone during the war and was listed as a SGT in the Loyalist Regiments.). He left via the spring fleets of 1783 to NS and NB in Canada. There are several good land documents which place him in NB in 1790. ..." [Ray H. Ebbett E-mail, May 19, 1998; X76] "1776-1783: Soldier, eventually a Sgt. in the Tory Regiments in NYC, NY "1783: Came with the Tory Fleets to Nova Scotia; he settled at Sunbury and Maugherville, NB and eventually at Waterborough, at Grand Lake. His children were baptised at the Waterborough Church. "1789: Joseph Abbet: Surveyor of Highways (Minutes of the General Session of the Peace, 1789 Queens Co.) "1792: Joseph listed on the Sealing Docket from Queen's Co., NB. Sued by Mr. Whitlock." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82] "1774 Daniel Ebbets and Richard Ebbets signed the memorial to Admiral Lord Richard Hall and General Sir William Howe expressing loyalty to King George Third. (Inhabitants of New York 1774-1776; Wilson, Thomas B.; Genealogical Publishing Co., Balt., MD, 1993) "(A Richard and a Daniel Ebbett are listed as part of the Delancy Brigade, but disappear from NS or NB after that. Did they return to New York?)." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82] "Event: Living "Year: Abt 1783 "Province of record source: New Brunswick "Comments: Loyalist "Source: Esther Clark Wright, The Loyalists of New Brunswick, Lancelot Press, Hantsport, NS, 1981. "Volume/Page(s): 279 "Please note: The province and county are associated with the location of the record source and in some cases may not be the same as the place where the event occurred." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82] "Event: Living "Year: Abt 1785 "Province of record source: New Brunswick "Source: R. Wallace Hale, Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785-1835, Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, Maryland, 1989. "Volume/Page(s): 263 "Land Grant info: "From WEBSITE; http://degaulle.hil.unb.ca/library/data/panb/panbweb.html" [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82] "ABBOT, JOSEPH "Volume: 1, page , Grant number 49 "Original province of registration: New Brunswick ... "New Brunswick registration date: 1786/06/07 "Accompanying plan: No "Acreage: 200 acres "Place and County: MAQUAPIT LAKE, Sunbury County "Comments: This is the same Ebbet(t). His name was often misspelled, as mine still is today." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82] "ABBOT, JOSEPH "Volume: IV, page , Grant number 305 "Original province of registration: New Brunswick ... "New Brunswick registration date: 1796/02/29 "Accompanying plan: No "Acreage: 214 acres "Place and county: SHEFFIELD, WATERBOROUGH PARISH, Queens County ..." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X82-X83]ўџџџ‚,ƒ,„,…,†,‡,ˆ,‰,ўџџџ‹,Œ,,Ž,,,ўџџџ’,“,”,•,–,—,˜,™,š,›,œ,,ž,Ÿ,ўџџџЁ,Ђ,Ѓ,Є,Ѕ,ўџџџЇ,Ј,Љ,Њ,Ћ,Ќ,­,Ў,Џ,А,Б,В,Г,Д,Е,Ж,З,И,Й,К,Л,ўџџџН,О,П,Р,С,Т,У,Ф,Х,Ц,Ч,Ш,Щ,Ъ,Ы,ўџџџЭ,Ю,Я,а,б,в,г,д,е,ж,з,и,й,к,л,м,н,о,ўџџџр,с,т,у,ф,х,ц,ч,ш,щ,ъ,ы,ь,э,ю,я,№,ё,ђ,ѓ,є,ѕ,і,ї,ј,љ,њ,ћ,ќ,§,ў,џ,-§џџџ    ўџџџ6, !"#$%&'()*+ўџџџ-./0123457J89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKcLMNOPQRSTUVWaYZ[\]^_`ўџџџbduefghijklmnopqrstvƒwxyz{|~§џџџ€tent, IV, 170; X57]"[Johannes] Perhaps m. Nabby Follett. He was probably the John DeLong in Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY in 1800 at 1-0-0-1-0 and 1-0-1-0-0 between Charles Flynn and Jonathan Weldon. He was two away from Thomas DeLong." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 170; X57]"?Jonas; in Roxbury, Delaware Co. in 1800 at 0-0-1-0-1 and 0-1-1-0-0 between Jacob Patterson and Jonathan Scudder. He was seven before Thomas DeLong." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 170; X57]"He was probably the Thomas of Woodstock Town in Ulster Co. in 1790 with 3-0-4 and next to Jeremiah Philips and Joshua Weight. He was only two away from Zachariah and Jacob Snyder who were prob. born in Beekman. He was in Roxbury town in Delaware Co., NY in 1800 at 1-0-0-1-0 and 3-2-0-1-0 between Jeremiah Dart and Matthew Noble. Thomas DeLong was in Seneca Co., NY in 1810 at 0-0-0-0-1and 1-2-0-0-1." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 170-171; X57]"?Daniel; in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY in 1790 at 1-0-1 and between Patrick McDonald and William Van Gaasbeck." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 171; X57]"[John] was a witness to deed ... dated 15 Nov. 1792 between Gilbert R. Livingston and Rowland Ricketson. On this same date he bought land (no acres given) from Livingston for 339 pounds which was near Ricketson's land. ... He was again mentioned in deed ... of 12 Oct. 1792 and was next to Rowland Ricketson in lot 22. Johannes DeLong was also mentioned in this deed and living in the Clove. John DeLong had farm of 131 acres with rents of 14 1/2 bushels in lot 28 of the Clove, per Livingston Papers. A John DeLong was granted land bounty rights for local service in the Revolution. He was dec'd before Feb. 1797." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 174; X59]"[Charles] lived next to his brother Richard in Nov. 1796. ... In 1800 he was listed in Beekman at 3-0-0-1-0 and 1-2-0-1-0 and was between Thomas Frost and Mary Ferguson. In 1810 he was 1-2-2-0-1 and 1-0-0-0-1 with 2 cows and was next to Reed Crandall and Charles Freeman. A Charles DeLong was witness to a mortgage of 14 Feb. 1816 from Jeremiah Emigh and Parmelia of Beekman to James DeLong. ... No record of wife or children." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV. 174; X59]"... On 1 April 1808 [Arie] and Jane sold 70 acres in Rombout to John Philips for $3250. Arie claimed the land by inheritance. Both he and his wife signed with a mark. ... "He served in the 5th Regiment of the Dutchess County Militia with his brothers John and Richard. He was listed in Beekman in 1800 at 2-0-1-1-0 and 3-0-0-1-0 with 1 slave and was between his brothers James and John. He was a customer at the Dirck Brinkerhoff store in Fishkill ca. 1795. ... He may have gone to Canada where at least three of his sons are found." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 192; X68]"Mrs. Calista Bailey Delong, wif"[James'] farm was noted as a boundary in several deeds for land near the Bushkill in Poughquag ... [1803-1810] ... His farm was also noted and/or he was witness on a number of mortgages as late as 1818. James DeLong loaned $200 to Jeremiah Emigh and Parmelia on a mortgage for 2 acres in Beekman 20 Jan. 1816. ... "He and Arian (written Adrian) were taxed together in 1799 in Beekman on a house, one outbuilding and land worth $4000 with no personal property. They were listed next to Richard DeLong. In 1800 he was listed as 0-1-0-1-0 and 0-0-1-1-1 with 3 slaves and was between his brother Arie DeLong and Peter Lossing. In 1810 he was 3-0-0-1-0 and 1-1-1-1-0 with 1 slave, 5 horses, 15 cattle and 20 sheep and was between David DeLong and Jacob Travis. He was appointed guardian to his nephew Jonas, son of Richard. James DeLong was a customer at the Brinkerhoff store in Fishkill ca. 1800-1815. ... "On 11 July 1807 James and his wife Sally gave a mortgage to Margaret Monfort of Fishkill for 130 acres in Beekman that adjoined John DeLong. They borrowed $625. His nephew Jonas DeLong was a witness to this transaction. ... He was an executor to the will of his mother-in-law Sarah Losee which was proved 14 June 1813, ... and was a witness to several other wills in Beekman and the surrounding area, including being a witness with David DeLong 11 March 1814 for John Uhle. ... He was an executor to the will of George Toffey of Beekman which was written 8 Aug. 1814 and David DeLong was mentioned in this will. ... He was also a bondsman on the estates of John Cypher of Beekman who died 6 Aug. 1810 and that of Elijah Townsend, filed 12 April 1824. ... "James DeLong made his will 13 Sept. 1839 and it was proved 23 Feb. 1844. He mentioned his dau. Maria, wife of Elnathan Haxton, his son John L. and dec'd sons Egbert and David and dec'd brother Richard. He died 27 July 1843, age 69 at the home of Elnathan Haxton in Beekman. ... " [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 193-194; X68-X69] 1804 and 1812 -- A "James Delong" is listed among those persons who have mail awaiting them at the Otsego (Cooperstown) village post office. [Otsego Herald; New York State Historical Association Library; C17]----ўџџџ--- - - - - ----ўџџџ-------------- -!-"-ўџџџ$-%-&-'-(-)-*-+-,---.-/-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-:-;-<-=->-?-@-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-ўџџџO-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z-[-\-]-^-_-ўџџџa-b-c-d-ўџџџf-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z-{-|-}-~--€-e of Dewitt Delong, died at her home on Chestnut street at about 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 15, 1910. She had been in failing health for a long time, gradually sinking until the end. "She is survived by her husband, Dewitt Delong, and by one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Delong, who have the sincere sympathy of all their friends. "The funeral will be held at the house at 2:30, Friday afternoon, the Rev. Sidney S. Conger officiating. Interment in Lakewood cemetery." [Newspaper article; C103A] 2009, November 18 -- "{Samuel] Kelley might have thought about hops, but he also found time to flirt long distance with Calista Bailey of Cooperstown. He confessed to his mother that he harbored a fondness for her and had asked her for her picture. Within a month, he had changed his mind. He now claimed that he did not love Calista but that he had asked for her picture as a favor for another man in his company. By December [1863], the relationship had cooled to the point that the two were returning each other's photographs and requesting one another to destroy earlier letters. ..." [Upton's Regulars, the 121st New York Infantry in the Civil War; pp. 212-213]"On 15 Oct. 1787 Jonathan Dennis, justice of Beekman bound Peter Vanderburgh and his surety, Tabor Bentley, in 50 pounds each because Peter had begot a bastard child on the body of Catherine DeLong single woman of Beekman. ... This child was the Clymond Vanderburgh mentioned in the will of her father. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 178; X61]"[Maria] probably married William Sherwood, hatter of Beekman, before 1 May 1794. On that date William Sherwood took a lease on 26 acres, one rood and 15 perches of property in Beekman that was bordered by Arie DeLong and ThOriginally the stepson of Joseph Broughton; freed for adoption January 20, 1983; placed for adoption by Schenectady County Department of Social Services on October 17, 1983; adopted by Lawrence A. DeLong on August 8, 1984 at Ballston Spa, New York. [Lawrence A. DeLong; Order of Adoption, C272] 1984-1989 -- Had jobs counselling in Town of Halfmoon summer youth program, doing orchard maintenance, cooking at McDonald's and clerking in retail stores. [Resume of Carl A. DeLong, C274] 1988-1991 Worked as State Assembly memo clerk and mail clerk [Resume, C274] 1991 - "I enjoy popular music, [roller] skating, softball and other team sports, exercising with weights, and pool diving. I also have a collection of rare and distinctive bottles." [Resume, C275] 1991, August 3 - "Clifton Park -- Carl A. DeLong, 22, of Clifton Park, died Friday, Aug. 2, 1991, at Ellis Hospital, Schenectady, following an auto accident in Princetown earlier. "He was born in Niskayuna, and lived in Clifton Park for the past eight years. He was a graduate of the Job Corps, Glenmont, and was employed as a Legislative Aide, New York State Assembly, Albany, for the past 2-1/2 years. "He is survived by his adoptive father, Lawrence A. DeLong of Clifton Park, his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton of No. Las Vegas, Nevada; his father, Harold Bonney of Schenectady; his grandfather, Albert S. DeLong of Worcester; and his son, Derek R. Roberts of Cohoes. "He is also survived by two brothers, Howard Broughton of Rochester, Joseph Broughton of Schenectady; two sisters, Carol Broughton of Middleburgh, and Kimberly Brothers of Schenectady; a nephew, two nieces, several aunts, uncles and cousins. "Funeral services will be Monday, Aug. 5, at 10 a.m. from the Gordon C. Emerick Funeral Home, 1550 Route 9, Clifton Park. Calling hours will be at the funeral home on Sunday, Aug. 4, 6-9 p.m. Burial will be at the Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "Memorial contributions may be made to Derek R. Roberts, c/o DeLong ..." [Obituary of Carl A. DeLong, Oneonta Daily Star, D144 and F4] 1991, August 3 - "... Carl A. DeLong, 22, of Grooms Road, was pronounced dead at Ellis Hospital following the 1:55 a.m. crash on Route 159 near Rynex Corners, troopers said. They attributed the crash to speeding ..." [Schenectady Daily Gazette, F4] 1991, August 3 -- "Princetown -- A 22-year-old Clifton Park man was killed early Friday in a one-car crash attributed to speeding, State police reported. "Carl A. DeLong of Grooms Road was headed east on Route 159 at 1:55 a.m. when he lost control of his 1987 Acura and the car veered off the south shoulder of the road and struck a tree stump, Trooper Peter Rodriguez said. "The car then traveled 190 feet into a field and overturned several times, he said. "There was no indication that alcohol was a factor in the accident, the trooper said. "DeLong was the lone occupant of the car. "The cause of DeLong's death was listed as multiple head and neck injuries, Rodriguez said. "State Police were assisted at the scene by Rotterdam paramedics and ambulance squads and the Mariaville and Plotterkill fire departments." [Albany Times Union, D144] 1991, August 5 -- Pallbearers were Wayne Hawes, Alexander L. Perryman, Sr., James S. Pula, Michael R. Raide, Kenneth Smith, and Dennis J. Tompkins. [Lawrence A. DeLong]omas Humphrey's wood lot. The three lives on the lease were William Sherwood and his wife Mary and her brother Peter DeLong. ... They were in Beekman in 1800 at 1-0-2-1-0 and 1-0-1-0-1 and one other free person. They were between Thomas Quinman and Thomas Humphrey." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 179; X61]"In 1810 [David] was in Beekman at 0-0-0-1-0 and 3-0-1-1-1 with 7 horses, 6 cattle and 15 sheep and was between Edmund Hopkins and James DeLong. He gave a mortgage of $522.50 on 9 Feb. 1811 to Gabriel Vanderburgh on 100 acres of land in Beekman that bordered James and Peter DeLong. ... On 24 May 1811 he and wife Charlotte gave a $500 mortgage to Israel I. Vail. This was described as land that Gilbert R. Livingston and Martha sold to John DeLong 1 April 1797 in lot 13 (Poughquag) where the Bushkill and the Fishkill Creeks meet, 130 acres. ... David DeLong was taxed in Beekman in 1799 on a house and lot worth $290 and personal property valued at $45. He went to Norwich CN in 1810 and was involved in land negotiations, after which he returned to Beekman by 15 Oct. 1810 when he was a witness to an appointment by Peter Lossing to Enoch Dorland to sell his land. (This might have been done in Canada but for the fact that Samuel A. Barker was also a witness.) ... David DeLong was mentioned by George Toffey of Beekman whose will was dated 8 August 1814. ... His farm was mentioned in a mortgage of 19 June 1810 from Peter DeLong to Israel Vail and in another of 1 May 1818 from Joseph Weight to Nehemiah Doughty. ... In the 1837 rebellion he was on the wrong side and went to Michigan that year. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 179-180; X61-X62]"[Peter] was prob. the Peter listed in Beekman in 1810 at 3-1-0-1-0 and 2-0-0-1-0 with 3 horses, and 1 cow ... and between William Wooley and Jacob Hall. ... Peter DeLong and Lois of Beekman gave a $2500 mortgage on 131 acres of land that bordered David DeLong and Rowland Ricketson on 19 June 1810. ... His farm was noted on a mortgage from David DeLong and Charlotte to Gabriel Vanderburgh of Beekman 9 Feb. 1911. ... He had 9 children and also went to Norwich where he d. 26 June 1839. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 180-181; X62]"... Lois Beach was possibly a dau. of Solomon and Hannah (______) Beach of Beekman. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 180; X62]"The following deed was recorded in Clinton Co., NY. 'This indenture made this twenty first day -‚-ƒ-„-…-†-‡-ˆ-‰-Š-ўџџџŒ--Ž---ўџџџ’-“-”-•-–-—-˜-™-š-ўџџџœ--ž-Ÿ- -Ё-ўџџџЃ-Є-Ѕ-І-Ї-Ј-Љ-Њ-Ћ-Ќ-­-Ў-Џ-А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-Ж-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Ц-Ч-Ш-Щ-Ъ-ўџџџЬ-Э-Ю-Я-а-б-в-г-д-е-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-ўџџџу-ф-х-ўџџџч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я-№-ё-ђ-ѓ-є-ѕ-ўџџџї-ј-љ-њ-ћ-ќ-§-ўџџџџ-.February in the year of our Lord one thousand eiught hundred and seven by and between Rachel DeLong of Amsterdam in the county of Montgomery & State of New York widow and Lawrence DeLong and Elizabeth his wife, Isaac DeLong and Julia, his wife, Abraham DeLong and Electa his wife, Jacob DeLong and Eunice his wife, and Peter DeLong, all of Plattsburgh in the County of Clinton and State aforesaid; also William Brewer and Hannah his wife and James DeLong all of Amsterdam aforesaid on the first part and John Pierce of Plattsburgh aforesaid on the second part ... for the consideration of the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars have conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land luing and being situate in the Town of Plattsbirgh aforesaid being the west half of lot number thirty nine in the allottments of Beekmans Patent.' "Peter DeLong was evidently deceased by 1807. Widow DeLong was listed in Clinton Co. in 1810 at 0-1-0-0-0 and 1-0-1-0-0. ... This census listing may be for the widow of Lawrence DeLong who died Jan. 1810." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 183; X63]"[Lawrence's] widow was assessed on a 50 acre farm in 1811 which was valued at $100 and she paid a tax of $.33." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 183; X63]"[Isaac] was at 2-1-0-1-0 and 1-0-0-1-0 in Clinton Co. in 1810. Isaac DeLong was on the 1811 tax roll in Plattsburgh. He had a house and lot on 9 acres of land. His real property was assessed at $100 and pesonal at $80. His total tax was $.59." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 183; X63]"In 1810 [Jacob] was at 1-0-1-1-0 and 2-0-1-0-0. He was assessed in Plattsburgh in 1811 on a house and farm of 30 acres valued at $60 and he paid a tax of $.20." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 183; X63]"180_ -- md. probably Nancy _____. A Nancy was among the signatories to an indenture by his mother, his siblings and their spouses, and himself in 1807. She however is not named in the body of the text, at least in the transcript I received. Nor was she included when the sons' wives were examined two weeks later. She was not a daughter of Peter (not in will not accountable for in census) and she does follow Peter in the signatory list but that is not an indication as bro. Abraham and his wife did not sign consecutively." [John D. Baldwin research, B168] "In 1810 [Peter] was at 1-0-1-0-0 and 0-0-1-0-0." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 184; X64] 1810 -- ""prob. the Percy Delong of Plattsburgh, Clinton Co. 10100/00101. The older female is not identified, but might be subject's widowed mother." [Baldwin, B168] 1820 -- "Beekmantown, Clinton Co. 310010/00010." [Baldwin, B168] "Children: NOTE: There was extensive interconnection among the six men listed below, and all are suggested as sons of Peter ... Birthdates or close approximations are known for five of the six. Four of those five correlate with 1810 and 1820 censuses, the fifth was born after 1820. "Freeman ... Abram ... Parvin ... Amos P. ... Cromwell ... Peter ... " [Baldwin, B168]1963, November -- "Miss Elizabeth C. DeLong, age 84, of Cooperstown, died Thursday, November 21, at the McDonough Nursing Home in Worcester, following a long illness. "Miss DeLong was born May 8, 1879, in Cooperstown,the daughter of Dewitt and Clista (Bailey) DeLong. She was a lifelong resident of Cooperstown. "She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Cooperstown and Otsego Chapter, DAR. "Surviving is one cousin, Mrs. Earl Johnson of Worcester. "Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, from Ingalls Funeral Home in Cooperstown, with the Rev. James Miller, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was in Lakewood Cemetery." [Obituary, Freeman's Journal, C103]"A John DeLong d. 6 Feb. 1858, age 76, in Randallsville, NY." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 188; X66]"... [John] was in Poughkeepsie in 1800 at 1-0-1-0-0 and 1-0-1-0-0 and was close to his father. In 1810 he was at 3-1-0-1-0 and 1-1-2-1-0 and between Elias S. DuBois and William Tillow. John E. Delong and his wife Mehitable sold land to Daniel Gidley 16 March 1820 for $1600. The land had been given to John E. DeLong by his father Elias DeLong is his will of 13 Sept. 1806. Thomas Potter was involved in the transaction. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 187; X65]"... John Ruger mentioned his dau. Elizabeth, dec'd wife of John DeLong, in his will written 26 April 1825. He also mentioned their children: Joshua, Sarah and John. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 187; X65]"He was prob. the David M. Ketchum who m. 7 May 1822 at Sharon, ..ўџџџ..... .ўџџџ . . ..ўџџџ................ўџџџ!.".#.$.%.&.'.ўџџџ).*.+.,.-.../.0.ўџџџ2.;.<.ўџџџ>.?.@.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.ўџџџJ.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.Y.Z.[.\.].^._.`.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.ўџџџi.j.k.l.m.n.o.ўџџџq.r.s.t.u.v.w.ўџџџy.z.{.|.}.~..€.CT. Sarah Jewett of Dover. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 187; X65]"Simon b. ca. 1795-98, m. 1st ___?___, 2nd Catherine Moore. He was poss. the Simon DeLong who was in West Virginia in 1814 and in Ohio in 1817." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 188; X66]"... [Francis] was one of the lives on a lease granted to Arie DeLong and heirs 6 Dec. 1796." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 189; X66]"A Rachel Losee bp. a Jonas _____ at the First Reformed Church of Fishkill 11 Feb. 1787. That same day Peter DeLong and Rachel Lewis bp. a child as did John Scherer. A Jonas DeLong was a witness 11 July 1807 to a mortgage between James DeLong and Sally, farmer of Beekman, to Margaret Montfort of Fishkill. (They would be his uncle and aunt). The land was in Beekman at the SE corner of John DeLong, bounded by the creek and the land of Robert Noxon. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent. IV, 189; X66]"... [John] was in Beekman in 1810 at 1-0-1-0-0 and 1-0-1-0-0 with 1 horse and 2 cattle and was between his mother Ann Delong and William Doxsie. He was in Bradford Co., PA in 1850. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 191; X67]"... [Francis] and his brother John were included as lives on a lease to Arie Delong and his heirs dated 6 Dec. 1796. He was of Durham, Ulster Co. in 1820 and he wrote his will in Huron Township, Wayne Co., NY 5 Nov. 1849. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 191; X67]"... [Jonas'] uncle James was appointed his guardian after the death of his father. Jonas was probably in Michigan in 1839 per Dutchess County Wills ... He poss. m. Betsey Tracey 20 Dec. 1827 at Ithaca, NY. He may have been the Jonas DeLong in Ridgway, Orleans Co., NY in 1850 with four children." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 192; X68]"... Letters of Authorization were granted to John Jackson. ... [Israel] was son of Anna of Poughkeepsie who renounced in favor of John Jackson of Fishkill. Hepsibah DeLong was a witness for Anna. John Jackson, Thaddeus Raymond anbd Samuel W. Faucher of Fishkill were also on bond of $800 ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 192; X68]"Hepsibeth ... was a witness for Anna, the widow, in 1828 and noted as an heir ...[in] 1818. According to Dutchess County Wills ... she was in Michigan in 1839. Hepsibeth DeLong applied for membership in the Beekman Baptist Church 13 June 1815 but she had a bit of a reputation and the minutes concerning her application follow: 'It was mentioned by brother Osborn that Sister DeLong did not attend meeting and he had heard things against her; appointed Brother Osborn to visit her. Jan. 1, 1825, the Church met and brother Osborn mentioned he had understood that Sister Hebsibeth DeLong continued in her evil practices; frequented the Ball Chamber; and he thought it was time there was something more done about it as she had been frequently warned of them and desired to attend meeting we therefore thought it best to withdraw the hand of fellowship from her. It was put to vote and carried without objections.'" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 192; X68]2007, December 2 -- "...All of my family papers show that Phoebe Delong ... is the same Phoebe as our family shows married to Gilbert Barton born 1800 and they lived in Ontario and their children included my great great grandfather William Barton. "Phoebe and Gilbert were the first generation to be raised in Canada for both the Barton and Delong side of our family. Gilbert was born in Canada but his family had just recently moved there prior to 1800 from the same area as the Delongs ..." [Bo Lindsay message; X68A] 2007, December 8 -- "It is interesting that your information comes from the U.S. side and it looks like most of ours on Phoebe Delong is from the Canadian side. She is buried in the Barton cemetery. Delong, Phebe, b. 20 Mar 1798, Barton Cemetery, Rawdon Township. Rawdon Township is in Hastings County, Ontario. This is near Belleville, Ontario. "My understanding is that the Delongs along with the Bartons came around the east side of Lake Ontario into Canada. My understanding also is that some Delongs and Bartons also ended up going around the west side of Lake Ontario by Niagara. These relatives came a little later and found the land on that end less expensive and richer in soil. "Phoebe Delong 95 years old, so was alive when my great uncles (her great grandchildren) were growing up (just before my grandfather was born). "A part of our family has written that Phoebe's father-in-law, Isaac Barton, was a Quaker who lived in the same area as the Delongs and in fact ended up living with Phoebe's brother who married a daughter (the Bartons were double married into the Delongs). "Most of the settlers from around 1800 in the area were United Empire Loyalists. I see that Arie was in the US well after 1800 and was in the militia, but I see his father may have been a Loyalist ... "I wonder also whether the Bartons were actually Loyalists. Isaac was born in 1774 so was too young to truly have been Patriot or Loyalist. His father was Gilbert Barton shown on an American militia muster." [Lindsay; X68B] "... [Richard] was in Ontario in 1851 with brothers John and Peter. A Richard DeLong joined the First Presbyterian Church in Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY in 1835. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 193; X68]"... Reed Crandall, Stoddard Judd and John L. DeLong were administrators of [Egbert's] estate and Aaron Law of Poughkeepsie was appointed guardian of the three minor ch[ildren] ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 194; X69].‚.ўџџџ„.….†.‡.ˆ.‰.Š.‹.ўџџџ.Ž...‘.’.“.ўџџџ•.–.ўџџџ˜.™.š.›.ўџџџ.ž.Ÿ. .Ё.Ђ.Ѓ.Є.Ѕ.ўџџџЇ.Ј.Љ.Њ.ўџџџЌ.­.Ў.ўџџџА.Б.В.Г.Д.Е.Ж.ўџџџИ.Й.ўџџџЛ.М.ўџџџО.П.Р.С.Т.У.Ф.Х.Ц.Ч.Ш.Щ.Ъ.Ы.Ь.Э.Ю.ўџџџа.б.в.г.д.е.ж.з.и.й.к.л.м.н.о.п.р.с.т.у.ф.х.ц.ч.ш.щ.ъ.ы.ь.э.ю.я.№.ё.ђ.ѓ.є.ѕ.і.ї.ј.љ.њ.ћ.ќ.§.ўџџџџ./"[John] left sister Maria Haxton, wife of Elnathan, and James R., Elizabeth and Charles DeLong, children of his brother Egbert, dec'd, and Maria, dau. of his dec'd brother David. His estate was valued at $200 and Peter Doughty was appointed administrator. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 194-195; X69]"... Maria Haxton, dau. of Adriana DeLong stated that her mother died 5 November 1857 in Beekman and that the value of her estate was about $5,000. William Haxton (husband to Maria) was on bond. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 195; X69]"Frank Henry Dewey b. Oct. 8, 1870 Lynn MA -- Adopted May 28, 1878, Boston MA, by Moses D. Hodgkins -- Sarah E. Jordan of Poland, Maine -- Name changed to Frank Dewey Hodgkins, then Harry Frank Hodgkins." [Daniel Burdick letter, May 22, 1993; Z7]"Estabrooks genealogy says she was a short very energetic woman." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X88]"20 Dec 1792: Bought land at Swan's Creek, Parish of Burton, NB. He occasionally took the role of itinerant preacher (Baptist)." [Ray H. Ebbett research, X87]"If Joseph came to NB in 1783, Eleanor Delong was probably this woman's, and her brother William's mother. Eleanor signed as wife for land transfer in Sunbury, NB, so she came to NB with Joseph, but probably died before 1788, when Joseph was born." [?] [Ray H. Ebbett research, conrad.ftw]"Resided at 'The Barony,' which was inundated when the River St. John was flooded for a power dam." [Ray H. Ebbett research, conrad.ftw]"I think these sisters were daughters of George Fox, Loyalist of Gagetown, NB." [Ray H. Ebbett research; conrad.ftw]"William it is said knew the Bible and Pilgrim's Progress, nearly by rote. He died on his farm, which his son Leander inherited. On his ninetieth birthday a dinner was given at his home and a testimonial read." [Ray H. Ebbett research; conrad.ftw]"Arthritis -- was bedridden the last 3 yrs of her life." [Ray H. Ebbett research; conrad.ftw]"During the last few years of her life, she was paralysed." [Ray H. Ebbett research; conrad.ftw]"The Roseboom name is probably the only one that has been in Westford [New York] for all of its 200 years. Robert, a fifth generation American and oldest of nine children, brought with him to Maple Valley his wife and three children. He served as Supervisor of both Worcester and Westford, was elected to both the State Assembly and Senate, and the year before his death to the Assembly again. Many descendants of his two sons, Garrett and Peter, have lived in Westford through the intervening years and some do today." [Two Centuries in Westford, 126; C400]2002 -- "Worcester -- Vera B. Usalatz, 89, died Sunday, Aug. 18, 2002, at the Delaware County Countryside Care Center in Delhi. "She was born June 6, 1913, in Westford, the daughter of Dorr and Gertrude (VanWie) Roseboom. "She married MIchael J. Usalatz on Oct. 14, 1937, in Schenevus. "Mrs. Usalatz was a member of the Worcester United Methodist Church. "She is survived by her husband, Michael J. Usalatz, of Worcester; two daughters, Jean Ames and Evelyn and her husband, Raymond Preston, all of Worcester; five grandsons, Mike and Bryan Ames, Justin, Nate and Jon Preston; a brother, Leland and his wife, Elizabeth Roseboom, of Binghamton; sister-in-law, Mary Pemberton of Richmondville; and many nieces and nephews. "She was predeceased by her parents; her stepmother, Bertha Roseboom; her sister, Una (Roseboom) Graves; brother-in-law. the Rev. George B. Graves; and sister-in-law, Katherine (Usalatz) Matuljak. "Calling hours will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2002, at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel in Worcester. "The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002, at the Worcester United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Jane Pykus, pastor, officiating. "Burial will follow at the Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church, Main Street, Worcester, NY 12197, or the Alzheimer's Association ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; C401A]2000, January 20 -- "Worcester -- Sally Ames, 89, of Worcester, //////// / / / / /////////////////// /!/"/#/$/%/&/'/(/)/*/+/,/-/.///0/1/ўџџџ3/4/5/6/7/8/9/:/;//?/@/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O/P/Q/R/S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z/[/ўџџџ]/^/_/`/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/{/|/}/~//€/died Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2000, at the Robinson Terrace Nursing Home in Stamford. "She was born Feb. 8, 1910, in West Kortright, the daughter of Forman J. and Rachel (Hitt) Barker. "She married Franklin J. Ames on June 27, 1937, in Oneonta. He predeceased her on May 16, 1994. "Mrs. Ames taught school at Meredith for eight years. After marriage, she lived in Worcester where she was a first-grade teacher until 1972, retiring after 35 years of service. "She was a member of the Worcester United Methodist Church, where she served on the Administrative Board, sang in the choir as long as she was able, and was in the Worcester Woman's Club. "Mrs. Ames is survived by her sons, Donald and wife, Connie Ames., of Wilmington, Del., and Roger and wife, Susan Ames, of East Hampton; daughter-in-law, Jean Ames of Worcester; grandchildren, Michael, Bryan, Daniel, David, Beth Marie and William; sister, Marian Jeschke, formerly of Worcester; and many nieces and nephews. "At Mrs. Ames request, she was cremated and a memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 22, 2000, at the United Methodist Church, Main Street, Worcester, with the Rev. Joyce Allen, pastor ... officiating. "The committal service for Mr. and Mrs. Ames will take place at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester at a later date ... "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made ... to the Methodist Church Music Fund ... or the Worcester Emergency Squad ... "Funeral arrangements are by E.J. Skinner Co., 115 Main St., Worcester." [Oneonta Daily Star]1986 -- "Schenevus -- William G. Roseboom, 85, of 5 Arch St., Schenevus, died Saturday, Dec. 13, 1986, in Fox Hospital, Oneonta. "He was born July 3, 1901, in Westford, the son of Charle‚„˜…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—™Љš›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЊЖЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЗЫИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬмЭЮЯабвгдежзийклнощрстуфхцчшўџџџъћьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњўџџџќ§ §џџџs S. and Jennie (McClintock) Roseboom. He married Jennie Morrison, who survives, on June 3, 1930, in Schenevus. "A lifelong area resident, he had lived in Schenevus for the past 10 years. For a number of years he operated a farm in Westford, and from 1955 until his retirement in 1975 he was employed by the Lowville Farmers' Co-op. He was supervisor for the town of Westford from 1936-1940 (the third generation of his family to hold that office), and was Otsego County Commissioner of Social Services from 1940-1949. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Worcester. "Surviving, besides his wife, are two sons, Garrett Roseboom of Boonville and Allyn Roseboom of Rome; three grandchildren, a niece and a nephew. He was predeceased by a son, David, and a daughter, Marilyn. "Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, at the Heller Funeral Home, Schenevus, with the Rev. Daniel Reuter, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Worcester, officiating. Burial will be later in the Westford Cemetery. ... "Donations may be made to the Schenevus-Maryland Emergency Squad." [Obituary of William Roseboom]"Glenfield --- The accidental discharge of a .22 caliber rifle in the hands of a chum took the life about 10:30 p.m. Thursday of/‚/ƒ/„/…/†/‡/ˆ/‰/Š/‹/Œ//Ž///ўџџџ’/“/”/•/ўџџџ—/˜/™/š/›/œ//ž/Ÿ/ /Ё/Ђ/Ѓ/Є/Ѕ/І/Ї/Ј/ўџџџЊ/Ћ/Ќ/­/Ў/Џ/А/Б/В/Г/Д/Е/Ж/З/И/Й/К/Л/М/Н/О/П/Р/С/Т/У/Ф/Х/Ц/Ч/Ш/Щ/Ъ/Ы/Ь/ўџџџЮ/Я/а/б/в/г/д/е/ж/з/и/й/к/л/м/н/о/п/р/с/т/у/ф/х/ц/ч/ш/щ/ъ/ы/ь/э/ю/я/№/ё/ђ/ѓ/є/ѕ/і/ї/ј/љ/њ/ўџџџќ/§/ў/џ/0 a 17 year old Cooperstown native, David O. Roseboom, son of former Otsego County Welfare Commissioner and Mrs. William G. Roseboom of Glenfield. "Lewis County Sheriff Clarence Woodard of Lowville said the county District Attorney and Coroner, Nathaniel B. Merrill of Lowville, has withheld a verdict pending an autopsy. "Sheriff Woodard said David and his 18-year-old friend, David I. David of Glenfield, had been restyling the stocks of their .22 caliber rifles at the Roseboom home Thursday evening. "The victim, the sheriff said, sat down on a saw-horse and started to light a cigarette while his friend picked up the Roseboom youth's rifle to examine the work. "In some manner, the gun, thought to be unloaded, was discharged. The .22 caliber bullet entered the victim's chin and ranged downward, penetrating his chest. "He was rushed to the Lewis County General Hospital, Lowville, by his parents but was pronounced dead on arrival. "Sheriff Woodard said the other youth told officers he had no idea the rifle was loaded and couldn't imagine how a cartridge came to be in the chamber unless the victim had loaded the gun at some time unknown to him. "However Sheriff Woodard said the rifle was found to have a faulty ejector and an immediate theory put forth was that the fatal cartridge failed to eject from the weapon when it was unloaded. "Sheriff Woodard and Chief Deputy William O'Brien, Lowville, investigated. "The body was removed to the Virkler Funeral Home, Lowville." [Newspaper article]"With partner John Morrison built the first two houses on Solar Bluffs [Worcester, New York] in 1947-48." [Town of Worcester History, 1954, 154]"The area known today as Maple Valley was once called Bentley Hollow. About 1800, Thomas Bentley, who was born in Rhode Island, settled with eight children and several grandchildren at what was until recently the Braun farm. A number of the Bentleys later moved on to the Midwest and California; among those who remained were William and Russel, who operated a sawmill in Bentley Hollow. Several of William's descendants lived in Westford until relatively recently, giving their name also to a hill a short distance south of Westford. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford, 130; C402]"... Several of [William Bentley's] descendants lived in Westford [New York] until relatively recently, giving their name also to a hill a short distance south of Westford. The place at the corner was occupied by Harold Bentley, who married Emma Roseboom and for a time operated a woodcraft shop there before entering the insurance business." [Two Centuries in Westford, 130; C402] "In a departure from the traditional, mainly Victorian, architectural styling of residences in the hamlet of Worcester [New York], two modern housing developments have appeared in recent years on the hamlet's fringes. Harold J. and Emma M. Bentley originated the Solar Bluffs development, located on a new road of the same name leading from Water Street in 1947. Twelve contemporary-style houses have risen on a small, narrow plain above the hamlet, hard against the southeast side of Caryl's Lake Hill. The number of Solar Bluffs homes has doubled since the mid-1950s. In 1963 the town opened the northern end of Solar Bluffs Road to public access, creating a loop from Water Street." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 86]"Burt Kirkland started the Worcester [New York] Dimension Mill, west of the depot, about 1945. In September 1959 Granville C. ('Grannie') Bentley purchased it and renamed it Worcester Hardwood Products. This major industry, with 23 employees, burned to the ground on June 30, 1960. Bentley began rebuilding in September on a lot west of Park Street on the John Davis farm and reopened the business on January 26, 1961. He sold it on July 1, 1963, upon his recall to military service. William McCabe owns the building at present." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 85] "A spectacular $30,000 fire destroyed the Worcester Hardwood Products Company mill in a blaze beginning at 5:45 A.M. on June 30, 1960. Three fire companies were called in to keep the blaze from spreading. The mill was leveled in less than an hour as flames leaped 100 feet in the air and consumed the logs and lumber. the cause of the fire was of undetermined origin. "Granville C. Bentley, mill owner, reported that he would rebuild the business, which had been started in 1945 by Burt P. Kirkland. The company made dimensional wood for several large concerns ... "The mill employed 23 men and spent $50,000 per year on payroll and logs. Only a forklift was saved. A new mill was constructed of cinder blocks several months later on former John Davis farm land located near Park Street." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 129]"For many years, Charles Kinch dealt in meats, both at his market in the village [of Westford, New York] and by home delivery." [Two Centuries in Westford, 140;ўџџџ0000000 0 0 0 0ўџџџ00ўџџџ00000ўџџџ0000ўџџџ0000ўџџџ!0"0#0$0%0&0'0(0)0*0+0,0-0.0/000102030405060708090:0;0<0=0>0?0@0A0B0C0D0E0F0G0H0I0J0K0L0M0N0O0P0Q0R0S0T0U0V0W0X0Y0Z0[0ўџџџ]0^0_0`0a0b0c0d0e0f0g0h0i0j0k0l0m0n0o0p0ўџџџr0s0t0u0v0w0x0y0z0ўџџџ|0}0~0ўџџџ€0 C407]"b., probably, in Danbury ..." [Descendants of John Bouton, 215; V147] "Joseph Boughton had one brother, Francis Boughton, who was settled at one time in New Durham, Green[e] county, N.Y.; his wife's name was Esther Stowe. They had ten children ... some, if not all, settled in Schoharie and Albany counties, N.Y. ..." [Descendants of John Bouton, 223, V151]"b., supposed, Danbury ..." [Descendants of John Bouton, 215; V147]"Eliard (Lyard) Boughton, b., probably, in Danbury, Ct., Dec. 7, 1787, m., place and date unknown, Ruthalia Merwin, and went west." [Descendants of John Bouton, 216; V148]"Clark Boughton, b., probably, Danbury, Ct., Nov., 1789, m. Julia Hyde, and they, too, went west." [Descendants of John Bouton, 216, V148]"Joseph B. Whitman came from England in early life; was a boot and shoe maker; was not a church member ..." [Descendants of John Bouton, 215; V147]"Family Record of Joseph (possibly Grandson of Jachin) and Jennet Guffin Boughton and their Descendants. "Joseph Boughton, Jr. b., probably, Danbury, Ct., March 19, 1768, m., Dec. 25, 1786, Jennet Guffin, who was probably b. Scotland, March 3, 1764. "Disposing of their farm in Danbury, Ct., somewhere around 1794, they moved to Staatsburgh, or Hyde Park, N.Y., where they resided a short time; thence to Schodack, Rensselaer county, N.Y., in 1795 or 1796; where he purchased land on the VanRensselaer manor, lying along what was afterward, if not then, the Boston and Albany turnpike; eight miles from Albany. Jennet Guffin Boughton died Jan. 15, 1830, Schodack, and was buried in Nassau (which was at first called Union Village), Rensselaer county, N.Y. Joseph Boughton m. second, April 28, 1830, Sarah Bates, of Carlisle, Schoharie county, N.Y. He died April 7, 1840, in Schodack, and was buried in Nassau. Sarah Bates Boughton died Aug. 24, 1840, in Schodack, and was also buried in Nassau. Joseph Boughton was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church in Nassau. At its first meeting he was elected and installed ruling elder in the church, which office he held till near the time of his death; always earnest, active and conscientious in his religious life, church records show that he was always in his place in all meetings of the church and session. He was genial, kind and sociable in his family and neighborhood. His family was a family of singers, particularly of sacred songs. "Joseph Broughton had one brother, Francis ... In 1833 Joseph Boughton visited his brother in Green[e] county, and on his way back stopped to visit a sister at Hyde Park, N.Y., whom he had not seen for twenty years. She was living with a son-in-law by the name of Smith, who had a daughter who played the organ in the Episcopal church at that time." [Descendants of John Bouton, 223; V151]"James Broughton, b. Danbury, Ct., Oct. 19, 1787, m. March 10, 1811, Charlotte Locke, b. Dec. 8, 1798, probably of Carlisle, Schoharie county, N.Y., where he had been a teacher a number of years. He purchased and settled on a farm lying in the towns of Carlisle and Cobleskill, Schoharie county, N.Y. Charlotte Locke Boughton died there in 1847 or 1848. After several years James Boughton married for the second wife, April 3, 1863, Mrs. Maria Dow, of Carlisle village, where they lived till his death, Nov. 17, 1879, aged 72 years and 26 days; he was buried there. Maria Dow Boughton lived there in 1887." [Descendants of John Bouton, 224; V152]"... [Gurdon] settled for a time on the old homestead in Cobleskill, where [Emma] died, leaving one child, Floyd; he took his child and went to Michigan, and subsequently Kansas, where the child died and he married a second time (name and address not known)." [Descendants of John Bouton, 225; V152]"Never had been ill in bed to have a doctor until his last sickness. He had a shock." [Mackey Genealogy, Z206]"...born Jan. 20, 176- ... Proba0ўџџџƒ0„0…0†0‡0ˆ0‰0Š0‹0Œ00Ž000‘0’0“0ўџџџ•0–0—0ўџџџ™0š0›0œ0ўџџџž0Ÿ0ўџџџЁ0Ђ0Ѓ0Є0Ѕ0І0Ї0Ј0Љ0ўџџџЋ0Ќ0ўџџџЎ0Џ0ўџџџБ0В0Г0Д0Е0Ж0ўџџџИ0Й0К0Л0М0ўџџџО0П0Р0С0ўџџџУ0Ф0Х0Ц0ўџџџШ0Щ0Ъ0Ы0Ь0Э0Ю0Я0а0б0в0г0д0е0ж0з0и0й0к0л0м0н0ўџџџп0р0с0т0у0ф0х0ц0ч0ш0щ0ъ0ы0ь0э0ю0я0№0ё0ђ0ѓ0є0ѕ0і0ї0ј0љ0њ0ћ0ќ0§0ў0џ01bly at New Paltz, New York..." [Mackey Genealogy, Z202]"MACKEY GENEALOGY First copied for Mrs. Lucinda C. Goff by Harriet Laraway Smith; Leeds, New York, March 9, 1902. Later added to by Mrs. Goff. "A complete Genealogical History, so far as I know of the Mackey family descendants of Alexander Mackey and Thankful Tuthill his wife. "The name is spelled different ways -- McKey, McKay, McKie, Mackay and Mackey. I find the names spelled different ways in the Town Records yet meaning the same name, also among my grandfather's papers, correspondence, rent rolls." [Mackey Genealogy, Z202]"...Had leg amputated at the knee on account of fever sore. She did not live long after." [Mackey Genealogy, Z204]A birth date of January 22, 1796 and a death date of January 8, 1877 apply to one of Anna Mackey's husbands, but it is not known which. [Mackey Genealogy, Z205]It is not clear from the Mackey Genealogy whether Bahama Mackey is a male or a female. [Z206]"...Lived and died on the place which her Grandfather Orr bought in 1806 and he died and Betsey Frayer his daughter owned it until her death in 1851. Then Roxyline owned it until her death in 1891. Now her daughter Lucinda owns it -- written in 1902. Note ; Lucinda Mackey Goff." [Mackey Genealogy; Z206]1938 -- Died same date as Samuel I. Brown. [Mackey Genealogy, Z212]1938 -- "...died same date as Emma Mackey Tripp." [Mackey Genealogy, Z212]"Leonard McClintock, born in South Worcester in 1870, is said to have practiced medicine there briefly. He settled in Matteawan (Beacon) and died in 1936." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 187]"born with cerebral palsy ... lived her life at home with her parents and after her death in ... Hudson River State Hospital ..." [Biography of Leonard McClintock; Z226]"Mackey Family moved west. There Bertha married. They moved to Louisiana and all died there with the Yellow Fever." [Mackey Genealogy; Z222]"...Judy's son just graduated from college in January and will be married May 1st ... in Rome, N.Y. ..." [Dorothy B. Smith letter, February 24, 1999; H28]" ... In 1879 Stephen Tripp had a shirt factory upstairs [in the Wightman Building at 81 Main Street in Worcester, New York]..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 64] "The two-story Pickett and Tripp Building at 86-94 Main Street [in Worcester, New York] was built in 1879-1880. ... The [western] part of the building was used by Stephen Tripp, a dealer in organs and pianos. He later added dry goods, notions, shoes and furnishing goods. The manufacture of men's shirts took place in the basement of this structure. At one time the enterprise made over 500 dozen shirts in one month. In 1895 the store was sold to [A.B.] Cady ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 69]"John McClintock of South Worcester [New York] and his sister we11111111ўџџџ 1 1 1 11111111111111ўџџџ1111 1!1"1#1$1%1&1'1(1)1*1+1,1-1.1/101112131415161718191:1;1<1=1>1?1@1A1B1C1D1E1F1G1H1I1J1K1L1M1N1O1P1Q1R1ўџџџT1U1V1W1X1Y1ўџџџ[1\1]1^1_1`1a1ўџџџc1d1e1f1g1h1i1j1k1l1m1n1o1p1q1r1s1t1u1v1w1x1y1z1{1|1}1ўџџџ1€1re burned to a crisp on a September evening in 1899. Reports indicated that they were robbed and murdered. They kept a considerable amount of money in the house and hid it in many odd places. John was not a believer in banks. No one knew for sure how much McClintock was worth; however, it was known that he had sold some cows the day before and received $500 in cash. He was considered one of the richest farmers in the vicinity. "The hop season and fairs attracted many desperate characters to the vicinity. It is supposed that some of them hearing of the old man's wealth broke into the house and tortured him and his aged sister until they revealed the hiding places where their wealth was stored. "When the neighbors arrived, the house, barn and outbuildings with their contents were engulfed in flames. The reddened sky could be seen for miles around. Later, the bodies were found in the cellar charred beyond recognition. "By the weekend hundreds of people visited the scene and pawed over the debris in search of stray treasures; none were found. Folks felt the fire had been planned by a cunning head and a diabolical heart. Murder, fire and intrigue left everyone filled with doubts and suspicion over the years." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 125]"The McClintock farm, sold in recent years by Walter and Helen McClintock, is the location of the family's original settlement on South Hill Road [in Worcester, New York]. Charles McClintock from Ireland and his wife Jane, from Scotland, came to the Town of Worcester in 1831 and bought the farm, which contained 150 acres. They had several children, including John and Margaret Ann, who continued to live on the farm. They remodeled the buildings and carried on general farming, keeping a dairy of 25 cows ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 41]1999, December 14 -- "East Worcester -- A. Joseph Sawyer, 57, of East Worcester, died Sunday, Dec. 12, 1999 at his home. "He was born Feb. 26, 1942, in Worcester, the son of Harold and Georgia (McClintock) Sawyer. "He married Sharon L. Martin. "Joe was the proprietor of Sawyer Drilling in East Worcester. "Joe was a member of Worcester United Methodist Church, the Worcester Wheelers Square Dancing Club, and was once the superintendent of the Worcester Highway Department. "Joe enjoyed flying, boating and riding his motorcycle. "Joe is survived by his wife, Sharon L. Sawyer of East Worcester; daughter, Cindy, and her husband, Eric Middleton, and their son, Court, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; stepchildren, Frank and his wife, Jeanette Robinson, and their children, Sarah and Ethan, of Worcester, John and his wife, Donna Robinson, and their children, Stephanie, Miranda and Christopher, of East Worcester, Ken Robinson of Worcester and Kathy and her husband, Doug Shutters, and their daughters, Jessica and Jennifer, of Maryland; brothers, Larry and his wife, Donna Sawyer, of Oneonta and Jerry and his wife, Patricia Sawyer, of Decatur; and several aunts, nieces, nephews and cousins. "A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1999, at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, Worcester, with the Dr. Rev. George I. Goodwin, of East Worcester, officiating. "Burial will take place at the East Worcester Lower Cemetery, state Highway 7, East Worcester ... "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in memory of Joe to the Catskill Area Hospice, Inc., and Palliative Care, of 542 Main St., Oneonta, N.Y. 13820 or the American Cancer Society ..." [Obituary of A. Joseph Sawyer, Oneonta Daily Star]"In 1895 the bank [of Worcester, New York] hired Edward Crippen as a bookkeeper at $325 yearly. His job included sleeping in the bank at night." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 100]"...Leonard had his first store in Tusculum [in Worcester, New York] near Silas Crippen's and it is thought that John Caryl took over that store when Leonard moved to the Brighton area after one year." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 25]"...In 1909 Mrs. Hellen Wilder Wieting purchased land for [The Wieting Opera House] to be built. She erected the brick building in memory of her late husband, Philip G. Wieting, and gave it to the Worcester [New York] community. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 159; includes photograph of building] "... The Wilders' daughter, Hellen, became the wife of Philip Wieting, and in later years she built The Wieting Opera House, a community building for the Town of Worcester, in memory of her husband. ... Hellen grew up in this house [151 Main Street, Worcester, New York]." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 32] "[Joseph Preston] was still in [the blacksmith] business when he sold the property [at 140 Main Street in Worcester, New York] to Mrs. Hellen Wilder Wieting ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 74]A portrait of Philip G. Wieting appears on page 100 of A Bicente1ўџџџƒ1„1…1†1‡1ˆ1‰1Š1‹1Œ11ўџџџ11‘1’1“1”1•1–1ўџџџ˜1™1š1›1œ11ž1Ÿ1 1Ё1Ђ1Ѓ1Є1Ѕ1І1Ї1Ј1Љ1Њ1Ћ1Ќ1­1Ў1Џ1А1Б1В1Г1Д1Е1Ж1З1И1Й1К1Л1М1Н1О1ўџџџР1С1Т1У1Ф1Х1Ц1ўџџџШ1Щ1Ъ1Ы1Ь1Э1Ю1ўџџџа1б1в1г1д1ўџџџж1з1и1й1к1л1м1н1о1п1р1с1ўџџџу1ф1х1ц1ч1ш1щ1ъ1ы1ь1э1ю1я1№1ё1ђ1ѓ1є1ѕ1і1ї1ј1љ1њ1ћ1ќ1§1ўџџџџ12nnial History of the Town of Worcester."Families purchasing land [in East Worcester, New York] around 1808 included that of Isaac Caryl, Sr., who set up a distillery on the south side of the Four Corners where the Caryl-Ely brick house now stands." ... "This is the location where Isaac [Caryl] Sr. had erected a distillery and built a home about 1810." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 34, 37]"David's wife, Polly Wright, a daughter of Orange Wright, was a staunch member of the First Baptist Church [in East Worcester, New York] after transferring her membership from the Worcester hamlet church. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"David W. Thurber's most enduring legacy to the [Worcester, New York] area was his development of the Thurber farm, formerly the Champion land, into what became the hamlet of East Worcester. David, the second son of Samuel Thurber, took possession of the property deeded to him bu his father in 1853, and by Ezra in 1855, and started to develop it. The property was subdivided, streets laid out, and many maple trees planted. He built at least six of the homes in the hamlet. Heg built a store on the corner of Maple and Main Streets and on what later would be the approximate site of the East Worcester Hotel. "According to tradition, Depot Street was the first road to be laid out and then lots along either side were sold. One lot was sold to David's youngest brother, George, who built the Susan Blair home in 1860. Maple Street was developed later. ... David, a Methodist, joined the Baptist Society and was elected to two three-year terms as trustee. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 35, 37] "The influential Thurber family included the brothers David W. and Nelson, who owned a store. In 1876 they advertised dry goods, groceries and ready-made clothing." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 80]"...David's son Arthur, the grandfather of Walter Thurber, remembered how as a young lad in 1860, he helped his father plant the trees that gave Maple Street [in East Worcester, New York] its name. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"Nelson, third son of Samuel, married Lucy Chamberlain of Worcester in 1851. Nelson, a Postmaster in East Worcester for many years, was also elected town Supervisor for six terms." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"About 1815 William Gott married Susan, the oldest daughter of Isaac Caryl Sr. They had three children: Isaac, Mary D. and William S." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"Just west of the Caryl home [in East Worcester, New York] stood a house which was remodeled into a hotel after the Champions quit the hotel business. From 1836 until 1848 it was kept by Samuel Witt and his wife Susan, a sister of Leonard Caryl. Later they moved to Carylville (West Richmondville) and became proprietors of a hotel." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 37]"... Philip Multer, was born in Germany and studied medicine there for six years..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 197] "The Multers and Beckers came from Germany ... Dr. Philip Ludwig Multer, the first of the Multer family to move into Worcester [New York] township, came in 1806 and settled on what is now the Arthur Hillis farm. This area included Center Valley Road, which was then called Hornknocker Road. It was also once called Multer Street. Several impressive homes and farms were built by Multer's children and grandchildren." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39] "Dr. Philip Ludwin Molter (Multer) came from Germany about 1806. He lived in the Schoharie area before settling in South Worcester. He practiced medicine and cared for his patients in his farmhouse." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 187]"The Multers and the Beckers came from Germany. ... The family o22222222ўџџџ 2 2 2 2222222222ўџџџ222ўџџџ222ўџџџ 2!2"2#2$2%2&2ўџџџ(2)2*2+2,2-2.2/20212ўџџџ3242526272ўџџџ92:2;2<2=2>2ўџџџ@2A2B2C2D2E2F2G2ўџџџI2J2K2L2M2N2O2ўџџџQ2R2S2T2U2V2W2X2Y2Z2[2\2]2ўџџџ_2`2a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2i2j2k2l2m2n2ўџџџp2q2r2ўџџџt2u2v2w2x2y2z2{2|2}2~22€2f Jacob Becker of Germany was probably the most influential in the settling of South Worcester [New York]. Jacob's children were born before he came there. He built a sawmill in South Worcester by about 1780. ..." [A Bicentennial HIstory of the Town of Worcester, 39]"Dr. William Stewart lived in South Worcester and practiced medicine for 60 years. His office, first used by a Dr. Owen, stood near where the schoolhouse was located. ... Dr. Stewart died in 1912. ... His office was moved an"... Abraham built a 60-room mansion ('Lindenwood') in the hamlet [of South Worcester, New York], and became one of the most famous lawyers in the county." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39; a photograph of Lindenwood is on the paper cover of this book.] "Abraham Becker was a prominent lawyer in South Worcester during the nineteenth century. He was the grandson of the original settler, Jacob. He not only practiced locally, but frequently traveled to Cooperstown for court terms. On occasion, he conducted legal business in Albany and New York City. For several years during the 1860s Becker ran a school in South Worcester where aspiring attorneys came to read law. At its height this school enrolled 22 students. The law office, which also served as a bank for a time, is still standing and is now a private residence. Over a hundred years later, some of Becker's law books still remain omn shelves in the front room. This property is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Neal Demby and occupied by Wenda Habenicht and David Cox." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 105] "Noteworthy among Worcester townspeople who became national figures were Abraham Becker and his son Washington Becker of South Worcester. Abraham, a prominent attorney of his day in central New York, organized the first bank in town in 1863. The financial institution, known as The First National Bank of South Worcester, received charter number 103 for national banks and was capitalized with $25,000. Abraham Becker personally visited Washington, D.C. and purchased $25,000 worth of government bonds to assure the bank's charter. His reputation was sufficient to guarantee that no patron would suffer loss. A second son, Volney, became the president, and Washington served as cashier. The bank operated in a small building on the south side of the Charlotte Valley Road opposite the Lindenwood Mansion. It closed in 1868, and its assets were liquidated, after Abraham's death." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 99] "South Worcester suffered from two serious fires during the early 1900s. Lindenwood, the 60-room Becker mansion, was destroyed by flames in 1905. The story is told that the fire started when a servant placed a coal scuttle filled with red hot coals on the wooden back porch. A long-time resident, Gladys Thompson, recalled watching the fire as a child as she sat on the steps of the hotel across the street. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 126]d restored ... [and] is now used as a library by the present owners, Dr. and Mrs. Neal Demby, and it serves South Worcester as the District No. 3 polling place." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 187]"...Washington Becker, father of Sherburn Becker ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 143]"Christian's son John D. Multer lived on a 200-acre farm ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39]"In 1906 John D. Bulson, first e"...Another Lodowick Becker, sixth child of Abraham, was born at South Worcester. His son Sherburn ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39] "... Washington Becker, father of Sherburn M. Becker ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 143] "One of the most colorful figures ever to live in the Town of Worcester [New York] was Sherburn M. Becker, grandson of that dominant nineteenth-century personage, Abraham Becker. Sherburn grew up in Milwaukee, graduated from Harvard University, then returned home to be elected mayor of Milwaukee at an early age. "Locally famous for his career as 'the boy mayor of Milwaukee,' Becker returned to settle in the community of his ancestors in 1928, determined to re-establish the family's former prominence. Until his death on February 22, 1949, he dominated all aspects of life in South Worcester. He moved his family into the renovated hotel. He bought up all the flat valley farm land from the Titus Hill Road west to the town line, the entire Will Beardsley farm at the intersection of the road to Worcester, and much of the acreage north of the hamlet. He gradually obtained a shop, the Olmstead and Sturges store, and eight private houses. He consolidated all these holdings into a 3,000-acre 'Charlotte Valley Ranch,' containing perhaps two dozen buildings. "Becker maintained a large dairy operation. He improved and preserved many of the buildings in the hamlet and provided employment for some residents. the Beckers spent about six months each year during 'the season,' generally from May to October, in South Worcester, and the remaining time at their Park Avenue apartment in New York City. The death of Irene Becker, Sherburn's wife, in 1961 brought an end to the era. "Local reaction to Sherburn Becker was mixed, but mostly negative. Stories of his generous, quixotic and autocratic nature abound a half-century later. The present physical attractiveness of South Worcester is due, at least in part, to his influence. On the other hand, he disrupted an established way of life, caused an accelerated loss of population and economic activity as persons whom he bought out moved away, and some residents say that he sapped the vitality of the community." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 84] "Anecdotes of Sherburn Becker's career abound. One that can be verified concerns the rumor that reached his ears during World War II which alleged that facial tissues would soon be unobtainable. Becker had his chauffeur drive him all over the countryside, stopping at every store and purchasing all the tissues in stock. When the old Olmstead and Sturges store in South Worcester was finally sold after Becker's death, hundreds of boxes of tissues remained stored in a back room." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 84] "...In the 1930s William H. Anthony won the Supervisor's post four straight times. It was said that Sherburn Becker's money was behind Anthony's campaigns. Becker had been elected the reform mayor of Milwaukee in 1906. He was a Republican and an opponent of the New Deal. He said that it was 'a good thing to be conservative' and that he was 'not in sympathy with parlor Socialism, which contemplates the overthrow of our present government ... let us not be led astray by ... theorists whose remedy is revolution.' Becker therefore detested Franklin D. Roosevelt and identified Frank Moak [one of Anthony's opponents] and all other Democrats no matter how conservative with the President. Indeed, Moak was such a penny-pincher that he was the only town board member to oppose the initial purchase of voting machines. The South Worcester tycoon was playing the role of king-maker; however, there is no evidence that Anthony was influenced in any way in his conduct in office." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 225; illustration on page 226] See also "Sherburn M. Becker, the 'Boy Mayor' of Milwaukee," an article by Alfred Henry Lewis in the Saturday Evening Post of October 6, 1906.mployed [by The Bank of Worcester, New York] in 1901, succeeded [George B.] Crippen as cashier. ... Bulson ... resigned in 1956 due to ill health." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 100, 102]"...Emmons B. Bulson entered [The Bank of Worcester, New York's] service in 1934 and was appointed assistant cashier in 1955. In 1969 following the retirement of [Melvin N.] Ferguson after 43 years' service with the institution, Bulson was named manager of the bank." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 102]"Jacob P. Multer, youngest son of Christian born in 1823, continued farming on the land of his father and grandfather ..." [A Bicentennial HIstory of the Town of Worcester, 39]   ўџџџ ўџџџ+ !"#$%&'()*,A-./0123456789:;<=>?@BNCDEFGHIJKLMOcPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdrefghijklmnopqs–tuvwxy{§џџџ|}~€2010, February 17 -- "Worcester -- Edith (Krejci) Bulson, 102, of Worcester, passed away Monday, Feb. 15, 2010, at Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, following a short illness. "Edith was born to Milo and Hildegard Johnson Krejci in Great Falls, Mont., on April 19, 1907. "After spending her early years in Montana where her father was a metallurgist with the Anaconda Copper Company, Edith's family moved to Chicago, Cleveland, back to Great Falls, and, in 1923, to New Jersey where she graduated in 1925, from South Orange and Maplewood (N.J.) High School. Edith then enrolled in Barnard College in New York City, graduating in 1929, with a degree in biology. "Following a brief period working for the Cornell Medical College at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, Edith, her sister and mother relocated to Uppsala, Sweden, while her father worked in Russia for two years as one of the American metallurgical experts assisting in one of Stalin's Five Year Plans. While in Sweden, she furthered her education at the University of Uppsala. "In late 1932, the middle of the Great Depression, the family returned to the United States, to a recently purchased and renovated family home in Decatur. Thanks to this move, she met the love of her life, Emmons B. Bulson of Worcester, whomk she married in 1937. For the remaining 72 years of Edith's life, her home was the house which she and Emmons purchased in 1938. "Until well into her nineties, Edith continued furthering her knowledge of the world around her by auditing courses at Hartwick College in Oneonta. She was an avid reader and, until recently, devoured the New York Times cover to cover and frequently worked their crossword puzzles, wrote short poems for family and friends celebrating their significant events, enjoyed traveling, doted on her pet cat and to the end loved to eat dessert -- especially chocolate. "One of the many highlights of her life was attending her 75th College Reunion and telling the 2004 graduates what college life in New York City was like for a woman in the 1920s. Edith was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Worcester, the Worcester Woman's Club, the Worcester Community Chorale and the Glimmerglass Opera Guild. "Edith was predeceased by her sister, Laura, in 1990; her busband, Emmons, in 1991; and a nephew, Stephen Milavec, in 2007. "She is survived by her two children, Christine Bulson of Worcester with whom she made her home, and Albin (Antoinette) Bulson of Dunnellon, Fla.; two granddaughters, Diana (Mark) Degon of North Attleboro, Mass., and Suzanne Bulson of Boston, Mass.; two great-granddaughters, Emily and Haley Degon; family friend, George Harrington of Morris; and a niece and nephew, Cynthia (James) Seward of Milford and Bruce (Sandra) Milavec of Oneonta. "A celebration of her life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, at the First Presbyterian Church in Worcester with a reception following at the Worcester Inn. There will be no calling hours. "In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the First Presbyterian Church ... or to the Worcester Emergency Squad ... The E.J. Skinner Co. ... is serving the family." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star;"... Helen lived on the farm now owned by Douglas Hillis, after her mother died. Douglas' parents Ralph and Mabel now reside on the farm property." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39]"Lewis Multer, son of Joseph, married Lorinda Mitchell in 1834. They went housekeeping near his father's home, where he lived until he died. For at least 40 years Lewis was a prosperous dairy farmer. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 39]"... The first president [of The Bank of Worcester, New York] was Madison H. Multer, a descendant of Dr. Philip Multer, an early resident of South Worcester. ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 100; includes portrait]2001, October 2 -- "... there is a book written by Louise Barnett entitled 'Ungentlemanly Acts' [Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux] that came out in 2000. In this book Fanny is said to have had an affair in the late 1870's with Andrew Geddes while they were at an Army base in Fort Stockton, TX, was sent home to New York, and there had an illegitimate child by Andrew Geddes ..." [Roger Fendall message, R54-R55]"Some of the pupils is Miss [Agnes] Smith's classes [in her sele"Napoleon Bonaparte McLaughlen, who was born in Chelsea, Vermont on December 8, 1823, began his military service in Texas in 1850 as a non-commissioned officer in the First U.S. Dragoons. He received a commission as second lieutenant in 1861, and joined the Union Army of Kentucky in 1862 as a captain, participating in the march through the state in December. That month, while attached to the Army of the Potomac, and by arrangement with his friend Governor Andrews of Massachusetts, he was named colonel of the First Massachusetts Volunteers. In that role on May 3-4, 1863, McLaughlen directed the fire on the Plank Road outside Chancellorsville that he subsequently maintained had killed Stonewall Jackson. As part of General Thomas Hooker's division he was in 11 battles, including Fair Oaks, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness and Gettysburg. He was recommended for commission as brevet brigadier general for his actions at Chancellorsville, and finally achieved that rank on March 31, 1865, for his record with the 57th Massachusetts at Poplar Grove Church, Virginia. McLaughlen was captured at Fort Stedman and spent the rest of the war in Libby Prison. "McLaughlen, whose ancestors came from Scotland, married Fanny Robinson, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Hamilton W. Robinson of Worcester [New York]. The Robinsons lived in the mansion on upper Main Street built by Fanny's grandfather, James W. Robinson. Katherine ('Kitty') McLaughlen, their daughter, was born at Fort Sill, Indian Territory (Oklahoma), where the General was stationed at the time. "McLaughlen retired in 1882, died in 1886, and was buried in the family plot in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester. His funeral service was held in the Congregational Church and was attended by a large gathering of friends, including military, Civil War veterans and townfolk. The service and the long procession slowly marching to the cemetery for the military burial was most impressive." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 47; includes photographs] "[The book} 'Ungentlemanly Acts' [says that] Supposedly the general had syphilis ... given his profession it's a convenient assumption to be made by historians. Only way to find out is to go to the Otsego Co. courthouse and get the papers covering the declaration of insanity which happened in 1884. Ditto after he died, his will was declared void ..." [Linda Robinson message; R56]ct school in Worcester, New York] were ... Charley Cooley ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 143; anecdote, page 144] "Charles H. Cooley bought and moved [Dr. William H. Leonard's] former one-story office to a vacant lot at 122 Main Street [Worcester]. Cooley added a second floor and painted the building red, white and blue, naming it 'The Colonial Building.' ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 184]"...Washington Becker, father of Sherburn M. Becker ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 143]"Harry Robinson Bigelow, Jr. (1910-1938) -- A native of Worcester [New York], Bigelow graduated from Cornell University Law School in 1934. He served his clerks2‚2ƒ2„2…2†2ўџџџˆ2‰2Š2‹2Œ22Ž222‘2’2“2”2•2–2—2˜2™2š2›2œ22ž2Ÿ2 2Ё2Ђ2Ѓ2Є2Ѕ2І2Ї2Ј2Љ2ўџџџЋ2Ќ2­2Ў2Џ2А2Б2В2Г2Д2Е2Ж2З2И2Й2К2Л2М2Н2О2П2Р2С2Т2У2Ф2Х2Ц2Ч2Ш2Щ2ўџџџЫ2Ь2Э2Ю2Я2а2б2в2г2ўџџџе2ж2ўџџџи2й2к2л2м2н2о2п2р2с2т2у2ф2х2ц2ч2ш2щ2ъ2ы2ь2э2ю2я2№2ё2ђ2ѓ2є2ѕ2і2ї2ј2љ2њ2ћ2ќ2§2ў2џ23hip in the office of Judge Donald H. Grant of Oneonta, then District Attorney. Bigelow joined the new firm of Close, Grant and Bigelow in 1935 after being admitted to the bar in January of that year. Bigelow died in October 1938 of injuries received in an automobile accident." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 106] A photograph of Harry Bigelow, Jr. shaking the hand of Babe Ruth appears on page 212 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester."In 1967 an itinerant preacher who specialized in reviving long-closed country churches appeared in South Worcester [New York], going door-to-door seeking support for the reopening of the Lutheran Church. He successfully rallied assistance and parishioners from a wide area. Sherburn M. ('Peter') Becker III, grandson of the first Sherburn, permitted Rev. Frank Jelsma to use the old church and to live in the rectory, and he contributed a substantial amount to the church's renovation. Sunday services attracted good congregations and Sunday school thrived. "On August 8, 1968, the building was rededicated as the Becker Memorial Communiuty Church with a large crowd in attendance. Unfortunately, however, Rev. Jelsma and a companion disappeared one night about a year later, along with all the church funds. Unconfirmed rumor placed them in Florida. Shortly thereafter, the Beckers sold the buildings. "Harold Ruland of Jefferson wrote 'A Brief History of The Becker Memorial Community Church of South Worcester, N.Y.' in 1968." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 142]"Julius Henry Caryl was the son of Leonard Caryl, who with his father and mother, Isaac and Susannah Snell Caryl, were early settlers in [Worcester, New York]. Julius married Eliza Jumel, grand-daughter of the celebrated Madame Jumel, owner of New York City's Roger Morris Homestead, otherwise known as the Jumel Mansion. For a short time this was the Headquarters of General George Washington. The property was sold to the New York Chapter of the D.A.R. The Edgecombe Avenue home in Washington Heights has a large display of Napoleonic articles of great worth that had been presented to Madame Jumel. Jewelry and other items had become the property of Eliza Caryl, who in turn presented the items to the society. Mr. and Mrs. Caryl are entombed in the Jumel Mausoleum in Trinity Churchyard at 155th Street and Broadway in New York City. The bodies of Isaac Barnes Caryl, a son of Julius and Eliza, and his wife and son, are also in the Jumel Mausoleum." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 197]An brief account of Madame Jumel's life, with a cameo drawing, and the stories of her family members, appear on page 28 of A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester. There are also a number of books on the subject, including The Amazing Madame Jumel, by William Cary Duncan (New York, Stokes, 1935)."... son of an early settler ..." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 198]2011, January 3 -- "Charlottevil33ўџџџ33333ўџџџ 3 3 3 333333333ўџџџ333333ўџџџ33 3!3ўџџџ#3$3%3&3'3(3)3*3+3,3ўџџџ.3/303132333435363738393:3;3<3=3>3?3ўџџџA3B3C3D3E3F3G3H3ўџџџJ3K3L3ўџџџN3O3P3Q3R3ўџџџT3U3V3W3ўџџџY3Z3[3\3]3^3ўџџџ`3a3b3c3d3e3ўџџџg3h3i3j3k3l3m3n3o3p3q3r3s3t3u3v3w3x3y3z3{3ўџџџ}3~3ўџџџ€3le -- Mrs. Esther H. Foote, 91, of Meade Road, died Saturday, Jan. 1, 2011, at A.O. Fox Hospital in Oneonta, following a short illness. "Born Oct. 3, 1919, in Charlotteville, she was the daughter of Delbert and Ida (Schermerhorn) Mead. "Esther was a lifelong area resident, retiring from Story House Corp. in 1997, after 13 years of employment/ "She was a nember of the Summit Grange, Charlotteville Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary, and the Schoharie County Home Bureau. "Esther was predeceased by her husband, Winthrop N. Foote on March 27, 1998. "Survivors include her three daughters, Ida (Robert Jr.) Shafer, Helen (Larry) Barry, and Ruth (Christopher) Williams, all of Charlotteville; 13 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. "A funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011, at the First Summit Baptist Church, 385 Baptist Church Road, Charlotteville, with the Rev. Grant Smith officiating. "Family and friends are invited to attend a period of visitation to be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011, at Mereness-Putnam Funeral Home, 171 Elm St., Cobleskill. Burial will follow in Charlotteville Rural Cemetery. "Memorial Contributions may be made to the Charlotteville Volunteer Fire Department ... " [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star; Z166A]"Harold Ruland of Jefferson wrote A Brief History of The Becker Memorial Community Church of South Worcester, N.Y. in 1968." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 142]"The will of Oliver Cady of Canaan, Columbia Co., N.Y., dated 12 Mar. 1813, recorded 1 Jan. 1814, mentioned his wife Elizabeth, son Ezra ($100), son Olover ($80), daughter Anna Waterman ($80); to Ela Cady, farm where I now live, he to pay the legacies ; son Roswell Cady ($15); Jesse Waterman was one of the witnesses." [Columbia County Wills, D-133; Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. 1, 329; N69]"...He was probably the Samuel who served in the Revolution with Elisha Waterman among the 'Levies' in Capt. Van Rensselaer's Co., Col. Marinus Willet's Regt." [Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. I, 329; N69]"He was a prosperous farmer, never loaned money on interest, but was generous and liberal." [Descendants of Robert Waterman, Vol. I, 330; N70]"In 1812, John Patten Holmes, one of twelve children of Samuel and Lucy Patten Holmes, came to Westford [New York] from Canaan, CT, with his wife, Lydia Peck, and perhaps also with his brother, Calvin. After teaching school in Dist. 4, John P. moved to McGraw, NY around 1838. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford, 136; C405]"Henry and Theodora, the first of the Peeters family to live in Westford [New York], were both born in Van Ray, Holland, and came to this country in 1918. ... they lived in Westford fifty years and had ten children. four of whom had died as infants in Chicago and one, Delphine, died in the flu epidemic at age 11. "The remaining five grew up on the farm where several members of the family still live [1986]. Recently their large pond and surrounding acreage was soild to the first housing development in town, known as Cooper Hills Estates. ..." [Two Centuries in Westford, 147; C410]"Two Centuries in Westford" [pages 147-148] lists Charles H. Burton's children as Lesley Ann, Minnie (m. Richard Keehle), Connie (m. Harry Hults III with children Sabrina and Harry IV b. 1986), Liza (child Joseph), Pam, Corina and Charles. It does not specify their mother. [C410-C411]"Herbert Peeters is widely known for raising fine Belgian horses." [Two Centuries in Westford, 147; C410]"Two Centuries in Westford" [page 148] lists Leslie Burton's children as Leslie, Jr., Jason, Beverly Ann and Lori Ann, but does not specify their mothers. [C411]"Two Centuries in Westford" [page 149] lists Christopher and Joshua as children of Jana, but does not specify their fathers. [C411]"Two Centuries in Westford" [page 149] lists Clyde, Jr. as a child of Clyde Pitcher, but does not specify his mother. Clyde Jr. married a woman named Mary, with children Gina and Clyde III. [C411]"The farm on the corner of Braun Road in Maple Valley [New York] which was once known as the Humphrey place later became the Pitcher place, after Myron ... had married Clara ..." [Two Centuries in Westford, 149; C411]"Gerrit F. Lansing, who came from Holland with three sons and three daughters, died in 1679. His great-great-great grandson, Evert II, was born in Schodack in 1773, married Jeanette Campbell, and died in Decatur in 1833. The Westford story begins with the youngest of their six children, James, who with his second wife, Mary Todd of Toddsville, had six boys and a girl, Sarah. She married Philip Snyder. James and Mary's youngest child, Zerah, became the father of seven girls, four of whom married into families included in [the genealogical report contained in Two Centuries in Westford]. All seven were married in the same room as their parents had been." [Two Centuries in Westford, 141; C407]"... 27 in 1880 with mother" [John D. Baldwin research, B142, B145]"... 22 in 1880, cartman, living3‚3ўџџџ„3…3†3‡3ˆ3‰3Š3‹3Œ33Ž333‘3’3“3”3•3–3—3˜3™3ўџџџ›3œ33ž3ўџџџ 3Ё3Ђ3Ѓ3Є3Ѕ3І3Ї3Ј3Љ3Њ3Ћ3Ќ3­3Ў3Џ3А3Б3В3Г3Д3Е3Ж3З3ўџџџЙ3К3ўџџџМ3Н3О3ўџџџР3С3ўџџџУ3Ф3Х3Ц3Ч3Ш3Щ3Ъ3Ы3Ь3Э3Ю3ўџџџа3б3ўџџџг3д3ўџџџж3з3и3й3к3л3ўџџџн3ўџџџп3р3с3т3у3ф3х3ц3ч3ш3щ3ъ3ы3ь3э3ю3я3№3ё3ђ3ѓ3є3ѕ3і3ї3ј3љ3њ3ћ3ќ3§3ў3џ34 with mother. Wife Maria _____ 20, both b. NY of NY par." [John D. Baldwin research, B142]1906, August 23 -- "Mrs. Frank DeLong and Mrs. A.C. Milliken and two children of New York are being entertained for a month by Mr. & Mrs. Oscar DeLong." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96B] An article on October 10, 1906 says they all "returned to New York on Saturday." [C96B] 1910, August 25 -- "Mrs. Maria DeLong and grandson James Milliken of New York are guests of Mr. & Mrs. Griggs." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96R] 1913, August 13 -- "Mrs. Maria DeLong of NY is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. M. Griggs." A December 3 article notes that "Mrs. M. DeLong and son Harry of New York are spending a few weeks at the Central [Hotel]." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96X]"... someone earlier gave the surname as Peper, and her [Eliza's] mother's obit. calls her Mrs. H.A. Piper." [John D. Baldwin research, B152]1968 -- "Hugh C. O'Neal, 67, Morristown R.R. 1, died at Community Hospital in Indianapolis. Mr. O'Neal was born April 5, 1901, at LeGrand, Iowa. He taught school and worked for 27 years at the American Radiator Company in Kokomo before moving to the Morristown area 16 years ago. He was employed in Morristown as a bookkeeper at the Soil Service Company. "Mr. O'Neal is survived by his wife, daughters, a son. "Other survivors include brothers Charles O'Neal, Vista, California, and Earl O'Neal, Naperville, Illinois; sisters Miss Hazel O'Neal, Naperville, and Mrs. Kyle (Zella) Benson, Amandaville, Virginia, 17 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. "Mr. O'Neal was a member of the Union St. Friends Church at Kokomo." [Dorothy Bruce Hicock research; C60P]" ... under 5 in 1830 otherwise unknown" [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"... 13 in 1850, 18 in 1855. She appears in 1865 as Emily A. Bardwell age ___." [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"... b. IL, 6 in 1865, gr-dau. [of Henry]" [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"... 9 in 1850, 24 in 1865, blacksmith." [John D. Baldwin research, B162] 1862 -- "DeLong, Henry N. --- Age, 22 years, Enlisted, August 8, 1862, at Cherry Valley, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 23, 1862; mustered out with company, June 25, 1865, near Hall's Hill, Va." [Patricia A. Hoye notes from the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, No. 36, 49; C59A]"... 4 in 1850, 9 in 1855, 19 in 1865." [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"... 1 in 1850, 16 [6?] in 1855." [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"She is prob. the Mary of Cherry Valley b. ca. 1853 who md. Aug 25, 1885 in the D.E. Ch, Fort Plain, Montgomery Co. Andrew Snedeker b. ca. 1858 of Cherry Valley" [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"... 9 in 1865." [John D. Baldwin research, B162]"Another likely son [of Peter] was Parvin b. ca 1809. Freeman li44444ўџџџ44 4 4 4 4 4444444444ўџџџ44444444 4!4"4#4$4%4&4'4(4)4*4+4,4-4.4/404142434445464748494:4;4ўџџџ=4>4?4@4A4B4C4D4E4F4G4H4ўџџџJ4K4L4M4N4O4ўџџџQ4R4S4T4U4V4W4X4Y4Z4[4\4]4^4_4`4a4b4c4d4e4f4ўџџџh4i4j4k4ўџџџm4n4o4p4q4ўџџџs4t4u4v4w4x4ўџџџz4ўџџџ|4ўџџџ~4ўџџџ€4ved in Parvin's Cleveland, Ohio home in 1870. A further association -- Abram gave a son the unusual name of Parvin (also Abram had a daughter Orcelia while Parvin called a daughter Celia). Before reaching Cleveland, Parvin had lived in Copley Tp., Summit Co., OH in 1850. ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B168] 1810 -- "the son age 0-9" {Baldwin, B170] 1820 -- "the son 10-16" [Baldwin, B170] 1835 -- "md. Cleveland, Ohio, Apr 2 Nancy Kirkpatrick b. 1811-2, NY, settled in Copley, Summit Co., Ohio 1835 per Women of Western Reserve which says Parvin came from Yates Co. (or is that her origin; Parvin was prob. from Clinton Co., NY.) (Cuyahoga Co., OH marriage records: DeLong, Parvin Mancy [sic] Apr 1, 1835.) [Baldwin, B170] 1840 -- "Bath Twp., Summit Co., OH" [Baldwin, B170] 18__ -- "tavern keeper, Bath Twp. (Hist. Summit Co., p. 624)" [Baldwin, B170] 1850 -- "Copley Twp., Summit Co. 41 and 38 both b. NY. The first child includes a page, then the enumerator must have turned two leaves inadvertently where the younger children continue." [Baldwin, B170] 1870 -- "11th Ward Cleveland age 61 b. NY hotel keeper. Where was Nancy?" [Baldwin, B170] 1872 -- "Mary wife of P.L. Delong d. May 7, age 60. She must have been same as Nancy ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B170] 1873 -- "her will (as Mary or Nancy? -- I think Mary) dated Jan. 7, 1869 was proved Cleveland May 23, 1873. Witnesses C.W. Manning (Nancy's son-in-law) and B.R. Bearis. Names oldest dau. Nancy Ann Channing (error for Manning, perhaps just in the transcript)." [Baldwin, B170] 1882 -- "transcript of Nancy's will in Summit Co., OH, treating with property in Copley Tp. Dec 1 (6:161)" [Baldwin, B170]"Freeman b. Plattsburgh 1812-3, was living in Day, Saratoga Co., NY in 1855 where he was identified as nephew of James ... he was likely son of Peter ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B168] 18__ -- "md. 1st _____ _____." [Baldwin, B173] 1855 -- "age __ in Day, Saratoga Co., nephew in home of James ... He was married but wife was not in enumeration" [Baldwin, B173] 1860 -- "Edinburgh, NY age __ and __." [Baldwin, B173] 1865 -- "Edinburgh age __ and __. With them in 1865 and/or 1860 were her ch. Stephen King b. Saratoga Co. 1846-7 and Margaret King b. Saratoga Co. 1852-3." [Baldwin, B173] 1870 -- "He lived in Cleveland, Ohio, 58, no occupation, living with probable brother Parvin." [Baldwin, B173] 1875 -- "Edinburgh NY, Freeman and Phebe, with two King children. Stephen King was in home with his wife Lottie." [Baldwin, B173] 18__ -- "I am unsure which census shows that Phebe was twice married and had been mother of nine children. There is no indication of any by Delong." [Baldwin, B173] 1880 -- "Edinburgh age 68 and 70." [Baldwin, B173] 1891 -- "he died Milton, Saratoga Co. Poorhouse Feb. 20." [Baldwin, B167 and B173]"Abram b. 1817 also in Clinton Co., reached Day by 1850 and was likely also son of [Peter.} ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B168] 1820 -- "middle of 3 males age 0-9" [Baldwin, B175] 1850 -- "Day, Saratoga Co., NY age 33 b. Clinton Co., Laura 27 b. Saratoga Co." [Baldwin, B175] 1855, 1865, 1870 -- "Day, same age variations" [Baldwin, B175] 1880 -- "Day" [Baldwin, B175]1893 -- "She d. Nov 23 (t.s.?) or 1891 (cem. rec other than t.s.?). She left a will dated Nov. 27, 1885, son Parvin exec., names Hiram, Orcelia, Adelia and Fayette. Recorded May 15, 1894." [John D. Baldwin research, B175]"... another likely son to [Peter] was Amos P. b. 1818-9, also of Copley [Township, Summit County, Ohio] 1850." [John D. Baldwin research, B168] 1820 -- "Youngest of three males age 0-9" [Baldwin, B190] 1840 -- "as A.P., Sharon Twp., Medina Co., OH, 01001001/00001. The oldest man is not identified, perhaps father-in-law?" [Baldwin, B190] 1850 -- "Copley Twp., Summit Co., OH, 31 and 30. He also appears in the Ohio penitentiary in Columbus, age 32, b. NY, hotelkeeper, for forgery." [Baldwin, B190] 1862 -- "his will written Sept. 14, 1861, proved Summit Co., Mar. 2, 1862. Wits. William S. Painter and A.F. Bartges. Benificiary was son Elbridge S. who was executor." [Baldwin, B190]"185_ - her death (likely bur. w/parents in Perry Township Cem., Allen Co., IN, no dates on t.s./rwd)" [John D. Baldwin research, B190]"... And also Cromwell b. 1821-2 [is a likely son of Peter} living in Amos' Copley (Township, Summit County, Ohio] home [in 1850]." [John D. Baldwin research, B168]"... Last [likely son of Peter] is a Peter, no dates known, who went from Clinton Co., NY to Copley [Township, Summit County, Ohio], later returned to Clinton." [John D. Baldwin research, B168]"14 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B170]"11 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B170]"8 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B170]"1 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin resўџџџ‚4ƒ4ўџџџ…4ўџџџ‡4ˆ4‰4Š4‹4Œ44Ž444‘4’4“4”4•4–4—4˜4™4š4›4œ44ўџџџŸ4ўџџџЁ4Ђ4ўџџџЄ4Ѕ4І4Ї4Ј4Љ4Њ4Ћ4Ќ4­4Ў4Џ4А4Б4В4Г4Д4Е4Ж4З4ўџџџЙ4ўџџџЛ4ўџџџН4О4П4Р4С4Т4У4Ф4Х4Ц4Ч4Ш4Щ4ўџџџЫ4Ь4Э4Ю4Я4а4б4в4г4д4е4ж4з4ўџџџй4к4л4м4н4о4п4р4с4т4у4ф4х4ц4ч4ш4ўџџџъ4ы4ь4э4ю4я4№4ё4ђ4ѓ4є4ѕ4і4ї4ј4љ4њ4ћ4ќ4§4ў4џ45earch, B170]1899 -- "... will dated Sep 25, 1899 ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B174]"4 in 1850, 9 in 1855" [John D. Baldwin research, B175]"2 in 1850, 7 in 1855. Served Civil War, res. Michigan 1878" [John D. Baldwin research, B175] A handwritten note on the back of the 1938 business card of Fayette [Philip] DeLong states that he had an "Uncle who went west (Iowa) named Fayette DeLong" [D76-D77] "Fayette DeLong was in the 93rd Regiment, Company F." [Donald P. Petro, Hamilton Broughton -- Civil War Years, page 6; V126] "DE LONG, FAYETTE. -- Age, 18 years. Enlisted, February 15, 1864, at Day, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, February 17, 1864; mustered out with company, June 29, 1865, near Washington, D.C.; also borne as Delong." [Copied by Patricia A. Hoye on March 22, 1999 from the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York, D77A] "8 mo. in 1850, 5 in 1855 ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B175]"6 in 1865, 15 in 1875, 21 in 1880 with parents." [John D. Baldwin research, B175]A business card of Fayette DeLong lists him as a special agent for The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, in its Century Club 1937-1938. It gives his residence as Portlandville, New York, telephone 14-F 4, and his business as at 3 Dietz Street, Oneonta, New York, telephone 710. A handwritten note on the reverse side says that he was "Born in Saratoga Co. Grandfather was 'Abe DeLong' Uncle who went west (Iowa) named Fayette DeLong." [D76-D77] A letter of July 7, 1938 on Equitable stationery to Mrs. Gilbert [Irene D.] Smith of Worcester, New York promises to call on her "soon," presumably to discuss family history. [D119]"age 0-4 in 1840, 11 in 1850." [John D. Baldwin research, B190]"8 in 1850" [John D. Baldwin research, B190]"[Zopher] kept store at West Day and moved in the 1860s to Glens Falls where he was a hardware merchant and active in Democratic politics. He and his wife were members of the First Presbyterian Church there, and a memorial fund in her memory is still in existence. The Z.I. DeLong home [at 348] Glen St. has been donated to the community as a museum, home of the Glens Falls-Queensbury Historical Society." [John D. Austin research, E101]"[Theodore] moved to Glens Falls from Day in 1853 and worked at the Hermon Peck hardware store. In 1860 he went into the hardware business with his father and was a merchant for 50 years. He was a Director of the First National Bank, Glens Falls Insurance Co. and Portland Cement Co., and a member of the First Presbyterian Church. His family home was on Glen St., two south from his father's home." [John D. Austin research, E101]"Edward began in the shoe business at the age of 13 and worked at Elizabethtown, St. Albans VT, Troy, Boston MA, and Glens Falls; he was an auto pioneer in Glens Falls, beginning as president of the Glens Falls Automobile Co. in 1908 and was also affiliated with Republic Oil Co., Premier Oil and Sulphur Co. and Belle Isle Corp.; he was president of the Pottersville Fair for many years and president of the Glens Falls Automobile Club for 14 years; he was also a member of fraternal and lineage groups." [John D. Austin research, E101]"He was educated in the public schools, and worked in his father's store. On January 1, 1860, he entered the employ of Daniel Peck, a hardware merchant of Glens Falls, remaining one year, when the firm of Z.I. and T.S. DeLon55555555 5 5 5 5 5555555555555555555 5!5"5#5$5%5ўџџџ'5(5)5*5+5,5-5.5/505152535455565758595:5;5<5=5>5?5@5A5B5C5D5E5F5G5H5I5J5K5L5M5N5O5P5Q5R5S5T5U5V5W5X5Y5Z5[5\5]5^5_5`5a5ўџџџc5d5e5f5g5ўџџџi5j5k5l5ўџџџn5o5p5q5r5s5t5u5v5w5x5y5z5{5|5}5~55ўџџџg purchased his entire interest and the business was conducted under the firm name of Peck, DeLong & Company until January 1, 1862, then changed to DeLong & Son, which was continued until 1872, when it was again changed to DeLong & Sons, John Barker (who was in the employ of the firm from 1861 to 1872) having been admitted to the membership. They conducted a most successful business until the death of Zopher I. DeLong. The sons continued the business, merely changing the firm name to DeLong Sons, under which title the business has since been conducted. John B. DeLong is a director of the First National Bank, and is considered one of the substantial citizens of his city. He served as village trustee before the incorporation of Glens Falls as a city ..." [Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 318; E69] "[John] followed his brother Theodore to Glens Falls and was first employed at the post office there at the age of 12. On 1 Jan. 1860 he went to work for Daniel Peck, hardware merchant, and the next year he joined the firm of Peck, DeLong and Son. ... he was a Glen St. merchant for 65 years. He was a director of the First National Bank, Glens Falls Portland Cement Co.; Glens Falls, Sandy Hill and Fort Edward Street Railway Co. and the Glens Falls Electric Light Co.; a village trustee, village water superintendent, and elder of the First Presbyterian Church and a member of the Glens Falls Examining Board of Plumbers. The family resided on Elm St. until the death of his sister Catherine, when they moved to his father's house [at 348] Glen St. ... According to a recollection, 'his step was as springy as his disposition was cheerful.'" [John D. Austin research, E102]"... He was educated in the common schools and at the Glens Fall‚“„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’ўџџџ”•—Ѕ˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄІИЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗЙЩКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЪкЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийлџмнопрстуљхцчшщъыьэюўџџџ№ёђѓєѕіїјўџџџњћќ§ў5s Academy. as a young man he entered the First National Bank of Glens Falls as a clerk, later he became teller, and he remained with the bank eight years. His next position was with the wholesale and retail grocery business, in which he remained five years. In 1878 he became connected with the Glens Falls Fire Insurance Company, and is at present [1911] its treasurer and one of its directors. ..." [Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 318; E69] "Called 'Cut,' he was educated at Glens Falls Academy and took a position as clerk, later teller, at the First National Bank, remaining there eight years. He then worked five years with the wholesale and retail grocery store of Peck, DeLong and Co. He joined the Glens Falls Insurance Co. in 1878, remaining there 38 years and serving as treasurer and director until his retirement 2 Feb. 1917. He also served as director of the Kendrick and Brown lumber firm, the Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Corp. and Commerce Insurance Co. He was elected village trustee and clerk and served on the Glens Falls Board of Education for 14 years. He was an active fireman for eight years, and was a Mason and Elk, and a three-term trustee of the First Presbyterian Church. He was treasurer of the Red Cross for three years following entry of the nation into World War I, and he later worked with soldiers' relief. The family home was on the west side of Bay St., near the Civil War Monument. They spent summers at their camp on East Side, Lake George, from 1903 to 1928 and by his will he established DeLong Park there under an obscure provision of state law. He was described as a 'much beloved citizen,' and 'known as a man of unusual kindness of heart.' He was remembered for 'many deeds of philanthropy, privately and tactfully performed.'" [John D. Austin research, E102-E103]"[William] was a wealthy lumberman, and their house in Winona later belonged to the Catholic Church and may have been used as a museum." [John D. Austin research, E103]"... He began his business career in the dry goods store of Lasher & Freleigh, where he remained seven years. He then formed a partnership with William H. Robbins, as Robbins & DeLong. They conducted a successful dry goods business in Glens Falls. Mr. DeLong withdrew from the dry goods business and became interested in the Glens Falls Brick Company, organized in 1840. In 1886 he became sole owner of the company, which has continued under his wise management ... He served three terms as supervisor of the town of Queensbury, Warren county, and for one term was chairman of the board. ... He is first vice-president of the Glens Falls Trust Company, one of the organizers and a director of the Empire Real Estate & Theatre Company, president and general manager of the Granite Brick Company, amd president of the Glens Falls Hospital. He is a member of the Masonic order ... being raised a Mason in 1871, immediately upon reaching his majority. Politically he is a Democrat. In 1909 he was the successful candidate of his party for the state legislature. During the session he served on assembly committees, Indian affairs and villages. ..." [Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 318; E69] "'Dan' was educated at Glens Falls Academy and worked seven years at the Lasher and Freleigh dry goods store. At the death of Harvey R.T. Coffin, his brother-in-law, he bought the Coffin brickyard and operated it as the Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Co. until his death. He added an eight-tunnel drier to the 45-acre site, and the firm was producing five million bricks a year in 1897. Active with the Democratic party, he was elected supervisor of the Town of Queensbury and member of the New York State Assembly from Warren County. He was a vice president of the Glens Falls Trust Co. The family resided on Glen St. across from his father in the 1870s, moved by 1883 to Bay St., near his brother J. Cutler, and in the 1890s to the Glenwood Ave. mansion (today an antique center). In the 1930s, the family moved to the west side of Glen St., south of Grant Ave." [John D. Austin research, E103-E104] "The Glens Falls Brick Company was founded in 1848 by the Coffin family. In 1872 the enterprise was owned by Harvey Coffin, the brother-in-law of Daniel Peck DeLong. Coffin had married Catherine DeLong, the youngest daughter of Zopher and Catherine DeLong. By 1881 Daniel DeLong, son of Zopher and Catherine, had gone into business with Harvey Coffin and by 1888 Daniel was the sole proprietor. "An 1897 Glens Falls publication noted the Glens Falls Brick Company was located on 45 acres in the vicinity of Glenwood Avenue and Hovey Pond. Thehy owned an eight tunnel brick drier that produced 5 million bricks per year. "The first clay for making Glens Falls Bricks was extracted from Hovey Pond which was originally called Coffin Pond, then Brickyard Pond and finally Hovey Pond. The pond was once smaller, but was enlarged with the removal of clay for brickmaking. Water from the pond was also used to power the operation. Once they had exhausted the clay supply, the company purchased more land for clay behind what is today the Cool Insurance/Troy Savings Bank Building on the corner of Bay and Country Club Road. "Daniel DeLong's home is the brick home on Glenwood Avenue, just off Quaker Road. Today it is Glenwood Manor Antiques. Daniel was born in 1850 in Saratoga County. In 1873 he married Emily Tearse. They had six children (Daniel Peck, Elsie, Chester Scott, Robert Tearse, Archibald Z., and Walter J.). Two children, Elsie and Chester, died as young children. Daniel Sr. was educated at Glens Falls Academy. He served as Queensbury Town Supervisor and Warren County representative to the NY State Assembly." [History of the Glens Falls Brick Company; Chapman Historical Museum; E69L] "Joseph was called a 'traveler,' boarding at his father-in-law's home on Glen St. in the 1880s ..." [John D. Austin research, E104]"[George] left Glens Falls in his youth and res. for a time with his sister Ione in Winona MN. After his marriage at Eau Claire WI he res. Iowa and Minnesota. He was a lumberman in Minnesota and Wisconsin, having commenced his career in northwest Iowa. He established a lumber business in Hudson WI, which he continued until retirement. The George Palmer DeLong Lumber Mills were located at Nickerson MN, south of Duluth, operating from the late 1890s until prior to World War I. He later res. at St. Paul MN, then at Los Angeles CA the last few years before his death." [John D. Austin research, E105]5‚5ƒ5ўџџџ…5†5‡5ўџџџ‰5Š5‹5Œ55ўџџџ55‘5’5“5”5•5–5—5˜5™5š5›5œ55ž5ўџџџ 5Ё5Ђ5Ѓ5Є5Ѕ5І5Ї5Ј5Љ5Њ5Ћ5Ќ5­5Ў5ўџџџА5Б5В5Г5Д5Е5Ж5З5И5Й5ўџџџЛ5М5Н5О5П5Р5С5Т5У5Ф5Х5Ц5ўџџџШ5Щ5Ъ5Ы5Ь5Э5Ю5Я5а5б5в5г5д5ўџџџж5з5и5й5к5л5м5н5о5п5р5с5т5у5ф5х5ц5ч5ш5ўџџџъ5ы5ь5э5ўџџџя5№5ё5ђ5ѓ5є5ѕ5і5ї5ј5љ5њ5ћ5ќ5§5ў5џ56"... remembered as very accomplished and a great beauty, resembling Queen Mary ..." [John D. Austin research, E105]"Ino graduated from Carleton College at Northfield MN and res. the next year in Glens Falls ..." [John D. Austin research, E105]" ... the large altar window [at the Anoka Congregational Church was] given as a memorial by Scott, his sister and their families to their parents." [John D. Austin research, E112]"Catherine, called Kitty, was a great favorite of her father and kept house for him after her mother died. She was an active worker in the Presbyterian Church of Glens Falls. At her death, the newspaper called her the 'embodiment of all that is lovely in womanhood.' Harvey was in New York City when his wife was taken ill and did not reach Glens Falls until two hours after her death. The funeral was conducted at the Glen St. house, with her four brothers serving as pallbearers." [John D. Austin research, E105]"Harvey made a joke of his middle initials, claiming that they stood for 'Rat Trap.' He was employed as a lime company bookkeeper in 1875, and he bought the Glens Falls Brick Company in 1883. The firm was later known as the H.R.T. Coffin Brick Works. In 1882 he organized the Jointa Tile and Brick Co. He was later in the poultry business, and by 1915 he res. on a ranch at Termo CA. He was engaged in the insurance and real estate businesses at nearby Susanville." [John D. Austin research, E105-E106]"[Theodore] was a civil engineer and surveyed Glens Falls Cemetery 1902-3. He worked for the City of New York from 1903 until he retired as division engineer for the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. They res. Katonah NY and after his retirement at Saybrook CT, Peabody MA and Fairfield CT." [John D. Austin research, E112]"[Erle] moved from Glens Falls to a ranch at Termo CA with his father and they raised mules for the U.S. Army during World War I. Erle was a purebred Hereford cattle breeder. He was later associated with his father in the real estate and insurance businesses at Susanville. He was an inheritance tax appraiser for Lasser County CA where he res. most of his life." [John D. Austin research, E112]"They res. most of their married life at her father's former home on Elm St. and spent summers at the Kattskill Bay camp built by her grandfather. She was a founder of the PTA movement in Glens Falls and a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. ... At the age of 74 Mrs. Hall was struck by a taxicab while walking in Glen St. at South and suffered a broken hip, from which she never recovered." [John D. Austin research, E106]"Cliff graduated from Argyle Academy and had a varied business career, including the insurance, real estate, handware and hotel businesses. He came out of retirement in World War II to do precision work for the Sandy Hill Iron and Brass Works. He was licensed as a master plumber and was the first licensed automobile driver in Warren County. He was elected city chamberlain of Glens Falls in 1931. ... Cliff later sold the family home and moved into an apartment on Montcalm St., Glens Falls, doing his own cooking and household chores until his death 30 Dec. 1963 at the age of 90." [John D. Austin research, E106]"After his second marriage, he res. at Westford MA. He moved back to Glens Falls when he became terminally ill." [John D. Austin research, E113]"... with brother Charles [Arthur] conducted the family hardware6ўџџџ6666ўџџџ6 6 6 6 6 66666666666666666ўџџџ6 6!6"6#6$6ўџџџ&6'6(6)6*6+6,6-6.6/606ўџџџ2636465666768696:6;6<6=6>6ўџџџ@6A6B6C6D6E6F6G6H6I6J6K6L6M6N6O6P6Q6R6S6T6U6V6W6ўџџџY6Z6[6\6]6^6_6`6a6b6c6d6e6ўџџџg6h6ўџџџj6k6l6m6n6o6p6ўџџџr6s6t6u6v6w6x6y6z6{6|6ўџџџ~66€6 business in Glen St., Glens Falls, as DeLong's Sons from 1928 until his retirement about 1935. The store was leased to Nugent's clothing firm, and the hardware business in its last years was conducted from 9 Exchange St. Art's family home was on Hunter St." [John D. Austin research, E107] On July 13, 1938, Arthur J. DeLong wrote a letter to Irene M. Smith of Worcester, New York, discussing sources of family history information. The letterhead reads: "DeLong's Sons/Hardware and Stoves/Plumbing and Heating/No. 120 Glen Street/Glens Falls, N.Y." [D120]"[Minnie] spent 55 years of married life in the home where she died, located on the west side of Bay St." [John D. Austin research, E102]"[Charles] moved with his family to Glens Falls at the age of six and later attended Elmwood Seminary. He was an accountant in the D.W. Sherman general store at Glen and Park St. until he went with the Glens Falls Insurance Company in July of 1891. He was employed by the Insurance Co. for more than 40 years, retiring as cashier. He served as Glens Falls councilman-at-large 1940-44, and at his death at the age of 83 he had been endorsed by the Democratic party for nomination as city assessor in the fall. He was an organizer of the Old Glens Falls Club and attended Christ Church, Methodist. The family home was at 500 Glen St. His widow moved to Putney VT to reside with a dau. after his death." [John D. Austin research, E108]"[Nancy] served as secretary from the founding of the Putnbey School, later as editor of its school quarterly and for many years as alumni secretary; ... res. with sister Edith at Putney VT." [John D. Austin research, E108]"[Cutler] was a founding employee of Polaroid Corp.; had numerous publications and patents; inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1962; res. Cambridge MA for over 50 years; was an enthusiastic bicyclist; at age of 83 he bicycled a 65-mile round trip to the 20th anniversary celebration of the Charles River Wheelmen; ..." [John D. Austin research, E108]"[Howard] engaged in mercantile pursuits in Glens Falls from 1897 to 1906. Then he practiced law, in partnership for a time with James S. Kiley and as City Attorney under Mayor Charles H. Hitchcock. He brought an action against the Delaware and Hudson Railroad and was successful in having the Beach Road at Lake George kept open to the public. His widow later res. at Alexandria VA and Gardiner ME." [John D. Austin research, E109]"Rob came to Glens Falls with his parents at the age of three. He attended Elmwood Seminary and Glens Falls Business College and joined the Glens Falls Insurance Co. 7 Jan. 1889 as office boy. He became treasurer in 1917 and was secretary-treasurer from 1929 to 1940, a director of the company at the time of his death. He served as a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, trustee of the Crandall Library from 1925 to his death, trustee of the Crandall Trust, treasurer of the Red Cross, chairman of the Warren County draft board during World War II, secretary-treasurer of Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Co., honorary director of the Chamber of Commerce, and active with the Old Glens Falls Club and the Glens Falls Historical Association." [John D. Austin research, E109-E110]"[Emily] moved to Glens Falls with her family at the age of three; was a member of the First Presbyterian Church for over 80 years, singing with the choir for 25 consecutive years, serving as president of the Aid Society and for 12 summers entertaining the Woman's Missionary Society at its annual outing at the family home on Glenwood Ave. She was a charter member of the Woman's Civic Club of Glens Falls." [John D. Austin research, E103]"... afflicted with nervous disease from childhood." [John D. Austin research, E104]"Arch was employed at Glens Falls by the Little and Loomis insurance agency and moved to Vancouver in the 1920s to continue insurance work; at Glens Falls, they res. on the east side of Glen St., north of Sanford." [John D. Austin research, E104]"[Ella] was a noted church and concert vocal soloist; she was founder and president of the Glens Falls Woman's Civic Club and a director of the New York State Federation of Woman's Clubs; she was later president of the Vancouver YWCA and the Georgian Club of Vancouver, and was a member of the Shaugnessy Heights United Church of Vancouver ..." [John D. Austin research, E104]"... in the early 1900s [Robert] was in partnership with William H. Rice in insurance and real e6‚6ƒ6„6…6†6‡6ˆ6ўџџџŠ6‹6Œ66Ž666‘6’6“6”6•6–6—6˜6™6š6›6œ66ž6Ÿ6 6Ё6Ђ6Ѓ6Є6Ѕ6І6Ї6Ј6ўџџџЊ6Ћ6Ќ6ўџџџЎ6Џ6А6Б6ўџџџГ6Д6Е6Ж6ўџџџИ6Й6К6Л6М6Н6О6П6Р6С6Т6У6Ф6Х6Ц6Ч6Ш6Щ6Ъ6Ы6Ь6Э6Ю6Я6а6б6в6г6д6е6ж6з6и6й6к6л6м6н6о6п6р6с6т6у6ф6х6ц6ч6ўџџџщ6ъ6ы6ь6э6ю6я6№6ё6ђ6ўџџџє6ѕ6і6ўџџџј6љ6њ6ўџџџќ6§6ў6ўџџџ7state; he was secretary-treasurer of the Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Co. and a partner in the successor firm, DeLong Fuel Co.; active with the Democratic party he served as Glens Falls city chamberlain from 1951 to 1961; Mason." [John D. Austin research, E104]"... At the close of the [Revolutionary] war, Polly Hunter married Peter Bailey Tearse, who was descended from French Huguenots, and was born in New York in 1753. His famnily were among the few who escaped the massacre of St. Bartholomew in 1572. They made their way to this country by way of England. He was lieutenant, captain and finally adjutant in Colonel Willett's company ... Upon his return to Fort Edward, he rebuilt the old home which is one of the three oldest houses in the town. He owned a house in Albany, where he resided during the winter ... "He served in the revolutionary war at the battle of Fort Stanwix, and was later in an Albany regiment. ... In the New York land papers mention is made of the claim of Peter B. Tearse of fifteen hundred acres of land in lieu of his services during the war. He studied law with Yates (afterward governor of New York), and was a member of assembly in 1786-87-88-89, also town moderator. ..." [Hudson and Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 319; E68]"He died shortly after the birth of a daughter, 'Polly'" [Hudson and Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 319; E68]"... Mrs. Hunter died a year after her arrival in America. ..." [Hudson and Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 319; E68]"... During the passage [to America] Mr. Campbell died ..." [Hudson and Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 319; E68]"... On account of religious differences (they having espoused the cause of the Church of England), the Campbells decided to come to America. They accordingly sailed, bringing with them their daughter Katherine and granddaughter Polly. During the passage Mr. Campbell died, and Mrs. Hunter died a year after her arrival in America. Mrs. Campbell, being possessed of considerable wealth, decided in spite of these troubles to remain in America. She made a great many friends and after a time married a Mr. McNeil. They removed to the town of Queensbury, where they bought a large tract of land. Mr. McNeil died, but revolutionary war history, as well as family records, show that the widow, Mrs. McNeil, and her granddaughter Polly Hunter were living in comfort at Fort Edward. She was devotedly attached to her adopted country, and would not listen to the entreaties of her friends to return to Scotland. While in New York she made many acquaintances among the Huguenots, and to one of them, Adjutant Peter B. Tearse, an officer in the continental army, Polly Hunter became engaged. On the approach of Burgoyne's army, July, 1777, Adjutant Tearse urged them to go to Albany. They were preparing to go on the morning of the capture and murder of Jane McCrea, who was visiting Mrs. McNeil at the time. She and Polly Hunter escaped to the camp of General Fraser, and from there proceeded to Albany. When General Fraser was wounded she was able to reach him before his death. ..." [Hudson and Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. I, 319; E68]"... m. prob. (1) Elizabeth Gildersleeve and had Elizabeth b. 28 Feb., bapt. Claverack 13 May 1787; m. (2) 21 Feb. 1788 Christine Martin, and had Peter b. 29 Jan., bapt. 15 Mar. 1789; Polly b. 25 May, bapt. 26 June 1791; Janettje b. 23 Dec. 1793, bap. 2 Feb. 1794." [Resolving the DeLong-Lewis Confusion, by John Austin, 5; Z42]"[Immigrant] to America from the District of Magdeburg, Germany 1891" [Meister family chart, V180]"[Immigrant] to America from the District of Magdeburg, Germany May 7, 1892" [Meister family chart, V180]"[Immigrant] to America from the District of Magdeburg, Germany May 7, 1892" [Meister family chart, V180]"[Immigrant] to America from the77ўџџџ777ўџџџ7 7 7 7 7 7777777777777777777 7!7"7#7$7%7&7'7(7)7*7+7,7-7.7/707172737475767778797:7ўџџџ<7=7>7ўџџџ@7A7B7C7D7E7F7G7ўџџџI7J7K7L7M7N7O7ўџџџQ7R7ўџџџT7U7V7W7X7Y7ўџџџ[7\7]7ўџџџ_7`7a7b7c7d7e7ўџџџg7h7i7j7k7l7m7n7o7p7q7r7s7t7u7v7w7x7y7z7{7ўџџџ}7~77€7 District of Magdeburg, Germany Jan. 1, 1895" [Meister family chart, V180]"[Immigrant] to America from the District of Magdeburg, Germany Jan. 1, 1895" [Meister family chart, V180]1936 -- "Schenevus, Oct. 19 -- Mrs. Jessie (Ullman) Freeman, wife of James Freeman, died at her house on Smoky avenue Thursday at 12:30 after an illness of over two years. She had been confined to bed only since Monday night. Saturday evening she went to a Cobleskill theatre. "Jessie Ullman was born in Sharon May 23, 1878, a daughter of Andrew and Elmina (Engall) Ullman. When a young girl she lived with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Granger of Westford, where she met and married James Freeman July 2, 1901. "She leaves her husband; one son, Alva, residing at home; two brothers, T.A. Tracey of Washington, D.C. and Homer Ullman of Rochester, and one sister, Mrs. Robert Baker of Cooperstown. "The funeral was held from Tillapaugh's Funeral home Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. F.E. Dodd officiated. Burial was in the Schenevus cemetery. Bearers were Richard Meed, Lee Palmatier, I.J. Banker and John Chase. "Friends from out of town who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Miss Almina Baker, Miss Leona Baker, Andrew Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Baker, all of Cooperstown; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoosier, Meridale; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ullman, Romulus; Mrs. Marguerite Ullman, Canajoharie; Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Kougher and Ruth Kougher, Canajoharie; Mrs. Chauncey Baird, Euphratah; Mrs. Rose Beck, Milford; Jay Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord, Jr., Fort Plain; Archie Wade, Miss Anna Wade, Worcester; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freeman and son Harold, Jefferson; William Freeman, Delhi; Edward Freeman, Summit; Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pickard, Westford." [Newspaper article, N13]Details of the life of Job Babcock appear on pages 12 and 13 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O140-O141]"In 'The History of the First Church of Stonington,' by R.A. Wheeler, is the following: 'Sept. 14, 1692 Elizabeth Babcock daughter-in-law (stepdaughter) of William Johnson, baptized by Rev. James Noyes, Pastor of First Stonington Church.'" [Harriet Babcock information, O53]"In Mass. General History Society's Works, Vol. IX, is found the marriage in Taunton of Mary Babcock and John Macomber, Sr., Jan. 7, 1685/6. This may have been Mary, daughter of John and Mary Lawton Babcock." [Harriet Babcock information, O54]The details of George Babcock's life appear on pages 19-22 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O147-O150]"Elihu, b., tradition says, the 'day after the Great Swamp Fight,' Dec. 19, 1675" [Harriet Babcock information, O55] Details of the life of Elihu Babcock appear on page 22 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O150]Details of the life of Col. Oliver Babcock appear on pages 24-26 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O152-O154]"Urgel LaForest and family were part-Indian from a reservation in Canada. Urgel used to steal items of cargo from railroad cars in Waterford, New York." [Family story; Jane A. Roberts, F18] "Chippewa Indian (Canada)" [Dawn Manchester notes; F26]"The following was copied from a journal left by Nathaniel Babcock, Sr,: 'June, the 9th day, 1755, my well-beloved son Jonas Babcock left home, and June 11 he set out for Norwich (Ct.) and Crown Point, and Sept. 5 he arrived at Lake George, and the 8th of the month they had a battle with the French and Indians; 24th of Sept. he was taken sick. The 4th of Oct. he left Lake George and came to Albany. He died Oct. 15th, about 2 o'clock at night, being in the 19th year of his age. Oct. 18, 1755, I got to Albany in four days to see my son's grave and fetch his clothes, which almost broke my heart. I was gone eight days and a half from home.'" [Babcock Genealogy, 53-54; O162-O163]2003, June 4 -- "Cohoes -- June F. Kennedy Roberts, 72, of Cohoes, died June 2, 2003. June is survived by her children, Linda Cl7‚7ƒ7„7…7†7‡7ˆ7‰7Š7‹7Œ77ўџџџ77‘7’7“7”7•7–7—7˜7™7ўџџџ›7œ77ž7ўџџџ 7Ё7Ђ7Ѓ7Є7Ѕ7І7Ї7Ј7Љ7Њ7Ћ7Ќ7­7Ў7Џ7А7Б7В7Г7Д7Е7Ж7З7И7Й7К7Л7М7Н7О7П7Р7С7Т7У7Ф7Х7Ц7ўџџџШ7Щ7Ъ7Ы7Ь7Э7Ю7ўџџџа7б7в7г7д7е7ж7з7и7й7к7л7м7н7о7п7р7с7т7у7ф7х7ц7ч7ш7щ7ўџџџы7ь7э7ю7ўџџџ№7ё7ђ7ѓ7ўџџџѕ7і7ї7ўџџџљ7њ7ћ7ќ7§7ў7џ78ark Deshler, Kim Roberts, Leo R., Bruce D. and Eugene A. Roberts; siblings Diana St. John, Barbara Conners, Anna Liebach, Julia Conners, Emma Chaplin, Nedda Gibson, James, Max, Bill, and Chris Kennedy; 13 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Services, Fitzgerald Funeral Home, Friday at 8:30 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Joseph Church, Cohoes at 9:00 a.m. Calling Thursday 4-8 p.m." [Albany Times Union; F33]"John Peter Russ witnessed will of Philip Hoones, of the Manor of Livingston, in Albany County, New York; will was signed Feb. 16, 1769. In 1790 census of Claverack, Columbia County, Johannis P. Russ appeared 2m (16 up), 5 f. No records have been found identifying this family. There are indications Johannis P. Russ had children ..." {Russ Family Genealogy II, 233]"Wavie is related to General Sherman but I have not yet made the connection from her side to General Sherman's parents yet." [Steven McCall research, Z283A]1999, December 27 -- "Worcester -- J. Carroll Grosfent, 79, of Worcester, died Thursday, Dec. 23, 1999, at A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital in Oneonta, after a short illness. "He was born Oct. 19, 1920, in Worcester, the son of Frank and Clara (Carroll) Grosfent. "Mr. Grosfent was a lifelong area resident, owning and operating a dairy farm in Worcester. "He was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Worcester, a former member of the Worcester Grange and the Eastern Milk Producers. He was a proud pioneer of raising turkeys for the local holiday market. "He is survived by two sisters, Helen McClintock of Worcester and Betty Grosfent of Ellenville; 10 nieces and nephews; and several great-nieces and nephews; and a long-time friend, Catherine Gergich of Maryland. "He was predeceased by his brothers and sisters, Pearl Hillis, Dorothy Grosfent, Harold Grosfent, Hazel Mahl, Donald Grosfent, Frank Grosfent, Jr. and Edna Grosfent. "A funeral service will be at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1999, at the Second Baptist Church, Main Street, Worcester, with the Rev. William Robert Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Schenevus, officiating. "Burial will be in the Maple Grove Cemetery ..." [Obituary, Oneonta Daily Star]"Ebenezer is responsible for the2010, May 15 -- "Leah Snyder Benjamin Wright, 86, of Cape Coral, formerly of Worcester NY, Altamont, NY, and Dunkirk, NY passed away on May 15, 2010, under Hospice Care in Cape Coral, FL. "Born August 2, 1923, the second daughter of Guy and Leah Guernsey Snyder, she was valedictorian of Wocester Central High School's Class of 1941. She earned a bachelor's and master's degree in nursing from Russell Sage College. She was employed as an RN at General Elecrtric in Schenectady, NY, a home-health nurse in Albany, NY, a school nurse and health teacher at Guilderland Central and Troy Catholic High Schools in NY while raising 4 children and contributing to the lives of 2 step-children. She also worked as a nurse at Bollettieri's Sports Academy in Sarasota, FL. "Leah volunteered for the American Red Cross, Hospice, Lee Memorial Hospital of Cape Coral, Lakeshore Humane Society, Salvation Army, and the Girl Scouts of America. She served as a colleague to her late husband of 46 years, Dr. Harry F. Benjamin, as they developed his medical practice in Scotia and Altamont, NY. "After not seeing each other for 64 years, Leah reconnected with and later married her high school sweetheart, George H. Wright of Worcester and Glens Falls, NY. They were married for 4 years. "Leah was a risk taker, an animal lover, a great cook for 6 or more, loved boat rides, the Adirondack Mountains, classical and big band music, Lawrence Welk, and Tampa Rays baseball games. She enjoyed hot glue and spray paint crafts. She skied, traveled, adored reading and was a Civil War authority. "She is predeceased by her mother, father, and sister, Charlotte. Leah is survived by her second husband, George of Cape Coral, FL., her daughters, Ann Bowers of Fredonia, NY, Susan Weisz (Jeffrey) of Guilderland Center, NY, Cecile Simmons (Steven) of Altamont, NY, her son. Timothy Benjamin (Leslie) of Pittsford, NY, David Antkowiak, like a son, of Bokeelia, FL, step-children, Christie King of The Villages, FL, Michael Benjamin of Land o' Lakes, FL, Gary Wright (Serena) of Staatsburg, NY, and Beth Wright of Queensbury, NY. Grandchildren include Benjamin Moore (father of Owen and Oscar), Katrina, Heather and Gwen Simmons, Lauren and Bryan Benjamin, and Erin Bowers Brackenridge (mother of Peyton). "Leah was a member of Cape Coral Christian Fellowship. "A family memorial service will take place at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Lakeshore Humane Society, Box 12, Fredonia, NY 14063. "There was no one ever like Leah." [Obituary, T355-T356]2008, May 3 -- "Charles Harold Brown, known to his family and friends as "Charlie," passed away peacefully on May 1, 2008. Beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Charlie has lived in Fort Myers since 1966. The start of his colorful life was on October 25, 1922, in Southampton, England, born to Lucy Mary and Harold Brown.. He then resided in Bouremouth, England, but he left during his high school years for adventures in Australia. "Charlie served in the British Army during World War II, in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 9th Armored Division, where he trained both British and American troops on British tanks. During that time, he was graced with meeting Princess Elizabeth (now Queen of England) and Winston Churchill. He landed his tank on Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944, and served as Staff Sergeant in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. "After serving over five years in the Army, Charlie returned to England to work at Vickers Aircraft. During this time he met Amena, whom he had met in Germany. The company sent him to Canada, where Charlie eventually left to own a taxi company. "Amena and Charlie retired to the United States in 1966, building a house in Cape Coral. "They lived various places in Southwest Florida, and Charlie became well-known in the community as an innovative 'fix-it-man' and storyteller at 'Ace Hardware.' "After many years of married life, he lost Amena to cancer. In time, he married Connie Molloy, of Fort Myers. Charlie was a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, the Husbands of the D.A.R., and attended many meetings of the C.A.R. with his family. "Charlie is survived by his brother Robert Brown and his family, his sister Mary Whitely and her family, including Wendy (John) Spooner, his niece, who came from England to visit him on various occasions, and their family (Kate and Steve). He is also survived by his son Robert (Anne), his wife Connie, Douglas (Cora) Molloy, and Donald (Tara) Molloy. Charlie's grandchildren are Traver, Jason, Jessica, and in Fort Myers he was able to enjoy Adam, Max, Josie and Paige. He is preceded in death by wife Amena and daughter Anne. "Charlie's life will be celebrated at Covenant Presbyterian Church on McGregor Boulevard at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 6, 2008. ..." [Obituary, The News-Press of Southwest Florida' T162V] family's migration to New York State. He picked the loyalist (Tory) side in the Revolutionary War and had his properties confiscated by American interests." [Genealogy of the Jolls Family in America, R52]"Jolls is an old and rare name in England, dating back to before the Norman Conquest. It could be Saxon, or a corruption of a Scandinavian or Norman French name. It's a family name that still remains in Cornwall, England. "In 1682 Captain Thomas Jolls sailed his ship the Richard to America from England. He was bringing documents of the King of England (Charles II) to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was a nariner and there are different dates and locations of his death: 1687, or Nov. 13, 1685 (Boston or London). He was married twice: Abigail died after 1678 in Boston, Massachusetts and Hannah Briggs, who died after 1711. Hannah was the widow of Samuel Winslow, nephew of Edward Winslow, governor of Plymouth Colony. Captain Thomas had four chlidren: Robert, Thomas, Abigail and Sarah." [Genealogy of the Jolls Family in America, R52]"Hannah was the widow of Samuel Winslow, nephew of Edward Winslow, governor of Plymouth Colony." [Genealogy of the Jolls Family in America, R52]"Anna Elisabeth Jung was listed as head of a Palatine family on the Hunter Lists 1710-12." [Philip France of Saugerties, 6; T109F]1893, April 21 -- The gender of this child is not listed. [Chapman Historical Museum chart, E69O]88ўџџџ88888ўџџџ 8 8 8 8ўџџџ8888888888ўџџџ888ўџџџ88 8!8"8#8$8%8ўџџџ'8(8)8*8+8,8-8.8/808ўџџџ2838485868788898:8;8<8=8>8?8ўџџџA8B8C8D8E8F8G8H8I8J8K8L8M8N8O8P8Q8R8S8T8U8V8W8X8Y8Z8[8\8]8^8_8`8a8b8c8d8e8f8g8h8i8j8k8l8m8n8o8p8q8ўџџџs8t8u8v8w8ўџџџy8z8{8|8}8~88€8§џџџ     6ўџџџ !"#$%&'()*+ўџџџ-./01234ўџџџE789:;<=>?@ABCDFWGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXЮYZЎ\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoўџџџ§џџџrstuvwxyz{|}~€"[Gow] practiced in Schuylerville for eight years, then came to Glens Falls in June of 1920, taking over the practice of Dr. William J. Hunt, with an office on Notre Dame St.; he was presdent of the Board of Directors of Westmount Sanitarium; state vice-coimmander of the American Legion." [John D. Ausrtin research, E106]"Robert had moved to Glendive MT in Dec. 1899 where he managed and eventually controlled ownership of the Merchants Bank, until it was sold in 1945 ..." [John D. Austin research, E105]"[John] was a talented violinist and an accomplished horseman. He and his third wife retired to North Carolina where he died." [John D. Austin research, E114]"... a clerk at the Glens Falls Insurance Co. until the 1920s when he obtained a half interest in the family hardware business; he was a Mason; he res. with sister Mabel on Glen St.; 'genial and well liked by everyone for his optimism and ready wit, and particularly was known as having a good word for everybody.'" [John D. Austin research, E102]"[Mabel] was a promoter of musical and historical events in Glens Falls." [John D. Austin research, E107]"[Harry] contracted tuberculosis and moved with his wife and child to Durango CO where he practiced law. The Durango newspaper reported: 'He was a good lawyer, and his word was as good as a golden bond.' Austin Street in Glens Falls is named for him." [John D. Austin research, E107]"[John] was a salesman with Fitch, Pruyn at Plattsburgh, Greenwich and Glens Falls. He was director and vice-president of the North Creek National Bank, president of the Queensbury School Board and president of the Glens Falls Rotary Club. He res. many years on Ridge Rd., Queensbury, retiring to Englewood FL in 1969." [John D. Austin research, E115]"'F.B.' Chapman was an ardent golfer and hunter. He was treasurer of Finch, Pruyn and Co. and was employed there for 47 years. He was also an officer of the Braydon and Chapman music store, Call Hardware and Jointa Lime Co. He was president of the North Creek National Bank, later chairman of the board. He was president of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association, a charter member of the Glens Falls Rotary and active with many groups." [John D. Austin research, E107]"After the death of Daniel Sr. in 1914, his son Daniel Jr. took over the business. It is believed they ceased making bricks in 1917. By 1919 Daniel had expanded the business to become Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Co. They sold not only bricks, but lumber and other building supplies. By 1941 the business had changed to DeLong's Fuel, selling coal and eventually oil. "In the early 1950's the large mill complex adjacent to Hovey Pond burned to the ground. "The 1926 Glens Falls City Directory cites Daniel Peck DeLong, Jr. as President/General Manager. Arthur J. DeLong (1879-1955), cousin of Daniel Jr. and son of John Barker DeLong and Emma Carrie Thompson, was the Vice-President. Robert Tearse DeLong (1879-1966), son of Daniel Sr. and Emily Pittman Tearse and Daniel Jr.'s brother, was Secretary/Treasurer. "There is no reference as to why the bricks were marked DeLongs. There is no evidence the company was known as anything but the Glens Falls Brick Company." [History of the Glens Falls Brick Company; Chapman Historical Museum; E69L] "... after the making of brick was discontinued in 1917, Dan became president of the Glens Falls Brick and Lumber Co. and the successor fuel firm, when coal was added to the product line; also was manager of American Oil Company's distilling plant at Glens Falls in 1937; the fuel business was sold in 1948 and in 1951 he relinquished Amoco connection and retired; he served as president of the Glens Falls Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church." [John D. Austin research, E104]"[Gwynneth] had a fine singing voice and was active as a volunteer in Girl Scouting and was a member of the Church of the Messiah ..." [John D. Austin research, E104]"Elijah Hughson, born 24 September 1774, son of Lieut. Thomas and Jane (Tompkins) Hughson, was single in July 1798 when he petitioned at York (now Toronto), Upper Canada on behalf of himself and his brother Caleb, for 400 acres of crown land for himself and another 400 acres for his brother Caleb, as children of Loyalist Lieut. Thomas Hughson who was killed at White Plains, Westchester County, during the Revolutionary War. He claimed that he came into Upper Canada with Caleb and Caleb's family to settle. He may have entered Upper Canada about 1797. A friend, Richard Duncan, testified with Elijah's petition that he knew Elijah and Caleb Hughson and also knew their step-father Richard Peters. "Little further is known of Elijah in Canada; no official record of his marriage nor indication of where he lived has yet been found. Nathaniel Hughson's son Richard said in 1881 that, '40 years ago [meaning 1841] the descendants [of Nathaniel's "elder brothers"] were quite numerous north of what was Little York, near Toronto, and retained the original orthography of the name [Hughson].' "We are fortunate to have a copy of a family record, apparently compiled by Alden Wesley Huson about 1891-1908, listing the birth-dates of Elijah and his brothers and Elijah's children. This has been preserved by Betty Huson Labbey and Joyce Huson Land of Port McNeill and Alert Bay, British Columbia. According to this record, Elijah married 2 June 1805 Abigail Southard, who was born about 1774. Elijah may have first settled near Brantford, Ontario, although he was evidently back in New York State by 1806. In 1810 an 'Elijah Husen,' probably this Elijah, was living in Nassau, Rensselaer County, New York, with his wife, born 1765-84, and 3 sons born 1800-10. In 1820, Elijah and his family were living in Maryland Township, Otsego County, New York, with 4 males and 4 females in his household. Beside Elijah and his wife and ... 4 children ... there was a young woman born 1794-1804 and an older woman born before 1775. This branch of the family has carried the 'Huson' spelling. Elijah Huson is remembered as a pioneer of the 1793-1817 period in the township of Westford ... Otsego County. They were still living in Westford in 1840. [Elijah and] Abigail may have both died between 1840 and 1850. Elijah is reported in the family record of Thomas and Jane Hughson to have died in 1850. The Huson farm at Westford was owned in 1878 by Edward Kelley." [Alan Bunner research, O204]1860, April 2 -- Awry and Elizabeth DeLong make a $500 mortgage on 88 acres of land on the Tuscan-Westford Road in the Town of Worcester from John J. Sutherland of San Francisco, California. [57 Otsego County Mortgages 307; C14] 1863, July 5 -- John J. Sutherland sends a letter from San Francisco to his "Uncle" and "Aunt" Awry and Elizabeth DeLong in which he says that he had "so much to do for four years and three months" there and "worked very hard since I have been here and received a good reward." He describes the agricultural and mineral bounty of northern California, as well as the geography, scenery, poverty and crime. He closes by saying that "Father [Isaac] is well ..." [C73-C74] 1874, November 7 -- Sutherland writes the DeLongs another letter, this time from Petaluma. He says that he had received a letter from "Flora," who was well, but that "Wesley seems to think there is to many in the family." He mentions writing his mother [almost certainly Celite] and asking her to "come to California," offers to pay her way, and asks Elizabeth to talk to her about the idea. His mother does not write him or answer his letters "only through Flora," whom he cites as having complained that "I was cruel to want to take her grandmother from her." He had written his mother "soon after my Sister death" but "could get no word either yes or no." He says that his family "moved in the country" in April, 1871 and "like it much better than living in the City." The daughter was six years old in July and the son was two in October. He talks about the crops, big harvests, and efforts by the Grangers to organize. He has a three-hour rail and water commute to San Francisco, and gets home at 7:00 at night. He mentions "Daton" DeLong twice and concludes by asking Elizabeth to write him "as soon as you can see Mother and tell me jest what she Says." [C75-C76] 1997, March 29 -- "I've spent several hours and a few trips ... checking on John J. Sutherland. ... I went to the local cemetery [in Petaluma, California, where] ... his letter ... said he lived ... Well, here he is in a large family plot, with a monument about 10 feet high, and several members of his family. In the pathway next to the grave sites there is a grave with a stone and mother and father engraved. It looks like they buried their dog like a [person]." [Donald P. Petro letter, V65] 1997, April 21 -- ".. Lettie died 3 years before JJ, but there is a good chance that he lived with her on Polk Street [in San Francisco]. But the newspaper said she died in HER home. ... JJ must have lived in 2 different places in Petaluma at various times. The newspaper mentions an area downtown and the census locates him out of town." [Petro, V68] 2000, March -- "In 1855 Awry and Betsy DeLong sold their farm at the Westford-Maryland town line on the Smoky Hollow Road and moved to 304 Up County Road in Worcester, near the old road to Caryl's Lake. In 1860 they made a mortgage on this new farm from John J. Sutherland ... of San Francisco, California. J.J. had apparently left the Worcester/Westford area about 1858 [actually in April, 1859]. His 1863 letter from San Francisco [C73-C74] addressed the DeLongs as 'Uncle & Aunt' and described the Golden State glowingly, as did another which he wrote them from Petaluma in 1874. "... Our guess is that his mother was the sister in Elk Creek [Celite] whom Betsy Arnold went to live with about 1837 after she was orphaned 'at an early age.' There were Sutherlands in the area -- Smith Sutherland's land adjoined Ephraim [DeLong's] near Elk Creek from at least 1812 to 1825; Isaac Sutherland's land was next to it in 1837; and there was a John and a James in the 1840 census of Westford. "John is buried in Petaluma in a plot whose style is as sumptuous as that in which he apparently lived, along with his [wives], his son, his likely father, Isaac ... and his dog. ... John's 1863 letter mentioned that 'Father is well' but in 1874 [C75-C76] he pleaded assistance in persuading his mother to 'come here,' apparently from ... Westford ..." [The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families, 13]"During my research I discovered a sworn affidavit in the probate files of ... Parlia (1811-1878) Brown's father-in-law, Enoch White, signed by a 'Nathaniel Brown' on April 19, 1845 ... In the same probate file was a sworn affidavit ... by Parlia Brown, on April 12, 1845, in which Parlia said, 'One of the notices was delivered to a Nathaniel Brown, a brother of the said deponent, with directions to affix the same in a public place in the Town of Summit at a place called South Hill.' In another probate file, that of Parley Brown ( -1816), I uncovered a sworn Administration Bond dated April 3, 1816 signed by a 'Nathaniel Brown' "In that same probate file of Parley Brown ( -1816) was a sworn statement by his widow, Anna Brown, signed with an 'X' and witnessed by 'my son Billa B. Brown,' in which Anna Brown renounced and relinquished all rights of administration on the estate of her husband and requested that her son Billa B. Brown be appointed to administer her husband's estate. On the same page as Anna Brown's affidavit was a sworn affidavit by Billa B. Brown declaring, on June 22, 1816, ' ... that Betsy Brown of Charlestown in the County of Montgomery and daughter of Parley Brown deceased, is an infant under the age of fourteen years, that is to say, eleven years, two months and elevan days, and that Parley Brown died in the Town of Jefferson...' The two signatures of 'Nathaniel Brown' in 1816 ... and 1845 ... although twenty-nine years apart, appeared to be the same. ... "I submitted the two signatures to Mr. Elmer R. Wadman, a nationally-known Fingerprint and Document Examiner, who I knew from my daily work as a court reporter in San Diego. Mr. Wadman examined the two signatures and reported: "'The signatures of these two ... documents reveal many similar elements. Although these signatures are twenty-nine years apart and the handwriting skill is lress in the latter 1845 document, my opinion is that they are the same person's.' "Alas! Parley Brown ( -1816) is my 3rd Great-grandfather, and I now know that his wife was Anna and, in addition to their son Parlia, there were three other children, Nathaniel, Billa B. and Betsy." [Norman R. Brown, Descendants of Parley Brown, M150-M151]8‚8ƒ8„8…8†8‡8ˆ8‰8Š8‹8Œ88Ž888‘8’8ўџџџ”8•8–8—8˜8™8š8›8œ88ž8Ÿ8 8Ё8Ђ8Ѓ8Є8Ѕ8І8Ї8Ј8Љ8Њ8Ћ8Ќ8­8Ў8Џ8А8Б8ўџџџГ8Д8Е8Ж8З8И8Й8К8Л8М8Н8О8П8Р8С8Т8У8Ф8Х8Ц8Ч8Ш8Щ8Ъ8Ы8Ь8Э8Ю8Я8а8б8в8г8д8е8ж8з8и8й8к8л8м8н8о8п8р8с8т8у8ф8х8ц8ч8ш8щ8ъ8ўџџџь8э8ю8я8№8ё8ђ8ѓ8є8ѕ8і8ї8ј8љ8њ8ћ8ќ8§8ў8џ89"Herbert was accomplished in many trades. He was a licensed electrician and lead the field in bringing electricity to many farms in the county while still operating the dairy farm which Draper and Frederick had owned before him. Herbert and his father Frederick were very proud of their Indian ancestry which they had inherited from Frederick's maternal 8th Great-grandfather, a Mohawk Indian Chief, and his daughter, Ots-Toch. Herbert used his inherited Indian skills to his advantage and was an avid hunter, fisherman, fox trapper, and was very agile on snowshoes. These native talents served him well when they lead to his appointment as a Game Warden for New York State, which appointment he held for many years. Later in life Herbert became a Deputy Sheriff and was a jailer for Schoharie County." [Descendants of Parley Brown; M152]"Norman served in the Korean Conflict during his six years in the U.S. Navy, and, upon his discharge in 1960, he pursued training for and became licensed in California as a Certified Shorthand Reporter. After a short period of free lance reporting Norman was appointed as an Official Reporter with the San Diego Municipal Court where he was employed until his retirement in 1991. He also served as the Chief Court Reporter for the court for several years. He was a founding charter member of the San Diego County Municipal Court Reporters' Association and a member of the California Court Reporters' Association, and served in every office of these two organizations. Norman was also a member of the National Court Reporters' Assocoation and served on many committees for them. Norman reported the murder Preliminary Hearing of Robert Alton Harris, who was executed in 1992, the first prisoner to be executed in California since 1965." [Descendants of Parley Brown; M153]2000, April 14 -- "Colliersville -- Genevieve L. "Jane" Bozanic, 78, of Colliersville, died on Wednesday, Aprio 12, 2000, at the A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital, Oneonta. "She was born on Jan. 22, 1922, in Oneonta, the daughter of the late George E. and Lulu Cox Loft. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Nick Bozanic, Sr., on June 6, 1997. "She is survived by a son, Dr. Nick (Britt) Bozanic, Jr. of Honolulu, Hawaii; two daughters, Shiela (Charles) Osborn of Greenfield Center and Sarah 'Sallie' Bozanic of Georgia; a brother, Dewey Loft of Schenevus; two grandchildren, Shelly Annis of Ballston Spa and Corey Osborn of Rock City Falls.; three great-grandchildren, Samantha Annis, Anthony DeFlippo and Blade Robert Osborn. "Jane was a lifetime resident of the area. She was the secretary for the International Studies Department at the State University College at Oneonta for more than 20 years, and a bookkeeper for Shearer's Express Trucking for nine years. "She was a member of the New York State Retiree Alumni Association at SUCO, and a member of the SUCO Golden Alumni Staff Retirees Group. "She was an avid bowler, taking part in the Strike and Spare Bowling League for many years at the Holiday Lanes in Oneonta. Jane was also a WAC volunteer during World War II, and a member of the Milford Center Baptist Church. "Services for Jane will be Saturday, April 15, 2000, at 2 p.m. at the Bookhout Funeral Home, 357 Main Street, Oneonta, with the Rev. Judith Thistle officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Otego. ... "... expressions of sympathy may be made to Hospice, ... Oneonta ... or the College of Oneonta Foundation for the Benefit of International Students at SUCO ..." [Obituary, The Daily Star, Oneonta, New York]2000, October 11 -- "Esperance -- James D. Roberts, 38, of Main Street, Esperance died Monday, October 9, 2000 at Bassett Hospital, Cobleskill, after being stru99999999 9 9 9 9 99999999ўџџџ999ўџџџ999999 9!9"9#9$9%9&9'9(9ўџџџ*9+9,9ўџџџ.9/909192939495969798999:9;9<9=9>9?9@9A9B9C9D9E9F9G9H9I9J9K9L9M9N9O9P9ўџџџR9S9T9U9V9W9X9Y9Z9[9\9]9^9_9`9a9b9c9d9e9f9g9h9i9j9k9l9m9n9o9p9q9r9s9t9ўџџџv9w9x9y9z9{9|9}9~99€9ck by a vehicle in Esperance. Born in Cohoes, NY, he was the son of June F. Kennedy Roberts of Troy and the late Leo E. Roberts. He lived most of his life in Cohoes where he was educated. He moved to Esprance five years ago. At the time of his death, he was employed as a truck driver with Carbonic Sales of Albany. He was a drummer with the Bebe LeStrange Band and also played with several bands in the area. "Besides his mother, James is survived by his loving wife, Darlyn Gifford Roberts of Esperance; three children, James M. Roberts, Mandy M. Roberts, both of Watervliet and Jacob P. Roberts of Esperance; two sisters, Linda Clark of Deshler, OH, Kim Roberts of Hudson Falls; three brothers, Leo R. Roberts of Newburgh, Bruce D. Roberts of Troy and Eugene A. Roberts of NV. Several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins also survive. "Funeral services will be held in the Fitzgerald Funeral Home, Ltd, 105 Vliet Blvd., Cohoes, Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home Thursday 4-8 p.m. "Those wishing to remember Janes may make contributions to establish a trust in care of the funeral home." [Albany Times Union; F20]1995 -- Dawn (Hillis) Wilcox compiled "Descendants of Andrew Grosfent (1813-1871) of Dutch/German Ancestry" [Z310-Z350]"John E. Wilcox, a 1914 Worcester High School graduate, obtained a degree from Syracuse University and eventually headed the Worcester school's agriculture department. After serving as principal of the Westford Union Free School, he became Superintendent of Schools for the Second District of Otsego County, in charge of the Worcester, Schenevus, Milford and Cooperstown schools. Wilcox held that office from 1931 until his death in 1961." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 154]Sarah Ann Mantz was born at 1:35 P.M. on August 31, 2000, weighing six pounds and 15 ounces. [Gary W. Mantz]"Samuel Hammond Grant, Isaac's fifth child, was born in Smithville, Chenango County, New York, in 1815. At an early age he came with his parents to Tusculum where he spent the remainder of his life. While a mere youth he became a successful district school teacher. With money thus obtained he entered a law office at Milford where he applied himself so studiously that he was soon admitted to the bar. Beginning practice here [Worcester, New York] he soon became a man of affairs and influence. He held the offices of County Superintendent of Schools, Justice of Peace and was a member of the Assembly for two terms." [W. Fern Ferguson research; O93] "[The Samuel Grant Homestead] in Tusculum was erected in 1837 by Isaac Grant, a widely known Methodist preacher, with the help of two friends. Referred to by old timers as the Methodist Seminary, the only information on that score, from Mrs. Ida Shafer, local historian: 'it was intended to be.' The Methodists did organize and hold meetings in the old red schoolhouse in Tusculum, but that was later. The building later became the home of Samuel H. Grant. [W. Fern Ferguson research; O93]2006, August 22 -- "Lawrence A. DeLong, 56, Hibbing -- Lawrence A. 'Larry' DeLong, 56, of Hibbing, died Monday, August 21, 2006, at the University Medical Center-Mesabi in Hibbing. "He was born on Aug. 7, 1950, to John and Lois (Baker) DeLong in Hibbing. He was a lifelong resident of Hibbing. He was a member of the Hibbing Catholic Community. He enjoyed listening to music. "He is survived by his parents, John and Lois DeLong of Hibbing; two brothers, John E. (Carol) DeLong of Chisholm, and Michael (Susan) DeLong of Brookfield, Wis.; five nieces: Stacy (Jeff) Tardy of Hibbing, Rhiannon (John) Larson of Hibbing; Emily (Brandon) Brown of Milwaukee, Wis.; Johanna DeLong of Brookfield, Wis., and Bethany DeLong of Brookfield, Wis.; hos two nephews, Benjamin and Micah DeLong, both of Brookfield, Wis.; and his family and friends at the Range Center of Chisholm. "Funeral: A private funeral service will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24, 2006, at the Dougherty Funeral Home in Hibbing. The Rev. Clem Gustin O.S.C. will officiate. "Interment: Will be in the Maple Hill Cemetery of Hibbing ..." [Obituary, Hibbing Daily Tribune; X44B] "Isaac was in early days on the Canaan Circuit. In 1818 a camp meeting, with tents, was held in 9ўџџџƒ9„9…9ўџџџ‡9ˆ9‰9Š9‹9Œ99ўџџџ99‘9’9“9”9•9–9—9˜9ўџџџš9›9œ99ž9Ÿ9 9Ё9Ђ9Ѓ9Є9Ѕ9І9Ї9Ј9Љ9Њ9Ћ9Ќ9­9Ў9Џ9А9Б9В9ўџџџД9Е9Ж9З9И9Й9К9Л9М9Н9О9П9Р9С9Т9У9Ф9Х9ўџџџЧ9Ш9Щ9ўџџџЫ9Ь9Э9Ю9Я9ўџџџб9в9г9д9е9ж9з9ўџџџй9к9л9ўџџџн9о9п9р9с9т9у9ф9х9ц9ч9ш9щ9ъ9ы9ь9э9ю9я9№9ё9ђ9ѓ9є9ѕ9і9ї9ј9љ9њ9ўџџџќ9§9ў9џ9:Salem, Mass. Men and women traveled there by horseback. Everything was rude and primitive. Isaac's wife usually traveled with him. In 1819 he was appointed to the Bridgewater Circuit, then Springfield, Auburn, Rush, others. Later he joined the Otsego County Circuit ..." [W. Fern Ferguson research; O94]"Foster child; taken in but not officially adopted by William and Eleanor." [Descendants of Hiram Spooner; M86]1874, November 7 -- "...I wrote to [my mother] soon after my Sister death if she would like to come here and live with me ..." [John J. Sutherland letter from California to Awry and Elizabeth DeLong in Westford, New York, C75]2000, March 22 -- "At some time Solomon and Amanda moved to AnokBurials at Badeau Hill Cemetery, Westford, New York: Hiram Southard d. --- age 38y-3m-9d Isaac d. Dec. 26, 1836, age 56y Elizabeth, wife of Isaac, d. Mar. 28, 1831, age 33y Isaac W., son of Isaac and Elizabeth, d. Nov. 26, 1854, age 32y-2m-11d David d. Dec. 26, 1838, age 78y [V217] 1860 Federal Census of Town of Westford at 751 shows Wesley Southard 31 M Farmer $2500 $400 NY, Amanda 28 F Wife, Flora 7/12 F and Elizabeth 63 F Domestic. [C67B] 1865 -- In census of Westford, New York, family number 206 includes Wesly Southard age 37, Amanda Southard age 34, Flora Southard age 5 and Lyman Southard, age 3-5/12. [Otsego County Clerk letter, February 24, 1988; V209] 1870 -- Census of Town of Westford shows Wesly Southard 41 M Farmer; Amanda 40 F Keeping House; Flora 10 F Attending School; Lyman J. 8 M; Elizabeth Sutherland 74 F At home and Celestia Sutherland 60 F. [V215] 1874, November 7 -- "...I received a letter from Flora a few days ago stating that they wer all as well as usual but Wesley seems to think there is to many in the family" [John J. Sutherland letter from California to Awry and Elizabeth DeLong in Westford, New York, C75] 1878 -- "Smith Sutherland came into the town [Westford] at an early day, and located on the premises now occupied by Wesley Southard. His widow is also living on the old homestead." [Hurd's History of Otsego County, 353; V216] 1906, May 16 -- "Anoka [Minnesota] people were pained, surprised and shocked at the sad news of the suicide of S.W. Southard, father of Mrs. Dr. Aldrich, which occured in Anoka Saturday. "Sometime Saturday afternoon he left the house, taking with him a shot gun. He did not return at supper and search was instituted, as he was an old man, and had been in poor health of late. It was about ten o'clock when he was found in Mrs. Cutter's barn adjoining the Aldrich home. He had placed the muzzle of the fun in his mouth and had evidently reached down and pushed the trigger or else struck it with his foot. The gun had not been securely closed, as it was open when found. Death was of course instantaneous. Kind hands picked him up and the remains were later removed to Langum's undertaking rooms. The funeral was held at the residence of Drs. Aldrich, Monday morning and the body taken to Forest Hill cemetary crematory in St. Paul. Later the ashes will be placed in the family lot in New York. Rev. Goudy conducted the services in Anoka. "Mr. Southard was a gentleman of the old school, and his acquaintances were many. He was fond of driving, of hunting, of fishing and took an active interest in political questions. He had a word of greeting for all he met. Friday, the writer had conversation with him and he appeared rather ill, and his talk rambled some. It was due to a recent sick spell no doubt, that caused him to end his life. "Solomon Wesley Southard was born at Hudson, New York Feb. 17th 1837. Married in 1858 to Amanda Sutherland of Westford, N.Y. Two children were born: Flora L., (Mrs. Dr. Aldrich of Anoka) and Lyman Jay of New York. His wife died in [18]71 and in the eighties he lost through dishonesty of business associates the greater part of his inheritance. This, together with loss of faith in men whom he had trusted, unnerved him, and for many years he was despondent and even pessimistic at times. He never engaged in business afterwards, living a retired life, spending the time in Minnesota and New York. At last at the earnest request of Dr. and Mrs. Aldrich, he became a permanent inmate of their home. Here he shared the constant companionship which in a measure restored his health and happiness. "During these years residents of Anoka knew him as an exceedingly well read man and one whose intellect bespoke its earlier culture. His friends knew him as an upright, highminded, honorable man. "During the last few months he became despondent and there was manifest the final changes which resulted in the event of his death." [Anoka County Union; C76A and V228; virtually identical obituary appears in Anoka Herald; V243] 2000 -- The Otsego County GED site lists these other Southard burials in the Elk Creek Cemetery, perhaps of persons related to Wesley: Caroline Southard died November 1, 1872 ae. 54 wife of Nathaniel Anna A. Southard 1854-1891 wife of Melville Miller Infant son of Anna 2000, March 27 -- The following are Elk Creek Cemetery notations made by Patricia S. Hoye: "Southard (large, low stone between roadway -- to left and retaining wall for upper level). Names and dates on this stone are: Melville Julian 1855-1932 and Anna A. Miller 1854-1891. "Amanda -- In your mind face stone of Celite with hill to your back -- to the left of her stone there are likely 2 empty spaces -- then stone as follows: Amanda wife of Wesley Southard died March 24 1871 Aged 40 years. To the left of her stone I would say there is room for 1 more. "Caroline -- Go back to Celite's stone -- right next to her on the right is a flat on the ground stone -- broken, worn and hard to read but I believe it to say: Caroline wife of Nathaniel Southworth died Nov 1 1872 aged 51 years." [C60H]‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ўџџџЏТБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСўџџџУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЯоабвгдежзийклмнп№рстуфхцчшщъыьэюяёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§џ§џџџ1874, November 7 -- "...I received a letter from Flora a few days ago stating that they wer all as well as usual but Wesley seems to think there is to many in the family ... I have heard from Mother only through Flora ... Flora wrote that she thought I was cruel to want to take her grandmother from her [to move to California] ... " [John J. Sutherland letter from California to Awry and Elizabeth DeLong in Westford, New York, C75] 1887, February -- "Mrs. Dr. A.G. Aldrich secured the first prize, a very fine Laryngascope, last week, at the Minnesota Hospital college, for passing the best examination on diseases of the throat and lungs. Mrs. Aldrich will graduate next month, and will then practice in Anoka. ... [Anoka Union, C76I] 1887, March 12 -- "The first lady from this city to graduate from a medical school is Mrs. A.G. Aldrich ... It is her intention, we believe, to study for a time in Germany and then settle in some lage city. For the present she will remain in Anoka and confine her practice to women and children. ..." [Anoka Herald; V250] "Flora L.S. Aldrich, M.D., was born in Westford, Otsego county, New York. Her ancestors were of the class known as the Old Knickerbockers, residents of the lower Hudson River valley, and the Sutherlands of Dutchess and Otsego Counties, New York. Through the Von Hoffman and Von Arneldts, Flora came from the founders of the Dutch republic; from the Sutherlands she is of such revolutionary stock as to make her eligible to the Colonial Dames and the DAughters of the American Revolution. Her mother was the daughter of Isaac Sutherland, a gentleman of wealth who bestowed upon his daughter the best education produrable in those days, and their home, 'Sutherland Place,' was throughout her life a favorite visiting place for the educated and distinguished of the times. Here Doctor Aldrich and her only brother were born, and three generations previous in which there were only one son and one daughter in the same family. "Her father, S. Wesley Southard, is still living and a gentleman of the old school, a type of which is now fast passing away. "On the eve of young womanhood Dr. Aldrich was bereft by death of this estimable mother's love and care, and her education which had been largely looked after by her mother, became academic and was procured at the local academies. Her collegiate training was largely private, taken almost entirely under men and women who were specialists in each department. "Such careful training, together with the associations of her childhood and young womanhood, has developed a quality of mind and heart which every one of 'Mrs. Dr. Aldrich's' acquaintances can testify to as standing for the highest ideals in everything. "Flora married Dr. Alanson G. Aldrich of Adams, Berkshire County, Massachusetts in 1883, and immediately took up the study of medicine. In the autumn of that year they visited the Northwest and through the influence of friends decided to locate in Anoka, Minnesota. She at once went on with her medical studies with her husband, and within three years received her degree from what is now the medical department of the State University. This was followed by two complete courses in the New York hospitals and in the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital of New York City. In 1896, she together with her husband spent nearly one year in the hospitals of Europe. From trhe beginning of her practice she has not only had a large clientele in Anoka and vicinity, but great numbers from other Northwestern localities. She is a successful physician and a highly respected woman. For the last two years she has been an able assistant to her husband in the special work of eye, ear, nose and throat, and has become very proficient in this line of professional work. "She is a writer of beginning note in medical literature. She is a contributor to various medical journals and has written a book for mothers, 'My Child and I,' which has a steady subscription sale by a Philadelphia publishing house. She is a member of the State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. She is a member of the Episcopalian church. "In her domestic life she is fortunate and happy, the wife of an able physician who is her co-worker and constant companion. Their home, 'Colonial Hall,' at Anoka, is one of unusual comfort and elegance. ... " [Composite; Anoka County Historical Society pamphlet, C76E and History of Anoka County, 183-184; V203] "... of the Southard family little is known, as the great-grandfather was an adopted child of a Hudson merchant and could remember only that his name was Southard, and that he was stolen from a port in England ... probably Southworth was the original name. Her maternal anvcestors were of the Sutherland family, who have a clear connection to the nobility of England and Scotland. ..." [A Woman of the Century, 15-16; V207-V208] "Flora L. Aldrich was born the daughter of Soloman W. and Amanda Southard, in Westford, New York on October 6th, 1859. Flora's mother was well educated and saw to her daughter's education. When Flora was 12, her mother died, leaving Flora to be the 'woman of the house' for her father and brother. Flora continued her studies in the local academies and with collegiate specialists. By the age of 18, she was advanced in many areas of study, but her passion was in the care of the sick and the suffering. "Flora married Doctor Alanson G. Aldrich of Adams, Massachusetts, in 1883, and she immediately began the study of medicine. "The couple came to Anoka [Minnesota] in 1883 and liked the area soi much they decided to stay. They rented a home on Anoka's fashionable Third Avenue South. "Flora continued to study medicine, enrolling in the Minnesota College Hospital. She was one of three women in a class of 55 students. Flora graduated in 1887, one year before the college became part of the University of Minnesota's School of Medicine. She received a 'larygoscope' for her excellent test score on the nose and throat examination. "Even though she had graduated, Flora didn't stop studying. She took courses in some of the best schools in the nation at that time, then continued to study in Europe. She was always a minority because of her gender, but it did not hamper her. Flora said, 'I have always pursued my medical studies with men, and I have yet to see or hear anything discourteous. Even in Germany, where women find it so hard to be admitted to study medicine, the physicians were like father and brother to me.' "The Doctors Aldrich continued to make their home in Anoka. In 1904, they built their home, Colonial Hall at 1900 Third Avenue South. It was noted as a modern house with all the necessary conveniences. It also housed the Doctors' medical practice on the north side of the main floor. "The Doctors advertised in the local papers, made house calls and saw patients in their offices. Flora continued to study, even as she saw her patients. It was remembered by one Anoka resident that Flora asked many questions while she was attending a sick child and that Flora wrote down the answers. This kind of research may have been the beginning of the books that Flora wrote about hygiene and health care, particularly for women and children. One newspaper spoke to another prominent doctor about Flora's recommendations in the books and quoted the doctor as saying, 'It contains just what doctors would be glad to have their patients know.' "Professionally, Flora was active with the Hennipen County Medical Society, the State Medical Society, the American Medical Association and was a director in the Minnesota Public Health Association. "She was also labeled a 'suffragist.' Flora's speeches to groups throughout the state often made mention of the 'double standard of morals for men and women.' She believed firmly in a woman having her own 'franchise' because without a means of taking care of herself, a woman was always subordinate to the one who took care of her. "Flora argued for women to be involved in the political process. She said, 'If it is true -- and it is true -- that woman's moral leverage in the home is an all important one, then it is true that her moral leverage in government would be an all important one.' Flora wanted voting rights for women. "She believed women were no different from men; the votes of either sex could be swayed, bullied, driven or led. Education was the key to intelligent voting and both sexes should be well educated. In Flora's opinion, voting was 'normal living' and the right to vote for women was 'conducive to health and high morality.' "Flora finally got to vote in the 1920 presidential election, the first after the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the rght to vote. "Flora's interests went well beyong medicine, writing and politics. She was the first elected president of the Philolectians, a women's group in Anoka that exists today. The club began in 1890, its objective being the social and mutual improvement of its members and to estasblish and maintain a free public library in the city. Flora also held a position in the State Federation of Clubs. "Flora had to have been an independent woman to work as she did in a male dominated field. She further proved this when the Anoka Union reported, 'When Mrs. Dr. Aldrich drives the car, Dr, Aldrich holds on for dear life.' Flora was driving while her husband rode in 1913!' "Alanson died in 1916 and his death was hard on Flora, but she continued to practice medicine as she always had from their offices in Colonial Hall. Flora would join Alanson in death in 1921 at the age of 62. "Doctor Flora's legacy of actively participating, learning and teaching continues. Her Colonial Hall is on the National Register of Historic Places and is the home of the Anoka County Historical Society. The museum is dedicated to teaching and preserving the county history where Flora spent most of her life. The medical offices of Colonial Hall are now the museum offices and the examination room is a resource library for county history. "Flora would be pleased." [Vickie Wendel, Anoka County Historical Society; V200-V201] 1911, April 11 -- "Dr. (Mrs.) F.L.S. Aldrich of this city in an able article in the Sunday Tribune, gave her views on votes for women. The Tribune interviewed her and she gave them a splendid answer. The first quotation in the article was: 'Women's influence on men in the home may be effectual for good, but it cannot be greater than her personal franchise. Without the franchise she is always subordinate; with it she voices her own opinions. She becomes then an equal; an interested citizen; a brighter woman; a more intelligent companion; a collaborator, a real chum for sons and husband. A human creature, not too good for human nature's daily food; not the forever self sacrificing one; the humiliatedly protected one; the ofttimes really neglected one; but the fully appreciated, respected one, who has finally taken her own place in the body social, her own place in nature, her own place in the process of humanity.'" [Anoka County Union; V236] 1911, May 24 -- "Dr. Flora L. Aldrich addressed the special meeting of the Woman's Civic Federation which took place at the Y.W.C.A., Saturday, on the subject of 'Social Hygiene.' Dr. Aldrich said that 800,000 club women have resolved to give time and energy to the work of removing vice conditions in cities, and for the promotion of public health. She said that there are many sources of contamination which the boards of health do not reach and urged that mothers be posted on the subjects of social hygiene and instruct their children properly. Dr. Aldrich made a plea to the women to lend their aid in abolishing the double standard of morals for men and women. .." [Anoka County Union; V237] 1916, March -- "Mrs. Dr. Aldrich will resume her professional work March 10th. The Minneapolis practice of the late Dr. A.G. Aldrich has been taken over by Dr. J. Wesley Bishop, specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Bishop will assist Mrs. Dr. Aldrich in this work in Anoks. Records of glasses can be had from Mrs. Dr. Aldrich." [Anoka County Union; V225] 1920 -- Census of Anoka County shows Flora L.S. Aldrich 55 F Head, Mary Hagemeyer 25 F Servant and Mary Meviseen 25 F Servant. [V204] 1921, March 21 -- "Friends of Dr. F.L.S. Aldrich were pained and shocked to hear of her sudden death which occurred Saturday noon. Here friends had known that she had not been well for a long time and that she was contemplating a trip away for rest and quiet but they did not deem her condition quite so serious. A few weeks ago, she had taken two weeks rest in bed but had again resumed seeing some of her patients. She had not been sleeping well nights and had told her maid who slept near that if she was sleeping in the morning, not to disturb her as she needed the rest. When the maid, fearful lest she was ill, tried to arouse without any results, she became alarmed and summoned friends nearby. Physicians were difficult to locate but Dr. Crowley and Dr. Wheat reached her bedside as she was breathing her last. "Her brother, in the east, notified Anoka friends that he would arrive here probably Tuesday and funeral services will be held from the home at two o'clock today. Rev. A.D. Stowe will officiate." [Anoka Union, C76F; Dr. Aldrich's photo and signature accompany] 1921, March 22 -- "The community was shocked Saturday morning to hear that Flora L.S. Aldrich had died suddenly at her home on Third avenue. "Not many knew that she had been ill although such had been the case for a month or more. "Saturday morning she did not awaken and medical aid hastily summoned revealed the fact that heart trouble was the cause of her untimely death. ... "Mrs. Aldrich is survived by one brother, L.J. Southard of Schenectady, N.Y., who arrives today to attend the funeral. ... "The funeral will be held at the residence at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Andrew D. Stowe will officiate." [The Anoka Herald; V221] 1921, March 23 -- "... She was also of a literary character, having written several works, among them being: a novel, 'The One Man,' a book for mothers, 'My Child and I,' and 'A Boudoir Companion' for women [and the 'One Man Book of Minnesotans']. ... She was a presidential elector on the Democratic ticket at the last election and was chairman of the Democratic Women of Anoka County. ..." [Anoka Union; V222-V223; Anoka County Historical Society documents V238; a review of "The One Man" appears in Anoka County Union of January 25, 1911; V232] 1921, April 6 -- "Dr. Flora L.S. Aldrich, widow of the late Dr. A.G. Aldrich, died a few days ago in Anoka, Minn., where she has lived for the past 36 years. She is survived by her brother, Lynn Southard of New York City. Dr. Aldrich was a former resident of this section and is a relative of the DeLongs." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AK] "Flora's beloved Colonial Hall was built in 1904 ..." [Anoka County Historical Society pamphlet, C76G-C76I; the building is the Society"s headquarters and museum; detailed descriptions appear in the Anoka County Union, V230-V231 and the Anoka Free Press, V234.] Photographs of Flora Aldrich appear at C76E, C76F, V203, V207, V220, V222, and V233.a, Minn. taking Flora with them, probably not Lyman. JJ's letter [1874; C75] hints that there were some family problems with Wesley and JJ's mother. Just a guess, but they could have left Lyman with (Celitte) JJ's mother ..." [Donald P. Petro message, C76B]"Hyndsville -- Mrs. Verna Tissiere, 92, of Clove Road, died Friday at Bassett Healthcare in Cooperstown. "Mrs. Tissiere was born in the town of Sharon. She was a lifelong resident of Schoharie County. "Survivors "Alanson George Aldrich, M.D., was born in Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, the son of John Rexford and Lois A. Randall Aldrich, and is the grandson of David Aldrich, a well known New England Quaker preacher. He was educated in the public schools of Adams and under private instruction of Rev. Geo. Harmon, now of Tufts College, Boston, Mass. "Dr. Aldrich began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. H.M. Holmes of Adams, and attended his first course of lectures at the medical department of the University of Vermont. He later entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Maryland, receiving his degree therefrom in 1879. He practiced medicine in Massachusetts for three years, when he met Flora L. Southard of Westford, New York. In a trip to the Northwest a few months later, when visiting friends in this locality he decided to remain here for a few years. The few years have merged into many, and Dr. Aldrich is still an enthusiastic admirer of the North Star state, making Anoka his home with offices in Minneapolis and Anoka. "Dr. Aldrich devotes his practice exclusively to the specialty of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and is ably assisted by his wife, Dr. F.L.S. Aldrich. His preparation for this work has been extensive and thorough. In 1887 he took special instructions under Dr. F.C. Hotz at the Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary, and in a few months thereafter another coirse in the same city. In 1888-9 he took the best courses obtainable in this country at the Manhattan Eye and Ear Infirmary, also special work at the New York Post Graduate Hospital. In 1896 he was appointed clinical assistant to the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, Eng., and to the Royal Ear Hospital, and the Central London Throat Hospital under the renowned Lennox Browne. This was followed by sadvanced private courses in the hospitals of Paris, Vienna, and other European cities. "Dr. Aldrich is a member of the Hennepin county Medical Society, the State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. He is a frequent contributor to journals of Ophthmology. He is a thirty-two degree Mason and a Shriner. He is an enthusiastic lover of field sports and of country life. His home, 'Colonial Hall,' at Anoka is largely maintained in order to bring him nearer the pleasures he so enjoys. His private kennel always contains the finest breeds of hunting dogs, all well trained. Both he and his wife are advocates of the simple life; both are enthusiastic students of natural sciences; and their home life is ideal. Dr. Aldrich politically is a radical Democrat and an independent thinker. Among his friends he is known as a 'royal good fellow at all times.'" [History of Anoka County, 181-182; V202] 1885 -- Census of the City of Anoka shows Allanson G. Aldrich 30 M born Massachusetts and Flora S. Aldrich 26 F born New York [V245] 1905 -- Census of the Second Ward of the City of Anoka shows Wesley Southard, A.G. Aldrich and Flora L.S. Aldrich living on "3d Ave." [V244] 1910 -- Census of Anoka County shows Alanson George Aldrich, 53 M Head, Flora L.S. 49 F Wife, Eminence Johnson 24 F Servant. [V227] 1916, February 23 -- "Dr. A.G. Aldrich passed away Saturday morning at his home in Anoka, after a brave struggle for life, lasting ten days. Dr. Aldrich was stricken with pneumonia a week ago Wednesday. He came to Anoka one evening on the train, and there were so many passengers the bus could not accommodate them and he walked the mile or more to his home in 20 below zero weather, in order that a woman with a baby might ride. He was chilled through and exhausted when he arrived home, and the exposure may have helped bring on the fatal illness. "He was seriously ill from the very first, and for several days life was sustained by means of oxygen and heart stimulants. ... The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 'Colonial Hall,' the residence and were conducted by the Scottish Rite Masons. A special car with forty members of the order arrived at two o'clock. ... The pall bearers were Dr. G.G. Eitel, Dr. M. Aune, Frank Mevsi, E.F. Comstock, W.W. Walker and Dr. A.M. Eastman. The body was conveyed to the train and thence to Minneapolis for cremation. "The funeral arrangements were made in accord with expressed wishes of Dr. Aldrich. ..." [Anoka County Union; V218-V219] Photographs of Alanson Aldrich appear at V202 and V233.include her husband, Leon R. Tissiere, whom she married Jan. 1, 1930; three sons, Robert Tissiere and James Tissiere of Stamford, Delaware County; a daughter, Mary Lou Harris of Torrance, Calif., 15 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. "A service is set for 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Robert A. Guffin Funeral Home, 1 Chapel St., Cobleskill. Burial will be in Zion Cemetery at a later date. ... "Memorial contributions may be made to the Bassett Hospital of Schoharie County Ladies Auxiliary or to the Cobleskill Rescue Squad ..." [Obituary of Verna Tissiere; M84]"After the death of Fred Chapman, Juliet donated the DeLong home on Glen St. to the Glens Falls-Queensbury Historical Society as a local history museum." [John D. Austin research, E107] 2000, March 23 -- "When my grandmother Mabel (DeLong) (Austin) Chapman died in 1941, my Dad (her son) and Mom moved into what is today the Chapman Historical Museum on Glen St. in Glens Falls, to keep house for my stepgrandfather. We lived there about a year. Then he married again, and it was his widow (we called her Aunt Juliet) who later donated the property for local history use." [John D. Austrin letter]"After his death a baseball diamond was dedicated to his memory." [John D. Austin research, E112]"[Carol] res. Cranbury NJ where she had a restaurant; later res. on Oak St., Glens Falls; secretary for the First Presbyterian Church of Glens Falls." [John D. Austin research, E113]2000, March 19 -- "I have two DeLong lines. In addition to Zopher, etc., on my father's side, I am descended on my mother's side from Francis DeLong of Cornwall VT (Arie, Frans, Arie, Elias, Francis J.) ..." [John D. Baldwin letter]"J[ohn] D[.] B[aldwin] says this ch. unknown to him, perhaps d[ied]. y[oung]." [DelongV1Arie.FTW, E69U]2000, March 15 -- "... I would like to know more about DeLong's Dairy. I have a milk bottle whose label says '235 Bay St.'" [Lawrence A. DeLong letter to Judge John D. Austin] 2000, March 19 -- "... the Glens Falls milk business was conducted by A. Herbert Delong, whom I well remember. His father was Edwin E. DeLong, who had a large dairy farm and milk business on the same roaed that I have long lived on, about two miles to the east of my place, over the line in Kingsbury, Washington County. Edwin had three children, Elwin, Hazel and Herb. Elwin helped Herb in the dairy business, and Hazel married ---- Wakeley, and was a fine teacher, working for many years with my late wife, also a teacher, at Queensbury Elementary School. Herb DeLong moved the dairy operation over to Bay Rd., and DeLong's Dairy Bar, at the corner of Bay Rd. and Glenwood Ave., Queensbury, was a lively spot when I was in high school and college (many years ago)." [John D. Austin letter]"[Duane] and his family were pioneers in Dakota, going there from NY state in 1867, where he engaged in the harness business. He made the first saddle and first:::::ўџџџ:: : : : :ўџџџ:::::::::::::::::: :!:":#:$:%:&:':(:):*:+:,:-:.:/:0:1:2:3:4:ўџџџ6:7:8:9:::;:<:=:>:?:@:A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:ўџџџZ:[:\:]:ўџџџ_:`:a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:ўџџџk:l:m:n:o:ўџџџq:r:ўџџџt:u:v:w:x:y:z:{:|:}:~::€: harness in Dakota. In 1882 he removed to Ames, Iowa where he died. ..." [Jeanne Ferris notes from Silas Crippen, 1759-1831, of Worcester, Otsego Co. New York and His Descendants, N25]1881, February 5 -- "Sheldon, Mrs. Hannah in Worcester, Jan. 29, 1881, 84 yrs, at home of Nelson H. Smith. Buried near Stanford at Stephens burial ground. Widow of Lionel Sheldon." [Worcester Times, O101]1881, August 12 -- "East Worcester -- Gen. Lionel A. Sheldon and wife have been spending some time at Pratt's hotel. Mr. Sheldon is Governor of New Mexico, having been appointed to that office by President Garfield. He was born in this town, and removed to Ohio when a mere lad, this being his first visit here since childhood. "Nearly seventy years ago, two brothers, Allen and Lionel Sheldon, both young men, came into the woods here, built them a log house, cleared up a tract of land and settled down. Soon after this they married sisters, living in the town of Cobleskill, now Brooker Hollow. The brothers dwelt together there, and were prospered. "Allen, the father of the subject of this sketch, finally sold out to his brother, and moved to the 'wilds' of Ohio when Lionel was about six years of age. "Mr. Sheldon was engaged in the late war, discharged his duties faithfully, and was promoted to the rank of General. Here he became acquainted with President Garfield, who appointed him to his present position. "Mr. Sheldon, accompanied by his cousin, Mrs. Orilla LaMoure and S.T. LaMoure, visited the scenes of his childhood. He expressed a desire and hope that he some day might be the owner of the old homestead." [Worcester Times; O101]1890, March 6 -- "Dr. D.L.D. Sheldon -- The subject of this sketch whose remains were lately interred at East Worcester, was born at East Worcester in 1815, united with the Baptist church in 1837, was baptized by Elder Walter Covey, and was married in 1839. He followed the mercantile business in Seward, Charlotteville and Worcester until his wife's death in 1845. He then went to Albany and studied medicine with Dr. A.B. Sheldon and Dr. Uriah Bigelow, and soon after graduated at the University College of New York city. Dr. Sheldon went to California, 1852, and returned to New York in 1860, at which place he practiced his profession with success. In 1872 he was married again and lived with his second wife 11 years when she died in 1883. Last August he gave up his practice for an extended trip visiting his sister Mrs. O.O. LaMoure, and friends at Windsor, Wilksbarrie, Skeneatalas, Tonawanda, Ashtabula, Penfield, Lagrange, Ohio, also his cousin, Mrs. Harriet Olmstead, at Cleveland, O. He returned to his sister's, Mrs. H. Darling at Windsor the 15th of Jan. and died on the 25th of the same month., of heart failure." [Worcester Times; O102]1988, November 17 -- "I was brought up by Mary Burgess Shangraw who was sister to the older George Ladd Burgess. ..." [Alice Perry letter, S27]1988, November 17 -- "The 'CHASE' you refer to from Alaska was my Uncle 'Bill' who was an M.D. and went to Alaska, in his later years he was better known as a hunter and history 'nut.' He spoke before the legislature in Washington at the time Alaska was hopefully going to be annexed as a state. He also authored several books on Alaska. ... " [Alice Perry letter, S27]Possible parents of Elizabeth are John Hamilton born November 16, 1747 and Lorina. Possible parents of John Hamilton are Nathan Hamilton and Ruth Wheler. [Alice Perry information, S29]1988, November 17 -- "Burgesses migrated from England." [Alice Perry letter, S27]1870 -- Census of Town of Greig, Lewis County, New York shows Joseph DePan 22 b. NY Working in tannery, Hannah 21, Henry [?] 6, Jacob 2 [H164] 1905 -- Cens:‚:ƒ:„:…:†:‡:ˆ:‰:Š:‹:Œ::Ž:::‘:’:“:”:•:–:—:˜:™:š:›:œ::ž:Ÿ: :Ё:Ђ:Ѓ:Є:Ѕ:І:Ї:Ј:Љ:Њ:Ћ:Ќ:­:Ў:Џ:А:Б:ўџџџГ:Д:Е:Ж:З:И:Й:К:Л:М:Н:О:П:Р:С:Т:У:Ф:Х:Ц:Ч:Ш:Щ:Ъ:Ы:Ь:Э:Ю:Я:ўџџџб:в:г:д:е:ж:з:и:й:к:л:м:н:о:п:р:с:т:ўџџџф:х:ц:ч:ш:щ:ъ:ы:ь:э:ю:я:№:ё:ђ:ѓ:є:ѕ:і:ї:ј:ўџџџњ:ћ:ќ:§:ў:џ:;us of Town of Lyonsdale, Lewis County: Joseph D. 57, Hanna 57, Jacob 37, Fed 26, Mary J. 21, Jessie [H164] 1915 -- Census of Lyonsdale: Joseph 66, Hanna 65, John Son 42, Virgil Redner Granddaughter 16, Nelson Hansen Son-in-law 26, Jessie Hansen Daughter 24 [H164] 1925 -- Census of French Settlement, Lyonsdale: Joseph 76 Farmer b. US, Hannah 76 Housewife b. US. [H164] 1928 -- "Mr. DePan has had a month of illness, caused by heart trouble. Joseph DePan died at French Settlement. Monday morning at his home in French Settlement, occurred the death of Joseph DePan, after an extended period of ill health, although he had kept about the house until for the past five weeks. Joseph DePan was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePan and was born in October 1847 at Lorraine, NY. He came to this vicinity when a boy and January 1, 1866 [sic], united in marriage with Hannah Hance, and twelve children were born to them, four of whom survive. Mr. and Mrs. DePan were devoted to each other and to their home, having lived 52 years in the home where he died. He was always interested in the politics of the town of Lyonsdale and all his life he was a staunch Democrat. Beside the widow the following children are living: Mrs. Jessie Hodges, who lived with her parents in recent years to care for them in their declining years; Mary DePan Higby of Boonville; two sons, Jacob A. and Felix DePan of this village; two sisters, Margaret Mumford of Boonville and Lavina Smith of Utica; two brothers, Edward of Gouverneur and William DePan of Mohawk. Mr. DePan is also survived by two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren besides several nieces and nephews. Deceased was a member of St. Martin's Church and member of Port Leyden Grange. ... Interment in the St. Martin's Cemetery, Pearl Street ..." [Obituary; H165-H166]1930 -- "Port Leyden -- Mrs. Joseph DePan called by death. Monday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Higby, at Constableville, occurred the death of Hannah House DePan, widow of the late Joseph DePan ... Mrs. DePan was born at Orange, N.J. 81 years ago, but had spent most of her life at the homestead at French Settlement, near this village. ... She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Kaye Hodges, of this village, and Mrs. Wilson Higby of Canastota; two sons, Jacob DePan of this village, and Felix DePan of Canastota, besides several grandchildren, nephews and nieces. The funeral was held this Wednesday morning from St. Martin's Church ... Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Port Leyden. ..." [Obituary; H167] 1930, April 9 -- "... Mrs. DePan was critically ill at her home [at Port Leyden] last Saturday when her home burned. It was with difficulty that she was removed before the structure collapsed. ..." [Watertown Times; H168]"[Joseph DePan's] 1st marriage Ann -- buried Constableville, NY; Lewis County "'Depan, Ann -- wife of Joseph Depan, Sr. died Feb. 25, 1866 -- age 34 yrs 11 mos'" [Dorothy D. O'Brien; H41-H42] "Betty Swift said he [Joseph] was married twice. Yes, he was. Maybe 3 times {Ann, Maria, Catherine]." [Helene McHale; H158] "Could Maria Manville and Ann DePan be the same person? Everything matches up but the first name." [Helene McHale; H162] "Anna [DePan] was his second? wife ...I believe this is Joseph M. DePan first wife, Mariah Manville." [Helene McHale; H285]1910, June 16 -- "The death of D.J. DePan occurred recently at the hospital at Kingston, N.J. where he underwent an operation. He was a shoemaker by trade and conducted a shoe store at Indian Lake, Hamilton county; also a grocery and harness store. Later he did business in real estate and insurance in New York and New Jersey. He was said to br worth at the time of his death $125,000. He was a brother of J.D. Depan, of Port Leyden, and half brother of William Depan, of Page, and Edward Depan, of Gouverneur. His father, Joseph Depan, survives at the age of 83 years; also two sisters, Mrs. Marie Wynn Wine, of Port Lyden, and Mrs. Lavina Smith of Utica." [Lowville Journal Republican; H266]1922, March 30 -- "On March 17 at her home on the Moose River road, after a brief illness lasting but a few hours, occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Mannvilla Wine. Her death was the result of acute indigestion and heart failu;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ўџџџ;; ;ўџџџ";#;$;%;&;';(;);ўџџџ+;,;-;.;ўџџџ0;1;2;3;4;ўџџџ6;7;8;9;:;ўџџџ<;=;>;ўџџџ@;A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;ўџџџK;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z;[;ўџџџ];^;_;`;ўџџџb;c;d;e;f;g;h;i;j;k;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x;y;z;{;|;ўџџџ~;;€;re. Mrs. Wine had been in her usual health ... and her death came as a great shock ... Mrs. Wine was born in Syracuse 73 years ago, the daughter of Joseph and Mary M. DePan. She came to French Settlement with her parents when very young and had always lived there. She was united in marriage to Joseph Wine on June 17, 1866. Four children were born to them, two of whom survive, Mrs. Josephine Trombley of French Settlement and Mrs. Delphine McHale of Moose River. She is also survived by great grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Mumford of Boonville and Mrs. Lavina Smith of Utica and three brothers, Joseph DePan of French Settlement, William DePan of Herkimer and Edward DePan of Gouverneur. The funeral was held Monday from St. Martin's church of which she was always a devoted member. Rev. F.M. Kelly officiated at a requiem high mass. Interment was made in the Port Leyden Catholic cemetery. ..." [Obituary; H206]1860 -- Census of Adams County, Massachusetts shows John R. Aldrich 46 M Day laborer, Lois A. 24 F, George W. 4 M [V242]1916, November -- "The family of David Aldrich consisted of John, Mary, Vienna [Lavina?], Edgar. Edgar fell from a load of hay and was killed. No family. ... Vienna married Daniel Dunham of Adams and her dau. married Dr. Cole." [Orlando D. Aldrich letter; V241and V249]1916, November -- "Vienna married Daniel Dunham of Adams and her dau Mary married Dr. Cole." [Orlando D. Aldrich letter; V241, V249]1860 -- Census of "Greig, Lyonsdale, NY" shows Joseph 72 b. Canada, Sally 60 b. Canada. 1870 census of same place shows both living with son "Zeblin." Joseph is 85 and Sally is 78. [H153]1850 -- Census of Town of Lorraine, Jefferson County, New York: Virtil Mennvil 48 M b. Canada, Genevieve 48 b. Canada, Virtil 17 M, Elizabeth 8 F, George 6 M [H156-H157]1860 -- Census of Greig, Lewis County, New York shows Zebulon 40 Farmer, value of land $200; Rosanna 30 wife; Adeline 12 [H154]1850 -- Census of Town of Rossie, St. Lawrence County, New York shows David DePan 30 Laborer b. Canada, Caroline 32 b. Canada, Charles King 13 M b. NY School, Fidilia [?] King 11 or 9 F, Amelia King 9 or 11 F, David King 7 M, Joseph DePan 4 M, Caroline DePan 2 F, Charles Guyette 26 M Blacksmith b. Canada, Elizabeth 26 F b. Canada [H154]1855 -- Census of Boonville shows Levi Depan 22 b. Canada Laborer here 3 years Elizabeth 19 b. Franklin County George 1 b. Oneida County (Boonville) Louisa 19 b. Jefferson County Joseph 68 Father b. Canada here 3 years Sally 54 Mother b. Canada here 3 years Zeblar 36 Brother b. Canada here 3 years Rosetta 47 Sister-in-law Clarissa 13 Niece b. Jefferson County Adaline 7 Niece b. Jefferson County John 18 Brother b. Canada here 3 years Peter Wells 47 Father-in-law b. Canada here 3 years [H154] 1850 -- Census of LeRay, Jefferson County, New York shows Henry DePan, Peter Babco [Bosco?], Matilda DePan, Julia DePan, Adeline Bosco [H152]1892 -- Census of Lyonsdale, Lewis County, New York shows Jacob 24, Mary 27, Andrew 1 [H168] 1920 -- Census of Lewis County: Jacob DePan 50 b. Lewis Co. NY; Emily Blunt, Housekeeper 37 b. NY; Mary Blunt, Boarder 18 b. N     # !"$2%&'()*+,-./013F456789:;<=>?@ABCDEGWHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXpYZd\]^_`abcўџџџefghijklmnoqrstuvwxyz{|}~‚Y; Ettie Blunt, Boarder 11 b. NY; Jeanette Lee, Boarder 75 b. Vermont [H169] 1931, September 8 -- "Port Leyden -- Jacob DePan, 62, retired lumberman of this village, died Tuesday night in Faxton Hospital, Utica. He was born in French Settlement and his first wife was Mary Outterson. Five children were born of this union, one of which survives, Mrs. Edwin Sharon, Boonville. His first wife died several years ago and he married Mrs. Catherine Uhouse six years ago. Besides his widow and daughter mentioned above, he is survived by a stepson Charles Uhouse and six grandchildren. The funeral will be tomorrow at St. Martin's Church." [Obituary; H169]1905, February 25 -- "Port Leyden -- Fred A. and T.D. DePan of this village, and George Baker, o;‚;ƒ;„;…;†;‡;ˆ;‰;Š;‹;Œ;;Ž;;;‘;’;“;”;•;–;—;˜;™;š;›;œ;;ž;Ÿ; ;Ё;Ђ;Ѓ;Є;Ѕ;І;Ї;Ј;Љ;Њ;Ћ;Ќ;­;Ў;Џ;А;Б;В;Г;Д;Е;Ж;ўџџџИ;Й;К;Л;М;Н;О;П;Р;С;Т;У;Ф;Х;Ц;Ч;Ш;Щ;Ъ;Ы;Ь;Э;Ю;Я;а;б;в;г;д;е;ж;з;и;й;к;л;м;н;о;п;р;с;т;у;ф;ўџџџц;ч;ш;щ;ъ;ы;ь;э;ю;я;№;ё;ђ;ўџџџє;ѕ;і;ї;ј;љ;њ;ћ;ќ;§;ў;џ;<f Lyonsdale, have enlisted in the artillery branch of the United States army, and were sent Friday to Fort Slocum." [Journal and Republican; H192] 1905 -- "Frederick A. DePan, son of Joseph DePan, died Wednesday morning at the residence of his parents in French Settlement. Death resulted from typhoid fever. Dr. DePan was taken ill the latter part of September and his illness developed typhoid. Frederick DePan was well known in Port Leyden where he was very popular. On February 18, 1904 he and his brother Taffiel D. DePan enlisted in the United States Regular Army and were attached to Company A, 110th Regiment of Heavy Artillery, stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island. In May of that year Frederick DePan met with accident. In wall scaling practice he was acting as the understander and his comrades, while mounted on his shoulder, fell upon him, seriously injuring his spine. He was in the hospital for four months with his back encased in a plaster of paris jacket. He never fully recovered from the injury and in September, 1904, he was retired on a pension of $30 a month. Since that time he had tried light work about his home and finally went to work in the woods last summer. The work was too hard for him and he came home ill in September last and his final fatal illness followed. Mr. DePan was in his 28th year and unmarried. He is survived by his parents and by two brothers, Tuffeal, who is still in the army, and Jacob A. DePan of French Settlement, and by three sisters, Mrs. John Redner and the Misses Mary and Grace DePan, also of French Settlement. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from St. Martin's church, this village. The interment will be in the German Catholic cemetery." [Obituary; H190-H191]1904, February 25 -- "Port Leyden -- Fred A. and T.D. DePan of this village, and George Baker, of Lyonsdale, have enlisted in the artillery branch of the United States army, and were sent Friday to Fort Slocum." [Journal and Republican; H192] 1920 -- Census of Lewis County, New York shows Felix DePan 39 b. Lewis County, Lillian DePan 35 b. NY, Leonard Higby Father-in-law 80 b. NY, Edith Higby Mother-in-law 69 b. NY [H192] 1928, May 3 -- "Port Leyden -- Mr. and Mrs. Felix DePan having sold their farm at French Settlement, are moving to Canastota. Mrs. Leonard Higby, Mrs. DePan's mother, will make her home with them." [Newspaper article; H192] 1948 -- "Felix DePan, 69, dies at hospital. Felix D. DePan was born at French Settlement on April 29, 1879, where he spent most of his life. On Feb. 18, 1904, he enlisted in the United States Regular Army, and was attached to Co. A, 110 Regiment of Heavy Artillery. He was stationed at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, where he served for three years. On Feb. 22, 1908, he was married to Lillian Eliza Higby, of Boonville. About 15 years ago, he moved to Canastota, where he has resided since. Death resulted from a surgical operation from which he failed to rally. Mr. DePan was in his 69th year. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian DePan, two sisters, Mrs. Kay Hodges and Mrs. Wilson Higby, and two nieces, Miss Betty Hodges, Port Leyden, and Mrs. Russell Bellinger, of Bethel." [Obituary; H192-H193]1908, February 16 -- "On Tuesday January 28th occurred the death of Fanny, wife of John Redner, aged 26 years. The funeral was held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. from the M.E. Church, Rev. R. Kline officiating. Besides her husband and little daughter, Virgil, she is survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DePan, two sisters Mrs. Mary Higby and Miss Jessie DePan and two brothers, Felix and Jacob DePan, all of Port Leyden." [Obituary; H195]1966 -- "Boonville -- Mrs. Jessie M. Hodges, 75, of 508 Main St., a former employee of the Port Leyden Knitting Mill, died yesterday in her home. She was born i<<<<<<<< < < < < <<<<ўџџџ<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <!<"<#<$<%<&<'<(<)<*<+<,<-<.</<0<1<2<ўџџџ4<5<6<7<8<9<:<;<<<=<><?<@<A<B<C<D<E<F<G<H<I<J<K<L<M<N<O<P<Q<R<ўџџџT<U<V<W<X<Y<Z<[<\<]<^<_<`<a<b<c<d<e<f<ўџџџh<i<j<k<l<m<n<o<p<q<r<ўџџџt<u<v<w<x<y<z<{<|<}<~<<€<n Lewis County, the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Hance DePan. She spent her younger life in Port Leyden where she attended high school. For a period of eleven years she was employed by the Port Leyden Knitting Mill. She was married to Nelson Peter Hansen in 1911. He died many years ago. She was married to Kay W. Hodges in 1923 at Port Leyden. The couple moved here 18 years ago. Mr. Hodges died in 1957. Mrs. Hodges was a member of St. Joseph's Church and a former member of the Boonville Grange. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Oliver (Betty) Coon, Boonville, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Birdsey, Port Leyden. The funeral will be at 9 Saturday from the Trainor Funeral Home and at 9:30 from St. Joseph's Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. ..." [Obituary; H203-H204]"Mary (Burmingham) Outterson orphabed and taken in by the Outterson family. Lived in Mt. Ida, Kansas for several years. Divorced from Jacob DePan" [Helene McHale; H170] 1902, September 11 -- "Port Leyden -- Mrs. J.A. DePan of French Settlement was examined and pronounced insane by Dr. W.H. Johnston of this village, and Dr. Harrington of Constableville. She was taken to the state hospital at Ogdensburg Tuesday." [Lowville Journal Republican; H170] 1905, December 14 -- Mary A. DePan charged with kidnapping her daughter Ruby A. DePan from her father. The couple had been divorced about a year earlier and Jacob received custody. She was later released and agreed not to molest the child again. [Newspaper article; H170-H171] 1906, May 3 -- Mary charged with trespass. [Newspaper article; H171] 1908, November 19 -- Mary transferred from county jail to the state hospital at Ogdensburg. Co-defendant Francis Holly indicted for adultery December 16 and sentenced to three months in Onondaga County Penitentiary. [Newspaper articles; H171]1907 -- Father Jacob received custody of Joseph following divorce. [Helene McHale; H172] 1918 -- "The dreaded pneumonia has claimed another victim in the death of Joseph Andrew Depan, which occurred Friday at Johnston's Camp, near White Lake, where he had been employed on a logging job by his father, Jacob A. Depan. Deceased was one of a crew of twenty-six men working there, twenty-three of whom were taken ill with influenza, but the death of Mr. Depan was the only fatality. Deceased was the only son of Jacob A. Depan, and was born in Lyonsdale 26 years ago last January. His entire life had been spent in that town with the exception of three years spent in Kansas with his parents when an infant. ... He is survived by his father ... and two sisters, Mrs. Napoleon Leaf of Port Leyden and Mrs. Edward Scharon of Hawkinsville. .. the funeral was held Saturday morning at St. Martin's Church, Rev. F.M. Kenny officiting. Interment was made in St. Martin's cemetery." [Obituary; H172-H173]1941 -- "Funeral services for Mrs. Ruba Sharon, 47, who died last Thursday in a Rome hospital, were conducted Monday morning from St. Joseph's Church [in Boonville]. Bearers were Waldo Williams, William MacDonald, Arthur Hanschen, George Racicot, John Manley and Matthew Hurley. Mrs. Sharon was born in Mt. Ida, Kan., the daughter of Jacob A. and Mary Outterson DePan. She moved to this state when four years old and was married August 13, 1913 [sic] to Edwin Sharon in Lyonsdale. He died February 3, 1941. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Russell Bellinger, Alder Creek; two nieces and two nephews, an aunt and an uncle." [Obituary; H173]1924, March 27 -- "The remains of Mrs. Napoleon Leaf, daughter of Jacob and the late Mary Outterson DePan, were brought to Port Leyden from Ogdensburg for burial and the funeral services conducted by Rev. F.M. Kenner, at St. Martin's church, Monday morning. Mrs. Leaf is survived besides her husband, by three young children, her father and one sister." [Newspaper article; H179]1941, February 13 -- "Funeral services for the late Edwin Sharon were held at St. Joseph's Church, Boonville, Saturday, with interment made in St. Joseph's Ceme<‚<ƒ<„<…<†<‡<ˆ<‰<Š<‹<Œ<<Ž<ўџџџ<‘<’<“<”<•<–<—<˜<™<š<›<œ<<ž<Ÿ< <Ё<Ђ<Ѓ<Є<Ѕ<І<Ї<Ј<Љ<Њ<Ћ<Ќ<­<Ў<Џ<А<Б<В<Г<Д<Е<Ж<З<И<Й<К<Л<ўџџџН<О<П<Р<С<Т<У<Ф<Х<Ц<Ч<Ш<Щ<Ъ<Ы<Ь<Э<Ю<Я<а<б<в<г<д<е<ж<з<ўџџџй<к<л<м<н<о<п<р<с<т<у<ф<х<ц<ўџџџш<щ<ъ<ы<ь<э<ю<я<№<ё<ђ<ѓ<є<ѕ<і<ї<ј<љ<њ<ћ<ќ<§<ў<џ<=tery. Mr. Sharon, who was a resident of Boonville for the past 50 years, died February 3 at the Oneida County Hospital, Rome. He was born at Sterlingville, NY February 6, 1859, a son of Henry and Mary Roland Sharon. He came to Boonville about 1892 and has been in business ever since, most recently as owner and operator of the Bethel Gas Station. One of his closest friends was the late Editor Garry A. Willard of the Boonville Herald. Everyone who met him will remember him for his cheery greeting and his interesting stories of his travels over the 48 states and of his army life. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruba Sharon and one daughter, Mrs. Russell Bellinger, several cousins, nieces and nephews." [Boonville Herald; H174]1993, April 22 -- "Utica -- Mrs. Mary G. Leaf Mazzatti, 72, of the Cooper Apts., died on Tuesday, April 20, 1993, at St. Luke's Memorial Hospital. She was born in Hawkinsville, NY, June 27, 1920, the daughter of the late Napoleon Bonaparte and Ruth Depan Leaf. She was educated in local schools and on January 20, 1941, Mary was married to Louis Mazzati, Sr. Mr. Mazzatti died on September 6, 1989. Mrs. Mazzatti was a licensed practical nurse and had been employed by area hospitals and nursing homes including Children's Hospital, Broadacres S.N.F. and St. Luke's Hospital, retiring in 1969. Mary was a member of the Business and Professional Women's Club, Circle Nine and the Genesee and West Side Senior Centers. She was also a member of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Mary is survived by her three sons and one daughter-in-law, Louis J. Mazzatti, of MA, John P. Mazzatti, of Utica, James P. and Elsa Mazzatti, of Miami Beach, FL; one sister, Beatrice L. Humphrey, of Louisville NY; one sister-in-law Margaret Leaf of VA. Also surviving are five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was redeceased by two brothers, Jacob Leaf and William Francis Leaf. The funeral will be held on Friday morning at 10 a.m. at the Matt Funeral Home with the Rev. Craig Davis-Johnson, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, officiating. Interment will follow in St. Agnes Cemetery. ..." [Utica Observer-Dispatch; H182-H183]1967, July 11 -- "Boonville -- Mrs. Lillian E. Judd, 83, widow of Eugene Judd and a resident of the Empire Building apartments here, died early yesterday morning in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Utica. She was born in Greig, Lewis County, daughter of Leonard and Mary Higby Judd. She came to Boonville at the age of 10 with [her] parents. She was twice married. Her first husband Felix Depau [sic], died in 1948. She was married to Mr. Judd in 1956 here and he died in 1958. She had lived in Canastota for 20 years and returned to Boonville 17 years ago. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church here, the local Grange and the local Community Club. The funeral will be at 2 tomorrow from the Trainor Funeral Home, with the Rev. Irving F. Beal, pastor of the Boonville Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Port Leyden Cemetery. ..." [Obituary; H193-H194]1924 -- "Mary E. Higby, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Higby, died at her home in French Settlement December 20. Miss Higby was 16 years old last September. She was working in the Port Leyden Knitting Mill when taken ill with the flu and only lived five days. Miss Higby had a beautiful personality and was dearly loved by all who knew her. The family was sorry to hear the rumor in regard to the home being quarantined as it was not. ..." [Obituary; H201]1947 -- "Wilson Higby died June ========ўџџџ = = = ======ўџџџ==ўџџџ========= =!="=#=$=%=&='=(=ўџџџ*=+=,=-=.=/=0=1=2=3=4=5=6=7=8=ўџџџ:=;=ўџџџ==>=ўџџџ@=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=ўџџџU=V=W=X=ўџџџZ=[=\=]=^=_=`=a=b=c=d=e=f=g=h=i=j=k=l=m=n=ўџџџp=q=r=s=t=u=v=w=x=y=z={=ўџџџ}=~==€=5 at his home here after suffering a heart attack. He was born Mar. 28, 1877, at Port Leyden, the son of Leonard and Edith Higby. He was a woodsman and teamster most of his life, but most recently had been driving the school bus. He married Mary Jane DePan, Sept. 22, 1907, at Port Leyden, the Rev. John Dean officiating. Surviving are his wife, one sister, Mrs. Felix DePan, Wampsville, one nephew, Norman Mumford, Brockton, Mass.; two nieces, Mrs. Max Meyer, Rome, and Miss Betty Hodges of this village; two nieces in Toronto, Canada. He was a member of the Port Leyden Lodge 669 Free Masons. ... The funeral was held at the home, June 8, the Rev. Mr. Frederick Muthard of Lyons Falls officiating. Bearers were Ambrose Chase, Leon Satterly, Glenn Marmon, Joseph Inghram, Ralph Thomas and Jay Gallop. Out of town relatives included Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer and daughters, Rome; Mr. and Mrs. George Redner, Mrs. Russell Bellinger, Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Meeker and son, Alder Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Warner Hilts and family, Utica. ..." [Obituary; H200-H201]1870 -- Census of Town of Greig, Lewis County, New York shows Joseph Wine 29 b. Canada, Mary 21 b. NY, Delaphine b. NY; Eliza 6 mos. b. NY [H207] 1875 -- Appears in Lyonsdale census. [H207] 1892 -- Lyonsdale census: Joseph 52, Mary 42, Florence 2 [H207] 1905, 1915 -- Lyonsdale census [H207] "Wine families came from Montreal, Canada." [Helene McHale; H206]1967 -- "Port Leyden -- Mrs. Dolphine McHale, 100, widow of James D. McHale, died at 10:30 Wednesday night at her home on the Moose River road. The funeral will be Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. Martin's church, with the Rev. Donald Manfred, assistant pastor, officiating. Spring burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. ... She was born June 12, 1867 in the town of Lyonsdale, a daughter of Joseph and Mary DePan Wine, and on Dec. 30, 1884 was married to James D. McHale in St. Martin's Church. Mrs. McHale lived in her present home for 70 years. She was a member of St. Martin's church." [Obituary; H208]1885, December 31 -- "J.D. McHale has established a hotel at Moose River." [Newspaper article; H208] 1886, January 14 -- "James McHale of Lyonsdale, who injured his finger some time ago, has been obliged to have the same amputated between the first and second joints." [Newspaper article; H208] 1896 -- Had 900 acres of woodland. [Lewis County Directory; H208] "In 1912 a tower was erected on McHale property, a lookout for forest fires in the Adirondack Mountains." [Helene McHale; H208] 1915, September 15 -- Arrived in U.S.A. from England [Helene McHale; H210]Many relevant notes appear under his wife Cloisa (or Eloisa) and his son Napoleon Smith.1976, February 11 -- "Rome -- William E. DePan, 73, of 103 Mill St., a retired worker in the city Department of Public Works, died Tuesday in Rome Hospital after a long illness. "He was a construction foreman during the building of Lake Delta Dam and worked at Mele's Manufacturing Co., Utica, before beginning his last job in 1961. He retired in 1969. "Mr. DePan lived in Rome for the past 10 years, having moved from Utica and Oriskany. "He was born in Oriskany, Feb. 13, 1902, son of William M. and Maude Closson DePan. He attended Oriskany schools. "Mr. DePan and Lois Shepard were married in Herkimer May 13, 1943. ..." [Obituary; H275-H276]1878 -- "William P. Griggs, enl. in Co. I, 121st Rgt., in Sept. 1862; killed at Hatcher's Run." [Hurd's History of Otsego County, New York; 369]"Miles Dauley, Jr., butter maker and farm hand, of Whitney Point, Owego and Worcester MA, was born Mar 1890. He was married to Ella Cross 4 Jul 1912. He later married Elizabeth Sullivan in 1918. In 1927 he deserted his family, leaving a wife and six year old son. He may have worked on the Whitney Point dam in the late 1930s. He later lived near other Dauley family members in Worcester MA." [Larry Bell research, O24] 2001, February 26 -- "I think there was some scandal about a Miles Dauley -- I don't know if Senior or Junior. I think he was a drinker & didn't support his family. Perhaps it was Junior per Bell's comment re: abandoning his family." [Harriet Babcock letter, O123]2001, February 22 -- "Charles and Violet established a beautiful home just outside the village [Whitney Point, New York] and kept his parents as long as they lived -- and later Violet's sister Lettie lived with them (after leaving Lighthouse, Fl. where she and I believe another sister had lived). Lettie was a very nice lady and gasn't been dead too many years. ..." [Anita Axtell letter, O26]2001, February 22 -- "Charles and Violet established a beautiful home just outside the village [Whitney Point, New York] and kep=‚=ƒ=ўџџџ…=†=‡=ˆ=ўџџџŠ=‹=Œ==Ž==ўџџџ‘=’=“=ўџџџ•=–=—=˜=™=š=›=œ==ž=ўџџџ =Ё=Ђ=Ѓ=Є=Ѕ=І=Ї=Ј=Љ=Њ=ўџџџЌ=­=ўџџџЏ=А=Б=В=Г=Д=Е=ўџџџЗ=И=Й=ўџџџЛ=М=Н=О=ўџџџР=С=Т=У=Ф=Х=Ц=Ч=Ш=ўџџџЪ=Ы=Ь=Э=Ю=Я=а=б=в=г=д=е=ж=з=и=й=к=л=м=н=ўџџџп=р=с=т=у=ф=х=ц=ч=ш=щ=ъ=ы=ь=э=ю=я=№=ё=ђ=ѓ=є=ѕ=і=ї=ј=љ=њ=ћ=ќ=ўџџџў=џ=>t his parents as long as they lived -- and later Violet's sister Lettie lived with them ..." [Anita Axtell letter, O26]2001, February 22 -- "Chas & Violet had another son Gordon (80) is in a nursing home in Fl. trying to recover from a stroke." [Anita Axtell letter, O26]2001, February 22 -- "Ken and Eloise Dauley now keep this home [of Charles and Violet Dauley] -- raised 6 children there. 4 girls and 2 boys. Ken retired from IBM and Eloise was a teacher in W.P.." [Anita Axtell letter, O26]2001, February 22 -- "You note that Lettie had a son by Miles, Jr. ..." [Anita Axtell letter, O26]2004, December 9 -- "... Jacobus Wolven Jr. ... had a stone house built here in Saugerties in July of 1818 that my family has owned for a number of years. His father (Jacobus Wolven Sr.) owned the stone house just down the road ... I also have a Wolven family tree from the time they arrived in Saugerties in September of 1710." [Charles Rothe; V268A]2001, February 26 -- "[John Ostrom's] old maid daughter lived in a house he built for her next door -- where Ron VanBuren lives now. The daughter, Rosalia (Ostrom) Jaycox (m. later in life) died in 1916. She is buried in the lower cemetery, East Worcester. She was called 'Aunt Zale' by her niece, Harriet Rosalia (Dauley) Babcock ..." [Harriet Babcock letter, O120]"William b. Canada per the latter's son in 1880. Doubtful." [John D. Baldwin research, B69A]"Sarah suggested as born 1790-1800, under 10 in 1800 and suggested as erroneously under 10 in 1810, otherwise there was a second daughter born 1790-1810 not known to us. ... Essex Vt marriage ... Soon to Ohio ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B69C]"... of Starksboro in 1828 census of Quakers ... minor listed with brother." [John D. Baldwin research, B69C]1997 -- "Derwood [Delong] reports he is 7th gen of Vt (So is there error with Wm H having son b ND?)" [John D. Baldwin research, B69E]"According to her death certificate, Ina died in North Reading, Mass. She probably lived with her daughter Mrs. Jennie Downs. But she only lived there for 10 months. ... Question: was Jennie her daughter or sister because she had a sister named Jenny???" [Patrick LaFountain research, Z362]"Worcester, Jan. 21 -- Nellie G. Boyce, wife of Charles Boyce of the Eitapence Hardware company, died suddenlt at her home in this village, Monday afternoon of acute Bright's disease, age 32 years. She is survived by her husband and two children by her former husband, Maudene and Donald Morris; also by one sister, Mrs. W.W. Lawrence of Maryland, and by one brother, Herbert Gordon of Roxbury. "The funeral services will be held Wednesday, at 3 p.m. Rev. L.A. Dykeman will officiate and the body will be taken to Oneonta on Thursday and placed in the vault. Later it will be interred by the side of her first husband in Glenwood cemetery." [Newspaper article; 116B1939, April 21 -- "Mrs. Leonard Wheeler, 35, of 308 Chestnut srtreet, died at 11 last night at the Parshall hospital, where she had been a medical patient about 10 days. Death was caused by complications. "Lillian Mae Wheeler was born in Maryland, June 23, 1903, a daughter of Charles and Pearl (Bentley) Hughes. Her marriage to Mr. Wheeler occurred Feb. 16, 1925, at Worcester. She attended Schenevus high school, and joined the Methodist church when a young girl. Mrs. Wheeler was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends here. "Surviving are her husband; five children, Leonard, Burrel, Ethel, Jessie and Nancy, all residing at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Schenevus; four brothers, Guy Hughes of Kortright, Wilson and Adelbert Hughes of Albany and Willard Hughes of Delanson; four sisters, Miss Ethel Hughes of Schenevus, Mrs. Morris Barnes of Rochelle Park, N.J., Mrs. Albert DuBois of Schenevus and Miss Blanche Hughes of Schenevus. ..." [Obituary, L164]Details of the life of James Babcock appear on pages 7 and 8 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O135-O13ўџџџ>>>>>>ўџџџ > > > >ўџџџ>>>ўџџџ>>>ўџџџ>>>>>>>>ўџџџ> >!>">#>$>%>ўџџџ'>(>)>*>+>,>->.>/>0>1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9>:>;><>=>>>?>@>A>B>C>D>E>F>G>H>I>J>K>L>M>N>O>P>Q>R>S>T>U>V>W>X>Y>Z>[>\>]>ўџџџ_>`>a>b>c>d>e>f>g>h>i>j>k>l>m>n>o>p>q>r>s>ўџџџu>v>ўџџџx>y>z>{>|>}>~>>€>6]Details of the life of Joshua Babcock appear on pages 30-32 of the Babcock Genealogy. [O158-O160] 1776 -- Signer of Rhode Island Declaration of Independence. [Babcock Genealogy, 31-32; O159-O160]"Robert ... came to America with his three sons, Edward, Thomas and Henry, and bought land in Milton, Mass., July 13, 1654." [Babcock Genealogy, 28; O156]Details of the life of Isaiah Babcock, Jr. appear on pages 15-16 of Isaiah Babcock, Sr., and His Descendants. [O173-O174]Details of the life of Jonas Babcock appear on pages 102-105 of Isaiah Babcock, Sr., and His Descendants. [O188-O191]A portion of a diary kept by Harriet Rice of Maryland and Westford, New York between January 1, "Samuel Babcock ... removed with his parents in 1772 to Partridgefield, Mass. ... He was, along with the rest of his brothers, in the War of the Revolution. "Record of Massachusetts Soldiers, War of Revolution, has the following: "'Samuel Babcock, Private enlisted in 1779. Seventeen years of age. Stature 5 ft. 7 in., complexion light, residence Partridgefield.' "He moved with his family, parents, and brothers' families, about 1795, to Westford, Otsego County, N.Y. Col. Samuel Babcock, as he was familiarly known, acquired his title of Colonel in the militia. It has been stated that he was in the War of 1812, but the writer has been unable to verify this statement. ... Col. Samuel united with a Masonic lodge in Partridgefield, Mass. The writer visited the site of his old home, between Elk Creek and Westford, Otsego County, N.Y., in 1902. The old homestead is gone, but the writer has a photograph of the old house. In this house many of Col. Samuel's children were born, and his father Isaiah Babcock, Sr., and his mother Elizabeth (Plumb) Babcock lived while uin Otsego County, and died there. The first Masonic lodge organized in Otsego County was organized in this house. In a small cemetery, near the town of Westford, repose the remains of Col. Samuel Babcock and his wife. ... "Col. Samuel Babcock and his wife attended the Congregational Church in Westford, N.Y. They were members of this church, and his name appears in many places in the church records. He married Sylvinia Kinnie. She probably came from Partridgefield ... and was probably related .,. to his brother Elias's wife, Huldah Kinnie. ... They were probably married in Partridgefield. Their fifth child was born in 1795, which was the year he and his family ... removed from Partridgefield ... to what is even now known as the Babcock Settlement, located between ... Elk Creek and Westford ..." [Isaiah Babcock, Sr., and His Descendants, 95-96; O181-O182] The D.A.R. membership application of Doris Louise Patrick [D15-D22] lists the Babcock lineage from Isaiah, Sr. through Samuel, six geneations to herself.1845 and May 6, 1846, transcribed by Irene D. Smith, appears on pages D149 to D152. It chronicles her travels as a seamstress between those two localities and mentions many local names."Jonathan Perry the father of us all died May 8th 1803. He hasd married three wives, had five children by the first, four by the second and by the third Jonathan Will[sey?] mother was the youngest child." [Perry family ledger; D152J]1797 -- "One highway that can be pictured was noted on May 10, 1797 as follows: 'A publick Road laid from Charlotte to Schenevus Crick Beginning at Cumfort Davis Running Northwardly course till Henery Alvert mill from thence to Fredricks Alberts sawmill from thence to Abner Teas.'" [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 107] 1825 -- "One person we must not forget to mention was Frederick Albert, baptized April 7, 1825 and who was married to Sebee Lincoln, a sister of Joseph Lincoln, Jr. He lived in the house where Deacon Isaac Gage now lives. Frederick Albert was a loyal worker for the church and a staunch member. When he would see men loafing around and neglecting the worship of God, he would say 'Why weren't you at meeting today?' If they began to make excuses, he came down on them like a ton of bricks. He was always drumming up people to go to meeting." [Thomas Bruxholm, Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of the Town of Summit, 18] 1829 -- "Fred Albert sent as sole delegate to [Baptist] Association meeting." [Bruxholm, 21] 1850 -- Census of Schoharie County lists Frederick Albert 50 $2000 property, Se-- Albert 49 F, Jane 25, Henry 20, Emily 9 Also, Frederick Albert Jr. 28 $500 property, Susan 28, David H. 6 It is hard to see how Frederick Albert ae. 50 can be the brother of old Henry. Hurd's History says Frederick b. 1800 is his son. The Summit Baptist Church history says old Henry had a brother "old Fred." 1910 -- "We are indebted to old John Wesley Albert of Worcester for the information that ... old Fred Albert, old Henry's brother, had a son named Henry." [Bruxholm, 14] M Louisa Cook 1806-1890, "wife of Frederick Albert," is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Worcester, New York [M66]1870 -- Census of Town of Williamstown, Oswego County, New York: Elisa Smith 41 F b. Canada keeps house; Lewis Smith 21 M Canada sawmill; Napoleon Smith 16 M Canada lathe machine; Maryann Smith 18 F Canada [H44K] 1875 -- Census of Town of Lyonsdale, Lewis County, New York: Shanty. Henry Beans 27 M Laborer b. Canada, Mary Ann 22 F wife Canada, Henry Jr. 4 M son Oneida Co., Joseph 2-6/12 M son Oneida Co., Isaac 7/12 son Oneida Co., Cloisa (Eloisa?) Besaw 45 F widow mother-in-law Canada, Napoleon Besaw 19 M boarder Canada and Lewis Besaw 25 M "Home" Canada. [H43] 1880 -- Census of Town of Foresport, Oneida County, New York: Lewis Smith 26 M Canada boarder, laborerMay have married Barney Snow (Eileen N. Bernier information; S36]2002 -- "Colonie -- Lorraine Bur>‚>ƒ>„>…>†>‡>ˆ>‰>Š>‹>Œ>>Ž>>>‘>’>“>”>•>–>—>˜>™>š>›>œ>>ž>Ÿ> >ўџџџЂ>Ѓ>Є>Ѕ>І>Ї>Ј>Љ>Њ>Ћ>Ќ>­>Ў>Џ>А>Б>В>Г>Д>Е>Ж>З>И>ўџџџК>Л>М>Н>О>П>Р>С>Т>У>Ф>Х>Ц>Ч>Ш>Щ>Ъ>Ы>Ь>Э>Ю>Я>а>б>в>г>д>е>ж>з>и>й>к>л>м>н>о>п>р>с>т>у>ф>ўџџџц>ч>ўџџџщ>ъ>ўџџџь>э>ю>я>№>ё>ђ>ѓ>є>ѕ>і>ї>ј>љ>њ>ћ>ќ>§>ў>џ>?gess Condon, of Colonie, died Saturday, November 20, 2002 at St. Peter's Hospital, after a brief illness. She was born in Lyons, N.Y. and moved to Albany as a young child. Lorraine was a graduate of Albany High School and had been a Colonie resident since 1955. Lorraine was employed by Suburban Propane Gas Co. for 30 years, retiring in June 1991. She was recently honored with a lifetime membership in the Colonie Elks Ladies Auxiliary 2192, where she previously held various officer positions. Mrs. Condon was the daughter of the late Robert J. and Anna Burgess Sr. She is also predeceased by two sisters, Marjorie Mattote and Irene Cornell. "She is the beloved mother of Lynn P. Condon of Colonie and Nancy A. Zampella of Rotterdam; grandmother of Aaron J. Zampella and David R. Markes; sister of Rev. Robert J. Burgess of Canastota, N.Y., Richard Burgess of Lockport, N.Y. and Ida May TenEyck of Winthrop, N.Y.; loving aunt of several nieces and nephews. "Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Mass of Christian Burial on Wednesday at 12 noon at St. Clare's Church in Colonie. There will be no calling hours. Entombment will be in Evergreen Memorial Park. "In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association ..." [Albany Times Union; S33]1987 -- "Before moving to the [Westford, N.Y.] village, Jay Palmer lived at the Palmer Homestead on Store Hill. His son, John Edward, operated the grocery store next to his present residence for many years, first with George Roberts and later by himself. For 24 years he served as postmaster, and at the present time, in his retirement, he is president of the Westford High School Alumni Association. His brother, Cyrus, a short, cheerful man, was popular with Westford residents, whether he was performing handyman services or providing taxi service with his shiny black coupe. Joan Bramson, who is currently town clerk and tax collector and operates the country store, is the daughter of Jay's third son, Walter." [Two Centuries in Westford, 146; C410]2004, February 16 -- "Worcester -- Frances Grosfent, 95, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004, at the A.O. Fox Nursing Home, Oneonta. "She was born Feb. 27, 1908, in Worcester, the daughter of William and Eveline (Henness) Odell. "She married Frank Grosfent, Jr. on June 10, 1942, in Worcester. He predeceased her on Dec. 29, 1974. "Mrs. Grosfent was a member of the First Baptist Church in Schenevus. "She is survived by two daughters, Linda Grosfent of Worcester, and Alta and husband, Norman, Chase of Worcester; a grandson David and wife, Lynn Chase of Worcester; several nieces and nephews; and a sister-in-law, Ruth Odell of Oneonta. "She was predeceased by her sisters, Loretta Adee, Lana Vaughn and Marjorie Odell; and a brother, Walter Odell. "Calling hours will be from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel in Worcester. "A celebration of her life will be at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 18, at the First Baptist Church, Monitor Street, Schenevus, with the Rev. William Robert Thompson, pastor, officiating. "Burial will take place at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Worcester at later date. "At the request of the family, contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church ... the Worcester Free Library ... or the Worcester Emergency Squad ..." [Oneonta Daily Star; C424]2004, October 6 -- "The Lucas family raised Kimberly in their home." [Donald P. Petro; V97]2004, December 12 -- Bryce weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces [Amy S. Bonville]2005, December 11 -- "Cohoes -- Joseph M. Darwak, 62, of Cohoes, died on Saturday, December 10, 2005 after a long illness at St. Mary's Hospital surrounded by h§џџџЊƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽЇ’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІўџџџЈЉЋвЌ­ЎЏАСВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРўџџџТУФХЦЧШгЪЫЬЭЮЯабўџџџѕдешзийклмнопрстуфхцчўџџџщъыьэюя№ёђѓєіїјљњћќ§ў§џџџ???????? ? ? ? ? ???????ўџџџ??????????? ?ўџџџ"?#?$?%?&?'?(?)?ўџџџ+?,?-?.?/?0?1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?:?;????@?A?B?C?ўџџџE?F?G?ўџџџI?J?K?ўџџџM?N?O?P?Q?R?S?ўџџџU?V?W?X?Y?Z?[?\?ўџџџ^?_?`?a?b?c?d?e?ўџџџg?h?i?j?k?ўџџџm?n?o?p?ўџџџr?s?t?u?v?w?ўџџџy?z?{?ўџџџ}?~??€?is loving family. Born in Cohoes, he was the son of the late John and Mary Koblensky Darwak and the beloved husband of Donna Montanino Darwak of Cohoes. Mr. Darwak retired after 31 years of service with CDTA in the mechanical deprtment. He was an avid horse lover and car enthusiast, and always attended Saratoga Harness and Saratoga Flat Track opening day and throuoghtout the meet. Mr. Darwak owned and raced a drag car with his son Joe Jr. at Lebanon Valley Speedway. Survivors in addition to his wife include his son, Joseph and wife Jennifer Couture Darwak of Latham; and daughter, Deanna Darwak of Cohoes. Also survived by his brothers, John and Robert Darwak; and his sister, Carol Paskin, all of Cohoes, and by several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. from St. Ambrose Church where the Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Friends are invited and may call at the Dufresne Family Funeral Home, 216 Columbia Street, Cohoes on Monday from 3 to 7 p.m. Interment will be in St. Agnes Cemetery, Cohoes. Arrangements by the Frank P. McDonald & Son Funeral Home, Lansingburgh." [Albany Times Union; F51]1825 -- William S. Albert appears in the Schoharie County census, 2 males, 3 females, no land [Irene D. Smith research; M36] 1830 -- Henry and William S. Albert appear at 164 in the census of the Town of Summit [Lawrence A. DeLong research; M69] 1840 -- William S. Albert is at 312 in the Worcester census [Ruth S. All research; L110] 1850 -- He is at 312 in the Summit census [All, L110 and L111]1880 -- "In Clarendon, Orleans County, NY Census 1880 at age 71 Parents from Connecticut "He was a farmer. "He had a grandson 21 living with him in Clarendon, Orleans county, NY in 1880. "Census named Aaron .." [Carol Anderson research; M206]"I have a lot of information about James Henry Albert (my great Grandfather). It was confusing because he was James in some and Henry in others. We had no idea he was called James. I sent for information from the Archives at Washington DC for info on his service in the Cavalry in Company E 7th Reg't from Missouri. It would seem, though it's mere speculation, that the family had more than the average interest in the coming War between the States. He joined the army in April 23, 1862 at Georgetown, Missouri (Sedalia). He was appointed Steward in the hospital at Warrensburg, MO and by the time he was mustered out on April 11, 1865 he was a captain. He was a carpenter and a farmer and was interested in reading Greek classics, etc. I have a photo of He and Salina when they were older." [Carol Anderson notes; M209]1790 -- Federal census shows a Daniel Albert in Worcester County, Massachusetts, with one free white female. [M69C]"Both of them were avid readers. We've inherited classics from them ... " [Carol Anderson notes; M210]"Art was on the farm outside of Letcher with Henry and Salina. He inherited Henry's saber which was later given to Maxine. I know nothing more of its whereabouts except Maxine moved to somewhere in California." [Carol Anderson notes; M209]"He and his wife parted. He was very happy-go-lucky. Even rode the rails as a hobo for a while. He had a great sense of humor one can tell from what I've heard, and from his face in photos and his letters. I wish I could have known him." [Carol Anderson notes; M209]"Grandma kept them all together after George died by running hotels and having cafes (her pies were wonderful and her doughnuts memorable). In her later years she went from family to family always arriving by bus looking fresh and happy." [Carol Anderson notes; M210]"Greg and Darlene have a daughter Jessie who has a daughter, Sky"Will of William Cook, Vol. 11 1859-1862, Office of the Surrogate, Otsego Co., NY. Filmed by LDS 4 December 1973 Pg. 103 Being Remembered, that heretofore, to wit, on the fourteenth day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, John Cook and Luther Markham, Will in the name of God, Amen. I William Cook, of Worcester, in the County of Otsego and State of New York, Gentlemen, do make and declare this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, First, I resign my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping and believing in a remission of my sins by the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, And my body I commit to the Earth, to be buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named or the survivors of them to pay all my debts and funeral expenses out of my estate. Whereas I have heretofore given and advanced to each of my three sons, John Cook, Horace Cook, and Giles Cook, the sum of five hundred dollars, and to each of my two daughters, Louisa, wife of Frederick Albert, and Esther E., Wife of Luther Markham, the sum of five hundred Dollars, and Sally Ann Queal, wife of Robert F. Queal, my youngest daughter, now deceased, two hundred dollars, I now give and bequeath three hundred dollars to the three children, William C. Houghton, Elvira Houghfon & Irving Queal, of my said deceased daughter Sally Ann, to be equally divided between them said three hundred dollars making the amount paid and devised to my said daughter Sally Ann her children equal to the amount heretofore paid to my other children above mentioned. Furthermore I give and bequeath to my grandson William C. Houghton, Two Hundred dollars, and to my grand daughter Elvira Houghton, two hundred dollars to be paid to them by my Executor on their respectively arriving at the age of twenty one years old or previous to that time if their necessities shall require it, on the discretion of my Executor. Furthermore, I give and bequeath to the 'American Baptist Missionary Society' the sum of one hundred dollars. Also, I give and bequeath to the 'Baptist Education Society of the State of New York," or as it is termed by some the 'Madison University,' the sum of one hundred dollars. Also, I give and bequeath to the 'American Baptist Publication Society' the sum of One hundred dollars. The five last mentioned bequests are to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named, out of my Estate, within one year after my decease, without notice to the said Societies, on proving this my last will and testament before the Surrogate, and the money to be forwarded to said societies at the cost and expense of said Societies on being notified by my said Executors that the said several sums have been bequeathed and are ready for their order. All the rest and residue of my Estate, both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, of whatever kind or quality soever, the same may be and not thereinafter give and disposed of after payment of my debt, legacies and funeral expenses and expenses of settling my Estate, I do give and bequeath five sixths of the same to my five children, John Cook, Horace Cook, Giles Cook, Louisa Albert, & Esther Markham, to share and share alike, and one sixth to the heirs of my deceased daughter Sally Ann Queal, to wit. William C. Houghton, Elvira Houghton and Irving Queal, to be equally divided between them. And for the faithful and due execution of this my last will and testament, I do hereby appoint and constitute John Cook and Luther Markham of Worcester aforesaid, Executors thereof, trusting in my confiding in them reposed, that they will to the best of their ability execute the trust in them reposed according to my real intentions herein expressed, and so as to promote the interest of all concerned. I hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred and fifty seven. "Signed William Cook "Codicil to the above will "Whereas, I, William Cook, of Worcester, Otsego County, new York, have made my last will and testament in writing, bearing the date the ninth of Feb. 1857 in and by which I have given and bequeathed to William C. Houghton and Elvira Houghton, certain sums of money, all of which I direct my Executors to pay to said William C. and Elvira, on certain conditions. First, the said William C. and Elvira shall, when they become of age, execute a deed of conveyance to Luther Markham, conveying all their right, title and interest in a certain piece of land situate in the town of Worcester, being the South East corner of Richard Winegard's lot containing about one eighth (1/8) of an acre, for description see deed given by Chauncey Houghton to Albert Houghton for the same dated March 22, 1841. Second the said sums bequeathed to the said William C. & Elvira are to be retained in the hands of my Executors and paid out at once or from time to time at the discretion of my said executor, whom I fully empower to do as they may think proper in paying out the sum. The bequest of one hundred Dollars to the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, having been paid, is hereby revoked. Now therefore, I do by this writing, which I declare to be a codicil to my last will & testament ... 2 day of August 1858. William Cook LS." Codicil witnesses were August M. Bates and John N. Hartwell, both of Worcester, New York. [Carol Anderson research; M215-M217]ler, a stepson Chris who with his wife Jennifer have two children, Kayla and Shane." [Carol Anderson information; M221]"Jeff and Karen have 4, Katie who with her husband Bryan Reynolds have a son Aidyn, Michele and Joseph." [Carol Anderson information; M221]Christmas, 2006 -- "[Jill] plans to marry Fabian Rueger (a German citizen) ... Jill met Fabian when she had a group of Union College students in Germany in 2005 ..." [Judith B. Smith letter; T354]A full accounting of the Wurster family in Germany and the United States between 1753 and 1955 appears on pages J119 to J126.2009, July 24 -- "a native of Ireland, came to America about the year 1775 and settled near Philadelphia. On March 4, 1786, he m?‚?ƒ?„?…?†?‡?ўџџџ‰?Š?‹?ўџџџ?Ž?ўџџџ?‘?ўџџџ“?”?•?–?ўџџџ˜?™?š?ўџџџœ??ž?Ÿ? ?Ё?Ђ?Ѓ?Є?Ѕ?І?Ї?Ј?ўџџџЊ?Ћ?Ќ?­?Ў?Џ?А?Б?В?Г?Д?Е?Ж?З?И?Й?ўџџџЛ?М?Н?О?П?Р?С?Т?У?Ф?Х?Ц?Ч?Ш?Щ?Ъ?Ы?Ь?Э?Ю?Я?а?б?в?г?д?е?ж?з?и?й?к?л?м?н?о?п?р?с?т?у?ф?х?ц?ч?ш?щ?ъ?ы?ь?э?ю?ўџџџ№?ё?ђ?ѓ?є?ѕ?і?ї?ј?љ?њ?ћ?ќ?§?ў?џ?@arried Elizabeth Stauts (Staltz, Stuts), of Bucks County. They moved to Milton, where he became owner of a farm which he successfully tilled until his death at Milton Dec. 19, 1810. They had eight children." [Earl L. Alexander research; J128 and J130]; 2009, July 24 -- "Uncle Mack and Alice moved to the West, settling in Washington." [Earl L. Alexander research; J127] 2009, July 24 -- "buried in Emery's Church" [Earl L. Alexander research; J127]2009, July 24 -- "buried in Emery's Church" [Earl L. Alexander research; J127]2009, July 24 -- "She was widowed by Lloyd and Thomas. After her death, William married Florence Sallades." [Earl L. Alexander research; J127]"The listing of ... Joel [as the son of Josiah] is tentative." [The Cattell Family in America, 33; S70]"Jonas fought in the Revolution, with sixteen enlistments between 1776 and 1782 [S68] ... [There is] wide interest in this folk hero, about whom many legends are current, some of them apocryphal ... The Jonas Cattell run from Haddonfield to warn the Americans at Fort Mercer at Red Bank (now National Park, NJ) of the approach of the British is currently being commemorated by reenactment ..." [The Cattell Family in America, 15-16; S66-S67] 1908, April 9 -- "Married last evening, by Rev. J.A. Cubberly, Arthur DeLong and Miss Harriet Albert, both of Worcester." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96N] 1908, April 16 -- "The band, with such inst1936 -- "New York Mills - Miss Dorothy Shires Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos W. Smith, 49-1/2 Clinton Street, and Albert Stanfield DeLong, Worcester, N.Y., will be united in marriage this afternoon at 4:30 at the home of the bride's parents. "The Rev. J.D. Poppe, pastor, New York Mills Methodist Episcopal Church, will officiate ... "Miss Winifred Lillian Smith, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor. The best man is Ross Stanhouse, Oneonta. The wedding march will be played by Miss Doris Lansing. ... a wedding dinner will be served at Sunnyside and a reception held at the home of the bride in the evening. "Miss Smith is a graduate of the New York Mills High School and the Excelsior School of Business, and has been employed as stenographer by the F.W. Woolworth Company. "Mr. DeLong is a graduate of Hartwick College and is employed as a teacher in Worcester, N.Y. "Upon their return from a tour throughout the state, they will make their home in Albany for the summer. "The bride was entertained ... at a dinner at Sunnyside given by Miss Mary Kaut; a glassware shower by Mrs. Stanley Trimbey, New Hartford; a personal shower by Mrs. J.H. Van Vliet, Mrs. R.P. Van Vliet and Miss Mary Van Vliet of Utica, and Mrs. Harold Hollister of Old Forge; variety showers by Miss Winifred L. Smith. Miss Dorothy Beekman, Mrs. Francis Zorn and Mrs. Dora Chobott, Mrs. Arthur Thomas, Whitesboro; Miss Audrey Locke and Miss Leona Stocker, Utica; Mrs. Mary Berger of Utica, and the Misses Marie and Catherine Vanderwood and Mrs. Kowalski of Utica ... "Guests from out of town will include Arthur DeLong and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Worcester; Ross Stanhouse, Oneonta; James A. Smith, brother of the bride, of Oneonta, and Sydney A. Shires, Montreal, Canada" [H19, C166] 1961 -- "Friends, relatives, and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong of Worcester gathered at Tunnicliff Inn, Cooperstown, last Friday evening, June 30, to fete them on their 25th wedding anniversary ..." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor article, C186] 1976, June 27 -- "Please come to a surprise 40th Anniversary Reception for Dot and Al DeLong; Good Weather: DeLong Back Yard, 38 Main Street, Worcester, New York; Bad Weather: Women's Club Rooms, The Weiting Building, Worcester, New York; Sunday, June 27, 1976, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.; Informal - - - Presents Not Desired; Extra Parking: First Methodist Church; Please reply by June 13: Larry DeLong, R.D. No. 1 - Box 1176, Grooms Road, Waterford, New York 12188; Co-Hostesses Linda Raide, Irene Smith, Winifred Pula, Jane Cooley, Frances Johnson" [Reception invitation, C186A] 1976 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong were honored on Sunday afternoon at an informal outdoor 40th wedding anniversary reception held in the backyard of their home. ..." [Newspaper article, C186] 1986 -- "Oneonta -- Seventy-one friends and family members were present at the Holiday Inn June 29 to honor Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. DeLong of Worcester on their 50th wedding anniversary ... "Mr. and Mrs. DeLong were married in New York Mills June 30, 1936, and have lived in Worcester for all but a brief period since that time. ... "The day's activities included a reception and dinner followed by reminiscences by Perry R. Hotaling of Cooperstown, a professional colleague of Mr. DeLong, C. Wesley Coddington of Oneonta, Mrs. DeLong's former employer, Winifred L. Pula of New York Mills, sister of Mrs. DeLong and maid of honor at their wedding; Irene M. Smith of Worcester, sister of Mr. DeLong; and Carl DeLong of Clifton Park, a grandson ..." [Newspaper article, C187] 1986, June 29 -- "First met: Blind date, at Sylvan Beach, N.Y., August 21, 1934 "Engaged; New York Mills, N.Y., June, 1935 ... "Honeymoon trip: One-week tour of northern New York State "First residence: 37 Madison Avenue, Albany, N.Y. ... "Favorite Song: 'The Tennessee Waltz'" [Marriage Chronology, DeLong-Smith Golden Anniversary Program, C200]ruments of torture as cannon, tin horns and pans, serenaded Arthur DeLong and bride on Wednesday evening. After a few direful dirges had produced the proper degree of anguish, Arthur supplied a box of cigars and the musicians faded away." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96O]1910 - "New York Mills, June 8 - A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized this afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. Agnes rectory in Utica, when Miss Lillian Edith Platt became the bride of Amos Williams Smith. the ceremony was performed by Rev. Father John Shanahan. The bride ... was attended by Miss Harriet Williams of Marcy ... The best man was Alfred Shires Platt, a brother of the bride. ... a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents on Main Street. ... The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Platt. She is an attractive typing lady popular in the church and social circles of the village ... She has been employed for some time as a stenographer for Curtin & Lee, attorneys in Utica. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Smith and is a young man of exemplary character ... He is employed as a conductor for the Utica and Mohawk Valley Railway Company, Inc. ... After July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends at 2101 Bleecker Street, Utica. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and daughters, Loretta and Viola; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorton of Cohoes, Miss Sadie Tanton and John Gabel of Whitesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharp, Miss Ellen Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Chabott and daughter, Mildred; Mrs. Thomas Loyal and son Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Platt and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanVliet and son Percival, Utica. Among the social functions given in honor of Miss Platt was a variety shower at the home of Misses Shires on Porter Street, a linen shower at the home of Miss Sadie Tanton on Clinton Street, Whitesboro, and a kitchen shower by the Delta Beta girls." [H15, J107]1997, July 4 -- "St. Mark's Epis1967 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. DeLong announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Joan, to Robert Joseph Raide, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Raide, 431 South Wilbur avenue, Syracuse. "Miss DeLong was graduated from Worcester Central School and is a senior at State University College, Oneonta. "Mr. Raide was graduated from Solvay High school, Syracuse, attended the University of Miami, Miami, Fla., and is presently employed as an electronics instructor for General Electric, Syracuse. "Plans are being made for a June 17 [later changed to May 5] wedding." [Newspaper article, C290] 1967 -- "Miss Linda Joan DeLong became the bride of Robert Joseph Raide of 431 South Wilbur avenue, Syracuse, in a candlelight ceremony at the First Methodist church, Worcester, Friday, May 5, at 7 p.m. "The Rev. Thomas P. White performed the double ring ceremony... "Mrs. Gerald Smith, soloist, sang If God Left Only You, I Love Thee, and The Lord's Prayer. "The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong of 38 Main street, Worcester, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Raide ... "Mrs. Gary Bigsby of Philadelphia, sister of the groom, was matron of honor and Miss Jean Pell, Valley Stream, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Pamela Conklin of Chester and Miss JoAnn Vetrano of Brooklyn, all classmates of the bride. ... "Gary Bigsby of Philadelphia, Pa., brother-in-law of the groom, acted as best man. Ushers were James Pula, New York Mills, cousin of the bride; Jack Skinner, Middleburgh, cousin of the groom, and Richard Meyers, Solvay ... "The couple greeted approximately 125 guests at a reception at Tunnicliff Inn, Cooperstown. "The bride is a graduate of Worcester Central school, class of 1963 and will graduate in June from SUC at Oneonta. She will teach home economics in the Central Square Central school system this fall. Her husband is a graduate of Solvay High school and attended the University of Miami and is an electronics technician for General Electric. "Following a weekend trip the bride will make her home with her parents until Mr. Raide returns from Germany where he will be on special assignment after May 15 until Aug. 1." [Newspaper article, C293] ўџџџ@@@ўџџџ@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ўџџџ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@ўџџџ)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@;@<@=@>@?@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W@X@Y@Z@[@ўџџџ]@^@_@`@a@b@c@d@e@ўџџџg@h@i@j@k@l@ўџџџn@o@ўџџџq@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@y@z@{@|@}@~@@€@copal Church, Penn Yan, NY, July 4, 1997, 4:00 p.m. ... "Maid of Honor: Jennifer Falvey "Best Man: Curtis Waddell "Bridesmaids: Kara Leonard Shannon Rumgay Jacqueline Fults "Groomsmen: Michael Raide B. Michael Gady Wayne Bradley "Flower Girl: Corinn Shute "Ring Bearer: Elijah Bigsby "Readers: Linda Raide Susan Waddell "Organist: Steve Wood "Officiant: The Rev. Martha L. Hubbard" [Waddell-Raide wedding program, C321]1772 -- "[Lawrence] md. Sarah probably Howland ...;" "The first son was named Howland." [John D. Baldwin research, B9, B42]1923 -- "This is to certify that Arthur S. DeLong of Worcester, N.Y. and Maudene E. Morse of Wor1903, June 18 -- "A pretty home wedding occurred last evening at 8:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Delong, when their daughter, Miss Florence M., and Mr. Earl F. Johnson were united in marriage by Rev. W.J. Guest, pastor of the Baptist Church. Only the near relatives and a few friends were present. The bridemaid and best man were Miss Grace Sperbeck and Mr. Arthur Westcott, and Miss Mina Melleck presided at the piano. Some valuable and handsome presents were received by the bride and groom, who were heartily congratulated. Mr. & Mrs. Johnson are two of Worcester's most popular young people, the groom being a clerk in W.R. Preston's store. They will begin housekeeping at once at Mr. Johnson's pleasant home on West Main Street." [Worcester Times; P59] 1953 -- "Worcester -- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, lifelong residents of Worcester, were married 50 years ago yesterday but have postponed their golden anniversary celebration for one week. "The Johnsons are in Syracuse, attending the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westcott, formerly of Worcester, today. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were married June 17, 1903, in Tuscan, a small hamlet west of Worcester. Attendants at their wedding were Mr. Westcott and Miss Grace Sperbeck. "The following day, June 18, 1903, Mr. Westcott and Miss Sperbeck were married. They have resided in Syracuse for several years. ..." [Newspaper article, T224] 1963, June 14 -- "Worcester -- The Baptist Church of Worcester was the setting Sunday afternoon for an informal reception for Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson. "Sixty years ago on June 17, Florence M. DeLong and Earl F. Johnson were united in marriage by the Rev. W.J. Guest at the home of the bride in Worcester. "Arrangements for the reception were made by Mrs. Roger All, Mrs. Howard Galer and Mrs. Lynn Flint, ... "Mrs. Leslie Alcott, Misses Linda and Alta Grosfent, Mrs. George Silbern, Mrs. Frederick Schofield and Mrs. Bernard Hoye, Jr. poured. "Mrs. David Starkweather of Oneonta greeted the guests and had charge of the guest book. "Other weekend festivities which were part of the anniversary celebration included a dinner at the Central Hotel, East Worcester, for the immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Frances Johnson of Oneonta, Mr. and Mrs. J. Burdette Johnson, James B. Johnson, Janis Johnson and Helen Follett of Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shelley of Eldred, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Johnson and sons David and William of Fairfield, Conn. "On Sunday, a buffet dinner was served at the Johnson home. Guests in addition to the previous list included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattell of Albany and Miss Gertrude Daniels of Canastota." [Oneonta Star, P61] 1953 -- "1903-1953 Florence M. DeLong Earl F. Johnson united in marriage June 17, 1903 At home to their friends June 26th, 3 to 5, 8 to 10 p.m." [D145; P60] 1953 -- "Worcester -- Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Johnson, who marked their 50th wedding anniversary earlier this month, were 'at home' Friday. "Their daughter, Miss Frances Johnson, mathematics teacher at Oneonta High School, and their two sons, James Burdette Johnson of Allegany, and Kenneth Johnson of Fairfield, Conn., and their families, were present. .... "Their two daughters-in-law presided at the punch bowl in the afternoon and two nieces, Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Mrs. Albert DeLong, served in the evening. "Decorations also included a bouquet of flowers from the Bank of Worcester, of which Mr. Johnson is a director. "Three persons who attended their wedding were present at the reception. They were her sister, Mrs. Charles D. Cattell, Albany; her brother, Arthur DeLong, and Mrs. Bessie Hanor Baldwin, Worcester. "Other out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Johnson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Houck, Miss Lucille Houck, Miss Elizabeth DeLong, Cooperstown; Mr. and Mrs. William A. Daniels, Miss Gertrude Daniels, Gloversville; Mrs. James Konstanty, Philadelphia; and Mrs. Cora McClasky, Albert W. Zeller, Albany. "Mr. and Mrs. William Packer, the Rev. and Mrs. John L. Brown, Cobleskill; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baldwin, Richmondville; Miss Claire Freeman, Larchmont; Miss Edith L. Johnson, Newark, Del.; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Chace, Miss Vera Tower, Miss Mina Davies, Miss Mary E. Ferguson, Mrs. George Fisher and Robert and Diane Fisher, Oneonta." [Newspaper article, T290]cester, N.Y. Were united by me in Holy Matrimony according to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of New York at Delanson, N.Y. on the 22nd day of November in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty three "Witness Jenny H. Abbe "Mrs. C.L. Herrick "C.L. Herrick, pastor "Delanson, N.Y." [Copy made by Irene DeLong Smith 1958, C116] 1923, November 28 -- "Mail carrier Arthur S. DeLong and Miss Maudene Morse, both of this village, were united in marriage at Brayman's Corners last Thursday by Rev. C.L. Herrick, pastor of the Baptist Church of that place. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. & Mrs. DeLong left on a short wedding trip." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AM]1880, February 8 -- Also given as date of marriage [Irene D. Smith research, C18] 1880, February 27 -- "Our popular young townsman O. Delong, was married, last week, to Miss Emma Golden, of Rensselaerville." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96J]1934 -- "Worcester, March 30 -- Miss Irene M. DeLong, daughter of Arthur S. DeLong, of this village, became the bride of Gilbert F. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Smith, of this village, at a pretty ceremony performed at the bride's home on Water street at 3:30 this afternoon. Rev. L.C. Jones, the bride's pastor, officiated. Only the members of the immediate families witnessed the ceremony. "The bride was charmingly gowned in blue and wore a corsage of yellow and white. Her bridesmaid, a classmate at Hartwick College, Miss Viola Paetznick of Herkimer, wore yellow. The best man was Edward J. McCabe, Jr., of this village, a senior at Cornell university. "Following the ceremony, light refreshments were served and the couple left on a trip to Washington and New York city. They will make their home here on their return. "Mrs. Smith is a teacher in the Central school here, while the groom is associated in business with his father, operator of Smiths' dairy. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Worcester High School and the former graduated from Hartwick college in 1932." [Newspaper article, D117 and T211] "Mr. Arthur DeLong announces the marriage of his daughter Irene Marjory to Mr. Gilbert Smith on Saturday, March the thirty-first nineteen hundred and thirty-four Worcester, New York" [D109] On one copy of this announcement, "thirty-first" is altered by hand to read "thirty-th." [D118 and T214] Saturday was March 31. [World Almanac perpetual calendar] "My Son is my son till he takes a wife "My Daughter is my daughter through my whole life" [Handwritten note by Arthur S. DeLong, D109]1807 -- All available research notes give 1801 as the year of marriage, but 1807 would seem more likely to be the actual year. The couple would have been 16 and 12 respectively in 1801. Also, children do not begin until 1809. A researcher may have read a "7" to be a "1." [Speculation by Lawrence A. DeLong]1886, March 25 -- "Last week Wednesday, Mrs. Mary DeLong, of Schenevus, aged 66 years, was married to Joel Rury of East Worcester, also aged 66 yrs." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96J]1868, March 26 -- Also given as date of marriage. [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D46]@‚@ƒ@„@…@†@‡@ˆ@‰@Š@‹@Œ@@Ž@@ўџџџ‘@’@“@”@•@–@—@˜@™@š@›@œ@@ž@Ÿ@ @Ё@Ђ@Ѓ@ўџџџЅ@І@Ї@Ј@Љ@Њ@ўџџџЌ@­@Ў@Џ@А@Б@В@Г@Д@Е@ўџџџЗ@И@Й@К@Л@М@Н@О@П@Р@С@Т@У@Ф@Х@Ц@Ч@Ш@Щ@Ъ@Ы@Ь@Э@Ю@Я@а@б@в@г@д@е@ж@з@и@й@к@л@м@н@о@п@р@с@т@у@ф@х@ц@ч@ш@щ@ъ@ы@ь@ўџџџю@я@№@ё@ђ@ѓ@є@ѕ@і@ї@ј@љ@њ@ћ@ќ@§@ў@џ@A1879, November 23 -- Also given as date of marriage [Irene D. Smith research, C18] 1879, December 26 -- "At the residence of the bride's parents in Worcester, Tues. Dec. 23, by the Rev. I.J. Bailey, Miss Ella DeLong to Mr. Melvin J. Esmay, of Westford." [Linda Robinson transcription, Worcester Times; C96J] 1879 -- "The most notable social event of the week, in Worcester, is the marriage of Miss Ella, daughter of Awry Delong to M.J. Esmay, of Westford. "The happy event took place Tuesday, Dec. 23d, at 2 o'clock P.M., at the residence of the bride's parents. "Over forty invited guests were present, many of whom were prominent citizens of Worcester. "The wedding trousseau, as given by the Times reporter was becoming and all that could be desired. The refreshments were bountiful and choice. The presents were elegant and unique in kind, and the bride, one of the fairest of Worcester's fair maidens. Joy and peace go with them, say we." [Newspaper article, E43]1919, April 16 -- "The home of Mrs. Emma DeLong on Water Street was the scene of a quiet wedding ceremony last evening when her daughter Ella was united in marriage with Charles D. Cattell by their pastor Rev. C.L. Herrick. The house was tastily decorated with yellow and white and the ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate family of the bride. The groom has conducted a barber shop in this village for the past year and has acquired a substantial patronage and the esteem of a large circle of friends. Mrs. Cattell has been the competent clerk at Johnson's store for ten years." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times. C96AF]1911 -- "Mrs. Ella A. France announces the marriage of her daughter Minnie Amanda to Albert Edward Smith on Wednesday the eighth of March nineteen hundred and eleven Cornwallville, N.Y." [T169]1879, February 12 -- "This Certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Matthias France Jr. of Cornwallville and Ella A. Boughton of Cornwallville on February 12th 1879 at James Boughton's by S. Merchant, (Preacher.) Witness: Wm L. France. Minnie A. Borthwick" [France-Boughton marriage certificate, T102]1957, February 19 -- "Worcester -- "Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Smit     3 !"#$%&'2)*+,-./01ўџџџ4D56789:;<=>?@ABCEWFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXrYZ[\]h_`abcdefgўџџџijklmnopqs~tuvwxyz{|}€•§џџџh, 20 Main St., this village, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Hoye, also of Worcester. "The bride-elect is a junior at the Hartwick College School of Nursing, where she is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. She is a graduate of Worcester Central School. "Her fiance is a graduate of Worcester Central School and of Paul Smith's College of Forestry, where he was a member of Beta Alpha Lambda. He is employed by the New York State Department of Public Works. ..." [Oneonta Star, T224] 1958 -- "Worcester -- "Miss Patricia Ann Smith and Bernard F. Hoye, Jr., were married at 3 p.m. Saturday, November 22, in the rectory of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. Raymond Halpin. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Smith, Worcester, and Mr. Hoye is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Hoye, also of Worcester. " ... Miss Gwen Smith, Worcester, was maid of honor for her sister. ... Best man was Robert Lane, Schenectady. "A reception for members of the family was held at the home of the bride's family in Worcester. "Following a wedding trip to Washington, D.C., the newlyweds will live at 71 Fair Street, Cooperstown. "The bride is a graduate of Worcester Central School and Hartwick College School of Nursing. She is employed at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown. "The bridegroom is a graduate of Worcester Central School and Paul Smith's College. He is employed by the New York State Department of Public Works." [Newspaper article, T226-T227; The Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor, November 27, 1958, T228]1963 -- "Miss Gwen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, Worcester, became the bride ofAAAAAAAA A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAўџџџAA A!A"A#A$A%A&A'A(A)A*A+A,A-A.A/A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A:A;AA?A@AAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJAKALAMANAOAPAQARASATAUAVAWAXAYAZA[A\Aўџџџ^A_A`AaAbAcAdAeAfAgAhAiAjAkAlAmAnAoApAqArAsAtAuAvAwAxAyAzA{A|A}A~AA€A Donald Petro in a ceremony performed Aug. 23 at Perlacher Forst Chapel, Munich, Germany, with Air Force Chaplain James E.W. Stewart officiating. "Mr. Petro, the son of Mrs. Helen Fredrichs of Cleveland, Ohio, is an auto salesman working as an overseas representative of Anglo Automobile, San Francisco, Cal. "... maid of honor was Miss Frances Leicht. Best man was Thomas Clohessy. "Following the ceremony, a reception for the group of friends, given by Miss Leicht, was held. "The couple has been honeymooning at the Dalmatian Coast and the off shore Adriatic Islands in Yugoslavia. "Mrs. Petro is an employee of the Foreign Service of the United States Department of State, and has been stationed at Munich for the past year and a half. "She is a graduate of Worcester Central School, class of 1957, and was graduated from Alfred Agricultural and Technical Institute in 1959. She entered the employ of the State Department in May, 1960 and was employed in State Department offices at Washington before being transferred to Germany. "Mr. Petro was graduated from high school at Cleveland and attended Ohio State University. He worked both in New York and San Francisco, Cal. and has been overseas for the past two years. "The couple will be in Germany until October 1964, after which they plan to make their home in San Francisco." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor, T251]"Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W. Coye of Smyrna announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolee Mary, to Gerald G. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Smith. "Miss Coye graduated from Sherburne Central school and is presently a senior in music at the State University of New York at Buffalo. "Mr. Smith graduated from Worcester Central school and from the State Agricultural and Technical Institute at Cobleskill. He served with the United States Marine Corps and is presently employed with Agway, Inc." [Worcester Times-Schenevus Monitor and other newspaper articles, T262-T263] 1966 -- "Smyrna -- Miss Carolee M. Coye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W. Coye, of Smyrna, was married August 6 to Gerald Gilbert Smith, son on Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Smith of Worcester, in the Smyrna Methodist Church. "The Rev. William W. Sullivan, pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Bridgeport, Conn., uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. William B. Gritman, pastor of the church. ... "Mrs. Robert G. Wright of North Norwich was her sister's matron of honor. "Bridesmaids were Harriet Smith, sister of the groom, of Worcester, Mary Anne Sullivan, cousin of the bride, of New York City and Nancy Cramer, Ayer, Mass. "Jo Anne Wright and Bernard Hoye, niece and nephew of the newlyweds, served as flower girl and ring bearer. "Reginald D. Osborn, of South Valley, was best man. "Ushers were Ronald Head of Worcester, Lowell Smith of Fayetteville and Bruce Smith of Worcester. "Mrs. Smith, a graduate of Sherburne Central School and the State University of New York at Buffalo will teach vocal music in the Elementary schools of Cobleskill this fall. "Mr. Smith graduated from Worcester Central School and State Agricultural and Technical Institute at Cobleskill. He served with the United States Marine Corps and is presently employed with Agway, Inc., at Fort Plain. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their home in Cobleskill." [Newspaper article, T264]1985, October 19 -- "Rochester -- "Carol Jean Zimmer of Rochester and Timothy James Hoye of MiamA‚AƒA„A…A†A‡AˆA‰AŠA‹AŒAAŽAўџџџA‘A’A“A”A•A–A—A˜A™AšA›AœAAžAŸA AЁAЂAЃAЄAЅAІAЇAЈAЉAЊAЋAЌA­AЎAЏAАAБAўџџџГAДAЕAЖAўџџџИAЙAКAЛAМAНAОAПAРAСAТAУAФAХAЦAЧAШAЩAЪAЫAЬAЭAЮAЯAаAбAвAгAдAеAжAзAиAйAкAлAмAнAоAпAрAсAтAуAўџџџхAцAчAшAщAъAыAьAэAюAўџџџ№AёAђAѓAєAѕAіAїAјAљAњAћAќA§AўAџABisburg, Ohio were married Aug. 17 in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Rochester. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Zimmer of Rochester. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Hoye, Jr. of Worcester. "The Rev. Edward A. Zimmer, uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony. "Maid of honor was Sara R. Zimmer, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Lisa Hoye of Worcester, sister of the bridegroom; Anne Zimmer and Mary Zimmer of Rochester, sisters of the bride; and Christine Dollinger of Punta Gorda, Fla., sister of the bride. "Flower girls were Aimee and Kathryn Dollinger of Punta Gorda, Fla., nieces of the bride. "Best man was Bernard M. Hoye of Worcester, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Nelson Zimmer of Rochester, brother of the bride; Mark Kenyon of Worcester; James Tylock of Rochester and Gary Lindhorst of Nichols. "An evening reception was in the Island Valley Party House, Rochester. "The couple spent a week in Boston, Mass., and two weeks in Europe as a combined honeymoon and business trip. "The bride attended Our Lady of Mercy High School in Rochester and SUNY at Buffalo where she received a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. "The bridegroom attended the Worcester Central School any SUNY at Buffalo where he received a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering. He is an engineer employed by the Monsanto Research Corp. in Miamisburg, Ohio." [Oneonta Star, T244]1914 -- "Mr. Wickham Griswold of this village and Miss Nettie E. Albert of Worcester were united in marriage at the home of the brides's sister, Mrs. Arthur DeLong, in Worcester, Monday evening, January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred fourteen. Rev. C.L. Herrick of the Worcester Baptist church performed the ceremony. the bride and groom left Tuesday morning for a short trip to Binghamton and other places in southern New York. ..." [Schenevus Monitor article; also Linda Robinson; Worcester Times, January 28, 1914; C96Y] 1914 -- "A very quiet wedding occurred last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. DeLong of this village. The contracting parties were Wickham Griswold of Schenevus and Miss Nettie Albert of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C.L. Herrick of the Baptist church. Mr. Griswold has been connected with business affairs at Schenevus and is well and favorably known about here. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Albert, residing on the Stever farm. A sister of Mrs. DeLong and one of Worcester's highly respected young ladies." [Newspaper article, N12] 1938 - Marriage took place "60 years ago" [James S. Pula notes from obituary of Mrs. Levina Smith, H8; exact date and year unknown]1908, September 25 - "At their home in New York Mills today, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Platt, highly respected residents of that village, are observing their golden wedding anniversary. The happy couple are the recipients of a number of valuable presents and are being heartily congratulated by their legion of friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Platt are enjoying good health and look forward to many more years of happy married life. "Robert Platt was born in Oldham, Eng. 70 years ago and received his education in his native town. After leaving school, he learned the trade of mule spinner, which work he followed the greater part of his life. About 27 years ago he came to America and to New York Mills. He was employed in the upper mills until a year ago when he retired. He is a member of the Sons of St. George, No. 242, of Utica, and of Central City Lodge, No. 68, I.O.O.F. On September 12, 1858, in Oldham, Eng., he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bastow and their married life has been happy and contented. Both Mr. and Mrs. [Platt] are prominent members of the Methodist Church in New York Mills. To them were born 14 children, 6 of whom are now living. They are: James Platt, of New York Mills; Thomas H., and Mrs. J.H. Van Vliet, of Utica; Mrs. Edward Williams, of Adams, Mass., Mrs. Edward Jones, of Blackinton, Mass., and Miss May Platt, of New York Mills. There are also 16 grandchildren." [Newspaper article; J1, J73]1939, August 23 -- "Burdette Johnson married Ethel E. Lucas, dau. of Joseph Lucas at St. John's Church, Olean, on a Saturday (th1943 -- "A very pretty wedding took place at Zion Lutheran Church in Cobleskill at four o'clock Sunday afternoon when Kenneth E. Johnson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson of this village, and Miss Alice E. Packer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Packer of Cobleskill, were united in marriage by the pastor, Rev. Morris C. Skinner. ... "The bride ... was attended by her sister, Mrs. Robert Antoinette, Albany ... J. Burdette Johnson, Hinsdale, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Albert DeLong and Gilbert Smith, Worcester, cousins of the groom. "Miss Edna Mereness, church organist, played traditional wedding music and accompanied Miss Ann Marie DuBois, Vestal, who sang 'Prayer Perfect' and 'I Love You Truly.' "Fifty attended a reception at the bride's home. Miss Marian VanBuren, Cobleskill, and Miss Harriet DeForest, Valatia, served. ... "Mr. and Mrs Johnson left on a wedding trip to Montreal and Niagara Falls. They will reside in Akron, O., where Mr. Johnson is associated with the American Anode Corp. as a research chemist. "The bride is a graduate of Cobleskill high school and Albany State College for Teachers, and in 1942-43 taught mathematics at Vestal central school. She is a member of Gamma Kappa Phi sorority. Mr. Johnson is a graduate of Worcester high school and Albany State College for Teachers, and received his master's degree from Stanford university, California. He is affiliated with Kappa Delta Rho, national social fraternity, Kappa Phi Delta, national honorary educational fraternity, Gamma Alpha and Sigma Xi, national chemical honorary society. "Guests from away were Miss Shirley Hartz, Miss Carmelina Lusurdo, Mrs. George Earring, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Cattell and daughter, Mrs. Cora McCluskey, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilcox and daughter, and Albert Zelnor, all of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson, Saratoga; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robinson, Ballston Springs; Mrs. Ray Richtmyer, Central Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wetsel, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brady, Burnt Hills; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, Charlton; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Johnson and daughter, Hinsdale; Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson, A.S. Delong, Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith and daughter, Miss Frances Johnson, Mrs. Clara Johnson, Clarence Putnam, Mrs. Mildred Morrison, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wayman, all of Worcester. " [Newspaper article, P111-P112]ink it's likely Aug. 19, 1939). Kenneth Johnson was best man and Gertrude Lucas, sister of bride, was maid of honor. Honeymoon was at the World's Fair." [Linda Robinson, Worcester Times, C96BG and C96BK]1946 -- "Schenevus (Special) -- BBBBBBўџџџB B Bўџџџ B BBBBBBBBBBBBўџџџBўџџџBBўџџџB B!B"B#B$B%B&B'B(B)B*B+B,B-B.B/B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B:B;BB?B@BABBBCBDBEBFBGBHBIBўџџџKBLBMBNBOBPBQBRBSBўџџџUBVBWBXBYBZB[B\B]B^B_B`BaBbBcBdBeBfBgBhBўџџџjBkBlBmBnBoBpBqBrBsBtBuBvBwBxByBzB{B|B}B~BB€BMiss Anita E. Griswold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wickham H. Griswold, this village, and Raymond F. Axtell, son of Oscar S. Axtell, Maryland, were married Wednesday morning at 10:30 at the parsonage of the Methodist church here. "Rev. Lynn Brown, pastor, performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Decker, Maryland, were the honor attendants. ... "Mrs. Axtell is a graduate of Schenevus High school, class of 1936, and until recently has been employed by the H.W. Topp Glove shop at Chaseville. "Mr. Axtell attended school in Maryland and is engaged in farming. "Returning from a wedding trip through western New York, the couple will live at their farm near Maryland." [Newspaper article, N12]1708, March 11 -- Date of marriage [Griswold Family in America, Vol. 2, by Glenn E. Griswold, 181; N4]1997, July 19 -- Wedding program lists Celebrant as Father Halphen, Best Man as Daniel Bonville, Maid of Honor as Melissa Roberts, Brides Maid as Jennifer Vaine, Groomsmen as Joseph Bonville, James Bonville and Leo Roberts, Parents of the Groom as Joseph and Margaret Bonville and Parents of the Bride as Leo and Jane Roberts. Carolyn (Bonville) Scott gave a reading. [F12] Margaret Lagasse also gave a reading. [Amy S. Bonville information]"Divorced 1980" [Frances C. Johnson research, P114]"They met in Steventown, NY." [Genealogy of the Jolls Family in America, R52]1781, September 8 -- "Joseph Johnson ... married Grace Brown Sept. 8, 1781" [Frances C. Johnson research, P2] 1838, November 20 -- "New York County of Dutchess -- Be it known that before me Benoni Pearce a Justice of the Peace in and for said County (on the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight) personally appeared Elder Nehemiah Johnson (a preacher of the Gospel of the Baptist faith and order for the last forty eight years), of the Town of Pawlings in the said County, Aged Seventy six years last March, and made solemn affirmation in due form of Law, that fifty seven years ago this fall, at the then Town of Fredericksburgh in the County of Dutchess aforesaid, but now Town of Patterson in the County of Putnam in Said State, he, this deponant, was present at the Solemnization of Marriage between Joseph Johnson late of the Town of Jefferson in the County of Schoharie and State aforesaid Deceased and Grace Brown, and saw them lawfully Married according to the laws and custom of the Country, by a Priest or Minister of the Gospel by the name of Close (Christian name not recollected) that the said Joseph Johnson was a brother of this deponant; and that the said Grace continued the wife of the said Joseph Johnson untill his decease and now remains his widow --- "Elder Nehemiah Johnson X his mark" [P17-P18]1941 - "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lomax, Denton Ave., Whitesboro, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Shirley Rose Lomax, to Alfred Shires Platt Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shires Platt, 49 Clinton, New York Mills. The ceremony was performed Jan. 12 in Westmoreland." [Newspaper article, J50, J102]1947 - "With the brother of the bride, Carl Alexander, student at the Johnson Bible College, officiating at the double-ring ceremony in the Newberry Methodist Church, Miss Ruth Alice Alexander was married to Robert Martin Platt, of Utica, N.Y. The nuptials were performed at 3 p.m. Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Myers, of Avis, sister of the bride, and Robert Pate, of this city, attended the couple. "Miss Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alexander, of 586 East Mountain Avenue, South Williamsport, was given in marriage by her father. ... After a reception at the bride's residence, Mr. and Mrs. Platt ... left for Utica." [Newspaper article, J44]"Westminster Church was the scene of an unusually pretty wedding last evening when Miss Nadine Betts of this city became the bride of Sydney Ashton Shires of Montreal. ... "The bridal party entered the church at 7:30 oB‚BƒB„B…B†B‡BˆB‰BŠB‹BŒBBŽBўџџџB‘B’B“B”B•B–B—B˜B™BšB›BœBBžBŸB BЁBЂBЃBЄBЅBІBЇBЈBЉBЊBЋBЌB­BЎBЏBўџџџБBВBГBДBЕBЖBЗBИBЙBКBЛBМBНBОBПBРBСBТBУBФBХBЦBЧBШBЩBЪBЫBЬBЭBЮBЯBаBбBвBгBдBеBжBзBиBйBкBлBмBнBўџџџпBрBсBтBуBфBхBцBчBшBщBъBыBьBэBюBяB№BёBђBѓBєBѕBіBїBјBўџџџњBћBўџџџ§BўџџџџBўџџџ'clock to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Prof. C.H.H. Sippel, organist of the church. The bride was accompanied by her father, Frank H. Betts, who gave her in marriage and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Howard Hobbs, D.D., rector of the church ... "Mrs. William Vincent Quinn was the matron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Jane Charles of New York City, Miss Virginia Goodier, Miss Mildred VanSize and Miss Margaret Martin of this city. The best man was Charles W. Hague of Calgary, Canada, and the ushers were Dr. H.[?] Clapp, Peter J. Wald, Carl Bremer and Frank O. Kammerer, all of Utica. ... "Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 18 Jewett Place ... "The groom is a son of Mrs. Susan Shires of New York Mills ... He is now engaged in the cotton brokerage business in Montreal, Canada, and the couple will make their home in that city. ..." [Newspaper article, K6]"Mr. and Mrs. Sydney A. Shires of Montreal have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Nadine Shires, to Second Lieut Harold St. Clare Walker, son of Mrs. Alfred S. Walker and the late Mr. Walker. Miss Shires is a granddaughter of Mrs. Frank Betts, College St., Clinton, and a niece of Mrs. Edwin H. Martin, Chestnut St., Clinton. Lieut. Walker is a member of the Duke of Connaught's Royal Canadian Hussars." [Newspaper article, K2] "In the church of St. Andrew and St. Paul, at four o'clock this afternoon, Rev. George H. Donald officiating, the marriage is taking place quietly of Nadine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney A. Shires, and Mr. Harold St. Clair Walker, son of the late Alfred S. Walker and of Mrs. Walker, at present in England. ... "The bridal attendants, Miss Sybil Shires, as her sister's maid of honor, and Miss Betty Galt as bridesmaid ... "Mr. Douglas McLellan will be best man for Mr. Walker, and the ushers will be Mr. Ross Malcolm and Mr. Charles Hofmann ..." [Newspaper article, K1]"White iris, daffodils and ferns form the floral background in the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul for the wedding taking place at half-past four o'clock this afternoon, of Sybil Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ashton Shires and Lieutenant John Edward Martin, The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edward Martin of Westmount ... Rev. George H. Donald, D.D., will perform the ceremony and Mr. Frederick Newnham, organist of the church, will play the wedding music. "Given in marriage by her father, the bride ... "The bridal attendants, Mrs. Harold St. Clair Walker, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, Miss Marielle Gohier and Mrs. Roy McLernon ... "Lieutenant A.V. Lennox Mills, The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada, will act as best man ... and the ushers will be Mr. William Baskerville, Dr. Henry James Scott, Lieutenant Blake Knox and Lieutenant Alfred Pike Bissonnet, both of the Black Watch ..." [Newspaper article, K7 "Lieutenant John Edward Martin, The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada and his bride, pictured after their wedding, which took place on Saturday afternoon, at half-past four o'clock, in the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul. Mrs. Martin is the former Miss Sybil Jane Shires and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ashton Shires of Montreal. Lieutenant Martin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edward Martin of Westmount. They were piped out of Church." [Newspaper caption, K2]1973, June 10 - Mr. and Mrs. John Beekman of 27 Prospect St., New York Mills, will be honored today with a dinner in Twin Ponds Golf Club, in observance of their 60th wedding anniversary. "The dinner will be given by their children, Mrs. James (Dorothy) Smith of Oswego and Donald Beekman, Utica. "Mr. and Mrs. Beekman were married June 18, 1913, in the parsonage of the First Moravian Church. The Rev. Otto Vanburen officiated. Mrs. Beekman is the former Florence Laughlin. The couple was attended by Mrs. Grant Pugh, Mrs. Beekman's sister, and Edwin Ernst, Buffalo. "Mr. Beekman was employed by Foster Brothers Manufacturing Co. for more than 40 years, and worked several years for the Nehi Bottling Co., New York Mills. "The couple also has five grandchildren and a great-grandson." [Utica Observer-Dispatch, July 10, 1973, H20]1950 -- Also given as year of marriage [Obituary of Maude R. Pirnie, Q50]"separated -- no children" [Frances C. Johnson research, Q7]"2nd wife" [Frances C. Johnson research, P113]CCCCCCCC C C C C CCCCCCCCCCўџџџCCCCCCCC C!C"C#C$C%C&C'C(C)C*C+C,Cўџџџ.C/C0C1C2C3C4C5C6Cўџџџ8C9C:C;CC?C@CACўџџџCCDCECFCGCHCўџџџJCKCLCMCNCOCPCQCRCSCTCUCVCWCXCYCZC[C\C]C^C_C`CaCbCcCdCeCfCgChCiCjCkClCўџџџnCoCpCqCrCsCtCuCvCwCxCyCzC{C|Cўџџџ~CC€C1934, July 12 -- "Miss Marian Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes of Chaseville, and Guy Maddalone, son of Mrs. Charles Maddalone of Maryland, were united in marriage at St. Joseph's church in Worcester at 10 o'clock this morning. Father Edward T. Reily performed the ceremony. "The bride ... was attended by her sister, Mrs. Ernest Russ .. The groom had as his best man, his cousin, Peter Giaquinto. "Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to 40 guests at the Maryland Hotel. During the afternoon a reception was held at the home of the groom's mother in Maryland. "After a wedding trip to the Thousand Islands and Canada the young couple will reside in Chaseville. ..." [Newspaper article, L164]1778, February -- "[Silas Crippen] married Elizabeth Waterman in Spencertown, Columbia County in February 1778. Elizabeth's family did not look upon the marriage with favor because, in their opinion, 'a poor weaver's boy was no match for her.' The young couple persisted, nevertheless, and ventured into the wilderness to make their own fortune." [A Bicentennial History of the Town of Worcester, 21] 1998, March 25 -- "... the Waterman displeasure ... can be easily explained. The Watermans were very old New England, original members of the Plymouth Colony ... with at least one verifiable original member with the Mayflower connection and proud of it. ..." [Ralph Cavan, Jr. letter, R40]"William L. Griggs and Miss Matie Albert, both of Pontiac, were united in holy matrimony Monday 1998, May 29 -- "Carolee Coye-Demidenko of Richfield Springs has announced the engagement of her daughter Megan Irene Smith to Michael Joseph Sanchez, son of Delores Stanfield of Huntington and William Sanchez of Mastic Beach. The future bride is a 1990 graduate of Richfield Springs Central School and graduated with a Bachelor of Music from Potsdam's Crane School of Music. She is now an account representative with Andin International in New York City. She is also the daughter of Gerald G. Smith of Mohawk. Her fiance is a 1989 graduate of William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at Potsdam. He is currently employed as a software engineer at New Horizons Computer Learning Center in Commack. A June 1999 wedding is planned." [Freeman's Journal] 2000, April 30 -- "Port Jefferson Station -- Megan Irene Smith and Michael Joseph Sanchez were united in marriage June 5, 1999, at Christ United Methodist Church, with the Rev. George R. Matzat officiating. "The bride is the daughter of Carolee Coye-Demidenko of Richfiel Springs and Gerald Smith of Cold Brook. "The groom is the son of Delores Stanfield of Huntington and William Sanchez of Mastic Beach. "The bride ... carried a wedding handkerchief made by her maternal great-great-grandmother, Amanda Hartwell, and carried by more than 200 brides. "She was attended by Karey Wantuch; Amanda Miller, her sister; Erika Smith, her sister; Marcia Putnam-Todd and Heidi Seibert. "The groom was attended by Thomas Sanchez, his brother; Thomas Tabor; Anthony Musemici; Richard Dragomani and Christopher Ralph. "A reception was held immediately following the wedding, and another reception was held later in Richfield Springs at the home of Carolee and Andrew Demidenko. The bride was honored during a prenuptial shower given by Patricia Hoye, her aunt; Harriet Cornwell, her aunt; and Karey Wantuch. "The bride, a graduate of Richfield Springs Central School and Potsdam's Crane School of Music, is in management with the Bernard Passman Gallery. "Her husband, a graduate of William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach and the State University College at Potsdam, is an information engineer with New Horizons Computer Learning Center. "The couple took a wedding trip to Bermuda. They live in Las Vegas." [Newspaper article, T273]evening at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. R.T. Reed. Their many friends extend their heartiest congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Griggs will spend their honeymoon at Niagara Falls." [Newspaper article, L75]"On Friday Justice LeBoeuf of Albany granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Mrs. Flora Winnie of Charlotteville from her husband, Bert Winnie. The parties were married at East Worcester in 1900. The plaintiff is allowed to resume her maiden name of Flora Belden. Whitbeck & Haner of Albany were her attorneys." [Newspaper article, L73]1853 -- "Albert-Stone October 19, 1853 Gilbert W. Albert, Worcester, N.Y. and Miss Betsy E. Stone, daughter of Rev. Lewis B. Stone, Harpersfield, N.Y. at Middle Brook, N.Y." [Schoharie Patriot, M34]"Miss Betty Jane Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Schenevus, was married Friday night to Robert Leon Farnum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darling, Schenectady, in an eight o'clock ceremony performed by Rev. Morris Collins. "Gladioli decorated the First Baptist church for the rites. Mrs. Paul Hubbard, Schenevus, was the organist. ... "Miss Louise Risley, Schenevus, attended the bride .. George Campbell Jr., brother of the bride, Otego, was best man. Lenny Millias and Richard Cole of Portlandville, were the ushers. "A reception for 80 guests was held in the church parlors which were decorated in pink and white. "After a wedding trip to a camp on Crumhorn, the couple will make their home in Schenectady, where the bridegroom is now employed by the Wallace company. "Among the out-of-town guests was Mrs. Ralph Curtis, New Britain, Conn., a close friend of the family. "Mrs. Farnum is a graduate of Draper central school. The bridegroom attended Worcester central school. He served ten months overseas in the European theater in an infantry division of the U.S. Army." [Newspaper article, L161]"[Arie] m. 6 June 1734 ... Annatje ... Dolson. She probably died soon after because all his children were by Anne ... Wiltsie ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 149; X46] 1734, June 6 -- "[Arie] ... married Anna Wiltsie ... The church record (or is it just a transcript?) seems to err in calling her Anna Dolsen." [John D. Baldwin research, B33] "... According to the Aylsworth Genealogy ... Arie ... md. Anna Wiltsie June 6, 1734 ..." [Mary Austin letter, July 25, 1963, D45]1703, July 31 -- "The marriage intentions of Frans with Maritje Van Schaick were recorded AlbanyC‚CƒC„C…C†C‡CˆC‰CŠC‹CŒCCŽCCC‘C’C“C”C•C–C—C˜C™CšC›CœCCžCŸC CЁCЂCЃCЄCЅCІCўџџџЈCЉCЊCЋCЌC­CЎCЏCАCБCВCГCДCЕCЖCЗCИCЙCКCЛCўџџџНCОCПCРCСCТCУCФCўџџџЦCЧCўџџџЩCЪCЫCўџџџЭCЮCЯCаCбCвCгCўџџџеCжCзCиCйCкCлCмCнCоCпCрCсCтCуCфCхCцCчCшCщCъCыCьCэCюCяC№CёCђCѓCєCѕCіCїCјCљCњCћCќC§CўCџCD D.R. Church ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B22] 1743 -- "In discussing the marriage of Joseph Doty and Geesje DeLong, the Doty Genealogy gives her parents as Frans and 'Elsha,' the latter an obvious error and presumably confusion with Maritje's youngest daughter Egge or Echa. The book then adds 'Legend has it that Elsha was the daughter and sole heir of an Amsterdam banker and that she eloped with a French officer. The story makes it difficult to obtain full information about some branches.' The story is also another of the 19th century attempts to assign a French heritage to a Dutch family. Frans was not a French officer, he was born to Dutch parents and in the new world. I doubt if Claas Van Schaick was an Amsterdam banker before emigration, and Maritje was not likely his sole heir. "An even more inane version appears in the History of Danby (Vermont) which says Lucretia Doty was daughter of 'Hielcha DeLong, the wife of Francis DeLong, a French officer. They say she let herself down from a two story building in Amsterdam in 1780, came to America, and settled on Long Island.' So this puts American-born Frans in Amsterdam and eloping at the age of 99! I hope he didn't hold her ladder." [Baldwin, B22]1699, April 17 -- " ... the widow Rachel married Allert Hendrickson Ploeg. 'In the presence of Ariaan Roos, Geesje Pier [her uncle Arent Theunissen's wife? Her unnamed sibling on the 1661 passenger list?], Maria Nucella [wife of the Domine Nucella] and Mary Singer was Raachel Pier with her chemise over her clothes married to Allert Hendrickson Ploeg by me [Domine] Nucella'. She is called widow of Arie Fransen born Amsterdam, residing Kingston. "The significance of the chemise is that she brought none of her first husband's debts to her second. I understand however that this was symbolic, without legal binding." [John D. Baldwin research, B20]1676, April 12 -- "[Jan Theunissen] died prior to 1676 when his widow remarried: 'Willem Janszen Romen, Wedr van (widower of) Jannetje Jans, en (and) Maritje Jane wede van (widow of) Jan Theunissen,' living at the Fresh Water, married April 12, 1676." [Baldwin, B19]1801, December 10 -- "1st md recorded there [Lincoln, Vermont]" [John D. Bladwin research, B9]"She md. Jan. 27, 1750/1 (Hopewell record) or Feb. 20, 1750/1 (Rombout record)" [John D. Baldwin research, B40]"[James] married ___________ Shaw, (?) and dwelt in Columbia or Dutchess Co., N.Y. He is said to have been married twice, particulars of second marriage not known." [Arthur Aylesworth and His Descendants in America, 471; X101]1966 -- "Mr. and Mrs. John Babis of Manhasset announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Ellen, to Lowell Edward Smith, sDDDDDDDDўџџџ D Dўџџџ DDўџџџDDDDDDDDDўџџџDDDDDD D!D"Dўџџџ$D%Dўџџџ'D(D)D*D+Dўџџџ-D.D/D0Dўџџџ2D3Dўџџџ5D6D7D8D9Dўџџџ;DD?DўџџџADBDCDDDEDFDGDHDIDJDKDLDMDNDODPDQDRDSDTDUDVDWDXDYDZD[D\D]D^D_D`DaDbDўџџџdDeDfDgDhDiDjDkDlDmDnDoDpDqDrDsDtDuDvDwDxDyDzD{Dўџџџ}D~Dўџџџ€D‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”–Ѕ—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄІЕЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЖШЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧЩйЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзик™YлмнопрстуrY§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџ§џџџћќ§ўџon of Mr. and Mrs. Matthias E. Smith of Fayetteville, formerly of Worcester. "Miss Babis, a graduate of Port Washington High School, is a sophomore in the College of Home Economics at Cornell university and is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. "Her fiance is a graduate of Worcester Central school and is presently a senior in the College of Agriculture at Cornell University. He is a member of Alpha Zeta Fraternity and is president of Scabbard and Blade, a national military honorary. Upon graduation this June Mr. Smith will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps, and will report for flight training at Pensacola, Fla., early this summer. ..." [Newspaper article, T294] 1966 -- "Judith Ellen Babis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alden Babis, was married Saturday to Lt. Lowell Edward Smith, U.S.M.C.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthias E. Smith of Fayetteville. "The bride's father, who is also known as Brad Phillips, a newscaster for WINS-NY, gave his daughter in marriage. The Rev. William Baudendistel performed the ceremony in the First Methodist Church. A reception was held at the Lake Tower Inn in Roslyn. "Lt. Albert H. Gates, U.S.M.C., was best man. The ushers were Douglas Babis, brother of the bride, and Alan Baerenklau. Miss Karen Morgan was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Harriet Smith, a cousin of the groom, and Miss Nancy Hazard. Mrs. Smith is a student at Cornell University. Lt. Smith is a graduate of Cornell and is stationed at Quantico, Va." [Newspaper article, T189]1743, March 20 -- Given as the date of marriage [John D. Baldwin research, B31]1745, February 2 -- Given as date of marriage. [John D. Baldwin research, B32]"As widow of Teunis Cool bans were published for her 2nd marriage to Hendrick Class Schoonhoven. The church record notes the bans were registered 4 Dec. 1715 and withdrawn the same day. ... Perhaps he found she was expecting a child [Neeltje] by another man. ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 136; X40]"Some DeLong family records claim [Rachel] married Jacob Ploeg. The Kingston church record notes at the baptism of her dau. Blandina 15 April 1707: 'Illegally begotten and [Jacob Ploeg] named as Father, by the Judge, according to the Mother's oath.'" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 136; X40]1732 or 1733 -- Given as possible years of marriage [John D. Baldwin research, B21]1758 -- "Perhaps the Anna who md 1758 Bartholomew Noxon ... note a Bartholomew Noxon was Justice at probate at will of grandfather Frans DeLong." [John D. Baldwin research, B27]"A Rachel DeLong m. John Dady 4 Dec. 1804 at Schagticoke, perhaps a 2nd marriage for the widow." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 189; X66]"Jannetje Losee ... prob. md Lavinius Van der Water" [John D. Baldwin research, B28][Wayne Babcock] m. 1st. 1903 Bertha Kahn ... m. 2nd. unknown whether married or not; not sure ... m. 3rd. April 1940 Florence Preston" [Ruth S. All research, O46]1867, March 19 -- "At No. Kortright, March 3d by Rev. Mr. Boyce, Gibson Delong of Schenevus and Miss Mary Hendy, of Kortright." [Linda Robinson transcription, Bloomville Mirror; C60I]" ... Our only attendants were Gilbert, Irene and Leah. A former Methodist Church minister ... who at the time was serving a church in Sayre, Penn., came up to Binghamton to marry us. We had arranged to have the church organist play for us and Irene planned a very nice wedding dinner for our party at the Arlington Hotel. ..." [Matthias E. Smith, Hours to Cover Years, 19; T319] 1987, October 16 -- "Mr. and Mrs. Matthias E. Smith of Worcester recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. "They were married Oct. 8, 1937, in the Fairview Methodist Church by the Rev. E. Laurence Martin. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith, brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom, and Mrs. H.F. Benjamin, sister of the bride. They have lived in Worcester their entire married life except for 15 years when they resided in the Syracuse area. "On Oct. 9 their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith and daughters of West Winfield, hosted a family dinner at Summerwood in Richfield Springs. An open house was held Oct. 11 in the Worcester United Methodist Church ..." [Oneonta Daily Star, T296]1927 -- "Wedded on Christmas Day -- Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Tompkins of the Athens Road, and Ernest W., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Cornwallville, were married on Sunday at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. Grant E. Robinson, the attendants being Cyrus Tompkins and Mrs. Isaac Collier, brother and sister of the bride. ... Little Virginia Tompkins, niece of the bride, acted as flower-girl ... "Dinner was served after the ceremony ... after which the couple departed on a trip to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Md., and Philadelphia, and on their return will reside on Thomson street. Mr. Smith is dairy inspector for the Catskill Creamery, while Mrs. Smith is teaching in School Dist. No. 3 in Athens." [Newspaper article, T115]Married by Rev. George B. Vosburgh. [Wedding notice, Freeman's Journal, October 29, 1874; C60F]1773, January 24 -- Date of bannDўџџџƒD„Dўџџџ†D‡DˆD‰DŠDўџџџŒDDŽDDD‘D’D“Dўџџџ•D–D—D˜D™DšD›DœDDžDŸD DЁDЂDЃDЄDЅDІDЇDЈDЉDЊDЋDЌD­DЎDЏDАDБDўџџџГDДDЕDЖDЗDўџџџЙDКDўџџџМDўџџџОDПDРDСDТDУDФDХDЦDЧDШDЩDЪDЫDЬDЭDЮDЯDаDбDвDгDўџџџеDжDзDиDйDкDлDмDнDоDўџџџрDсDтDуDфDхDцDчDшDщDъDыDьDэDюDяD№DёDђDѓDєDѕDўџџџїDјDљDњDћDќD§DўDџDEs, intentions [John D. Baldwin research, B29]Stutely Staford was Rebecca's second husband. [Doty Genealogy, B31]1772, January 15 -- "Peter Vandewater as widow of Martha (same as Egge?) DeLong, m. Hannah Morris ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 143-144; X43-X44]1920, February 25 -- "Walter Cattell and bride of Rensselaer were guests of his brother, Charles Cattell and wife last week. The former Mr. Cattell was united in marriage to Miss Jenny Fine of Plymouth, Pa., on Feb. 11." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96AI]1886, November 30 -- Married "by Rev. Steele" [Burgess-Bump family summary, S18] 1988, November 17 -- "According to the marriage certificate of Geo. L. Burgess and Ida Bump filed in Rutland, Vermont -- actually they were married in Pittsford, Vt. "Geo. L. Burgess listed as age 21, he was only 19. "Ida Bump listed as 16, she was only 13. "Married November 26, 1887. ... "I was brought up by Mary Burgess Shangraw who was sister to the older George Ladd Burgess. I can just imagine her telling her brother, George, that Ida was carrying his baby and it now was his responsibility to marry her. Can you imagine being 13 years old (Mary Shangraw also told me this) and pregnant and almost up to the day the baby was born you didn't know what was going to happen to you? Mary Shangraw also told me both of their ages when they were married in spite of what they told the clerk who wrote the license." [Alice Perry letter, S27]1867, December 15 -- "...the age of the groom was given as 22. Residence of groom as Goshen, Vt. Mother's name Widow Bump then Mrs. Ayers ..." [Burgess/Bump family summary, S18]"Stephen and Polly ... separated. Later, Polly married again ..." [Alice Perry information; S24]"Mar 3-26-1882 by Rev. A.F. Brown" [Ruth S. All research, L133]1919 -- "Milford, June 5 -- this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of George VanDyke on Division street, occurred the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Sarah VanDyke, to Floyd Cornell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornell of Schenevus. Rev. N.S. Becker of the Presbyterian church performed the ceremony in the presence of about 60 guests, the ring service being used. The young couple were attended by Miss Hattie Harlow, a cousin of the bride, and Harry Cornell, brother of the groom. "... The groom is a trusted employe of W.R. Jenkins of Schenevus ... Mr. and Mrs. Cornell departed during the afternoon by auto to Colliers, where they took the train for a brief wedding trip to Binghamton." [Newspaper article, L136]1916 -- "Married at Worcester, N.Y., on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 1916, by Rev. A.D. Finch, Mr. Earl Cornell of Schenevus and Miss Cecile L. Elmore of Decatur. ... The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Elmore and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson J. Cornell of Schenevus. ... " {Schenevus Monitor, L136]1916 - "At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson J. Cornell, on upper Main street, at 9:00 o'clock, Wednesday morning, took place the wedding of their daughter, Miss Bessy Mary Cornell, to Ray Melville Gallup of Worcester. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles H. Colegrove, pastor of the Baptist church, in the presence of the immediate families and a few friends. ... The bride has lived in this town all her life, is a graduate of the Teacher's Training class, and for the past year was a teacher at Eminence. ... The bride and groom left by auto for Albany, Gloversville, Troy and other places. ... They will be at home after July 15th at Worcester ..." [Newspaper article, L136]1929 -- "Leslie Alcott and Miss Anna Cornell were united in marrEEEўџџџEEEўџџџ E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E!E"E#E$E%E&E'E(E)E*E+E,E-E.E/E0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8Eўџџџ:E;EE?EўџџџAEBEўџџџDEEEFEGEHEIEJEўџџџLEMEўџџџOEPEQEREўџџџTEUEVEWEXEYEZE[E\E]E^E_E`EaEbEcEdEeEfEgEhEiEjEkElEўџџџnEoEpEqErEsEtEuEvEwExEyEzE{E|E}E~EE€Eiage by Rev. John Traver, the Lutheran minister at Hartwick Seminary, June 24. The attendants were Mrs. Clarence Pier of Schenevus and Clyde Cornell of Cortland. "The bride is a daughter of Clarence Cornell of Milford and a granddaughter of Emerson Cornell of this village. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Alcott of this place." [Newspaper article, L136]"[Abraham's] 2nd wife -- Widow Sarah Rexford, of Chatham, N.Y. ... no children" [The Mudge Family, T136]"Bernardsville -- The marriage of Miss Margaret Elsa Lance, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Edward Lance, to Robert Emerson Osborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Osborn, took place Saturday evening in the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church. "The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. William H. Felmeth. A reception followed in the Guild Room. ... "Miss Constance Lance of Hood College, Frederick, Md., was her sister's maid of honor. ... "The attendants were: Mrs. Richard Lamb of Princeton, Miss Joselyn Douglass of Bernardsville; and the two junior bridesmaids, the Misses Dawn and Carole Dickinson of Basking Ridge ... "The ushers were Donald S. Smith of New York City, cousin of the bride; Holmes E. Newton, Berkeley Heights; Russell B. Voegtien of New Providence, cousins of the groom; Lawrence C. Rowman of Long Island, Roger G. Cook of Cranbury, and W. Kenney Withers of Jacksonville, Fla. "After a wedding trip south, Mr. and Mrs. Osborn will make their home in West Orange. Mrs. Osborn is a graduate of Drew University and Katharine Gibbs School, New York. She is directly descended from William Brewster of the Plymouth Colony and Thomas Prence, first governor of Massachusetts. "Mr. Osborne was graduated from Duke University where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and Alpha Kappa Psi fraternities. During World War II he served in the southwest Pacific as a captain in the Adjutant General's Department of the Army. He is with the Radio Corporation of America, RCA Victor Division." [Newspaper article, T34]1784 -- "Peter VanOrden ... married 1st; Neeltje or Elizabeth DuMond July or Aug. 15, 1784 ..." [Irene M. Smith research, T72]February 15, 1751 given as date of marriage. [Albert Smth ancestral chart, U1]"Benjamin ... married ... at age 24 ..." [Gallt's History of Dear Old Greene County, T50]1664 -- "[DuMont] married Grietje (Margaret) Hendricks of Wie near Swol, and the widow of Jan Arentsen, on Jan. 13th, 1664. Both were residing in Wiltwyck or Kingston at the time of their marriage. ..." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]December 5 or 10, 1737 given as date of marriage [Ancestral chart of Albert Smith, U1]1741, October 24 -- "Catrina Schuyler Married her brother-in-law Jacobus DuMond ... after Ignatius died." [Irene M. Smith research, T43]1924 -- "About eighty-five guests will be present tonight at the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius V. Boughton at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John C. McLaury of 52 South Maple Avenue, East Orange. "Among those expected are Mrs. Boughton's two sisters, Mrs. Fred Stoll of Madison and Mrs. C.H. Gleason of this city. Mrs. Boughton as hostess will be assisted by her two daughters, Mrs. McLaury and Mrs. E.C. Pierson of Summit and her grand-daughter, Miss Madge McLaury. "Mr. Boughton retired as principal of the grammar school at Highlands a few years ago. The couple were married in Green Village. They now live part of the time with their daughters and part of the time at their summer home near East Windham, N.Y." [Newspaper article, T115]1957 -- "At the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Parks, in CornwallvilE‚EƒE„E…E†E‡EˆE‰EŠE‹EŒEEŽEEE‘E’E“Eўџџџ•E–E—E˜E™EšE›EœEEžEŸE EЁEЂEЃEЄEЅEІEЇEЈEЉEЊEЋEЌE­EЎEЏEўџџџБEВEўџџџДEЕEЖEЗEИEўџџџКEЛEўџџџНEОEўџџџРEСEТEУEФEХEЦEЧEШEЩEЪEЫEЬEЭEЮEЯEаEбEвEгEдEеEжEзEиEйEкEлEмEўџџџоEпEрEсEтEуEфEхEцEўџџџшEщEъEыEьEэEўџџџяE№EёEђEўџџџєEѕEўџџџїEјEљEњEўџџџќE§EўEџEFle on Wednesday, Oct. 2, the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy France of Cornwallville, was celebrated, over 80 friends, neighbors and relatives attending the delightful evening Open House. ... "Among the guests were the bridesmaid at their wedding 50 years ago, Mrs. Albert Smith, the former Minnie France, sister of the bridegroom, and the best man, Edward Maybe, Sr. of Oak Hill, formerly of Cornwallville, who was accompanied by his wife and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maybee, Jr., and Mrs. France's only niece, Margaret Hayes, of Oak Hill. Mrs. Smith was accompanied by her husband and two sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Smith, all of Worcester, N.Y., formerly of Cornwallville. "Mrs. France is the former Emily Maybee, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Horace Maybee of Cornwallville, and Mr. France is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthias France, also of Cornwallville, where the couple has always resided. Both are in good health for their years, 73 and 79 and until his retirement, Mr. France was a farmer." [Newspaper article, T116]1930 -- "Cornwallville, June 17 -- A quiet home wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy M. France last Saturday evening, when their only daughter, Elizabeth, was united in marriage to Ferris Alexander, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Parks, all of Cornwallville. "The ceremony was performed by Rev. Webster E. Morse, of Durham, uncle of the groom, and only the near relatives were present. Attendants of the couple were Miss Marjorie Parks and Gilbert F. Smith, of Worcester, and the wedding march was played by Mrs. Clarence Armstrong, sister of the groom. "After a bountiful wedding repast and the usual carefully arranged attentions that newly married couples receive, they left in their automobile for Lake George and other points for a wedding journey. On their return they will occupy their home in this village. ..." [Newspaper article, T116] Husband also given as "Jacob Conyn" [Irene M. Smith research, T83]1776 -- Phebe "married Hendrick and Mary's son Aury, her first cousin." [John D. Baldwin research, B40] 1776 -- Aury "md. ... dau of his uncle Jacob." [Baldwin, B41]"[John] md 1st Hannah or Chloe Case" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]"[Hannah] possibly md. Thomas Vredenberg" [John D. Baldwin research, B42]1993, June 11 -- "Now the interesting part about George b. 1824-5 is that he married Caroline DeLong ... daughter of Jesse DeLong b. 1805 who in turn was son of an older George b. Sep. 12, 1780. This older George is buried at the same cemetery in Leeds Co. Ont. as Lawrence DeLong and I have long presumed he was a son of Lawrence. ... or, Caroline md her father's first cousin if this version is correct. "A descendant once wrote they were unrelated. This we can dismiss. But another descendant did give a plausible story -- that Caroline's grandfather and the younger George's father were cousins, not brothers. "If we consider this, then the first question is: which was son of Lawrence and which was nephew? ... "The second question is, if one of them was nephew and not son of Lawrence, then whose son was he? There is really only one candidate, and that is Lawrence's brother Martin born ca 1748 ..." [John D. Baldwin letter, B54]"[Mary] md. May 4, 1833 Leonard Hoyt, both of Cramahe Tp, by Rev Richard James of Cobourg. Witnesses Charlie Hoyt and Lucinda DeLong (later md. Herman Davis ...) An alternate version of this marr. is Apr. 27, and both of Haldimand Tp. (Wilson's Marr. Bonds of Ont)." [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"Caroline ... of Haldimand when she md. Aug. 11, 1838 Nelson Moore of Cramahe, Wesleyan Methodists, witnesses Gilbert Weller and William Batty. ... Marr. reported in the Christian Guardian." [John D. Baldwin research, B71]"[Caroline] married for her second husband William Clyde, and dwelt in the same vicinity." [Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendants in America, 476; X104]Married by Rev. S.R. Ward. [Wedding notice, Freeman's Journal; C60F]1848, May 16 -- "[John] md. May 16 Huldah Noble, both of Mariposa ... Banns this same date were reportedly published in York Co." [Jhn D. Baldwin research, B87]"'At Troy on Sunday last (23rd) Miss Lorenda DeLong of Troy to Mr. Samuel Stevens of NY.' [1 Sept. 1818 ...]" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, ўџџџFFFFFFF F F F F FFFFFFFFFўџџџFFFFFўџџџFFFўџџџ!F"Fўџџџ$F%Fўџџџ'F(F)Fўџџџ+Fўџџџ-Fўџџџ/F0F1F2Fўџџџ4F5F6F7F8F9F:F;FF?F@FAFBFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJFKFLFMFNFOFPFQFRFўџџџTFUFVFWFXFYFZF[Fўџџџ]F^F_F`FaFbFcFdFeFfFўџџџhFiFjFkFlFmFnFoFpFqFrFsFtFuFvFwFxFyFzFўџџџ|Fўџџџ~FF€F182; X63]1837, July 23 -- "Nathaniel Huson mar. Eliza Ann Ingalls at Westford NY ... by Edler Nelson Mumford" [Walter Jay Palmer; O209] 1841, April 13 -- "... I want you to be a friend indeed to her [Eliza Ann] I know her feelings and if I had never encouraged her to have married I should be very glad but I did not know that I was planting a thorn in my own heart if I had refused as decidedly as I did when Esq. Peasly [?] made his I should have done something and I could have had her company here but I little thought where I should be now ..." [Sally Peake letter from Sweden, New York to her brother Ephraim Delong in Westford, New York, C30] 1957 -- "Their 68th Anniv. is reported in Rocky Mountain News, Jan. 5, 1957 which article names three of four known children ..." [John D. Baldwin research, B128]"[Ariaantjen] prob. m. Hendrick ... Franz ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 135; X39]"[Adam] prob m. Elizabeth Van Wagenen" [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, 137; X40]"Catherine ... m. ?Richard Jenkins." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 157; X50]"Mary DeLong prob. m. 2nd to James Maxfield ..." [Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent, IV, 159; X51]"Married by Reverend James Mackey." [Mackey Genealogy, Z203]"Married by Rev. James Mackey ..." [Mackey Genealogy, Z203]"They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their dau. Marion in Bowling Green OH." [John D. Austin research, E106]"On January 1, 1867 Joseph D. DePan and Hannah Hance were united in marriage by Justice of Peace Walter Higby in the parlor of the Finn Hotel at Port Leyden. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Burdick. Mr. DePan was 19 and his bride 18. For twelve years they lived in different sections of Lewis County. Forty-eight years ago they took up their residence on the Moose River road, in what is known as French Settlement. Mr. DePan was a lumberman and jobber until about 25 years ago when he settled down to farming. Mrs. DePan has been a most faithful wife and mother to family of twelve children only four of which are living, Jacob DePan, Felix DePan, Mrs. K.W. Hodges of Port Leyden and Mrs. William Higby of Canastota. Mrs. Hodges, who lives with her father and mother, entertained a few neighbors and friends in the evening to help celebrate the event. Cards and radio music were features of the occasion. A fine lunch was served at the close of the evening. ..." [Newspaper article; H164-H165]"At the Rev. Father Dean's at Port Leyden occurred the marriage of Miss Mae DePan of this place and William [sic] Higby of Boonville, Aug. 23 at 7 o'clock. ... The bride ... was attended by her sister Miss Jessie DePan ... Phelix DePan acted as best man ..." [H200]"Mary J. Higby, of McKeever Rd., Port Leyden, became the bride of Archibald L. Birdsey, of Lyons Falls on June 14 at 2 P.M. at St. Martin's Church in Port Leyden. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George P. Donnelly. They were attended by the bride's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hodges, Boonville. ..." [H200]"Mrs. Lillian E. DePan and Eugene D. Judd were married at the Presbyterian Church manse on Nov. 3, by Rev. Irving F. Beal, pastor. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson, sister and brother-in-law of the groom. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mumford, son and daughter from Brockton, Mass.; Mrs. William Craibe and Mrs. Bessie Sonier, of Toronto, Canada. At 7 o'clock a reception and dinner was held at the Hurlburt House. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Coon of North Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Birdsey of Port Leyden and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hodges. The couple will be at their home after Nov. 10." [Newspaper article; H193]"No issue" [Ruth S. All research, L152]"Charles W. Boyce of Worcester and Mrs. Nellie Morse of Maryland were quietly married at 4 o'cloF‚FƒF„F…F†FўџџџˆF‰FŠF‹FŒFFŽFFF‘F’F“F”F•F–F—F˜FўџџџšF›FœFFžFŸF FЁFЂFЃFЄFЅFІFЇFЈFЉFЊFЋFЌF­FЎFўџџџАFБFВFГFДFЕFЖFЗFИFЙFКFЛFМFНFОFПFРFўџџџТFУFФFХFўџџџЧFШFўџџџбFкFзFЭFЮFЯFаFеFвFгFдFйFжFшFіFўџџџлFъFмFнFхFпFрFсFтFуFфFяFцFчFщFьFэFыFћFњFюFўF№FёFђFѓFєFѕFїF^GјFљFЩGIGќF§FNGGGck on Wednesday, July 14th, at the bride's home by the Rev. L.A. Dykeman. On returning after a short trip which includes Binghamton and Buffalo they will reside in Worcester." [Newspaper article, L159]"Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hastings of Upper Main street announce the marriage of their only daughter, Esther, to Joseph R. Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes of Worcester. The couple were married in Montrose, Pa., August 26th. The bride, a popular member of the younger set, graduated from Schenevus High School last June and has since then completed a bookkeeping course at the Lowell Business College in Binghamton. The groom is employed in Cobleskill. They will reside for the present at the family home on Upper Main street." [Newspaper article, L159]1935 -- "Worcester, Sept. 29 -- Miss Gladys S. Sperry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Sperry, and S. Porter Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Reed, were married Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist Church in this village. Rev. E.L. Martin, pastor of the church, officiated. "The bride ... was attended by her sister, Miss Bernice Sperry ... Donald Reed of Ravena acted as best man for his brother. ... "Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Reed left by auto for a trip through the northern part of the state with a short stay at Seventh Lake. They will reside in a newly furnished flat over the Shaffer store on Main street. ..." [Newspaper article, L164]1938, June 3 -- "A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist chuch Sunday evening at 8:30, when DeForest Sperry, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sperry, and Mrs. Alice Cooper, both residents of Worcester, were married by Rev. Wheaton P. Webb, pastor of the church. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brownell of this village. ... "Mr. Sperry is a mechanic of ability and is employed in a garage at Cobleskill. Mrs. Sperry owns and conducts Patsy's beauty parlor here. ... Following the ceremony, they left by auto for Montreal." [Newspaper article, L164]"Mrs. Cora Delong Carnie (maybe Carney) married George Boynton on Oct. 2, 1935, according to George's obit." [Linda Robinson; Worcester Times; C96BO]1861, October 17 -- "...by Rev. J.T. Livermore" [Walter Jay Palmer; O209]QB22 ™ŒƒbAИ6эиУЊŸ‘_QB2_(љямвЏdT LQB22ZH`ZFNTl5>) QB22ю б­”lIжНšx`N.ќпТuV7цЬГ•{T<xъбИЃŽu_C$іеšW9Obituary Agnes Flynn HoyeThomas A Deering memorial cardThoma      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ                           ! 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Bonney, S4^I^ђІ@MMGeorge BonneyџL^Y^Q^ђвЦ€ŽHŽDorothy BonneyџT^^^\^вІŽJŽSalvatore Paceџa^ђЦЪElizabeth Merwinџd^p^r^ѕІ€HЯPatrick Joseph Brouu^‚^€^љЦ@ŠGŠCheryl xxx(Ю2џƒ^їІРMMJohn Brothersџ‚Ъ…^‡^їЦ€ШCrystal Brothersџ^‰^їјЦ€ŽHŽDeborah FatatoџŒ^" Т–^’^”^јЦ@ЧAmanda BroughtonџŸ^˜^јЦ@ЧNicole Broughtonџ›^Ђ jЦІ^Њ^Ь^Ю^Ё^Є^јŒЦ€ШM’Shirley Rose Lomax­^В™д^к^Я^в^ŒљhЦЦM’Marie Elaine Plattж^b–х^ь^о^р^у^ŒњІ@ŽгRobert Arthur Plattч^і^я^›ЦIIPaula xxxxU(Ю2џђ^__›ћІЯŠЯStandring Plattџ__ћЦIIJulia xxxxU(Ю2џ__ћЦЫ†ЫMissy PlattЮ2џ _ _ћІРŠEŠP.J. Platt(Ю2џ_ _›ќІ@ Ч Rhodes Platt2џ__ќЦIIJenny xxxxU(Ю2џ__ќІ@ Ч Robert Platt2џ__ќЦ@ Ч Rachel Platt2џ__ќЦ€MMRebekah Plattџ__›§ІЫ†ЫDavid PlattЮ2џ __§Ц€Ч„ЧLiz xxxџxU(Ю2џ!_§ЦЯŠЯGabrielle Plattџ#_§ІРŽIŽDominick Plattџz*e<_>_%_'_)_;ІЪгNathaniel H. Wilder-_z2E_@_B_9ІРЩHamilton Crippenџт в9K_F_H_9ІР Х John Crippen2џв`]_L_N_9ўІРЩSchuyler CrippenџR_zк`d___a_9І@ŽGŽPhilip CrippenџКR ll_e_g_i_9І@ YWellington Elijah CZЂs‚_m_o_r_9 Ц@USalley Esther Crippv_F—_ƒ_†_ ІЦ‰ЯJames B. CooleyџŠ_*"zt_˜_š_9 ЦР Х Lucy Crippen2џž_ ІР…MJohn R. BoyceџbjiЏ_Б_ _Ђ_9 ІРЩHarrison CrippenџІ_ВB\Ю_Р_Т_Х_ Ц€H‹гRosanna A. WoodwardЩ_Ђ+Rxм_Я_б_г_  І@‡зPhilip Fernando Criз_Ъ2B„н_п_т_ ЦР‰ŒгCaroline M. Bigelowц_ŠKЃ` `ы_э_я_  І@GO–George Bigelow Cripђ_њO‘`!` ` ` ЦРЩCaroline Winslowџ`"``ІРЫ…ЫBert WinnieЮ2џ%`Jˆ/`*`,`]ІР…L’John Arthur Beldenv0`2`]ІР…HŽAmos D. Beldenџ6`ЉрU`@`B` ЪІРŽIŽLawrence LoseeџE`W`  ІЫ†ЫSimon LoseeЮ2џY` ЦРŽIŽMargetje Koeckџ\```b`  І†ЬPeter Loyse de Zeeud` ЦŠFŠSarah Colf(Ю2џf`h` І€„аJan Cornelissen de j` ЦРЩJanneken Pietersџs`u`l`ЪІЫ†ЫSimon LoseeЮ2џo`Т‘`€`‚`Ъ Ц€MMMaritje Loseeџ„`р `Ђ`’`”`–`  І€зIзJacobus \Van Der Wa™`Ѓ`Ѕ` ІРŠBenjamin \Van Der WЇ`Љ` І€зIзJacobus \Van Der WaУЖ`Ћ`­`Ъ ЦРŠEŠAnna Losee(Ю2џЏ`Т`Ф`Р` І€Q QBartholomew NoxonџЦjЪ`к`м`Х`Ч`Ъ ІЫ†ЫFrans LoseeЮ2џЬ`н`п` ЦЫ†ЫSarah BrownЮ2џJоы`с`ф`  Ц@ Ч Rachel Losee2џц`нњђ`ќ`ь`я` І Ц Jonas Delong2џє`aa  ІР…MJohn F. Loseeџ*ќaa І€MMFrancis Loseeџуaa a  ЦРŠEŠAnna Losee(Ю2џ aсr7aaa  І€ŽHŽRichard Delongџ#aцMa@aBa ІРŽIŽLawrence LoseeџDaшWaNaPa ЦРŠEŠMary Losee(Ю2џRaыYa[a ІЫ†ЫAaron LoseeЮ2џ]aaa ЦЯŠЯCatherine Loseeџca ЦЯŠЯElizabeth LoseeџЂ ѓZ(yaeaha  ЦЫ†ЫSarah LoseeЮ2џlaЊ№‹a€a‚a Ц@MMRachel Delongџ„aШ•aŒaŽaЪІРŽIŽLawrence LoseeџaЪъЅaЈa—a™aЪ І€IIJan LoseexU(Ю2џœaъ­aЉaЋa ЦРЫ…ЫMary RennerЮ2џЬЗaЎaАaЪ ЦРŽIŽJannetje LoseeџВaФaЦaРaТa ІРŠLavinius \Van der WЮаaЧaЩaЪЦЯŠЯCatherine LoseeџЫaбоaбaгaЪЦЯŠЯElizabeth LoseeџеaсaуaпaЪ Ц@ Ч Rachel Losee2џфa І Ц Moses Barker2џшaцaЪІ€MMAbraham LoseeџыaщaЪІ@ Ч George Losee2џюaьaљІMMJerry Wilmothџћa№aђaњЦРIЯMargaret Helen CrowіabbњІЫ†ЫShawn PlattЮ2џЂ ?bb b#bbb  ’І QEmery Jay Babcockџ bŠjтЧ)b+b:b=b$b&b’ Ц€Ы„ЫOra BabcockЮ2џ.bњ`Кt@bBb’Ц@ŽGŽBessie BabcockџFbLb Ц’F’Sarah StarkweatherВcУNbPb’ ЦMMEdith BabcockџTbВcB Х_babpbtbYb\b’ ЦЦЩEthel V. Babcockџdb€b І@ŽGŽJerome Prestonџ\ Ў‚b„b’  ІMMWayne BabcockџˆbЂfНbb’b’ І@‡ŒгDayton Ball Babcock–bТ ­Ѕbœbžb І€HK’Matthew B. FrawleyЁb]ЉЇbЊb  ІЦ MHarry G. WaidџЎbЪ `’ УеbйbРbТbХb  І€HURaymond George PottЪbj‚ђктb c cкbмbпb ! Ц@Ч‘зMarion Elizabeth Poхbccc! ІЦ‰гHomer M. OsterhoudtfЌcc“ Ц Ц Cecil Alvord2џcc І€ЮWilliam Henry Barne"c)c&cнІЫ†ЫElias LewisЮ2џъ-/c7c9c*c,c" Ц†ЬSarah Maria Lentџ3cGcJc@c" ІŠFŠJames Lent(Ю2џCcMcKc‘ЦЦ‰ЯSarah R. BrewerџTcfcNcQc# ’ЦР…MMary A. FlingџVc:NjXoc~c‚cgcickcŸІЪгLlewellyn M. DeLongrcbSZ–‡c‰cc cƒc…cŸ$ ™ЦР…HŽCora E. DeLongџc2rЅcВcДcЁcЃc$ І€H QCharles B. HubertџЇcš U•ШcЫcзcкcРcТcХcŸ% ЦЪгElizabeth A. DeLongЯcQАіcлcнcпc& % ІР‰P–Clarence Philip Putфc dddŸ' І@ЪHoward A. DeLongџd‚ 3j pd5d7ddddv( І@GUGibson Wallace DeLodт „‚ йFdHd„d‰d@dCd Ц€ЯˆЯHarriet BabcockџKdŒdŠdЭІРЫ…ЫJohn HewittЮ2џddЭЦ€ŽHŽHarriet Hewittџ’ddЭЦРЫ…ЫMary HewittЮ2џ•d“dЬІ Ц Lyman Snyder2џŸdЁd–d˜dЈЦ вElizabeth Lucille N›dВ ­dЂdЄdІdЈІЦЭJames Donald CattelЉdЕdЎdЊЦ@Ы‡ЫMartha FordЮ2џБdВРdТdФdЊЦ€ˆŒгLucinda Ann CattellњЗ:ИЦdШdЪdЊЦРЩЭKathleen Kim Cattel*œдdоdЭdЯdвdЋІРIЯLawrence James PensжdГьdюdрdтdфdЋдЦ@GЫLaurie Ann PensabenчdZЗћdяdёdѓdЋеЦ€ˆ UMelissa Ann PensabeїdeeЌІ€QQRichard IzykowskiџЄ eeeАЦРIIRene VitoxU(Ю2џe"eeeЏЦРIIMary LeppxU(Ю2џeR Б'eee eЏІ@GO–Robert Charles Burg#eв Г0e(e*e-eЏІ@URonald Arthur Burge"™Pe@eBeDeЎЦ€H‹гKathryn R. FlaugherGeЂЕЂЕWeZe[eReTeЎЦQ QPriscilla Burgessџ:Зbece\e^e`eЎІ€ YChristopher Robin BšЙkeledefeheЎІРIO–Jonathan Alden BurgZB Œsee’emepe) ДІ@ Ч Edward Smith2џweB K’—šeЂe“e•e—e* ДЦ@GUMinnie Jerusha EcklžeђzjжЋeЏeffЄeІeЈeЅ+ ІР‰UMatthias Edward SmiВeЪ|Jв ffHfLff f f, + ЦŠP–Charlotte Celia Snyfк\ВИcfffMfPfД- І@ŠЯArthur H. SmithџTfк mКЎlf˜f›fgfifД. І@ŠЯErnest W. SmithџofŠQКŸЕfИfœfžfЁf( / І€ˆP–Alanson Charles DeLЅfІЬfЯfРfТfФfу0 І@GUArthur Spencer GoldЧf*–ВЂдfзfјfўfаfвf+ Ц@ЧM’Jeanne Ellen Smithкf‚˜Ъ еg gLgPgggg+ гІ@ŽгLowell Edward Smith g2›ngrgQgSg1 гЦ@ЧM’Judith Ellen BabisVg‹g€g1 ІРEЫJohn Alden BabisџƒgђqZЧ”g–gКgНggg’g% 2 Ц€ЮMildred Irene Putna™gтiтƒЦgРgУg3 2 ІРMMJohn Morrisonџ" …ЮgЧgЩgЬg2 ІРN–John Clarence Morri"љжgиgаgгgІЦ‰ЯJames H. Arnoldџ’јоgйgлgЦРЯ…ЯMary WarringtonџНпgсgёЦ@MMEsther PartleџхgъgѕЦЯŠЯElizabeth BebbeџSzьgяgіІ@ŠGŠThomas Fox(Ю2џohhіЦ€ŽHŽRebecca WheateџъYњhhх4 І Ц Harry Golden2џj^2 С h hh4 ЦŽгMarie Frances Millshх5 ЦРЯ‰ЯFlorence Goldenџh5 І@MMEdward LawtonџhхІ@MMErnest Goldenџhъ!h"hhhпІ Ц Alvah Golden2џв 'h#h%hпЦЪElizabeth Goldenџъ ,h(h*hпІ@MMGeorge Goldenџъ 2h8h.h0hпІ Ц Aaron Golden2џ5hzEhGhAhChпЦРЫ…ЫLucy GoldenЮ2џВLhNhHhJhпЦРЯ‰ЯRuhannah GoldenџrShUhOhQhпЦРЫ…ЫAves GoldenЮ2џ*Zh\hVhXhпІ Ц Lewis Golden2џъ!cheh]h_hahпЦРЩ‘зCaroline Matilda Gonhfh6 бЦ€QQRebecca Hellhouseџihvhoh6 ІЯ†ЯJames Hellhouseџrh‚h€h7 вЦMMSusan ElliottџŠhƒh7 І€Ы„Ыxxx ElliottЮ2џ†h:‹hhІ Ц Henry Arnold2џЂвZЂhh’h8 Ц@MMCelite Arnoldџ–hZЃhЅhЦРЫ…ЫJane ArnoldЮ2џšЈhЊhІРЫ…ЫJohn ArnoldЮ2џтАhГhЌhЎh9 Ц€H QRebecca A. ArnoldџšРhТhЦ Ц Susan Arnold2џB MзhФhЦhЦЪCatherine ArnoldџЩhт8:‘пhтhiiиhлh•: І@ЪDeWitt A. DeLongџцhJsвбii6i9iii; . Ц€ШPauline Tompkinsџi@iІŠFŠPeter Carl(Ю2џBiЦЯŠЯElizabeth HagerџGiDiІ@ƒШW. Carl Hastingsџ_КMiOieihiIiKih< І€HK’Brayton S. JohnsonQiЕmiiiki< Ц Ц Hetti Dibble2џpini< = ЦMMDoris Johnsonџ‚i€i= ІMMBruce Nesbittџ…iƒi< ІЦЩRoger A. JohnsonџЂо:'‹iŽiКi‡i‰i> :ІMMSilas CrippenџiъпB5ЦiдiРiТi@ :Ц’J’Elizabeth WatermanШiвњr5лiпiеiиi:A І@ŽGŽDaniel CrippenџсiŠюiчiыi:B ЦMMSarah Crippenџђi""Wj jjj:C ЦQ QElizabeth CrippenџjъѕК#j'jBjj j:ІMMSilas Crippenџ*jък >HjLjCjFj:D ЦР Х Mary Crippen2џNjъ Ђ &Xj]jhjRjUj:E ІMMSilas CrippenџajЂ nj}jijlj:F І€HK’Charles H. Crippenrj‚j€jІ€ Ф xxx Wightman2џ…jƒjІŽFŽCyrus Wightmanџ‰j‡jІ€ШCharles Wightmanџj‹jG ЦРMMLeah Wightmanџ‘jjG І€IIxxx DantexU(Ю2џ”j’jІŽFŽWayne Wightmanџ˜j–jH ЦŽFŽLaura Wightmanџj›jH І€IIxxx MabiexU(Ю2џ jžjI ЦŽFŽVelma WightmanџЄjЂjI І€ŠDŠxxx Mostar(Ю2џB—ЉjЗjЅjЇj˜J ЦРŠЯMary Dora ChaseџЌjШjРjJ І€DGŽEli E. CornellџФjЫjЩjJ K ЦР Х Rose Cornell2џšY‚ЉбjгjтjфjЬjЯjJ L M ЦР…ˆЯLeta I. CornellџжjчjхjK І€ŠDŠxxx Parker(Ю2џSƒшjыjM І@ЪPhilip H. Briggsџ№jЂjB m kkk% ЦР…HŽCora N. Putnamџkkkk' Ц Ц Maude Arnold2џku!kkk' N Ц@MMMarion DeLongџњ x/k"k$k'k' O Ц†P–Helen Elizabeth DeL*k~5k0k3k' ЦРЪRuth Jane DeLongџBk@kN ІРQ QClarence WhitbeckџEkCkO І@ŽGŽClaude SaffordџPpFkHkрЦРŽIŽGertrude SmithџIžKkMkрІЦIŽLouis G. SmithџNЅVkPkRkрІ€MMCharles SmithџRЁWkYkрІ€HЫWilliam G. SmithџTmak\k^kфІ€HЫHerbert M. KlineџR тchkpkbkekP ) ІР… QBela Thomas SmithџkkтJ `‡k—k€k‚k„kQ ) ЦРЩYMargaret Melinda Va‰kѓ2kЄk˜kškR P І@QЧ Thomas Smith, Jr.џ kў:1ЅkЇkP ЦРЩClarissa Hubbardџъ<‚lГkвkЊkЌkЏkS ЕІР‰ЯMatthias France, JrЕkК>š}лkэkгkжkT ЕЦРХ QElla Ann BoughtonџоkЊВѕk§kюk№kђkгU ЦFЯEllen Kimberly SmitїkЊДlllllгYЦРХM’Jill Suzanne Smithl‚MТŽllV , І@G QVictor Guy Snyderџl0l'lЫІРЯ‰ЯNicholas Delongџ*lЕMl@lBlW ЬЦ€QQNeeltje PalmatierџElЋЊуYlNlPlX ЭІР’I’Benjamin HasbrouckTlZlX І€QQAbraham Hasbrouckџ\lЮІ’J’Theodorus Van Wyck_lЫclelЭЦ€QQMaritje HasbrouckџglЬ€l‚lЭдІ@ЧDaniel Hasbrouckџ„l*Яl‘lЭЦ€QQHelitje Hasbrouckџ“lвЄlšlœlЭЦР’I’Jannetje HasbrouckžlЅlЭІР’I’Benjamin HasbrouckЈlЭІЯ†ЯJacob HasbrouckџДlЊlЭІЯ†ЯFrans HasbrouckџЌlГРlТlЏЯІ@ŽGŽMartin WiltsieџФlдk€kэШlЪlY аІ€ЯˆЯTimothy LangdonџШЮlаlЯеZ ІQ QCornelius WiltsieџвlнlеЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џпlZ ЦMMEliza WiltsieџЪсlуlЯ[ Ц€ЯˆЯMaritje Wiltsieџхl№l[ ІРQ QJonathan TalmadgeџѓlЬmmЯ\ ] І€ЯˆЯFrancis Wiltsieџm m\ ЦРQ QPatience Champlinџ mm] Ц@Я‡ЯHannah ShaddockџТЯ*mmmЯЦР Х Eche Wiltsie2џmм+m-mЯЦРЩJannetje Wiltsieџ/mрAmCmаІР Х John Langdon2џEm–TmPmRmY ІР Х John Langdon2џVmXmY Ц@г‹гWillemptje SnedekerЕnmZm\m^ бІ@ŽGŽBarent Frelighџ^momqm^ ЦРEгAnna Apollonia RappИё›m€m‚mщ_ І@MMConrad Delongџ†mКЯœmžmбЦ€ЯˆЯAnnette Freyligџ mТ бРmТmбІРЩBenjamin FreyligџФmзвmдmбЦQ QElisabeth FreyligџжmктmфmбЦРЩMargreta FreyligџцmмnnбЦ€ЯˆЯCatrina FreyligџnоnnбЦMMLydia FreyligџnрnnбІ€Ы„ЫJan FreyligЮ2џ n)nо` І€ФAry KoolxU(Ю2џ+n-n` Ц RšElizabeth van Lew BuГ5nHn/n2nb a оІ@Ы‡ЫTeunis KoolЮ2џ7nInKnрІРIOšHendrick Klaas SchoMnиІMMJoris ElswartџPnбonXnZnиІMMJoris Elswartџ\npnйІР Х John Simpson2џsnЯ€n‚nйЦРЩPrudence Simpsonџ„nаn‘nйЦQ QElizabeth Simpsonџ“n2еДnžn nйЦ€ЯˆЯSusanna SimpsonџЂnъПРnТnщc ЦЪCatherine DelongџФnЬnd c ІЯŠЯQuirinius LightџжЮnаnйІРЩJohannes SimpsonџвnннnпnсnйЦРEO–Anna Magdalena SimpфnйыnэnйЦ@’K’Fransyntje SimpsonяnмooйЦ@ŽGŽJoseph Simpsonџoп o o o oйІ@UHeweat Gillen SimpsoР!o#oжкЦŽFŽSarah Tytsoortџ&o@oBoe сІ@‡ЯJochem Roelofse, JrEoMoJoчІ Ц Jacob Kermer2џNoшІР’I’Guysbert VanGardenQo\oUoWoYof щЦРEUAnna Magdalene Weis^ofohog ъІРЩNicholas Schoonhoveko€oыІРЯ‰ЯJohannes Metlerџƒoхo›o‰o‹oьЦРЩBlandina Peersonџ‘oЌќЂoЏoœoŸoзлІ@Ы‡ЫJoseph DotyЮ2џЄoаАoВoлІ@Ы‡ЫDaniel DotyЮ2џДoТв’"ХoШoРoТoлh І@Ы‡ЫOrmand DotyЮ2џжеoЪoЬoлІŠFŠPeter Doty(Ю2џЯoм,жoиoлj i Ц€ Ш Rebecca Doty2џмoуoрoi ІРŠEŠJohn Irish(Ю2џ"шoфoцoj І€ЯˆЯStutely StafordџмщoыoлЦŽJŽElizabeth DotyџюopлЦŠFŠRhody Doty(Ю2џр'ppлk ЦРIIMary DotyxU(Ю2џ pо1p pppk І€ШLeonard SchermerhorpлІŠFŠJacob Doty(Ю2џpлЦŠFŠLydia Doty(Ю2џpлl ЦŠFŠNancy Doty(Ю2џpl ІРЫ…ЫMark JinneyЮ2џpлm Ц@Ы‡ЫMarian DotyЮ2џpm І€ Ш Ephraim Pxxx2џ!p#p%po мn І‡Peter \Van De Water(pбGp@pBpEpмp ЦРгFгLena \Van De Water\HpUpp ІŽFŽJames Hicksbeeџг^pepWpYp\pмІ€– –Jacobus \Van De Wat`pдfphpjpмІ€– –Francis \Van De Watеlpnpppмq ЦРгFгMary \Van De Water\€pq І€QQWilliam Delameterџз‚p„p†pмІРзJзBenjamin \Van De WabпpЋp‰p‹ppмІ@UШUPetrus \Van De WatepсВpЌpЎpАpмЦ€– –Saartje \Van De WatГpЪуђ.ШpЫpТpФpЦpмr ЦРзJзJannetje \Van De WaЬpзpr ІMMMoses DeGraafџђ хпpйpлpнpмЦ‹Elizabeth \Van De Wрpщpчp”ІРMMJohn LaFlemmeџэpыp9 І€ŠDŠxxx DuBois(Ю2џ№pюpœЦРŠEŠNora Haley(Ю2џqqœs ІР Х Paul Nichols2џqqs ЦР…L–Mary Louise D'Ambroqs Ц@ŽGŽDenise Nicholsџ qqqs ЦMMRenee Nicholsџqqs ІР Х Paul Nichols2џq™qqqt ЏЦРŠEŠRuth Smith(Ю2џ qТƒЮ$q&q(qu АІ@GSšMartin Hendrickson †Н/q1q+q-qv АЦŽFŽMaria Van Wyckџ WАDqFq@qBqFu І€QQHendrik MartinsonџHqaSqOqQqw u ЦРQ QMargaret MeyringhџTqw І€ Ф Jan Meyrinck2џWq[qw Ц€’H’Teuntje Straitsman]q_qv ІР RšCornelis Barentse Vaqx v ЦРŽEŽAnna Polhemiusџcqeqx ІРIгJohannes Theodorus gqiqx ЦЪCatherine Van Wervekqy t ІРŽIŽJeremiah Smithџnq€qz t ЦР Х Anna Cornell2џ‚q{ y ІРŠEŠJohn Smith(Ю2џ…q‰q| y ЦŽJŽElizabeth Woodџ‹q} { ІРŠEŠJohn Smith(Ю2џq} ІЫ†ЫHenry SmithЮ2џq~ } Ц€Ы„ЫAnn PynchonЮ2џ‘q~ І€ЯˆЯWilliam PynchonџT“q•q€ | ІРM MJeremiah Woodџq˜qšq | Ц–J–Elizabeth GildersleЃqžq q І€ШRichard GildersleevЄq ЦРMMJoan Appletonџ&|ІqЈq‚ € І@Ы‡ЫEdmund WoodЮ2џЋqƒ € Ц@ŠGŠMartha Lum(Ю2џ­q„ ‚ І@Ы‡ЫEdmund WoodЮ2џЏq‚ ЦЫ†ЫJenet HurstЮ2џРq„ І€ Ш Richard Wood2џТqƒ І€ЫˆЫWilliam LumЮ2џФqƒ ЦЯ†ЯAgnes BairstoneџxЦqШq… z І€ЯˆЯRichard CornellџЫqвqЯqz Ц Ц Sarah Denton2џXиqгqеq… І€ЯˆЯRichard Cornellџйq… ЦM MElizabeth xxxџb Ўсqлqнqпq† 3І€ˆаMichael Charles Bonуqz–ѕqюq№qѓq‡ † І@GзJoseph Francis Bonv"’rrrrˆ † ЦР YMargaret Veronica Mrr r‰ uІ€ŒзChristopher Lee Wad rЊА#rrr!rŠ СІ@GUTravis Richard Mill Љ+r5r&r)rОІ@ЧAndrey Demidenkoџ-rŠ ІРЫ…ЫJake MillerЮ2џŠ І€ŠDŠBud Miller(Ю2џŠ Ц@ŠGŠCarole xxx(Ю2џBrFr@r‹ U ІF QKeith Paul ButlerџвЬMrUrGrIrKrU Ц€HUAllison Judith ButlNrZrXr‹ І€ŽHŽStephen Butlerџ^r\rŒ ‹ Ц@MMMarion DuBoisџr Xƒqr`rbr , ЦРMMLeah GuernseyџfrЊ3к}…r–r€r‚r V Ž І@MMEgbert Snyderџˆrb.rMr—ršr V Ц€HK’Harriet O. LaMoure rъЊZЖrЅrЇr‘  І@MMMartin SnyderџЋrЪВPРrТr’  ЦРЫ…ЫMary EldredЮ2џ"џХrЧr“ ‘ І€ŽHŽMichael SnyderџBџЩrЫr‘ Ц@ŽGŽDorcus DutcherџЭr’ І@MMDaniel EldredџЯr’ Ц@ Ч Amanda Smith2џт тFзrьrбrдr ІЦЩIsaac L. LaMoureџкrwѕrэrяrёr”  Ц@UOrilla Olivia Sheldюђ ssss• ІMMJames LaMoureџsss– Ц€ˆаHarriet TenEyck Faus‚њ‚O,s.sGs%s's*s˜ ” — І@‡зLionel Aluredus She0s§т8HsJsLs” Ц€HO–Frances de Les DernPsJ8€Ys[s™  ІЦ QGiles P. Guernseyџ2A˜^s`sš  ЦŽJŽCharlotte Coleџ’Z[cses› ™ ІРMMJohn Guernseyџbт =hsjs™ Ц€IIEve HoesexU(Ю2џВьв 5msos› І@ŽGŽElisha Garnseyџr ћъB€s‚s› Ц@Я‡ЯHannah Reynoldsџк š\…s‡sœ š ІЦ MLoren P. ColeџКЂ\ŠsŒsš ЦŽJŽCharlotte WeedџВїъ@•ss‘sœ ІŠFŠAvery Cole(Ю2џRјЂL–s˜sœ ЦРŠEŠMary Blair(Ю2џœsŸs– І€ШWilliam FaulknerџЁs– ЦРЩGertrude TenEyckџbУЇsЉsГsЕsЃsЅs • І€QQJacques LamoureuxџЋsЪФsЦsЧsРsТs• Ц@ŠGŠHannah xxx(Ю2џъŸЬsзsлsШsЪsž  І@ЧDaniel LamoureuxџЮsВ  рsъsмsоs Ц@ Ч Jeanne Masse2џсs|Њљsэsяsž ІЯ†ЯAndre Lamoureuxџѓstž Ц€ŽHŽSuzanne LatourџrЭtttt7І†ŒгJared James Roberts tBЦtt4ЦР Х Leah Roberts2џ#t!t‹Ÿ Ц@MMNellie HillerџOœ-t0t1t%t't+t*t‹Ц@GгNellie Sarah Ellen ВKъІGtItWt[t@tBtEt  ‹І€вCharles Frederick HJt‡ht\t^tatВzІРEЫCarl Allen AlexandedtitktЁ 2І@N–Armand Arthur LaForb‡mtptЃ 2Ђ cЦ@ŠЯUrsula M. Fisetџ€tЃ ІЫ†ЫRomeo FisetЮ2џvТƒt†tЅ Ѓ Є Ц@ЪJennie C. HebertџŠtŽtЄ І€ЯˆЯRichard HartleyџЂ œ‘t”tЄ efЦMMLinda Hartleyџz‘—t™tЃ dЦЯŠЯGeraldine Fisetџœt tІ Ё ЦРMMEdna LaPlanteџSŠЂtЅtЅ Ц@ŠGŠUrsule xxx(Ю2џЋtЈtŸ ІЫ†ЫGlenn OwensЮ2џЎtЌt‹Ї ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret HillerџГtАtЇ І@Я‡ЯClovis GavoilleџУtРt‹І€H QCharles S. HillerџШtХt‹ІЦ‰ЯDavid B. HillerџЭtЫt‹І@MMRobert HillerџЯt  ІРЫ…ЫCarl HillerЮ2џбt  Ц@ŠGŠRegina xxx(Ю2џRgЪГзtкtлtгtеt^јІ@ Ч Arthur Lomax2џпtнtЎЈ Ц€IIxxx BettsxU(Ю2џуtсtЈ ІЦ‰ЯEdwin H. MartinџчtхtЊЉ Ц€ŠDŠxxx Healey(Ю2џщtЉ ІMMLewis Littlerџьtъt™ЦЫ†ЫBetty PlattЮ2џRЧэtяt4ЦРЩSamantha RobertsџђtВuuuu0ž.7Ц€UMelissa Marie Roberuuu4ЦР вGretchen Michelle Cu5ЦРŠEŠTina Russo(Ю2џuЯІРЫ…ЫGary BigsbyЮ2џu‰ ЦIISusan xxxxU(Ю2џu‰ І@ŽGŽCurtis Waddellџ#u!u• І@ŽGŽGeorge LaMoureџъ$u&u‘ І€ŽHŽMichael Snyderџп(u*uЊ “ І€ŽHŽLodowig Snyderџ-u@u“ Ц@MMLouisa Hofmanџ: ОBuDuFuЋ Њ І@GЯJohann Wilhelm SchnHuЊ ЦРEЫAnna Marie KleinџNuUuJuLuЌ Ћ І€QQJacobus SchneiderџPuЋ Ц@ŽKŽElizabetha xxxџWuau[u]u_uЌ І@GЯJohann Wilhelm SchnJHbudufuV Ц@Ы‘зNeoskaleta Viola SniuђJmuouquV І@ЮClaude Eugene SnydeŽu€u‚u­ Ž Ц@ Ч Rancie Brown2џ…uuŽ ІЦ‰ЯEarle B. Snyderџ’u–u­ Ў ІЫ†ЫNahum BrownЮ2џ™uЁu­ Џ Ц@ Ч Hattie Brown2џЄuЉuЏ І€Ы„Ыxxx ThurberЮ2џVЎЛuЋuЎuЎ А ЦЦIŽEthel L. BrownџВuN–нuРuУuБ А І@ЪLewell T. GenungџЧuŠ r‰тuхuјuћuоuрuюІ@ŠЯDonald C. MorseџшurSКyvv%vvvВ юІ@ŠЯEugene G. Morseџ v&vlВ ІЫ†ЫMyron MorseЮ2џ)v0vВ ІЦIŽJames B. Morseџ3v@v‰ І€ЯˆЯKenneth WaddellџDJvMv]vBvDvGvлЄІ€HO–Charles Dorsey CattPvF Ÿdvpv^v`vbvиГ ЄЦР‰ЬAdelaide O. HunnemagvŠ]•†v”v€vƒvЄйІ@ QGeorge L. Cattellџ‰vЂdŽ•v—všvЄД Ц€ШбLillian Gertrude CažvЄvІvД І€ŠDŠLou Harris(Ю2џЉv*iІЧv­vЏvЄЕ Ж І@ QWalter H. CattellџГvZŸШvЪvГ ІРQ QNicholas CallingsџЮvкpМмvеvзvкvЗ ­І@‡ŒгRobert John BurgessВJ‚wфvоvрvтvИ З І@‡ŒгGeorge Ladd BurgessчvŠQR ™wwwwК Й З Ц€„Ш Ida Mae Bump2џw"_ЌwwwwЗ Л ЦРEO–Mary Charlotte Burg* a*xwwwwЗ М І@‡ŒгGeorge Ladd BurgessbcZ s&w w"w$wЗ ІРЩбBenjamin William Bu eН/w)w+w-wЗ Н ЦUGrace Eleanor BurgeђgbjGwAwCwEwЗ І@UBarton Luther BurgeRiАPwJwLwNwЗ О І@GO–Edward Orlando BurgškrРXwRwTwVwЗ Р ІFO–Harry Fletcher Burgm`wZw\w^wЗ С ЦŠзKatherine Mabel BurКorgwawcwewЗ ЦР‰зMarjorie Gladys BurkwBs ­uwowqwswЗ Т ЦР UGertrude Lena BurgeЊtZЄ†w€w‚w„wЗ У І€ˆзWilliam Kenneth BurŠw2xšС”wŽww’wЗ Ф І@UWalter Howard Burge5|›ww–w˜wХ К І@N’Barton Luther BumpŸwЏwЇwХ ІŠFŠIsaac Bump(Ю2џЊwАwЦ Х ЦMMJulia ParttonџФwРwТwЧ Ц€ЫˆЫMatilda xxxЮ2џЦwбwЭwЯwЧ І€MMGabriel LaPanџ8’wвwдwЧ К ЦР…MMary A. LaPanџиwнwЦ ІЫ†ЫIsaac AyersЮ2џрwЙ І€ŠDŠxxx Turner(Ю2џ:MшwуwцwК Ш І@Ч QDennis Isaac Bumpџ\эwщwыwК Щ ІŽJŽFrederick Bumpџ1Кoѓwюw№wЫ Ъ И І@ŽGŽReuben Burgessџіw3Њ ]xxЬ И ЦРŠEŠMary Pitts(Ю2џxЪ Ц@ŽGŽHannah BurdittџвL xx xИ Э ЦРEK’Mary Eliza BurgessxxxЭ І€HзWilliam Dennis ShanZQxxxИ Ю І€ЯˆЯRolland BurgessџxrG+x'x)xИ І@ŽGŽHarlan Burgessџ-xZWъDxFx@xBxИ І€Ы„ЫGuy BurgessЮ2џHxъ OUxNxPxSxИ Я Ц@GO–Lottie Melissa BurgWx\x^xЯ ІЪYFrederick Porter ShTfxaxdxИ а І€HK’Orlando M. BurgesshxТmqxmxoxб Ы І€ЯˆЯStephen Burgessџsx€xЫ ЦРХ‰ЯMary Ann Osgoodџƒx8К ‚šxŒxx) в ІЦIŽBasil H. Smithџ“xЊiђ ЦРxУx›xx xДг ЦŽгViola Estelle SmithЄx" fЈлxФxЧxг ІЦM’Frank Edward LanceЬxАнxпxЯд ІР…L’Marc Joseph BigsbyВсxуxЯІ€„HŽMax Jay BigsbyџДхxчxЯІРХ‰ЯMead Jon BigsbyџЬщxыxд ЦIICindi xxxxU(Ю2џюxyд І@MMElijah Bigsbyџ yyЇЦРХMyra xxxxU(Ю2џyjЪ yЖ ЦРЩFlorence GleinerџyђsНyyy­ЦР Х Anna Mellman2џy€Аy!yД е Ц Ц Anita Harris2џ%y*yе І€Фxxx FinkxU(Ю2џ„Ч,y.yД І@MMWilber Harrisџ2yBМDyEy@yByЎІРЩBenjamin BurgessџЊОMyNyFyHyKyЎІ€ШЭTimothy Alan Burges ЉTyPyRyж БЦРMMTina WestcottџМ\yUyWyYyБЦ€ˆŒгHeather Ann BurgessтНdy]y_yayБІ€ˆзMichael Stephen BurЁnyeygyВЦ@ŽGŽNettie Natavidџjypyж І€ŠDŠxxx Barton(Ю2џr О„y€y‚yж ЦРЫ…ЫGina BartonЮ2џZЮ…y‡y‰y9І€Ш UGarrett John Bartle—y‹yЮЦ€ŠDŠxxx Hewitt(Ю2џŽyЅy˜yиІ@ЧM’Joseph Grant Hewit›yћTІyЉyи Ыз І€ŽHŽPomeroy Wrightџ UЌyЎyз Ц€ŽHŽTamison SewardџРyТyз І@MMWarren Wrightџ!ФyЦyз І@C QJ. Pomeroy Wrightџ6vдyШyЫyк й Ц@ЪCelida A. WrightџЯyWлyеyиyЫІ Ц Lyman Wright2џрyмyоyЫЦ€ŽHŽAbigail Wrightџ"rсyуyз л І@ЪFlavil B. Wrightџ)yцyшyл Ц@ŽGŽHannah Skinnerџ$ыyэyз ІЦ‰ЯHenry E. 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Gage2џP„ДЅT„V„B C Ц@ŠGŠMinnie xxx(Ю2џZ„^„C І€IIxxx DuellxU(Ю2џТ_"``„b„B Ц@Ы‡ЫVerney GageЮ2џf„MMj„l„> Ц€Фxxx GagexU(Ю2џo„A І€ Ш Abraham Gage2џ€„A Ц@ЧHannah VanTasselџ2 1j|—„š„‚„„„†„D ЦРХгMary Lavinia Albert‹„в.r|Ћ„›„„Ÿ„D І@GO–Daniel Webster CornЃ„"’ kЛ„Ќ„Ў„E < ЦРЫ…ЫMary MulterЮ2џВ„Щ„Р„F E І@MMJoseph MulterџУ„Ъ„Ь„G E Ц Ц Susan Becker2џв=ВTд„о„р„Ю„а„< H ЦР‰L’Margaret S. Albertж„ъ„ь„с„I H ІРЫ…ЫNoah BeemanЮ2џф„э„I І@MMJulius Beemanџя„I ЦM MCharlotte xxxџB X……………fІQЦ Henry Albert, Jr.џ …*Dт—…2…5…………D J ІUJames Emerson Corne…Z \ЄE…G…[…^…@…C…J K ІЦЩFloyd W. CornellџJ…cЪ–j…l…_…a…J L ІР Х Earl Cornell2џe…}…€…m…o…J M Ц@‡ŒгBessie Mary Cornellr………ƒ…N M І€ФгRay Melville Gallup†… Lђcš…Ž…‘…D І@ QWillie H. Cornellџ•…šDjˆ …Ѓ…Е…И…›……O J ЦР…Ш Cora C. Hull2џІ…Т…Р…P K ЦMMSarah VanDykeџb d:Йе…У…Х…Q L Ц@ЪCecile L. ElmoreџЩ…ж…Q ІРЫ…ЫAmos ElmoreЮ2џђ}ВЧп…с…ѕ…ј…и…к…н…L R ЦРЩЭMarjorie May Cornelх…вŽšе†††††L S ЦР QCora Mary Cornellџ†J…Ш'†††L ІЦЩElmer E. Cornellџ†,†)†J ІMMHarry Cornellџ<{1†-†/†N ІРЫ…ЫJohn GallupЮ2џ5†@†N ЦРŠEŠEmma Smith(Ю2џB†O І@JŽHobart B. HullџE†)aI†L†O ЦР…MMary C. ChaseџP†zZX†Z†r†‚†T†V†J T ІРЩClarence Cornellџ]†††ƒ†}T Ц@Я‡ЯNellie PetersonџТ sТР‹††Ё†Є†‡†‰†T U ЦР…ˆЯAnna E. Cornellџ†њПБ†Ѕ†Ї†V U І@ЪLeslie W. AlcottџЋ†j uЭ†Р†Т†T ІMMClyde CornellџХ†и†Ю†T І€ЯˆЯDurward Cornellџб†й†V І€DMJay H. Alcottџн†л†P І@ŽGŽGeorge VanDykeџ Иу†п†с†R ІЦ MJames E. Gageџч†х†R W ІЦ MLewis E. Gageџь†щ†X W Ц@ QMarion M. PrestonџВ†zЩђ†є†‡‡ю†№†‚S І€H QWilliam J. Kaiserџї†Ђ БRШ‡‡2‡5‡‡‡W ІЦ QJames Edward Gageџ‡B‡@‡W c ЦŠFŠKaren Gage(Ю2џF‡D‡c І@ Ч Samuel Capps2џH‡c ЦРŽIŽSamantha CappsџJ‡c ЦРŽIŽVirginia CappsџN‡L‡X І@ŽGŽRobert PrestonџQ‡O‡X Ц€ЫˆЫDorothy xxxЮ2џEX‡S‡U‡YІMMSilas Johnsonџ QY‡[‡YЦIIRoxey xxxxU(Ю2џ^‡YІР Х John Johnson2џŠ9S`‡b‡YЦ€ЯˆЯMarilla Johnsonџe‡YІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Johnsonџg‡YІЦЩDavid M. JohnsonџК ъ’:p‡s‡‡j‡m‡d JІ€MMGardner Jollsџu‡šяZ ;‡‡Š‡’‡‚‡„‡JЦРЩClarissa StevensџŒ‡JZ™‡‡“‡–‡Je ЦРŠEŠLucy Jolls(Ю2џŸ‡* в3Њ‡Ж‡Є‡Ї‡f e ІЦ QJames W. RobinsonџЎ‡ЪJWШ‡Ы‡ж‡Р‡Т‡Х‡e g ІР‰ЬHamilton W. RobinsoЭ‡’В_з‡к‡e h ЦРMMMary RobinsonџJ н‡п‡т‡e i ЦЦYEmily Antoinette Roz $Roѓ‡ф‡ч‡e j ЦРMMLucy Robinsonџы‡’!jjˆˆe  Ц€ШEleanor RobinsonџˆB(к) ˆˆe ЦРQ QIsabella RobinsonџˆJЦЫ†ЫJulia JollsЮ2џˆˆJІРŽIŽJeremiah Jollsџˆ#ˆJІРŠEŠAbel Jolls(Ю2џ'ˆ,ˆJІРŠEŠJohn Jolls(Ю2џ.ˆJІ@ Ч Samuel Jolls2џ1ˆ@ˆJІ€MMSpencer JollsџТїЂEBˆDˆf І@Я‡ЯRobert RobinsonџKˆGˆk f ІРMMJohn RobinsonџLˆl f ЦРЫ…ЫJane BarberЮ2џOˆf І@Я‡ЯJoseph Robinsonџ*]VˆQˆSˆf І@Я‡ЯBarber RobinsonџWˆf ІРMMJohn RobinsonџZˆf ЦРMMMary Robinsonџ`ˆ\ˆ^ˆf ЦŽFŽSarah Robinsonџ":qaˆcˆeˆm нІ€ШгWilliam Rant PackerBlhˆjˆlˆn нЦ@ŠгFannie A. Gallagher#noˆqˆo m І€H QWilliam A. Packerџ#h€ˆ‚ˆp m ЦР…QMary R. ValentineџL…ˆ‡ˆo ІРЪJohn Boyd Packerџ;ŠˆŒˆo Ц€ШAlathea McCalleyџˆp І€MMxxx Valentineџ‘ˆp Ц€ŠDŠxxx Folger(Ю2џ“ˆn ІРŽEŽJohn Gallagherџ•ˆn Ц@ЧMariah Schaefferџ—ˆсІ€IIxxx SouthxU(Ю2џ™ˆсЦ€ Ф xxx Holbrook2џ›ˆсq Ц@MMBertha Goldenџˆq І@Ы‡ЫEdward RiceЮ2џЖ ŸˆЁˆs r ђІ@ŽGŽSimeon StewartџИънЄˆІˆt ђЦ€IIxxx SmithxU(Ю2џЉˆr u ЦР Х Mary Gregory2џЋˆu І€Ы„Ыxxx WhelplyЮ2џ­ˆt І@ Ч Joseph Smith2џ * йЏˆБˆv s І@ŽGŽSamual StewartџРˆw s Ц@ŽGŽHannah BennettџТˆw І@ŽGŽThomas BennettџЊ }ФˆЦˆv І@ŽGŽRobert StewartџШˆx v Ц@MMBertha RumbleџЪˆx І@MMThomas RumbleџVЬˆЮˆy x ЦРMMRose Sherwoodџаˆy ІРQ QBenjamin Sherwoodџвˆy І@Я‡ЯSamuel Sherwoodџзˆдˆz y І@Я‡ЯThomas Sherwoodџиˆy Ц€IIAnn TumeyxU(Ю2џкˆz І@Я‡ЯThomas Sherwoodџмˆz Ц@ŠGŠAylice xxx(Ю2џC“оˆрˆтˆћЦЪ UCharlotte H. Colberцˆ "GёˆњˆыˆэˆяˆћІ€H‹гWilliam M. Colberneєˆ(‰‰‰{ ћЦЦЭLaura Porter Courte‰{ ІРЩHamilton Courterџ њ ‰‰‰ ‰{ ІMMRalph CourterџbќjQ‰‰‰| { ЦР QMary Rose SimmonsџТе(‰‰} | І€ЯˆЯWilliam Simmonsџ‰Ь%‰ ‰"‰~ | ЦРMMAnna RichmondџТН"ж&‰(‰€ } ІMMIsaac Simmonsџ,‰2Р@‰B‰} ЦРЫ…ЫMary ChurchЮ2џD‰ ~ І€ШEphraim RichmondџF‰~ ЦŽJŽElizabeth CookџH‰ І€ШWilliam RichmondџJ‰ ЦРIIAnna GrayxU(Ю2џђЃ2юL‰N‰€ І€ЯˆЯWilliam Simmonsџ‚ ЈњлQ‰S‰€ ЦРЫ…ЫMary PearceЮ2џX‰V‰0 Ц€’H’Mildred VanFrankenZUЪ—Y‰[‰]‰у‚ І@GUAlbert Courter Gold RbЊ`‰b‰‚ Ц@MMElvina Badellџe‰g‰ш ЦŽгNancy McDuffy Chasei‰k‰ш ƒ І€HЯRichard Golden Chasm‰ƒ Ц† QEdith Marie Gatesџo‰q‰ƒ І€’зRichard Alexander C€‰ƒ Ц€ˆ QBarbara Ann ChaseџŠq‚‰„‰†‰‚ „ Ц@ЮElvina Louise GoldeŠq qˆ‰Š‰Œ‰‚ ЦРEUMary Elizabeth GoldŠq‰‘‰“‰‚ … ЦЮEdith Courter Golde: {•‰—‰™‰‚ † І@GUAlbert Courter Goldњt›‰‰Ÿ‰… ІР… UPaul Robert Manwill˜Ё‰Ѓ‰Ѕ‰… Ц†YEdith Elizabeth Manb|Ї‰Љ‰Ћ‰† Ц@ЧгThelma Loyce Fuller ’­‰Џ‰Б‰† ‡ І@GAlbert Courter GoldР‰‡ ЦРIIMyra CookxU(Ю2џšЈТ‰Ф‰Ц‰‡ Ц€вShirley Elizabeth GТ –Ш‰Ъ‰Ь‰† І@ЮThomas Fuller Golde ™Ю‰а‰† Ц†L’Cathy Diane Golden≄ ІР…L’John Miller GeritzКд‰ж‰и‰„ ˆ ІР…L’John Miller Geritz,j•к‰м‰„ ‰ ІР…L’Carl Albert GeritzЂ–о‰р‰т‰„ ЦЪ‘зElizabeth Louise Ge •ф‰ц‰ш‰‰ ЦЦЭJoyce Elaine StrublRЋъ‰ь‰‰ ІР…L’Paul Albert Geritzю‰№‰ˆ ЦР ŽгPatricia Anne Henryb ЇŠŠˆ ІРЪJohn Mark GeritzџR ЊŠŠˆ Ц†L’Linda Maude Geritz\ŠŠ ŠŠ  ЦР Х Mary Lansing2џ~Š ŠŠ ‹ ЦЯŠЯElizabeth TylerџzЖŠŠ‹ ІРEK’John Keith Harvard+{ŠŠŒ  ІЫ†ЫMenzo TylerЮ2џŠ6€!Š$ŠŽ   Ц@Я‡ЯMarion Roseboomџ'Š І@ŽGŽGeorge Disbrowџ H)Š+Š Œ ІЫ†ЫJames TylerЮ2џg.Š0ŠŒ ЦРŽIŽSamantha Chaseџ@ŠBŠ  Ц@ Ч Amanda Tyler2џDŠ ІЯŠЯNathaniel Groffџ FŠHŠ ‘ І@ Ч Horace Tyler2џJŠ‘ ЦРŠEŠMary Groff(Ю2џ-LŠNŠ‘ ’ Ц@ Ч Amanda Tyler2џPŠ’ І€HK’William H. PlatnerSŠWŠ’ І€ЯˆЯWilliam PlatnerџYŠ’ ІР Х John Platner2џ/kŠ[Š^Š‘ ІЦIŽWaldo H. TylerџaŠ2€ŠlŠnŠpŠ‘ ІРŽгJohn Kendrick TylersŠшC‡ŠŠƒŠ І€ŽIEli Tyler, Jr.џїˆŠŠŠ Ц€MMDorothy Mooreџ;gŒŠŽŠŒ “ І@ŠЯGeorge W. TylerџA‘Š“Š“ ЦРEK’Mary Adell Skinner—ŠXœ›ŠŠŸŠ“ ” ІŽгJames Francis Tyler\ ЂŠЄŠ” ЦMMMaude StantonџxІЇŠЉŠ” • ЦРŠEŠCora Tyler(Ю2џЌŠ• І€ЯˆЯKenneth MalloryџЎŠ• І€ЯˆЯHerbert MalloryџАŠ• ЦQ QGenevieve MalloryџРŠ• І@ŽGŽWilbur Malloryџ{ТŠФŠ” – ЦРŽIŽMadeline Tylerџ€ЦŠШŠ– І@Я‡ЯEugene EcksteinџЪŠ– І@Я‡ЯArthur EcksteinџЬŠ– ІŽFŽAllan EcksteinџЮŠ– ЦŽFŽNancy EcksteinџаŠ– ЦŽFŽHolly Ecksteinџ™вŠдŠ” — І@ Ч Mahlon Tyler2џжŠ— Ц@ Ч Carmen Clesi2џиŠ— ІЫ†ЫBruce TylerЮ2џкŠ— ЦЫ†ЫAnice TylerЮ2џ›мŠоŠ‹ ˜ ІР Х John Harvard2џрŠ˜ ЦMMSusan BuehlerџМтŠфŠ˜ ЦMMTessa HarvardџОцŠшŠ˜ І€ЯˆЯWilliam HarvardџЃъŠьŠ‹ ЦРХЩMary Kay Harvardџ\vюŠ№Š ™ І€ŠЯJay Homer Tylerџ`Т‹‹™ ЦŠFŠEliza Fort(Ю2џsМ‹‹™ š І@ Ч Claude Tyler2џ ‹‹š ЦРЫ…ЫJane RansomЮ2џ‹š Ц€MMClaudia Tylerџ‹‹š І€DЫJay Ransom Tylerџ‹*‹,‹š Ц@ŽгJudith Eileen Tyler0‹u@‹B‹™ Y ЦЫ†ЫMabel TylerЮ2џE‹uЕJ‹L‹Y І@ Ч Leland Smith2џO‹Q‹Y Ц€ˆ QBeverly Ann Smithџ–S‹U‹Y ЦЫ†ЫCarol SmithЮ2џ˜W‹Y‹Y І@ Ч Ronald Smith2џš[‹]‹Y Ц@ Ч Glenda Smith2џ_Ÿ_‹a‹c‹ › ІРŽTJohn Kendrick Tylerg‹bВo‹q‹› ЦMMAlice Burnettџ‰€‹‚‹› œ І@ Ч Wesley Tyler2џ„‹œ ЦРŠEŠFaye Perry(Ю2џЃ†‹ˆ‹œ ІЫ†ЫKevin TylerЮ2џЅŠ‹Œ‹œ ІЫ†ЫDavid TylerЮ2џЇŽ‹‹œ Ц@ Ч Sandra Tyler2џYŸ’‹”‹“  ІЫ†ЫJesse TylerЮ2џ\ —‹™‹ž  Ц Ц Ethel Wright2џqœ‹ž‹ Ÿ Ц€MMMildred TylerџС ‹Ђ‹Ÿ ІРЫ…ЫKarl VaughnЮ2џŒЄ‹І‹Ÿ   І€ŽHŽRichard VaughnџЈ‹Њ‹Ÿ Ё І@MMWilbur VaughnџЌ‹  І@MMStuart VaughnџЎ‹  І€ŽHŽStephen VaughnџА‹Ё І€ŠDŠJim Vaughn(Ю2џР‹Ё І€ŽHŽMichael VaughnџТ‹Ё Ц Ц Cathy Vaughn2џwФ‹Ц‹ Ђ Ц@ Ч Marian Tyler2џШ‹Ђ І@ Ч Arthur Losee2џЪ‹Ђ І@ Ч Gerald Losee2џ€Яи‹Ь‹Ю‹ Ѓ Є І@ Ч Harold Tyler2џв‹Бй‹л‹Ѓ Ц@ Ч Vivian Moore2џн‹Є Ц@ Ч Evelyn Moser2џ–Бп‹с‹Ѓ Ѕ ЦРŽIŽVirginia Tylerџх‹щ‹Ѕ І€ Ш Douglas Card2џ­ы‹э‹Ѕ ЦŽJŽChristine CardџАя‹ё‹Ѕ ЦРM MKathleen Cardџ˜ŒŒЃ І Ї ЦЫ†ЫLinda TylerЮ2џŒІ І@MMEdward MatterџŒІ Ц€ŽHŽRebecca MatterџŒ ŒІ Ц ЮElizabeth Ann Matte ŒІ Ц€ŽHŽMelissa MatterџŒЇ І€ Ш Phillip Adee2џЄŒŒЃ Ц@ Ч Cheryl Tyler2џЅŒŒЃ ЦЦIŽLinda E. TylerџŒЃŒŒЃ Ј І€MMTimothy Tylerџ Œ%ŒЈ Ц@ Ч Sheryl Heath2џЈ'Œ)ŒЃ Љ Ц@‡ QSherry Lynn Tylerџ+Œ-ŒЊ Љ І@гGŽMartin Peeters, Jr.Й/Œ1ŒЈ ЦРŽIŽMichelle TylerџН@ŒBŒЈ І€Q QChristopher Tylerџ\ЃDŒFŒ“ Ћ ІЫ†ЫLyman TylerЮ2џaНIŒLŒЋ ЦР…HŽEdna B. ParkerџPŒ:zТаZŒ\ŒxŒTŒWŒЋ І@ŠPGeorge O. Tyler II_Œ€€Œ‚ŒЋ Ќ Ц€MMDorothy TylerџУ„Œ†ŒЌ ІРM MVladimir StahџœˆŒŠŒЌ ­ Ц@Ы‡ЫNadine StahЮ2џŒŸ’Œ”ŒЌ ЦŽJŽChristine Stahџ—ŒdТŒХŒžŒЁŒ“ Ў І€HЫRaymond C. TylerџЄŒЦŒА Џ ЦŽFŽLinda Dormandyџ|ЉЭŒШŒЪŒЎ Б І€MMKenneth TylerџЮŒБ ЦŠFŠGrace Hunt(Ю2џвŒаŒ1 І€MMDouglas BabisџуŒгŒ- Ц† QEdith Maude StoneџзŒ*{ЋьŒљŒфŒчŒ- В І@ЧM’Donald Stone SmithюŒт БГ ЦРIUJennifer Susan LagaŠ В Г ЦŠUCatherine Ardon SmiГ І€ŽHŽMichael Lagalaџк ‡Rб-D%'*г Д ЦР ŽгMargaret Elsa Lance/Ђ~eEGJЕ Д І@GURobert Emerson OsboM2 ŒЊйmo‚„fhkг Ж З И ЦŠUConstance Viola Lanq€ТЫ…‡ŠЗ І@‡P–Donald Phillips Mol3њSŽ’) Й ІFЯDavid VanOrden Smit•Й ЦQ QElizabeth Rickardџ<кS—™) І@ Ч Eugene Smith2џ<J“œžв Ц@ŠЯRachel J. DaveyџЂ?*gЇЉ) К ІРŠEŠJohn Smith(Ю2џ­К Ц@ŽGŽJennie BurtissџZBjSЏБ) ЦРŠEŠElla Smith(Ю2џЖzEЂZРТ) Л ЦРŠEŠRose Smith(Ю2џЂ>ЂХЧЛ І€’H’Phineas ChichesterЫ-*?ав) І@ Ч Thomas Smith2џжgšлнв І€HЫRichard R. SmithџSœыртв ІЦIŽHarry E. Smithџц c†ьюв М ІР… QJack Warren Smithџђj:НŽŽМ ЦЦЩHelen G. ThummelџR*–ŽŽМ І@ЧM’Warren Basil Smith Ž" а2 Ž$ŽŽŽН R І@QЧ Thomas Smith, Sr.џŽbЭ%Ž'ŽО R Ц@MMUrania Wrightџ)ŽР О ІР…ЫJohn Wright, Jr.џ+ŽО ЦРЫ…ЫMary CoomerЮ2џ-ŽС Р ІРЫ…ЫJohn WrightЮ2џ/ŽР ЦРŠEŠMary Lucas(Ю2џ@ŽТ С ІРЫ…ЫAdam WrightЮ2џBŽУ С ЦЫ†ЫSarah SouleЮ2џDŽФ У ІРŠEŠJohn Soule(Ю2џFŽУ Ц€ŽHŽRebecca SimsonџHŽФ І@ Ч George Soule2џKŽPŽТ І€ŽHŽRichard WrightџRŽХ Т Ц@ Ч Hester Cooke2џTŽХ І€MMFrancis CookeџWŽr Л\Ž^ŽЦ Н І@ Ч Thomas Smith2џaŽЪНiŽdŽfŽШ Н Ч ЦРIIRuth MayoxU(Ю2џК’jŽlŽЩ Ц ІЫ†ЫRalph SmithЮ2џ•nŽpŽЪ Ц ЦРIIMary MayoxU(Ю2џbw€Ž‚ŽЫ Ъ І@Ы‡ЫSamuel MayoЮ2џ„ŽЬ Ъ ЦР Х Ruth Hopkins2џ†ŽЭ Ь ІMMGyles HopkinsџˆŽЭ І€ЯˆЯStephen Hopkinsџ‹ŽbЄ•ŽŽ’ŽЮ Ш І@Ы‡ЫIsrael MayoЮ2џ—Ž ЅšŽœŽШ Ц@ Ч Marsey Ryder2џŸŽ:rЏŽЊŽЌŽЫ Ю І@Ы‡ЫThomas MayoЮ2џБŽтxРŽТŽЮ ЦРЩBarbarie KnowlesџХŽЩŽЯ Ы ІŽJŽNathaniel MayoџЯŽЫŽЭŽа Ы Ц@MMHannah PrenceџаŽа І@MMThomas PrenceџгŽмŽб а ЦРQ QPatience BrewsterџоŽб І€ШWilliam BrewsterџсŽьŽв Щ І@ Ч Thomas Smith2џюŽЩ ЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џћŽ№Žв І Ц Ralph Smythe2џѓŽв ЦРŽEŽMary MartersonџЯ ІРIIJohn MayoxU(Ю2џ Я Ц€ЫˆЫTamison xxxЮ2џ їB7R г ІР…MBela A. SmithџZє')г Ц Ц Rhoda Merwin2џz+-г д І@ŠЯThomas B. Smithџ/д Ц@JŽMartha M. Buckџ@Ч І@ŽGŽIsrael HigginsџCшGIR е ЦРŠEŠAnna Smith(Ю2џKе ІMMJabez HubbardџъMOR І€MMEzekiel SmithџёQSR ж ЦЫ†ЫMarcy SmithЮ2џVж І@Я‡ЯHarris GiddingsџY_Е ІЦ‰ЯHarry P. Osbornџr0jwegacз * І@‡L’Martin V.B. 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ІFзDavid Pieterse Schud—. І@Я‡ЯPieter Schuylerџg—Кьo—q—k—m—ѕ / ЦРЫ…ЫSara MartinЮ2џ€—/ ІРŠEŠJohn Grant(Ю2џJю†—ˆ—‚—„—ѕ Ц€ŽHŽMarytje Martinџr№——‰—‹—ѕ ЦЪCatharina Martinџв іRM•—ž—‘—“—ѕ 0 ІЪFrederick Martinџ˜—zјЃ—Ÿ—Ё—ѕ ЦРЫ…ЫAnna MartinЮ2џBјВDЉ—Є—І—н 0 Ц’J’Elizabeth VanOrdenЊ—1 є ЦŠFŠNelly Post(Ю2џЌ—1 І€ Ш Abraham Post2џрС—Ў—А—с 2 І€ŽHŽSolomon DuBoisџГ—Т—с І Ц Isaac DuBois2џФ—с ІЪHuybartus DuBoisџЪ—Ц—с ІЪCornelius DuBoisџЫ—с 3 ЦРЫ…ЫSara DuBoisЮ2џЮ—г—е—3 ІгŠгChristian Overbaughк—з—с ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin DuBoisџл—2 ЦРЩMargaret SammonsџвЫс—н—п—ї І€ШJacobus Dederickџу—’Ьъ—ь—ї 4 Ц€ШAnnatje Dederickџю—4 ІMMJacob ConyersџRЮЊ%є—№—ђ—ї І€ШJacobus Dederickџbа˜˜ї Ц€ШMarytje Dederickџ˜*в˜ ˜ ˜ї 5 Ц€ШMarytje Dederickџ˜˜5 І@ЧUGeorge Frederick Caке˜˜˜ї 6 Ц’J’Elizabeth Dederick˜6 ІРM MJohannes Moorџ˜Ъи˜!˜ї 7 Ц’J’Catherina Dederick#˜ї 8 ЦŽFŽSarah Dederickџ%˜і 8 ІЯŠЯFrederick Smithџ'˜7 ІРЯ‰ЯJeremiah Wolvenџ*˜Њнњ1.˜0˜ї 9 Ц€ Ф Eva Dederick2џ"ЯТ#@˜B˜D˜#9 ІР–I–Johannes VanValkenbG˜Y˜ј ІРM MHarmanus Behrџ[˜]˜ј ЦЮMaria Martena WickhZШc˜_˜a˜ї : І@Я‡ЯWillem Dederickџe˜rЩšn˜j˜l˜ї ; < ІРQ QMatthias Dederickџp˜ј : ЦŽJŽChristina BehrџŠЬэ€˜‚˜= < ЦŽFŽMaria Emmerickџ†˜‹˜= ІРMMJohn Emmerickџк6‘˜˜˜; ЦРQ QGertrude VanLuvenџ”˜™˜ѓ ЦЫ†ЫHelen SmithЮ2џ›˜ѓ ЦР…MEmma C. Smithџž˜Ђ˜ѓ І@ Ч Merwin Smith2џЅ˜Љ˜ѓ ІЫ†ЫScott SmithЮ2џЌ˜А˜ѓ І@ Ч Sewell Smith2џØИѓ ЦЫ†ЫClara SmithЮ2џӘтх  ж˜Ш˜Ъ˜_ о Ц€ЯˆЯRebecca Frelighџޘз˜_ ІMMPeter Frelighџй˜_ ЦŠFŠMaria Wood(Ю2џJњj)п˜с˜л˜н˜н > @ Ц€ШTryntje VanOrdenџт˜> І@ QRobert C. Spencerџф˜@ ІР’I’Nicholas Trumpbourџъ˜№˜ц˜ш˜н І€ Ф Jan VanOrden2џь˜Ъв: ™™™о A ЦŽFŽMaria VanOrdenџ™Rќъ) ™ ™B A ІЯ†ЯJacob Overbaughџ™B ІРŽEŽJohn Overbaughџ™B Ц€MMAnnatje ConynџR КA™™™о C ЦРMMSara VanOrdenџ™C І€ШAlanson Brainardџ™Zи!™#™п D Ц’J’Catryntje VanOrden&™+™D ІРM MBenjamin PostџzкКё2™-™/™п І€ШWilliam VanOrdenџ4™кмŠ-E™@™B™п E ІРQ QBenjamin VanOrdenџK™F™H™F E ЦЪElizabeth VandenburL™F І€’H’Hendrik VandenburgN™F Ц€’H’Tryntje Hoogteling’оb U™P™R™п G ЦРMMSara VanOrdenџW™H G І@QQSamuel VanVechtenџY™H І@QQTeunis VanVechtenџ[™H Ц€QQJudikje TenBroeckџЂуJ)]™_™п I ІРMMJohn VanOrdenџb™J I ЦЪCatherine Persenџd™J І€ŽHŽJacobus Persenџf™J Ц€IIEva QueenxU(Ю2џ щвэh™j™п Ц€ШMargery VanOrdenџr™w™m™p™о K ІŽFŽPeter VanOrdenџt™€™K ЦЫ†ЫFlora GatesЮ2џ †™‚™„™Q L І€ШWilliam VanOrdenџ‡™L ЦЪJulia Ann Haightџ™‰™‹™Q M ЦŽFŽNancy VanOrdenџŽ™M ІР…MJohn S. 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CronkhiteџBтŒЂŽЂТЦРŽEŽAnna Cronkhiteџњф‘Ђ“ЂТВ Ц@ЧHannah Cronkhiteџ–Ђ™ЂВ ІРЩJonathan PaddockџJш›ЂЂТГ ІЯ†ЯHenry Cronkhiteџrь*H ЂЂЂГ Ц@MMHannah ShaferџЅЂГ Д ЦЯ†ЯPolly CronkhiteџЇЂД І€IIxxx CranexU(Ю2џZ ыВ 4ЉЂЋЂТЕ ІЯ†ЯJacob CronkhiteџЎЂЕ ЦŽJŽElizabeth SaleџюУЂАЂГЂТЖ ЦЯ†ЯAltje CronkhiteџЖЂы2ЪЂмЂФЂЧЂЦЖ І Ц James Delong2џЬЂЊёнЂпЂТЗ ІРŽEŽJohn CronkhiteџсЂЗ Ц@Ы‡ЫHannah SaleЮ2џуЂХІ@Я‡ЯElijah FergusonџцЂйюЂ№ЂХИ Й ІРMMJohn FergusonџѓЂЃИ Ц€Фxxx CasexU(Ю2џЃ ЃЙ К Ц€ Ф Amy Cuthbert2џ ЃЃК І€ŠDŠxxx Haight(Ю2џлЃЃХІŽFŽJames FergusonџЃй+ЃЃЃХІŽFŽHarry Fergusonџ!Ѓ,ЃХЛ ЦŽFŽNancy Fergusonџ/Ѓ@ЃЛ ІЫ†ЫJames KetchЮ2џCЃGЃХМ Ц@Я‡ЯHannah FergusonџJЃPЃМ І@QQThomas VredenbergџSЃXЃХН ЦРMMRuth Fergusonџ[ЃhЃ`ЃН ІMMJames HeddingџcЃс/iЃkЃХО ЦРMMMary FergusonџnЃО ІŽFŽJames Winchellџ~ЃpЃШІ@ŽGŽIsaiah EssmondџtЃ€ЃШР ЦР Х Anna Essmond2џ‚ЃР ІРŽEŽJohn Truesdellџ„ЃШС І€ЯˆЯSpencer Essmondџ†ЃС ЦŽFŽSally SherwoodџˆЃŠЃС Т ЦMMEliza EssmondџŒЃТ І€Фxxx HuntxU(Ю2џђкI’Ѓ”ЃœЃŽЃЃg ЦР Х Emma Whitney2џ–Ѓ’  KЃŸЃЁЃ j І€HUCharles Monroe WrigЅЃ*їГЃ­ЃАЃ:У І€Ы„ЫAsa CrippenЮ2џЖЃЪ ўК!ЦЃЫЃРЃУЃ:Ф ІР Х John Crippen2џЂѓгЃЮЃаЃ:Х І@ŽGŽSamuel CrippenџжЃмЃ> ІР Х John Crippen2џпЃуЃ> ЦРMMMary Richmondџк ОхЃчЃЦ @ І@Я‡ЯSamuel Watermanџ*HяЃѓЃ ЄщЃьЃƒC ІРE‹ЯJohn Peter RussџіЃЄ ЄЄC Ч ІРM MHamilton RussџЄь)ЄЄ!ЄЩШ Щ І@MMReuben Delongџ$ЄЂb \@Є*Є-ЄЪ D І€MMLeonard Carylџ1ЄAЄC Ы Ц€ Ш Sabrina Russ2џDЄHЄЫ І@JŽDaniel T. GottџJЄУ ІЦЩJames M. CrippenџMЄ‚ brˆRЄTЄVЄЭ Ь І@GUHerman Charles WrigkЄYЄЬ І€H QCharles F. Wrightџ\Є „‚гpЄrЄŸЄlЄnЄЬ Ю І@ЪRobert H. WrightџuЄ ЄЬ І@ЪHorace C. WrightџЃЄРЄЮ ЦР Х Lois Gregory2џТЄФЄj Я ЦРЮMary Morrison WrighЦЄj а ІРЫ…ЫWill WrightЮ2џтfХцЄШЄЪЄЬЄа Ц вElizabeth Theresa WаЄчЄj б ІРЯ‰ЯFranklin WrightџкiЋћЄщЄыЄэЄб в І€ФгVan Franklin WrightёЄЂ ~JгЅЅ*ЅЅЅЅв = І€Ш‘зWillard Franklin Wr Ѕк’д/Ѕ1ЅlЅ+Ѕ-Ѕв г І@QQMilton Van Wrightџ4ЅmЅв І@MMGeorge WrightџpЅЁЅЅЅ€Ѕ‚Ѕв д Ц€ЮMarilyn Ellen Wrigh…Ѕ‘ТЅІЅЈЅв a І€H QRichard W. WrightџЋЅУЅг ЦРЫ…ЫRose DamaonЮ2џЦЅ‘ЫЅЭЅЯЅa Ц€H‹гShirley J. HollowayвЅїЅћЅпЅсЅb д І€N–Charles Oscar DufreфЅІІІд е Ц€Ш UDeborah Lynn DufresІІюж І@ Ч Joseph Alden2џІж з ЦЫ†ЫSarah AldenЮ2џІз І@Я‡ЯJoseph CrossmanџЊ І!ІІІРи І@MMGeorge DeLongџ%І"Ій и ЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline DeLongџвє H,І/ІIІ&І)ІЩк ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џ3І JІLІМй І Ц Jesse Delong2џ* Š\TІWІsІNІQІИл І@MMJoseph DelongџYІВU…І€ІƒІл ЦMMRoxey Maynardџ‰І* (x›ІФІ–І˜Іл м І@MMLowell DelongџŸІ*WЩІЫІзІХІЧІРн ІРЯ‰ЯEbenezer DeLongџЮІ мІиІкІн ЦРЩJeanette BeecherџоІхІРЦ€ŠDŠxxx DeLong(Ю2џшІ:XяІёІ§ІыІэІРо І@MMNorris DeLongџєІЇо ІЦ‰ЯHenry J. DeLongџЇо І@MMNorris DeLongџ*dЇ ЇЇЇЇРп Ц Ц Phebe DeLong2џ ЇЇЇРЦ€ŠDŠxxx DeLong(Ю2џЇ;"Ї5ЇЇЇл р І@ЪGeorge R. Delongџ$ЇEЇ@ЇCЇс р ЦРIIEmma TaftxU(Ю2џGЇSЇр IЦ Ц Jenny DeLong2џWЇ^Їр JЦ Ц Daisy DeLong2џeЇ`ЇcЇт м Ц@MMAlzina NortonџgЇв 5К‚rЇtЇ“ЇlЇoЇл у І€H QRichard L. DelongџvЇ™Ї”Ї—Їу ЦЪSarah Ann Briggsџ›Їz R ЇЂЇу ф ЦРЯ‰ЯGertrude Delongџ.ТЇЄЇІЇЉЇл х І€HUCharles Dennis DeloЌЇ2ЪЇУЇХЇШЇх ЦРХM–Ruth Melissa BlanchЬЇ=bpЈкЇнЇл ц ЦР…HŽMary J. DelongџуЇЈЈЈЈ9ц ІЦIŽLewis J. Dwireџ Ји%Ј9Ј Ј"ЈЬч І Ц Peter Delong2џ)ЈЪэ@ЈBЈч ш Ц€ŽHŽAnnetje DelongџDЈ: їš;aЈNЈQЈч щ І€ŽHŽAbraham DelongџUЈќ‚NfЈbЈdЈщ Ц@ŠGŠElecta xxx(Ю2џ"Z [nЈpЈhЈjЈlЈо Ц€H UCharity S. BurlingasЈ3„Ј€Ј‚Јн ъ І Ц Lyman DeLong2џ‡ЈЈ‹ЈЈъ Ц@ŠGŠJennie xxx(Ю2џЈМы Ц€ŽHŽHarriet Delongџ’Јы І€MMStephen Jonesџ”Ј­І@ŽGŽIsrael Howlandџ—ЈœЈ­ЦРM MDrusilla Woodџz BžЈ Ј‰ Ц€ЫˆЫDeborah xxxЮ2џЄЈЩЈРЈ‰ ь ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џУЈЪЈь І€ Ш Leonard Hoyt2џЭЈ8фЈвЈдЈ‰ э Ц€ŽHŽEleanor DelongџиЈ:єЈхЈчЈэ І€ Ш Orville Rose2џъЈ Љ ЉЉ‰ ю ЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline DelongџЉЉЉю І@ Ч Nelson Moore2џЉЉ‰ я Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џЉя І€IIxxx SmithxU(Ю2џ4 Љ"Љя ЦРŠЯEmma Jane Smithџ$Љ‰ № Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џ'Љ№ І€IIxxx DavisxU(Ю2џ4)Љ+Љ№ ІŠЯJason Lee Davisџ;Љ=Љ-Љ‰ ё І€ŽHŽEphraim Delongџ0ЉDЉLЉNЉ@ЉBЉё ђ І€ŽHŽEphraim DeLongџFЉSЉTЉOЉQЉѓ ђ ЦMMNancy DohertyџYЉUЉWЉѓ Ц@ЧRachel Doughertyџ[ЉMdЉeЉgЉ`ЉbЉђ І€ŽHŽEphriam DeLongџuЉhЉв ЦРIILeah WadexU(Ю2џkЉ€Љb є Ц@Я‡ЯGuelli DufresneџƒЉ2 Э‰Љ‹Љч ѕ ІРQХ Nick Bozanic, Sr.џŽЉК КQ˜ЉšЉ”Љ–Љі  І€DGŽEli L. BabcockџœЉŠ&QЈЉЄЉІЉї  ЦЦ‰ЯDolly S. WoodinџЋЉЂєАЉВЉј і І@ŽGŽDudley BabcockџРЉі Ц€ЯˆЯAbigail LittellџТЉї ІЦ‰ЯRiley T. WoodinџХЉЬЉї Ц€MMValeria FlintџR XгЉЯЉбЉљ  Ц€ŽHŽLovilla MurrayџжЉыЉнЉпЉд њ Ц€ˆЬMichele Lea DufresnтЉљЉьЉюЉе І€HЯMichael Justin WoodёЉК@ЊЊЊ ћ ЦР…ˆЯAnna M. BabcockџЊћ І@J’Luther J. ShellandB ЊЊ Њ І€ЯˆЯDelevan BabcockџbGЊ ЊЊЊ ќ ІUFrank Earnest BabcojJЊЊЊ ќ Ц QElise Mae PrestonџЊЊЂc$Њ&Њ Њ"Њі § ІР…ˆЯEnos J. BabcockџТ‚ ^+Њ-Њ'Њ)Њў § Ц€ЯˆЯLucinda Goodellџ/Њў ІР…ˆЯJohn M. Goodellџ@Њў Ц Ц Sally Warner2џ‚7BЊDЊ§ І€HK’Charles W. BabcockFЊ Ц Ц Emily Sperry2џт TR mMЊHЊKЊ ЦРХЩMary Ann BabcockџPЊЊ W\ЊWЊZЊ  ІР Х Lynn Babcock2џ]Њљ І@MMThomas Murrayџ_Њљ ЦРŽIŽMargaret HomesџeЊaЊcЊќ І@ QGeorge M. BabcockџjЊfЊhЊќ І€HK’Delevan J. BabcockmЊkЊњ ІРЯ…ЯDean NickodemusџnЊє І@MMRobert GordonџpЊb І@Я‡ЯGerald DufresneџsЊ€Њb ІŽFŽHarry Dufresneџ‚Њb ІŽFŽJames Dufresneџ…Њb І@Я‡ЯRobert Dufresneџ‡Њb ЦРMMGerd Dufresneџ‰Њb ЦРMMJane Dufresneџ y‹ЊЊЊ ‡ Ц€ˆP–Carolyn Francis FreZr‘Њ“Њ ‡ І€ШLeonard Bonvilleџ•Њ І€ Ф xxx Bonville2џ—Њ Ц€Ы„Ыxxx SinningЮ2џ™Њ І€ŠDŠxxx Frengs(Ю2џ›Њ Ц€MMxxx D'AmboiseџВnЊŸЊ ˆ Ц@Q QMarguerite TormeyџBjЁЊЃЊЅЊ ˆ І€HO–Charles Dennis MullЇЊ І€ŽHŽCharles TormeyџЉЊ ЦР Х Mary Cassidy2џЋЊ­Њ ЦР ’зMargaret Veronica MЏЊ І@ŽGŽEdward MulladyџВЊъ ­ЦЊРЊТЊФЊ† І@GзJoseph Francis BonvjГЭЊЧЊЩЊЫЊ† І@Ч UDaniel James BonvilzЗдЊЮЊаЊвЊ† ІN–James Leonard Bonviz ЌлЊеЊзЊйЊ†  ЦРI“лMargaret Elizabeth нЊтЊ ІMMBrian LagasseџхЊJЏяЊщЊыЊэЊ†  Ц€Ш UCarolyn Jean Bonvil№Њ ІЫ†ЫGlenn ScottЮ2џЋ І@ŽGŽJoseph LagasseџЋ І€ЯˆЯPatrick LagasseџЋ Ц@ŽGŽMeghan LagasseџЋ І€ЯˆЯMatthew LagasseџЋ І€ЯˆЯTimothy Lagasseџб(Ћ Ћ Ћ ј ІMMDavid BabcockџЋж.)Ћ+Ћј ЦРMMMary Hinckleyџ/Ћ@Ћ ЦЯ†ЯClara GrehaumerџBЋ І@ŽGŽElihue BabcockџEЋJЋ І@ŽGŽRobert BabcockџMЋВ ДRЋTЋ  І€ЯˆЯEzekiel BabcockџVЋ Ц@Я‡ЯEunice BillingsџŽкЗ]ЋmЋXЋZЋ І@ŽGŽRobert Babcockџ`ЋnЋи ЦŽFŽLydia CrandallџqЋl•…Ћ‡ЋœЋ€Ћ‚Ћ ІР Х John Babcock2џ‰ЋBЏЁЋЋŸЋЈ ЦРЫ…ЫMary LawtonЮ2џЃЋLb АЋВЋбЋЇЋ­ЋЌЋ ІMMJames BadcockџДЋвЋдЋ ЦIISarah xxxxU(Ю2џзЋлЋ Ц@Ы‡ЫBertha KahnЮ2џвpЂ žнЋпЋ ІЦЩDavid E. Babcockџ2qтЋфЋ Ц@ŽGŽEunasa BabcockџцЋ І€ Ф xxx Lawrence2џшЋ ЦŽFŽClara LawrenceџъЋ ЦŽFŽAlice LawrenceџьЋ І€ Ф xxx Lawrence2џ sюЋ№Ћ  ЦР…ˆЯLeta B. BabcockџЌ І@ŽGŽJoseph AndrewsџЌ І€Ы„Ыxxx SargentЮ2џЌ ІЦЩWayne J. SargentџЌ ІMMDavid SargentџЌ І€ЯˆЯRichard Sargentџ Ќ І@ŽGŽEugene Sargentџ Ќ ЦQ QElizabeth SargentџЌ‚|~ЌЌЌ ІЦЩ‘Emory J. Babcock IIЌ ЦРЩFlorence PrestonџR–ЌЌ  ЦРЩFlorence Babcockџ!Ќ І€ŠDŠxxx Miller(Ю2џ#Ќ ЦРЫ…ЫJill MillerЮ2џZœ%Ќ'Ќ  І’MWayne Babcock, Jr.)Ќ Ц MLinda Lee Mayџ* Ÿ+Ќ-Ќ Ц@ŽGŽHattie BabcockџJ /Ќ1Ќ ЦР Х Mary Babcock2џК Ѓ@ЌBЌ ІMMElias BabcockџMЌEЌ! ЮІ€’H’Darrell OsterhoudtHЌrjЂ ЩSЌVЌvЌNЌQЌ  Ц€ЯˆЯClarice HughsonџYЌšЪ‡Ќ‰ЌЅЌ€Ќ‚Ќ…Ќ   І†ŒгLuman Emery BabcockŒЌ2ƒ:Ь­ЌЏЌжЌІЌЈЌЋЌ  І@‡зRobert DeForest BabВЌзЌ  ЦРХЩJane Ann ThurberџлЌZ2чЌрЌтЌфЌ  І€UWilliam Wayne BabcoщЌR P ­­­­­­ І€UWilliam Wayne Babco ­n­­­ І@ЧЭVictor Peter Hughso­  Ц€ЫˆЫHarriet CoeЮ2џ­ ІЦIŽLuman B. Greenџ!­#­ І€ˆŒгRaymond Coe Hughson%­'­ І@‡зThomas Percival Hug)­ ЦРЪMary Jane Mayhewџ+­ Ц€ЯˆЯLucille Beasleyџ-­ ЦРХJune xxxxU(Ю2џ:С=­/­1­  І@ŽGŽSamuel Pomeroyџ4­‚У@­B­  ЦŽFŽChloe KingsleyџЊпP­D­F­ ІРQ QEbenezer KingsleyџJ­у Q­S­  ІMMSimon ChesterџV­]­j Э І€H QCharles M. Wrightџ`­Žs­e­g­Я І†ЬEdwin Leroy Meadџj­€­Э Ц@MMJennie Wrightџƒ­ˆ­а ЦРMMMate BrockwayџŠ­ б ЦР’I’Florence VanHeusenj $ъ kŒ­Ž­ ІЯЯ€ЯDelos VanHeusenџ’­Ђ)Ra–­˜­  ЦFK’Abbie Jane Griffin F›­­ І@ЧGeorge VanHeusenџŸ­ ЦЯ†ЯMayme VanHeusenџњLЁ­Ѓ­ ІР…ˆЯJohn D. Griffinџ Z IІ­Ј­ ЦРХJane xxxxU(Ю2џЋ­а ЦРЫ…ЫLucy WrightЮ2џ­­а І€ŽHŽWillard WrightџН­Џ­Ь Ц€ŽHŽEstella ChurchџВ­Р­Я Ц@Ы‡ЫFannie MeadЮ2џУ­е­Ч­Я  ЦŠFŠFlora Mead(Ю2џЪ­с­ж­ І@MMAustin Wilberџй­"‘т­ф­Я  ЦРIIElla MeadxU(Ю2џч­* ы­э­ ІMMElmon Skinnerџ№­ЎЯ ЦРM MGertrude MeadџЎ І@MMHorace GetmanџЎЎЯ ! І†ЬEdwin Leroy Mead, J Ў! Ц€ŠDŠMae Angell(Ю2џ ЎЯ ЦРIILucy MeadxU(Ю2џЎЪ’-ЎЎи  І@MMOrange Wrightџ k$ЎЎЎi ІMMCyrus BigelowџЎ‚’ %Ў'Ўe ІŽFŽJames Robinsonџ*Ўh І€ Ф xxx Morrison2џbr,Ў.Ўe І€ Ф xxx Robinson2џ@Ўk І@Я‡ЯRobert RobinsonџBЎk ЦРЫ…ЫMary NealeyЮ2џDЎl І@MMJoseph BarberџFЎ" l ЦРMMJane Hamiltonџл HЎJЎ" І’J’Alexander HamiltonMЎИ jЎXЎZЎ#  І@’MEdward Wright, Sr.]ЎkЎ ЦРЫ…ЫMary DudleyЮ2џmЎ Ц@ŽGŽHannah PomeroyџoЎ ІMMAaron Pomeroyџ€Ў ЦР Х Anna Pomeroy2џ›р‚Ў„Ў†Ў$  І@USamuel French PomerŠЎЄљ‘Ў“Ў•Ў Ц@GгHannah Crasson Hannъ …д˜ЎšЎ' % & $ І@ŽGŽSamuel PomeroyџЎ( $ Ц’J’Elizabeth KingsleyŸЎ$ ІMMCaleb PomeroyџЂЎІЎ$ ЦQ QElizabeth PomeroyџЈЎ$ ІMMCaleb PomeroyџЋЎЏЎ$ ІРЩEbenezer PomeroyџРЎ) % Ц€ Ш Johanna Root2џТЎ% Ц€ЯˆЯJohanna PomeroyџФЎ% ЦРЩHepzebah PomeroyџЦЎ% ІMMCaleb Pomeroyџъ•ГШЎЪЎЬЎ* & ЦЪElizabeth StricklanЯЎ& ЦР Х Mary Pomeroy2џбЎ& І@ŽGŽJoshua PomeroyџгЎ& ІР Х Noah Pomeroy2џеЎ& І€ЯˆЯRichard PomeroyџзЎ& ЦQ QElizabeth PomeroyџкЎ& І@ŽGŽSimeon Pomeroyџ2i’›ѓЎмЎоЎ+ ' ІMMCaleb PomeroyџсЎR nЏЏ' ЦРŽIŽHapzebah Bakerџ1‰ ЏЏЏЏ. + , - І€ЯˆЯEltweed Pomeroyџ Џ*wЏ ЏЏЏ+ Ц€ЯˆЯMargery RockettџкT!Џ#Џ, Ц€MMJohanna Kerchџ&Џ+Џ/ - ЦЫ†ЫLydia BrownЮ2џ-Џ/ І@ŽGŽThomas Parsonsџ/Џ' Ц€ЯˆЯAbigail Pomeroyџ@Џ' ЦРЩHepzebah PomeroyџBЏ' ІРЩEbenezer PomeroyџDЏ' ІMMCaleb PomeroyџGЏ' ІMMEldad PomeroyџIЏ' Ц@ŽGŽHannah PomeroyџKЏ' ЦMMMercy PomeroyџMЏ' ЦMMSarah PomeroyџOЏ( ІРMMJohn KingsleyџQЏ( ЦР…HŽMary K. FrenchџSЏ) ІŠFŠJacob Root(Ю2џUЏ) ЦРŠEŠMary Frary(Ю2џWЏ0 * І@QQJoseph StricklandџYЏ1 * ЦРŽIŽHepzebah Bakerџ[Џ1 І€MMJeffrey Bakerџ]Џ1 ЦРMMJoan Rockwellџ_Џ0 І€’H’Thwaite StricklandaЏ0 Ц’J’Elizabeth ShephardcЏ. І€ЯˆЯRichard PomeroyџeЏ+ ІMMEldad PomeroyџgЏ+ ІР Х John Pomeroy2џiЏ+ ІMMMedad PomeroyџlЏ€Џ+ ЦР Х Mary Pomeroy2џƒЏ+ І@ŽGŽJoshua Pomeroyџ…Џ+ І@ŽGŽJoseph PomeroyџКЇŒЏ”Џ‡ЏŠЏ2 Ц І@Я‡ЯSamuel WatermanџŽЏтЃ•Џ˜Џ3 Ц ЦРIIMary DotyxU(Ю2џœЏђsФЄЏІЏ ЏЂЏ5 3 4 І@Ы‡ЫJoseph DotyЮ2џЈЏи­ЏЏЏ6 3 Ц€MMDeborah EllisџРЏ6 ІРŠEŠJohn Ellis(Ю2џТЏ6 ЦQ QElizabeth FreemanџњyШЏФЏЦЏ8 7 4 Ц Ц Sarah Woodin2џЪЏЮЏ8 ІРЫ…ЫJohn WoodinЮ2џаЏ8 ЦР Х Mary Johnson2џвЏ7 ІР Х John Edwards2џзЏдЏ5 І@Ы‡ЫEdward DotyЮ2џВŠмЏиЏкЏ3 9 І@Я‹ЯTheophilus DotyџоЏуЏ9 ЦР Х Ruth Mendall2џ‚хЏчЏ3 : ІŠFŠEllis Doty(Ю2џщЏ: Ц@ŠGŠElinor xxx(Ю2џŽыЏэЏ3 ; ЦŽJŽElizabeth DotyџяЏ; ІРŠEŠJohn Lewis(Ю2џњ“АА3 < І@Ы‡ЫJoseph DotyЮ2џА< Ц@ŽGŽHannah Edwardsџђ•А А3 = Ц€ Ш Deborah Doty2џ ААА= І@ŽGŽJoseph LandersџА ˜)ААА3 > ІРIIJohn DotyxU(Ю2џА*А> ЦM MElizabeth xxxџbœ,А.А3 ЦŠFŠMarcy Doty(Ю2џ’Ё0А2А3 @ ЦŠFŠFaith Doty(Ю2џ@А@ ІŠFŠJames Shaw(Ю2џ’ŠoGАBАDАC A Ц@JŽSophia B. RussџJАт[RАUАNАPАB A ІРŠEŠJohn Rider(Ю2џXА:<qgА`АbАdАA C І@GЯEdward Maynard Rydeš <Ђ ŽnАpАzАhАjАlА C Ц@ЧгAlthea Julia WrightsАšdBМ†АˆАА€А‚А„АC D Ц€ŽгGeorgia Rheta RyderŠАЊ`ЊД”А—АА’АE D ІЦM’Ralph Stuart Cavan™Ак ЅАžА АЂАD ІЦM’Ralph Stuart Cavan,КBŠ”ЊАЌАІАЈАF E Ц€ŽHŽLucinda StuartџЎАŠъbХАРАТАG F І€ŽHŽWilliam StuartџЧА"hЫАЭАH F ЦРMMMary McKeeverџаАG І@MMJoseph StuartџвАдАG ЦЪElizabeth CunninghaкАжАиАH І€ШWilliam McKeeverџмАI H Ц’J’Elizabeth SexsmithоАI І€ШMatthew SexsmithџсАцАI ЦРMMJane Kinmouthџњ8шАъАB І† QDavid Doane RiderџКLьАюАB Ц Ц Lydia Ripley2џ№АJ ЦРХAnna xxxxU(Ю2џ::VБББƒJ І@Ы‡ЫSamuel RussЮ2џБс ББK  Ц€ЯˆЯMatilda ChesterџБRє"GБББL $ ІŠFŠIsaac Burr(Ю2џВ їКMБ БББM $ Ц€ЯˆЯDeborah RaymondџzиB)%Б!Б#БN L ІŠFŠJehue Burr(Ю2џ)Бмr:@БBБO L ЦРЫ…ЫMary HawleyЮ2џFБZи:.NБJБLБP M ІMMMoses Raymondџ нzCTБPБRБQ M Ц€ŽHŽRebecca BoutonџVБ@ ЦMMSarah ChapmanџР\БXБZБR  ЦРŽIŽTryphena Hindsџ^БR ІРŠEŠJohn Hinds(Ю2џП kБ`БbБS  ІР Х John Chester2џfБoБlБ Ц€ШAbigail ComstockџœpБrБS ІР Х John Chester2џuБЙ €Б‚БS K І@ŽGŽThomas Chesterџ†БН”БŠБŒБT K ЦMMSarah EldrichџБ•БT І@ŽGŽDaniel Eldrichџ˜БКЌїŸБЁБU N ІŠFŠJames Burr(Ю2џЅБЊБV N Ц€ŽHŽDeborah TurneyџьЗБЌБЎБU І@Ы‡ЫDaniel BurrЮ2џВБРБV І@MMRobert TurneyџУБЧБO І@MMDaniel HawleyџЏЩБЫБW P І@ŽGŽSimeon RaymondџЯБгБP Ц@ Ч Hannah Moses2џ: ЁеБзБW І@ŽGŽSamuel RaymondџНђйБлБX Q І@MMJoseph BoutonџпБЂФуБхБY Q Ц€ЯˆЯSusanne RaymondџшБІиьБюБY І@ŽGŽJoshua RaymondџђБЄВВX І@MMJachin BoutonџВC ІРŠEŠBurr Ryder(Ю2џВВZ b І€UШCharles Dufresne, J В ВZ І€UШCharles Dufresne, SВb Ц@MMGuelli JonsenџВ[ 2 І@Я‡ЯSamuel WatermanџВ\ [ ІРMMJohn WatermanџВ(ВВ] \ І@Я‡ЯRobert WatermanџВ)В^ ] І@Я‡ЯThomas Watermanџџ0В+В-В^ І€ШRichard Watermanџ@В_ \ ЦЪElizabeth BourneџKВBВ` _ І@MMThomas BourneџEВLВa ` І€’L’Bartholomew BourneїRВNВPВa ІРЫ…ЫJohn BourneЮ2џSВХ ЦР Щ Lucretia xxx2џšљBLVВYВУ Ц@Я‡ЯEunice HartwellџўšP\В_ВФ b Ц Ц Sally Taylor2џвљ NbВdВA Ц@MMLovicy TaylorџgВb І@ Ч Joshua Cross2џjВ ўnВpВrВB ІР‰ŒзNicholas G. ChesebrЪ P„ВˆВœВŸВ€В‚В:c d ІРЩSchuyler CrippenџŠВB8 ВЂВc Ц€ Ш Sabrina Cook2џТ’ FЅВЇВЉВd ЦРХгAnne Pomeroy Cooper­ВРВЩЦ’J’Elizabeth SessionsТВE e ЦЪCatherine BarneyџФВe ІЫ†ЫMoses CarylЮ2џ"ЪВЦВШВF Ц@ Ч Vienna Adams2џЫВf # І@MMEdward WrightџЭВf І@MMEdward Wrightџ.RЯВбВгВ ЦРХгMary Fanella Wright02жВиВкВ І@ЧгEdward Kirke Wright2нВ Ц@MMLouisa Wrightџк6„уВћВпВсВ g І@‡L’George Burr WrightцВ6AГГГ ЦFUJulia Susannah WrigГg ЦŽJŽElizabeth Gageџ ГГ Ч ЦЪLavanchia WrightџГ1ГГ‰ І Ц Arrey Delong2џГ@ГЦ€ŠDŠxxx Steele(Ю2џ8FГHГRГBГDГh Ц€ŽHŽHarriet DeLongџKГЊ3xWГYГcГSГUГi h І@ Ч Joseph Varco2џ\ГhГsГdГfГi І€MMRichard VarcoџjГ„ÈÂГi Ц@Ы‡ЫHannah WierЮ2џ†ГŽГШ Ц€IIxxx JonesxU(Ю2џГШ Ц Ц Eliza Delong2џ’ГШ І  Р Delos Delong2џ”ГЩ Ц€ŽHŽSusanna Delongџ–ГЩ І@MMJoseph DelongџыJBžГЂГМГ˜Г›ГЩІ Ц Isaac Delong2џЅГIФГРГТГj Ц€MMRebecca AllenџЧГё29бГнГЬГЮГЩk І Ц James Delong2џгГZ ќBAтГоГрГl k Ц@ŽGŽHannah StewartџхГВієГяГёГЩm І Ц Enoch Delong2џіГZљДДn m ЦРŠEŠLucy Crego(Ю2џД:ї* ,ДД7Д Д Дo к Ц€ЯˆЯDiadama BabcockџДўEД@ДBДЩp ІРЫ…ЫOrra DelongЮ2џHД§NДPДЩq Ц€ŽHŽRosanna DelongџRДq ІЫ†ЫJames GreenЮ2џќTДVДЩr Ц@MMHannah DelongџJѓXД[Дs r ІMMElias Babcockџ^ДјcДeДЩt Ц@MMBetsey DelongџhД€Дt ІРЩJedediah CaswellџƒДњŒД”Д‡Д‰ДЩu v Ц Ц Nancy Delong2џŽД•Дu І@ŽGŽLemuel Edwardsџ˜Д Дw Ц@MMLouisa DeLongџЂДw І€Ы„Ыxxx FreemanЮ2џЄДІ Ц Isaac DeLong2џІДx y І Ц Allen DeLong2џЉДЎДx Ц€Ы„Ыxxx FreemanЮ2џАДy z Ц€ŽHŽDiadama WilburџРДz І€ Ш Artemus Ward2џТДЦ@MMBetsey DeLongџХДЭДЩДЫД{ ЦЪJulia Ann DeLongџаД{ І€ Ф xxx Benedict2џлДвДІ€ŽHŽCharles DeLongџеДмДl І€ЯˆЯStephen StewartџоДl Ц@ŽGŽHannah StewartџJ‚CхДрДтДk Ц€ŽHŽMinerva DeLongџ ьДяДчДщДk | Ц€ŽHŽRosanna DeLongџЕЕЕЕ| І Ц Henry Raught2џЕbЕЕЕk } ЦР…L’Luna Norton DeLongЕ} ІЯ†ЯPerry Aylsworthџ: ЕЕЕЕk ~ І€ˆP–Stephen Stewart DeLr!Е#Е€ ~ Ц@Ы‡ЫLovina PageЮ2џŠ )Е%Е'Еk  ІР…L’John Milton DeLong,Е@Е Ц@ŠGŠPrudee Fox(Ю2џCЕКHЕJЕLЕk ‚ ƒ ЦР‰P–Caroline Seeley DeLOЕYЕUЕWЕ‚ І€ŽHŽWilliam Parkerџ\ЕbЕƒ І€MMWilliam ClydeџšdЕfЕk „ І Ц James DeLong2џiЕ€Е„ ЦРIIMary LordxU(Ю2џƒЕК‰Е‹ЕЕk … І@ЮGeorge Nelson DeLonЕ”Е… Ц@Я‡ЯLucina Woodwardџ—Ек "›ЕЕŸЕk † ‡ ЦЪ‘зCharlotte Zenana DeЂЕВ rQ­ЕІЕЈЕЊЕ† ІЪгFrederick B. SchramЏЕb%ЧЕбЕРЕТЕФЕk ˆ ІЮHomer Bradley DeLonЩЕвЕˆ ЦЫ†ЫHelen ChildЮ2џеЕђ)йЕлЕнЕk ‰ ІЮMyron Brigham DeLonрЕшЕŠ ‰ ЦЯŠЯJosephine WellsџыЕj яЕђЕк ‹ І Ц James Delong2џЖЖ‹ ЦРQ QCaroline Williamsџвj I ЖЖЖк Œ Ц@MMHannah DelongџЖт P$Ж/ЖЖ Жк ЦРЯ‰ЯMariette Delongџ'ЖВR,0Ж3Жк  Ц Ц Polly Delong2џ9Ж@Ж І€MMAlanson Filerџ* CЖFЖк Ž І@MMRobert DelongџJЖOЖŽ Ц€ЫˆЫMarette ElyЮ2џRЖZVЖYЖк  І@MMOrange Delongџ]ЖdЖ ЦРŠEŠEmma Lines(Ю2џhЖlЖ І@MMGeorge DeLongџъzЖnЖqЖк ЦРЯ‰ЯClarissa DelongџuЖ2bB€ЖƒЖк  Ц€ŽHŽEmeline Delongџ‰Ж—Ж ІЫ†ЫPeter AllenЮ2џJ šЖЖк ‘ Ц€ŽHŽHarriet Delongџ ЖЊЖ‘ ’ Ц@ŽGŽLouisa FreemanџЎЖРЖw ‘ І@ŽGŽRobert FreemanџФЖ’ ІРЫ…ЫJoel PorterЮ2џ’ жЖЧЖЪЖк “ ” Ц€ŽHŽOctavia DelongџЮЖмЖзЖкЖ“ І€ЯˆЯCharles WhippleџоЖ BOшЖыЖ” Œ І€H QLindell H. SliterџёЖb!ЗЗк • І†L’Damon Hatch Delong ЗЗ• ЦРŠЯMary Jane Blackџ ЗЗt Ц@ŽGŽLouisa CaswellџЗЗt – Ц€ЯˆЯAbigail CaswellџЗ– ІРŽIŽBradford ClarkџЗЗt І@ŽGŽNelson Caswellџ!З#Зt — ЦР Х Jane Caswell2џ%ǘ — ІР Х John Rowland2џ'З)Зt ™ ЦMMDelia Caswellџ,ǘ ™ І@ŽGŽJoseph Rowlandџ’ .З0З2Зt š Ц€ˆзMatilda Cynthia CasтL@ЗBЗš ІQQJames BlatherwickџFЗJЗLЗt › ЦQ QElizabeth CaswellџNЗ› ІРŽIŽStillman ClarkџPЗu ЦРХЩLucy Ann EdwardsџRЗu œ Ц€ЯˆЯArmelia EdwardsџUЗYЗœ І€Ы„Ыxxx BinghamЮ2џ\ЗiЗu  ІQ QChurchill EdwardsџlЗpЗ Ц€ŠDŠxxx Wright(Ю2џ€Зu І€Ы„Ыxxx EdwardsЮ2џ‚Зu І@ŽGŽLemuel Edwardsџ…Зu І@ŽGŽAlonzo Edwardsџ‡Зu ІРЩGustavus Edwardsџ‰Зu І@ŽGŽThomas Edwardsџ‹Зu ІMMEmmet EdwardsџЗv І Ц Mason Tilden2џЗ| ž ІЦ‰ЯHiram W. Raughtџ’З›Зž ЦЫ†ЫSarah SmithЮ2џžЗЃЗЅЗ| Ÿ ІЦгMyron Delong RaughtЈЗЌЗŸ Ц@MMHattie FolletџЎЗ|   І†L’Henry Beman RaughtБЗРЗ  ЦŠFŠEliza Keys(Ю2џ 12 sЩЗЬЗТЗФЗЧЗ| Ё І@ЮJoseph Morris RaughЮЗŠ8š‡лЗоЗеЗзЗйЗFЁ ЦРEгAnna Elizabeth LongрЗыЗ| Ђ Ц€ŽHŽRosanna RaughtџюЗИЂ І@Я‡ЯJoshua WilliamsџИ| Ѓ Ц€ŽHŽLoretta RaughtџИ ИЃ ІŽFŽMyron Pearsallџ И| Є Ц€ŽHŽMinerva RaughtџИИИЄ ІŽFŽJames HamiltonџИ€ ІŠFŠAmasa Page(Ю2џИ€ ЦРMMLuna TownsendџИ~ І€ŽHŽCharles DeLongџИ"И~ Ѕ І Ц Byron DeLong2џ%И*ИЅ ЦРIIMary DalyxU(Ю2џ,ИЅ Ц†L’Clara Belle DeLong.ИЅ Ц€„HŽIda May DeLongџ0ИЅ ЦРЪMary Emma DeLongџ@ИЅ І€ŽHŽCharles DeLongџBИ~ І ІРЫ…ЫFred DeLongЮ2џEИIИІ Ц’J’Elizabeth TownsendKИ~ Ї Ц@‡L’Almira Emma DeLongMИЇ І€ЯˆЯWhitney BignallџOИ‚ І Ц Floyd Parker2џQИ… ЦЪCalpherna DeLongџr8ЪVSИUИ† Ц@ЪNellie D. SchramџYИ]И‡ І€DMIra D. 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Chaseџ]Й„o@okЙƒЙfЙhЙŽЉ І@MMMartin DelongџmЙїˆЙ—Й„Й†ЙЉ ЦР Х Mary Edmonds2џŠЙЪpœЙЇЙ˜ЙšЙЉ Њ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џŸЙњ"ЎЙОЙЈЙЊЙЌЙЉ Ћ І@ЮJoseph Atwood DelonАЙЫЙРЙЉ Ќ Ц@MMLovicy DelongџУЙЬЙЌ ІŠFŠJames Mark(Ю2џЯЙзЙрЙгЙеЙЊ Ц@ Ч Huldah Noble2џкЙ‚"хЙсЙуЙ­ Ћ Ц@ЧAlmira BrintnallџъЙчЙЊ І€ŽHŽSolomon Delongџ:яЙыЙэЙЊ ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џёЙ=К КККЊ ЦРЯ‰ЯTriphena DelongџК?КК ККЊ Ў І@MMAustin DelongџККККЎ ЦРХEmma xxxxU(Ю2џ\#КК КЎ Џ Ц@MMHattie Delongџ$КЏ І€Ы„Ыxxx HenckelЮ2џ^Ј*К-К@К&К(КЎ А І†L’Henry Allen Delong0КDКAКА І€H QMilburn A. DeLongџHКEКА Б ЦРЯ‰ЯBerneita DeLongџIКБ І€IIxxx MinorxU(Ю2џ bPКKКMКЎ В Ц€ŽHŽLillian DelongџQКВ І€Ы„Ыxxx BlowersЮ2џASКUКЊ Ц€ŽHŽPamelia DelongџXКDhК_КaКЊ Ц€ŽHŽDiantha DelongџdКGmКsКiКkКЊ ЦРЯ‰ЯEmaretta DelongџoКJ„К€К‚КЊ Ц@MMMartha Delongџ†КL•К‰К‹КЊ І@MMMartin DelongџŽКPšК–К˜КЊ Ц Ц Clara Delong2џœКЃКŸКЁК­ І€QQCharles BrintnallџЈКЄКІК­ ЦР Х Anna McKague2џ‚ 8­КЉКЋКЋ Г Ц Ц Laura Delong2џЎКГ І@Ы‡ЫJoseph MoreЮ2џ :ДКСКАКВКЋ Д Ц Ц Eliza Delong2џЖКТКД І€ Ш Charles Pegg2џФКД Ц€Фxxx PeggxU(Ю2џ[ЫКЦКШКД І€ Ш William Pegg2џ’ <жКЬКЮКЋ Е І€ŽHŽAlmeron DelongџбКзКЕ ЦIIDelia xxxxU(Ю2џкКкYрКшКоКЕ ІF QHenry Burt DelongџуКњ\эКщКыКЕ Ц Ц Edith Delong2џ№Књ_ЛЛЛЕ Ц@MMHattie DelongџЛj>B ЛЛЋ ЦРЯ‰ЯClarissa DelongџR@lЛЛЛЋ Ж ІРЯ‰ЯHarrison DelongџIЛЛЛЖ ЦРЫ…ЫRuby MeekerЮ2џЛZ(Л$Л&ЛЖ І@MMAlbert Delongџ*Л^4Л0Л2ЛЖ І€DMLee M. Delongџ6ЛcDЛPЛ@ЛBЛЖ ЦРЫ…ЫIrma DelongЮ2џFЛhUЛQЛSЛЖ І@ЪThomas A. DelongџWЛj‚]Л_ЛЖ Ц@MMGladys DelongџcЛЂBnЛjЛlЛЋ І€ŽHŽWilliam DelongџpЛъ D„Л€Л‚ЛЋ З Ц€H QMelissa L. Delongџ†ЛŠЛЗ І€H‹ЯWilliam S. WingџЏŒЛŽЛЗ І€ФRoy WingxU(Ю2џЛЗ ІŠFŠHomer Wing(Ю2џ“Л˜ЛЗ ЦРIICleo WingxU(Ю2џ›ЛЏ ЛЂЛЗ Ц€Фxxx WingxU(Ю2џЏЄЛІЛЗ Ц€Фxxx WingxU(Ю2џТF‚ Ђ­ЛЉЛЋЛЋ И ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin DelongџАЛРЛИ ІРЫ…ЫEarl DelongЮ2џУЛЏШЛЪЛИ Ц Ц Ethel Delong2џЏЬЛЮЛИ ІРЫ…ЫWard DelongЮ2џz_дЛаЛвЛИ І€ŠDŠLeo Delong(Ю2џжЛлЛИ І€ŠDŠJoe Delong(Ю2џоЛ’IчЛуЛхЛЋ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џщЛєЛ№ЛђЛЦIISusan xxxxU(Ю2џВ _МММЦ Ц Ednah Delong2џМaММІ Ц Lloyd Delong2џМ KМММЋ  І@MMMartin Delongџ!МЏ.М0МІ@MMClaude Delongџ@МЙ К І Ц Glenn Delong2џCМJМЙ І€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џMМQМК Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џЊgcМfМSМUМІЦ‰ЯJames M. DelongџXМgМ І€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џiМ І€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џkМ Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џmМ І Ц Clyde Delong2џpМ€М Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џƒМ‰М Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џŒМ‘М Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џ”М˜Мo І@ŽGŽGeorge Babcockџ›МЁМo Ц€ЯˆЯSusanna SheldonџЄМ1ГМЊМЌМ“ Ц@ŽGŽMartha WhippleџЏМ2ЩМРМТМ“ ІЦЩLewis J. WhippleџХМdr rЯМЪМЬМк Ц€ŠDŠxxx DeLong(Ю2џщпМаМвМЦЛ ІРЯ‰ЯCornelis DelongџжМсфМ НрМтМкМ І@MMDaniel DelongџцМbИНН ЦР‰ЬFlorence H. WaidџНЛ ЦMMSally VincentџъННЦН І@MMDaniel DelongџН Н"НЖ О ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џ$НО ІРQ QNicholas Schuylerџ &Н(НЖ Р Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џ*НР І€ЯˆЯAbraham EllwoodџB1Н,Н.НЖ С І Ц James Delong2џ@НС ЦР’I’Clarissa DevendorfRBНDНЖ Т Ц@MMHannah DelongџFНHНТ ІР‰ UJohannis W. Devendo* JНLНЖ У ЦЪElizabeth DelongџOНУ І@ЫWillhelmus Baldeџr QНSНЖ Ф Ц€ŽHŽRosanna DelongџUНФ ІР…ˆЯJohn M. RasbachџB WНYНЖ Х Ц@MMRachel Delongџ[НХ І† QJames Henry Frankџ]Н_НЖ Ц ІРЫ…ЫAury DelongЮ2џaНЦ ЦРХMary FoxxU(Ю2џbcНeНЖ Ч І Ц Hiram Delong2џgНЧ ЦJŽEliza Ann Postџ2iНkНЖ Ш Ц@MMSophie DelongџmНШ І€IIxxx BerryxU(Ю2џяoНqНЦЩ І€ŽHŽAbraham DelongџtН€НЩ Ц€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џ„oo‚Н„НЦЪ І Ц Jacob Delong2џ‡НЪ Ц€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џ‰НЦЦ Ц Polly Delong2џў‹ННЦЫ Ц@MMHannah DelongџНЫ І@MMNathan Warnerџ‘НЦІ€ŽHŽFrancis Delongџў“Н•НЦЦ Ц Irene Delong2џ—Н™НЦЬ ІРЫ…ЫOrra DelongЮ2џœН НЬ Ц€ŠDŠxxx Palmer(Ю2џ ЂНЄНЦЭ Ю І Ц Amasa Delong2џІНЭ ЦЦMaria KuykendallџЈНЮ Я ЦЪMahitable CarneyџЊНЯ І€Фxxx Schackelfordџ„p pЌНЎНЦЦ Ц Lydia Delong2џГНАНЦЦ€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џ2хr /бНРНТНЧа І Ц James Delong2џЦН§вНдНа б І Ц Peter Delong2џжНб Ц@Я‡ЯHannah Shadwickџ"шZ фНиНкНЧв г І Ц Aaron Delong2џоНхНв Ц@ŽGŽSylvia BinghamџчНг Ц€ŽHŽRoxanna Walkerџzj9щНыНв д е ІРЯ‰ЯJeremiah DelongџюНд ЦMMAbbie FarnhamџёНОе ЦР Х Mary Maynard2џтООв ж Ц€ŽHŽAbigail DelongџОж ІЫ†ЫLuman FieldЮ2џb О Ов з І Ц Asaph Delong2џ Оз Ц@ŽGŽBetsey SkinnerџВ ООв и І@MMJulius DelongџОи Ц@Я‡ЯJulina Stanfordџъ ООв І Ц Aaron Delong2џR ООв й І€ŽHŽFrancis DelongџОй ЦŠFŠEliza Gale(Ю2џњО!Ов к Ц@MMSylvia Delongџ#Ок ІР…MLevi F. Bowenџ: %О'Ов л І Ц James Delong2џ)О+Ол Ц@ЪElecta S. Woodbridg*-О/Ов І€ŽHŽWilliam Delongџ2ъ@ОBОЧм Ц Ц Nancy Delong2џDОм І€Фxxx DeyoxU(Ю2џ эFОHОЧн о ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џJОSОо І@ Ч George Smith2џVОZО]Он п Ц€ŽHŽLorinda Delongџ`ОkОп І@ŽGŽSamuel StevensџnО2 №Т%О€О‚ОЧр с І€H QFrancis J. Delongџ†ОŽОр ЦMMNancy SampsonџОс ЦQ QMehitable Prestonџ’От ž ІР…HOJohn D. Wright III”Оž ЦРŠEŠMary Smith(Ю2џ–О˜Оу т ІР…HJohn D. Wright IIџ)šОœОт ЦРХЩMary Ann CrippenџŸОф у І@MMThomas WrightџЁОу Ц€QQRebecca OnderkirkџЋОЃОф х ІР…HŽJohn D. WrightџІОЌОф Ц@Ы‡ЫDorcas ColeЮ2џЎОх Ц Ц Susan Basset2џАОу ц І Ц Peter Wright2џРОц ЦЫ†ЫLydia HouckЮ2џТОу ч І Ц Jacob Wright2џФОЦОч Ц€ЯˆЯLucinda Skinnerџ>ƒШОЪОч ш Ц Ц Maria Wright2џЭОш І@ŽGŽLucien RussellџЯОч щ Ц Ц Julia Wright2џбОщ ІРЫ…ЫJohn PullenЮ2џ[ЇгОеОщ ъ ЦЦ‰ЯClara P. PullenџUЄиОлОы ъ ІŽFŽCarey RoseboomџпОž ь І€ŠDŠRoy Wright(Ю2џK‰сОуОž э ЦРЫ…ЫLora WrightЮ2џP–цОшОž ю Ц@MMNettie WrightџыОž я № І Ц Floyd Wright2џюОь ЦРŽIŽWinifred Smithџ№Оь ё Ц Ц Doris Wright2џПё І@ŽGŽArnold BaldwinџПё ІР…ˆЯJohn D. BaldwinџПь ђ ЦРЫ…ЫLeah WrightЮ2џПђ І@Я‡ЯVernon McMorrisџПђ І@Я‡ЯRonald McMorrisџ Пђ Ц@Я‡ЯLeslie McMorrisџJ ППэ ІРMMFred WhitemanџH ППю І€ŠDŠIra Snyder(Ю2џПя ЦР Х Emma Judkins2џП№ ЦŽFŽMaude PearsonsџПє ѓ ЦР Х Myra Pitcher2џПя ѕ Ц Ц Ethel Wright2џПя і І€ŽHŽKenneth Wrightџ Пі Ц Ц Velma Schutt2џ"Пі І€ŽHŽStewart Wrightџ$Пі Ц@MMAudrey Wrightџ&Пя ї ЦРЫ…ЫEdna WrightЮ2џ(Пї ІЫ†ЫEdwin LynesЮ2џ*Пї І@ŠЯNorman L. Lynesџ,Пї І@ŠЯSydney L. Lynesџ.Пт І@MMSamuel Nortonџ0Пт Ц@ŠGŠAmunla xxx(Ю2џТL@ПCПу ј Ц@ЪEsther J. Delongџš UEПGПу Ц@MMHattie DelongџтZIПKПу І€ŽHŽRichard DelongџMПс І@Ы‡ЫDaniel TaftЮ2џOПс ЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џOт‘QПSПц љ ІЫ†ЫLoren DwireЮ2џWП\Пљ Ц€ŠDŠAda Atkins(Ю2џВy^П`Пљ І@ŠЯAlfred I. DwireџcПRgПiПц њ ІРŠEŠBert Dwire(Ю2џkПњ Ц Ц Celia McLeon2џoП€Пц ћ Ц€IIxxx DwirexU(Ю2џƒП‡Пћ ІРIIC.C. RockxU(Ю2џFПŠПŒПх ЦРЫ…ЫJane DelongЮ2џтH–ПП“Пх І€ŽHŽLindley Delongџ˜ПКJœПžПЁПх ;<І€Ш‘зWilliam Franklin DeЄПЂO­ПЈПЊПх Ц€DMIda A. Delongџz RДПЎПБПх Ц@MMBertha Delongџr WЦПРПУПх =ЦРЫ…ЫEmma DelongЮ2џШПђ[дПЬПЮПбПх CІ€ЮWilliam Henry DelonЂ]кПеПзПх Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џњ>пПќПлПнПŽќ І Ц Henry Delong2џтПђ>РР5РРРŽ§ ІЪCornelius DeLongџ РDDРFР[Р@РBРŽў І€ŽHŽFrancis DeLongџIРjР\РŽ  Ц Ц Sally Delong2џ`Рb^pРsР‡РkРmРў  Ц@MMHannah DeLongџvР ŠNРЁРˆР‹Рх ІЪM’Nathaniel S. Huson‘РŠ NЇРЉРЙРЂРЅР  Ц QEliza Ann IngallsџЋРРР І€IIxxx PeakexU(Ю2џУРЊ BJЯРбРЫРЭР§  Ц€ŽHŽCalista DeLongџгР:в SтРфРьРлРнРрР ІЦЭJonas Markey SmelseцРэРяР§  Ц€ŽHŽLucetta DeLongџђРС І€MMxxx Carpenterџ0СС§ І€ŽHŽHoratio DeLongџСreСС+ССС§  І Ц Homer DeLong2џ!С :С,С.С§ ІРЫ…ЫObed DeLongЮ2џ1С#EСSС@СBС§  ІЪCornelius DeLongџGС*SXСjСTСVСќ Ц@ŠGŠLucina xxx(Ю2џ[СkС ІРЩBenjamin StewartџqСmСoС § ЦŽJŽElizabeth ShawџsС€С І€ŠDŠxxx Phelps(Ю2џ'†С‚С„С ЦР…ˆЫMary E. xxxЮ2џ‡С;“СС‘С Ц@ЪMartha V. DeLongџ•С>СЇС™С›С І@ЪAlbert H. DeLongџŸСЈС Ц@ŠGŠEunice xxx(Ю2џAЎСЊСЌС Ц@ЪAmelia J. DeLongџАСDЧСРСТСХС ЦЪгCatherine R. DeLongЩСHбСЭСЯС І€ŽHŽAlanson DeLongџгСKнСиСлС Ц Ц Laura DeLong2џпСOъСцСшС І@ЪEdward L. DeLongџьСѓСяСёС ЦРХLucy xxxxU(Ю2џТТТТў ЦЫ†ЫJulia ScottЮ2џџ ТТТ Т! Ц@Ы‡ЫJoanna OwenЮ2џ Т(Т!Т!І@ЧRobert ValentineџВšR'Т6Т#Т%Т І@ЧEdmund Valentineџ*ТТ(ЪlDТGТ@ТBТ ЦРŽEŽMary ValentineџIТ!rMТOТQТ І@г‡гNathan Dunkelbarger)ZТTТVТXТ І@ŠгRobert J. Valentine]Т+iТcТeТgТ Ц@ŠгMarcia A. ValentinelТт/rsТvТoТqТ Ц@ЧJoanna Valentineџ$€Т‚Т І@ Ч George Evans2џ*1ŠТ„Т†ТˆТ  І@UЧEdmund Valentine, JТ’Т  ІР…QJohn S. Valentineџ"3Њ˜Т›ТТ”Т–Т  ЦЦI’Eliza I. Valentine-€žТ Т ІFЫJames Adam Billsџ4ЇТЃТЅТ ЦЦI’Lydia C. ValentineЊТJ7*sГТЖТ­ТЏТБТ  Ц@‡YMartha Angeline ValИТ8}ФТРТТТ ІР…L’John Dunbar Boyden:ЪТЦТШТ ІЦI’Cyrus L. ValentineЭТЊ>зТкТгТеТ  ЦР’I’Caroline ValentineмТК;фТрТтТ І€QQCharles Flowerdewџ?щТђТхТчТ ІЦI’Frank E. ValentineыТDУ УУУ ЦРŽEŽH.E. ValentineџУ У ЦРŽEŽEffa Valentineџ У І@ЧEdward ValentineџУУ Ц€MMxxx ValentineџУњъOУ0УУУў "# ІЦ‰ЯCyrus W. DeLongџ!У"j ?DУ@УBУ "Ц€ŽHŽJennett TuttleџGУYУ ІРЫ…ЫJohn TuttleЮ2џ[У  ЦРЯ‰ЯJannette Hunterџ^УdУ  І€ŽHŽMatthew Hunterџ0В^‚УfУhУ  ЦР N’Margaret Jane LucemУƒУ ІŠFŠPeter Barr(Ю2џ;ŠУ…УˆУ ІЦ‰ЯPhilo D. Martinџ!A‘УЋУŒУУ   #ЦЪElizabeth Hunterџ”УЌУ ІРЫ…ЫHugh BeattyЮ2џ2ВУЎУАУ"ЦРЯ‰ЯAdelaide DeLongџДУ4 NФУжУРУТУ"ІРЫ…ЫJohn DeLongЮ2џШУ8š;лУзУйУ"Ц€ŽHŽJuliann DeLongџпУ:іУэУяУ"І@MMErnest DeLongџђУКвqФ ФФФФФў    І€HUWilliam Palmer DeLo ФФ ЦM MElizabeth xxxџ"ФФ Ц@Ы‡ЫSylvia ColeЮ2џФ"'Ф2Ф#Ф%Ф ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Hooverџ)Ф‚ 3Ъ 3@ФBФDФ ІРХгJohn Francis DeLongIФТ5"€WФYФSФUФ  І Ц Amasa DeLong2џ[Фr8‚ŒfФ_ФaФcФ  Ц ЮElizabeth Ann RookehФlФ ІЦ‰ЯJames W. RookerџMrФnФpФ  І@ЪWalter F. DeLongџtФ€Ф ЦРХCora xxxxU(Ю2џdЅ†Ф‚Ф„Ф ІЦ‰ЯFrank R. DeLongџfŒФˆФŠФ ІР…HŽEarl J. DeLongџhФФ‘Ф І@ЧгWalter Lloyd DeLong”ФœФ ЦРЫ…ЫErma DeLongЮ2џŸФвPЊšЉФЋФЖФЃФЅФЇФ І€HUWilliam Palmer DeLoЎФjURЇРФТФ ЦР…H’Ella V. BrothertonХФ Ц@MMSylvia DeLongџЧФ Ц€ŽHŽDorothy DeLongџЩФ І Ц Lewis DeLong2џЬФ{аФвФдФ ! Ц@GUVivian Juanita DeLoжФ! І@ QEugene V. MurrellџтФиФ! " ІЦЩJames E. MurrellџлФшФфФцФ" Ц€H UFrances A. McShears 9эФјФщФыФ  ЦР…L’Mary Zidana DeLongяФХ ЦРIIBess HartxU(Ю2џХ: ХХ Х Х І€H QWilliam H. DeLongџХ=Х'ХХХ # ЦF QJulia A.E. DeLongџ Хf,Х(Х*Х$ # І€ШCharles Mitchellџf-Х/Х$ І@Я‡ЯThomas Mitchellџ2Х@DХ@ХBХ % ІЦ‰ЯCyrus W. DeLongџFХВVIХKХ% Ц Ц Julia DeLong2џMХ % ЦРŠEŠMary Evans(Ю2џPХ2]ђkfХVХXХ% Ц€ŠDŠIna DeLong(Ю2џ[ХЊagХiХ% І@MMGeorge DeLongџDoХxХkХmХ & ІЦ‰ЯJames L. DeLongџqХ„Х‹Х€Х‚Х& ЦРХLucy xxxxU(Ю2џ†ХjХŒХŽХ& Ц@MMThelma DeLongџ’Хs™Х•Х—Х& І€H QEarnest R. DeLongџ›ХtžХ Х& ЦЦ‰ЯEdith P. DeLongџ*ІХЌХЂХЄХ ' Ц@ЪM. Zidana DeLongџЈХњE­ХЏХ' ІР…HŽJohn A. WarnerџВХХХРХТХН І€ˆP–William Millins DelЦХe І@ЧJochem RoloffsonџЩХЭХф І@Ы‡ЫArdale HillЮ2џЯХј І€ Ф xxx Shattuck2џеХбХгХнІ Ц Jacob Keyser2џзХЇрХтХнЦ@MMRachel KeyserџфХЉюХ№ХнЦРЯ‰ЯAgnietje KeyserџђХЊЦЦнЦ€ŠDŠLea Keyser(Ю2џЦЌЦЦн( Ц@Q QJacomyntje KeyserџЦЦ( І Ц Derck Kermer2џпЦ!Ц( Ц€ŠDŠEve Kermer(Ю2џ#Цг(Ц*Ц* ) І Ц Jacob Keiser2џ,ЦБ@ЦBЦнІ€ŠDŠAry Keyser(Ю2џDЦВOЦQЦнЦ€ŽHŽCatrina KeyserџSЦЕ]Ц_Цн+ Ц@Q QAriaantjen KeyserџaЦ2ЗoЦqЦ, + ІРŽIŽHendrick Franzџ€Ц, І€MMAndreas Franzџ‚Ц„Ц, ЦРХ UAnna Sibella Guterm‡ЦЗ‹ЦЦнЦ Ц Maria Keyser2џЦžЦ Цb І@‡аBarent Jacobsen KooЂЦb Ц€QQMaritje LeendertsџЄЦa ЦРЩMarritje GerritsџДОЦІЦЉЦпЦ€ŽHŽNeeltje DeLangџЋЦВРЦТЦсЦ@Я‡ЯRachel RoelofseџФЦЕвЦдЦсЦ€ШAnnatje RoelofseџжЦоЦтІРŽIŽJohannes BokeeџсЦцЦуІ€Ы„ЫJan TomasseЮ2џщЦЋ№ЦђЦтЦ€MMTanneke BokeeџєЦ­ЧЧтІ€MMAbraham BokeeџЧЎЧЧтІ€MMAbraham BokeeџЧГЧЧуЦ@MMRachel Thomasџ!ЧГ/Ч1ЧуЦЪElizabeth Thomasџ3ЧAЧфІЫ†ЫJacob PloegЮ2џЋCЧEЧф- ЦРQ QBlandina de LangeџGЧQЧ- ІР Х Adam Hoffman2џСSЧUЧ- ЦРЩMargaret HoffmanџWЧХ\Ч^Ч- Ц@ŽGŽRachel Hoffmanџ`ЧЧiЧkЧ- ЦMMMaria HoffmanџmЧЩ€Ч‚Ч- ЦQ QElizabeth Hoffmanџ„ЧЫЧЧ- . ІР Х Adam Hoffman2џ‘Ч—Ч™Ч. ЦU UElizabeth Van Wagen›Ч- / ЦРЩGerritje HoffmanџžЧЅЧ/ І@ЧGerrit DavenportџЈЧЌЧх0 Ц€ŽHŽGeesjen DeLongџЎЧ1 0 І Ц Isaac Wieler2џХАЧВЧ0 ЦЪElizabeth WielerџДЧРЧ1 Ц€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џаТЧФЧ1 Ц Ц Mercy Wieler2џЦЧšгЭЧЯЧ1 Ц€ŽHŽAbigail WielerџбЧЕђЧмЧоЧх2 І@MMJephta DeLongџрЧШ2 ЦРЩCornelia SluiterџПШШШх* ЦРЫ…ЫSara DeLongЮ2џШЎШШн* ІРЫ…ЫDirk KeyserЮ2џШ-Ш) Ц€ЯˆЯAmelina Sluyterџз/Ш1Ш* ІРЯ‰ЯJohannes Keiserџ3Шй@ШBШ* І Ц Abram Keiser2џDШоIШKШ* Ц@MMRachel KeiserџMШрWШYШ* Ц Ц Maria Keiser2џ[ШуfШhШ* Ц Ц Sarah Keiser2џjШы€Ш‚Ш* ІРЫ…ЫAdam KeiserЮ2џ„Шц’ШŽШШх3 Ц@MMRachel DeLongџ–ШЭ ШšШœШžШ3 4 ІFзJohan Nicholas RubeЂШ­ШЉШЋШ5 4 ЦРЩCornelia SluyterџЏШРШ5 ІЫ†ЫJacob KleinЮ2џЉЭТШФШц6 ЦŽFŽAntje de LangeџЧШФиШкШ6 І€MMGysbert BoschџмШъШ6 7 ІРŠEŠDirk Bosch(Ю2џьШ7 Ц@ŽGŽAntjen PaarsenџюШg ЦРM MWeyntjen KwikџС№ШђШъІQQJonas SchoonhovenџєШ’ЦЩЩыІРЯ‰ЯJohannes MetlerџЩЧ ЩЩыІРЫ…ЫArie MetlerЮ2џЩ˜ЩЩ9 э8 ІРIIArie PierxU(Ю2џЩ"Щ9 ІРM MHendrick Pierџ$Щ9 ЦŠFŠGepje Arts(Ю2џ&Щ(Щ8 Ц€зIзCatrina \Van De Bog*ЩВІQQClaas Van Schaickџ-ЩcBСGЩ@ЩBЩDЩВЦРIO–Jannetje Claas BeevIЩƒQЩSЩUЩВІU UDominicus Van SchaiWЩYЩ[ЩВІ€гˆгEmanuel Van Schaick]ЩВІQQElias Van Schaickџ`ЩeЩgЩВІ€гˆгLaurens Van SchaickjЩжpЩrЩ: дЦРŽEŽDyna Van Vlackџ€Щ: І@ЧTeunis Van Vlackџ‚Щ: Ц@ Ч Rachel Schut2џм„Щ†ЩаЦРЩJannetje LangdonџˆЩКэŽЩЩ\ ЦMMMaria Wiltsieџ“ЩбДЩ˜ЩšЩ_ ; ІРЯ‰ЯJeremias DelongџЩРЩТЩo І€– –Jacobus \Van De WatФЩo Ц@ Ч Helena Losee2џЦЩn Ц@MMHannah MorrisџцЩЩЫЩp І@Я‡ЯPieter HicksbeeџЭЩBЖнЩжЩиЩкЩщ< ЦŠTšChristina MagdelenaпЩ№ЩыЩэЩf І@ЮJohann Conrad WeiseЪЪf ЦРEO–Anna Magdelena UebeЪЪf = І@вJohann Freiderich WЬЪ Ъ Ъ= І@вJohann Freiderich WЪА0ЪЪЪщ> ІРЫ…ЫArie DelongЮ2џЪЗRЪ@ЪBЪ@ > Ц@’K’Margaretha FlaglerDЪSЪщA ЦЪArriantje DelongџVЪ`ЪA І’J’Alexander ThompsoncЪИxЪiЪkЪ^ _ ЦQ QCatherine FrelighџnЪ“Ъ€ЪщB C І Ц Frans Delong2џƒЪ”ЪB ЦЪCatherina Dymondџ—Ъ›ЪC Ц@MMHannah CarleyџžЪЮМЪЄЪІЪB D ІРЯ‰ЯJohannes DelongџЉЪРЪD Ц@Ы‡ЫRachel PughЮ2џТЪD ІР…ЫJohn Delong, Jr.џК хФЪЦЪD E Ц€ŽHŽEleanor DelongџЩЪЮЪF E І Ц Isaac Winans2џбЪйЪF І Ц Jacob Winans2џлЪF Ц€ŽHŽRebecca ConantџћсЪнЪпЪG І@ Ч Manley Morse2џуЪчЪG Ц@ Ч Elvira Morse2џJащЪыЪB Ц Ц Marya Delong2џэЪкв ЫЫЫЫB H ІРЯ‰ЯJonathan DelongџЫ ЫH ЦР Щ Margaret xxx2џФooЫЫH G ЦРЫ…ЫMary DeLongЮ2џЫЫG ІЫ†ЫHiram MorseЮ2џЫG ІЫ†ЫManly MorseЮ2џЫG І€MMJustice Morseџ!ЫG Ц@ Ч Eunice Morse2џ'Ы$ЫH І Ц Isaac DeLong2џ(Ы*ЫH ІР‰ЯJonathan DeLong, Jr/Ы,ЫH І Ц David DeLong2џ0ЫH І Ц James DeLong2џ@ЫH Ц Ц Lydia DeLong2џBЫC ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin DelongџDЫLЫC Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џNЫVЫC ІРЫ…ЫArie DelongЮ2џXЫ\Ы< І@MMThomas Carverџ_ЫИ…ЫiЫkЫщI І€ŽHŽJacobus DelongџnЫŽЫ†ЫI ЦM MElizabeth xxxџ‰ЫКЫ‘ЫщJ Ц@MMRachel Delongџ“ЫЂЫJ І€ŽHŽWilliam TannerџЅЫЊЫЌЫJ ЦРEUAnna Magdelena TannЎЫJ І€ŽHŽWilliam TannerџАЫJ І@MMReuben TannerџРЫJ І@MMSamuel TannerџТЫJ І Ц James Tanner2џХЫJ І Ц David Tanner2џЧЫJ Ц@MMHannah TannerџЩЫJ Ц@MMMartha TannerџЫЫJ ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret TannerџЭЫJ Ц@MMMaribe TannerџЯЫJ І@MMRachel TannerџбЫJ ІРЫ…ЫJohn TannerЮ2џдЫхЫиЫщЦ Ц Maria Delong2џкЫцЫшЫd І@GЯJohann Henrich LighъЫьЫd ЦРEO–Anna Elizabeth Schm‚СЬюЫ№ЫщІРЯ‰ЯJohannes DelongџђЫЗЂ6ЬЬЬЬь ІРUArie Blandina DeLan ЬJ PЬ@ЬBЬ Ц@Я‡ЯRachel FergusonџEЬЙQЬSЬьІ€ЯˆЯJacobus DeLangeџUЬМbЬdЬь$ЦР Х Anna DeLange2џfЬ€Ь$ІРŽIŽJohannes EmighџƒЬˆЬ$ЦЯŠЯCatherine EmighџŠЬ$ЦРŽIŽBlandina EmighџŒЬ$ІЫ†ЫJonas EmighЮ2џŽЬ$ІРŽIŽNicholas EmighџЬ$ЦРŠEŠMary Emigh(Ю2џ“Ь$ЦЯŠЯElizabeth Emighџ•Ь$ЦРŽIŽCornelia Emighџ—Ь$ІРŠEŠJohn Emigh(Ю2џ™Ь$Ц@ Ч Rachel Emigh2џ›Ь$ІЫ†ЫJacob EmighЮ2џОЬŸЬьЦMMMaria DeLangeџЁЬР2 ­ЬгЬЇЬЊЬьK ІР‰L’Johannes B. DelongЏЬсЬдЬьІ Ц Jonas Delong2џзЬтЬьL ЦQ QCatherine DeLangeџхЬщЬL ІŽFŽJames ClaylandџьЬш№ЬђЬL ІЯ†ЯJames ClevelandџѕЬЭL І€QQWilliam ClevelandџЭЭЭL ІРŽEŽJohn Clevelandџ ЭЭ ЭL І@ЧRobert ClevelandџЭЭЭL ЦЯ†ЯPolly ClevelandџЭЭЭL ЦЯ†ЯNancy ClevelandџЭЭЭL ЦРŽEŽKaty Clevelandџ%Э!Э#ЭL ЦРŽEŽLena Clevelandџ+Э'Э)ЭL Ц@ЧHannah Clevelandџ-ЭM …Ц€ŽHŽAnnatje Dolsonџ0Э@ЭM І@MMTeunis DolsonџBЭM ЦŽFŽSarah VermilyeџDЭj ІРŽIŽBenjamin Allenџ$qqJЭFЭHЭj Ц@ŠGŠHannah xxx(Ю2џLЭn І€MMAbraham CregoџNЭn ЦЯ†ЯPolly Stranahanџ‚PЭRЭm І@ЪGibson S. DelongџЊTЭVЭm ЦРЯ‰ЯRosannah DelongџšXЭZЭm ЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline Delongџ*\Э^Эm Ц Ц Polly Delong2џj`ЭbЭm І@MMParney DelongџJeЭgЭm N І@ЪLoring M. DelongџiЭN ЦР Х Lucy Paddock2џkЭs ІР Х Amos Babcock2џmЭs ЦРMMMary WilliamsџoЭp ЦIIEliza xxxxU(Ю2џ€ЭЩO Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џz о‚Э„ЭP O ІMMIsaac Jacksonџ†ЭP І€ЯˆЯMichael JacksonџˆЭP Ц€MMAlberta DixonџтќŠЭŒЭO Ц@ŽGŽRosina JacksonџЭЂ—Э™ЭO ІMMJames Jacksonџ›Э ЅЭЇЭO ЦMMNancy JacksonџЉЭРЭM ЫЦ€ŽHŽJohanna DolsonџФЭЦШЭЪЭЫЦ Ц Maria Delong2џЬЭЬёЭпЭсЭЫІ Ц Frans Delong2џуЭ ЮЮЫІ Ц Jacob Delong2џЮ"Ю ЮЫ%ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џЮ#Ю%Ц Ц Sarah Clarke2џ§)Ю%Ю'Ю%Q ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џ+ЮQ ЦЯŠЯCatherine Maxenџў-Ю/Ю%R І€ŽHŽCharles Delongџ2Ю@ЮR S Ц Ц Alchy Morell2џCЮHЮT S І€QQAmenzie KiersteadџJЮT І@ЧIsaiah KiersteadџMЮџRЮTЮ%U V І Ц Moses Delong2џVЮU W ЦIIBetsy xxxxU(Ю2џXЮW І€IIxxx BrownxU(Ю2џZЮV Ц@J’Rachel L. Brothers_Ю\Ю%Ц Ц Eliza Delong2џ`ЮbЮ%X Y Z І Ц Henry Delong2џeЮX ЦЯŠЯCatherine MyersџgЮY Ц Ц Sarah Carman2џiЮZ ЦРMMJane CampbellџkЮ%[ Ц@MMHannah DelongџmЮ[ І Ц Jesse London2џ oЮqЮ%ІЪNathaniel Delongџ€Ю‚Ю%\ І@MMGeorge Delongџ„Ю\ ЦРЫ…ЫJane FosterЮ2џ†Ю%] ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џˆЮ] ІРŠEŠJohn Davis(Ю2џŠЮ%^ ЦЪCatherine DelongџŒЮ^ ІРŠEŠHugh Davis(Ю2џŽЮ%_ Ц Ц Lydia Delong2џЮ_ ІЫ†ЫJames MaxenЮ2џ’Ю%І Ц David Delong2џ•ЮЅЮ™ЮЫ` І€ŽHŽAbraham DelongџœЮІЮ` ЦŽJŽCatherine HuntџљГЮЈЮЊЮ` І€ŽHŽAbraham DelongџЌЮJњФЮРЮТЮ` Ц€ŽHŽMaritje DelongџћХЮЧЮ` Ц Ц Nelly Delong2џЩЮо*шЮвЮдЮЫa І Ц Aaron Delong2џиЮщЮb a ЦРMMMary KierstedџыЮэЮb І@‡ЯSamuel Kiersted, JrяЮb ЦР Х Mary Johnson2џъ§ЯЯa c ЦЪCatherine DelongџЯc І€ЯˆЯRichard Jenkinsџ* ЯЯa ІРЯ‰ЯHezekiah Delongџ’ Я Яa І€H QCharles G. DelongџZЯЯa ІР…L’John Reuben DelongВ ЯЯa d І Ц Aaron Delong2џЯd ЦŠЯSarah Ann BerryџК ЯЯa ЦРХ‰ЯMary Ann DelongџJ ЯЯa Ц@MMHannah Delongџ2 !Я#Яa І Ц David Delong2џ2 %Я'Яa Ц@MMEsther Delongџт)Я+Яa Ц Ц Eliza Delong2џjс<Я-Я/ЯЫe І Ц Simon Delong2џ1Я2тFЯ@ЯBЯDЯf e Ц@г‹гExperience CharltonGЯf ІŽFŽHenry CharltonџIЯf ЦРŠEŠMary Crane(Ю2џbњKЯMЯe g ЦЪCatherine DelongџЪћLOЯQЯe Ц Ц Maria Delong2џUЯYЯg ІРŠEŠArod Beals(Ю2џR§[Я]Яe h І Ц Henry Delong2џ_Яh ЦРЫ…ЫMary BehlerЮ2џJџaЯcЯe i ЦРЯ‰ЯIsabella DelongџeЯi І@ Ч Thomas Berry2џbgЯiЯe j Ц@Q QExperience DelongџlЯj І€MMAbraham Grantџr*(nЯpЯe k ЦЪElizabeth Delongџ€Яk l І@MMWalter Thomasџ’‚Я„Яe m І@ЪThomas C. Delongџ‡Я‹Яm Ц€MMPhilena Grantџb ЯЯe n ІР…HŽJohn C. Delongџ‘Яn Ц€H‹ЯJerusha A. Westџк “Я•Яe l Ц€ŽHŽEleanor Delongџ —Я™Яe o ЦРЯ‰ЯPrudence Delongџ›Яo І Ц Jacob Hayden2џЯW ІЯ†ЯDamon PalmatierџŸЯW Ц@Я‡ЯHelena TitsoortџЫАЯЁЯЃЯЬp І Ц Frans Delong2џІЯРЯТЯq p Ц€гˆгGreitje LinnabeckerХЯЩЯq ІРХJohn LinnabeckerџЬЯаЯq ЦŽFŽSarah HavilandџывЯдЯp Ц Ц Nelly Delong2џжЯсЯоЯp І Ц Frans Delong2џЭтЯфЯЬr Ц@MMHelena DelongџцЯљЯ№Яr І@QQPhilip LinderbeckџѓЯ* эааr ЦЦMaria LinderbeckџаЮ а аЬs t Ц Ц Maria Delong2џааt І@Я‡ЯIsrael Tompkinsџцааt Ц€ШAnnatje Tompkinsџ!а+аs ІŽFŽJames MaxfieldџКю-а/аs ЦŽFŽSarah Maxfieldџ1а@аЬu І Ц Damon Delong2џЮCаEаv u ЦРЫ…ЫLena KidneyЮ2џGаLаv І€ŽHŽRoeloff KidneyџNаv ЦРЯ‰ЯEngeltie Burgerџ’яTаbаPаRаu w x ІРЯ‰ЯLawrence DelongџVа'pаcаeаw y І Ц Hiram Delong2џhа„а€а‚аx z ЦIIPolly xxxxU(Ю2џ‡а‹аz І€IIxxx GreenxU(Ю2џаy ЦIIAnnis xxxxU(Ю2џаw { ІР…HŽJoel J. Delongџ’а–а{ Ц@ŠGŠLovena xxx(Ю2џ˜аw ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џ›аŸаw Ц€ŽHŽLucinda DelongџЂаІаw Ц@MMLusina DelongџЉаЎаw ЦРЫ…ЫJane DelongЮ2џБа$РаТаx | Ц Ц Julia Delong2џХаЩа| І@MMAlonzo Hewittџ&ЫаЭаx } ЦРЯ‰ЯAngelina Delongџаада} І€Ы„Ыxxx HerrickЮ2џb ѓхажаиаu І@MMPetrus Delongџка ъацашаu ~ ІРЫ…ЫArie DelongЮ2џэаб~ ЦŽJŽCatherine Hareџ бббб~ € ІЦ‰ЯPeter W. Delongџ б€ ЦIIAnnis xxxxU(Ю2џ б б~  ІРЯ‰ЯJonathan Delongџбб Ц@ŠGŠHannah xxx(Ю2џЊКIббб~ ‚ І Ц Jacob Delong2џб&б)б‚ ЦРŠEŠAlma Foote(Ю2џ+бЬƒ ЦЪElizabeth DelongџТе-б/б„ ƒ І€MMJacobus Lewisџ*э@бBбƒ ЦРŽIŽGertrude LewisџDбђ№QбSбƒ І€MMAbraham LewisџUб[бЬ… Ц€ŽHŽNeeltje Delongџ^бbбdб… ІРЩJeremias Lindebeckegбыkбmб… ЦQQNelly Lindebeckerџoб9„бŠб€б‚ᔆ І@ЪAlbert V. Manzerџ†б0‹ббњІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin Manzerџб3бŸб”б–б–ЦЪElizabeth DeLongџ™б-ЄбЊб бЂб“Ц€ЯˆЯCelesta HubbardџІб/ЏбЕбЋб­б“Ц@ QBetsey A. HubbardџБб2ФбХбРбТб“Ц@ŽGŽAmanda HubbardџЦбжІŽFŽJacob TitsoortџШбжЦР’E’Sara Van HeyningenДm`mпбЪбЬбк‡ І€ŽHŽFrancis DelongџЯбмрбтбˆ ‡ ЦРЩMargaret Lindseyџхбюбˆ І@ŽGŽDuncan Lindseyџёбвˆ ЦIIAgnes xxxxU(Ю2џ$ooвв‡ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џв$oo вв‡ ‰ ЦЪElizabeth Delongџввв‰ І@MMRobert Delongџв‡ ІЪAlexander Delongџ в§+в-в/в‡ Š І€гHŽFrancis Delong, Jr.2в@вŠ Ц@ Ч Esther Adams2џBв‡ ІРЫ…ЫDean DelongЮ2џEвJв‡ ‹ Ц Ц Maria Delong2џLв‹ І€QQWilliam PattersonџNв‡ Œ Ц Ц Abbie Delong2џPвŒ ІР Х Otis Baldwin2џRв‡ ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret DelongџTв‡ ЦРЫ…ЫJene DelongЮ2џVв‡ Ц Ц Effie Delong2џлmвXвZвкІ€ŽHŽEzekiel Delongџ]вrвyвnвpвк Ц Ц Maria Delong2џtвВй„вв€в‚вŽ  І@MMFlamen Higbieџ‡вŽвŽ І€ŽHŽWilliam Higbieџbђ”вв’в Ц Ц Phebe Higbie2џЊѕ–в˜в І€ŽHŽWilliam HigbieџЪїžвšвœв ЦРЫ…ЫMary HigbieЮ2џRјЃвŸвЁв ЦРЫ…ЫAnna HigbieЮ2џВћЈвЄвІв І€ŽHŽFleming Higbieџ‚џЎвЊвЌв І Ц Jacob Higbie2џЪГвЏвБв Ц Ц James Higbie2џЕв’ФвРвТв І Ц Peter Higbie2џZЩвХвЧв ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin HigbieџzЮвЪвЬв І€ŽHŽAbraham HigbieџчвЯвк Ц€ŽHŽAnnatje Delongџбвшв ІР Х Adam Sexbury2џšьъвьв Ц€ЯˆЯCatrina Sexburyџяв$p€oггМ І Ц Henry Delong2џгг гк ЦЪCatherine Delongџ гг І@MMThomas Murphyџ гbјў$г&г І Ц Peter Murphy2џ*гPг@гк‘ Ц€ŽHŽLeonora DelongџBгQг‘ І€ŽHŽWilliam DunlapџTгкф +^г{гYг[гк’ “ І@MMJoseph Delongџaгш€гƒг’ ЦЦIŽNancy M. Whiteџ†гŠг” “ ЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џŽг ї“г•г‘ І Ц Smith Dunlap2џ—гвљгŸг‘ І@MMSamuel DunlapџЁгкх­гЇгЉгк• ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin DelongџЎг• ЦM MElizabeth xxxџкшЕгШгАгВгкІ€ŽHŽJacobus DelongџЗгъщзгЩгЫгк– ІРЯ‰ЯNicholas DelongџЮгиг– ЦIIPeggy xxxxU(Ю2џ  кгмг– — І€ŽHŽCharles Delongџпгуг— Ц€Ч„ЧEfa xxxџxU(Ю2џZ хгчг– ˜ І Ц Hiram Delong2џщгд˜ ЦŠFŠCathy Odle(Ю2џjдд– ™ І€ŽHŽWilliam Delongџд™ ЦРХЩ Mary Ann xxx2џ #д д– ЦЪChristina DelongџZъ ддкЦЪElizabeth Delongџдд@ ІQ QZacharias Flaglerџдд@ š ЦР…UAnna Elizabetha Hobд$дš І@ŽGŽGeorge Schultzџ'дrЬ=д+д-д> І€ŠDŠJan Delong(Ю2џ/дЯ@дBд> Ц Ц Maria Delong2џDдбPдRд> ЦРЫ…ЫAnne DelongЮ2џTд`дbд^ І@‡аJohann Valentin Frogдwдkд; › І€ŽHŽMichael Delongџnд€д› ЦM MElizabeth xxxџ‚§‚д„д› Ц Ц Maria Delong2џ‡дŒдŽд› ІР‰L’Johannes E. Delongдš–д˜д› œ  І@MMWillem Delongџšд: 9 дЂдœ Ц MPhebe Ann xxxџЅдк>­дЏд Ц@Я‡ЯHannah SchultesџВдЬдРд› ž І Ц Simon Delong2џУдЭдŸ ž ЦРЯ…ЯJane WesterveltџЯдŸ І@QQDaniel Westerveltџю€рдбдгд;   ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin DelongџздсдЂ   Ё ЦЪElizabeth WilsonџфдшдЂ ІРЫ…ЫHugh WilsonЮ2џъдЂ ЦIISarah xxxxU(Ю2џьдЃ Ё ІР…QJohn W. CarpenterџюдЃ І€QQWilliam Carpenterџ№дЃ Ц€ЯŒЯHallahoneha xxxџr ее  Ц Ц Sally Delong2џе  е е  ЦЪCharlotte DelongџеТее  ЦР…HŽRuth N. Delongџе  -е!е#е  ЦР…HŽMary N. Delongџ%ев2е.е0е_ Є ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џ5е@еЅ ІР…ШJohn D. DumpropeџBеЄ І@Ы‡ЫConrad ColeЮ2џDеЄ ЦŽJŽCatherine Coleџг\еFеHе_ І І Ц Elias Delong2џLеб]е_еЇ І Ц€ЯˆЯHelitje Burhansџaезyеhеjе_ Ј І@MMDaniel Delongџmе€еЇ ЦЯ†ЯSarah Osterhoutџ„еˆе_ Љ ЦРЫ…ЫAnne DelongЮ2џ‹ееЉ ІРMMJohn Rappeljeџ“еі—е™еЉ Ц’J’Catherine Rappelje›еJњЄеІеЉ ЦŽFŽSarah RappeljeџЈеRџРеТеЉ Ц@Я‡ЯRachel RappeljeџФекЮеаеЉ ІŽFŽJames Rappeljeџвефяеиеке_ Њ І Ц David Delong2џне№еЋ Њ ЦРM MPrudence WardџжЋ І€ Ш Anthony Ward2џжјк 4ж жЊ Ќ ІРЯ‰ЯJeremiah DelongџX жж­ Ќ Ц€’H’Rebecca Hallenbeckж­ ІЦJacob HallenbeckџжжЌ Ў ІЦ‰ЯDavid J. DelongџжЎ Ц€IIEva HouckxU(Ю2џжжЌ Џ ІЦ‰ЯJacob H. DelongџжЏ ЦŽFŽEllen Albrightџж жЌ ІР‰ЯJeremiah Delong, Jr"жЌ А ЦРЯ‰ЯPrudence Delongџ$жА І@ Ч Andrew Abbey2џ&жЌ Б Ц@MMHannah Delongџ)жБ ІЫ†ЫJacob AbbeyЮ2џ+ж-ж/жЌ В Ц ЮCatherine Ann Delon@жВ І€ШWilliam WaggenerџBжDжЌ Г І Ц Isaac Delong2џFжГ ЦЫ†ЫSally BradtЮ2џHжJжЌ Д Ц€ŽHŽEleanor DelongџMжPжД І Ц James Murphy2џ RжTжЌ Е ІРЯ‰ЯNicholas DelongџVжЕ ЦРХIŽMary Ann Wadenџ%XжZжЌ Ж ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Delongџ\жЖ І@ЧMorgan Van Ettenџћ^ж`жЊ З Ц@MMHannah DelongџbжЗ І€QQCharles McCullockџЂdжfжЗ ІЯ†ЯDavid McCullockџiжpжrжtжЗ ІЦM–David DeLong McCullwж€ж‚жЗ ЦР’I’Prudence McCullock„жz‰ж‹жЗ ІЯ†ЯJames McCullockџŽжZ ’ж”жЗ І€QQAnthony McCullockџ—жBœжžжЗ ІР’I’Jeremiah McCullockЁжвЅжЇжЉжЗ ЦгŠгElizabeth McCullockЌжB АжВжЗ Ц€MMxxx McCullockџЕж$РжТжЗ І€QQCharles McCullockџХж-tЩжЫжІРЫ…ЫN.C. CrouchЮ2џЯжзжожгжеж›И ІРŠEŠJohn Chase(Ю2џйжB?пжсжИ ЦM MCatherine xxxџфж8№жьжюжИ ІЫ†ЫMenzo ChaseЮ2џђжќ зззЊ Й К І€ŽHŽAnthony Delongџз зК ЦРŠEŠMary Bradt(Ю2џN зззЙ Ц€гˆгMaritje Slingerland4ppззЊ Л ЦЪCatherine DelongџзЛ ІQQAaron SlingerlandџrззЊ М ЦРЫ…ЫAbia DelongЮ2џзв#з%зМ І@QQGarret Vanderbiltџ(зrх1зMз,з.з_ Н І€ŽHŽHenrich Delongџ3з2щSзNзQзН ЦР‰L’Margaret A. JoslinUзќZз\зН О І Ц David Delong2џ_зcзЄ О ЦŠFŠSarah Cole(Ю2џђ У*,iзlзeзgзЄ І@Ы‡ЫDaniel ColeЮ2џoз’џ€з‚зН Ѕ ЦРЯ‰ЯBarsheba DelongџВ„з†зН Р ЦЪCatherine DelongџˆзР І Ц David Brooks2џЂŠзŒзН С І€ŽHŽCoonrad Delongџз”зС ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret CovertџŠ –з˜зН Т І Ц Simon Delong2џт ›ззУ Т ЦQ QCatherine DempseyџŸзУ І@ŽGŽThomas DempseyџЂзІзУ ЦР Х Mary Lossing2џТЈзЊзН Ц Ц Lydia Delong2џ­зк РзТзН Ф ІРЯ‰ЯJeremiah DelongџФзФ ЦЪCatherine Covertџъ Њ QЫзЭзЦзШзН Х ІQЦ Henry DeLong, Jr.џбзŠ4изкзХ ЦРŽEŽMary Wanamakerџозъ хзчзН Ц І Ц Aaron Delong2џъзязЦ ЦРЫ…ЫAnna BartonЮ2џ ииН Ч І€ŽHŽRichard DelongџиЧ ЦŠFŠPhebe Tice(Ю2џZ иииН Ц Ц Sally Delong2џ:  и иН Ш ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret DelongџиШ І†ЫAaron Huyck, Jr.џњшии_ ЦЪCatherine DelongџиZщи!и_ Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џ#ийј2и-и/и_ Щ ЦРЫ…ЫLena DelongЮ2џ4ийыEиbи@иBиЩ І@MMJoseph EbbettџGиВеtиcиeиI ІРЯ‰ЯMartinus Delongџgиzу’и€и‚иI ІРЯ‰ЯJohannes Delongџ†иŸи“иI І Ц Jonas Delong2џ–и­и иI І@MMThomas DelongџЃиКиЎиI І@MMDaniel DelongџБипииРиТи &ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џЦийи&Ц€ŠDŠAmy Sayres(Ю2џ*љлини&І Ц Aries Delong2џтъиписи І€ŽHŽCharles Delongџфиыи Ъ Ц€ŽHŽEleanor DelongџюийЫ Ъ І@Ы‡ЫIsrael VailЮ2џйЫ ІŠFŠIsaac Vail(Ю2џйЫ Ц@ŽGŽLavina Ketchamџхйй ЦРЯ‰ЯBlandina Delongџ йч%ййй Ь Э ІРЫ…ЫArie DelongЮ2џй&йЬ Ц@G‹ЯRachel Ter Bushџ*йс.й1йЮ Э ЦРŽEŽJane Van Vleckџ3й@й  Ц@MMHannah Delongџ ўCйEй ЦЯŠЯElizabeth Loseeџ GйIй ІЫ†ЫArrie LoseeЮ2џвKйMй ІРŠEŠJohn Losee(Ю2џ2OйQй ІРŠEŠLevi Losee(Ю2џ‚TйVй Я ІЦIŽJames D. Loseeџz XйZйа Я ЦЫ†ЫAnnie NoxonЮ2џ\йа ІЫ†ЫJames NoxonЮ2џ^йа Ц€’H’Cynthia Vermillyea `йbй І@ЧM’Joseph Bruin LoseeZ dйfй ІРŠEŠLevy Losee(Ю2џRhйjй ЦŠЯMaria Ann Loseeџzlйnй Ц@‡ QHannah Jane LoseeџJэк3wййpйsй  І Ц James Delong2џ{й;”йй’й† Ц€ЫˆЫRebecca xxxЮ2џOšй–й˜й† І€ŽHŽRynaldo ManzerџPŸй›йй† І€H QFrancis H. Manzerџz vЅйЈйСйФй йЃй': Ц€H QCalista E. BaileyџЋй!кqЪйХйШй'І€H QWilliam C. BaileyџЭйк_рйуймйой'ЦЪЭElizabeth O. xxxџхй Щккб K ЦРŠEŠMary Brill(Ю2џкб ІЫ†ЫDavid BrillЮ2џк кб ЦŽJŽCatherina BeckџксккK І Ц Jonas Delong2џкуккK в г д е ЦЪCatherine Delongџ"к)ке ІMMPeter Lossingџ,к@кв ІР Х John McAuley2џЊ їђ3GкBкDкв ж ІР Х John McAuley2џIкMкж Ц@Я‡ЯJemima Hillikerџ*уOкQкз г ІQQPeter VanderburghџzћZкSкUкWкг и І€гˆгClymond Vanderburgh[кз ІQQJames Vanderburghџ^кbкз ЦРŽIŽMargaret Noxonџdки Ц€ШRoxanne Mitchellџfкд ІЫ†ЫHenry HulitЮ2џhкjкд й І€MMWilliam Hulitџlкй ЦЯŠЯElizabeth Smithџoкz€к‚ке к ЦQ QEthalinda Lossingџ„кк ІЦ‰ЯDavid D. WilsonџzШ†кˆк5Ц@ŽGŽAmanda RobertsџŠк6ЦРM MJennifer VainџzЬŒкŽк6Ц@ŽGŽMariah RobertsџrЭ–кк’к”к7ІРХЭJack Raymond Robert™кЂБЧАкГкэкѓкЋк­к№кpž&Р…L’Carl Albert DeLongЖкхB<лллK л м ЦРЯ‰ЯBlandina Delongџллл І@’G’Robert Vanderburghх:ќлллз л І€гˆгStephen VanderburghЪн’ллм н ІMMHenry Hagamanџ#л(лн ЦQ QCatherine Griffenџ+лZ0л2лм Ц@ŽGŽHelena HagamanџJ@лBлм ЦРХЩJane Ann HagamanџЊDлFлм Ц€ЯˆЯMatilda HagamanџZ HлJлм ІMMHenry HagamanџLлм І€ЯˆЯAbraham HagamanџOл"TлVлм ЦMMMaria Hagamanџ’XлZлм ІMMIsaac Hagamanџgл\лK о Ц Ц Maria Delong2џ_лhло І€ШWilliam Sherwoodџkл†л€л‚л„лK п Ц†P–Lanor Magdelena Delˆллп р І†ЫJames Noxon, Jr.џлbџ•л—лп с ЦЫ†ЫMaria NoxonЮ2џКў™л›ллт с ІРХгJohn Dorland HaightŸлт І@MMDaniel HaightџЁлт ЦР Х Mary Dorland2џ’юЃлЅлу р ЦQ QElizabeth DorlandџЈлЌлу І€ЯˆЯGilbert DorlandџЎлу ЦЯ†ЯLydia RicketsonџыРлАлВлK ф І Ц David Delong2џЕлСлф ЦM MCharlotte xxxџУлХлф Ц ЮElizabeth Ann DelonШл ЬлЮлф х ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џблелх І Ц Hiram Capron2џ2 злйлф ц ЦРХ‰ЯJane Ann Delongџмлрлц І@MMWalter Capronџтлфлф Ц Ц Helen Delong2џчлэлф І@MMAlbert Delongџ№лмф ІЦ‰ЯHenry A. Delongџммф ч І€H QWilliam B. Delongџ ммч ЦЯŠЯHenrietta Sipleџмф ЦЪCharlotte DelongџмZммK ш ЦЪElizabeth Delongџм мщ ш І@ŽGŽThomas Dorlandџ"мщ І@ŽGŽSamuel Dorlandџ$мщ ЦРЫ…ЫAnna EsmondЮ2џ&м(мш ъ ы ІYPeter Van Alstyne D+м/мъ ЦРЫ…ЫJane WhooseЮ2џ@мы Ц Ц Ellen Church2џBёв /TмBмDмK ь І Ц Peter Delong2џHмјZмUмWмь ЦРŠEŠLois Beach(Ю2џТѓ[м]мK э Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џ_мю э ІР’I’Jonathan Ricketsonaмю І€QQRowland Ricketsonџcмю ЦРŠEŠMary Clapp(Ю2џeмя ЦŽJŽElizabeth Coleџ:ўgмiмя Ц€MMMaritje Lewisџkм:иuмˆмpмsм„ ч FЫ†ЫRagel LewisЮ2џwм‰мш І€ŽHŽWilliam Brewerџ"яJм‹ммч № ІРЯ‰ЯLawrence Delongџ’ммšм№ ЦM MElizabeth xxxџђ 2­мžм мч ё І Ц Isaac Delong2џЄмJLЎмАмё ЦIIJulia xxxxU(Ю2џГмћ*)дмРмТмч ђ І Ц Jacob Delong2џЦмемђ Ц@MMEunice CulverџRќммхмзмймч ѓ І Ц Peter Delong2џнмцмѓ ЦIINancy xxxxU(Ю2џJbWшмъмч є І†L’James Lewis Delongюм*Bdннє ЦЪElizabeth Demingџнн” ІРЩEbenezer Spoonerџнн’ ѕ І@MMJoseph Delongџннѕ Ц€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џ!н&н(н’ І Ц Isaac Delong2џ+н@нBн’ і Ц Ц Sally Delong2џDнFні ІFЯJames Benjamin Dupu LнHнJн’ ї І€H QRichard R. DelongџMнї Ц MJulia Ann xxxџOнQнTн’ & РŠEŠJohn Dodge(Ю2џVнј І€MMRichard DodgeџB WЊЋ`нcн|н€нXнZн]н: ЦЪгElizabeth C. DeLongfннЇ ІРЩJohannes BurhansџZї“н„н†нЈ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џˆн"ьŠR™н”н–нІ љ І@MMConrad DelongџšнЌнЎнљ ЦЪCatherine Harringto АнВнљ Ц@MMHester DelongџЕн РнТнљ њ ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret DelongџХнШнњ І@ŽGŽDaniel Toppingџ$qрpЪнЬнљ І€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џЮнанљ ћ ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin Delongџгнжнћ Ц€ЯˆЯLucinda Crippenџинкнљ І Ц Moses Delong2џннфнљ Ц€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џцнљ ќ І Ц David Delong2џщнэнќ Ц@Я‡ЯEsther StannardџюоянёнІ § ў ІР…HŽJohn E. Delongџѓноо§ ЦЯŠЯElizabeth RugarџоІРŠEŠJohn Ruger(Ю2џоў ЦM MMehitable xxxџb о о§ І@MMJoshua DelongџооЦРŠEŠSena Odell(Ю2џтоо§ ЦРЫ…ЫSara DelongЮ2џо: в%о о"о§ І Ц Elias Delong2џ'о0о§ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џ3о@оў І Ц Simon Delong2џCоHоў І Ц Lewis Delong2џKоК OоQоSоў ЦŠP–Catherine Eliza DelUоІРQQJohn Gildersleeveџ:№WоYоІ Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џ[оiоІ@ŽGŽIsrael Ketchamџlо€оІMMDavid Ketchamџ‚оЦР Х Mary Mabbett2џ„о†оЦMMMaria KetchamџˆоІР Х John Burnett2џŠоІР Х John Burnett2џо‘оЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џ”о’Ђо˜оšоІMMDavid KetchamџоЃоЦ Ц Sarah Jewett2џІо: ЊоЌоЦMMHelen KetchamџЎоІ€HЫWilliam H. AllenџB АоВоІMMHenry KetchamџТРоТоЦ QSally Ann KetchamџrХоЧоІ€Ы„ЫEly KetchamЮ2џJЩоЫоЦРEK’Jane Eliza KetchamЭоbѓбогоІ ЦЪCatherine DelongџеоКїтофоІ І Ц Henry Delong2џцо*љBOэояоІ ЦРЫ…ЫLena DelongЮ2џѓо‚6пп ІРMMJohn Boardmanџпdp0pпппІ І Ц Simon Delong2џКйпппЇ Ј Ц€ЯˆЯMarytje BurhansџjјппЈ І Ц David Delong2џ пš њ$п&пЈ ІРЯ‰ЯHendrick Delongџ)п@п ІРIIJohn DadyxU(Ю2џЪѓъABпDп Ц@MMRachel DelongџHп‚6[п]п І@ŽGŽGeorge Schererџ`пlпnп  І@гGŽGeorge Scherer, Jr.pпrп ЦU UElizabeth Schoonmak’„п€п‚п Ц@ŽGŽHannah Schererџ‡пO‘п“ппп І Ц Jonas Schear2џ–п‚іІп›пп І€ŽHŽFrancis DelongџŸп* јЇпЉп Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џЌп‚њЮпРпТп І Ц Jonas Delong2џФпЯп Ц€ŽHŽParlina Delongџвпжп ІР Х John Jackson2џйп јнппп Ц Ц Sally Delong2џспъп І@ŽGŽJoseph Vincentџ јьпюп ЦРЫ…ЫMary DelongЮ2џёпBњррр ІР…HŽJohn R. DelongџррЦMMMaria SickleyџрррІ€ŽHŽRichard DelongџрЦ@ŠGŠLouisa xxx(Ю2џр рЦ Ц Happy Delong2џ"рІ€ŽHŽPatrick Dunfeeџ$р&рІ@ЪE. Reuben Delongџ)р-рЦ€ЯˆЯAbigail Scovellџ(/р1рЦ Ц Emily Delong2џ4р"š:GрSр@рBрDр І€ЮFrancis Losee DelonJрŠTрVрЦЪSarah Ann HolmesџXрІ€ŠDŠxxx Gurnee(Ю2џZрІ€ŠDŠxxx Watson(Ю2џњbр\р^р`рІ€ˆP–Charles Francis Deleрт +mрoрqрІ€HUFrancis Egbert Delo†р€р‚р„рЦ ЮCatherine Ann Delon‰ррІ@ŽGŽRobert AldrichџR •рр‘р“рЦЪгElizabeth L. Delong˜рœрІ@Я‡ЯNathan CummingsџžрІ€Ы„Ыxxx WatkinsЮ2џт (Єр рЂрІРE QJohn Losee DelongџЇрЌрЦРQ QCaroline ChaddockџЎрЦ QSarah Ann Keeslerџ" ЕрАрВр І Ц Jonas Delong2џ‚  $жрРрТр І@‡L’Israel Vail DelongЦрчрзр ЦЪHepsibeth DelongџйршрЮ І€’MJan Van Vleck, Jr.ърЮ Ц@MMHelena Bulsenџ‚њьрюрЬ Ц@MMHannah Delongџ№ркссЭ ІРЫ…ЫJohn DelongЮ2џссЦРХAbby xxxxU(Ю2џс*ссЭ Ц Ц Dinah Delong2џс#с%сЭ Ц€ŽHŽHelitje Delongџ'сB<с-с/сЭ Ц Ц Phebe Delong2џ1сr @сBсІЦI’Louis De La VergneDсFсІРзJзNicholas \De La VerHсЦ Ц Sarah Mosher2џJсІЦAurie DeLavergneџMсQсІРЯ…ЯJohn DeLavergneџSсЦ@Я‡ЯEunice WilliamsџBdсUсWсЭ І€ŽHŽRichard DelongџYс: eсgсЭ І Ц Peter Delong2џjск „с€с‚сЦ€MMSilance Waiteџ†ссЭ І Ц James Delong2џсB ˜сšс Ц Ц Maria Delong2џœсКЅсЇс! ІРЯ‰ЯElnathan HaxtonџЉс!І€ŽHŽWilliam HaxtonџЋс!ЦР Х Ruth Tibbets2џђ ’/ВсЧс­сЏс "І@MMEgbert DelongџЕс’,ЬсШсЪс#"ЦŽFŽSarah CrandallџЯскс#ІРMMReed Crandallџмс#Ц’J’Elizabeth Thorntonос"ІF QJames Reed DelongџSфсрстс"$І€ŽHŽCharles Delongџђ$ %хсчсщс"Ц@ЮHellin Mariah Delonэст"ЦЪElizabeth Delongџт$ЦIIAlida xxxxU(Ю2џ Ђ4ттт ІР…HŽJohn L. Delongџ т2 ,ттт %ІЦ‰ЯDavid J. Delongџz @!т2ттт&%Ц€ЫˆЫAdriana LowЮ2џ%т@т&ІРХJohn LowxU(Ю2џBт&Ц@MMEunice PalmerџDт%'Ц Ц Maria Delong2џFт'І€ŽHŽWilliam Haxtonџj1HтJт%Ц€ŽHŽAurelia DelongџMт1YтUтWтн І€ŽHŽSanford DeLongџ\т6dт`тbтн ЦР…HŽMary A. DeLongџgт8"Poтrтkтmто (І@MMAlbert DeLongџ9’‹…т€т‚т(ЦР Х Alma Chapell2џˆтŒт(Ц Ц Mable DeLong2џŽт(І@MMAlbert DeLongџ:U”т—тт’то ЦРЫ…ЫMary DeLongЮ2џ?Pт т™т›то І@ЪGeorge N. DeLongџBђЇтЊтЃтЅто )І€ŽHŽWilliam DeLongџCzyБтЌтЎт)Ц@MMHattie Curtisџd"ЧФтЧтРтТт)*+І€D QGuy Curtis DeLongџЪтbъгтЮтат*Ц Ц Hazel Lalone2џnJТктетзт+,Ц@ Ч Miriam Davis2џмт,І€ŠDŠxxx Graham(Ю2џJ•J•ттхтотрт+І@MMWlliam DeLongџшт’ [№тђтьтютп І@ Ч Albert Dewey2џєтj 6RNуууууп -І@ŽгMartin Alfred Dewey уу-Ц@ЪRachel E. NolandџBNууу-ІЫ†ЫHarry DeweyЮ2џуBN&у6у у"у$у3у/.& †ЬHarry Frank Hodgkin(у@у/ІЦ QMoses D. HodgkinsџCуGу/ЦЦ‰ЯSarah E. JordanџJу"NŠ}RуNуPу.ЦЦIŽAnnie M. GouldџJfTуVу.ІЦ QCecil F. HodgkinsџJj:~^у`уXуZу\у.0ІРE‹гEarl Harry HodgkinsbуђlЈjуlуfуhу0Ц@QMarion Louise MayџК}sуmуoуqу0Ц@GзMarion Roberta Hodg†у€у‚у„у0ІРE‹гEarl Harry Hodgkinsэ‹у‡у‰уЩ 1ЦЪElizabeth Ebbettџ щŒуŽу1І@ Ч Reuben Hoben2џ я•у—уу’уЩ 2ЦЪCatherine EbbettџВшEœуЎу˜уšу2ІРЯ…ЯJohn Estabrooksџ уjђКуЏуБуЩ 3ЦРЫ…ЫMary EbbettЮ2џДуРу3ІIIDavid CoyxU(Ю2џїЬуТуФуЩ 4І€ŽHŽWilliam EbbettџЧуљвуЭуЯу4Ц€ЫˆЫDeborah FoxЮ2џB>зугуеу3ЦРХЩ Mary Ann Coy2џку15І@ Ч Reuben Hoben2џUмуоу5Ц€ Ш Rebecca Hume2џру1І€MMCharles Hobenџту16ЦЯŠЯElizabeth Hobenџфу6ІР Х Amos Plummer2џцу17ЦРŠEŠMary Hoben(Ю2џшу7ІŠFŠEnoch Lunt(Ю2џЪNъуьу2Ц€’H’Eleanor Estabrooksъяуёу2ІЦJames Estabrooksџѕуšкaф ффф28І€’H’William EstabrooksфŠкWффф8ЦFKŽNancy Jane CoyџB‚Tфффф29ЦЪElizabeth EstabrookфR N*ф$ф&ф(ф9І€HYStephen Potter Esta-фJ Ђm@фBф2:Ц€ŽDŽAnn EstabrooksџFфHф:І@‡PšJoseph Fletcher Est" Т ^JфLфNф2;І€ШзZebedee Ring EstabrЂBdQфSф;ЦРMMMary Williamsџr‚[VфXф2ІРЯ…ЯJohn Estabrooksџ\фš’M`фbф2<І€’H’Charles Estabrooksfфjфlф<Ц@GЫHannah Ann Blakesle:svфnфpфrф2=ЦЪзCatherine J. Estabrh€ф‚ф=І@’MThomas Turney, Jr.Zšh„ф†фˆф2>І@ЮGeorge Haddon EstabЂ$2Z‹ффф>Ц@ЫCatrherine CarpenteъO’ф”ф–ф2@ІЦ‰гAbram J. EstabrooksšфxЂфЄф@ЦЪElizabeth WatsonџЇфђ rЌфЎфАф2AЦ†L–Sarah Marsh EstabroРф5BЦРŠEŠMary Hoben(Ю2џgТфФф5AІ@ŠЯGeorge W. HobenџЦфBІ€ŽHŽCharles GunterџШфЪф5CЦ ŽгElizabeth Ann HobenЬфCІРŠEŠJohn Jones(Ю2џ’UЮфаф5DІ@ Ч Reuben Hoben2џ [гфефDЦЪElizabeth Currieџиф5ІРŠEŠJohn Hoben(Ю2џлфуф5EЦ@ Ч Martha Hoben2џхфEІ@ Ч Robert Davis2џчф5FЦ€MMRebecca HobenџщфFІЦJesse Estabrooksџьф№ф5GІ@ Ч Joseph Hoben2џххGЦЪElizabeth Estabrookх х5HІ€MMCharles Hobenџ хHЦQ QElizabeth Plummerџ х5IІ@ Ч Thomas Hoben2џхIЦ€ЯˆЯFrances Babbittџх5JЦЫ†ЫSarah HobenЮ2џхJІ Ц James Currie2џхAІЫ†ЫHenry HobenЮ2џхAІ€MMGilbert HobenџхAЦЫ†ЫHelen HobenЮ2џхAІ@ Ч Reuben Hoben2џхAІРŠEŠJohn Hoben(Ю2џ хAЦЯŠЯCatherine Hobenџ"хAЦЫ†ЫSarah HobenЮ2џ$хAІ@ Ч George Hoben2џ&хAІЦIŽEnoch G. Hobenџъ7[(х*хDKЦ€MMArianna Hobenџ-хKІ Ц Cyrus Burpee2џ9…/х1хDLІРŠEŠJohn Hoben(Ю2џ@хLЦ€ЫˆЫRebecca CoyЮ2џ’;К ˆBхDхDMЦ@ Ч Idella Hoben2џGхIхMІЦзHenry Albert Estabr=KхMхDNІ@ Ч Reuben Hoben2џOхNЦЯ†ЯAlice MacDonaldџ6vQхSхUхDІ@GЯGeorge William HobeYх*C"˜^х`хbхDOЦ ’зHenrietta Rebecca Heхgх8Ц€Ш ч Maretta Florence NiJF‘iхkхmхDPЦ ’зElizabeth Lavinia HpхPІ@MMGeorge Clowesџ€х‚х8ЦЪLydia Ann Estabrook„х†х8ЦJYElizabeth Jane EstaˆхŠх8ЦЪPriscilla EstabrookŒх8ІЦJames Estabrooksџх8І€’H’William Estabrooks‘х8І@QQLemuel Estabrooksџ“х8І€’H’Sanford Estabrooks•х—х8І@ЮGeorge Ludlow Estab™х8ІЦAbram Estabrooksџ›х8OІ€’H’Leander Estabrooks"lЄххŸхЁх9QІ€HYStephen Harris EstaІхQЦ@GK’Judith Ann MilburyЈхЊхQІРЩ‘лTheodore Harding Es­хРхТх;І€Ш‘лCharles Frederic EsФхЦх;ЦF USarah Jane EstabrooШхЪх;І€ЮGilbert James EstabЬх;ІЦIsaac EstabrooksџЮх;І€’H’Abraham Estabrooksбх<ЦРЯ…ЯEmma Estabrooksџгх<Ц@QQIsabel Estabrooksџех=І€ŽHŽCharles Turneyџзх=І Ц Odbur Turney2џйх=ЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline Turneyџлх=RЦЪCatherine Turneyџ+нхпхсхRІР‰PšAdoniram Judson EstухххRІ@ЮThomas Turney EstabчхщхRІ€HYCharles Gideon Estaых>І@QQMelvin Estabrooksџэх>ЦЦLalia Estabrooksџяхёх>ІР‰L–Birdsell C. Estabroцц>ЦЪCatherine Estabrookцц>І@ЮGeorge Haddon Estab ц ц>ІF UJacob Ring Estabroo ц>І€’H’William Estabrooksц>ІЦHenry Estabrooksџц>ЦЦLaura Estabrooksџц>І@QQAlbert Estabrooksџцц>І@ЮEdward Walter Estab vццŽ Ц@ Ч Hannah Groff2џёNц цSŠ І€ШGarrett Roseboomџ$цU*ц,цŠ ЦРŠEŠMary Adams(Ю2џ0цл[ц@цBцSІ@Я‡ЯRobert RoseboomџFцж$\ц^цSЦРЯ‰ЯJesinthe DumontџѕaцcцSЦ€ШBrachie RoseboomџјGfцhцSTІŽFŽPeter RoseboomџMkцmцTЦР Х Anna Hopkins2џpцrцSЦРQ QJesinthe Roseboomџuц€ц‚цSЦРQ QGertrude Roseboomџ…цf‹цццŠ UІ€UШGarrett Roseboom, J“цi™ц›цUЦР Х Emma Skinner2џ Pžц цŠ VЦŽFŽEmily RoseboomџЃцVІŽFŽMiles Comstockџ9{ЅцЇцŽ WІ€ШGilbert Roseboomџ:ƒЉцЋцWЦРEЫMary Helen WinneџQ‰ЎцАцWXYІ@Я‡ЯGeorge Roseboomџ|РцТцXЦ€MMAda TruesdaleџiНФцЦцYЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Buttonџ†ЩцЫцYZЦŽFŽDoris RoseboomџЭцZІРMMJohn GrapponeџnЯцбцX[ЦРQ QMadelene Roseboomџгц[І@ŽGŽRobert Everettџs˜ецзцXІ@Я‡ЯMilton Roseboomџ‚кцмцYЦРMMJean RoseboomџSŸоцрцтцW\І@г‡Robert Roseboom IIIUАхцчц\ЦРŠEŠReba Noxon(Ю2џxъцьц\]ЦРMMRuth Roseboomџxюц№ц]ІРЫ…ЫTure EklundЮ2џUччW^ІРMMFred Roseboomџч^ЦЯ†ЯAngie Franciscoџ`›ччW_`ІРQ QHarrison Roseboomџez ч ч_ЦРŠEŠRena Groff(Ю2џhРчч`ЦРŠEŠLucy Pratt(Ю2џwОчч_aІРMMPaul RoseboomџyчччaЦ€ˆзCorrine Alberta Spey ч"ч_bІ@’‡PRobert Roseboom IV$чbЦFK’Ellen Hoal Vincent|&ч(ч`cdІ€ШFreeman Roseboomџ*чcЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Hansonџx,ч.чdЦРŽIŽBeatrice Bakerџ}Л0ч2ч`eІ€ШStanley Roseboomџ}Е@чBчeЦ Ц Wanda Kenney2џEчeІ€ Ф Tom Roseboom2џGчeЦ@Я‡ЯGloria RoseboomџIчeІ€ШWilliam RoseboomџKчMчeІ€UШStanley Roseboom, J˜OчQчefЦ€ШBarbara Roseboomџ—TчVчfІŽFŽJames CorkwellџЋXчZчfЦŽFŽPeggy CorkwellџЌ\ч^чfgІ€ШBradley Corkwellџ`чgЦŽFŽRhoda WhitemanџЎbчdчfЦ@Я‡ЯBrenda CorkwellџЛfчhчfІ€ШDouglas Corkwellџ€jчlч`hЦРMMRena Roseboomџ}­nчpчhІ@ Ч George Short2џ~П€ч‚ч`ІРMMLeon Roseboomџ…ч‡ч`iЦ@Я‡ЯBertha Roseboomџ~ŠчŒчiІ@Я‡ЯGeorge Teachoutџ†Žчч`jЦ€ШDorothy Roseboomџ„И’ч”чjІ€MMRichard Smithџ‡ˆ—ч™ч`ЦŽFŽGrace Roseboomџ‰œчžч`klЦРMMMary Roseboomџ чkІРЫ…ЫJohn LozierЮ2џˆЂчЄчlІ@УEd BroesxU(Ю2џŠІчЈч`mЦ€ШBernice Roseboomџ‰ЊчЌчmІ@Я‡ЯNorman BachanasџŒЎчАчВч`nІЪYFrederick Arthur Ro–РчТчnЦ€Ы„ЫIda TiffanyЮ2џФчЦч`oІ€ Ф Don Roseboom2џšШчЪчoЦЫ†ЫAlice PlattЮ2џ<ЬчЮчŽ ы І€ШCarlton Roseboomџ<tбчгчы ЦŽFŽHelen ThompsonџSUжчичы ІŽFŽMiles RoseboomџrŒлчнчъ pЦŽFŽJulia RoseboomџŠрчтчpІ@MMHarley Dunbarџ„фчцчpqІ@MMDonald DunbarџшчqЦ@ŽGŽSheila Hollandџ†ъчьчprЦ Ц Wanda Dunbar2џючrІРŽEŽJohn HeffernanџtЁ№чђчєчъ sІ€гШ‘Carlton Roseboom IIјчzЈшшsЦРЩLorraine RenshawџvГшшъ tІРMMLeon Roseboomџ шtЦ@ŽGŽMarion Emersonџw‹ шшъ І€ШMaurice Roseboomџ{шшъ uЦРMMAlma RoseboomџtшшuІ Ц James Strong2џ[Бшшы vwІРMMDorr Roseboomџa†ш!шvЦРЩGertrude Van Wieџ[Џ$ш&шxwЦ@ŽGŽBertha Sillmanџ)шxІ€Ы„Ыxxx GrangerЮ2џv˜+ш.шvyЦ€ Ф Una Roseboom2џlЎ@шCшyІ@ЪGeorge B. GravesџGш2 y’вTшVшgшOшQшvzЦРMMVera RoseboomџZшzhшkшzІ€HK’Michael J. Usalatznш€шz{ЦР…ˆЯJean A. Usalatzџ„шшz|Ц@ŽGŽEvelyn Usalatzџ‘шш~{}І@Ы‡ЫDonald AmesЮ2џ ш‚ ЪЋш­ш~ІР‰ЬFranklin J. AmesџАшBv’аФшЦшфшРшТш€~Ц Ц Sarah Barker2џЩшхш~ІЦ MRoger W. Amesџшш№шђш|І€HK’Raymond G. Preston,ѕш~щщv‚І@Я‡ЯLeland Roseboomџщ щщщ‚Ц@УгM. Elizabeth Grimesщ•щщщ‚ƒІ@‡ЯLeland Roseboom, Jr˜щ щƒЦР Х Jean Hathazy2џ"щ{ІŠFŠBryan Ames(Ю2џГ$щ&щƒІŽFŽPeter RoseboomџЕ(щ*щƒІ€ШMichael Roseboomџ–,щ.щ‚„ЦŽFŽCarol Roseboomџ—0щ2щ„І@C‹ЯR. Michael Amosџ5щЋ@щBщ„…ЦŠFŠRobin Amos(Ю2џЋDщFщ…ІРЫ…ЫPaul WalkerЮ2џIщСMщOщ…Ц Ц Amber Walker2џ­QщSщ„Ц€ Ш Cynthia Amos2џЏUщWщ„ІŠFŠRandy Amos(Ю2џ›Yщ[щ‚†Ц€ Ф Sue Roseboom2џ›]щ_щ†І@Ы‡ЫStuart HuntЮ2џbщЕfщhщ†Ц€ Ш Deborah Hunt2џИjщlщ†ІŽJŽNathanael HuntџЙnщpщ†Ц€ФJoy HuntxU(Ю2џМ€щ‚щ†І€ Ш Phillip Hunt2џž„щ†щ‚‡ІРMMGary RoseboomџœˆщŠщ‡ЦРŽEŽJudy FrederickџЕŒщŽщ‡ЦŽFŽLaura RoseboomџЗщ’щ‡Ц’J’Elizabeth RoseboomЙ”щ–щ‡ІРMMAdam RoseboomџЃ˜щšщ‚ˆІŽFŽDavid RoseboomџЅщŸщˆЦ Ц Susan Rhodes2џМЁщЃщˆІРMMLuke RoseboomџПЅщЇщˆЦŽFŽMegan Roseboomџ?ЉщЋщЎщU‰І€H‹гCharles S. RoseboomВщMРщТщ‰Ц@QQJennie McClintockџmjТЭщащђщХщЧщЪщ‰ŠІ€H‹гWilliam G. RoseboomгщvъъŠЦ@Я‡ЯJennie MorrisonџъŒ”ъъŠЦ€ШMarilyn RoseboomџъъъŠ‹ŒІ€ШбGarrett Roseboom IIъГъ ъ‹ЦРХJean xxxxU(Ю2џ#ъ'ъŒЦ€QQPhyllis Frederickџ—)ъ,ъŠІŽFŽAllyn Roseboomџ/ъš@ъBъЦ Ц Sally Manzer2џœ­TъDъGъŠІЦ QDavid O. RoseboomџKъiБUъXъ‰ŽЦР…ШEmma M. Roseboomџ^ъB…Њ Є…ъfъiъŽІ€HK’Richard G. BentleynъAƒ†ъˆъŠъUІЦ UMiles Arthur RoseboFuъъЦЦJulia Southworthџl’ъ”ъT‘ЦJ’Sarah Ann Roseboomc—ъ™ъœъ’‘І€UWilliam Rufus Bentl:ŸъЁъTЦРJ’Mary Jane RoseboomЃъЅъT“Ц€ШBrachie RoseboomџaЇъЉъ“І€ЯˆЯWilliam Howlandџ­ъ#rРъТъT”•І@Я‡ЯHorace Roseboomџ(>ХъЧъ”Ц@Я‡ЯHannah Spaffordџ)xЪъЬъ•ЦРIILana DanaxU(Ю2џЯъ”–ЦРJ’Mary Jane Roseboomбъ–ІРŽIŽSchuyler BorstџA”гъеъ•—Ц€ШAnnette Roseboomџиъ—І€ЯˆЯMichael ConnellџOЄкъмъ•˜ІРQ QBenjamin RoseboomџOЊпътъ ˜Ц Ц Belle Holmes2џiУцъшъ˜™І@’‡PHorace Roseboom IIpРыъэъ™Ц€ЯˆЯEthelyn Hubbardџ№ъTšЦРQ QJesinthe RoseboomџѓъыыыšІUAaron Webster BentlыšЦMMSarah Bentleyџ‡ы ы™›ЦРQ QWinifred Roseboomџ€ ыы›ІЦSteve Buckinghamџˆыы™œЦŽFŽEmily Roseboomџ„ыыœІ@ŽGŽJoseph LongtonџŠыы™ЦРMMJoan RoseboomџŒыыІ@ЧRobert Wilkinsonџ ы"ы™žІРQ QLawrence Roseboomџ•$ы&ыžЦŽJŽElizabeth Ballџ(ыžЦŽFŽTracy Roseboomџ*ыžІРQ QBenjamin Roseboomџ’,ы.ы™ŸІ€ШHerbert Roseboomџ˜0ы2ыŸЦ€ Ш Lucille Ball2џkМ@ыBы˜ Ц€ШGeorgia Roseboomџm­EыGы І@J’H. Thomas WilliamsmОJыLы˜І@Я‡ЯHoward RoseboomџsOыQы˜ЁЦ@Я‡ЯMarion RoseboomџTыrЏXыZыЂЁІ€MMEverett KinchџY]ы_ы•ЃЄІQFPeter Roseboom IIџaыЃЦŽFŽBelle Van ZantџcыЄЦIIPearl xxxxU(Ю2џњPeыgыЅ’І@ŽGŽRussel Bentleyџkы§ €ы‚ы„ы’ЦРЩбCaroline Webster Shˆыаы“ыŒыŽыЅІ@ŽGŽThomas Bentleyџв”ы–ыЅЦ€MMBarbara Vaugnџч™ы›ыЅЦQ QElizabeth Bentleyџэ<ыŸыЅІІMMRufus Bentleyџю3ЂыЄыІЦ@ЧEsther DickinsonџђЇыЉыЅЇЦMMMarcy BentleyџЌыАыЇІ@ŽGŽSamuel WheelerџГыј3РыТыФыЅЈІ@гGŽThomas Bentley, Jr.њ-ШыЪыЈЦ€ШPauline CrawfordџўFЭыЯыЅЉІ€ЯˆЯWilliam BentleyџгыџAзыйыЉЦ€ŽHŽBrachie DumontџныѕсыуыЅЊЦ€Ы„ЫAmy BentleyЮ2џхыЊІMMAaron Websterџ VчыщыЅЦ€ЯˆЯBarbara BentleyџwьыюыЉЋІ€HK’William H. Bentleyђы)}ььЋЦ@Я‡ЯPhoebe CummingsџьJ ь ьЋЌІ@ QWiliam B. BentleyџJƒььЌЦŽFŽSusie Prescottџf†ьььЌ­І€ШбWilliam Prescott Beьь­ЦMMLeila Dicksonџ"ьi­>ь&ь)ьЌŽІ@ QHarold J. Bentleyџ/ь‡@ьBьEьŽЦЪЭMillicent A. BentleHь‰UьWьYьŽІ€ФЭTh. Prescott Bentle\ьŒП”ьlьnьqьŽЎІ YGranville Charles Bvь"•ь—ьЉЏЦРЩMargaret Bentleyџ&H™ь›ьЏІ@MMWilbur MosierџžьЏІ€ŠDŠLee Mosier(Ю2џ ьЏАЦРЫ…ЫElla MosierЮ2џŠЂьЄьАІ€MMArzello SisumџІьАБІ@ Ч Ernest Sisum2џЈьБЦР Щ Gertrude xxx2џЊьБЦ@ Ч Vivian Sisum2џЌьБВІ@ Ч Ernest Sisum2џЏьРьВЦРХCora xxxxU(Ю2џ’ТьФьЏДГЦ@MMMarian MosierџЦьГІ@ŽGŽGeorge CrockerџШьДІ€MMErskine AckerџhЪьЬьГЖЗЕЦР Х Leta Crocker2џЮьЕІMMFloyd BaldwinџаьЖІ@’G’George NesselrotteвьЗІЫ†ЫAlvin BraunЮ2џ{дьжьЕІ@ŽGŽNorman Baldwinџ}йьльЕИЦ@ŽGŽMarian BaldwinџньИІ@ Ч Steven Braun2џŽпьсьЗЦРŠEŠMyrl Braun(Ю2џуьхьЁЙІ@ Ч Ronald Kinch2џ•чьщьЙЦ Ц Helen Shalor2џЋыьэьЙЦ@ Ч Cherie Kinch2џЌяьёьЙЦ@ Ч Connie Kinch2џЏээЙЦРŽIŽChristie Kinchџ™ээЁКЦ€MMCynthia Kinchџ”э э•КІ@G QWalter Jay PalmerџH˜э ээЛЂІ€MMCharles KinchџэLээЂЦ@ Ч Fannie Allen2џ"fэ эЛІЫ†ЫTomas KinchЮ2џ#c"э$эЛЦРIIJane ClesxU(Ю2џBg'э)эЛМЦ@ Ч Louise Kinch2џ,эМІ€MMCharles Boyceџ.эЛНІ†ЫTomas Kinch, Jr.џ0эНЦЫ†ЫBelle LynesЮ2џS˜@эBэЛОЦ@ Ч Lillie Kinch2џNEэGэОІ@C‹гG. Delevan WhitemanŠЩIэKэЎЦРЯ‰ЯWinifred BaileyџOэТЮeэfэ_эaэcэU Ц@ЮJoanna Marian ButleтiэkэР*І€QQWilliam Vermilyeaџmэ*Ц Ц Phebe Husted2џјsэoэqэСРІ€QQAbraham Vermilyeaџ€эРЦM MMehitable xxxџ‚эТСІРMMJohn Vermilyeџ„эСЦЫ†ЫSarah OdellЮ2џ` Šэ†эˆэУТІРQ QJohannes VermilyeџsЦŒэŽэТЦ@ŽGŽAeltje WaldronџAŒ•э‘э“эФУІŽFŽIsaac Vermilyeџ—э™эУЦРЯ‰ЯJacomina JacobsџŸэ›ээФІРMMJean Vermilyeџ эФЦMMMarie RoubleyџЂэrЦР Х Kari Shufelt2џ‚ц* )ЉэЋэЕэЄэЇэХ| І€ШFrancis BoughtonџЎэ)РэТэХІ@Я‡ЯJoseph BoughtonџФэ| Ц@ Ч Esther Stowe2џъљЭэаэЧэЩэЫэ| І€UШFrancis Boughton, Jтњ%еэзэбэгэ| ІŽFŽJames Boughtonџйэ:ћRфэѕэрэтэ| ЦІ€ШElliard BoughtonџшэюЦЦРЯ‰ЯRuthalia Merwinџю*§Iюю ю ю| ЧІŽFŽClark Boughtonџю!юююЧЦŠFŠJulia Hyde(Ю2џ#ю: /1ю4ю+ю-ю/ю| ШЦРE‹гMary Maria Boughton6юNIюKюYюEюGюШІ@ QJoseph B. WhitmanџMю*(^юZю\ю| ЩЦ€ШRebecca BoughtonџaюeюЩІŠFŠAnsel Hoyt(Ю2џhювZsюoюqю| ЪЦРMMAnna Boughtonџvю€юЪІ€Ы„ЫIra HubbardЮ2џ ˆю‚ю„ю†ю| І€UШFrancis Boughton, JТ <юю‰ю‹ю| ЫЦ’J’Theodocia BoughtonюЫІРMMJohn St. Johnџ L–ю’ю”ю| ЬЦ’J’Elizabeth Boughton™ю=юŸюЬІРQ QChauncey St. JohnџЂюІюЦІ€ШFrancis BoughtonџЈюЦІ@Я‡ЯJoseph BoughtonџЊюЦЦРQ QRuthalia BoughtonџЌюЦЦŽFŽDelia BoughtonџЎюЧЦРХ QMary Ann BoughtonџАюЧЦ€ШMarilla BoughtonџРюЧЦŽFŽSally Boughtonџ\ЦюТюФюШЭЮІ€HK’Francis B. WhitmanЩюбюЭЦMMDolly TwedellџдюиюЮЦ@ŽGŽLouisa WintersџлюуюпюсюШЯЦРХЩMary Ann Whitmanџхю]ёюэюяюЯІЫ†ЫOscar LewisЮ2џѓюFяяяяШаЦР Х Lucy Whitman2џ яGя яяаІР‰L’Theodore B. Witsilяr!яяяяШбЦЪЭElizabeth B. Whitma#я(ябІР…HŽEnos C. Andrusџ+я!4я/я2яШвЦ@ QE. Olivia Whitmanџ8я@яBявІЪЭCornelius C. CornisEя#UяOяQяSяШгІ@ QJoseph B. Whitman, Wя_ягЦ€ŽHŽHarriet Maloryџbя%ZjяlяfяhяШдЦЦЩJulia F. WhitmanџnяF€я‚ядІ Ц Almon Oliver2џ…я(U‘я“яяяШеЦ@ŽGŽJoanna Whitmanџ•я™яеІ€ŽHŽWilliam Laveryџœя3Єя яЂяЭІ@ŽGŽAlfred Whitmanџ5ЉяЅяЇяЭІ@ŽGŽLorant Whitmanџ8ЎяЊяЌяЭІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Whitmanџ;ГяЏяБяЭІ@ŽGŽJoseph Whitmanџ=ФяРяТяЭІ€ЯˆЯCharles Whitmanџ?ЬяЦяШяЪяЮІ€HKRFrancis B. Whitman,AбяЭяЯяЮЦ@ŽGŽLizzie WhitmanџHжявядяЮЦ€ЯˆЯAdaline WhitmanџJлязяйяЮЦР Х Rosa Whitman2џKрямяояЮЦ@ŽGŽJennie WhitmanџŠ 3чятяфяЯжІ@ŠЯEdward M. Lewisџщя№жЦ@Я‡ЯLizzie Hollowayџђ6№№№ЯзЦЦIŽPluma A. Lewisџ№№зІ€H QCharles H. Strongџ№29%№!№#№ЯЦР…MMary E. Lewisџ'№;5№/№1№3№ЯІ@ ŽгMandeville F. Lewis7№MF№B№D№жІ@ŠЯWarren E. LewisџU\K№G№I№жЦ€DЧ Ida M. Lewis2џN№MMV№X№R№T№зЦ@ЪMinnie R. StrongџN]№Y№[№зЦ@ЪCarrie R. StrongџSb№^№`№зЦРХ‰ЯEdna May Strongџ0g№c№e№аЦ@MMLorena Witsilџ2m№i№k№аІРЯ‰ЯLeonidas Witsilџ5s№o№q№аЦРЫ…ЫLucy WitsilЮ2џ6„№€№‚№аІР…HŽJohn K. Witsilџ7‰№…№‡№аЦ€ŽHŽHarriet Witsilџ8№‹№№аІРЯ‰ЯTheodore Witsilџ8”№№’№аЦРE QMary Maria Witsilџ27œ№–№˜№š№биІ€HURoderic Kinney Andrž№Ђ№иЦЪM’Catherine E. WeberЅ№‚ :Џ№Љ№Ћ№­№бйІ@ЮNewell Parker AndruБ№Р№йЦ Ц Avica Denton2џУ№Z=Ю№Ш№Ъ№Ь№бЦ†P–Helen Josephine Andа№* ?т№м№о№р№бІ€Ш‘зFrancis Boughton Anф№ Pя№щ№ы№э№иЦЮEdith Stanley AndruТQі№№№ђ№є№иЦŠP–Elizabeth Helen And [ёёёёйІ@ЮNewell Denton Andru7ё ёвІQ QMansfield Cornishџ9 ё ёвЦЦЩPluma A. Cornishџ;ёёвІ€ЯˆЯCharles Cornishџ>ёёвІQ QFrancisco CornishџGёёвІ@ŽGŽRobert Cornishџ9ёёгЦ@ QEsther H. Whitmanџ< ё"ёгЦР Х Emma Whitman2џA$ё&ёгЦР…ˆЯMary E. WhitmanџF(ё*ёгІ@ QEdward L. WhitmanџI,ё.ёгЦ€ЯˆЯHarriet Whitmanџ=0ё2ёдЦ Ц Emily Oliver2џ?@ёBёдІ€ŽHŽFrancis OliverџADёFёдЦЦ‰ЯClara O. Oliverџ@HёJёдІ€H QWilliam C. OliverџCLёNёдІ@MMEugene OliverџFQёSёдЦ Ц Annie Oliver2џ?UёWёеІЪFrederick LaveryџAYё[ёеЦЦ‰ЯJulia O. LaveryџL]ё_ёеІ€ŽHŽWilliam LaveryџaёЩкЦР…ЬMary Esther HoytџcёкІ€ŠDŠxxx Bishop(Ю2џeёЩлІ€ Ш William Hoyt2џgёлЦ@ QOlivia D. CornishџiёЩІ€ Ш Sanford Hoyt2џkёЩІРM MBoughton HoytџmёЩІ@Ы‡ЫOromal HoytЮ2џpёЪІMMAbner Hubbardџ€ёЪЦР Х Mary Hubbard2џ‚ёЪІMMLewis Hubbardџ„ёЪЦ€Ы„ЫAnn HubbardЮ2џ†ёЪІР Х Dana Hubbard2џ‰ё ЦРM MGertrude ColeџŒёвS—ё‘ё“ё•ё І@Ч UJoseph Henry Boughtj?žё˜ёšёœё} мнІ@ŠгElisha B. VanDeusen ёЅёмЦ@MMOlivia FosterџЇёнЦРEK’Mary Effie DanielsŠ@ЏёБёЉёЋё­ё} ІŽзJames Leander VanDeГё BЦёРёТёФё} ЦFЯElsie Blackman VanDШёCвёЬёЮёаё} ІFЫHenry More VanDeuseдёGмёиёкё} ІЯ†ЯOlney VanDeusenџоёчёуёхё~ оІ@J’Howard L. Boughtonщё№ёоЦ€ŽHŽAnnette Palmerџѓёђђђ~ І@Я‡ЯGeorge Boughtonџђђ ђ ђ~ Ц@Я‡ЯNellie Boughtonџђђђ~ Ц@Я‡ЯLillie Boughtonџђђђ~ Ц€ Ф May Boughton2џђђђ~ ІŽFŽFrank Boughtonџ8ђ!ђ€ ІР…ˆЯJohn L. Bloomerџ$ђ*CZF0ђ*ђ,ђ.ђ Ц@GзNellie Asenith Boug4ђ GJKGђ@ђBђDђ І†ЬDavid Louis BoughtoКINђHђJђLђ Ц@Ч ULibbie Maria BoughtPђYђ‚ Ц@Ы‡ЫAlbina GaleЮ2џ\ђdђ‚ Ц@Ы‡ЫNellie GaleЮ2џšш:0mђ‚ђfђhђjђХпрІ@‡ЯJoseph Boughton, Jroђфz&ˆђƒђ…ђпЦ@MMJennet GuffinџŠђТ0›ђ—ђ™ђрЦЫ†ЫSarah BatesЮ2џђšћŠWЉђЛђЅђЇђрстІŽFŽJames BoughtonџЌђB§7ХђРђТђсЦЯŠЯCharlotte LockeџШђjўгђЯђбђруІ€ШFrancis BoughtonџеђлђуЦ€ФAmy HallxU(Ю2џbсђнђпђрфІ@Я‡ЯAndrew BoughtonџуђшђфЦ@MMLucena Rogersџ‚юђъђьђрхцІ@Я‡ЯJoseph BoughtonџяђцЦР Х Mary Burnett2џѓхЦЪCatherine Steverџѓ ѓѓ ѓрчЦРMMMary BoughtonџѓѓчІ@Я‡ЯJoseph PhillipsџZѓѓѓршщЦ’J’Elizabeth Boughtonѓ!ѓшІРMMJohn Fergusonџ#ѓщІ@ŽGŽDaniel Burgessџђ %ѓ'ѓръЦŽFŽSarah Boughtonџ*ѓ/ѓъІ’J’Archibald Garrisonњ Dѓ@ѓBѓрыЦŽFŽJanet BoughtonџFѓLѓыІРЫ…ЫJohn BeckerЮ2џNѓьтЦIIMaria xxxxU(Ю2џQѓUѓьІ€Ч„Чxxx DowџxU(Ю2џ ]ѓWѓYѓ[ѓсэІ@Ч UJoseph Clark Bought_ѓcѓeѓэЦ€ЮHarriet Agnes WilkihѓBNrѓtѓlѓnѓpѓсюЦ€ШYHarriet Angelica BovѓjS€ѓ‚ѓюІ€MMWilliam Bradtџ20‰ѓ…ѓ‡ѓюяІ@ЧM’Joseph Clark Bradt‹ѓ‘ѓяЦ€H QFrances L. Kenyonџ”ѓšѓяЦ€IIMay BradtxU(Ю2џœѓяЦ€DЧ Fay M. Bradt2џžѓяІ€MMRaymond Bradtџ ѓяЦРŠEŠEdna Bradt(Ю2џЂѓяЦРŠEŠLucy Bradt(Ю2џ*4ЉѓЅѓЇѓю№Ц€MMEvelina BradtџЋѓРѓ№І’J’Alexander McMillenУѓrIЮѓЪѓЬѓ№І€ШWilliam McMillenџ;гѓнѓЯѓбѓюёІ@ŠЯGurdon E. BradtџеѓтѓоѓрѓёЦР…MEmma D. BurnsџчѓуѓхѓёІЫ†ЫFloyd BradtЮ2џЪ ?ьѓшѓъѓюђЦЦIŽHelen A. BradtџюѓєђІР Х A.N. Goodell2џєє єєєсЦРE‹гJane Eliza Boughton‚ Оєєєє0 І@J’Collin W. Jenningsђ™$єєєє2 ЦР‰ŒгPatricia E. Robbins єк­+є%є'є)є2 І@GзBlaine Richard Jenn В2є,є.є0є2 ІN–Scott William Jenniк~т­@єBє3 І@J’Alfred G. JenningsFє"|JєLєNєѓ3 ЦЪUElizabeth Muriel BaQєк–UєWєYє3 єЦРI“лPatricia Elizabeth \є`єєІРЩBenjamin Nicholsџcєв БmєgєiєkєєЦŠзElizabeth Susan NicjДtєnєpєrєєЦ€ˆŒгJessica Amy Nichols:›€є‚є„є3 ѕІ€Ш UDouglas Bard Jennin‡є‹єѕЦРŠEŠMary Wolfe(Ю2џŽєК|’є”є–єѓіІ€HгMalcolm Mackey Bard™єžє єіЦРЩЭVirginia May SwansoЃєr–ЈєЊєіїЦ€Ш QCarolyn June BardџХЌєЎєїІ€QQStanley ZielinskiџJБДєАєВєїЦЯ†ЯCarla ZielinskiџBЕРєТєїЦЯ†ЯLaura Zielinskiџ‚šФєЦєіЦ€ˆЬCynthia Mae Bardџ:cШєЪєЬєјѓЦ†P–Emily Elizabeth MacЯєB`ŒгєеєѓІ†ЬTracy Starr Bardџйє"_нєпєјљІ@ЪSidney J. MackeyџтєљЦЫ†ЫAlice SwartЮ2џ’lфєцєјњЦ Ц Pearl Mackey2џщєšdГэєяєњІMMHenry Haskinsџѓєв~ѕѕљІРЯ‰ЯLawrence MackeyџrJѕѕћјІ@ЪAustin C. Mackeyџ ѕѕјЦ@ŠЯBertie E. WhiteџѕЪ<ѕѕћІР‰L’Benjamin E. MackeyК AѕѕћќІ€H QCorning E. MackeyџЪGѕ ѕќЦЯŠЯElizabeth Nilesџ"ѕќ§Ц€ŽHŽLillian Mackeyџ$ѕ§І€ЫˆЫStephen JoyЮ2џ&ѕќўІ Ц Niles Mackey2џ(ѕўЦ@ Ч Jennie Baker2џ*ѕќЦ Ц Linda Mackey2џ,ѕІ€QQRaymond Pembertonџ‚ >.ѕ0ѕћЦРЯ‰ЯRoxyline Mackeyџ3ѕВ 6@ѕBѕІ@MMEphram SnyderџEѕJѕІ€ŽHŽStanley SnyderџLѕЦЯ†ЯAlice LounsburyџNѕЦЦ‰ЯEllen M. SnyderџPѕІMMPerry LobdellџRѕІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin SnyderџTѕVѕЦгŠгMillicent SpauldingXѕІ Ц James Snyder2џZѕЦ@Я‡ЯNellie Richmondџђ 9\ѕ^ѕ`ѕћЦРEUMary Elizabeth MackcѕiѕІ@ Ч Joseph White2џlѕ7B„€ѕ‚ѕћЦРЯ‰ЯSamantha Mackeyџ†ѕ‹ѕІРŽIŽMinthorn SmithџŽѕ–ѕЦ@ Ч Minnie Smith2џ™ѕ ѕІ@ Ч George Pratt2џЃѕЇѕ ІЫ†ЫManly SmithЮ2џЊѕЎѕІ@ Ч Mackey Smith2џАѕ Ц@MMMyrtle MackeyџГѕРѕ ІРŠEŠJohn Smith(Ю2џУѕЧѕ ЦРЩAdelaide IngallsџЪѕR jmжѕЮѕаѕвѕ ћІЮJames Clinton MackeзѕйѕлѕћЦ UElizabeth Ann Giffo" :Hнѕпѕ   І€ŽHŽAlanson Mackeyџуѕ2 в fьѕшѕъѕ Ц Ц Sarah Mackey2џŠ Ђ aюѕ№ѕ ЦРЯ‰ЯPrudence MackeyџєѕЂ*Yііі ЦЪCatherine Mackeyџ:’Rі і І€ŠDŠEli Mackey(Ю2џRT іі Ц€ŽHŽAbigail Mackeyџіz*Iііі І вAlexander Tuthill M іŠ!I$і&і ЦРХ‰ЯMary Ann MackeyџЂѕК5)і+і-і ІРЩгBenjamin Eli Mackey1іЊјjADі@іBі Ц€ŽHŽAbigail KelseyџтB "FіHіІ€ŽHŽWilliam MackeyџLіb/\і^іІ@Q QMontgomery MackeyџТВgі`іbіdіІгЪ‘Alexander Mackey IIiіЬr€і‚іЦРЩThankful TuthillџяЊ#…і‡іЦЪElizabeth MackeyџŠіЂф*3–і˜іЌіі’і”іІЪбAlexander Mackey IIšіJ.­іЏіЦ@MMHannah MackeyџВі‚чК9РіТіЦ Ц Polly Mackey2џЦіš(ЫіЭіІ€H QSolomon S. Mackeyџаі‚ь’ еізіІ Ц James Mackey2џлівуіхі ЦЪCatherine MackeyџшіііэіІЪAlexander Mackeyџ№іїЦЯŠЯRemerigal QuickџВщr9їїїїЦQ QElizabeth Woolseyџ їЦ@Ы‡ЫBetsey CaseЮ2џ їІРŠEŠJohn Baker(Ю2џjпЂ 1 їїІ€ЯˆЯEliphas Kilburnџїї!ЦŽFŽNaomi Jenningsџї#"І@ŽGŽJoseph Elsburgџї ІЯŠЯWhitehead SmithџяКїїІ@ŽGŽNathan Tuthillџ"ї"ЦЪCharlotte Mackeyџ$їІ Ц Jonas Kelsey2џ&їЦMMSarah WoolseyџТюкD(ї*ї!ЦРMMAnne Jenningsџ.їJИ@ї!ЦŽFŽSally JenningsџCїGїЦРЫ…ЫMary MackeyЮ2џIї$Ц Ц Laura Mackey2џLїЂїLPїRї%І€ŽHŽBethuel ReevesџUї$ІMMPeter ElsburgџWї$ІMMAlvin ElsburgџYї$Ц€ЯˆЯHarriet Elsburgџ[ї$І@ŽGŽHannas Elsburgџ]ї&ЦРЫ…ЫElma MackeyЮ2џТ§кL_їaї%Ц Ц Nancy Mackey2џeїjї'ІРЯ‰ЯBenjamin Mackeyџmї€ї'Ц@ Ч Betsey Brant2џ2њjH‚ї„ї(І€H QWilliam H. Mackeyџˆїї#$І@ŽGŽMartin Elsburgџ‘ї#&ІMMMance Elsburgџjџ“ї•ї)І Ц Silas Mackey2џ˜їт џ" :œїžї)Ц@ŠGŠBetsey Lee(Ю2џ‚њ RЁїЃї*ІЪAlexander Mackeyџz2PІїЈї*ЦРЯ‰ЯClarissa ElliotџbjLЋї­ї+І@ЪDaniel A. MackeyџБїJ Ъ YРїТї+ЦРŠEŠMary Wicks(Ю2џ MХїЧї,ЦРЫ…ЫMary MackeyЮ2џЫї:J9аївї,І€ШWilliam Lawrenceџжїњ фїцї-Ц€ŽHŽCecilia Mackeyџщї:тKюї№ї-І@ЧElisha Lounsburgџъ jPјј.І@ЪWillet I. MackeyџјšZјј.Ц@Ы‡ЫBetsey DeanЮ2џzz.јј/Ц Ц Eliza Mackey2џј/ІРŠEŠOrin Wicks(Ю2џЂЂ'%јјјЦ@MMHannah Mackeyџ ј&јЦЫ†ЫPolly BakerЮ2џ(јІ€MMWilliam Bakerџ+ј@јІР… QAlex Mackey BakerџBјЦ@ŽGŽHannah KilburnџEјLј0Ц@ŽGŽSalley KilburnџNј0ІЫ†ЫAbram BlankЮ2џВ J PјRј1ЦMMPolly KilburnџVј[ј1І@ŠЯElijah C. Baconџ В]ј_ј2І€Ы„ЫAsa KilburnЮ2џcјhј2Ц@ЧHannah DevereauxџjјІ@ŽGŽMackey Kilburnџmј€ј3Ц@MMHannah Mackeyџ‚ј3І@ŽGŽWilton Sillockџ„ј4І@MMDaniel Mackeyџ†ј4ЦŠFŠPolly King(Ю2џˆј5ЦРЫ…ЫAnne MackeyЮ2џŠј5І@Ы‡ЫLjenus PeckЮ2џŒј6Ц Ц Naomi Mackey2џŽј6ІР Х Ezra Sillock2џј7Ц Ц Sarah Mackey2џ“ј7ІЫ†ЫDavid LoseeЮ2џ•ј8ЦРЯ‰ЯThankful Mackeyџ˜јœј8І€ Ш Erastus Case2џŸјЃј9ІЪWhitehead MackeyџЅј9ЦРŽIŽRosannah HagerџЇј:ЦРЫ…ЫMary MackeyЮ2џЉј:І@Ы‡ЫNelson BumpЮ2џЋј;І€ŽHŽSolomon Mackeyџ­ј;ЦŠFŠEliza Case(Ю2џЏј<ІЦ‰ЯJames G. MackeyџРј<ЦЪCatherine Maticeџ ЪKТјФј=І€H QSolomon S. Mackeyџъ^ЧјЩј=Ц€ЯˆЯCynthia DicksonџЫјЭј>Ц Ц Sally Mackey2џЯј>ІРIIJohn HallxU(Ю2џbбјгј@ІРЯ‰ЯEbenezer Mackeyџеј@Ц@ŽGŽRachel BarkmanџВ j`нјзјйјABЦРE QAnna Maria MackeyџојAІ@ŽGŽJessie SammonsџрјBІРE‹ЯJohn Clark Deanџ‚ тјфјцјCІЦгJames Bennet MackeyщјCЦРŽEŽMary Dickensenџьј №јђјDІ@Q QMontgomery MackeyџљDЦЫ†ЫElsie AveryЮ2џB 2 eљљEЦ@MMHannah MackeyџК Dљ љEІ€MMWilliam Mabieџ љ FЦЫ†ЫPolly SmithЮ2џљљFІ€ŠDŠxxx Hopper(Ю2џљ GЦ@ Ч Betsey Smith2џљљGІ€IIxxx ButtexU(Ю2џљ HЦЫ†ЫAbbie SmithЮ2џ"љ&љHІ€IIxxx QuailxU(Ю2џ(љIІ@ŽGŽDaniel Tuthillџ*љIЦ@QQSalley Parringtonџ-љ@љJІ€ЯˆЯWilliam TuthillџBљJЦ@Ы‡ЫBetsey PaceЮ2џDљKЦMMEliza TuthillџGљLљKІЫ†ЫAbiah WhiteЮ2џNљЦ€ЯˆЯDeborah TuthillџQљVљІ€ЯˆЯKilburn TuthillџYљLІ€Ы„ЫEli TuthillЮ2џ[љLЦРIIAlma FordxU(Ю2џ]љMІ@ŽGŽNathan Tuthillџ ђa_љaљMЦ€’H’Miranda ParringtoneљlљiљNЦ@MMBahama MackeyџmљNІ€Ы„Ыxxx CrockerЮ2џoљOІ Ц Amasa Mackey2џ€љOЦРЫ…ЫLucy BarnesЮ2џ‚љPІЪJefferson Mackeyџ„љPЦРЯ‰ЯClarissa Potterџ2 †љˆљ ЦŠЯSarah Ann Jonesџ :GŠљŒљ Ц Ц Susan Tanner2џ Z“љљ‘љQІMMIsaac Larawayџ—љŸљQІ€ЯˆЯAbraham LarawayџЁљQЦQ QCatherine Geletteџš *[ЃљЅљІ@ЧHorace DevereauxџЂџЪ[ЌљЈљЊљІŠFŠHenry Mott(Ю2џАљ*кcбљРљТљЦРЯ‰ЯRoxyline FrayerџЦљrТMвљдљІРЫ…ЫEarl MosherЮ2џBJkзљйљЦ€ŽHŽDeborah PalmerџмљІŽFŽLewis Tompkinsџољ RІ@MMAlbert MackeyџрљRЦ@MMBetsey Snyderџтљ І Ц Lewis Mackey2џхљэљщљыљ ЦЪSarah Ann Mackeyџяљš+В pњњ SІ@MMHorace MackeyџњњSЦ@MMAlmira Mackeyџњњ І€ŠDŠIra Mackey(Ю2џњj!њ#њTUІMMIsaac Larawayџ&њRF*њ,њTЦ@ЧHannah Robertsonџ.њVUЦРЩCasselda Newkirkџ0њVІ€IIxxx SpearxU(Ю2џB!B j@њBњDњWІ@UNelson Mackey LarawHњLњWЦРŽEŽMary GillilandџZ(NњPњXЦРЩMarietta LarawayџSњWњXІЯ†ЯJames WhiteheadџZ(ЪnYњ[њYЦ€ЯˆЯHarriet Larawayџ_њъ&fhњjњYІЦM’James Arnold SmithR*zQmњoњІ€ЯˆЯAbraham LarawayџsњB-€њ‚њ„њZІЪбAlexander Mackey La†њZЦЫ†ЫSarah SmithЮ2џb/ @ˆњŠњЦ€ЯˆЯDeborah LarawayџŽњ*2œњžњ[\І@ŽGŽLuther Larawayџ њ[Ц€MMMay SchofieldџЃњЇњ\]ЦРХElla xxxxU(Ю2џЉњ]І€ŠDŠxxx Slocum(Ю2џ‚4Ћњ­њ^_ЦMMSarah LarawayџАњ2PЦњРњТњФњ^І€UElliack Smith NewkiŠiЧњЩњЫњ_І€ШгStephen Head Farnam *ЭњЯњ`ЦРŽEŽMary Devereauxџвњ:1JpкњмњabІЯ†ЯJames DevereauxџрњjKыњэњaЦ€ŠDŠIda Mucham(Ю2џ№њR5ћћbЦРIILena PostxU(Ю2џ‚.ћћЦ@Ы‡ЫAmenda MottЮ2џ:,j 0ћ ћЦ€ Ш Lucinda Mott2џв+ ћћІŠFŠAnson Mott(Ю2џ: 0KћћcЦ@Ы‡ЫAlmira MottЮ2џ 1fћћcІЦIŽJacob A. Knappџj3ћћІ@Ы‡ЫLucius MottЮ2џ* 6 ћ"ћІŠFŠEdwin Mott(Ю2џ ;$ћ&ћІ@Ы‡ЫDelwin MottЮ2џ)ћ‚-ъ M2ћ.ћ0ћdЦ€ŽHŽHarriet Mackeyџ",Dћ@ћBћdІЫ†ЫHomer SayreЮ2џFћr/JћLћeЦ€ŽHŽSabrina MackeyџOћš+TћVћeІР‰L’Rothamer L. TurnerXћeЦРЫ…ЫCora TurnerЮ2џ[ћ_ћeЦ€ŽHŽFlossie Turnerџв1jcaћcћfІ@MMGeorge Mackeyџgћт3kћmћfЦЯ†ЯHelen DelamaterџToћqћfІ€ŽHŽVictory MackeyџtћjZ€ћ‚ћfІРЫ…ЫAlex MackeyЮ2џ…ћR2Z‚ŠћŒћghІ Ц Spoor Mackey2џћ•ћgЦЦ MEllen C. Kentџj F—ћ™ћihЦЫ†ЫEdith CleggЮ2џ›ћiІ€ Ф xxx Marshall2џв SšhћŸћgІ@‡L’Alonzo Kent Mackey2UЂћЄћІћgІ@ЮEdward Morgan MackeB4ЎћЈћЊћЌћjЦ€ЮAnn Elizabeth MackeАћjІ€MMWilliam Whiteџ* ;‹РћТћkЦ€ŽHŽLucinda Mackeyџ::”ХћЧћkІ€H‹ЯWilliam M. GoffџЫћаћвћkІРE“зJohn Milton Mackey т=šŠдћжћићlІРЩгHamilton Eli MackeyJ9 лћнћlЦР Х Emma Edwards2џК SJTрћтћlЦРЫ…ЫCora MackeyЮ2џšT•хћчћlmІ@MMDoloph MackeyџыћюћmЦРЫ…ЫDora BargerЮ2џёћz RќќќnЦРEUMary Elizabeth Mosh’ќќnІ€ШAbraham ThompsonџЊD ќ ќoЦРЯ‰ЯPrudence MosherџќќoІР…ˆЯLevi M. Wiltsieџ**ќќpІ€D QEli Mackey MosherџќЊ/"ќ$ќpЦMMSarah StrykerџJ,Rm&ќ(ќІ@ЪNelson I. 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MackeyџFЪFЌќЎќЦЪElizabeth MackeyџРќТќЦРEзMary Elizabeth TompФќRЦ Ц Sarah Mackey2џЦќШќWІ@UNelson Mackey LarawЫќЯќWІFK’James Rice Larawayвќš JзќйќлќXІŠгJames Eli WhiteheadоќуќXЦРŽEŽLucy WhiteheadџцќТ=юќъќьќYvЦРŠЯMary Etta Smithџёќ§§vІF‹гFrank Hale StickneyzC§§§YwxІ† QOscar James Smithџ §§wЦРХЭMary Alberta Layџ§yxЦ@ MMinnie D. xxxџ§yІ€IIxxx FoleyxU(Ю2џВ G§§§YzІРХM’Bert Laraway Smith§zЦ€ŽHŽFanchon Downeyџ’QВk"§§§ §Y{Ц€ŽгHarriet Leyla Smith&§+§{ІЦM’Frank Weldon ShickbE-§/§1§Z|Ц@GO–Luella Lillian Lara4§@§|І@ QThomas J. TurkillџC§G§I§|І†зJames Alexander Tur’GK§M§O§ZІЪбAlexander Mackey LaR§Т JV§X§Z}Ц@ŽGŽHattie LarawayџZ§}ІРŽIŽClarence Smithџ\§}І@ Ч Herman Smith2џ:Sd§^§`§b§[~І†ŒгJames Smith Larawayf§k§m§~ЦР‰зFlorence Amelia Mago§q§\Ц†ŒгIrene Lydia Larawayt§€§\Ц QClara May Larawayџ‚§\Ц€ЯˆЯDorothy Larawayџ…§Š§`І€ Ш Leonard Case2џŒ§`€Ц@Ы‡ЫCarrie CaseЮ2џŽ§€ІMMFrank Hertramџ§`І@Ы‡ЫHorace CaseЮ2џ:’§”§–§+ЦРЮMary Marrilla Macke˜§І@MMAlbert TannerџzRš§œ§+Ц@MMJoanna Mackeyџ §ЊЄ§І§+‚І Ц Orrin Mackey2џЈ§‚ЦРŽIŽMarietta PlankџЊ§‚І@MMCooney Mackeyџ­§Њ :jР§Т§+ƒІ@MMAlbert MackeyџЦ§B"|kЖЪ§Ь§Ю§ƒЦЦ USarah Sophia Kingslв§ "ж§и§к§+„ЦЪгElizabeth W. Mackeyн§…„І@ЧDaniel Doolittleџр§š$Ђmф§ц§+†І@ЪAndrew J. MackeyџZ3Zmщ§ы§†ЦР…ШLucy A. Boughtonџ(ю§№§ђ§+Ц@ЮHannah Louise Mackeѕ§В)‚8ўў+Ц@MMElizah Mackeyџўђ* ў ў+‡Ц Ц Nancy Mackey2џ:0ўў+ˆІ€DMAsa K. Mackeyџўў…‡І@ЧWalter DoolittleџўˆЦ Ц Eliza Potter2џJ6Š Cў ў+ЦЪCharlotte Mackeyџ$ў(ўƒІ@У‰ЯJ. Irwin Mackeyџ’/ў*ў,ўƒ“”ЦРЫ…ЫEmma MackeyЮ2џ0ў“І@ŽGŽCooney Edwardsџ@ў”ІЫ†ЫFrank TrippЮ2џABўDўƒ•ЦРЫ…ЫMary MackeyЮ2џ:’RўFўHў•І@ŠЯSamuel I. BrownџLўSў“–І@ŽGŽHoward EdwardsџVўcў–Ц Ц Leona Cotton2џfўЊ\|jўlў•І€DЧ Roy S. Brown2џpўUzЅ„ў€ў‚ў•—ЦР… QMary Louise Brownџ‡ўZNЊ•ўЧў‘ў“ўC—І€’H’Leonard McClintockšўШў–Ц€ŽHŽDorothy MackeyџЫўzlЄеўзўйў—˜™šІЮJames Douglas McCliнўщў˜ЦQQHelen Gottschaldtџ‘яўыўэў™ЦРЫ…ЫRuth DawsonЮ2џ№ўšDЦРŽIŽVirginia Earlyџnџџџ—›ЦРг‰гBeatrice McClintockџ›І@Ч QGeorge Jones Wardџђoџџ џ—Ц€’H’Dorothy McClintock џRsџџџ—œЦРг‰гLorraine McClintockџџœІ€D‹гLeo Donald Schimpffџ˜ЦРЯ…ЯJoan McClintockџ џ$џІЯ†ЯDavid Zealanderџ'џ+џЦЦI’Karen O. Zealander-џ/џ˜žЦРг‰гPatricia McClintock2џ@џžІ@ЪThomas B. ThamesџBџDџšІЮJames Douglas McCliFџHџšІРХзEric Michael McClinК•KџMџOџœІ€RšStephen Callendes SRџWџ›І@JŽDaniel I. WardџZџЊGbџdџ†ŸІ@ЪDaniel H. Mackeyџgџ LrŽkџmџŸЦЦIŽAddie H. PrattџђIВ upџrџ† ЦР…L’Mary Libbie Mackey€џ І@QQBurton Goodfellowџƒџ SЂ ‡џ‰џ†ЁІ†L’Frank Leroy MackeySЪЂŒџŽџџЁЦРE UMary Ellen Hollenbeтd:s“џ•џŸЦРЯ‰ЯFlorence Mackeyџh˜џšџŸЂЦЦ‰ЯHazel L. MackeyџœџЂІРЫ…ЫJohn JacobiЮ2џ kЈžџ џŸІР‰L’Clarence A. MackeyЄџКgЈџЊџЌџ І@ЮArthur Mackey GoodfmoЎџАџЁЦЦ‰ЯEdith L. MackeyџrsРџТџЁЃЦ Ц Marie Mackey2џФџЃІ@Я‡ЯHoward PoultneyџК ‡ЦџШџЃЄЦŽFŽNorma PoultneyџЪџЄІ@ЧDonald Armstrongџ ˆЬџЮџЃЅЦ@J’Violet L. PoultneyаџЅІЯ†ЯRiley VanHoesenџ ˆвџдџЃІЇЦŽFŽViola PoultneyџжџиџІІ@ЧJoseph KruppenbacheлџпџЇІŽFŽBruce HazeltonџЂ šсџуџЄЦР…QMary D. Armstrongџ’ žхџчџЄЦ@ЧElaine ArmstrongџђІщџыџЄІ@ЧDonald ArmstrongџВЇэџяџЄЦЯ†ЯMarie ArmstrongџjЉЄЦFЯDoris Gertrude Arms" ЅЦ€QQBarbara VanHoesenџЃ  ЅЦЯ†ЯJoyce VanHoesenџкЄЅІ@ЧHoward VanHoesenџjЄІІ@ЧJoseph Kruppenbacheš›ІІР’E’Ross KruppenbacherZ !ІІ@ЧAndrew Kruppenbache‚Ї#%'ІЦг†гDebra KruppenbacherЊ* H)+(ЦЪElizabeth Kelseyџ2 тl.0(ЈЦЦ‰ЯEmily M. MackeyџЪЪQ@B(ЉЊІ€H QWilliam F. MackeyџFIK(ЦЪSally Ann MackeyџКlMO(ЋЦРЫ…ЫRuth MackeyЮ2џЪК4RT(ЦЪElizabeth MackeyџB B=XZ(ЌЦ€ŽHŽLucinda MackeyџЪ"Z2]_(Ц@MMLovica Mackeyџъ%zfbd(­І Ц Orrin Mackey2џк'lgi(Ц@MMElmina MackeyџZ*ln(ЎІ Ц James Mackey2џqZ-*g€‚(ЏІ@MMReuben Mackeyџ…ЈІ@MMGeorge Turnerџ‡ЈАЦЪElizabeth Turnerџ‰ЈБЦРЫ…ЫSina TurnerЮ2џz{‹ЈВЦЪJosephine TurnerџЈЦРE QMary Ellen Turnerџ’–ЈЦЪHenrietta Turnerџ™R fŸЁЈГЦРХ‰ЯRuth Ann Turnerџ4j…ЃЅЈДЦРЫ…ЫEmma TurnerЮ2џ:њZЈЊЈЕІ Ц James Turner2џ­АІ@Ы‡ЫSidney FordЮ2џЏАЦРIIVina FordxU(Ю2џРАІ@Ы‡ЫEdward FordЮ2џТАІ@Ы‡ЫGeorge FordЮ2џФБІ€ШWilliam WilliamsџЦБЦ’J’Josephine WilliamsШБІŽFŽDavid WilliamsџЪВІ@MMMartin FisherџЬГІ€ Ш Stephen Pool2џЮГЦР…Ш Mary E. Pool2џаГІ€ Ш Stephen Pool2џвГЦРIIAnna PoolxU(Ю2џдГІ@JŽMartin F. PoolџжГІРIIJohn PoolxU(Ю2џйГІŠFŠJames Pool(Ю2џлГЦРIIEtta PoolxU(Ю2џнГЦРM MVirginia PoolџпГІ€ Ш Charles Pool2џсДІ@Ы‡ЫMartin HessЮ2џТQухДЖЦŽJŽJosephine HessџчЖІ@JŽJ. Irving Kingџ‚VщыДІ@Ы‡ЫGeorge HessЮ2џэЕЦIIMolly xxxxU(Ю2џяЕІ@MMGeorge TurnerџЕІ Ц James Turner2џЉЦРХMary BartholomewџЉЦР…HŽMary E. MackeyџЉЦ@MMMarion MackeyџЉІ@MMAlbert Mackeyџ ЉЦ@ЪElmina A. Mackeyџ ЉІ€ŽHŽWilliam MackeyџЉЦ@ЪAmelia A. MackeyџЉІ€ŽHŽHerbert MackeyџЊЦ’J’Catherine LockwoodZ?ЊЗЦЦ‰ЯHelen D. MackeyџZAЊИЦ€D QIda Rosina MackeyџвC™ ЊЙІ@ЪWalter C. MackeyџŠFo#%ЊКІРЯ‰ЯTheodore MackeyџbK(*ЊЛІРЫ…ЫMark MackeyЮ2џ.@ЗІ@Я‡ЯDaniel Robersonџъ T‡BDЗІ€ШWilliam RobersonџтXGIЗЦ@Я‡ЯLottie Robersonџъ \™KMЗІ@Я‡ЯAlbert RobersonџPИІ Ц Ralph Bailey2џRЙЦ@Я‡ЯElvira SwartoutџTЙЦРЫ…ЫEdna MackeyЮ2џVЙІ@MMManley MackeyџY_КЦ€ŠDŠIda Austin(Ю2џaКІ€ŽHŽStanley MackeyџcЛЦРŠEŠElla Mabie(Ю2џfhjlЋІ Ц Abram Felter2џoЋМІ@MMAndrew Felterџ:€‚ЋНЦ@MMElmira Felterџ…>“ˆŠЋОЦРЫ…ЫMary FelterЮ2џAЋРІ Ц Orrin Felter2џ’МЦIIEllen xxxxU(Ю2џ”МЦРЫ…ЫEmma FelterЮ2џ–МІ Ц Abram Felter2џ˜МІ Ц Henry Felter2џšМЦ€ŽHŽLillian FelterџœМІ€ŽHŽWilliam FelterџŸМІ@MMGeorge Felterџ3lЁЃНІ@ Ч Daniel Parks2џ?…ІЈОІЦЩLewis E. TerBushџЋОІMMDavid TerBushџDˆ­ЏРЦР…MMary E. Parksџr WJZРТРЦРЪMary Emma FelterџB]ХЧРСЦРE QMary Alice FelterџТ_ЩЫЭРТІЮOrrin Millard FeltezfЯбРУІЦ‰ЯFrank E. FelterџT†геСІŠFŠLanny Peck(Ю2џиСІ€ Ш Wallace Peck2џкСЦ@Ы‡ЫLouise PeckЮ2џмСЦŠFŠEthel Peck(Ю2џоСІŠFŠLloyd Peck(Ю2џрТЦ€ŠDŠIna Powell(Ю2џтТІ Ц Jesse Felter2џфТІРЯ‰ЯLawrence FelterџцТЦ€ŽHŽDorothy FelterџшУЦ€’H’Mildred HallenbeckъУФЦЦ‰ЯHelen A. FelterџьФІ€ŽDŽxxx RichardsonџюУХЦР…HŽMary J. Felterџ№ХІ€ŠDŠxxx McLean(Ю2џУЦЦ‰ЯJulia M. FelterџТЌІMMPeter Edwardsџ4 bЌЦЧІ@ŽGŽJerome Edwardsџ ЌІMMOrrin Edwardsџ28’ v ЌІMMFrank EdwardsџЌІР Х Will Edwards2џrSЦЦРХЭMary Augusta Stantoj Q!ЦШЦ@ŽGŽMinnie Edwardsџ#ШІР Х Fred Blossom2џњR%'ЦЦРЩMargaret Edwardsџ)ЧІ€HK’Charles B. EdwardsЊ1Тˆ+-­ЦЦ‰ЯSarah A. TurnerџDТ 02­ЩЦ@MMIantha MackeyџP@B­ЪЦ Ц Della Mackey2џ’DFЩІ@MMAndrew Morrisџ[к‹HJЩЫЦРЫ…ЫMaud MorrisЮ2џMЫІ Ц Morse Rowell2џOЫІ Ц Morse Rowell2џB —QSЪІ@ŽGŽEdward JenkinsџfUWЪЬІ€HK’Charles O. JenkinsZ^ЬЦQQEthel SchoonmakerџaeЪІ@ŽGŽEdward JenkinsџggiЪЭІ€ЯˆЯClayton JenkinsџlpЭЦ@’G’Marion Schoonmakers€ЎЦ€ŠЯAnn Eliza SwoopџƒЂCŒ—‡‰ЎЮЦ@MMBertha MackeyџŽœ˜šЮІ€MMxxx Broadheadџžz 4ƒІЈЏЦР Х Emma Peasley2џK‚”Ћ­ЏЯІРЫ…ЫIvan MackeyЮ2џк˜АВЯЦРMMElla BenjaminџРЯІ€ŽHŽMaynard MackeyџТЯЦ Ц Laura Mackey2џФЯІ€ŽHŽEverett MackeyџЦЯЦРЫ…ЫInez MackeyЮ2џШЯІРЯ‰ЯClarence MackeyџЫЯЦ€ŽHŽMildred MackeyџЭЯІ@MMHoward Mackeyџ2ЯеЯбг3І@GзBailey Michael BonvисЛЦР Щ Beatrice xxx2џфшЛЦMMWendy BeekmanџыяЛаЦР Х Judy Beekman2џђаІ€ЫˆЫMichael xxxЮ2џЧ бЦŠFŠClara Russ(Ю2џ бІ€MMStephen Trippџг вЦ@G QBonita Ann Wrightџk<*,6 ІРЯ…ЯJohn McClintockџ/k@BD6 ЦРЩзMargaret Ann McClinG\P6 І€’H’Charles McClintockS]6 Ц€Ч„ЧAnn xxxџxU(Ю2џ`њКeg І@MMHarold Sawyerџi І€Ы„Ыxxx RexroadЮ2џв–bЯqsŸkmo гІ@ЮArnold Joseph Sawyeu  дІ Ц Larry Sawyer2џЃ­ еЦQ QElizabeth SmelserџЏеІ@MMReuben CooleyџРеЦРЯ‰ЯCornelia CooleyџwТФБ ЦЦMyrta GoodenoughџЦЦРХCora xxxxU(Ю2џШІ€HK’William J. BentleyЪЬЦ@UDebora Elaine BentlйЮ І@ŽGŽEdward Crippenџбкi жІЦЩScott M. BigelowџможзІFO–Harry Robinson BigeђрЪ ІРŠEŠJohn Caryl(Ю2џу ;иЦ@MMHellen Wilderџ иІ@ QPhilip G. WietingџВ-:ƒ!# йкІ€ˆзStanton TenEyck LaM%@ лІMMMenzo CrippenџBлІРЩHarrison CrippenџRDЪ І†ЫIsaac Caryl, Sr.џGZ§B ;XZSV˜ мІMMAllen Sheldonџ\rf нЦ Ц Polly Wright2џi–€онІЦЩDavid W. Thurberџƒ—оІ@ŽGŽSamuel Thurberџ™оІ@ŽGŽGeorge Thurberџž›нІ@ŽGŽArthur ThurberџЖŸопІ@ŽGŽNelson ThurberџЃРпЦРХLucy ChamberlainџУШЪ І†ЫIsaac Caryl, Jr.џЪD рЦРŠЯMary Jane CarylџЬрІ@ЪLasell J. HaydenџЯлиЪ сЦЫ†ЫSusan CarylЮ2џшмсІ@Ы‡ЫSamuel WittЮ2џпщ І@MMEugene SnyderџёыэяF І@ЮPhilip Ludwig MulteѓртG ІРЯ‰ЯLodowick BeckerџG Ц€ Ф Eva Hagadorn2џ  тІ Ц Jacob Becker2џтуІ@MMPhilip BeckerџL:$&уфІ€ŽHŽAbraham Beckerџ*@фЦŽFŽEliza DanforthџBDухЦ@MMHannah Beckerџx\FHхІ€ЯˆЯWilliam StewartџK_h]фцІРЯ‰ЯLodowick BeckerџbВ„ikцчІР‰L’Sherburn M. Beckern…F шІЪChristian MulterџˆшЦРЫ…ЫMary BeckerЮ2џЪ“ ‘шщІР…HŽJohn D. Multerџ–ЁщЦŽFŽPolly MitchellџЄЈЊщъЦЪгElizabeth J. Multer­РъІР‰L’Burmaton J. BulsonЮТъыІР…HŽJohn D. BulsonџФЯыІРЫ…ЫJohn BulsonЮ2џЧцбдыьІ@ЪEmmons B. BulsonџзчыэЦ€ŽHŽCarolyn BulsonџщэІ€ЯˆЯAnthony MilavecџыьЦІ Ц Albin Bulson2џюьЦЪChristine Bulsonџšszк9ХьЦ Ц Edith Krejci2џ@эюЦ€ЯˆЯCynthia MilavecџBюІЦ‰ЯJames L. SewardџEaOQшяІЦ‰ЯJacob P. MulterџTKbdя№Ц@MMLibbie Multerџgk№І@ЪArthur W. Hillisџn€‚№ёЦFUHelen Margaret Hill…ёІ@ Ч Howard Bruce2џ’E ђІЦ‰ЯJacob J. Multerџ”ђЦ@MMRachel StrainџЂ–E ѓІ Ц Lewis Multer2џ™ЃѓЦ€ШLorinda MitchellџЎЅѓІ€H QMadison H. MulterџЇЏG єЦРЫ…ЫMary BeckerЮ2џРєІ@MMJosiah DorwinџУЧєІ@ЪPhilip L. DorwinџЪтЮg ѕЦŽFŽFanny RobinsonџвB^щњухчѕІРI]Napoleon Bonaparte ьѕЦЪKatherine McLaughle42U. іІ€H QCharles H. CooleyџЉ/1чЦIIIrene xxxxU(Ю2џ@ц І€H QEthemer R. TellerџNBфІ@Q QWashington BeckerџEOфІ@ЪVolney D. BeckerџR^ ІР…MJohn L. Empieџag ІЦIŽHomer A. Empieџjp Ц€ЫˆЫFrances xxxЮ2џv’™€‚„зІFO–Harry Robinson BigeˆšœчїІР‰LSherburn M. Becker Јž їІР‰LSSherburn M. Becker ЃЉфЦ@MMHattie BeckerџЋфІ€ŽHŽRichard BeckerџЎфІРЯ‰ЯDanforth BeckerџЙАD јІ@ЧM’Julius Henry CarylГРЪ ЦРŽIŽSusannah Snellџ,ТФљјЦ† QEliza Jumel ChaseџЧЬјІЦM’Isaac Barnes CarylЯзљІ@ Ч Nelson Chase2џк3хчњљЦРEЫMary Eliza Jumelџъ(ю№њІ€MMStephen JumelџI ћњќЦЦM’Eliza Betsey Bowen0 љІ€HЯWilliam Inglis ChasћІ@’зGeorge Washington Br,ќІŠFŠAaron Burr(Ю2џZ .$ "ў§ўЦ@ Ч Amanda Gibbs2џ%І@ Ч Nelson Gibbs2џ'Ц@ŽGŽAdelia Baldwinџ4)§І@J’Joseph B. Robinson,@ўІЦ QJames E. ShellandџZК[BE.ЦŠЯSally Ann HicksџI=Z>NP.ІЦ MIrvin S. MeedџUг`bzІŠFŠDavid Mead(Ю2џdzЦ@ Ч Isabel Knapp2џЂЊјjlfhІРM MNehemiah Meadџn€ЦM MMehitable xxxџyВ†ˆ‚„І@Ы‡ЫJoseph MeadЮ2џ*­‰‹ЦŽFŽSarah Reynoldsџ^ š•’І@Ы‡ЫJoseph MeadЮ2џbЄšœ–˜ЦРŠEŠMary Brown(Ю2џgBЅЁЄŸІРQ QJonathan ReynoldsџmЊЉЋЅЇЦ€ЯˆЯRebecca HuestedџbЉ№ЌЎ І@ Ч Joshua Knapp2џ‰ДХРТ  ІРŽIŽBenjamin Knappџ„iphЦШ  ЦЪElizabeth Butlerџ$eаdЮаЪЬ  І@MMWalter Butlerџy Тбг Ц€ШRebecca Reynoldsџ*b”лжи  І@ Ч Joshua Knapp2џ` мо Ц@ Ч Hannah Close2џ=хчсуІ€ Ш William Mead2џDšyьюшъЦ@ Ч Martha Davis2џ$ѓяёІ@ Ч Elijah Davis2џL   ІРMMJohn ReynoldsџNњy    ЦIISarah xxxxU(Ю2џTЊ    І@ŽGŽAngell HuestedџY   Ц€ШRebecca Sherwoodџ1w    І@Я‡ЯThomas Sherwoodџ3g$  " ЦŽFŽAlice Seabrookџt* , & ( І@ŽGŽRobert Huestedџv1 - / ЦM MElizabeth xxxџ‚ 8‚†D F @ B  ІРŽIŽNicholas KnappџC‚zK M G I  Ц€ШEleanor Lockwoodџ DR T N P ІРŠEŠJohn Knapp(Ю2џY U W Ц@ Ч Martha Blois2џ_ b [ ] І@ Ч Robert Knapp2џъc e ЦРХJane xxxxU(Ю2џщk g i І€MMRichard Bloisџэq m o ЦРЫ…ЫRose FisherЮ2џ„ † € ‚ І€MMWilliam BloisџЯˆ Š Ц€MMMargery Styleџ&c ’ Œ Ž І@Я‡ЯEdmund Lockwoodџ” &N Ÿ ™ › Ц Ц Alice Cowper2џiЄ І   Ђ І€ŽHŽWilliam CowperџlЋ ­ Ї Љ ЦŽFŽAlice LudbrookџЎ А І€гˆгRichard De LockwoodР І@’G’Thomas De LockwoodТ ЦQQAgnes De Bachetonџ@uШ Ъ Ф Ц І€MMGoodman CloseџF"xЯ б Ы Э ЦM MElizabeth xxxџQж в д  ІРЫ…ЫEvan ButlerЮ2џAл з й  Ц@ŠGŠJohane xxx(Ю2џм ІРЫ…ЫJohn ButlerЮ2џп у ЦРХAnne xxxxU(Ю2џщ х ч ІРЫ…ЫJohn ButlerЮ2џ јю № ъ ь І@ Ч Thomas Blois2џЌ   ЦРŽIŽMargaret StyleџxО   І@ Ч Thomas Blois2џ‚   Ц Ц Joane Canham2џd  І@MMRobert CanhamџZ  І@ Ч Thomas Blois2џ`  Ц@Ы‡ЫMartha MeadЮ2џb*Ѓ   ІРIIJohn MeadxU(Ю2џ" Ї' ) ІŽJŽZachariah Meadџ+ І@Ы‡ЫDaniel MeadЮ2џ- І@Ы‡ЫElisha MeadЮ2џ/ І€ Ш Richard Mead2џ@ ЦРIIMary MeadxU(Ю2џB  Ц@MMHannah PotterџŸ юD F !ЦŠFŠSarah Mead(Ю2џ ЂЫM O I K І@Ы‡ЫJoseph MeadЮ2џЄ‚цT V P R І@Я‹ЯTheophilus Meadџ2ІrЭ[ ] W Y "ІРM MJeremiah MeadџZЈсc _ a ІŽJŽZachariah Meadџf k !ІРQ QBenjamin Stebbingџm "Ц@Я‡ЯHannah St. JohnџХo q І@Ы‡ЫJoseph MeadЮ2џЧ€ ‚ ІŽJŽZachariah MeadџЫ„ † Ц€ Ш Deborah Mead2џЭˆ Š ЦРIIMary MeadxU(Ю2џЩ  ІРM MNehemiah Meadџб‘ “ ЦŠFŠLydia Mead(Ю2џб• — І@Ы‡ЫAbijah MeadЮ2џъК™ › z#І@Ы‡ЫJoshua MeadЮ2џž zЦŠFŠSusan Mead(Ю2џэъ%  Ђ #Ц€ШAbigail Marshallџ‚," mЅ Ї .$І€ФEli MeadxU(Ю2џЋ Џ .Ц@Ы‡ЫLovina MeadЮ2џ3dР Т .Ц@JŽPhoebe J. Meadџ9в™Х Ч .%І@JŽGeorge E. MeadџЫ њ 7†а в .&І€ Ш Spencer Mead2џж Aк м  І@Ы‡ЫAlbert MeadЮ2џCо р  Ц@Ы‡ЫEsther MeadЮ2џFт ф  І€H‹ЯWilliam P. MeadџGц ш  ІРM MFranklin MeadџК1В‚ы э $Ц@ MHannah M. xxxџвBŠ№ ђ є %ЦРŠгMary Jane Van Burenј ъUВЅ   %'(І€ˆаDelbert Spencer Mea тbкЄ  %)І€H‹ЯRaymond G. Meadџ Yъ›  %*+ІЦ MLoren C. MeadџrE   &Ц€ЯˆЯPerlina Fancherџ! к[R™% ' &,Ц€H‹ЯLorissa M. Meadџ+ ђ`І/ 1 &-І@JŽGrover E. Meadџ5 :VZ‚F H @ B D (Ц€D‡гIda A. Schermerhorn2tJ L (.ЦF‹ЯDaisy Jane MeadџO 2u‚ЙS U (/ІЦ MHarry G. MeadџY *~ Ъ] _ (І@N’Robert Ruston Meadc  лl ‰ g i (0Ц@JŽEsther H. Meadџo ђ’ђ’Š Œ )ІЦ QLason George Meadџв“ ‘ )1ІN’Louis Raymond Mead“ • +ЦРŽгLois McIntyre Ryder"‹"Ь— ™ +2І@JŽGerald E. Meadџ * _š›Ё Ѓ ,ІЦIŽDavid A. FooteџЇ Ђ|Ћ ­ ,3ЦР…MNina R. Footeџz—Џ Б /45ІРE‹ЯLeon Harry MeadџЊ›Р Т 0ЫЦ€DЧ Ida R. Foote2џ’ƒЪТФ Ц ,6Ц@ŠЯNellie D. FooteџЪ  …bКЯ б ,7ЦР…MLora N. Footeџе ‚kЕй л -ЦŽFŽJulia McIntyreџо -8І€ Ш Phillip Mead2џр т .І€N–Clinton David NethaJˆф ц ш .І€H‹гClinton D. NethawayТŠъ ь .ЦЦ QMable I. NethawayџТ~ю № ,/ЦРŠEŠOlma Foote(Ю2џ /9ІЦ QRoger Nelson Meadџ Ÿ  /:ЦЦ MLinda F. Meadџ кЮ  ,0ІР‰ QWinthrop N. FooteџвŸ  0ЬЦЦIŽHelen M. FooteџzЎ  0ЭЦР…MRuth J. Footeџ 1Ц@ŽGŽBertha Spoonerџ 1ЦŠFŠSusan Mead(Ю2џ 1І@Ы‡ЫGeorge MeadЮ2џ 1ІРM MLawrence Meadџ 1ІРIIEric MeadxU(Ю2џ 1І@Ы‡ЫKelvin MeadЮ2џ# 1Ц@Ы‡ЫMoneta MeadЮ2џ% 2Ц€ЯˆЯPhyllis CrapserџКЎ' ) 2;ІЦ MLoren A. Meadџ+ 2ЦР…Ш Lora F. Mead2џ5 - 3І@ЪHarold B. Rulandџ0 @ 6І@Ы‡ЫOraien ColeЮ2џB 6ІР…Ш Ivan D. Cole2џD 6ЦŠFŠFreda Cole(Ю2џF 6ЦŠFŠNedra Cole(Ю2џH 6ЦŠFŠNeoma Cole(Ю2џx2УJ L 7І€HK’Maurice W. BurnettO 8Ц Ц Ethel Becker2џQ 8І€ Ш Phillip Mead2џS 8ІРIIPaul MeadxU(Ю2џU 8І€ Ш Patrick Mead2џW 8ІŠFŠPerry Mead(Ю2џY 4Ц€ŠDŠPat Layman(Ю2џЂЂ[ ] <5ЦЦЩWilma I. Clapperџ_ <І@ŽGŽRobert Clapperџa <ЦIIEthel xxxxU(Ю2џ" Жc e g 5І@GгThomas Michael Mead"Лi k m 5=І€ R–Christopher James Mo 9ЦЯ†ЯJoyce Britigiamџj Ў€ ‚ 9>Ц@JŽTamera E. Meadџ„ 9ЦF‹ЯDonna Lynn MeadџГ† ˆ 9ІN’Roger Michael MeadŠ 9ІРХ MDale Lee Meadџњ•Œ Ž :ІЦ QHarry A. Petersonџ ;Ц@ЧAmanda Davenportџ’ ;ЦŠFŠApril Mead(Ю2џ” =Ц€ШDorinda Hamiltonџ Ю– ˜ =ІЦ MTyler J. Meadџš >І€ŠDŠJay Boothe(Ю2џœ >І@MMRobert Bootheџž >І Ц Jamie Boothe2џ  >І Ц Tracy Boothe2џ<Ђ Є ,ЦŽFŽSusan SmithersџЇ А -ЦРХ QMary Ann McMullenџР /Ц Ц Hanna Dingon2џкTz pЩ Т Ф Ц Ž ІР‰зFranklin George HamкTвnб Ъ Ь Ю Ž ІЪЭFrederick A. HammetŠUJ—в д ж Ž ЦЦЭSarah Helena Hammet* YBŽй л н Ž І€ШЭWilliam Mead Hammet[ЊАс у х Ž Ц@ЧЭHannah Grace Hammet*]Š­ш ъ ь Ž І€HO–Pearson Grover Hammтaђ Ѕя ё ѓ Ž ІЦЭJames Albert Hammet:cŠЖ   Ž ІРХЭJohn Stanley Hammete Ш   Ž ЦFO–Ethel Gertrude Hamm"gтЗ   Ž І@ЧЭErnest David Hammet*iъz  Ž І€HK’Charles L. HammettjkтМ   Ž ЦРEO–Ruth Catherine HammТnZŽ! # 'ЦРЩAdelaide Francisџ& *ЦЦSusie Huckelboneџ4 ( @І@Ы‡ЫOliver CadyЮ2џ, ’ъj4E G @ C @)ЦРIIAnna CadyxU(Ю2џI цК1[ q U W @ )І@Я‡ЯSamuel Watermanџ] € @Ц’J’Elizabeth Birchard‚bM‡ ‚ „ )AІ€ШRoswell Watermanџ‰ :"T‘ “   AЦ Ц Olive Wilder2џJ"L” – )BЦРMMMary WatermanџŠЪY™ › BІŽFŽLyman Griswoldџк ъTЄ ž   )CІ@Я‡ЯSamuel WatermanџКšOЅ Ї CЦРЫ…ЫElla ShuttsЮ2џXЋ ­ )DІ@Я‡ЯWarren WatermanџБ  Р Т DЦ€ЫˆЫPherona xxxЮ2џ‚ Z`Ъ Ф Ц )EІ@Я‡ЯElisha WatermanџЬ *JbЯ б EЦР Щ Arathusa xxx2џз JцJ,п ц к м @FІРIIEzra CadyxU(Ю2џс ч @І@Ы‡ЫOlover CadyЮ2џщ @І€ Ш Roswell Cady2џы @І€ФEla CadyxU(Ю2џшЂ7ю № FЦŽFŽChloe Watermanџ5FGІŠFŠAllen Cady(Ю2џ GЦ@MMElvira ParishџZ FЦРIILucy CadyxU(Ю2џrњ\FHІ@Ы‡ЫWarren CadyЮ2џJ 2KHЦ€ЯˆЯFreedom Peasleeџ FІ@Ы‡ЫNelson CadyЮ2џ# Ђ$')FЦ@Ы‡ЫAmanda CadyЮ2џ-к šRE@BFIІРIIEzra CadyxU(Ю2џ вAFHIЦРЩCaroline LovejoyџKFJЦŠFŠSarah Cady(Ю2џNRJІ€QQVrooman Marcellusџ@ŠTV KЦ@MMMinnie HolmesџB”YKІРЯ‰ЯFranklin WilburџD\^ LІ€ŽHŽCharles Holmesџ`LЦ@MMFannie DraperџSЎbd MЦ@MMLottie HolmesџQ”hjMІРMMFred Cummingsџ(vmo* І@MMHorace Holmesџ+i€‚ Ц€ЯˆЯLucinda Skinnerџ\…‡LNЦ@MMBessie HolmesџV‰‹NІ€Ы„ЫSam BennettЮ2џuNІ€ЯˆЯMillard Bennettџy‘“NЦMMDoris Bennettџ€•—NІ€ЯˆЯCharles Bennettџ_У™›LOЦ@MMBeulah Holmesџ_ž OІ€ Ф Lee McCrorie2џuЂЄOЦ@Я‡ЯBessie McCrorieџvІЈOЦ€ШBernice McCrorieџƒЊЌOІ€ШCharles McCrorieџ‰ЎАOЦ€ШMildred McCrorieџРТP* І@MMCalvin HolmesџХ5ЩЫQ* ЦРŠEŠMary Kelso(Ю2џЯт<еPІ@MMSamuel Holmesџйф#нпPЦРЫ…ЫLucy PattenЮ2џу чщ* RЦ@MMFannie HolmesџыRІMMJames Skinnerџ"fэя* SІ@MMJoseph HolmesџѓSЦ€ШPauline Washburnџ#s* м ІРЫ…ЫJohn HolmesЮ2џ &g* н І Ц James Holmes2џjДMTЦ€ШLucinda CummingsџЕTІ€ШCharles ColgroveџqЊ!#MUІ@Я‡ЯAlbert CummingsџuР&UЦРQ QDorothea Wheeldonџ‹Ї)+UVІ@Я‡ЯNorman CummingsџЇ.VЦ@MMArlene KellerџІ@BVЦ€ Ф Kim Cummings2џ‘DFUWІРQ QLawrence CummingsџHWЦ@ Ч Bonnie Scutt2џНJLWЦ@Я‡ЯShyloe CummingsџvNPMXЦŽFŽOlive CummingsџvОRTXІ€MMHerbert GrenzџГWYXYІ@ Ч Albert Grenz2џ’\^YЦ€ШFrances PhillipsџЇ`bYЦЫ†ЫDiane GrenzЮ2џЋdfYЦЯŠЯChristine GrenzџЎhjYІ@QЧ Albert Grenz, Jr.џ•lnXZІЫ†ЫChris GrenzЮ2џ™prZЦРŠEŠRuth Crump(Ю2џВ€‚ZЦЯŠЯStephanie Grenzџœ„†X[ІРŠEŠFred Grenz(Ю2џˆ[ЦРMMAnna RobinsonџГŠŒ[ЦРŽIŽRosemary GrenzџЗŽ[Ц@ Ч Amanda Grenz2џК’”[ІРЯEŠFred Grenz, Jr.џz–˜M\Ц’J’Charlotte Cummings{šœ\І Ц Byron Pierce2џ–ž \]ІQЦ Byron Pierce, Jr.џЂ]Ц€ŽDŽDee SeverinsenџЎЄІ]ЦРЯ‰ЯJennifer PierceџАЈЊ]І€ŽHŽDouglas Pierceџ™ЌЎ\^І@MMConley PierceџА^Ц@ Ч Sandra Swann2џГРТ^І Ц Loren Pierce2џЛФЦ^І€ŽHŽJeffrey Pierceџ›ШЪ\_Ц@MMMartha Pierceџ™ЬЮ_І€QQMichael Fullertonџ7авS`І@MMRevilo Holmesџе;™км`Ц Ц Susan Snyder2џп`aІ@ЪJ. Marvin HolmesџсaЦ Ц Edith Barnes2џgухaІЦ‰ЯLouis J. Holmesџh­чщabІ Ц Harry Holmes2џjИьюbЦMMEthel WebsterџƒЅbcЦ Ц Helen Holmes2џcІ€ЯˆЯRudolph Antonekџˆ‘ bІ@MMMarvin Holmesџ‘ bІ@MMDonald HolmesџjadЦРЫ…ЫErma HolmesЮ2џdІ@MMHoward SnyderџkНaЦРЫ…ЫLily HolmesЮ2џRЇ`eІ€ŽHŽWilliam HolmesџM“ "eЦ€’H’Letitia McClintockr%')efІ€ЮWilliam Percy Holme,r02fЦРŠEŠRuth Clark(Ю2џt„@BeІ@MMGordon HolmesџE`gІЪFrederick HolmesџGgЦ@MMBertha SperryџIgІ@C QF. Prevost HolmesџKgІ Ц Wayne Holmes2џMgЦРЯ‰ЯGertrude HolmesџOgЦ€ŽHŽSuzanne Holmesџ^QPhІР…L’John Patten HolmesT_hЦŠFŠLydia Peck(Ю2џaQІРŠEŠJohn Kelso(Ю2џdjRЦMMAdell SkinnerџНlnЉ І€ЯˆЯJeffrey PeetersџpЉ ЦРЩJennifer Peetersџ“€‚Њ iІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Peetersџ„iЦЫ†ЫBetty HundtЮ2џ†ˆiІ€ˆЯWilliam Peeters, JrŠiІ@ŽGŽThomas PeetersџŒiІ@ŽGŽPhilip PeetersџŽiЦMMLinda PeetersџЊ jЦРЩDelphine Peetersџ’jІ@ŽGŽJoseph KarzickџЕ”–jЦРЩDelphine KarzickџЇ˜šЊ І€ЯˆЯRichard PeetersџuЏœžkЊ І@ŽGŽMartin PeetersџЂЅѕ Њ ЦР Х Emma Pitcher2џNЋЕЇЉlkІMMHenry Peetersџ­YВФРТmkЦРЯ‰ЯTheodora LamersџЧ{ЮаknЦ@ŽGŽMinnie PeetersџrЙвдnІ€H QCharles W. BurtonџмзйnopІ€H QCharles H. 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Guy SnyderџeРŠ ŽЦMMSarah LansingџŽІ Ц Ralph Wilbur2џkЙŠ ЦMMGrace LansingџІ€ Ф Guy Holloway2џ І€ШRichard Hollowayџ"Ц@MMAudrey Mickleџ$ЦŽFŽNancy Hollowayџ&ІŽFŽBruce Hollowayџ(ЦŽFŽJoyce Hollowayџ*ІРMMLynn Hollowayџ,ЦРMMGail Hollowayџo/13Š ‘Ц@ЧбTillie Elizabeth La@‘ІРMMGlen WhitemanџpBDŠ ’ЦР Х Edna Lansing2џF’ІРŠEŠFred Knapp(Ю2џ„HJ’“Ц€MMDorothy KnappџL“І@ Ч Joseph Syron2џN“І@ Ч Edward Syron2џP“ЦЫ†ЫNancy SyronЮ2џŠRT’”І@ Ч Donald Knapp2џV”Ц Ц Polly Thayer2џX”ІРŽIŽTheodore KnappџZ”ІЫ†ЫTerry KnappЮ2џ\”ЦЫ†ЫKaren KnappЮ2џ^Œ •І@C QP. Elliott DuBoisџap•ЦР Щ Patricia xxx2џ€•І@MMRonald DuBoisџƒˆ•ІРЫ…ЫJohn DuBoisЮ2џ‹•І@MMGerald DuBoisџ“˜•І@MMPhilip DuBoisџ› Ђ•ЦЮAnita Marlene DuBoiЅ 6"€Ћ­& І@ЪElijah B. Putnamџ2;r†ЗАВД–& Ц†зPolly Josephine BigР3 ІРMMJohn MorrisonџТ3 ЦРŠEŠEmma Moore(Ю2џФ–ІЦЩAborn T. Bigelowџт ‚eЬЮЦШЪ—–Ц€ˆPšDorothy Jennett Hunв§’NгЯб™˜—І@QQSamuel Huntingtonџ*8лезйš—Ц@ŽгJenett Mosely Gates <К wмор–›ІЦбUriah Huntington Biу›ЦР…MEmma E. Trippџ:>хчщ–œЦ@ЧЭMartha Irene BigeloыœІ@N’George Robert HallъOъbэя& ІР‰L’Thornton B. PutnamЪTЅ& І€ˆP–Orville Kellogg Put^МЦ@ QBessie D. WillseyџкW& žЦ@ЪNettie H. PutnamџžІРMMFred Watermanџ"Z!#& ŸЦ@MMBertha Putnamџ&ŸІ@MMGeorge Bentlyџ‚ \(*,&  ІЮFloyd Charles Putna/@ Ц@ŠGŠLouisa xxx(Ю2џZ_ТBD& ЁЦ@ЪNellie K. PutnamџGЁІMMGiles BissellџIšІЫ†ЫJonah GatesЮ2џKšЦ@ Ч Esther Smith2џM˜Ц Ц Eliza Gillet2џšўЊAUWOQS™ЂІFYMason Cogswell HuntXЂЦ€MMHarriet Gatesџ’_Z\™ІЦRoyal Huntingtonџ" фB"egac™ЃЄІ@QQSamuel Huntingtonџхвhj™Ц@ Ч Martha Sears2џn€ЃЦЦDimis Huntingtonџ‚ЄЦЯŠЯElizabeth WellsџКb2Š„†ˆ—Ц@GYMartha Adeline Huntr тf’ŒŽ—ЅЦР…L–Mary Amelia Hunting”ЅІMMWaldo Skinnerџr Š –˜—І@QQSamuel Huntingtonџт nЁЃ›Ÿ—ІЇІ@ЧзSamuel Gates HuntinІЇЦР…L’Jane Hannah ChurchЈЊІЦ€N–Adeline Julia ParmeВBdВДЌЎА—ЈІ€Ш‘лWilliam Silliman HuРТЈЦРEUMary Ann Noyes Walkr"sЪФЦШ—ЉЦЦзLaura Almira HuntinЬЮЉІ€N–William Orrin Brainr"Š#жавд—Ц@ЮEsther Elvira HuntiдsРsхик–Ц Ц Grace DeLong2џн$ttьћцщ–ЊІ€H QFrancis S. DeLongџюD ЊЦIIMaria xxxxU(Ю2џW ЊЦ Ц Grace DeLong2џšІ Ц James Wilson2џšЦРŽIŽLurendia HazenџB 5т†Ћ( ЦРХгMary Frances Hendry!R M-/( аІ@ЪArthur H. DeLongџ2‚PтŸCE( ЌЦ†L’Kitty Maria DeLongI†PSЌІ@MMCorwin O'NealџVZ/ ЦЦ QHelen E. Humphreyџв Uъr\^( ­ЦРХ‰ЯMary May DeLongџb* PъЅnpgilЮ­І@ЮEmmett Edward Hadlerђ Y†€‚„( ЎЦFUEliza Lucretia DeLo–ˆЎІРEЫHugh Peper MarchџŒК[œ—™( ЏЦ†L’Nancy Grace DeLongžXЋІЉЏІ€H QChester S. Dunkleџ­UРУЋІ†L’David Brown HendryЧ!sЫЭаЋЦЦбMaria Antoinette StдjjлнЌЦЪHazel May O'Nealџр*mАю№шыЌвІР…L’Hugh Corwin O'NealѓЊo   ЌйІ€HUCharles Gibson O'NeŠrЌкІР…L’Earl Donald O'Nealкt!ЌнЦЦ‰ЯGrace M. O'Nealџv$'ЌсЦ†L’Zella Irene O'Neal*‚ x/1ЌІ€ŠDŠRoy O'Neal(Ю2џ‚tF@BD/ уІ@ЮRobert Gibson DeLonŠvMGIK/ АІ€ˆP–Charles Wallace DeLOVАЦРЯ…ЯKate CoggeshallџXАцІ€ŽHŽCharles DeLongџ[_АІ Ц David DeLong2џbfАчЦРЫ…ЫAnne DeLongЮ2џipАІ€ŠDŠTim DeLong(Ю2џsКx€‚/ шЦР…L’Ruth Evelyn DeLong…bnB€Š­Ц†L’Edith Irene Hadley“т qž—™œ­ЯІ€HUWendell Emmett HadlŸЎыЦ@ŠЯLucile M. MarchџsЁЃЅЎяђЦ@’зThelma Marguerite MZ tЇЉЎѓЦРEЫOpal Irene Marchџ2wЋЎЎєІ€HЫWallace J. MarchџВ }АВЎїІ€MMKenneth MarchџРТ# Ц€MMAbigail FlingџХdrrвЭЯЦ€ŠDŠxxx DeLong(Ю2џ‚,š8геЦЦ‰ЯSarah M. DeLongџй-яхчБЦЦ‰ЯEmily A. DeLongџъ№БІ€ Ф xxx Bardwell2џCБЦ€D‡ЯIda A. Bardwellџ1 ’ІЦ‰ЯHenry N. DeLongџ * 2’ЦРХ‰ЯAbby Ann DeLongџ6$!’ІЦ‰ЯDavid F. DeLongџ9*%'’ІР…HŽJohn E. DeLongџ<6+-’ВЦР…HŽMary E. DeLongџ0B@BВІ@Я‡ЯAndrew SnedekerџE@OJL’І@ЪGeorge B. DeLongџITPR˜Ц€MMEviline ChaseџJК[UWYАІ@ЧЭThomas Scott BurgesђМ`\^АЦР QTara Rene BurgessџaXІ Ц Erwin Axtell2џЪhhzceѓ ГІ@ЪParvin L. DeLongџjDq0q: P„’€‚ГЦЦNancy Kilpatrickџ‡Tq@qЂc—™Њ“•ѓ І€ŽHŽFreeman DeLongџœЪЂaЏМЋ­ѓ ДІ Ц Abram DeLong2џВККeФЯРТДЦ Ц Laura Deming2џШДq qdtPtхавѓ ЕЖІР…HŽAmos P. DeLongџжцЕЦ’J’Catherine WheelockщЖЦ€ŽHŽLucinda Millerџфqаqѓ ЗІРЯ‰ЯCromwell DeLongџ ЗЦЦЩEmily L. Stinsonџ"ѓ ИІ Ц Peter DeLong2џ#ИЦ€Фxxx RicexU(Ю2џ,),.%'ГЙЦЪNancy Ann DeLongџ/ЙІ@ QCalvin W. Manningџ/DG@BГКЦРЯ‰ЯCordelia DeLongџ2LNHJГЦРЯ‰ЯInaldine DeLongџ9T[OQГЛЦ Ц Celia DeLong2џV\ЛІР Х John Calahan2џ^КІР‰L’Hartwell A. Parker3kdh`bДМІ@MMParvin DeLongџiМЦQ QJosephine AndrewsџdsPsxkmoДНЦЦгNancy Adelia DeLongr€‚НІЦQ–Louis Livingston De„spsš„†ДІ€ŽHŽFayette DeLongџ‰9Ћ›ДЦРЯ‰ЯClarissa DeLongџ ФsАsЌЎДОЦ€ŽHŽOrcelia DeLongџВ1€РТОІ@Я‡ЯGeorge Housemanџ4t tаХЧДІЦ‰ЯHiram J. DeLongџЪ* OбгеНІ@‡UArthur Benjamin DeuЊ L:ЁнрзйлМРІЪ‘зFrederick Andrew DeтРЦ@JŽNettie B. HallџSфцМСТЦ@MMBertha DeLongџщэСІ@MMMartin RourkeџяТІ€Я„Яxxx LonganeckerџSJfМІ€ŽHŽBurnett DeLongџTzЊ(МУІ€HUFayette Philip DeLoтVzЉ0)+-УЦРЮLena Maryette MartiДv v”z€z@BСІ€ŽHŽCharles RourkeџFeЏTVРЦ Ц Maude DeLong2џZъaЏc^`РЦЦ‰ЯGrace E. DeLongџfКkprРФІ€„L’Ray Fayette DeLongu€ФЦŽFŽEdith ChambersџJˆ‚„†УХЦ€ШгPhyllis Jean DeLongŠХІ€ЪLee Jason Mohlerџ“К—ž˜šœХІЮLorin Stephen Mohleb›ЃŸЁХЦF QLinda Jean MohlerџєrрrЈЊЄІЕЦІР‰L’Elbridge S. DeLongЋЦЦŽFŽNancy Cummingsџ$ssБГ­ЏЕЦР…HŽMary G. DeLongџJrmЧЫэРТХє ‰І@ЧгZopher Isaac DeLongЮђТ ю№є Ц Ц Sally DeLong2џєŠє ЧШЦЪPhebe Ann DeLongџЧІ@MMGeorge PalmerџШІMMJames GilbertџR" є ЩІЦ‰ЯLewis J. DeLongџ ЩЦ€ Ш Cynthia Grey2џZ%Zmє ЪІ€ЮAbraham Hiram DeLonŠ*тu&)!$ЫЪЦ@JŽHannah R. Greyџ," )02є ЬЦ@ЪElecta E. DeLongџ@ЬІ@Я‡ЯGeorge Rockwellџк ,BDє ЭЦ€H QMelinda M. DeLongџFЭІŠFŠJames Grey(Ю2џŠ /HJє ІЦ‰ЯEdwin S. DeLongџ‚Z cRULNPЮ‰ЦŠUCatherine Lewis ScoW_ЮІЫ†ЫSimon ScottЮ2џaЮЦ Ц Lydia Barker2џК/b tko€ceh‰ЯІР вTheodore Sedgwick DrrOr“†‰ƒЯаЦ Ц Roosa DeLong2џŒzLB˜”—Ќ’аІ@ŠЯEdward F. Irishџ›Ђ3ђ…БЕЮ­Џ‰ŠІР…L’John Barker DeLongИ*6ЪˆгжўЯб‰бІ@ЪCutler J. DeLongџиЪ8ˆ ‰вЦJUElizabeth Ione DeLo В 4j |&гвІ€ЮWilliam Pliny Tears"RZ a/1'),вЦŠP–Catherine Scott Tea3ВTH@BEвдЦР‰P–Cornelia Pierce TeaJЂ V^VX[вежІР‰P–Clarence Dudley Tea`‚XdfiвЦР‰P–Margaret DeLong Tealj\ˆ€‚…взЦЦгHelen Horton TearseŠB]›“•˜в‹І@ЧгRobert James TearseBaАЈЊ­вийІ€Ю•William Pliny TearsВR: zЧЫёРТХ‰кІ@‡L’Daniel Peck DeLong,Э’;™ ‰лЦ@Ы‘зMargaretta Eliza De j 7#млІ@J’Joseph D. Haviland QЋ,$&)лЦР…ЬIone DeLong Havilan/:SE@BлнЦРQ QMargaret HavilandџGzVЄTOQлоІ@J’Daniel S. Haviland [[VXлпЦ€ШJessica Havilandџкed\^aлІР‰ЬTheodore J. Havilanfњ=jwzŒprt‰рŒІ@ЮGeorge Palmer DeLon|‰‘ŸŒЦ€QQCynthia Hauxhurstџ“ЪUЅЕ ЂŒсЦ€DMIno C. DeLongџЇ [ШоРТХŒтІ†P–Scott Hauxhurst DeLЪ AЊeцъпсу‰уЦЪгCatherine J. DeLongэЪ>’ хфуІ@жHarvey Richard Thom Њ X’ Ў');!$уцІР‰P–Theodore DeLong Cof+r Zт‡HM@BEучЦ€ˆP–Mildred Newcomb CofPb\Вbdv\_ушІР…HŽEarl B. CoffinџfЪVтW…‡€ƒуІ€H QSanford H. Coffinџ‰њ ^њ`”–’уІРЯ‰ЯClarence Coffinџ˜27š~ЇЊ ЂЅщŠЦР…ЬEmma Carrie ThompsoЋ­щІРE‹гJohn Smith ThompsonАъщЦ†L’Anice Derby TearseДтUТ ЇШЫуРТХŠыЦ@ЮBertha Louise DeLonЭђQђЋыэ фцщьыІРЩUClifford Barkley HaяRl"Ы  ыэЦ@JŽMarion D. HallџJЇ,.D(*ыюяІN’David Kenneth Hall0RW ЃKNdEHŠ№І@‡L’Arthur John DeLongPr9b‡il~egёбЦР Х Mary Clendon2џo€ёІ@ŽGŽGeorge Clendonџƒ‡ёЦРIIMary HuntxU(Ю2џŠB Pš В“–ŽбђЦРЫ…ЫMary DeLongЮ2џ˜ТHZ›ЄІТŸЂѓђІ€ˆаCharles Francis WesЈкi*ЦШЪУЦђѕєЦРХ QMary Clendon Westџ*nРЩавхЫЮђЦЦ QNancy Ashley WestџдЪoЩыэ цщђІ@N’Cutler DeLong Westяrr ђЦŠFŠEdith West(Ю2џвu ђіЦЪUKatharine Louisa We#кR Ј02*-бїЦ€ŠDŠAnn DeLong(Ю2џ4bXZ“LNHJјїІЦ‰ЯJames S. WarrenџPZSšЈ^`Y[бљЦ Ц Helen DeLong2џbRRrŽ‡Ѕ€‚њљІ@JŽHoward J. BushџŠpВР­ЏІЈЋљћІ@GгHoward Clendon BushБ"UR ЈЭбЦШЪбќЦŠP–Katherine Scott DeLд"R’Ћыэ фцщ§ќІ@GURobert Cameron CartяBn ќўЦ€вEleanor Katherine C2sќІ@GURobert Cameron CartZ;j˜59L-/2гкЦЮEmily Pittman Tears<MOгІЪгArchibald C. TearseQгЦЪCatherine PierceџJRТ ІXZfSUкІ@ЪWalter J. DeLongџ]"T* ˆn~gikкІЪгArchibald Z. DeLongq„š€‚ЦР QElla Hall Shieldsџ‡›І€ЯˆЯWilliam ShieldsџžJWr ЎЊ­ЮЂЄЇкІ@ЮRobert Tearse DeLonАТZ:`зйЯбдкІ€ЮChester Scott DeLon‚^2`оркмкЦ Ц Elsie DeLong2џштфцъІ€HUWilliam Hunter Tearъ ъЦР Х Mary Stewart2џй      ІЦгPeter Bailey Tearse  Ц Ц Polly Hunter2џ#  І@MMRobert Hunterџ' $ Ц’J’Katherine Campbell3 ( І’J’Alexander Campbell+ D P @ B Ц Ц Sarah Fraser2џF Q І Ц Simon Fraser2џT Y  ІЪAlexander FraserџBё` [ ]  І Ц Simon Fraser2џd o І€ŠDŠxxx McNeil(Ю2џr € ІЪArchibald Tearseџ‚  ЦРЫ…ЫMary TearseЮ2џ„  ІŠFŠPeter Finn(Ю2џ†  ЦЪCatherine Tearseџˆ  ІРMMJohn ReynoldsџŠ  ЦЪElizabeth Tearseџ  ІЯŠЯArchibald Derbyџ  Ц€ŠDŠAnn Tearse(Ю2џ‘  ІРŠEŠAmos Green(Ю2џЊц“ – „ ІЫ†ЫIsaac LewesЮ2џ˜ „ ЦРM MMarritje Deyoџ›   І€ Ш Jacobus Deyo2џЂ Ц@ŠGŠRachel Kip(Ю2џвйЄ І „ ЦРŽIŽJannetse LewisџЈ ЦРŽIŽJannetje FreerџjсЏ Њ Ќ „ ІЫ†ЫPeter LewisЮ2џуА В „ І@ Ч Gradas Lewis2џР ІРŽIŽGerardus LewesџЊцТ Ф „ я ІЫ†ЫIsaac LewisЮ2џЦ І€ Ш Jacobus Deyo2џШ ІŠFŠPeter Deyo(Ю2џЪЪ Ь я ІЫ†ЫPeter LewisЮ2џЮ Юг е Ц€ŽHŽEleanor Putnamџй о гЦ@ЪSharon L. 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Benjaminџˆ-ƒz к“-З-Œ--, БРЦРЫ…ЫLeah SnyderЮ2џ•-Р-І@MMDonald MolloyџТ-ВЦРMMCora CisnerosџФ-g ЦРMMEmma RobinsonџЦ-Ш-g ІN–James Whitney RobinЪ-) ГІ€MMWilliam SmithџЬ-ГДІЫ†ЫLewis SmithЮ2џЯ-г-ДЦIIGrace xxxxU(Ю2џж-к-* ЕЦРЫ…ЫNell EcklerЮ2џн-т-ЕІ@ŽGŽEdward Comfortџф-ЕЖЦ€Ы„ЫAmy ComfortЮ2џц-ЖІŽFŽRalph Oaksfordџш-ЖІ@Я‡ЯRobert Oaksfordџъ-ЕЗЦMMHelen Comfortџь-ЗІЯ†ЯHenry Schreiderџю-ЗІ€QQRichard Schreiderџ№-ЗИІРŽEŽCarl Schreiderџ.ИЙЦ€MMxxx Schreiderџ.ЙІŠFŠFrank Bell(Ю2џ.ЕІР Х Bert Comfort2џ.* КІ@MMArthur Ecklerџ ..КЛЦРЫ…ЫMyra EcklerЮ2џ.ЛІ€IIxxx SlackxU(Ю2џЪ‚ и.;....oИ pІ€HЯCharles Harold Brow.Ђ6тˆD.F.@.B.g МЦРMMAnna RobinsonџG.I.g ІЦ UHenry Alvord Robinsj/ЂwR.T.L.N.P.МІŠTšJohnathan DickinsonЂN[.U.W.Y.МЦРХгEmma Whitney Wilson’ S\.^.МЦРЪAnna Tear Wilsonџ[`.b.d.МЦ@ЮLouise Alvord Wilsof.JІ@ Ч Thomas Jolls2џi.тгb%q.s.‚.m.o.Žd ІРŽIŽEbenezer Jollsџu.ƒ.d ЦР Х Mary Wheaton2џ….d ІЯŠЯSylvester Jollsџ‡.d Ц€MMAbigail Jollsџ‰.‹.d І@GЯSamuel Wheaton JollJЇ‚р‘.”...НŽІ@ Ч Thomas Jolls2џ–.:Ўž.š.œ.ŽЦЪMehitable Ormsbyџ .Є.ŽЦ€MMSusanna JollsџІ.ŽЦРŠEŠMary Jolls(Ю2џЈ.ŽІ@ Ч Robert Jolls2џЊ.ŽЦЫ†ЫLydia JollsЮ2џ­.ŽЦ@ Ч Hannah Jolls2џЏ.ŽІ@ Ч Thomas Jolls2џР.ŽІРŠEŠJohn Jolls(Ю2џТ.ŽЦЯŠЯMehitable JollsџФ.ŽІРŽIŽJeremiah JollsџЦ.ŽЦЫ†ЫBetty JollsЮ2џ ŠЫЬ.Ю.Ш.Ъ.ОНІ@ Ч Robert Jolls2џа.Вzнй.л.е.з.НЦ’J’Experiece Holbrookн.ц.НІРŠEŠJohn Jolls(Ю2џш.НЦРEЫMary Sarah Jollsџј.ъ.ОРІ@ Ч Thomas Jolls2џэ.Ž///ОЦ€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џЏ ///РСЦ@MMHannah Briggsџ /СІ@ŽGŽSamuel Winslowџ /; ІРŽEŽGary Stanfieldџ2м//h ЦРE QAnna Maria Franceџ/Jн//h Ц€ŽHŽJuliana Franceџ"/’п+/-/h І€ŠDŠJan France(Ю2џ0/’ц@/B/h ІЪCornelius FranceџE/ъПT/P/R/j ЦЪElisabeth VolandџКЩY/U/W/j І€ŽHŽWilhelm Volandџ[/`/b/l І@GOšJohann Lorentz Schwd/n/ І@Ы‡ЫDaniel JungЮ2џq/€/ ЦРХЭAnna Barbara xxxџ‡/‚/„/†/Т ЦРEзAnna Elisabeth Rissˆ/Ž//ТІРU UJohannes Von Risswi’/ТЦ€Ч„Чxxx AhlџxU(Ю2џ”/)Ц@Я‡ЯJackie KetchnerџЩœ/–/˜/š/)І@GO–Justin Matthew JohnЩЃ//Ÿ/Ё/BІYBrian Christopher SтSZЗЄ/І/AІ@‡ QJoseph John LucasџЊ/ZОЎ/А/В/AЦ ŽгElizabeth Ann YuharЖ/Р/€І@ЪForman J. 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RhodesџнCoЦŽFŽMabel PilquistџпCгЦ Ц Kathy Rhodes2џтCцCгЦ Ц Wendy Rhodes2џщCzyЂЮєCіCюC№CђCpзЦЦгMabel Cowles BascomјCDDpІЦгWyman Samuel BascomDDpЦ@ЮEsther Louise Cowleњ !D(DDDзqІР…L’John DeLong Austin#DrтЭ-D/D)D+DqЦ@GЫMarcia Kay Behanџ1DвГ@DBDqІР…L’John DeLong AustinEDIDqІ†L’James Behan AustinLDPDRDqІ€ШгMichael John AustinUDB ЗYD[DqЦ†L’Susan Behan Austin2‘]D_DaDзrsІJ]Frederick Wyman BasdDlDrЦ†L’Ellen Foley KenneynDstЦ Ц Linda Andrus2џpDtІ€ŠDŠxxx LaBick(Ю2џ€DruЦРE QBeth Ellen AustinџƒD‡DuІРЫ…ЫTodd NewellЮ2џ‰DuЦРE QAnne Nancy Newellџ‹DDrvЦЦгSarah Kenney AustinD”DvІРЫ…ЫTodd BjerkeЮ2џ–DvІ Ц Tyler Bjerke2џ˜DvІ@MMThomas BjerkeџšDvЦ€ŽHŽKristin BjerkeџœDžDrwІ@ЮThomas Bascom AustiЁDЅDwЦ Ц Sarah Rishel2џЇDrxЦ€ŠDŠTia Austin(Ю2џЊDЏDxІЯ†ЯJames Hollowoodџš”Š—ЧDРDТDФDзІЦгJames Bascom AustinЩD"˜КНвDЭDЯDзyЦ†L’Nancy Clark AustinдDъDyІ€ŽHŽWilliam WrightџэDEнІ@Я‡ЯGordon O'ReillyџE E EнzІ€N–William James O'ReiE$EzЦ Ц Naomi Shaver2џ'E+EzІ€ШWilliam O'Reillyџ-E/EzІ€ЬChristopher O'Reill@Eн{І€ШPatrick O'ReillyџCEME{Ц€ЫˆЫBarbara xxxЮ2џOEQEнІЦ UPeter DeLong O'ReilTEziaE]E_E|ўІŽFŽJames McDowellџcEkE|І@Я‡ЯTurner McDowellџmE|ЦР Х Anne Beckley2џoEўЦ€ШNeville McDowellџrE€EўІŽFŽJames McDowellџ2Є†E‚E„E}Ц€H QCarolyn H. FerresџˆE}ІЦ‰ЯAllan J. Ferresџ‹EE’EІ@ЧгRobert Allan Carter•EšEœEІ@ЮStuart Gayger CartežE EЦЪ‘зKatherine Ferres CaЂEЦЪCarol Ann CarterџЅEš uЉEЋE­E~ШЦЦ‰гGrace E. HutchinsonЏEБE~І@ЪGeorge H. HutchinsoДE"ŒРEТEФEШ€ЦР…P–Anne Hutchinson CofЧEдEжE€І€UWilliam Allen Grauz’ ЇиEкEмE€І€UWilliam Allen GrauzB’оEрEтEШІЦгDavid DeLong CoffinхER™FF‚ЦЦ‰ЯSusan A. NewmanџF‚І€’HOWilliam Newman IIIF’ Џ FFFІFUPeter Tristram Coff‚БFFFІ€ЮWilliam Jared Coffi ГFFFЦРЩгSamantha Ann CoffinFƒЩЦРŽIŽVirginia Smeedџ FƒІ@ Ч Harold Smeed2џ#F* š'F)FЩ„ЦЪCatherine Coffinџ+F„І@ŠЯM. Andrew Hulseџ.FЖ@FBF„ІЫ†ЫCorey HulseЮ2џRžDFFFЩ…Ц€ŽHŽCynthia CoffinџHF…І€HЫRichard D. CoilaџЗJFLF…ІЫ†ЫJason CoilaЮ2џNFPFЫІЦ QEnoch Briggs Gray, RFЫЦ Ц Silva Wilcox2џr >ŽXFTFVFЪ†ІЦ‰ЯHenry E. DeLongџ\F`F†ЦЦ‰ЯLeafy A. GrahamџcF H’kFgFiFЪ‡ІЦ‰ЯEdwin E. DeLongџoF’KтЁ€F‚F‡ЦР…ШMary A. RobinsonџJK…F‡FЪЦ@ЪNettie F. DeLongџ*LŠ ŠFŒFЪˆЦ@ЪCarrie B. DeLongџFˆІ€H QWilliam H. Mosherџ:OњЂ‘F“F•FЪ‰ЦЪгCatherine G. DeLong™F‰І€ЪIra Elroy WeaverџžF›FЪЦ@MMSylvia DeLongџj`ŸFЁF‡ŠЦ€DMIda L. DeLongџЄFЌFŠІ@У‰ЯE. Grant SpicerџJhЎFАF‡ІЦ‰ЯElwin R. DeLongџГF2jРFТF‡‹Ц@MMMarian DeLongџФF‹І@ Ч Gerard Terry2џ"lЦFШF‡ŒЦЦ‰ЯHazel B. DeLongџЫFаFŒІ@ЪMilton T. WakelyџгFкnьFзFйF‡І@C QA. Herbert DeLongџмFrvэFяFЦ Ц Marie Hickey2џЂ ‰GGGŽІ@ЧгWarren Edwin DeLong2ŠGGŽЦРЯ…ЯJoan Vanverwortџ" G GЦ€ЪGay Marie DeLongџŒGGІ€ШWilliam GoodhartџТ ЃGGŽІ Ц Terry DeLong2џВЉGGЦ@Я‡ЯMartha GoodhartџТ ЏGGІЦ QPeter H. GoodhartџGaЦ@ Ч Gladys Handy2џ!G&GІЫ†ЫHarry BrustЮ2џ(Ga‘Ц@ Ч Edythe Handy2џ+G/G‘І€ Ф xxx Houghton2џ@GBGa5ІРEЫJohn Clark Handy, JEG"2Ђ €JGLGOGK_І€UWilliam Henry SpoonRGŠYG[GB_Ц€ŽHŽEleanor WaymanџЂq]G_GcGMІР…ЬLeon Robert TissierfGjG_ІР Х Omar Spooner2џmG€G_’ЦРЩFlorence SpoonerџƒGˆG’І€ Ф xxx Sipperly2џŠG_“ЦРЩMargaret SpoonerџG“G“І€Фxxx KahrxU(Ю2џ•G_”Ц@ŽGŽBertha Spoonerџ˜GG”І€ŠDŠxxx Wilsey(Ю2џŸGc•Ц Ц Elsie Becker2џЁG•І€ Ф xxx Keneston2џЃG•–ЦРQ QLorraine KenestonџІGЊG–І€Фxxx DawsxU(Ю2џЌG•І@Я‡ЯGordon KenestonџЏGРGbІ@ŽGŽDonald MabbettџУGЧGbІ€ЯˆЯGerbert MabbettџЪGЮGbІ€ЯˆЯWilliam MabbettџбGђ1вйGлGэGеGзG —˜ІЦ‰ЯDuane B. CooleyџнG2юG№GђG—Ц@ЧбAlmina Elizabeth ChѕG6xHH™іЦР…MMary E. QuealџHšFz{HHH˜Ц@ЧQ–Hattie Elizabeth MiGŒHH—šЦ Ц Matie Cooley2џH H—І@MMGeorge Cooleyџ"HšІŽFŽLouis CavalierџL[$H'HіІЦ‰ЯJames B. Cooleyџ+H0H™ІЦ QDavid W. Shellandџ3HКИDH@HBH.Ц€ЯˆЯSusanna SheldonџŠЙRњJHMHFHHH.І@ŽGŽJoseph Sheldonџ‚ МRHUHNHPH.І@ŽGŽPalmer SheldonџУТ[H^HWHYH›-ЦРEЫAnna Nancy Allenџ_H›І@ Ч Thomas Allen2џлнeHgHaHcH-ІMMIsaac Sheldonџпb#lHnHhHjH-Ц€ЯˆЯSusanna SheldonџтšsHuHoHqH-І€ЯˆЯStephen Sheldonџф '„H†H€H‚H-ІРЩBenjamin Sheldonџц‚ŒHŽHˆHŠH-ЦР Х Mary Sheldon2џ"тb ,“H•HH‘H˜ Ц€MMAbigail UdellџъYHЉH–H™H— Ц@ŠGŠHannah xxx(Ю2џ HЪєъQЎHАHЊHЌH˜ Ц€ЯˆЯAbigail SheldonџЂїВ<ФHЦHРHТH˜ œІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Sheldonџ*љ >ЭHЯHЧHЩHЫH˜ ІР‰ŒгBenjamin S. Sheldonў‚ еHзHбHгH˜ І€ЯˆЯAlanson SheldonџR *KмHоHиHкH˜ ЦР Х Anna Sheldon2џjЂ<уHхHпHсH˜ І€Ы„ЫAsa SheldonЮ2џŠ Њ(ъHцHшH˜ І€ЯˆЯErastus SheldonџR ђ №HђHьHюH˜ Ц€ЯˆЯDiadama Sheldonџђ š dIIII˜ ЦMMDiana Sheldonџќ"/II I IœЦР…ŒгMary de Les DernierZTIIIœЦР Х Mary Sheldon2џIIIœІ€HK’William F. Sheldon3"I$II IœІРЩHezekiah Sheldonџz‚:+I-I%I'I)IœІ€ˆзFreeman Francis She: Zu4I6I.I0I2IœІР…”лMark de Les Dernier*^FIHI@IBIDIœЦULaura Melvina SheldOIIIKIMIœЦ€ˆŒгOrrilla Ann Sheldon3WIQISIUIœЦРЩбClarissa Julissa ShЊ$Ђj]I_IYI[IœЦР Х Jane Sheldon2џђ$Š}gIiIzI`IbIdIмІ@ЧЭLionel Allen SheldokI€IмЦ@ŽGŽElvira Sheldonџ2 ˆI‚I„I†IІ€UCharles Henry Whitn-ŠIŒI Ц€ЯˆЯEstella LaMoureџ, /”IŽII’I Ц€ˆзFrances Rosalia LaMв1œI–I˜IšI žЦ€ˆзRosalia Orcelia LaM*6ЄIžI IЂI ŸЦŠзElizabeth Viola LaM+ЉIЅIЇIŸІЦAaron Hallenbeckџz;ЎIЊIЌI  ІЦЩIsaac W. LaMoureџВ >ГIЏIБI Ц€ЯˆЯFrances LaMoureџК1JФIРIТIЁйЦРХIŽLucy Ann GroatџЦIЁІ€MMWilliam GroatџШIЁЦРŽIŽEuranila Grossџт/ruЮIЪIЬIЂкЦЪElizabeth ShaferџаIЂІРЫ…ЫJohn ShaferЮ2џвIЂЦЪCatherine WarnerџrFК‘кIмIдIжIиIйЃІ€ˆзWilliam TenEyck LaM*SтIфIоIрIкЄЦ@ QBeulah R. LaMoureџвTхIчIщIкЅЦЪЭCatherine S. LaMour ,z|яIыIэIЧžІ@ŽGŽAustin GriffinџђI J JžЪІ@GO–Austin LaMoure GrifJJJ Ц€ЯˆЯBlanche LaMoureџ">JJJ ЦРŠEŠEmma Grant(Ю2џJJJ ЦР Х Lela LaMoure2џтLb~!J#JJJІЃЦ@‡ЬErmina Jane Fileџ%JІІ@Ы‡ЫSidney FileЮ2џ'JІЦЫ†ЫSarah LoseeЮ2џ ^Ж-J/J)J+JЃЇЦMMPearl LaMoureџzW6J0J2J4JЇІN–David Jackson CaldwM˜@JBJDJЄІ@N–George Alford Simpk*fЋKJMJGJIJЄЈЦР…ШLeda R. SimpkinsџRJNJPJЈІ@ŽGŽLeland GiffordџR m–XJSJUJЄЉІ@J’Wilber L. Simpkinsp"Ѕ_JaJYJ[J]JЄЊЋІР‰аClifford George SimbJЅІ Ц Isaac Wilber2џdJfJЅІЦгIsaac Snyder WilberПhJjJЅЦ@MMMarion WilberџJo ПpJrJlJnJЉЦŽFŽEthel McIlwainџJšЬ€J‚J„JЉЌЦРЩ UPatricia Ann Simpki:kР‡J‰JЊЦIIElsie xxxxU(Ю2џJt’JŒJŽJJЋЦ€Ш‘зMildred Virginia Pa“JЌІЦЩLewis E. CornellџЪb›JJИJ•J˜J” І@ŽGŽD.L.D. Sheldonџ JРJ” ­Ц€Ы„Ыxxx SheldonЮ2џТJ­ІMMHenry DarlingџФJЎЛ І@ŠЯAlbert V. ChaseџЦJЛ ЦРХIŽEdna May ChaseџШJЛ І€MMWilliam ChaseџЪJЛ Ц€MMDorothy ChaseџЭJбJЛ І@ Ч Albert Chase2џгJЛ ЦЯŠЯCharlotte ChaseџжJЛ ЦЫ†ЫPearl ChaseЮ2џлJиJЛ ЏЦЫ†ЫAlice ChaseЮ2џмJЏІ€IIxxx PerryxU(Ю2џоJМ Ц Ц Ellen Newton2џрJтJМ І@GO–George Everett BurgфJцJМ АЦРХЭRose Minerva BurgesщJАІ@ Ч Marion Clark2џыJэJМ ІЪбFrederick Warren Bu xяJёJМ БІ@ŽGŽHoward BurgessџKБЦ€ЯˆЯDorothy GarlockџKН І@MMJoseph McCabeџВv KKKKН ЦFUPearl Ceceilia McCaвg K KО ЦРЫ…ЫAnna McCabeЮ2џB‚KKKKО І@GO–Robert Matthew Burg:„KKKKО І@GO–Edward Orlando BurgR†#KKK!KО Ц†зAlice Elizabeth BurЪ(K$K&KО Ц@GK’Regina Ann Burgess)KР Ц Ц Grace Tucker2џ‚‡+K-KР & @ŽGŽGerald Burgessџ0KKK@KЎІРŠEŠBill Chase(Ю2џCKLKШ Ц@ŠGŠJessie Fee(Ю2џNKPKЩ ЦЪKatherine McAllisteSKWKС І€MMWillard StempџYKТ І@ Ч Howard Daley2џ[KУ ЦР Щ Margaret xxx2џ]KФ ЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џєcK_KaKВб І€ЯˆЯPhillip BurgessџљhKdKfKб Ц€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џкbnKjKlKГЬ ІРŽIŽBenjamin PittsџpK€KДВІ€ЯˆЯStephen BurgessџќBˆK‚K„KЕГІ@ Ч Samuel Pitts2џŠK’KЕЖЦ@ Ч Rachel Pitts2џ—K”KГЦ’J’Elizabeth HamiltonъœK˜KšKЗЖІ@ŽGŽJoseph WilkinsџЪ šZЁKЃKKŸKЖЬ ЦMMEliza WilkinsџиЄKІKИВЦРŽIŽSusannah AbbotџЋKЈKДІРЩBenjamin BurgessџЌKЙИІ€MMStephen AbbotџЎKКИЦРЩFreelove BurgessџАKЙІ@ Ч Philip Abbot2џРKКІРЩBenjamin BurgessџТKКЦ€IIxxx SabinxU(Ю2џФKЛЕІРŽIŽJeremiah PittsџЦKЕЦЯ†ЯIrena YoungloveџШKМЛІРŠEŠJohn Pitts(Ю2џЪKНЛЦ@Я‡ЯRachel HumphreyџЬKНІ@Я‡ЯArthur HumphreyџЮKОМІРŠEŠJohn Pitts(Ю2џаKМЦMMSusan PrestonџвKОІ@ Ч Thomas Pitts2џбдKжKиKРЗІ@гGŽJoseph Wilkins, Jr.лKАфKцKСРІ@ŽGŽJoseph WilkinsџщKюKСІ@ŽGŽJoseph Wilkinsџ№KХ ТЦ€ Ш Harriet Bump2џLТІЫ†ЫHenry BrownЮ2џ4LLLХ УЦ@JŽAdelia E. BumpџL LУІ@ЪAlonzo A. RogersџLЮ ЦР Х Dora Burditt2џLа Ц@ Ч Libbie Pitts2џLЊІ Ц Harry DeLong2џЊ7JˆLLGLLLФІ@ŠЯJoseph D. DePanџ!L’8:ŠMLOLdLHLKLФЦ@ЧM’Hannah Maria HanceQL$ЪJLeLhLХЦ@Я‡ЯMariah ManvilleџlLRA v‰LLœL‚L„L‡LЦЧІ ’зTheophile Dolphus DL:Š‚ЂLІLФLL LШЦ@ЧM’Mariah Neasa DePanЊLК2ђ „ЬLЮLХLЧLЪLЩЦŠYCatherine KathaleenЯLQR•рLтLлLнLЪЦРŽIŽMargaret DePanџхLZ[К‚M MMMMЫЪІ@KSšWellington William MRLzMMMMІ@ŠЯEdward S. DePanџMN"M$MЬІ€MMWilliam DePanџG,M&M(M*MЮЭІ€H QFrancis A. Leland, /M(v@MBMDMЮІ€H QFrancis A. Leland, ъ sMMGMIMKMЯGІ€HзLeonard Severn PeteъtTMNMPMRMаGЦ€HЯEstella Myrtle Batt šYMUMWMбFЦ@‡L’Sandra Jean Olcese[MбІ@MMEmilio Olceseџ]MбЦ€ŽHŽFrances BoylanџЊЅcM_MaMEЦ@Я‡ЯElaine Petersenџ2ЉjMdMfMhMEІ€N–Douglas Ralph PeterzЉoMkMmMEЦŽFŽClare PetersenџтЇvMpMrMtMEІРE‹гNeal James Petersen€MHІFЫAlton Link Pabstџ‚MHЦЪBelva Lee NaugleџZ ŽŠM„M†MˆMGвЦF‹гNancy Jane Petersenк †’MŒMŽMMгвІ@‡P–Dwight Crawford Kel“MгІР…L’John Claude Kelley•MгЦ€ЪIda Leona Wrightџ*Ђ›M—M™MвЦF QNancy Jane Kelleyџ:ЄЂMœMžM MвІ@‡P–Dwight Crawford KelЃMЯІ€ШTheodor PetersenџЅMЯЦŽFŽMarie JacobsenџЇMаІ@ЧM’Robert James BattyЉMаЦ@‡ЬMyrtle Jane Waitџ2pБMЋM­MЏMЯдІ€HзTheodor Albert Peteт sЦMРMТMФMедЦРIгWinifred Laura RiceЧMЩMеІР‰аBenjamin Newton RicЫMеЦ†ЬEllen Pearl KentџЊ`ТбMдMЭMЯMЯжІŽFŽPeter PetersenџзMлMнMжЦРŽгRose Cornelia Scott’yхMпMсMуMжІРIзTheodore Scott Pete‚ ~ьMцMшMъMжзІРХ UCarl Francis PetersэMзЦ€MMLucille FlynnџтќMяMёMєMиTІРХЭJohn Rexford AldricїMNTЦРХЩLois Ann Randallџтч2 +N NNNNйиІMMDavid Aldrichџ NNЕ ЦŠFŠJenny Fine(Ю2џN N"NTкІРEO–John Archibald Aldr&N@NTлІ€HK’Orlando D. 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DePanPPєЦР Щ Caroline xxx2џ6 P PєІ@ Ч Joseph DePan2џ8 PPєЦРŽIŽCaroline DePanџPѓЦ€ЫˆЫRosanna xxxЮ2џѕPPPPPяљІЫ†ЫHenry DePanЮ2џPљЦIIJulia xxxxU(Ю2џR;b^#PP!PћњЦРŽIŽDolphine DePanџ&P24P0P2PХЦ’J’Elizabeth Manville)@PBPХІ@Я‡ЯVirtil Manvilleџ4HPDPFPХІ@Я‡ЯGeorge ManvilleџBLB‹MPQP`PIPKPФќ§ІЦIŽJacob A. DePanџTPвMв gePhPaPcPФІЦIŽHenry W. DePanџkPJPzj„PˆP€P‚PФЬЦРŠEŠAnna DePan(Ю2џŠPкQ“PP‘PФўЦЫ†ЫJulia DePanЮ2џ–PВRV PЃPšPœPžPФІ@GЯJoseph William DePaІPЂT* iФPЧPРPТPФЭЦЯŠЯElizabeth DePanџЪPRVzqдPзPїPЮPаPвPФІЪQ–Frederick Arthur DeйPђWКœQ Q.QQQФІР‰ QTuffield D. DePanџ QкYтt3Q6QLQ/Q1QФЦ@ЧM’Hannah Grace DePan7Qr\ъИQQTQMQOQФЦРŠЯMary Jane DePanџWQš ]R ^`QcQ\Q^QФЦ@ЧM’Lillie Addia DePanR_ТojQmQdQfQhQФЦŽгJulia Augusta DePanoQъcŠЎ„QˆQŸQ€Q‚QФЦ@GЫJessie Mae DePanџ‹QIЄQЋQ QЂQќЦР…QMary A. OuttersonџІQТd’~ВQЖQЧQЌQЎQАQќІ@ЧQ–Joseph Andrew H. DeКQrfВ •ЬQЯQнQШQЪQќЦР… QRuba Adelia DePanџаQrf„тQхQьQоQрQќЦР…MRuth H. DePanџчQšhšhэQяQќЦ€IIxxx DePanxU(Ю2џ klRRRRќІЫ†ЫFrank DePanЮ2џBZДRR R R§Ц’J’Katherine TompkinsR2C•R!R4RRRR ІЦгEdwin Roland Sharon$R0@RBR І Ц Henry Sharon2џ2DRFR ЦРЫ…ЫMary RolandЮ2џHR Ц Ц Helen Sharon2џzJRLRЦЪGeraldine SharonџORr qЪЧZR\R І€QQRussell Bellingerџ_RaR І€ˆYRichard Russell BelJdЋiRcReRgR ІР‰дNapoleon F. MichaelnRD”€R‚R ІРХ QLevi Charles LeafџN……R‡R ЦЪElizabeth Rivettџъ zФŽR’RŠRŒR ІЦ QJacob Alfred Leafџ•R’{ ЬR R™R›R ЦР‰ЬBeatrice L. Leafџ:~RžЈRЊRЂRЄRІRІ€ˆаWilliam Francis LeaЌRк €ЂЩЖRЙRгRАRВRДRЦРEгMary Genevieve LeafМR€дRжR ЦР Щ Margaret xxx2џ{иRкR І€ Ф xxx Humphrey2џzy2ХтRмRоRрRІЦ QLouis J. Mazzatti, фRцRІЦ QLouis J. Mazzatti, шRІР…ШJohn P. MazzattiџъRІЦ QJames P. MazzattiџьRЦРХElsa xxxxU(Ю2џDюR№RІ@Я‡ЯThomas TompkinsџNSSўІ€ŠDŠxxx O'Mara(Ю2џg2oS SSSЬЦР‰ QMargaret L. DePanџ SSЬЦЫ†ЫLeola DePanЮ2џS,ˆ$S&SЮЦЦIŽEmily M. Bailyџ\RЏ/S3SJS)S+S-SЦ€ŽгLillian Eliza Higby6S-†KSMSOSІ€ŽгLeonard Gates Higby>‘RSTSЦFKŽEdith Mary xxxџІWSYSІ@JŽEugene D. Juddџ‚N’‹_SbS[S]SІР…L’John Miller RednerdS1ŒpSrSІР…HŽJoel C. Rednerџ8b€S‚SЦŠЯSarah Ann HanceџbkвВ‰SS…S‡SЦ@G QVirgel May RednerџS‚sъsЃSІSSŸSЁSІ@ЧгJoseph Elden RednerЈSjФSРSТSІ@MMRomeyn MeekerџЧS~"ХЮSаSІЪSylvester MeekerџдSиSЦРЫ…ЫEdna MeekerЮ2џлSпSЦРЫ…ЫJoan MeekerЮ2џтSцSІ Ц Edgar Meeker2џщSюSІРЯ‰ЯThurston MeekerџёSTTЦЮMable Pauline MeekeT TІ€„L’Guy Francis Meeker TTTЦРХгIone Shirley MeekerTTІ Ц Allen Meeker2џTІ€ŽHŽHerbert MeekerџTІРЯ‰ЯFranklin MeekerџrŽrŽ%T'T!T#TЦЪAnnabelle Meekerџ(TІ€Ы„ЫDan GwizdakЮ2џNšЄ1T*T,T.TІŠзArchibald Lewis Bir4TВtЂ„DTHTaT@TBTЦРEЫMary Edith HigbyџLTтU* ›fThT{TbTdTІ@ Ч Wilson Higby2џkTZ xтx†TˆT€T‚T„TЦ@GЯMonica Rosalie Higb‰Tк_ђ•T—TT‘T“TІ@ЧгNelson Peter Hansen˜TŠbЂ ЅЇTЉTЃTЅTІ@ЪKasson W. HodgesџЋTDРTТTІРЫ…ЫHans HansenЮ2џIcФTЦTШTЦ@ŠгEllena M. RasmussenЫTЦ†L’Betty DePan Hodges b"АбTгTЭTЯTІ@JŽOliver S. CoonџжTт zZ РсTуTлTнTпTІ@GЯHoward Francis SwifфTZ/b№TѓT UьTюTШІ@Ы‡ЫJoseph WineЮ2џіTU U UІ@MMGeorge BoivinџUUЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џb KZЏUU/UUUШЦРN’Mary Dolphine Wine!UNg0U2UШЦŠFŠEliza Wine(Ю2џPЁ@UBUШЦŽJŽJosephine WineџFUЂbђfPUSULUNUШЦРM MFlorence WineџVUJ CК ‹^UaUxUZU\UІЦ‰ЯJames D. McHaleџdUB Lx„U‡U€U‚UŽUІРХ‰ЯJohn Rue McHaleџˆU1ŠU’UЦ Ц Ellen Hanley2џz _B—›UžU•U—U™UІ@ЧгEugene James McHaleЁUŠaRЙЦUЩUРUТUФUІР‰P–Lawrence Joseph McHЫUcJ dдUзUаUвUІ@ЪEdward A. 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PatmoreџТgrД a#aaaaАІ€ЮAnthony James McHal$a$u*a,aІ Ц James McHale2џh3a6a/a1aБЦ Ц Viola McHale2џ8a jтФDaGa@aBaІРЫ…ЫJohn McHaleЮ2џJa lbК]a_aVaXaZaВІЦгDavid Hubert McHalebabn„a‡a€a‚aГЦ@MMOriole McHaleџвhšФ‰a‹aАЦ Ц Effie Struen2џŽaАІ@ЪGerald J. McHaleџaАІ€H QKenneth S. McHaleџT–a˜a’a”aБІРЫ…ЫJohn SchoenЮ2џša’}‚ЬЂaЄaža aБІ@MMEmmeth SchoenџІaz€ЎaАaЊaЌaБЦ€ŽHŽLoretta SchoenџВaB {:ЩФaЧaРaТarВЦР…ˆЯMary E. CollinsџЪaXтaфarІ@ QAlbert L. Collinsџ`цaшarЦР…ˆЯAnna F. O'LearyџъaВДІ@ЪEdward D. McHaleџьaДЦЦЩ Joann J. xxx2џbюa№aГІ€MMWilliam UeckeџbГІ@ Ч Robert Uecke2џbГІ@ Ч Ernest Uecke2џ‚PbbbЕЌІ Ц Frank Rivett2џ bЕІ@MMJoseph Rivettџ bЕЦ@‡L’Jennie Jane Riversg:Њb bbЌЖІ@ QGeorge F. Rivetteџb*iJО b#bbbbЌЗІЪбFrederick Joseph Ri%bmŠЂ2b5b.b0bЌИІ€HK’William E. Rivette7bbk:ВDbFb@bBbЖЦŽFŽHelen McCarthyџIb˜SbNbPbЖІ@ŽGŽGeorge RivetteџTbЖІ€HK’Francis P. RivetteVbЖІ@ QGerard B. RivetteџXbЖЙЦЦЩHelen R. RivetteџZbЙІР Х John Kiggins2џzkЊБ`bbb\b^bЗЦ€„ˆЯEva Mae JacksonџR~2ЭgbibcbebЗКІР QEarl Ivan Rivetteџjb"†Ч€b‚bЗЛЦ@ŽGŽMarion Rivetteџъ}zХ‹bŽb…b‡b‰bЗМІ YFrederick William Rb”bЦРMMMary Griswoldџ–b&Ц@J’Hattie L. Champion™bЊƒRМЁbЄbbŸbКЦ@ЧM’Minnie Marie AnnesЅbКНОЦРЩRosemary RivetteџЇbЉbКРСІ€ШЭRandall Earl RivettЋb­bНІ€UGarland LeRoy ColliЏbБbНТУІ@ЧЭRonald LeRoy CollinРbТbОІŽгLewis William LentzФbЦbТЦ€ШгLoretta Jane MarcumШbТІ@‡L’Ronald Alan MarcumЪbЬbУЦ@G‹гJanice Lee PetersonЮbаbУІ€HO–Anthony Joseph CollвbРЦFK’Diana Lynn TomasekдbжbРІ€ШЭRandall Earl RivettиbкbСЦР…зMary Dale Ellen CorмbЛІРQ QBenjamin DespirtoџZЊБтbфbоbрbМЦР N’Margaret June MaudхbчbМФІ€ˆзRichard William Riv™ТЪщbыbФЦ† QSusan Sudie Wotheџюb№bМХЦ€ˆзJanette Loraine RivccХІ€ШЭKenneth Hill BudlonccХЦРЩЭKimberly Ann Budlonc cХІ€ШЭKenneth Mark Budlon ccМЦІ@‡ŒгDonald Earl RivettecЦЦ€ˆ QCarolyn Ann BrownџccЦЦ€ˆŒгCarolyn Ann RivetteccЦІ€HO–Randolf Robert RiveccЦЦ€ШЭKathern Mary Rivettzn: В#cc cИЦЦЩ Della T. xxx2џ$c*cИІ€HK’William E. Rivette[0c,c.c­ЦЫ†ЫDonna SmithЮ2џ@c­І@ŽGŽHarold ColemanџBc­ЦMMAnita ColemanџDc­ЦР Х Ruth Coleman2џ&LcFcIcІ€IIxxx BesawxU(Ю2џrBкsQcMcOcЧЧЦРMMMary MoriartyџTc!Zc\cЧІРMMJohn Moriartyџ#^c`cЧЦMMJulia Carmodyџ:aЊЉfcbcdcЧШІРEЫFred Harry DePanџjcъcЋ…c‡c€cƒcЧЩІР… QJohn Roscoe DePanџ‰cRG hŽccЦЦŠFŠEmily Plue(Ю2џ”cтaZЃžc c˜cšcœcШЦРIзMadeline Agnes McCaЂcЇcЉcШЪІFЯHarry McCarthy DePaЌcРcТcШЫЦFЯMarie Madeline DePaФcЦcЬЪЦРEUMary Elizabeth NattЩcЭcЬІ Ц Frank Natter2џЯcбcЬЦЪгJosephine M. LennonгcЪЭЮІFЫHarry John DePanџзcлcнcЪЯаЦРIгMadeline Josephine 2ЈJ ЈфcрcтcЪІЦM’Brian Dennis DePanчcьcюcЪІРŽгMark Tuffield DePan№cЪбІ@ЧM’Andrew Brian DePandЭЦIISusan FayxU(Ю2џdЮЦ Ц Ellen Taylor2џdаІ€MMMichael LynchџdбЦMMGayle BrennanџwŠЭdd d ddЫІ@UEdward Joseph HerliddЫвІ@ЧЭEdward DePan HerlihdвЦРŽIŽPatricia PeterџddвЦ@ЧЭBrooke Peter HerlihdвІРEK’Todd DePan Herlihy dЫгІFK’Kevin John Herlihy"d$dЫдІ†ŒгPeter Harry Herlihy(d,dгЦР Х Anne Betters2џ.d0dгЦ YKatherine Betters H@dBdгІUBrent Corbett HerliDdдЦ Ц Laura Hobson2џHdZfšУQdSdLdOdЩЦРŠEŠZita Welch(Ю2џК… ОYdTdWdЩеЦРŠEŠZita DePan(Ю2џvМ[d^dеІЫ†ЫJames HayesЮ2џX‘fdadddЦжІ€HЫCharles E. DePanџkdXЇvdxdodqdtdзжЦ@ŠгMartha D. Hitchcockzd:€d‚dзІЯ†ЯFrank Hitchcockџ?„d†dзЦЪElizabeth ArklerџˆdжЦ@ Ч Bertha DePan2џŠdŒdЩІ@ Ч Edward Burke2џŽddЩЦРХAnna xxxxU(Ю2џšJ–d’d”dЦР…MMary A. DePanџbOт –œdžd˜dšdиІ€HЫWilliam M. DePanџ d[­dЉdЋdиЦMMMaude ClossonџЏdjnZИФdЦdфdРdТdийІ€HЫWilliam E. DePanџЩdbpЗщdьdхdчdикЦ@ŠЯStella M. DePanџ rЦёdѓdэdяdиІЫ†ЫHenry DePanЮ2џТv ЪeeeeилЦРЩM’Florence May DePan2€šЧ eee eнмйЦР…ˆЯLois A. ShepardџeqeeнІ@ŽGŽWalter Shepardџp e"eнЦРŽIŽBeatrice Prattџ$eмІ@ŽGŽGerald Robertsџ&eйопЦЦIŽBetty A. DePanџ(eйрсЦЦIŽDoris M. DePanџ*eйтЦ@ŠЯBonnie L. DePanџ,eйуЦ@ŠЯStella L. DePanџ.eйфІ€HЫWilliam W. DePanџ0eйхІ@ŠЯEdward J. DePanџ@eоІ€Ы„Ыxxx DougherЮ2џBeоІЦIŽKeith A. DePanџDeоІ@ŽGŽJoseph DougherџFeоІР Х Seth Dougher2џHeоЦ@ŽGŽPamela DougherџJeоІMMKevin DougherџMeоІMMJames DougherџOeQeпІЦ‰гJames A. WilliamsonSeрІ€ЯˆЯKenneth TennantџUeрІ€ЯˆЯKenneth TennantџWeрІ@ŽGŽDonald TennantџYeсІ€’H’Stephen Szablewskib }BЦ[e]eтІ@ŽGŽGerald Tennantџ`eтІMMJamie TennantџbeтЦР Х Amie Tennant2џdeтЦРЩMichelle TennantџfeуІР Х Carl Tennant2џheуЦ@ŽGŽTracey TennantџjeуЦMMLaura TennantџleуЦР Х Lisa Tennant2џneуІ€ЯˆЯMichael TennantџpeфЦIIJoann xxxxU(Ю2џ€eхЦ@ QArlene C. MardoniџъlВ†eˆe‚e„eцкІ@JŽAndrew A. LeafџO‰e‹eeцІ€LгChristopher N. LeafTe‘eцЦЪElizabeth WillisџBJХ˜eše”e–eкЦŠFŠDoris Leaf(Ю2џœe"kМЅe eЂeлІ’J’Frederick LincourtЈe)ЌeЎeЫІ€HK’Abraham W. Mumford0АeВeЫЦРХ‰ЯAxie Amy GordonџЕeРeЫІЦЩFrank A. MumfordџТeЪІ@ŽGŽNorman Mumfordџ&ФeЦeѕІЦIŽPeter F. Boscoџ:ЬeШeЪeѕЦ€MMAdeline Boscoџ-B yбeдeЭeЯeчіЦР… QMary Louisa MoranџжeиeчІРŠEŠJohn Morin(Ю2џкeмeчЦ@ŠGŠAmella xxx(Ю2џ,тeоeрeшїЦЯŠЯElizabeth Wellsџ’LчeуeхeіІ@ Ч Andrew DePan2џђNьeшeъeіЦРEЫMary Delia DePanџbVЏёeѓeэeяeіщЦЫ†ЫAlice DePanЮ2џіer^АffіъЦЯŠЯJosephine DePanџZZЂ f fffіІ€HЫFrancis J. DePanџfЊ[!fffіыІ† QLouis Henry DePanџ#fJ_b”+f-f_Д'f)fіьІР…MLevi A. DePanџ0f@fBfіІ@ Ч George DePan2џEfWLfHfJfэщІ@ŽGŽThomas O'NeillџQfMfOfэІРЩNicholas O'NeillџVfRfTfэЦ Ц Delia Gorman2џвU­WfYfъІ€ŽHŽMichael Daltonџ\bf\f^f`fюыЦР‰ŒгMargaret I. LechnerDgfcfefюІ€ЯˆЯCharles LechnerџFlfhfjfюЦР Щ Margaret xxx2џwТЉqfsfmfofы@ІРEЫCarl Louis DePanџЂ_к˜†fŠf`Д€f‚f„fьЦРŽгAnna Veronica FlynnfzŠЯ—f™f“f•fьяІ€HЫRaymond T. DePanџšfь№ЦЦIŽHelen A. DePanџ*}ТЧ fЂfœfžfьёІ€HЫLeonard L. DePanџЪ €RЪЇfЉfЃfЅfьђІ€HЫWilliam J. DePanџЊfяЦРЫ…ЫMary FallonЮ2џЌfяѓЦ€MMMarilyn DePanџb™Z ЖВfЎfАfяєІ@ Ч Thomas DePan2џРfяѕіїІ@ Ч Robert DePan2џТfяјІР…MPaul D. DePanџФfяљІЫ†ЫBarry DePanЮ2џšЊšЊЫfЭfЧfЩfяЦЫ†ЫCarol DePanЮ2џЯfгfѓІР…MAlan T. BrownџеfєЦ@ŠGŠJalene xxx(Ю2џзfѕЦ@MMDenise DurhamџйfіЦ@ŠGŠDebbie xxx(Ю2џлfїЦЯ†ЯNaomi BerkowitzџнfјЦ€MMAmy LedeburghџпfјЦЫ†ЫEmily DePanЮ2џсfјІЫ†ЫBryan DePanЮ2џуfјІРŠEŠEric DePan(Ю2џхfјІЫ†ЫScott DePanЮ2џчfљЦ€ЫˆЫValerie xxxЮ2џщf№І€ШMichael MichalecџыfёЦ€HЫDorothy G. WellsџэfёЦЫ†ЫLinda DePanЮ2џяfђІР…MJohn F. DePanџggшІЫ†ЫPeter WellsЮ2џgшЦ€ЫˆЫRosanna xxxЮ2џBКˆ ggggјЊІРŠEŠJohn DePan(Ю2џg2/Тxg!gggчјЦЦIŽLaura O. Moranџ$gD*g,gјЦ@ЧM’Amanda Maria DePanEŠ.g0gјІЫ†ЫHenry DePanЮ2џF@gBgјІЦIŽDavid H. DePanџIDgFgјЦ@ Ч Zilpha DePan2џKIgKgMgјЦ€ˆUHarriet Adeline DePLOgQgјІ€MMCharles DePanџNSgUgјЦ@ Ч Esther DePan2џP”WgYgјІ@’G’Edward Santa DePanR\g^gјЦЯŠЯElizabeth DePanџS`gbgјЦР… QRena Orelia DePanџU“dgfgјњІЦIŽElmer F. DePanџ_igkgmgЊЦРEЯJane Elizabeth DePaeogqgЊІЦIŽElmer E. DePanџhœ€g‚g„gЊІ€ˆUMichael Charles DePjЇ‡g‰g‹gЊЦ@CЯLa Vern Alvina DePaŽgg@Ц€ˆŒгDorothy Mae Primeau’g”gћњЦUAlice Loretta Mahan–gћІР Х John Mahaney2џ˜gћЦЯŠЯCatherine DwyerџЯšgœgžgдЦ@ЧЭSimone DePan Herlih gЭІЫ†ЫBrian DePanЮ2џЂgЭІ€MMMatthew DePanџРЄgІgаІРŠEŠRyan Lynch(Ю2џКЈgЊgЯІ@ Ч Carmac DePan2џЬЌgЎgбІРŠEŠEric DePan(Ю2џWАgВg^Ц Ц Grace Griggs2џZРgТg^Ц Ц Maude Griggs2џФg^І Ц Henry Griggs2џЧgaЫgЭg^Ц@MMBessie Griggsџаgќ^І@ЪIrving A. Griggsџвgдg^Ц@г‡гElgina Schermerhornсgжg§ќІ€H QWilliam P. GriggsџиgтgќЦРЫ…ЫMary MickelЮ2џфg§ІЦ‰ЯJames A. Griggsџцg§ЦMMChloe RobbinsџTшgъgІР…HŽJohn R. DauleyџэgV—hhўІРЫ…ЫFred DauleyЮ2џh]ЏhhўЦР‰ŒЯMargaret M. xxxџhXhhЦ@MMMinnie DauleyџZ!h#hЦРЫ…ЫCora DauleyЮ2џ_&h(hІ Ц Alvin Dauley2џb9h*h,hІQЦ Miles Dauley, Jr.џ/h@hЦРŠEŠElla Cross(Ю2џBhЦ’J’Elizabeth SullivanIhDhFhЦ@GЯLettie Jerusha Clar:€JhLhNhЦР‰UMarjorie Jessie BliPhЦ@ QViolet A. BarrowsџSh[hІЫ†ЫLewis ClarkЮ2џ]hІЪ QArchelaus W. Bellџ`hdhfhІ@MMDonald DauleyџiheР~hnhphІ€H QCharles E. DauleyџthŠh€h‚hІ€HUCharles Gordon Daul…hr Т‹hhЦ@ŠЯViolet L. Clarkџh˜hЦЪGenevieve Dauleyџ›hДhЂhІ€ŽHŽKenneth DauleyџЅhcРhТhІРЫ…ЫEarl DauleyЮ2џХhiШhЪhЬhЦ€HUFrances Louise DaullzХЮhаhЦРХ‰ЯNina May Dauleyџиhz ~т Крhтhњhмhоhїh& †ЬBruce Clark BellџхhiІЦIŽRalph E. BlissџiiЦ@ŠЯJessie A. Gatesџ i*  iii І†ЬLarry Bruce Bellџi:™i!i   ЦРХM’Rose Annette Bauer$i0i І€MMCharlie Raishџ3i@i ЦРŠEŠRose Piech(Ю2џCizДGiIi ІЦIŽLouis M. BauerџЪЖKiMi І@ŠЯAndrew C. Bauerџ"ЁSiOiQi Ц@‡ЬMarcia Jean BellџUiZi І@N’Joseph Andrew Roma]iт Мfihi ЦN’Sarah Allison RomaŠПjilini ІР‰аBenjamin Joseph RomтФpiriti Ц€R–Rebecca Catherine RbЩ€i‚i І@Ч QDaniel Bruce RomaџкІˆi„i†i Ц@Ч QLettie Marie BellџŠii‘i І€ˆUCharles William Yac”i"Ч iœiži І€ШM’Tiernan Cody YacosђЫЇiЁiЃiЅi І€HЯGarrett Steven YacoЈiЦ@ŠGŠEloise xxx(Ю2џЋiBбРiТiІ@ŽGŽEdward KluckasџФiЦMMCindy KluckasџЦiІ€Ы„Ыxxx PadburyЮ2џШiЦ@ŽGŽGladys PadburyџЫiЯiІ€Ы„Ыxxx SheehanЮ2џбiІР Х Bill Corkhum2џ’­еiзiђ Ц€MMLillian DemkoџйiІMMPercy Corkhumџнiю Ц€IIxxx PetroxU(Ю2џпiЦ@N’Bonnie Thomas JiraсiІР Х John Schmink2џуiІ€HЫWilliam R. SopkoџхiЦ@QQElaine Vanderwystџ:ЊчiщiЦРŠЯMary Beth PetroџzЌыiэiЦРЩM’Jennifer Ann PetroяiЦŽFŽLinda Jellisonџz ЛjjІ@GЫDaniel Lee Petroџ"НjjІ@ЧM’Thomas Allen PetrojЦ€Ы„ЫGay KaichukЮ2џ j jЦ†ULaura Catherine PetjjЦ€ŽгSuzanne Marie PetrojІ@Ы‡ЫRobert ReedЮ2џТЩjjІ€ Ш Michael Reed2џК ЫjjІ@Ы‡ЫDaniel ReedЮ2џЪCjj j9 ЦзŠзCatherine VanValken"j'j/І@’MSamuel Wolven, Jr.*j’3.j0j9 ІР’E’John VanValkenburg2jњM@jBj9 Ц€QQEva VanValkenburgџDjLjІMMJacob RichleyџOjВKSjUjWj9 Ц@ЧRachel VanValkenburYj^jІЦЩPeter H. Frelighџaj:ћђ(ejgjij9 ЦзŠзElizabeth VanValkenljљъ<€j‚j„j01І@’зRobert Livingston BˆjЂ ў’jŒjŽjj9 ЦР–I–Margaret VanValkenb"b=“j•j—j9 Цг†гSarah VanValkenburgšjBўB M jЂjІ@ Ч George Young2џІjВЊjЌj9 ЦР’E’Sara VanValkenburgЎjАj І–QDavid Schoonmaker, Рj9 !ЦР’E’Mary VanValkenburgТj!ІРMMJohn VanEttenџЪ rФjЦjШj9 Ц€UURebecca VanValkenbuЫjЭj9 "І€UUWilliam VanValkenbuЯjгj"ЦЫ†ЫMaria FiersЮ2џеj%#І@’G’Jerome FalckenburgиjBЏŠщтjфjцj$#Ц€’зMarytje Elizabeth Mъjюj$ІР’M’Christiansen Meyerёjk%Ц@MMSophia Beckerџ:Щkk#&'Ц€’H’Annatje Falkenburgkkk&ІгŠгZacharias Schneiderkkk'І†L’Frans Jacob Mullerk’Ыkk#ЦQQMaria Falckenburgџ"k*Э'k)k+k#)*ЦЪCatharina Valkenbur.k@k-)І@QQPetrus LangendyckџCkIk.*І€MMJacobus WinneџвЮKkMk#ЦQQLydia FalckenburgџPk#+ЦР’E’Sara VanValkenburgRkWk+І€QQEphraim VanKeurenџвеYk[k]k#ІU UChristian Falckenbu_kak#,ЦРЩMargriet Falckenburckkk,І€ Ш Abraham Peet2џnk н€k‚k&І@ЧAntgen Schneiderџ"р„k†k&І€QQAbraham Schneiderџˆk'Ц€ŽHŽMaritje MullerџŠkъх’k”k'ІРЯ‰ЯJosephat Mullerџ–k˜k-ІЦ‰гLucas L. Langendyckšk-ЦŽJŽChristina Wolfџœk.ІЫ†ЫPeter WinneЮ2џžk.Ц’J’Arriantje VanEtten kЂk)ІРг‰гCorneles LangendyckЄkЉk)І@QQPetrus LangendyckџЋkАk)ЦЦMaria LangendyckџВkРk)І@QQPetrus LangendyckџТkЧkЩk)ЦЪCatharina LangendycЫkбk*ІЫ†ЫJaems WinneЮ2џгkиk*ЦЯŠЯCatherine Winneџлkъљпkсk*Ц@ЫArriaantje Winneџфk*ьшkъk+ЦЯ†ЯSaara VanKeurenџэk2яlll+ЦгŠгCatharina VanKeurenl* і l l+Ц€QQAnnatie VanKeurenџll,І€ Ш Abraham Peet2џll,ІŠFŠEvert Peet(Ю2џl"l,ІРM MJohannes Peetџ$l)l,ЦŠFŠEghye Peet(Ю2џ+l3l0l/І€ŽHŽJacobus Wolvenџ@l/Ц€’H’Marytje OostranderЊBlDlІРM MJonathan WolfџFlЊKlMlІ€ Ш William Wolf2џOlТ TlVlXlЦ R–Catharina Rebecca W*Zl\l^lІFгJames Froeligh Wolf`l0ІРЯEŠJohn Brink, Jr.џbl0ЦРЩMargaret Burhausџ dlflЦРЩM’Margaret Eve Bronkhlђ mlolІРХM’John Madison Bronkql€l21ЦРQ QGertrude Dederickџ‚l2ІРQ QHermanus Dederickџ„l2Ц@’G’Nellie Schoonmaker2}•l†lˆl3Ц€ŽHŽRosalia OstromџŒl*s–l˜l3І@MMSamuel JaycoxџœlІl­lЁlЃlИ678І€H QWilliam S. DelongџЈlўЙlЎlАlИ5Ц Ц Sarah Delong2џГlbЯlРlТlИЦ Ц Eliza Delong2џХlаl4І@MMJoshua Buffamџвl5І@ Ч Joseph Evans2џеlнl6Ц@ Ч Persis Hinds2џпl7Ц@Я‡ЯHannah Emmanuelџсl8Ц€ЪAnn Eliza MartinџуlИІ€ŠDŠxxx Delong(Ю2џцl9ІРŠEŠJohn Dwire(Ю2џшl9ЦIIJulia xxxxU(Ю2џEFъlьlх Ц Ц Eliza Delong2џ№lm;Ц@‡L’Lottie Jane Catlinm<Ц€Ч„ЧIva xxxџxU(Ю2џm=І€ŠDŠxxx Barton(Ю2џSmmх :Ц@MMMinnie Delongџ mm:І€Ы„Ыxxx SchartyЮ2џYmmх >@AІ@ЪGeorge F. Delongџm>ЦРŠEŠMary Grove(Ю2џm@ЦMMMarie JohnsonџmABЦIIFlora xxxxU(Ю2џmBІ€IIxxx LyonsxU(Ю2џmmCЦРEUMary Elizabeth Willвz&m(m m"m$mCDІЦгEldon Foster Delong)mDЦIIAlice xxxxU(Ю2џ,m@mCІ@MMLester DelongџCmGmCІ@MMDennis DelongџImCІ@MMTruman DelongџKmCЦ Ц Leona Delong2џNmCEІ@MMVernon DelongџPmEІ€ŽHŽDerwood DelongџSm"`^m`mXmZm\mFІРIUPhillipe Maton Wilt;emamcmFЦ@Я‡ЯSophia TerBoschџB_2Њjmlmtmfmhmр GЦ€ЪIna Fanny DeLongџom€mр KЦРЫ…ЫLucy DeLongЮ2џƒm‡mр І Ц Frank DeLong2џRWR ЃŽmmŠmŒmHGІ@N’Walter Eugene Luce‘mHІ€ Ш Collins Luce2џ“mHЦ@ЧBertha TwitchellџBq Ј™m›m•m—mGLЦF‹ЯEdrie Ruth Luceџ pЩœmžmGІ@JŽErnest B. LuceџЁmGЦЦ MJenny M. LuceџЃmGІ@JŽGeorge D. LuceџЅmGЦ€ Ш Marlene Luce2џЈmGІ@N’Eugene Walter LuceЊmGЦРM MHortence LuceџЌmIІ€MMWallace BrownџЎmIІРŠEŠGlen Brown(Ю2џДmАmВmJІ@ŽGŽMartin CourseyџРmJІ€ЯˆЯWallace CourseyџТmJІ€Ы„ЫDan CourseyЮ2џФmJЦQ QKatherine CourseyџЦmKІŽFŽRufus RobinsonџШmKЦРJ’Emma Taft RobinsonЪmЬmKЦ€ˆаClovise Everett RobЮmаmKЦ@N–Cassie Garnet Robinв mЎйmвmдmжmMLІЦгMyron George BrooksкmMІ Ц Frank Brooks2џмmMЦЫ†ЫOlive HanksЮ2џоmLNOЦ@‡L’Helena June BrooksрmтmLЦРЩгPatricia Ann BrooksфmцmLPЦ@Ч‘зGeneva Sophronia BrК”"ЬшmъmьmLІЦгMyron George Brooks№mnnLІ€ЮMeriden James BrooknnLІ@ЧгMerton Allen Brooks nNІMMRoger Wilforeџ nOІ@ Ч Robert Dupre2џ nnNRЦ€UCorinne Irish WilfonnOSЦРIЯKathleen Edrie DuprnnQPІ€ЮGlendon Alden LaFounQІ@QQEdward LaFountainџnQЦ@ Ч Lizzie Queor2џnnPTЦ@GYAndrea Colleen LaFo!n#nPUVЦ€ˆL–Jeanine Ann LaFount%n'nPWXYЦР…L–Lynn Caroll LaFount)n+nPZІ€ЮPatrick Allen LaFou-n/nP\]ЦЦзRenee Brooke LaFoun@nBnP^І€ˆPšMichael Jeffery LaFDnRІР…L’Paul Erving CurrieFnHnRІ€ШгTimothy John CurrieJnLnSІ€ˆаMichael Raymond DugNnSІ@N’Nathan Thomas DugaPnSІN’Jason Patrick DugaRnTnSІ€HгMatthew Joseph DugaVnTІ@Я‡ЯRobert BeaulieuџXnZnT_`abЦ@Ч UBrooke Renee Beauli]nancnTcdeЦ†ЬDarcy Leigh BeaulieengnTfЦ†аEdrie Elizabeth BeajnnnUІ@QQThomas ArrowsmithџpnVІРХDave xxxxU(Ю2џ€n‚nUgЦF USally Jean Arrowsmi„n†nUІРЪAdam Glen ArrowsmitZ ВЯnˆnŠnWІ@ Ч Dennis Swols2џn“nXІ@ŽGŽEdward Squiresџ•nYІ€ШTimothy Scannellџ—n™nWhІ€ЬQ–Christopher John Sw›nnWijІ@ЧQ–Dennis Theordoer SwŸnWkІР… QEric Trevor SwolsџЁn[І@ŽGŽMilton GleasonџЃnЅn[ZЦ@YEileen Bernadette GЇnЉnXІ@ЧЭEdward Alden SquireЋn­nXЦР UVeronica Lynn SquirЏn[ЦЦHelen KosakowskiџРnТnZЦ€HYMeghann Eileen LaFoФnЦnZІ@GYJustin Patrick LaFoШn\І@MMVictor DrouinџЪn]ІŽFŽWayne NewhouseџJ НJ НвnдnЬnЮnаn\І€ˆP–Patrick Gilbert DroJ НJ Нлnнnеnзnйn\І@ЮRobert Victor Drouiоnрn\ЦЦгLynai Brooke Drouinтnфn^ЦŽгCarol Keating Vernyцnшn^І†L–Brett Alden LaFountъnьn^ІРХзSeth Michael LaFounюn№n^І@ЮDaniel Thomas LaFouѓno_І€ Ш Anthony Ward2џo`І€Ы„Ыxxx HamblinЮ2џoaІ€ Ф xxx Voorhies2џoo_І R–Jamie-Lee Glendon W o_І€N’Spenser Alton Ward oo`ЦЪбMackenzie Brooke HaooaЦ RšGabrielle Valarie VoaІ€J’Ian James VoorhiesoobЦ@ЧYDevonn Angelique BeocІŠFŠAndre Pare(Ю2џodІ@ŠGŠJustin xxx(Ю2џoeІ@ŠGŠJustin xxx(Ю2џ ocІŽFKAndre Pare IIIџ#o'o)ocЦРI“зBrittany Elizabeth +odІ@Ы‡ЫJordan GageЮ2џ-ofІ€MMRichard Batesџ/o1ofЦРIЯCheyenne Edrie Bate@oBofІ€ŽгRichard Tyler BatesDoFogІ€гŒгChristopher LaRussoHoJogЦРЩбPatricia Jeanene LaLohЦ@Q QCarrie-Ann MaturoџNohІŠЯLogan Tac SwolsџPoRohІŠP–Alexander Henry MatToiЦ€ЫˆЫJessica xxxЮ2џVojЦ@ŠGŠSherry xxx(Ю2џXoiІЦM’Jacob Dalton SwolsZo\ojЦ@ЧQ–Harlee Elizabeth Sw^okЦIIJamie xxxxU(Ю2џ`okЦ€ШM’Marissa Lynn Swolsgo{oboeo˜…юЦ@MMNellie Gordonџio€o‚olІР‰ QChauncey B. MorseџE„o†o> І@Ы‡ЫGeorge GageЮ2џRIŒoˆoŠo> {|Ц@Ы‡ЫCarrie GageЮ2џ’L‘“ooo‘o> moІFгIsaac Benjamin Gage—o†œožonmЦРЩ QMargaret Ann GageџЁoІonІРIIJoel GagexU(Ю2џЈonЦР…ˆЫMary E. xxxЮ2џЊopoЦ@ MBessie B. xxxџЌopІ€Фxxx GagexU(Ю2џЎoАomqЦЪUElizabeth Amelia GaРoqІЦMenzo BurlingameџТoФoqrЦ ЮElizabeth Ann BurliЦorІ@ƒˆЯE. Paul BoyntonџШoЪoqsІР вBillings Grinnell BЬosЦ@ Ч Marion Brush2џЮoаoqtЦР…L–Mary Eloise BurlingвoдotІ€ŽзCasimir James KonstиoнotІЦI’James E. Konstantyрoчot€ЦЯ†ЯHelen Konstantyџъoюo№oquЦ€ЮEleanor Loxia BurlipuІ@ŽGŽGeorge GriffinџpmvІР…Ш Paul W. Gage2џpvЦMMLaura MilliasџpmwЦ€Фxxx GagexU(Ю2џpwІ’J’Winthrope Stilwell pmІРM MSpurgeon Gageџ pmxЦ€Фxxx GagexU(Ю2џpxІ@ Ч George Rosti2џpmІ@JŽEdward R. GageџpmyЦ@Ы‡ЫGladys GageЮ2џpyІЫ†ЫClyde TruaxЮ2џpmzЦ€Фxxx GagexU(Ю2џpzІMMHenry Wiltsieџp{І€DGŠIra A. Hix(Ю2џp"p|І@ŽGŽGeorge Tisdaleџ$p}І@Я‡ЯMartin Petersonџ&p}~ЦР…ШCora H. Petersonџ(p~ІР…HŽDorr H. Nortonџ*p€І€Фxxx ReesxU(Ю2џ,pІ€ŠDŠxxx Wilsey(Ю2џ.p‚І€H QWilliam J. Kaiserџ0p‚Ц’J’Catherine Knipfing@p‚І@MMRobert KaiserџCpGp‚ƒЦЪCatherine KaiserџIp‚„Ц Ц Alice Kaiser2џKp‚Ц€ŠDŠxxx Kaiser(Ю2џNpƒІ€Ы„Ыxxx MolitorЮ2џPp„І€IIxxx HeronxU(Ю2џRp…І€HЫCharles W. BoyceџUpbRђ “bp^p`p‚†І@MMJoseph Hughesџepip†ЦРŠEŠRose Riley(Ю2џlppp†‡Ц€ŠDŠxxx Hughes(Ю2џ€p‡ІMMEdwin Fancherџ‚p†І@ЪJoseph R. Hughesџ†pŠp†ˆЦ Ц Betty Hughes2џŒpˆІ@ЪMorris G. Franceџpšp†‰Ц€ŽHŽLillian Hughesџœp‰ІР Х Paul Simmons2џžp†ŠІ@MMEdward HughesџЁpŠЦЫ†ЫHelen TruaxЮ2џЃp‚‹Ц@MMNellie HughesџІp­p‹ІЦ‰ЯBruce S. SperryџБpРp‚ŒЦ€ŠDŠxxx Hughes(Ю2џТpŒІ€MMWilliam BeamsџФpŽЦ@Я‡ЯEsther HastingsџЧpгpŽІЦ QHenry H. HastingsџжpкpІ@Я‡ЯGeorge CampbellџнpсpІ@Я‡ЯGeorge Campbellџфpшp‹Ц@ЪGladys S. Sperryџыpяp‘І@JŽS. Porter Reedџђpq‘ІРIIO.E. ReedxU(Ю2џq‹Ц€ŽHŽBernice Sperryџq‘І@Ы‡ЫDonald ReedЮ2џqК o“qq q q‡’Ц€ˆL’Lillian Mae Hughesqq’І€ЯˆЯLeonard Wheelerџq’І€ЯˆЯLeonard Wheelerџ q’І@ŽGŽBurrel Wheelerџ"q’ЦMMEthel Wheelerџ$q’Ц@ŽGŽJessie Wheelerџ&q’ЦMMNancy Wheelerџ)q‡Ц Ц Ethel Hughes2џ,q@q‡“Ц€ŠDŠxxx Hughes(Ю2џCqHq“І@MMMorris BarnesџJq‡”Ц€ŠDŠxxx Hughes(Ю2џMqRq”І@MMAlbert DuBoisџTq‡Ц€ŽHŽBlanche HughesџWq\q‹•ІРЯ‰ЯDeForest Sperryџ_qiq–•ЦIIAlice xxxxU(Ю2џlq€q–І€ŠDŠxxx Cooper(Ю2џ‚q—І€QQCharles Maddaloneџˆ„q†q(ЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џˆq˜І€ŽHŽHerbert Gordonџ‹qqAЦРŽIŽGertrude Lucasџ‘q™І@ QGeorge I. Boyntonџ•qšqХЦ€ЯˆЯBarbara JohnsonџœqХІ@ŽGŽHubert JohnsonџžqХЦР Х Jean Johnson2џ qšІ€MMWilliam SmithџЂqšЦ Ц Maria Snyder2џЄq›І@ŽGŽEmmett CrippenџІqoЦРMMMary LarrisonџЈqœІРЩBenjamin RandallџЊqІ€IIxxx WellsxU(Ю2џЌqžІ€ Ш Stephen Hull2џЎqŸЦ@ЧHannah HendricksџЂА:ЕqЗqАqГqчъІMMElias BabcockџЙqiЂЫqоqРqТq  ІMMJames BabcockџФqЗпqсqЁ ЦРŠEŠJane Brown(Ю2џфqэqЁІРŽIŽNicholas Brownџѓqяqёq ІMMJames BabcockџЬrr ЂЦMMSarah Babcockџr rЃЂІЫ†ЫJames LewisЮ2џ rrЃІРŠEŠJohn Lewis(Ю2џr ЄЦР Х Jane Babcock2џrЄЦРŠEŠJane Lewis(Ю2џrЃЄІ@ Ч Israel Lewis2џr ЅЦР Х Mary Babcock2џrЅІ@ Ч George Brown2џr ІЦ@ŽGŽHannah BabcockџrІІ Ц Roger Larkin2џД!r#r ЇЦQ QElizabeth Babcockџ%rЇІ@ Ч Elisha Lewis2џ'rЃЇІ@ Ч Daniel Lewis2џ)rЈІ@MMGeorge Lawtonџ,r0rЈЦЪElizabeth Hazardџ@rЉІРMMJohn CrandallџCrNrJІ€Ы„ЫJob BabcockЮ2џPrJІР Х John Babcock2џRrJІРЩBenjamin BabcockџTrJЊЦР Х Jane Babcock2џVrЊІ€ŠDŠxxx Braman(Ю2џXrJЋЦMMSarah Babcockџ[rЋІŠFŠJames Hall(Ю2џ]rJЌЦР Х Mary Babcock2џ_rЌІ€ŠDŠxxx Tanner(Ю2џarJ­ЦQ QElizabeth Babcockџcr­І€IIxxx BrandxU(Ю2џerJЦ@ŽGŽHannah BabcockџgrJЎЦMMMercy BabcockџirЎІ@ŽGŽDaniel StantonџkrЏІ€ШJeffrey ChamplinџгmrorKАІ€ШWilliam Champlinџњ І€r‚rАІ€ШWilliam Champlinџ„rKБЦ€ Ф Ann Champlin2џЄ†rˆrБІ@ Ч Samuel Clark2џъЂŽrŠrŒrLВЦQ QElizabeth Babcockџrž•r—rГВІ@ Ч Elisha Avery2џ™rГІРŠEŠJohn Avery(Ю2џ›rrГЦ€ШAbigail CheesebrougТŸrЁrMДЦ€ЯˆЯDorothy BabcockџЄrЉrДІ€IIxxx JonesxU(Ю2џЂУАrЋr­rMЕЦ€ЯˆЯAbigail BabcockџRЛЦrРrТrФrчЕІ€ЬChristopher BillingШrzХЭrЯrMЖІ@ŽGŽJoseph BabcockџвrжrЗЖЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џиrЗІ€ŠDŠxxx Bently(Ю2џвШкrмrMІР Х John Babcock2џоr І@Я‡ЯTobias SaundersџрrИІРЯ‰ЯJonathan MaxsonџтrИЦ€ŽHŽContent RogersџB›щrфrцrЙЦQ QElizabeth BabcockџыrЂЉ№rђrSЦ€ЯˆЯSusanna BabcockџzЁsssКІ@ŽGŽSamuel BabcockџsЇ ssѕКЦ€MMAnn PendletonџsКЃЬssssЛІ@ŽGŽDaniel Babcockџ Ѕss§ЛЦ€ШAbigail Thompsonџ!sъЅj У+s&s(sМЦР Х Anna Babcock2џr†З3s5s.s1sсўМІ@QЧ Joseph Clark, Jr.џ7sjЈjЉAsCsЦMMSarah BabcockџŠ Ћ їKsMsusFsHsНОІ@ŽGŽJoshua BabcockџOsВšђ„s€s‚sНЦ@ŽGŽHannah StantonџЪ†sˆsОЦ€ŠDŠAnn Maxson(Ю2џ‹s" ЅRЗ–s’s”sOІР Х John Babcock2џ™ssрЦ€ШSusanna ThompsonџŸsРЦ@ŽGŽJemima Babcockџ ЊЅsЁsЃsOСІ€ЯˆЯStephen BabcockџЇsЋsСЦРMMAnna ThompsonџzЌБs­sЏsOТІ€ЯˆЯWilliam BabcockџРsТЦMMSarah DenisonџBБЦsТsФsOУЦ€Ы„ЫAmy BabcockЮ2џЧsУІ€ŽHŽEzekiel GavittџКДЩsЫsOФЦР Х Mary Babcock2џЮsФІРЩBenjamin RandallџrЙаsвsOЦ€Ы„ЫAnn BabcockЮ2џдsPЪЫІ€Ы„ЫJob BabcockЮ2џжsPЩІ@ŽGŽSamuel BabcockџиsPЧШІР Х John Babcock2џкsPЦЦР Х Mary Babcock2џмsPХЦ€ЯˆЯDeborah BabcockџпsХІ@ Ч Joseph Hoxie2џсsЦІ€Ы„Ыxxx StantonЮ2џуsЧЦЫ†ЫSarah SegarЮ2џхsШЦ@Я‡ЯJemima ReynoldsџчsЩЦ€ЫˆЫBethiah xxxЮ2џщsЪЦŽJŽElizabeth HullџыsЫЦРХMary xxxxU(Ю2џэsPЬЦ€ЯˆЯAbigail BabcockџяsЬІРŠEŠJohn Segar(Ю2џtЭІŠFŠHenry Hall(Ю2џtЭЦ€ЫˆЫContent xxxЮ2џЂŸttQЮЦР Х Mary Babcock2џtЮІ@’MThomas Potter, Jr.JЃ t ttQЯІ@гGŽGeorge Babcock, Jr.tЯЦ€ŽHŽSusanna PotterџВЄttQаІMMDavid BabcockџtаЦ@ Ч Dorcas Brown2џВЇttQбІРЩJonathan BabcockџtбЦM MElizabeth xxxџ‚Љt tQвЦQ QElizabeth Babcockџ#t)tвІ@ŽGŽEdward Sandersџ2Ћ+t-tQгЦ€ЯˆЯAbigail Babcockџ0t@tгІРM MBenjamin Hallџr­BtDtQдЦР Х Ruth Babcock2џGtLtдІŠFŠCaleb 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Hickman, я}І@QЧ Arnold Abate, Jr.џ€nЦЯŠЯCharmaine Parryџ€oЦ@MMKrista Wrightџ€~Ц€ШBarbara LaPlanteџ€€ЦIISonya xxxxU(Ю2џ€~Ц@ŽGŽNIcole Brammerџ €~ЦРЩMichelle Brammerџ €Y‚ЦЫ†ЫDoris WalshЮ2џ€‚І€ Ф xxx Pelltier2џ€YЦЫ†ЫNancy WalshЮ2џ€YЦ€MMMaureen Walshџ€ƒЦ@ŠGŠSabina xxx(Ю2џ€ƒІ@MMDaniel Potterџ­€€„ІЫ†ЫVance JonesЮ2џР€€„ЦРŽIŽJennifer JonesџУ €"€„Ц†ЫVance Jones, Jr.џГ$€&€…ЦIIRobin xxxxU(Ю2џФ(€*€…Ц@ЧNicole NedaroskiџЧ,€.€…Ц€QQBrianna NedaroskiџЩ0€2€…І@ЧJohnny NedaroskiџГ@€B€†ЦIICheri xxxxU(Ю2џаD€F€†ІЯ†ЯDevon NedaroskiџH€jЦ@MMAlicia DarwakџJ€jІ€ŽHŽMichael DarwakџL€jІ@MMAndrew DarwakџN€i‡Ц Ц Mandy Darwak2џP€iІ@’MSteven Darwak, Jr.R€iЦЪCatherina DarwakџT€‡Ц€ŽHŽBrianna DarwakџV€hˆЦ Ц Katie Darwak2џX€ˆЦ Ц Raven Darwak2џZ€gІ€MMJackson Woodsџ\€gЦ@ Ч Autumn Woods2џ^€gЦЫ†ЫEmily WoodsЮ2џ`€‰ЦIIKaren xxxxU(Ю2џвb€d€‰ІŠFŠDerek Need(Ю2џЊаf€h€j€lЦз†зKayla Storm-Giulianl€n€ŠЦ€гˆгCarissa Giulianellip€ŠІРХRyan Giulianelliџ€€‚€ŠІ€гˆгMichael Giulianelli„€†€‹І@ЪHilton I. Bonney, J‰€Ž€‹І€H QWilliam W. Bonneyџ‘€•€‹ІЦ‰ЯBarry E. Bonneyџ˜€€‹ŒЦРЪSara Jane Bonneyџ €Є€ŒІ€ŠDŠxxx Porter(Ю2џІ€‹Ц Ц Eliza Bonney2џЉ€Џ€І€ Ф xxx Althiser2џР€ђІ€ŠDŠxxx Bonney(Ю2џ7bЦ€Т€Ф€ ŽІР‰L’Adelbert H. Martin7Ь€Я€Ш€Ъ€ŽЦЯŠЯCharlotte Brownџ\Ад€ж€а€в€ŽІЦ‰ЯFrank J. Martinџ^л€н€з€й€Ц€ШLouella Campbellџ9о€р€ Ц Ц Eliza Martin2џђвш€т€ф€ц€СІFUAvery Hartwell Millщ€|І@ŽGŽJustin Prestonџы€|ІР Х Nate Preston2џэ€|І€Ы„ЫJon PrestonЮ2џя€‘ЦQ QKatherine Usalatzџ‘І€ Ф xxx Matuljak2џ1X’ІРЫ…ЫJohn PalmerЮ2џPŽ ’І@MMArthur PalmerџS” ’“І€ŠDŠJay Palmer(Ю2џTЋ“Ц@ŽGŽFannie Robertsџt “”ІР…L’John Edward Palmer#w@B”ЦРŠEŠLeta Marks(Ю2џvПDF“І Ц Cyrus Palmer2џJ|ТQS“•І@MMWalter PalmerџТVX•Ц€MMEleanor KleinџŒ[]”–Ц€ŽHŽPhyllis Palmerџ‚Н_a–ІЦEdgar VanVoorhisџЂdf–—ІРЯ…ЯJohn VanVoorhisџЂhj—ЦРЩPatricia CollinsџКln—І€’H’Zachary VanVoorhisМprt—ЦЪKatherine VanVoorhiР€‚—І@QQDaniel VanVoorhisџЄ„†–˜ІЦDavid VanVoorhisџЁˆŠ˜Ц@Я‡ЯMarcia HoolsemaџТŒŽ˜ЦРЯ…ЯMary VanVoorhisџЅ’–™ЦЦCarol VanVoorhisџЅ”–™ІРMMGary LundbergџС˜š™Ц€ШRebecca Lundbergџ’œž”šЦ@MMJanice Palmerџ ЂšІ€MMWilliam EllisџІЄІš›Ц@ Ч Sandra Ellis2џЈ›І€QQMichael PaulaitisџЈЊЌšІ€’MWilliam Ellis, Jr.ЌЎАšЦРŠEŠMary Ellis(Ю2џЎРТšЦРŠEŠRose Ellis(Ю2џВФЦКІ€ŠDŠLee Palmer(Ю2џШКІРЫ…ЫLynn PalmerЮ2џ–ЪЬ•І€ŽHŽKenneth Palmerџ—Юа•œЦРЫ…ЫJoan PalmerЮ2џг˜псœІ@ŠCŠEd Bramsen(Ю2џЋухœІ€ЯˆЯTimothy Bramsenџ­чщœІMMKevin BramsenџыЦРЫ…ЫLisa GrahamЮ2џУэяЦ@ŽGŽRachel BramsenџŸ‚‚•ІРЫ…ЫGary PalmerЮ2џ‚; ЦРЫ…ЫNora ConineЮ2џ‚x І€ЯˆЯStanley Collierџ‚w ІŽFŽCyrus Tompkinsџ ‚ ‚žІ@‡P–Thomas Lawrence Pow‚Ц‚‚‚ŸЦРХгJane Kathryn Schell‚ŸЁЦ@ Ч Sandra Platt2џ‚!‚ЁІ€ Ф xxx Simoneau2џ#‚ŸІЫ†ЫBruce PlattЮ2џ&‚+‚(ЂЦ@ЫWladyslawa Tumanџ.‚@‚ЂІ€ŠDŠxxx Woloch(Ю2џB‚( Ц€MMBarbara TumanџE‚I‚ І€ŽDŽxxx JakubowiczџK‚(ЃЦЫ†ЫZofia TumanЮ2џN‚R‚ЃІ€Ы„Ыxxx DonovanЮ2џT‚(ЄЦЯŠЯKatarzyna TumanџW‚[‚ЄІ€IIxxx GlattxU(Ю2џ]‚ЅІ€IIxxx SitekxU(Ю2џ_‚ЅЦ@ЫWladyslawa Sitekџ'a‚c‚‚ ІЦЪCatherine DeLongџe‚ІІ@MMRodman Fullerџg‚‚ ЇЦ€ŽHŽEleanor DeLongџi‚ЇІРЫ…ЫJohn DeckerЮ2џl‚&t€‚‚‚‚ ЈЦ€ŽHŽLucinda DeLongџ…‚ЈІРЫ…ЫJohn DeckerЮ2џˆ‚‚‚ ЉЊЦ@MMLucina DeLongџ‚ЉІ@MMOrange Barberџ‘‚ЊІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Garrettџ“‚‚ ЋЦ@MMLorena DeLongџ–‚ЋІРŠEŠJohn Smith(Ю2џ™‚ž‚ ‚‚ ЌЦЪPolly Ann DeLongџЂ‚Є‚ЌІЦ‰гHenry C. RivenburghЪ0КІ‚Ј‚Њ‚‚ ­І€HUStephen Mayham DeLo­‚­Ц€ŽHŽMinerva Briggsџ{Г‚Џ‚Б‚‚ І Ц Abram DeLong2џт(r sР‚Т‚‚ ЎЏІР…HŽJoel J. DeLongџЊ(b^Х‚Ч‚ЎЦРIIEmma HallxU(Ю2џЪ‚ЏЦ@ŽGŽMarcia Irelandџв_Ь‚Ю‚‚ АІ€ŽHŽFrancis DeLongџв‚з‚АЦ€MMJenette Parksџк‚у‚п‚с‚‚ І@MMMarvin DeLongџ1ф‚ц‚‚ БВГЦР…HŽJane A. DeLongџщ‚э‚БІРЫ…ЫBurr SomersЮ2џя‚ВІ@MMDewitt GroverџƒГІ@ Ч Jerome Green2џƒДGІЫ†ЫIsaac GrantЮ2џƒ ƒGЦ@ Ч Hannah Tracy2џ ƒЕДІРŽIŽEbenezer Grantџ ƒДЦ@Ы‡ЫMartha HillЮ2џƒЖЕІ@ Ч Josiah Grant2џƒЕЦŠFŠSarah Cook(Ю2џƒЖІРŠEŠJohn Grant(Ю2џƒЖЦРIIMary HallxU(Ю2џƒƒ ІMMIsaac IngallsџЊ*вKƒ!ƒЗІ@ QJoseph W. Goddardџ*Jj‡$ƒ&ƒЗИІ@ QEdward J. Goddardџ2fЪ o)ƒ+ƒ-ƒИЦ†ŒгIrene Diana GoddardВ ч0ƒ2ƒ;ІЯŠЯNathaniel HusonџŠш@ƒBƒ;ІРŠEŠLevi Huson(Ю2џкъDƒFƒ;ІРŽIŽTurhutus HusonџђьIƒKƒ;ІЯŠЯCornelius HusonџJ№MƒOƒ;І@ Ч Thomas Huson2џbK’•QƒSƒЛЙІ@ЫStanislaus GrychџWƒ[ƒЙЦРQ QLudovica Wisneskaџ2™cƒ]ƒ_ƒaƒј Кќ І€ˆYMichael Gregory McCeƒgƒј І@GЫGeorge Lee McCullociƒkƒј Ц€UDorothy Clair CrabimƒКЦŽFŽLydia BudowskiџкЙoƒqƒsƒќ І@ЧM–George Frank McCull К†ƒ€ƒ‚ƒ„ƒќ Ц€ˆ UMelissa Ann McCulloтМƒ‡ƒ‰ƒ‹ƒќ Ц† UMandy Marie McCulloТО”ƒŽƒƒ’ƒќ І€ˆYMatthew Gregory McCЂР›ƒ•ƒ—ƒ™ƒќ Ц@ЧQšMariah Elizabeth McЪФЃƒƒŸƒЁƒќ І’лMason Christopher MЄƒІƒМЛІ€MMMichael GrychџB &ЈƒЊƒОЛЦ@Ы‡ЫSophia BalaЮ2џњ-ЌƒЎƒМІЯŠЯStanislas GrychџРƒТƒНМЦ@QQThecla ChechowskaџФƒНІ@QQThomas ChechowskaџЦƒНЦŽFŽHelen BieniaseџШƒОІ€ Ш Andreas Bala2џЪƒЬƒОЦ@г‹гMargaretha NiziolekЮƒРІЪNathaniel Osbornџj­аƒвƒеƒД СІ@GURobert Emerson OsboиƒлƒСІРЫ…ЫTrey OsbornЮ2џJЋнƒрƒД ТІF QLance Davy OsbornџуƒчƒТЦ€ŽHŽRebecca OsbornџщƒТЦ€ŽHŽCameron Osbornџ РыƒэƒяƒВІРХ‘зAdam Christopher MoЬ„„„ВІ€Ш‘зMaxwell Cisneros MoZЏ„„ „З sІ@Ч•лDonald Jerome Edwar „УЦР Щ Jennifer Poe2џ„кtrд„„&„„„ФЏЦ€MMFrances Odellџ„'„1ЦРХLynn xxxxU(Ю2џ*„/„ФХЦ€MMLoretta Odellџ@„ХІ€Фxxx AdeexU(Ю2џB„ФЦЦРŠEŠLana Odell(Ю2џD„ЦІ€ŠDŠxxx Vaughn(Ю2џF„ФЦРŽIŽMarjorie OdellџH„ФІ@ Ч Walter Odell2џK„ФІ€MMWilliam OdellџM„ФЦ€ЯˆЯEveline HennessџТдO„Q„S„~ЦЪQ–Elisabeth Amelia PeAU„W„ЧІРЩAugustus GriffinџZ„e„ШЧЦ@ŽGŽEsther Skinnerџg„ШІР Х John Skinner2џj„n„ШЦРŠEŠAnna Smith(Ю2џp„ШІ€ЯˆЯWilliam Skinnerџ1F„„€„‚„ЧЦ@ŽGŽFannie Griffinџ‡„„ЪЦ@ŽKŽGeorgianna xxxџ‘„“„ ЩЦ†зMaria Josephine Bab7™„•„—„ЧЩІР Х John Griffin2џ:_r~š„œ„ЪЫЦMMElsie Griffinџ „Є„ЫІ€QQWilliam Wollertonџr~І„Ј„ЫЦР’I’Virginia WollertonЊ„вІ€Фxxx FinkxU(Ю2џЌ„вЬЦРIILisa FinkxU(Ю2џЏ„Р„ЬІРMMJohn ThatcherџУ„Ш„ЬЦ@Я‡ЯTayler ThatcherџЪ„ЬІРMMOwen ThatcherџЬ„ЬЦ@Я‡ЯAlexis ThatcherџЮ„вЭЦ@Ы‡ЫTrista FinkЮ2џб„е„ЭІРŠEŠJeff Neely(Ю2џи„м„вІŠFŠDaryl Fink(Ю2џп„ф„вЦ€ Ш Allison Fink2џч„ь„ЮІ Ц Jesse Hadley2џю„ЮЦ€ŽHŽEmaline Georgeџв p№„ђ„ЯЦРЯ‰ЯKathleen Harmonџ………ЏљЦРЯ‰ЯFlorence Dunkleџ……аЦ@IIE. NoonanxU(Ю2џ…абЦ€ŽHŽAbigail DeLongџ…бІ@ЧƒЧW. KittџxU(Ю2џ……бІ€ Ш Kendall Kitt2џ…бЦ€ Ш Claudia Kitt2џ…вЦЫ†ЫEmily EllisЮ2џ!…вгЦР…HŽJean E. O'Nealџ#…гІ@УD. WhitexU(Ю2џ%…гдЦЫ†ЫEmily WhiteЮ2џ'…дІ@ŠCŠL. Griffin(Ю2џ)…дІ€ЯˆЯGregory Griffinџ+…гІ€MMWilliam Whiteџ-…веЦ@MMDorris O'Nealџ/…еІРIIIvan BullxU(Ю2џ@…еІ@G‹ЯDennis Lee BullџB…еІ@G‹ЯWarren Rex BullџD…еЦF‹ЯPeggy Lynn BullџF…еЦР…ЬTina Louise BullџH…вжЦ@ЪLouise M. O'NealџJ…жІ@УO. WhitexU(Ю2џL…жЦŠЯBetsy Ann WhiteџN…жІFЫBrian John WhiteџP…жЦŠЯPatti Lee WhiteџR…жІРХIŽAlan Jay WhiteџT…взІЦ‰ЯEllis H. O'NealџV…зЦ@УH. BrushxU(Ю2џX…зІ@ЪDaniel E. O'NealџZ…зЦЦ‰ЯKathy E. O'Nealџ\…зЦF QRobin Anne O'Nealџ^…виЦР…HŽRuth E. O'Nealџa…c…иІРХгJohn William Powelle…иІРE QGary Brian Powellџg…иІ€H QPatrick S. Powellџzдm…i…k…иўЦ€ЪJan Ellen Powellџo…€…иІ€Ф‰ЯJay Evan Powellџƒ…‡…йЦ@ЫƒЫE. FontaineЮ2џ‰…йЦ@ЪSharon K. O'Nealџ‹…йЦ@ЪNoreen L. O'Nealџ…кЦ@ У D. Gillespie2џ…клЦЦ‰ЯBetty J. O'Nealџ‘…лІ@IIG. LaningxU(Ю2џ“…лІЦ‰ЯDavid A. Laningџ•…лІ@MMJimmie Laningџ—…кмІЦ‰ЯDavid D. O'Nealџ™…мЦ@УS. ZeissxU(Ю2џ›…кЦЦ‰ЯVicki L. O'Nealџ…нІ@УL. TweedxU(Ю2џŸ…ноІЦIŽMyron L. TweedџЁ…оЦ@ У P. Peddicord2џЃ…оІЫ†ЫRandy TweedЮ2џЅ…оЦЫ†ЫRobin TweedЮ2џЇ…оІРŠEŠGreg Tweed(Ю2џЉ…нпІ@ Ч Vernon Tweed2џЌ…А…нрІ@ Ч Virgil Tweed2џГ…Р…пЦ@ŠCŠJ. Vincent(Ю2џТ…пЦЫ†ЫKaren TweedЮ2џФ…пІРŠEŠDale Tweed(Ю2џЦ…пІЫ†ЫRoger TweedЮ2џШ…рЦ€ФJoy PaulxU(Ю2џЪ…рІ€HЫDarrell P. TweedџЬ…рЦРEЫJill Marie TweedџvŠ аг…Ю…а…сІРЫ…ЫKyle BensonЮ2џд…сІ€H QDonovan R. Bensonџж…и…стІРЮKarl Theodore Bensoк…тЦ@ У J. Vintinner2џм…уЦŠFŠHelen Saul(Ю2џо…уфЦ@MMMartha DeLongџр…фІ@MMM. Calderwoodџт…фЦРЯ…ЯDana Calderwoodџф…фЦЦTracy Calderwoodџц…фІРЯ…ЯDean Calderwoodџш…ухІ@MMRobert DeLongџы…я…хЦРХJoan xxxxU(Ю2џ†хЦ@MMLaurie DeLongџ†хІ€ŠDŠDan DeLong(Ю2џ†цЦIIKarin xxxxU(Ю2џ†цЦРЫ…ЫLisa DeLongЮ2џ†чІ@УA. HaasexU(Ю2џ ††чЦРŠEŠBeth Haase(Ю2џ†шІЫ†ЫEddie BrownЮ2џ†шщІ€MMRichard Brownџ†щЦ@MMB. Farnsworthџ†шъІ@ Ч Edward Brown2џ†ъЦ€ŠDŠSue Perrin(Ю2џ†ъІ@ŠЯEdward P. Brownџ†ъІЦIŽScott P. Brownџ†ыІ@Ы‡ЫRobert GrayЮ2џ!†ыьЦРM MMargaret Grayџ#†ьІ@ŠCŠR. Bartels(Ю2џ%†ьІ€DK’Lyn Ronald Bartels'†ьІ@GK’Martin Lee Bartels)†ьІЦЩCraig D. Bartelsџ+†ыэІ@JŽGeorge R. Grayџ-†эЦ@УJ. AdamsxU(Ю2џ/†эІЦ MJames D. Grayџ@†эЦР…Ш Jody K. Gray2џB†эІР…Ш Mark R. Gray2џD†эІ€H‹ЯJeffrey L. GrayџF†ыюІ€Ф MDon Dean GrayџH†юЦ@IIR. RehmanxU(Ю2џJ†юІР…Ш Dean M. Gray2џL†юІР…Ш Gary R. Gray2џN†ыЦ@Ы‡ЫJudith GrayЮ2џQ†U†яІ@IIL. ButlerxU(Ю2џW†я№ЦЪSally Ann ButlerџY†№І@ЫƒЫW. SchlegelЮ2џ[†№І€ШRaymond Schlegelџ]†№ІŽFŽBilly Schlegelџ_†№ІŽFŽTommy Schlegelџa†№І@Я‡ЯDaniel Schlegelџc†яёІ€ŽHŽRaymond Butlerџe†ёЦ@УM. EslerxU(Ю2џg†ёІ€ŽHŽMichael Butlerџi†ёЦ Ц Kathy Butler2џk†ђІ€ФDon RheaxU(Ю2џm†ѓІРŠEŠJohn Moore(Ю2џo†ѓЦРŠEŠJoan Moore(Ю2џ€†єЦ@УB. PerryxU(Ю2џ‚†єѕІРŠEŠNick March(Ю2џ„†ѕЦ@ У M. MacGregor2џ††ѕЦЦIŽDebra L. Marchџˆ†ѕЦР…MLisa A. MarchџŠ†єіЦ€IIJan MarchxU(Ю2џŒ†іІРŠEŠJohn Jaqua(Ю2џŽ†іЦ€MMKathryn Jaquaџ†іЦРХIŽSara Ann Jaquaџ’†іЦЦIŽSusan R. Jaquaџ”†єІ† QJames Perry Marchџ–†єЦРŠEŠLynn March(Ю2џ˜†їЦ€ЫˆЫFrances xxxЮ2џš†їЦЦM’Alice Elaine Marchœ†їЦ€HЫShirley E. Marchџž†ЏјІ€ŽHŽStephen DunkleџЁ†Ѕ†јЦ€ЫˆЫMargery xxxЮ2џЈ†Ќ†љІ@IIJ. FosterxU(Ю2џЎ†љЦРE QJimi Grace FosterџА†ЋњЦ†L’Eliza Maria Hendry" .Р†Т†њІРE QLevi Buell NelsonџФ†њћІРE QLevi Davis NelsonџЦ†ћЦ@УK. SmithxU(Ю2џШ†њІ€ŽHŽHerbert NelsonџЫ†Я†њќЦ€ŽHŽFrances Nelsonџб†ќІ€ Ш Charles Beck2џг†ќІ€H‹ЯCharles N. Beckџе†њ§ЦЦ‰ЯEdith M. Nelsonџз†§І@ЪLucian L. Knightџк†о†§Ц€H QFrances W. Knightџс†х†§ЦРE QMary Lamar Knightџш†ь†њІ@MMGeorge Nelsonџя†‡њЦ€ŽHŽCharles Nelsonџ‡‡њЦ@ƒL’G. Adelaide Nelson ‡‡ўІ€ŽHŽWilliam Ludwigџљ І€IIxxx WellsxU(Ю2џ‡І@Ы‡ЫBailey YamaЮ2џ‡ЦŠFŠMisty Yama(Ю2џ‡І€IIxxx LucasxU(Ю2џ‡‡‡ЦР ŽгKimberly Dawn Lucas‡І€ Ф xxx Garrison2џ‡ІРMMGary Garrisonџ ‡Ц@Я‡ЯAlyssa Garrisonџbд(‡+‡"‡$‡&‡3ІN–Bryce Michael Bonvirд1‡,‡.‡СІ†L’Wyatt Alden Miller@‡І€IIxxx BerghxU(Ю2џBŸЬЖB‡D‡wУЖІ€сHOІšwWilliam Edward Stah‚ ЁгЖF‡H‡еЖwІ€сˆІлvRaymond Bernard StaJ‡ЦIIKaren xxxxU(Ю2џЊЃнЖL‡N‡пЖwЦ@сGKЅ–uJudith Ann StahlnecP‡І@сЯ‡ЃЯsEugene McNicholˆc ЅR‡T‡wЦс ЅUuLinda Lee StahlneckV‡І@ŽGŽDonald PerkinsџX‡Z‡ Ц€гˆгDorothy Stahlnecker\‡ І@QQDonald McCampbellџ^‡`‡І€гˆгRaymond StahlneckerbЖh‡b‡d‡f‡ І@ЮRobert Thomas Jordai‡ ІЦ‰ЯLeRoy A. Wilseyџl‡€‡ Ц€ЫˆЫBeverly xxxЮ2џƒ‡‡‡ ЦРЫ…ЫRuth WilseyЮ2џŠ‡Ž‡ ІMMLarry Shibleyџ‡ ЦРЫ…ЫMary WilseyЮ2џ’‡ І€Ы„ЫDan KnudsenЮ2џ”‡ЦРЫ…ЫJoan WilseyЮ2џ—‡œ‡І@QQDennis MartindaleџŸ‡Є‡JЦ€ЯˆЯDeborah LaSalleџІ‡І€ŽHŽMichael RogersџЈ‡JІ€ЯˆЯRichard LaSalleџЊ‡ЦРХAnna xxxxU(Ю2џЌ‡JЦMMDarla LaSalleџЎ‡І Ц Kelly Kramer2џА‡І@ŽGŽErnest LaSalleџР‡Ц€ЯˆЯLillian LaSalleџТ‡І€Ы„Ыxxx MattoonЮ2џЂеЪ‡Ф‡Ц‡Ш‡IЦР‰зKimberly Lauren LaSRеб‡г‡ш‡Ы‡Э‡Я‡І@ЪJoseph M. Darwak, Sж‡щ‡ІРЫ…ЫJohn DarwakЮ2џы‡ЦРŽEŽMary Koblenskyџэ‡ЦЯ†ЯDonna Montaninoџ№‡ˆˆІ@ЪJoseph M. Darwak, Jˆ ˆЦРЩJennifer CoutureџˆˆЦ@MMDeanna DarwakџˆˆІ@MMRobert Darwakџˆ!ˆЦ Ц Carol Darwak2џ$ˆ(ˆІ€ŠDŠxxx Paskin(Ю2џ*ˆІ€ŠDŠxxx Kenyon(Ю2џzб0ˆ,ˆ.ˆЦРЯ‰ЯKatelynn Kenyonџ аFˆ@ˆBˆDˆ{І€ˆ ]Donetto Ray HeckathGˆЦ€ŽHŽCarolyn CooperџJˆQˆІ€ŽHŽCharles CooperџTˆXˆЦIIKaren xxxxU(Ю2џz еZˆ\ˆ^ˆІ†зDerek Armstrong Joh:Ыeˆ`ˆbˆ9ІЪFrederick Albertџgˆ ѕtˆpˆrˆ9ЦРŠEŠMary Blood(Ю2џwˆЅтщ†ˆ€ˆ‚ˆ(І@MMDaniel AlbertџЌˆˆŠˆ*Ц€ШAbigail Houghtonџ’ )ŒˆŽˆfЦРЫ…ЫMary AlbertЮ2џR ŠA—ˆ‘ˆ“ˆfІ€H QWilliam S. AlbertџJ Wœˆ˜ˆšˆfЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Albertџ’ЃˆžˆЁˆf"ІР…HŽJohn B. AlbertџЊBiЉˆЌˆИˆЄˆЇˆf/І†L’Peter Aaron AlbertЏˆrEРˆТˆfІ€ŽHŽOrlando AlbertџЪХˆЧˆfЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline AlbertџЩˆЦ€ЫˆЫAbigail xxxЮ2џ’ ёЯˆЫˆЭˆ9Ц@MMMolley AlbertџКєеˆбˆгˆ9І@MMJoseph AlbertџКілˆзˆйˆЦ€ŽHŽAbigail Albertџ:ј њсˆфˆнˆпˆІ@MMDaniel AlbertџЊљъˆцˆшˆІ Ц Peter Albert2џьˆ:ЦРIIMary ShawxU(Ю2џ:Рђˆюˆ№ˆЦРЫ…ЫMary AlbertЮ2џєˆ‰‰‰Ц@ŽKŽChristiana xxxџ ‰‰‰ІЦ‰ЯHenry T. Albertџ8 ‰ ‰ЦРХAnna xxxxU(Ю2џz8B 9‰‰І@MMGeorge Albertџ‰‰ЦРЯ‰ЯCaroline Albertџ!‰‰‰ІРЫ…ЫJohn AlbertЮ2џ$‰‰І@‡L’George Milo Albert& ‰"‰Ц@Q QChristiana Albertџ+)‰%‰'‰ ІЪAlexander Albertџ-*‰,‰ ЦM MJosephine xxxџC.‰0‰ ЦРЫ…ЫCora AlbertЮ2џF@‰B‰ Ц€ŽHŽArminda Albertџ'D‰F‰ЦРЯ‰ЯMargaret Albertџ'H‰J‰І@ЪGeorge M. Albertџт;L‰N‰.!ЦMMSebee LincolnџR‰`‰!Ц€ŠDŠAda Albert(Ю2џb‰!ЦР…HŽSeba J. Albertџh‰d‰f‰"Ц€HK’Adeline A. Stewardr(ђun‰p‰„‰i‰l‰"#І Ц James Albert2џr‰Z-’vŒ‰…‰‡‰Š‰#Ц@ŽгSalina Adelia Still‰1ž‰š‰œ‰"ІРЯ‰ЯHarrison Albertџ3Т FЃ‰Ѕ‰Ÿ‰Ё‰"І€H QFrancis P. AlbertџЇ‰9В‰Ў‰А‰"Ц@MMMartha Albertџ ХФ‰Р‰Т‰І Ц Henry Albert2џЦ‰RУа‰й‰Ь‰Ю‰$І@’MDaniel Albert, Jr.в‰к‰$Ц@MMRachel WarnerџЊЧр‰м‰о‰%Ц€ŽHŽAbigail Albertџу‰ZЦэ‰я‰+%І@MMEdmond LarkinџŠ%Ц Ц Sarah Larkin2џB Э’ Š ŠŠŠ&Ц€ŽHŽPeninah Albertџ ŠŠ'&І€ŽHŽStanton CarterџŠ'І@’MSamuel Carter, Jr.Š'Ц€ШJemimah HoughtonџЅКОŠŠ)(ЦРMMMary HoughtonџŠ)І@Я‡ЯRobert HoughtonџŠ)Ц@’G’Esther LeppingwellŠ*ІŽFŽHenry Houghtonџ!Š*Ц€ŽHŽAbigail Barronџ#Š+І@MMPhilip Larkinџ%Š+ЦРЫ…ЫMary HarrisЮ2џвМ.Š'Š)Š,Š,І€ˆYMatthew Christopher0Š@Š-І@Ы‡ЫHorace CookЮ2џCŠ.І@ŽGŽJoseph LincolnџEŠ.ІР Х Levi Lincoln2џGŠ.ЦIIBetsy xxxxU(Ю2џВтXMŠIŠKŠ/Ц†L’Sarah Sally Pitzer'PŠRŠ/Ц@MMAmanda Albertџ(ЪtYŠTŠVŠ/0І†L’Peter Aaron Albert#2 ‚_Š[Š]Š0ЦŽFŽLydia GliddeenџZF*fŠaŠcŠ0ЦР‰L’Beatrice A. AlbertiŠ2*‚jnŠpŠ/1І@ЪDaniel P. Albertџ,Ъs„Š†Š€Š‚Š1Ц@ŽGŽAmelis GliddenџB‹Š‡Š‰Š1Ц@MMHattie AlbertџЊEŠ’ŠŒŠŽŠ12І€H QWilliam C. AlbertџђEт‡”Š–Š2ЦР…MMary S. Smithџzd™Š›Š23Ц Ц Mabel Albert2џŠ3ІР‰ QHerrbert C. AllisџK‚”ŸŠЁŠ14І@MMDaniel AlbertџIb†ЄŠІŠЈŠ4ЦЪгElizabeth A. Evarts`ЋŠ­Š4І Ц Evart Albert2џ‚T* ЂДŠЏŠБŠ15І@ЪBerton E. AlbertџZЉЦŠРŠТŠФŠ5Ц@ŠгBeulah H. 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ServicesаЄy`y_]Ц^8C195C196аа`rDrafted U.S. Army; Occupaаation of Japan; First Lieuаtenantа PartyЮFL;*ќўџiЦeŠOfficers of the Town of Wаforcester 1797-196410аC168аhdЦRepublicanаOfficesЮFL;+ ўџ€Ц210189а4y ymkЦnhJustice of Peace, Town ofаo Worcester; Town Historiaаnа’ЂsqЦrDC196ааtЌSecond Baptist Church, daаute shown is of joining Meаvthodist Church, Worcesterа, New Yorkа x+ƒ,Œ-’.˜/ŸЦђЫzyЦC196а{TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаqqqqAffiliationsЮFL;, ўџ‰Ц„4C196C5а…‚Ца†žPres. Worcester Fire Dep'а‡t; American Legion; Worceаˆster Historical Soc. trusаteeаOther FactsЮFL;- ўџЦC5а‹ЦŽ\Treasurer, Worcester Centаral School, 1950 ff.аOther NamesЮFL;. ўџ•Ц(а“‘Ц”VAl; childhood nicknames Bаoney, Bunny, SlimаDied (Cause)ЮFL;/ ўџœЦC195авЫ™—ЦšjInfection during hospitalа›ization for dermatomyositаisаLocationsЮFL;0 ўџЈЦа žЦ(Worcester, New YorkаЂ”38 Main StreetRD#2, Box ;Ѓ3WorcesterNew York1219;7U.S.A.(607) 397-9386;ЅjEye operations; had recov7Іered from cancer of bladd7er78 Individual NoteЮFL;1& ўџPЦЊPrЊB­<h†Dorothy Shires Smith\ЈU(‚SmЏJА6H18C200ИИВЖLГPH18C190&H31&ЕL2101 Bleecker Street, Utica, New YorkC190'ИPBassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New York&C166, H19аЛЧхd&М'ТЦ(Ы)а*ди рЦˆНЙЦО~Graduate, New York Mills аРHigh School, New York Milааls, New Yorkа&C166, H19аУСЦФNGraduate, Excelsior Schooаl of Businessа&C166, H19аЧХЦШ€Stenographer at F.W. WoolаЩworth, Utica, New York beаfore marriageа0C190аЬЪЦЭ–Housewife; Worcester reprаЮesentative of Coddington'аs Florist, Oneonta, N.Y.абPC190109авЯЦ109аRepublicanа109аdzPzегЦжtInspector of Elections, Fазirst District, Town of Woаrcesterа’ЂлйЦкDC190ааммRoman Catholic/Methodist анas child; Baptist after mаоarriage; date shown is ofап joining Methodist, Worcаester, NYа: ЧтсЦC190ауTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаC190а+ц-ы.ю/№ЦчфЦшˆWorcester Woman's Club; Aащmerican Legion Auxiliary;а Republican WomenааьъЦDotаа" ЧяэЦCardiac arrestаПЦqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjUtica, New York Mills andа Worcester (1936), New Yoаrkа”38 Main StreetRD#2, Box ;3WorcesterNew York1219;7U.S.A.(607) 397-9386;PrB <ongwrence Albert DeLong\ЈU(‚De JC230И LRBirth certificateC230&&PBassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New YorkLC238C243аЧAd&' #))*-6;ЦВ ЇЦаnGraduate Worcester Centraаl School, Worcester, New аYorkаC248аJ ЋЦfBA Government, Hamilton Cаollege, Clinton, New YorkааФ|Аz Ц(C247, C248а!xLegislative aide, New Yorа"k State Assembly, Albany,а New Yorkа{Рz%$Ц0C241а&Lieutenant, Supply Corps,а' U.S. Navy; USS Newport Nаews (CA-148); VietnamааЪГ*(Ц+FDemocrat; switched from Rаepublicanа.N18C243аФzz/,Ц189а0P(and 2000) Town Historianа1, Town of Worcester, Otseа2go County, New York; Chaiа3rman of Town Planning Boaа4rd (2001); Saratoga and Oа5tsego County election insаpector (2005 ff.)а’Ђ87Ц(а9‚Joined Worcester United Mа:ethodist Church; Baptist аas young childаZ ž=<ЦC236Aа>`Methodist Episcopal Churcаh, Worcester, New Yorkаqа+B-I/L1S2XЦC@ЦDњTrustee, Worcester HistorаEical Society, Maple GroveаF Cemetery Association andаG Worcester Free Library; аamateur baseball leaguesааJHЦ LarryааMKЦNWorcester, New York; TownаO of Halfmoon, Saratoga Coаunty, New York (1968)а&Family InformationЮFL;2, ўџUЦаTRЦNever marriedаE-mail addressЮFL;32 ўџцЦаYWЦ$Ldelongny@aol.comа[238 Grooms RoadClifton ;\ParkNew York12065-6213;U.S.A.(518) 371-8012;]Pr]B`JC290ИbL&dPBassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New York0C293аgЧ2&h'mq(ux~+„2‡ЦЋieЦjnGraduate Worcester Centraаkl School, Worcester, New аYorkа0C293аЏnlЦo^BA Educ SUC at Oneonta; MаS SUNY Brockport 1992ааrpЦs\Teacher, Penn Yan Academyа, Penn Yan, New YorkааКЭvtЦwDPrincipal, Penn Yan Middlаe SchoolаrЂ{yЦzLC320C293аа|Methodist originally; latа}er St. Mark's Episcopal Cаhurch, Penn Yan, N.Y.аZ ž€ЦqC236Aа‚`Methodist Episcopal Churcаh, Worcester, New Yorkаа…ƒЦKiwanisааˆ†Ц2LRAIDE@PennYan.K12.NY.USаŠ€893 East Lake RoadDunde;‹eNew York14837U.S.A.(;315) 536-7186;ŒPrŒB<o, Jr.ark Darmetko, Jr..ЈU(‚Da‘JИ“L&•FSamaritan Hospital, Troy, New Yorkа˜Ч2-™Цš–ЦLittle Robаœ< š†Robert Joseph Raide\(ЈU(‚RažJC290И L&(Syracuse, New YorkC290аЄЧ2&Ѕ'Љ­(БЕ,И-НЦІЂЦЇZGraduate, Solvay High Schаool, Syracuse, N.Y.аC290аЊЈЦЋNAttended University of Miаami (Florida)ааЎЌЦЏbOwner/operator, Raide Canаvas Co., Syracuse, N.Y.ааВАЦГHOwner of independent radiаo stationsааЖДЦ&Ukrainian CatholicааЙЗЦКpHolds FCC advanced amateuаЛr radio operator (HAM) liаcenseааОМЦBobаqС€893 East Lake RoadDunde;ТeNew York14837U.S.A.(;315) 536-7186;Ф<e†Michael Robert Raide\ЈU(‚RaЦJC7ИШL0C200&Ъ^Community General Hospital, Syracuse, New YorkаЭЧ2&Юв)зл,п-ф3ъЦХЯЫЦаbGraduate of Penn Yan Acadаemy, Penn Yan, New YorkаагбЦдhChief Engineer, Entercom,ае Inc., Rochester, New YorаkааижЦйFRepublican; switched fromа DemocratаамкЦн\Ukrainian Catholic Churchа, Syracuse, New YorkаароЦсpHolds FCC advanced amateuатr radio operator (HAM) liаcenseаахуЦ MikeаSponsorsЮш\$.ЈO&(9šWАнАЦFL;48 ўџ[ЦаыщЦьFLawrence A. DeLong and Joаyce RaideаюŒ21 Canandaigua RoadShor;яtsvilleNew York14548U.;S.A.(716) 289-8402;ёJC320ИѓL0C200&ѕ^Community General Hospital, Syracuse, New YorkајЧ2&љ'§-/ ЦЦњіЦћ`Graduate of Penn Yan Acadаemy, PennYan, New YorkааЪўќЦ€BA, Accounting, Methodistаq College, Fayetteville, Nаorth CarolinaааЦAccountantааЦ Missyаа Ц ЂPenn Yan, New York; Fayetа teville, North Carolina (а 1990); Jupiter, Florida (а1999)а~P.O. Box 456JupiterFlo;rida33468-0456U.S.A.(5;61) 694-7855;<ongthur Stanford DeLong\ ЈU(‚De J ,C2И L DC125& & žFamily Homestead, Hamlet  of Tuscan, Town of Worces ter, Otsego County, New Y ork C125' PBassett Hospital, Coopers town, New York #4151M35а !Ч Hd&"''*(2)7*:@ CЦ $Ц а %bAttended Tuscan School Noа . 16, Town of Worcesterа C96Aа r(&Ц )`Eastman Business School, а Poughkeepsie, New Yorkа zPw-+Ц ,ZC119178-179а C122а .žEarly rural letter carrieа /r, RD#1, Worcester, New Yа 0ork; retired January 1, 1а 953а 178а 31Ц 4xPart-time bookkeeper, W.а 5F. Chase Chevrolet, Worceа ster N.Y.а а 86Ц Republicanа 18а Ѕ;9Ц <vTown Historian, Town of Wа =orcester, Otsego County, а New Yorkа C125а qA>Ц BXSecond Baptist Church, Wа orcester, New Yorkа JЅEDЦ C125а FTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа JdC125C122а +I-R.U/Y4^Ц KGЦ C96BR, C96BTа LPres Otsego Co Rural Lettа Mer Carriers 20 yrs; Rotarа Ny (1945); Pres Maple Grovа Oe Cem Ass'n; President ofа P Worcester Chamber of Comа merce (1944)а а SQЦ Artа C4а :ЅVTЦ WNPneumonia following influа enza epidemicа а ZXЦ (Worcester, New Yorkа "Born (Alternate)ЮFL;5> ўџ#ЦC110а Т^_]Ц `HDate appearing on Registeа r of Birthа bV1 Water StreetWorcester; New YorkU.S.A.; cPr cB f<ertrriett Dauley Albert\ ЈU(‚Al hJ M45И jmL C3& lFSummit, Schoharie County, New York nLC114' C115' pN4 South Hill Road, Worces ter, New York M35а sЧ 2&tx ~+ƒ.ˆ-ŒЦ uqЦ vFSchool No. 10, Worcester,а New Yorkа yBC11423; C115Dа zwЦ а {Bible School Superintendeа |nt, Second Baptist Churchа , Worcester, New Yorkа C115а €}Ц qTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа C114а „‚Ц …fW.C.T.U.; Lend-a-Hand Socа †iety; Home Economics Clubа а C114а ‚€‰‡Ц Š<Pneumonia following influа enzaа M35а ‹Ц Hattieа \4 South Hill RoadWorces; terNew YorkU.S.A.; Pr B “<Longett Lawrence DeLong\ ЈU(‚De •J C3И —˜L C3& ™DC220' ' ›N4 South Hill Road, Worces ter, New York C220а žЧ 2Ÿ Ђ.ІЦ  œЦ Baptistа C220а ЃЁЦ ЄTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа (C113, C220а š ЇЅЦ Diphtheriaа Љ\4 South Hill RoadWorces; terNew YorkU.S.A.; ЊPr ЊB ­<g†Irene Marjory DeLong\ ЈU(‚De ЏJ А8D109D105И И ВЖL ГLC149D102& & ЕD3 Elm Street, Worcester,  New York C149' ИJRobinson Terrace, Stamfor d, New York 0C149а ЛЧ сd&М'ТШ)Юб д+й-оЦ ˆНЙЦ ОhGraduate Worcester High Sа Рchool, Worcester, New Yorа qkа УBC149D103-D106а j ŒФСЦ а ХhAmong first class to gradа Цuate from Hartwick Collegа eа ЩDC149D117, T19а ЪЧЦ 3а ЫˆElementary teacher at Worа Ьcester Central School, Woа rcester, New Yorkа а ЯЭЦ Unaffiliatedа C149а ваЦ гDWorcester United Methodisа t Churchа тЮжеЦ C149а зTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа C149а киЦ лŠWorcester Historical Soc.а м; Library; Woman's Club;а DAR; Eastern Starа а пнЦ Reenieа а .тЦ ЪЮурЦ ф|Congestive heart failure;а х complications of temporaа l arteritisа чz4 Elm StreetWorcesterN; шew York12197U.S.A.(607; ) 397-9002; щPr щB ьJ C110И юђL я6C111C80& & ёTTown of Westford, Otsego  County, New York ѓ6C111C81' ' ѕH1 Water Street, Worcester , New York C110а јЧ dљ(ќ)*  ,Ц њіЦ $Farmer until 1907а C111а фw0w§ћЦ ўbAgent at D&H freight offiа ce, Worcester, New Yorkа 0/Ц "36, 106а Ц Republicanа ~C11136а Єv€vЦ 27, 36, 72-75, 77, 106а , 107а hSup't of Highways, Town oа f Worcester; other officeа sа *V  Ц 6C111E35а а  Clerk; S.S. Sup't, Deacoа n Oct. 2, 1886, Second Baа ptist Church, Worcester, а N.Y.а C42а Ц TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа : TЦ E35а VSecond Baptist Church, Woа rcester, New Yorkа 122а Ц |Clerk of Worcester Town Mа eetings 1893, 1894, 1895,а 1901, 1903а а / 5&.)6џЦ !Ц "bTowns of Westford and Worа cester (1855), New Yorkа Form of AddressЮFL;6D ўџ-ЦE42а '%Ц Deaconа C111а *(Ц +Bright's Disease; suffereа ,d from angina pectoris fiа ve weeks before deathа &Surname VariationsЮFL;7J ўџЇЦC80а Delongа qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAV1 Water StreetWorcester; New YorkU.S.A.; B Pr BB EJFRC110C113ИD83ИHKL2C2E43&J4Rensselaerville, New YorkL6C113C81''NzHome of Earl F. Johnson, O35 Main Street, Worcester, New YorkP85аRЧ2&SWZ ^b,f-i.lЦTPЦU4Mrs. Betts' Select SchoolааC110аXVЦHousewifeаC113а[YЦ\VSecond Baptist Church, Woаrcester, New YorkаC113а_]Ц`TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаE35аcaЦdVSecond Baptist Church, Woаrcester, New YorkаC113аgeЦ.Eighth of ten childrenааjhЦGrandma DeLongаC113аmkЦ2"infirmities of old age"аo:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;.A.;p PrpBqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ‚4C19D46ИИ„ˆL…4C19C80&&‡TTown of Westford, Otsego County, New York‰HD60'C81'‹žFamily Homestead, Hamlet Œof Tuscan, Town of Worcester, Otsego County, New York"C70-C71аЧДd‘*”˜ Ÿ-Ѓ7Њ/­6БЦ’ŽЦFarmerа&36, 66-67аttPt•“Ц––Sup't of Highways, Town oа—f Worcester; also Overseeаr of Highways 1871, 1873аJB›™ЦšZD46D59аE35, P121аœrBy letter to Second Baptiаst Church, Worcester, Neаw Yorkаа žЦЁTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаЄlC90B81аІЂЦЅB103C96Jаа,Aury, Iray, Orra, Oraа"Died (Alternate)ЮFL;8P ўџЦЋ4C90E36аТ_ЉЦааЎЌЦЏbTowns of Westford and Worаcester (1855), New Yorkа$C79, C80аВАЦDelong, DeLongаC96Kа.ЕЦЖГЦHeart diseaseаИ:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;.A.;Й PrЙBqqqqqСJТNC19D46ИD87ИФЩLХfC2E36&ЦD87C80&&ШTTown of Westerlo, Albany County, New YorkЪ4E36C81''Ь|Home of son Oscar DeLong,Э 1 Water Street, Worcester, New YorkЯЧ2а ей-оЦJBвбЦE35агhReceived Second Baptist Cадhurch, Worcester, New Yorаkа:tзжЦE36аиTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаJBлкЦE35амVSecond Baptist Church, Woаrcester, New Yorkа BetsyанЦр:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;.A.;с PrсBфJхjC19ИцD35B9, B69ИИшыLщ^C2B&9B58&New York State0T267'&Westford, New YorkC2аяЧ2№*ѓ і86/ ЦёэЦFarmerаC2аТ%єђЦSchool trusteeаD54аїѕЦј€Badeau Hill Cemetery, Towаљn of Westford, Otsego Couаnty, New Yorkањ†QrŒqqqqqDied (Age)ЮFL;9V ўџN&Ца*3Ц858 years, 10 months, 5 daаysааЦ vNone. "Delong" appears onа  all documents and on graаvestone.а 4D46B77а Ца4Westford, New York (1810)аа8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;A.; PrBJVC19D30ИB9, B69ИLHB58C61&&New York State.D54'D54аЧ2 -$8'4*7,1.Ц Ц!€Badeau Hill Cemetery, Towа"n of Westford, Otsego Couаnty, New YorkаC13а%#Ц Betsyа.B81а(&Ц$62 years, 25 daysаC2аќ)ЦD30а:;+Ц/4D30D54аb§0-Ца1<Twin of Abigail (Abba) Heаwittа38WestfordNew YorkU.S.;A.;4Pr4BqqqqqqqqqqAJB4C19D46ИИDLENC19D46&C61&New York State"C61-C62аIЧ2J/M4WЦKGЦBlacksmithаNrD46B58аPLЦOC61-C62B161ааQ,"of Herkimer Co." (1838);аR Cherry Valley, Otsego CoаSunty, New York (1830, 185аT0, 1860); Herkimer CountyаU, New York (1838); Cherryа Valley, New York (1850)аB161аXVЦYšOr about 1806 (1850, 1855аZ, 1865 censuses); "likelyа[ Westford, Otsego Co., NYа"аUnknown;]Pr]B`Ja4C19D46ИИceLd4C19D46&&B81'B81аhЧ27iЦjfЦ("prob. before 1820"а$KansasU.S.A.;mJn4C19D46ИИptLqtD46C19&rC59C60E, C61&&0Otsego County, New YorkC59'C59аwЧ2 x-{ЦyuЦ&Schenevus Cemeteryа|dB79, B81C59а}zЦC60E, C61а~FAsenath, Aseneth, Asinithа, AzenithаqUnknown;‚JC19И„‰L…hC19C60C, C60D&†, C62B148&&ˆDWestford, Otsego County, New YorkŠ4D46D59''.C60D, C61-C62аЧДdŽ ’*–œ Ђ+І-Ќ8ЏЦ‹Ц8Daguerrotype artist; farmаerаC96Jа“‘Ц”bMajor, 7th Regiment, Miliаtia; musician (to 1866)а—>D46178, E20а2 N˜•Ца™œAmong first trustees of Sаšchenevus; village presideа›nt 1872; trustee again 18а76аOŸЦž4D46180аа bAmong first officers of Sаchenevus Baptist ChurchаЃ4D46D59аЄЁЦа&Schenevus CemeteryаЇ6D64C96KаЈЅЦаЉpSchenevus Valley Band [orаЊ Schenevus Silver Cornet аBand]аD64а­ЋЦ "El."аАND46D59аЂWБЎЦC59аВ858 years, 4 months, 23 daаysаЖ>178, 180C59а6Е4ЙЦЗГЦаDelong; DeLongаD46аКИЦMassachusettsаМ:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;.A.;qqqeŒСPrСBФJХHC19D46ИИЧЩLШ4C19D46&&ЪND46C59'E37'(Schenevus, New YorkC59аЮЧ2 Я-в7е1л8пЦаЬЦ&Schenevus CemeteryаагбЦOscher C.ааК:ждЦз Death at residence of broаиther Alanson (Schenevus oайr St. Johnsville, New Yorаk ?)ам4D46C19аК нкЦа0Twin of Rhynaldo DeLongарHD46C19аЪ:соЦа&25 years, 9 monthsауpSchenevus (Possibly St.;ф Johnsville?)New YorkU;.S.A.;хPrхBшJ.D62ИъэLыNC19D46&C61&New York State.D46'а№Ч2 ё1ѕ/ј-§ЦђюЦѓTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаC19аК ієЦ0Twin of Oscar C. DeLongаC61аљїЦњnTown of Poughkeepsie, Dutаћchess County, New York (1а850)аC61аўќЦRinaldoаqŒUnknown;PrBJ4C19D46ИИL4C19D46&&B81а Ч2- Ц  ЦAlva C.аUnknown;JD47ИLNC19D46&C61&New York StateC59'C59аЧ2 7ЦЦ&Schenevus CemeteryаB163аaЦ(Schenevus, New Yorkа:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;.A.;!J">C19, D59D46ИИ$'L%6D46C60D&&0Otsego County, New YorkD59'&C60D, C62а*Ч2+ .+18549Ц,(ЦDressmakerаD59а/-Ц&Schenevus Cemeteryа$181, E20акU20Ц3bOfficer of Schenevus Lodgаe No. 612, I.O. of G.T.аD59а j64Ц7478 years, 4 months, 1 dayааB148а:8ЦMassachusettsа<:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;.A.;=Pr=BqAJ,C2ИCFLDPC59B12&C60D&0Otsego County, New York'C59аIЧ2 J8M6QЦKGЦ&Schenevus Cemeteryа.E37а:bNLЦO865 years, 11 months, 4 daаysаC102аRPЦWillseyаUnknown;TPrTBWJC19ИY\LZbD46&C61C68& Cairo, New York]BD46''_|Home of her daughter Mrs.` H. Harding, Waterbury, ConnecticutC68аcЧ2d g/l4r.u1xЦeaЦfdCalvary Methodist Episcopаal Church, New York Cityаr pihЦC68аjTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkаm@C68B141-B142аnkЦаofCairo, Westford and New Yаpork City (1880), New YorkааC68акsqЦ Cairo, New YorkаC68аZ pvtЦ"Pleuro pneumoniaаC68аywЦ.One of eleven childrenаUnknown;{Pr{BqqqJC19ИUnknown;„J…NC19D46ИB81И‡ŠLˆ4C59C61&&New York State‹6C59B163''$Oneonta, New YorkC62аЧ2 “4–Ц‘ЦStone masonаC59а”’Ц&Schenevus CemeteryаB163а—•Ц&Maryland, New YorkаUnknown;™Pr™Bœ<ts DeLongRoberts DeLong\ ЈU(‚De žJ Ÿ8F35-F39И И ЁL F34& ЃNSt. Peter's Hospital, Alb any, New York а ІЧ 2&ЇЋ­-Д3К)ОЦ ЈЄЦ ЉdAbram Lansing Elementary а School, Cohoes, New Yorkа а ЌЊЦ Roman Catholicа ЪЯЏЎЦ а АžSt. Joseph's Roman Catholа Бic Church, Cohoes, New Yoа Вrk, by Fr. Joseph Robitaiа lleа а "ЕГв ХЗЖЦ "D., " D.D.а F34а ИFName at birth Derek Ramonа d Robertsа а ЪЯЛЙЦ МNLawrence A. DeLong and Amа y S. Bonvilleа Democratа НЦ qРPr РB УJ!Ф4C18E19И!И!ЦЪL!ЧHE44&!C80&!ЩTTown of Westford, Otsego !County, New York!Ы4E44C81'!'!Э4Pittsfield, Massachusetts!!E44а!аЧ!2б*жк н-т.х6щЦ!вЮЦ!гxCanvasser for Wright & Coа!д. Photography, Worcester,а! New Yorkа!68а!SзеЦ!иPOverseer of Highways, Towа!n of Worcesterа!E44а!лйЦ!мXSecond Baptist Church, Wа!orcester, New Yorkа!ђ]поЦ!E44а!рTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа!cester, New Yorkа!C76а!усЦ! Datonа!E44а!цфЦ!чFKilled when struck by traа!in engineа!C80а!ъшЦ!Delongа!ь:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;!.A.;!эPr!эB!№J"C90И"ђєL"ѓNC18D46&"C80&"ѕHC90'"C81'"їЧ"2ј ќ- 6 Ц"TњљЦ"C90а"ћdJoined Second Baptist Chuа"rch, Worcester, New Yorkа"jXў§Ц".E43а" TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа"qcester, New Yorkа"C80а"  Ц" Ellenа"C80а"  Ц"Delongа" 8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;"A.;" Pr" B" J#C18И#  L# 4C18C80&#&# 4C18C81'#'# TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа#cester, New Yorkа# Ч#2  6 Ц# Ц#$C80, C81а#  Ц#Delongа# :WorcesterNew YorkU.S;#.A.;# J$ 4E19D46И$И$ # L$! LE19&$C96BF&$*Hyndsville, New York$$ LE19'$C96BF'$& ~Home of Clarence Putnam, $' hamlet of Tuscan, Worcest$er, New York$) Ч$2* 0 3 -8 7< 4> Ц$" b, + Ц$&C67C, D59а$- rBy letter to Second Baptiа$. st Church, Worcester, Neа$w Yorkа$2C96BFа$1 / Ц$2 TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа$cester, New Yorkа$Ъ^5 4 Ц$D59а$6 VSecond Baptist Church, Woа$rcester, New Yorkа$9 8C79C96BLа$: 7 Ц$а$ Kate; Katherineа$D46а$ъ l; Ц$D46а$:= Ц$qA 6OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;$.;$B Pr$B B$E J%C18И%G H L%C59&%C59'%C100а%K Ч%2*L Q Ц%‚jM I Ц%N lPostmaster, Schenevus, N.а%O Y.; succeeded March 24, 1а%914а%C59а%R P Ц%&Schenevus Cemeteryа%T 8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;%A.;%U Pr%U B%X J&C111И&Z ] L&2C2E41&&\ LHamlet of Tuscan, Worcest&er, New York&C2'&_ TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа&cester, New Yorkа&a Ч&2 b 7d Ц&^ Ц&C96Jа&šXc Ц&f 8WorcesterNew YorkU.S;&.A;&g Pr&g B&j <Longence Mildred DeLong\'ЈU(‚De'l J'C2И'n s L'o LC2E41&'E78&'q ‚Family Homestead, Hamlet'r of Tuscan, Town of Worce'ster, New York'E78''u ZFox Hospital Nursing Home', Oneonta, New York'.E78а'x Ч'š d&y '}  († )Š * ‘ – Ц'lz v Ц'{ LGraduated from Worcester а'Union Schoolа'E78а'm~ | Ц'€ RGraduated from Schenevus а'qTraining Schoolа'фvаvƒ ‚ Ц'E78а'„ \Teacher, Brighton Districа't, Town of Worcesterа'E78а'єvрv‡ … Ц'ˆ \Teacher, Elk Creek Distriа'ct, Town of Westfordа'"108-109а'‹ ‰ Ц'Republicanа'"108-109а'Ž Œ Ц' fInspector of Elections, Tа' own of Worcester, to 1954а'а'g“ ’ Ц'E78а'” ŒSecond Baptist Church, Woа'• rcester, New York; clerk а'1918; deacon 40 yrsа':Ж˜ — Ц'E78а'™ TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа'cester, New Yorkа'› +  -Є Ц':g œ Ц'E35а'ž VSecond Baptist Church, Woа'rcester, New Yorkа'E78а'Ё Ÿ Ц'Ђ :Worcester Woman's Club, Wа'CTUа'M35а'Ѕ Ѓ Ц'*Flossie (as a child)а'Ї V35 Main StreetWorcester;'New YorkU.S.A.;'Ј Pr'Ј B'Ћ < š†Ella Frances DeLong\((ЈU(‚De(­ J(Ў 6E16C127И(И(А Д L(Б >S10E16, E41&(&(Г LHamlet of Tuscan, Worcest(er, New York(Е 4S10S10'('(З dSaratoga County Infirmary(, Ballston Spa, New York(151а(К Ч(2&Л Р Ц 1Ъ Ц(М И Ц(Н bAttended Tuscan School Noа(. 16, Town of Worcesterа(C96AFа(qС О Ц(Т  Clerk at Johnson's Economа(У y Store, Worcester, New Yа(Ф ork (10 years ending in 1а(919)а(S10а(Ч Х Ц(Ш TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа(cester, New Yorkа(S50а(Ы Щ Ц(Diabeticа(Э HRD#3Ballston SpaNew Yo;(rkU.S.A.;(Ю Pr(Ю B(б <n†Earl Francis Johnson\)ЈU(‚Jo)г J)P84И)е й L)ж 4P34P64&)&)и bFather's farm on South Hi)ll, Worcester, New York)P68')л ZFox Hospital Nursing Home), Oneonta, New York).P68а)о Ч)!d&п т (щ )ђ *ѕ ќ !+!Ц)lр м Ц)с @Graduate Worcester Union а)Schoolа)DwРvх у Ц)ф VP34P68а)P86-P87а)ц rSchool teacher (last two а)ч years at Worcester High Sа)chool)а)ъ \P34P68а)”y@wы ш Ц)69-70, 178а)ь žOperated Johnson's Economа)э y Store, Worcester, New Yа)ю ork; substitute mail carrа)ierа)№ €Officers of the Town of Wа)ё orcester 1797-196411, 1а)2, 107а)ѓ я Ц)Republicanа)і €P62-P63P68а)ј є Ц)ї 11, 12, 107а)229а)љ ЎCounty Sealer of Weights а)њ & Measures 1917-1957; Worа)ћ cester JP, Councilman, Elа)ection Inspа)oў § Ц)P66а)!ŽJoined Second Baptist Chuа)q!rch, Worcester, NY; clerkа) 1918; deacon 40 yrsа)вЗ!!Ц)P68а)!TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа)cester, New Yorkа)P34а)!!Ц) !ўDirector, Bank of Worcestа) !er; President, Worcester а) !Central School Board of Eа) !ducation; Rotary; Directoа) !r, Upstate Children's Homа)eа)!4P66P68а),!Ц)!!Ц)а)!”School tax collector; chuа)!rch choir director; teachа)er of men's Bible classа)!V35 Main StreetWorcester;)New YorkU.S.A.;)!Pr)!B)!<ell, Jr.ey Cattell, Jr..*ЈU(‚Ca*!J*!>D75106; S75И*И*!!!L*S10&*(Lynn, Massachusetts*S10'*#!TBenedict Hospital, Ballst*on Spa, New York*(!PC96AFа*&!Ч*2'! ,!)/! 1!-6!49!1Graduate of Albany High Sа,choolа,S59а,Ў!Ќ!Ц,Џ!<Barkersville Christian Chа,urchа,S59а,В!А!Ц,Г!PMalta, New York and Okeecа,hobee, Floridaа,BлЖ!Е!Ц,S59а,З!zGerald B. Solomon Nationaа,И!l Cemetery, Schuylervilleа,, New Yorkа,$113; S76а,4Л!Ц,Z€М!Й!Ц,*Round Lake, New Yorkа,О!Ќ4184 Silver Beach RoadSa;,Р!ratoga LakeBallston Spa;,qС!New York12020U.S.A(518;,) 584-2993;,Т!"Pr,Т!B,Х!<ellnald Charles Cattell\-ЈU(‚Ca-Ч!J-D75И-Щ!Э!L-Ъ!6E16T250&-&-Ь!BChase house, Worcester, N-ew York-Ю!4D97E16'-'-а!8North Highlands, Californ-ia-D97а-г!Ч-2&д!и! м!-с!.ф!7ш!Ц-“е!б!Ц-ж!DGraduated from Albany Higа-h Schoolа-D97а-й!з!Ц-к!dEmployed at McClelland Aiа-r Force Base, Californiaа-D97а-н!л!Ц-о!zThree years as ground creа-п!wman, Marine Air Wing, Woа-rld War IIа-а-т!р!Ц-Donа-D97а-ZЂх!у!Ц-ц!XGovernment truck he was dа-riving blew a tireа-$113; S76а-ZЅч!Ц-ъ!JNorth HighlandsCalifor;-niaU.S.A.;-ы!#Pr-ы!B-ю!<ellrothy Louise Cattell\.ЈU(‚Ca.№!J.D75И.ђ!ѕ!L.E16&.є!RSouth Church Street, Worc.ester, New York.S23'.ї!HCrouse Hospital, Syracuse., New York.S23а.њ!Ч.2&ћ!ў! "-"8 "."/"Ц.ќ!ј!Ц.&Albany High Schoolа.S23а."§!Ц.q"TFirst Baptist Church, Canа.astota, New Yorkа.S23а.""Ц."TLenox Rural Cemetery, Canа.astota, New Yorkа."8113; S76а. ""Ц.а. "8Dorothy Louisa Cattell; Dа.otа.S23а.Ва " "Ц.74 yearsа.а.Ва""Ц.Kidney diseaseа.S23а.""Ц."ЪWorcester, Albany and Canа."astota (1954-1985; 1989-2а."000), New York; Bristol, а."New Hampshire (1985-1989)а.а." 105 Bruno RoadP.O. Box 2;."51CanastotaNew York130;."32-0251U.S.A.(315) 697-;.2074;."$Pr."B."J/S14И/!"""L/$113; S76&/S19'/а/%"Ч/2-&"1)"6,"Ц/'"#"Ц/ Bettyа/S50а/*"("Ц/.Parents were diabeticsа/$113; S76а/-"+"Ц/Steevesа//"<llRichard Keith Cattell\0ЈU(‚Ca01"J02">E16118; S78И0И04"L0E16&0Unknown;0qqqqqqqqqqA"<l†Donna Jeanne Cattell\1ЈU(‚Ca1C"J1D"XE16S57И1118; S78И1F"L1E16&1"Albany, New York1а1J"Ч12K"/P"4T"Ц1L"H"Ц1M"ŠProprietor of Walt's Tireа1N" & Welding Supplies, Ballа1ston Spa, New Yorkа1а1Q"O"Ц1R"<Middle Grove, New York (1а1998)а1$118; S78а1вЁS"Ц1V"\Middle GroveNew York;1U.S.A(518) 882-9358;1X"J2Y">E16113; S76И2И2["L2E16&2S59а2^"Ч226_"Ц2`"\"Ц2Garrowа2Unknown;2c"<, Jr. John Burgess, Jr..3ЈU(‚Bu3e"J3f"4S18D97И3И3h"k"L3i"4S19S35&3&3"Newark, New York3.S35'3m"XHome at 105 Bruno Road, C3anastota, New York3S35а3p"Ч3›"d&q"'u"z" ‚"…" ˆ"+"5˜"Ц3–r"n"Ц3s">Graduate of Albany High Sа3choolа3S35а3v"t"Ц3w"ˆBA Theology and MA Diviniа3x"ty, International Bible Iа3nstitute Seminaryа3{"NS10S23а3|"y"Ц3S35а3}"ФClergyman; Pastor, Bristoа3~"l (N.H.) Baptist Church (а3€"1985-1989); school bus drа3qiver, Oneida, New Yorkа3S35а3ƒ""Ц30U.S. Army, World War IIа3а3†"„"Ц3‡"TFirst Baptist Church, Canа3astota, New Yorkа3BгŠ"‰"Ц3S35а3‹"TLenox Rural Cemetery, Canа3astota, New Yorkа3S35а3Ž"Œ"Ц3"œVFW Post #600, Canastota а3"Rotary Club, Greater Lenoа3‘"x Ambulance Service, Amerа3’"ican Baptist Churches of а3“"New York State, Upstate Hа3”"omes for Children and Aduа3•"lts Foundation, Canastotaа3–" Overseas Veterans Associа3ationа3а3™"—"Ц3 Rev.а3а3-œ"/Ÿ"Ц3"š"Ц3Bobа3S23а3 "ž"Ц3Ё"šCanastota, New York (1954а3Ђ"-1985 and 1989); Bristol,а3Ѓ" New Hampshire (1985-1989а3)а3Ѕ" 105 Bruno RoadP.O. Box 2;3І"51CanastotaNew York130;3Ї"32-0251U.S.A.(315) 697-;32074;3Ј"%Pr3Ј"B3Ћ"J4E16И4­"L4E16&4а4А"Ч42Б" Ж"Й"5Н"/С"-Х"4Ш"Ц4В"Ў"Ц4Г"lHospital administrator; mа4Д"edical services professioа4nalа4.S10а4З"Е"Ц40Captain, U.S. Air Forceа4а4К"И"Ц4Л"XChurch of Jesus Christ ofа4 Latter-day Saintsа4S10а4О"М"Ц4 Capt.а4q.S35а4Т"Р"Ц4У"ZKingston, New York; Yrekaа4, California (2003)а4$118; S78а4Ц"Ф"Ц4$John Alan Burgessа4$119; S79а42™Ч"Ц4Ъ"@YrekaCalifornia96097;4U.S.A.;4Ь"<ssRonald Arthur Burgess\5ЈU(‚Bu5Ю"J5E17И5а"L5E17&5а5г"Ч52-д"/з"4к"Ц5е"б"Ц5Ronа5S35а5и"ж"Ц50Belleville, Ohio (2003)а5$119; S79а5Ђ›й"Ц52BellevilleOhioU.S.A;5н"< š†Thomas Gary Burgess\(6ЈU(‚Bu6п"J6р">E17119; S79И6И6т"L6E17&6S35а6х"Ч62/ц"Ц6ч"у"Ц6ш"4Syracuse, New York (2003)а6а6ъ"6SyracuseNew YorkU.S.;6A;6ь"J7E17И7ю"L7E17&7S35а7ё"Ч72/ђ"Ц7ѓ"я"Ц70Cicero, New York (2003)а72CiceroNew YorkU.S.A;7qqqqqqqqqqq#<s†Mark Stephen Burgess\8ЈU(‚Bu8#J8#>E17119, S79И8И8#L8E17&8S35а8 #Ч82/ #Ц8 ##Ц82Twin Falls, Idaho (2003)а8 #4Twin FallsIdahoU.S.A;8;88eЉ#J9C290И9а9#Ч92#-#Ц9##Ц9#bOwner/operator, Raide Canа9vas Co., Syracuse, N.Y.а9а9##Ц9Joeа9#f431 South Wilber Avenue;9#SyracuseNew YorkU.S.A.;9;9#J:И: #>SkaneatelesNew YorkU;:.S.A.;:"#< š†Albert Edward Smith\(;ЈU(‚Sm;$#J;T169И;&#+#L;'#VD98T64&;1; T301&;)#‚Home near Cornwallville, ;*#Town of Durham, Greene Co;unty, New York;D98';-#TJobmann Nursing Home, Wor;cester, New York;"2; T302а;0#Ч;[#d&1#6#(;#)A#*F#L# O#+T#Ц;2#.#Ц;3#nHervey Street District Scа;4#hool, Cornwallville, New а;Yorkа;7#6D98T169а;8#5#Ц;а;9#\Rural letter carrier, Corа;nwallville, New Yorkа;58а;ˆ<#:#Ц;=#|Owner and operator, Smithа;>#s' Jersey Dairy, Worcesteа;r, New Yorkа;qB#>3, 10-11228а;C#@#Ц;а;Democratа;E#x226-228; 251, C208а;G#3, 10-11Dа;ŽH#D#Ц;98а;I#fTown of Worcester Justiceа;J# to 1954; Supervisor 1954а;а;D98а;M#K#Ц;N#6Worcester Methodist Churcа;hа;ђЋQ#P#Ц;D98а;R#TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа;cester, New Yorkа;U#6D98T170а;V#S#Ц;а;W#žMasons; Jersey Cattle Cluа;X#bs; Grange; Extension Serа;Y#vice; GLF Patrons' Commitа;teeа;227а;-\#/_#Ц;]#Z#Ц;.Governor; The Governorа;58а;`#^#Ц;(Worcester, New Yorkа;b#V17 Main StreetWorcester;;New YorkU.S.A.;;c#&Pr;c#B;f#<e†Minnie Amanda France\<ЈU(‚Fr<h#J<T169И<j#n#L<k#ZT191T103&<1; T301&<m#bHome near Cornwallville, <Greene County, New York<T191'<p#XMcDonough Nursing Home, W<orcester, New York<"2; T302а<s#Ч<2&t#x#}# ‚#+†#-Š#/#Ц<u#q#Ц<v#nHervey Street District Scа<w#hool, Cornwallville, New а<Yorkа<ˆz#y#Ц<58а<{#bOwner, Smiths' Jersey Daiа<ry, Worcester, New Yorkа<T191а<~#|#Ц<€#6Worcester Methodist Churcа<qhа<T191а<ƒ##Ц<„#TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа<cester, New Yorkа<T191а<‡#…#Ц<ˆ#XWorcester Grange, Order oа<f the Eastern Starа<а<‹#‰#Ц< Memeа<58а<Ž#Œ#Ц<(Worcester, New Yorkа<#V17 Main StreetWorcester;<New YorkU.S.A.;<‘#'Pr<‘#B<”#J=E14И=–#L=—#6E10T229&=&=,Cooperstown, New York=а=›#Ч=2&œ#'Ё#Ѕ#-Њ#Ц=Ђ#™#Ц=ž#nGraduate Worcester Centraа=Ÿ#l School, Worcester, New а=Yorkа=T227а=Ђ# #Ц=Ѓ#XGraduate Hartwick Collegeа= School of Nursingа=T227а=І#Є#Ц=Ї#†Registered nurse, Mary Imа=Ј#ogene Bassett Hospital, Cа=ooperstown, N.Y.а=а=Ћ#Љ#Ц=Patа=­#Ž20 South Church StreetW;=Ў#orcesterNew York12197U;=.S.A.(607) 397-8771;=Џ#(Pr=Џ#B=qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС#J>E14И>У#L>E10&>Х#PBassett Hospital, Coopers>town, New York>а>Ш#Ч>2&Щ#'Ю#г#и#/л#2о#Ц>ЅЪ#Ц#Ц>Ы#nGraduate Worcester Centraа>Ь#l School, Worcester, New а>Yorkа>Я#6D71T251а>Їа#Э#Ц>а>б#vGraduate Alfred State Agrа>в#icultural and Technical Iа>nstituteа>Ље#д#Ц>T250а>ж#RStaff of U.S. Consulate, а>Munich, Germanyа>а>й#з#Ц>Methodistа>а>м#к#Ц>*Petaluma, Californiaа>а>п#н#Ц> petro@sonic.netа>с#Œ1300 Glenwood DrivePeta;>т#lumaCalifornia94954U.S;>.A.(707) 763-4480;>у#)Pr>у#B>ц#<h†Gerald Gilbert Smith\?ЈU(‚Sm?ш#J?T229И?ъ#L?E14&?ь#PBassett Hospital, Coopers?town, New York?а?я#Ч?2&№#'ѕ# љ#)ў#+$-$/ $Ц?Їё#э#Ц?ђ#nGraduate Worcester Centraа?ѓ#l School, Worcester, New а?Yorkа?T264а?і#є#Ц?ї#rGraduate Cobleskill Agricа?ј#ultural and Technical Insа?tituteа?Њћ#њ#Ц?T264а?ќ#DAviation cadet, U.S. Mariа?ne Corpsа?а?$§#Ц?qUnaffiliatedа?$8C123T261а?$$Ц?а?$>4-H, Future Farmers of Amа?ericaа?а?$$Ц? Jerryа?T217а? $ $Ц?*Cold Brook, New Yorkа? $vWoodsong622 Teacup Stree;?$tCold BrookNew York133;?24U.S.A;?$*Pr?$B?$< š†Harriet Irene Smith\(@ЈU(‚Sm@$J@$6T294V28И@И@$L@E14&@$PBassett Hospital, Coopers@town, New York@а@$Ч@2&$"$Ц@Џ$$Ц@$nGraduate Worcester Centraа@ $l School, Worcester, New а@Yorkа@T294а@#$!$Ц@"Dental hygienistа@%$œRD#2, Box 299Barton Hill;@&$ RoadSchoharieNew York;@'$12157U.S.A.(518) 295-71;@64;@($+Pr@($B@+$JAV28ИA-$LA.$4E14V28&A&A0$PBassett Hospital, CoopersAtown, New YorkAаA3$ЧA2&4$)9$*<$ЦAГ5$1$ЦA6$nGraduate Worcester CentraаA7$l School, Worcester, New аAYorkаAаA:$8$ЦARepublicanаAаAЮ=$;$ЦA>$DJustice of Peace, Town ofаA OneontaаAqA$\RD#2, Box 155AOneontaN;Aew York13820U.S.A.;AAe‰D$<weynice Margaret Hamwey\BЈU(‚HaBF$JBV29ИBH$LBV29&B$Oneonta, New YorkBK$\RD#2, Box 155AOneontaN;Bew York13820U.S.A.;BL$,PrBL$BBO$<welllas Arthur Cornwell\CЈU(‚CoCQ$JCV28ИCS$LCV28&C,Schenectady, New YorkCаCW$ЧC2X$ Z$-`$ЦCY$U$ЦCAuctioneerаCА\$[$ЦCаC]$tSergeant, U.S. Army to 19аC^$70; Vietnam; awarded BronаCze StarаCаCa$_$ЦC DougаCc$œRD#2, Box 299Barton Hill;Cd$ RoadSchoharieNew York;Ce$12157U.S.A.(518) 295-71;C64;Cg$JDT263ИDi$LDj$:T229T264E&D&D$Norwich, New YorkDT264аDn$ЧD2&o$'s$w$/z$6}$ЦDp$l$ЦDq$DGraduate Sherburne CentraаDl SchoolаDt$8T264T263аDu$r$ЦDаD,BA Music SUNY BuffaloаDT264аDx$v$ЦDMusic teacherаDT264аD{$y$ЦD."of Smyrna [New York]"аD~$8T268T273аD€$|$ЦDаDqCoye-DemidenkoаD‚$”419 Butternut RoadRichf;Dƒ$ield SpringsNew York134;D39U.S.A(315) 858-2112;D…$<thAmanda Margaret Smith\EЈU(‚SmE‡$JEˆ$6T290E14ИEИEŠ$LE‹$JT290&EE14&E$PVassar Hospital, PoughkeeEpsie, New YorkE$h129 Green StreetReading;E$Massachusetts01867U.S.;EA;E’$JFT232ИF”$LFT232&F Cleveland, OhioFT251аF˜$ЧFЙ$d&™$'$Ÿ$(Ї$ Ћ$)Џ$Г$-Ж$ЦFš$–$ЦF›$>High school in Cleveland,аF OhioаFT251аFž$œ$ЦF,Ohio State UniversityаFЛЂ$ $ЦFЁ$<V75-V77V35аFаFЃ$РGeneral contractor; ownerаFЄ$/operator of Petro ConstrаFЅ$uction, metal buildings, аFPetaluma, CaliforniaаFV77аFЈ$І$ЦFЉ$XMetal building draftsman,аF estimating, salesаFV96аFЌ$Њ$ЦF­$dU.S. Marine Corps 1953-55аF; four years in reservesаFV35аFА$Ў$ЦFБ$<"Non-Political; ConservatаFive"аFV35аFД$В$ЦF("Galician/Catholic"аFаFЗ$Е$ЦFDonаFаF/К$2Н$ ƒЙЦFЛ$И$ЦF*Petaluma, CaliforniaаFаFО$М$ЦF petro@sonic.netаFqС$Š1300 Glenwood DrivePeta;FТ$lumaCalifornia94954U.S;F.A.(707) 763-4480;FУ$-PrFУ$BFЦ$JGT229ИGШ$LGЩ$6E14T229&G&G2Munich, Bavaria, GermanyGаGЭ$ЧG2&Ю$'в$ЦGR ОЯ$Ы$ЦGа$DGraduated Casa Grande HigаGh SchoolаGT235AаGг$б$ЦGд$˜BS Business AdministratioаGе$n, University of the PaciаGж$fic, Stockton, CaliforniaаGаGи$DSanta BarbaraCaliforni;GaU.S.A;Gк$<e, Jr.Francis Hoye, Jr..HЈU(‚HoHРЏJHT229qHо$с$LHп$<T229T230AA&H&H"Walton, New YorkH T230AA'Hу$\Bassett Medical Center, CHooperstown, New YorkHш$4T230AAаHц$ЧH%d&ч$'э$ђ$ј$-ў$ %+%  %ЦH щ$ф$ЦHаHъ$nGraduate Worcester CentraаHы$l School, Worcester, New аHYorkаHю$<T224T230AAаHЂя$ь$ЦHаH№$ZGraduate of Paul Smith's аHCollege of ForestryаHѓ$PT227аHє$ё$ЦHT230AAаHѕ$’Highway construction engiаHі$neer, New York State DepaаHrtment of Public WorksаHљ$<T227T230AAаHњ$ї$ЦHаHћ$pSt. Joseph's Roman CatholаHќ$ic Church, Worcester, NewаH YorkаHаH%§$ЦHqBerne, BernieаH T230AAаH%%ЦH2U.S. Army National GuardаH T230AAаH%%ЦH%"Worcester Fire DepartmentаH%, Worcester Pool DevelopmаH %ent Corp., Worcester EmerаH %gency Squad, WorschenevusаH % Camp, Worcester InvestmeаHnt Club, Boy ScoutsаH’л% %ЦH T230AAаH%TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаHcester, New YorkаH T230AAаH8%ЦHjл%%ЦH75 yearsаH%Ž20 South Church StreetW;H%orcesterNew York12197U;H.S.A.(607) 397-8771;H%.PrH%BH%JIT229ИI%LI%6E14T229&I&I,Cooperstown, New YorkIаI!%ЧI2&"%)'%-*%2-%/0%ЦIК#%%ЦI$%nGraduate Worcester CentraаI%%l School, Worcester, New аIYorkаIаI(%&%ЦIDemocratаIаI+%)%ЦIBern, BernieаIаI.%,%ЦI bmhoye@ccpc.netаI T230AAаI1%/%ЦI2%<Skippack, Pennsylvania (2аI011)аI4%Ž20 South Church StreetW;I5%orcesterNew York12197U;I.S.A.(607) 397-8771;IqqqqqqqqqqA%JJT229ИJC%LJD%6E14T229&J&J,Cooperstown, New YorkJJ%:T236-T240аJH%ЧJ2&I%'O%S%-X%/[%ЦJВ МK%F%ЦJаJL%nGraduate Worcester CentraаJM%l School, Worcester, New аJYorkаJT244аJP%N%ЦJQ%JBS Chemical Engineering SаJUNY BuffaloаJT244аJT%R%ЦJU%hEngineer, Monsanto ResearаJV%ch Corp., Miamisburg, OhiаJoаJаJY%W%ЦJTimаJ T230AAаJ\%Z%ЦJ]%BDowningtown, PennsylvaniaаJ (2011)аJ_%v8547 White Cedar Drive, #;J`%316MiamisburgOhio4534;J2U.S.A.;Jb%JKE14ИKd%LKE14&Kf%PBassett Hospital, CoopersKtown, New YorkKаKi%ЧK2&j%'o%s%ЦKПk%g%ЦKl%nGraduate Worcester CentraаKm%l School, Worcester, New аKYorkаKаKФp%n%ЦKq%PBS Pharmacy, Albany ColleаKge of PharmacyаKаKt%r%ЦKPharmacistаKv%d905 Gill StreetChittena;KngoNew York13037U.S.A;Kw%QrХPqKBKqqqqqq%JL‚%XC18325; D24ИLD30ИL„%…%LL&L†%HD35'LD57'LD35аL‰%ЧL2Š% %4’%8”%ЦL‹%‡%ЦLFarmerаLD57аLŽ%Œ%ЦL%€Badeau Hill Cemetery, TowаL%n of Westford, Otsego CouаLnty, New YorkаLC18аLц‘%ЦL.D57аL•%“%ЦL Age 85 at deathаL—%8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;LA.;L˜%/PrL˜%BL›%JMœ%XC19325; D24ИMD30ИMž% %LMŸ%BIrene M. Smith research&M&MЁ%HC11'MD56'MD56аMЄ%ЧM2 Ѕ%8Њ%ЦMІ%Ђ%ЦMЇ%€Badeau Hill Cemetery, TowаMЈ%n of Westford, Otsego CouаMnty, New YorkаM.D56аMЋ%Љ%ЦM82 yearsаM­%8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;MA.;MЎ%0PrMЎ%BMБ%JNВ%4C19D30ИNИN PollyаNЕ%ЧN2-Ж%ЦNГ%ЦNUnknown;NИ%1PrNИ%BNqqqqqqС%JOТ%4D35352ИOИOФ%LO352'O&Westford, New YorkOUnknown;OШ%JPЩ%ZC19D30ИP170; C422ИPЫ%Э%LPЬ%:170; C422&P&P&170; C422'P2C2D30аPа%ЧP24б%1г%-й%ЦPќЮ%ЦP.D30аPд%в%ЦPе%ТTwin of Elizabeth (Betsy)аPж% Hewitt; birthdate extrapаPз%olated from Elizabeth's gаPravestone inscriptionаPC19аPк%и%ЦP AbbaаPUnknown;Pн%JQо%4C19D30ИQИQUnknown;Qс%JRт%NC19D31ИRD35ИRUnknown;Rх%JSц%NC10D30ИSD35ИSUnknown;SUVWXPeъ%JTы%NC19D30ИTD35ИTэ%LT.D56'TD56аT№%ЧT2 ё%8і%ЦTђ%ю%ЦTѓ%€Badeau Hill Cemetery, TowаTє%n of Westford, Otsego CouаTnty, New YorkаT.D56аTї%ѕ%ЦT$Died in 30th yearаTUnknown;Tљ%2PrTљ%BTqqqqq&JU&NC19D30ИUD35ИU&8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;UA.;U&JV&4C19D30ИVИVDr.аV &ЧV25 &ЦV&ЦVUnknown;V&JW&NC19D30ИWD36ИW&4C19D30аW&ЧW21&ЦW&&ЦWаW.Twin of Alanson HewittаWUnknown;W&JX&NC19D30ИXD36ИX&4D30C19аX&ЧX21&ЦX&&ЦXаX*Twin of Lyman HewittаXUnknown;X"&JY#&zC1854; D12ИY$&308; D23ИYD29ИY&&*&LY'&dC18, D113308;&Y D23D29&Y)&HStonington, New London, CYonnecticutYD113'Y,&HStonington, New London, CYonnecticutY.&ЧY2 /&,8&ЦY* я3&0&ЦY1&j74; D13, D37, E2аY2&D112E29аYаY4&zCorporal Col. Parson's RgаY5&t, 3rd Co., Stonington thаYru Nov. 30аY7&P151; D13, D37, E2аYD13аYт ё9&6&ЦY:& Enlisted one year EldridgаY;&e's Co.; discharged Sept.аY<& 29, 1777; Pension no. S4аY3659аY>&BStoningtonConnecticut;YU.S.A.;Yq@&3PrY@&BYC&JZD&„C1854; D12, OИZE&56308; D23ИZD30ИZG&K&LZ"54; D12&ZI&fProbably North StoningtonZJ&, New London, ConnecticutZZL&<C1154; D12'Z'Z*Petersburg, New YorkZ$Vital InformationЮFL;:\ ўџ'9Ц"54; D12аZR&ЧZ29S&ЦZT&P&ЦZU&6Place of death not certaiаZnаZW&BStoningtonConnecticut;ZU.S.A.;ZY&J[Z&zC1854; D12И[[&325; D24И[D30И[]&L[^&XC18325; D24&[D30&[$54; O163а[a&Ч[2-b&Ц[c&_&Ц[ Pollyа[Unknown;[f&J\g&XC18325; D24И\D30И\i&L\j&XC18325; D24&\D30&\o&4C18D30а\m&Ч\28n&Ц\p&k&Ц\а\17 yearsа\Unknown;\qqqqqqqqqqqqqq&J]‚&XC18325; D24И]D30И]„&L]…&XC18325; D24&]D30&]Rev. Dr.а]ˆ&Ч]25‰&Ц]†&Ц]Unknown;]Œ&J^&XC18325; D24И^D30И^&L^&XC18325; D24&^D30&^Unknown;^ ^_`eЧ”&J_•&XC18325; D24И_D30И_—&L_˜&XC18325; D24&_D30&_Unknown;_›&J`œ&`54; D12325; DИ`24D30И`ž&L`Ÿ&XC18325; D24&`D30&`Unknown;`Ё&4Pr`Ё&B`Є&JaЅ&<54; D12D30ИaИa.54; D12; O163аaЈ&Чa2/Љ&ЦaЊ&І&ЦaЋ&TAlso noted as being from аaBerlin, New Yorkаa­&4HoosicNew YorkU.S.A.;a;aЏ&JbА&4C18D30ИbИbUnknown;bqЧqqqqqqqqqqqqqС&JcТ&4C18D30ИcИcUnknown;cХ&JdЦ&>C18308; D23ИdИdШ&Ld2Date of baptism&dD33аdЫ&Чd2Ь& Я&а&,г&7з&5к&ЦdЭ&Щ&ЦdFarmerаdCaptainаdЮ&Цdj б&Цd$308; D23аd"D33-D34аdћд&в&Цdе&RWill probated at Stoningtаdon, ConnecticutаdD25аdћи&ж&Цd*Likely year of deathаdC11аdл&й&Цd Capt.аdн&BStoningtonConnecticut;dU.S.A.;dо&5Prdо&Bdс&Jeт&XC18308; D23ИeD29Иeф&Leх&>C11308; D23'e'eч&Чe2ш&Цej щ&ЦeаeUnknown;eь&Jfэ&XC18308; D23ИfD29Иfя&Lf№&XC18308; D23&fD29&fUnknown;fqqqqqqqqqqqqqq'Jg'>C18308; D23ИgИg'6Prg'Bg'Jh'>C18308; D23ИhИh 'Lh '>C18308; D23&h&hUnknown;h 'Ji'XC18308; D23ИiD29Иi'Li'>C18308; D23&i&i'>C18308; D23аi'Чi24'Цi"О''ЂН''Цiаi.Possible year of birthаiD29аi'ZJanuary 20, 1725 also givаien as date of birthаiUnknown;i'Jj'>C18308; D23ИjИjUnknown;j!'Jk"'XC18308; D23ИkD29Иk$'Lk%'XC18308; D23&kD29&kUnknown;kkYmnpqreЮ)'Jl*'>C18308; D23ИlИlUnknown;l-'Jm.'XC18308; D23ИmD29Иm0'Lm1'XC18308; D23&mD29&mUnknown;mqЮqqqqqqqqqqqqA'JnB'XC18308; D23ИnD29ИnD'LnE'XC18308; D23&nD29&nUnknown;nH'JoI'>C18308; D23ИoИoK'LoD5&oM'HStonington, New London, CoonnecticutoUnknown;oO'7ProO'BoR'JpS'>C18308; D24ИpИpU'LpV'>C18308; D24&p&pUnknown;pY'JqZ'XC18308; D24ИqD33Иq\'Lq]'>C18308; D24&q&qb'4D29E23аq`'Чq2-a'4e'Цqc'^'ЦqаqProvidenceаqf'4D29E23аqZЮd'ЦqаqUnknown;qi'Jrj'>C18308; D24ИrИrl'Lrm'XC18308; D24&rD29&rr'rD29D33аrp'Чr2-q'Цrt'n'Цrs'E23, E26C18аrаr$Ann, Anna, AnniseаrUnknown;rqqqqqqqqqq'Js‚'>C18308; D24ИsИsUnknown;s…'Jt†'6C113D86ИtИtˆ'‹'Lt‰'4D79D86&t&t(Coxsackie, New YorktŒ'6D83T267't'tŽ'4Rensselaerville, New YorkttD79аt‘'Чt2 ’'Цt“''Цt”'4Rensselaerville, New YorkаtаtUnknown;t—'Ju˜'PC161D83ИuD87Иuš'œ'Lu›'4D83D87&u&uD83'už'JvD85Иv 'Ђ'LvЁ'PC161D83&vE73&vЃ'PC161G1'vC96O'vЅ'4Rensselaerville, New YorkvvЊ'4C19D85аvЈ'Чv24Љ'Цv-І'ЦvаvЋ'8PrvЋ'BvЎ'JwЏ'4C19D83ИwИwБ'Г'LwВ'4C19D85&w&wД'6C161D83'w'wЙ'6C161D83аwЗ'Чw24И'Цw)Е'ЦwаwqqqqqqС'JxТ'4C19D85ИxИxФ'<n†William Henry Golden\yЈU(‚GoyЦ'JyЧ'4C19D85ИyИyЩ'LyЪ'4C19D85&y&yUnknown;yЭ'JzЮ'4C19D85ИzИzUnknown;zб'J{в'4C19D85И{И{д'ж'L{е'4C19D85&{&{C161'{C161а{й'Ч{2-к'Ц{л'з'Ц{ Edgarа{{|}~€e‹о'J|п'4C19D83И|И|с'у'L|т'4C19D83&|&|ф'6C161D83'|'|G1а|ч'Ч|2 ш'Ц|щ'х'Ц|ъ'4Rensselaerville, New Yorkа|а|ь'J}э'4C19D83И}И}я'ё'L}№'4C19D83&}&}ђ'<D83D77-D79'}'}G1а}ѕ'Ч}2 і'Ц}ї'ѓ'Ц}ј'4Rensselaerville, New Yorkа}а}њ'FRensselaervilleNew Yor;}kU.S.A.;}qqqqq(< š†Marcus Smith Golden\(~ЈU(‚Go~(J~E48И~((L~(fC19D85&~(E50G1&~&~E50'~E50а~ (Ч~2- (Ц~ ( (Ц~ Markа~(9Pr~(B~(J(4C19D83ИИ(L(4C19D85&&$E48, E72а(Ч24(Ц<(Ц(FRensselaervilleNew Yor;kU.S.A.;(J€(4C19D83И€И€ ("(L€!(6C161D83&€&€#(6C161D83'€'€D85а€&(Ч€24'(7)(Ц€>$(Ц€D85а€š((Ц€+(FRensselaervilleNew Yor;€kU.S.A.;€-(J.(4C19D83ИИ0(1(LD85&D85'3(FRenssealervilleNew Yor;kU.S.A.;4(:Pr4(BqqqqqqqqqqA(J‚B(4C19D83И‚И‚D(FRensselaervilleNew Yor;‚kU.S.A.;‚F(JƒG(4C19D83ИƒИƒI(FRensselaervilleNew Yor;ƒkU.S.A.;ƒK(J„L(<C1153; D12И„И„N(R(L„O(HC1153; D12; O&„162&„Q(<North Stonington, Connect„icut„S(<C1153; D12'„'„X(HC1153; D12; Oа„V(Ч„2 W(\(`(5e(Ц„Y(T(Ц„162а„Z(lEnsign (1740) and Captainа„[( (1750), Connecticut Miliа„tiaа„Ъ^(](Ц„$53; O162а„_(\Joined North Stonington Cа„ongregational Churchа„2Ўb(a(Ц„.53; D12; O162а„c(LStonington, Connecticut Mа„arch 6, 1710а„$53; O162а„f(d(Ц„ Capt.а„Unknown;„i(J…j(<C1153; D12И…И…l(n(L…m(<C1153; D12&…&…o(<C1153; D12'…'…*Petersburg, New York…u(<C1153; D12а…s(Ч…2,t(/y(Ц…v(q(Ц…а…w(TAn early resident of Presа…ton, Connecticutа…$53; O162а…z(x(Ц…{(4"of Preston, Connecticut"а…а…Unknown;…}(;Pr…}(B…q(J†C11И†ƒ(…(L†D8&†0Stonington, Connecticut†D8'†0Stonington, Connecticut†а†‰(Ч†2 Š(5(Ц†‹(‡(Ц†Lieutenantа†а†Ž(Œ(Ц†Lt.а†(<Pr†(B†’(J‡C11И‡”(–(L‡D8&‡0Stonington, Connecticut‡D8'‡˜(Ч‡2™(-œ(Ц‡j š(Ц‡C11а‡D8а‡(›(Ц‡ Marieа‡Ÿ(JˆD6ИˆЁ(Є(LˆD6&ˆЃ(NHaverhill, Essex County, ˆMassachusettsˆD6'ˆІ(< š†Samuel Cheseborough\(‰ЈU(‚Ch‰Ј(J‰Љ(4C12D29И‰И‰Unknown;‰Ќ(JŠ­(4C12D29ИŠИŠUnknown;ŠА(<ughthaniel Cheseborough\‹ЈU(‚Ch‹В(J‹Г(4C12D29И‹И‹Unknown;‹qqqqqqqqqqqС(JŒТ(4C12D29ИŒИŒUnknown;ŒХ(<h†William Cheseborough\ЈU(‚ChЧ(JШ(4C11D29ИИЪ(LЫ(>C11D29, E30&&Englandб(4C11D29аЯ(Ч2/а(4е(ЦTв(Э(Цаг(VFirst white man at Stoninаgton, ConnecticutаD29аж(д(Цз(PJanuary 16, 1594 given asа date of birthа2StoningtonConnecticut;й(=Prй(Bм(JŽн(4C11D29ИŽИŽп(LŽр(4C11E30&Ž&ŽEnglandŽ2StoningtonConnecticut;Žф(Jх(4C11D29ИИаш(Ч2,щ(Цъ(ц(Цы(:Passenger on the "Mayflowаer"а2PlymouthMassachusetts;ю(Jя(4C12D29ИИађ(Ч2,ѓ(Цє(№(Цѕ(:Passenger on the "Mayflowаer"а2PlymouthMassachusetts;qqqqqqqqq)J‘D6И‘))L‘D6&‘2Salisbury, Massachusetts‘D6'‘)4Salisbury, Massachusetts‘‘ )J’ )6C270F46И’И’F3а’ )Ч’2,)/)Ц’) )Ц’)@His father died in 1969 oа’r 1970а’.F46а’))Ц’)^Schenectady (1984) and Alа’bany (2002), New Yorkа’)J“C270И“)L“F9&“F5а“)Ч“2&))#),&)-))Ц“))Ц“G.E.D.а“F5а“ ))Ц“!):Laundry worker; nurse's aа“ideа“F5а“$)")Ц“Baptistа“F6а“')%)Ц“0Her father died in 1962а“а“*)()Ц“Dotа“,)~3341 Oberry RoadKissimm;“-)eeFlorida34746U.S.A(4;“07) 944-3507;“/)J”F3И”1)L”F9&”а”4)Ч”265)Ц”6)2)Ц”Broughtonа”qqqqqqqqqA)J•F3И•C)L•F9&•а•F)Ч•2-G)Ц•H)D)Ц•Joeа•J)~3341 Oberry RoadKissimm;•K)eeFlorida34746U.S.A(4;•07) 944-3507;•M)<tonmberly Ann Broughton\–ЈU(‚Br–O)J–P)<F3F40, F41И–И–R)L–F9&–$F40, F41а–U)Ч–2&V)-[)1^)Ц–Т ПW)S)Ц–X)nGraduated Mont Pleasant Hа–Y)igh School, Schenectady, а–N.Y.а–а–\)Z)Ц–Kimа–а–_)])Ц–`)PStepdaughter of Dorothy Lа–aRue Broughtonа–b)< š†Joseph Broughton III(—ЈU(‚Br—d)J—F3И—f)L—F9&—а—i)Ч—2-j)1m)Ц—k)g)Ц—Joeа—а—n)l)Ц—o)FStepson of Dorothy LaRue а—Broughtonа—q)<SchenectadyNew YorkU;—.S.A;—qqqqqqqqqqqqqq)< š†Howard P. Broughton\(˜ЈU(‚Br˜ƒ)J˜F3Ș…)L˜F9&˜а˜ˆ)ט21‰))֘Š)†)֘‹)FStepson of Dorothy LaRue а˜Broughtonа˜а˜Ž)Œ)֘)8Adopted by Joseph Broughtа˜onа˜‘)l13576 Janell DriveColum;˜’)bia StationOhio44028U.;˜S.A;˜”)J™C19И™–)™)L™—)@C59C60E, C61&™&™0Otsego County, New York™C59'™&C60E, C61а™œ)Ч™2)  )Ц™ž)š)Ц™(Farmer; stone masonа™C59а™Ё)Ÿ)Ц™&Schenevus Cemeteryа™Unknown;™Ѓ)>Pr™Ѓ)B™І)JšC56ИšЈ)LšC56'šC56аšЋ)Чš2 Ќ)8А)Цš­)Љ)ЦšЎ)RBadeau Hill Cemetery, Wesаštford, New YorkаšC56аš’4Б)Џ)ЦšВ)831 years, 6 months, 12 daаšysаšUnknown;šД)?PršД)BšqqqqqqqqqqС)J›Т)6C19C161И›И›C19а›Х)Ч›2-Ц)Ц›Ч)У)Ц›Kittieа›Щ)<erne Elizabeth Colberne\œЈU(‚CoœЫ)Jœ2E50G1ИœЭ)Ю)LœE50&œE50'œLizzieаœб)Чœ2-в)ЦœЯ)Цœд)Jе)4C19D83ИИз)LE72&й)FRensselaervilleNew Yor;kU.S.A.;л)JžD5Иžн)LžD5&žп)ZProbably Stonington, New žLondon, Connecticutžс)JŸт)<D5308; D23ИŸИŸф)LŸD5&Ÿц)HStonington, New London, CŸonnecticutŸUnknown;Ÿщ)J ъ)>C11308; D23И И ь)L D5& ю)HStonington, New London, C onnecticut 0Widow of Nathaniel Swanа ё)Ч 21ђ)Ц я)Ц є)BStoningtonConnecticut; U.S.A.; qqqqqqqqqqq*JЃD6ИЃ*JЄD6ИЄ*JЅD6ИЅ*JІD6ИІ *JЇD5ИЇ * *LЇD5&Ї0Stonington, ConnecticutЇD5'Ї*JЈD5ИЈ**LЈD5&Ј0Stonington, ConnecticutЈD5'ЈD5аЈ*ЧЈ27*ЦЈ**ЦЈ*PJanuary 24, 1737 given asаЈ date of deathаЈ*@PrЈ*BЈ*JЉD3ИЉ*LЉD3&Љ0Stonington, ConnecticutЉ"*JЊD3ИЊ$*&*LЊD3&Њ0Stonington, ConnecticutЊD3'Њ(*JЋD3ИЋ**JЌD3ИЌ,*J­D3И­.*0*L­D3&­0Stonington, Connecticut­1*BIrene M. Smith research'­'­qqqqqqqqqqqqqqA*JЎD3ИЎC*E*LЎD3&Ў0Stonington, ConnecticutЎD3'ЎG*JЏD3ИЏI*JАD2ИАD2аАL*ЧА26M*ЦАN*J*ЦАBryantаАP*JБ D3, D8ИБR*JВ D3, D8ИВT*JГD8ИГV*JДD8ИДX*JЕY*:D853; D12ИЕИЕ[*^*LЕD8&Е]*TWesterly, Washington CounЕty, Rhode IslandЕ_*<D827; O155'Е'Е0Stonington, ConnecticutЕ$28; O156аЕc*ЧЕ2d*f* k*/o*ЦЕe*a*ЦЕFarmerаЕBЌh*g*ЦЕ$28; O156аЕi*PJoined Stonington CongregаЕational ChurchаЕ$28; O156аЕl*j*ЦЕm*^Buried on his farm; laterаЕ moved half-mile awayаЕ$28; O156аЕp*n*ЦЕ0Stonington, ConnecticutаЕr*>North StoningtonConnec;Еticut;Еqqqqqqqqqqqqq*JЖ‚*:D853; D12ИЖИЖ„*†*LЖD8&Ж,Milton, MassachusettsЖD8'Ж0Stonington, ConnecticutЖ‰*ЧЖ2Š* *ЦЖBЌŒ*‹*ЦЖ$28; O156аЖ*PJoined Stonington CongregаЖational ChurchаЖ&28; O156аЖ*Ž*ЦЖ‘*^Buried on her farm; laterаЖ moved half-mile awayаЖ“*>North StoningtonConnec;Жticut;Ж•*JЗD8ИЗ—*™*LЗ$27; O155&ЗEnglandЗ$28; O156'З,Milton, MassachusettsЗ$28; O156аЗ*ЧЗ27ž*ЦЗŸ*›*ЦЗ *PJanuary 29, 1716 given asаЗ date of deathаЗЂ*JИD8ИИЄ*LИ$28; O156'И,Milton, MassachusettsИЇ*JЙD8ИЙЉ*В*LЙЊ*LD811-12; O139&Й-O140&ЙЌ*TWesterly, Washington CounЙty, Rhode IslandЙЎ*ЧЙ2Џ* Ж**Л*Т* Ч*ЦЙБ*А*ЦЙ$12; O140&Й "(?)"ЙD8'ЙД*TWesterly, Washington CounЙty, Rhode IslandЙЗ*<D816; O144аЙИ*Е*ЦЙаЙЙ*VCaptain of Militia, WesteаЙrly, Rhode IslandаЙ$16; O144аЙМ*К*ЦЙН*ВTown Treasurer, CouncilmaаЙО*n, Moderator; RepresentatаЙР*ive in Rhode Island LegisаЙqlature (1716)аЙ$16; O144аЙУ*С*ЦЙФ*fSeventh Day Baptist ChurcаЙХ*h of Newport and WesterlyаЙаЙ$14; O142аЙШ*Ц*ЦЙЩ*bBabcock burying ground, MаЙassatuxet, Rhode IslandаЙЪ*APrЙЪ*BЙЭ*JКD8ИКЯ*LК$15; O143'К$15; O143аКв*ЧК2 г*6з*8к*ЦКд*а*ЦКе*bBabcock burying ground, MаКassatuxet, Rhode IslandаКD6аКи*ж*ЦК,Surname may be BabbitаК$15; O143аКл*й*ЦК69 yearsаКн*JЛO53ИЛO53аЛр*ЧЛ2/с*ЦЛт*о*ЦЛу*f"settled in Stonington, CаЛф*onn." with second husbandаЛаЛц*JМR58ИМш*LМR58'Мъ*JНD8ИНь*JОD8ИОю*JПD1ИПя*BPrПя*BПqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq+JРD8ИР+LРD8&Р+TCharleston, Suffolk CountРy, MassachusettsР+< š†Nettie Ethel Albert\(СЈU(‚AlС +JС2L80N4ИС ++LС +4L80N10&С&С2East Worcester, New YorkС+4L80N10'С'С+@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, NeСw YorkСM35аС+ЧС2&+++ +ЦС++ЦС+FSchool No. 10, Worcester,аС New YorkаСN10аС++ЦС0Glovemaker for 30 yearsаСN10аС++ЦС2Schenevus Baptist ChurchаСN10аС ++ЦС!+TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаСcester, New YorkаС#+:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;С.A.;С$+CPrС$+BС'+< š†Wickham H. Griswold\(ТЈU(‚GrТ)+JТ*+NC114N4ИТN10ИТ,+/+LТ2N4N10&Т.+FElk Creek, Otsego County,Т New YorkТN4'Т1+VHome in Schenevus, OtsegoТ County, New YorkТN10аТ4+ЧТ2&5+9+ <++A+-E+ЦТ6+2+ЦТ7+4Schenevus district schoolаТаТN10аТ:+8+ЦТMethodistаТN4аТ=+;+ЦТ>+TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаТcester, New YorkаТqN10аТB+@+ЦТC+NWorcester Grange; SchenevаТus Lodge IOOFаТаТF+D+ЦТ WickаТH+:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;Т.A.;ТI+DPrТI+BТL+<thAmbrose William Smith\УЈU(‚SmУN+JУH2ИУP+U+LУQ+`H16H6&УH31&УS+nLog cabin, "French SettleУT+ment, " Port Leyden, New УYorkУH16'УW+pHome at 37-1/2 Clinton StУX+reet, New York Mills, NewУ YorkУ,H7аУ[+ЧУ‚+d&\+a+)g+j+ p++t+-z+1}+ЦУ]+Y+ЦУ^+Capron rural school; New аУ_+York Mills public schoolsаУ through eighth gradeаУb+<H161, H101аУc+`+ЦУаУd+ŒConductor and bus driver,аУe+ Utica Transit Company; rаУetired June 8, 1953аУаУh+f+ЦУRepublicanаУH7аУk+i+ЦУl+žOur Lady of Rosary R.C. CаУm+hurch, New Hartford; attаУn+ended Methodist Church laаУterаУH16аУq+o+ЦУr+PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаУrk Mills, N.Y.аУH16аУu+s+ЦУv+šNew York Mills Men's ClubаУw+; Electric Railway & MotoаУx+r Coach Employees, AFL-CIаУOаУH6-H7аУ{+y+ЦУ AmosаУH6аУ~+|+ЦУ€+4Youngest of four childrenаУqаУ"1, H101аУ/ƒ+ЦУ„++ЦУ…+`Port Leyden, New York MilаУls and Utica, New YorkаУ‡+Œ49-1/2 (later 37-1/2) Cli;Уˆ+nton StreetNew York Mil;УlsNew YorkU.S.A.;У‰+EPrУ‰+BУŒ+< š†Lillian Edith Platt\(ФЈU(‚PlФŽ+JФH1ИФ+’+LФH14&Ф2New York Mills, New YorkФ.H14'Ф”+fBella Vista Rest Home, RiФ•+chfield Springs, New YorkФФH12аԘ+ЧФ2&™+ž+)Ѓ+І+ Ј+Ќ++Б+/Ж+ЦФš+–+ЦФ›+ˆGraduated fifth grade JunаФœ+e 12, 1899; eighth grade аФJune 21, 1901 (?)аФ2H7H15аФŸ++ЦФ +hSecretary, Curtin & Lee LаФЁ+aw Offices before marriagаФeаФаФЄ+Ђ+ЦФRepublicanаФH14аФЇ+Ѕ+ЦФMethodistаФњЏЊ+Љ+ЦФH14аФЋ+PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаФrk Mills, N.Y.аФЂ `Ў+­+ЦФH11аФЏ+PSt. John's Church, WhitesаФboro, New YorkаФH14аФВ+А+ЦФГ+hW.S.C.S. and Delta Beta SаФД+ociety of Methodist ChurcаФhаФ"1, H101аФЗ+Е+ЦФИ+FNew York Mills and Utica,аФ New YorkаФК+Œ49-1/2 (later 37-1/2) Cli;ФЛ+nton StreetNew York Mil;ФlsNew YorkU.S.A.;ФМ+FPrФМ+BФqqС+<ithnifred Lillian Smith\ХЈU(‚SmХУ+JХH1ИХХ+Ъ+LХЦ+jH2, I15&ХЧ+H31I38&Х&ХЩ+`49-1/2 Clinton Street, NeХw York Mills, New YorkХI38'ХЬ+tPresbyterian Home for CenХЭ+tral New York, Clinton, NХew YorkХаХа+ЧХє+d'б+е+-л+/о+ р+&ц++ъ+я+ЦХв+Ю+ЦХг+NGraduate, Excelsior SchooаХl of BusinessаХж+4I12I38аХз+д+ЦХаХи+‚Secretary to Principal, NаХй+.Y. Mills High School; 25аХ years to 1982аХаХм+к+ЦХWin; WinnieаХI38аХп+н+ЦХ2New York Mills, New YorkаХъзт+с+ЦХI38аХу+vSts. Stanislaus and CasimаХф+er Cemetery, Whitestown, аХNew YorkаХI38аХч+х+ЦХш+NGraduate of New York MillаХs High SchoolаХI38аХы+щ+ЦХь+xHistory Club; Daniel ButtаХэ+erfield Civil War RoundtaаХble GroupаХI38аХ№+ю+ЦХё+vChurch of Our Lady of theаХђ+ Rosary, New York Mills, аХNew YorkаХI38аХ8ѕ+ЦХТзі+ѓ+ЦХ87 yearsаХј+˜57 New Hartford StreetN;Хљ+ew York MillsNew York13;Хњ+417U.S.A.(315) 736-1269;Х;Хћ+GPrХћ+BХqqq,JЦC114ИЦ,,LЦ,6L70C114&Ц&Ц,~Near Lutheranville, Town Ц,of Summit, Schoharie CounЦty, New YorkЦ ,6L70C114'Ц'Ц ,ZHome at 185 Tuscan Road, ЦWorcester, New YorkЦC114аЦ,ЧЦ2, ,+,-,.,ЦЦ, ,ЦЦMethodistаЦC114аЦ,,ЦЦ,TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЦcester, New YorkаЦ,xWorcester Tent No. 710, KаЦ,.O.T.M.; Worcester GrangeаЦ No. 1274аЦ,ЦЦаЦ,,ЦЦGrandpa AlbertаЦC114аЦj,,ЦЦDiabetesаЦ ,ZHamlet of TuscanWorcest;ЦerNew YorkU.S.A.;Ц!,HPrЦ!,BЦ$,JЧ&C111, D98ИЧ&,(,LЧ&C111, D98&Ч2East Worcester, New YorkЧ),TC111, D98'ЧL82'Ч+,fHome at 6 North Church StЧ,,reet, Worcester, New YorkЧЧаЧ/,ЧЧ2)0,3, 7,-;,ЦЧ1,-,ЦЧDemocratаЧC111аЧ4,2,ЦЧ5,XSecond Baptist Church, WаЧorcester, New YorkаЧ&C111, D98аЧ8,6,ЦЧ9,TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЧcester, New YorkаЧ0O121аЧ<,:,ЦЧ=,4Aunt Elva, Grandma AlbertаЧаЧ@,d6 North Church StreetWo;ЧqrcesterNew YorkU.S.A.;ЧA,IPrЧA,BЧD,JШO10ИШF,G,LШM64&ШM64'ШM64аШJ,ЧШ2 K,7O,ЦШL,H,ЦШM,\Maple View Cemetery, EastаШ Worcester, New YorkаШL80аШP,N,ЦШ*1816-1888 also givenаШQ,JPrШQ,BШT,JЩU,@C111, D98O62ИЩИЩW,X,LЩM64&ЩM64'ЩM64аЩ[,ЧЩ2 \,-`,ЦЩ],Y,ЦЩ^,\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЩ Worcester, New YorkаЩM64аЩa,_,ЦЩHarrietаЩb,KPrЩb,BЩe,JЪ2L3M29ИЪg,h,LЪL131&ЪM17'Ъm,6L150M41аЪk,ЧЪ2l,*p, u,ЦЪn,i,ЦЪаЪ,Farmer; cabinet makerаЪ 30, 59аЪ@q,o,ЦЪr,xTown of Worcester OverseeаЪs,r of Poor and Overseer ofаЪ HighwaysаЪL78аЪv,t,ЦЪw,\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЪ Worcester, New YorkаЪx,LPrЪx,BЪqqqqqq,JЫH8ИЫƒ,†,LЫ„,HH34&ЫH34&ЫCanadaЫ‡,ZH6'ЫH34'Ы‰,RHome at 710 Mary Street, ЫUtica, New YorkЫ2H6H34аЫŒ,ЧЫ2,‘, •,7™,/›,8 ,.Є,6Ї,ЦЫŽ,Š,ЦЫ,XLog jobber; employee of UаЫtica Knitting MillаЫH34аЫ’,,ЦЫ“,B"member of St. Patrick's аЫChurch"аЫаЫ–,”,ЦЫ—,TMt. Olivet Cemetery, WhitаЫestown, New YorkаЫH8аЫy˜,ЦЫH34аЫœ,š,ЦЫ,pCanada; Port Leyden, New аЫž,York Mills and Utica, NewаЫ YorkаЫH34аЫъ |Ё,Ÿ,ЦЫЂ,662 years, 1 month, 21 dayаЫsаЫH34аЫъ |Ѕ,Ѓ,ЦЫ "heart trouble"аЫЈ,HH43аЫЉ,І,ЦЫH66аЫЊ,bborn Besaw, Beseau or BesаЫsaunt; changed to SmithаЫЋ,MPrЫЋ,BЫЎ,JЬЏ,HH2H158ИЬИЬБ,Е,LЬВ,ZC166, H8H12&ЬH263&ЬД,6Jefferson County, New YorЬkЬ$C166, H8'ЬЗ,‚Home of daughter Dora ChaЬИ,bott, 2217 McBride Ave, YЬorkville, N.Y.Ь(аЬЛ,ЧЬ2М,Т, Х,9Щ,-Э,4б,ЦЬН,Й,ЦЬО,zCook for boarders at AdirаЬР,ondack lumber camp, ForesаЬqtport N.Y.аЬH12аЬУ,С,ЦЬ(Sacred Heart ChurchаЬH12аЬЦ,Ф,ЦЬЧ,TMt. Olivet Cemetery, WhitаЬesboro, New YorkаЬаЬ@Ъ,Ш,ЦЬЫ,LYear of birth appearing oаЬn gravestoneаЬЮ,VC166, H8H38аЬЯ,Ь,ЦЬH2аЬ0Levana, Levina; LaviniaаЬH42аЬ"Aа,г,в,ЦЬ$C166, H8аЬ,Port Leyden, New YorkаЬе,`2217 McBride AvenueYork;ЬvilleNew YorkU.S.A.;Ьж,NPrЬж,BЬй,JЭк,NH8H37ИЭH160ИЭм,п,LЭн,6H42H160&Э&ЭCanadaЭр,6H41H160'Э'Эт,xHome of Joseph DePan, Jr.Эу,, Montague, Lewis County,Э New YorkЭH42аЭц,ЧЭ2ч, щ,4я,/ѓ,і,6љ,.§,7-ЦЭш,ф,ЦЭShoemakerаЭКxь,ъ,ЦЭы,6H41H160аЭаЭэ,XPort Leyden Cemetery, PorаЭt Leyden, New YorkаЭH160аЭ"*&№,ю,"ё,ЦЭCanadaаЭH158аЭH160аЭє,ђ,ЦЭѕ,4Lowville, New York (1869)аЭаЭ‚Mї,ЦЭH160аЭ(H152, H160аЭњ,ј,ЦЭћ,LDespins, DePue, DePau, DeаЭPrie, DipperаЭH158аЭЂxў,ќ,ЦЭ2"Bronchitis and old age"аЭqH158аЭЂx--ЦЭ.Salmon River, New YorkаЭ-OPrЭ-BЭ-JЮJ11ИЮ- -LЮJ11&Ю -jLower Doghill, Crompton, Ю -Oldham, Lancaster, EnglaЮndЮH8'Ю-`49-1/2 Clinton Street, NeЮw York Mills, New YorkЮJ13аЮ-ЧЮ2- -+--ЦЮ--ЦЮMill foremanаЮH10аЮ--ЦЮ-PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЮrk Mills, N.Y.аЮJ13аЮ^--ЦЮ-XJoined Central City LodgeаЮ IOOF, Utica, N.Y.аЮ* Z--ЦЮ"J84-J86аЮ-LNew York from Liverpool, аЮS.S. ArizonaаЮ!-n49-1/2 Clinton StreetNe;Ю"-w York MillsNew YorkU.;ЮS.A.;Ю#-PPrЮ#-BЮ&-JЯH14ИЯ(-+-LЯ2H1J54&Я*-6Rawdon, Yorkshire, EnglanЯdЯJ16'Я--~Home of her daughter, CliЯ.-nton Street, New York MilЯls, New YorkЯJ16аЯ1-ЧЯ22- 6-ЦЯ3-/-ЦЯ4-VMethodist Church, New YorаЯk Mills, New YorkаЯJ16аЯ7-5-ЦЯ8-PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЯrk Mills, N.Y.аЯ:-`Clinton StreetNew York ;ЯMillsNew YorkU.S.A.;Я;-QPrЯ;-BЯqqqA-JаJ11ИаC-F-i-n-Lа J3, J4&аE-BSaddleworth, Yorkshire, аEnglandаJ3'аH-˜Home of his daughter, EstаI-her VanVliet, 1315 NielsoаJ-n Street, Utica, New YorkааJ1ааM-Ча2&N-R-W- [-+_-,e-ЦаO-K-ЦаP-6Schools in Oldham, EnglanааdааJ11ааS-Q-ЦаT-jCotton power loom weaver;ааU- 30 years in New York MilааlsааJ1ааX-V-ЦаY-@New York Mills Methodist ааChurchааJ17аа\-Z-Ца]-PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoааrk Mills, N.Y.ааJ1аа`-^-Цаa-žCentral City Lodge No. 68ааb- of Odd Fellows; Sons ofааc- St. George No. 242 of UtааicaааJ1ааf-d-Ца2Had total of 14 childrenааh-HBlackingtonMassachuset;аtsU.S.A.;аj-њCame from Blackington, Ma7аk-ss to Utica in July 1915 7аl-to visit daughter Mrs. J.7аm-H. VanVliet; took sick in7а August; died in October7а J3, J48аo-RPrаo-Bаq-“Qrqqqqqqqqqqqqqq-JбJ11Ибƒ-‡-Lб„-HJ11&бJ55&б†-8Oldham, Lancashire, Englaбndб.J55'б Utica, New YorkбJ1аб‹-Чб2Œ- -1”-Цб-‰-ЦбŽ-@New York Mills Methodist абChurchабJ17аб‘--Цб’-PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoабrk Mills, N.Y.абJ1`аб•-“-Цб–-6Had a total of 14 childreабnаб˜-DNew York MillsNew York;бU.S.A.;бš-Jв›-4J16J32ИвИв- -LвJ32&вŸ-6Rawdon, Yorkshire, EnglanвdвJ32'вJ32авЃ-Чв2Є-ЦвЅ-Ё-ЦвІ-XMillwright; foreman, New авYork Mills CompanyавЈ-DNew York MillsNew York;вU.S.A.;вЉ-SPrвЉ-BвЌ-JгJ46ИгЎ-А-LгJ46&г&Yorkshire, EnglandгJ46'гВ-\Home on Main Street, New гYork Mills, New YorkгJ46агЕ-Чг2Ж--К-6Н-.Т-ЦгЗ-Г-ЦгИ-@New York Mills Methodist агChurchагK8агЛ-Й-Цг Susan, SuzannahагО-8J8, K4K8агР-М-ЦгагqTowlerагJ46агУ-С-ЦгStrokeагХ-ZMain StreetNew York Mil;гlsNew YorkU.S.A.;гЦ-TPrгЦ-BгЩ-JдJ17ИдЫ-Ю-LдJ55&дЭ-VNetterhouse, Crompton, Laдncashire, EnglandдJ61'дEnglandдJ17адв-Чд2 г-Цдд-а-ЦдEnglandаде-UPrде-Bди-JеJ17Иек-н-LеJ55&ем-@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EеnglandеJ63'еEnglandеJ17аес-Че2 т-Цеу-п-ЦеEnglandаех-JжJ17Ижц-VPrжц-Bжщ-JзJ17Изы-JиK8Ииэ-я-LиK8&и,Port Leyden, New YorkиK8'иё-”Home of daughter Mrs. Arcиђ-hie Jennings, 2202 McBridиe Ave., Yorkville, N.Y.иK8аиѕ-Чи2&і-љ-§- ..- .. .3.Циї-ѓ-Ци(Port Leyden schoolsаиK8аињ-ј-Цић-LDunlop Tire & Rubber Compаиany 25 yearsаиK8аиў-ќ-Ци.6Church of the Sacred HearаиqtаиK8аи..Ци&St. Agnes CemeteryаиH264аи..Ци.pSt. Anthony's Church, Lyoаи.nsdale, Lewis County, Newаи Yorkаиаи . .ЦиAunt Doraаиаи. .ЦиDiabetesаиH264аи..Ци.BHenry Beans and Delphine аиColemanаи.n37-1/2 Clinton StreetNe;и.w York MillsNew YorkU.;иS.A.;и.WPrи.Bи.<h†Edward William Smith\йЈU(‚Smй.Jй.>C166, H8H70ИйИй. .LйH70&й,Port Leyden, New YorkйH70'й.Voluntown, ConnecticutйH71ай$.Чй2%. (.1-./0..7.Цй&.".Цй'.>Superintendent of cotton айmillsайšŸ*.).ЦйH71ай+.RSt. Mary's Cemetery, Putnайam, ConnecticutайH3ай..,.ЦйEight childrenай1.4H34H71ай2./.Цйай3.ЦFall River, Massachusettsай4. (1916); Plainfield, Connай5.ecticut (1935); Highpointай, North Carolina (1939)айH71айzŸ8.6.Цй9.ŠInfarction of myocardium ай:.due to arteriosclerotic cайoronary thrombosisай<.LJackson CityNorth Caro;йlinaU.S.A.;й=.XPrй=.BйqA.<nsonces Claudia Johnson\кЈU(‚JoкC.JкP84ИкE.I.LкF.4E12P84&к&кH.J138 Main Street, Worcesteкr, New YorkкP90'кK.LKingston Hospital, Kingstкon, New Yorkк.P90акN.Чкt.d&O.'T.W.(].)b.d. j.+n.ЦкP.L.ЦкQ.hGraduate Worcester High SакR.chool, Worcester, New YorакkакP90акU.S.ЦкV.^BA 1925, MA 1934 Albany Sакtate Teachers CollegeакДxPxY.X.ЦкP90акZ.nHigh school mathematics ак[.teacher, Bainbridge, New акYorkакP90ак${Аx^.\.Цк_.fHigh school mathematics tак`.eacher, Oneonta, New Yorkакакакc.a.ЦкRepublicanак{f.e.ЦкP90акg.fJoined Second Baptist Chuакh.rch, Worcester, New Yorkакакакk.i.Цкl.TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worакcester, New YorkакP90акo.m.Цкp.ЂPres, Worcester Hist Soc,акq. NYS Teachers Assn, Wor Wакr.oman's Club; Delta Kappa акGammaакак1u.Цкv.s.ЦкNever marriedакx.V35 Main StreetWorcester;кNew YorkU.S.A.;кy.YPrкy.Bкqqqqq.<n†Kenneth Earl Johnson\лЈU(‚Joлƒ.JлE13Ил….†.LлE13&л(Gravestone'лал‰.Чл2&Š.'Ž.”.(š. Ÿ.-Ѓ..І.Цл’‹.‡.ЦлŒ.DGraduate Worcester Centraалl Schoolал.TP35P111ал..ЦлC96BMал‘.ŠBA Chemistry SUNY Albany ал’.(1942); master's degree Sалtanford UniversityалP35ал•.“.Цл–.ЂSupervisor of Laboratorieал—.s, E.I. Dupont plant, Faiал˜.rfield, Ct and Wilmingtonал, DelалP111ал›.™.Цлœ.hResearch chemist, Americaал.n Anode Corp., Akron, Ohiалoалал .ž.ЦлЁ.TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worалcester, New YorkалалЄ.Ђ.ЦлKenалалЇ.Ѕ.ЦлCancerал&DelawareU.S.A;лЉ.ZPrлЉ.BлЌ.<sonmes Burdette Johnson\мЈU(‚JoмЎ.JмE12ИмА.В.Lм.E10&м(Worcester, New YorkмP172'мД.^Munroe Regional Medical Cмenter, Ocala, FloridaмамЗ.Чмф.d&И.'Н.Ф. Я.д. з.+л.-с.ЦмŽЙ.Е.ЦмК.nGraduate Worcester CentraамЛ.l School, Worcester, New амYorkамО.JP35ам’Р.М.ЦмP172амqС.ЂBS Ithaca College; MEd. SамТ.t. Bonaventure (1946); PhамУ..D. Laurence University (ам1972)ам–Ч.Х.ЦмЦ.dP35146амP172амШ.|Social studies and physicамЩ.al education teacher; latамЪ.er Principal, Hinsdale CeамЫ.ntral School, Hinsdale, NамЬ.ew York; Superintendent oамЭ.f Schools, Olean, New YorамЮ.k; owner of Jiffy Lube frамanchise (1991)ам˜в.а.Цмб.:P172C96BTамам"Merchant MarinesамP172аме.г.Цм0Allegany Baptist Churchам&P172-P173ами.ж.Цмй.NFive Mile Cemetery, Allegамany, New Yorkам&P172-P173амм.к.Цмн.КProfessional associationsамо.; Boy Scouts; AARP; Hinsdамп.ale Volunteer Firemen; Cuамba Lodge 306 F&AMамамт.р.Цм(Jim, Burdette, J.B.ам0P172ам/х.5щ.Цмц.у.Цмч.FHinsdale, New York; Ocalaам, Floridaамамъ.ш.ЦмDr.амь.ž3214 SE 39th AvenueOak P;мэ.ark VillageOcalaFlorida;мю.34471U.S.A.(352) 694-5;м483;мя.[Prмя.Bмqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq/< š†Anita Elva Griswold\(нЈU(‚Grн/Jн2L80N4Ин//LнN4&н/FSchenevus, Otsego County,н New YorkнN12C'н /LOtsego Manor, Phoenix Milнls, New Yorkн/6N12N12Cан /Чн2&//1///4"/ #/+(/)2/Цн/ /Цнан/DGraduate of Schenevus Higанh Schoolан/6N12N12Cан//Цнан/HGlove shop employee; farmан housewifeанM80ан//Цн"no children"ан/6M80N12Cан//Цнан/œ"Live in Maryland, NY;" Sан/chenevus, Maryland, and Cан /ooperstown (2006), New YoанrkанN12CанЪ ~!/ЦнЊ з%/$/Цнан&/LMaryland Cemetery, Marylaанnd, New YorkанN12Cан)/'/Цн*/ŠIroquois Chapter, Daughteан+/rs of the American Revoluан,/tion, National Society Daан-/ughters of Founders and Pан./atriots of America; New Yан//ork State Historical Assoан0/ciation; Otsego County Woанmen's Republican ClubанN12Cан3/1/ЦнRepublicanан5/j433 Axtell RoadMaryland;н6/New York12116-2807U.S.;нA.;н7/\Prн7/BнqqqqqqqA/JоN12ИоC/F/LоD/6L80N12A&о&о*Bainbridge, New YorkоG/8N12AN12C'о'оI/ZEden Park Nursing Home, Cоobleskill, New YorkоN12аоL/Чо2&M/Q/V/ Y/+^//c/ЦоN/J/ЦоO/LAttended school in Marylaаоnd, New YorkаоR/6N12N12AаоS/P/ЦоаоT/DFarmer; General Electric аоemployeeаоN12аоW/U/ЦоX/6Schenevus Methodist Churcаоhао*г[/Z/ЦоN12Bао\/LMaryland Cemetery, Marylaаоnd, New YorkаоN12Aао_/]/Цо`/~Maryland Cemetery Associaаоa/tion, Otsego County Extenаоsion Serviceаоd/4N12M80аоe/b/Цоао&Maryland, New Yorkаоg/j433 Axtell RoadMaryland;оh/New York12116-2807U.S.;оA.;оi/]Prоi/Bоl/Jпm/Z181; N4N10ИпC96ALИпo/q/Lп"181; N4&п(Worcester, New Yorkпr/@181; N4C96AL'п'пt/VHome at Schenevus, Otsegoп County, New YorkпC96ALапw/Чп2 x/4{/Цпy/u/Цп&Schenevus CemeteryапC96ALапВ6|/z/Цп}/TTown of Westford. Otsego апCounty, New Yorkап~/^Prпq~/Bп‚/Jрƒ/<181; N4N10ИрИр…/†/Lр"181; N4&р"181; N4'рˆ/Чр2‰/Цръ1Š/Цр"181; N4арŒ/Jс/<181; N4M64ИсИс/’/Lс/P181; N4M63&с&с&Westford, New Yorkс“/<181; N4M64'с'с&Maryland, New YorkсM64ас—/Чс2 ˜/4/8Ÿ/Цс™/•/Цсš/hCongregational Church Cemас›/etery, Worcester, New Yorасkас"181; N4асЂœ/ЦсM64асВH /ž/Цс"48 years, 2 daysасЂ/Jт"181; N4ИтЄ/Jу"181; N4ИуІ/Љ/LуЇ/6181; N4&у&у0Albany County, New YorkуЊ/<181; N4M64'у'у&Maryland, New YorkуM64ауЎ/Чу2 Џ/8Д/4И/7К/ЦуА/Ќ/ЦуБ/hCongregational Church CemауВ/etery, Worcester, New YorауkауM64ау‚LЕ/Г/ЦуЖ/882 years, 4 months, 23 daауysау$329; N69ауТњЗ/Цу$329; N69ау‚LЛ/Й/Цу(Worcester, New YorkауUnknown;уН/_PrуН/BуqС/JфТ/<181; N4M64ИфИфФ/Х/Lф$329; N69&фЦ/>M64329; N69'ф'ф(Worcester, New YorkфM64афЪ/Чф2 Ы/8а/ЦфЬ/Ш/ЦфЭ/hCongregational Church CemафЮ/etery, Worcester, New YorафkафM64афZMб/Я/Цфв/879 years, 2 months, 28 daафysафUnknown;фе/Jх"181; N4Ихз/й/Lх"181; N4&х*Norwich, Connecticutх"181; N4'хN20ахм/Чх24н/Цх*ук/Цхп/8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;хA.;хр/`Prхр/Bху/Jцф/<181; N4N20ИцИцц/LцN20&цUnknown;цщ/Jч"181; N4Ичы/ь/LчN4&ч"181; N4'ч0Middletown, Connecticutч"181; N4ач№/Чч2 ё/є/Цчђ/ю/Цчѓ/LSergeant 18th Rgt Connectачicut Militiaач2Сі/ѕ/Цч"181; N4ач(Durham, Connecticutачqqqqqqqqq0Jш"181; N4Иш0Jщ"181; N4Ищ00Lщ"181; N4&щ04Wethersfield, Connecticutщщ"181; N4'щ"181; N4ащ 0Чщ2, 0ЦщВФ 0 0ЦщDate of willащ0Jъ"181; N4Иъ0Jы"181; N4Иы00Lы"181; N4&ы04Wethersfield, Connecticutыы"181; N4'ы04Wethersfield, Connecticutыы0Jь"181; N4Иь0Jэ"181; N4Иэ0 0Lэ"181; N4&эEnglandэ!0šGriswold Family in Americ'э"0a Vol 2 p 181 by Glenn E'э#0. Griswold181; N4'э'э%04Wethersfield, Connecticutээ&0aPrэ&0Bэ)0Jю"181; N4Ию+0<ttKeith Edward Bartlett\яЈU(‚Baя-0JяИя/0Lя&яая20Чя2 30Ця4000ЦяU.S. NavyаяqqqqqqqqqqqA0J№И№C0L№&№E0NSt. Peter's Hospital, Alb№any, New York№а№H0Ч№2&I0M0O03U0Ц№J0F0Ц№K0dAbram Lansing Elementary а№School, Cohoes, New Yorkа№а№N0L0Ц№Roman Catholicа№ ЮQ0P0Ц№а№R0‚Our Lady of Victory Churcа№S0h, Sycaway, Rensselaer Coа№unty, New Yorkа№а№ ЮV0T0Ц№W0RKevin J. Bartlett and Arlа№ene G. Bartlettа№Y0<, Sr.ymond Roberts, Sr..ёЈU(‚Roё[0Jё.F33Иё]0Lё&ёF20аё`0Чё2/a0Цёb0^0Цё*"of Newburgh" (2000)аёd06NewburghNew YorkU.S.;ёA;ёf0JђИђh0j0LђF23&ђ"Cohoes, New YorkђF23'ђl0NMt. Sinai Hospital, New Yђork, New YorkђF23ађo0Чђ2&p0)s0v0 y0.}0/0Цђq0m0Цђ"Cohoes, New Yorkађађt0r0ЦђDemocratађађw0u0ЦђRoman CatholicађF23ађz0x0Цђ{0VSt. Joseph's Cemetery, Waађterford, New YorkађF23ађ:в~0|0ЦђLiver diseaseађqF23ађ‚0€0Цђƒ0@Cohoes and Waterford, Newађ Yorkађ„0bPrђ„0Bђ‡0JѓF11Иѓ‰0Lѓ&ѓ"Cohoes, New Yorkѓаѓ0Чѓ2Ž0)’0•0Цѓ0‹0Цѓ0\Executive Assistant, N.Y.аѓS. Health Departmentаѓаѓ“0‘0ЦѓDemocratаѓF11аѓ–0”0ЦѓRoman Catholicаѓ˜0<, Jr.ymond Roberts, Jr..єЈU(‚Roєš0JєИєœ0Lє&єTroy, New YorkєŸ0<o†Robert Mark Darmetko\ѕЈU(‚DaѕЁ0JѕИѕЃ0Lѕ&ѕЅ0FSamaritan Hospital, Troy,ѕ New YorkѕаѕЈ0Чѕ2-Љ0ЦѕЊ0І0ЦѕBig RobаѕЌ0JіИіаіЏ0Чі2-А0ЦіБ0­0Ці DickаіqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС0JїИїУ0JјИјХ0< š†Kevin John Bartlett\(љЈU(‚BaљЧ0JљИљЩ0LљЪ0>Melissa Marie Roberts&љ&љЬ0JњИњЮ0<ttAlicia Marie Bartlett\ћЈU(‚Baћа0JћИћаћг0Чћ2-д0Цће0б0ЦћBeanerаћз0JќИќй0J§И§а§м0Ч§2-н0Ц§о0к0Ц§Squeaksа§р0JўE13Иўт0Lў.E13&ўAkron, Ohioўаўц0Чў2ч0-ъ01э0Цўш0ф0ЦўYMCA officialаўаўы0щ0Цў DaveаўаўМю0ь0Цў2Divorced Lois Ann Petittаў№0~115 Main StreetKingston;ўё0New York12401U.S.A.(9;ў14) 339-7946;ўђ0™Qr:qqqqqqqqqqqqq1<n†William Earl Johnson\џЈU(‚Joџ1JџE13Иџ1Lџ.E13&џ*Danbury, Connecticutџаџ 1Чџ2  1- 1Цџ 11Цџ2Lt. Commander, U.S. Navyаџаџ1 1Цџ Billаџ1@MilfordMassachusetts;џU.S.A.;џ1cPrџ1Bџ1< š†James Barry Johnson\(ЈU(‚Jo1JE12И1L.E12&Cuba, New Yorkа1Ч21-"1/%1Ц11Ц1fRetired after 33 years asа 1 a New York State trooperааа#1!1ЦJimаа&1$1Ц&Allegany, New Yorkа(1f3974 Church StreetAlleg;)1anyNew York14706U.S.A.;;*1dPr*1B-1JE12И/1L.E12& Olean, New Yorkа31Ч241-81Ц5111Ц61JTravel agent, New Orleansа, Louisianaаа9171Ц Judyа;1l210 Pineland DriveMande;<1villeLouisiana70471U.S;.A.;=1ePr=1BqA1< š†Janis Lynne Johnson\(ЈU(‚JoC1JE12ИE1L.E12& Olean, New YorkE10аI1Ч24J1-L1Цђ›G1ЦаM1K1ЦJanаO1f3405 Waterbridge DriveT;P1ampaFlorida36618U.S.A.;;R1<y†Jess Bernard Shelley\ЈU(‚ShT1JE12ИV1LE12&аY1Ч2Z1Ц[1W1Ц\1DVice-President of Gulf InаdustriesаUnknown;_1JP100ИUnknown;b1J.E12Иd1L&2Pittsburgh, Pennsylvaniaаh1Ч2i1 m11p1/t1Цj1f1Цk1dOwner and operator of Jifаfy Lube franchise (1991)ааn1l1Ц&Allegany, New Yorkааq1o1Цr14Youngest of nine childrenаааu1s1ЦOcala, Floridaаw1ž3214 SE 39th AvenueOak P;x1ark VillageOcalaFlorida;y134471U.S.A.(352) 694-5;483;qqqqqq1JE12Иƒ1LE12&а†1Ч2‡1-‹1Цˆ1„1Ц‰18Engineer at Lockheed MartаinааŒ1Š1Ц J.B.аŽ1d70347 "L" StreetCovingt;onLouisiana70433U.S.A;1J.E12И’1LE12&а•1Ч2/–1Ц—1“1ЦOcala, Floridaа™1d10450 S.E. 32nd AvenueO;calaFlorida34480U.S.A;›1<ipsistin Marie Phillips\ЈU(‚Ph1JE12ИŸ1LE12&Ё1Ч2'Ђ1Њ1ЦЭЃ1ЦЄ1ЂBS Agriculture and AnimalаЅ1 Husbandry, University ofаІ1 Florida; MBA Florida SouаthernаЈ1vOncology Department, ShanаЉ1ds Hospital, Gainesville,а FloridaаЇ1ЦЌ1l1448 Thomasville Circle;­1LakelandFlorida33811U.;S.A;Џ1J .E12И а В1Ч 2'Г1Ж1Ц Д1А1Ц $BA Elmira Collegeа а З1Е1Ц И1<Teacher in Hinsdale, New а Yorkа Unknown; qqqqqqС1J P114И У1L P114& а Ц1Ч 21Ч1Ц МШ1Ф1Ц Щ18Divorced David Alan Johnsа onа Ы1<onDarren Andrew Johnson\ ЈU(‚Jo Э1J E13И Я1L E13& Unknown; в1J P100И д1L P114& ж1>MilfordMassachusetts; U.S.A; и1<onPeter William Johnson\ ЈU(‚Jo к1J P114И м1L P114& Unknown; п1<sonizabeth Anne Johnson\ЈU(‚Joс1J&E13, P114Иу1LP114&Unknown;ц1<kerice Elizabeth Packer\ЈU(‚Paш1JP114Иъ1ы1LE13&(Gravestone'P111аю1Ч2&я1'ѓ1і1 ћ1.242Ц№1ь1Цё1@Graduate Cobleskill High аSchoolаP111ає1ђ1Цѕ1NGraduate Albany State Teaаchers Collegeаty`yј1ї1ЦP111аљ1XTaught mathematics at Vesаtal Central Schoolааќ1њ1Ц§1TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkааq2ў1Ц2<Killed in automobile acciаdentаP114а2Ц2fPr2B2JP20И 22L 26P33AP54&& 2ЂParents' farm near Charlo2tteville, N.Y. ("Johnson'2s hill in the town of Summit")P54'2XHome at 35 Main Street, Worcester, New York26P33AP54а2Ч222  2.$2-'2Ц22Ца*Farmer and carpenterа24P54P85а22Ца2jTrustee, Second Baptist Cа2hurch, Worcester, New YoаrkаP54а!22Ц"2TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаP54а%2#2Ц "Heart trouble"а117а(2&2Ц Levyа*2V35 Main StreetWorcester;New YorkU.S.A.;+2gPr+2B.2JP20И0222LP62&(Worcester, New York2Q4P62'428Home at Worcester, New YorkP62а72Ч282 <2-A2Ц9252Ц:2XSecond Baptist Church, Wаorcester, New YorkаP62а=2;2Ц>2TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkаq.Clara; Grandma Johnsonа@2ЦC2T35 Main StreetWorcester;New YorkU.S.A;D2hPrD2BG2<erAmanda Arminta Wilber\ЈU(‚WiI2J"Q17, R3ИK2L2LP100&Q6'Q74аO2Ч2/P26T2ЦQ2M2ЦR2\Lived on South Hill Road,а Worcester, New Yorkа110аU2S2ЦWilboreаV2iPrV2BY2J2P62Q4И[2^2L\2>P100, Q4110&&(Worcester, New YorkP100'Q74аa2Ч2/b24f27h2Цc2_2Цd2\Lived on South Hill Road,а Worcester, New Yorkа110а%e2Ц110аZg2Цi2jPri2Bl2J"Q16, R3Иn2p2L"R3, R18&New York StateR18'(Worcester, New YorkUnknown;s2kPrs2Bqqqqqqqqqqq2JQ16Иƒ2„2LR2&R2'‰24R11R52а‡2Ч24ˆ21‹2ЦЊ…2ЦаR52аŒ2Š2Ц"8 children"а2lPr2B2J"Q16, R2И’2•2LR15&”2:Little Compton, Rhode Island–2JFrances C. Johnson resear'ch'R5а™2Ч2 š2Ц›2—2Цœ24Revolutionary War soldierааž2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;Ÿ2mPrŸ2BЂ2J"Q16, R2ИЄ2LЅ2JFrances C. Johnson resear&ch&R12аЈ2Ч24Љ2ЦЊ2І2ЦЋ2LMarch 14, 1743 given as dаate of birthа­2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;Џ2JR2ИБ2В2LR3&R11'Д2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;Е2nPrЕ2BqqqqqqqqqС2JR2ИУ2Ф2LR5&R12'Ц2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;Ш2JR12ИЪ2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;Ь2JR12ИЮ2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;а2JR2Ив2д2LR12&2Portsmouth, Rhode IslandR12'ж2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;з2oPrз2Bк2JR2Им2LLittle ComptonRhode Is;landU.S.A.;о2JR12Ир2JR12Ит2J  R2, R4И ф2х2L R2& R2' ч2^Portsmouth and Tiverton; Rhode IslandU.S.A.; ш2pPr ш2B ы2J!R2И!э2^Portsmouth and Tiverton;!Rhode IslandU.S.A.;!я2J"R2И"ё2ђ2L"R17&"R17'",Boston, Massachusetts"ѕ2Ч"2і2Ц" aј2ї2Ц"R4а"љ2@Admitted First Church of а"Bostonа"њ2qPr"њ2B"qqqq3J#R2И#R17а#3Ч#23Ц#33Ц#.First Church of Bostonа#3rPr#3B# 3< š†Samuel Wilbore, Jr..($ЈU(‚Wi$ 3J$ R4, R5И$3J% R4, R5И%3<onJames Cyrenes Johnson\&ЈU(‚Jo&3J&P20И&33L&&P20, P140&&&P20, P140'&P33Aа&3Ч&23 3/3Ц&33Ц&Farmerа&M65а&33Ц&0Charlotteville Cemeteryа&P31а& 33Ц&!3BAssociated with Summit, Nа&ew Yorkа&Unknown;&#3sPr&#3B&&3J'$P31, P36И'(3*3L')3JP20, P36, P140&'M65&'+3@P20, P140M65''''M65а'.3Ч'2 /3/23453Ц'03,3Ц'0Charlotteville Cemeteryа'P82а'3313Ц'""from Jefferson"а'Z164а'j 43Ц'Unknown;'73tPr'73B'qqqqqqqA3J(B34P20M65И(И(D3E3L(M65&(M65'(M65а(H3Ч(2 I3-L3Ц(J3F3Ц(0Charlotteville Cemeteryа(Elviraа(K3Ц(N3J)P20И)P3Q3L)M65&)M65')M65а)T3Ч)2 U3Ц)V3R3Ц)0Charlotteville Cemeteryа)X3J*P20И*Z3J+P37И+\3J,P20И,^3J-P20И-`3a3L-P120&-P120'-P20а-d3Ч-2-e3Ц-f3b3Ц-Roseannaа-Unknown;-h3uPr-h3B-k3J.P20И.m3n3L.P120&.P120'.p3J/P20И/qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq3J0P20И0ƒ3J1P20И1…3J2P20И2‡3‰3L2$Obituary&2(Worcester, New York2P39'2‹3JWoodside Hall, Cooperstow2n, New York2P39а2Ž3Ч22&3'”3˜3(3*Ё3 І3+Њ3Ц23Œ3Ц2‘3hGraduate Worcester High Sа2’3chool, Worcester, New Yorа2kа2P39а2•3“3Ц2–3|Graduate Albany Business а2—3College and Albany Law Scа2hool (1895)а2hš3™3Ц2P39а2›3DAttorney in Cooperstown, а2New Yorkа2P39а2„ž3œ3Ц2Ÿ3>Cooperstown Postmaster toа2 1936а2P39а2}Ђ3 3Ц2Ѓ3–Otsego County Treasurer tа2Є3o 1924; various village, а2county and court officesа2P39а2Ї3Ѕ3Ц2Ј36Hartwick Seminary Cemeterа2yа2P39а2Ћ3Љ3Ц2Ќ3ŒBank officer, county fairа2­3 secretary, Grange, Masonа2s, Rotary, Templarsа2Ў3vPr2Ў3B2Б3J3P20И3Г3Д3L3P120&3P120'3P120а3З3Ч321И3Ц3Й3Е3Ц3К3JAlso given as "dau. of Wmа3. Johnson."а3Unknown;3qqqq37eDТ3< š†Charles B. Sperbeck\(4ЈU(‚Sp4Ф3J4P20И4Ц3Ч3L4P120&4P120'4Unknown;4Ъ3J5P20И5Unknown;5Э3J6P20И6Unknown;6а3< š†Dora Isabel Johnson\(7ЈU(‚Jo7в3J7P20И7д3е3L7P20&7P20'7M65а7и3Ч72 й3Ц7к3ж3Ц70Charlotteville Cemeteryа7м3J8P20И8о3п3L8P20&8P20'8M65а8т3Ч82 у3Ц8ф3р3Ц80Charlotteville Cemeteryа8ц3J9P20И9ш3ы3L9щ34P20P39&9&9"Summit, New York9P39'9э3RCommunity Hospital, Coble9skill, New York9P39а9№3Ч92ё3 і3Ц9ђ3ю3Ц9ѓ3lFirst Summit Baptist Churа9є3ch, Charlotteville, New Yа9orkа9M65а9ї3ѕ3Ц9ј3bName inscribed on Charlotа9teville Cemetery markerа9њ3hTown of Summit, Schohar;9ћ3ie CountyNew YorkU.S.A;9.;9ќ3wPr9ќ3B9qq4J:P20И:44L:P20&:M65':M65а:4Ч:2 4Ц: 44Ц:0Charlotteville Cemeteryа: 4J; 44P20P39И;И;44L;44P20P39&;&;2Charlotteville, New York;P39';4RCommunity Hospital, Coble;skill, New York;P39а;4Ч;244 4+#44'4Ц;44Ц;(Carpenter and masonа;P39а;44Ц;4hSt. Paul's Lutheran Churcа;4h, Richmondville, New Yorа;kа;M65а; 44Ц;!4bName inscribed on Charlotа;teville Cemetery markerа;P39а;$4"4Ц;%4FRichmondville Senior Citiа;zens Clubа;P30а;\&4Ц;)4h59 East Main StreetRich;;*4mondvilleNew YorkU.S.A;;.;;+4xPr;+4B;.4J</44P20M65И<И<1424L<.P20&<&P20, P140'<M65а<54Ч<2 64-948<4Ц<7434Ц<0Charlotteville Cemeteryа<&P20, P140а<:484Ц<"Jacob L. Johnsonа<=44M65P20а<B>4;4Ц<а<@4673 years, 2 months, 9 dayа<qsа<B4`Town of Berne, Albany C;<ountyNew YorkU.S.A.;<C4yPr<C4B<F4J=P20И=H4I4L=.P20&=&P20, P140'=K4JFrances C. Johnson researа=chа=M4Ч=2 N48Q4-U4Ц=O4J4Ц=0Charlotteville Cemeteryа=P23а=bLR4P4Ц=S4:83 years, 10 months, 5 dа=aysа=P23а=V4T4Ц= Sallyа=X4`Town of Berne, Albany C;=ountyNew YorkU.S.A.;=Y4zPr=Y4B=\4J>P20И>^4_4L>P20&>P20'>P31а>b4Ч>2/c4Ц>d4`4Ц>e48Associated with "Livingtoа>n"а>Unknown;>g4{Pr>g4B>j4J?P20И?Unknown;?m4J@P20И@Unknown;@p4JAP20ИAqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq4JBP20ИBP20аB„4ЧB25…4ЦB†4‚4ЦBDr.аBUnknown;B‰4JCP20ИCUnknown;CŒ4JDP20ИDUnknown;D4JEP20ИEUnknown;E‘4|PrE‘4BE”4JFP20ИFUnknown;F—4JGP20ИG™4JHP20ИHUnknown;HHJLMOQef4JIP23ИIŸ4JJP20ИJUnknown;JЂ4JKP20ИKUnknown;KЅ4JLP20ИLP20аLЈ4ЧL21Љ4ЦLЊ4І4ЦLNever marriedаLUnknown;LЌ4}PrLЌ4BLЏ4JMP20ИMUnknown;MБ4~PrMБ4BMqqqqqqqqqqqqqС4JNP20ИNUnknown;NФ4JOP20ИOUnknown;OЧ4JPP20ИPЩ4JQP20ИQUnknown;QЬ4JRP20ИRUnknown;RЯ4<sonlliam Wright Johnson\SЈU(‚JoSб4JSP21ИSг4д4LS&P21, P140&S&P21, P140'SM65аSз4ЧS2 и4/л4ЦSй4е4ЦS0Charlotteville CemeteryаSP31аSм4к4ЦSн4<Associated with "Jeff[ersаSon]"аSUnknown;Sр4JTс44P21M66ИTИTу4ф4LTM66&TM66'TM66аTч4ЧT2 ш4ЦTщ4х4ЦT0Charlotteville CemeteryаTы4JUP21ИUэ4JVP21ИVя4JWP21ИWё4ђ4LWP120&WP120'Wqqqqqqqqqqqqq5JXP21ИX55LXP121&XP121'X5JYP21ИY5 5LYP121&YP121'Y 5JZP21ИZ 5J[P21И[5<ohnsonNathaniel Johnson\\ЈU(‚Jo\5J\P21И\55L\M65&\P21'\M65а\5Ч\2 5Ц\55Ц\0Charlotteville Cemeteryа\Unknown;\5Pr\5B\5<sonancis Lionel Johnson\]ЈU(‚Jo] 5J]P21И]"5$5L]#54P21M65&]&]&P21, P140']M65а]'5Ч]2 (5-+5Ц])5%5Ц]0Charlotteville Cemeteryа],54M65P21а]-5*5Ц]а]Lional, Lionelа].5€Pr].5B]15J^P21И^3545L^&P21, P140&^&P21, P140'^M65а^75Ч^2 85-;5Ц^9555Ц^0Charlotteville Cemeteryа^P21а^<5:5Ц^ Vineа^Unknown;^qqA5J_P21И_C5D5L_M65&_&P21, P140'_M65а_G5Ч_2 H51K58O5Ц_I5E5Ц_0Charlotteville Cemeteryа_P33а_L5J5Ц_M5B"m Tillen" [Doesn't seem а_likely]а_P5@P21, P140M65а_:OQ5N5Ц_а_R589 years, 11 months, 10 daа_ysа_Unknown;_U5J`V5RP36Z193И`Z112И`X5Z5L`Y56P36Z153&`&`[5RZ193Z153, Z16'`3,. Z192'`]5\Town of Jefferson, Schoha`rie County, New York`b58Z149Z193а``5Ч`2 a56f5/j58r5Ц`c5^5Ц`а`d5^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roа`ad, Town of Jeffersonа`g5DZ112Z150, Z16а`h5e5Ц`4а` Meadа`k58Z123Z152а`l5i5Ц`а`m5рTown of Bethlehem, Albanyа`n5 County (1790 and 1800), а`o5and Town of Jefferson, Scа`p5hoharie County (1810-1860а`), New Yorkа`s58Z193Z192а`ъDt5q5Ц`а`u5886 years, 4 months, 10 daа`ysа`v5Pr`v5B`qqqqqqqq5JaP100Иaƒ5„5LaP100&aP100'aR11аa‡5Чa27ˆ54Š5ЦazE…5ЦaQ15аaЂ@‰5ЦaŒ5Jb Q3, Q5ИbŽ5‘5Lb56P100110&b&b(Worcester, New YorkbP100'b117аb”5Чb2-•5Цb–5’5Цb Abramаb˜5JcQ5Иcš5›5LcP100&cP100'c2Q5110аcž5Чc27Ÿ5.Ё5Цcкeœ5ЦcP100аcтeЂ5 5ЦcDiphtheriaаcЄ5JdQ5ИdІ5Ї5LdP100&dP100'dQ5аdЊ5Чd24Ћ5.­57А5ЦdЪ_Ј5ЦdP100аdъeЎ5Ќ5ЦdDiphtheriaаd110аdтeЏ5ЦdqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС5JeP100ИeУ5Ф5Х5Ц5LeP100&eP100'eDiphtheria5eP1006e2Q5110аeЩ5Чe27Ъ54Ь5ЦeъeЧ5Цe2Q5110аeJbЫ5ЦeЮ5JfQ5Иfа5LfP100&f2Q5110аfг5Чf24д5-ж5ЦfТfб5Цfз5>Q15, Q18110аfи5е5Цfаf0Wilbor, Wilbore, Wilburаfк58MarylandNew YorkU.S.;fA.;fм5JgQ4ИgQ6аgп5Чg26р5Цgс5н5ЦgWeiserаgUnknown;gUnknown;hх5JiQ4ИiUnknown;iш5< š†Wilber A. Russ, Jr..(jЈU(‚Rujъ5JjQ6ИjQ20аjэ5Чj21ю5Цjя5ы5Цj"4 daughters"аjUnknown;jqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq6JkQ4ИkQ4аk6Чk2-616Цk66Цk BettyаkQ20аk 66Цk"4 daughters"аk 6JlQ4Иl 66LlP39&l$Milford, New YorklP39'l6@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, Nelw YorklP39аl6Чl266 6- 6Цl66Цl6:Farmer and school bus driаlverаlP39аl66Цl6^Church of the Holy Spiritаl, Schenevus, New YorkаlP39аl66Цl$Maryland CemeteryаlP39аl!66ЦlVolаl#68MarylandNew YorkU.S.;lA.;llew%6‚Prl%6Bl(6JmP39Иm*6LmP39'mQ6аm-6Чm2-.6Цm/6+6ЦmEdy WeiserаmUnknown;mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA6Jn2P39Q4ИnC6<Salt Lake CityUtahU.;nS.A.;nE6<Jr.lney Isaac Russ, Jr..oЈU(‚RuoG6JoQ4ИoI6>Kansas CityMissouriU;o.S.A.;oK6JpQ4ИpM6N6LpQ4&pQ4'pQ4аpQ6Чp27R6-T6Цp"‘O6Цp AnnaаpS6ЦpV6JqQ5ИqX6Z6LqY6JFrances C. Johnson resear&qch&q[6fFrances C. Johnson resear'q\6chC96W'q'qC96Wаq_6Чq26`6Цqa6]6ЦqHoughkerkаqb6ƒPrqb6Bqe6JrP40Иrg6h6LrP40&rP40'rj6`Residence at 80 Benson Strreet, Albany, New YorkrP40аrm6Чr2 n64r6Цro6k6Цrp6RAlbany Rural Cemetery, Meаrnands, New YorkаrQ12аrТaq6Цrs6„Prrs6Brqqqqqqqqqqq6JsQ4Иsƒ6Jt„68P40C96AWИtИt†6Ju‡68P40C96AWИuИu‰6JvP40Иv‹6JwP40Иw6JxQ4Иx66LxQ4&xQ4'xQ20аx“6Чx21”6Цx•6‘6Цx"5 children"аx–6…Prx–6Bx™6JyQ4Иy›6LyQ4'yQ20аyž6Чy21Ÿ6Цy 6œ6Цy"5 children"аyЂ6JzQ4ИzЄ6J{Q4И{І6J|Q4И|Ј6< š†Annabelle Houghkirk\(}ЈU(‚Ho}Њ6J}Q4И}Ќ6J~Q4И~Ў6Џ6L~Q4&~Q5'~Q4а~В6Ч~28Г6Ц~Д6А6Ц~ Died in infancyа~qqqqqqqqqqqС6JQ4ИУ6Ф6LQ7&Q7'Ц6<ChasevilleNew YorkU.;S.A.;eEЩ6J€Q3И€Ы6Э6L€2Q3109&€(Worcester, New York€2Q3109'€(Worcester, New York€Q11а€б6Ч€27в6-д6/з6Ц€jTЯ6Ц€41а€е6г6Ц€Abrahamа€41а€и6ж6Ц€(Worcester, New Yorkа€й6†Pr€й6B€м6J Q1, Q3Ио6р6L2Q3110&(Worcester, New York2Q3110'(Worcester, New YorkQ11аф6Ч27х6Цђgт6Цч6J‚ P3, Q1И‚щ6L‚Q1&‚ы6JƒP3Иƒэ6J„2Q4110И„я6ё6L„2Q4110&„(Worcester, New York„Q4'„О}dEqqqqqqqqqqqqq7J…Q4И…77L…Q4&…Q4'…7J†"Q4, R22И†7 7L†2Q4110&†(Worcester, New York†Q4'†110а† 7Ч†247/7Ц†# 7Ц†110а†77Ц†76Worcester, New York (1880а†)а†7‡Pr†7B†7J‡Q4И‡77L‡*Q6, Q9, Q11&‡*Q6, Q9, Q11'‡а‡7Ч‡277Ц‡K77Ц‡7~Purported year of death iа‡ 7s in error if infant son а‡born in 1868а‡"7JˆH1Иˆ$7&7Lˆ2H1J80&ˆ2New York Mills, New Yorkˆ'7FH1J'ˆ80'ˆ2New York Mills, New Yorkˆаˆ+7Чˆ2 ,7807Цˆ-7)7Цˆ.7PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoаˆrk Mills, N.Y.аˆаˆВ _17/7Цˆ10 monthsаˆqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA7<, Sr. Shires Platt, Sr..‰ЈU(‚Pl‰C7J‰H1И‰E7H7L‰F74J49J88&‰&‰2New York Mills, New York‰J49'‰J7XRobert Parker Hospital, S‰ayre, Pennsylvania‰J49а‰M7Ч‰2N7R7 U7Z7+_74d7 e7Ц‰O7K7Ц‰P7RSales manager, Babcock Maа‰chinery Companyа‰J49а‰S7Q7Ц‰T7FNew York Mills Presbyteriа‰an Churchа‰zЃX7V7Ц‰W74J49J95а‰а‰Y7PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoа‰rk Mills, N.Y.а‰Šg\7[7Ц‰J13а‰]7TNew York Mills Methodist а‰Episcopal Churchа‰J49а‰`7^7Ц‰a7rOfficial in Schuyler Lodgа‰b7e 147 IOOF, Order of Samaа‰ritansа‰H1а‰Т fc7Ц‰~g7f7Ц‰J95а‰h76"US Navy when mother diedа‰"а‰j7h20 Westmoreland StreetW;‰k7hitesboroNew YorkU.S.A;‰.;‰l7ˆPr‰l7B‰o7<attbert Standring Platt\ŠЈU(‚PlŠq7JŠ2J40H1ИŠs7t7LŠH1&Š0H9H1'Š&Memphis, TennesseeŠJ40аŠx7ЧŠ2y7 }7€7ЦŠz7v7ЦŠ{7RCotton buyer, McFadden, MаŠontreal, QuebecаŠаŠ~7|7ЦŠ.U.S. Navy, World War IаŠqZ k‚77ЦŠJ13аŠƒ7TNew York Mills Methodist аŠEpiscopal ChurchаŠ…7DShelby CountyTennessee;ŠU.S.A.;Š†7‰PrŠ†7BŠ‰7<llerel Constance Hiller\‹ЈU(‚Hi‹‹7J‹Œ74J49J54И‹И‹Ž7‘7L‹7NJ49J49&‹J54&‹$Osceola, New York‹’7LH1J49'‹J54'‹”7fSt. Luke's Memorial Cente‹•7r, New Hartford, New York‹‹—7Ч‹2˜7ž7 Ё7+Ѕ7-Љ7.­7Ц‹Њ›7™7Ц‹š74J49J91а‹а‹œ7BRetired from slip-cover bа‹usinessа‹J49а‹Ÿ77Ц‹Presbyterianа‹J49а‹Ђ7 7Ц‹Ѓ7PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoа‹rk Mills, N.Y.а‹J49а‹І7Є7Ц‹Ї7\Utica Chapter Order of Eaа‹stern Star; Rebekahsа‹.J90а‹Њ7Ј7Ц‹Ћ7\Aunt Izzy; Elizabeth; Isaа‹bel Catherine Hillerа‹J91а‹‚ЎЎ7Ќ7Ц‹Џ7‚Peritonitis; perforated iа‹А7leum; radiation stenosis а‹of small bowelа‹В7h20 Westmoreland StreetW;‹Г7hitesboroNew YorkU.S.A;‹.;‹Д7ŠPr‹Д7B‹qqqqqqqqqqС7<, Jr. Shires Platt, Jr..ŒЈU(‚PlŒУ7JŒJ19ИŒХ7Ш7LŒЦ74J19J98&Œ&Œ(Yorkville, New YorkŒJ19'ŒЪ7:Home in Whitesboro, New YŒorkŒJ19аŒЭ7ЧŒ2&Ю7в7 з7л7 о7+т7ЦŒЯ7Ы7ЦŒа7:New York Mills local schoаŒolsаŒJ19аŒг7б7ЦŒд7pCivilian guard, Griffiss аŒе7Air Force Base, Rome, NewаŒ YorkаŒJ19аŒи7ж7ЦŒй7@U.S. Army; World War II vаŒeteranаŒJ19аŒм7к7ЦŒ"Church of ChristаŒJ19аŒп7н7ЦŒр7RGrandview Cemetery, WhiteаŒsboro, New YorkаŒу76J19J101аŒф7с7ЦŒаŒх7Elected to Utica Bowling аŒц7Hall of Fame; American LeаŒgion; softball umpireаŒш7|20 Westmoreland StreetW;Œщ7hitesboroNew York13492-;Œ1518U.S.A.;Œъ7‹PrŒъ7BŒэ7< š†Robert Martin Platt\(ЈU(‚Plя7JJ40Иё7Lђ7>J40, J51H31&&є7BFaxton Hospital, Utica, New Yorkаї7Ч2ј7ќ7-858Цљ7ѕ7Цњ7VClergyman; college instruаctor; book dealerаа§7ћ7Цў7Pastor of Christian churcа8hes at Maryland, New Yorkаq and Boston, Kentuckyаа88ЦBob, Martyаа88ЦRev., Dr.а8LBox 159KennedaleTexas;76060U.S.A.; 8ŒPr 8B 8<n†Lillian Clara Martin\ŽЈU(‚MaŽ8JŽ,H1ИŽ88LŽ8DJames S. Pula researchJ&Ž8&Ž86North Adams, MassachusettŽsŽ8^James S. Pula researchJ'Ž8J51'Ž8BFaxton Hospital, Utica, NŽew YorkŽ8<9; H109J51аŽ8ЧŽ2.8ЦŽ88ЦŽаŽ84Tuberculosis or pneumoniaаŽаŽUnknown;Ž 8PrŽ 8BŽ#8< š†Stanley Joseph Pula\(ЈU(‚Pu%8JI9И'8)8L,I9&2New York Mills, New York*8FI9I'38',8TSt. Elizabeth's Hospital, Utica, New YorkI30а/8ЧV8d&0868 :8)B8E8 H8+N8-S8Ц18-8Ц28NGraduate of New York Millаs High Schoolа48~Death Certificate of Stanа58ley J. Pula, I9.I9аа7838Ц88ZSupervisor, Oneida Limiteаd, Oneida, New Yorkа;8FI9Iа<898Ц31а=8œSergeant, U.S. Army; Worlа>8d War II; Battery B, 261sа@8t Coast Artillery BattaliаqonааC8A8ЦDemocratааF8D8ЦG8ZOur Lady of the Rosary Roаman Catholic ChurchаЂНJ8I8ЦI9аK8vSts. Stanislaus and CasimаL8er Cemetery, Whitestown, аNew YorkааO8M8ЦP8„Oneida Limited ManagementаQ8 Association; Community Aаssociation ClubааT8R8Ц StanаI9а.W8/[8ЦŠНX8U8ЦY88Acute myocardial infarctiаonаа\8Z8Ц]8\Lifelong resident of New аYork Mills, New Yorkа_8˜57 New Hartford StreetN;`8ew York MillsNew York13;a8417U.S.A.(315) 736-1269;;b8ŽPrb8Be8JK1Иg8J‘H2И‘i8L‘,H2&‘k8BFaxton Hospital, Utica, N‘ew York‘I17а‘n8Ч‘–8d&o8't8y8)‚8…8+ˆ8,Ž8-“8Ц‘p8l8Ц‘q8|Graduate New York Mills Hа‘r8igh School, New York Millа‘s, New Yorkа‘I17а‘u8s8Ц‘v8zB.A. SUNY Albany; M.A., Pа‘w8h.D. History Purdue; M.Edа‘. Marylandа‘.I17а‘z8x8Ц‘{8 Dean, Metropolitan Collegа‘|8e of Catholic University,а‘}8 Washington, D.C.; Dean oа‘~8f Continuing Education, Uа‘€8tica College, Utica, N.Y.а‘q (1999)а‘а‘ƒ88Ц‘Democratа‘а‘†8„8Ц‘Roman Catholicа‘I17а‘‰8‡8Ц‘Š8ЂDirector Polish American а‘‹8Historical Ass'n, Polish а‘Œ8Institute of Arts and Sciа‘encesа‘а‘88Ц‘8lEthnicist; writer of numeа‘‘8rous books on ethnic histа‘oryа‘а‘”8’8Ц‘Jimа‘I17а‘5—8/š8Ц‘˜8•8Ц‘Dr.а‘I38а‘›8™8Ц‘œ86Chesterton, Indiana (2007а‘)а‘ž8˜57 New Hartford StreetN;‘Ÿ8ew York MillsNew York13;‘ 8417U.S.A.(315) 736-1269;‘;‘Ё8Pr‘Ё8B‘Є8< š†James Ambrose Smith\(’ЈU(‚Sm’І8J’K4И’Ј8Ћ8L’Љ8NH25H21&’H31&’2New York Mills, New York’H21'’­8\Home at RD#3, Sleepy Holl’ow, Oswego, New York’H21а’А8Ч’з8d'Б8Ж8(Л8 С8Ч8 Ъ8+Ю8,в8Ц’В8Ў8Ц’Г8ŒBS SUNY Albany; MA and Phа’Д8.D. Elementary Education а’Syracuse Universityа’H21а’З8Е8Ц’И8”Professor of Elementary Eа’Й8ducation, State Universitа’y of New York at Oswegoа’H21а’М8К8Ц’Н8fSchool teacher; principalа’О8 at demonstration schoolsа’а’qH21а’Т8Р8Ц’У8šTwo years during World Waа’Ф8r II; Principal U.S. Mariа’Х8nes School for Illiterateа’sа’H21а’Ш8Ц8Ц’Presbyterianа’а’Ы8Щ8Ц’Ь8DAshes scattered over Lakeа’ Ontarioа’H21а’Я8Э8Ц’а8<Many educational associatа’ionsа’H21а’г8б8Ц’д8†Widely-known educational а’е8author; 200 articles, booа’ks and pamphletsа’а’-и85л8.о8Ц’й8ж8Ц’Jimа’H21а’м8к8Ц’Dr.а’H21а’Т Йп8н8Ц’р8RHeart attack while weedinа’g flower gardenа’т8lRoute #3, Sleepy Hollow;’у8OswegoNew York13126U.S;’.A.;’ф8Pr’ф8B’ч8J“H1И“щ8<AdamsMassachusettsU.;“S.A.;“ъ8‘Pr“ъ8B“э8J”H1И”Unknown;”№8<amsomas Edward Williams\•ЈU(‚Wi•ђ8J•H1И•є8\P.O. Box 110LewistonUt;•ah84320-0110U.S.A.;•qqqqqqqqqqq9J–H1И–9h4 Columbia StreetAdams;–9Massachusetts01220U.S.A;–.;–9J—H1И—9h4 Columbia StreetAdams;— 9Massachusetts01220U.S.A;—.;— 9J˜H1Șа˜9ט2-9֘9 9֘ Lilyа˜9:BenningtonVermontU.S;˜.A.;˜9J™H1И™99L™J68&™.New Hartford, New York™H1'™.Dalton, Masssachusetts™,Dalton, Massachusettsа™9Ч™2 9-9Ц™9Ц™J43а™ 99Ц™Aunt Mayа™"9BHansdaleMassachusetts;™U.S.A.;™#9’Pr™#9B™&9JšH1Иš AliasЮFL;;b ўџ™WЦ@ ЧR Cassie Platt2џMš+9-9Lš.J68&šNew York Stateš2H1J68'šNew York Statešаš19Чš2 29969Цš39/9Цš49PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoаšrk Mills, N.Y.аšаš7959Цš89NAge 1 year, 9 months, 17 аšdays at deathаš:9DNew York MillsNew York;šU.S.A.;šqqqqqA9J›H1И›C9F9L›.J68&›E98Oldham, Lancashire, Engla›nd›G9DJames S. Pula researchH'›1'›I9HBlackingtonMassachuset;›tsU.S.A.;›*›š™eL9JœH2ИœUnknown;œO9J0H1J1ИQ9T9L.J68&S98Oldham, Lancashire, England'аW9Ч2 X9ЦY9U9ЦZ9PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoаrk Mills, N.Y.а2UticaNew YorkU.S.A.;]9JžJ10Иž_9LžJ7'žUnknown;ža9“Prža9Bžd9JŸH1ИŸRoyаŸg9ЧŸ2-h9ЦŸe9ЦŸj9BHansdaleMassachusetts;ŸU.S.A.;Ÿl9J H1И n9FPittsfieldMassachusett; sU.S.A.; p9JЁH1ИЁr9FPittsfieldMassachusett;ЁsU.S.A.;Ёqqqqqqqqqqqqq9JЂH1ИЂƒ98LeeMassachusettsU.S.;ЂA.;Ђ…9JЃ.J10ИЃ‡9ˆ9LЃ&Ѓ'ЃаЃ‹9ЧЃ2 Œ9ЦЃ9‰9ЦЃŽ9PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЃrk Mills, N.Y.аЃUnknown;Ѓ‘9JЄJ10ИЄUnknown;Є“9”PrЄ“9BЄ–9JЅJ68ИЅаЅ™9ЧЅ2 š96ž9ЦЅ›9—9ЦЅœ9PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЅrk Mills, N.Y.аЅ.J10аЅŸ99ЦЅKinzingerаЅUnknown;ЅЂ9JІK5ИІUnknown;ІЅ9JЇK5ИЇUnknown;ЇЈ9JЈK5ИЈUnknown;ЈЋ9JЉK5ИЉUnknown;ЉЎ9JЊK5ИЊUnknown;ЊЊme™qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС9JЋ,H1ИЋUnknown;ЋФ9<lattiam Standring Platt\ЌЈU(‚PlЌЦ9JЌJ40ИЌJ42аЌЩ9ЧЌ2,Ъ9ЦЌЫ9Ч9ЦЌ&FAX (901) 725-6923аЌЭ9f2234 Monroe AvenueMemph;ЌЮ9isTennessee38104U.S.A.;Ќ;Ќа9J­2H17H2И­в9L­H2&­д9^8609 Seasons WayLanham;­Maryland20706U.S.A.;­е9•Pr­е9B­и9<a†Michael Stanley Pula\ЎЈU(‚PuЎк9JЎH2ИЎм9LЎH17&Ў.Kadena, Okinawa, JapanЎI15аЎр9ЧЎ2&с9'х9-ш9/ы9ЦЎЫт9о9ЦЎу9dGraduate Eleanor RoosevelаЎt High School (Maryland)аЎаЎц9ф9ЦЎ,Ohio State UniversityаЎаЎщ9ч9ЦЎ MikeаЎI38аЎь9ъ9ЦЎ2Worthington, Ohio (2007)аЎUnknown;Ўю9–PrЎю9BЎё9< Pula Haley Nicole Pula\ЏЈU(‚PuЏѓ9JЏє9LI22H2ИЏI36ИЏі9LЏH2&Џј9\Holy Cross Hospital, SilvЏer Springs, MarylandЏаЏћ9ЧЏ2&ќ9':/:ЦЏ Ю§9љ9ЦЏў9NGraduate Eleanor RoosevelаЏt High SchoolаЏqаЏ::ЦЏ.University of MarylandаЏI38аЏ::ЦЏ0Laurel, Maryland (2007)аЏ:^8609 Seasons WayLanham;ЏMaryland20706U.S.A.;Џ :JАH2ИА :LАH2&А :BFaxton Hospital, Utica, NАew YorkАI16аА:ЧА2&:'::(":)(:++:10:/3:ЦА::ЦА:‚Graduate of New York MillаА:s High School, New York MаАills, New YorkаА!16аА::ЦА:zAS MVCC 1970; BA Russian аА:SUNY Oswego 1972; MLS MicаАhigan 1976аА:4I12I16аА::ЦАаА:˜Reference specialist, MidаА:-York Library; services hаА :ead, Utica Public LibraryаАаА#:4I12I16аА$:!:ЦАаА%:xReference librarian, DunhаА&:am Public Library, WhitesаАboro N.Y.аАаА):':ЦАDemocratаАI16аА,:*:ЦА-:Titanic, Eighth Air ForceаА.:, Memphis Belle and otherаА historical societiesаАаА1:/:ЦАNever marriedаАI38аА4:2:ЦА5:@New York Mills, New York аА(2007)аА7:˜57 New Hartford StreetN;А8:ew York MillsNew York13;А9:417U.S.A.(315) 736-1269;А;А::—PrА::BАqqqqA:JБH2ИБC:LБH2&БUnknown;БF:JВH2ИВUnknown;ВI:JГH2ИГK:LГH2&ГUnknown;ГN:JДH2ИДP:R:LДQ:DJames S. Pula researchH&Д2&ДH2'ДUnknown;ДU:JЕI9ИЕW:X:LЕI3&ЕI3'ЕаЕ[:ЧЕ2 \:-a:ЦЕ]:Y:ЦЕ^:vSts. Stanislaus and CasimаЕ_:er Cemetery, Whitestown, аЕNew YorkаЕI3аЕb:`:ЦЕ JohnаЕc:˜PrЕc:BЕf:JЖI9ИЖh:i:LЖI3&ЖH3'ЖаЖl:ЧЖ2 m:-r:7u:ЦЖn:j:ЦЖo:vSts. Stanislaus and CasimаЖp:er Cemetery, Whitestown, аЖNew YorkаЖI3аЖs:q:ЦЖKatherineаЖv:JI3I3аЖœt:ЦЖI42аЖw:™PrЖw:BЖqqqqqqq:JЗI1ИЗƒ:LЗI1&ЗаЗ†:ЧЗ2-‡:ЦЗˆ:„:ЦЗ FrankаЗŠ:JИI1ИИŒ:Ž:LИ2I1I45&И2New York Mills, New YorkИI45'И:\Faxton-St. Luke's HealthcИare, Utica, New YorkИI45аИ“:ЧИ2&”:—:›: Ÿ:8Ђ:/Ѕ:ЦИ•:‘:ЦИ "Local schools"аИI45аИ˜:–:ЦИ™:6Brown Brothers; Ramada InаИnаИI45аИœ:š:ЦИ:JHoly Trinity Church, UticаИa, New YorkаИI45аИ :ž:ЦИ,Holy Trinity CemeteryаИI45аИ йЃ:Ё:ЦИ82 yearsаИI44аИІ:Є:ЦИ."of Whitesboro" (2009)аИЈ:jTown of Whitestown, One;ИЉ:ida CountyNew YorkU.S.;ИA.;ИЊ:šPrИЊ:BИ­:JЙI1ИЙI1аЙА:ЧЙ28Б:ЦЙВ:Ў:ЦЙ$Died as an infantаЙГ:›PrЙГ:BЙqqqqqqqqqqqС:<n†Blanche Bertha Brown\КЈU(‚BrКУ:JК2H3H70ИКХ:Ч:LКH70&КQuebec, CanadaКH70'К(Putnam, ConnecticutКH3аКЫ:ЧК21Ь:.Я:6в:ЦКЭ:Щ:ЦКEight childrenаКH72аКB­а:Ю:ЦКHeart failureаКH66аКг:б:ЦКLeBrun, BrunаКUnknown;Кж:JЛK8ИЛи:LЛK8'ЛH34аЛл:ЧЛ2-м:ЦЛн:й:ЦЛLeslieаЛUnknown;Лр:JМH2ИМт:LМK8'МUnknown;Мх:< š†Robert Kennerknecht\(НЈU(‚KeНч:JН0K8H2ИНUnknown;Нъ:JОH2ИОь:`2202 McBride AvenueYork;ОvilleNew YorkU.S.A.;Ою:JП0K8H2ИП№:`2202 McBride AvenueYork;ПvilleNew YorkU.S.A.;Пqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq;JРH2ИРаР;ЧР2-;ЦР;;ЦРBeaаР2UticaNew YorkU.S.A.;Р ;JС0K8H2ИС2UticaNew YorkU.S.A.;С ;JТH2ИТ;:DeerfieldNew YorkU.S;Т.A.;Т;JУ0K8H2ИУ;:DeerfieldNew YorkU.S;У.A.;У;JФH2ИФ;;LФ&Ф"H2, H11'ФаФ;ЧФ2 ;-;ЦФ;;ЦФ;TMt. Olivet Cemetery, WhitаФestown, New YorkаФаФ ;;ЦФAunt FeeneyаФUnknown;Ф#;JХH2ИХ%;JЦH17ИЦ';LЦ'Ц);NHome, 432 East Avenue, MiЦnoa, New YorkЦH17аЦ,;ЧЦ2-;2; 6;+:;->;8B;ЦЦ.;*;ЦЦ/;”Retired 1974 after 49 yeaаЦ0;rs with Penn Central RairаЦoad; mostly as engineerаЦH17аЦ3;1;ЦЦ4;dSt. Mary's Roman CatholicаЦ Church, Minoa, New YorkаЦH17аЦ7;5;ЦЦ8;JSt. Mary's Cemetery, MinoаЦa, New YorkаЦH17аЦ;;9;ЦЦ<;`Brotherhood of LocomotiveаЦ Firemen and EngineersаЦаЦ@;=;ЦЦqReggieаЦаЦ ПC;A;ЦЦ75 yearsаЦE;R432 East AvenueMinoaN;Цew YorkU.S.A.;ЦF;œPrЦF;BЦI;JЧH2ИЧUnknown;ЧL;JШH2ИШN;O;LШ&Ш'ШаШR;ЧШ2 S;ЦШT;P;ЦШU;TMt. Olivet Cemetery, WhitаШestown, New YorkаШW;JЩH2ИЩY;JЪH2ИЪH17аЪ\;ЧЪ21];ЦЪ^;Z;ЦЪ_;@Stepsister of Reginald J.аЪ SmithаЪa;6FremontNew YorkU.S.A;Ъ.;Ъc;JЫH2ИЫUnknown;Ыf;JЬK10ИЬh;i;LЬK5&Ь0H9K9'Ь(Yorkville, New YorkЬаЬm;ЧЬ2 n;8r;ЦЬo;k;ЦЬp;PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЬrk Mills, N.Y.аЬH9аЬ Šs;q;ЦЬt;:61 years, 10 months, 17 dаЬaysаЬv;DNew York MillsNew York;ЬU.S.A.;Ьw;PrЬw;BЬqqqqqqq;JЭK9ИЭƒ;…;LЭK9&ЭEnglandЭK9'Э‡;LMt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, ЭPennsylvaniaЭK9аЭŠ;ЧЭ2 ‹;ЦЭŒ;ˆ;ЦЭ;PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЭrk Mills, N.Y.аЭ;DPittsburghPennsylvania;ЭU.S.A.;Э;žPrЭ;BЭ“;JЮK4ИЮ•;–;LЮK5&ЮK5'ЮаЮ™;ЧЮ2 š;ЦЮ›;—;ЦЮœ;PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЮrk Mills, N.Y.аЮž;DPittsburghPennsylvania;ЮU.S.A.;Ю ;JЯ,K4ИЯЂ;Ѓ;LЯK5&ЯK5'ЯаЯІ;ЧЯ2 Ї;ЦЯЈ;Є;ЦЯЉ;PGlenside Cemetery, New YoаЯrk Mills, N.Y.аЯЋ;DPittsburghPennsylvania;ЯU.S.A.;Я­;<s†Sydney Ashton Shires\аЈU(‚ShаЏ;JаK7ИаБ;Г;LаK7&а Utica, New Yorkа,K7'аЕ;hNew England Baptist HospiаЖ;tal, Boston, MassachusettаsаK7ааЙ;Ча2К; Р;+Ф;ЦаЛ;З;ЦаМ;zManager, George H. McFaddааН;en cotton brokers, Montreааal, QuebecааK7ааqС;О;ЦаТ;FBody taken to Montreal foааr funeralааK7ааХ;У;ЦаЦ;ЂSt. James, Montreal, RoyaааЧ;l Montreal Golf, ChapleauааШ; Fish/Game Clubs, 32 Deg ааMasonааЪ;4MontrealQuebecCanada;а;аЫ;ŸPrаЫ;BаЮ;JбK4Иба;6Fort WorthTexasU.S.A;б.;бв;JвK4Иваве;Чв2ж;Цвз;г;ЦвJewishавUnknown;вк;JгK6Игм;TPine Avenue WestMontrea;гlQuebecCanada;го;JдK2ИдUnknown;дс;<lker\ St.Clair Walker\еЈU(‚Stеу;JеK1ИеK2аец;Че2 ч;Цеш;ф;Цещ;j2nd Lt., Duke of Connaugаеъ;ht's Royal Canadian HussaаеrsаеUnknown;еэ;JжK2Ижя;4MontrealQuebecCanada;ж;жё;JзK2ИзK2азє;Чз2 ѕ;Цзі;ђ;Цзї;^Lieutenant, The Black Watазch (R.H.R.) of CanadaазUnknown;зqqqqqqq<JиJ16Ии<<LиK10&и<4Radon, Yorkshire, EnglandииK10'и<lHer home at 429 Main Streи <et, New York Mills, New YиorkиK10аи <Чи2 <Ци< <ЦиMethodistаи<b429 Main StreetNew York;и MillsNew YorkU.S.A.;икЬйаe< Prи<Bи<JйJ42Ий<<LйJ42&йJ42'йJ42ай<Чй28<Цй<<Цй&14 years, 2 monthsайUnknown;й <Jк!<4J16J16ИкИк#<%<LкJ16&к&Yorkshire, EnglandкJ16'к'<LEastern Star Home, Oriskaкny, New YorkкJ16ак*<Чк2+< /<+5<,9<1<<-@<Цк,<(<Цк-<pTaught Sunday School at Nак.<ew York Mills Methodist CакhurchакJЅ2<0<Цк1<4J16H10акак3<PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoакrk Mills, N.Y.акJ16ак6<4<Цк7<PUtica Chapter 452 Order oакf Eastern Starакак:<8<Цк No grave markerакак=<;<ЦкNever marriedак.J42акqA<><Цк.Aunt Jane; Aunt JennieакC<f49 Clinton StreetNew Yo;кD<rk MillsNew YorkU.S.A.;к;кE<ЁPrкE<BкH<<r†Ruth Alice Alexander\лЈU(‚AlлJ<JлJ40ИлL<LлJ42&лN<LBox 159KennedaleTexas;л76060U.S.A.;лO<ЂPrлO<BлR<JмJ40ИмT<LмJ40&м$Oneonta, New Yorkм,HullQuebecCanada;мX<JнJ40ИнZ<LнJ40&н\<:CentertonArkansasU.S;н.A.;н^<<t†Timothy Dwight Platt\оЈU(‚Plо`<JоJ41Иоb<LоJ41&оd<6Fort WorthTexasU.S.A;о.;оf<JпJ40Ипh<LпJ40&пH31апk<Чп24l<ЦпТŸi<Цп0WynnMichiganU.S.A.;пo<JрИрJ8арr<Чр2-s<Црt<p<ЦрMargaretарqqqqqqqqqqq<JсJ8ИсJ51ас„<Чс2…<Цс†<‚<ЦсAttorneyасˆ<JтJ8ИтŠ<JуJ8ИуŒ<JфJ8ИфŽeŽ<JхJ8Их‘<Jц’<NH21H20ИцH32Иц”<•<LцH24&цH28A'цац˜<Чц2-™</œ<8 <Ццš<–<ЦцDotацK4ац<›<Ццž<<From New York Mills, New ацYorkацH28AацBлЁ<Ÿ<Цц97 yearsацЃ<^80-2 Ball RoadSyracuse;цNew York13215U.S.A.;цЅ<JчK4ИчЇ<LчH25&чH29ачЊ<Чч2'Ћ<Џ<-Д<1З<ЦчБЌ<Ј<Цч­<`BA SUNY Oswego; MA Educatачion SUNY Oswego (1974)ачH29ачА<Ў<ЦчБ<~Second-grade teacher, McNачВ<amara School, Baldwinsvilачle, New YorkачачЕ<Г<ЦчPatачачИ<Ж<ЦчNever marriedачК<j101 Sharon RoadSyracuse;чЛ<New York13209-1182U.S.;чA.;чМ<ЃPrчМ<BчqqС<Jш2H22K4ИшУ<LшH24&шH25ашЦ<Чш2&Ч<Ы<Ю<-б<ЦшЈШ<Ф<ЦшЩ<dGraduated from Solvay Higашh School, Syracuse, N.Y.ашH24ашЬ<Ъ<ЦшSchool teacherашH25ашЯ<Э<ЦшPresbyterianашашв<а<ЦшSueашд<”8521 Porter Road, Apartme;ше<nt 135Niagara FallsNew;ш York14304-1629U.S.A.;шз<<derrvey Jacob Alexander\щЈU(‚Alщй<Jщк<6J44J130ИщИщм<н<LщJ130&щJ130'щп<„586 East Mountain Avenue;щр<South WilliamsportPenns;щylvaniaU.S.A.;щт<<erDorothy Mae Alexander\ъЈU(‚Alъф<Jъх<6J44J113ИъИъч<LъJ113&ъщ<8AvisPennsylvaniaU.S.;ъA.;ъы<JыJ113Иыэ<LыJ113&ыUnknown;ы№<JьI3ИьI3аьѓ<Чь2-є<Цьѕ<ё<ЦьAndrewаьqqqqqqqqqq=JэI3ИэI3аэ=Чэ2-=Цэ==ЦэJosephineаэ=JюI3Ию =ЄPrю =Bю =JяI3ИяAgethaая=Чя2-=Ця =Ця=J№2I3I44И№==L№I44&№ Utica, New York№=4I45I44'№'№=\Faxton-St. Luke's Healthc№are, Utica, New York№I44а№=Ч№28=  =&#= &=)=-=Ц№ђй==Ц№85 yearsа№I44а№!==Ц№,Holy Trinity Cemeteryа№I44а№$="=Ц№ "local schools"а№I44а№'=%=Ц№0U.S. Army; World War IIа№I44а№*=(=Ц№+=RNew York Central Railroadа№; Utica Cutleryа№I44а№.=,=Ц№/=JHoly Trinity Church, Uticа№a, New Yorkа№1=jTown of Whitestown, One;№2=ida CountyNew YorkU.S.;№A.;№3=ЅPr№3=B№qqqqqqqqqqqA=JёB=LI4I45ИёI44ИёI45аёE=Чё2/F=ЦёG=C=Цё$"of Minoa" (2009)аёUnknown;ёJ=JђK=LI4I45ИђI44ИђI45ађN=Чђ2/O=ЦђP=L=Цђ0"of Chardon, OH" (2009)ађUnknown;ђS=JѓI4ИѓUnknown;ѓV=JєI4ИєUnknown;єY=JѕH20ИѕH20аѕ\=Чѕ2]=(a=Цѕ^=Z=Цѕ_=bFoster Brothers Manufactuаѕring Company; 40+ yearsаѕH20аѕb=`=Цѕc=`Nehi Bottling Company, Neаѕw York Mills, New Yorkаѕe=h27 Prospect StreetNew Y;ѕf=ork MillsNew YorkU.S.A;ѕ.;ѕh=Jіi=4H20H28ИіИіH28аіl=Чі2/m=Ціn=j=Ці.Utica, New York (1999)аі2UticaNew YorkU.S.A.;іq=JїH20Иїs=h27 Prospect StreetNew Y;їt=ork MillsNew YorkU.S.A;ї.;їu=ЁQrИqqqqqqqqqq=JњI3ИњI3ањ„=Чњ2-…=Цњ†=‚=Цњ Jamesањˆ=JћI3ИћI3аћ‹=Чћ2-Œ=Цћ=‰=ЦћLouiseаћ=JќI3Иќ‘=J§I3И§“=JўI3Иў•=JџI3ИџI3аџ˜=Чџ2-™=/œ=Цџš=–=Цџ RoseаџI26аџ=›=Цџž=6Yorkville, New York (1938аџ)аџ =JI3ИЂ=JI3И$I24, I26аЅ=Ч2/І=ЦЇ=Ѓ=Ц2Buffalo, New York (1938)аЉ=6BuffaloNew YorkU.S.A;.;Ћ=JI3ИI24аЎ=Ч26Џ=ЦА=Ќ=ЦKusmieszаВ=6BuffaloNew YorkU.S.A;.;qqqqqqqqqqqqqС=JI3ИI3аФ=Ч2-Х=/Ш=ЦЦ=Т=Ц MaryаI24аЩ=Ч=Ц2New York Mills, New YorkаЫ=DNew York MillsNew York;U.S.A.;Э=J2I3I24ИЯ=DNew York MillsNew York;U.S.A.;б=JI3Иг=LI3'I26аж=Ч2 з=7м=-р=/у=Ци=д=Цй=lSt. Stanislaus-Casimir Ceак=metery, Whitestown, New YаorkаI3аbЌн=л=Цо=:This date of death uncertаainаI3ас=п=ЦJosephаI26аф=т=Цх=@New York Mills, New York а(1938)а ЖeŸч=ІPrч=Bъ=JI3Иь=LI3'ю=@James S. Pula Researchаа№=Ч2 ё=-і=Цђ=э=Цѓ=lSt. Stanislaus-Casimir Ceає=metery, Whitestown, New YаorkаI3аї=ѕ=Ц Maryаqqqqqqqq>JI3И>>L2I3I24&Poland2I3I24'>`Home, 203 Main Street, New York Mills, New York$I24, I26а >Ч2 > >+>->/">1%>Ц >>Ц >˜Our Lady of Czestochowa pа>arish; St. Mary's Church,а> New York Mills, New Yorkаа>@James S. Pula Researchаа>>Ц>lSt. Stanislaus-Casimir Ceа>metery, Whitestown, New Yаorkа$I24, I26а>>Ц>$St. Stanislaus Society, Pа>olish National Alliance, а>Polish Catholic Alliance а>of America, United Textilа>e Workers, Independent Clаub of New York Millsа2I3I24а >>ЦMichaelаI24а#>!>Ц2New York Mills, New YorkаI24а&>$>ЦFour daughtersа'>ЇPr'>B*>J2I3I24И,>->LI3&I3'/>@James S. Pula Researchаа1>Ч2 2>Ц3>.>Ц4>lSt. Stanislaus-Casimir Ceа5>metery, Whitestown, New YаorkаqqqqqqqqqqA>J 2I3I26И I24а D>Ч 2/E>-H>Ц F>B>Ц Poland (1938)а I3а I>G>Ц Phillipinaа "JasloPoland; L>J 2I3I24И I24а O>Ч 26P>Ц Q>M>Ц Witechaа Unknown; T>J I3И I3а W>Ч 2-X>Ц Y>U>Ц  Helenа $TarnowPoland; \>J I3И Unknown; _>J J40И a>L J40& ,HullQuebecCanada; c>ЈPr c>B f>JJ40Иh>LJ40&j><t†Xantha Nell Bramlett\ЈU(‚Brl>J&J40, J110Иn>LJ40&p>:CentertonArkansasU.S;.A.;q>ЉPrq>Bqqqqqqqqqqqqq>JJ41Иƒ>LJ41&0WynnMichiganU.S.A.;…>ЊPr…>Bˆ><ttJudge Alexander Platt\ЈU(‚PlŠ>JJ41ИŒ>LJ41&Ž>JJ41И>LJ41&Unknown;“>< š†Robert Koncel Platt\(ЈU(‚Pl•>JJ41И—>LJ41&Unknown;š>JJ41Иœ>LJ41&ž>JJ41И >LJ41&eЖЃ>JJ41ИЅ>LJ41&Ї>6Fort WorthTexasU.S.A;.;Ј>ЋPrЈ>BЋ>< š†Anna Dawnelle Platt\(ЈU(‚Pl­>JJ41ИЏ>LJ41&Unknown;qЖqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС>< š†Aubree Denise Platt\(ЈU(‚PlУ>JJ41ИХ>LJ41&Unknown;Ш>JJ41ИЪ>LJ41&Unknown;Э><t†Timothy Daniel Platt\ЈU(‚PlЯ>JJ41Иб>LJ41&Unknown;д>JH17ИUnknown;з>JH17И2MinoaNew YorkU.S.A.;к>JH17ИUnknown;н>JH17Ип>6FairfaxVirginiaU.S.A;.;с>JH17ИUnknown;ф>J H17И ц>@Falls ChurchVirginia; U.S.A.; ш>J!H17И!Unknown;!ы>J"H17И"э>DNorth SyracuseNew York;"U.S.A.;"я><Jr.ginald J. Smith, Jr..#ЈU(‚Sm#ё>J#H17И#ѓ>:FairmountNew YorkU.S;#.A.;#qqqqqqqqqqqq#eЇ?J$H17И$?L205 Steuben StreetHerkim;$erNew York;$?ЌPr$?B$?J%H22И% ?L%H25&%Unknown;% ?< š†Scott Andrew Harmon\(&ЈU(‚Ha&?J&H22И&?L&H22&&?LNiagara Falls Memorial Me&dical Center&?Ч&2?Ц&Ю??Ц&H25а&*Converted to Judiasmа&Unknown;&?­Pr&?B&?<onMichael Joseph Harmon\'ЈU(‚Ha'?J'H22И'!?J(H22И(#?J)J17И)J17а)&?Ч)2 '?Ц)(?$?Ц)(Clayville, New Yorkа)*?J*J17И*,?/?L*J17&*.?`Watersheddings, West Oldh*am, Lancaster, England*H2'*H2а*2?Ч*293?,7?Ц*ЂQ4?0?Ц*5?@Also indicated as date ofа* birthа*J17а*8?6?Ц*"Had six childrenа*:?X1315 Nielson StreetUtic;*aNew YorkU.S.A.;*;?ЎPr*;?B*qqqA?<etJoseph Harry VanVliet\+ЈU(‚Va+C?J+D?4J17J68И+И+Unknown;+F?ЏPr+F?B+I?J,J32И,K?N?L,&J32, J108&,M?LMoorside, Oldham, Lancash,ire, England,O?4H2J108',',2New York Mills, New York,J32а,S?Ч,2T? Y?Ц,U?Q?Ц,V?nSalvation Army in Englandа,W? and Utica; Methodist funа,eralа,J32а,Z?X?Ц,[?PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoа,rk Mills, N.Y.а,Unknown;,]?АPr,]?B,`?J-J31И-b?d?L-J31&-"Burnley, England-J31'-J31а-g?Ч-2h? l?.p?Ц-i?e?Ц-j?@New York Mills Methodist а-Churchа-J31а-m?k?Ц-n?PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoа-rk Mills, N.Y.а-J31а-q?o?Ц-Heart attackа-s?DNew York MillsNew York;-U.S.A.;-t?БPr-t?B-qqqqqqqqqq?J.‚?4J32J32И.И.„?†?L.J32&.2Shaw, Lancaster, England.H2'.J32а.‰?Ч.2Š? Ž?+’?Ц.‹?‡?Ц.Œ?@New York Mills Methodist а.Churchа.J32а.??Ц.?PGlenside Cemetery, New Yoа.rk Mills, N.Y.а.J32а.“?‘?Ц.Epworth Leagueа.Unknown;.•?ВPr.•?B.˜?J/J31И/Unknown;/›?<deHelen Elizabeth Raide\0ЈU(‚Ra0?J0И0Ÿ?L0&0а0Ђ?Ч02'Ѓ?-І?Ц0Є? ?Ц0"BS SUNY Cortlandа0а0Ї?Ѕ?Ц0 Bettyа0Unknown;0Њ?J1И1Ќ?L1&1а1Џ?Ч12-А?Ц1Б?­?Ц1Laurieа1Unknown;1qqqqqqqqqqqqqС?J2И2У?L2&2а2Ц?Ч221Ч?Ц2Ш?Ф?Ц2Twin of Joyceа2Unknown;2Ы?J3И3Э?L3&3а3а?Ч321б?Ц3в?Ю?Ц3Twin of Janiceа3д?>SkaneatelesNew YorkU;3.S.A.;33esз?J4И4й?J5И5л?J6И6а6о?Ч62-п?Ц6р?м?Ц6Debbieа6т?J7J32И7ф?DNew York MillsNew York;7U.S.A.;7Unknown;8ч?J9J32И9щ?@MinneapolisMinnesota;9U.S.A.;9Unknown;:ь?<thLoretta Blanche Smith\;ЈU(‚Sm;ю?J;я?4H15H70И;И;ё?ѓ?L;H70&;2New York Mills, New York;H70';Unknown;;qqqqqqqqqqq@< š†Viola Lavinia Smith\(<ЈU(‚Sm<@J<H15И<@@L<H70&<2New York Mills, New York<H70'<.Buena Park, California<Unknown;< @J=H2И=Unknown;=@J>J3И>Unknown;>@J?H2И?Unknown;?@J@H2И@Unknown;@@JAH2ИAUnknown;A@JB2J18H2ИB@LBJ18&B@rBox 356, Hollister Road;B@Old ForgeNew York13420;BU.S.A.;BCBeЬ"@JCH2ИCUnknown;C%@JDJ18ИD'@LDJ18'DUnknown;D*@JEH2ИE,@LEH2'EH2аE/@ЧE2 0@4@ЦE1@-@ЦE2@FHoly Trinity Church, ShawаE, EnglandаEH2аE5@3@ЦE0Five years old at deathаEUnknown;EqqqqqqqqqA@JFH2ИFUnknown;FC@ГPrFC@BFF@4CohoesNew YorkU.S.A.;G;GH@JHJ18ИHJ@rBox 356, Hollister Road;HK@Old ForgeNew York13420;HU.S.A.;HM@JIK2ИIO@6WestmountQuebecCanad;Ia;IQ@JJK2ИJS@LJK2'J"Montreal, QuebecJV@ЧJ2 W@ЦJЃY@X@ЦJK2аJ Utica, New YorkаJ[@4MontrealQuebecCanada;J;J\@ДPrJ\@BJ_@JKK2ИKa@RCollege StreetClintonN;Kew YorkU.S.A.;Kc@JLK9ИLe@JMK9ИMg@JNK9ИNi@DNew York MillsNew York;NU.S.A.;Nk@JOK9ИO2IlionNew YorkU.S.A.;OUnknown;Po@JQK9ИQUnknown;Qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq@JRK9ИRƒ@:FrankfortNew YorkU.S;R.A.;R…@JSK9ИS‡@DNew York MillsNew York;SU.S.A.;S TkЭeЊŠ@JTK9ИT2UticaNew YorkU.S.A.;T@JUŽ@4J19J48ИUИU@“@LU‘@4J48J53&U&U(Yorkville, New YorkUJ53'U•@`Florida Lutheran Health CUenter, DeLand, FloridaUJ53аU˜@ЧU2'™@@  @Ј@+Ћ@/Џ@ЦUš@–@ЦU›@RGraduate of Excelsior SchаUool of BusinessаUJ53аUž@œ@ЦUŸ@XArmy officer; purchasing аUagent for WestvacoаUŸЃ@Ё@ЦUЂ@4H11J53аUаUЄ@ЊU.S. Army, World War II; аUЅ@Major; Ft. Benning, GeorgаUІ@ia; Europe; Alaska; OkinaаUwa; ItalyаUJ53аUЉ@Ї@ЦULutheranаUJ53аUЌ@Њ@ЦU­@6Solomon Lodge No. 36, F&AаUMаUJ53аUА@Ў@ЦUБ@hWilmington, Delaware (196аUВ@3); DeLand, Florida (1955аU)аUД@†3065 Whisper BoulevardD;UЕ@elandFlorida32724U.S.A;U.(904) 736-8987;UЖ@ЕPrUЖ@BUqqqqqqqqС@JVH9ИVУ@LVH9&V2Montreal, Quebec, CanadaVUnknown;VЦ@ЖPrVЦ@BVЩ@JWJ13ИWUnknown;WЬ@JXQ7ИXЮ@а@LX2Q7110&X(Worcester, New YorkXQ7'XQ7аXг@ЧX21д@ЦXе@б@ЦX "Never married"аXз@JY2Q7110ИYй@л@LY2Q7110&Y(Worcester, New YorkY2Q7110'Y(Worcester, New YorkY110аYп@ЧY24р@ЦYъ'н@ЦYXeGу@JZQ5ИZх@LZP100&Z110аZш@ЧZ26щ@ЦZъ@ц@ЦZWilboreаZы@ЗPrZы@BZю@J[Q7И[№@ё@L[Q7&[Q7'[Unknown;[qGqqqqqqqqqqqqAJ\Q7И\AAL\Q50&\"Albany, New York\Q50'\AVHome at 1 East Street, Sc\henevus, New York\Q50а\ AЧ\2 A A4AЦ\ AAЦ\ ADSchenevus United Methodisа\t Churchа\Q50а\AAЦ\ATMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа\cester, New Yorkа\Q7а\"gAЦ\AT1 East StreetSchenevus;\New YorkU.S.A.;\AИPr\AB\AJ]Q7И]AL]Q7&]Q7а]AЧ]21AЦ] AAЦ]!ATSeparated from Millard Haа]zen; no childrenа]Unknown;]$AJ^"Q7, Q17И^&AL^Q7&^(A<ChasevilleNew YorkU.;^S.A.;^*AJ_P114И_,AL_P114&_.A~115 Main StreetKingston;_/ANew York12401U.S.A.(9;_14) 339-7946;_1A<, Jr.m Rant Packer, Jr..`ЈU(‚Pa`3AJ`4A8P114P115И`И`6A7AL`P114&`P114'`&P113-P114а`:AЧ`2 ;AЦ`CooperstownNew YorkU;ћ.S.A.;ћяDJќP39ИќUnknown;ќqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqEJ§P25И§EJўQ1ИўEJџQ1ИџEJQ1И EJQ1ИQ1а EЧ21 EЦE EЦE4Tenth child of John TrippааEJQ1ИEELQ2&E>Northumberland County, EnglandQ2'2Portsmouth, Rhode IslandQ2аEЧ2E*E"E1%EЦEEЦCarpenterаQ2а„hgEEЦ EFDeputy at Portsmouth, Rhoаde IslandаQ2а#E!EЦQuakerаQ2а&E$EЦ'E6"John had eleven childrenа"а(EПPr(EB+EJQ2ИQ2а.EЧ2//EЦ0E,EЦ1E4"of Lincolnshire England"ааqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAEJQ2ИQ2аDEЧ2/EEЦFEBEЦGE4"of Lincolnshire England"ааIEJQ2ИаLEЧ21MEЦNEJEЦ Had 11 childrenаPEJQ2ИREJQ14ИTELQ14'Q14аWEЧ2 XE8[EЦYEUEЦ$Oak Hill CemeteryаQ14аr K\EZEЦ&11 months, 20 daysа^EJQ14И`ELQ14&Q14аcEЧ2 dE1gEЦeEaEЦ$Oak Hill CemeteryаQ14аhEfEЦiE6Infant son lived "9 days.а"аkEJ Q14И mEJ Q14И oEL Q14' Q14а rEЧ 28sEЦ š.tEpEЦ &23 years, 2 monthsа qqqqqqqqqqqEJ P4И ƒE…EL P4& England †E6P4P6-P7' ' "Summit, New York P11а ŠEЧ 2‹E E“E4–EЦ ŒEˆEЦ &Farmer and laborerа №EŽEЦ 2P6P10а EhPvt, Capt Rosekrans' Co, а ‘ECol DuBois Rgt to Mar 177а 9а P2а ”E’EЦ Baptistа P2а —E•EЦ 1755 or 1756а ™E:JeffersonNew YorkU.S; .A.; šEРPr šEB EJ P7И ŸEL P2' (Jefferson, New York P2а ЃEЧ 2ЄE4ЇEЦ ЅEЁEЦ Baptistа P2а ЈEІEЦ 1763 or 1764а ЊE:JeffersonNew YorkU.S; .A.; ЋEСPr ЋEB ЎEJ P2И АEL БE:P2P17-P18& & ГEЧ 2ДEЙE4РE5ФEЦ фrрoЖEЕEЦ "P17-P18а ЗElBaptist preacher, Pawlingа ИEs, Dutchess County, New Yа orkа фrрoЛEКEЦ "P17-P18а МElBaptist preacher, Pawlingа НEs, Dutchess County, New Yа orkа "P17-P18а qСEОEЦ ТENMarch 1752 indicated as mа onth of birthа "P17-P18а ХEУEЦ  Rev.а ЧEdTown of PawlingDutchess;  CountyNew YorkU.S.A.; ШEТPr ШEB ЫEJP82ИЭEJP39ИЯELP39'Unknown;вEJR10ИдEJQ6ИQ6азEЧ21иEЦйEеEЦкEH"an illegitimate son" of аJohn SloatамE<ipschael Henry Phillips\ЈU(‚PhоEJQ7ИрEсELQ7&Q7'Q50афEЧ2-хE7шEЦцEтEЦ(Michael E. PhillipsаQ17ањчEЦUnknown;ыE<psFrancis Russ Phillips\ЈU(‚PhэEJQ7ИяE№ELQ7&Q7'Q17аѓEЧ27єEЦњ‰ёEЦUnknown;qqqqqqqqqqFJQ17ИUnknown;FJQ7ИQ7аFЧ21FЦ FFЦ FNSeparated from Mabel Russа; no childrenа FJQ7ИFFL2Q7342&Q7'аFЧ2&F/FЦeFFЦFjGraduate Worcester Union аFSchool, Worcester, New Yoаrkа41аFFЦ(Worcester, New YorkаFJF:Q7, Q1041ИИFFLQ7&Q7'41а"FЧ2#F+&F/*FЦ$F FЦDruggistа159аu'F%FЦ(FPFirst trustee of Worcesteаr Free Libraryа41а+F)FЦ(Worcester, New Yorkа,FУPr,FB/FJQ7И1F2FL342&2Q7342'Q10а5FЧ216F49FЦ7F3FЦ "Never married"аQ7аJ8FЦ:FФPr:FBqqqqAFJQ8ИCFDFL342&342'FFJQ8ИHFL342&,West Sparta, New York342аLFЧ26MFЦNFJFЦVanWagenenаPFJQ8ИRFJQ8ИTFL342&VFFNunda, Livingston County, New York342аYFЧ2-ZFЦ[FWFЦ Rhodaа]FJQ8И_FJQ8ИaFJQ8ИcFJ R19И eFJ!R19И!gFJ"R20И"iFJ#R20И#kFJ$R20И$Unknown;$nFJ%R20И%pF< š†Catherine E. Wilbor\(&ЈU(‚Wi&rFJ&R20И&tFuFL&R20&&R20'&qqqqqqqqqqF< š†David Briggs Wilbor\('ЈU(‚Wi'ƒFJ'R20И'&Дeя†FJ(R20И(ˆFJ)R20И)ŠFJ*R20И*ŒF<onJames Bradley Johnson\+ЈU(‚Jo+ŽFJ+E12И+FL+E12&+а+“FЧ+2”F-—F/šFЦ+•F‘FЦ+Teacherа+а+˜F–FЦ+ Bradа+а+›F™FЦ+$Las Vegas, Nevadaа+Fn2322 Champman Hill Drive;+žFLas VegasNevada89128U;+.S.A;+ F<n†Edward Brian Johnson\,ЈU(‚Jo,ЂFJ,E12И,ЄFL,&,а,ЇFЧ,2-ЈFЦ,ЉFЅFЦ, Brianа,ЋFЂ350 South Durango Street;,ЌFBuilding 14, Apartment 12;,­F3Las VegasNevada89145;,U.S.A;,ЏFJ-M65И-БFL-ВF@P21, P140M65'-'-M65а-ЕFЧ-2 ЖF1ЙF8МF-ТFЦ-ЗFГFЦ-0Charlotteville Cemeteryа-P21а-КFИFЦ-Not marriedа-НF4M65P21а-ъSОFЛFЦ-а-РF:14 years, 11 months, 29 dа-qaysа-Libbieа-СFЦ- ./УeѓХFJ.M65И.ЧFL.M65'.M65а.ЪFЧ.2 ЫF8ЮFЦ.ЬFШFЦ.0Charlotteville Cemeteryа.M65а.В FЯFЭFЦ.1 year, 2 daysа.Unknown;.бFХPr.бFB.дFJ/M65И/жFзFL/&/M65'/M65а/кFЧ/2 лF-оF8сFЦ/мFиFЦ/0Charlotteville Cemeteryа/M65а/пFнFЦ/ Leosaа/M65а/šCтFрFЦ/"2 months, 9 daysа/Unknown;/хFJ0M65И0чFшFL0P140&0P140'0M65а0ыFЧ02 ьFЦ0эFщFЦ00Charlotteville Cemeteryа0Xep№F< š†Elizabeth Vermilyea\(1ЈU(‚Ve1ђFJ1P36И1єFѕFL1P36&1іFDZ192, Z193Z16'13'1јF\Town of Jefferson, Schoha1rie County, New York1§F8Z149Z193а1ћFЧ12 ќF-G/G8 GЦ1ўFљFЦ1а1G^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roа1qad, Town of Jeffersonа1G8Z123Z193а1GGЦ1а1Betsy, Betseyа1G8Z123Z152а1GGЦ1а1 GЈTown of Bethlehem, Albanyа1 G County, and Town of Jeffа1 Gerson, Schoharie County, а1New Yorkа1(Z192, Z193а1к >G GЦ1$74 years, 17 daysа1GJ2P36И2GGL2P36&2Z163'2GJ3G6P36Z122И3И3GGL3P36&3Z163'3GJ4P36И4G"GL4GzP36Z124, Z141&4GZ142Z&4152&4!GVTown of Bethlehem, Albany4 County, New York4#G^Z120-Z121Z142'4Z152'4%G\Town of Jefferson, Schoha4rie County, New York4Z142а4(GЧ42 )GЦ4*G&GЦ4+GPEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeа4rson, New Yorkа4,GЦPr4,GB4/GJ50G6P36Z193И5И52G3GL5P36&5Z164'5Z164а56GЧ5267GЦ58G4GЦ5 Meadа5qqqqqqq6789'eSBGJ6P36И6DGEGL6P36&6Z163'6FGЧPr6FGB6IGJ7JG6P36Z193И7И7LGMGL7P36&7(Z192, Z193'7RG8Z149Z193а7PGЧ72 QG8VG6]GЦ7SGNGЦ7а7TG^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roа7ad, Town of Jeffersonа7Z193а7"RKWGUGRKZGYGЦ7XG:52 years, 9 months, 18 dа7aysа7Z192а7[G:52 years, 9 months, 13 dа7aysа7Z164а7^G\GЦ7 Meadа7_GШPr7_GB7bGJ8P36И8dGeGL8P36&8Z164'8gGJ9P36И9iGjGL9P36&9Z164'9Z164а9mGЧ924nGЦ9Z kGЦ9pGJ:P39И:Unknown;:qqqqqqqqqqqqqqGJ;P33И;Unknown;;„GJ<P41И<†GˆGL<P41&<2Charlotteville, New York<P41'<ŠG@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, Ne<w York<P41а<GЧ<2'ŽG‘G –G›G ŸG+ЃG,ЉG5­GЦ<~G‹GЦ<G6Graduate NYU Dental Schooа<lа<Д{y“G’GЦ<P41а<”GDOrthodontist in Oneonta, а<New Yorkа<P41а<—G•GЦ<˜GjLt. Col. and dentist USAFа<™G; served in both world waа<rsа<P41а<œGšGЦ<GZFirst Presbyterian Churchа<, Oneonta, New Yorkа<P41а< GžGЦ<ЁGNBody donated to Albany Meа<dical Collegeа<P41а<ЄGЂGЦ<ЅGœAmer College of Dentistryа<ІG; Amer Soc Orthodontists;а<ЇG BPOE No 1312; Oneonta F&а<AMа<P41а<ЊGЈGЦ<ЋG6American Legion and Rotarа<yа<P41а<ЎGЌGЦ<Dr.а<АGV46 Center StreetOneonta;<New YorkU.S.A.;<БGЩPr<БGB<qqqqqqqqqqqqqСGJ>P41И>УG<CobleskillNew YorkU.;>S.A.;>ХG< š†John M. Wayman, Jr..(?ЈU(‚Wa?ЧGJ?P41И?P41а?ЪGЧ?25ЫGЦ?ЬGШGЦ?Dr.а?ЮG6OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;?.;?аGJ@P37И@вG< š†Milton Harmon Smith\(AЈU(‚SmAдGJAP37ИAжGJBP37ИBиGJCP37ИCкGJDP37ИDмGJEP37ИEоGJFP37ИFрG<ieElizabeth Auchinachie\GЈU(‚AuGтGJGP37ИGфGJHP37ИHUnknown;HUnknown;IUnknown;JщGJMP37ИMыGLMP39'MUnknown;MюGJNP37ИN№GJOP37ИOqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqHJPP37ИPHJQP37ИQUnknown;QHJRP37ИRH@WoodinvilleWashington;RU.S.A;R HJS H4P37P39ИSИS2AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A;SHJTP37ИTH@VoorheesvilleNew York;TU.S.A;THJUH4P37P39ИUИUHLUP39'UUnknown;UHJVP41ИVUnknown;VHJWP41ИWH4IthacaNew YorkU.S.A.;W;WHJXP41ИXP41аX"HЧX25#HЦX$H HЦXDr.аX&H@Santa RosaCalifornia;XU.S.A.;X(HJYP41ИY*H4McGrawNew YorkU.S.A.;Y;Y,HJZP41ИZUnknown;Z/HJ[P41И[Unknown;[qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAHJ\BHBR21Z283, Z286И\И\DHGHL\EH6R22Z281&\&\*Cobleskill, New York\R22'\R21а\JHЧ\2-KHЦ\LHHHЦ\$Hester Anne Coonsа\NHJ]$R21, R22И]PHQHL]$R21, R22&]$R21, R22']SHJ^R22И^UHVHL^$R21, R22&^$R21, R22'^XHJ_.D58И_ZH\HL_.D58&_0New London, Connecticut_.D58'_а__HЧ_2 `H4eHЦ_aH]HЦ_bH€Badeau Hill Cemetery, Towа_cHn of Westford, Otsego Couа_nty, New Yorkа_а_RdHЦ_Unknown;_hHJ`$R21, R22И`jHkHL`$R21, R22&`$R21, R22'`mHJa$R21, R22ИaR22аapHЧa26qHЦarHnHЦasH:"Empie" may be wrong surnаaameаaqqqqqqqqqqqqHJbR21ИbR22аb„HЧb26…HЦb†H‚HЦb‡H:"Empie" may be wrong surnаbameаb‰HJcR21ИcR22аcŒHЧc26HЦcŽHŠHЦcH:"Empie" may be wrong surnаcameаc‘HJdN20Иd“H•HLd”H>N20326; N66&d&d–H>N20326; N66'd'd(Schenevus, New YorkdN21аdšHЧd2 ›H-ŸHЦdœH˜HЦdHTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаdcester, New Yorkаd H>R41326; N66аdЁHžHЦdаd SallyаdЃH^Tusculum, Town of Worce;dsterNew YorkU.S.A.;dЅHJeІHpN2021ИeЇH357326; N66ИeИeЉHЎHLeЊHXN20357&e326; N66&eЌHjTusculum, Town of Worceste­Her, Otsego County, New YoerkeЏHXN20N21'e326; N66'e(Schenevus, New YorkeN21аeГHЧe2 ДHЦeЕHБHЦeЖHTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаecester, New YorkаeИH^Tusculum, Town of Worce;esterNew YorkU.S.A.;eЙHЪPreЙHBeqqqqqСHJfN20ИfУHФHLfN20&fN20'fUnknown;fЧHJgN20ИgЩHЪHLgN20&gN20'gUnknown;gЭH<e, Sr.Francis Hoye, Sr..hЈU(‚HohЯHгHLhT230&hбHtGregory Hollow, Town of HhвHamden, Delaware County, Nhew YorkhдH8T229T263'h'h(Worcester, New Yorkh146аhиHЧh2йH мH+рH џHЦhкHжHЦhLumbermanаhаhнHлHЦhоH>U.S. Army, World War I; gаhassedаhаhсHпHЦh American LegionаhуHJiT229ИiхHщHLiцH8T229T263&i&iшHRTown of Sanford, Broome Ciounty, New YorkiT263'iыHdA.O. Fox Hospital Nursingi Home, Oneonta, New YorkiT263аiюHЧi2'яHђHјH ќH+I4IЦiъ №HьHЦiёHBGraduate Albany Business аiCollegeаiЎєHѓHЦiT263аiѕH€Retired as secretary, WorаiіHcester Central School, Woаircester, N.Y.аiT263аiљHїHЦiњHpSt. Joseph's Roman CatholаiћHic Church, Worcester, Newаi YorkаiВ ШўH§HЦiT263аiIVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, Woаiz ВЗЗЦhrcester, New YorkаiT263аiIIЦiIxAltar Rosary Society; ForаiItnightly Club, Worcester,аi New YorkаiT229аiъmIIЦi I8Birthdate filed with counаityаi IЫPri IBi IJjT263ИjIILjT229&j$Waverly, New YorkjT229'jIJkT263ИkIILkT229&k(Lenox, PennsylvaniakT229'kI4Gulf Summit, PennsylvaniakkT229аkIЧk26IЦkIIЦkTruesdailаk IJl!I8T229T244ИlИl#ILlT229&l(Rochester, New YorklT244аl'IЧl2&(I'-I1I/4IЦl)I%IЦl*IpGraduate Our Lady of Mercаl+Iy High School, Rochester,аl N.Y.аlT244аl.I,IЦl/I8BA Psychology, SUNY BuffaаlloаlT244аl2I0IЦlRoman Catholicаl T230AAаl5I3IЦl6IBDowningtown, Pennsylvaniaаl (2011)аl8Iv8547 White Cedar Drive, #;l9I316MiamisburgOhio4534;l2U.S.A.;lqqqqqqAI< š†Emily Michelle Hoye\(mЈU(‚HomCIJmT229ИmEILmFINDonald P. Petro&mT229&mDayton, OhiomIIv8547 White Cedar Drive, #;mJI316MiamisburgOhio4534;m2U.S.A.;mLI<e†Timothy Michael Hoye\nЈU(‚HonNIJnT229ИnPILnQINDonald P. Petro&nT229&nDayton, OhionTIv8547 White Cedar Drive, #;nUI316MiamisburgOhio4534;n2U.S.A.;nWIJoT229ИoYILoT229&o&Syracuse, New Yorkoаo]IЧo2'^IbIЦoФ_I[IЦo`IPBS Pharmacy, Albany Colleаoge of PharmacyаoаocIaIЦoPharmacistаoeId905 Gill StreetChittena;ongoNew York13037U.S.A;ogIJpT229ИpiILpjI8T229T229&p&p&Syracuse, New YorkpmId905 Gill StreetChittena;pngoNew York13037U.S.A;poIJqT229ИqqILqrI8T229T229&q&q&Syracuse, New YorkquId905 Gill StreetChittena;qngoNew York13037U.S.A;qqqqqqqqqqqI<o†William Vernon Petro\rЈU(‚PerƒIJrT232Иr…I‡ILrT232&r*Hocking Valley, OhiorT232'r Cleveland, OhiorV260аr‹IЧr2 ŒIЦrI‰IЦrŽIDHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parаrma, OhioаrIJsT232Иs’I•ILsT232&s”I<Coalridge, Noble County, sOhiosT232's Cleveland, OhiosV95аs™IЧs21šIЦs v›I—IЦs.Twin of Joseph TretockаsIJtT232ИtŸIЂILtT232&tЁI^Austro-Hungarian Empire (tlater Czechoslovakia)tT232't Cleveland, OhiotV260аtІIЧt2 ЇIЦtЈIЄIЦtЉIDHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parаtma, OhioаtЋIJuT232Иu­IБILuT232&uЏInSpiski, Austro-Hungarian uАIEmpire (later Czechoslovaukia)uT232'u Cleveland, OhiouV260аuЕIЧu2 ЖI-КIЦuЗIГIЦuИIDHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parаuma, OhioаuT232аuЛIЙIЦuKatherineаuqqqqСI<senederic Carl Petersen\vЈU(‚PevУIJvT229ИvХILvT229&v,Palo Alto, CaliforniavT235AаvЩIЧv2'ЪI-вIЦvЫIЧIЦvЬIBS cum laude Mechanical EаvЭIngineering, University ofаvЮI the Pacific, Stockton, CаvЯIalifornia; MS EngineeringаvаI, University of Californiаva at Davisаv$33; T333аvгIбIЦv FredаvеIDSanta BarbaraCaliforni;vaU.S.A;vзI<rsen, Jr. Petersen, Jr..wЈU(‚PewйIJwT229ИwлILwмI8T229V190&w&wоI4Santa Barbara, CaliforniawwрI<stPatricia Louise Pabst\xЈU(‚PaxтIJxT229ИxфILxхI8T229V190&x&x*Pasadena, CaliforniaxшI<n†Daniel Ryan Petersen\yЈU(‚PeyъIJyT229ИyьILyT229&yюIBSingapore, Republic of SiyngaporeyUnknown;yёI<tersenMitchell Petersen\zЈU(‚PezѓIJzT229ИzѕILzT229&zїI4Santa Barbara, CaliforniazzUnknown;zqqqqqqqJJ{T229И{JL{J6E14T229&{&{J4San Francisco, California{{T235Aа{ JЧ{2& J'JJЦ{Р JJЦ{ JNValedictorian, Casa Grandа{e High Schoolа{T235Aа{J JЦ{JЌBA cum laude Business Admа{Jinistration, University oа{Jf the Pacific, Stockton, а{Californiaа{T235Aа{JJЦ{(Computer programmerа{J8WindsorCaliforniaU.S;{.A;{JJ|T229И|JL|T229&|.Bellingham, Washington|T235Aа|JЧ|2' J%JЦ|!JJЦ|"JhBA Business Administratioа|#Jn, Sonoma State Universitа|yа|T235Aа|&J$JЦ|$Financial analystа|(J8WindsorCaliforniaU.S;|.A;|*J<Salled Lawrence LaSalle\}ЈU(‚La},JJ}T229И}.J1JL}/J:T229T230C&}&}"Washington State}T230B'}T230Bа}4JЧ}25J89JЦ}6J2JЦ}7JB40-year employee of Pacifа}ic Bellа}T230Bа}Bе:J8JЦ}75 yearsа};JЬPr};JB}qqqAJ<rdtirley Jean Reinhardt\~ЈU(‚Re~CJJ~T229И~EJL~T229&~"Washington State~HJJT229ИJJLKJ6E14T229&&*Petaluma, CaliforniaT235BаOJЧ2'PJVJ4[JЦQJMJЦRJЂBS cum laude Hotel and ReаSJstaurant Administration, аTJUniversity of Nevada-Las аVegasа2T235BаWJUJЦXJ”Computer services technicаYJian; owner of Bright Prodаuctions Web Site DesignаV180аЂВZJЦ]JDRohnert ParkCalifornia;U.S.A.;_JJ€T229И€aJL€T229&€cJfU.S. Air Force Academy, C€dJolorado Springs, Colorado€€2T235Bа€gJЧ€2hJЦ€iJeJЦ€jJ„Accountant assistant; ownа€kJer of Bright Productions а€Web Site Designа€mJDRohnert ParkCalifornia;€U.S.A.;€oJJT229ИqJLT229&,Corpus Christi, TexasqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ<e†Susan Janet McIntyre\‚ЈU(‚Mc‚ƒJJ‚T229И‚…JL‚T229&‚,Shreveport, Louisiana‚ˆJJƒ‰J6V28T280ИƒИƒ‹JŒJLƒV28&ƒT280'ƒŽJJ„V28И„J“JL„‘J6V28T280&„&„*Dunnsville, New York„T280'„•JNSt. Peter's Hospital, Alb„any, New York„T280а„˜JЧ„2/™JJЁJ+ЅJ ЋJЦ„šJ–JЦ„›JBWest Berne, New York (194а„3-2006)а„T280а„žJœJЦ„ŸJFPostal clerk, West Berne,а„ New Yorkа„T280а„ЂJ JЦ„ЃJHGallupville United Methodа„ist Churchа„T280а„ІJЄJЦ„ЇJєHead of Ladies Aide, Gallа„ЈJupville United Methodist а„ЉJChurch; Gallupville Senioа„ЊJr Citizens; Friendly Leagа„ue in Berne, New Yorkа„ж­JЌJЦ„T280а„ЎJ\Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gа„uilderland, New Yorkа„ЏJЭPr„ЏJB„qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJJ…V28И…УJL…V28&…ХJJ†V28И†ЧJL†V28&†ЩJJ‡V28И‡ЫJL‡V28&‡ЭJJˆV28ИˆЯJLˆV28&ˆбJ<llKevin Martin Cornwell\‰ЈU(‚Co‰гJJ‰V28И‰еJL‰жJ4E14V28&‰&‰иJ4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;‰;‰кJ<ellaig Gilbert Cornwell\ŠЈU(‚CoŠмJJŠV28ИŠоJLŠпJ4E14V28&Š&ŠаŠтJЧŠ2'уJЦŠŠЯфJрJЦŠхJ>BA Biology, Cornell UniveаŠrsityаŠчJœRD#2, Box 299Barton Hill;ŠшJ RoadSchoharieNew York;ŠщJ12157U.S.A.(518) 295-71;Š64;ŠыJJ‹V28И‹эJL‹V28&‹*Mt. Vision, New York‹№J<Cooper Elizabeth Cooper\ŒЈU(‚CoŒђJJŒV29ИŒєJLŒV29&Œ$Milford, New YorkŒqqqqqqqqqqKJV28ИKKLV28&GreeceV28'New York StateKJŽV29ИŽ K KLŽV29&ŽGreeceŽV29'ŽNew York StateŽKJV29ИKKLV29&,Cooperstown, New YorkV29'KJV29ИKKLV29&,Cooperstown, New YorkV29'$Oneonta, New YorkK<ooperm Alexander Cooper\‘ЈU(‚Co‘KJ‘V29И‘ K< š†Flora Alzera Newton\(’ЈU(‚Ne’"KJ’V29И’$KJ“V29И“&K<anyma Elizabeth McAbany\”ЈU(‚Mc”(KJ”V29И”*KL”V29&”Canada”-KJ•V29И•/KL•V29&•1K\RD#2, Box 155AOneontaN;•ew York13820U.S.A.;•qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAKJ–T264И–CK4SmyrnaNew YorkU.S.A.;–;–EKJ—E14И—GKL—HK8E14T264E&—&—*Binghamton, New York—T269а—LKЧ—2&MK'QKUKЦ—ЦNKJKЦ—OKTGraduate Richfield Springа—s Central Schoolа—T269а—RKPKЦ—SKRBMus Crane School of Musiа—c, SUNY Potsdamа—T273а—VKTKЦ—WKVManagement, Bernard Passmа—an Gallery (2000)а—YKž5900 Sky Pointe DriveBui;—ZKlding 20, Apartment 1011;—[KLas VegasNevada89103U.;—S.A;—]K<ithika Ann Louise Smith\˜ЈU(‚Sm˜_KJ˜E14ȘaKL˜bK8E14T264E&˜&˜.Johnson City, New York˜Unknown;˜fKJ™V28И™hKL™V28&™jKDHuntington, Long Island, ™New York™а™mKЧ™2nK-rKЦ™oKkKЦ™pKZFrench and Spanish teacheа™r, Mohawk, New Yorkа™а™sKqKЦ™Sueа™uKvWoodsong622 Teacup Stree;™vKtCold BrookNew York133;™24U.S.A;™qqqqqqqqqK<risnjamin Burton Vooris\šЈU(‚VošƒKJšV28Иš…KˆKLšV28&š‡KDOyster Bay, Long Island, šNew YorkšV28'šŠK|St. Albans Veterans Adminš‹Kistration Hospital, Queenšs, New YorkšK<eraugiana Meta Wetterau\›ЈU(‚We›KJ›V28И›‘KL›V28&›“KDHicksville, Long Island, ›New York›•K<iswold Annette Griswold\œЈU(‚Grœ—KJœL80Иœ™KœKLœšK4L80N13&œ&œ(Worcester, New YorkœKPL80N13'œN12C'œŸKBMemorial Hospital, New Yoœrk CityœN13аœЂKЧœ2ЃK ІK/ЊK8­K1АKЦœЄK KЦœ2Schenevus Baptist ChurchаœN13аœЇKЅKЦœЈKTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаœcester, New YorkаœN13аœЋKЉKЦœ(Schenevus, New YorkаœN13аœJАЎKЌKЦœ53 yearsаœM80аœБKЏKЦœ"no children"аœГKT2 East StreetSchenevus;œNew YorkU.S.A.;œДKЮPrœДKBœqqqqqqqqqqСKJD98ИУKХKLN15&$Decatur, New YorkЦK4N15M80''ШKXWorcester Nursing Home, Worcester, New YorkN15аЫKЧ2ЬKЦЭKЩKЦFarmerаUnknown;ЯKЯPrЯKBвKJžгK4L80N12ИžИžеKзKLžN13&ž$Deposit, New YorkžN13'žйKPBassett Hospital, Coopersžtown, New YorkžN13аžмKЧž2нKрK фK/чK8ыKЦžоKкKЦžFarmerаžN13аžсKпKЦžтK6Schenevus Methodist ChurcаžhаžN13аžхKуKЦž$Maryland CemeteryаžN13аžшKцKЦžщK4Maryland, New York (1915)аžаžN13аžB ЄьKъKЦž78 yearsаžюK>RD 1MarylandNew York;žU.S.A;žяKаPržяKBžqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqLJŸ2L3M29ИŸLLŸM151&ŸNew York StateŸL78аŸLЧŸ2 LЦŸ LLЦŸ L\Maple View Cemetery, EastаŸ Worcester, New YorkаŸ LJ L77И LL L77' *Bainbridge, New York L4N75L77а LЧ 2L L-LЦ LLЦ а L~Married William L. Griggsа L in Methodist Church; Bapа tist funeralа L4L70L77а LLЦ а L8Ninevah (New York) Cemeteа ryа L77а LLЦ Mayа 2AftonNew YorkU.S.A.; !LбPr !LB $L<t†Minnie Aletha Albert\ЁЈU(‚AlЁ&LJЁ2L3M86ИЁ(L*LLЁM79&Ё(Worcester, New YorkЁM79'ЁM79аЁ-LЧЁ2 .L42L75LЦЁ/L+LЦЁ0L`Cobleskill Rural CemeteryаЁ, Cobleskill, New YorkаЁM86аЁЂQ3L1LЦЁ2Charlotteville, New YorkаЁM86аЁЂ Š4LЦЁ7L<CobleskillNew YorkU.;ЁS.A.;ЁqqqqqqqqALJЂBLVL3, L70M64ИЂM40ИЂDLFLLЂEL4L78M64&Ђ&ЂGL4L78M21'Ђ'ЂLLVL3, L70L78аЂJLЧЂ2 KL-PLЦЂMLHLЦЂM64аЂNL\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЂ Worcester, New YorkаЂN13аЂQLOLЦЂViannaаЂSLBEast WorcesterNew York;ЂU.S.A;ЂULJЃL73ИЃWLYLLЃXLNL78M64&ЃM78&ЃZL4L78M64'Ѓ'Ѓ_L4L78M64аЃ]LЧЃ2 ^LЦЃ`L[LЦЃаЃaL\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЃ Worcester, New YorkаЃcLDEast WorcesterNew York;ЃU.S.A.;ЃdLвPrЃdLBЃgLJЄ"M82-M83ИЄiLjLLЄM116&ЄM116'ЄL70аЄmLЧЄ2-nLЦЄoLkLЦЄ BertаЄUnknown;ЄqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqLJЅ‚L4L70L77ИЅИЅ„L†LLЅM115&Ѕ0Cherry Valley, New YorkЅM115'ЅTampa, FloridaЅ0Wedding noticeаЅŠLЧЅ2‹L L1’LЦЅŒLˆLЦЅLRMarried Matie Albert in MаЅethodist ChurchаЅM115аЅLŽLЦЅ$Ninevah, New YorkаЅаЅ“L‘LЦЅ”LvSecond Griggs child Mrs. аЅ•LClifford Sharlow of MasseаЅna, N.Y.аЅ2AftonNew YorkU.S.A.;Ѕ˜L< š†Hiram Moses Spooner\(ІЈU(‚SpІšLJІ›L4L70M86ИІИІL LLІžL4M79M82&І&І2Charlotteville, New YorkІЁL4M79M82'І'І*Cobleskill, New YorkІM82аІЅLЧІ2 ІL.ЊL8­L1АLЦІЇLЃLЦІЈL`Cobleskill Rural CemeteryаІ, Cobleskill, New YorkаІ.M82аІЋLЉLЦІ&Suicide by hangingаІM82аІ‘ЎLЌLЦІ70 yearsаІM86аІБLЏLЦІВL^"First wife died in June,аІ remarried in August"аІДL<CobleskillNew YorkU.;ІS.A.;ІЕLгPrІЕLBІqqqqqqqqqСLJЇ.L70ИЇУLЦLLЇФL4L72N13&Ї&Ї"Summit, New YorkЇЧL4L72N13'Ї'ЇЩLBHome in East Worcester, NЇew YorkЇN13аЇЬLЧЇ2ЭL бL-жL1кL.оL/тL8хLЦЇЮLЪLЦЇЯL@Charlotteville Methodist аЇChurchаЇвLNL78M64аЇгLаLЦЇN13аЇдL\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЇ Worcester, New YorkаЇM64аЇзLеLЦЇиLJName on gravestone is "FlаЇora Albert"аЇаЇлLйLЦЇмLPDivorced from Bert WinnieаЇ, date unknownаЇN13аЇпLнLЦЇрLT"result of a stroke suffeаЇred last August"аЇN13аЇуLсLЦЇ2East Worcester, New YorkаЇN13аЇ˜цLфLЦЇ65 yearsаЇUnknown;ЇшLдPrЇшLBЇыLJЈьL4L70M82ИЈИЈюL№LLЈM82&Ј2Charlotteville, New YorkЈM68'ЈђLbPalatine Nursing Home, PaЈlatine Bridge, New YorkЈM82аЈѕLЧЈ2 іL/њLЦЈїLѓLЦЈјLDDorloo Cemetery, Dorloo, аЈNew YorkаЈћL4M82M82аЈќLљLЦЈаЈ§L`Seward, New York (1937); аЈ"of Janesville" (1968)аЈUnknown;ЈqMеPrЈMBЈMJЉMNL70M79ИЉM82ИЉM82аЉMЧЉ2-MЦЉ MMЦЉJ. Clark HandyаЉ M4SewardNew YorkU.S.A.;Љ;Љ MJЊL70ИЊM82аЊMЧЊ2/M1MЦЊMMЦЊ.Utica, New York (1937)аЊN41аЊMMЦЊMV"... had four sons and fiаЊve daughters ..."аЊUnknown;ЊM< š†Leslie Mabbett, Sr..(ЋЈU(‚MaЋMJЋM4L70M82ИЋИЋM MLЋM82&Ћ(Johnstown, New YorkЋM82'Ћ"M\Little Falls Hospital, LiЋttle Falls, New YorkЋM82аЋ%MЧЋ2&M,M 0M14M87M/:MЦЋ'M#MЦЋ(MФEmployee of Utica KnittinаЋ)Mg Company; proprietor of аЋ*MMabbett Adult Home, Fort аЋPlain, New York (1951)аЋM82аЋ-M+MЦЋ.M6St. Paul's Lutheran ChurcаЋhаЋM82аЋ1M/MЦЋ2MRGrandview Cemetery, WhiteаЋsboro, New YorkаЋаЋ5M3MЦЋ"Several childrenаЋM82аЋ8M6MЦЋ79 yearsаЋM82аЋ;M9MЦЋM<WhitesboroNew YorkU.;ЋS.A.;Ћq@MжPrЋ@MBЋCMJЌL70ИЌHMNM79M82аЌFMЧЌ2/GMЦЌIMDMЦЌM82аЌJM€East Springfield, New YorаЌKMk (1937); "Lives in IrvinаЌg, TX" (1968)аЌUnknown;ЌNMJ­L70И­а­QMЧ­21RM/UMЦ­SMOMЦ­3 sonsа­VM4M82M82а­WMTMЦ­а­XMhSharon Springs, New York а­YM(1937); "of Sharon" (1968а­)а­Unknown;­\MJЎ$L27, L70ИЎаЎ_MЧЎ21`M/cMЦЎaM]MЦЎ3 sonsаЎаЎdMbMЦЎeMRAssociated with Sharon SpаЎrings, New YorkаЎgMJЏL70ИЏlM4M82M82аЏjMЧЏ2/kMЦЏmMhMЦЏаЏnMjOneonta, New York (1937);аЏoM "of Phoenix, Ariz." (196аЏ8)аЏUnknown;ЏqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqАHЈ…e‚MJАL70ИАL70аА…MЧА2†M/‰MЦА‡MƒMЦА"Funeral directorаАŠMNM79M82аА‹MˆMЦАM82аАŒMrOneonta, New York (1937);аАM "Lives in Phoenix, AZ" аА(1968)аАUnknown;АMJБL71ИБ’M”MLБ"M82-M83&Б2East Worcester, New YorkБ"M82-M83'Б–MTSt. Joseph's Hospital, SyБracuse, New YorkБ"M82-M83аБ™MЧБ2šM M ЅM1ЈM/ЋMЦБ›M—MЦБœM School teacher; superinteаБMndent of Weekday School oаБžMf Religion, Norwich, New аБYorkаБ"M82-M83аБЁMŸMЦБЂM€United Church of Christ FаБЃMirst Congregational, NorwаБich, New YorkаБM83аБІMЄMЦБ$Mt. Hope CemeteryаБ$M55, M78аБЉMЇMЦБNo childrenаБЌM<M78M82-M83аБ­MЊMЦБаБЎMЌ"Lived in Norwich, NY" anаБЏMd Dewitt, New York (1968)аБАM; Ithaca and FayettevilleаБ, New YorkаБВM4NorwichNew YorkU.S.A;Б;БГMзPrБГMBБqqqqqqqqqqqСMJВТM4L71L77ИВИВ"M82-M83аВХMЧВ2ЦM1ЬM/ЯMЦВЧMУMЦВШM˜Senior vice-president, NaаВЩMtional Bank and Trust ComаВЪMpany of Norwich, New YorkаВаВM55аВЭMЫMЦВNo childrenаВ"M82-M83аВаMЮMЦВбMfDewitt, Norwich, Ithaca aаВвMnd Fayetteville, New YorkаВаВдM4NorwichNew YorkU.S.A;В;ВжMJГL71ИГиMйMLГM116&ГкM6M78M116'Г'Г137аГнMЧГ2оM уM1цM/щM-ьMЦГпMлMЦГрMxFirst Baptist Church of WаГсMorcester, East Worcester,аГ New YorkаГM78аГфMтMЦГ2East Worcester, New YorkаГ.M78аГчMхMЦГOne sonаГ"M82-M83аГъMшMЦГ2East Worcester, New YorkаГM116аГэMыMЦГBeaаГяMBEast WorcesterNew York;ГU.S.A;Г№MиPrГ№MBГqqqqqqqqqqqqqqNJДN4L71L77ИДИДаДNЧД21NЦДNNЦДOne sonаД NBEast WorcesterNew York;ДU.S.A;Д NJЕ N4L71L77ИЕИЕM78аЕNЧЕ2/NЦЕN NЦЕ$Massena, New YorkаЕN6MassenaNew YorkU.S.A;Е.;ЕNйPrЕNBЕNJЖNP363M61ИЖM184ИЖNNLЖNHL3M&Ж186&ЖNVLancaster, Worcester CounЖty, MassachusettsЖ2L3M61'Ж Nf13-14, 20, 35, 39-40, 4аЖ!N4-49, 96, 100, 125аЖаЖ#NЧЖ2*$N(N /N83N/8N ;N->NЦЖ%NNЦЖ&NzMember of State Assembly аЖ'N1816-17; six Worcester ToаЖwn officesаЖк *N)NЦЖ9, 13аЖ+NІJoined First Baptist ChurаЖ,Nch of Summit; church clerаЖ-Nk 1813-1819; excommunicatаЖed 1817аЖ,L3аЖ0N.NЦЖ1NTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЖcester, New YorkаЖ4NLL3M16аЖЂ+5N2NЦЖM61аЖ6N863 years, 7 months, 25 daаЖysаЖ9, 13аЖ9N7NЦЖ:N>Worcester and Summit, NewаЖ YorkаЖЪьNNЦЙ&L43, L121аЙ‘NˆReceived Second Baptist CаЙ’Nhurch, Worcester, NY; witаЙhdrew Oct 27 1855аЙ223аЙ•N“NЦЙ–NtAnother Frederick Albert аЙ—Nlisted as Worcester FenceаЙ ViewerаЙ™N:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;Й.A.;ЙšNмPrЙšNBЙNJКžNZL3M61ИКM196, M199ИК NЂNLКЁNPL40M61&КM196&КЃNjL53L78'КЄNM61M196'К'КІNŽOfficers of the Town of WаКЇNorcester 1797-196451-53аК, 55, 60, 102аКЉNЧК2*ЊN ЏN4ГNЦКЋNЅNЦКЌN†Town of Worcester OverseeаК­Nr of Highways 10 years; аКPoundmaster 1837аКL40аКАNЎNЦКБNTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаКcester, New YorkаКL31аКВNЦКДNнPrКДNBКqqqqqqqqqqСNJЛ2L3M61ИЛУNХNLЛФN4L40M61&Л&ЛЦN4L40M61'Л'ЛM46аЛЩNЧЛ2 ЪN7ЮNЦЛЫNЧNЦЛЬNTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЛcester, New YorkаЛM15аЛЪNЭNЦЛаNJМбNjL3M66ИМвNM195M213ИМИМдNиNLМеN6M66M212&М&МзN6Schoharie County, New YorМkМйN4L3M212'М'МL3аМмNЧМ2 нN-сN/хNшNЦМоNкNЦМпNTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаМcester, New YorkаМтN8M195M212аМуNрNЦМаМMary LouiseаМ&M212-M213аМцNфNЦМ$Ames, Iowa (1883)аМ&M212-M213аМщNчNЦМъNBFirst Baptist Church, AmeаМs, IowaаМUnknown;МьNоPrМьNBМяNJНL40ИНёNѓNLНђN>L34, L40M61&Н&НєN4L40M61'Н'НL40аНїNЧН2 јN+ќN4OЦНљNѕNЦНњNTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаНcester, New YorkаНM61аН§NћNЦНўN:Masonic emblem on gravestаНoneаНqL40аН)OЦНOпPrНOBНOJОO4L40M61ИОИОO OLО O4L40M61&О&О O4L40M61'О'ОM46аОOЧО2 OЦОO OЦОOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаОcester, New YorkаОOJПO4L40M61ИПИПOOLПONM61L34&ПM15&ПM61'ПM22аПOЧП2 O4 OЦПOOЦПOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаПcester, New YorkаПL40аП+OЦП"OJРL40ИР$OLРL40&РL40аР'OЧР2-(OЦР)O%OЦР MindaаР*OрPrР*OBР-OJС$L34, L40ИС/OJТ2L4M61ИТ1O2OLТ,L4&Т3OfL4L53'Т4OL78M61'Т'Т 30, 59аТ7OЧТ2*8OO=OЦТL51аТ@OˆReceived Second Baptist CаТqAOhurch, Worcester, N.Y.; dаТeacon May 5, 1860аТM22аТDOBOЦТEOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаТcester, New YorkаТM49аТb:HOFOЦТ&Age 20 at marriageаТKONL50M11аТZGLOIOЦТM61аТMO834 years, 4 months, 25 daаТysаТM49аТPONOЦТ"Summit, New YorkаТQOсPrТQOBТTOJУL40ИУM49аУWOЧУ2,XO/[OЦУb:YOUOЦУ&Age 22 at marriageаУM49аУ\OZOЦУ]O6Worcester, New York (1850аУ)аУ^OтPrУ^OBУaOJФL50ИФcOJХdO<L4, L50M61ИХИХfOhOLХgO6L4, L50&Х&ХiOpL4, L50L53'ХjOL78M61'Х'ХM53аХmOЧХ2 nO8rOЦХoOkOЦХpOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаХcester, New YorkаХsOVL4, L50M11аХТItOqOЦХM61аХuO813 years, 6 months, 15 daаХysаХvOуPrХvOBХqqqqqqqqOJЦ‚O4L50L53ИЦИЦ„OЧЦ2…O(‹OЦЦТP‡O†OЦЦ$L54, L57аЦˆOnSecond grade teaching cerаЦ‰Otificate, Otsego County, аЦN.Y.аЦL53аЦŒOŠOЦЦOJSchool principal, HoustonаЦ, MinnesotaаЦŽOфPrЦŽOBЦ‘OJЧL70ИЧL70аЧ”OЧЧ2-•OЦЧ–O’OЦЧ DickyаЧUnknown;Ч™OJШ2L4M62ИШ›OœOLШ.L10&ШO4L10L53'Ш'ШL22аШ OЧШ2 ЁO8ЅOЦШЂOžOЦШЃOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаШcester, New YorkаШІONL10L22аШ‚NЇOЄOЦШM62аШЈO872 years, 7 months, 14 daаШysаШЉOхPrШЉOBШЌOJЩL10ИЩЎOLЩL10&Щ58-61аЩБOЧЩ2*ВOЦЩГOЏOЦЩДOfTown of Worcester PathmasаЩЕOter 1852, 1855-1857, 1859аЩаЩЗO:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;Щ.A.;ЩИOцPrЩИOBЩqqqqqqСOJЪТO4L10M62ИЪИЪФOХOLЪ.L10&ЪЦONL10L78'ЪM62'Ъ49аЪЩOЧЪ2*ЪO ЮO8гO4иOЦЪ&ЫOЧOЦЪЬONTown of Worcester OverseeаЪr of HighwaysаЪЯO4L10L22аЪаOЭOЦЪаЪбOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЪcester, New YorkаЪдONL10L22аЪ"=еOвOЦЪM62аЪжO825 years, 2 months, 12 daаЪysаЪM199аЪ‚#зOЦЪкOJЫL20ИЫмOоOLЫнONL10M12&ЫM62&ЫпONL30M12'ЫM62'Ы*Binghamton, New YorkЫхO4L20M50аЫуOЧЫ2фO*ьO ёO8іO-ќO.P7PЦЫцOсOЦЫаЫчOPFarmer, South Hill, WorceаЫster, New YorkаЫщOœOfficers of the Town of WаЫъOorcester 1797-196459, 6аЫыO1, 64, 67, 70, 72-80аЫаЫэOшOЦЫюOxTown of Worcester PathmasаЫяOter 17 years between 1855аЫ and 1901аЫђO4L20L22аЫѓO№OЦЫаЫєOTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЫcester, New YorkаЫL10аЫ"Š}їOѕOŠ}њOљOЦЫјO884 years, 9 months, 23 daаЫysаЫL21AаЫ84y-3mаЫ 73, 80аЫ§OћOЦЫWesley, W.J.аЫL30аЫqŠ}PўOЦЫPJPneumonia following canceаЫr operationаЫL21AаЫŠ}PPЦЫ(Worcester, New YorkаЫPчPrЫPBЫ P<urga Ann Van Valkenburg\ЬЈU(‚VaЬ PJЬL20ИЬ PPLЬPNL10M12&ЬM62&ЬPNL10M12'ЬM62'ЬL22аЬPЧЬ2 P8PЦЬPPЦЬPTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЬcester, New YorkаЬL10аЬb~PPЦЬP873 years, 3 months, 28 daаЬysаЬP< š†Samuel Henry Albert\(ЭЈU(‚AlЭPJЭP6L10M199ИЭИЭ!P"PLЭL10&ЭM199'ЭM199аЭ%PЧЭ24&P )PЦЭ+'P#PЦЭ0Otsego County, New YorkаЭM199аЭ*P(PЦЭ+PPMt. View Cemetery, PasadeаЭna, CaliforniaаЭ-PJЮL10ИЮ/PLЮL10&Ю1PЧЮ2 2PЦЮzF4P3PЦЮ94аЮ5PZCo. I, 152nd New York VoаЮlunteers, Civil WarаЮqqqqqqqqqqЭвЮЯаegAPшPrЮAPBЮDPJЯL10ИЯFPLЯL10&ЯHPJаIPPL22M62ИаM199ИаKPLPLа.L10&аMPNL10M13'аM62'аRP4L10L22ааPPЧа2 QP8VPЦаSPNPЦаааTPTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worааcester, New YorkааWPNL10M62аа"1XPUPЦаL22аа"9 months, 4 daysааZPJбL41ИбПei\PщPrб\PBб_PJв`P4L23M63ИвИвbPdPLвcP4L23M63&в&вM63'вL102авgPЧв2 hPЦвiPePЦвjPTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worавcester, New YorkавlPJгmP4L23M63ИгИгoPpPLгM63&гM63'гM63агsPЧг2 tPЦгuPqPЦгvPTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worагcester, New YorkагwPъPrгwPBгqqqqqqqPJдL29ИдƒP…PLдL29&д(Worcester, New YorkдL29'дL159адˆPЧд2‰P*ŒP P1”P4—PЦдŠP†PЦдFarmerад81адpP‹PЦдŽPNTown of Worcester Overseeадr of HighwaysадL29ад‘PPЦд’PTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worадcester, New YorkадL29ад•P“PЦд"3 children"адM62адV–PЦд˜PыPrд˜PBд›PJеL20ИеPЁPLеžP4M51N11&е&е PVTown of Worcester, Otsegoе County, New YorkеЂPHN11'еL20'еЄPXHome at 42 Main Street, Wеorcester, New YorkеN11аеЇPЧе2ЈP ЌP.БPЦеЉPЅPЦеЊP6Worcester Methodist Churcаеhае­P4M51N11аеЎPЋPЦеаеЏPPElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cаеreek, New YorkаеN11аеŠЁВPАPЦеHeart troubleаеДPV42 Main StreetWorcester;еNew YorkU.S.A.;еЕPьPrеЕPBеqqqqqqqqqСPJжТP4L20N11ИжИжФPХPLжL20&жL20'жUnknown;жШPJзL21ИзЪPЭPLзЫP6L26L21A&з&з2Near Worcester, New YorkзL26'зЯP@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, Neзw YorkзL26азвPЧз2гP зP/лP8пPЦздPаPЦзеP6Schenevus Methodist ChurcазhазL26азиPжPЦзйPTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worазcester, New YorkазL164азмPкPЦзнP6Elk Creek, New York (1930аз)азL21Aазš  рPоPЦз80 yearsазтP:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;з.A.;зуPэPrзуPBзцPJичP6L21L21AИиИищPэPLиъP6L21L21A&и&иьPBDecatur, Otsego County, Nиew YorkиL21'ияPVHome in Schenevus, Otsegoи County, New YorkиL26аиђPЧи2ѓP їP/ћP8QЦиєP№PЦиѕP@Farmer near Elk Creek, Neаиw YorkаиL24аијPіPЦиљPTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаиcester, New YorkаиL164аиќPњPЦи§P6Elk Creek, New York (1930аи)аиL21AаиqтœQўPЦи81y-5m-14dаиQ:SchenevusNew YorkU.S;и.A.;иQJйL29ИйQ QLйQ4L29M62&й&й Q4L29M62'й'йM62ай QЧй2 Q1QЦйQ QЦйQTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worайcester, New YorkайL29айQQЦй"3 children"айQJкQVT263T230ИкT230AИкQQLкT230&кT263'кQ8IndependenceOhioU.S.;кA.;кQ<lneckerhhhэ(‘мtлPXTлмt…`лQJл QPT263T230AИлИл=Q"QLлT230A'лT230Aал%QЧл2 &Q8)Q/,Q-0QЦл'Q#QЦл$U.S. Marine CorpsалT230AалRе*Q(QЦл76 yearsалT230Aал-Q+QЦл.Q4Independence, Ohio (2005)алалал1Q/QЦл"Bill, Uncle BillалUnknown;л3QюPrл3QBл.Independence OH - homeкWalton NYк8Q>Calvery cemetery, Clevelaакnd OHак:QЧк2 ;Q8ФЖЦк7QCooperstownNew YorkU;м.S.A.;мbQяPrмbQBмeQJнL20ИнgQhQLн.L20&нiQ4L20M62'н'нL20анlQЧн2 mQ8qQЦнnQjQЦнoQTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worанcester, New YorkанrQ4L20M62анК@sQpQЦнанtQ826 years, 7 months, 28 daанysанqqqqqqqqqqqQJоL20ИоƒQ„QLоL20&оL20'оL161ао‡QЧо2/ˆQЦо‰Q…QЦо,Schenectady, New YorkаоUnknown;оŒQJпQ4L20M51ИпИпUnknown;пQJр‘QlL20N11Ир’QC60GL161ИрИр”QLрC60G&рL161ар—QЧр2&˜Q ›Q-ŸQ/ЂQЦр™Q•QЦр2Worcester Central SchoolарL161арœQšQЦрQ6U.S. Army Infantry, Europарeарар QžQЦрBobарL161арЃQЁQЦр,Schenectady, New YorkарUnknown;рІQ< š†Betty Jane Campbell\(сЈU(‚CaсЈQJсЉQ6L20C60GИсИсЋQЌQLсC60G&сC60G'сL161асЏQЧс2&АQ ЕQ6ЙQ/МQЦсБQ­QЦсВQnGraduate of Draper CentraасГQl School, Schenevus, New асYorkасC60GасЖQДQЦсЗQPElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cасreek, New YorkасL20асКQИQЦсStillwellасL161асНQЛQЦс,Schenectady, New YorkасUnknown;сПQЋQrzСQJтТQ4L20N11ИтИтUnknown;тХQJуЦQ4L20N11ИуИуШQЩQLуL20&уL20'уL20ауЬQЧу2 ЭQ/аQЦуЮQЪQЦу(Elk Creek, New YorkауL161аубQЯQЦу,Schenectady, New YorkауUnknown;удQJфеQ4L20M62ИфИфзQиQLфM62&фM62'фL20афлQЧф2 мQЦфнQйQЦфоQTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worафcester, New YorkафрQ<nburgs Byron Vredenburg\хЈU(‚VrхтQJхL20ИхфQцQLхL20&х&New York, New YorkхL20'хM62ахщQЧх2 ъQЦхыQчQЦхьQTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worахcester, New YorkахюQJцL20Иц№QJчL20ИчqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqRJшRNL20L26ИшM62ИшRRLшM62&шR4L20M62'ш'шаш RЧш2& R RЦшq RRЦш RhGraduate Worcester High Sаш Rchool, Worcester, New YorашkашM62ашRRЦшRTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worашcester, New YorkашUnknown;шRJщRNL20L26ИщM62ИщRRLщR6L26L162&щ&щ(Worcester, New YorkщL26'щRdChase Memorial Nursing Hoщme, New Berlin, New Yorkщ0L162ащRЧщ2& R'#R(R/R 3R+8RЦщ!RRЦщ,Worcester High Schoolащ0L162ащ$R"RЦщ%R‚Schenevus Training Class ащ&Rof 1911; Oneonta State Teащachers Collegeащ)RJL26L162ащ*R'RЦщащ+RИ4th and 5th grade teacherащ,R, Charlotte Valley Centraащ-Rl School, Davenport, New ащYork (1939-1964)ащL26ащ0R.RЦщ1R6Davenport Methodist Churcащhащ4R4L26M62ащ5R2RЦщащ6RTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worащcester, New YorkащL26ащ9R7RЦщ:RHN.Y.S. Retired Teachers AащssociationащSchenectadyNew YorkU;є.S.A.;єгRJѕL21ИѕеR4DelmarNew YorkU.S.A.;ѕ;ѕзRJіL21ИійR>SchenectadyNew YorkU;і.S.A.;ілRJїL21ИїUnknown;їоRJјL21ИјрRЧј2 сRЦј уRтRЦјL26ај$In U.S.A. serviceајUnknown;ј јљњe„чRJљL21ИљщR>SchenectadyNew YorkU;љ.S.A.;љыRJњL21ИњUnknown;њюRJћL21Ић№RёRLћL23&ћL21'ћqqqqqqqqqqqqqqSJќL21ИќSJ§L21И§SJўS4L24M63ИўИўS SLўM63&ўM63'ўM63аў SЧў2  S6SЦўS SЦўSTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаўcester, New YorkаўN15аўSSЦўClenDenningаўSJџL24ИџSSLџL24&џ(Worcester, New YorkџL24'џL24аџSЧџ2 S/ SЦџSSЦџSTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаџcester, New YorkаџL164аџ!SSЦџ"S6Schenevus, New York (1939аџ)аџ#SѓPrџ#SBџ&SJL24ИL164а)SЧ2/*SЦ+S'SЦ,S6Schenevus, New York (1939а)а-SєPr-SB0SJL24И2S5SL3S4L24N15&&(Worcester, New York6S4L24N15''8S@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, New YorkN15а;SЧ2SBFarmer; mechanic; glove bаusinessаqBS4L24N15аCS@SЦаDSTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkа&L164, N15аGSESЦ*Chaseville, New YorkаHSѕPrHSBKSJL24ИL25аNSЧ21OS/SSЦPSLSЦQSdDaughters Mrs. Ernest Rusаs, Mrs. Marion Maddaloneа&L164, N15аTSRSЦUSH"of Westford;" Chasevilleа, New YorkаWSJL24ИL24аZSЧ2 [S/^SЦ\SXSЦ$Oneonta, New Yorkа&L164, N15а_S]SЦ2Oneonta, New York (1930)аaSJL27ИcSdSLL27&L27'fSJL27ИhSJL27ИjSDSharon SpringsNew York;U.S.A.;lSJL27ИUnknown;oSJL27ИqSDSharon SpringsNew York;U.S.A.;qqqqqqqqqqqqqqSJ L27И Alaska; „SJ L27И †SDSharon SpringsNew York; U.S.A.; ˆSJ $L21, L23И ŠSL L23& а SЧ 2&ŽS/“SЦ “S‹SЦ SnGraduate Worcester Centraа ‘Sl School, Worcester, New а Yorkа N15а ”S’SЦ (Worcester, New Yorkа –SJ L23И ˜S›SL ™S4L23N15& & (Worcester, New York N15' N15а žSЧ 2ŸS ЂSЇS ЊS8ЏS/ВS1ЖSЦ  SœSЦ ЁS\Military representative, а Motorola Corporationа ”ypyЄSЃSЦ N15а ЅSTRadio technician, Air Forа ce, World War IIа N15а ЈSІSЦ Methodistа ЋS4L23N15а ЌSЉSЦ а ­STMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа N15а вИАSЎSЦ 51 yearsа N15а ГSБSЦ ДSXHuntsville, Alabama and Wа orcester, New Yorkа N15а ЗSЕSЦ Two daughtersа ИSіPr ИSB qqqqqqСSJ L23И УSJL23ИХSLL23&ЧSJL21ИаЪSЧ2&ЫSЦЬSШSЦЭSnGraduate Worcester CentraаЮSl School, Worcester, New аYorkааSJL21ИвSJL21ИдSJL21ИжSJL21ИиSJL21ИкS<lerffrey Ethemer Teller\ЈU(‚TeмSJ.L21ИоSL&,Cooperstown, New YorkатSЧ2&уSЦГфSрSЦхSnGraduate Worcester CentraацSl School, Worcester, New аYorkаUnknown;щSJъS6L25L164ИИL25аэSЧ2-юS/ёSЦяSыSЦ GaryаL164ађS№SЦѓS6Kortright, New York (1939а)аqqqqqqqqqqqqTJT6L25L164ИИL25аTЧ2-T/ TЦTTЦAlbertаL164а TTЦ0Albany, New York (1939)а TJL25ИL164аTЧ2/TЦT TЦ0Albany, New York (1939)аTJL25ИL164аTЧ2/TЦTTЦT4Delanson, New York (1939)ааTJO11ИTїPrTBTJ T4O61O11ИИ"TLO61&O61а%TЧ21&T-*TЦ'T#TЦ(TRThird child of James and аHarriet LaMoureаO61а+T)TЦGarrettaа-T< š†John H. Dauley, Jr..(ЈU(‚Da/TJO10ИO10а2TЧ2 3T87TЦ4T0TЦ5T\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа Worcester, New YorkаO11а8T6TЦ Died in infancyа9TјPr9TBqqqqqATJBT4M64O11ИИDTETLM64&M64'O20аHTЧ2IT LTЦJTFTЦTeacherаM64аMTKTЦNT\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа Worcester, New YorkаOTљPrOTBRT<.†Miles W. Dauley, Sr..ЈU(‚DaTTJUT4O11O24ИИWTZTLO24&YT6Schoharie County, New YorkO24'O24а]TЧ2^T aT-eT/hT.mTЦ_T[TЦFarm managerаO24аbT`TЦcTXRiverside Cemetery, Whitnаey Point, New YorkаO11аfTdTЦ Miles H. DauleyаO24аiTgTЦjTnVestal (1892, 1900) and WаkThitney Point (1904), New аYorkаO24аТnTlTЦGrippeаpTBWhitney PointNew York;U.S.A.;qTњPrqTBqqqqqqqqqqqqqTJ‚T4O11O24ИИ„T…TLO24&O24'O24аˆTЧ2 ‰T-TЦŠT†TЦ‹TXRiverside Cemetery, Whitnаey Point, New YorkаO11аŽTŒTЦLucinda RoseаUnknown;‘TJ M64И “T”TL M64& M64' M64а —TЧ 2 ˜TЦ ™T•TЦ šT\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа  Worcester, New Yorkа &"Ч#exœTћPr œTB ŸTJ!O11И!ЁT<leyrriet Rosalia Dauley\"ЈU(‚Da"ЃTJ"O40И"ЅTІTL"O46&"O46'"O46а"ЉTЧ"2 ЊT-ЎTЦ"ЋTЇTЦ"ЌTDEast Worcester ("Lower") а"Cemeteryа"ЏTb273, 458; O43а"АT­TЦ"O20O46а""Hattie; Aunt Hatа"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСTJ#O11И#УTФTL#O200&#O200'#ЩT8O121O200а#ЧTЧ#2-ШTЦ#ЪTХTЦ#а#Aunt Etа#ЬTJ$O11И$O11а$ЯTЧ$2 аTЦ$бTЭTЦ$0East Worcester Cemeteryа$вTќPr$вTB$еTJ%O11И%зTJ&O10И&йTкTL&O28&&O10'&O10а&нTЧ&2 оT,тT.хTЦ&пTлTЦ&рT\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа& Worcester, New Yorkа&O10а&уTсTЦ&&No cemetery markerа&O28а&цTфTЦ&Cancerа&шTL'O10''O10а'ыTЧ'2 ьT,№TЦ'эTщTЦ'юT\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа' Worcester, New Yorkа'O10а'ёTяTЦ'&No cemetery markerа'qqqqqqqqqqqqqqUJ(O11И(O11а(UЧ(2 UЦ(UUЦ(U\Maple View Cemetery, Eastа( Worcester, New Yorkа(U§Pr(UB( UJ)M29И) UUL)M151&)New York State)M151')"Summit, New York)U8L70BM151а)UЧ)2U*U U-"UЦ)UUЦ)а)Blacksmithа)U8L70BM151а)UUЦ)а)UlSupervisor, Town of Summiа)Ut, 1847, 1848, 1865 and 1а)866а)L70Bа)UUЦ) ULOld Summit Cemetery, Summа)it, New Yorkа)M151а)#U!UЦ)Parliaа)%UJ*M29И*'U)UL*M151&*New York State*M151'*&Stamford, New York*,UЧ*2 -UЦ* g0U.UЦ*/U8M151L70Bа*а*1ULOld Summit Cemetery, Summа*it, New Yorkа*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAUJ+BU6M29M151И+И+DUFUL+M151&+New York State+M151'+HULFultonham, Schoharie Coun+ty, New York+M29а+KUЧ+21LUЦ+MUIUЦ+Ten childrenа+OU<n†Elizabeth M. Wharton\,ЈU(‚Wh,QUJ,RU6M29M151И,И,TUL,M151&,New York State,M29а,XUЧ,21YU-\UЦ,ZUVUЦ,Ten childrenа,M151а,]U[UЦ, Betsyа,_UJ-M29И-aUJ.M29И.cU< š†Mary Emmeline Brown\(/ЈU(‚Br/eUJ/M29И/gUiUL/M151&/New York State/M151'/M151а/lUЧ/2 mU1pUЦ/nUjUЦ/"Summit, New Yorkа/M29а/qUoUЦ/Nine childrenа/qqqqqqqqqqqqqqUJ0‚U6M29M151И0И0M29а0…UЧ021†UЦ0‡UƒUЦ0Nine childrenа0‰U<rownabeth Eleanor Brown\1ЈU(‚Br1‹UJ1M29И1UUL1M151&1New York State1M151'1M151а1’UЧ12 “UЦ1”UUЦ1"Summit, New Yorkа1•UўPr1•UB1˜U< š†Calvin Schermerhorn\(2ЈU(‚Sc2šUJ2M29И2œUJ3M29И3M29а3ŸUЧ328 UЦ3ЁUUЦ3ЂUJDied when he was about twа3o years oldа31‰8J:+/6Ÿ1985:<>eYЅUJ4M29И4M29а4ЈUЧ428ЉUЦ4ЊUІUЦ4ЋULDied when he was about foа4ur years oldа4­U<n†Cornelia Olive Brown\5ЈU(‚Br5ЏUJ5M29И5БUГUL5M151&5New York State5M151'5M151а5ЖUЧ52 ЗU8КUЦ5ИUДUЦ5"Summit, New Yorkа5M29а5"ЛUЙUЊGОUНUЦ5МU>Died when she was 11 yearа5s oldа5M151а5РU814 years, 6 months, 11 daа5qysа5ТUJ6M29И6ФUЦUL6M151&6"Summit, New York6M151'6,Schenectady, New York6M151а6ЪUЧ62 ЫUЦ6ЬUШUЦ6*Cobleskill, New Yorkа6ЮU:HyndsvilleNew YorkU.;6S.A;6аUJ7бU6M29M151И7И7M29а7дUЧ72еU5йUЦ7жUвUЦ7зU4"He was the doctor Bruce"а7а7M29а7кUиUЦ7Dr.а7мU<HyndsvilleNew YorkU.;7S.A.;7оUJ8M29И8рUL8M151&8New York State8M151а8фUЧ82-хUЦ8цUтUЦ8 Janeа8шU<nBroecksephus TenBroeck\9ЈU(‚Te9ъUJ9M29И9M151а9эUЧ92-юUЦ9яUыUЦ9 Flave Timbrooksа9ёUJ:M29И:ѓUL:M151&:New York State:M29а:їUЧ:21јU-ћUЦ:љUѕUЦ:Five childrenа:M151а:ќUњUЦ:Lusinaа:qqqVJ;M29И;M29а;VЧ;21VЦ;VVЦ;Five childrenа;V<wnHarriett Rosina Brown\<ЈU(‚Br< VJ<M29И< VL<M151&<New York State<M29а<VЧ<21V-VЦ<VVЦ<Three childrenа<M151а<VVЦ<Harrietа<VJ=M29И=VL=M151&=New York State=M29а=VЧ=21VЦ=VVЦ=Three childrenа=!V<Brownlia Emmajene Brown\>ЈU(‚Br>#VJ>M29И>%V'VL>M151&>"Summit, New York>M151'>&Stamford, New York>*VЧ>2 +V1/V-2VЦ>њŽ-V,VЦ>M151а>&Stamford, New Yorkа>M29а>0V.VЦ>Three childrenа>M151а>3V1VЦ>Emma Geneа>qqqqqqqqqqqqAV<y†Frederick M. Tingley\?ЈU(‚Ti?CVJ?DV6M29M151И?И?M29а?GVЧ?21HVЦ?IVEVЦ?Three childrenа?KVJ@M29И@а@NVЧ@2-OVЦ@PVLVЦ@Nellieа@RV<wnOphelia Matilda Brown\AЈU(‚BrATVJAM29ИA0M151аAWVЧA21XV-[VЦAYVUVЦANever marriedаAM151аA\VZVЦAMatildaаA^V<wnCaroline Amelia Brown\BЈU(‚BrB`VJBM29ИBаBcVЧB21dV-hVЦBeVaVЦBfV6Divorced Laurence HagadorаBnаBM151аBiVgVЦBCarrieаBjVџPrBjVBBmVJCM29ИCаCpVЧC21qVЦCrVnVЦCsV>Divorced Caroline Amelia аCBrownаCqqqqqqqqqqqqVJDM29ИDƒVJEM29ИE…VJFM29ИF‡V<n†Draper VanTuyl Brown\GЈU(‚BrG‰VJGŠVRM29L70BИGM151ИGŒVŽVLGM151&G"Summit, New YorkGM151'GVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouGnty, New YorkG&M151-M152аG“VЧG2”V-—VЦG•V‘VЦGFarmerаGM29аG˜V–VЦG*Draper Vantile BrownаG™VPrG™VBGœVJHV6M29M151ИHИHŸVЁVLHM151&HNew York StateHM151'HЃVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouHnty, New YorkHЅVЧH2ІV4ЋVЦHš`ЈVЇVЦHM151аHЉVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouаHnty, New YorkаHM151аH"’FЌVЊVbЎV­VЦH "??"аHM151аHЏVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouаHnty, New YorkаHБV<rownerick Tingley Brown\IЈU(‚BrIГVJIДV6M29M152ИIИIЖVЙVLIM152&IИVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouInty, New YorkIM152'I*Cobleskill, New YorkIM152аIНVЧI2ОV)УV ЦV+ЪVЦIРVЛVЦIqСVVFarmer; employee of SchenаIectady Army DepotаIM152аIФVТVЦI0Republican CommitteemanаIM152аIЧVХVЦIШVNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouаInty, New YorkаIM152аIЫVЩVЦIGrangeаIЭV<BreakabeenNew YorkU.;IS.A.;IЮVPrIЮVBIбV< š†George Parley Brown\(JЈU(‚BrJгVJJM29ИJеVJKM29ИKзVJLM29ИLM29аLкVЧL28лV-пVЦLмVиVЦLнVJDied when she was about 2аL0 years oldаLM151аLрVоVЦL OllieаLтVJMM29ИMфVBRichmondvilleNew York;MU.S.A.;MцVJNM29ИNM152аNщVЧN2-ъVЦNыVчVЦN LenaаNUnknown;NюVJOM29ИO№V8WorcesterNew YorkU.S;O.A;OqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqWJPM29ИPW:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;P.A.;PWJQM34ИQM34аQWЧQ2/ WЦQ WWЦQ W8From Harpersfield, New YoаQrkаQUnknown;Q WPrQ WBQWJRM34ИRM34аRWЧR2/W5WЦRWWЦRW<Harpersfield, New York (1аR853)аRM34аRWWЦR Rev.аRW>HarpersfieldNew York;RU.S.A;RUnknown;SWJT"B9, B42ИT W!WLT,B9, B42, B67&T"WNB9153, 154; X'T48-X49'T.Leeds, Ontario, CanadaTB9аT&WЧT2 'W7,W4.W/2W-WPrTq>WBTBWJU"B9, B67ИUDWLUB9&U2Dartmouth, MassachusettsUB9аUHWЧU2IW/LWЦUJWFWЦUQuakerаUB9аUMWKWЦUNWњDutchess County, New YorkаUOW; East Hoosick, New York аUPW(1785); Lanesboro, BerkshаUQWire County, MassachusettsаU (1790); Saratoga (1792)аURWPrURWBUUWJVVWHD45ИVB27ИVXW[WLVYWHB27, X42, X46&VB33&VNew York CityV\WrD45B35'V]W149; X46D45'V'V_W\Charlotte Precinct, DutchVess County, New YorkVB33аVbWЧV‹WdcW eW*jWmWqW3xW5|W-WЦVdW`WЦVFarmerаVоgWfWЦVB34аVhW@(to 1770) taxed as "Capt.аV Arie"аVB35аV:сkWiWЦVlWB(and 1765) Crum Elbow PatаVhmasterаVŠ ФoWnWЦVB33аVpW>Fishkill Dutch Reformed CаVhurchаVЉtWrWЦVsWXD45D45аVB27, B33аVuWh(or February 4) New York аVvWCity Dutch Reformed ChurcаVhаVB33аVЉyWwWЦVzW8Jacob and Aeltje van DeurаVseаVB34аV}W{WЦVCaptainаV€W†B26-B27, B33-B35аVq‚WD45140, 150;аVƒW~WЦV X42, X47аV„WVFebruary 3 or 4, 1705 givаV…Wen as date of baptism as аV†W"Arie Langet;" "Arie, senаV‡Wer [senior]"; Aeeri, AeerаVˆWie, Aerrie, Aern, Arey, AаV‰Wried, Arrie, Arre, Arye, аVHenry, Herrie, OrreyаVWF150; X47B33-BаV6ŒW/“W;œWЦVŽWŠWЦV35аVWВde Laenge, DeLaenge, DelaаVWng, Delange, DeLange, DeLаV‘Wangh, de long, Delong, DeаVLong, DelongeаVB33аV”W’WЦV•WЪMiddle Ward (1733); Crum аV–WElbow (later Charlotte), аV—WBeekman Precinct (1758), аV˜WDutchess County, New YorkаVаV(Baptism (Alternate)ЮFL;<h ўџАЦ$149; X46аVW›WЦVžWTFebruary 4, 1705 given asаV date of baptismаVŸWPrVŸWBVЂWJWЃWbD45D45ИWB27, B29, B33ИWЅWLWІW>B33149; X46&W&WЈW>Newtown, Long Island, NewW YorkWЊWЧW2ЋW;БW-ЕWЦWRЕЎWЌWЦW­W>B33149; X46аWаWЏW6Jamaica [Queens, New YorkаW]аWB33аWВWАWЦWГWVFebruary 10, 1717 given aаWs date of baptismаWЖW>150; X47B35аWЗWДWЦWаWAnn, AnneаWИWPrWИWBWqqqqqqСWJXB33ИXУWХWLX B39rev&X&Wiltwyck, New YorkX B39rev'X$Jamaica, New YorkXШWJYB19ИYЪWЮWLYЫW>B21, X40B22&Y&YЭW@Esopus, Ulster County, NeYw YorkYB26'YB23аYбWЧYљWdвW дW*кWрWуW3чW-ыW6яWЦYгWЯWЦYFarmerаYЏжWеWЦYB23аYзWUlster County militia; DuаYиWtchess County militia 171аY5; Captain 1719, 1737аYD23аY:ЗлWйWЦYмW Overseer of Kings HighwayаYнW, South Ward; also 1720-1аYоW736; Fishkill Assessor 17аY24-5аYB23аYсWпWЦYтW>Fishkill Dutch Reformed CаYhurchаYТ‘хWфWЦY$B21, B22аY&Kingston, New YorkаYB22аYТ‘шWцWЦYщW<Pieter Pieterson, Gretje аYJansаY"B22-B26аYьWъWЦYэWRffrans, France, Frances, аYFrancis, FransaаY№WFB22-B26136; XаYёWюWЦY40аYђW:de Lange, De Lang, De LanаYѓWge, DeLaenge, DeLang, deLаYєWange, deLangen, DeLangdonаYѕW, De Langh, DeLangh, deLaаYіWngen, deLang, deLangs, DeаYїWlong, DeLong, Du Langes, аYLangetаY"B22-B26аY/њW5XЦYћWјWЦYќWъNew York City (1703); UlsаY§Wter County, New York (171аYўW1); Beekman Patent (ArthuаYXrsburg), Dutchess County,аYџW­QrЎ New York (1714)аY$139; X41аYXXЦYCaptainаYXPrYXBYX< š†Maritje Van Schaick\(ZЈU(‚VaZ XJZB21ИZ X XLZB22&Z*Kinderhook, New YorkZB26'ZXЧZ2X-X/X1X4"X6$XЦZЊЖXXЦZB23аZX>Fishkill Dutch Reformed CаZhurchаZXR150, 155; X47, X49аZB26аZXXЦZ&Maria, Mary, MaryaаZ$B22, B26аZXXЦZX€Kinderhook, New York (170аZX3); Beekman, Dutchess CouаZnty, New YorkаZ$139; X41аZXXЦZ XR"She prob. was dau. of ClаZaas Van Shaick"аZB22аZ™!XЦZ$155; X49аZ%X#XЦZVan SchaakаZ&XPrZ&XBZ)XJ[B15И[+X-XL["B15-B16&[Netherlands[369'[0Ulster County, New York[B16а[1XЧ[22X 4X8X6XFDe Lang, DeLanguet, De Loа[@Xng, Ffrance, ffrancon, Frа[qAXance, Francen, Franken, Fа[BXrans, Franse, Fransen, Frа[CXanssen, Franze, Franzen, а[DXFreese, Lange, Langerth, а[Langet, Longа["B16-B20а[GXEXЦ[HXІNew Netherlands (1659); Eа[IXsopus (Kingston), New Yorа[JXk; (1670); "of Mombackus"а[ (1685)а[,B15-B20, B24а[MXKXЦ[NXдAdraien, Adriaan, Adriaenа[OX, Adrian, Adrianus, Arentа[PX, Arey, Ariaan, Ariaen, Aа[QXrian, Arien, Arrie, Ary, а[Aryanа[а[ЂTXRXЦ[&Kingston, New Yorkа[UX Pr[UXB[XXJ\B19И\ZXL\"B4, B20&\.Amsterdam, Netherlands\B20а\^XЧ\2_X-bX4eX6gX/kXЦ\`X\XЦ\Dutch Reformedа\*B4, B19-B20а\cXaXЦ\ Raachel, Rachelа\,B4а\{dXЦ\B19а\hXfXЦ\iX4Janse, Jansen, Pier, Pyerа\а\B20а\lXjXЦ\mX4Kingston, New York (1699)а\а\nX Pr\nXB\qXJ]"B4, B19И]sXuXL]B19&].Amsterdam, Netherlands]B19']B19а]xXЧ]2yX6~X7‚XЦ]zXvXЦ]{XvMarch 12, 1670 -- Member а]|Xof Brooklyn Dutch Reformeа]d Churchа].B19а]€X}XЦ]q*Pier, Pyer, Teuniszeа]а]…ƒXXЦ]&Brooklyn, New Yorkа]„X Pr]„XB]‡XJ^"B4, B19И^‰XL^B19&^.Amsterdam, Netherlands^B19а^XЧ^21ŽX/’XЦ^X‹XЦ^Xb"one of two daughters, agа^e 1 1/2 and 4 [in 1661]а^B19а^“X‘XЦ^”XF"living at the Fresh Wateа^r" (1676)а^•X Pr^•XB^˜XJ_"B9, B69И_šXL_›X>B9, B69AB99&_&_New York_ЁX^27-28Z6а_ŸXЧ_2* XЊX/­X6ГX4ЖX-ЙXЦ_ЂXXЦ_B69A, B69Cа_ЃX@First Town Clerk, Lincolnа_ЄX, Vermont, 1798-1805; Jusа_ЅXtice of Peace 1805-1806; а_ІXMember of Vermont House oа_ЇXf Representatives, 1805; а_ЈXTown Clerk, Bristol, Vermа_ont, 1817а_B111а_ЋXЉXЦ_Quakerа_ЎX:27-28B69Cа_ЏXЌXЦ_а_АX|Lincoln (1798), Bristol (а_БX1817) and Starksboro (182а_0), Vermontа_Z5а_ДXВXЦ_Dellongа_Z6а_"юЕXŠэЗXЦ_B69Bа_B69Cа_КXИXЦ_Holandа_ЛX Pr_ЛXB_qqqСXJ`B9И`УXL`B69B&`ХXJa.B9, B69, B69BИaЦXPraЦXBaЩXJb"B9, B69ИbЫXLbЬX:B9, B69B9&b&bЮXJc"B9, B69ИcаXLc"B9, B69&cZ6аcгXЧc24дXЦc„oрnбXЦcжXJdзX:B9, B69Z6ИdИdйXJe"B9, B69ИeлXLeмX<B9, B69B99&e&eNew YorkeZ6аeрXЧe2*сX4хX/шXЦeтXоXЦeуXRTown Clerk of Lincoln, Veаermont 1811-1815аe"B9, B69аe"ђфXјцXЦeZ6аeB99аeщXчXЦeъX^New York; Bristol, Vermonаet (1800); Ohio (1818)аeыXPreыXBeюXJfB9ИfB69аfёXЧf26ђXЦfѓXяXЦfHeadingаfqqqqqqqqqqqqYJg"B9, B69ИgYLgY4B54B99&g&gNew YorkgB111аgYЧg2 Y  Y4Y/YЦg YYЦgQuakerаg,B9, B44, B69аg Y YЦgY`Halladay Cemetery, Elgin,аg Leeds County, OntarioаgB9аgDo oYЦgB99аgYYЦgYjNew York; Vermont; Leeds аgYCounty, Ontario (1803/180аg4)аg gjke„YPrgYBgYJh"B9, B69ИhB84аhYЧh2-Y6!YЦhYYЦh&Tryphena, Triphenaаh$154; X49аh"Y YЦhKetchamаh$YJi"B9, B69Иi$154; X49аi'YЧi26(Y1+YЦi)Y%YЦiKetchamаi$154; X49аi,Y*YЦi-Y`"[brother] to Tryphena [wаiife of George Delong]"аi/YJj"B9, B69Иj1Y2YLj"B9, B69&j"B9, B69'j"B9, B69аj5YЧj2 6Y4:Y8YЦj Ontario, CanadaаjBYPrjBYBjEYJk"B9, B10ИkGYJYLkHYXB9, B69B100&kB49&kMassachusettsk0Z1Z6'kLYVParishville, St. Lawrencek County, New YorkkB111аkOYЧk2PY,SY4VY/ZYЦkQYMYЦkQuakerаkB49аkTYRYЦk2Possibly born in VermontаkWY’B9, B69B100аkњUYЦkXY154; X49аkZ1Z6аk[YTB100B105аk\YYYЦkB111аk]YиMassachusetts; Bristol, Vаk^Yermont (1822, 1826); Lincаk_Yoln, Vermont (1828); St. аk`YLawrence County, New Yorkаk (1830)аkaYPrkaYBkdYJlB9ИlfYhYLlZ6&lVermontlZ6'ljYVParishville, St. Lawrencel County, New YorklB111аlmYЧl2nY/qY-tYЦloYkYЦlQuakerаlB111аlrYpYЦl0Lincoln, Vermont (1828)аlB69аluYsYЦl RoxyаlqqqqqqqqqqYJm"B9, B67ИmƒYLmB9'm(St. Albans, VermontmB9аm‡YЧm2/ˆY7ŽY4YЦm‰Y…YЦmŠYІHinesburg, Vermont (1810)аm‹Y; Ontario, Canada; Perry,аmŒY Genesee County, New Yorkаm (1820)аmB9аmњ0YЦmB9аm‘YYЦm"b 175--"аm’YPrm’YBm•YJn"B9, B67Иn—YJoB40Иo™YšYLoB40&oB40'oŸY>150; X47B40аoYЧo24žY7ЁY-ЃYЦoШ›YЦoаoB40аo YЦo$151; X47аoЄYЂYЦo MariaаoІYJpB40ИpЈYЋYLpB40&pЊY6Phillipsburgh, NetherlandpspB40'p"Minden, New YorkpB40аpЏYЧp2 АY ДY/ИY7ФY6ШY-ЬYЦpБY­YЦpВYd14th Rgt. Albany County Mаpilitia during RevolutionаpB40аpЕYГYЦpЖY@Hoosick, New York (traditаpional)аp$150; X47аp"ЙYЗYМYЛYЦpКYB"of Beekman" at time of mаparriageаpB40аpНYDanbury, Connecticut; DutаpОYchess County, Claverack (аpРYbefore 1759), Hoosick, CaаpПYБQrТСYnajoharie (1790), Danube аpТYand Minden, New York New аpYorkаpB40аpХYУYЦpЦYFDied between March 7 and аpAugust 24аpЩYH150; X47B35, аpЪYЧYЦpB40аp&Cronchright; CronkаpB40аpЭYЫYЦp HenryаpЮYPrpЮYBpбYJqB40ИqвYPrqвYBqеYJrB42ИrзYиYLr$B42, X47&rB42'r(Starksboro, VermontrB42аrмYЧr2нYрY/хYЦrоYкYЦrпYV"family was 'probably allаr mostly Quakers'"аrтЩуYсYЦrтY>B42150; X47аrаr&Fishkill, New YorkаrB42аrцYфYЦrчYn"lived Nine Partners TracаrшYt in Dutchess Co." [New Yаrork]аrщYPrrщYBrьYJsB42ИsюYLs$B42, X47&s$150; X47аsёYЧsZdђY ѕY*њYўY3Z/ Z1Z-ZЦsѓYяYЦs&Farmer; blacksmithаsB99аsіYєYЦsїYx"served in the RevolutionаsјYary War as a commissionedаs officer"аs$150; X47аsьћYљYЦsќYtPathmaster, Charlotte Preаs§Ycinct, Dutchess County, Nаsew YorkаsB ЬZZЦsqZ>B42150; X47аsаsZFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаsed ChurchаsZ>B24150; X47аsЬZZЦsаsZLGrandparents Frans and Maаsritje DeLangаs ZlB11, B77150-1аs Z ZЦs Z51; X47B104аsаsZЂCharlotte Precinct, DutchаsZess County (1763); East CаsZlaverack (1779); HillsdalаsZe, Columbia County, New YаsZork (1790); Otsego CountyаsZ, New York (perhaps 1787;аsZ 1795); Herkimer County (аsZ1806-1810); back to Otsegаso CountyаsB97аsZZЦs$"had 11 children"аsZ>150; X47B35аsZZЦsаsZ4Francis; Frances; Fransesаsаs!Z>150; X47B35аs6 ZЦs"ZZЦsаsDelongeаs#ZPrs#ZBs&ZJtB42Иt(Z)ZLtB42&tB42'tB42аt,ZЧt2 -Z0Z-5ZЦt.Z*ZЦt/ZL"died in the French and Iаtndian Wars."аtъЮ2Z1ZЦtB42аt3Z>Baptised at Fishkill, Newаt Yorkаt$152; X48аt6Z4ZЦtCorneliusаtqqqqqqqqqtuwxTeЌAZPrtAZBtDZJuB42ИuFZLuGZ4B42X62&u&u$181; C62аuJZЧupZdKZ NZ*XZ[Z1`Z6dZ-iZ3lZЦuLZHZЦuFarmerаuOZH60; X18181; аuPZMZЦuX62аuQZ:"2nd Lieut. in the 1st ClаuRZaverack Militia Company, аuSZ9th Regiment ... 12 AugusаuTZt 1778 in the Exempts froаuUZm Claverack ... Lieut. inаuVZ the Levies;" Revolutionaаury Warаu41аu* YZWZЦuZZ<Pathmaster, Town of Worceаusterаuкв]Z\ZЦu$181; X62аu^ZDFirst Reformed Church of аuFishkillаuB97аuaZ_ZЦubZX"His family of five is knаuown from a bible."аueZ>150; X47B35аufZcZЦuаuDelongeаuhZR150, 181; X47, X62аuB35аujZgZЦu$Elies; Elias, Jr.аu$181; X62аuквmZkZЦunZ@Elias DeLong and Marytje аuDeLongаurZ<181; X6241аu/qZЦusZoZЦuаutZ Crum Elbow, Dutchess CounаuuZty, New York (1766); ClavаuvZerack (1778); Duanesburg аuwZ(1790); Town of WorcesterаuxZ, Otsego County, New Yorkаu (1805)аuyZPruyZBuqqqqqZJvB42ИvƒZLvB42&v…ZP150, 152; X47-X48аvB35аv‡ZЧv2-ˆZ4‹Z/ZЦv‰Z„ZЦvJane, JeneаvŒZ>B42152; X48аvZŠZЦvаvŽZD"born perhaps 1738-9;" "cаva. 1740"аv$152; X48аv‘ZZЦv’ZBeekman, Crum Elbow and Nаv“Zorth East Precincts, Dutcаvhess County, New Yorkаv”ZPrv”ZBv—ZJwB42Иw™ZLwB42&wB42аwœZЧw24Z- Z/ЃZ6ЊZЦwžZšZЦw0"born probably 1748-50"аwB66аwЁZŸZЦwMartenаwB66аwЄZЂZЦwЅZЪCrum Elbow, Beekman PreciаwІZnct, Dutchess County, NewаwЇZ York (1769); Claverack aаwЈZnd Canaan New York (1779)аwаwB66аwЋZЉZЦwDeLongаwЌZPrwЌZBwЏZJxB42ИxБZLxB42&xГZЧx2 ДZ5КZ4НZ/УZ-ЭZЦxњЖZЕZЦx$152; X48аxЗZ€"He was listed in the MilаxИZitia in Hillsdale, Col[umаxbia] Co., NY"аx&471; X101аxЛZЙZЦxCaptainаxОZ>B42152; X48аxжРZМZЦxаxqСZD(or 1752) Possible years аxof birthаxФZd471; X101B93аxХZТZЦx152; X48аxЦZ<East Claverack (1770); ChаxЧZarlotte Precinct, DutchesаxШZs County (1771); HillsdalаxЩZe, Columbia County (1786)аxЪZ; Warren, Herkimer CountyаxЫZ (1800); Otsego County, Nаxew YorkаxЮZ>150; X47B35аxЯZЬZЦxаx JeamsаxаZPrxаZBxгZJyB22ИyеZжZLy$B27, X42&yB27'yиZЧy2йZ3оZ-уZ8цZЦyЊлZкZЦyB27аyмZJDutch Reformed Church, Neаyw York CityаyB27аyЊпZнZЦyрZ–Jacob Yzelstein and MaretаyсZje Langet, one of two posаysible aunts of that nameаyB27аyфZтZЦyNiclaasаy$141; X42аyчZхZЦy("He d[ied] y[oung]"аyшZPryшZByыZJzB27ИzэZLz$B27, X42&zяZЧz2№ZєZ3љZ/§ZЦzФђZёZЦzB27аzѓZ>Fishkill Dutch Reformed CаzhurchаzZЌіZѕZЦzB27аzїZJDutch Reformed Church, Neаzw York CityаzB27аzZЌњZјZЦzћZ4Abram Boke and Antje CrosаzаzB27аzўZќZЦz&Fishkill, New Yorkаzq[8FishkillNew YorkU.S.;zA.;z[J{B28И{[L{$B28, X42&{[Ч{2[ [-[/[6[Ц{Š Ф [ [Ц{$154; X49а{2Fishkill Reformed Churchа{RЏ[ [Ц{ [>B28141; X42а{а{[:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа{tonа{$141; X42а{[[Ц{Nicholasа{,154-155; X49а{[[Ц{[‚Beekman Precinct, Dutchesа{[s County, New York; Pennsа{ylvania (1750)а{$154; X49а{[[Ц{De Longа{[Pr{{[J|B28И| [L|.B28, X42, X50&|"[4157-158; X50-X51а|а|$[Ч|2%['[--[30[/5[6:[Ц|&[![Ц|Farmerа|њ Б*[([Ц|)[RB28141, 157; а|X42, X50а|+[:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа|tonа|B22а|.[,[Ц|Laurensа|$157; X50а|њ Б1[/[Ц|2[@Theunis Pier and Geesjen а|DeLangа|4[4157-158; X50-X51а|а|6[3[Ц|7[†Rombout (1740); Beekman Pа|8[recinct, Dutchess County,а| New York (1744)а|$158; X51а|;[9[Ц|DeLong, D'Longа|qqqq$|}~€‚ƒ„eЎA[Pr|A[B|D[J}B28И}F[G[L}$B28, X42&}H[FJohn D. Baldwin research'}'}J[Ч}2K[ P[U[3[[-_[;b[8f[Ц}Š ФM[L[Ц}B28а}N[>Fishkill Dutch Reformed Cа}hurchа}Q[>B28141; X42а}R[O[Ц}а}S[ŽHasbrouck Burying Ground,а}T[ West Fishkill, New York а}(or "East Fishkill")а}кГW[V[Ц}B28а}X[fBaptised 1715 Kingston, Nа}Y[ew York (possibly May 27)а}а}B28а}Г\[Z[Ц}][BAart Masten and Augjen Vaа}n Vliedа}.B26, B28, B30а}`[^[Ц}&Jane, Jannet, Jeanа}$141; X42а}к Гc[a[Ц}d[:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа}tonа}B28а}ћg[e[Ц}"in 75th year"а}i[J~B29И~k[L~$B29, X43&~m[Ч~2n[3t[-x[6{[Ц~RДp[o[Ц~B29а~q[f(or October 16) Poughkeepа~r[sie Dutch Reformed Churchа~а~B29а~Дu[s[Ц~v[NJohannes Van Kleck and Aaа~ltjen Ter Bosа~$140; X42а~y[w[Ц~Maria, Maryа~$142; X43а~|[z[Ц~de Longа~qqq[JB29Иƒ[L$B29, X43&…[Ч2†[3Œ[-[6”[ЦКЖ‰[‡[Цˆ[>B29142; X43ааŠ[FPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаed Churchа$142; X43аКЖ[‹[ЦŽ[8Frans LaRoy and Selia Daiаneа‘[>B26140; X42а’[[Ца Ledeah, LiddiahаB26а•[“[ЦDeLaengа—[J€B30И€™[L€$B30; X43&€›[Ч€2œ[3Ђ[Ц€2ИŸ[[Ц€ž[>B30143; X43а€а€ [FPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа€ed Churchа€Ѓ[>B30143; X43а€2ИЄ[Ё[Ц€а€Ѕ[”Cousin Ary Kool and his wа€І[ife Elizabeth van Lew Booа€gaard (or Van DeBogart)а€Ї[ Pr€Ї[B€Њ[JB30ИЌ[L$B30, X43&Ў[Ч2Џ[Г[3З[;Л[ЦЮБ[А[ЦB30аВ[LJoined Fishkill Dutch Refаormed ChurchаBКЕ[Д[ЦB30аNew York CityаB30аBКИ[Ж[ЦЙ[NJan Montras and aunt Jannаetje Roelofseа$143; X43а КМ[К[ЦН[HNew York City Dutch Reforаmed ChurchаqqС[J‚B30И‚У[L‚$B30, X43&‚$161; X52а‚Ц[Ч‚2Ч[Ъ[6а[3г[/з[Ц‚Ш[Ф[Ц‚Щ[FFirst Reformed Church of а‚Peekskillа‚ZЛЭ[Ы[Ц‚Ь[8143, 160; X43, X52а‚а‚Ю[FPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа‚ed Churchа‚$158; X51а‚б[Я[Ц‚DeLongа‚$160; X52а‚ZЛд[в[Ц‚е[FDaniel Bosch and Margrietа‚jen Eygerа‚,160-161; X52а‚и[ж[Ц‚й[РPoughquag (1749), Beekmanа‚к[ (1753, 1761), Rombout (1а‚л[760), Schaghticoke, Half а‚Moon (1773) New Yorkа‚м[!Pr‚м[B‚п[JƒB31Иƒс[LƒB31&ƒу[Чƒ2ф[3ъ[-ю[/є[Цƒ Нч[х[Цƒц[>B31143; X43аƒаƒш[FPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаƒed ChurchаƒB31аƒ Ны[щ[Цƒь[bHalf-uncle Hendrick Ploegаƒ and aunt Geesje Delangаƒя[ZB26, B31140, аƒ№[э[Цƒ143; X42-X43аƒё[pCashea, Gesgee, Geshee, Gаƒђ[essje, Lucretia, Perse, PаƒersisаƒB31аƒѕ[ѓ[Цƒі[ЄCharlotte Precinct, Dutchаƒї[ess County, New York; Renаƒј[sselaer County, New York аƒ(1769)аƒљ["Prƒљ[Bƒqqqqq\J„B32И„\L„$143; X43&„\Ч„2\, \3\-\6\4!\Ц„ЂП\\Ц„B32а„ \šRecorded by NYC Lutheran а„ \Church; took place at Pieа„ \ter Lassings; age 1/2 yeaа„rа„B32а„ЂП\ \Ц„\:Baptised as "Eghye de Lanа„ge"а„\4B32B32а„ЂП\\Ц„а„\RPieter DeBou (or DuBois),а„ Egje Van Vlietа„\RB22, B26, B32а„\\Ц„143; X43а„\аAafgy, Aeggie, Agatha, Agа„\gie, Echa, Egge, Egie, Egа„\je, Eglye, Elsha, Escha, а„\Hecke, Hielcha, Martha, Rа„uthа„$144; X44а„\\Ц„DeLongа„$143; X43а„"\ \Ц„#\LFebruary 1727 given as moа„nth of birthа„%\J†&\HB19, B21135; И†X39И†(\L†)\>B19135; X39&†&†Mombacus†,\Ч†2-\-2\37\/;\6@\Ц†ъŽ/\.\Ц†$B19, B21а†0\@Hurley, Ulster County, Neа†w Yorkа†3\HB19, B21134; а†4\1\Ц†X39а†5\`"m. as Marytje De Langet;а†" Maria, Maritje, Maryа†$134; X39а†ъŽ8\6\Ц†9\@Roelof Swartout and Eva Aа†lbertsа†$135; X39а†<\:\Ц†=\V"residing in Kingston" atа† time of marriageа†A\>B21137; X40а†qB\>\Ц†а†DeLang, DeLongа†C\#Pr†C\B†F\J‡G\>B21135; X39И‡И‡I\L‡B21&‡New York City‡O\>135; X39B21а‡M\Ч‡2-N\4R\/V\Ц‡P\K\Ц‡а‡*Willemtje, Willempjeа‡$135; X39а‡S\Q\Ц‡T\T"born under the jurisdictа‡ion of Kingston"а‡$135; X39а‡W\U\Ц‡X\4Kingston, New York (1696)а‡а‡Y\$Pr‡Y\B‡\\Jˆ]\>B21136; X40ИˆИˆ_\LˆB21&ˆa\Чˆ2b\;h\3l\-q\/t\Цˆ “e\c\Цˆd\>B21136; X40аˆаˆf\:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаˆtonаˆ$136; X40аˆi\g\Цˆj\RJanuary 1, 1683 given as аˆdate of baptismаˆ$136; X40аˆ “m\k\Цˆn\Thomas Teunisz Quick, Leeаˆo\ndert Barentz Cool and Maаˆartie Cornelis de Laaаˆ$136; X40аˆr\p\Цˆ Janjeаˆ$136; X40аˆu\s\Цˆv\d"of [E]Sopos;" "in NYC atаˆ the home of his father"аˆqqqqqqqqq\J‰‚\HB19, B21136; И‰X40И‰„\L‰$B19, B21&‰†\Ч‰2‡\-\/\Ц‰š”Š\ˆ\Ц‰‰\HB19, B21136; а‰X40а‰&Kingston, New Yorkа‰Œ\d134, 136, 141; X39-X42а‰B19, B21а‰Ž\‹\Ц‰.Maretje, Maritje, Maryа‰$136; X40а‰‘\\Ц‰’\B"Van Esopus" at time of mа‰arriageа‰“\%Pr‰“\B‰–\JŠB21ИŠ˜\LŠB21&Šš\ЧŠ2›\6 \ЦŠ:–ž\œ\ЦŠ\>B21136; X40аŠаŠ&Kingston, New YorkаŠ$137; X40аŠЁ\Ÿ\ЦŠDelongаŠЃ\J‹Є\NB21137-138; XИ‹40-X41И‹І\L‹Ї\4B21B21&‹&‹Љ\FRochester, Ulster County,‹ New York‹Ћ\Ч‹2Ќ\-Б\Ц‹: ˜Џ\­\Ц‹Ў\>B21138; X41а‹а‹&Kingston, New Yorkа‹В\NB21137-138; Xа‹Г\А\Ц‹40-X41а‹,Ariaantjen, Arianntjeа‹qqqqqqqqqqqqŠ‹ŒŽeБТ\JŒУ\RB21144; X44ИŒИŒХ\LŒB21&ŒЧ\FRochester, Ulster County,Œ New YorkŒ$145; X44аŒЪ\ЧŒ2Ы\*а\6в\/е\-л\7о\ЦŒЬ\Ш\ЦŒFarmerаŒЮ\‚Overseer of Highways, SouаŒЯ\th Ward (1723); Road SurvаŒeyor 1730-1732аŒЭ\ЦŒ$144; X44аŒг\б\ЦŒDeLongаŒ$144; X44аŒж\д\ЦŒз\РSouth Ward (1717), PoughqаŒи\uag (1718) and Beekman, DаŒй\utchess County, New York аŒ(1740); PennsylvaniaаŒ$145; X44аŒм\к\ЦŒ JohnаŒаŒп\н\ЦŒр\JDutchess County, New YorkаŒ (probably)аŒс\&PrŒс\BŒф\Jх\>B21138; X41ИИч\L$B21, X41&щ\Ч2ъ\-я\1ѓ\Цbэ\ы\Ць\>B21138; X41аа&Kingston, New Yorkа№\>B21138; X41аё\ю\Ца"Weyntjen, Wyntieа$138; X41ає\ђ\Цѕ\z"widow of Nikolas Schoonhаі\oof;" third wife of Johanаnes Metlerаqqqqqqqqq]JŽ]>B21147; X45ИŽИŽ]]LŽ]HB21B21, X41, &ŽX45&Ž]BBrabant, Ulster County, NŽew YorkŽ$147; X45'Ž$147; X45аŽ ]ЧŽ2  ]];]/]ЦŽ ] ]ЦŽ]†"on a list of Foot CompanаŽ]y for the town of ShawangаŽunk in 1720 ..."аŽb ]]ЦŽ]>B21138; X41аŽаŽ&Kingston, New YorkаŽ$138; X41аŽ]]ЦŽ]TJanuary 12, 1696 given asаŽ date of baptismаŽ$147; X45аŽ]]ЦŽ&Kingston, New YorkаŽ]'PrŽ]BŽ]J$138; X41ИB21а!]Ч2-"]1%]Ц#]]ЦGeesjenа$138; X41а&]$]Ц']H"They probably had no chiаldren ..."а(](Pr(]B+]JC116И-]LC116A&/]Œ616 South Glenwood Avenue;0]%Mrs. F.S. BundyClearwa;terFloridaU.S.A.;1])Pr1]BqqqqqqqqqqqqqA]J‘B]4D82D83И‘И‘D]H]L‘E]ND83D86&‘E47&‘G]HOyster Bay, Queens County‘, New York‘D83'‘M]<D83D78-D79а‘K]Ч‘2 L]Ц‘N]I]Ц‘а‘O]4Rensselaerville, New Yorkа‘а‘Q]DRenssealervilleNew Yor;‘kU.S.A;‘R]*Pr‘R]B‘U]J’V]4D83D86И’И’X][]L’Y]ND83D86&’E47&’*Norwalk, Connecticut’E45'’D83а’^]Ч’2 _]7c]Ц’`]\]Ц’a]4Rensselaerville, New Yorkа’а’D83а’2b]Ц’Unknown;’f]J“D82И“h]J”D82И”j]J•E45И•l]m]L•E45&•E45'•o]J–E45И–q]r]L–E45&–E45'–G1а–u]Ч–24v]Ц–Zмs]Ц–qqqqqqqqq]J—‚]6D11C161И—И—„]J˜D11Ș†]J™D11И™ˆ]L™D11'™‰]+Pr™‰]B™Œ]Jš]6D11C161ИšИš]Lš]6D11C161'š'š’]J›“]6D11C161И›И›•]—]L›–]6D11C161&›&›˜]6D11C161'›'›š]JœF42Иœœ]Lœ"F6, F42'œF6аœŸ]Чœ2& ]Ѓ]ЦœЁ]]Цœ2Attended to fourth gradeаœF6аœЄ]Ђ]ЦœFarm housewifeаœІ]8CharltonNew YorkU.S.;œA.;œЈ]JF8ИF8аЋ]Ч29Ќ]ЦО­]Љ]ЦAge 55аUnknown;А]JžF8ИžF8аžГ]Чž29Д]ЦžОЕ]Б]ЦžAge 52аžUnknown;žqqqqqqqqqС]JŸF8ИŸF8аŸФ]ЧŸ29Х]ЦŸОЦ]Т]ЦŸAge 50аŸUnknown;ŸЩ]J F8И F8а Ь]Ч 29Э]Ц ОЮ]Ъ]Ц Age 47а Unknown; (ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉ“eєв]JЁF8ИЁF8аЁе]ЧЁ29ж]ЦЁОз]г]ЦЁAge 68аЁUnknown;Ёк]JЂF8ИЂF8аЂн]ЧЂ29о]ЦЂОп]л]ЦЂAge 67аЂUnknown;Ђт]JЃF8ИЃF8аЃх]ЧЃ29ц]ЦЃОч]у]ЦЃAge 63аЃUnknown;Ѓъ]JЄF8ИЄF8аЄэ]ЧЄ29ю]ЦЄОя]ы]ЦЄAge 58аЄUnknown;Єqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq^JЅF8ИЅF8аЅ^ЧЅ29^ЦЅО^^ЦЅAge 49аЅUnknown;Ѕ ^JІF8ИІF8аІ ^ЧІ29 ^ЦІО^ ^ЦІAge 56аІUnknown;І^JЇF8ИЇF8аЇ^ЧЇ29^ЦЇО^^ЦЇAge 60аЇUnknown;Ї^JЈF8ИЈF8аЈ^ЧЈ29^ЦЈО^^ЦЈAge 54аЈUnknown;Ј!^JЉF8ИЉF8аЉ$^ЧЉ29%^ЦЉО&^"^ЦЉAge 53аЉUnknown;Љ)^<r.Hilton I. Bonney, Sr..ЊЈU(‚BoЊ+^JЊ2F3F45ИЊ-^/^LЊF46&Њ(Niskayuna, New YorkЊF46'Њ1^tNortheast Center for SpecЊ2^ial Care, Lake Katrine, NЊew YorkЊF46аЊ5^ЧЊ26^ :^+>^8C^ЦЊ7^3^ЦЊ8^DGeneral Electric turbine аЊemployeeаЊF46аЊ;^9^ЦЊ<^@U.S. Marine Corps, World аЊWar IIаЊF46аЊ@^=^ЦЊqA^LGeneral Electric Quarter аЊCentury ClubаЊF46аЊ"D^B^F^E^ЦЊ69 yearsаЊF45аЊ70 yearsаЊG^,PrЊG^BЊJ^JЋ2F3F46ИЋF46аЋM^ЧЋ2/N^ЦЋO^K^ЦЋP^:Schenectady, New York (20аЋ02)аЋR^JЌ2F3F46ИЌF46аЌU^ЧЌ2/V^ЦЌW^S^ЦЌX^:Schenectady, New York (20аЌ02)аЌZ^n843 Thompson StreetSche;Ќ[^nectadyNew York12306U.;ЌS.A.;Ќ]^J­И­_^n843 Thompson StreetSche;­`^nectadyNew York12306U.;­S.A.;­b^JЎF46ИЎF3аЎe^ЧЎ29f^-j^/m^ЦЎЬg^c^ЦЎh^bLiving in Schenectady witаЎh daughter Dorothy PaceаЎаЎk^i^ЦЎ ElizaаЎF46аЎn^l^ЦЎo^6Glenville, New York (2002аЎ)аЎq^<ghtonk Joseph Broughton\ЏЈU(‚BrЏs^JЏF3ИЏаЏv^ЧЏ2-w^ЦЏx^t^ЦЏ P.J.аЏqqqqqqq^JАF3ИАUnknown;А„^JБF3ИБ†^JВF3ИВˆ^LВ&ВŠ^JГF43ИГаГ^ЧГ2-Ž^ЦГ^‹^ЦГDebbieаГ‘^<SchenectadyNew YorkU;Г.S.A;Г“^JДF3ИД•^LД&Д—^<SchenectadyNew YorkU;Д.S.A;Д™^JЕF3ИЕаЕœ^ЧЕ2-^ЦЕž^š^ЦЕNickieаЕ ^<SchenectadyNew YorkU;Е.S.A;ЕЂ^JЖЃ^4J19J50ИЖИЖЅ^Ї^LЖJ54&Ж Utica, New YorkЖЈ^lJ19J54'ЖЉ^J103J104'Ж'ЖЋ^XFaxton-Children's HospitaЖl, Utica, New YorkЖJ103аЖЎ^ЧЖ2&Џ^В^Й^+Н^ Х^.Щ^ЦЖА^Ќ^ЦЖ&Whitesboro schoolsаЖJ103аЖГ^Б^ЦЖД^жHorrocks-Ibbotson employeаЖЕ^e; operated Whitesboro NeаЖЖ^ws and Coffee Shop; direcаЖЗ^tor of Whitesboro Senior аЖCenterаЖJ103аЖК^И^ЦЖЛ^>Whitesboro Presbyterian CаЖhurchаЖJ103аЖО^М^ЦЖР^кH.H. Winchell Post, Sons аЖqС^of Union Veterans of the аЖТ^Civil War; Whitestown AmeаЖУ^rican Legion Post #1113 AаЖuxiliaryаЖJ103аЖЦ^Ф^ЦЖЧ^RGrandview Cemetery, WhiteаЖsboro, New YorkаЖJ104аЖjЦЪ^Ш^ЦЖЫ^8Ruptured abdominal aneuryаЖsmаЖUnknown;ЖЭ^-PrЖЭ^BЖа^JЗб^4J19J97ИЗИЗг^LЗJ97&З*Whitesboro, New YorkЗJ103аЗз^ЧЗ2/и^ЦЗй^е^ЦЗ.Marcy, New York (1990)аЗл^š20 Westmoreland StreetW;Зм^hitesboroNew York13482-;Зн^2010U.S.A.(315) 736-562;З2;Зп^< š†Robert Arthur Platt\(ИЈU(‚PlИс^JИт^4J19J54ИИИИф^LИJ54&И Utica, New YorkИаИш^ЧИ2/щ^ЦИъ^ц^ЦИы^8Whitesboro, New York (200аИ8)аИэ^Œ14 Pillar DriveWhitesbo;Ию^roNew York13482-2010U.;ИS.A.(315) 736-5622;И№^JЙJ42ИЙJ42аЙѓ^ЧЙ22є^ЦЙѕ^ё^ЦЙ(ladybroker@juno.comаЙї^„2234 Monroe AvenueMemph;Йј^isTennessee38104U.S.A.;Й(901) 725-0670;Йqqqqqqq_JКJ42ИКUnknown;К_JЛJ42ИЛUnknown;Л_JМJ42ИМUnknown;М _JНJ42ИНUnknown;Н _JОJ42ИОUnknown;О_JПJ42ИПUnknown;П_JРJ42ИРUnknown;Р_JСJ42ИСUnknown;С_JТJ42ИТUnknown;Т_JУJ42ИУUnknown;У_JФJ42ИФUnknown;Ф"_JХJ42ИХ$_JЦJ42ИЦ&_< š†Nathaniel H. Wilder\(ЧЈU(‚WiЧ(_JЧ2N2045ИЧ*_+_LЧN20&ЧN20'Ч,45, 100, 180аЧ._ЧЧ2/_*6_/:_ЦЧ0_,_ЦЧ1_иStorekeeper; Postmaster, аЧ2_Worcester, New York (1853аЧ3_-1861); President, The BaаЧ4_nk of Worcester, New YorkаЧ (1887)аЧ145аЧ7_5_ЦЧ8_RTrustee, Worcester SchoolаЧ District No. 6аЧ32аЧ;_9_ЦЧ(Worcester, New YorkаЧUnknown;Ч=_.PrЧ=_BЧqA_JШN20ИШC_D_LШN20&ШN20'ШUnknown;ШG_JЩN20ИЩI_J_LЩN20&ЩN20'ЩUnknown;ЩM_JЪN20ИЪO_P_LЪN20&ЪN20'Ъ198аЪS_ЧЪ2T_/W_8[_ЦЪU_Q_ЦЪFarmerаЪ198аЪX_V_ЦЪY_8"... lived in Tusculum ..аЪ."аЪ198аЪ`\_Z_ЦЪ72 yearsаЪUnknown;ЪЬЭЩfgЯe9`_JЫN20ИЫb_c_LЫN20&ЫN20'ЫUnknown;Ыf_<rippenon Elijah Crippen\ЬЈU(‚CrЬh_JЬN20ИЬj_k_LЬN20&ЬN20'ЬUnknown;Ьn_<enSalley Esther Crippen\ЭЈU(‚CrЭp_JЭq_4N20N21ИЭИЭs_t_LЭN20&ЭN20'ЭN21аЭw_ЧЭ2 x_/|_-€_ЦЭy_u_ЦЭz_TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЭcester, New YorkаЭ31аЭ}_{_ЦЭ(Worcester, New YorkаЭ231N23аЭq_~_ЦЭSally, SarahаЭUnknown;Э„_JЮ…_4N20N21ИЮИЮ‡_ˆ_LЮN21&ЮN21'Ю31аЮ‹_ЧЮ2Œ_ _/”_ЦЮ_‰_ЦЮŽ_DHarness maker; owned harnаЮess shopаЮN21`аЮ‘__ЦЮ’_TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЮcester, New YorkаЮ31аЮ•_“_ЦЮ(Worcester, New YorkаЮ–_/PrЮ–_BЮ™_JЯN20ИЯ›_œ_LЯN20&ЯN20'ЯUnknown;ЯŸ_JаN20ИаЁ_JбN20ИбЃ_Є_LбN20&бN20'бN21абЇ_Чб2 Ј_/Ќ_ЦбЉ_Ѕ_ЦбЊ_TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worабcester, New Yorkаб 24, 34аб­_Ћ_ЦбЎ_@"lived in Worcester [New абYork]"абUnknown;бА_0PrбА_BбqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС_< š†Rosanna A. Woodward\(вЈU(‚WoвУ_JвФ_4N20N21ИвИвЦ_Ч_LвN21&вN21'вN21авЪ_Чв2 Ы_ЦвЬ_Ш_ЦвЭ_TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worавcester, New YorkавUnknown;ва_<ppenip Fernando Crippen\гЈU(‚Crгв_JгN20Игд_е_LгN20&гN20'гN21аги_Чг2 й_Цгк_ж_Цгл_TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worагcester, New YorkагUnknown;го_< š†Caroline M. Bigelow\(дЈU(‚Biдр_Jдс_4N20N21ИдИду_ф_LдN20&дN21'дN21адч_Чд2 ш_Цдщ_х_Цдъ_TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worадcester, New Yorkадь_<penorge Bigelow Crippen\еЈU(‚Crею_JеN20Ие№_ё_LеN20&е141'еѓ_Че2є_ћ_ `/`Це`ї_ѕ_Цеі_4144100аеаеј_zEmployee of Bank of Worceаељ_ster, New York; Presidentае 1906-1955ае141аеќ_њ_Це§_dOrthodox Presbyterian Chuаеrch, Worcester, New YorkаеN21аеq`ў_Це`TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаеcester, New Yorkае100ае``Це(Worcester, New Yorkае`T10 Cook StreetWorcester;еNew YorkU.S.A;е`1Prе`Bе `JжN20Иж ``LжN20&жN21'жN21аж`Чж2 `+`/`Цж``Цж`TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worажcester, New Yorkаж$159, 160аж``Цж` First trustee, Worcester аж`Free Library; charter memаж`ber, Iroquois Chapter, D.ажA.R.аж$159, 160аж``Цж(Worcester, New Yorkаж`T10 Cook StreetWorcester;жNew YorkU.S.A;ж `2Prж `Bж#`JзL73Изаз&`Чз21'`Цз(`$`Цз)`RDivorced from Flora Beldeазn, date unknownаз+`JиL73Ии-`LиL73'и.`3Prи.`Bи1`JйM65Ий3`4`LйM65&йM65'йM65ай7`Чй2 8`Цй9`5`Цй:`hPost Cemetery, South Hillай;`, East Worcester, New YorайkайqqqqA`JкB27ИкC`D`LкB27&кB27'кF`Чк2G`K`/P`-S`ЦкФI`H`ЦкB27акJ`>Fishkill Dutch Reformed Cакhurchак’ЉM`L`ЦкB27акN`bJamaica Dutch Reformed Chакurch, Jamaica, New YorkакB27акQ`O`Цк&Fishkill, New YorkакB26акT`R`Цк LarnsакV`8FishkillNew YorkU.S.;кA.;кX`JлB27ИлZ`JмB27ИмB27ам]`Чм26^`Цм_`[`Цм Koukамa`<w†Peter Loyse de Zeeuw\нЈU(‚deнc`JнB27Инe`JоB27Иоg`<Zeeuwrnelissen de Zeeuw\пЈU(‚deпi`JпB27Ипk`JрB27Ирm`JсB27ИсB27асp`Чс2/q`Цсr`n`Цс"of Horseneck"асUnknown;сt`4Prсt`Bсqqqqqqqqqq`Jт$B24, B27Итƒ`Lт$B24, B27&т…`Чт2†`3‹`-`Цт‚Тˆ`‡`ЦтB27ат‰`JDutch Reformed Church, Neатw York Cityат$B24, B27ат‚ТŒ`Š`Цт`ZMaternal grandparents Fraатns and Maria DeLangатB27ат`Ž`ЦтMary, MaryahатUnknown;т“`<ter\bus Van Der Water\уЈU(‚Vaу•`JуB27Иу—`LуB27'уB27ауš`Чу2,›`8ž`Цурœ`˜`ЦуWill probatedауB27ауŸ``Цу""d. quite young"ауUnknown;уЁ`5PrуЁ`BуЄ`<ater\in Van Der Water\фЈU(‚VaфІ`JфB27ИфЈ`<ter\bus Van Der Water\хЈU(‚VaхЊ`JхB27ИхЌ`JцB27ИцЎ`LцB27&цА`Чц2Б`ЦцRФГ`В`ЦцB27ацД`”Possible date of baptism ацЕ`in 1731 or 1732 ; baptiseацd at Fishkill, New YorkацUnknown;цqqqqqqqqqС`JчB27ИчUnknown;чУ`6PrчУ`BчЦ`JшB27ИшШ`Щ`LшB27&шB27'шЫ`XBeekman Precinct, Dutchesшs County, New YorkшЭ`Чш2Ю`3г`-и`ЦшŠ Ца`Я`ЦшB27ашб`<Perhaps at Fishkill, New ашYorkашB27ашŠ Цд`в`Цше`XMaternal grandparents Fraашns and Mary Delongашз`8188, 193; X66, X68ашашй`ж`ЦшFrancisашUnknown;шл`7Prшл`Bшо`JщB27Ищр`Lщ$194; X69'щт`Jъу`>B27188; X66ИъИъх`LъB27&ъч`Чъ2ш`Цъђоъ`щ`ЦъB27аъ&Hopewell, New YorkаъUnknown;ъэ`Jыю`RB27174. 188; ИыX59, X66Иы№`ё`LыB27&ы,188-189; X66'ы,Schagticoke, New Yorkы$188; X66аыѕ`Чы2 і`/љ`Цыї`ѓ`Цы"Cooper's Rangersаы$188; X66аыњ`ј`Цы,Schagticoke, New Yorkаыћ`8Prыћ`Bы§`ЙQr qqaJьa>B27174; X59ИьИьUnknown;ьaJэ$174; X59ИэaLэ$174; X59&э aJю aRB27174, 189; ИюX59, X66Ию aLюB27&юaЧю2a-a/aЦю’уaaЦюB27аю$Rombout, New Yorkаю$190; X67аюaaЦюAnnаюa8190, 192; X67, X68аюаюaaЦюaD"of Poughkeepsie;" Beekmaаюn (1810)аюa9PrюaBюaJяaRB27174, 189; ИяX59, X66Ия a!aLя$174; X59&я$190; X67'я$190; X67ая$aЧя2%a 'a/-a60a13aЦя&a"aЦяFarmerаяё*a(aЦя)a8189, 192; X66, X68аяая+aL5th Regiment, Dutchess Coаяunty Militiaая$190; X67ая.a,aЦяBeekman (1790)ая$190; X67ая1a/aЦяD.Longая$190; X67ая4a2aЦя5a<"probably had eight childаяren"ая6a:Prя6aBяqqqqqqqqAaJ№B27И№CaL№B27&№EaЧ№2Fa3JaЦ№šцHaGaЦ№B27а№&Hopewell, New Yorkа№B27а№šцKaIaЦ№LaRMaternal grandmother Rachа№el DeLong Loseeа№Unknown;№OaJёB27ИёQaLёB27&ёSaЧё2TaЦёЂшVaUaЦёB27аё$Rombout, New YorkаёUnknown;ёю№ёђѕe ZaJђB27Иђ\aLђB27&ђ^aЧђ2_aЦђrы`aЦђB27ађbaJѓB27ИѓdaJєB27ИєfaJѕga>B27175; X59ИѕИѕiajaLѕ$193; X68&ѕ$194; X69'ѕ$194; X69аѕmaЧѕ2 naqa8vaЦѕoakaЦѕpa\Baptist Church ground, Beаѕekmanville, New Yorkаѕ"ѓsaraЦѕ$193; X68аѕtaPFirst Dutch Reformed Churаѕch of Hopewellаѕ$194; X69аѕZ(wauaЦѕxa657 years, 1 month, 21 dayаѕsаѕUnknown;ѕq qqqqqaJі$175; X59ИіƒaLі$175; X59&і…aЧі2†aЦіš №ˆa‡aЦі$175; X59аі‰aDFirst Reformed Church of аіHopewellаіŠa;PrіŠaBіaJїB28ИїaLїB28&ї‘aЧї2’aЦїЪ Ш”a“aЦїB28аї&Fishkill, New YorkаїUnknown;ї тцшїјњќ§eЪ˜aJјB28Ијša›aLјB28&јB28'јaЧј2ža,ЂaЦјт Ъ aŸaЦјB28ај&Fishkill, New YorkајB28ајrъЃaЁaЦјЄaRWill proved; wife deceaseајd and not namedајІaHBeekman PrecinctNew Yo;јrkU.S.A.;јЇa<PrјЇaBјЊaJљB28ИљЌaLљB28'љUnknown;љЏaJњB28ИњБaLњB28&њГaЧњ2ДaЦњJ ЬЖaЕaЦњB28ањ.Poughkeepsie, New YorkањUnknown;њqqqqqqqqСa<ater\us Van der Water\ћЈU(‚VaћУaJћB28ИћUnknown;ћХa=PrћХaBћШaJќB28ИќЪaLќB28&ќЬaЧќ2ЭaЦќъЮЯaЮaЦќB28аќ&Fishkill, New YorkаќUnknown;ќвaJ§B28И§дaL§B28&§жaЧ§2зa3лaЦ§2бйaиaЦ§B28а§&Fishkill, New Yorkа§B28а§2бмaкaЦ§нaTJoris Elswart and (aunt) а§Elizabeth DeLongа§Unknown;§рaJўB28ИўUnknown;ўтa>PrўтaBўхaJџB28ИџчaJB28ИUnknown;ъaJB28ИUnknown;эaJJ19Ияa<WhitesboroNew YorkU.;S.A.;ёa<e†Margaret Helen Crowe\ЈU(‚CrѓaJєa4J19J97ИИаїaЧ2/јaЦљaѕaЦњa8Whitesboro, New York (200а8)аќa<WhitesboroNew YorkU.;S.A.;§aЛQr qqbJJ19ИUnknown;bJO40Иb bLbXO50458; O43&O51& bNFarm in the Town of Westford, New YorkO50'2East Worcester, New YorkO50аbЧ2b b-b4b.bЦb bЦbTEast Worcester Methodist аEpiscopal ChurchаO50аbbЦbDEast Worcester ("Lower") аCemeteryаb|458; O43101аbbЦbO45-O46аO121аEmory; E.J.а$273; O43аЂ ?bbЦ$Decatur, New YorkаO50аb bbЦ!b4Complications of diabetesаа"b?Pr"bB%bJD14И'b*bL(b>D14459; O43&&2East Worcester, New YorkD14',bdChase Memorial Nursing Home, New Berlin, New YorkD14а/bЧ20b 3b.7bЦ1b-bЦ2bTEast Worcester Methodist аEpiscopal ChurchаЧ5b4bЦD14а0East Worcester CemeteryаD14атЧ8b6bЦ9b>Complications following sаtrokeа;b>SchenectadyNew YorkU;.S.A.;459; O43O49& & 2East Worcester, New York O49' bbPBassett Hospital, Coopers town, New York O49а ebЧ 2fbib lbЦ gbcbЦ Housewifeа O49а jbhbЦ kb^First Baptist Church, Easа t Worcester, New Yorkа b ХnbmbЦ O49а obTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа cester, New Yorkа qbn26 North Church StreetW; rborcesterNew York12197U; .S.A; sbAPr sbB qqqqqqqqqqqbJ $459; O44И ƒbJ D14И …b†bL $459; O43& O46' O46а ‰bЧ 2 ŠbЦ ‹b‡bЦ 2East Worcester, New Yorkа  e’Žb< š†Dayton Ball Babcock\( ЈU(‚Ba bJ ‘bND14O48И O48И “b”bL $459; O43& O48' O47а —bЧ 24˜b-šbЦ Ђf•bЦ O210а ›b™bЦ $Dayton E. Babcockа bJD14ИŸbLD14'D14аЂbЧ2/ЃbЦЄb bЦ2From Palermo [New York?]аІb>SchenectadyNew YorkU;.S.A.;ЈbJЉb4D14O47ИИЋbЌbL&'аЏbЧ2 АbЦБb­bЦВbTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаqqqqqqqqqqqqqСb<erRaymond George Potter\ЈU(‚PoУbJФbPD14O49ИO49AИЦbШbLЧbB201&&O49'.201аЫbЧ2Ьb-аb/гbЦЭbЩbЦЮb<Barber; sold cemetery marаkersаабbЯbЦRayа91адbвbЦ(Worcester, New Yorkажbn26 North Church StreetW;зborcesterNew York12197U;.S.A;иbBPrиbBлb<tteron Elizabeth Potter\ЈU(‚PoнbJоb4D14O47ИИрbуbLсb6O47O49A&&(Worcester, New YorkO49A'O49AацbЧ2/чb8ъb&эb'ёbѕbљb+§b cЦшbфbЦ,Cooperstown, New YorkаO49AађкыbщbЦ88 yearsаO49Aа’юbьbЦяbJGraduate of Worcester Cenаtral SchoolаO49Aа”ђb№bЦѓbBGraduate of Mildred Elleyа SchoolаO49AаіbєbЦїbZSecretary; Otsego County аand private officesаO49AањbјbЦћbXFirst Baptist Church, Cooаperstown, New YorkаO49AаўbќbЦc&Couples Club, Baptist Womаqcen's Guild, VFW Auxiliaryаc, Criterion Club, Native аcDaughters of Cooperstown,аc Doubleday Dancers, Basseаtt Hospital volunteerаO49BаccЦcTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkа c„2 Walnut StreetCooperst; cownNew York13326U.S.A.;(607) 547-9670; cCPr cBc< š†Homer M. Osterhoudt\(ЈU(‚OscJcHD14254ИИc„2 Walnut StreetCooperst;cownNew York13326U.S.A.;(607) 547-9670;cJc6O42O200ИИccLO200&O200'c<s†William Henry Barnes\ЈU(‚BacJ c6O42O200ИИO200а#cЧ2-$cЦ%c!cЦ Hankа'cJ(c>C18308; D24ИИUnknown;+cJD46И-c.cLD46&D46'0ctClarksville, Town of Midd1clefield, Otsego County, New YorkD46а4cЧ285cЦ6c2cЦ28 yearsаUnknown;8cDPr8cBqqqqqqAcJD46ИB161аDcЧ2/EcЦFcBcЦ"of Pierstown"аHc:PierstownNew YorkU.S;.A.;IcEPrIcBLcJD46ИUnknown;OcJPc@D46B81, B162ИИRcLScND46B58&C61&New York StateC62аWcЧ2Xc6[c-_c/ccЦYcUcЦHousekeeperаB81а\cZcЦ]c6Possible different surnamаeа`c4B58C62аac^cЦа PollyаB162аdcbcЦec>Cherry Valley, New York (а1850)аUnknown;hc< š†Llewellyn M. DeLong\(ЈU(‚DejcJD46ИlcmcL.E19&ncJE19'C96G'pcvHome of his parents, hamlqcet of Tuscan, Worcester, New YorkscЧ2 tc.yc-|cЦzXvcucЦC96GаwcTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаC96GаjXzcxcЦKidney diseaseаC96Gа}c{cЦLewellynа€c:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;q.A.;cFPrcB„cJD46И†cˆcLC96BN&(Worcester, New YorkC96BN'ŠcfTuscan, Town of Worcester‹c, Otsego County, New YorkC96BNаŽcЧ2 c+“c/–c4œcЦcŒcЦ‘cJGlenwood Cemetery, Oneontаa, New YorkаC96BNа”c’cЦ,Brethren organizationа—c:C96NC96BNа˜c•cЦа™c€"of Oneonta" (1908); Freeаšcport, Long Island; Worcesаter, New YorkаD46аS›cЦžc8FreeportNew YorkU.S.;A.;ŸcGPrŸcBЂcJD46ИЄcLC96C'*Binghamton, New YorkC96CаЈcЧ2Љc.­c/АcЦЊcІcЦЋcJEngineer, Delaware & Hudsаon Railroadа(C96B, C96CаЎcЌcЦTrain accidentаC96CаБcЏcЦ2Oneonta, New York (1906)аUnknown;ГcHPrГcBqqqqqqqqqqqСc< š†Elizabeth A. DeLong\(ЈU(‚DeУcJФc4D46D73ИИЦcЩcLЧc8D46C96BL&&&Westford, New YorkЪc8E19C96BL''ЬczHamlet of Tuscan, Town ofЭc Worcester, Otsego County, New YorkааcЧ2 бc-еcЦвcЮcЦгcTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаB58ажcдcЦ Libbyаиc:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;.A.;йcIPrйcBмc<namarence Philip Putnam\ЈU(‚PuоcJD73ИрcтcLсc6E19Z271&&E19'150ахcЧ2цc щc/эc7ђc-єcЦчcуcЦFarmerааъcшcЦыcTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkааюcьcЦяcz116 Up County Road ["DeLoа№cng Homestead"], Worcesterа, New YorkаZ271аrhёcЦC96BLаѕcѓcЦ&Clarence A. Putnamаїc6OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;.;qqqqqqqqdJd6D46C96XИИD46аdЧ21d/ dЦddЦd4Married and had one childааC96Nа d dЦ dR"of Oneonta" (1908); Worcаester, New Yorkаd6OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;.;dJPrdBd<ngGibson Wallace DeLong\ ЈU(‚De dJ d@D46B149-B150И И ddL d8C60DB150& & 0Otsego County, New York B150' &C60D, C62а dЧ 2d  d,(d4+d-/d/2dЦ ddЦ Farm laborerа E#d!dЦ "dZC59C60Dа 49; C59Aа $d Sergeant, Co. F, 121st Neа %dw York Volunteers; 1863, а &dPrivate, 3rd New York Cavа alryа D46а )d'dЦ *Age 7 in 1850 censusа D46а ",d*d‚ 3-dЦ Massachusettsа C60Kа .182; C58, E21а 0d.dЦ William S.а B151а 3d1dЦ 4dD"moved to Montour, Tama Cа o., Ia."а Unknown; 6dKPr 6dB 8dНQr( qqqqqqqAdJ!Bd6O62O210И!И!DdGdL!Ed6O47O210&!&!$Oneonta, New York!O210'!Id<Otsego Manor, Index, New !York!Nd8O124O210а!LdЧ!wdd'MdUd ]dbd/gd8jd&mdqdЦ!OdJdЦ!а!PdдNursing graduate, Hartwicа!Qdk College; Western Reservа!Rde University; Master's deа!Sdgree, Pittsburgh, Pennsylа!vaniaа!VdLO124а!WdTdЦ!O210а!XdкPublic health nurse and eа!Ydducator; professor of nurа!Zdsing; developed nurse traа![dining program at SUNY Morа!risvilleа!0O124а!^d\dЦ!_d~U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, Uа!`d.S. Public Health Serviceа! (1943-1946)а!0O210а!cdadЦ!ddLay leader and church hisа!edtorian, East Worcester Unа!ited Methodist Churchа!а!hdfdЦ!2East Worcester, New Yorkа!O210а!‚ йkdidЦ!84 yearsа!O210а!ndldЦ!odXEast Worcester and Worcesа!ter school systemsа!O210а!rdpdЦ!sd R.N., Western Reserve Uniа!tdversity; M.S., Public Heaа!udlth, University of Pittsbа!urghа!а!)xd+{d €dЦ!ydvdЦ!Democratа!O210а!|dzdЦ!}d’Trustee of Bank of Richmoа!~dndville and East Worcesteа!r Cemetery Associationа!qЂ й‚ddЦ!O210а!ƒd@East Worcester (Lower) Ceа!meteryа!…dЈ195 County Highway 38Nor;!†dth RoadEast WorcesterNe;!‡dw York12064U.S.A(607) ;!397-8207;!ˆdLPr!ˆdB!‹dJ"D35И"Unknown;"ŽdJ#D35И#Unknown;#‘dJ$D35И$Unknown;$”dJ%D31И%Unknown;%—d<ormaneth Lucille Norman\&ЈU(‚No&™dJ&S14И&а&œdЧ&2-dЦ&ždšdЦ& Lucyа&.LubbockTexasU.S.A;& dMPr& dB&Ѓd<l†James Donald Cattell\'ЈU(‚Ca'ЅdJ'E16И'ЇdL'E16&'а'ЊdЧ'2-ЋdЦ'ЌdЈdЦ' Jimmyа'Unknown;'ЏdJ(E16И(S59а(ВdЧ(26ГdЦ(ДdАdЦ(Cattell-Searsа(Unknown;(qqqqqqqqqqСd< š†Lucinda Ann Cattell\()ЈU(‚Ca)УdJ)E16И)ХdL)E16&)Чd<l†Kathleen Kim Cattell\*ЈU(‚Ca*ЩdJ*E16И*ЫdЬdL*E16&*E16'*Юd<abenece James Pensabene\+ЈU(‚Pe+аdJ+бd4E16S57И+И+гdL+S57&+Troy, New York+а+зdЧ+2/иd-мdЦ+йdеdЦ+кd<Middle Grove, New York (1а+998)а+а+нdлdЦ+ Larryа+пd\Middle GroveNew York;+U.S.A(518) 882-9358;+сd<e†Laurie Ann Pensabene\,ЈU(‚Pe,уdJ,E16И,хdL,E16&,S55а,шdЧ,2/щdЦ,ъdцdЦ,ыd<Clarksville, Tennessee (1а,996)а,Unknown;,эdNPr,эdB,№d<neMelissa Ann Pensabene\-ЈU(‚Pe-ђdJ-E16И-єdL-ѕdJFrances C. Johnson resear&-ch&-S55а-јdЧ-2/љdЦ-њdіdЦ-,Ocala, Florida (2011)а-Unknown;-qqqqeJ.E18И.Unknown;.eJ/E17И/eL/$119; S79&/S35а/ eЧ/2/ eЦ/ eeЦ/ e4Syracuse, New York (2003)а/а/e6SyracuseNew YorkU.S.;/A;/eJ0E17И0eL0$119; S79&0S35а0eЧ02/e6eЦ0eeЦ00Belleville, Ohio (2003)а0$119; S79а0eeЦ0 Lappа02BellevilleOhioU.S.A;0e<essbert Charles Burgess\1ЈU(‚Bu1eJ1E17И1!eL1E17&1&e>S16119; S79а1$eЧ124%eЦ1Z Б"eЦ1а1Unknown;1)e<ssRonald Arthur Burgess\2ЈU(‚Bu2+eJ2,e>E17119; S79И2И2.eL2/e>E17119; S79&2&2Unknown;2qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAe< š†Kathryn R. Flaugher\(3ЈU(‚Fl3CeJ3S16И3EeL3$119; S79&3а3HeЧ32Ie/MeЦ3JeFeЦ3KeXChurch of Jesus Christ ofа3 Latter-day Saintsа3.S35а3NeLeЦ3OeZKingston, New York; Yrekaа3, California (2003)а3Qe>YrekaCalifornia96097;3U.S.A;3SeJ4E17И4UeXeL4Ve4E17S20&4&4$Rantoul, Illinois4Ye4E17S20'4'4$Rantoul, Illinois4Unknown;4]e<urgessher Robin Burgess\5ЈU(‚Bu5_eJ5E17И5aeL5E17&5Adana, Turkey5Unknown;5ee<essnathan Alden Burgess\6ЈU(‚Bu6geJ6S15И6ieL6je4S15S20&6&6(Heidelberg, Germany6Unknown;6neJ7oe4D97D98И7И7qeteL7reZIrene M. Smith research&7T5&70Cornwallville, New York7ueBIrene M. Smith research'7'7"2; T302а7xeЧ72ye }e4e1†e-Še/eЦ7zeveЦ7{e^Small farmer; estate careа7taker; freight haulerа7T162Cа7~e|eЦ7.Cornwallville Cemeteryа7q‚e6T60T150а7"ƒe€eZB„eЦ7а7"B?West Camp?"а7T60а7‡e4T64T70а7ˆe…eЦ7а7&Twin of Ella Smithа7"2; T302а7‹e‰eЦ7"Daddy" Smithа7"2; T302а7ŽeŒeЦ70Cornwallville, New Yorkа7eBCornwallvilleNew York;7U.S.A.;7‘eOPr7‘eB7”e<erMinnie Jerusha Eckler\8ЈU(‚Ec8–eJ8T150И8˜e›eL8™eFIrene M. Smith research&8T5&8&Catskill, New York8œeBIrene M. Smith research'8'8T60а8ŸeЧ82  eЦ8ЁeeЦ8.Cornwallville Cemeteryа8ЃeBCornwallvilleNew York;8U.S.A.;8Ѕe<thMatthias Edward Smith\9ЈU(‚Sm9ЇeJ9O70И9ЉeЎeL9ЊeTT297T103&9T352&9ЌenCornwallville, Town of Du9­erham, Greene County, New 9York9T352'9Аe^Community General Hospita9l, Syracuse, New York9а9ГeЧ9хed&ДeИe(Рe)Цe*ЩeЮe+вe-тeЦ9ŒЕeБeЦ9ЖenGraduate Worcester Centraа9Зel School, Worcester, New а9Yorkа9єz`xЛeЙeЦ9Кe>58, 178T352а9а9Мe’Dairyman, Smiths' Jersey а9НeDairy, Worcester, N.Y.; sа9ubstitute mail carrierа9Сe8T291T352а9‚жf№eЦ9Њ ЎТeОeЦ9а9Уe„President, Farmers and Trа9Фeaders Life Insurance Co.,а9 Syracuse, N.Y.а9"12, 108а9ЧeХeЦ9Democratа9"12, 108а9ЪeШeЦ9Ыe€Election Inspector 1944, а9ЬeCouncil Member 1964, Townа9 of Worcesterа9ЯeTT296T291а9аeЭeЦ9T352а9Methodistа9гeЌT291T292а9жeбeЦ9дe20-21, 24-27; T320-Tа9еe321, T324-T327Tа9352а9зeўWorcester Grange (1929), а9иeMaster, State Executive Cа9йeommittee; Schenevus Valleа9кey Lodge #592, F&AM, masteа9лer, DDGM, Knights Templar,а9мe Shrine; Syacuse Kiwanis,а9нe President; Sons of the Aа9оemerican Revolution, Syracа9пeuse, President; Syracuse а9рeRescue Mission; Wieting Aа9ss'nа9а9уeсeЦ9 Mattа9чeH58Tа9/цe8юe ПeЦ9шeфeЦ9352а9щeаCornwallville, Worcester а9ъe(1926-1965, 1979-1996), Fа9ыeayetteville (1965-1979) aа9ьend Syracuse (1996), New Yа9orkа9T352а9jжяeэeЦ992 yearsа9T352а9qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqfTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа9cester, New Yorkа9fz238 Summerfield Village L;9faneSyracuseNew York13;9215U.S.A.;9fPPr9fB9f<derarlotte Celia Snyder\:ЈU(‚Sn: fJ:O70И: ffL:.O70&:fPFamily home in East Worce:ster, New York:T335':fXIroquois Nursing Home, Ja:nesville, New York:а:fЧ:Afd&f'ff)$f*'f+f 0f+6fЦ:ŽffЦ:fHGraduate East Worcester Hа:igh Schoolа:f@19; T319T335а:ffЦ:а:fXBrowne's Business School,а: Jamaica, New Yorkа:f819, 21; T319, T321а:а: ffЦ:!fŽWilber National Bank emplа:"foyee (1936-1942, 1962-196а:5), school secretaryа:109а:%f#fЦ:Democratа:109а:Ђ(f&fЦ:)fLElection Inspector, Town а:of Worcesterа:,f@T29621; T321а:-f*fЦ:а:.frSunday School Superintendа:/fent, Worcester Methodist а:Churchа:jв2f1fЦ:T335а:3fTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа:cester, New Yorkа:5fd21, 24-25; T321, T324-Tа:325T335а:7f4fЦ:8fˆWorcester Grange #1274, Jа:9fuvenile Grange matron; W.а::fS.C.S.; Worcester Woman'sа:;f Club; Worcester Historicа:fub, Philomath Club; Orderа: of the Eastern Starа:qа:/BfЦ:Cf@fЦ:DfвEast Worcester, Worcesterа:Ef (1937-1965, 1979-1996), а:FfFayetteville (1965-1979) а:Gfand Syracuse (1996), New а:Yorkа:Ifz238 Summerfield Village L;:JfaneSyracuseNew York13;:215U.S.A.;:KfQPr:KfB:NfJ;Of6D97T193И;И;QfRfL;T193&;T193';"5; T305а;UfЧ;2&VfZf \f/afЦ;WfSfЦ;Xf\Hervey Street School, Corа;nwallville, New Yorkа;"4; T304а;[fYfЦ;Farmerа;ЪИ^f]fЦ;T193а;_fZJefferson Rural Cemetery,а; Catskill, New Yorkа;"4; T304а;bf`fЦ; Cairo, New Yorkа;df8CatskillNew YorkU.S.;;A.;;efRPr;efB;hfJ<D97И<jfkfL<D97&<D97'<mfJNorth Shore Hospital, Mia<mi, Florida<"5; T305а<pfЧ<•fd&qf'ufzf‚f „f+‰f1Žf.‘fЦ<rfnfЦ<sf\Hervey Street School, Corа<nwallville, New Yorkа<"5; T305а<ƒvftfЦ<wf„Graduate State Agriculturа<xfal and Technical School, а<Delhi, New Yorkа<{f<D975; T305а<|fyfЦ<а<}fІMilk tester and inspectorа<~f; real estate business inа<€f Catskill and Kingston, Nа<qew Yorkа<D97а<ƒffЦ<2Catskill Reformed Churchа< Ў†f…fЦ<D97а<‡fZJefferson Rural Cemetery,а< Catskill, New Yorkа<D97а<ŠfˆfЦ<‹flCatskill Rotary Club; Greа<Œfene County Board of Realtа<orsа<T164а<ffЦ<"No children"а<D97а<’ffЦ<“fFFollowing heart attack anа<d surgeryа<"5; T305а</–fЦ<—f”fЦ<&Catskill, New Yorkа<™f8CatskillNew YorkU.S.;<A.;<šfSPr<šfB<f<onganson Charles DeLong\=ЈU(‚De=ŸfJ= f6D63B150И=И=ЂfЃfL=B150&=B150'=$D63, D65а=ІfЧ=2Їf5Њf-­f/БfЦ=ЈfЄfЦ=Physicianа=$D63, D65а=ЋfЉfЦ=Dr.а=ЎfRD65B150а=ЏfЌfЦ=C60Kа=C.A., Charlesа=Вf6D65B155а=ГfАfЦ=а=ДfHGary, Indiana (1910, 1926а= and 1938)а=ЖfR456 Jackson StreetGary;=IndianaU.S.A.;=ЗfTPr=ЗfB=qqqqqqqСf<enArthur Spencer Golden\>ЈU(‚Go>УfJ>2D81G1И>ХfL>G1'>D80а>ШfЧ>2ЩfЦ>ЪfЦfЦ>ЫfZAttorney, Strong & Goldenа>, Schenectady, N.Y.а>Эf>SchenectadyNew YorkU;>.S.A.;>ЮfUPr>ЮfB>бfJ?T261И?гfеfњfќfL?T261&?$Oneonta, New York?жf\T290T290'?20; T320'?иfPAlbany Medical Center, Al?bany, New York?T261а?лfЧ?2&мfрfуf чf+ыf7ёf.ѕfЦ?ЂнfйfЦ?оfLSixth grade, Worcester Ceа?ntral Schoolа?T261а?сfпfЦ?Studentа?T261а?фfтfЦ?хf6Worcester Methodist Churcа?hа?T290а?шfцfЦ?щfTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа?cester, New Yorkа?ьf@T26120; T320а?эfъfЦ?а?юf’Brownie scout; Juvenile Gа?яfrange; Junior choir, Worcа?ester Methodist Churchа?$20; T320а?ЪЂђf№fЦ?ѓfPAlbany Medical Center, Alа?bany, New Yorkа?$20; T320а?іfєfЦ?їfVCirrhosis of the liver caа?used by hepatitisа?љf:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;?.A.;?ћf`Had been in Albany Hospit7?al "for several weeks"7?T2948?§fVPr?§fB?qg< š†Lowell Edward Smith\(@ЈU(‚Sm@gJ@T294И@ggL@0T168&@g@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, Ne@w York@T342'@ gdHome at 7828 Karakul Lane@, Fayetteville, New York@g4T29452а@ gЧ@Egd&g'gg "g*g .g+3g/9gЦ@Њg gЦ@а@gnGraduate Worcester Centraа@gl School, Worcester, New а@Yorkа@gTT291T294а@ЎggЦ@T334а@gŠBS Agricultural Economicsа@g, Cornell University Collа@ege of Agricultureа@g@25, T325T334а@ggЦ@а@g(Hartford National Bank; Kа@gingston Trust Co.; Mohawkа@g Harvestore; Owner of Empа@ gire Harvestore; Farm Credа@!git Bank; Vice-President oа@f Dairylea Cooperativeа@Ў%g#gЦ@$g\T29420; T320а@T334а@&gЌ(to 1969) Captain, U.S. Mа@'garine Corps; tank commandа@(ger in Vietnam; awarded Puа@rple Heartа@+g8T299T343а@,g)gЦ@а@-gJFayetteville United Methoа@dist Churchа@ђ е0g/gЦ@T343а@1gTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа@cester, New Yorkа@T343а@4g2gЦ@5grLEAD New York; Lowell E. а@6gSmth Circle of Courage Caа@mpaignа@8gp20, 25; T320, T325а@:gT334T342а@;g7gЦ@а@geld (1976-1990) and Fayetа@@gteville (1995-2005), New а@qAgYork; East Lyme, Connectiа@Bgcut (1970-1973); West Sprа@Cgingfield, Massachusetts (а@1990-1995)а@T342а@8Fg.IgЦ@Ъ еGgDgЦ@61 yearsа@T342а@Ъ еJgHgЦ@Kg<Amyotrophic lateral sclerа@osisа@MgŠ7828 Karakul LaneFayett;@NgevilleNew York13066U.S;@.A.(315) 637-0323;@OgWPr@OgB@RgJAT294ИATgLAT168&AT294аAWgЧA2&Xg'\gbg-fg/jgЦAYgUgЦAZgJGraduate Port Washington аAHigh SchoolаA]gTT295T294аA А^g[gЦAT334аA_g€BA Home Economics, CornelаA`gl University College of HаAome EconomicsаAcg8T299T189аAdgagЦAаAMethodistаAаAggegЦA JudyаAigL20, 25; T320, T325аAаAkghgЦAlg–Hartford, Connecticut; WoаAmgrcester, West Winfield anаAd Fayetteville, New YorkаAogŠ7828 Karakul LaneFayett;ApgevilleNew York13066U.S;A.A.(315) 637-0323;AqgXPrAqgBAqqqqqqqqqqqqqgJBT189ИBT189аB„gЧB2…g-‰gЦB†g‚gЦB‡g@Newscaster, WINS, New YorаBk CityаBT189аBŠgˆgЦBBrad PhillipsаBŒg:ManhassetNew YorkU.S;B.A.;BŽg<m†Mildred Irene Putnam\CЈU(‚PuCgJC‘g6D73Z271ИCИC“g•gLCD73&C(Worcester, New YorkCD73'C—gJA.O. Fox Hospital, OneontCa, New YorkCD73аCšgЧC2&›g' gЄg(ЉgЎg Вg+ЗgЦCœg˜gЦCghGraduate Worcester High SаCžgchool, Worcester, New YorаCkаCD73аCЁgŸgЦCЂgBGraduate Albany Business аCCollegeаCD73аCЅgЃgЦCІgtWorked at Fox Hospital BuаCЇgsiness Office, Oneonta, NаCew YorkаCD73аCЊgЈgЦCЋgtMedical secretary, Dr. ReаCЌgade S. Sisson, Oneonta, NаCew YorkаCD73аCЏg­gЦCАgjDeaconess, Main Street BaаCБgptist Church, Oneonta, N.аCY.аCzЧДgГgЦCD73аCЕgTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаCcester, New YorkаCD73аCИgЖgЦCЙgTChurch organizations; OneаConta Garden ClubаCЛg@OneontaNew York13820;CU.S.A.;CМgYPrCМgBCqqСgJDТg6D73Z271ИDИDФgХgLDZ272&DZ272'DUnknown;DШg<sonhn Clarence Morrison\EЈU(‚MoEЪgJEЫg6D73Z272ИEИEЭgLEZ272&EЯgBNew York CityNew York;EU.S.A.;EбgJFвg4D87E39ИFИFдgLFеg4D87D92&F&FCombs, EnglandFзgZPrFзgBFкgJGD87ИGмgLGнg4D87D92&G&GCombs, EnglandGрgJHD11ИHтgуgLHD11&HD11'HD11аHцgЧH2-чgЦHшgфgЦHщg:Accuracy of name in questаHionаHыgJID11ИIэgJJюg6D11C161ИJИJ№gђgLJёg6D11C161&J&Jѓg6D11C161'J'JqqqqqqqqqqqqhJKh6D11C161ИKИKhLKh6D11C161'K'KhJLD85ИL h hLLD85&LD85'L h< š†Marie Frances Mills\(MЈU(‚MiMhJMD85ИMhhLMD85&MD85'MhJND85ИNhJOD85ИOhJPD85ИPD85аPhЧP29hЦPhhЦP Died in infancyаPhJQD86ИQ hLQD86&Q.New Rochelle, New YorkQUnknown;Q$hJRD86ИR&hLRD86&R.New Rochelle, New YorkR)hJSD86ИS+hLSD86&S-h:Westchester County, New YSorkS/hJTD86ИT1hLTD86&T3h4Rensselaerville, New YorkTTG1аT6hЧT247hЦTТ 4hЦTUnknown;TqqqqqqqUtVWXYeпBhJUD86ИUDhLUD86&UFh4Rensselaerville, New YorkUUUnknown;UIhJVD86ИVKhLVD86&VMh4Rensselaerville, New YorkVVUnknown;VPhJW2D86G1ИWRhLWD86&WTh4Rensselaerville, New YorkWWUnknown;WWhJXD86ИXYhLXD86&X[h4Rensselaerville, New YorkXXUnknown;X^h<ldenline Matilda Golden\YЈU(‚GoY`hJYD86ИYbhLYD86&Ydh4Rensselaerville, New YorkYYUnknown;YghJZD30ИZE23аZjhЧZ26khЦZlhhhЦZmh6Surname may be "HillhouseаZ"аZUnknown;ZphJ[D30И[D30а[shЧ[25thЦ[uhqhЦ[ Hon.а[0New HavenConnecticut;[qqqqqqqqqhJ\D30И\Unknown;\„hJ]D30И]D30а]‡hЧ]25ˆhЦ]‰h…hЦ] Rev.а]0FairfieldConnecticut;]ŒhJ^D87И^ŽhL^D87&^hJ_‘hVD87C75-C76И_E36И_“h”hL_D87&_C60G'_C60Gа_—hЧ_2 ˜h-œh8ŸhЦ_™h•hЦ_šhPElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cа_reek, New Yorkа_C60Gа_h›hЦ_Celitteа_C60Gа_вZ hžhЦ_(73 years, 11 monthsа_Ёh[Pr_ЁhB_ЄhJ`D87И`ІhL`D87&`ubcdeЉhJaD87ИaЋhLaD87&a­hJbD87ИbЏhLbD87&bБh:CoxsackieNew YorkU.S;b.A.;bВh\PrbВhBbqqqqqqqqqqqqСhJcD87ИcУhLcD87&cХhJdD87ИdЧhШhLdD87&dC72'dЪhЧd2Ыh.бhЦdMЭhЬhЦdC72аdЮh~Funeral at "Dutch church,аdЯh " apparently in Coxsackаdie, New YorkаdC72аd MвhаhЦdгhВWorms; Had been "complainаdдhing all summer and fall bаdеhut no one realized she waаds as bad off"аdжh]PrdжhBdйhJeкh6C66C60FИeИeмhрhLeнhfC60C, C60D, C60E, C60F,&eоh C66C102&e&e(Schenevus, New Yorkeсh8C60FC102'e'eуhjMary Imogene Bassett Hospeфhital, Cooperstown, New YoerkeC102аeчhЧeid&шhыhђh іh+ћh-i/i8 iЦeщhхhЦe2Schenevus village schoolаeьhDC60D, C60EC10аeэhъhЦe2аeюhЎLaborer; telegrapher; banаeяhk employee; express freigаe№hht agent; grocer; furnituаere restorerаeC102аeѓhёhЦeєhXFirst Baptist Church, Cooаeperstown, New YorkаeC60FаeїhѕhЦeјh€Lakewood Cemetery, Town oаeљhf Middlefield, Otsego Couаenty, New YorkаeC102аeќhњhЦe§h>Charter member of Mohicanаe ClubаeixB12, B77D153аeqiўhЦeiC60CC1аe02аei<Alva, Alvin D., Dewitt Deаelongаei8C111C102аeiiЦeаe ijSchenevus, Albany, Oneontаe ia and Cooperstown, New YoаerkаeC60Fаe i iЦe88 yearsаeC60Fаe.iЦeiiЦeiB"Arteriosclerotic heart dаeisease"аeiZChestnut StreetCooperst;eownNew YorkU.S.A;ei^PreiBeiJfD97ИfiiLfD97A&f,Prattsville, New YorkfD97A'f.Eden Park Nursing HomefD97Aаf iЧf2'!i%i)i -i11i/4iЦf"iiЦf#iPTeaching certificate, Albаfany, New Yorkаf&i8T115D97Aаf'i$iЦfаf0School teacher; realtorаfD97Aаf*i(iЦf+iXUnited Methodist Church, аfCatskill, New YorkаfD97Aаf.i,iЦf/i\Town of Catskill Cemeteryаf, Catskill, New YorkаfT164аf2i0iЦf"No children"аf"5; T305аf5i3iЦf&Catskill, New Yorkаf7iZJefferson HeightsCatski;fllNew YorkU.S.A.;f8i_Prf8iBfqqqqqqAiJgP40ИgCiJhP40ИhEiJiFi4P40P64ИiИiHiRBlenheim HillJefferson;iNew YorkU.S.A;iJiJjP40ИjLiNiLjP40&j$Ashland, New YorkjP40'jPiFO'Connor Hospital, Delhi,j New YorkjRiЧj2SiXi [i+`iЦj­UiTiЦjP40аjVibRetired from Town of Stamаjford Highway DepartmentаjP40аjYiWiЦjZiBSouth Kortright Methodistаj Churchаj*К]i\iЦjP40аj^i^Valleyview Cemetery, Soutаjh Kortright, New YorkаjP40аjai_iЦjbiЂDelaware Couunty Superintаjciendents Assoc.; St. Andreаjdiws Masonic Lodge, Hobart,аj N.Y.аjfiFSouth KortrightNew Yor;jkU.S.A.;jgi`PrjgiBjjiJkP40ИkliLkP40'kUnknown;koiJlP40Иlqi4HobartNew YorkU.S.A.;l;lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqiJmP40ИmUnknown;m„iJnP40Иn†iFSouth KortrightNew Yor;nkU.S.A.;nˆiJo21ИoŠiŒiLo21&o*Kinderhook, New Yorkoi<24325; N65'o'o(Worcester, New Yorko221357аo‘iЧo2’i —i*ŸiЉi ­i4Гi/ЕiЦo“iiЦo”ilFarmer; built and owned gаo•irist mill (1790) and sawmаoillаo˜i<21326; N66аo™i–iЦoаošiјRevolutionary War; Companаo›iies of Captain Woodridge,аoœi Captain Cady and Lieuteаoinant Babcock; Captain of аoWorcester Exempts, 1809аo"21, 223аo ižiЦoЁi`First recorded Worcester аoЂiCommissioner of Roads (17аoЃi97) and Town Clerk (1798-аoЄi1806); Supervisor eight tаoЅierms 1806-1816; Member ofаoІi Assembly (1816); Common аoЇiPleas judge; many officesаoаo24аoЊiЈiЦoЋiVCongregational Church, Woаorcester, New Yorkаo24аoЎiЌiЦoЏiЖCongregational Church CemаoАietery; later removed to MаoБiaple Grove Cemetery, Worcаoester, New Yorkаo$325; N65аoъпВiЦo$326; N66аoЖiДiЦoЗiŒNew Concord, Columbia CouаoИinty, N.Y. (1778); Worcestаoer, New York (1787)аoЙiaProЙiBoqqqqqСiJp21ИpУiФiLp$R31, R32&pХiV24R32'p325; N65'p(Worcester, New Yorkp24аpЩiЧp2Ъi ЮiЦpЫiЧiЦpЬiVCongregational Church, Woаprcester, New Yorkаp24аpЯiЭiЦpаiЖCongregational Church Cemаpбietery; later removed to Mаpвiaple Grove Cemetery, Worcаpester, New YorkаpгibPrpгiBpжiJqзiV21357Иq326; N66ИqйiнiLqкi>R41326; N66&q&qмi4Columbia County, New Yorkqqоi>R41326; N66'q'q(Worcester, New Yorkq192аqтiЧq2 уiЦqфiрiЦqхihCongregational Church Cemаqцietery, Worcester, New YorаqkаqшiJrщip21357ИrъiR41327; N67ИrИrьiLrэi>R41327; N67&r&rяijTusculum, Town of Worcestr№ier, Otsego County, New YorrkrR41аrѓiЧr2-єi/їiЦrѕiёiЦr Sallyаr$327; N67аrјiіiЦrљiH"res. Tusculum and New Haаrven, N.Y."аrqqqqqqjJsjp21357Иsj327; N67338ИsИsj jLsj>R32327; N67&s&sjjTusculum, Town of Worcests jer, Otsego County, New Yosrks jHR31, R32327; 'sN67's(Worcester, New YorksR32аsjЧs2 j-j4j1jЦsj jЦsjTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаscester, New Yorkаsj4R31338аsjjЦsаsBetsy, BetseyаsR31аs jЦsR41аsjjЦsj:"had one son and 8 daughtаsersаsjJtj^21, 24357Иt326; N66Иt!j%jLt"j<24326; N66&t&t$j4Columbia County, New Yorktt&j<24326; N66't't(jHTusculum Hill, Worcestert, New Yorkt0Died at 16 years of ageаt+jЧt2,j..jЦt)jЦt/j<24326; N66аtК0j-jЦtаt1j:"run over by a loaded wagаton"аtqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ei r№ suvwe:AjcPrtAjBtDjJuEjV21357Иu327; N67ИuGjKjLu$327; N67&uIjjTusculum, Town of WorcestuJjer, Otsego County, New Yourku$327; N67'u(Worcester, New YorkuR41аuOjЧu2-PjЦuQjMjЦu PollyаuSjJvTj^21, 24357Иv327; N67ИvVj[jLvWj<24327; N67&v&vYjjTusculum, Town of WorcestvZjer, Otsego County, New Yovrkv\j<24327; N67'v'v^jjTusculum, Town of Worcestv_jer, Otsego County, New Yovrkvdj<24327; N67аvbjЧv2.cjЦvЂ &ej`jЦvаvfjZ"accident;" "killed in hiаvs father's sawmill"аvgjdPrvgjBvjjJwkj^21, 25357Иw327; N67ИwmjLw$327; N67&wojjTusculum, Town of Worcestwpjer, Otsego County, New Yowrkw 25, 31аwsjЧw2tj/wjЦwujqjЦwStore ownerаwxj<327; N6725аwyjvjЦwаwzj–Tusculum, Town of Worcestаw{jer; "rem. 1857 to Orwell,аw Ashtabula County, Ohio"аw|jePrw|jBwqqjJxP39ИxUnknown;x„jJyP39Иy†j8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;yA.;yˆjJzP39ИzŠj8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;zA.;zŒjJ{P39И{Žj<CobleskillNew YorkU.;{S.A.;{jJ|P39И|Unknown;|“jJ}P39И}•j@BordontownNew Jersey;}U.S.A.;}—jJ~P39И~™j4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;~;~~€eœjJP39ИUnknown;ŸjJ€P39И€ЁjBRichmondvilleNew York;€U.S.A.;€ЃjJP39ИUnknown;ІjJ‚2E8E79И‚ЈjЊjL‚&C60A, C62&‚New York State‚C60A'‚C60Aа‚­jЧ‚2 Ўj-Бj4ЕjЦ‚ЏjЋjЦ‚&Schenevus Cemeteryа‚ВjPC62E79а‚ГjАjЦ‚B163а‚2Mary M., Madore, Madonnaа‚B163а‚CЖjДjЦ‚&Maryland, New Yorkа‚Unknown;‚qqqqqqqqСjJƒТjNE8E79ИƒC60AИƒE8аƒХjЧƒ21ЦjЦƒЧjУjЦƒ2Family had a third childаƒUnknown;ƒЪjJ„E8И„Unknown;„ЭjJ…Юj4E8C60AИ…И…аjвjL…E79&…*Chaseville, New York…E79'…дjTJobmann Nursing Home, Wor…cester, New York…E79а…зjЧ…2иj мj+пjЦ…йjеjЦ…кj6Schenevus Methodist Churcа…hа…E79а…нjлjЦ…&Schenevus Cemeteryа…E79а…рjоjЦ…сjDSchenevus Valley Grange; а…Rebekahsа…Unknown;…уjfPr…уjB…цjJ†E8И†Unknown;†щjJ‡ъjNE8E79И‡C60AИ‡ьjэjL‡C60A&‡юj6E79C60A'‡'‡C60Aа‡ёjЧ‡2 ђjЦ‡ѓjяjЦ‡&Schenevus Cemeteryа‡qqqqqqqqqqqqkJˆ.E19ИˆkkLˆk6E19Z271&ˆ&ˆk6E19Z271'ˆ'ˆаˆ kЧˆ2  kЦˆ kkЦˆ kTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаˆcester, New Yorkаˆk8WorcesterNew YorkU.S;ˆ.A;ˆkJ‰E19И‰C96Oа‰kЧ‰2k/kЦ‰kkЦ‰Dressmakerа‰C96Oа‰kkЦ‰&"in Tuscan" (1908)а‰k6OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;‰.;‰kgPr‰kB‰kJŠE19ИŠ kLŠE19D&ŠUnknown;Š#k<onglen Elizabeth DeLong\‹ЈU(‚De‹%kJ‹&k6E19E19CИ‹И‹(kL‹E19D&‹E19Bа‹+kЧ‹21,kЦ‹-k)kЦ‹.k6Two sons and two daughterа‹sа‹Unknown;‹1kJŒ2k6E19E19DИŒИŒ4kLŒE19D&ŒUnknown;ŒqqqqqqqqqqAkJE19ИUnknown;DkJŽE19ИŽUnknown;ŽGkJE50ИIkJkLE50&E50'LkJE50ИNkOkLE50&E50'QkJ‘E50И‘SkTkL‘E50&‘E50'‘UkhPr‘UkB‘XkJ’E50И’Zk[kL’E50&’E50'’]kJ“E72И“_k`kL“E72&“E72'“Unknown;“ckJ”dk:T9-T10T67И”И”fkikL”gk8T9-T10T5&”&”0Cornwallville, New York”T150'”T297а”lkЧ”2 mkЦ”nkjkЦ”.Cornwallville Cemeteryа”okiPr”okB”qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk<nOrden Melinda VanOrden\•ЈU(‚Va•ƒkJ•T150И•…k†kL• T9-T10&•T150'•0Cornwallville, New York•T297а•ŠkЧ•2 ‹k-Žk4’k/”kЦ•ŒkˆkЦ•.Cornwallville Cemeteryа•k6T150T83а•kkЦ•а•(Margaritra, Matildaа•T150а•Ђ‘kЦ•"2; T302а••k“kЦ•–kX"of ... West Camp;" Cornwа•allville, New Yorkа•Unknown;•™kJ– T9-T10И–›kžkL–œkRT9-T10T26&–T5&–2East Haddam, Connecticut–T150'–T150а–ЁkЧ–24ЂkЦ–§ŸkЦ–ЃkjPr–ЃkB–ІkJ— T9-T10И—ЈkЉkL— T9-T10&—T150'—Ћk<.†Matthias France, Jr..˜ЈU(‚Fr˜­kJ˜ЎkBT108221; V150ȘȘАkБkL˜T103&˜Вk8T105T117'˜'˜0Cornwallville, New York˜"3; T303а˜Жkט2Зk)КkНk Тk4Хk.Ыk/Яk֘ИkДk֘Farmerа˜T115а˜ЛkЙk֘Democratа˜(T117, T118а˜ОkМk֘Рk>Cornwallville Methodist Cа˜ПkŒQrЕhurchа˜(T115, T118а˜УkСk֘.Cornwallville Cemeteryа˜T118а˜ЦkФk֘Чk˜February 29, 1854 also giа˜Шkven as date of birth (butа˜Щk 1854 is not a leap year)а˜а˜T117а˜ЬkЪk֘Эk^Typhoid fever, following а˜measles and dysenteryа˜&222; V151а˜аkЮk֘,"Cornellsville, N.Y."а˜бkkPr˜бkB˜дkJ™еkBT128221; V150И™И™зkйkL™иkBT103221; V150&™&™кk8T105T115'™'™мk‚Home of her daughter, Mrs™нk. Albert Smith, Cornwallv™ille, New York™пkЧ™2рk чk/ъkЦ™њQтkсkЦ™&T120-T122а™уk˜Teaching certificate, Secа™фkond District, Greene Co.,а™хk N.Y.; also 1874 and 1882а™а™T115а™шkцkЦ™.Cornwallville Cemeteryа™&222; V151а™ыkщkЦ™,"Cornellsville, N.Y."а™ьklPr™ьkB™яk<h†Ellen Kimberly Smith\šЈU(‚SmšёkJšT299ИšѓkLšєkJIrene M. Smith research&šT299&šConnecticutšњk8T299T334аšјkЧš2'љkЦšШћkіkЦšаšќk^BA Business Administratioаšn, Cornell Universityаšўkj215 Wedgewood TerraceSy;šlracuseNew York13214U.S;šq.A;šlJ›T300И›lL›T300&›Connecticut›0T334а›lЧ›2' llЦ› llЦ› lжBA German and English, Amа› lherst College (1994); Fulа› lbright Scholar in Germanyа›l; MA German, Indiana Univа›ersityа›0T354а›llЦ›lbInstructor in German, Uniа›on and Bowdoin Collegesа›Unknown;›lmPr›lB›lJœO70ИœllLœO70&œO70'œ82аœlЧœ2l-"l/%lЦœllЦœ lBHardware and feed-store mаœerchantаœO70аœ#l!lЦœGuyаœ$19; T319аœ&l$lЦœ2East Worcester, New Yorkаœ(lJ$155; X49И$155; X49а+lЧ21,lЦ-l)lЦ.lX"... probable but not proаven ... ?Nicholas"а/lnPr/lBqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAlJž$141; X42ИžClLž$157; X50&žB28аžFlЧž2-Gl6JlЦžHlDlЦžCorneliaаžB28аžKlIlЦžParmentierаžLloPržLlBžOlJŸB28ИŸQlRlLŸB28&ŸB28'Ÿ$141; X42аŸUlЧŸ2 VlЦŸWlSlЦŸEast FishkillаŸXlpPrŸXlBŸ[lJ B28И ]lJЁ$141; X42ИЁB28аЁ`lЧЁ2-alЦЁbl^lЦЁ"Theodore VanWyckаЁdlJЂB28ИЂflLЂ$B28; X43&ЂhlЧЂ2il3olЦЂк ЫlljlЦЂkl>B28142; X43аЂаЂmlDFirst Reformed Church of аЂFishkillаЂB28аЂк ЫplnlЦЂqlLGrandparents Frans and MaаЂritje DeLangаЂqqqqqqqqqqqqqqlJЃB28ИЃƒlLЃ$B28, X43&Ѓ…lЧЃ2†l3ŒlЦЃRЬ‰l‡lЦЃˆl>B28142; X43аЃаЃŠlDFirst Reformed Church of аЃFishkillаЃB28аЃRЬl‹lЦЃŽlVLawrence and Rachel LoseeаЃ (uncle and aunt)аЃlJЄB28ИЄ’lLЄB28&Є”lЧЄ2•lЦЄb Я˜l–lЦЄ—l>B28142; X43аЄаЄ™lDFirst Reformed Church of аЄFishkillаЄ›lJЅB28ИЅlLЅ$B28, X43&ЅŸlЧЅ2 lЦЅZ вЂlЁlЦЅB28аЅ&Fishkill, New YorkаЅЃlqPrЅЃlBЅІlJІB2q8ИІ ЃЄЅeЭЉlJЇB28ИЇЋlJЈB28ИЈ­lЧЈ2Ўl-БlЦЈZ вЏlЦЈB28аЈB28аЈВlАlЦЈFrancisаЈГlrPrЈГlBЈqqqqqqqqqqqСlJЉB29ИЉУlLЉB29&ЉХlЧЉ2ЦlЦЉВ ГЧlЦЉB29аЉЩlJЊB29ИЊЫlЭlLЊЬl>142; X43B29&Њ&ЊB29'ЊЯlJЋB29ИЋбlLЋ$B29, X43&ЋгlЧЋ2дl3кlЦЋК ШзlеlЦЋжlXB29B29аЋ142; X43аЋиl^(or June 25) First ReformаЋed Church of FishkillаЋ$142; X43аЋЪ ШлlйlЦЋмlBCornelius Wiltsie and RutаЋh SmithаЋоlJЌB29ИЌрlJ­B29И­тlJЎB29ИЎфlLЎ$B29, X43&ЎцlЧЎ2чl3эlЦЎтЪъlшlЦЎщl>B29142; X43аЎаЎыl\(or May 28) First ReformeаЎd Church of FishkillаЎB29аЎЪюlьlЦЎяlLGrandparents Frans and MaаЎritje DeLangаЎёlJЏ$142; B43ИЏB29аЏєlЧЏ2-ѕlЦЏіlђlЦЏJonathonаЏqqqqqqqqqmJАB29ИАmLАB29&АmTBeekman, Dutchess County,аА New York (1740)аАmЧА2/mЦАmЦА mJБ$142; X43ИБB29аБ mЧБ26m/mЦБm mЦБChamberlainаБ$142; X43аБmmЦБmTBeekman, Dutchess County,аБ New York (1740)аБmJВB29ИВmJГB29ИГmLГB29&ГmЧГ2m3"m-&mЦГт ЯmmЦГm>B29142; X43аГаГ mFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаГed ChurchаГB29аГт Я#m!mЦГ$mNElias and Eche Delong (unаГcle and aunt)аГ'm>B29142; X43аГ(m%mЦГаГ(Eaje, Eugey, HeecheаГ)msPrГ)mBГ,mJДB29ИД.mLДB29&Д0mЧД21mЦДТм3m2mЦДB29аД4m<Rhinebeck Presbyterian ChаДurchаДqqqqqqqqqqqДeЯBmJЕB29ИЕDmLЕX43&ЕFmЧЕ2Gm4MmЦЕz рJmHmЦЕIm>B29142; X43аЕаЕKm^Church of Gallatinville, аЕColumbia County, N.Y.аЕB29аЕNmLmЦЕOm6Born June 15, year unknowаЕnаЕQmJЖB29ИЖSmLЖB29&ЖUmBHempstead, Long Island, NЖew YorkЖWm< š†Willemptje Snedeker\(ЗЈU(‚SnЗYmJЗB29ИЗ[mJИB29ИИ]mLИ2Date of baptism&И_mЧИ2`m6dm-gm/jmЦИЕamЦИbmFJohn D. Baldwin researchаИаИB29аИemcmЦИ$Freylig; FrohlichаИB29аИhmfmЦИ,John Bernard FrohlichаИ$142; X43аИkmimЦИlm>"of Beekman for several yаИears"аИmmtPrИmmBИpm< š†Anna Apollonia Rapp\(ЙЈU(‚RaЙrmJЙ$142; X43ИЙqqqqqqqqqqqqqmJК$145; X44ИКƒm„mLК$145; X44&КX44A'К$165; X54аК‡mЧК2*ˆm-m6‘m/”m4˜mЦК‰m…mЦКŠmrCrum Elbow Pathmaster 176аК‹m8, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1774аК, 1776аК$B26, B33аКŽmŒmЦКmJCoenrat, Coenradt, CounraаКt, CounrateаКB26аК’mmЦКdeLong, DeLongаК$165; X54аК•m“mЦК–mDBeekman (1739); Crum ElboаКw (1757)аКX75аК"Л—mDk k™mЦКX44AаКšmuPrКšmBКmJЛB30ИЛŸmLЛB30&ЛЁmЧЛ2Ђm-Їm4Њm3Ќm6АmЦЛ аЄmЃmЦЛB30аЛЅmb"in the Clove [Beekman PaаЛtent, Dutchess County]"аЛ$143; X43аЛЈmІmЦЛ AnnaаЛ&143; X43аЛкЯЉmЦЛ$143; X43аЛ а­mЋmЦЛЎm8Barend Lickhard and JustiаЛnaаЛ$143; X43аЛБmЏmЦЛFrelighаЛqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСmJМB30ИМУmLМB30&МХmЧМ2Цm3Ьm6аmЦМт бЩmЧmЦМШm>B30143; X43аМаМЪmT"on the trip, in the homeаМ of the parents"аМ$143; X43аМт бЭmЫmЦМЮmNPieter Peterson Lassing aаМnd Anna MariaаМ$143; X43аМбmЯmЦМFrelighаМгmJНB30ИНеmLН$B30, X43&НзmЧН2иm-нm6рmЦНjзкmйmЦНB30аНлm>Catskill Dutch Reformed CаНhurchаН$143; X43аНоmмmЦНElizabethаН$143; X43аНсmпmЦНFrelighаНуmJОB30ИОхmLО$B30; X43&ОчmЧО2шm-эm6№mЦОкъmщmЦОB30аОыm>Catskill Dutch Reformed CаОhurchаО$143; X43аОюmьmЦОMargarethaаО$143; X43аОёmяmЦОFrelighаОqqqqqqqqqqqqqqnJПB30ИПnLП$B30, X43&ПnЧП2n- n6nЦПмnnЦПB30аП n>Catskill Dutch Reformed CаПhurchаП$143; X43аП n nЦПCatherinaаП$143; X43аПn nЦПFrelighаП ПРСeбnJРB30ИРnLР$B30, X43&РnЧР2n6nЦРJ оnЦРB30аР$143; X43аРnnЦРFrelighаРnJСB30ИСnLС$B30, X43&С!nЧС2"n6'nЦСр$n#nЦСB30аС%n>Catskill Dutch Reformed CаСhurchаС$143; X43аС(n&nЦСFrelighаС*nJТB30ИТ,n<oogaardvan Lew Boogaard\УЈU(‚BoУ.nJУB30ИУ0nJФ1n>B21135; X39ИФИФ3n6nLФ4n8135; X39&Ф&ФNew YorkФ$135; X39'Ф8nЧФ29n6nЦФBn<"widower of Marritje GerrаФits"аФ$135; X39аФEnCnЦФFn4Kingston, New York (1696)аФаФGnvPrФGnBФJn<onhovenlaas Schoonhoven\ХЈU(‚ScХLnJХB21ИХNnJЦB30ИЦSnHB26, B30143; аЦQnЧЦ26Rn-VnЦЦTnOnЦЦX43аЦ(Ellsworth, ElsworthаЦ$143; X43аЦWnUnЦЦ,George Ellsworth, Jr.аЦYnJЧB30ИЧ[nLЧB30&Ч]nЧЧ2^n3dn-in6lnЦЧЪбan_nЦЧ`n>B30143; X43аЧаЧbnDFirst Reformed Church of аЧFishkillаЧB30аЧЪбencnЦЧfnjElias Delong and JannetjeаЧgn Hasbrouck (uncle and aunаЧt)аЧB30аЧjnhnЦЧ FransаЧB30аЧmnknЦЧEllsworthаЧnnwPrЧnnBЧqnJШ$143; X43ИШB30аШtnЧШ26un/xnЦШvnrnЦШSimsonаШ$143; X43аШynwnЦШ"of Beekman"аШqqqqqqnJЩB30ИЩƒnLЩ$B30, X43&Щ…nЧЩ2†n3ŒnЦЩт Я‰n‡nЦЩˆn>B30143; X43аЩаЩŠnFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаЩed ChurchаЩB30аЩт Яn‹nЦЩŽnHBarent Freylig and wife LаЩydia LangeаЩnJЪB30ИЪ’nLЪ$B30, X43&Ъ”nЧЪ2•n3›nЦЪа˜n–nЦЪ—n>B30143; X43аЪаЪ™nDFirst Reformed Church of аЪFishkillаЪB30аЪаœnšnЦЪnZJoris and Elizabeth ElswaаЪrt (uncle and aunt)аЪŸnJЫB30ИЫЁnLЫB30&ЫЃnЧЫ2Єn3Ћn4АnЦЫлІnЅnЦЫB30аЫЇnІWednesday after Trinity; аЫЈnZion Lutheran Church, LooаЫЉnnenberg, Greene County, NаЫew YorkаЫB30аЫлЌnЊnЦЫ­nnQuirinus Light and CatherаЫЎnine DeLangen (uncle and aаЫunt)аЫ$143; X43аЫБnЏnЦЫВnPFebruary 6, 1749 given asаЫ date of birthаЫГnxPrЫГnBЫqqqqqqqqqqqСnJЬ$146; X45ИЬУnLЬ$147; X45&ЬХnЧЬ2Цn3ЩnЦЬЂПЧnЦЬ$147; X45аЬ$147; X45аЬЂПЪnШnЦЬЫn8Veronica and Andries BergаЬerаЬЭnJЭ$147; X45ИЭЯnJЮB30ИЮбnLЮB30&ЮгnЧЮ2дn3кnЦЮjжжnеnЦЮB30аЮзnfZion Lutheran Church, LooаЮиnnenberg, Greene Co., N.Y.аЮаЮB30аЮjжлnйnЦЮмn>Johannes and Liesabeth ScаЮhererаЮоn<sonna Magdalena Simpson\ЯЈU(‚SiЯрnJЯB30ИЯтnLЯB30&Я$143; X43аЯхnЧЯ24цn-шnЦЯгуnЦЯ$143; X43аЯщnчnЦЯAnna MagdelanaаЯабЯвeйьnJаB30ИаюnLаB30&а№nЧа2ёn3њn-ўnЦа*кєnђnЦаѓn>B30143; X43ааааѕnдBeekman, first Thursday aааіnfter 28 November; recordeааїnd at Zion Lutheran Churchаајn, Loonenberg, Greene Co.,аа N.Y.аа$B26, B30аа*кћnљnЦаќnFGrandparents Frans and Maааry DeLangаа$143; X43ааo§nЦаqйFransyntieааoJбB30ИбoLб$B30, X43&бoЧб2oЦбмoЦбB30аб o<onHeweat Gillen Simpson\вЈU(‚Siв oJвB30ИвoLв$143; X43&вoЧв2o3o-oЦвЂрooЦвB30авofZion Lutheran Church, Looавonenberg, Greene Co., N.Y.ававB30авЂрooЦвoЎ"Hans Pieterse Lassing inавo his place Johannes Scherавoe;" "only Catherine shownав as parent"ав$143; X43авooЦв,Hewat Gillian SimpsonавoyPrвoBв"oJгB30Иг$oLгX52&г$161; X52аг'oЧг2(o+o-/o63oЦг)o%oЦг*oFFirst Reformed Church of агPeekskillагŠР-o,oЦг$160; X52аг&Kingston, New Yorkаг&160; X52аг0o.oЦг Saraаг2oN143, 160, 162; X43, X52аг, X53аг4o1oЦг&Titsoort, TitsvortагqqqqqqqqqqqAo<.†Jochem Roelofse, Jr..дЈU(‚RoдCoJдB21Ид$136; X40адFoЧд2/GoЦдHoDoЦдIoF"in NYC at the home of hiадs father"адKoJеB21ИеLozPrеLoBеOoJжB21Иж$138; X41ажRoЧж2-SoЦжToPoЦж&Gysbert Van GardenажVo<erAnna Magdalene Weiser\зЈU(‚WeзXoJз$138; X41ИзZoLз[o8144; X44&з&зGermanyзaofB21144, 169; аз_oЧз2-`oЦзco]oЦзboX44, X56азазdojAnna Magdalena Wyser; Annазeoa Madelena; Magdelena Wysазerазgo<n†Nicholas Schoonhoven\иЈU(‚ScиioJи$138; X41ИиB21аиloЧи26mo1po-toЦиnojoЦиSchoonmakerаи$138; X41аиqoooЦиro6"widower of Weyntjen Kwikаи"аи$138; X41аиuosoЦи&Nikolas SchoonhoofаиqqqqqqqqqqoJй$138; X41ИйB21ай„oЧй2-…o6ˆoЦй†o‚oЦйHannes MidlaerайMetlarай‡oЦйŠoJкB21ИкŒoŽoLк$147; X45&кNew Yorkк$148; X46'кo4147-148; X45-X46акак’oЧк2“o/–oЦк”ooЦк*Operated tenant farmак$147; X45ак—o•oЦк˜ovKingston, Poughkeepsie (1ак™o740) and Beekman (1743), акNew Yorkакšo{PrкšoBкoJлžo6Z115B31ИлИл oЁoLлB31&лB31'л.Lansingburgh, New YorkлB31алЅoЧл2Іo/ЉoЦлЇoЃoЦлBlacksmithалB31алЊoЈoЦлЋoЄCharlotte Precinct, DutchалЌoess County, New York; Renал­osselaer County, New York ал(1769)алЎo|PrлЎoBлБoJмB31ИмГoLмB31&мЕoЧм2Жo3КoЦмаИoЗoЦмB31ам&Fishkill, New YorkамB31амаЛoЙoЦмМoLGrandparents Frans and Maамritje DelangамqqqСoJнB31ИнУoЧoLнФo6Z115B31&н&нЦoJCharlotte, Dutchess Countнy, New YorkнZ115'нЩo6South Wallingford, VermonнtнЫoJоB31ИоЭoLоB31&оB31аоаoЧо2/бoЦовoЮoЦогo4"to Huron Co. Mich. 1825"аоаодo}PrодoBозoJпB31ИпйoкoLпB31&пB31'пB31апнoЧп21оoЦппoлoЦп$Twin of ElizabethапсoJрB31Иртo~PrртoBрхoJсB31ИсчoLс$267; B31'с*Wallingford, VermontсъoJтB31ИтьoLтB31&тB31атяoЧт21№oЦтёoэoЦт Twin of RebeccaатqqqqqqqqqqqqqqъмноптфeлpJуB31ИуpJфB31ИфppLфB31&фB31'фB31аф pЧф2- pЦф ppЦф Pollyафp<n†Leonard Schermerhorn\хЈU(‚ScхpJхB31ИхppLхB31&хB31'хKnox, New YorkхpJцB31ИцpJчB31ИчpJшB31ИшpJщB31ИщpJъB31Иъ pJыB31Иы"p<\(Peter Van De Water\U(ьЈU(‚Vaь$pJьB32Иь&pLь$143; X43'ьB32аь)pЧь2-*p6.pЦь+p'pЦь*Pieter Van de Watersаь-pN143-144; X43-X44аьB32аь/p,pЦь0pjVan der Water; Van Der Waаь1pter; Vandewater; VanDewatаьerаь?ŒdлqqqqqqqqqqqqqAp<sU(Lena Van De Water\œU(эЈU(‚VaэCpJэDp>B32144; X44ИэИэFpLэ$B32; X44&э&Hopewell, New YorkэIpЧэ2Jp-Pp3SpЦэЪбMpKpЦэLp>B32144; X44аэаэNpDFirst Reformed Church of аэFishkillаэB32аэQpOpЦэHelenaаэ$144; X44аэЪбTpRpЦэNo SponsorаэVpJюB32ИюXp<er\cobus Van De Water\яЈU(‚VaяZpJя[p>B32144; X44ИяИя]pLяB32&я&Fishkill, New YorkяB32аяapЧя2/bpЦяcp_pЦя0"resided Fishkill 1800"аяdpPrяdpBяgp<er\ancis Van De Water\№ЈU(‚Va№ipJ№B32И№kpL№B32&№mp<sU(Mary Van De Water\œU(ёЈU(‚VaёopJёB32ИёqpLёB32&ёqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpJђB32Иђƒp<ter\amin Van De Water\ѓЈU(‚Vaѓ…pJѓB32Иѓ‡pLѓB32&ѓѓєѕіјeмŠp<r\Petrus Van De Water\(єЈU(‚VaєŒpJєB32ИєŽpLєB32&є&Fishkill, New Yorkє‘pЧє2’p-˜p4œp/ p3Ѓp;ЇpЦє‚п•p“pЦє”p>B32144; X44аєає–pDFirst Reformed Church of аєHopewellаєB32ає‚п™p—pЦєšpB"baptised ... as Petrus;"ає PieterаєB32аєbпp›pЦєžp6Birth recorded at HopewelаєlаєB32аєЁpŸpЦє0"resided Fishkill 1800"ає$144; X44ає‚пЄpЂpЦєЅpLPaul Vandevoort and Janneаєt Vandewaterає$144; X44аєђпЈpІpЦєЉp\First Reformed Church of аєFishkill; no SponsorаєЊp€PrєЊpBє­p<er\artje Van De Water\ѕЈU(‚VaѕЏpJѕB32ИѕБpLѕ$B32; X44&ѕ&Hopewell, New YorkѕДpЧѕ2Еp-Лp3ОpЦѕ’сИpЖpЦѕЗp>B32144; X44аѕаѕЙpDFirst Reformed Church of аѕFishkillаѕB32аѕМpКpЦѕ Sarahаѕ$144; X44аѕ’сРpНpЦѕqСp>Joonis and Engelje SchoonаѕhovenаѕУp<ter\etje Van De Water\іЈU(‚VaіХpJіB32ИіЧpЩpLіB32&і&Hopewell, New YorkіЪp>B32144; X44'і'і(Half Moon, New YorkіЭpЧі2Юp3дpЦітубpЯpЦіаp>B32144; X44аіаівpDFirst Reformed Church of аіHopewellаіB32аітуеpгpЦіжpFWidow Jannetje Delong (Haаіsbrouck?)аіиpJїB32Иїкp<ater\eth Van De Water\јЈU(‚VaјмpJјB32ИјоpLјB32&ј&Hopewell, New YorkјсpЧј2тpЦјтххpуpЦјфp>B32144; X44ајајцpDFirst Reformed Church of ајHopewellајшpJљИљъp:BenningtonVermontU.S;љ.A.;љьpJњC72ИњUnknown;њяpJћI15ИћUnknown;ћqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJќI!5ИќUnknown;ќq<siory Louise D'Ambrosio\§ЈU(‚D'§qJ§I15И§qJўI15ИўI15аў qЧў21 qЦў q qЦў.Oldest child in familyаўqJџI15ИџUnknown;џqJI15ИI15аqЧ21qЦqqЦ2Youngest child in familyаUnknown;qJB33ИqL B39rev&q>Herrick, Long Island, New YorkB39а!qЧ2-"qЦ#qqЦRachelа%q<Wiltseedrickson Wiltsee\ЈU(‚Wi'qJB39И)q*qL B39rev&B39',qJB39И.q0qL B39rev&&Flatbush, New York B39rev'(Hempstead, New YorkqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAqJB39ИCqEqL B39rev&.At sea, New Netherland B39rev'(Newton, Long IslandB39аIqЧ26Jq4MqЦKqGqЦWiltseeаA39аNqLqЦBorn 163(?)аPqJB39ИRqL B39rev&BrazilUqJB39ИB39аXqЧ26YqЦZqVqЦMeyersа\qJB39И^q<an Wyckarentse Van Wyck\ЈU(‚Va`qJB39ИbqJ B39И dq<Polhemiusorus Polhemius\ ЈU(‚Po fqJ B39И hq<n†Catherine Van Werven\ ЈU(‚Va jqJ B39И lqJ B39И B39а oqЧ 2-pqЦ qqmqЦ Jeremyа qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ B39И ƒqJB39ИB39а†qЧ2-‡qЦˆq„qЦJohn Rox SmithаŠqJB39ИŒqJB39ИŽqJB39ИqJB39И’qJB39И”qJB39И–q—qLB39&B39'™q<eveizabeth Gildersleeve\ЈU(‚Gi›qJB39ИœqPrœqBŸq<e†Richard Gildersleeve\ЈU(‚GiЁqJB39ИЂq‚PrЂqBЅqJB39ИЇqJB39ИЉqЊqLB39&B39'ЌqJB39ИЎqJB39ИАqJB39ИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСqJB39ИУqJB39ИХqJB39ИЧqJB39ИЩqLB39&B39аЬqЧ2/ЭqЦЮqЪqЦ"of Flushing"ааqJ B39И бqƒPr бqB дqJ!B39И!жqL!B39&!зq„Pr!зqB!кqJ"B39И"мq<villel Charles Bonville\#ЈU(‚Bo#оqJ#F11И#рqL#F13&#"Albany, New York#а#фqЧ#2хq)щq-ьqЦ#цqтqЦ#чqNSales Engineer, KOM Lamb,а# Albany, N.Y.а#а#ъqшqЦ#Republicanа#а#эqыqЦ# Mikeа#яq<illeph Francis Bonville\$ЈU(‚Bo$ёqJ$ђq4F12F13И$И$єqL$F13&$.White Plains, New York$іq˜Qr3qqqqqqqqqr<ullady Veronica Mullady\%ЈU(‚Mu%rJ%r4F12F13И%И%rL%F13&%"Albany, New York% r<dellstopher Lee Waddell\&ЈU(‚Wa& rJ&C320И&а&rЧ&2r-r/rЦ&r rЦ&r8Golf professional; salesmа&anа&а&rrЦ& Chrisа&а&rrЦ&r†New Jersey; Fayetteville,а&r North Carlolina; Jupiterа&, Florida (1999)а&r~P.O. Box 456JupiterFlo;&rrida33468-0456U.S.A.(5;&61) 694-7855;&r<erTravis Richard Miller\'ЈU(‚Mi' rJ'T268И'"rL'T264E&'$rh129 Green StreetReading;'%rMassachusetts01867U.S.;'A;''rJ((rTT268T270И(T273И(*rL(T264E&($Leningrad, Russia(0r8T268T270а(.rЧ(2-/r63rЦ(1r,rЦ(а(Andrewа(T273а(4r2rЦ(Coye-Demidenkoа(6r”419 Butternut RoadRichf;(7rield SpringsNew York134;(39U.S.A(315) 858-2112;(qqqqqqqqArJ,T299И,Crj215 Wedgewood TerraceSy;,DrracuseNew York13214U.S;,.A;,Er…Pr,ErB,Hr<erAllison Judith Butler\-ЈU(‚Bu-JrJ-T299И-LrL-T299&-,Glens Falls, New York-OrЧ-2PrЦ-КЭRrQrЦ-T300а-SrnMaynard United Methodist а-TrChurch (near Utica, New Yа-ork)а-Vrj215 Wedgewood TerraceSy;-WrracuseNew York13214U.S;-.A;-YrJ.0T300И.[r<WhitesboroNew YorkU.;.S.A.;.]rJ/0T300И/_r<WhitesboroNew YorkU.;/S.A.;/arJ0$O62, O70И0crdrL0O70&0O70'0$19; T319а0grЧ02hr/kr.nrЦ0irerЦ0School teacherа0$19; T319а0lrjrЦ00"from Schoharie County"а0$19; T319а0ƒormrЦ0Childbirthа0pr†Pr0prB0qqqqqqqqqqqqqqrJ1$O62, O70И1ƒr†rL1„r4O70199&1&12East Worcester, New York1O70'1"37, 199а1‰rЧ12Šr+r/“rЦ1‹r‡rЦ1ŒrfHardware and feed-store mа1rerchant; dealer in horsesа1а1195а1rŽrЦ1‘rbFirst President, Maple Viа1ew Cemetery Associationа1199а1”r’rЦ12East Worcester, New Yorkа1•r‡Pr1•rB1˜rJ2™r@O62, O70O105И2И2›ržrL2œr6O70O105&2&2(Worcester, New York2O70'2Ѓr@O62, O70O105а2ЁrЧ22-ЂrЦ2ЄrŸrЦ2а2 Celiaа2ІrJ3O70И3ЈrЉrL3O70&3O70'337а3ЌrЧ32­r/ВrЦ3ЎrЊrЦ3ЏrhShoemaker; farmer; hardwaа3Аrre and feed-store merchanа3tа337а3ГrБrЦ3ДrLRoseboom and East Worcestа3er, New Yorkа3ЕrˆPr3ЕrB3qqqqqqqqqСrJ4O70И4УrФrL4O70&4O70'4ЦrJ5O70И5ШrL5O70&5ЪrJ6O70И6ЬrL6O79&6ЮrJ7O70И7аrJ8O70И8вrJ9гr:O61, O702И9И9еrиrL9жr@O61, O70O105&9&9(Worcester, New York9$O61, O70'92а9лrЧ92*мr+сr1хr/щrЦ9нrйrЦ9оrŠSupervisor, Town of Worceа9пrster 1857, 1859; also Ovа9erseer of Highwaysа9194а9тrрrЦ9уrFTrustee of East Worcesterа9 Cemeteryа9O61а9цrфrЦ9чrTEighth child of James andа9 Harriet LaMoureа932а9ъrшrЦ9(Worcester, New Yorkа9ыr‰Pr9ыrB9юr<onOrilla Olivia Sheldon\:ЈU(‚Sh:№rJ:$O61, O70И:ђrѓrL:O70&:єr6O70O104':':(Worcester, New York:qqqqqqqqqqsJ;$O61, O70И;ssL;s>O61, O70O72&;&;$O61, O70';O72а;sЧ;2  s1 s/s6sЦ; ssЦ;0East Worcester Cemeteryа;O61а; s sЦ;s One of three children of а;sJacques Lamoureux; James а;sand Harriet had nine chilа;drenа;39а;ssЦ;2East Worcester, New Yorkа;O105а;ssЦ;Lamoreauxа;Unknown;;sŠPr;sB;s<lknert TenEyck Faulkner\<ЈU(‚Fa<sJ<$O61, O70И<192а< sЧ<2 !sЦ<"ssЦ<#shCongregational Church Cemа<$setery, Worcester, New Yorа<kа<&s<ldonel Aluredus Sheldon\=ЈU(‚Sh=(sJ=)s6O61O104И=И=+s-sL=O104&=,Stephentown, New York=0O104'=2East Worcester, New York=34-35а=1sЧ=22s 6s 9s7s/Bs4EsЦ=3s/sЦ=4s:Manufacturer of woolen goа=odsа=34а=7s5sЦ=Militiaа=O109а=:s8sЦ=2East Worcester, New Yorkа=O70а=P;sЦ=34а=@s=sЦ=qColonelа=34а=CsAsЦ=2East Worcester, New Yorkа=O70а=ћDsЦ=Fs‹Pr=FsB=Is<ierances de Les Dernier\>ЈU(‚De>KsJ>O70И>MsNsL>O70&>O70'>O109а>QsЧ>2 Rs-UsЦ>SsOsЦ>2East Worcester, New Yorkа>Vs6O70O109а>WsTsЦ>а>Xs6Anne; Ann Francis; Franniа>eа>ZsJ?O70И?\s]sL?O70&?O70'?_sJ@O70И@asbsL@O70&@O70'@dsJAO70ИAfsgsLAO70&AO70'AisJBO70ИBkslsLBO70&BO70'BnsJCO70ИCpsqsLCO70&CO70'CqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsJDO70ИDƒs„sLDO70&DO70'D†sJEO70ИEˆs‰sLEO70&EO70'E‹sJFO70ИFsŽsLFO70&FO70'FsJGO70ИG’s“sLGO70&GO70'G”sŒPrG”sBG—sJHO70ИH™sšsLHO70&HO70'H PollyаHsЧH2-žsЦH›sЦH sJIO61ИIЂsJJO61ИJЄsJKO60ИKІsЈsLK$O60, O76&K.New Rochelle, New YorkKO76'K&Westerlo, New YorkKO60аKЌsЧK21­s4АsЦKЎsЊsЦKFifth sonаKO60аKБsЏsЦKВsRFebruary 12, 1731 given aаKs date of birthаKUnknown;KДsPrKДsBKqqqqqqqqqqСsJLO60ИLУsХsLLO76&LPhilipstownLO76'L&Westerlo, New YorkLUnknown;LЩsJMO60ИMЫsLM$O72, O75&M"Bristol, EnglandMO75аMЯsЧM2аs1гsЦMбsЭsЦMBoot makerаMO75аMдsвsЦMеszDaniel and Jeanne LamoureаMжsux had seven sons and twoаM daughtersаMиsnPhilipses Precinct, Dut;Mйschess CountyNew YorkU.;MS.A.;MкsŽPrMкsBMнsJNO60ИNпsLN$O72, O75&NNew York CityNтsЧN2уs6шsЦN* хsфsЦNO75аNцs:French Church, New York CаNityаNO75аNщsчsЦNMasseeаNыsnPhilipses Precinct, Dut;Nьschess CountyNew YorkU.;NS.A.;NюsJOO60ИO№sёsLOO60&OO72'OO60аOєsЧO2ѕsЦOіsђsЦOїsPShipmaster and pilot, SaiаOntonge, FranceаOјsPrOјsBOqqqqqqtJPO60ИPt< š†Jared James Roberts\(QЈU(‚RoQtJQИQtLQ&Q tFSamaritan Hospital, Troy,Q New YorkQаQ tЧQ2 tt1t3tЦQt tЦQRoman CatholicаQЪЯttЦQаQtžSt. Joseph's Roman CatholаQtic Church, Cohoes, New YoаQtrk, by Fr. Joseph RobitaiаQlleаQаQrЭttЦQt:Twin of Jack Raymond RobeаQrtsаQаQЪЯttЦQtNMichael J. Bonville and DаQawn SandersonаQtJRF10ИR tLRF10&R"tJSJ49ИS$t4OneidaNew YorkU.S.A.;S;S&t<Bellingerllen Bellinger\TЈU(‚BeT(tJT)tNJ49J54ИTJ87ИT@adЧNellie BellingerџMT,t.tLTJ54&T$Osceola, New YorkT/t4J50J54'T'T Utica, New YorkTUnknown;TqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAt<illers Frederick Hiller\UЈU(‚HiUCtJUDt4J49J95ИUИUFtHtLUJ50&UGermanyUJ50'U Utica, New YorkUKtЧU2Lt)Pt+TtЦU—NtMtЦUJ50аU*Retired as machinistаUJ50аUQtOtЦURtXRepublican committeeman, аUTown of WhitestownаUJ50аUUtStЦUVtBChief, Yorkville Fire DepаUartmentаUXth20 Westmoreland StreetW;UYthitesboroNew YorkU.S.A;U.;UZtPrUZtBU]t<r†Carl Allen Alexander\VЈU(‚AlV_tJV`t6J44J114ИVИVbtLVJ130&VJ126аVetЧV25ftЦVgtctЦV Rev.аVUnknown;Vjt<estmand Arthur LaForest\WЈU(‚LaWltJW.F26ИWntJXot>F10, F15F25ИXИXqtLXF10&XqqqqqqqqqqqqqqtJY‚t4F10F25ИYИY„tJZ…t<F10F24-F25ИZИZ‡tˆtLZF25&ZF25'ZF10аZ‹tЧZ2-ŒtЦZt‰tЦZGenny HibertаZtJ[t4F10F25И[И[’tJ\“t4F10F24И\И\•tL\–t4F10F32&\&\˜tJ]J10И]štL]F10&]F25а]tЧ]2-žtЦ]Ÿt›tЦ] Jerryа]ЁtJ^$F10, F14И^ЃtJ_ЄtHJ10И_F25И_ІtЇtL_F25&_F25'_ЉtJ`Њt4J49J50И`И`Unknown;`­tJaJ49ИaЏt>MilfordPennsylvaniaU;a.S.A.;aБtJbВt4J49J50ИbИbUnknown;bqqqqqqqqqqqqСtJcТt4J49J50ИcИcФt:CanastotaNew YorkU.S;c.A.;cЦtJdЧt4J49J50ИdИdЩt4PlainfieldIowaU.S.A.;d;de‹e‹ЬtJeJ49ИeЮt<Green LakeNew YorkU.;eS.A.;eаtJfJ50ИfвtJgJ50ИgдtJhJ50ИhжtйtLhJ54&hиt4Fall River, MassachusettshhJ54'h*Whitesboro, New YorkhмtVDenton AvenueWhitesboro;hNew YorkU.S.A.;hоtJiK2Иiрt6ClintonNew YorkU.S.A;i.;iтtJj0K2K2Иjфt6ClintonNew YorkU.S.A;j.;jцtJkK9ИkшtDNew York MillsNew York;kU.S.A.;kUnknown;lыtJmK5ИmUnknown;mюtJnF10Иn№tLnF10&nаnѓtЧn2-єtЦnѕtёtЦnSamаnqqqqqqqqqqu<tsMelissa Marie Roberts\oЈU(‚RoouJoИouLo&oTroy, New Yorkoаo uЧo2& u u)uuЦo uuЦoG.E.D.аoаou uЦo2Licensed practical nurseаoаouuЦoDemocratаoаouuЦoRoman Catholicаou<ollisen Michelle Collis\pЈU(‚CopuJpF10ИpuJqF10ИquJrC293ИruJsC321Иs uJtC321Иt"uJuO76ИuUnknown;u%uJvO79Иv'uLvO79&v)uJwO79Иw+uLwO79&wO79аw.uЧw2-/uЦw0u,uЦwLudwigаwo˜bwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAuJxO79ИxCu<eider Wilhelm Schneider\yЈU(‚ScyEuJyO79ИyGuLyO78&yIuJzO79ИzKuJ{O78И{MuL{O78&{Germany{O78а{QuЧ{26RuЦ{SuOuЦ{Snyderа{Tu‘Pr{TuB{O78а|XuЧ|2YuЦ|ZuVuЦ|.Albany Reformed Churchа|\u<eider Wilhelm Schneider\}ЈU(‚Sc}^uJ}O78И}`uL}O78&}Germany}cu<yderkaleta Viola Snyder\~ЈU(‚Sn~euJ~O80И~guL~O80&~O80а~juЧ~2-kuЦ~luhuЦ~ Letaа~nu<r†Claude Eugene Snyder\ЈU(‚SnpuJO80ИruLO80&"181; N4\ysudyZ153\zuudz\{wud{zuPSt. Paul's Church, WhitesY{boro, New YorkY{qqqqquJ€O80И€ƒuL€$20; T320'€O81а€†uЧ€2‡u/‹uЦ€ˆu„uЦ€‰uRSchool teacher, East Worcа€ester, New Yorkа€$20; T320а€ŒuŠuЦ€2East Worcester, New Yorkа€u’Pr€uB€uJO80И199а“uЧ2-”uЦ•u‘uЦ Earlа—uJ‚O81И‚O81а‚šuЧ‚2›u*ŸuЦ‚œu˜uЦ‚uTTaught school in East Worа‚cester, New Yorkа‚O81а‚ užuЦ‚(School commissionerа‚ЂuJƒO81ИƒO81аƒЅuЧƒ2ІuЦƒЇuЃuЦƒЈuTTaught school in East Worаƒcester, New YorkаƒЊuJ„O81И„ЌuJ…­u4O81M63И…И…ЏuАuL…M63&…M63'…M63а…ГuЧ…2 Дu/ИuЦ…ЕuБuЦ…ЖuTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа…cester, New Yorkа…154а…ЙuЗuЦ…"Ithaca, New Yorkа…Кu“Pr…КuB…qqqqСuJ†ТuNO81184И†M63И†ФuХuL†M63&†M63'†154а†ШuЧ†2'ЩuЬu бu жu5кuЦ†ЪuЦuЦ† M.D.а†Эu4M63154а†ЮuЫuЦ†а†ЯuTPracticed medicine in Worа†cester 1905-1917а†154а†вuаuЦ†гu”Captain, U.S. Army Medicaа†дul Reserve Corps 1917-1919а†; occupation of Germanyа†M63а†зuеuЦ†иuTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа†cester, New Yorkа†184а†лuйuЦ†Dr.а†мu”Pr†мuB†пuJ‡T296И‡сuуuL‡0T296&‡$Oneonta, New York‡фu8T296T296'‡'‡цuDUnion Square Hotel, New Y‡ork City‡T296а‡щuЧ‡2ъu юu ђu.іuЦ‡ыuчuЦ‡ьuFMerchant seaman, SS Southа‡ern Crossа‡T296а‡яuэuЦ‡№u:Enlisted in U.S. Coast Guа‡ardа‡а‡ѓuёuЦ‡єuJGlenwood Cemetery, Oneontа‡a, New Yorkа‡T296а‡їuѕuЦ‡&Suicide by hangingа‡љu:WorcesterNew YorkU.S;‡.A.;‡њu•Pr‡њuB‡qqqqvJˆv:T296C116AИˆИˆvvLˆC116A&ˆvRTown of Sanford, Broome Cˆounty, New Yorkˆ2C116A'ˆ v@McKown farm, Maryland, Neˆw YorkˆC116Aаˆ vЧˆ2 v v+v.v-v/vЦˆv vЦˆvHFireman, D&H Railroad; faаˆrm laborerаˆC116AаˆvvЦˆvJGlenwood Cemetery, Oneontаˆa, New YorkаˆC116AаˆvvЦˆv\Brotherhood of Railroad Fаˆiremen and Enginemenаˆ2C116AаˆКyvvЦˆ$Died in barn fireаˆC116AаˆvvЦˆ Eugene C. MorseаˆC116Aаˆ vvЦˆ!vФSanford, Oneonta (1887), аˆ"vArkville, Cook's Falls, Sаˆ#vchenevus (1911), Milford аˆand Maryland, New Yorkаˆ$v–Prˆ$vBˆ'vJ‰T296И‰C116Aа‰*vЧ‰2+v/.vЦ‰,v(vЦ‰.Engineer, D&H Railroadа‰C116Aа‰/v-vЦ‰2Oneonta, New York (1913)а‰1vJŠT296ИŠC116AаŠ4vЧŠ2/5vЦŠ6v2vЦŠ7v6Baltimore, Maryland (1903аŠ)аŠ2C2C79\Š8vdŠ&Westford, New YorkYŠqqqqqAvJ‹И‹Cv<ell, Sr.ey Cattell, Sr..ŒЈU(‚CaŒEvJŒFvLS9S50ИŒS49ИŒHvLvLŒIvTS9S50&Œ96; S74&ŒKv6Philadelphia, PennsylvaniŒaŒ"96; S74'ŒNv6Philadelphia, PennsylvaniŒaŒS49аŒQvЧŒ21Rv-Uv4Xv/ZvЦŒSvOvЦŒ"6 children"аŒS49аŒVvTvЦŒFrank MorseаŒ"96; S74аŒEWvЦŒ"96; S74аŒ[vYvЦŒPhiladelphiaаŒ\v—PrŒ\vBŒ_v<n†Adelaide O. Hunneman\ЈU(‚HuavJS49ИcvevLS9&,Boston, MassachusettsS9'2S49S9аhvЧ2-iv1mvЦjvfvЦkvBAddie Honeyman; Grandma CаallingsаS49аnvlvЦ"6 children"аov˜ProvB2C2D30\ŒqvdŒњbŒD92\tvdqqqqqqqqqqvJŽ‚v:S996; S74ИŽИŽ„v‡vLŽ…v:S996; S74&Ž&Ž(Lynn, MassachusettsŽS9'ŽS9аŽŠvЧŽ21‹v/Žv ‘vЦŽŒvˆvЦŽNo childrenаŽC96AJаŽvvЦŽ0"of Schenectady" (1920)аŽ"96; S74аŽ’vvЦŽ*Rensselaer, New YorkаŽ“v™PrŽ“vBŽ–v<ttelln Gertrude Cattell\ЈU(‚Ca˜vJ™v:S996; S74ИИ›vœvL"96; S74&S9'S9аŸvЧ21 v4ЃvЦЁvvЦTwo childrenаS9аfЂvЦЅvJS9ИЇvLS9&S9аЊvЧ21ЋvЦЌvЈvЦTwo childrenаЎvJ‘2S9S19И‘АvБvL‘S9&‘S9'‘,C96AF, C96AIа‘ДvЧ‘2 Еv1Лv/Оv4Тv7ХvЦ‘ЖvВvЦ‘ЗvЖSecond lieutenant, U.S. Lа‘Иvight Artillery; served inа‘Йv France and Germany; gassа‘ed; World War Iа‘S9а‘МvКvЦ‘No childrenа‘C96AIа‘РvНvЦ‘ ‹ŒeŽ."of Rensselaer" (1920)а‘"96; S74а‘lУvСvЦ‘,Schenectady, New Yorkа‘"96; S74а‘ЇФvЦ‘ЦvšPr‘ЦvB‘ЩvJ’2S9S49И’ЫvЬvL’"96; S74&’S9'’S9а’ЯvЧ’26аv-гvЦ’бvЭvЦ’Callingа’S9а’дvвvЦ’ Nickа’жv<, Sr. John Burgess, Sr..“ЈU(‚Bu“иvJ“йv4S18S35И“И“лvнvL“S18&“0Center Rutland, Vermont“S32'“пv< š†George Ladd Burgess\(”ЈU(‚Bu”сvJ”S18И”уvхvL”S24&”(Granville, New York”$S24, S26'”S18а”шvЧ”2/щv7эv4яvЦ”ъvцvЦ”ыvBAssociated with Newark, Nа”ew Yorkа”S18а”ZwьvЦ”№vHS18S26, S27, а”ВLюvЦ”S30а”e’qqqqqqqqqqqqqqwJ•$S26, S31И•wwL•S18&•(Forestdale, Vermont•S18'•S18а•wЧ•2- w7 wЦ• wwЦ•Ida Mayа•S26а•К ™ wЦ• w›Pr• wB•w<essry Charlotte Burgess\–ЈU(‚Bu–wJ–S18И–wwL–S18&–"Proctor, Vermont–S18'–w<, Jr. Ladd Burgess, Jr..—ЈU(‚Bu—wJ—S18И—wwL—S18&—"Proctor, Vermont—w4S18S32'—'—!w<rgessin William Burgess\˜ЈU(‚Bu˜#wJ˜S18Ș%w'wL˜S18&˜"Proctor, Vermont˜(w4S18S32'˜'˜*w<ssGrace Eleanor Burgess\™ЈU(‚Bu™,wJ™S18И™.w0wL™S18&™*Gouverneur, New York™S32'™qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq$š›œž“Ÿ ЁeЗ Bw<ssBarton Luther Burgess\šЈU(‚BušDwJšS18ИšFwHwLšS18&š0Center Rutland, VermontšIw4S18S32'š'šKw<essward Orlando Burgess\›ЈU(‚Bu›MwJ›S18И›OwQwL›S18&›0Center Rutland, Vermont›S18'›Sw<essrry Fletcher Burgess\œЈU(‚BuœUwJœS18ИœWwYwLœS18&œ0Center Rutland, VermontœS32'œ[w<gesserine Mabel Burgess\ЈU(‚Bu]wJS18И_wLS18&0Center Rutland, Vermontbw<gessorie Gladys Burgess\žЈU(‚BuždwJžS18ИžfwhwLžS18&ž0Center Rutland, Vermontžiw4S18S32'ž'ž$S30, S32аžlwЧž2-mwЦžnwjwЦž Marjory; Margeeаžpw<ssGertrude Lena Burgess\ŸЈU(‚BuŸrwJŸS18ИŸtwvwLŸS18&Ÿ$Portage, New YorkŸww4S18S32'Ÿ'Ÿqqqqqqqqw<gessiam Kenneth Burgess\ ЈU(‚Bu ƒwJ S18И …w‡wL S18& $Portage, New York ˆw4S18S32' ' S32а ‹wЧ 28ŒwЦ ZЄw‰wЦ 47 yearsа w<ssWalter Howard Burgess\ЁЈU(‚BuЁ‘wJЁS18ИЁ“w•wLЁS18&Ё"Newark, New YorkЁS32'Ё—wJЂS18ИЂ™wœwLЂšw4S18S25&Ђ&ЂCanada EastЂ$S30, S31'Ђ&Clarendon, VermontЂ$S25, S31аЂ wЧЂ2/Ёw4ЄwЦЂЂwžwЦЂ.Goshen, Vermont (1867)аЂS31аЂЅwЃwЦЂІw@Brandon or Forestville, VаЂermontаЂЈwJЃS18ИЃS25аЃЋwЧЃ2/ЌwЦЃ­wЉwЦЃ"of Canada"аЃЎwœPrЃЎwBЃБwJЄВw4S18S30ИЄИЄqqqqqqqqqqqqqСwJЅS18ИЅУwLЅS18&ЅFranceЅS30аЅЧwЧЅ21Шw-ЫwЦЅЩwХwЦЅ.Matilda was a CanadianаЅS30аЅЬwЪwЦЅMary (?)аЅЮwJІS18ИІаwLІS18&ІFranceІгwJЇS18ИЇеwжwLЇS30&ЇS30'ЇS30аЇйwЧЇ21кwЦЇлwзwЦЇмw4Mary LaPan was a CanadianаЇаЇоwJЈпw4S18S28ИЈИЈсwJЉтw4S18S27ИЉИЉфwJЊхw4S18S31ИЊИЊчwLЊS18&Њ(Forestdale, VermontЊъwJЋS18ИЋьwLЋS18&Ћ,West Rutland, VermontЋяwJЌS18ИЌёwєwLЌђw4S18S30&Ќ&Ќ&Fort Ann, New YorkЌS30'ЌS18аЌїwЧЌ2 јw1ќwЦЌљwѕwЦЌњw`New York State Cavalry, CаЌo. F "907" (Civil War)аЌS24аЌ§wћwЦЌ "an only child"аЌ№˜lD98T191\ЅўwdЅxJ­S18И­xxL­S30&­S30'­xJЎx4S18S24ИЎИЎ xJЏ x4S18S24ИЏИЏ xLЏS24&Џ0Center Rutland, VermontЏS18аЏxЧЏ2/xЦЏxxЦЏxLAssociated with West RutlаЏand, VermontаЏx<grawiam Dennis Shangraw\АЈU(‚ShАxJАx4S18S24ИАИАxJБS24ИБxLБS24&Б,West Rutland, VermontБS18аБ xЧБ2/!x-%xЦБ"xxЦБ#xDAssociated with Hartford,аБ VermontаБS18аБ&x$xЦБRollinаБ(xJВS24ИВ*xLВS24&В(Granville, New YorkВS18аВ.xЧВ2//x-3xЦВ0x,xЦВ1xBAssociated with Proctor, аВVermontаВS18аВ4x2xЦВHarlemаВqqqqqqqqqqqAxJГS18ИГCxExLГS24&Г0Center Rutland, VermontГS24'Г"Rutland, VermontГS18аГIxЧГ2/JxЦГKxGxЦГLxLAssociated with West RutlаГand, VermontаГ БЖГeИ Ox<essttie Melissa Burgess\ДЈU(‚BuДQxJДRx4S18S24ИДИДTxLДS24&Д,West Rutland, VermontДS18аДXxЧД2/YxЦДZxVxЦД[xLAssociated with West RutlаДand, VermontаД]x<angrawk Porter Shangraw\ЕЈU(‚ShЕ_xJЕ`x4S18S24ИЕИЕbxJЖcx4S18S24ИЖИЖexLЖS24&Ж,West Rutland, VermontЖS18аЖixЧЖ2/jxЦЖkxgxЦЖlxJAssociated with BrattleboаЖro, VermontаЖnxJЗS18ИЗpxLЗS30'З*Brattleboro, VermontЗvx4S18S30аЗtxЧЗ2/uxЦЗwxrxЦЗаЗxx˜Lived in the vicinity of аЗyxWhitehall and Fort Ann, NаЗzxew York; Rutland, VermontаЗаЗ}x\T102T95\Е{xdЕ221; V150\Еx`Home of James Boughton, CYЕornwallville, New YorkYЕxJИS30ИИS18аИ„xЧИ2-…x1ˆxЦИ†x‚xЦИ PollyаИS24аИ‰x‡xЦИŠx|"Stephen and Polly separaаИ‹xted. Later, Polly marriedаИ again ..."аИxJЙŽxDT297T156, T15ИЙ8ИЙx‘xLЙT156&ЙT156'Й–x<T682; T302аЙ”xЧЙ2/•xЦЙ—x’xЦЙаЙ˜xN"from West Camp;" "near CаЙornwallville"аЙ™xPrЙ™xBЙœx< š†Viola Estelle Smith\(КЈU(‚SmКžxJКŸxPT297T162ИКT8ИКЁxЂxLКT162&КT162E'К"5; T305аКЅxЧК2&Іx'ЊxЎxВx+Еx/Кx4ОxЦКЇxЃxЦКЈx\Hervey Street School, CorаКnwallville, New YorkаК"4; T304аКЋxЉxЦКЌxLOverlook Hospital, SummitаК, New JerseyаКЏx@4; T304T162DаКАx­xЦКаК"Registered nurseаКT162аКГxБxЦКPresbyterianаКT298аКЖxДxЦКЗxpDaughters of the AmericanаКИx Revolution, Mayflower SoаКcietyаК"5; T305аКЛxЙxЦКМx6Bernsardsville, New JerseаКyаКT5аКЊkНxЦКqСx8Ft. MyersFloridaU.S.;КA.;КТxžPrКТxBКХxJЛЦx4T297T8ИЛИЛШxЩxLЛ&T5, T162E&ЛЪx<T162ET162G'Л'ЛT297аЛЭxЧЛ2Юxбx5дx/жx7кxЦЛЯxЫxЦЛDentistаЛT162CаЛвxаxЦЛPresbyterianаЛDr.аЛгxЦЛ"5; T305аЛзxеxЦЛиx4Bernardsville, New JerseyаЛаЛT162BаЛЦйxЦЛмxFBernardsvilleNew Jerse;ЛyU.S.A.;ЛоxJМИМрxLМ&МтxJНИНфxLН&НцxJОИОшxLО&ОъxJПИПьxLП'ПаПяxЧП2.№xЦПЬёxэxЦП AIDSаПqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyJРИРyJСS19ИСS59аСyЧС26yЦСyyЦС SowleаСUnknown;С y yLТS19&ТS19'ТS19аТyЧТ28yЦТy yЦТ99 yearsаТyJУy4S19S35ИУИУyyLУS19&УyJKiev, Russian Empire (latУer Ukraine)УS19'УаУyЧУ2yЦУyyЦУJewishаУ yJФS19ИФ"y#yLФS19&ФS19'ФS19аФ&yЧФ21'yЦФ(y$yЦФ)y8Divorced; left two childrаФenаФ+yLХS19&Х-yJЦS19ИЦ/y0yLЦS19&ЦS19'ЦS19аЦ3yЧЦ214yЦЦ5y1yЦЦ"Left 13 childrenаЦT263\Ф6ydФ"Walton, New YorkYФT244\Х9ydХS19119; S79ИШИШLyLШS19&ШTampa, FloridaШUnknown;ШШeЎQyJЩS19ИЩSyLЩ$119; S79&ЩUnknown;ЩVy< š†Heather Ann Burgess\(ЪЈU(‚BuЪXyJЪS19ИЪZyLЪ[y>S19119; S79&Ъ&ЪUnknown;Ъ^y<gessael Stephen Burgess\ЫЈU(‚BuЫ`yJЫS19ИЫbyLЫcy>S19119; S79&Ы&ЫUnknown;ЫfyJЬS19ИЬhyLЬS19&ЬS35аЬkyЧЬ2/lyЦЬmyiyЦЬ2Twin Falls, Idaho (2003)аЬoy4Twin FallsIdahoU.S.A;Ь;ЬqyJЭS20ИЭ$325; D24\ЧrydЧ0Stonington, ConnecticutYЧD5\ШuydШ&170; C422\ЫwydЫqqqqqqqyJЮS20ИЮƒyLЮS20&ЮOregon (?)Ю†y<ttGarrett John Bartlett\ЯЈU(‚BaЯˆyJЯИЯŠyLЯ&ЯŒyJа$308; D24Иа$308; D24ааyЧа21y8”yЦа‘yyЦа’yTListed in order between Pааrudence and Anneаа$308; D24аа•y“yЦа–y6Died the same day of birtааhааUnknown;а™yJбD33Иб"D33-D34абœyЧб2-y1 yЦбžyšyЦб&Josiah Grant HewitабабЁyŸyЦбЂy„Parentage not proven; accабЃyepted as probable becauseаб of middle nameабЄyŸPrбЄyBбЇyJвЈy@170; C422D35ИвИвЊyЋyLв&170; C422&в&170; C422'в­yJг&170; C422ИгЏyАyLг&170; C422&г&170; C422'г ЬЭЮeЯДyXC11308; D23\ЮВydЮD29\ЮЖydЯЗy<C1153; D12\Я\ЯЙyšArbitraty date inserted t\бКyo keep spouses in proper \бЛyorder in database\б\бИydбОyšArbitraty date inserted t\вПyo keep spouses in proper \вp™order in database\вСyJд&171; C422ИдУyLд&171; C422&дХyJе&171; C422ИеЧyLе&171; C422&еЩyJжЪyH170-171; C422ИжC59ИжЬyЭyLжC59&жC59'жC59ажаyЧж2 бyЦжвyЮyЦж&Schenevus Cemeteryажгy PrжгyBжжyJззy@171; C422D35ИзИзйyкyLз&171; C422&з171'зUnknown;знyJи&171; C422ИипyLи&171; C422&иUnknown;итyJй&171; C422ИйфyхyLй&171; C422&й&171; C422'йчyJк&171; C422ИкщyъyLк&171; C422&к&171; C422'кьyJл&171; C422ИлюyLл(171; C422&л№yJм&171; C422ИмђyLм&171; C422&мѕy>C11308; D23\еѓydе\еD8\жіydж$308; D23\лјydлD5\мњydмqqqq мнпрстуфeз zJнz<137, 171; C405, C422ИнИнzLн(171; C422&н&137; C405анzЧн2- zЦн zzЦнLovisaан zJо&137; C405ИоzJп&171; C422ИпzLп&171; C422&пzJр&171; C422ИрzLр&171; C422&рzJс&171; C422ИсzLс&171; C422&сzJт&171; C422ИтzLт&171; C422&тzJу&171; C422Иу zLу&171; C422&у"zJф&171; C422Иф$zLф&171; C422&ф&zJх352Их18ах)zЧх2 *zЦх+z'zЦх$Revolutionary Warах,zЁPrх,zBх/zJц352Иц OhioU.S.A.;ц1zЂPrц1zBц$308; D24\н3zdн$308; D24\о5zdоG1\у7zdуqqqqqqqAzJч352ИчCzLч352'чEzJш352ИшGzLш352'ш352ашJzЧш2 Kz)OzЦшLzHzЦшMz6Soldier in the War of 181аш2аш352ашPzNzЦшRepublicanашQzЃPrшQzBшTzJщ352Ищ щъыeЪVzЄPrщVzBщYzJъ352Иъ[zLъ352'ъ352аъ^zЧъ2 _zЦъ`z\zЦъaz6Soldier in the War of 181аъ2аъczJы352ИыdzЅPrыdzBыgzJь352Иь352аьjzЧь2/kzЦьlzhzЦь(Moved to Californiaаь,CaliforniaU.S.A.;ьozJэ352Иэqz:CoxsackieNew YorkU.S;э.A.;э$27; O155\чrzdч,Milton, MassachusettsYчD8\щuzdщD6\ыwzdыzzNHaverhill, Essex County, YыMassachusettsYыqqqqqzJю352Июƒz4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;ю;ю…zJя352Ия‡z4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;я;я‰zJ№352И№‹z4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;№;№№ђeЩŽzJё352Иёz4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;ё;ё’zJђ352Иђ”z4AlbanyNew YorkU.S.A.;ђ;ђ–zJѓ352Иѓ˜z8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;ѓA.;ѓšzJє352Иєœz8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;єA.;єžzJѕ352Иѕ zLѕ352'ѕUnknown;ѕЃzJі352ИіЅz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;іA.;іЇzJї352ИїЉz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;їA.;їЋzJјЌz4352C59ИјИјЎzЏzLјC59&јC59'ј352ајВzЧј2 Гz Иz8ЛzЦјДzАzЦјЕzhHonorably discharged CiviајЖzl War veteran; not woundeајdајC59ајЙzЗzЦј&Schenevus CemeteryајC59ај"wМzКzЦј88 yearsајОz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;јA.;ј\јРzІPrјРzBјУzJљ352Иљ352аљЦzЧљ2 ЧzЦљШzФzЦљЩzhHonorably discharged CiviаљЪzl War veteran; not woundeаљdаљЬz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;љA.;љЭzЇPrљЭzBљаzJњ352Ињ352ањгzЧњ2 дzЦњеzбzЦњжzhHonorably discharged Civiањзzl War veteran; not woundeањdањйz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;њA.;њћ§ўџјeп лzЈPrњлzBњоzJћ352Ићрz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;ћA.;ћтzJќ352Иќфz8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;ќA.;ќцzJ§352И§шz4OtsegoNew YorkU.S.A.;§;§ъzJў352ИўьzLў183&ў352аўяzЧў2 №zЦўёzэzЦўђzhHonorably discharged Civiаўѓzl War veteran; not woundeаўdаў$KansasU.S.A.;ўѕzЉPrўѕzBўqqqqqqqqq{Jџ352Иџ{:DavenportNew YorkU.S;џ.A.;џ{J352И352а{Ч2  {Ц {{Ц {hHonorably discharged Civiа {l War veteran; not woundeаdа{HSchoharie CountyNew Yo;rkU.S.A.;{ЊPr{B{J352И352а{Ч25{Ц{{Ц Col.а{4WashingtonD.C.U.S.A.;;{J352И352а{Ч2 {Ц {{Ц!{NHonorably discharged Civiаl War veteranа$KansasU.S.A.;${J352И352а'{Ч2 ({Ц){%{Ц*{NHonorably discharged Civiаl War veteranа$KansasU.S.A.;,{ЋPr,{B/{J352И352а2{Ч2 3{Ц4{0{Ц5{NHonorably discharged Civiаl War veteranа$KansasU.S.A.;7{ЌPr7{BqqqqqqqA{J352ИC{8MarylandNew YorkU.S.;A.;eр F{J352ИH{8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;A.;J{J352ИL{8WestfordNew YorkU.S.;A.;N{<llerield Caverly Teller\ЈU(‚TeP{JИаS{Ч2T{)X{*[{ЦU{Q{ЦV{VOwner of disposal serviceа, Worcester, N.Y.а3, 24аY{W{ЦRepublicanа\{L3, 24227, 229аЈ]{Z{Ц, 251а^{tAssessor, Town of Worcestа_{er to 1961; Supervisor 19а62-1969аa{^8 Solar BluffsWorcester;New York12197U.S.A;b{­Prb{Be{J И а h{Ч 2&i{*n{Ц —j{f{Ц k{nGraduate Worcester Centraа l{l School, Worcester, New а Yorkа 3а Њo{m{Ц p{nDeputy Supervisor, Town oа q{f Worcester, to at least а 1964а s{^8 Solar BluffsWorcester; New York12197U.S.A; qqqqqqqqqqqq{<r†John Winfield Teller\ ЈU(‚Te ƒ{J И …{L & ,Cooperstown, New York а ‰{Ч 2&Š{Ц В‹{‡{Ц Œ{nGraduate Worcester Centraа {l School, Worcester, New а Yorkа Unknown; {J И а “{Ч 2&”{Ц ••{‘{Ц –{DGraduate Worcester Centraа l Schoolа ˜{J И а ›{Ч 2&œ{Ц ˜{™{Ц ž{DGraduate Worcester Centraа l Schoolа  {J И а Ѓ{Ч 2&Є{Ц ™Ѕ{Ё{Ц І{DGraduate Worcester Centraа l Schoolа Ј{JИаЋ{Ч2&Ќ{Ц­{Љ{ЦЎ{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl Schoolа Х eч Б{JИаД{Ч2&Е{ЦžЖ{В{ЦЗ{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl SchoolаqqqqqqqqС{JИаФ{Ч2&Х{ЦЁЦ{Т{ЦЧ{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl SchoolаЩ{JИаЬ{Ч2&Э{ЦЂЮ{Ъ{ЦЯ{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl Schoolаб{JИад{Ч2&е{ЦЄж{в{Цз{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl Schoolай{JИам{Ч2&н{ЦІо{к{Цп{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl Schoolас{JИаф{Ч2&х{ЦЈц{т{Цч{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl Schoolащ{<r†James Caverly Teller\ЈU(‚Teы{JИэ{L&,Cooperstown, New Yorkаё{Ч2&ђ{ЦЖѓ{я{Цє{DGraduate Worcester Centraаl SchoolаUnknown;ј{\I15\і{dI38\њ{XSt. Mary's Church, New YoYrk Mills, New YorkYqqqqq|< š†Helen Louise Golden\(ЈU(‚Go|J2D79G1И|LG1'|ЎPr|B |<seRichard Charles Chase\ЈU(‚Ch |J2D79G1И ||LE79&E79'Unknown;|JE79И|BNew York CityNew York;U.S.A.;|<yeAlexander Andrew Hoye\ЈU(‚Ho|J2T229И||LT229&|tGregory Hollow, Town of H|amden, Delaware County, New YorkT229'^ВF102 Townsend St., Walton, |JT229И"|$|L2T229&gИ\Great Bend, Pennsylvania T229'_ВVDelaware Valley Hospital,'|J&T232, V90И)|LT232&+|^Austro-Hungarian Empire (later Czechoslovakia)V260а.|Ч24/|ЦJ,|Ц1|JT232И3|LT232&5|^Austro-Hungarian Empire (later Czechoslovakia)H158\6|dH274\8|dNew YorkY2J1J55\;|d>|8Oldham, Lancashire, EnglaYndYq-bA|JT232ИC|F|LT232&E|VKlestuna, Galicia, Austro-Hungarian EmpireT232'H|<Coalridge, Noble County, OhioT232аK|Ч26L|-O|ЦM|I|Ц Tregta, TretiakаT232аP|N|Ц JohnаR|JT232ИT|W|LT232&V|bRohatyn, Austro-Hungarian Empire (later Ukraine)T232' Cleveland, Ohio]|8T232V271а[|Ч2-\|6`|Ц^|Y|ЦаKsenka, Sadieаa|8T232V271аb|_|Ца Torbin, Torbinsаd|J T232И f|L T232& h|BGalicia, Austro-Hungarian  Empire j|J!T232И!l|L!m|8T232V271&!&!o|BGalicia, Austro-Hungarian! Empire!q|< š†Fevronya Kovillnick\("ЈU(‚Ko"s|J"T232И"u|L"T232&"w|ZZavadovtze, Galicia, Aust"ro-Hungarian Empire"qqqqqqqq|J#T229И#ƒ|L#T229&#…|J$T229И$‡|L$T229&$‰|J%T229И%‹|L%T229&%|J&T229И&|L&T229&&‘|J'V81И'“|L'V260''Florida'V84а'—|Ч'21˜|Ц'™|•|Ц'Two daughtersа'›|J(V81И(V84а(ž|Ч(21Ÿ|Ц( |œ|Ц(Two daughtersа(Ђ|J)V81И)Є|І|L)V260&).Hazleton, Pennsylvania)V260') Cleveland, Ohio)Љ|<o†George William Petro\*ЈU(‚Pe*Ћ|J*$V81, V86И*­|Џ|L*V260&*.Hazleton, Pennsylvania*V260'* Cleveland, Ohio*V261а*Г|Ч*2 Д|7И|Ц*Е|Б|Ц*Ж|DHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parа*ma, Ohioа*V81а*zЙЙ|З|Ц* Cleveland, Ohioа*ИКe)qqqqqС|J+V81И+У|Ц|L+V261&+Х|>Diamond, Parke County, In+diana+V261'+ Cleveland, Ohio+V261а+Ъ|Ч+2 Ы|Ц+Ь|Ш|Ц+Э|DHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parа+ma, Ohioа+Я|J,V81И,б|в|L,V260&,V260', Cleveland, Ohio,V261а,ж|Ч,2 з|Ц,и|д|Ц,й|DHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parа,ma, Ohioа,,re@м|J-&V81, V261И-о|п|L-V261&-V261'-Dayton, Ohio-V261а-у|Ч-2 ф|Ц-х|с|Ц-ц|DHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parа-ma, Ohioа-ш|J.V81И.ъ|J/&V81, V261И/ь|J0V82И0ю|<roWilliam Richard Petro\1ЈU(‚Pe1№|J1V82И1ђ|L1V82&1 Cleveland, Ohio1qqqqqqqqqqqq}J2V82И2}J3V83И3}J4V83И4}J5V83И5 }J6V83И6 }J7V83И77eѓ }J8V84И8}J9T46И9}L9T46&9}J:&V86, V261И:}L:V261&:}<o, Jr.illiam Petro, Jr..;ЈU(‚Pe;}J;V86И;}L;V261&;V261а;}Ч;2  }Ц;!}}Ц;"}DHoly Spirit Cemetery, Parа;ma, Ohioа;$}J<&V86, V261И<&}L<V261&<(}<o†Mary Katherine Petro\=ЈU(‚Pe=*}J=&V86, V261И=,}L=V261&= Cleveland, Ohio=V86а=0}Ч=2,1}Ц=2}.}Ц=Mary Kayа=F11\33}d36}nSt. Mary of the AssumptioY37}n Church, Waterford, New Y3YorkY3іqb3P114\:9}d:ђ0b:P114\;<}d;P114\<>}d<A}< š†Richard Allen Petro\(>ЈU(‚Pe>C}J>&V86, V261И>E}L>V261&>>eя H}<o†Michael Gerald Petro\?ЈU(‚Pe?J}J?&V87, V261И?V87а?M}Ч?2-N}Ц?O}K}Ц?Geraldа?Q}J@&V88, V262И@V88а@T}Ч@2-U}Ц@V}R}Ц@Elinoreа@X}JAV88ИAZ}JBV89ИB\}_}LB$V89, V95&B^}<Coalridge, Nobel County, BOhioBV95'B Cleveland, OhioBV95аBc}ЧB21d}-g}ЦB ve}a}ЦB,Twin of Helen TretockаBV271аBh}f}ЦBJoeаBj}JC$V89, V97ИCl}LCV95&Cn}JDV89ИDp}s}LDV89&Dr}<Coalridge, Noble County, DOhioDV89'D Cleveland, OhioDE12\>u}d>E12\@w}d@qqqqqqq}JEV89ИEƒ}†}LEV271&E…}FCoal Ridge, Champaign CouEnty, OhioEV271'E Cleveland, OhioEV271аEŠ}ЧE2 ‹}4}7“}8–}ЦEŒ}ˆ}ЦE}VHoly Cross Cemetery, CuyaаEhoga County, OhioаE$V89, V95аE"y}Ž}ЦE‘}<Coalridge, Nobel County, аEOhioаEV95аEН”}’}ЦEParma, OhioаEV271аEJ Х—}•}ЦE76 yearsаE™}JFš}6V89V271ИFИFœ}}LFV95&FV271'FV271аF }ЧF28Ё}ЦFВНЂ}ž}ЦF67 yearsаFЄ}JGV89ИGІ}LGV89&GDeBЉ}<ckJoseph Ronald Tretock\HЈU(‚TrHЋ}JHV91ИH­}LHV97'HV97аHА}ЧH2Б}-Е}.И}1М}ЦHВ}Ў}ЦHГ}JSales department, Ohio StаHate LotteryаHV97аHЖ}Д}ЦHRonnieаHV97аHъдЙ}З}ЦHК}BKidney disease; cancer; dаHiabetesаHV97аHН}Л}ЦH "Never married"аHП}JFrances C. Johnson resear\Ech\EС}JIV91ИIУ}LIV91&I Cleveland, OhioIV97аIЧ}ЧI21Ш}ЦIЩ}Х}ЦI "Never married"аIЫ}JJ$V92, V97ИJЬ}ЏPrJЬ}BJЯ}JKV97ИKV97аKв}ЧK21г}ЦKд}а}ЦKе}v"2nd husband of Lori;" "1аKж}st husband divorced, no cаKhildren"аKи}<k†John Stanley Tretock\LЈU(‚TrLк}JLл}6V93V271ИLИLн}LLV271&L Cleveland, OhioLр}JMV93ИMт}JNV93ИNф}LNх}6V93V271&N&N Cleveland, OhioNш}<ckFrank Gregory Tretock\OЈU(‚TrOъ}JOы}6V93V271ИOИOэ}LOV271&Oя}JPV85ИPё}JQV85ИQR12\Iђ}dI‡bJR11\Kѕ}dKR12\Lї}dLR9\Nљ}dNRhode IslandYNqqqq~JRV85ИR~JST244ИS~JTT244ИTT244аT~ЧT2 ~ ~5~ЦT ~~ЦT ~VRoman Catholic Priest, RoаTchester, New YorkаTT244аT~ ~ЦTRoman CatholicаTT244аT~~ЦT Rev.аT~JUT244ИU~JVT244ИV~JWT244ИW~JXT244ИX~<Punta GordaFloridaU.;XS.A.;X\le>~JYT244ИY ~<Punta GordaFloridaU.;YS.A.;Y"~JZT244ИZ$~<Punta GordaFloridaU.;ZS.A.;Z&~J[T244И[(~<Punta GordaFloridaU.;[S.A.;[*~J\T244И\,~J]&171; C422И].~/~L]&171; C422&]&171, C422']1~J^&171; C422И^3~4~L^&171; C422&^&171; C422'^qqqqqqqqqqqA~J_&171; C422И_C~J`&171; C422И`E~F~L`&171; C422&`&171; C422'`H~JaI~@171; C422M63ИaИaK~M~LaL~@171; C422M63&a&aN~@171; C422M63'a'aM63аaQ~Чa2 R~ЦaS~O~ЦaT~TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаacester, New YorkаaV~JbW~@M63171; C422ИbИbY~[~LbZ~@171; C422M63&b&b\~@171; C422M63'b'b108аb_~Чb2`~ c~-g~Цba~]~ЦbFarmerаbM63аbd~b~Цbe~TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаbcester, New Yorkаb108аbh~f~ЦbArtаbi~АPrbi~Bbl~Jcm~>171; C42241ИcИcаcp~Чc2/q~Цcr~n~Цcs~4"of Worcester [New York]"аcаcqqqqqqqqqqqq~Jd‚~>171; C42241ИdИd„~†~Ld&d(Worcester, New Yorkd'dˆ~<Son's home, Decatur, New dYorkdаd‹~Чd2&Œ~~•~ ™~+~/ ~Цd~‰~ЦdŽ~THall District School, Worаdcester, New Yorkаdаd‘~~Цd’~ŽEmployee of Astrocom, Oneаd“~onta, New York; self-empoаdlyed home care giverаdаd–~”~Цd—~DWorcester United Methodisаdt Churchаdаdš~˜~Цd›~TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаdcester, New Yorkаdаdž~œ~Цd2Worcester Bowling LeagueаdаdЁ~Ÿ~ЦdЂ~4"of Worcester [New York]"аdаdЃ~БPrdЃ~BdІ~<ntock Arthur McClintock\eЈU(‚MceЈ~JeЉ~@171; C422M63ИeИeЋ~Ќ~LeM63&eM63'eаeЏ~Чe2&А~Е~И~ Л~-Р~/У~Цe”Б~­~ЦeВ~nGraduate Worcester CentraаeГ~l School, Worcester, New аeYorkаe41аeЖ~Д~ЦeFarmerаeаeЙ~З~ЦeMethodistаeM63аeМ~К~ЦeН~TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаecester, New YorkаeаeqС~О~Цe Waltаe41аeФ~Т~Цe(Worcester, New YorkаeЦ~<k†Nellie B. McClintock\fЈU(‚McfШ~JfЩ~\171; C42241ИfC422AИfЫ~Ю~LfЬ~D171; C422C422&fA&f(Worcester, New YorkfC422A'f2C422Aаfб~Чf2&в~/з~8к~'н~+с~ц~Цfг~Я~Цfд~nGraduate Worcester Centraаfе~l School, Worcester, New аfYorkаf2C422Aаfи~ж~Цf2"of Westford [New York]"аfC422AаfТил~й~Цf92 yearsаfC422Aаfо~м~Цfп~<Mildred Elley Business ScаfhoolаfC422Aаfт~р~Цfу~~Worcester Grange No. 1274аfф~, United Methodist Women,аf Home BureauаfC422Aаfч~х~Цfш~BWestford United Methodistаf Churchаfщ~ВPrfщ~Bfь~Jg&171; C422Иgю~я~Lg&171; C422&g2C422A'g&170, C422аgђ~Чg2*ѓ~Цgє~№~Цgѕ~:Supervisor, Town of WestfаgordаgqqqqqqqqqqJh&171; C422ИhLh&171; C422&hC422AаhЧh2/ЦhЦh 6Schenevus, New York (2008аh)аh Ji&171; C422Иi Li&171; C422&iC422AаiЧi2/ЦiЦi6Schenevus, New York (2008аi)аiJj&171; C422ИjLj&171; C422&jJk@171; C422102ИkИkLk&171; C422&kаkЧk2& %-(/+ЦkЎ!Цk"nGraduate Worcester Centraаk#l School, Worcester, New аkYorkаk102аk&$Цk(Bank branch managerаkаk)'ЦkJimаkаk,*Цk(Worcester, New Yorkаk.Jl&171; C422Иl0Ll&171; C422&lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJm&171; C422ИmCLm&171; C422&mEJn&171; C422ИnGLn&171; C422&nIJo&171; C422ИoKLo&171; C422&oMJp&171; C422ИpOLp&171; C422&pQJq&171; C422ИqSLq&171; C422&qUJr&171; C422ИrWLr&171; C422&rYJs&171; C422Иs[Ls&171; C422&s]Jt&171; C422Иt_Lt&171; C422&taJu&171; C422ИucLu&171; C422&uC422AаufЧu2/gЦuhdЦuiDRolesville, North Carolinаua (2008)аukLv&171; C422&vC422AаvnЧv2/oЦvplЦvqDRolesville, North Carolinаva (2008)аvqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJw&171; C422ИwƒLw&171; C422&wC422Aаw†Чw2/‡Цwˆ„Цw‰4Maryland, New York (2008)аwаw‹Jx&171; C422ИxLx&171; C422&xC422AаxЧx2/‘Цx’ŽЦx“4Maryland, New York (2008)аxаx•Jy–D171; C422C422ИyBИy˜›Ly™D171; C422C422&yB&y,Cooperstown, New YorkyC422B'yC422AаyžЧy2/Ÿ8Ѕ-ЈЋЏ+ГЦy" œЂЁЦy2Oneonta, New York (2008)аyC422BаyЃVWestford and Oneonta (199аy6-2008), New YorkаyC422BаyиІЄЦy60 yearsаyC422BаyЉЇЦy BillаyC422BаyЌЊЦy­BWestford United Methodistаy ChurchаyC422BаyАЎЦyБPMowing; plowing; Browne Sаytreet WorkshopаyC422BаyДВЦyARC OtsegoаyЕГPryЕByqqqqqqqqqСJzТL171; C422159;Иz C416ИzФХLz&171; C422&z&171; C422'zЧJ{&171; C422И{ЩЪL{&171; C422&{&171; C422'{ЬJ|ЭL171; C422159;И| C416И|ЯаL|&171; C422&|&171; C422'|&159; C416а|гЧ|2д*ио-уЦ|ебЦ|жZOperated general store inа| Westford, New Yorkа|й@159; C416173а|кзЦ|а|лfWestford Town Clerk 20 yeа|мars, Postmaster 1910-1950а|а|&159; C416а|пнЦ|р€Superintendent Westford Mа|сethodist Church Sunday Scа|hool 50 yearsа|а|фтЦ| Grantа|цJ}&170; C422И}шьL}щJ170; C422R30,&} R32&}ы4Brookfield, Massachusetts}}эJ170; C422R32,'} R35'}яЧ}2 № і-љ/ќЦ}яђёЦ}R36а}ѓx"served as a minute man iа}єn response to the Lexingtа}on alarm"а}R35а}їѕЦ}&Westford, New Yorkа}R30а}њјЦ}&Edward Wright, Sr.а}R35а}§ћЦ}.Chester, Massachusettsа}ўДPr}qўB}€J~&170; C422И~€€L~€@170; C422R35&~&~€J170; C422R32,'~ R35'~&Westford, New York~$R30, R32а~ €Ч~2  €4€7€-€Ц~ € €Ц~€RDraper Hill Cemetery, Wesа~tford, New Yorkа~$R30, R32а~Кй€Ц~R30а~$€Ц~R35а~€€Ц~ Cloeа~€ЕPr~€B~€J&170, C422И€€L€J170; C422R30,& R32&,Boston, Massachusetts€@170; C422R32''$R30, R32а"€Ч2 #€-'€7*€/.€Ц$€ €Ц%€RDraper Hill Cemetery, Wesаtford, New YorkаR30а(€&€Ц&Edward Wright, Jr.а+€4R30R41а&,€)€Цаor 1870аR41а/€-€Ц"of Westford"а1€J€&170; C422И€3€L€&170, C422&€qqqqqqqqqqqqA€J&170; C422ИC€L&170, C422&E€J‚&170; C422И‚G€L‚&170; C422&‚‚ƒвQ eи J€Jƒ&170; C422ИƒL€Lƒ&170; C422&ƒN€J„R35И„63а„Q€Ч„2/R€Ц„S€O€Ц„(Worcester, New Yorkа„T€ЖPr„T€B„W€J…&171; C422И…Y€J†&171; C422И†[€J‡\€@171; C422R35И‡И‡^€_€L‡R35&‡R35'‡2R3541а‡b€Ч‡26c€Ц‡d€`€Ц‡"Gurnsey, Garnseyа‡f€Jˆ&170; C422Иˆh€k€Lˆi€J170; C422R30,&ˆ R32&ˆ"Boston?"ˆ&170; C422'ˆR32аˆn€Чˆ2 o€-s€7v€/y€Цˆp€l€Цˆq€RDraper Hill Cemetery, Wesаˆtford, New Yorkаˆ$R30, R32аˆt€r€ЦˆSusannahаˆ$R30, R32аˆb Sw€u€Цˆ(Worcester, New YorkаˆR41аˆz€x€Цˆ"of Westford"аˆqqqqq€L‰&170; C422&‰ƒ€JŠ&170; C422ИŠ&170; C422аŠ†€ЧŠ25‡€ЦŠˆ€„€ЦŠ Rev.аŠŠ€J‹&170; C422И‹Œ€JŒ&170; C422ИŒŽ€J&170; C422И€‘€L&170; C422&&170; C422'“€JŽ&170; C422ИŽ•€–€LŽ&170; C422&Ž&170; C422'Ž˜€J&170; C422Иš€›€L&170; C422&&170; C422'D35аž€Ч2,Ÿ€7Є€Ц0 €œ€ЦЁ€vMay be the "Fanella (?)" аЂ€mentioned in Samuel Hewitаt's willаR41а!Ѓ€ЦЅ€ЗPrЅ€BЈ€JЉ€@170; C422R32ИИЋ€­€LЌ€@170; C422R31&&Ў€J170; C422R31,' R32'(Worcester, New YorkR41аВ€Ч2Г€ Ж€5К€-Н€ЦД€А€ЦClergymanа$R31, R32аЗ€Е€ЦИ€TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New Yorkа$R31, R32аЛ€Й€Ц Rev.аR32аО€М€ЦCryspusаJ40\С€J‘Т€@170; C422M62И‘И‘Ф€Ц€L‘Х€:170; C422&‘&‘Ч€@170; C422M62'‘'‘M62а‘Ъ€Ч‘2 Ы€8Я€Ц‘Ь€Ш€Ц‘Э€TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа‘cester, New Yorkа‘M62а‘rQа€Ю€Ц‘&61 years, 6 monthsа‘‘’“”e г€J’&170; C422И’е€ж€L’&170; C422&’&171; C422'’и€J“&170; C422И“к€л€L“&170; C422&“&170; C422'“R41а“о€Ч“27п€Ц“Jм€Ц“с€J”&170; C422И”у€ф€L”&170; C422&”&170; C422'”ц€J•&171; C422И•ш€L•&171; C422&•Unknown;•ы€J–&170; C422И–э€L–&170; C422'–я€J—&170; C422И—ё€J˜ђ€@170; C422R31ȘȘє€ї€L˜$R31, R32&˜і€HMeredith, Delaware County˜, New York˜R32'˜(Worcester, New York˜R32а˜ћ€Ч˜2 ќ€7-Ц˜§€љ€Ц˜ў€TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа˜cester, New Yorkа˜q&170; C422а˜]Ц˜R41а˜Ц˜ Betsyа˜ИPr˜B˜J™ @170; C422M62И™И™  L™&™M62'™M62а™Ч™2 8Ц™ Ц™TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа™cester, New Yorkа™M62а™2bЦ™&75 years, 2 monthsа™Jš&170; C422ИšLš&170; C422'šJ›&170; C422И›L›&170; C422'›&170; C422а› Ч›25!Ц›"Ц› Rev.а›$Jœ&170; C422Иœ&'Lœ&170; C422&œ&170; C422'œ)<htWilliam Edward Wright\ЈU(‚Wr+J&170; C422И-Jž&170; C422Иž/JŸ&170; C422ИŸ1J &170; C422И qqqqqqqqqqqqqqжeк BJЁCb137, 170; C405, C422ИЁ137; C405ИЁEGLЁF<137, 170; C405, C422&Ё&Ё&170; C422'ЁIJЂ&170; C422ИЂKJЃ&170; C422ИЃMJЄ&170; C422ИЄOJЅ&170; C422ИЅQJІ&170; C422ИІSTLІ&170; C422&І&170; C422'ІVJЇ&170; C422ИЇXYLЇ&170; C422&Ї&170; C422'Ї[JЈ&170; C422ИЈ]JЉ&170; C422ИЉ_JЊ&170; C422ИЊaJЋ&170; C422ИЋc< š†William S. Hotchkin\(ЌЈU(‚HoЌeJЌfB170-; C422C59ИЌИЌhiLЌC59&ЌC59'ЌkЧЌ2 l qЦЌтHnmЦЌ184аЌo@Enlisted Co. E, First EngаЌineersаЌC59аЌrpЦЌ&Schenevus CemeteryаЌsЙPrЌsBЌqqqqqqqqqqqJ­.M63И­ƒL­M63&­а­†Ч­2‡/ŠЦ­ˆ„Ц­Methodistа­а­‹‰Ц­(Worcester, New Yorkа­JЎИЎаЎЧЎ2&‘•-˜/›ЦЎЉ’ŽЦЎ“DGraduate Worcester CentraаЎl SchoolаЎаЎ–”ЦЎMethodistаЎаЎ™—ЦЎ DaveаЎаЎœšЦЎ(Worcester, New YorkаЎžJЏИЏаЏЁЧЏ2&ЂІ/ЉЦЏЎЃŸЦЏЄDGraduate Worcester CentraаЏl SchoolаЏаЏЇЅЦЏMethodistаЏаЏЊЈЦЏ(Worcester, New YorkаЏЌVElm StreetWorcesterNew;Џ York12197U.S.A;ЏЎJА148ИАаАБЧА2&ВЖЙ/МЦАЏГЏЦАДDGraduate Worcester CentraаАl SchoolаАаАЗЕЦАFarmerаАаАКИЦАMethodistаАаАНЛЦАО>West Hill, Worcester, NewаА YorkаАqСBWorcesterNew York1219;А7U.S.A;АУ<ingsard Alfred Jennings\БЈU(‚JeБХJБZ225ИБЧLБZ225&БаБЪЧБ2Ы)Ю*б/еЦБЬШЦБ(Telephone installerаБаБЯЭЦБRepublicanаБ232аБЦваЦБг:Otsego County RepresentatаБiveаБ0Z225аБждЦБзL"lived Oneonta;" WorcestаБer, New YorkаБйVElm StreetWorcesterNew;Б York12197U.S.A;Бл< š†Reginald McClintock\(ВЈU(‚McВнJВИВаВрЧВ2&с-хЦВЗтоЦВуDGraduate Worcester CentraаВl SchoolаВаВцфЦВReggieаВшJГ148ИГаГыЧГ2&ьЦГЎэщЦГюDGraduate Worcester CentraаГl SchoolаГUnknown;ГёJДИДаДєЧД2&ѕЦДГіђЦДїDGraduate Worcester CentraаДl SchoolаДUnknown;ДS)T)eВћ:Robert Martin Platt\Д\ДњdДqqq‚JЕ148ИЕаЕ‚ЧЕ2&‚ЦЕБ‚‚ЦЕ‚DGraduate Worcester CentraаЕl SchoolаЕUnknown;Е ‚JЖИЖаЖ ‚ЧЖ2&‚ЦЖЕ‚ ‚ЦЖ‚DGraduate Worcester CentraаЖl SchoolаЖUnknown;ЖЖЗe1 ‚JЗИЗаЗ‚ЧЗ2&‚ЦЗЖ‚‚ЦЗ‚DGraduate Worcester CentraаЗl SchoolаЗUnknown;З‚JИ.148ИИ214860аИ ‚ЧИ2!‚)$‚*'‚*‚+.‚ЦИ"‚‚ЦИFarmerаИаИ%‚#‚ЦИRepublicanаИаИ(‚&‚ЦИ0Town of Decatur officesаИаИ+‚)‚ЦИ,‚6Worcester Methodist ChurcаИhаИ148аИ/‚-‚ЦИ0‚ІOverseer, Worcester [New аИ1‚York] Grange; Worcester CаИ2‚entral School Board of EdаИucationаИ4‚^Mereness RoadWorcester;ИNew York12197U.S.A.;И5‚КPrИ5‚BИJ41\Е7‚dЕJ41\Ж9‚dЖH20\И;‚dИ>‚hParsonage of First MoraviYИ?‚an Church, Utica, New YorYИkYИA‚JЙ.148ИЙаЙD‚ЧЙ2E‚ЦЙF‚B‚ЦЙG‚6Worcester Methodist ChurcаЙhаЙI‚^Mereness RoadWorcester;ЙNew York12197U.S.A.;ЙK‚JКL26ИКM‚JЛL26ИЛO‚JМL77ИМM78аМR‚ЧМ2/S‚ЦМT‚P‚ЦМ$Massena, New YorkаМV‚4MassenaNew YorkU.S.A;М;МX‚JНY‚4L71L77ИНИН[‚4MassenaNew YorkU.S.A;Н;Н]‚JОL42ИОL42аО`‚ЧО2/a‚ЦОb‚^‚ЦОc‚>From South Worcester, NewаО YorkаОe‚JПC59ИПUnknown;Пh‚JРC59ИРj‚l‚LРC59&РNew York StateРC59'Рn‚ЧР2 o‚ u‚-x‚8{‚ЦРЮq‚p‚ЦРC59аРr‚nPossibly Civil War; U.S. аРs‚flag on grave on MemorialаР DayаРC59аРv‚t‚ЦР&Schenevus CemeteryаРC61аРy‚w‚ЦРAlfordаРC59аР R|‚z‚ЦР&38 years, 3 monthsаРqqq‚JС&171; C422ИСƒ‚LС&171; C422&СD35аС†‚ЧС2,‡‚ЦС0ˆ‚„‚ЦС‰‚rMay be the "Fanella (?)" аСŠ‚mentioned in grandfather'аСs willаСUnknown;СŒ‚ЛPrСŒ‚BС‚JТC59ИТ‘‚’‚LТC59&ТC59'ТC59аТ•‚ЧТ2 –‚ЦТ—‚“‚ЦТ&Schenevus CemeteryаТUnknown;Тš‚JУC59ИУœ‚‚LУC59&УC59'УC59аУ ‚ЧУ2 Ё‚ЦУЂ‚ž‚ЦУ&Schenevus CemeteryаУUnknown;УЅ‚JФM62ИФM62аФЈ‚ЧФ2 Љ‚8­‚ЦФЊ‚І‚ЦФЋ‚TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаФcester, New YorkаФM62аФЎ‚Ќ‚ЦФInfantаФА‚JХM62ИХM62аХГ‚ЧХ2 Д‚8И‚ЦХЕ‚Б‚ЦХЖ‚TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаХcester, New YorkаХM62аХЙ‚З‚ЦХInfantаХqqqqqqС‚JЦM63ИЦУ‚Ф‚LЦM63&ЦM63'ЦM63аЦЧ‚ЧЦ2 Ш‚ЦЦЩ‚Х‚ЦЦЪ‚TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЦcester, New YorkаЦЬ‚JЧM63ИЧЮ‚Я‚LЧM63&ЧM63'ЧM63аЧв‚ЧЧ2 г‚ЦЧд‚а‚ЦЧе‚TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЧcester, New YorkаЧз‚JШи‚4O10O24ИШИШк‚LШO24&ШO10аШн‚ЧШ2 о‚,т‚1х‚ЦШп‚л‚ЦШр‚\Maple View Cemetery, EastаШ Worcester, New YorkаШO10аШу‚с‚ЦШ&No cemetery markerаШO24аШц‚ф‚ЦШч‚R"widowed by the time of tаШhe 1910 census"аШUnknown;Шъ‚JЩO10ИЩO10аЩэ‚ЧЩ2 ю‚,ђ‚ЦЩя‚ы‚ЦЩ№‚\Maple View Cemetery, EastаЩ Worcester, New YorkаЩO10аЩѓ‚ё‚ЦЩ&No cemetery markerаЩє‚МPrЩє‚BЩqqqqqqqqqqƒ< š†Leslie Mabbett, Jr..(ЪЈU(‚MaЪƒJЪN41ИЪM82аЪƒЧЪ2/ƒЦЪƒƒЦЪ&"of Mohawk" (1973)аЪ2MohawkNew YorkU.S.A;Ъ ƒJЫ ƒ<N41M82-M83ИЫИЫ"M82-M83аЫƒЧЫ2'ƒƒЦЫƒ ƒЦЫƒжBachelor's and master's dаЫƒegrees, Syracuse UniversiаЫƒty; educational administrаЫƒation certification SYNY аЫOswegoаЫЭƒƒЦЫN41аЫƒЮElementary school teacherаЫƒ; middle-school principalаЫƒ; Superintendent, WorcestаЫƒer Central School (to 200аЫ0)аЫƒ@PortlandvilleNew York;ЫU.S.A;ЫƒНPrЫƒBЫ"ƒJЬF43ИЬ$ƒ&ƒLЬF43&Ь.Schenectady, New YorkЬF43'Ь(ƒFPalmer Street, Rotterdam,Ь New YorkЬF43аЬ+ƒЧЬ2,ƒ/ƒ 3ƒ+7ƒЦЬ-ƒ)ƒЦЬHomemakerаЬF43аЬ0ƒ.ƒЦЬ1ƒRHoly Cross Church, ScheneаЬctady, New YorkаЬG43аЬ4ƒ2ƒЦЬ5ƒ@Park Cemetery, Scotia, NeаЬw YorkаЬF43аЬ8ƒ6ƒЦЬ9ƒnLadies of Rotterdam Elks;аЬ:ƒ Adirondack Blue Grass LeаЬagueаЬ<ƒRPalmer StreetRotterdam;ЬNew YorkU.S.A;Ь=ƒОPrЬ=ƒBЬqAƒJЭF43ИЭCƒRPalmer StreetRotterdam;ЭNew YorkU.S.A;ЭEƒJЮF43ИЮUnknown;ЮHƒJЯF43ИЯJƒ8RotterdamNew YorkU.S;Я.A;ЯLƒJаC59ИаNƒQƒLаOƒ4C59C62&а&аNew York StateаRƒ6C59B163'а'а&Maryland, New YorkаC59ааVƒЧа2 Wƒ4ZƒЦаXƒTƒЦа&Schenevus CemeteryааB163аа=[ƒYƒЦа&Maryland, New YorkааUnknown;а^ƒJбC59Иб`ƒLбC59'бC59абcƒЧб2 dƒ8gƒЦбeƒaƒЦб&Schenevus CemeteryабC59абК DhƒfƒЦб74 yearsабjƒJвC59ИвlƒLвC59'вC59авoƒЧв2 pƒ8sƒЦвqƒmƒЦв&Schenevus CemeteryавC59авЪ 8tƒrƒЦв&57 years, 4 monthsавqqqqqqqqqqqƒ<hezchael Joseph Sanchez\гЈU(‚SaгƒƒJгT269Иг…ƒLгT264E&гT269агˆƒЧг2&‰ƒ'Žƒ‘ƒЦгХŠƒ†ƒЦг‹ƒvGraduate William Floyd HiагŒƒgh School, Mastic Beach, агNew YorkагT269агƒƒЦг BA SUNY PotsdamагT269аг’ƒƒЦг“ƒrComputer software engineeаг”ƒr, New Horizons Learning агCenterаг–ƒž5900 Sky Pointe DriveBui;г—ƒlding 20, Apartment 1011;г˜ƒLas VegasNevada89103U.;гS.A;гšƒJдT269Идœƒ>Mastic BeachNew York;дU.S.A;дžƒJеT269Ие ƒ:HuntingtonNew YorkU.;еS.A;еЂƒJжM65ИжЄƒLжM65'жM65ажЇƒЧж2 Јƒ8­ƒЦжЉƒЅƒЦжЊƒhPost Cemetery, South HillажЋƒ, East Worcester, New YorажkажM65аж‚bЎƒЌƒЦж66 yearsажАƒJзL131ИзВƒГƒLз.M17&зДƒ6M17M196'з'зM17азЗƒЧз2 Иƒ8Лƒ1Рƒ4ХƒЦзЙƒЕƒЦз.Lutheranville CemeteryазM17аз UМƒКƒЦзНƒ665 years, 9 months, 6 dayазsазазqСƒОƒЦзТƒ~Parentage not documented;азУƒ connection to Henry Albeазrt not knownазM196азЪФƒЦзЦƒПPrзЦƒBзЩƒ<t†George Nelson Albert\иЈU(‚AlиЫƒJиЬƒ8L140M197ИиИиЮƒаƒLиЯƒLL140&иM197&иL140'иаигƒЧи2,дƒ8йƒЦиеƒбƒЦижƒ~Parentage not documented;аизƒ connection to Henry Albeаиrt not knownаиL140аив SкƒиƒЦилƒ856 years, 8 months, 28 daаиysаи$Й3(К4(5(з6(7(иefнƒРPrинƒBирƒJйL131ИйтƒуƒLйL131&йL131'йL131айцƒЧй2 чƒ8ъƒЦйшƒфƒЦй.Lutheranville CemeteryайL131ай*jыƒщƒЦй"89 years, 4 daysайэƒJкL131Икяƒ№ƒLк.M65&кM65'к33акѓƒЧк2єƒ јƒњƒ8„ЦкѕƒёƒЦкіƒ>First Baptist Church of SакummitакM65акљƒїƒЦк.Lutheranville Cemeteryак" @ќƒћƒЦк33ак§ƒ>First Baptist Church of SакummitакM65акq‚H„ўƒЦк„633 years, 5 months, 2 dayакsак„СPrк„Bк„JлL131Ил„JмL131Им „ „LмL131&мL131'м „ZOne mile from Davenport, мN.Y., on South HillмL131ам„Чм2 „8„Цм„„Цм&Schenevus CemeteryамL131амv„„Цм57 yearsам„JнL131Ин„„LнM66&нM66'нM66ан„Чн2 „/!„1$„Цн„„Цн0Charlotteville CemeteryанL131ан"„ „Цн""from Worcester"анL131ан%„#„Цн"6 chln"ан'„<e†Benjamin Warren Gage\оЈU(‚Gaо)„Jо*„6M66L152ИоИо,„/„Lо-„6M66L131&о&оPennsylvaniaоM66'оM66ао2„Чо2 3„Цо4„0„Цо0Charlotteville Cemeteryао5„ТPrо5„BоqqqqqqqqqA„JпM66ИпC„D„LпM66&пM66'пM66апG„Чп2 H„ЦпI„E„Цп0Charlotteville CemeteryапK„JрM66ИрM„N„LрM66&рM66'рM66арQ„Чр2 R„ЦрS„O„Цр0Charlotteville CemeteryарU„JсM66ИсW„X„LсM66&сM66'сM66ас[„Чс2 \„Цс]„Y„Цс0Charlotteville Cemeteryас_„JтM66Итa„JуM66Иуc„d„LуM66&уM66'уM66ауg„Чу2 h„Цуi„e„Цу0Charlotteville Cemeteryауk„JфM66Ифm„n„LфM66&фM66'фp„JхL131Ихqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq„JцL131Ицƒ„< š†Mary Lavinia Albert\(чЈU(‚Alч…„Jч(L131, L133Ич‡„ˆ„LчL131&ч‰„6M62L133'ч'чL77ачŒ„Чч2„ ‘„.•„ЦчŽ„Š„Цч„@Worcester Congregational ачChurchачL77ач’„„Цч“„TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worачcester, New YorkачL77ачj|–„”„ЦчHeart diseaseач˜„8WorcesterNew YorkU.S;ч.A;ч™„УPrч™„Bчœ„<ellniel Webster Cornell\шЈU(‚Coшž„JшL132Иш „Ё„LшM62&шM62'шL133ашЄ„Чш2Ѕ„ Ј„ЦшІ„Ђ„ЦшCabinet makerашM62ашЉ„Ї„ЦшЊ„TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worашcester, New YorkашUnknown;ш­„JщL140ИщЏ„А„LщL140&щL140'щL141ащГ„Чщ21Д„8З„ЦщЕ„Б„Цщ2from "family of 13 chln"ащL140ащ’ kИ„Ж„ЦщЙ„:77 years, 11 months, 14 dащaysащК„ФPrщК„BщqqqqС„JъL140Иъ39аъФ„Чъ2/Х„ЦъЦ„Т„ЦъЧ„4South Worcester, New YorkаъаъШ„ХPrъШ„BъЫ„JыL140ИыЭ„Lы39&ыЯ„JьL140Иьб„в„Lь0L141&ьг„BL140, L151L53'ь'ь"Altona, IllinoisьM61аьз„Чь2-и„8л„Цьй„е„ЦьMaggie S.аьL141аьВTм„к„Цьн„:22 years, 11 months, 26 dаьaysаьUnknown;ьп„ЦPrьп„Bьт„JэL140Иэ(14, 16, 21аэх„Чэ2ц„Цэч„у„Цэш„nFirst Baptist Church of Sаэщ„ummit; church clerk 1820-аэ1823аэUnknown;эы„ЧPrэы„Bэю„JюL140Ию№„JяL140Ияqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq…J№…LL513И№M!96И№……L№(M196, M198&№0Otsego County, New York№…413M196'№'№2Orleans County, New York№13а№ …Ч№2/ …Ц№ … …Ц№2Orleans County, New Yorkа№…ШPr№…B№…<llJames Emerson Cornell\ёЈU(‚Coё…Jё…6L77L133ИёИё……LёL133&ё…6L133N14'ё'ё…^Home on Upper Main Streetё, Schenevus, New YorkёN14аё…Чё2…"… &…/+…-0…Цё……Цё …DHandy man; grocer and stoаёrekeeperаёN14аё#…!…Цё$…:Member of the Baptist Chuаёrchаё'…4M62N14аё(…%…Цёаё)…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаёcester, New Yorkаё,…6L135N14аё-…*…Цёаё.…V"of Worcester;" Schenevusаё, New York (1893)аёN14аё1…/…ЦёEmerson J.аё3…ZUpper Main StreetSchene;ёvusNew YorkU.S.A;ё4…ЩPrё4…BёqqqqqqqqqqA…JђB…8L101L135ИђИђD…F…LђN14&ђ(Schenevus, New YorkђN14'ђH…VHome on Division Street, ђMilford, New YorkђN14ађK…Чђ2L…O… S…/V…8Y…ЦђM…I…Цђ2Operated a grocery storeађN14ађP…N…ЦђQ…8Milford Presbyterian ChurађchађN14ађT…R…Цђ"Milford CemeteryађN14ађW…U…Цђ$Milford, New YorkађN14ађЄZ…X…Цђ72 yearsађ\…RDivision StreetMilford;ђNew YorkU.S.A;ђ]…ЪPrђ]…Bђ`…JѓL101Иѓb…c…LѓM62&ѓL134'ѓM62аѓf…Чѓ2 g…Цѓh…d…Цѓi…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаѓcester, New YorkаѓUnknown;ѓk…ЫPrѓk…Bѓn…< š†Bessie Mary Cornell\(єЈU(‚Coєp…JєL101ИєL136аєs…Чє2t…1w…/z…Цєu…q…ЦєTeacherаєL133аєx…v…Цє"No issue"аєN14ає{…y…Цє|…4"of Worcester [New York]"аєаєUnknown;є~…ЬPrєq~…Bє‚…< š†Ray Melville Gallup\(ѕЈU(‚Gaѕ„…JѕL133Иѕ145аѕ‡…Чѕ2ˆ…1‹…Цѕ‰………ЦѕFarmerаѕL133аѕŒ…Š…Цѕ"No issue"аѕUnknown;ѕ…Jі…6L133M62ИіИі’…“…Lі133&іL133'іM62аі–…Чі2 —…Ці˜…”…Ці™…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаіcester, New YorkаіUnknown;іœ…JїL133Иїž…Ё…LїŸ…8L133L135&ї&ї(Schenevus, New YorkїЂ…8L133L135'ї'їЄ…^Home on Upper Main Streetї, Schenevus, New YorkїL135аїЇ…Чї2Ј… Ћ…/Џ….Г…ЦїЉ…Ѕ…Цї2Schenevus Baptist ChurchаїM62аїЌ…Њ…Цї­…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаїcester, New YorkаїА…6L133N14аїБ…Ў…Цїаї"of Schenevus"аїL135аїД…В…Цї"Paralytic strokeаїЖ…ZUpper Main StreetSchene;їvusNew YorkU.S.A;їЗ…ЭPrїЗ…BїqqqqqqqС…JјL133ИјUnknown;јФ…JљL133ИљЦ…Ч…LљL134&љL134'љM62аљЪ…Чљ2 Ы…/Я…1в…ЦљЬ…Ш…ЦљЭ…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаљcester, New YorkаљL133аља…Ю…Цљ"of Decatur"аљL133аљг…б…Цљд…P"only daughter of Mr & Mrаљs Amos Elmore"аљUnknown;љз…JњL133Ињй…<l†Marjorie May Cornell\ћЈU(‚Coћл…Jћм…DL133L138, L15Ић8Ићо…р…LћL138&ћ$Decatur, New YorkћL138'ћт…vA.O. Fox Memorial Hospitaћу…l Nursing Home, Oneonta, ћNew YorkћL138аћц…Чћ2ч…(ы…ю… ђ…Цћш…ф…Цћщ…`Beechnut Packing Company,аћ Canajoharie, New YorkаћL138аћь…ъ…ЦћSeamstressаћL138аћя…э…Цћ№…@Oneonta Citadel, Salvatioаћn ArmyаћL138аћѓ…ё…Цћє…TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаћcester, New Yorkаћі…>OneontaNew York13820;ћU.S.A;ћї…ЮPrћї…Bћqqqqqqq†Jќ†:L133L158AИќИќ††LќL158A&ќ0Richmondville, New YorkќL158A'ќL158Aаќ †Чќ2 †8†/†Цќ ††Цќ †NCentral Christian Church,аќ Elgin, TexasаќL158Aаќšе† †Цќ70 yearsаќL158Aаќ††Цќ†RWorcester, New York; Elgiаќn, Texas (1993)аќ†LEast WorcesterNew York;ќ12064U.S.A;ќ†ЯPrќ†Bќ†J§†6L133M62И§И§††L§M62&§M62'§M62а§ †Ч§2 !†-%†Ц§"††Ц§#†TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа§cester, New Yorkа§L158Aа§&†$†Ц§Elmoreа§(†<GallupvilleNew YorkU;§.S.A;§*†Jў+†8L133L135ИўИўUnknown;ў.†JџL133Иџ0†3†LџL133&џ2†VTown of Summit, Schoharieџ County, New YorkџL133'џL133аџ6†Чџ287†Цџ{8†4†Цџ63 yearsаџqqqqqqqA†JL133ИC†JL135ИC60BаF†Ч2 G†ЦH†D†Ц."Co. D Reg. N.Y. Cav."аJ†JK†8L135C60BИИM†N†LC60B&C60B'C60BаQ†Ч2 R†ЦS†O†Ц&Schenevus CemeteryаU†JL135ИW†Y†LN15&(Schenevus, New YorkN15'[†6Home in Hartwick, New YorkN15а^†Ч2_†c† g†+j†/m†8p†Ц`†\†Цa†BFireman, Dairymen's Leaguаe plantаN15аd†b†Цe†4Hartwick Methodist ChurchааN15аh†f†Ц$Hartwick CemeteryаN15аk†i†ЦHartwick IOOFаN15аn†l†Ц&Hartwick, New YorkаN15аq†o†Ц66 yearsаUnknown;qqqqqqqqqqqqqѓeJ †аPr†B„†J…†6L136N15ИИUnknown;ˆ†JL136ИŠ†Œ†LL136&(Schenevus, New YorkL136'Ž†PBassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New YorkL136а‘†Ч2’† –†+š†/Ÿ†Ц“††Ц”†XSecond Baptist Church, Wаorcester, New YorkаL136а—†•†Ц˜†TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаL136а›†™†Цœ†nSecretary of missionary sа†ociety, Second Baptist ChаurchаN15а †ž†Ц(Worcester, New YorkаЂ†8WorcesterNew YorkU.S;.A;Ѓ†бPrЃ†BІ†JL136ИЈ†LЉ†8L136L157''142аЌ†Ч2­†ЦЎ†Њ†ЦЏ†pMechanic helper, W.F. ChaаА†se Garage, Worcester, Newа YorkаВ†BWorcesterNew York1219;7U.S.A;&Blenheim, New YorkYqqqqqqqqqqqqС†JL136ИУ†LL157&N15аЦ†Ч2-Ч†/Ъ†ЦШ†Ф†ЦClaudeаN15аЫ†Щ†ЦЬ†4South Kortright, New YorkааUnknown;Я†JN15ИL136ав†Ч2-г†/ж†Цд†а†ЦDuwardаN15аз†е†Ц"Albany, New YorkаUnknown;к†J L136И м†J L136И о†RDivision StreetMilford; New YorkU.S.A; р†J L138И т†L L138' ф†BWorcesterNew York1219; 7U.S.A; ц†J L138И ш†>OneontaNew York13820; U.S.A; ъ†J ы†8L138L138И И э†>OneontaNew York13820; U.S.A; я†JL138Иё†ѓ†LL158&&Westbury, New YorkL158'ѕ†JA.O. Fox Hospital, Oneonta, New YorkL158ај†Ч2љ† ќ†+‡-‡8 ‡/ ‡Цњ†і†ЦElectricianаL158৆ћ†Цў†tU.S. Navy, World War II aа‡nd Korean War; four Bronzаqe StarsаL158а‡‡Ц‡nWarnerville VFW; Worcesteа‡r American Legion; Albanyа DAVа(L138, L158а‡‡ЦBill KiezerаL158аzЩ ‡ ‡Ц67 yearsаL158а‡ ‡Ц‡LWestbury and East Worcestаer, New Yorkа‡LEast WorcesterNew York;12064U.S.A;‡вPr‡B‡JL138И‡‡LL138&,Cooperstown, New YorkL138'‡ZM.I. Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New YorkL138а‡Ч2&‡#‡'‡ +‡+/‡ЦЦ ‡‡Ц!‡:Graduate Oneonta High SchаoolаL138а$‡"‡Ц%‡PWorker at ARC Center, Oneаonta, New YorkаL138а(‡&‡Ц)‡@Oneonta Citadel, Salvatioаn ArmyаL136а,‡*‡Ц-‡TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаcester, New YorkаL138а0‡.‡Ц1‡DMountainview Social Club,а Oneontaа3‡>OneontaNew York13820;U.S.A;4‡гPr4‡BqqqqqqqqqqA‡JL138ИC‡>OneontaNew York13820;U.S.A;E‡JL138ИG‡>OneontaNew York13820;U.S.A;I‡JL138ИK‡JL138ИM‡JL138ИUnknown;P‡JL138ИR‡6WestfordNew YorkU.S.;A;T‡JP120ИV‡LP120'W‡дPrW‡BZ‡JP120И\‡]‡LP120&P120'_‡JP120Иa‡JP120Иc‡d‡LP120&P120'f‡JP120Иh‡JP120ИeYk‡Jl‡4R10R35ИИn‡q‡Lo‡4R35R52&&,Bristol, Rhode Islandr‡4R35R52''*Perrysburg, New YorkR52аv‡Ч2 w‡/{‡Цx‡t‡Цy‡XWar of 1812; fought at Peаnn Yan; lost a legа|‡4R35R52а}‡z‡Ца~‡dCattaraugus County, New Yаork (1817); "Perrysburg"а‡šQrJ€‡еPr€‡Bƒ‡JR10И…‡ˆ‡L†‡4R35R52&&,New Lebanon, New York‰‡4R35R52''*Perrysburg, New YorkR52а‡Ч21Ž‡Ц‡‹‡Ц‡F"daughter or ward of Abelа Stevens"а‘‡жPr‘‡B”‡J•‡4R10R35ИИ—‡›‡L˜‡4R35R52&&š‡DWesterlo, Albany County, New Yorkœ‡4R35R52''(Worcester, New YorkR35а ‡Ч2/Ё‡ЦЂ‡ž‡ЦЃ‡DWesterlo, Albany County, аNew YorkаЅ‡JІ‡4R10R35ИИЈ‡Ћ‡LЉ‡NR10R35&R52&Omagh, IrelandЌ‡LR1029'R35'R35аЏ‡Ч2/А‡4Г‡ЦБ‡­‡Ц(Worcester, New YorkаR52а* џД‡В‡ЦOmagh, IrelandаЕ‡зPrЕ‡BqqqqqqqqqС‡<n†Hamilton W. Robinson\ ЈU(‚Ro У‡J Ф‡>R10, R35R35И И Ц‡Щ‡L Ч‡4R35R50& & "Hudson, New York Ъ‡NR35R50' R52' New York City 29-30а Ю‡Ч 2*Я‡4г‡Ц а‡Ь‡Ц б‡dJudge of the Court of Comа mon Pleas, New York Cityа R50а д‡в‡Ц "Hudson, New Yorkа е‡иPr е‡B и‡J!й‡4R10R35И!И!л‡м‡L!R35&!R35'!о‡<binsontoinette Robinson\"ЈU(‚Ro"р‡J"с‡4R10R35И"И"у‡L"R35&"х‡J#ц‡4R10R35И#И#ш‡щ‡L#R34&#R34'#R34а#ь‡Ч#2/э‡-№‡Ц#ю‡ъ‡Ц#(Worcester, New Yorkа#155а#ё‡я‡Ц#Grandma Robbieа#ђ‡йPr#ђ‡B#qqqqqqqqqqqqˆJ$R35И$ˆˆL$R35&$R35'$$R10, R35а$ˆЧ$2-ˆЦ$ ˆˆЦ$Elianor; Pollyа$"$#%ee  ˆJ% ˆ4R10R35И%И%ˆˆL%R35&%R35'%ˆJ&R10И&R10а&ˆЧ&21ˆЦ&ˆˆЦ&,Twin of Jermeah Jollsа&ˆJ'ˆ4R10R52И'И'R10а'ˆЧ'21ˆ-!ˆЦ'ˆˆЦ'(Twin of Julia Jollsа'R10а'"ˆ ˆЦ'Jermeahа'$ˆJ(%ˆ4R10R52И(И(R10а((ˆЧ(2-)ˆЦ(*ˆ&ˆЦ( Abilа(*+ГeJ-ˆJ)R10И)/ˆJ*R52И*R10а*2ˆЧ*2-3ˆЦ*4ˆ0ˆЦ*5ˆ>Sam Thomas Jolls, "Indianа* Tom"а*qqqqqqqqqqAˆJ+R10И+CˆJ,R10И,EˆFˆL,R10&,R10',HˆJ-Iˆ4R10R35И-И-JˆкPr-JˆB-MˆJ.Nˆ4R10R35И.И.PˆJ/R10И/RˆJ0R10И0TˆUˆL0R50&0R50'0Wisconsin0XˆJ1R10И1 ,0ef [ˆJ2R10И2]ˆJ3R10И3_ˆL3R10'3Ireland3bˆ< š†William Rant Packer\(4ЈU(‚Pa4dˆJ4P115И4fˆgˆL4P115&4P115'4iˆ< š†Fannie A. Gallagher\(5ЈU(‚Ga5kˆJ5P115И5mˆnˆL5P115&5P115'5pˆJ6P115И6rˆsˆL6P115&6P115'6qqqqqqqqqqqqˆJ7P115И7ƒˆ„ˆL7P115&7P115'7†ˆJ8P115И8ˆˆ‰ˆL8P115&8P115'8‹ˆJ9P115И9ˆŽˆL9P115&9P115'9ˆJ:P115И:’ˆJ;P115И;”ˆJ<P115И<–ˆJ=P115И=˜ˆJ>P115И>šˆJ?P115И?œˆJ@G1И@žˆJAG1ИA ˆJBG1ИBЂˆЃˆLBG1&BG1'BЅˆJCG1ИCЇˆЈˆLCG1&CG1'CЊˆJDG1ИDЌˆJEG1ИEЎˆJFG1ИFАˆJGG1ИGВˆГˆLGG1&GG1'GveE$Hancock, New YorkY<T229\=Жˆd=ЙˆКˆdEV192\EV192]EV192\FЛˆdF2Redwood City, CaliforniaYFV192\GОˆdGСˆJHG1ИHУˆJIG1ИIХˆJJG1ИJЧˆLJG1&JЩˆJKG1ИKЫˆJLG1ИLЭˆJMG1ИMЯˆLMG1&MбˆJNG1ИNгˆJOG1ИOеˆJPG1ИPжˆлPrPжˆBPйˆJQG1ИQлˆJRG1ИRнˆJSG1ИSпˆ<neCharlotte H. Colberne\TЈU(‚CoTсˆJTG1ИTуˆфˆLTG1&TG1'TG1аTчˆЧT2 шˆЦTщˆхˆЦTъˆ4Rensselaerville, New YorkаTаTьˆ< š†William M. Colberne\(UЈU(‚CoUюˆJUG1ИU№ˆђˆLUG1&UEnglandUG1'UG1аUѕˆЧU2 іˆЦUїˆѓˆЦUјˆJVale Cemetery, SchenectadаUy, New YorkаUљˆмPrUљˆBUV262\IћˆdI*Petaluma, CaliforniaYIV29\QўˆdQ‰<r†Laura Porter Courter\VЈU(‚CoV‰JVG1ИV‰LVG1&V‰JWG1ИW ‰JXG1ИX ‰ ‰LXG1&X*Cobleskill, New YorkXG1'X(Schoharie, New YorkX‰JYG1ИY‰‰LYG1&YG1'Y*Cobleskill, New YorkY‰JZG1ИZ‰‰LZG1&ZG1'ZG1аZ‰ЧZ24‰ЦZ‰‰ЦZ‰RFebruary 24, 1749 given aаZs date of birthаZ!‰J[G1И[#‰$‰L[G1&[G1'[(Schoharie, New York['‰J\G1И\)‰*‰L\G1&\G1'\G1а\-‰Ч\24.‰Ц\/‰+‰Ц\0‰RFebruary 24, 1725 given aа\s date of birthа\GeYqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA‰J]G1И]C‰L]G1&]E‰J^G1И^G‰J_G1И_I‰J`G1И`K‰JaG1ИaM‰JbG1ИbO‰P‰LbG1&bG1'bR‰JcG1ИcT‰U‰LcG1&cG1'cW‰JdG1ИdUnknown;dZ‰<enAlbert Courter Golden\eЈU(‚Goe\‰JeG1Иe^‰_‰LeG1&eG1'ea‰JfG1Иfc‰d‰LfG1&fG1'ff‰< š†Nancy McDuffy Chase\(gЈU(‚Chgh‰JgG1Иgj‰<e†Richard Golden Chase\hЈU(‚Chhl‰JhG1Иhn‰JiG1Иip‰<haseard Alexander Chase\jЈU(‚Chjr‰JjG1Иjqqqqqqqqqqqqq‰JkG1Иkƒ‰<n†Elvina Louise Golden\lЈU(‚Gol…‰JlG1Иl‡‰LlG1&l‰‰<enMary Elizabeth Golden\mЈU(‚Gom‹‰JmG1Иm‰Ž‰LmG1&mG1'm‰<n†Edith Courter Golden\nЈU(‚Gon’‰JnG1Иn”‰LnG1&n–‰<en, Jr.rter Golden, Jr..oЈU(‚Goo˜‰JoG1Иoš‰LoG1&oœ‰<erPaul Robert Manwiller\pЈU(‚Mapž‰JpG1Иp ‰LpG1&pЂ‰<willerizabeth Manwiller\qЈU(‚MaqЄ‰JqG1ИqІ‰LqG1&qЈ‰< š†Thelma Loyce Fuller\(rЈU(‚FurЊ‰JrG1ИrЌ‰LrG1&rЎ‰<en IIIourter Golden IIIIsЈU(‚GosА‰JsG1ИsВ‰LsG1&sL42\qГ‰dqL29\sЕ‰ds2Charlotteville, New YorkYsqqqqqqqqС‰JtG1ИtУ‰<oldeny Elizabeth Golden\uЈU(‚GouХ‰JuG1ИuЧ‰LuG1&uЩ‰<n†Thomas Fuller Golden\vЈU(‚GovЫ‰JvG1ИvЭ‰LvG1&vЯ‰JwG1Иwб‰LwG1&wг‰JxG1Иxе‰< Jr. Miller Geritz, Jr..yЈU(‚Geyз‰JyG1Иyй‰LyG1&yл‰JzG1Иzн‰LzG1&zп‰<ritzabeth Louise Geritz\{ЈU(‚Ge{с‰J{G1И{у‰L{G1&{х‰<e†Joyce Elaine Struble\|ЈU(‚St|ч‰J|G1И|щ‰L|G1&|ы‰J}G1И}э‰L}G1&}я‰< š†Patricia Anne Henry\(~ЈU(‚He~ё‰J~G1И~=*euѕ‰4L20N11\tѓ‰dt\tї‰duј‰<Ruth S. All research\u\uL161\zљ‰dzќ‰TFirst Baptist Church, SchYzenevus, New YorkYzПQbzL20\{ў‰d{ŠJG1ИŠLG1&ŠJ€G1И€ŠL€G1&€ ŠJ&159; C416И Š ŠL&159; C416&&159; C416'ŠJ‚&159; C416И‚ŠL‚&159; C416&‚ŠнPr‚ŠB‚ŠJƒ&159; C416ИƒŠŠLƒ&159; C416&ƒ&159; C416'ƒŠJ„&159; C416И„ŠŠL„&159; C416&„&159; C416'„&126; C400а„ŠЧ„27 ŠЦ„zŠЦ„"ŠJ…#ŠL159; C416126;И… C400И…%Š&ŠL…&159; C416&…&159; C416'…(ŠJ†&126; C400И†*ŠJ‡&159; C416И‡,Š-ŠL‡&159; C416&‡&159; C416'‡/ŠJˆ&159; C416Иˆ1Š2ŠLˆ&159; C416&ˆ&159; C416'ˆqqqqqqqqqqqqqAŠJ‰&159; C416И‰CŠL‰&159; C416&‰EŠJŠ&159; C416ИŠGŠJ‹&159; C416И‹IŠL‹&159; C416&‹KŠJŒ&159; C416ИŒMŠJ&159; C416ИOŠL&159; C416&QŠJŽ&159; C416ИŽ&159; C416аŽTŠЧŽ2UŠЦŽVŠRŠЦŽCarriage makerаŽXŠJ&159; C416ИZŠJ&159; C416И\ŠJ‘]Š@159; C416173И‘И‘_ŠL‘&159; C416&‘&159; C416а‘bŠЧ‘2cŠ*gŠЦ‘dŠ`ŠЦ‘eŠ@Storekeeper, Westford, Neа‘w Yorkа‘173а‘YhŠfŠЦ‘iŠ>Postmaster, Westford, Newа‘ Yorkа‘jŠоPr‘jŠB‘mŠ< š†John Kendrick Tyler\(’ЈU(‚Ty’oŠJ’&159; C416И’qŠL’&159; C416&’vŠ@159; C416180а’tŠЧ’2uŠ zŠЦ’wŠrŠЦ’а’xŠxSold insurance; Postmasteа’yŠr, Worcester, New York (1а’889-1894)а’F|Š{ŠЦ’355а’}ŠXCo. G, 121st New York Volа’unteers, Civil Warа’~ŠпPr’q~ŠB’‚ŠJ“&159; C416И“„Š…ŠL“&159; C416&“&159, C416'“†ŠрPr“†ŠB“‰ŠJ”&159; C416И”‹ŠL”&159; C416&”ŠJ•&160; C417И•ŠŠL•&160; C417&•&160; C417'•’ŠJ–&160; C417И–”Š•ŠL–&160; C417&–&160; C417'–&160; C417а–˜ŠЧ–2-™ŠЦ–šŠ–ŠЦ– Dellaа–œŠ< š†James Francis Tyler\(—ЈU(‚Ty—žŠJ—&160; C417И— ŠЁŠL—&160; C417&—&160; C417'—ЃŠJ˜&160; C417ȘЅŠІŠL˜&160; C417&˜&160; C417'˜ЈŠJ™&160; C417И™ЊŠЋŠL™&160; C417&™&160; C417'™­ŠJš&160; C417ИšЏŠJ›&160; C417И›БŠJœ&160; C417ИœqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСŠJ&160; C417ИУŠJž&160; C417ИžХŠLž&160; C417&žЧŠJŸ&160; C417ИŸЩŠLŸ&160; C417&ŸЫŠJ &160; C417И ЭŠJЁ&160; C417ИЁЯŠJЂ&160; C417ИЂбŠJЃ&160; C417ИЃгŠJЄ&160; C417ИЄеŠLЄ&160; C417'ЄзŠJЅ&160; C417ИЅйŠJІ&160; C417ИІлŠJЇ&160; C417ИЇнŠJЈ&160; C417ИЈпŠLЈ&160; C417&ЈсŠJЉ&160; C417ИЉуŠJЊ&160; C417ИЊхŠLЊ&160; C417&ЊчŠJЋ&160; C417ИЋщŠLЋ&160; C417&ЋыŠJЌ&160; C417ИЌэŠLЌ&160; C417&ЌяŠJ­&160; C417И­ёŠђŠL­&160; C417&­&160; C417'­qqqqqqqqqqqqq‹JЎ&160; C417ИЎ‹‹LЎ&160; C417&Ў&160; C417'Ў‹JЏ&160; C417ИЏ‹ ‹LЏ&160; C417&Џ&160; C417'Џ&159; C416аЏ ‹ЧЏ2& ‹ЦЏ‹ ‹ЦЏ‹>Graduate Westford Union SаЏchoolаЏ‹JА&160; C417ИА‹JБ&160; C417ИБ‹ЧБ2&‹ЦБЇ‹ЦБ‹DGraduate Worcester CentraаБl SchoolаБ‹JВ‹:160; C417ИВИВаВ‹ЧВ2&‹1#‹.'‹ЦВЊ ‹‹ЦВ!‹DGraduate Worcester CentraаВl SchoolаВаВ$‹"‹ЦВ%‹8Twin of Judith Eileen TylаВerаВаВ(‹&‹ЦВ)‹<Killed in automobile acciаВdentаВ+‹< š†Judith Eileen Tyler\(ГЈU(‚TyГ-‹JГ.‹:160; C417ИГИГаГ1‹ЧГ2&2‹-6‹19‹ЦГЊ3‹/‹ЦГ4‹DGraduate Worcester CentraаГl SchoolаГ&160; C417аГ7‹5‹ЦГ JudyаГаГ:‹8‹ЦГ2Twin of Jay Ransom TylerаГ2 <‹ЦЎњЇ=‹ЦЎ$139; X41аЎџWbЎ B39rev\ЏA‹JД&160; C417ИДC‹LД&160; C417&Д&159; C416аДF‹ЧД2&G‹ЦДH‹D‹ЦДI‹>Graduate Westford Union SаДchoolаДK‹JЕ&160; C417ИЕM‹N‹LЕ&160; C417&Е&160; C417'ЕP‹JЖ&160; C417ИЖR‹LЖ&160; C417&ЖT‹JЗ&160; C417ИЗV‹LЗ&160; C417&ЗX‹JИ&160; C417ИИZ‹LИ&160; C417&И\‹JЙ&160; C417ИЙ^‹LЙ&160; C417&Й`‹< IIhn Kendrick Tyler IIIКЈU(‚TyКb‹JК&160; C417ИКd‹e‹LК&160; C417&К&160; C417'К&159; C416аКh‹ЧК2*i‹-m‹ЦКj‹f‹ЦКk‹:Supervisor, Town of WestfаКordаК159аКn‹l‹ЦКJohn Ken TylerаКp‹JЛ&160; C417ИЛr‹s‹LЛ&160; C417&Л&160; C417'Лqqqqqqqqqqqq‹JМ&160; C417ИМƒ‹LМ&160; C417&М…‹JН&160; C417ИН‡‹JО&160; C417ИО‰‹LО&160; C417&О‹‹JП&160; C417ИП‹LП&160; C417&П‹JР&160; C417ИР‘‹LР&160; C417&Р“‹JС&160; C417ИС•‹–‹LС&160; C417&С&160; C417'С˜‹JТ&160; C417ИТš‹›‹LТ&160; C417&Т&160; C417'Т‹JУ&160; C417ИУŸ‹LУ&160; C417&УЁ‹JФ&160; C417ИФЃ‹LФ&160; C417'ФЅ‹JХ&160; C417ИХЇ‹LХ&160; C417&ХЉ‹JЦ&160; C417ИЦЋ‹LЦ&160; C417&Ц­‹JЧ&160; C417ИЧЏ‹JШ&160; C417ИШБ‹JЩ&160; C417ИЩ       eЩ\С0Ridgefield, ConnecticutYСB40\ТЕ‹dТ$150; X47аТЙ‹ЯТ2 К‹ЦТЂзЛ‹З‹ЦТМ‹XFebruary 20, 1751 given aаТs date of marriageаТПYbТB42\ХО‹dХС‹JЪ&160; C417ИЪУ‹JЫ&160; C417ИЫХ‹JЬ&160; C417ИЬЧ‹LЬ&160; C417&ЬЩ‹JЭ&160; C417ИЭЫ‹JЮ&160; C417ИЮЭ‹JЯ&160; C417ИЯЯ‹а‹LЯ&160; C417&Я'Я&159; C416аЯг‹ЧЯ2д‹ЦЯе‹б‹ЦЯж‹dOperated maple sugar busiаЯness, Westford, New YorkаЯз‹сPrЯз‹BЯк‹Jа&160; C417Иам‹Lа&160; C417'ао‹Jб&160; C417Ибр‹Jв&160; C417Ивт‹у‹Lв&160; C417&в&160; C417'вавц‹Чв2-ч‹Цвш‹ф‹Цв Ginnyавъ‹Jг&160; C417Игь‹Jд&160; C417Идю‹Lд&160; C417&之Jе&160; C417Иеђ‹Lе&160; C417&еqqqqqqqqqqqqqŒJж&161; C417ИжŒLж&161; C417&жŒJз&161; C417ИзŒJи&161; C417Ии Œ<r†Elizabeth Ann Matter\йЈU(‚Maй ŒJй&161; C417Ий ŒJк&161; C417ИкŒJл&161; C417ИлŒJм&161; C417ИмŒLм&161; C417&мŒJн&161; C417ИнŒLн&161; C417&нŒЧн2ŒЦнВŒЦн&161; C417анŒJо&161; C417ИоŒLо&161; C417&о!ŒЧо2"ŒЦоВ#ŒЦо&161; C417аонрeЃ &ŒJп&161; C417Ип(ŒJр&161; C417Ир*ŒLр&161; C417&р,Œ< š†Martin Peeters, Jr..(сЈU(‚Peс.ŒJс&161; C417Ис0ŒJт&161; C417Ит2ŒLт&161; C417&т&Fishkill, New YorkYи$143; X43аи6ŒЯи2 7ŒЦиъЮ8Œ4ŒЦи9ŒDFirst Reformed Church of аиFishkillаиB30\й:Œdй&Fishkill, New YorkYй$160; X52\к=Œdк№›>B31143; X43\лAŒJу&161; C417ИуCŒLу&161; C417&уEŒJф&161; C417ИфGŒHŒLф&161; C417&ф&161; C417'фJŒJхKŒ:161; C417ИхИхMŒNŒLх&161; C417&х&161; C419'хахQŒЧх26RŒЦхSŒOŒЦхPartkerахUŒJцVŒ:161; C417ИцИцXŒ[ŒLцYŒ:161; C417&ц&ц&Westford, New Yorkц'ц]ŒFThe Meadows, Middlefield,ц New Yorkцац`ŒЧц2&aŒdŒ(iŒnŒ qŒ/uŒЦцbŒ^ŒЦц Westford SchoolацeŒ:159; C416ацfŒcŒЦцацgŒNCustodian of Westford Metацhodist ChurchацjŒ:159; C416ацkŒhŒЦцацlŒXCaretaker of Westford Cemацetery; farm workerацацoŒmŒЦцpŒ4Westford Methodist ChurchацацŠаsŒrŒЦц(ац$Westford CemeteryацацvŒtŒЦц"of Westford"ацwŒтPrцwŒBцqqqqqqqŒJч&161; C417ИчƒŒLч&161; C417&ч…ŒJш&161; C417Иш‡ŒLш&161; C417'ш‰ŒJщ&161; C417Ищ‹ŒLщ&161; C417&щащŽŒЧщ2/ŒЦщŒŒŒЦщ‘Œ4"of Oxon, England" (2000)ащащ“ŒJъ&161; C417Иъ•ŒLъ&161; C417&ъаъ˜ŒЧъ26™Œ/œŒЦъšŒ–ŒЦъStah-MannаъаъŒ›ŒЦъ2"of Atlanta, Ga." (2000)аъŸŒJы Œ@161; C417229ИыИыЂŒLы&161; C417&ыаыЅŒЧы2&ІŒЋŒ(АŒ)ДŒ*ЗŒ/МŒ-РŒЦыwЇŒЃŒЦыЈŒhGraduate Worcester High SаыЉŒchool, Worcester, New YorаыkаыЌŒ<89, 152152аы­ŒЊŒЦыаыЎŒ`Insurance agent; teacher аыin Decatur Dist. No. 4аы148аы4yРxБŒЏŒЦыВŒPPrincipal of East Worcestаыer High Schoolаы229аыЕŒГŒЦыRepublicanаы$226, 229аыИŒЖŒЦыЙŒ€Worcester School DirectorаыКŒ 1948-1956; Justice of Peаыace 1923-1929аы89аыНŒЛŒЦы(Worcester, New Yorkаы152аы0œ>B21138; X41\чСŒОŒЦыRayаыУŒ^21 Main StreetWorcester;ыNew York12197U.S.A;ыФŒуPrыФŒBыЧŒJьИьЩŒJэ&161; C417ИэЫŒЬŒLэ&161; C417&э&161; C417'эUnknown;эЯŒJю&161; C417ИюбŒJяT189ИяUnknown;ядŒJ№еŒ:T162T162AИ№И№T162Cа№иŒЧ№2 йŒ/нŒ-сŒЦ№кŒжŒЦ№лŒZJefferson Rural Cemetery,а№ Catskill, New Yorkа№"4; T304а№оŒмŒЦ№пŒ6"of Acra;" Cairo, New Yorа№kа№T162а№тŒрŒЦ№ Maudeа№Unknown;№хŒJёцŒTT162T34ИёT162AИёшŒъŒLёщŒ@4; T304T162A&ё&ёыŒ@4; T304T162A'ё'ё,Long Island, New Yorkё"4; T304аёяŒЧё2№Œ/ѓŒ.їŒЦёёŒэŒЦёMorticianаё"4; T304аёєŒђŒЦёѕŒPNew York City; Southamptoаёn, Long Islandаё"4; T304аёјŒіŒЦё.Private plane accidentаёUnknown;ёqqqqqq<laJennifer Susan Lagala\ђЈU(‚LaђJђT162AИђLђT162A&ђ<thCatherine Ardon Smith\ѓЈU(‚Smѓ Jѓ :T162T162AИѓИѓ LѓT162A&ѓT162аѓЧѓ21-/Цѓ Цѓ"3 children"аѓ@33; T333T162аѓЦѓаѓCathy, Kathyаѓ"4; T304аѓЦѓCaliforniaаѓUnknown;ѓJє:T162T162AИєИєT162аєЧє21 6#Цє!Цє"3 children"ає$33; T333ає$"ЦєLagalaає&< š†Margaret Elsa Lance\(ѕЈU(‚Laѕ(Jѕ)6T162T34ИѕИѕ+,LѕT162E&ѕT162G'ѕ&Newton, New JerseyѕT34аѕ0Чѕ2&1'518-;/@7CЦѕ2.Цѕ3^Graduate Katharine Gibbs аѕSchool, New York CityаѕT34аѕ64Цѕ2Graduate Drew Universityаѕ*T162, T162Dаѕ97Цѕ"5 children"аѕ<`33; T333T162Dаѕ=:ЦѕT162Gаѕ Peggyаѕ"5; T305аѕqA>ЦѕNew JerseyаѕT162Eаѕ бBЦѕUnknown;ѕF<rnRobert Emerson Osborn\іЈU(‚OsіHJіI6T162T34ИіИіKLіT162E&іT34аіNЧі2'OR W+\1`/cЦіPLЦі2Graduate Drew UniversityаіT162DаіSQЦіTfRCA (Radio Corporation ofаіU America) Victor DivisionаіаіT34аіXVЦіYvCaptain, Adjutant GeneralаіZ's Corps, U.S. Army, Worlаіd War IIаіT162Dаі][Ці^>Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Kappаіa Psiаі"5; T305аіa_Ці"5 children"аі"5; T305аіdbЦіNew JerseyаіUnknown;іg<ceConstance Viola Lance\їЈU(‚LaїiJїjTT162T34ИїT162EИїlnLї&T5, T162E&ї&Summit, New JerseyїT162U'їFloridaїT34аїrЧї2's1w-z/}ЦїtpЦїuDHood College, Frederick, аїMarylandаїT162аїxvЦї"3 children"аї$33; T333аї{yЦїConnieаї~@5; T305T162Uаї€|ЦїаїЮQrД @Ft. Myers, Florida (1996,аї 2009)аїUnknown;їƒфPrїƒBї†<loynald Phillips Molloy\јЈU(‚MoјˆJј‰\T1625; T305ИјT162EИј‹ŒLјT162E&јT162E'јUnknown;ј<h†David VanOrden Smith\љЈU(‚Smљ‘JљT156Иљ“”LљT156&љT156'љ–JњT156Ињ˜JћT156Ићš›LћT156&ћT156'ћJќ(T156, T158ИќŸ LќT158&ќT156'ќЅ6T156T68аќЃЧќ2/ЄЦќІЁЦќаќ*"from Cherry Valley"аќЈJ§T156И§ЊЋL§T156&§T156'§ћ§7џ e) ЎJўT156ИўАJџT156ИџВДLџГ6T156T70&џ&џT70'џT70аџЗЧџ21ИЦџЙЕЦџ*Twin of Edward SmithаџJ54\јКdј Utica, New YorkYјJ54\њНdњ*Whitesboro, New YorkYњСJ T156И УФL T156& T156' ЦJ T156И ШЩL T156& T156' *T156, T162Cа ЬЧ 21ЭЦ ЮЪЦ ЯB"his parents were Wm & Chа arity?"а бJ T159И гдL T159& T159' T159а зЧ 28иЦ *?йеЦ к617 years, 8 months, 5 dayа sа мJ T159И опL T159& T159' сJ T159И уфL T159& T159' T159а чЧ 21шЦ щхЦ "?son of Basil"а ъхPr ъB эJ T158И я№L T158& T158' T158а ѓЧ 2 є+љЦ ѕёЦ іvPrivate, Co. B, 328 Bn, 3а ї04 Brigade, Tank Corps, Uа .S. Armyа T158а њјЦ ћ@Champion Lodge 554, Odd Fа ellowsа N20\ ќd N20\ ўd ŽJ T158И ŽŽL T158& T158' ŽJ T158И Ž ŽL T158& T158' T158а ŽЧ 2  ŽЦ Ž ŽЦ ŽHApprentice seaman, Co. I,а U.S. Navyа ŽJ Ž:T9-T10T60И И ŽŽL Ž:T9-T10T25& & Ž6Middle Haddam, Connecticu t T152' T297а ŽЧ 2 Ž5Ž4"ŽЦ ŽŽЦ .Cornwallville Cemeteryа "T24-T25а  ŽŽЦ Capt.а T152а " а!ŽЦ #ŽцPr #ŽB &ŽJ T9-T10И (ŽL T9-T10& *ŽJ T9-T10И ,ŽJ T9-T10И .ŽJ T9-T10И 0ŽJ T9-T10И B27\ 1Žd §`b B27\ 4Žd 7Ž8Rombout Presbyterian ChurY chY :Ž>B27188; X66\ 8Žd \ <ŽPFirst Dutch Reformed ChurY ch of HopewellY qqqAŽJ T9-T10И CŽJ T9-T10И EŽJ T9-T10И GŽJ T9-T10И IŽJ T9-T10И T9-T10а LŽЧ 2,MŽЦ NŽJŽЦ OŽ<One of "Mayflower passengа ers"а QŽJ T9-T10И SŽJ T9-T10И UŽJ T9-T10И T9-T10а XŽЧ 2,YŽЦ ZŽVŽЦ [Ž<One of "Mayflower passengа ers"а ]ŽJ T9-T10И _ŽL T9-T10& T152а bŽЧ 24cŽЦ r Л`ŽЦ eŽJ T9-T10И gŽL T9-T10& hŽчPr hŽB kŽJ T9-T10И mŽL T9-T10& oŽJ T9-T10И qŽL T9-T10& $189; X66\ rŽd .Schaghticoke, New YorkY tпb $193; X68\ vŽd yŽPFirst Dutch Reformed ChurY ch of FishkillY B27а |ŽЯ 2 }ŽЦ  ~ŽzŽЦ &Hopewell, New Yorkа §ab ŽJ T9-T10И ƒŽL T9-T10& …ŽJ T9-T10И ‡ŽJ T9-T10И ‰ŽJ T9-T10И T9-T10а ŒŽЧ 2,ŽЦ ŽŽŠŽЦ Ž<One of "Mayflower passengа ers"а ‘ŽJ T9-T10И “ŽL ”Ž8T9-T10T5& & .Eastham, Massachusetts T152а ˜ŽЧ 24™ŽЦ bЄ–ŽЦ ›ŽJ T9-T10И ŽL T9-T10& ЂŽ4T152T5а  ŽЧ 2-ЁŽ4ЅŽ6ЇŽЦ ЃŽžŽЦ а Mercy, Marcyа T152а  ЅЄŽЦ ЈŽ4T5T152а ЉŽІŽЦ а Riderа ЋŽJ T9-T10И ­ŽL ЎŽ8T9-T10T5& & .Eastham, Massachusetts T12а ВŽЧ 24ГŽЦ sАŽЦ qqqqqqqqqqqqСŽJ! T9-T10И! УŽL! T9-T10&! T5а! ЦŽЧ! 2-ЧŽЦ! ШŽФŽЦ! Barbaraа! ЪŽJ" T9-T10И" ЬŽJ# T9-T10И# ЮŽL# T5'# .Eastham, Massachusetts# бŽJ$ T9-T10И$ жŽ4T12T34а$ дŽЧ$ 2*еŽ5кŽЦ$ зŽвŽЦ$ а$ иŽ@First Governor of Massachа$ usettsа$ T12а$ лŽйŽЦ$ Gov.а$ нŽJ% T9-T10И% пŽJ& T9-T10И& T9-T10а& тŽЧ& 2,уŽ5чŽ/ъŽЦ& фŽрŽЦ& хŽ<One of "Mayflower passengа& ers"а& T8а& шŽцŽЦ& Elderа& T34а& ыŽщŽЦ& 2"of the Plymouth Colony"а& эŽJ' T11И' яŽJ( T11И( ёŽJ) T11И) T11а) єŽЧ) 2ѕŽ5јŽЦ) іŽђŽЦ) Clergymanа) T11а) љŽїŽЦ) Rev.а) њŽшPr) њŽB) 8db( џŽ<T9-T10T150\) §Žd) \) J* T11И* T11а* Ч* 21Ц* Ц* <"(a widow) probably 2nd wа* ife"а*  J+ T12И+ T12а+ Ч+ 2 5Ц+  Ц+ Clergymanа+ T12а+ Ц+ Rev.а+ щPr+ B+ J, T12И, J- 4T8T157И- И- L- T8&- T157'- T297а- Ч- 2 5"8%Ц-  Ц- .Cornwallville Cemeteryа- T157а- #!Ц- Rev.а- T157а- &$Ц- ""44 [64?] years"а- (J. T8И. *L. T8&. ,J/ T8И/ .L/ T8&/ 0J0 T8И0 34T150U1\* 1d* \* 5€Home of Mary Martin WalteY* 6rs, bride's cousin, CatskY* ill, New YorkY* 9>O7019; T319\+ 7d+ \+ ;`Fairview Methodist ChurchY+ , Binghamton, New YorkY+ Аœb+ qqqAJ1 T27И1 T27а1 DЧ1 25EЦ1 FBЦ1 Capt.а1 HJ2 T27И2 JL2 T27&2 LJ3 T27И3 NJ4 T27И4 PL4 T27&4 RJ5 T27И5 TL5 T27&5 - eR WJ6 T27И6 T27а6 ZЧ6 2[5^Ц6 \XЦ6 Clergymanа6 Rev.а6 ]Ц6 `J7 T34И7 bJ8 T150И8 dfL8 T150&8 ,Cauterskill, New York8 T150'8 0Cornwallville, New York8 T150а8 jЧ8 2 k,oЦ8 lhЦ8 mZThompson Street Cemetery,а8 Catskill, New Yorkа8 T150а8 pnЦ8 0Buried with his parentsа8 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ9 T150И9 ƒ…L9 T150&9 ,Cauterskill, New York9 T150'9 &Catskill, New York9 ˆJ: T150И: ŠŒL: T162C&: &Catskill, New York: T150': ,Cauterskill, New York: T150а: Ч: 2 ‘”Ц: ’ŽЦ: “ZThompson Street Cemetery,а: Catskill, New Yorkа: ‚–•Ц: U1а: —>Catskill Dutch Reformed Cа: hurchа: ™J; T150И; ›œL; T150&; T150'; T150а; ŸЧ; 2  Ц; ЁЦ; ЂZThompson Street Cemetery,а; Catskill, New Yorkа; Є<artinick William Martin\< ЈU(‚Ma< ІJ< T151И< ЈЉL< T151&< T151'< ,Cauterskill, New York< ЌJ= T151И= ЎЏL= T151&= T151'= ,Cauterskill, New York= (T151, T153а= ГЧ= 2 ДЦ= ЕБЦ= ЖH"along old Kings Road witа= h parents"а= qqqqqqqqqСJ> Т8T150T152И> И> ФШL> ХdT152T74&> T78&> ЧTTown of Catskill, Greene > County, New York> Щ6T150T81'> '> &Catskill, New York> ЬЧ> 2 Эг1иЦ> "єаЮЦ> Я>T82233; T82а> а> б€Sergeant, 11th Albany Couа> вnty Militia; served chiefа> ly as a scoutа> šседЦ> U1а> ж>Catskill Dutch Reformed Cа> hurchа> T83а> йзЦ> кX"17 children in all;" "3 а> others died young"а> м6CatskillNew YorkU.S.;> A;> нъPr> нB> рJ? T150И? туL? T81&? T81'? T150а? цЧ? 21чЦ? шфЦ? щL"third wife widow of Zebuа? lon Carbine"а? Unknown;? ьJ@ T150И@ юJA T71ИA №ёLA T71&A T71'A qqqqqqqqqqqqqqJB 6T50T152ИB ИB LB T152&B T152'B T19аB ЧB 2- 4 ЦB  ЦB CatherineаB U1аB тС ЦB JC T152ИC LC 4T152U1'C 'C EmbochtC <e†Temperance Loveridge\D ЈU(‚LoD JD T152ИD JE T152ИE JF T152ИF LF hT152T13&F T43U1&F &F &Kingston, New YorkF !ЧF 2"-&ЦF т€$#ЦF T43аF &Kingston, New YorkаF T43аF '%ЦF MargaretаF (ыPrF (BF +JG T152ИG -0LG .6T152T50&G &G (New Paltz, New YorkG 16T152T50'G 'G &Catskill, New YorkG 3ьPrG 3BG qqqqqqqqqqqAJH T152ИH CLH D4T152U1&H &H &Kingston, New YorkH U1аH HЧH 2/IЦH JFЦH "of Hurley"аH LJI T152ИI NPLI O6T152T50&I &I T152'I T14аI SЧI 28TЦI пUQЦI &"aged 90" at deathаI VэPrI VBI YJJ T152ИJ [JK T152ИK ]JL T152ИL _LL T152&L &Kingston, New YorkL bJM T152ИM dLM T152&M KaatsbaanM U1аM hЧM 21iЦM jfЦM kF"only child of Andrew EckаM ler, Jr."аM mJN T152ИN T152аN pЧN 2-qЦN rnЦN HannahаN qqqqqqqqqqqqqJO ‚4T152U1ИO ИO „†LO 0T152&O &Catskill, New YorkO T152'O ˆЧO 2‰8Ž;‘ЦO JФ‹ŠЦO U1аO Œ>Catskill Dutch Reformed CаO hurchаO U1аO  ЦO 73 yearsаO U1аO ’ЦO “NMarch 9, 1732 given as daаO te of baptismаO •JP T152ИP —™LP ˜4T152U1&P &P š4T152U1'P 'P U1аP ЧP 24ž1Ђ8ЅЦP Ÿ›ЦP  LMarch 22, 1742 given as dаP ate of birthаP T152аP ЃЁЦP "2nd" wifeаP U1аP ІЄЦP $82 years, 16 daysаP ЈJQ T152ИQ ЊJR T152ИR ЌЏLR ­6T152T16&R &R (West Camp, New YorkR T16'R T16аR ВЧR 2Г6ИЦR ДАЦR Е€"Baptised on ship in N.Y.аR Ж City;" "Record on KocherаR thal Records"аR T16аR ЙЗЦR Aiglor, EglerаR qqqqqqСJS T152ИS T152аS ФЧS 2,Х7Щ6ЬЦS ЦТЦS ЧD"o" in "Borten" carries aаS n umlautаS T152аS ЪШЦS "d. 1730"аS T152аS ЭЫЦS BurtonаS Я<ndownn Frederic Brandow\T ЈU(‚BrT бJT T152ИT гжLT д6T152T17&T &T (West Camp, New YorkT T17'T ,Cauterskill, New YorkT T17аT кЧT 24л7пЦT миЦT нNJanuary 1, 1715 given as аT date of birthаT U1аT роЦT сdDied between September 12аT , 1787 and July 10, 1789аT уJU T152ИU хJV ц6T152T72ИV ИV шъLV T152&V ,Cauterskill, New YorkV T152'V ,Cauterskill, New YorkV эJW T152ИW яђLW №6T152T72&W &W &Catskill, New YorkW ѓ6T152T72'W 'W Unknown;W qqqqqqqqqqq‘JX T71ИX ‘‘LX T71&X ‘6T71T157'X 'X T157аX ‘ЧX 28 ‘7 ‘ЦX  ‘‘ЦX "37 years old"аX *T157, T162CаX B ‘ЦX ‘JY T152ИY ‘‘LY ‘6T152T42&Y &Y &Catskill, New YorkY ‘6T152T72'Y 'Y T152аY ‘ЧY 21‘-‘ЦY ‘‘ЦY ‘:"1st wife" of Peter VanOrаY denаY T152аY ‘‘ЦY ElizabethаY Unknown;Y  ‘JZ T152ИZ "‘#‘LZ T152&Z T152'Z U1аZ &‘ЧZ 27'‘ЦZ (‘$‘ЦZ )‘nFebruary 6 or 8, 1813 givаZ *‘en as possible dates of dаZ eathаZ ,‘J[ T71И[ .‘L[ T71&[ 0‘<d†John Baptiste DuMond\\ ЈU(‚Du\ 2‘J\ 3‘6T152T43И\ И\ 5‘L\ 6‘@T152T20, T43&\ &\ &Kingston, New York\ B29\Z 8‘dZ <‘>B29142; X43\\ :‘d\ \\ &Hopewell, New YorkY\ ?‘Я\ 2 №œЦ\ A‘J] B‘6T152T43И] И] D‘F‘L] T20&] Kaatsbaan] G‘6T152T20'] '] L‘6T152T20а] J‘Ч] 21K‘Ц] M‘H‘Ц] а] N‘l"2nd wife;" "[John Baptisа] O‘te] M Elizabeth Smith - 2а] nd"а] Q‘J^ T152И^ S‘V‘L^ T‘6T152T52&^ &^ Kaatsbaan^ W‘6T152T52'^ '^ Y‘J_ T152И_ ^‘6T152T52а_ \‘Ч_ 21]‘Ц_ _‘Z‘Ц_ а_ "adopted"а_ a‘<ickrry William Dederick\` ЈU(‚De` c‘J` d‘4T152U1И` И` f‘i‘L` g‘6T152T18&` &` (West Camp, New York` T18'` T18а` l‘Ч` 2-m‘Ц` n‘j‘Ц` Jerryа` p‘< Jungine Elizabeth Jung\a ЈU(‚Jua r‘Ja T152Иa t‘La u‘6T152T18'a 'a z‘BT152275; V267аa x‘Чa 26y‘8}‘1‚‘Цa {‘v‘Цa аa Jong, Youngаa 2T22U1аa ~‘|‘Цa €‘661 years, 1 month, 27 dayаa qsаa &275; V267аa ƒ‘‘Цa „‘„Possibly daughter of Zachаa …‘arias Diederick and Catheаa rina Bur (Behr)аa †‘юPra †‘Ba ‰‘Jb T152Иb ‹‘Ž‘Lb Œ‘NT152T46&b U1&b Kaatsbaanb ‘6T152T46'b 'b T153аb ’‘Чb 2 “‘Цb ”‘‘Цb •‘’"on farm of son Jerry [orаb –‘ Henry] Martin -- West Huаb rley -- near Kingston"аb —‘яPrb —‘Bb š‘Jc T152Иc ›‘№Prc ›‘Bc ž‘Jd T152Иd  ‘Ld Ё‘6T152T51&d &d T51аd Є‘Чd 24Ѕ‘Цd І‘Ђ‘Цd Ї‘LMarch 11, 1748 given as dаd ate of birthаd Љ‘<rtinnn Frederick Martin\e ЈU(‚Mae Ћ‘Je T152Иe ­‘Le Ў‘6T152T21&e &e (West Camp, New Yorke U1аe В‘Чe 24Г‘Цe Д‘А‘Цe Е‘LMarch 18, 1713 given as dаe ate of birthаe qqqqqqqqqqС‘Jf T152Иf У‘Jg Ф‘@T153T46, T84Иg Иg Ц‘Ш‘Lg T153&g (Rhinebeck, New Yorkg Щ‘4T153U1'g 'g Ы‘‚Home of daughter, Mrs. Bug Ь‘ll, Searsville, Orange Cog unty, New Yorkg U1аg Я‘Чg 2 а‘-г‘6ж‘Цg б‘Э‘Цg *Searsville, New Yorkаg T152аg д‘в‘Цg Gitty, Margaretаg T153аg з‘е‘Цg Baringerаg й‘Jh к‘6T153T46Иh Иh п‘6T84T153аh н‘Чh 2-о‘6т‘Цh р‘л‘Цh аh "Coenradt, Conradаh T84аh у‘с‘Цh Barringerаh ф‘ёPrh ф‘Bh ч‘Ji ш‘6T153T46Иi Иi ъ‘Li ы‘4T153U1&i &i &Catskill, New Yorki ю‘Jj T153Иj №‘ђ‘Lj T23&j &Kingston, New Yorkj U1'j U1аj ѕ‘Чj 29і‘-љ‘Цj ї‘ѓ‘Цj ""living in 1762"аj 2T23U1аj њ‘ј‘Цj (George, Jerg, Jurryаj qqqqq’Jk T153Иk ’Lk ’6T153T23&k &k (West Camp, New Yorkk T23аk ’Чk 21 ’Цk  ’’Цk 0"widow of Jacob Straub"аk  ’Jl T153Иl T153аl ’Чl 2/’1’Цl ’ ’Цl "(Conn.)"аl T153аl ’’Цl 2"3rd husband of Jerusha"аl ’Jm T153Иm ’’Lm T153&m Connecticutm T153'm T153аm ’Чm 21’8!’Цm ’’Цm "2nd wife"аm T153аm ‚Q"’ ’Цm #’698 years, 2 months, 4 dayаm sаm %’Jn T153Иn T153аn (’Чn 27)’Цn *’&’Цn "d. 1774"аn ,’Jo T13Иo .’Jp T13Иp 0’Lp T13'p T43аp 3’Чp 24’ 9’*>’A’/E’7I’Цp 5’1’Цp 6’x"gentleman soldier ... Caаp 7’det of the ... West Indiaаp Company"аp T43аp :’8’Цp ;’|"captain in the French Arаp <’my ... officer under Gen аp Stuyvesant"аp T43аp @’=’Цp ?’вQrх (Trustee of Kingstonаp ‰C’B’Цp T43аp Deaconаp T43аp F’D’Цp G’D"home was in Coomen ... Fаp landers"аp $T13, T43аp J’H’Цp K’X"died between June 25th aаp nd Sept. 13, 1713"аp L’ђPrp L’Bp O’Jq $T13, T43Иq T19аq R’Чq 2-S’/V’1Y’Цq T’P’Цq Margaretаq $T13, T43аq W’U’Цq ."of Wie near Swol ..."аq $T13, T43аq Z’X’Цq [’8"... widow of Jan Arentseаq n"аq \’ѓPrq \’Bq _’Jr T13Иr T13аr b’Чr 26c’Цr d’`’Цr Aertsenаr e’єPrr e’Br h’Js T13Иs T13аs k’Чs 25l’Цs m’i’Цs "Lord DuMont"аs o’Jt T14Иt q’u’Lt r’4T14T50&t &t t’6Wicres, near Lille, Franct et T50't w’Чt 2 x’1}’Цt z’y’Цt T50аt {’FLed expedition against thаt e Indiansаt T50аt ~’|’Цt &"had ten children"аt q€’ѕPrt €’Bt ƒ’Ju „’4T14T50Иu Иu Blanshanаu ‡’Чu 26ˆ’/Š’Цu …’Цu T50аu ‹’‰’Цu Œ’@"of Mannheim in the Palatаu inate"аu ’іPru ’Bu ’Jv T14Иv ’’Jw T14Иw T14аw •’Чw 2-–’Цw —’“’Цw Blaughanаw ™’Jx T14Иx ›’Jy T14Иy ’<irkrnelissen VanNewkirk\z ЈU(‚Vaz Ÿ’Jz T14Иz Ё’J{ T15И{ T15а{ Є’Ч{ 2-Ѕ’Ц{ І’Ђ’Ц{ Ї’PCrepel, with carat sign oа{ ver second "e"а{ Љ’J| T15И| Ћ’J} T15И} T15а} Ў’Ч} 2/Џ’Ц} А’Ќ’Ц} Б’>"(Burger of Mannheim) Gerа} many"а} qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС’J~ T15И~ У’J T16И Х’L T16& ,Hesse Cassel, Germany Ш’J€ T16И€ Ъ’J T16И Ь’<owJohann Willem Brandow\‚ ЈU(‚Br‚ Ю’J‚ T17И‚ а’<herina xxxCatherina xxx\ƒ ЈU(‚xxƒ в’Jƒ T17Иƒ T17аƒ е’Чƒ 21ж’Цƒ з’г’Цƒ и’:"Maria Elizabeth Catherinаƒ a?"аƒ к’<richnn Wilhelm Dietrich\„ ЈU(‚Di„ м’J„ 2T18U1И„ о’< š†Anna Margaretha xxx\(… ЈU(‚xx… р’J… T18И… $T18, T22а… у’Ч… 2-ф’Ц… х’с’Ц… Anna Mariaа… ч’<g†Johann Mattheus Jung\† ЈU(‚Ju† щ’J† $T18, T22И† ы’L† &† э’Ч† 2ю’,ё’3ѕ’љ’Ц† Zžя’Ц† $6; T109Fа† $7; T109Gа† ђ’№’Ц† ѓ’bJohan Mathis Junck; Matthа† eus Jung; Matthew Junckа† $6; T109Fа† і’є’Ц† ї’f"Joh. Mattheus Muller; Joа† ј’h. Wisswycks (Risswick?)"а† а† BГћ’њ’Ц† $7; T109Gа† ќ’J(and September 9) Kingstoа† n, New Yorkа† §’їPr† §’B† q“<enAnna Veronica Mansken\‡ ЈU(‚Ma‡ “J‡ T18И‡ $7; T109Gа‡ “Ч‡ 26“Ц‡ ““Ц‡ Manckenа‡  “Jˆ T18Иˆ $7; T109Gаˆ “Чˆ 2““/“5“6““Цˆ “ “Цˆ “6Husbandman and vinedresseаˆ rаˆ $7; T109Gаˆ ““Цˆ Reformedаˆ $7; T109Gаˆ ““Цˆ “:"of Urbach, commune Neuweаˆ id"аˆ $7; T109Gаˆ ““Цˆ Masterаˆ “47-8; T109G-T109Hаˆ аˆ ““Цˆ $Mank, Manck, Mandаˆ BГ!“ “Цˆ $8; T109Hаˆ "“J(and September 9) Kingstoаˆ n, New Yorkаˆ #“јPrˆ #“Bˆ &“J‰ T18И‰ T18а‰ )“Ч‰ 2/*“Ц‰ +“'“Ц‰ ,“:"County of Neuwied, Germaа‰ ny"а‰ .“JŠ T20ИŠ 0“2“LŠ T42&Š &Kingston, New YorkŠ T43'Š T42аŠ 5“ЧŠ 246“1:“ЦŠ 7“3“ЦŠ 8“8"b. Kingston Jan. 23, 172аŠ 6"аŠ $T20, T42аŠ ;“9“ЦŠ "1st wife"аŠ qqqqA“J‹ $T20, T43И‹ C“< š†Christina Trumpbour\(Œ ЈU(‚TrŒ E“JŒ $T20, T43ИŒ G“J $T20, T43И I“L“L J“LT20T43& U1& &Kingston, New York $T20, T43' N“Ч 2O“-R“Ц в ЅP“Ц T43а $T20, T43а S“Q“Ц Ignatiusа U“JŽ T20ИŽ W“LŽ T20&Ž Y“<lervid Davidse Schuyler\ ЈU(‚Sc [“J \“NT20T49И 241И a“p28; T44T45а _“Ч 2*`“Ц Њc“]“Ц b“241T49а а d“4Mayor of Albany, New Yorkа а e“љPr e“B h“J T20И j“J‘ T20И‘ l“J’ T20И’ n“<d†John Baptiste DuMond\“ ЈU(‚Du“ p“J“ $T20, T43И“ r“s“L“ T43&“ T43'“ T43а“ v“Ч“ 21w“Ц“ x“t“Ц“ ."2nd son of Wallerand"а“ y“њPr“ y“B“ \ 2East Worcester, New YorkY “4O70O79\‘ }“d‘ \‘ “J” $T20, T43И” ƒ“L” T45&” T43а” †“Ч” 23‡“4Š“-Ž“Ц” ˆ“„“Ц” Van Veghtenа” T45а” ‹“‰“Ц” Œ“LDate of birth given as Maа” rch 23, 1665а” $T20, T43а” ““Ц” Elizabethа” ‘“<n†Johann Conrad Marten\• ЈU(‚Ma• ““J• T21И• T21а• –“Ч• 26—“Ц• ˜“”“Ц• ™“dSurname "Marten" carries а• umlauts over both vowelsа• ›“J– T21И– “J— T22И— Ÿ“L— &— Ё“Ч— 2Ђ“-Ѕ“;Ј“/Ќ“3А“Ц— *Ѓ“Ц— $6; T109Fа— $6; T109Fа— І“Є“Ц— .Georg Hans; Hans Georgа— $6; T109Fа— Љ“Ї“Ц— Њ“TFebruary 5, 1665 given asа— date of baptismа— T22а— ­“Ћ“Ц— Ў“`"of Gernheim Co of Strombа— erg -- Palatinate Ger"а— $6; T109Fа— Б“Џ“Ц— В“~Captain H. Gorg and wife а— Г“Martha, Johs. Metzler andа— wife Marthaа— qqqqqqqqqqqqС“J˜ T23Ș У“J™ T23И™ Х“Jš T23Иš Ч“J› T23И› Щ“<n†Anna Gerdraut Wolfen\œ ЈU(‚Woœ Ы“Jœ T23Иœ T23аœ Ю“Чœ 21Я“Цœ а“Ь“Цœ 2"? Anna Gerdraut Wolfen"аœ в“J T23И 2T23U1а е“Ч 2/ж“Ц з“г“Ц и“n"of Gersholm County of Doа й“rdorf Sovereignty of Runkа els"а л“Jž T42Иž T42аž о“Чž 28п“Цž р“м“Цž "d. infancy"аž т“<e DuMondoveridge DuMond\Ÿ ЈU(‚DuŸ ф“JŸ T42ИŸ ц“J  T42И  ш“<Mondiam VanOrden DuMond\Ё ЈU(‚DuЁ ъ“JЁ T42ИЁ ь“JЂ T42ИЂ ю“JЃ T42ИЃ №“LЃ T42'Ѓ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЃ Є eє ”< š†Jan Baptiste DuMond\(Є ЈU(‚DuЄ ”JЄ T42ИЄ ”JЅ T42ИЅ ”ћPrЅ ”BЅ  ”JІ T42ИІ ”LІ T42&І &Catskill, New YorkІ T42аІ ”ЧІ 2-”4”ЦІ ””ЦІ JoshuaаІ T42аІ ””ЦІ ”>"[born] Jan 10, 1767 CatsаІ kill"аІ ”JЇ T42ИЇ ”LЇ T42&Ї &Catskill, New YorkЇ ”JЈ T42ИЈ ”LЈ T42&Ј &Catskill, New YorkЈ "”JЉ T43ИЉ $”JЊ T43ИЊ &”JЋ T161ИЋ (”)”LЋ T161&Ћ T161'Ћ +”JЌ T161ИЌ -”J­ T159И­ T159а­ 0”Ч­ 211”Ц­ 2”.”Ц­ 3”d"?(Daisy a sister of Richа­ ard Jack - m. Fred H---"а­ qqqqqqqqqqqqA”JЎ B”@T15933; T333ИЎ ИЎ D”JЏ E”BT128220; V150ИЏ ИЏ G”I”LЏ T126&Џ ,West Durham, New YorkЏ T127'Џ N”BT129220; V150аЏ L”ЧЏ 2M”6Q”/T”8Z”ЦЏ O”J”ЦЏ аЏ PresbyterianаЏ &133; T140аЏ R”P”ЦЏ BroughtonаЏ U”BT125220; V150аЏ V”S”ЦЏ аЏ W”z"Town of Durham, N.Y. StaаЏ X”te;" "settled CornwallsviаЏ lle, N.Y."аЏ T127аЏ Re[”Y”ЦЏ 74 yearsаЏ \”ќPrЏ \”BЏ _”JА `”BT128220; V150ИА ИА Unknown;А c”< š†William H. Boughton\(Б ЈU(‚BoБ e”JБ f”BT128221; V150ИБ ИБ h”LБ &221; V150&Б &221; V150аБ k”ЧБ 2/l”ЦБ m”i”ЦБ 2"of Cornellsville, N.Y."аБ n”§PrБ n”BБ q”< š†Richard L. Boughton\(В ЈU(‚BoВ s”JВ t”BT128221; V150ИВ ИВ v”w”LВ &221; V150&В &221; V150'В &221; V150аВ z”ЧВ 21{”ЦВ |”x”ЦВ ""died unmarried"аВ qqq”< Boughtoneusen Boughton\Г ЈU(‚BoГ ƒ”JГ „”BT128221; V150ИГ ИГ †”Š”LГ ‡”BT115221; V150&Г &Г ‰”PTown of Durham, Greene CoГ unty, New YorkГ T115'Г Œ”‚Home of his daughter, MrsГ ”. Eugene C. Pierson, SummГ it, New JerseyГ T115аГ ”ЧГ 2‘”•”/™”-œ”ЦГ ’”Ž”ЦГ “”ZSchool teacher and grammaаГ r school principal;аГ T115аГ –”””ЦГ —”^Congregational Church, EaаГ st Orange, New JerseyаГ &221; V150аГ š”˜”ЦГ $"of Rahway, N.J."аГ "3; T303аГ ”›”ЦГ NeilаГ ž”ўPrГ ž”BГ Ё”JД Ђ”BT128221; V150ИД ИД Є”LД &221; V150&Д &221; V150аД Ї”ЧД 21Ј”/Ћ”ЦД Љ”Ѕ”ЦД "not married"аД "3; T303аД Ќ”Њ”ЦД ."around Cornwallville"аД Д eT Ў”џPrД Ў”BД Б”JЕ В”6T108T90ИЕ ИЕ Д”Й”LЕ Е”6T90T118&Е &Е З”nHervey Street, Town of DuЕ И”rham, Greene County, New Е YorkЕ К”6T90T118'Е 'Е $Windham, New YorkЕ T118аЕ О”ЧЕ 2&Р”У”)Ч”Ы” Я”,в”8е”ЦЕ qС”М”ЦЕ 0Common school educationаЕ &T118-T119аЕ Ф”Т”ЦЕ Х”4School teacher and farmerаЕ аЕ Ш”8T115T118аЕ Щ”Ц”ЦЕ аЕ DemocratаЕ T118аЕ Ь”Ъ”ЦЕ Э”8Windham Presbyterian ChurаЕ chаЕ T118аЕ а”Ю”ЦЕ "Windham CemeteryаЕ T108аЕ г”б”ЦЕ "Windham"аЕ T118аЕ Тxж”д”ЦЕ з”:71 years, 11 months, 13 dаЕ aysаЕ й”4WindhamNew YorkU.S.A;Е ;Е к”PrЕ к”BЕ н”JЖ о”6T108T92ИЖ ИЖ T115аЖ с”ЧЖ 2)т”ЦЖ у”п”ЦЖ DemocratаЖ х”<Sr.lliam L. France, Sr..З ЈU(‚FrЗ ч”JЗ ш”nT108T102ИЗ щ”T92T118ИЗ ИЗ T115аЗ ь”ЧЗ 2)э”/№”ЦЗ ю”ъ”ЦЗ DemocratаЗ T108аЗ ё”я”ЦЗ "Caselton"аЗ qqqqqqqqqqqqqq•<e†Aaron Richard France\И ЈU(‚FrИ •JИ •6T108T92ИИ ИИ •LИ T116'И T115аИ •ЧИ 2) •1 •/•ЦИ  ••ЦИ DemocratаИ T108аИ • •ЦИ "never married"аИ T108аИ ••ЦИ "Windham"аИ Е ˜eS •JЙ •6T108T92ИЙ ИЙ T116аЙ •ЧЙ 2-•ЦЙ ••ЦЙ "Rebecca A. ClarkаЙ •JК T108ИК •JЛ T103ИЛ •#•LЛ !•BT103222; V151&Л &Л 0Cornwallville, New YorkЛ T163'Л T116аЛ &•ЧЛ 2'• )•4-•-0•ЦЛ (•$•ЦЛ FarmerаЛ J­+•*•ЦЛ T163аЛ .Cornwallville CemeteryаЛ &222; V151аЛ  \.•,•ЦЛ ,"Cornellsville, N.Y."аЛ "4; T304аЛ 1•/•ЦЛ RoyаЛ 2•PrЛ 2•BЛ qqqqqqqqqqqqA•JМ T104ИМ C•D•LМ T158&М T158'М F•< š†Elizabeth M. France\(Н ЈU(‚FrН H•JН T103ИН J•K•LН T103&Н L•6T157L94'Н 'Н L94аН O•ЧН 2 P•1S•/V•ЦН Q•M•ЦН .Cornwallville CemeteryаН "T98-T99аН T•R•ЦН "no children"аН "4; T304аН W•U•ЦН 0Cornwallville, New YorkаН X•PrН X•BН [•<rksrris Alexander Parks\О ЈU(‚PaО ]•JО ^•8T104T116ИО ИО "4; T304аО a•ЧО 2b•1e•/h•ЦО c•_•ЦО &Rural mail carrierаО "4; T304аО f•d•ЦО $"had no children"аО "4; T304аО i•g•ЦО j•PCornwallville and MiddlebаО urgh, New YorkаО l•JП T158ИП n•o•LП T162C&П T162C'П q•JР T158ИР S32\О r•dО $Massena, New YorkYО qqqqqqqqqqq•JС T140ИС T140аС „•ЧС 2'…•‰•1Œ•ЦС 6†•‚•ЦС ‡•FGraduate Castleton MedicaаС l CollegeаС T140аС Š•ˆ•ЦС PhysicianаС T140аС •‹•ЦС "No children"аС 2DurhamNew YorkU.S.A;С •PrС •BС ’•<gePhebe Catherine Mudge\Т ЈU(‚MuТ ”•JТ T140ИТ Unknown;Т —•JУ T140ИУ ™•LУ T140&У Unknown;У œ•JФ T140ИФ Unknown;Ф Х У e  •JХ T140ИХ Unknown;Х Ѓ•JЦ T140ИЦ Ѕ•JЧ T140ИЧ Unknown;Ч Ј•JШ T140ИШ Unknown;Ш Ћ•JЩ T140ИЩ Unknown;Щ Ў•<udgeard Valentine Mudge\Ъ ЈU(‚MuЪ А•JЪ &102; T139ИЪ В•LЪ &T137-T139&Ъ Д•@Otsego, Otsego County, NeЪ w YorkЪ T139аЪ З•ЧЪ 2И•ЦЪ Й•Е•ЦЪ К•>Farmer, mill owner, apothаЪ ecaryаЪ 2DurhamNew YorkU.S.A;Ъ М•PrЪ М•BЪ p4S18S25\Х О•dХ С•JЫ T137ИЫ У•Ф•LЫ T137&Ы T138'Ы *Bainbridge, New YorkЫ T137аЫ Ш•ЧЫ 2Щ• Ь•8б•ЦЫ Ъ•Ц•ЦЫ MillwrightаЫ T138аЫ Э•Ы•ЦЫ Ю•lSergeant, Continental ArmаЫ Я•y; pensioner until his deаЫ athаЫ T138аЫ к )в•а•ЦЫ г•879 years, 7 months, 24 daаЫ ysаЫ е•:BainbridgeNew YorkU.;Ы S.A;Ы ж•PrЫ ж•BЫ й•JЬ T138ИЬ л•о•LЬ T138&Ь н•BHempstead, Long Island, NЬ ew YorkЬ T138'Ь T138аЬ с•ЧЬ 28т•ЦЬ к/у•п•ЦЬ ф•880 years, 4 months, 24 daаЬ ysаЬ Unknown;Ь ч•JЭ T138ИЭ щ•LЭ &T137-T138&Э $Chatham, New YorkЭ Unknown;Э э•JЮ T138ИЮ я•LЮ &T137-T138&Ю ,Warrensburg, New YorkЮ Unknown;Ю qqqqqqqqqqqqqq–JЯ T138ИЯ –LЯ &T137-T138&Я ,Warrensburg, New YorkЯ Unknown;Я –Jа T138Иа –Lа &T137-T138&а $Chatham, New Yorkа Unknown;а Я в Ъ e& –Jб T138Иб –Lб &T137-T138&б ,Warrensburg, New Yorkб Unknown;б –Jв T138Ив –Lв &T137-T138&в ,Warrensburg, New Yorkв Unknown;в –Jг T136Иг ––Lг T136&г T136'г $Florida, New Yorkг T136аг !–Чг 2"–/%–8(–Цг #––Цг ,Yeoman and millwrightаг T136аг &–$–Цг &"of Sharon, Conn."аг T136аг ђ )–'–Цг *–:75 years, 10 months, 14 dаг aysаг +–Prг +–Bг .–Jд T136Ид 0–1–Lд T136&д T136'д T136ад 4–Чд 2/5–88–Цд 6–2–Цд ("of Windham, Conn."ад T136ад В №9–7–Цд :–646 years, 7 months, 4 dayад sад qqqqqA–Jе &T134-T135Ие C–F–Lе T134&е E–6Northampton, Massachusettе sе T134'е (Sharon, Connecticutе T134ае J–Че 2K–8O–4S–Це L–H–Це M–@Yeoman, surveyor and millае wrightае T134ае ЊоP–N–Це Q–675 years, 1 month, 23 dayае sае T134ае T–R–Це U–RFebruary 26, 1683 given aае s date of birthае V–Prе V–Bе Y–Jж T135Иж [–Lж T135'ж (Sharon, Connecticutж T135аж _–Чж 2/`–Цж a–]–Цж "of Lebanon"аж c–Jз T137Из e–Lз T137&з g–Jи T137Ии i–Lи T137&и k–Jй T137Ий m–Lй T137&й o–Jк T137Ик q–Lк T137&к qqqqqqqqqqqqqq к л м e' ‚–Jл T137Ил „–Lл T137&л †–Jм T137Им ˆ–Lм T137&м Š–Jн T136Ин Œ–Lн T136'н Ž–PCharleston, Montgomery Coн unty, New Yorkн T136ан ‘–Чн 2/’–8•–Цн “––Цн &"of Chatham, N.Y."ан T136ан Ъ!––”–Цн —–^"died ... at 93, survivinан g her husband 24 yrs"ан ™–Jо T136Ио ›–Jп T135Ип –Lп T135&п Ÿ–Jр T135Ир Ё–Lр T135&р Ѓ–Jс T135Ис Ѕ–Lс T135&с Ї–Jт T135Ит Љ–Lт T135&т р с т у ш щ ф г e( Ќ–Jу T135Иу Ў–Lу T135&у А–Jф T135Иф В–Lф T135&ф q( qqqqqqqqqqqqС–Jх T135Их У–Jц T135Иц Х–Jч T135Ич Ч–Jш T135Иш Щ–Lш T135&ш Ы–Jщ T135Ищ Э–Lщ T135&щ Я–Jъ T133Иъ б–в–Lъ T133&ъ T133'ъ (Hebron, Connecticutъ T133аъ ж–Чъ 2з–8к–Цъ и–д–Цъ 0Surveyor and millwrightаъ T133аъ  Мл–й–Цъ 74 yearsаъ м–Prъ м–Bъ п–Jы T133Иы с–т–Lы T133&ы T133'ы T133аы х–Чы 28ц–Цы Пч–у–Цы 79 yearsаы щ–Jь T133Иь T133аь ь–Чь 2/э–Ць ю–ъ–Ць я–B"of Northampton [Massachuаь setts]"аь ё–Jэ T133Иэ qqqqqqqqqqqqqq—Jю T134Ию —Jя T134Ия —J№ T134И№ —Jё T134Иё ђ ѓ є ѕ е e)  —Jђ T134Иђ  —Jѓ T134Иѓ —Jє T134Иє —Jѕ T134Иѕ —Jі T132Иі —Lі T132'і —Чі 2 —/—Ці t——Ці T132аі 0New London, Connecticutаі T133аі ——Ці ."of New London, Conn."аі — Prі —Bі  —Jї T133Иї "—Jј T132Иј $—Jљ T132Иљ &—<chtenTeunise VanVechten\њ ЈU(‚Vaњ (—Jњ T45Ињ *—-—Lњ T45&њ ,—`Vechten, Utrecht, Hollandњ , "on the river Vecht"њ T45'њ /—b"home on the snake road, њ " Cauterskill, New Yorkњ T45ањ 2—Чњ 213—Цњ 4—0—Цњ $"had 11 children"ањ q) qqqqqqqqqqA—<Vrelantichielse Vrelant\ћ ЈU(‚Vrћ C—Jћ T45Ић T45аћ F—Чћ 21G—Цћ H—D—Цћ $"had 11 children"аћ J—<antchiel Jansen Vrelant\ќ ЈU(‚Vrќ L—Jќ T45Иќ N—J§ T45И§ T45а§ Q—Ч§ 2/R—Ц§ S—O—Ц§ ,"of Communipaw, N.J."а§ U—<Vechtencksen VanVechten\ў ЈU(‚Vaў W—Jў T45Иў T45аў Z—Чў 2[—Цў \—X—Цў Farmerаў ]— Prў ]—Bў `—<ylerd Pieterse Schuyler\џ ЈU(‚Scџ b—Jџ c—<28; T44T49Иџ Иџ e—J "28; T44И "28; T44а h—Ч 2/i—Ц j—f—Ц 0"of Amsterdam, Holland"а l—J T46И n—L T46& *Germantown, New York p— Pr p—B qqqqqqqqqqqqqq—J T46И ƒ—J T46И …—L T46& Kaatsbaan ‡— Pr ‡—B Š—J T46И Œ—L T46& Kaatsbaan   9eѕ — Pr —B ’—J T46И ”—–—L T46& Kaatsbaan T46' T46а ™—Ч 28š—Ц RM›———Ц œ—687 years, 6 months, 5 dayа sа —Pr —B  —J T46И Ђ—L T46& (West Camp, New York Ѕ—J T46И Ї—Ј—L T72& T72' Unknown; Ћ—J T46И ­—J T46И Џ—J T50И Б—L T50' T50а Д—Ч 2Е— И—Л—Ц Ж—В—Ц Blacksmithа T50а Й—З—Ц К—^"on the hill behind the hа ouse, grave was lost"а КМН—М—Ц T50а О—bFebruary 23, 1724 by Rev.а Petrus Vas of Kingstonа \ Р—Pr Р—B У—J T50И Х—J T50И Ч—J T50И   B eс Щ—Pr Щ—B Ь—J T50И T50а Я—Ч 2,а—Ц б—Э—Ц в—>"widow of Christian Overbа augh"а д—< š†Christian Overbaugh\( ЈU(‚Ov ж—J T50И и—J T50И й—Pr й—B м—J T50И о—J T51И р—L T51& "Athens, New York T51а ф—Ч 27х—-ш—Ц ц—т—Ц Died in 1740'sа T51а щ—ч—Ц Jamesа ы—J T51И э—L T51& я—J T51И ё—J T51И ѓ—ѕ—L T51& "Athens, New York T51' qqqqqqqqqq$    d  ^   eї ˜J T51И ˜L T51& T51а ˜Ч 28˜Ц  ˜˜Ц Died youngа  ˜J T51И ˜L T51& "Athens, New York ˜<rlGeorge Frederick Carl\ ЈU(‚Ca ˜J T51И ˜J T51И ˜L T51& "Athens, New York ˜J T51И T51а ˜Ч 2/˜Ц ˜˜Ц "of Clermont"а  ˜J T51И "˜L T51& $˜J T51И &˜J T51И (˜J T51И T51а +˜Ч 26,˜Ц -˜)˜Ц Wolfа /˜J T51И 1˜2˜L T51& T51' qqqqqqqqqqqqqA˜<urghannes VanValkenburg\ ЈU(‚Va C˜J T51И E˜F˜L &275; V267& T51' H˜Ч 2I˜8M˜-Q˜4T˜3V˜Ц RвK˜J˜Ц &275; V267а &Kingston, New Yorkа T51а Т#N˜L˜Ц O˜884 years, 2 months, 20 daа ysа &275; V267а R˜P˜Ц Hannesа &275; V267а RвS˜Ц &274; V267а RвW˜U˜Ц X˜BChristian Meyer and Mariaа Snyderа Z˜J! T52И! \˜<ausenMartena Wickhausen\" ЈU(‚Wi" ^˜J" T52И" `˜J# T52И# b˜L# T52&# "Athens, New York# T52а# f˜Ч# 24g˜Ц# h˜d˜Ц# i˜RFebruary 11, 1736 given aа# s date of birthа# k˜J$ T52И$ m˜o˜L$ T52&$ "Athens, New York$ T52'$ q˜J% T52И% ќ А e qqqqqqqqqqqqq˜J& T52И& ƒ˜„˜L& T52&& T52'& T52а& ‡˜Ч& 24ˆ˜Ц& ‰˜…˜Ц& Š˜RFebruary 17, 1740 given aа& s date of birthа& Œ˜J' T52И' Ž˜J( T52И( ˜’˜L( T52&( Kaatsbaan( T52'( T52а( •˜Ч( 28–˜Ц( к6—˜“˜Ц( ˜˜689 years, 6 months, 4 dayа( sа( š˜J) T71И) œ˜J* T71И* T71а* Ÿ˜Ч* 28 ˜Ц* Ё˜˜Ц* ""died at 12 yrs"а* Ѓ˜J+ T71И+ T71а+ І˜Ч+ 28Ї˜Ц+ Ј˜Є˜Ц+ *"died ... at 3 yrs."а+ Њ˜J, T71И, T71а, ­˜Ч, 28Ў˜Ц, Џ˜Ћ˜Ц, "died at 1 yr."а, Б˜J- T71И- T71а- ĘЧ- 28ŘЦ- Ƙ˜Ц- "died at 1 yr."а- qqqqqqqqqјJ. T71И. T71а. ԘЧ. 28՘Ц. ֘ҘЦ. "died at 1 yr."а. . eѓ ٘J/ T72И/ ۘܘL/ T72&/ T72'/ T72а/ ߘЧ/ 26а˜1г˜Ц/ б˜Э˜Ц/ Freligoа/ T72а/ д˜в˜Ц/ е˜:"2nd" wife of Peter VanOrа/ denа/ Unknown;/ и˜J0 T72И0 к˜J1 T72И1 м˜J2 T72И2 о˜р˜L2 T72&2 &Catskill, New York2 T72'2 Unknown;2 у˜J3 T72И3 х˜J4 T72И4 ч˜J5 T72И5 щ˜L5 T72&5 &Catskill, New York5 T72а5 э˜Ч5 28ю˜Ц5 я˜ы˜Ц5 &"prob. died young"а5 Unknown;5 Z225\2 ё˜d2 Z224\3 ѓ˜d3 qqqqqqqqqqq™J6 T72И6 ™™L6 T72&6 T72'6 T72а6 ™Ч6 2-™Ц6  ™™Ц6 Pollyа6 Unknown;6  ™J7 T72И7 ™™L7 T72&7 T72'7 ™J8 T72И8 ™J9 T72И9 ™J: T72И: ™™L: T72&: T72': Unknown;: ™J; T72И; T72а; ™Ч; 2/™Ц;  ™™Ц; "of Windham"а; "™J< T74И< $™L< T74&< T74а< '™Ч< 24(™Ц< )™%™Ц< *™LMarch 11, 1752 given as dа< ate of birthа< ,™J= T74И= .™J> T74И> 0™1™L> T74&> T74'> 3™4Teunis VanVechten's house> > 5™Ч> 2 6™.;™Ц> Кё8™7™Ц> T74а> 9™`Died "of fever contractedа> in the northern army"а> T74а> Кё<™:™Ц> =™`Died "of fever contractedа> in the northern army"а> F43\9 >™d9 A™J? T74И? C™D™L? T74&? T74'? (Coxsackie, New York? G™<g†Elizabeth Vandenburg\@ ЈU(‚Va@ I™J@ T74И@ J™Pr@ J™B@ M™JA T74ИA O™JB T74ИB Q™JC T74ИC S™T™LC T74&C T74'C ,Schenectady, New YorkC > G K eп X™JD T74ИD Z™JE T74ИE \™JF T74ИF ^™JG T75ИG `™a™LG T75&G T75'G c™JH T75ИH e™JI T75ИI g™JJ T75ИJ i™JK T75ИK k™l™LK T75&K T75'K n™JL o™4T79T83ИL ИL q™LL T78&L .East Windham, New YorkL T83аL u™ЧL 24v™ЦL  s™ЦL Unknown;L qqqqqqqq™JM T83ИM ƒ™JN T83ИN …™LN T83&N Unknown;N ˆ™JO T83ИO Š™JP T83ИP Œ™LP T83&P Unknown;P ™JQ T83ИQ ‘™JR T83ИR “™LR T83&R Unknown;R –™JS T83ИS ˜™JT T83ИT š™LT T83&T Unknown;T •V X eQ ž™JU T83ИU  ™JV T83ИV Ђ™LV T83&V Unknown;V Ѕ™JW T83ИW Ї™JX T83ИX Љ™LX T83&X Unknown;X Ќ™JY T83ИY Ў™< š†Catherine Barringer\(Z ЈU(‚BaZ А™JZ T84ИZ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС™J[ T84И[ У™J\ T84И\ Х™< š†Christina Barringer\(] ЈU(‚Ba] Ч™J] T84И] Щ™J^ T84И^ Ы™J_ T84И_ T84а_ Ю™Ч_ 28Я™Ц_ а™Ь™Ц_ $"d[ied] y[oung]."а_ ` a b d f h g e§ г™< š†Elizabeth Barringer\(` ЈU(‚Ba` е™J` T84И` з™Ja T84Иa й™Jb T84Иb л™Jc T84Иc T84аc о™Чc 2-п™Цc р™м™Цc Eliasаc т™Jd T84Иd ф™Je T84Иe ц™Jf T84Иf ш™Jg T84Иg ъ™Jh T84Иh ь™Ji T84Иi ю™Jj T90Иj №™Lj T94'j T115аj ѓ™Чj 2є™)ї™ њ™8§™Цj ѕ™ё™Цj 0Farmer and fruit growerаj T115аj ј™і™Цj Democratаj T94аj ћ™љ™Цj .Cornwallville Cemeteryаj T94аj j]ў™ќ™Цj š673 years, 3 months, 3 dayаj /žb\ sаj šPrj šBj šJk T90Иk šLk T94'k T94аk šЧk 28 šЦk т M ššЦk š:59 years, 10 months, 14 dаk aysаk š<mberon Fidelia Macomber\l ЈU(‚Mal šJl T90Иl ššLl T117&l $Windham, New Yorkl š6T90T117'l 'l "Sidney, New Yorkl T117аl šЧl 2š š8!šЦl ššЦl š8Windham Presbyterian Churаl chаl T117аl ššЦl "Windham Cemeteryаl T117аl "š šЦl 73 yearsаl 2SidneyNew YorkU.S.A;l $šPrl $šBl 'š< š†Wray Bentley France\(m ЈU(‚Frm )šJm T90Иm +š,šLm T90&m T90'm Unknown;m /šJn T90Иn 1š<e†Elliot Balser France\o ЈU(‚Fro 3šJo T90Иo 5šLo T90&o qqqqqqqqqqAš<anceard Macomber France\p ЈU(‚Frp CšJp T90Иp EšFšLp T90&p T90'p Kš8T115T119аp IšЧp 2JšNš Rš1Uš.YšЦp LšGšЦp аp *Engraver and jewelerаp T115аp OšMšЦp Pš8Windham Presbyterian Churаp chаp T115аp SšQšЦp Family plotаp T107аp VšTšЦp WšT"have any children[?];" "аp Richard -- none"аp T115аp ZšXšЦp *Effects of pneumoniaаp Unknown;p \šPrp \šBp _š<n†Elizabeth Swinnerton\q ЈU(‚Swq ašJq T90Иq T107аq dšЧq 21eš-hšЦq fšbšЦq $"Richard's widow"аq T90аq išgšЦq Bessieаq Unknown;q lšJr "T90-T91Иr nšošLr T91&r T91'r T117аr ršЧr 2sšЦr tšpšЦr Attorneyаr Unknown;r qqqqqqqqqqšJs T90Иs ƒšLs T90's …š<ceRichard Warren France\t ЈU(‚Frt ‡šJt T90Иt ‰šLt T91&t Unknown;t ŒšJu T90Иu ŽšJv T90Иv šLv T90&v ’šJw T90Иw T90аw •šЧw 21–šЦw —š“šЦw ˜šT"also have a child of Lisаw a's named April"аw ššJx T90Иx œšLx T90&x žšJy T90Иy  šLy T90&y Unknown;y ЃšJz T90Иz Unknown;z ІšJ{ T90И{ Unknown;{ ЉšJ| T91И| ЋšL| T91'| ­šJ} T91И} Џš< š†Inez Fidelia France\(~ ЈU(‚Fr~ БšJ~ T91И~ ГšL~ T91&~ qqqqqqqqqqqqСšJ T91И УšJ€ T91И€ ХšL€ T91&€ ЧšJ T91И ЩšJ‚ T91И‚ ЫšL‚ T91&‚ Эš<e†Douglas James Powrie\ƒ ЈU(‚Poƒ ЯšJƒ аš6T91T93AИƒ Иƒ вšLƒ T91&ƒ T93Aаƒ еšЧƒ 2жš/йšЦƒ зšгšЦƒ Lawyerаƒ &93Aаƒ кšиšЦƒ Canadaаƒ лšPrƒ лšBƒ оšJ„ T91И„ рšL„ T91&„ Unknown;„ уšJ… T93И… хšJ† T93И† чšJ‡ T96И‡ щšL‡ &‡ ыšЧ‡ 2ьš6ђš/ѕš3јšЦ‡ jыяšэšЦ‡ юš>T961; T109Aа‡ а‡ №š^Katsbaan Reformed Church,а‡ Saugerties, New Yorkа‡ $1; T109Aа‡ ѓšёšЦ‡ Frantsа‡ $1; T109Aа‡ іšєšЦ‡ Katsbaan (1794)а‡ $2; T109Bа‡ jыљšїšЦ‡ њš<Wilhelm and Elisabeth Vooа‡ landа‡ qqqqq›Jˆ T96Иˆ ›Lˆ &ˆ ›Чˆ 2›- ›6›/›Цˆ т ё ››Цˆ ›>T964; T109Dаˆ аˆ ›^Katsbaan Reformed Church,аˆ Saugerties, New Yorkаˆ ›>T964; T109Dаˆ › ›Цˆ аˆ Anna, Hannahаˆ ›81, 4; T109A, T109Dаˆ аˆ ››Цˆ (Valks, Valck, Faulkаˆ $1; T109Aаˆ ››Цˆ Katsbaan (1794)аˆ ›J‰ T96И‰ ›Ч‰ 2 › ›Ц‰ м››Ц‰ ›41-2; T109A-T109Bа‰ а‰ ›„Capt. Jacobus Schuyler's а‰ ›Company, French and Indiaа‰ n War; deserterа‰ Ть!›Ц‰ $1; T109Aа‰ "›Pr‰ "›B‰ %›JŠ T96ИŠ '›LŠ &Š )›ЧŠ 2*›;0›34›ЦŠ Ю-›+›ЦŠ ,›>T963; T109CаŠ аŠ .›NSt. Paul's Church, RhinebаŠ eck, New YorkаŠ $3; T109CаŠ 1›/›ЦŠ 2›NMarch 2, 1742 given as daаŠ te of baptismаŠ $3; T109CаŠ Ю5›3›ЦŠ 6›LZacharias Smith and Anna аŠ Maria BenderаŠ qqqqqqqqqA›J‹ T96И‹ C›L‹ T96&‹ Germany‹ $3; T109Cа‹ G›Ч‹ 2/H›Ц‹ I›E›Ц‹ J›BDutchess County, New Yorkа‹ (1724)а‹ L›JŒ T96ИŒ N›LŒ T96&Œ &Offenbach, GermanyŒ $3; T109CаŒ R›ЧŒ 26S›/V›ЦŒ T›P›ЦŒ SwitselaarаŒ $3; T109CаŒ W›U›ЦŒ X›BDutchess County, New YorkаŒ (1724)аŒ Z›J T96И \›L T96& &Kingston, New York $5; T109Eа `›Ч 2a›3d›Ц b›^›Ц "Kisketom"а $5; T109Eа e›c›Ц f›XJurge Wilhelm Dieterich aа nd Gertruyd Volkenа h›JŽ T96ИŽ j›LŽ T96&Ž (Rhinebeck, New YorkŽ $6; T109FаŽ n›ЧŽ 2o›3s›-w›ЦŽ p›l›ЦŽ q›NSt. Peter's Lutheran ChurаŽ ch, RhinebeckаŽ $6; T109FаŽ t›r›ЦŽ u›NNicol Wolfarth and Anna MаŽ aria TremerinаŽ $4; T109DаŽ x›v›ЦŽ IngelаŽ qqqqqqq›J T96И ƒ›L T96& Germany †›Ч 2‡›Ц BГŠ›ˆ›Ц ‰›44-5; T109D-T109Eа а ‹›J(and September 9) Kingstoа n, New Yorkа ›J T96И ›L T96& "in the Camp" $5; T109Eа “›Ч 23”›Ц •›‘›Ц Hendrichsа –›Pr –›B ™›J‘ T96И‘ $6; T109Fа‘ œ›Ч‘ 2/›Ц‘ ž›š›Ц‘ *Albany County (1745)а‘ Ÿ›Pr‘ Ÿ›B‘ Ђ›J’ T96И’ Є›L’ T96&’ (West Camp, New York’ $6; T109Fа’ Ј›Ч’ 2/Љ›Ц’ Њ›І›Ц’ *Albany County (1745)а’ Ќ›<g†Johann Matthias Jung\“ ЈU(‚Ju“ Ў›J“ T97И“ А›< š†Anna Veronica Manck\(” ЈU(‚Ma” В›J” T97И” T97а” Е›Ч” 26Ж›Ц” З›Г›Ц” Manckenа” qqqqqqqqС›J• T97И• $4; T109Dа• Ф›Ч• 2Х›Щ›-Ь›/б›е›Ц• Ц›Т›Ц• Ч›6Husbandman and vinedresseа• rа• $4; T109Dа• Ъ›Ш›Ц• Catholicа• $4; T109Dа• Э›Ы›Ц• Ю›TArnoldus Falk; Arholt Falа• ig; Arnelt Falckа• а›44-5; T109D-T109Eа• а• в›Я›Ц• г›zLondon (1709); New York Cа• д›ity (1711); "Beekman's Laа• nd" (1716)а• BГи›ж›Ц• з›44-5; T109D-T109Eа• а• й›J(and September 9) Kingstoа• n, New Yorkа• к›Pr• к›B• н›<hardtlisabeth Burchardt\– ЈU(‚Bu– п›J– T97И– с›J— T97И— у›J˜ T97Ș х›L˜ $4; T109D'˜ &Spiesheim, Germany˜ $4; T109Dа˜ щ›Ч˜ 2-ъ›8э›/№›Ц˜ ы›ч›Ц˜ $Johannes; Joannisа˜ $4; T109Dа˜ ю›ь›Ц˜ 79 yearsа˜ $4; T109Dа˜ ё›я›Ц˜ ,"of Spiesheim" (1704)а˜ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqœJ™ T97И™ œL™ $4; T109D'™ $4; T109Dа™ œЧ™ 2-œ8 œЦ™ œœЦ™ Gertrudа™ $4; T109Dа™  œ œЦ™ 61 yearsа™  œJš T97Иš $5; T109Eаš œЧš 2œœ6œЦš œœЦš Cooperаš $5; T109Eаš œœЦš Reformedаš $3; T109Cаš œœЦš Henrichаš œPrš œBš œJ› &T98, T108И› œ<r†Henrich Schweitzeler\œ ЈU(‚Scœ  œJœ T97Иœ $3; T109Cаœ #œЧœ 2/$œ)œ-.œ61œЦœ %œ!œЦœ &œТOffenbach-an-der-Queich, аœ 'œGermany (1709); Hayesburyаœ (œ (1717), Dutchess County,аœ New York (1717-1729)аœ BГ+œ*œЦœ $3; T109Cаœ ,œJ(and September 9) Kingstoаœ n, New Yorkаœ $3; T109Cаœ /œ-œЦœ (Heymerich; Hendrickаœ $3; T109Cаœ 2œ0œЦœ 3œ>Sewnzhle, Sewnrzler, Swetаœ eslarаœ 4œPrœ 4œBœ &160; C417\™ 6œd™ &160; C417\š 8œdš &160; C417\› :œd› &160; C417\œ <œdœ qqAœJ T97И Cœ<ndJohann Wilhelm Voland\ž ЈU(‚Vož EœJž T97Иž GœLž $2; T109B'ž $2; T109Bаž JœЧž 2-Kœ6Oœ7Sœ1UœЦž LœHœЦž Mœ:Johan Willem Folant; Wilhаž elmаž $2; T109Bаž PœNœЦž QœHVooland, Vollandin, Folanаž t, Folandtаž $2; T109Bаž ЎRœЦž $2; T109Bаž VœTœЦž "3 children"аž WœPrž WœBž ZœJŸ T97ИŸ _œ>T972; T109BаŸ ]œЧŸ 26^œ1cœЦŸ `œ[œЦŸ аŸ Halm, WeylаŸ bœ82, 5; T109B, T109EаŸ аŸ dœaœЦŸ eœ^Second wife of Lorentz HeаŸ inrichs; "3 children"аŸ fœPrŸ fœBŸ iœ<Jr.lliam L. France, Jr..  ЈU(‚Fr  kœJ  lœ6T98T118И  И  T98а  oœЧ  2pœ-sœ/vœЦ  qœmœЦ  Drug salesmanа  T98а  tœrœЦ  Willieа  T98а  wœuœЦ  "Saugerties"а  &160; C417\ xœd qqqqqqœJЁ T99ИЁ ƒœJЂ T99ИЂ …œJЃ T107ИЃ ‡œJЄ T115ИЄ ŒœH221; V1503; TаЄ ŠœЧЄ 2-‹œ/œ6’œЦЄ œˆœЦЄ 303аЄ CarrieаЄ &221; V150аЄ œŽœЦЄ $"of Rahway, N.J."аЄ &221; V150аЄ “œ‘œЦЄ MutchmoreаЄ ”œPrЄ ”œBЄ —œJЅ T115ИЅ ™œJІ T115ИІ ›œJЇ (T111, T115ИЇ œLЇ &221; V150&Ї &Rahway, New JerseyЇ ЃœH221; V1503; TаЇ ЁœЧЇ 2-ЂœЦЇ ЄœŸœЦЇ 303аЇ $Mamie; Mamie EllaаЇ Іœl52 South Maple AvenueEa;Ї Їœst OrangeNew JerseyU.S;Ї .A.;Ї ЉœJЈ ЊœBT115221; V150ИЈ ИЈ ЌœLЈ &221; V150&Ј &Rahway, New JerseyЈ "3; T303аЈ АœЧЈ 2-Бœ/ДœЦЈ ВœЎœЦЈ ElsaаЈ "4; T304аЈ ЕœГœЦЈ &Summit, New JerseyаЈ qqqqqqqqqqСœJЉ (T110, T115ИЉ УœLЉ T110'Љ ХœjHome, 52 South Maple AvenЉ Цœue, East Orange, New JersЉ eyЉ T111аЉ ЩœЧЉ 2'ЪœЮœ гœ.зœЦЉ ЫœЧœЦЉ ЬœŽGraduate N.Y.S. Normal CoаЉ Эœllege, Albany; PhD IllinoаЉ is Wesleyan; EdD NYUаЉ lаœЯœЦЉ T110аЉ бœdSchool principal for 30 yаЉ ears, Newark, New JerseyаЉ T110аЉ дœвœЦЉ еœPHillsdale Cemetery, MadisаЉ on, New JerseyаЉ T111аЉ иœжœЦЉ йœ8Pneumonia following surgeаЉ ryаЉ лœj52 South Maple AvenueEa;Љ мœst OrangeNew JerseyU.S;Љ .A;Љ нœ PrЉ нœBЉ рœJЊ T115ИЊ "4; T304аЊ уœЧЊ 2/фœЦЊ хœсœЦЊ &Summit, New JerseyаЊ чœJЋ T115ИЋ Unknown;Ћ ъœJЌ T115ИЌ ьœJ­ T115И­ юœJЎ T115ИЎ №œJЏ T115ИЏ &147; C410\Њ ёœdЊ &161; C417\Ћ ѓœdЋ &161; C417\Ќ ѕœdЌ &161; C417\Ў їœdЎ qqqqqqqJА T115ИА D97AаА ЧА 2-ЦА ЦА 0Virginia Winans MalloryаА JБ T115ИБ T115аБ ЧБ 2 5ЦБ   ЦБ ClergymanаБ T115аБ ЦБ JPastor of Oneida PresbyteаБ rian ChurchаБ T115аБ ЦБ Rev.аБ JВ T111ИВ JГ T111ИГ JД T116ИД "4; T304аД ЧД 2/"ЦД ЦД <Farmer; acted as veterinaаД rianаД "4; T304аД #!ЦД 0Cornwallville, New YorkаД %JЕ T116ИЕ 'JЖ T116ИЖ )JЗ T116ИЗ +JИ T116ИИ -JЙ T116ИЙ /JК T116ИК 1JЛ T116ИЛ T162A\В 2dВ T162A\Г 4dГ 88T34T162E\Д 6dД \Д :DBasking Ridge PresbyteriaYД n ChurchYД bД qqqqAJМ T119ИМ C4WindhamNew YorkU.S.A;М ;М EJН (T126, T128ИН GILН &216, V148&Н *Danbury, ConnecticutН JBT126220; V150'Н 'Н "Durham, New YorkН &216; V148аН NЧН 27O/QЦН ђLЦН &216; V148аН RPЦН "Durham, New YorkаН S!PrН SBН VJО (T126, T128ИО XLО YBT126220; V150'О 'О Cairo, New YorkО &216; V148аО ]ЧО 27^/`ЦО R[[ЦО &220; V150аО a_ЦО $"of Durham, N.Y."аО cJП dBT129220; V150ИП ИП fhLП &220; V150&П ,West Durham, New YorkП &220; V150'П mBT129220; V150аП kЧП 2l/pЦП niЦП аП PresbyterianаП &222; V151аП qoЦП Cairo, New YorkаП t8T9-T10T5\Н rdН \Н qqqqqqqqqqq< š†Cornelius VanDeusen\(Р ЈU(‚VaР ƒJР „BT129220; V150ИР ИР †LР &220; V150&Р &222; V151аР ‰ЧР 2/ŠЦР ‹‡ЦР Cairo, New YorkаР < š†John Riley Boughton\(С ЈU(‚BoС JС BT129220; V150ИС ИС ’”LС &220; V150&С ,West Durham, New YorkС &220; V150'С ™BT129220; V150аС —ЧС 2˜ЦС š•ЦС аС PresbyterianаС ›"PrС ›BС žJТ ŸBT129220; V150ИТ ИТ ЁJУ ЂBT129220; V150ИУ ИУ ЄІLУ &220; V150&У ,West Durham, New YorkУ &220; V150'У ЋBT129220; V150аУ ЉЧУ 2Њ/ЎЦУ ЌЇЦУ аУ PresbyterianаУ ЏBT129220; V150аУ А­ЦУ аУ ""moved to Penna"аУ Б#PrУ БBУ qqqqqqqqqqqqqСJФ ТBT129220; V150ИФ ИФ &220; V150аФ ХЧФ 2/ЦЦФ ЧУЦФ 0"moved to Pennsylvania"аФ ЩJХ ЪBT129220; V150ИХ ИХ ЬЮLХ &220; V150&Х ,West Durham, New YorkХ &220; V150'Х "6; V126аХ бЧХ 2в ис1х/щЦХ гЯЦХ дм"... listed as a laborer аХ еon his military papers beаХ жfore enlisting ... listedаХ з as a farmer after the CiаХ vil War."аХ :EмйЦХ кŽV102, V16019аХ л1, 5; V121, V125аХ V98аХ нЈEnlisted as Private, Co. аХ оC, 93rd New York VolunteeаХ пrs, Civil War (to April 1аХ 0, 1863)аХ тBT129220; V150аХ урЦХ аХ PresbyterianаХ цBT129220; V150аХ чфЦХ аХ "never married"аХ &220; V150аХ ъшЦХ ."went to Cairo [N.Y.]"аХ У Х Ц Ч Ш Ы e ь$PrХ ьBХ яJЦ №BT129220; V150ИЦ ИЦ ђѓLЦ &220; V150&Ц &220; V150'Ц јBT129220; V150аЦ іЧЦ 28їЦЦ љєЦЦ аЦ $"died in infancy"аЦ T9-T10\Ц њdЦ qqqqžJЧ žBT129220; V150ИЧ ИЧ žžLЧ &220; V150&Ч ,West Durham, New YorkЧ žBT129220; V150'Ч 'Ч žBT129220; V150аЧ žЧЧ 2 ž1ž/ž-žЦЧ  žžЦЧ аЧ PresbyterianаЧ žBT129220; V150аЧ žžЦЧ аЧ "never married"аЧ žBT129220; V150аЧ žžЦЧ аЧ "went to Calif"аЧ 04-5; V124-V125аЧ žžЦЧ MeinliusаЧ ž%PrЧ žBЧ ž< š†Zelotus F. Boughton\(Ш ЈU(‚BoШ žJШ žBT129221; V150ИШ ИШ !žLШ $221 V150&Ш ,West Durham, New YorkШ 'žBT129221; V150аШ %žЧШ 2&ž/*žЦШ (ž#žЦШ аШ PresbyterianаШ +žXT129221, 222;аШ ,ž)žЦШ V150, V151аШ -žV"lived 14 [or No. 4] MounаШ t St Troy" (1886)аШ /ž< š†Sarah Maria Bristol\(Щ ЈU(‚BrЩ 1žJЩ 2žBT129221; V150ИЩ ИЩ 4žLЩ &222; V151'Щ Troy, New YorkЩ &222; V151аЩ 8žЧЩ 2/9žЦЩ :ž6žЦЩ Troy, New YorkаЩ T27\Ч ;ždЧ >ž6Middle Haddam, ConnecticuYЧ tYЧ pž8T9-T10T5\Ш AžJЪ T129ИЪ CžLЪ &221; V150&Ъ ,West Durham, New YorkЪ IžBT129221; V150аЪ GžЧЪ 28HžЦЪ JžEžЦЪ аЪ "died infancy"аЪ LžJЫ &221; V150ИЫ NžLЫ &221; V150&Ы ,West Durham, New YorkЫ TžBT129220; V150аЫ RžЧЫ 2Sž/Wž-\žЦЫ UžPžЦЫ аЫ PresbyterianаЫ XžXT129221, 222;аЫ YžVžЦЫ V150, V151аЫ Zžd"resided in Sagamon City аЫ Mich.;" "Saginaw, Mich."аЫ T129аЫ ]ž[žЦЫ AlvinaаЫ ^ž&PrЫ ^žBЫ ažJЬ bžBT129221; V150ИЬ ИЬ dž<221, 222; V150, V151аЬ аЬ fžЧЬ 2/gžЦЬ hžcžЦЬ ižZ"res. Sagamon City, Mich.аЬ ;" "Saginaw, Mich."аЬ kžJЭ T157ИЭ mžLЭ T157'Э T297аЭ pžЧЭ 2 qž8tžЦЭ ržnžЦЭ .Cornwallville CemeteryаЭ T157аЭ užsžЦЭ "69 years"аЭ qqqqqqqqqq/ eг ‚žJЮ T157ИЮ „žLЮ T157'Ю T157аЮ ‡žЧЮ 28ˆžЦЮ ‰ž…žЦЮ "91 years"аЮ ‹ž<uyler Pieterse Schuyler\Я ЈU(‚ScЯ žJЯ "28; T44ИЯ žJа T49Иа ‘ž<rplanckaacsen Verplanck\б ЈU(‚Veб “žJб T49Иб •žLб T49'б –ž'Prб –žBб ™žJв $T48, T49Ив ›žJг $T48, T49Иг T48аг žžЧг 2Ÿž-ЂžЦг  žœžЦг Traderаг $T48, T49аг ЃžЁžЦг Guillaume Vigneаг Єž(Prг ЄžBг ЇžJд T48Ид T48ад ЊžЧд 2-ЋžЦд ЌžЈžЦд "Adrienne Cuvilleад ЎžJе T48Ие Аž<rstenVolker Volckersten\ж ЈU(‚Voж ВžJж T48Иж qqqqqqqqqqqqqСžJз T48Из УžJи $T48, T49Ии T48аи ЦžЧи 25ЧžЦи ШžФžЦи Secretaryаи ЪžJй T48Ий ЬžLй T48&й T48ай ЯžЧй 2аž-гžЦй бžЭžЦй ("kept a brew house"ай T48ай дžвžЦй Johnай еž)Prй еžBй иžJк T48Ик кžJл U1Ил мžJм *B9, B69-B71Им оžпžLм B70&м B70'м B111ам тžЧм 2уž цž4ыž8юž/ёžЦм фžрžЦм Quakerам B70ам чžхžЦм шžpColborne Union Cemetery, ам щžNorthumberland County, Onам tarioам ьž6B70B103ам їъžЦм ам B70ам Ђ6яžэžЦм 63ам ђž8B103B111ам ѓž№žЦм ам єžjCanada (1817); Northumberам ѕžland County, Ontario (182ам 3)ам іž*Prм іžBм qqqqqqqqŸJн B42Ин $181; X62ан ŸЧн 26ŸЦн ŸŸЦн Dickensonан Ÿ+Prн ŸBн  ŸJо &126; C400Ио Ÿ ŸLо &126; C400&о &126; C400'о ŸJп B19Ип ŸJр B19Ир B19ар ŸЧр 2/ŸЦр ŸŸЦр ŸJ"from Deventer, Ourjas, Nар etherlands"ар ŸJс B19Ис B19ас ŸЧс 21Ÿ6!ŸЦс ŸŸЦс ŸJ"two children age 7 and 4ас [in 1661]"ас B19ас "Ÿ ŸЦс Pier, Pyerас #Ÿ,Prс #ŸBс &ŸJт B19Ит (ŸJу B19Иу *ŸLу B19&у ,ŸЧу 2-Ÿ;1ŸЦу *€/Ÿ.ŸЦу B19ау New York Cityау B19ау 2Ÿ0ŸЦу 3ŸLMach 5, 1664 given as datау e of baptismау T19\т 4Ÿdт $T13, T43\у 6Ÿdу qqqqqqqqAŸ<n†Willem Janszen Romen\ф ЈU(‚Roф CŸJф B19Иф аф FŸЧф 2-GŸЦф HŸDŸЦф *William Jansen Romenаф JŸJх B19Их LŸ<Ploeg Hendrickson Ploeg\ц ЈU(‚Plц NŸJц B20Иц B22ац QŸЧц 2RŸЦц SŸOŸЦц Dutch Reformedац UŸJч B20Ич WŸLч B20&ч YŸЧч 2ZŸЦч Є\Ÿ[ŸЦч B20ач &Kingston, New Yorkач ^ŸJш B20Иш `ŸLш B20&ш bŸЧш 2cŸЦш ЅeŸdŸЦш B20аш &Kingston, New Yorkаш gŸJщ B42Ищ iŸJъ jŸTZ113Z120Иъ Z164Иъ lŸnŸLъ mŸ8Z113Z164&ъ &ъ Z120'ъ pŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaъ rie County, New Yorkъ Z164аъ sŸЧъ 2 tŸ.xŸЦъ uŸqŸЦъ vŸPEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeаъ rson, New Yorkаъ Z121аъ yŸwŸЦъ "Old Age"аъ zŸ-Prъ zŸBъ T43\х |Ÿdх ?’bх Аž4T14T50\ш ŸJы ‚Ÿ8Z113Z142Иы Иы „ŸˆŸLы …Ÿ8Z113Z120&ы &ы ‡Ÿ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaы rie County, New Yorkы Z120'ы ŠŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaы rie County, New Yorkы Z142аы ŸЧы 2 ŽŸЦы Ÿ‹ŸЦы ŸPEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeаы rson, New Yorkаы ’ŸJь Z113Иь ”Ÿ˜ŸLь •ŸTZ113Z120&ь Z165&ь —Ÿ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaь rie County, New Yorkь ™Ÿ8Z113Z120'ь 'ь žŸ8Z113Z120аь œŸЧь 2 ŸЦь ŸŸšŸЦь аь  ŸpFloral Park Cemetery, Secаь ЁŸ. H220, Johnson City, Newаь Yorkаь ЃŸ<k†Hannah Grace Patrick\э ЈU(‚Paэ ЅŸJэ Z113Иэ ЇŸЊŸLэ ЈŸ8Z111Z165&э &э .Highland, Pennsylvaniaэ Z111'э ЌŸJю ­ŸTZ113Z120Ию Z142Ию ЏŸГŸLю АŸTZ113Z120&ю Z142&ю ВŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaю rie County, New Yorkю ДŸ8Z120Z142'ю 'ю ЖŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaю rie County, New Yorkю Z142аю ЙŸЧю 2 КŸ-ОŸЦю ЛŸЗŸЦю МŸPEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeаю rson, New Yorkаю РŸ8Z113Z120аю СŸНŸЦю qаю Fred, Fredrickаю УŸJя Z113Ия ХŸЩŸLя ЦŸ8Z113Z120&я &я ШŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaя rie County, New Yorkя Z120'я ЫŸ\Town of Jefferson, Schohaя rie County, New Yorkя ЬŸ.Prя ЬŸBя ЯŸJ№ Z113И№ бŸгŸL№ вŸ8Z120Z142&№ &№ дŸ8Z120Z142'№ '№ Z142а№ зŸЧ№ 2 иŸ4мŸ-оŸЦ№ йŸеŸЦ№ кŸPEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeа№ rson, New Yorkа№ Z113а№ 2лŸЦ№ Z142а№ пŸнŸЦ№ Sarah L.а№ № ё e+тŸJё Z113Иё фŸLё Z113&ё цŸ<Meaderine Gertrude Mead\ђ ЈU(‚Meђ шŸJђ Z111Иђ ъŸьŸLђ Z113&ђ .Highland, Pennsylvaniaђ Z111'ђ юŸ<mettrtus Godown Hammett\ѓ ЈU(‚Haѓ №ŸJѓ Z111Иѓ ђŸєŸLѓ Z111&ѓ (Ringoes, New Jerseyѓ Z111'ѓ qqqqqqqqqqq <t†Peter Walter Hammett\є ЈU(‚Haє  Jє Z111Иє   Lє Z111&є $Eldrige, New Yorkє Z111'є Z173ає  Чє 2   Цє    Цє  PRiverhurst Cemetery, Endiає cott, New Yorkає  Jѕ Z111Иѕ   Lѕ Z111&ѕ Treorchy, Walesѕ Z111'ѕ *Binghamton, New Yorkѕ  <etthel Gertrude Hammett\і ЈU(‚Haі  Jі Z111Иі  Lі Z111&і .Scranton, Pennsylvaniaі  < š†Donald Hilburn Hull\(ї ЈU(‚Huї  Jї Z111Иї ! $ Lї Z111&ї # HWaymart, Wayne County, Peї nnsylvaniaї Z111'ї & FPitcher, Chenango County,ї New Yorkї ( <, Jr. Hilburn Hull, Jr..ј ЈU(‚Huј * Jј Z111Иј , Lј Z111&ј . DEndicott, Broome County, ј New Yorkј ај 1 Чј 2)2 *6 29 Цј 3 / Цј 4 bRepublican; elected Justiај ce on Democratic ticketај ај 7 5 Цј "Justice of Peaceај ај : 8 Цј 2donhull@mail.odyssey.netај < rBox 366CincinnatusNew ;ј = York13040U.S.A(607) 86;ј 3-3326;ј qqA <s†Charles Edgar Curtis\љ ЈU(‚Cuљ C Jљ Z114Иљ E F Lљ Z114&љ Z114'љ H BSalisbury Prison, North Cљ arolinaљ J Чљ 2 K Цљ BHM L Цљ 0Z114аљ N 2Enlisted as Private, Co. аљ O B, 90th New York Volunteeаљ P rs; taken prisoner at Batаљ Q tle of Cedar Creek Octobeаљ R r 19, 1864; died in Salisаљ S bury Prison, North Caroliаљ naаљ U < š†James Edward Thomas\(њ ЈU(‚Thњ W Jњ Z111Ињ Y Lњ Z111&њ .Carmarthenshire, Walesњ Z111ањ ] Чњ 2 ^ Цњ _ [ Цњ ` bWashburn Street Cemetery,ањ Scranton, Pennsylvaniaањ b Jћ Z111Ић d f Lћ Z111&ћ .Carmarthenshire, Walesћ Z111'ћ .Scranton, Pennsylvaniaћ i Jќ Z111Иќ k Lќ Z111&ќ m J§ Z111И§ o L§ Z111&§ q Jў Z111Иў s t Lў Z111&ў Z111'ў qqqqqqqqqqq Jџ Z111Иџ ƒ Lџ Z111&џ … J Z111И ‡ ˆ L Z111& Z111' Š J Z111И Œ  L Z111& Z111'  J Z111И ‘ ” L Z111& “ 8Whites Valley, Pennsylvan ia Z111' – HWaymart, Wayne County, Pe nnsylvania ˜ J Z111И š œ L Z111& .Olyphant, Pennsylvania Z111' *Binghamton, New York Ÿ <Hull Wesley Miller Hull\ ЈU(‚Hu Ё J Z111И Ѓ Є L Z111& Z111' І < š†Otta Annetta Perham\( ЈU(‚Pe Ј J Z111И Њ Ћ L Z111& Z111' ­ J Z111И Џ А L Z111& Z111' qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС <rgElizabeth Spangenburg\ ЈU(‚Sp У J Z111И Х Ц L Z111& Z111' Ш <amSylvanus Gates Perham\ ЈU(‚Pe Ъ J Z111И Ь Э L Z111& Z111' Я <erLucinda M. Schoonover\ ЈU(‚Sc б J Z111И г д L Z111& Z111' ж J Z111И и L Z111& к J Z111И м н L Z111& Z111' п J Z111И с L Z111& у J Z111И х L Z111& ч J Z111И щ ъ L Z111& Z111' ь J Z111И ю я L Z111& Z111' ё J Z115И qqqqqqqqqqqqqqЁJ Z115И ЁL Z115' ЁJ Z115И ЁL Z115& Z115а ЁЧ 24 ЁЦ ШЁЦ  ЁJ Z115И ЁЁL Z115& Z115' ЁJ Z115И ЁJ Z115И ЁЁL Z115& Z115' *Oyster Bay, New York ЁJ Z115И ЁL Z115& ЁJ Z115И Ё#ЁL Z115& "Ё6South Wallingford, Vermon t Z115' %ЁDGerman, Chenango County,  New York 'ЁJ Z114И )Ё*ЁL Z114& Z114' ,Ё< š†Ormond Doty Clinton\( ЈU(‚Cl .ЁJ Z114И 0Ё2ЁL Z114& Lisle, New York Z114' 4ЁDGerman, Chenango County,  New York qqqqqqqqqqqAЁJ Z114И CЁFЁL Z114& EЁVLeicester, Providence Cou nty, Rhode Island Z114' HЁJ Z114И JЁKЁL Z114& Z114' MЁJ Z114И OЁPЁL Z114& Z114' RЁJ Z114И TЁVЁL Z114& "Willet, New York Z114' XЁJ Z114И ZЁ[ЁL Z114& Z114' ]ЁJ Z114И _ЁbЁL Z114& aЁJMcDonough, Chenango Count y, New York Z114' dЁNCincinnatus, Cortland Cou nty, New York Marieа gЁЧ 2-hЁЦ eЁЦ jЁ<erGlen Beckwith Gardner\ ЈU(‚Ga lЁJ Z114И nЁqЁL Z114& pЁNCincinnatus, Cortland Cou nty, New York Z114' &Cortland, New York qqqqqqqqqqqqqЁ<erArlene Louise Gardner\! ЈU(‚Ga! ƒЁJ! Z114И! …ЁL! Z114&! &Cortland, New York! ˆЁTBox 366CincinnatusNew ;! York13040U.S.A;! ŠЁJ" Z114И" ŒЁŽЁL" Z114&" "Greene, New York" Z114'" ЁJ# Z114И# ’Ё“ЁL# Z114&# Z114'# •ЁJ$ Z114И$ —Ё˜ЁL$ Z114&$ Z114'$ šЁJ% Z114И% œЁЁL% Z114&% Z114'% ŸЁJ& Z114И& ЁЁЂЁL& Z114&& Z114'& ЄЁ<rdners Elsworth Gardner\' ЈU(‚Ga' ІЁJ' Z114И' ЈЁЊЁL' Z114&' *Booneville, New York' Z114'' *Binghamton, New York' ­Ё<kwithElizabeth Beckwith\( ЈU(‚Be( ЏЁJ( Z114И( БЁГЁL( Z114&( *Smithville, New York( Z114'( T138\& ДЁd& T136\' ЖЁd' T135\( ИЁd( T135а( МЁЯ( 2 НЁЦ( ОЁКЁЦ( ПЁVJanuary 13, 1708 given asа( date of marriageа( СЁJ) Z114И) УЁЦЁL) Z114&) ХЁJMcDonough, Chenango Count) y, New York) Z114') ШЁNCincinnatus, Cortland Cou) nty, New York) ЪЁ<llMartha Elizabeth Holl\* ЈU(‚Ho* ЬЁJ* Z114И* ЮЁбЁL* Z114&* аЁHPittsfield, Otsego County* , New York* Z114'* гЁJ+ Z114И+ еЁжЁL+ Z114&+ Z114'+ иЁJ, Z114И, кЁлЁL, Z114&, Z114', нЁJ- Z114И- пЁрЁL- Z114&- Z114'- тЁJ. Z114И. фЁхЁL. Z114&. Z114'. чЁJ/ Z114И/ щЁыЁL/ Z114&/ (East Machias, Maine/ Z114'/ эЁ<gueis Stockwell Sprague\0 ЈU(‚Sp0 яЁJ0 Z114И0 ёЁєЁL0 Z114&0 ѓЁJMcDonough, Chenango Count0 y, New York0 Z114'0 T133\) ѕЁd) $T46, T72\0 їЁd0 KaatsbaanY0 qqqqqqЂJ1 Z114И1 ЂL1 Z114&1 ЂJ2 Z114И2 ЂL2 Z114&2  ЂJ3 Z114И3 Ђ ЂL3 Z114&3 Z114'3 Ђ<inMehitable Chamberlain\4 ЈU(‚Ch4 ЂJ4 Z114И4 ЂЂL4 Z114&4 Z114'4 ЂJ5 B40И5 B40а5 ЂЧ5 2ЂЦ5 ЂЂЦ5 Ђ8Manufacturer of Holland gа5 inа5 Ђ/Pr5 ЂB5 ЂJ6 B40И6 Ђ0Pr6  ЂB6 #ЂJ7 B40И7 %ЂJ8 B40И8 'ЂJ9 B40И9 )ЂJ: B40И: peУ,ЂJ; B41И; .Ђ/ЂL; B41&; B41'; B41а; 2ЂЧ; 243ЂЦ; R:0ЂЦ; 4Ђ1Pr; 4ЂB;  ##### # #e9 T50\2 7Ђd2 T51\5 9Ђd5 *Germantown, New YorkY5 T51\8 <Ђd8 qqAЂJ< B41И< CЂL< B41&< B41а< FЂЧ< 21GЂЦ< HЂDЂЦ< "six sons"а< IЂ2Pr< IЂB< LЂJ= B41И= NЂJ> B41И> PЂL> B41&> B41а> SЂЧ> 24TЂЦ> rзQЂЦ> UЂ3Pr> UЂB> XЂJ? B41И? ZЂ[ЂL? B41&? B41'? B41а? ^ЂЧ? 24_Ђ7bЂЦ? rн`Ђ\ЂЦ? .Possible date of birthа? B41а? *cЂaЂЦ? dЂJ(or August 5) given as daа? te of deathа? fЂJ@ gЂ4B41B40И@ И@ iЂL@ B41&@ B41а@ lЂЧ@ 24mЂ7pЂЦ@ jнnЂjЂЦ@ 0Date of birth uncertainа@ B41а@ qЂoЂЦ@ rЂJ"Apr 15 18??" given as daа@ te of deathа@ T52\< sЂd< uЂйQrБ qqqqqqqqqqЂJA B41ИA ƒЂ„ЂLA B41&A B41'A B41аA ‡ЂЧA 26ˆЂЦA ‰Ђ…ЂЦA OverackerаA ‹ЂJB B41ИB ЂJC B41ИC ЂLC B41&C C D F J L N eТ’ЂJD B41ИD ”ЂLD B41&D B41аD —ЂЧD 24˜ЂЦD ђф•ЂЦD šЂJE B41ИE œЂJF B41ИF žЂŸЂLF B41&F B41'F ЁЂJG B41ИG ЃЂЄЂLG B41&G B41'G ІЂJH B41ИH ЈЂJI B41ИI ЊЂJJ B41ИJ ЌЂ­ЂLJ B41&J B41'J ЏЂJK B41ИK БЂJL ВЂ>B41151; X47ИL ИL ДЂLL B41&L $151; X47аL ЗЂЧL 2/ИЂ-НЂ4СЂЦL ЙЂЕЂЦL КЂtMinden, German Flats and аL ЛЂIlion, Herkimer County, NаL ew YorkаL B41аL ОЂМЂЦL Alche, AlidaаL яžbA B41аL  юРЂЦL ТЂ4PrL ТЂBL ХЂJM ЦЂ>B41151; X47ИM ИM ШЂЩЂLM $151; X47&M $151; X47'M Ilion, New YorkM &472; X102аM ЭЂЧM 2ЮЂ/гЂ1йЂЦM ЯЂЫЂЦM аЂp"tended canal locks and wаM бЂas overseer of the poor-hаM ouse"аM дЂJ472; X102151;аM еЂвЂЦM X47аM жЂtMinden, German Flats and аM зЂIlion, Herkimer County, NаM ew YorkаM $151; X47аM кЂиЂЦM "?James"аM лЂ5PrM лЂBM оЂJN B41ИN рЂLN B41&N тЂJO B41ИO фЂJP B42ИP $150; X47аP чЂЧP 2/шЂ8ьЂЦP щЂхЂЦP ъЂB"of Beekman" at time of mаP arriageаP B42аP эЂыЂЦP 42 yearsаP яЂJQ B42ИQ ёЂђЂLQ B42&Q B42'Q єЂЧQ 2ѕЂ/њЂЦQ вйїЂіЂЦQ B42аQ јЂ8Rombout Presbyterian ChurаQ chаQ B42аQ ћЂљЂЦQ ,"res. Starksboro, Vt"аQ qqqqЃJR B42ИR B42аR ЃЧR 2-Ѓ/ЃЦR ЃЃЦR $"Hannah or Chloe"аR B42аR  ЃЃЦR &"of Hoosick Falls"аR  ЃJS B42ИS B42аS ЃЧS 2/ЃЦS Ѓ ЃЦS &"of Hoosick Falls"аS ЃJT B42ИT ЃJU B42ИU ЃLU B42&U ЃЧU 2ЃЦU ВлЃЃЦU B42аU Ѓ8Rombout Presbyterian ChurаU chаU ЃJV B42ИV ЃLV B42&V "ЃЧV 2#Ѓ/(ЃЦV вй%Ѓ$ЃЦV B42аV &Ѓ8Rombout Presbyterian ChurаV chаV B42аV )Ѓ'ЃЦV 0Moncton, Vermont (1790)аV *Ѓ6PrV *ЃBV -ЃJW B42ИW B42аW 0ЃЧW 2/1ЃЦW 2Ѓ.ЃЦW *"res. Starksboro Vt"аW qqqqqqqqqqqqqAЃJX B42ИX B42аX DЃЧX 2/EЃЦX FЃBЃЦX *"res. Starksboro Vt"аX HЃJY B42ИY B42аY KЃЧY 2/LЃЦY MЃIЃЦY NЃH"res. Starksboro Vt and BаY ristol Vt"аY V U ] eХQЃJZ B42ИZ B42аZ TЃЧZ 2,UЃЦZ VЃRЃЦZ WЃH"res. Starksboro Vt and BаZ ristol Vt"аZ YЃJ[ B42И[ B42а[ \ЃЧ[ 2/]ЃЦ[ ^ЃZЃЦ[ _Ѓb"res. West Chazy NY 1765,а[ then to Starksboro Vt"а[ aЃJ\ B42И\ B42а\ dЃЧ\ 2/eЃЦ\ fЃbЃЦ\ ("of Pine Plains NY"а\ gЃ7Pr\ gЃB\ jЃJ] B42И] lЃmЃL] B42&] B42'] oЃJ^ B42И^ qЃJ_ B42И_ sЃR150, 152; X47- X48а_ B35а_ uЃЧ_ 26vЃ/yЃЦ_ wЃrЃЦ_ Esmond, Ismulа_ $152; X48а_ zЃxЃЦ_ {ЃBeekman, Crum Elbow and Nа_ |Ѓorth East Precincts, Dutcа_ hess County, New Yorkа_ }Ѓ8Pr_ }ЃB_ qХЃJ` B42И` ƒЃJa B42Иa …ЃJb B42Иb ‡ЃJc B42Иc ‰ЃJd B42Иd ‹ЃLd B42&d ЃJe B42Иe ЃJf 30Иf ‘Ѓ“ЃLf R52&f "Albany, New Yorkf 230R52'f (Worcester, New Yorkf 30аf —ЃЧf 2.˜ЃЦf ™Ѓ•ЃЦf šЃ8Killed in carriage accideаf ntаf ›Ѓ9Prf ›ЃBf žЃ<htCharles Monroe Wright\g ЈU(‚Wrg  ЃJg 25, 30Иg ЂЃЃЃLg R34&g R34'g 25аg ІЃЧg 2,ЇЃ/ЋЃЦg ЈЃЄЃЦg ЉЃJ"four children;" "lived iаg n Tusculum"аg R34аg ЌЃЊЃЦg (Worcester, New Yorkаg ЎЃJh ЏЃV21357Иh 326; N66Иh БЃLh ВЃ>R40326; N66&h &h ДЃ4Columbia County, New Yorkh h $326; N66аh ЗЃЧh 2/ИЃЦh ЙЃЕЃЦh ""res. Worcester"аh qqqqqqСЃJi ТЃ<21327; N67Иi Иi ФЃЩЃLi ХЃ>R41327; N67&i &i ЧЃjTusculum, Town of Worcesti ШЃer, Otsego County, New Yoi rki ЪЃ>R41327; N67'i 'i ЬЃjTusculum, Town of Worcesti ЭЃer, Otsego County, New Yoi rki ЯЃJj 221357Иj бЃLj вЃ>R40326; N66&j &j дЃ4Columbia County, New Yorkj j $326; N66аj зЃЧj 2/иЃЦj йЃеЃЦj кЃj"res. Worcester and Portlаj лЃandville, Otsego Co., N.Yаj ."аj нЃJk 21Иk 21аk рЃЧk 2сЃЦk тЃоЃЦk Weaverаk фЃJl 21Иl цЃJm 21Иm шЃLm R33&m ъЃJn ыЃ<24327; N67Иn Иn эЃёЃLn юЃHR31, R32327; &n N67&n №Ѓ8Rensselaer County, New Yon rkn ђЃ>R31, R32338'n 'n (Worcester, New Yorkn ѕЃH24, 31, 32, 41, 62, 63,аn 65аn їЃЧn 2јЃ7§Ѓ1Є/Є4ЄЦn љЃєЃЦn њЃxFarmer, teamster, stagecoаn ћЃach driver, innkeeper, stаn ore ownerаn ўЃ>327; N67338аn "HќЃЦn аn qR41аn ЄЄЦn Є<"had one son and 8 daughtаn ers"аn 41аn ЄЄЦn (Worcester, New Yorkаn 338аn  ЄЄЦn (Worcester, New Yorkаn Є:Prn  ЄBn  ЄJo 24Иo ЄLo 41&o 41аo ЄЧo 2Є Є4Є/ЄЦo ЄЄЦo $Innkeeper, farmerаo 137аo ЄЄЦo $Civil War veteranаo R42аo ЄЦo 41аo ЄЄЦo (Worcester, New Yorkаo Є;Pro ЄBo  ЄJp &472; X102Иp "ЄLp $152; X48&p &472; X102аp %ЄЧp 2/&ЄЦp 'Є#ЄЦp Canadaаp (Є<Prp (ЄBp +ЄJq ,Є<24327; N67Иq Иq .Є/ЄLq $327; N67&q $327; N67'q "24, 118аq 2ЄЧq 23Є*6Є/;ЄЦq 4Є0ЄЦq .Storekeeper, innkeeperаq 117аq 7Є5ЄЦq 8Є|Member of Assembly 1841; аq 9ЄSupervisor of Town of Worаq cester 1845аq 24, 37аq <Є:ЄЦq =ЄNWorcester and East Worcesаq ter, New Yorkаq >Є=Prq q>ЄBq BЄJr 224R41Иr 37аr EЄЧr 2-FЄЦr GЄCЄЦr Sobrinaаr IЄJs 224R41Иs KЄJt 224357Иt 24, 25аt NЄЧt 2/OЄЦt PЄLЄЦt QЄd"lived in Worcester [New аt York];" "Up County Road"аt SЄ<htHerman Charles Wright\u ЈU(‚Wru UЄJu 225R34Иu WЄXЄLu R34&u R34'u ZЄJv 25, 60Иv аv ]ЄЧv 2&^ЄcЄ fЄЦv “_Є[ЄЦv `ЄnGraduate Worcester Centraаv aЄl School, Worcester, New аv Yorkаv 153аv dЄbЄЦv 2Career in U.S. Air Forceаv 60аv gЄeЄЦv hЄ„Lt. Colonel, U.S. Army Aiаv iЄr Force; B-17 bomber piloаv t, World War IIаv jЄ>Prv jЄBv mЄJw 225R59Иw oЄqЄLw R59&w $Oneonta, New Yorkw R59'w sЄTBassett Healthcare, Coopew rstown, New Yorkw аw vЄЧw ›Єd&wЄ|Є ‚Є‰Є ŒЄ+‘Є/•Є8˜ЄЦw •xЄtЄЦw yЄtGraduate of Worcester Cenаw zЄtral School, Worcester, Nаw ew Yorkаw }Є4153R59аw ~Є{ЄЦw аw €Є`Owner of Wright's Electriаw qc, Worcester, New Yorkаw ƒЄ4153R59аw „ЄЄЦw аw …ЄЦElectrician First Class, аw †ЄU.S. Navy; invasion of soаw ‡Єuthern France, occupationаw of Japan, World War IIаw R59аw ŠЄˆЄЦw ‹Є^First Presbyterian Churchаw , Worcester, New Yorkаw ЂгŽЄЄЦw R60аw ЄTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаw cester, New Yorkаw R59аw ’ЄЄЦw “ЄbWorcester Rotary Club, Woаw rcester American Legionаw аw –Є”ЄЦw (Worcester, New Yorkаw R59аw ‚г™Є—ЄЦw 79 yearsаw "R59-R60аw -œЄЦw ЄšЄЦw Bobаw žЄ?Prw žЄBw ЁЄJx 25Иx аx ЄЄЧx 2&ЅЄ'ЊЄ ­ЄЦx ™ІЄЂЄЦx ЇЄnGraduate Worcester Centraаx ЈЄl School, Worcester, New аx Yorkаx 153аx ЋЄЉЄЦx (Syracuse Universityаx 153аx ЎЄЌЄЦx ЏЄ†U.S. Navy; Second lieutenаx АЄant Reserve Air ROTC, Syrаx acuse Universityаx qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЄJy 225R59Иy УЄ<t†Mary Morrison Wright\z ЈU(‚Wrz ХЄJz 225R34Иz ЧЄJ{ 225R34И{ ЩЄ<righteth Theresa Wright\| ЈU(‚Wr| ЫЄJ| ,25И| ЭЄЮЄL| R34&| 25'| а| бЄЧ| 2&вЄзЄоЄ-тЄЦ| wгЄЯЄЦ| дЄhGraduate Worcester High Sа| еЄchool, Worcester, New Yorа| kа| иЄ4R41153а| йЄжЄЦ| а| кЄИDirector of music and eleа| лЄmentary education, Packerа| мЄ Collegiate Institute, Brа| ooklyn, New Yorkа| 25а| пЄнЄЦ| рЄRPresbyterian Church, Worcа| ester, New Yorkа| уЄ4R34155а| фЄсЄЦ| а| .Bess; Elizabeth Teresaа| хЄ@Pr| хЄB| шЄJ} 225R34И} ъЄ< š†Van Franklin Wright\(~ ЈU(‚Wr~ ьЄJ~ 225R34И~ юЄяЄL~ R34&~ R34'~ 25, 75а~ ђЄЧ~ 2ѓЄ/јЄЦ~ єЄ№ЄЦ~ ѕЄ€Bookkeeper; Cashier and Vа~ іЄice-President of The Bankа~ of Worcesterа~ 25а~ љЄїЄЦ~ (Worcester, New Yorkа~ њЄAPr~ њЄB~ Cairo, New YorkY} &220; V150\~ §Єd~ "Durham, New YorkY~ Ѕ<ightard Franklin Wright\ ЈU(‚Wr ЅJ 225R57И ЅЅL R57& (Worcester, New York R57' ЅdRutland Regional Medical  Center, Rutland, Vermont .R57а ЅЧ 2& Ѕ'ЅЅЅ+Ѕ8#Ѕ/&ЅЦ Ѕ ЅЦ ЅJGraduate of Worcester Cenа tral Schoolа R57а ЅЅЦ ЅVAccounting degree, Albanyа Business Collegeа R57а ЅЅЦ ЅОAccountant, Bendix Aviatiа Ѕon; Assistant Treasurer, а ЅFarm Bank Credit, Springfа ield, Massachusettsа R57а ЅЅЦ Ѕ<Brandon Congregational Chа urchа R57а  ЅЅЦ !ЅFSpringfield Area Radio Coа ntrollersа R57а Jг$Ѕ"ЅЦ 85 yearsа "R57-R58а 'Ѕ%ЅЦ (Ѕ8Forest Dale, Vermont (200а 3)а )ЅBPr )ЅB ,ЅJ€ 2x, 25И€ .Ѕ0ЅL€ R61&€ (Worcester, New York€ R61'€ 2ЅVBassett Healthcare, Coope€ rstown, New Yorki€ .R61а€ 5ЅЧ€ cЅd&6Ѕ';Ѕ@Ѕ FЅ)JЅNЅ RЅ+VЅЦ€ ‘7Ѕ3ЅЦ€ 8ЅnGraduate Worcester Centraа€ 9Ѕl School, Worcester, New а€ Yorkа€ R61а€ <Ѕ:ЅЦ€ =ЅHGraduate of Albany Busineа€ ss Collegeа€ AЅ4174R61а€ 0Ÿ<220, 222; V150, V151\€ BЅ>ЅЦ€ а€ CЅŠJournalist, Cobleskill Tiа€ DЅmes; editor, The Worcesteа€ r [New York] Timesа€ R61а€ GЅEЅЦ€ HЅR208th Coast Artillery Banа€ d, World War IIа€ KЅ4174R61а€ LЅIЅЦ€ а€ Republicanа€ R62а€ OЅMЅЦ€ PЅ^First Presbyterian Churchа€ , Worcester, New Yorkа€ R62а€ SЅQЅЦ€ TЅTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа€ cester, New Yorkа€ WЅF161, 189R61-Rа€ XЅUЅЦ€ 62а€ YЅ№First President, Worcesteа€ ZЅr Historical Society (197а€ [Ѕ0); Worcester Improvementа€ \Ѕ Association; Mellow Men а€ ]Ѕmusical group; Worcester а€ ^ЅRotary Club; Community Chа€ _Ѕorale; Wieting Memorial Aа€ `Ѕssociation; Robinson-Broaа€ aЅdhurst Foundation; Americа€ an Legion; Coffee Clubа€ eЅ4174R61а€ -dЅ/hЅЦ€ fЅbЅЦ€ а€ Flashа€ iЅ4161R61а€ jЅgЅЦ€ а€ (Worcester, New Yorkа€ kЅCPr€ kЅB€ nЅJ 25И а qЅЧ 2&rЅ/wЅЦ •sЅoЅЦ tЅnGraduate Worcester Centraа uЅl School, Worcester, New а Yorkа xЅ4R58R62а yЅvЅЦ а zЅBQueensbury, New York (200а 3-2004)а qqqqqЅ<t†Marilyn Ellen Wright\‚ ЈU(‚Wr‚ ƒЅJ‚ 2x, 25И‚ а‚ †ЅЧ‚ 2&‡ЅŒЅ)‘Ѕ”Ѕ+˜Ѕ/ŸЅЦ‚ ˆЅ„ЅЦ‚ ‰ЅnGraduate Worcester Centraа‚ ŠЅl School, Worcester, New а‚ Yorkа‚ .175, 180, 189а‚ Ѕ‹ЅЦ‚ ŽЅJournalist; editor of Theа‚ Ѕ Tri-Valley [New York] Neа‚ ws; post office clerkа‚ а‚ ’ЅЅЦ‚ Republicanа‚ а‚ •Ѕ“ЅЦ‚ –ЅRPresbyterian Church, Worcа‚ ester, New Yorkа‚ а‚ ™Ѕ—ЅЦ‚ šЅоWorcester Historical Sociа‚ ›Ѕety; Maple Grove Cemeteryа‚ œЅ Association; Worcester Fа‚ Ѕree Library; Worcester Woа‚ man's Clubа‚ 32а‚  ЅžЅЦ‚ (Worcester, New Yorkа‚ ЂЅ–127 Main StreetBox 345W;‚ ЃЅorcesterNew York12197-0;‚ 345U.S.A(607) 397-8739;‚ ЄЅDPr‚ ЄЅB‚ ЇЅJƒ 225R63Иƒ ЉЅLƒ R63&ƒ аƒ ЌЅЧƒ 2&­ЅВЅ/ЕЅЦƒ ЂЎЅЊЅЦƒ ЏЅnGraduate Worcester Centraаƒ АЅl School, Worcester, New аƒ Yorkаƒ 64аƒ ГЅБЅЦƒ *Video store operatorаƒ 64аƒ ЖЅДЅЦƒ (Worcester, New Yorkаƒ qqqqqqqqqƒ eв СЅEPrƒ СЅBƒ ФЅJ„ И„ а„ ЧЅЧ„ 2/ШЅЦ„ ЩЅХЅЦ„ ЪЅFCobleskill and Worcester,а„ New Yorkа„ ЬЅ< š†Shirley J. Holloway\(… ЈU(‚Ho… ЮЅJ… И… аЅL… R63&… а… гЅЧ… 2&дЅйЅ/нЅЦ… ЃеЅбЅЦ… жЅnGraduate Worcester Centraа… зЅl School, Worcester, New а… Yorkа… ,64а… кЅиЅЦ… лЅ`Elementary school teacherа… ; video store operatorа… 64а… оЅмЅЦ… (Worcester, New Yorkа… рЅ<snearles Oscar Dufresne\† ЈU(‚Du† тЅJ† И† а† хЅЧ† 2&цЅыЅ)яЅ-ђЅ/ѕЅЦ† ЂчЅуЅЦ† шЅnGraduate Worcester Centraа† щЅl School, Worcester, New а† Yorkа† 102а† ьЅъЅЦ† эЅRBank branch manager, Worcа† ester, New Yorkа† а† №ЅюЅЦ† Democratа† а† ѓЅёЅЦ† Charlieа† 32а† іЅєЅЦ† (Worcester, New Yorkа† јЅ–127 Main StreetBox 345W;† љЅorcesterNew York12197-0;† 345U.S.A(607) 397-8739;† њЅFPr† њЅB† qqqqІ<neDeborah Lynn Dufresne\‡ ЈU(‚Du‡ ІJ‡ *xИ‡ а‡ ІЧ‡ 2&І І-ІЦ‡ ЖІІЦ‡ ІnGraduate Worcester Centraа‡ Іl School, Worcester, New а‡ Yorkа‡ а‡  І ІЦ‡ .Editor and proofreaderа‡ а‡ ІІЦ‡ Debbieа‡ Іx518 Willow DriveUticaN;‡ Іew York13502U.S.A(315);‡ 733-7361;‡ ІJˆ B46Иˆ ІJ‰ B46И‰ ІJŠ B46ИŠ ІJ‹ B49И‹ ІL‹ І4B49B53&‹ &‹ Vermont‹ ІGPr‹  ІB‹ #ІJŒ B49ИŒ $ІHPrŒ $ІBŒ 'ІJ (І@B50472; X102И И *І.ІL +ІZB50472; X102& B93& -І4Columbia County, New York  &473; X102' 0ІtStewart's Patent, Town of 1І Otsego, Otsego County, N ew York B93а 4ІЧ 25І 8І/=І8FІЦ 6І2ІЦ Farmerа B93а 9І7ІЦ :ІˆTwelve Thousand Cemetery,а ;І Fly Creek Valley, Otsegoа County, New Yorkа >І\473; X102B77а @І<ІЦ B104а qAІцStewart's Patent, Town ofа BІ Otsego, Otsego County, Nа CІew York; "arrived [Otsegoа DІ County] ca 1807;" Otsegoа County (1808)а B93а GІEІЦ 84а HІIPr HІB KІJŽ B49ИŽ MІLŽ B54&Ž OІJ PІ6B51B69CИ И RІUІL SІ6B51B107& & "Lincoln, Vermont VІTB107B107' Z361' (Starksboro, Vermont B107а ZІЧ 2[І ^І8bІ.gІ1jІ4mІ/oІЦ \ІXІЦ Farmerа B107а _І]ІЦ `ІPJerusalem Cemetery, Starkа sboro, Vermontа cІ8B107B107а Š\dІaІЦ а eІL75 years; 74 years, 8 monа ths, 12 daysа B107а hІfІЦ "Dropsy"а B107а kІiІЦ "widower"а B69Bа * lІЦ (B69C, B69Dа pІnІЦ qІBStarksboro, Vermont (1828а , 1831)а rІJPr rІB qqqqqqqqqqqqІJ ‚ІPB107B51И B58И „І†ІL B69D& Vermont ‡І8B107B107' ' B107а ŠІЧ 2 ‹І-І8“ІЦ ŒІˆІЦ ІPJerusalem Cemetery, Starkа sboro, Vermontа ІPB51B58а ‘ІŽІЦ B108а Roxa; Roxyа ”І8B107B107а •І’ІЦ а 67 yearsа —ІJ‘ B51И‘ ™ІœІL‘ šІRB59B107&‘ B69D&‘ (Starksboro, Vermont‘ І4B51Z11'‘ '‘ B107а‘  ІЧ‘ 2ЁІ ЄІ ЉІ9ЎІ4ВІ8ЕІ/КІ-СІЦ‘ ЂІžІЦ‘ Farmerа‘ Z11а‘ ЅІЃІЦ‘ ІІn"Pvt. Co. B, 5th Vermont,а‘ ЇІ Sept. 3, 1861-Nov. 21, 1а‘ 864"а‘ Z11а‘ ЊІЈІЦ‘ ЋІrGreenwood Cemetery, Bristа‘ ЌІol, Vermont, Lot #42, secа‘ tion 4а‘ B107а‘ ъOЏІ­ІЦ‘ АІ6Age 33 at time of marriagа‘ eа‘ ГІ4B59Z11а‘ )БІЦ‘ а‘ ЖІ6B51B69Dа‘ xЗІДІЦ‘ а‘ ИІ880 years, 4 months, 29 daа‘ ysа‘ ЛІPB51Z11а‘ МІЙІЦ‘ B69Dа‘ НІrStarksboro (1850), Shaftsа‘ ОІbury, Weybridge (1880), Vа‘ ermontа‘ qB69Dа‘ ТІРІЦ‘ Loel, Loellа‘ УІKPr‘ УІB‘ ЦІJ’ 2B53Z6И’ ШІЪІL’ Z6&’ "Bristol, Vermont’ Z6'’ ЬІVParishville, St. Lawrence’ County, New York’ 2B65Z6а’ ЯІЧ’ 2аІ4гІЦ’ бІЭІЦ’ Gunsmithа’ дІ4B53B65а’ еІвІЦ’ а’ Vermontа’ жІLPr’ жІB’ йІJ“ B53И“ лІL“ Z6&“ Vermont“ B53а“ пІЧ“ 2-рІ6уІЦ“ сІнІЦ“ Janettа“ 2B53Z6а“ фІтІЦ“ Carreetа“ цІJ” B53И” B53а” щІЧ” 24ъІЦ” ФqpqчІЦ” ьІJ• 2B53Z6И• юІ№ІL• 2Z6B53&• "Bristol, Vermont• Z6'• ђІVParishville, St. Lawrence• County, New York• B65а• ѕІЧ• 2іІ4љІЦ• їІѓІЦ• Farmerа• њІ4B53B65а• ћІјІЦ• а• Vermontа• ќІMPr• ќІB• qqЇJ– B53И– ЇJ— B53И— ЇJ˜ Z7Ș Ї ЇL˜ Z7&˜ "Bristol, Vermont˜ Z7'˜ (Stockholm, New York˜ B53а˜ ЇЧ˜ 24ЇЦ˜ "rРq ЇЇЇЦ˜ Z7а˜ "Bristol, Vermontа˜ ˜ ‹ eРЇNPr˜ ЇB˜ ЇJ™ B53И™ B53а™ ЇЧ™ 24ЇЦ™ drrЇЦ™ ЇOPr™ ЇB™ ЇJš Ї6B58B108Иš Иš ЇLš !Ї>B58-B59B108&š &š (Starksboro, Vermontš 'Ї8B108Z362аš %ЇЧš 2&Ї9*Ї40Ї-2ЇЦš (Ї#ЇЦš аš "Farmer; teamsterаš +Ї6B58B108аš ,Ї)ЇЦš аš -Ї~"was eight in 1852;" age аš .Ї21 at time of marriage (Jаš une 2, 1872)аš "B58-B59аš </ЇЦš B69Dаš 3Ї1ЇЦš Frank P.аš 4ЇPPrš 4ЇBš qqqqqqqqqqAЇJ› BЇ6B58B108И› И› DЇL› Z362&› "Bristol, Vermont› B108а› HЇЧ› 29IЇ/MЇ4QЇЦ›  PJЇFЇЦ› KЇ6Age 20 at time of marriagа› eа› B108а› NЇLЇЦ› OЇF"of Weybridge" at time ofа› marriageа› Z362а› RЇPЇЦ› &Weybridge, Vermontа› TЇJœ UЇ6B59Z363Иœ Иœ B59аœ XЇЧœ 2-YЇ.\ЇЦœ ZЇVЇЦœ Jennieаœ Z363аœ ]Ї[ЇЦœ Tumorаœ _ЇJ B59И aЇJž bЇ6B59B107Иž Иž dЇLž B107&ž (Starksboro, Vermontž B107аž hЇЧž 2,iЇЦž ъOjЇfЇЦž kЇ6Age 22 at time of marriagаž eаž mЇJŸ nЇ4B59Z11ИŸ ИŸ pЇsЇLŸ qЇ4Z11B59&Ÿ &Ÿ (Starksboro, VermontŸ Z11'Ÿ "Bristol, VermontŸ B108аŸ wЇЧŸ 2xЇ {Ї €Ї9†Ї4ŠЇ/ŽЇ7‘ЇЦŸ yЇuЇЦŸ FarmerаŸ Z11аŸ |ЇzЇЦŸ }ЇhPvt. Co. B, 5th Vermont, аŸ ~ЇAug. 26, 1861-Nov. 4, 186аŸ 5аŸ qк‚‚ЇЇЦŸ Z11аŸ ƒЇrGreenwood Cemetery, BristаŸ „Їol, Vermont, Lot #41, secаŸ tion 4аŸ B108аŸ K‡Ї…ЇЦŸ ˆЇ6Age 21 at time of marriagаŸ eаŸ ‹Ї6B59B108аŸ 4ŒЇ‰ЇЦŸ аŸ (Starksboro, VermontаŸ Z11аŸ ЇЇЦŸ (Shaftsbury, VermontаŸ B51аŸ ƒЇЦŸ ’ЇQPrŸ ’ЇBŸ •ЇJ  –Ї6B59B108И  И  ˜ЇL  B108&  ,Ticonderoga, New York  B108а  œЇЧ  2/ЇЦ  žЇšЇЦ  ŸЇH"of Starksboro" at time oа  f marriageа  ЁЇJЁ B59ИЁ ЃЇLЁ B108&Ё ЅЇ<ngCharles Dennis Delong\Ђ ЈU(‚DeЂ ЇЇJЂ ЈЇ6B59B69EИЂ ИЂ ЊЇLЂ B59&Ђ B69EаЂ ­ЇЧЂ 2ЎЇ БЇ4ЖЇ1ИЇ/ЛЇЦЂ ЏЇЋЇЦЂ &Soldier and farmerаЂ Z11аЂ ВЇАЇЦЂ ГЇp"Pvt. Co. G, 14th VermontаЂ ДЇ, Sept. 8, 1862-July 30, аЂ 1863"аЂ B59аЂ /ЕЇЦЂ B59аЂ ЙЇЗЇЦЂ "nine ch."аЂ МЇ6B108Z11аЂ НЇКЇЦЂ аЂ ОЇzStarksboro, Vermont; EdmoаЂ РЇnds County, Dakota TerritаЂ qory (1886)аЂ СЇRPrЂ СЇBЂ ФЇ<ardth Melissa Blanchard\Ѓ ЈU(‚BlЃ ЦЇJЃ ЧЇ6B59B69EИЃ ИЃ ЩЇLЃ B69E&Ѓ VermontЃ B108аЃ ЭЇЧЃ 2/ЮЇ1вЇ-еЇ4иЇЦЃ ЯЇЫЇЦЃ аЇDStarksboro, Vermont (186аЃ 0, 1886)аЃ B59аЃ гЇбЇЦЃ "nine ch."аЃ B69EаЃ жЇдЇЦЃ MelissaаЃ B69EаЃ 3йЇзЇЦЃ VermontаЃ лЇJЄ мЇ6B59B107ИЄ ИЄ оЇрЇLЄ пЇ8B108B108&Є &Є сЇ8B107B107'Є 'Є B107аЄ фЇЧЄ 2 хЇ9щЇ8эЇ/ёЇЦЄ цЇтЇЦЄ чЇPJerusalem Cemetery, StarkаЄ sboro, VermontаЄ B108аЄ ЊLъЇшЇЦЄ ыЇ6Age 15 at time of marriagаЄ eаЄ юЇ8B107B107аЄ bpяЇьЇЦЄ аЄ 51 yearsаЄ B69DаЄ ђЇ№ЇЦЄ (Hinesville, VermontаЄ qqqqqqqqqqqqqЄ eл ЈSPrЄ ЈBЄ ЈJЅ Ј6B59B107ИЅ ИЅ ЈLЅ B108&Ѕ "Bristol, VermontЅ B108аЅ ЈЧЅ 2 Ј Ј9Ј/Ј6ЈЦЅ  Ј ЈЦЅ FarmerаЅ B108аЅ ЈЈЦЅ ЈBMaple Cemetery, Lincoln, аЅ VermontаЅ B108аЅ ЈЈЦЅ Ј6Age 19 at time of marriagаЅ eаЅ Ј6B108B59аЅ ЈЈЦЅ аЅ ЈH"of Starksboro" at time oаЅ f marriageаЅ B69DаЅ ЈЈЦЅ DevireаЅ ЈTPrЅ ЈBЅ !ЈJІ B64ИІ #Ј'ЈLІ $Ј>B64182; X63&І &І &ЈDOswego, Dutchess County, І New YorkІ $183; X63'І $160; X52аІ *ЈЧІ 21+Ј4.Ј/2ЈЦІ ,Ј(ЈЦІ *"?Peter, (prob) ..."аІ $182; X63аІ ж/Ј-ЈЦІ 0ЈDOswego, Dutchess County, аІ New YorkаІ $182; X63аІ 3Ј1ЈЦІ 4ЈъOswego, Dutchess County (аІ 5Ј1772); Town of Saratoga, аІ 6ЈAlbany County (1790); PlaаІ 7Јttsburgh, Clinton County аІ (1800), New YorkаІ 8ЈUPrІ 8ЈBІ Z114\Ѕ :ЈdЅ Z114\І <ЈdІ qqAЈJЇ $183; X63ИЇ CЈLЇ $183; X63&Ї EЈЧЇ 2FЈ3KЈЦЇ ъэHЈGЈЦЇ $183; X63аЇ IЈDFirst Reformed Church of аЇ HopewellаЇ $183; X63аЇ ъэLЈJЈЦЇ MЈ:Jacob DeJou and Annatje CаЇ oolаЇ OЈJЈ PЈ>B64183; X63ИЈ ИЈ RЈSЈLЈ B64&Ј B8'Ј $183; X63аЈ VЈЧЈ 2WЈ/ZЈ4_ЈЦЈ XЈTЈЦЈ FarmerаЈ B8аЈ [ЈYЈЦЈ \ЈvPlattsburgh, New York (18аЈ ]Ј10); Beekmantown, New YorаЈ k (1820)аЈ $183; X63аЈ ј^ЈЦЈ `ЈVPrЈ `ЈBЈ cЈJЉ B64ИЉ eЈgЈLЉ B8&Љ VermontЉ B8'Љ iЈ<meCharity S. Burlingame\Њ ЈU(‚BuЊ kЈJЊ 2B65Z6ИЊ mЈoЈLЊ 2B65Z6&Њ VermontЊ Z6'Њ qЈVParishville, St. LawrenceЊ County, New YorkЊ B65аЊ tЈЧЊ 2-uЈЦЊ vЈrЈЦЊ CharyаЊ Z114\Ј wЈdЈ *Booneville, New YorkYЈ Z114\Љ zЈdЉ qqqqЈJЋ 2B65Z6ИЋ ƒЈLЋ 2Z6B65&Ћ …ЈVParishville, St. LawrenceЋ County, New YorkЋ Z6аЋ ˆЈЧЋ 2 ‰ЈЦЋ ŠЈ†ЈЦЋ $Civil War veteranаЋ ŒЈJЌ B65ИЌ ŽЈLЌ B65&Ќ IowaЌ ‘ЈJ­ B65И­ “ЈJЎ B65ИЎ •ЈJЏ "B9, B67ИЏ B9аЏ ˜ЈЧЏ 2/™ЈЦЏ šЈ–ЈЦЏ ›Ј>Quaker Hill, Pawling, NewаЏ YorkаЏ ЈJА "B9, B67ИА ŸЈJБ B70ИБ ЁЈЂЈLБ B70&Б B70'Б B70аБ ЅЈЧБ 2 ІЈ8ЋЈ6ЎЈ4ВЈЦБ ЇЈЃЈЦБ ЈЈpColborne Union Cemetery, аБ ЉЈNorthumberland County, OnаБ tarioаБ B70аБ z BЌЈЊЈЦБ 64 yearsаБ B70аБ ЏЈ­ЈЦБ АЈ6Surname may be "DoolittleаБ "аБ B70аБ БЈЦБ B41\Џ ГЈdЏ B41\Б ЕЈdБ uЂbБ qqqqqqqqСЈJВ "B70-B71ИВ B71аВ ФЈЧВ 2/ХЈЦВ ЦЈТЈЦВ ЧЈZCramahe or Haldiman TownsаВ hip, Ontario (1833)аВ ШЈWPrВ ШЈBВ ЫЈJГ B71ИГ B71аГ ЮЈЧГ 2/ЯЈЦГ аЈЬЈЦГ бЈZCramahe or Haldiman TownsаГ hip, Ontario (1833)аГ гЈJД "B70-B71ИД еЈжЈLД B71&Д B71'Д B71аД йЈЧД 2 кЈ8пЈ4тЈЦД лЈзЈЦД мЈpColborne Union Cemetery, аД нЈNorthumberland County, OnаД tarioаД B71аД 8рЈоЈЦД 36 yearsаД B71аД сЈЦД уЈXPrД уЈBД цЈJЕ B71ИЕ шЈLЕ B71'Е B71аЕ ыЈЧЕ 2 ьЈ8ёЈЦЕ эЈщЈЦЕ юЈpColborne Union Cemetery, аЕ яЈNorthumberland County, OnаЕ tarioаЕ B71аЕ :ђЈ№ЈЦЕ 42 yearsаЕ ѓЈYPrЕ ѓЈBЕ ѕЈнQrь qqqqqqqqqqЉJЖ "B70-B71ИЖ B71аЖ ЉЧЖ 2Љ/ЉЦЖ ЉЉЦЖ &Wesleyan MethodistаЖ B71аЖ  ЉЉЦЖ ЉP"of Haldimand" Township, аЖ Ontario (1838)аЖ Unknown;Ж ЉZPrЖ  ЉBЖ ЉJЗ B71ИЗ B71аЗ ЉЧЗ 2Љ/Љ6ЉЦЗ ЉЉЦЗ &Wesleyan MethodistаЗ B71аЗ ЉЉЦЗ ("of Cramahe" (1838)аЗ B70аЗ ЉЉЦЗ MoreаЗ Unknown;З ЉJИ B71ИИ ЉJЙ B71ИЙ !ЉJК "B70-B71ИК #ЉLК B71&К %ЉJЛ B71ИЛ О Д e‰ (ЉJМ B71ИМ *ЉJН "B70-B71ИН ,ЉLН B71&Н .ЉJО "B70-B71ИО B71аО 1ЉЧО 22Љ5Љ/8ЉЦО 3Љ/ЉЦО FarmerаО B71аО 6Љ4ЉЦО $Free PresbyterianаО B71аО 9Љ7ЉЦО :Љ>"In Cramhae Tp. Census" (аО 1848)аО Unknown;О <Љ[PrО <ЉBО B41\Ж >ЉdЖ AЉJП B71ИП CЉLП B71&П Canada EastП B71аП GЉЧП 2/HЉЦП IЉEЉЦП JЉˆOntario (1868); WatervillаП KЉe Twp., Marshall Co., KanаП sas census (1870)аП Unknown;П MЉ\PrП MЉBП PЉJР B71ИР RЉLР B71&Р Canada EastР Unknown;Р VЉJС B71ИС XЉLС B71&С Canada EastС B71аС \ЉЧС 21]ЉЦС N^ЉZЉЦС _ЉB"five children born CanadаС a East"аС aЉJТ B71ИТ cЉLТ B71&Т Canada EastТ Unknown;Т fЉ]PrТ fЉBТ iЉJУ 153ИУ аУ lЉЧУ 2&mЉrЉЦУ {nЉjЉЦУ oЉhGraduate Worcester High SаУ pЉchool, Worcester, New YorаУ kаУ 152аУ sЉqЉЦУ TeacherаУ tЉ^PrУ tЉBУ qqqqqqqqqqЉJФ ИФ аФ „ЉЧФ 2&…ЉЦФ Љ†Љ‚ЉЦФ ‡ЉnGraduate Worcester CentraаФ ˆЉl School, Worcester, New аФ YorkаФ ŠЉJХ (ИХ ŒЉLХ 'Х аХ ЉЧХ 2&ЉЦХ •‘ЉЉЦХ ’ЉnGraduate Worcester CentraаХ “Љl School, Worcester, New аХ YorkаХ •ЉJЦ $273; O43ИЦ —Љ™ЉLЦ $273; O43&Ц 0Richmondville, New YorkЦ $273; O43'Ц $Decatur, New YorkЦ O45аЦ ЉЧЦ 2 žЉ4ЂЉЦЦ ŸЉ›ЉЦЦ  ЉTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЦ cester, New YorkаЦ O45аЦ К#ЃЉЁЉЦЦ 0Richmondville, New YorkаЦ ЅЉJЧ $273; O43ИЧ ЇЉЉЉLЧ $273; O43&Ч $Decatur, New YorkЧ O45'Ч O45аЧ ЌЉЧЧ 2 ­ЉЦЧ ЎЉЊЉЦЧ ЏЉTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЧ cester, New YorkаЧ БЉJШ $273; O43ИШ ГЉLШ O45&Ш qqqqqqqqqqqqСЉJЩ $273; O43ИЩ УЉJЪ $273; O43ИЪ $458; O43аЪ ЦЉЧЪ 26ЧЉ-ЪЉЦЪ ШЉФЉЦЪ WoodenаЪ O45аЪ ЫЉЩЉЦЪ Riley L.аЪ ЭЉJЫ ЮЉ>273; O43O45ИЫ ИЫ аЉJЬ .273, 458; O43ИЬ вЉдЉLЬ $458; O43&Ь (Worcester, New YorkЬ $458; O43'Ь йЉH273, 458; O43аЬ зЉЧЬ 2-иЉ7мЉЦЬ кЉеЉЦЬ O45аЬ *Lovila Murry; LouiseаЬ O45аЬ š XлЉЦЬ оЉ<e†Michele Lea Dufresne\Э ЈU(‚DuЭ рЉJЭ ИЭ аЭ уЉЧЭ 2&фЉ-щЉЦЭ УхЉсЉЦЭ цЉnGraduate Worcester CentraаЭ чЉl School, Worcester, New аЭ YorkаЭ аЭ ъЉшЉЦЭ MissyаЭ Unknown;Э эЉ<s†Michael Justin Woods\Ю ЈU(‚WoЮ яЉJЮ ИЮ аЮ ђЉЧЮ 2ѓЉ-їЉЦЮ єЉ№ЉЦЮ ѕЉV26 years editor at Utica аЮ Observer-DispatchаЮ аЮ јЉіЉЦЮ MikeаЮ њЉx518 Willow DriveUticaN;Ю ћЉew York13502U.S.A(315);Ю 733-7361;Ю qqqqЊJЯ $273; O43ИЯ ЊLЯ $273; O43&Я $Decatur, New YorkЯ ЊJа $273; O43Иа ЊJб $273; O43Иб ЊLб $273; O43&б $Decatur, New Yorkб Њ<ckFrank Earnest Babcock\в ЈU(‚Baв ЊJв Њ6273, 459; O43-O44Ив Ив ЊLв Њ6273, 459; O43-O44&в &в $Decatur, New Yorkв ЊJг Њ6273, 459; O43-O44Иг Иг ЊLг $459; O44&г $Kendall, Illinoisг $273; O43аг ЊЧг 2-ЊЦг ЊЊЦг Elsieаг !ЊJд $273; O43Ид #Њ%ЊLд $273; O43&д 0Richmondville, New Yorkд $273; O43'д "Holley, Michiganд (ЊJе $273; O43Ие *Њ,ЊLе $273; O43&е $Decatur, New Yorkе $273; O43'е .Њ4Choconut Center, New Yorkе е 0ЊJж $273; O43Иж qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЊJз $273; O43Из CЊJи $273; O43Ии EЊLи $273; O43&и GЊJй $273; O43Ий IЊJк JЊ>459; O43D14Ик Ик LЊNЊLк $459; O43&к $Decatur, New Yorkк O45'к D14ак QЊЧк 2-RЊ1UЊЦк SЊOЊЦк Annaак O45ак VЊTЊЦк "unmarried"ак XЊJл YЊ>459; O43D14Ил Ил [ЊLл $459; O43&л $Decatur, New Yorkл ^ЊJм $458; O43Им `ЊJн $458; O43Ин bЊJо $459; O44Ио dЊLо $459; O44&о $Goodland, Indianaо gЊJп $459; O44Ип iЊLп $459; O44&п &Remington, Indianaп lЊJр Ир Unknown;р oЊJс Ис qЊJт Ит ат tЊЧт 2&uЊ-zЊ/}ЊЦт ЈvЊrЊЦт wЊnGraduate Worcester Centraат xЊl School, Worcester, New ат Yorkат ат {ЊyЊЦт Jerryат ат ~Њ|ЊЦт (Schenevus, New Yorkат qЊJу Иу ƒЊJф Иф ф х ц ч eb †ЊJх Их ˆЊJц Иц ŠЊJч Ич ŒЊ<ngsrolyn Francis Frengs\ш ЈU(‚Frш ŽЊJш F13Иш ЊLш F13&ш ’ЊJщ F13Ищ ”ЊLщ F13&щ –ЊJъ F13Иъ ˜ЊJы F13Иы šЊJь F13Иь œЊJэ F13Иэ žЊJю F13Ию  ЊLю F13&ю ЂЊ<adyarles Dennis Mullady\я ЈU(‚Muя ЄЊJя F13Ия ІЊLя F13&я ЈЊJ№ F13И№ ЊЊJё F13Иё ЌЊ<aheraret Veronica Maher\ђ ЈU(‚Maђ ЎЊJђ F13Иђ АЊJѓ F13Иѓ F13аѓ ГЊЧѓ 2-ДЊЦѓ ЕЊБЊЦѓ Edmundаѓ †‡V#ˆX#‰Šeх к)­ŸЦь ѕЈbь B71\ю ЙЊdю pŸbю B71\ђ МЊdђ ПЊ6Wellington County, OntariYђ oYђ СЊ<ille, Jr. Bonville, Jr..є ЈU(‚Boє УЊJє F13Иє ХЊLє F13&є ,Schenectady, New Yorkє ШЊ<leDaniel James Bonville\ѕ ЈU(‚Boѕ ЪЊJѕ F13Иѕ ЬЊLѕ F13&ѕ ,Schenectady, New Yorkѕ ЯЊ<llemes Leonard Bonville\і ЈU(‚Boі бЊJі F13Иі гЊLі F13&і ,Schenectady, New Yorkі жЊ<Bonvillezabeth Bonville\ї ЈU(‚Boї иЊJї F13Иї кЊLї F13&ї ,Schenectady, New Yorkї F13аї оЊЧї 2/пЊЦї рЊмЊЦї Alabama (1998)аї ѕ і e† уЊJј F13Иј F13ај цЊЧј 2/чЊЦј шЊфЊЦј Alabama (1998)ај ъЊ<leCarolyn Jean Bonville\љ ЈU(‚Boљ ьЊJљ F13Иљ юЊLљ F13&љ ,Schenectady, New Yorkљ ёЊJњ F13Ињ O45\і ђЊdі O45\ј єЊdј ConnecticutYј \њ їЊdњ 2Virginia Beach, VirginiaYњ qqqqqqЋJћ F13Ић ЋJќ F13Иќ ЋJ§ F13И§ ЋJў F13Иў  ЋJџ F13Иџ џ e  ЋJ O45И ЋL O45& 34а ЋЧ 2Ћ Ћ Ћ4 Ћ/#ЋЦ ЋЋЦ $"a seafaring man"а O45а ЋЋЦ ЋкCapt. Samuel Prentice Stoа Ћnington Company of Col. Pа Ћarsons Connecticut Continа Ћental Regiment, Revolutioа nary Warа O45а ЋЋЦ ЋDEast Worcester ("Lower") а Cemeteryа O45а !ЋЋЦ "February 2, 1745а 2O4534а $Ћ"ЋЦ %Ћt"[Moved] to N.Y. State inа &Ћ 1794;" East Worcester, Nа ew Yorkа 'Ћ_Pr 'ЋB *ЋJ O45И ,Ћ-ЋL O45& O45' O45а 0ЋЧ 2 1ЋЦ 2Ћ.ЋЦ 3ЋDEast Worcester ("Lower") а Cemeteryа $459; O44\ќ 4Ћdќ $Goodland, IndianaYќ $273; O43\§ 7Ћd§ $Decatur, New YorkY§ qqqqqqAЋJ O45И CЋJ O45И O45а FЋЧ 2/GЋЦ HЋDЋЦ IЋ@"[Moved] to N.Y. State inа 1794"а KЋJ O45И O45а NЋЧ 2/OЋЦ PЋLЋЦ QЋ@"[Moved] to N.Y. State inа 1794"а SЋJ O45И UЋL O45& WЋJ O45И YЋJ O45И [Ћ^ЋL \ЋNO4511-12; O13& 9-O140& .Westerly, Rhode Island $22; O150' $22; O150а aЋЧ 2bЋ4gЋ.jЋЦ cЋ_ЋЦ dЋfSeventh Day Baptist Churcа eЋh of Newport and Westerlyа а $12; O140а ŽhЋfЋЦ "(?)"а $23; O151а кЗkЋiЋЦ ,Murdered by John Rossа lЋ`Pr lЋB oЋJ O45И $22; O150а rЋЧ 2sЋЦ tЋpЋЦ uЋfSeventh Day Baptist Churcа vЋh of Newport and Westerlyа а qqqqqqqqqЋJ 2O45D8И ƒЋ†ЋL „Ћ4O45O54& & 2Portsmouth, Rhode Island O54' .Westerly, Rhode Island $10; O138а ŠЋЧ 2 ‹Ћ*Ћ/—ЋЦ ŒЋˆЋЦ ЋzConnecticut Miitia; foughа ŽЋt in the "Great Swamp Figа ht" (1675)а $11; O139а ‘ЋЋЦ ’ЋЪConservator of the Peace а “Ћ(1678), Westerly, Rhode Iа ”Ћsland; Deputy to Colonialа •Ћ Legislature (1682, 1684)а а "9; O137а ˜Ћ–ЋЦ ™ЋhSettled at Westerly, Rhodа šЋe Island in March, 1661/6а 2а ›ЋaPr ›ЋB žЋJ 2O45D8И  ЋL O54' .Westerly, Rhode Island O54а ЄЋЧ 2/ЅЋЦ ІЋЂЋЦ "of Portsmouth"а ЈЋJ ЉЋ>O45O53, O54И И ЋЋ> CaptainГ Г ЊЋM ЎЋБЋL ЏЋ<O451; O129& & ,Essex County, England O45' .Westerly, Rhode Island "4; O132а ЕЋЧ 2 ЖЋ*КЋРЋ6ШЋ/ЬЋЦ ЗЋГЋЦ ИЋDFought against the Pequotа Indiansа "2; O130а ЛЋЙЋЦ МЋИAssessor (1650), Portsmouа НЋth, Rhode Island; Member а ОЋof Rhode Island General Cа ourt (1657-1659)а O45\ ŽТЋСЋЦ "5; O133а УЋ Baptised in his 59th yearа ФЋ at Seventh Day Baptist Cа ХЋhurch of Newport and Westа erlyа ЧЋ61; O53, O54, O129а а ЩЋЦЋЦ ЪЋ\Babcock, Badcock, Badcookа e, Badcocke, Badcookа 01-2; O129-O130а ЭЋЫЋЦ ЮЋhPortsmouth (1642) and Wesа ЯЋterly (1662), Rhode Islanа dа аЋbPr аЋB гЋJ O53И еЋL O45' O53а иЋЧ 27йЋЦ кЋжЋЦ 1665 or laterа мЋJ O46И оЋJ O46И рЋсЋL O46& O46' уЋJ O46И хЋL O46& чЋJ O46И щЋJ O46И ыЋJ O46И эЋJ O46И яЋJ O46И ёЋL O46& qqqqqqqqqqqqqqЌJ O46И ЌJ O46И ЌJ O46И ЌJ O46И  ЌJ O46И  ЌJ O46И  ЌJ O46И O46а ЌЧ 2-ЌЦ ЌЌЦ Bettyа  e Ќ< š†Emory J. Babcock III( ЈU(‚Ba ЌJ O46И ЌЌL O46& O46' ЌJ O46И ЌJ O46И ЌL O46& "ЌJ O46И $ЌJ O46И &ЌJ! O46И! (ЌL! O46&! *ЌJ" O46И" ,ЌJ# O46И# .ЌL# O46&# 0ЌJ$ O47И$ 2ЌL$ O47&$ ` e$ qqqqqqqqqqqqAЌJ% O47И% CЌL% O47&% % e FЌJ& O47И& O49Bа& IЌЧ& 2/JЌЦ& KЌGЌЦ& LЌ:Springfield, Virginia (20а& 10)а& Unknown;& OЌJ' PЌ6O47O210И' И' RЌUЌL' O48&' TЌJNelsonville, Putnam Count' y, New York' O48'' WЌPBassett Hospital, Coopers' town, New York' O48а' ZЌЧ' 2&[Ќ'_ЌcЌfЌ iЌ+nЌ.sЌЦ' \ЌXЌЦ' ]Ќ@Graduate of Oneonta High а' Schoolа' O48а' ~`Ќ^ЌЦ' aЌDGraduate of Oneonta Normaа' l Schoolа' O48а' dЌbЌЦ' Teacherа' O48а' gЌeЌЦ' hЌ@East Worcester Methodist а' Churchа' Т ЩkЌjЌЦ' O48а' lЌDEast Worcester ("Lower") а' Cemeteryа' O48а' oЌmЌЦ' pЌvEast Worcester Homemakersа' qЌ, N.Y. Teachers Associatiа' on, AARPа' O48а' tЌrЌЦ' (Effects of a strokeа' uЌcPr' uЌB' 2 xЌЦ' yЌюŸЦ' zЌPMarch 8, 1665 given as daа' te of marriageа' qqqqqЌ< š†Luman Emery Babcock\(( ЈU(‚Ba( ƒЌJ( „Ќ6O47O210И( И( †ЌˆЌL( O48&( $Oneonta, New York( O48'( ŠЌPMarina View Manor, Milwau( kee, Wisconsin( O48а( ЌЧ( 2&ŽЌ’Ќ ™Ќ+Ќ.ЁЌЦ( “Ќ‹ЌЦ( ЌPGraduate of East Worcesteа( r Union Schoolа( O48а( “Ќ‘ЌЦ( ”ЌвManager W.T. Grant Companа( •Ќy, Oneonta, N.Y.; employeа( –Ќe of Caterpillar Tractor а( —ЌCompany, Milwaukee, Wiscoа( nsinа( O48а( šЌ˜ЌЦ( ›ЌDEast Worcester ("Lower") а( Cemeteryа( O48а( žЌœЌЦ( ŸЌVAlcoholics Anonymous, Milа( waukee, Wisconsinа( O48а( ЪЂЌ ЌЦ( ЃЌ4Complications of diabetesа( а( ЄЌdPr( ЄЌB( ЇЌ<cock, Sr.t Babcock, Sr..) ЈU(‚Ba) ЉЌJ) ЊЌ6O47O210И) И) ЌЌЎЌL) O50&) $Oneonta, New York) O50') АЌ\Seven Rivers Hospital, Cr) ystal River, Florida) а) ГЌЧ) 2&ДЌ'ИЌНЌУЌ ШЌ+ЬЌ-гЌЦ) “ЕЌБЌЦ) ЖЌLGraduate of Worcester Ceа) ntral Schoolа) O50а) ЙЌЗЌЦ) КЌ’State University College а) ЛЌof Agriculture and Technoа) logy, Cobleskill, N.Y.а) O50а) ОЌМЌЦ) РЌ’Operated Babcock Trailer а) qСЌSales, Inc., and Babcock'а) s Country Western Clubа) O50а) ФЌТЌЦ) ХЌ†Beverly Hills (Fla.) Commа) ЦЌunity Church; Otego (N.Y.а) ) Baptist Churchа) O50а) ЩЌЧЌЦ) ЪЌDEast Worcester ("Lower") а) Cemeteryа) O50а) ЭЌЫЌЦ) ЮЌдLodge 324 Unadilla Masonsа) ЯЌ, Unadilla Rod & Gun Clubа) аЌ; Sidney Moose Lodge; Oneа) бЌonta Elks Lodge; Country а) Lanesа) O50а) дЌвЌЦ) Bobа) еЌePr) еЌB) иЌJ* йЌ6O51O112И* И* O112а* мЌЧ* 2 нЌЦ* оЌкЌЦ* пЌTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа* cester, New Yorkа* сЌ<ckWilliam Wayne Babcock\+ ЈU(‚Ba+ уЌJ+ O51И+ хЌL+ цЌ4O51O56&+ &+ $Decatur, New York+ O51а+ ъЌЧ+ 2ыЌ/яЌЦ+ ьЌшЌЦ+ эЌ^"first proprietor of the а+ East Worcester Hotel"а+ O56а+ №ЌюЌЦ+ ёЌ8Salt Lake City, Utah (190а+ 2)а+ R37а+ 2 єЌЦ+ ѕЌђЌЦ+ іЌ6Margery Rockett "2nd wifeа+ "а+ qqqqqqqqq­<ck, Jr.yne Babcock, Jr.., ЈU(‚Ba, ­J, O51И, ­> Dr.Г, Г, ­M, ­L, ­4O51O56&, &, 2East Worcester, New York, O51а, ­Ч, 2­/­Ц, ­ ­Ц, ­H"world famous surgeon andа, educator"а, O51а, ­­Ц, ­>"went to Philadelphia in а, 1895"а, ­fPr, ­B, ­<n†Victor Peter Hughson\- ЈU(‚Hu- ­J- O48И- ­L- O48'- ­J. O48И.  ­J/ O48И/ "­< š†Raymond Coe Hughson\(0 ЈU(‚Hu0 $­J0 O48И0 &­<hsonas Percival Hughson\1 ЈU(‚Hu1 (­J1 O48И1 *­J2 O48И2 ,­J3 O48И3 .­J4 O50И4 0­J5 R30И5 2­L5 R36&5 R38а5 5­Ч5 2 6­4;­Ц5 7­3­Ц5 8­pPrivate, Continental Armyа5 9­, Revolutionary War, 1777а5 -1779а5 R33а5 кП:­Ц5 <­gPr5 <­B5 $R37, R38\, >­d, A­J6 R30И6 C­L6 R36&6 E­J7 $R30, R36И7 G­H­L7 R30&7 R30'7 $R30, R33а7 K­Ч7 2/L­Ц7 M­I­Ц7 N­6Northampton, Massachusettа7 sа7 O­hPr7 O­B7 R­J8 R30И8 T­U­L8 R30&8 R32'8 W­Ч8 2X­5[­Ц8 уY­Ц8 R30а8 $R30, R32а8 \­Z­Ц8 Deaconа8 ^­J9 R34И9 R34а9 a­Ч9 21b­Ц9 c­_­Ц9 d­TCharles and Jennie were "а9 distant Cousins"а9 f­J: R34И: h­L: 67': 25а: k­Ч: 2l­/p­Ц: m­i­Ц: n­d"...a jeweler in Worcesteа: r for over 60 years ..."а: 25а: q­o­Ц: (Worcester, New Yorkа: r­iPr: r­B: qqqqqqqqqqqq­J; R34И; R34а; „­Ч; 21…­Ц; †­‚­Ц; ‡­TCharles and Jennie were "а; distant Cousins"а; ‰­J< R34И< ‹­J= R34И= ­J> R34И> ­­L> R34&> R34'> R34а> “­Ч> 2/”­Ц> •­‘­Ц> (Worcester, New Yorkа> —­J? R34И? ™­š­L? R34&? R34'? œ­J@ R34И@ ž­L@ R34&@  ­JA R34ИA Ђ­JB R34ИB Є­Ѕ­LB R34&B R34'B Ї­JC R34ИC Љ­Њ­LC R34&C R34'C Ќ­JD R34ИD Ў­JE R34ИE А­JF R34ИF Е­4153145аF Г­ЧF 2Д­-К­ЦF Ж­Б­ЦF аF З­ŒTaught homemaking at WorcаF И­ester [New York] Central аF School for 26 yearsаF аF Л­Й­ЦF StellaаF М­jPrF М­BF qqС­JG R34ИG R34аG Ф­ЧG 28Х­ЦG Ц­Т­ЦG ("died at age of 12"аG Ш­JH R34ИH 25аH Ы­ЧH 2Ь­1Я­/в­ЦH Э­Щ­ЦH "Jewelry businessаH R34аH а­Ю­ЦH Twin of EllaаH 25аH г­б­ЦH (Worcester, New YorkаH д­kPrH д­BH з­JI R34ИI 25аI к­ЧI 2л­/о­ЦI м­и­ЦI JewelerаI 25аI п­н­ЦI (Worcester, New YorkаI р­lPrI р­BI у­JJ R34ИJ х­LJ R34'J R34аJ ш­ЧJ 21щ­ЦJ ъ­ц­ЦJ $"twin" [of Flora]аJ ь­JK R34ИK ю­LK R34'K R34аK ё­ЧK 2-ђ­ЦK ѓ­я­ЦK ElmondаK qqqqqqqqqqqqЎJL R34ИL ЎJM R34ИM Ў<r.Edwin Leroy Mead, Jr..N ЈU(‚MeN ЎJN R34ИN N P eЯ  ЎJO R34ИO  ЎJP R34ИP R34аP ЎЧP 28ЎЦP Ў ЎЦP &"died at age of 4"аP ЎJQ Ў@R35171; C422ИQ ИQ ЎЎLQ Ў@171; C422R35&Q &Q R35'Q ЎJR R35ИR ЎЎLR R50&R R50'R 25аR ЎЧR 2/!ЎЦR "ЎЎЦR (Worcester, New YorkаR #ЎmPrR #ЎBR &ЎJS R35ИS (Ў)ЎLS R35&S R35'S +ЎJT R35ИT -ЎJU R35ИU /Ў0ЎLU R35&U R35'U qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЎJV R35ИV CЎJW R35ИW EЎJX R35ИX GЎJY R35ИY IЎJZ R35ИZ KЎLЎLZ &Z 'Z NЎЧZ 2 OЎ*UЎЦZ №QЎPЎЦZ аZ RЎ–Lt Colonel, Revolution, tаZ SЎo 1781; NY Artillery; staаZ ff of General WashingtonаZ аZ §VЎTЎЦZ WЎ\First U.S. Secretary of tаZ he Treasury; to 1795аZ YЎJ[ R36И[ [Ў\ЎL[ R33&[ R33'[ ^ЎЧ[ 2 _Ў/fЎЦ[ №aЎ`ЎЦ[ R36а[ bЎИ"... served in [Revolutioа[ cЎnary] war as fifer in Capа[ dЎt. Shepherds Co. Oct. 21 а[ - Nov. 17, 1776"а[ R33а[ gЎeЎЦ[ hЎ4Framingham, Massachusettsа[ а[ iЎnPr[ iЎB[ lЎJ\ R36И\ nЎJ] R36И] pЎJ^ R36И^ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЎJ_ R36И_ ƒЎ<oySamuel French Pomeroy\` ЈU(‚Po` …ЎJ` R36И` ‡ЎˆЎL` $R33, R36&` R36'` R36а` ‹ЎЧ` 2ŒЎ/ЎЦ` Ў‰ЎЦ` Tailorа` R36а` ЎŽЎЦ` ("N. Hampton" (1726)а` ’Ў< š†Hannah Crasson Hann\(a ЈU(‚Haa ”ЎJa R36Иa –Ў—ЎLa R36&a R36'a ™ЎJb R36Иb ›ЎœЎLb R36&b R36'b žЎJc R36Иc  ЎJd R36Иd R36аd ЃЎЧd 28ЄЎЦd ЅЎЁЎЦd "died" [young]аd ЇЎJe R36Иe ЉЎJf R36Иf R36аf ЌЎЧf 28­ЎЦf ЎЎЊЎЦf "died" [young]аf АЎJg R36Иg qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЎJh R36Иh УЎJi R36Иi ХЎJj R36Иj ЧЎJk R36Иk ЩЎ<d†Elizabeth Strickland\l ЈU(‚Stl ЫЎJl R36Иl ЭЎЮЎLl R36&l R36'l аЎJm R36Иm вЎJn R36Иn дЎJo R36Иo жЎJp R36Иp иЎJq R36Иq q r e& лЎJr R36Иr нЎJs $R37, R38Иs пЎрЎLs R37&s R37's тЎЧs 2 уЎ4шЎ/ьЎЦs š ŒхЎфЎЦs R37аs цЎB"[T]ook part in the Fallsаs Fight"аs R37аs щЎчЎЦs ъЎJMarch 6, 1641 given as daаs te of birthаs $R37, R38аs эЎыЎЦs юЎш"original settler of N. Hаs яЎampton ... In 1686 ... moаs №Ўved to E. or S. Hampton [аs ёЎS. Hampton sometimes callаs ed E. Hampton]"аs ђЎoPrs ђЎBs / 1 4 6 8 : < ek   Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ eh qqqqqqqqqqЏJt R37Иt ЏLt R37&t ЏJu R37Иu Џ ЏLu Џ4R37R38&u &u $R37, R38'u ЏdHouse of son Medad, Northu Hampton, Masssachusettsu R38аu ЏЧu 2ЏЏ7ЏЦu Џ ЏЦu &Beaminister Churchаu "1ЏЏЦu R38аu Dorset, Englandаu R37аu ЏЏЦu ЏHMarch, 1673 given as montаu h of deathаu ЏpPru ЏBu ЏJv R37Иv ЏLv R37'v *Windsor, Connecticutv ЏqPrv ЏBv "ЏJw R37Иw $ЏLw R37'w R38аw 'ЏЧw 21(ЏЦw )Џ%ЏЦw *ЏZ"... no children by [Eltwаw eed's] first wife."аw ,ЏJx R37Иx .ЏJy R37Иy 0ЏJz R37Иz qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЏJ{ R37И{ CЏJ| R37И| EЏJ} R37И} ~  €  b e' HЏJ~ R37И~ JЏJ R37И LЏJ€ R37И€ NЏJ R37И PЏJ‚ R37И‚ RЏJƒ R37Иƒ TЏJ„ R37И„ VЏJ… R37И… XЏJ† R37И† ZЏJ‡ R37И‡ \ЏJˆ R37Иˆ ^ЏJ‰ R37И‰ `ЏJŠ R37ИŠ bЏJ‹ R37И‹ dЏJŒ R38ИŒ fЏJ R38И hЏJŽ R38ИŽ jЏJ R38И R38а mЏЧ 2/nЏЦ oЏkЏЦ pЏHNorth Hampton, Massachuseа tts (1673)а w y s e| sЏl"the Hope Factory, so-calY| tЏled, near Cooperstown, N.Y| Y."Y| qqqqqqqqqqqЏJ R38И ‘ ’ s e+ „ЏJ‘ R38И‘ †ЏJ’ R38И’ ˆЏJ“ ‰Џ4R31408И“ И“ ‹ЏL“ $R31, R33&“ 0Plymouth, Massachusetts“ 408а“ ЏЧ“ 2/ЏЦ“ ‘ЏЏЦ“ ’ЏZAmenia, Dutchess County, а“ New York (1758 ff.)а“ “ЏrPr“ “ЏB“ –ЏJ” —Џ4R31408И” И” ™ЏL” šЏ4R31408&” &” R31а” ЏЧ” 26žЏЦ” ŸЏ›ЏЦ” Dotenа” ЁЏJ• 407И• ЃЏЅЏL• 407&• 0Plymouth, Massachusetts• 407'• 2Rochester, Massachusetts• 407а• ЉЏЧ• 27ЊЏЦ• ЋЏЇЏЦ• ЌЏRDied between 1732 and Sepа• tember 18, 1734а• ЎЏJ– 407И– АЏL– 407&– ѓЌЯ+ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЏJ— 407И— УЏJ˜ 407Ș ХЏJ™ 407И™ ЧЏL™ 407&™ Salisbury™ 407а™ ЫЏЧ™ 21ЬЏЦ™ ЭЏЩЏЦ™ 0"widow of John Edwards"а™ ЯЏJš 407Иš бЏJ› 407И› гЏJœ 407Иœ еЏJ R31И жЏsPr жЏB йЏJž 407Иž лЏLž 407&ž Sandwichž 407аž пЏЧž 24рЏЦž сЏнЏЦž тЏRFebruary 22, 1674 given aаž s date of birthаž фЏJŸ 407ИŸ цЏJ  407И  шЏL  407&  ъЏJЁ 407ИЁ ьЏJЂ 407ИЂ юЏLЂ 407&Ђ №ЏJЃ 407ИЃ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqАJЄ 407ИЄ АLЄ 407&Є І Ј Њ Ћ ” e3 АJЅ 407ИЅ АJІ 407ИІ АLІ 407&І 407аІ АЧІ 2/АЦІ А АЦІ (Sharon, ConnecticutаІ АJЇ 407ИЇ 407аЇ АЧЇ 2/АЦЇ ААЦЇ (Sharon, ConnecticutаЇ АtPrЇ АBЇ АJЈ 408ИЈ АLЈ 408&Ј 408аЈ АЧЈ 24 А/$АЦЈ !ААЦЈ "АJMarch 1, 1688 given as daаЈ te of birthаЈ 408аЈ %А#АЦЈ &АfWareham, Massachusetts; SаЈ 'Аharon, Connecticut (1747)аЈ аЈ (АuPrЈ (АBЈ +АJЉ 408ИЉ -АJЊ 408ИЊ /АLЊ 408&Њ 1АJЋ 408ИЋ 3АLЋ 408&Ћ qqqqqqqqqqqqAАJЌ 408ИЌ CАJ­ R32И­ EАFАL­ R32&­ R32'­ HАHPort Crane, Broome County­ , New York­ R42а­ KАЧ­ 2-LАЦ­ MАIАЦ­ Sophieа­ OАJЎ R32ИЎ QАSАLЎ R32&Ў &Westford, New YorkЎ TА4R32R42'Ў 'Ў VАHPort Crane, Broome CountyЎ , New YorkЎ R32аЎ YАЧЎ 2 ZА6^АЦЎ [АWАЦЎ \АZPort Crane Cemetery, BrooаЎ me County, New YorkаЎ R41аЎ _А]АЦЎ RyderаЎ aА<r†Edward Maynard Ryder\Џ ЈU(‚RyЏ cАJЏ $R31, R32ИЏ eАfАLЏ R32&Џ R32'Џ (Worcester, New YorkЏ iА< š†Althea Julia Wright\(А ЈU(‚WrА kАJА R32ИА mАoАLА R32&А "Exeter, New YorkА R32'А qАHGreenville, Greene CountyА , New YorkА R30аА tАЧА 2/uА7xАЦА vАrАЦА (Worcester, New YorkаА R41аА „wАЦА yАvPrА yАBА qqqqqА< š†Georgia Rheta Ryder\(Б ЈU(‚RyБ ƒАJБ R32ИБ …А‡АLБ R32&Б (Worcester, New YorkБ R32'Б *Milwaukee, WisconsinБ R30аБ ‹АЧБ 2/ŒАЦБ А‰АЦБ (Worcester, New YorkаБ ŽАwPrБ ŽАBБ ‘АJВ R32ИВ “А–АLВ R32&В •А@Elk Creek Farm, Delhi, NeВ w YorkВ R32'В "Lantana, FloridaВ R32аВ šАЧВ 2 ›АЦВ œА˜АЦВ АFWoodlawn Cemetery, Delhi,аВ New YorkаВ ŸА< Jr.h Stuart Cavan, Jr..Г ЈU(‚CaГ ЁАJГ R32ИГ ЃАLГ R32&Г ЄАxPrГ ЄАBГ ЇАJД R32ИД ЉАЋАLД R32&Д Otego, New YorkД R32'Д Delhi, New YorkД R32аД ЏАЧД 2 ААЦД БА­АЦД ВАFWoodlawn Cemetery, Delhi,аД New YorkаД qqqqqqqqqqqqqСАJЕ R32ИЕ УАФАLЕ R32&Е R32'Е "Otsego NY"Е R32аЕ ШАЧЕ 2 ЩАЦЕ ЪАЦАЦЕ 0"Buried back of church"аЕ ЬАJЖ R32ИЖ ЮАЯАLЖ R32&Ж R32'Ж бАJЗ R32ИЗ гА<m†Elizabeth Cunningham\И ЈU(‚CuИ еАJИ R32ИИ зАJЙ R32ИЙ йАLЙ R32&Й лАPHarpersfield, Delaware CoЙ unty, New YorkЙ нАJК R32ИК пАJЛ R32ИЛ R32аЛ тАЧЛ 2/уАЦЛ фАрАЦЛ хА^"Lived in Kortright, Del[аЛ aware] Co[unty, ] NY"аЛ чАJМ R32ИМ щАJН R32ИН ыАLН R32'Н эАJО R32ИО яАLО R32'О ёАJП 338ИП B91\З ђАdЗ 2Mecosta County, MichiganYЗ qqqqqqqqqqqБJР 338ИР ББLР 338&Р (Worcester, New YorkР 338'Р 338аР БЧР 2  БЦР  ББЦР БT"Worcester Cemetery, WorcаР ester, New York"аР  БJС $R32, R33ИС БLС R32&С БЧС 2БЦС сБЦС R32аС БJТ R32ИТ ББLТ R32&Т 0Huntington, ConnecticutТ R32'Т БJУ R32ИУ ББLУ R32&У *Norwalk, ConnecticutУ R32'У 2Carbondale, PennsylvaniaУ "БJФ R32ИФ $Б'БLФ R32&Ф &Б<Fairfield County, ConnectФ icutФ R32'Ф R32аФ *БЧФ 2 +Б4.БЦФ ,Б(БЦФ "Dingle Hill"аФ R32аФ /Б-БЦФ 0БLMarch 15, 1752 given as dаФ ate of birthаФ $151; X47\У 1БdУ 4БRGerman Flatts, Herkimer CYУ ounty, New YorkYУ qqqqqqqqqqqAБJХ R32ИХ CБDБLХ R32&Х R32'Х R32аХ GБЧХ 2 HБЦХ IБEБЦХ *Dingle Hill CemeteryаХ KБJЦ R32ИЦ MБOБLЦ R32&Ц *Norwalk, ConnecticutЦ R32'Ц QБJЧ R32ИЧ SБUБLЧ R32&Ч *Norwalk, ConnecticutЧ R32'Ч WБJШ R33ИШ YБJЩ R33ИЩ [БLЩ R33&Щ ]Б4Brookfield, MassachusettsЩ Щ _БJЪ R33ИЪ aБJЫ R33ИЫ cБdБLЫ R33&Ы R33'Ы R33аЫ gБЧЫ 2/hБЦЫ iБeБЦЫ (Groton, ConnecticutаЫ jБyPrЫ jБBЫ mБJЬ R33ИЬ nБzPrЬ nБBЬ qБJЭ R33ИЭ sБLЭ R33&Э R33аЭ vБЧЭ 25wБ/zБЦЭ xБtБЦЭ CaptainаЭ R33аЭ {БyБЦЭ |БFNew London and Groton, CoаЭ nnecticutаЭ qqqБJЮ R33ИЮ ƒБ„БLЮ R33&Ю R33'Ю R33аЮ ‡БЧЮ 2/ˆБЦЮ ‰Б…БЦЮ (Groton, ConnecticutаЮ ‹БJЯ R33ИЯ БLЯ R33&Я R33аЯ БЧЯ 2/‘БЦЯ ’БŽБЦЯ (Groton, ConnecticutаЯ “Б{PrЯ “БBЯ –БJа R33Иа R33аа ™БЧа 25šБ/БЦа ›Б—БЦа Captainаа R33аа žБœБЦа .Fairfield, Connecticutаа  БJб R33Иб ЂБЃБLб R33&б R33'б R33аб ІБЧб 24ЇБЦб ЈБЄБЦб ЉБPJanuary 23, 1708 given asаб date of birthаб ЋБJв R33Ив ­БJг R33Иг ЏБАБLг R33&г R33'г R33аг ГБЧг 2/ДБЦг ЕБББЦг .Fairfield, Connecticutаг ЖБ|Prг ЖБBг $151; X47аЯ 2 КБЦЯ ЛБИБЦЯ МБJ1. xxx Schackelford; 2. AаЯ masa DelongаЯ qqqСБJд R33Ид R33ад ФБЧд 2/ХБЦд ЦБТБЦд "Stratford"ад ШБJе R33Ие ЪБJж R33Иж ЬБЭБLж R33&ж R33'ж R33аж аБЧж 2/бБЦж вБЮБЦж "Norwalk"аж дБJз R33Из жБJи R33Ии иБLи R33&и кБJй R33Ий мБнБLй R33&й R33'й R33ай рБЧй 25сБЦй тБоБЦй Captainай фБJк R33Ик цБLк R33&к R33ак щБЧк 2/ъБЦк ыБчБЦк "Norwalk"ак эБJл R33Ил яБ№БLл R33&л R33'л R33ал ѓБЧл 2/єБЦл ѕБёБЦл "Norwalk"ал qqqqqqqqqqВJм R33Им ВLм R33&м ВJн R30Ин В<r.Charles Dufresne, Jr..о ЈU(‚Duо  ВJо Ио В<r.Charles Dufresne, Sr..п ЈU(‚Duп  ВJп Ип ВJр Ир ВJс $325; N65Ис ВJт $325; N65Ит R40ат ВЧт 25ВЦт ВВЦт Deaconат ВJу $325; N65Иу R40ау ВЧу 2*В/$ВЦу ВВЦу ˜General Court of Plymouthау !В Colony; Grand Juror for ау "ВMarshfield, Massachusettsау ау N60ау %В#ВЦу &В>"of Marshfield, Massachusау etts"ау 'В}Prу 'ВBу *ВJф R40Иф ,ВJх R40Их .ВLх R40'х /В~Prх /ВBх qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAВJц R40Иц CВJч R40Ич R40ач FВЧч 2/GВЦч HВDВЦч IВ4Marshfield, Massachusettsач ач JВPrч JВBч MВJш R40Иш OВJщ R40Ищ QВLщ R40&щ London, Englandщ TВJъ UВ>R40326; N66Иъ Иъ WВJы XВ>R41326; N66Иы Иы ZВ[ВLы $326; N66&ы $326; N66'ы ]ВJь ^В>R41327; N67Иь Иь `ВaВLь $327; N67&ь $327; N67'ь cВJэ $326; N66Иэ eВfВLэ $326; N66&э $326; N66'э hВJю $327; N67Ию $327; N67аю kВЧю 2/lВЦю mВiВЦю "of Worcester"аю oВ<ougholas G. Chesebrough\я ЈU(‚Chя qВJя $327; N67Ия sВLя $327; N67&я qqqqqqqqqqqqВJ№ $327; N67И№ ƒВ‡ВL№ $327; N67&№ …ВjTusculum, Town of Worcest№ †Вer, Otsego County, New Yo№ rk№ $327; N67'№ ,Cooperstown, New York№ "24, 180а№ ‹ВЧ№ 2ŒВ*‘В/—ВЦ№ В‰ВЦ№ ŽВlAttorney; Postmaster, Worа№ Вcester, New York (1824-18а№ 36)а№ 24, 31а№ ’ВВЦ№ “ВžCircuit judge 1837-1845; а№ ”ВMember of State Assembly а№ •В1831, District Attorney 1а№ 837а№ (24, 25, 31а№ ˜В–ВЦ№ ™ВЎ"lived in Worcester [New а№ šВYork];" "White House Crosа№ ›Вsing Road;" "settled in Cа№ ooperstown"а№ В<CooperstownNew YorkU;№ .S.A;№ žВ€Pr№ žВB№ ЁВJё $327; N67Иё ЃВЄВLё $327; N67&ё $327; N67'ё ІВ< š†Anne Pomeroy Cooper\(ђ ЈU(‚Coђ ЈВJђ $327; N67Иђ ЊВЋВLђ $327; N67&ђ $327; N67'ђ $327; N67ађ ЎВЧђ 21ЏВЦђ АВЌВЦђ БВ^"niece of the novelist, Jађ ames Fenimore Cooper"ађ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСВJѓ $152; X48Иѓ УВJє $327; N67Иє ХВJѕ $327; N67Иѕ ЧВJі $327; N67Иі ЩВLі $327; N67&і $Milford, New Yorkі ЬВJї R41Иї ЮВJј R41Иј аВ< š†Mary Fanella Wright\(љ ЈU(‚Wrљ вВJљ R41Иљ дВеВLљ R41&љ R41'љ зВ< š†Edward Kirke Wright\(њ ЈU(‚Wrњ йВJњ R41Ињ лВмВLњ R41&њ R41'њ оВJћ R41Ић рВJќ R41Иќ тВфВLќ $R41, R42&ќ &Coventry, New Yorkќ R41'ќ 200аќ чВЧќ 2шВ)ыВ+юВ/єВ1јВЦќ щВхВЦќ "Portrait copyistаќ 200аќ ьВъВЦќ Prohibitionistаќ 200аќ яВэВЦќ №ВžChaplain, Johnson Post Noаќ ёВ. 25, Grand Army of the Rаќ ђВepublic, Worcester, New Yаќ orkаќ 200аќ ѕВѓВЦќ іВdEau Claire, Wisconsin; Woаќ rcester, New York (1873)аќ 200аќ љВїВЦќ ("had five children"аќ њВPrќ њВBќ qqqqГ<htJulia Susannah Wright\§ ЈU(‚Wr§ ГJ§ R41И§ ГГL§ R41&§ R41'§ ГJў Г4R42200Иў Иў 200аў ГЧў 21 ГЦў Г ГЦў ("had five children"аў ГJџ R42Иџ 41аџ ГЧџ 2-Г/ГЦџ ГГЦџ Levancheаџ 41аџ ГГЦџ (Worcester, New Yorkаџ ГJ B72И B72а ГЧ 2Г!Г-$Г/)Г1.ГЦ ГГЦ Farmerа B72а "Г ГЦ $Church of Englandа %ГPB72B103а &Г#ГЦ E77а 'ГHAaron, Arra, Awry, Iray, а Irra, Orraа B72а *Г(ГЦ +ГfHaldimand Township, Northа ,Гumberland County, Ontarioа а B72а /Г-ГЦ $"Twelve children"а 0Г‚Pr 0ГB ™še§ qqqqqqqqqqqqqAГJ B72И CГJ B72И EГGГL $B72, B75& Canada B75' IГ8Shiawassee County, Michig an B75а LГЧ 2/MГЦ NГJГЦ OГˆOwosso and Middlebury Towа PГnship, both in Shiawasseeа County, Michiganа QГƒPr QГB TГJ B72И VГXГL B75& Canada B75' ZГ8Shiawassee County, Michig an B75а ]ГЧ 2/^ГЦ _Г[ГЦ `ГˆOwosso and Middlebury Towа aГnship, both in Shiawasseeа County, Michiganа bГ„Pr bГB eГJ B75И gГL B75& England B75а kГЧ 28lГ/oГЦ mГiГЦ "about 70"а B75а pГnГЦ qГdHamilton Township, Northuа mberland County, Ontarioа rГ…Pr rГB КРb qqqqqqqqqqqГJ B75И ƒГL B75& Canada B75а ‡ГЧ 28ˆГ/‹ГЦ ‰Г…ГЦ "about 70"а B75а ŒГŠГЦ ГdHamilton Township, Northuа mberland County, Ontarioа ГJ &472; X102И ‘ГJ &472; X102И “ГJ &472; X102И •ГJ &472; X102И —ГJ &472; X102И ™ГJ šГ@472; X102B11И И œГ ГL Г>B11152; X48& & ŸГ4Columbia County, New York  ЁГZB11152; X48' B11A' ЃГ8Richfield Springs, New Yo rk B11Aа ІГЧ 2ЇГ ЌГ/БГ4КГЦ ЈГЄГЦ ЉГxTrustee of Universalist Cа ЊГhurch, Richfield Springs,а New Yorkа ­Г6B11B11Aа ЎГЋГЦ а ЏГbBloomfield Cemetery, Richа field Springs, New Yorkа ВГŠ472; X102B11,а ДГАГЦ ГГ B77152; X48а B11Aа ЕГф"dwelt in Warren, Herkimeа ЖГr Co., N.Y. (ca. 1796);" а ЗГ Otsego County (after 185а ИГ0); "Town of Columbia, Heа rkimer Co NY"а B11а ьЙГЦ ЛГ†Pr ЛГB B119\ НГd Р 8B120V175\ СГJ &472; X102И УГL $152; X48' ХГ8Richfield Springs, New Yo rk B11Aа ШГЧ 2 ЩГЦ ЪГЦГЦ ЫГbBloomfield Cemetery, Richа field Springs, New Yorkа ЭГJ &472; X102И ЯГаГL &472; X102& &473; X102' (Watertown, New York &472; X102а дГЧ 25еГ/иГЦ жГвГЦ Captainа &473; X102а йГзГЦ кГ†"They dwelt successively а лГin Warren, Hartwick, and а Watertown, N.Y."а мГ‡Pr мГB пГJ &472; X102И сГуГL &473; X102& *Sherman, Connecticut &473; X102' &473; X102а цГЧ 24чГ/ыГЦ Z ќшГфГЦ щГ<"... some say near New Haа ven"а &473; X102а ьГъГЦ эГ†"They dwelt successively а юГin Warren, Hartwick, and а Watertown, N.Y."а №ГJ $153; X48И ђГѓГL $153; X48& &472; X102' *Litchfield, New York &472; X102а їГЧ 21јГ-ћГЦ љГѕГЦ &"had six children"а &472; X102а ќГњГЦ Enockа qqqДJ ДJ472; X102153;И X48И ДL $153; X48& &472; X102а ДЧ 21ДЦ  ДДЦ &"had six children"а  ДJ &472; X102И ДДL Д@473; X102B93& & Д8Berks County, Massachuset ts &473; X102' ДtStewart's Patent, Town of Д Otsego, Otsego County, N ew York B93а ДЧ 2 Д/Д4"Д-%Д8)Д7-Д12ДЦ ДДЦ ДˆTwelve Thousand Cemetery,а Д Fly Creek Valley, Otsegoа County, New Yorkа &473; X102а ДДЦ ДtStewart's Patent, Town ofа Д Otsego, Otsego County, Nа ew Yorkа B93а "ї!Дє#ДЦ B96а &Д4B93B96а 'Д$ДЦ а Diadema, Dianaа *Д4B93B96а +Д(ДЦ а 51, 54а B96а "* ',Д/Д.ДЦ B93а 0ДD"Springfield, adjacent toа Otsego"а $153; X48а 3Д1ДЦ 4Д€"... probably sister to Eа 5Дlias Babcock who m. Hannaа h DeLong ..."а 6ДˆPr 6ДB qqqqqqqqAДJ &472; X102И CДDДL $153; X48& &472; X102' FД4Forestville, Pennsylvania  &472; X102а IДЧ 21JД4MДЦ KДGДЦ &"Had six children"а $153; X48а џLДЦ OДJ &472; X102И QДL $153; X48& SДJ &472; X102И UДJ &472; X102И WДL $153; X48& YДJ ZДJ472; X102153;И X48И \ДL $153; X48& 194а _ДЧ 2+`ДЦ aД]ДЦ bДFTrustee of East Worcesterа Cemeteryа dДJ &472; X102И fДL $153; X48& &474; X103а iДЧ 2/jД8nД-rДЦ kДgДЦ lДZ"dwelt at Manlius Square,а Madison Co., N.Y."а &474; X103а oДmДЦ pДF"somewhat younger [than Jа edediah]"а $153; X48а sДqДЦ Betsyа qqqqqqqqqqqqДJ &472; X102И &474; X103а „ДЧ 28…ДЦ †Д‚ДЦ ,"about seventy years"а ˆДJ &472; X102И ŠД‹ДL $153; X48& &475; X103' ."not far from Chicago" &475; X103а ДЧ 2/ДЦ ‘ДДЦ ’ДH"removed to Hiram, Portagа e Co., O."а “Д‰Pr “ДB –ДJ &472; X102И &474; X103а ™ДЧ 2šД/ДЦ ›Д—ДЦ Blacksmithа &474; X103а žДœДЦ ŸДL"of Little Lakes, Herkimeа r Co., N.Y."а ЁДJ &472; X102И ЃДJ &472; X102И ЅДJ &472; X102И ЇДJ &472; X102И &472; X102а ЊДЧ 21ЋДЦ ЌДЈДЦ ­ДZ"had two or three childreа n" with xxx Freemanа ЏДJ &472; X102И БДJ &472; X102И ђe B127\ ГДd PennsylvaniaY ЗДd B127\ B128\ ИДd (Mitchellville, IowaY B128\ ЛДd }Фb qqСДJ! &472; X102И! УДJ" &472; X102И" &472; X102а" ЦДЧ" 21ЧДЦ" ШДФДЦ" ""died unmarried"а" ЪДJ# &472; X102И# ЬДL# &472; X102'# ЮДNNear Warren, Herkimer Cou# nty, New York# # % eбДJ$ &472; X102И$ гДJ% &472; X102И% &472; X102а% жДЧ% 2/зДЦ% иДдДЦ% йД:"dwelt at Richfield Sprinа% gs"а% кДŠPr% кДB% нДJ& &473; X102И& пДJ' &473; X102И' сДJ( &473; X102И( уДфДL( &473; X102&( &473; X102'( цД4Forestville, Pennsylvania( ( шДJ) &473; X102И) ъДюДL) ыД:473, 475; X102-X103&) &) эДDWarren, Herkimer County, ) New York) &475; X103') №Д:Raught's Mills, Pennsylva) nia) B130\' ёДd' qqqqqqqqqqqqqЕJ* &473; X102И* ЕL* &475; X103'* Е:Raught's Mills, Pennsylva* nia* &475; X103а* ЕЧ* 2 Е/ ЕЦ*  ЕЕЦ* (Mason; lumber tradeа* &475; X103а*  Е ЕЦ* ЕdWatertown, New York; Raugа* ht's Mills, Pennsylvaniaа* Е‹Pr* ЕB* ЕJ+ &473; X102И+ ЕL+ &473; X102&+ ЕDWarren, Herkimer County, + New York+ ЕJ, &473; X102И, Е<ongephen Stewart DeLong\- ЈU(‚De- ЕJ- &473; X102И- ЕL- Е:473, 475; X102-X103&- &- &Columbia, New York- "ЕJ. &473; X102И. $ЕL. &475; X103&. &ЕJ/ &473; X102И/ (ЕL/ &473; X102&/ *ЕDWarren, Herkimer County, / New York/ &473; X102а/ -ЕЧ/ 21.ЕЦ/ /Е+ЕЦ/ 0ЕH"They had no children butа/ adopted."а/ sЦb+ $136; X40\- 2Еd- ОЧb. qqqqqqqqqqqAЕJ0 &473; X102И0 &473; X102а0 DЕЧ0 21EЕЦ0 FЕBЕЦ0 GЕH"They had no children butа0 adopted."а0 IЕ<ongroline Seeley DeLong\1 ЈU(‚De1 KЕJ1 &473; X102И1 MЕL1 &473; X102&1 &476; X104а1 PЕЧ1 2/QЕЦ1 RЕNЕЦ1 SЕ|Watertown, New York; viciа1 TЕnity of Raught's Mills, Pа1 ennsylvaniaа1 VЕJ2 &473; X102И2 XЕL2 &476; X104'2 ZЕDNear Raught's Mills, Penn2 sylvania2 &476; X104а2 ]ЕЧ2 2/^ЕЦ2 _Е[ЕЦ2 `Е|Watertown, New York; viciа2 aЕnity of Raught's Mills, Pа2 ennsylvaniaа2 cЕJ3 &473; X102И3 eЕJ4 &473; X102И4 gЕL4 &473; X102&4 &476; X104а4 jЕЧ4 2kЕ/nЕЦ4 lЕhЕЦ4 Insurance agentа4 &476; X104а4 oЕmЕЦ4 pЕvWatertown, New York; moveа4 qЕd to New Jersey near Philа4 adelphiaа4 $137; X40\0 rЕd0 &Kingston, New YorkY0 $137; X40а0 wЕЯ0 2 xЕЦ0 yЕuЕЦ0 zЕVFebruary 2, 1733 given asа0 date of marriageа0 $137; X41а3 2 }ЕЦ3 ~Е{ЕЦ3 ЕŒJohan Nicholas Rubertus mа3 Ёarried 1. Rachel DeLong; а3 ЕJ5 &473; X102И5 &476; X104а5 „ЕЧ5 2/…ЕЦ5 †Е‚ЕЦ5 ‡ЕvWatertown, New York; moveа5 ˆЕd to New Jersey near Philа5 adelphiaа5 ŠЕ<g†George Nelson DeLong\6 ЈU(‚De6 ŒЕJ6 &473; X102И6 ŽЕL6 &473; X102&6 &476; X104а6 ‘ЕЧ6 2/’ЕЦ6 “ЕЕЦ6 (Watertown, New Yorkа6 •ЕJ7 &473; X102И7 &476; X104а7 ˜ЕЧ7 2/™ЕЦ7 šЕ–ЕЦ7 (Watertown, New Yorkа7 œЕ<Longlotte Zenana DeLong\8 ЈU(‚De8 žЕJ8 &473; X102И8  ЕL8 &473; X102&8 &476; X104а8 ЃЕЧ8 2/ЄЕЦ8 ЅЕЁЕЦ8 (Watertown, New Yorkа8 ЇЕ< š†Frederick B. Schram\(9 ЈU(‚Sc9 ЉЕJ9 &476; X104И9 ЋЕЌЕL9 &476; X104&9 &476; X104'9 (Watertown, New York9 &476; X104а9 АЕЧ9 2БЕ/ДЕЦ9 ВЕЎЕЦ9 Livery businessа9 &476; X104а9 ЕЕГЕЦ9 (Watertown, New Yorkа9 qqqqqqqqqqСЕ<g†Homer Bradley DeLong\: ЈU(‚De: УЕJ: &473; X102И: ХЕL: ЦЕV473, 476; X102, X104&: B77&: &Hartwick, New York: ЬЕ@476; X104B11а: ЪЕЧ: 2/ЫЕЦ: ЭЕШЕЦ: а: ЮЕ~"may have resided Otsego а: ЯЕCo. [New York]; Janesvillа: e, Wisconsinа: аЕŒPr: аЕB: гЕJ; &473; X102И; &476; X104а; жЕЧ; 2/зЕЦ; иЕдЕЦ; ,Janesville, Wisconsinа; кЕ<g†Myron Brigham DeLong\< ЈU(‚De< мЕJ< &473; X102И< оЕL< &473; X102&< &477; X104а< сЕЧ< 2тЕ/цЕЦ< уЕпЕЦ< фЕ4Tinsmith; hardware dealerа< а< &477; X104а< чЕхЕЦ< 2Three Mile Bay, New Yorkа< щЕJ= &473; X102И= &477; X104а= ьЕЧ= 2/эЕЦ= юЕъЕЦ= 2Three Mile Bay, New Yorkа= №ЕJ> ёЕ@473; X102B94И> И> ѓЕL> єЕ@473; X102B94&> &> qqqqqqqqqqqЖJ? Ж@473; X102B94И? И? ЖPr? ЖB? ЖJ@ Ж@473; X102B94И@ И@ Ж ЖL@ Ж@473; X102B94&@ &@ B94'@ ,Springfield, New York@ B94а@ ЖЧ@ 2 Ж/Ж8Ж4ЖЦ@ Ж ЖЦ@ ЖˆTwelve Thousand Cemetery,а@ Ж Fly Creek Valley, Otsegoа@ County, New Yorkа@ &473; X102а@ ЖЖЦ@ 0"dw. Springfield, N.Y."а@ Ж4B94B96а@ ЖЖЦ@ а@ 54, 59а@ B96а@ ЖЦ@ ЖJA Ж@474; X103B94ИA ИA !Ж#ЖLA "Ж@474; X103B94&A &A B94'A %Ж@Residence of Uncle Damon A DelongA B94аA (ЖЧA 28)Ж-,ЖЦA *Ж&ЖЦA 49аA B94аA -Ж+ЖЦA MargaretаA .ЖŽPrA .ЖBA 1ЖJB 2Ж@473; X102B94ИB ИB 4Ж6ЖLB 5Ж@473; X102B94&B &B 7Ж@473; X102B94'B 'B <Ж@473; X102B94аB :ЖЧB 2/;ЖЦB =Ж8ЖЦB аB &"dw. Camden, N.Y."аB qqAЖJC BЖ@473; X102B94ИC ИC DЖJD EЖ@473; X102B94ИD ИD GЖLD HЖ@473; X102B94&D &D &473; X102аD KЖЧD 2/LЖЦD MЖIЖЦD ,"dw. Richfield, N.Y."аD F I J L P A S § eк PЖJE &473; X102ИE B94аE SЖЧE 2-TЖЦE UЖQЖЦE MarietteаE WЖJF XЖ@473; X102B94ИF ИF ZЖLF [Ж@473; X102B94&F &F &473; X102аF ^ЖЧF 2/_Ж1bЖЦF `Ж\ЖЦF ."dw. Burlington, N.Y."аF &473; X102аF cЖaЖЦF "had one child"аF eЖJG fЖ@473; X102B94ИG ИG &473; X102аG iЖЧG 21jЖЦG kЖgЖЦG "had one child"аG mЖJH &473; X102ИH oЖJI pЖ@474; X103B94ИI ИI rЖLI sЖ@474; X103B94&I &I B94аI vЖЧI 2/wЖЦI xЖtЖЦI 0Otsego County, New YorkаI yЖPrI yЖBI wneH џeI qqqЖJJ ‚Ж@474; X103B94ИJ ИJ „Ж†ЖLJ …Ж@474; X103B94&J &J ‡Ж@474; X103B94'J 'J B11AаJ ŠЖЧJ 2 ‹Ж/Ж8”ЖЦJ ŒЖˆЖЦJ ЖˆAllen's Lake Cemetery, ToаJ ŽЖwn of Springfield, OtsegoаJ County, New YorkаJ ‘Ж@474; X103B94аJ ’ЖЖЦJ аJ $"dw. Springfield"аJ B11AаJ bB•Ж“ЖЦJ –Ж641 years, 5 months, 7 dayаJ sаJ ˜ЖJK ™Ж@474; X103B94ИK ИK ›ЖJL œЖ@474; X103B94ИL ИL žЖLL &474; X103&L ЃЖ@474; X103B94аL ЁЖЧL 2/ЂЖ4ЉЖЦL ЄЖŸЖЦL аL ЅЖœ"dw. in Burlington, on thаL ІЖe Butternut Creek, near tаL ЇЖhe south line of the townаL ."аL B94аL JЈЖЦL ЋЖJM ЌЖ@474; X103B94ИM ИM БЖ@474; X103B94аM ЏЖЧM 2/АЖЦM ВЖ­ЖЦM аM ""dw. Burlington"аM qqqqqqqqqqqqqСЖJN ТЖf474; X102474;ИN УЖ X103B94ИN ИN ХЖJO ЦЖ@474; X103B94ИO ИO ШЖJP ЩЖ@474; X103B94ИP ИP ЫЖLP ЬЖ@474; X103B94&P &P &474; X103аP ЯЖЧP 21аЖ/гЖЦP бЖЭЖЦP 0"they had two children"аP &474; X102аP дЖвЖЦP $"dw. Springfield"аP еЖPrP еЖBP иЖJQ йЖ@474; X103B94ИQ ИQ лЖLQ &474; X103'Q CaliforniaQ сЖ@474; X103B94аQ пЖЧQ 2/рЖ1цЖЦQ тЖнЖЦQ аQ уЖŒ"went to California durinаQ фЖg the early gold excitemeаQ nt, and died there"аQ &474; X103аQ чЖхЖЦQ 0"they had two children"аQ щЖJR ъЖR473-474; X102-X103ИR B94ИR ьЖюЖLR эЖ4B94B96&R &R яЖ4B94B96'R 'R B94аR ђЖЧR 2 ѓЖ+јЖ8ћЖ-ЗЦR єЖ№ЖЦR ѕЖˆTwelve Thousand Cemetery,аR іЖ Fly Creek Valley, OtsegoаR County, New YorkаR B96аR љЖїЖЦR MasonsаR ќЖ4B94B96аR §ЖњЖЦR аR ўЖ670 years, 7 months, 5 dayаR sаR qB96аR ЗЗЦR LendolаR ЗJS З@474; X103B94ИS ИS ЗLS З@474; X103B94&S &S &474; X103аS ЗЧS 2/ ЗЦS  З ЗЦS З”"dwelt on the homestead oаS Зf his father [Stewart's PаS atent, Town of Otsego]"аS ЗJT З@474; X103B94ИT ИT ЗJU &474; X103ИU ЗLU &474; X103&U ЗJV &474; X103ИV ЗLV &474; X103&V ЗJW &474; X103ИW ЗJX &474; X103ИX ЗLX &474; X103&X "ЗJY &474; X103ИY $ЗLY &474; X103&Y &ЗJZ &474; X103ИZ (ЗJ[ &474; X103И[ *ЗL[ &474; X103&[ [ ] _ et -ЗJ\ &474; X103И\ /З<welllda Cynthia Caswell\] ЈU(‚Ca] 1ЗJ] &474; X103И] 3ЗL] &474; X103&] qqqqqqqqqqqqAЗJ^ &477; X104И^ CЗDЗL^ &477; X104&^ &477; X104'^ &474; X103а^ GЗЧ^ 26HЗЦ^ IЗEЗЦ^ Blathewickа^ KЗJ_ &474; X103И_ MЗL_ &474; X103&_ OЗJ` &474; X103И` QЗJa &474; X103Иa SЗJb &474; X103Иb &474; X103аb VЗЧb 21WЗЦb XЗTЗЦb $"had no children"аb ZЗJc &474; X103Иc &474; X103аc ]ЗЧc 25^З/aЗ1dЗЦc _З[ЗЦc Dr.аc &474; X103аc bЗ`ЗЦc $"of Little Lakes"аc &474; X103аc eЗcЗЦc fЗВ"had no children [with Arаc gЗmelia]. His daughter, Mrsаc hЗ. Amanda Adams, dwelt at аc Dixson, Ill."аc jЗJd &474; X103Иd &474; X103аd mЗЧd 2/nЗЦd oЗkЗЦd &"dw. Little Lakes"аd qЗJe &474; X103Иe sЗ8Kings County, New BrunswiYa ckYa =Яbc $157; X50\e uЗde Nova ScotiaYe qqqqqqqqЗJf &474; X103Иf ƒЗJg &474; X103Иg g h i j k eu †ЗJh &474; X103Иh ˆЗJi &475; X103Иi ŠЗJj &475; X103Иj ŒЗJk &475; X103Иk ŽЗJl &475; X103Иl ЗJm &475; X103Иm &475; X103аm “ЗЧm 2/”З1˜ЗЦm •З‘ЗЦm –ЗJ"dw. at Dubois, Clearfielаm d Co., Pa."аm &475; X103аm ™З—ЗЦm šЗ6"family of seven childrenаm "аm œЗJn &475; X103Иn &475; X103аn ŸЗЧn 21 ЗЦn ЁЗЗЦn ЂЗ6"family of seven childrenаn "аn ЄЗ< š†Myron Delong Raught\(o ЈU(‚Rao ІЗJo &475; X103Иo &475; X103аo ЉЗЧo 2/ЊЗЦo ЋЗЇЗЦo ."dw. Binghamton, N.Y."аo ­ЗJp &475; X103Иp ЏЗJq &475; X103Иq &475; X103аq ВЗЧq 2/ГЗЦq ДЗАЗЦq ЕЗH"dw. Raught's Mills [Pennаq sylvania]"аq $157; X50аk 2 ИЗЦk ЙЗЖЗЦk КЗ|Walter Thomas married: 1.аk ЛЗ Elizabeth Delong; 2. Eleаk anor Delongаk qqqqСЗJr &475; X103Иr УЗ<t†Joseph Morris Raught\s ЈU(‚Ras ХЗJs ЦЗD475; X103X105Иs AИs ШЗЫЗLs X105A&s ЪЗ^Heath Township, Jeffersons County, Pennsylvanias X105A's ЭЗ`Eldred Township, Jeffersos n County, Pennsylvanias ЯЗЧs 2 аЗЦs B sвЗбЗЦs X105Aаs гЗˆKahletown Cemetery, Eldreаs дЗd Township, Jefferson Couаs nty, Pennsylvaniaаs жЗ< š†Anna Elizabeth Long\(t ЈU(‚Lot иЗJt X105AИt кЗнЗLt X105A&t мЗHBenezette, Elk County, Pet nnsylvaniat X105A't пЗ`Eldred Township, Jeffersot n County, Pennsylvaniat сЗЧt 2 тЗ-шЗЦt В‡фЗуЗЦt X105Aаt хЗˆKahletown Cemetery, Eldreаt цЗd Township, Jefferson Couаt nty, Pennsylvaniaаt щЗD475; X103X105аt ъЗчЗЦt Cаt &Anne, Annie, Lydiaаt ьЗJu X105Иu &475; X103аu яЗЧu 2-№ЗЦu ёЗэЗЦu Roseаu qqqqqqqqqqqqqqИJv &475; X103Иv ИJw &475; X103Иw &475; X103аw ИЧw 2/ИЦw ИИЦw 2"dw. Brockwayville, Pa."аw  ИJx &475; X103Иx  ИJy &475; X103Иy &475; X103аy ИЧy 2/ИЦy И ИЦy ИF"dw. Brockwayville [Pennsаy ylvania]"аy ИJz &475; X103Иz И‘Prz ИBz ИJ{ &475; X103И{ ИJ| &475; X103И| ИJ} &475; X103И} &475; X103а} ИЧ} 28 ИЦ} !ИИЦ} "died young"а} #ИJ~ &475; X103И~ &475; X103а~ &ИЧ~ 2/'ИЦ~ (И$ИЦ~ )И<"dwelt at Bryant Station,а~ O."а~ +ИJ &475; X103И -ИJ€ &475; X103И€ /ИJ &475; X103И 1ИJ‚ &476; X104И‚ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAИJƒ &476; X104Иƒ CИJ„ &476; X104И„ &476; X104а„ FИЧ„ 2/GИЦ„ HИDИЦ„ ,"dw. Watertown, N.Y."а„ JИJ… &476; X104И… LИJ† &476; X104И† NИJ‡ &476; X104И‡ PИJˆ &476; X104Иˆ RИJ‰ &476; X104И‰ TИJŠ &476; X104ИŠ VИWИLŠ &476; X104&Š &476; X104'Š &476; X104аŠ ZИЧŠ 21[ИЦŠ \ИXИЦŠ "unmarried"аŠ ^ИJ‹ &476; X104И‹ `ИJŒ &477; X104ИŒ &477; X104аŒ cИЧŒ 2/dИЦŒ eИaИЦŒ 2Three Mile Bay, New YorkаŒ gИJ &477; X104И &477; X104а jИЧ 2/kИЦ lИhИЦ 2Three Mile Bay, New Yorkа nИ< š†Grace Amelia DeLong\(Ž ЈU(‚DeŽ pИJŽ &477; X104ИŽ rИLŽ &477; X104&Ž ЙЛe„ qqqqqqqqqqqqИJ &477; X104И ƒИL &477; X104& …ИJ &477; X104И ‡ИL &477; X104& ‰И< š†Jennie Edith DeLong\(‘ ЈU(‚De‘ ‹ИJ‘ &477; X104И‘ ИL‘ &477; X104&‘ И<erwickabeth Blatherwick\’ ЈU(‚Bl’ ‘ИJ’ &477; X104И’ “ИL’ &477; X104&’ •И<rwickNelson Blatherwick\“ ЈU(‚Bl“ —ИJ“ &477; X104И“ ™ИL“ &477; X104&“ ›И<rwickGordon Blatherwick\” ЈU(‚Bl” ИJ” &477; X104И” ŸИL” &477; X104&” ЁИJ• &477; X104И• ЃИL• &477; X104&• ЅИ<therwickiam Blatherwick\– ЈU(‚Bl– ЇИJ– &477; X104И– ЉИL– &477; X104&– – — ˜ ™ š › œ  eš ЌИ<rwick Ralph Blatherwick\— ЈU(‚Bl— ЎИJ— &477; X104И— АИL— &477; X104&— qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСИ<rwickAdelia Blatherwick\˜ ЈU(‚Bl˜ УИJ˜ &477; X104Ș ХИL˜ &477; X104&˜ ЧИ<rwick Allen Blatherwick\™ ЈU(‚Bl™ ЩИJ™ &477; X104И™ ЫИЬИL™ &477; X104&™ &477; X104'™ ЮИJš &477; X104Иš аИбИLš &477; X104&š &477; X104'š гИJ› &477; X104И› еИL› &477; X104&› зИ<k†Frank A. Blatherwick\œ ЈU(‚Blœ йИJœ &477; X104Иœ лИLœ &477; X104&œ нИ< š†Ella R. Blatherwick\( ЈU(‚Bl пИJ &477; X104И сИтИL &477; X104& &477; X104' фИJž B75Иž цИLž B75&ž Michiganž B75аž ъИЧž 24ыИ/эИ1ђИЦž JшИЦž B75аž юИьИЦž яИrOwosso Township. Shiawassаž №Иee County, Michigan (1898аž -1899)аž B75аž ѓИёИЦž єИ:"no ch[ildren] as of 1898аž -9"аž qqqqqqqqqqqЙJŸ B75ИŸ ЙJ  B75И  ЙL  B75&  ЙJЁ B75ИЁ  ЙJЂ B75ИЂ ЙLЂ B75&Ђ B75аЂ ЙЧЂ 24Й/ЙЦЂ P ЙЦЂ B75аЂ ЙЙЦЂ Й:Owosso, Michigan (1898-18аЂ 99)аЂ ЙJЃ B75ИЃ ЙLЃ B75&Ѓ B75аЃ ЙЧЃ 24Й/ЙЦЃ QЙЦЃ B75аЃ ЙЙЦЃ ЙP"Fairfield Tp." [MichiganаЃ ?] (1898-1899)аЃ !ЙJЄ B75ИЄ #ЙLЄ B75&Є B75аЄ &ЙЧЄ 24'Й/)Й1.ЙЦЄ T$ЙЦЄ B75аЄ *Й(ЙЦЄ +ЙrOwosso Township. ShiawassаЄ ,Йee County, Michigan (1898аЄ -1899)аЄ B75аЄ j/Й-ЙЦЄ $(or 1899) "2 ch."аЄ 1ЙJЅ B75ИЅ 3ЙLЅ B75&Ѕ B75аЅ 6ЙЧЅ 247Й19ЙЦЅ W4ЙЦЅ B75аЅ :Й8ЙЦЅ &"unmar. in 1898-9"аЅ qqqqqAЙJІ B75ИІ B75аІ DЙЧІ 21EЙЦІ FЙBЙЦІ "unm. 1898-9"аІ HЙJЇ B75ИЇ B75аЇ KЙЧЇ 21LЙЦЇ MЙIЙЦЇ "unm. 1898-9"аЇ OЙJЈ B75ИЈ B75аЈ RЙЧЈ 21SЙЦЈ TЙPЙЦЈ "unm. 1898-9"аЈ VЙJЉ B81ИЉ XЙ[ЙLЉ YЙ\B81C60A, C61&Љ C60A&Љ New York StateЉ C60A'Љ C60AаЉ ^ЙЧЉ 2 _Й4bЙЦЉ `Й\ЙЦЉ &Schenevus CemeteryаЉ B81аЉ "8aЙdЙcЙЦЉ B163аЉ &Maryland, New YorkаЉ Unknown;Љ gЙJЊ B84ИЊ iЙLЊ jЙ6B84B100&Њ &Њ VermontЊ B86аЊ nЙЧЊ 2oЙrЙ/uЙ4}Й1€ЙЦЊ pЙlЙЦЊ FarmerаЊ B86аЊ sЙqЙЦЊ MethodistаЊ vЙLB84, B86B100,аЊ wЙtЙЦЊ B103аЊ xЙјClarence, Niagara County,аЊ yЙ New York (1820); Erie CoаЊ zЙunty, New York (1826); MaаЊ {Йriposa Township, VictoriaаЊ County, Ontario (1830)аЊ B100аЊ :љ|ЙЦЊ E77аЊ qЙ~ЙЦЊ 12 childrenаЊ ‚Й’PrЊ ‚ЙBЊ …ЙJЋ $B84, B86ИЋ ‡ЙLЋ $B84, B86&Ћ MassachusettsЋ B86аЋ ‹ЙЧЋ 2ŒЙ4Й/‘ЙЦЋ Й‰ЙЦЋ MethodistаЋ B84аЋ јŽЙЦЋ $B84, B86аЋ ’ЙЙЦЋ “ЙМClarence, Niagara County,аЋ ”Й New York (1820); MariposаЋ •Йa Township, Victoria CounаЋ ty, Ontario (1830)аЋ –Й“PrЋ –ЙBЋ ™ЙJЌ B86ИЌ ›ЙЙLЌ B86&Ќ New York StateЌ B87'Ќ B87аЌ  ЙЧЌ 2/ЁЙЦЌ ЂЙžЙЦЌ ЃЙžMariposa Township, VictorаЌ ЄЙia County, Ontario (1830)аЌ ЅЙ; Castleton, Michigan (18аЌ 55)аЌ ІЙ”PrЌ ІЙBЌ ЉЙ<g†Joseph Atwood Delong\­ ЈU(‚De­ ЋЙJ­ B86И­ ­ЙL­ $B86, B90&­ ,Erie County, New York­ B90а­ БЙЧ­ 2ВЙ/ЕЙ-ЛЙЦ­ ГЙЏЙЦ­ $English Methodistа­ B90а­ ЖЙДЙЦ­ ЗЙЊVictoria County, Ontario а­ ИЙ(1830); Wheatland Townshiа­ ЙЙp, Mecosta County, Michigа­ an (1864)а­ B90а­ МЙКЙЦ­ Atwoodа­ НЙ•Pr­ НЙB­ qСЙJЎ B86ИЎ B86аЎ ФЙЧЎ 2/ХЙ-ШЙЦЎ ЦЙТЙЦЎ "of Mariposa"аЎ E77аЎ ЩЙЧЙЦЎ LovicaаЎ ЪЙ–PrЎ ЪЙBЎ ЭЙJЏ B86ИЏ B86аЏ аЙЧЏ 2/бЙЦЏ вЙЮЙЦЏ "of Mariposa"аЏ дЙJА B86ИА жЙLА B87&А иЙXMariposa Township, VictorА ia County, OntarioА B87аА лЙЧА 2/мЙЦА нЙйЙЦА оЙT"of Mariposa;" Castleton,аА Michigan (1855)аА пЙ—PrА пЙBА тЙJБ B86ИБ фЙLБ B90&Б цЙ>Northumberland County, OnБ tarioБ шЙJВ B88ИВ щЙ˜PrВ щЙBВ ьЙJГ B88ИГ юЙLГ B88&Г CanadaГ B88аГ ђЙЧГ 24ѓЙЦГ ;№ЙЦГ qqqqqqqqqqqqКJД B88ИД КLД B88&Д CanadaД B88аД КЧД 2-КЦД  ККЦД TryphenaаД К™PrД  КBД  КJЕ B88ИЕ КLЕ B88&Е MichiganЕ B88аЕ КЧЕ 2/КЦЕ ККЦЕ КVCastleton Township, BarryаЕ County, MichiganаЕ КšPrЕ КBЕ КJЖ B88ИЖ КLЖ B88&Ж MichiganЖ КJЗ B88ИЗ !КLЗ B88&З "К›PrЗ "КBЗ %КJИ B88ИИ 'КJЙ B88ИЙ )К,КLЙ B88&Й +КDNashville, Barry County, Й MichiganЙ B88'Й .КHGrand Ledge, Eaton CountyЙ , MichiganЙ B88аЙ 1КЧЙ 22К6К89К5<КЦЙ 3К/КЦЙ 4КJFree Methodist minister fаЙ or 48 yearsаЙ B88аЙ 7К5КЦЙ Free MethodistаЙ B88аЙ :К8КЦЙ 73 yearsаЙ B88аЙ =К;КЦЙ Rev.аЙ >КœPrЙ q>КBЙ BКJК B88ИК CКPrК CКBК FКJЛ B88ИЛ GКžPrЛ GКBЛ JКJМ B88ИМ LКJН B88ИН NКLН B88&Н OКŸPrН OКBН RКJО B88ИО TКJП B88ИП VКLП B88&П B88аП YКЧП 2-ZК4]КЦП [КWКЦП PermeliaаП B88аП B\КЦП П Р С Т У Ф eЊ `КJР B89ИР bКLР B89&Р B89аР eКЧР 24fКЦР EcКЦР gК PrР gКBР jКJС B89ИС lКLС B89&С MichiganС B89аС pКЧС 24qКЦС HnКЦС rКЁPrС rКBС qqqqqqqqqqqqКJТ B89ИТ ƒКLТ B89&Т MichiganТ B89аТ ‡КЧТ 24ˆКЦТ K…КЦТ ŠКJУ B89ИУ ŒКLУ B89&У B89аУ КЧУ 24К-’КЦУ MКЦУ B89аУ “К‘КЦУ CharlesаУ ”КЂPrУ ”КBУ —КJФ B89ИФ ™КLФ B89&Ф MichiganФ B89аФ КЧФ 24žКЦФ Q›КЦФ  КJХ B90ИХ ЂКLХ B90&Х VermontХ ЅКJЦ B90ИЦ ЇКLЦ B90&Ц IrelandЦ ЊКJЧ B90ИЧ ЌКLЧ B90&Ч OntarioЧ ЏКJШ B90ИШ БКJЩ B90ИЩ ГКLЩ B90&Щ OntarioЩ B90аЩ ЗКЧЩ 2-ИК/МКЦЩ ЙКЕКЦЩ КК8Eleyann, Lisa Ann, Aliza аЩ A.аЩ B90аЩ НКЛКЦЩ ОКZWheatland Township, MecosаЩ ta County, MichiganаЩ 2 pЁЦЩ РКЃPrЩ РКBЩ УКJЪ B90ИЪ ХКJЫ B90ИЫ ЧКJЬ B90ИЬ ЩКLЬ B90&Ь ЪКЄPrЬ ЪКBЬ ЭКJЭ B91ИЭ ЯКLЭ B91&Э B91аЭ вКЧЭ 2-гКЦЭ дКаКЦЭ $Albert; Alfred J.аЭ еКЅPrЭ еКBЭ иКJЮ B91ИЮ B91аЮ лКЧЮ 2-мКЦЮ нКйКЦЮ LillieаЮ пКJЯ B91ИЯ сК4Montcalm County, MichiganЯ Я B91аЯ фКЧЯ 2-хКЦЯ цКтКЦЯ BurtаЯ чКІPrЯ чКBЯ ъКJа B91Иа ьКLа B91&а юК4Montcalm County, Michiganа а B91аа ёКЧа 2/ђК1іКЦа ѓКяКЦа єК6Seattle, Washington (1970аа )аа B91аа їКѕКЦа "unm."аа qqqqqqqqЛJб B91Иб ЛLб B91&б Л4Montcalm County, Michiganб б B91аб ЛЧб 2/ ЛЦб  ЛЛЦб ЛF"Six Lake near Edmore, Miаб ch. 1970"аб  ЛJв B91Ив ЛЛLв B91&в B91'в ЛJг B91Иг ЛЛLг B91&г Canadaг B91'г г к л т ш ь eЋ ЛJд B91Ид ЛLд B91&д Michiganд B91ад ЛЧд 2/ ЛЦд !ЛЛЦд "ЛhWheatland Township, Mecosад #Лta County, Michigan (1900ад )ад %ЛJе B91Ие 'ЛLе B91&е Michiganе B91ае +ЛЧе 24,Л-.ЛЦе [)ЛЦе B91ае /Л-ЛЦе Bertае 1ЛJж B91Иж 3ЛLж B91&ж Michiganж B91аж 7ЛЧж 248Л/:ЛЦж _5ЛЦж B91аж ;Л9ЛЦж 0Edmore, Michigan (1966)аж qqqqAЛJз B91Из CЛLз B91&з Michiganз B91аз GЛЧз 24HЛ-JЛ/MЛЦз dEЛЦз B91аз KЛIЛЦз Emma A.аз B91аз NЛLЛЦз 0Edmore, Michigan (1966)аз OЛЇPrз OЛBз RЛJи B91Ии TЛLи B91&и Michiganи B91аи XЛЧи 24YЛ/[ЛЦи iVЛЦи B91аи \ЛZЛЦи 0Edmore, Michigan (1966)аи ^ЛJй B91Ий `ЛaЛLй B91&й B91'й B91ай dЛЧй 24eЛ-gЛЦй kbЛЦй B91ай hЛfЛЦй Gladdiesай й eЖ kЛJк B91Ик mЛLк B91&к Canadaк B91ак qЛЧк 21rЛЦк sЛoЛЦк "d. unmar."ак qqqqqqqqqqqqЛJл B91Ил ƒЛLл B91&л Canadaл B91ал ‡ЛЧл 2/ˆЛЦл ‰Л…ЛЦл ,"to Wash. state 1905"ал ‹ЛJм B91Им ЛJн B91Ин ЛLн B91'н ‘ЛJо B91Ио B91ао ”ЛЧо 2/•ЛЦо –Л’ЛЦо —Л4"res. Wash. [state] 1966"ао ао ™ЛJп B91Ип B91ап œЛЧп 2/ЛЦп žЛšЛЦп ŸЛ4"res. Wash. [state] 1966"ап ап ЁЛJр B91Ир ЃЛLр B91'р ЅЛJс B91Ис ЇЛLс B91'с с eЗ ЊЛJт B92Ит ЌЛЎЛLт B92&т Canadaт B92'т B92ат БЛЧт 2ВЛЦт ГЛЏЛЦт "A preacher"ат qqqqqqqqqqqqСЛJу B92Иу B92ау ФЛЧу 2/ХЛЦу ЦЛТЛЦу ЧЛ4"of Snowhomish Wash 1966"ау ау ЩЛJф B92Иф ЫЛLф B92'ф ЭЛJх B92Их ЯЛLх B92'х бЛJц B92Иц гЛLц B92&ц (Frankfort, Michiganц B92ац зЛЧц 2/иЛЦц йЛеЛЦц кЛ6Frankfort, Michigan (1966ац )ац мЛJч B92Ич B92ач пЛЧч 2/рЛЦч сЛнЛЦч *"Benzonia Mich 1966"ач ц eИ фЛJш B92Иш цЛLш B92&ш Michiganш B92аш ъЛЧш 2ыЛ/юЛЦш ьЛшЛЦш "Preacher"аш B92аш яЛэЛЦш Michigan (1900)аш ёЛJщ B92Ищ ѓЛLщ B92&щ Michiganщ ^UWYeф qqqqqqqqqqМJъ B92Иъ МLъ B92&ъ М4Montcalm County, Michiganъ ъ B92аъ МЧъ 2 М/ МЦъ  ММЦъ М`"taught at Western Michigаъ an College, Kalamazoo"аъ B92аъ М МЦъ М6Frankfort, Michigan (1966аъ )аъ МJы B92Иы МLы B92&ы B92аы МЧы 24М/МЦы bМЦы B92аы ММЦы 2"Of Rockford, Ill. 1966"аы МJь B92Иь МLь B92&ь 2Mecosta County, Michiganь B92аь "МЧь 2#М/&М1*МЦь $М МЦь "preacher"аь B92аь 'М%МЦь (МL"Homesteaded at Park Beg,аь Sask. 1909"аь B92аь +М)МЦь ,Мz"He md 1st _____ _____ whаь -Мo d. 1904. Md 2nd 1905 __аь ___ _____"аь /МJэ B92Иэ 1МLэ B92'э qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAМJю B92Ию B92аю DМЧю 2/EМ1HМЦю FМBМЦю ("Windsor Ont. 1966"аю B92аю IМGМЦю "Md. twice"аю KМJя B92Ия B92ая NМЧя 2 OМЦя PМLМЦя "killed WW II"ая RМJ№ B92И№ TМJё B92Иё VМLё B92&ё B92аё YМЧё 2ZМ/]М1`МЦё [МWМЦё "preacher"аё B92аё ^М\МЦё 0Edmore, Michigan (1966)аё B92аё aМ_МЦё bМX"md. _____ _____ b ca 190аё 0 ... 5 children""аё dМL528 East Main StreetEdm;ё oreMichigan;ё eМЈPrё eМBё hМJђ B92Иђ jМJѓ B92Иѓ lМJє B92Иє nМJѕ B92Иѕ B92аѕ qМЧѕ 2/rМЦѕ sМoМЦѕ ,"of Chester Pa. 1966"аѕ qqqqqqqqqqqqМJі B92Иі B92аі „МЧі 2/…МЦі †М‚МЦі ‡М8"in Brantford Ontario 196аі 6"аі і ї ј e ŠМJї B92Иї B92аї МЧї 2/ŽМЦї М‹МЦї М4"in Dryden, Ontario 1966"аї аї ’МJј B92Иј B92ај •МЧј 2/–МЦј —М“МЦј 0"in E. LeRoy Mich 1966"ај ™МJљ B93Иљ B93аљ œМЧљ 2/МЦљ žМšМЦљ ŸМh"of Stonington Ct. who moаљ  Мved to Otsego Co in 1793.аљ "аљ ЂМJњ B93Ињ B93ањ ЅМЧњ 2/ІМЦњ ЇМЃМЦњ ЈМh"of Stonington Ct. who moањ ЉМved to Otsego Co in 1793.ањ "ањ ЋМJћ B94Ић ­МLћ B94&ћ B94аћ АМЧћ 24БМЦћ 2ЎМЦћ ВМЉPrћ ВМBћ qqqqqqqqqqqqСМJќ B94Иќ УМLќ B94&ќ B94аќ ЦМЧќ 24ЧМЦќ 3ФМЦќ ШМЊPrќ ШМBќ ЫМJ§ B94И§ ЭМL§ B94&§ ЮМЋPr§ ЮМB§ бМJў B97Иў гМLў дМ>B97151; X47&ў &ў йМ>B97151; X47аў зМЧў 2/иМЦў кМеМЦў аў лМІMinden, Montgomery Countyаў мМ, New York (1800 to 1810 аў нМor 1814); Herkimer Countyаў (1820)аў оМЌPrў оМBў сМJџ B97Иџ уМLџ $163; X53&џ &Fishkill, New Yorkџ ,162-163; X53аџ чМЧџ 2 шМэМ/ѕМ1Н3 НЦџ щМхМЦџ ъМš1st Regiment of the Contiаџ ыМnental Line; 12th Regimenаџ ьМt of Albany County Militiаџ aаџ "ВсяМюМтяђМёМЦџ $163; X53аџ №МDFirst Reformed Church of аџ Hopewellаџ $162; X53аџ ѓМFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаџ ed Churchаџ іМXB97B11аџ їМєМЦџ 163; X53аџ јМjStillwater, Poughkeepsie,аџ љМ Half Moon (1790), Fort Pаџ њМlain, Oxford, Pitcher, Spаџ ћМringfield (1800) and Pembаџ ќМroke (1840), New York (18аџ §М00); Oxford, Chenango Couаџ ўМnty (1812-14 to at least аџ 1832)аџ qB97аџ "ННННЦџ Н>"He had three sons b 1784аџ -90."аџ $163; X53аџ Нx"He probably had about seаџ Нven children but none areаџ proven."аџ $163; X53аџ Вс ННЦџ НBPeter Vandewater and Eggeаџ DeLongаџ Н­Prџ  НBџ НJИННL&'НJ$151; X47ИНJ$151; X47ИНL$151; X47&Н6B105B11аНЧ2/НЦННЦаНREdmeston, Otsego County, аNew York (1810)а!НJ$151; X47И#НL$151; X47&%НJ$151; X47И'НJ$151; X47И)НL$151; X47&+НJ$151; X47И-НJ$151; X47И/НL$151; X47&0НЎPr0НB$187; X65\2Нd(Sharon, ConnecticutYqqqqqqqqqqqAНJ$151; X47ИCНJ $151; X47И EНL $151; X47& GН<rfJohannis W. Devendorf\ ЈU(‚De IНJ $151; X47И KНJ $151; X47И MНL $151; X47&   eЖ PНJ $151; X47И RНJ $151; X47И TНL $151; X47& VНJ$151; X47ИXНJ$151; X47ИZНL$151; X47&\НJ$151; X47И^НJ$151; X47И`НL$151; X47&bНJ$151; X47ИdНJ$151; X47ИfНL$151; X47&hНJ$151; X47ИjНJ$151; X47ИlНL$151; X47&nНJ$151; X47ИpНJ$151; X47ИrНL$151; X47&B11аuНЧ2/vНЦwНsНЦxН^Edmeston, Otsego County, аNew York (1810, 1820)а$189; X66\ yНd qqqqqНJ$151; X47ИƒНJ$151; X47И…НL$151; X47&$M  &"eЦˆНJ$151; X47ИŠНJ$151; X47ИŒНJ$151; X47ИŽНL$151; X47&НJ$151; X47И’НJ$151; X47И”НJ$151; X47И–НL$151; X47&˜НJ $151; X47И šНL $151; X47& $151; X47а НЧ 2-žНЦ ŸН›НЦ  Arieа ЁНJ!$151; X47И!ЃНJ"$151; X47И"ЅНL"$151; X47&"ЇНJ#$151; X47И#ЉНJ$$151; X47И$ЋНJ%$151; X47И%­НJ&$152; X48И&ЏНL&$152; X48&&БНJ'$152; X48И'ВНЏPr'ВНB'$194; X69\ ДНd ЗНPFirst Dutch Reformed ChurY ch of HopewellY $194; X69\"ИНd"qqqqqqСНJ($181; X62И(УНФНL($181; X62&($181; X62'($181; X62а(ЧНЧ(2 ШН8ЭНЦ(ЩНХНЦ(ЪН|Emerson's Corners Cemeterа(ЫНy, Wilton, Saratoga Countа(y, New Yorkа($181; X62а(ЮНЬНЦ(ЯН873 years, 4 months, 24 daа(ysа(аНАPr(аНB(гНJ)$181; X62И)еНL)$181; X62&)зНJ*$181; X62И*йНJ+$182; X63И+лНмНL+$182; X63&+$182; X63'+сН<182; C63Z5а+пНЧ+2/рНЦ+тНнНЦ+а+2Cornwall, Vermont (1800)а+уНБPr+уНB+цНJ,$182; X63И,шНJ-$182; X63И-ъНJ.$182; X63И.ьНэНL.$182; X63&.$182; X63'.яНJ/&182; ;X63И/$182; X63а/ђНЧ/2-ѓНЦ/єН№НЦ/ Chloeа/Z7].ѕНd.,Weehawken, New JerseyZ.qqqqqqqqОJ0$182; X63И0ОJ1$182; X63И1ОL1$182; X63&1ОJ2$182; X63И2 ОJ3$182; X63И3 ОL3$182; X63&3 ОJ4$182; X63И4ОJ5$182; X63И5ОL5$182; X63&5ОJ6$182; X63И6ОJ7$182; X63И7ОL7$182; X63&778:<>eв ОJ8$182; X63И8ОL8$182; X63&8ОJ9$182; X63И9 ОJ:$182; X63И:"ОL:$182; X63&:$ОJ;$182; X63И;&ОJ<$182; X63И<(ОL<$182; X63&<*О<e†Electa S. Woodbridge\=ЈU(‚Wo=,ОJ=$182; X63И=.ОJ>$182; X63И>0ОL>$182; X63&>$X81, X84\11Оd14О@Gagetown, New Brunswick, Y1CanadaY17ОFX81, X8557; X\25Оd287\29ОBSheffield, New Brunswick,Y2 CanadaY2X81\3:Оd3X81\4<Оd4X85\8>Оd8AОJ?$182; X63И?CОL?$182; X63&?EОJ@$182; X63И@GОJA$182; X63ИAIОLA$182; X63&AKОЧA2LО3PОЦAŠєNОMОЦA$182; X63аAHillsdaleаA$182; X63аAŠєQОOОЦARОLDavid Bonesteel and BarbaаAra BonesteelаATОJB$182; X63ИB$182; X63аBWОЧB2/XОЦBYОUОЦB"of Troy, NY"аB[ОJC\О4181-182; X62-X63ИCИC^ОLC$182; X63&C&182; ;X63аCaОЧC2/bО1fО-iОЦCcО_ОЦCdО^"of Troy" (1818); "They wаCent Troy NY ca. 1820"аC$182; X63аCgОeОЦC""had 2 children"аC$182; X63аCjОhОЦCLorendaаClОJD$182; X63ИD$182; X63аDoОЧD25pО/sО1wОЦDqОmОЦDDr.аD$182; X63аDtОrОЦDuОR"of NY;" "They went to TrаDoy NY ca. 1820"аD$182; X63аDxОvОЦD""had 2 children"аDqqqqqqqОJE$182; X63ИEƒО„ОLE$182; X63&E$182; X63'E‰О<182; X63Z5аE‡ОЧE2/ˆОЦEŠО…ОЦEаE2Cornwall, Vermont (1800)аEEeЧŒОВPrEŒОBEОJF$182; X63ИF‘ОJG$182; X63ИG“ОJH&172; C423ИH•ОJI&172; C423ИI—ОJJ&172; C423ИJ™ОLJ&172; C423&J›ОJK&172; C423ИKОžОLK&172; C423&K&172; C423'K ОJL&172; C423ИLЂОJM&172; C423ИMЄОJN&172; C423ИN&172; C423аNЇОЧN2/ЈОЦNЉОЅОЦN&Westford, New YorkаNЊОГPrNЊОBN­ОJO&172; C423ИOЏОJP&172; C423ИPБОJQ&172; C423ИQqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСОJR&172; C423ИRУОJS&172; C423ИSХОJT&172; C423ИTЧОLT&172; C423&TЩОJU&172; C423ИUЫОЬОLU&172; C423&U&172; C423'UЮОJV&172; C423ИVаОJW&172; C423ИWвОJX&172; C423ИXдОJY&172; C423ИYжОзОLY&172; C423&Y&172; C423'YйОJZкОL172; C423127;ИZ C400ИZмОоОLZнО<127, 172; C400, C423&Z&Z&172; C423'ZрОJ[&172; C423И[тОJ\&172; C423И\фОхОL\&172; C423&\&172; C423'\чОJ]&172; C423И]щОъОL]&172; C423&]&172; C423']ьОJ^&172; C423И^Тež яОJ_&172; C423И_ёОJ`&172; C423И`/eT&127; C400\`ѓОd`qqqqqqqqqqqПJa&172; C423ИaПJb&172; C423ИbПJc&172; C423ИcПJd&172; C423Иd ПJe&172; C423Иe ПJf&172; C423Иf ПJg&172; C423ИgПLg&172; C423&gПJh&172; C423ИhППLh&172; C423&h&172; C423'hПJi&172; C423ИiПJj&172; C423ИjПJk&149; C411ИkПJlП<149, 172; C411, C423ИlИlПJm&172; C423Иm!ПJn&172; C423Иn#ПJo&172; C423Иo%ПJp&172; C423Иp'ПJq&172; C423Иq)ПJr&172; C423Иr+ПJs&172; C423Иs-ПJt&172; C423Иt/ПJuB107Иu1ПJvB107Иv&127; C400\d2Пdd&127; C400\e4Пde&127; C400\g6Пdg&127; C400\h8Пdh&127; C400\i:Пdi&127; C400\j<Пdj&127; C400\l>ПdlAПJwBП6B108B51ИwИwDПLwB108&wFПJxB108ИxHПLxB108&xJПJyB108ИyLПLyB108&yNПJzB108ИzPПJ{B108И{RПJ|B108И|TПUПL|B69D&|B108'|B108а|XПЧ|28YПЦ|т‘ZПVПЦ|[П865 years, 9 months, 2 daа|ysа|]ПJ}B108И}_ПJ~B108И~aПL~B108'~B108а~dПЧ~28eПЦ~ВyfПbПЦ~&18 years, 8 monthsа~hПJB108ИjПLB108&lПJ€mП8B108B69DИ€И€B108а€pПЧ€26qПЦ€rПnПЦ€Mcleonа€qqqqqqqqqqqqqПJB108ИB108а„ПЧ2-…ПЦ†П‚ПЦMrs. C.C. RockаˆПJ‚‰П8B108B69DИ‚И‚‹ПJƒB108ИƒПLƒŽП8B108B69E&ƒ&ƒ(Starksboro, Vermontƒ‘ПJ„’П8B108B69EИ„И„”ПL„•П8B108B69E&„&„(Starksboro, Vermont„B69Eа„™ПЧ„2-šПЦ„›П—ПЦ„ Linnа„П<longiam Franklin Delong\…ЈU(‚De…ŸПJ… П8B108B69EИ…И…ЂПL…B108&…B69Eа…ЅПЧ…2-ІПЦ…ЇПЃПЦ… Frankа…ЉПJ†B108И†ЋПL†ЌП8B108B69E&†&†(Starksboro, Vermont†ЏПJ‡АП8B108B69EИ‡И‡ВПL‡ГП8B108B69E&‡&‡(Starksboro, Vermont‡qqqqqqqqqqqСПJˆТП8B108B69EИˆИˆФПLˆХП8B108B69E&ˆ&ˆ(Starksboro, VermontˆB69EаˆЩПЧˆ2-ЪПЦˆЫПЧПЦˆ ClaraаˆЭП<g†William Henry Delong\‰ЈU(‚De‰ЯПJ‰аП8B108B69EИ‰И‰вПL‰гП8B108B69E&‰&‰(Starksboro, Vermont‰жПJŠB108ИŠиПLŠйП8B108B69E&Š&Š(Starksboro, VermontŠмПJ‹B116И‹оПрПL‹B116&‹New York‹B118'‹C32а‹уПЧ‹2фП чП4ьП/ёП8љПЦ‹хПсПЦ‹Farmerа‹B118а‹шПцПЦ‹щПzLocust Point Cemetery, Caа‹ъПrroll Township, Ottawa Coа‹unty, Ohioа‹B116а‹"ћыПќяПэПЦ‹юП8B116B116а‹а‹$(or October 1788)а‹ђП6B32B116а‹ѓП№ПЦ‹а‹єПоIllinois; Vermont (1823 oа‹ѕПr 1824); Huron County, Ohа‹іПio; Sandusky County, Ohioа‹їП (1830); Ottawa County, Oа‹hio (1840)а‹B118а‹њПјПЦ‹&65 years, 3 monthsа‹ћПДPr‹ћПB‹qqqРJŒB116ИŒРРLŒ(B116, B119&ŒNew YorkŒC37'ŒРJBelmont, LaFayette CountyŒ, WisconsinŒ РXC32C39аŒ РЧŒ2 Р Р*Р4 Р5"Р/&Р8/Р.2РЦŒ РРЦŒ814; C39аŒРHFarmer; mining; teamster аŒfor minersаŒB119аŒРРЦŒРj"served in War of 1812;" аŒР"Captain in Black Hawk WaаŒr"аŒР@476; C40B119аŒРРЦŒаŒРdSupervisor of Roads, EdwaаŒРrds County, Illinois (182аŒР1); School Inspector, DisаŒРtrict No. 3, Iowa County,аŒР Wisconsin (1839); MemberаŒР of Wisconsin State AssemаŒРbly; other elective officаŒesаŒB116аŒРЦŒ#Р>C33814; C39аŒ$Р!РЦŒаŒColonelаŒ'Р6C32B116аŒ(Р%РЦŒаŒ)РWestford, New York; GerryаŒ*Р, Chautauqua County, New аŒ+РYork (1813); Edwards CounаŒ,Рty, Illinois (1817); BelmаŒ-Рont, LaFayette County, WiаŒsconsin (1831)аŒC37аŒ0Р.РЦŒ""about 65 years"аŒC37аŒђ>3Р1РЦŒCholeraаŒ4РЕPrŒ4РBŒqqqqqqqqqqAРJB116ИCРEРL(B116, B121&New YorkB122'GР8Warren County, Pennsylvania(B121, B122аJРЧ2KР4NР/PР6XРЦLРHРЦInnkeeperаB116аMРЦ(B116, B121аQРOРЦRР Chautauqua County, New YoаSРrk (1817); Town of AngeliаTРca, Allegany County, New аUРYork (1820); Deerfield, WаVРarren County, Pennsylvaniаa (1830)аB121аYРWРЦDe LongаZРЖPrZРB]РJŽ^Р`B116C30-C31ИŽC32-C33ИŽC30аŽaРЧŽ2bР/eРЦŽcР_РЦŽMethodistаŽC30аŽfРdРЦŽgРvWestford, New York; SwedeаŽhРn, Monroe County, New YorаŽk (1841)аŽiРЗPrŽiРBŽlРJB116ИnРrРLoР4B116, B121, B122&&qРNJamestown, Chautauqua County, New YorkB123'tРBMitchellville, Polk County, IowaB123аwРЧ2 xР/{Р6„РЦyРuРЦ.'with husband [Iowa?]"а&B121-B123а|РzРЦ}РDeerfield, Warren County,а~Р Pennsylvania; Cambridge,а€Р Henry County, Illinois (аqР1854); Washington Townshiа‚Рp, Jasper County, Iowa (1а880)аB130а…РƒРЦDelongа†РИPr†РB‰РJŠР6C30C60GИИŒРŽРLC60G&New York StateР8C60GC60H''C60Gа’РЧ2 “Р8—Р4œР6žРЦ”РРЦ•РPElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cаreek, New Yorkа˜Р8C60GC60HаŠN™Р–РЦаšР864 years, 2 months, 17 daаysаO204а›РЦC67AаŸРРЦ Husenа РЙPr РBЃРJ‘ЄР6C31O208И‘И‘ІРЈРL‘C60G&‘New York State‘0C60G'‘&Maryland, New York‘C60Gа‘ЌРЧ‘2 ­Р/БР8ЕРЦ‘ЎРЊРЦ‘ЏРPElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cа‘reek, New Yorkа‘C30а‘ВРАРЦ‘ГР4Westford, New York (1841)а‘а‘C60Gа‘ NЖРДРЦ‘ЗР853 years, 8 months, 14 daа‘ysа‘ИРКPr‘ИРB‘КРуQr &130; C402\‘ЛРd‘qqqСРJ’"C30-C31И’C30а’ФРЧ’2ХР/ШРЦ’ЦРТРЦ’Methodistа’C30а’ЩРЧРЦ’ЪРNSweden, Monroe County, Neа’w York (1841)а’ЬРJ“C32И“ЮРаРL“B119&“New York“B119'“0Grant County, Wisconsin“C32а“дРЧ“21еР/иРЦ“жРвРЦ“,"the oldest Daughter"а“B119а“йРзРЦ“кРTSmelser Township, Grant Cа“ounty, Wisconsinа“мР<r†Jonas Markey Smelser\”ЈU(‚Sm”оРJ”пР6C32B119И”И”сРуРL”B119&”2Bourbon County, Kentucky”B119'”,Georgetown, Wisconsin”B119а”чРЧ”2/шРЦ”щРхРЦ”ъРTSmelser Township, Grant Cа”ounty, Wisconsinа”ыРЛPr”ыРB”юРJ•C32И•№РL•B120&•C32а•ѓРЧ•21єРЦ•ѕРёРЦ•0"the youngest Daughter"а•qqqqqqqqqqСJ–C32И–СJ—C32И—ССL—B120&—C32'—C32а— СЧ—21 С. С8СЦ— ССЦ— "my oldest Son"а—С6C32B120а—0С СЦ—а—СD"killed by the falling ofа— a tree"а—С6C32B120а—0ССЦ—а—С‚"at about twenty years ofа—С age since we have lived а—in this place"а—СJ˜C32ȘССL˜С6C32B120&˜&˜Illinois˜V175'˜СJBelmont, Lafayette County˜, Wisconsin˜V175а˜"Сט2#С/&С֘$С С֘Farmerа˜C32а˜'С%С֘(СjBelmont, LaFayette Countyа˜)С, Wisconsin Territory(184а˜6)а˜*СМPr˜*СB˜-СJ™C32И™/СL™C32&™C32а™2СЧ™23С/6СЦ™4С0СЦ™("pedling Dry goods"а™C32а™7С5СЦ™8СNIowa County, WisconsinTerа™ritory (1846)а™9СНPr™9СB™Ge™&129; C401\—<Сd—&129; C401\˜>Сd˜AСJšC33ИšCСLšDС6C33B120&š&šIllinoisš$706; C41аšHСЧš2+IС/NСЦšQJСFСЦšKС’(and 1874) Vice-PresidentаšLС, Southwestern Wisconsin аšIndustrial AssociationаšC33аšOСMСЦšPСlBelmont, LaFayette CountyаšQС, Wisconsin Territory (18аš46)аšRСОPršRСBšUСJ›B118И›WСYСL›B118&›Vermont›B118'›B118а›\СЧ›2 ]С-bС8fСЦ›^СZСЦ›_СzLocust Point Cemetery, Caа›`Сrroll Township, Ottawa Coа›unty, Ohioа›cС8B118B118а›dСaСЦ›а›"Laucina, Lucindaа›gС8B118B118а›*ShСeСЦ›а›76 yearsа›iСПPr›iСB›lСJœB118ИœnСJB119ИpСLB119&New YorkB119аtСЧ2-uСЦvСrСЦLizzieаqqqqqqqqqСJžB119ИžƒСJŸB120ИŸ…СLŸB120&ŸEnglandŸˆСЧŸ2‰С/ŒСЦŸ(ŠСЦŸB120&ŸB120аŸС‹СЦŸŽСXBelmont, LaFayette CountyаŸ, Wisconsin (1851)аŸСJ B120И ’СL B120& Wisconsin B120а –СЧ 24—СЦ "<”С=˜СЦ V175а šСJЁB120ИЁœСLЁB120&ЁWisconsinЁB120аЁ СЧЁ24ЁС/ЄСЦЁ"?žС?ЂСЦЁV175аЁB120аЁЅСЃСЦЁ"Wisconsin (1880)аЁІСРPrЁІСBЁЉСJЂB120ИЂЋСJЃB120ИЃ­СLЃB120&ЃWisconsinЃB120аЃБСЧЃ24ВСЦЃ"BЏСBГСЦЃV175аЃqqqqqqqqqqqqСС< š†Catherine R. DeLong\(ЄЈU(‚DeЄУСJЄФС8B120V175ИЄИЄЦСLЄB120&ЄWisconsinЄB120аЄЪСЧЄ24ЫСЦЄ"EШСEЬСЦЄV175аЄЮСJЅB120ИЅаСLЅB120&ЅWisconsinЅB120аЅдСЧЅ24еСЦЅ"IвСIжСЦЅV175аЅ ЅІЇe йСJІкС8B120V175ИІИІмСLІB120&ІWisconsinІB120аІрСЧІ24сС-фСЦІ"LоСLтСЦІV175аІB120аІхСуСЦІ LuraаІчСJЇB120ИЇщСLЇB120&ЇWisconsinЇB120аЇэСЧЇ24юСЦЇPыСЦЇ№СJЈB120ИЈђСLЈB120&ЈIllinoisЈq qqqqqqqqqqqТJЉB121ИЉТLЉB121&ЉConnecticutЉТСPrЉТBЉТJЊB121ИЊ ТLЊB121&Њ"Amenia, New YorkЊ(B121; B122аЊТЧЊ2-Т1Т4Т/ТЦЊТ ТЦЊAnne; JaneаЊB121аЊТТЦЊТ<"widow of Robert [ValentiаЊne]"аЊB121аЊўТЦЊ&B121-B122аЊТТЦЊТЂDeerfield, Warren County,аЊТ Pennsylvania; Cambridge,аЊТ Henry County, Illinois (аЊ1860)аЊТТPrЊТBЊ ТJЋB121ИЋ"ТLЋB121'Ћ$ТJЌB122ИЌ&Т(ТLЌB122&ЌPennsylvaniaЌB122'ЌB122аЌ+ТЧЌ21,Т/0ТЦЌ-Т)ТЦЌ.Т:"son of [wife's] stepmothаЌer"аЌB122аЌ1Т/ТЦЌ2ТЂDeerfield, Warren County,аЌ3Т Pennsylvania; Cambridge,аЌ4Т Henry County, Illinois (аЌ1854)аЌ5ТУPrЌ5ТBЌqqqqqqqqqAТJ­B123И­CТFТL­B123&­EТ8Warren County, Pennsylvan­ia­B123'­Nevada, Iowa­B123а­JТЧ­21KТЦ­LТHТЦ­"5 ch"а­NТ< š†Nathan Dunkelbarger\(ЎЈU(‚DuЎPТJЎB123ИЎRТSТLЎB123&ЎB123'ЎUТ< š†Robert J. Valentine\(ЏЈU(‚VaЏWТJЏB123ИЏYТLЏB123&Џ[Т8Warren County, PennsylvanЏiaЏB123аЏ^ТЧЏ24_Т1aТЦЏ*\ТЦЏB123аЏbТ`ТЦЏ"4 ch"аЏdТ< š†Marcia A. Valentine\(АЈU(‚VaАfТJАB123ИАhТLАB123&АjТ8Warren County, PennsylvanАiaАB123аАmТЧА24nТЦА,kТЦАpТJБB123ИБrТuТLБB123&БtТ8Warren County, PennsylvanБiaБB123'БNevada, IowaБqqqqqqqqqТJВB123ИВƒТLВB123&В…Т<r.Edmund Valentine, Jr..ГЈU(‚VaГ‡ТJГB123ИГ‰ТLГB123&Г‹Т8Warren County, PennsylvanГiaГB123аГŽТЧГ21ТЦГТŒТЦГ"4 ch."аГ,ЏАБГЕЗИКЛНОe “ТJДB128ИД•ТJЕB123ИЕ—ТšТLЕB123&Е™Т8Warren County, PennsylvanЕiaЕB123'ЕPortland, IowaЕœТФPrЕœТBЕŸТJЖB123ИЖЁТЂТLЖB123&ЖB123'ЖЄТJЗB123ИЗІТLЗB123&ЗЈТ8Warren County, PennsylvanЗiaЗB123аЗЋТЧЗ24ЌТЦЗ5ЉТЦЗЎТ<entinengeline Valentine\ИЈU(‚VaИАТJИB123ИИВТЕТLИB123&ИДТ8Warren County, PennsylvanИiaИB123'ИPerry, IowaИB127аИЙТЧИ2/КТЦИЛТЗТЦИ2Polk County, Iowa (1870)аИqqqqСТJЙB123ИЙУТХТLЙB123&Й,Pelham, MassachusettsЙB123'ЙЧТJКB123ИКЩТLКB123&КЫТ8Warren County, PennsylvanКiaК(B123, B127аКЮТЧК2/ЯТЦКаТЬТЦКбТfPolk County, Iowa (1870);аКвТ "Went to Orange, Calif."аКаКдТJЛB123ИЛжТйТLЛB123&ЛиТ8Warren County, PennsylvanЛiaЛB123'Л$Twin Falls, IdahoЛB123аЛнТЧЛ2-оТЦЛпТлТЦЛCarrieаЛсТJМB123ИМуТLМB123&М$Yarmouth, EnglandМцТJНB123ИНшТLНB123&НIllinoisНB123аНьТЧН24эТ/яТЦН@ъТЦНB123аН№ТюТЦН,York, Nebraska (1921)аНёТХPrНёТBНqqqqqqqqqqqqqУJОB123ИОУLОB123&О(Cambridge, IllinoisОB123аОУЧО24УЦОEУЦО УЦPrО УBО УJПB123ИПУJРB123ИРУJСB123ИСB123аСУЧС2.УЦСУУЦСУ6"diphtheria (traditional)аС"аСУЧPrСУBСУJТB125ИТУУLТУ8B125B125&Т&ТNew YorkТB125'ТB125аТ"УЧТ2 #У/(У8,УЦТ$У УЦТ%УpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаТ&Уerfield Township, PennsylаТvaniaаТB125аТ)У'УЦТ*У\Deerfield, Warren County,аТ Pennsylvania (1841)аТB125аТъO-У+УЦТ.У852 years, 6 months, 29 daаТysаТ/УШPrТ/УBТqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAУJУB125ИУCУEУLУB125&УPennsylvaniaУB125'УB125аУHУЧУ2 IУ-NУ/QУ8UУЦУJУFУЦУKУpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаУLУerfield Township, PennsylаУvaniaаУB123аУOУMУЦУ"Janett, JeanetteаУB125аУRУPУЦУSУNDeerfield, Warren County,аУ PennsylvaniaаУVУ8B125B125аУj ?WУTУЦУаУXУ635 years, 2 months, 9 dayаУsаУZУJФB125ИФ\УJХB125ИХB125аХ_УЧХ21`УЦХaУ]УЦХbУ€"sister of Matthew HunterаХcУ who was father of Cyrus'аХ second wife"аХeУJЦB125ИЦgУJЧB125ИЧiУkУLЧjУ8B125B125&Ч&ЧB125'ЧB125аЧnУЧЧ2 oУ4tУ/wУ7{У8}УЦЧpУlУЦЧqУpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаЧrУerfield Township, PennsylаЧvaniaаЧuУ8B125B125аЧ1sУЦЧаЧB125аЧxУvУЦЧyУ\Deerfield, Warren County,аЧ Pennsylvania (1860)аЧB125аЧ`zУЦЧ~У8B125B125аЧВ^€У|УЦЧаЧq45 yearsаЧУЩPrЧУBЧ„УJШB125ИШ†УJЩ‡У:B125B125AИЩИЩ‰У‹УLЩB125A&ЩNew YorkЩB125A'ЩУJЪŽУ:B125B125AИЪИЪУ’УLЪB125A&ЪPennsylvaniaЪB125'ЪB125аЪ•УЧЪ2 –У1›У-ЃУ8ІУЦЪ—У“УЦЪ˜УpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаЪ™Уerfield Township, PennsylаЪvaniaаЪB125аЪœУšУЦЪУ""widow of Peter Barr ... аЪžУearlier widow of Philo D.аЪŸУ Martin;" "Jannette HunteаЪ Уr was sister of Matthew HаЪЁУunter who was father of CаЪyrus' second wife."аЪB125аЪЄУЂУЦЪ BetsyаЪЇУ8B125B125аЪAЈУЅУЦЪаЪЉУ629 years, 4 months, 6 dayаЪsаЪЊУЪPrЪЊУBЪ­УJЫB125ИЫЏУJЬB127ИЬБУLЬB127&ЬPennsylvaniaЬB127аЬЕУЧЬ24ЖУЦЬ3ГУЦЬФЦШЪeШ,West Durham, New YorkYЫ&216; V148\ЬЙУdЬqqqqqСУJЭB127ИЭУУХУLЭB127&ЭPennsylvaniaЭЦУ8B127B127'Э'ЭB127аЭЩУЧЭ2 ЪУ4ЯУ8бУЦЭЫУЧУЦЭЬУpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаЭЭУerfield Township, PennsylаЭvaniaаЭB127аЭ5ЮУЦЭвУ8B127B127аЭ NгУаУЦЭаЭдУ631 years, 6 months, 9 dayаЭsаЭеУЫPrЭеУBЭиУJЮB127ИЮкУмУLЮB127&ЮPennsylvaniaЮнУ8B127B127'Ю'ЮB127аЮрУЧЮ2 сУ-цУ8щУЦЮтУоУЦЮуУpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeаЮфУerfield Township, PennsylаЮvaniaаЮB127аЮчУхУЦЮJulianaаЮъУ8B127B127аЮš;ыУшУЦЮаЮьУ62 years, ? months, 28 dayаЮsаЮюУJЯB127ИЯ№УLЯB127&ЯB127аЯѓУЧЯ24єУЦЯ;ёУЦЯѕУЬPrЯѕУBЯ&216; V148\ЭїУdЭ&216; V148\ЮљУdЮqqqqqФ<ngWilliam Palmer DeLong\аЈU(‚DeаФJаB127ИаФФLаB127&аФLFriendship, Allegany Counаty, New Yorkа&B127-B128'а(Mitchellville, IowaаB127аа ФЧа2/ Ф6ФЦаФ ФЦаФцDeerfield, Warren County,ааФ Pennsylvania (1842, 1860ааФ); Venango County, PennsyааФlvania (1850); Polk Countааy, Iowa (1861)ааB130ааФФЦаDelongааФЭPrаФBаФJбB127ИбФJвB127ИвB127авФЧв2/ФЦв ФФЦв"from NY"ав!ФЮPrв!ФBв$ФJгB127Иг&ФLгB127&гPennsylvaniaг&B127-B128аг*ФЧг2-+Ф/.ФЦг,Ф(ФЦг.Margaretta, Margaretteаг&B127-B128аг/Ф-ФЦг0ФdPolk County, Iowa (1870);аг Des Moines, Iowa (1910)аг1ФЯPrг1ФBгњeг&217; V148\а4Фdа&217; V148\б6Фdб.Poughkeepsie, New YorkYб&217; V148\в9Фdв"Hunter, New YorkYв=Фdг&217; V148\г$Windham, New YorkYгqAФ< š†John Francis DeLong\(дЈU(‚DeдCФJдB128ИдEФFФLдB128&дGФ8B128B128'д'дB128адJФЧд2 KФ8PФЦдLФHФЦдMФpNew Tideoute Cemetery, DeадNФerfield Township, PennsylадvaniaадQФ8B128B128адЪ 3RФOФЦдад9 daysадTФJеB128ИеVФXФLеB128&еPennsylvaniaеB128'е(Mitchellville, IowaеB128ае\ФЧе2/]ФЦе^ФZФЦе(Mitchellville, Iowaае`Ф<r†Elizabeth Ann Rooker\жЈU(‚RoжbФJжB128ИжdФeФLжB128&жB128'ж(Mitchellville, IowaжB128ажiФЧж2/jФЦжkФgФЦж(Mitchellville, IowaажmФJзB128ИзoФJиB128ИиqФLиB128&и IowaиB128аиuФЧи2vФ/zФЦиwФsФЦиxФ\"worked for DesMoines, Poаиlk Co. City Railway"аиB128аи{ФyФЦи|ФTPolk County, Iowa; "movedаи to Denver 1916"аи}ФфQr &217; V148\е~ФdеФJйB128ИйƒФJкB128Ик…Ф‡ФLкB128&к IowaкB128'к‰ФJлB128Ил‹ФLлB128&л IowaлŽФ< š†Walter Lloyd DeLong\(мЈU(‚DeмФJмB128Им’ФLмB128&мB128ам•ФЧм2-–Ф/™ФЦм—Ф“ФЦм LloydамB128амšФ˜ФЦм›Ф:"of Colorado Springs" (19ам57)амФJнB128ИнB128ан ФЧн2/ЁФЦнЂФžФЦн0"of Los Angeles" (1957)анЄФ<ngWilliam Palmer DeLong\оЈU(‚DeоІФJоB128ИоЈФЊФLоB128&о(Mitchellville, IowaоB128'оЌФLDes Moines Hospital, Des оMoines, IowaоB128аоЏФЧо2/АФ4ДФЦоБФ­ФЦоВФ>Jasper and Polk Counties,ао IowaаоB128аоRГФЦоЕФаPrоЕФBоqqqqqqqqqСФJпB128ИпУФФФLпB128&пB128'пЦФJрB128ИрШФJсB128ИсЪФJтB128ИтB128атЭФЧт2-ЮФЦтЯФЫФЦт LouisатбФ<ngVivian Juanita DeLong\уЈU(‚DeугФJуB128ИуеФLуB128&узФJфB128ИфйФJхB128ИхB128ахмФЧх2/нФ1рФЦхоФкФЦх0Des Moines, Iowa (1967)ахB128ахсФпФЦх"4 ch"ахуФd1017 Virginia AvenueDes;х MoinesIowa50315U.S.A;ххФ<onFrances A. McShearson\цЈU(‚McцчФJцB128ИцUnknown;цъФJчB123ИчьФLчB128&ч.Franklin, PennsylvaniaчB123ач№ФЧч21ёФ-ѕФЦчђФюФЦчѓФT"daughter of [Edmund's] uачncle William P."ачB128ачіФєФЦчZidaniaачїФбPrчїФBчqqqqqqqХJшB128ИшB128ашХЧш21ХЦшХХЦшХj"granddau. of [John's] auашХnt Eliza (Valentine) Billашs"аш ХJщB130Ищ ХLщB130&щPennsylvaniaщB129ащХЧщ2-Х/ХЦщХХЦщ BillащB130ащХХЦщХ‚Mitchellville, Iowa (1900ащХ); Des Moines, Polk Countащy, Iowa (1910)ащХвPrщХBщХJъB130ИъХLъB130&ъPennsylvaniaъB130аъ!ХЧъ2-"Х4%ХЦъ#ХХЦъLizzieаъB130аъ>$ХЦъ&ХгPrъ&ХBъ)ХJыB130Иы+ХLыB130'ыTaylor, Texasы.ХJьB130Иь0ХLьB130'ьB130аь3ХЧь2/4ХЦь5Х1ХЦь6ХL"the founder of Mitchellvаьille [Iowa]"аьqqqqqqqqqAХJэB130ИэCХLэB130&эPennsylvaniaэB130аэGХЧэ24HХЦэAEХЦэJХJюB130ИюLХLюB130&юNХJяB130ИяB130аяQХЧя21RХЦяSХOХЦяTХx"granddaughter of [Cyrus'аяUХ] aunt Hannah (Delong) Vaаяlentine."аяWХJ№B130И№YХZХL№B130&№B130'№\ХЧ№2 ]Х.`Х/cХЦ№њk^ХЦ№B130а№B130а№aХ_ХЦ№Diphtheriaа№B130а№dХbХЦ№ Iowaа№eХдPr№eХB№hХJёB130ИёjХLёB130&ёlХJђB130ИђnХLђB130&ђPennsylvaniaђB130ађrХЧђ24sХ/uХЦђEpХЦђB130ађvХtХЦђ0Des Moines, Iowa (1910)ађwХеPrђwХBђ.Grand Rapids, MichiganYя&225; V152\№zХd№*Cobleskill, New YorkY№&225; V152\ё}Хdё$Oneonta, New YorkYёХJѓB130ИѓƒХLѓB130&ѓ IowaѓB130аѓ‡ХЧѓ2/ˆХЦѓ‰Х…ХЦѓ0Des Moines, Iowa (1910)аѓŠХжPrѓŠХBѓХJєB130ИєХLєB130&є IowaєB130ає“ХЧє24”ХЦєk‘ХЦє–ХJѕB130Иѕ˜ХLѕB130&ѕ IowaѕB130аѕœХЧѕ24ХЦѕtšХЦѕŸХJіB130ИіЁХLіB130&іЃХJїB130ИїЅХLїB130&їPennsylvaniaїB130аїЉХЧї24ЊХЦї+ЇХЦїЋХзPrїЋХBїЎХJјB130ИјАХLјB130'јB130ајГХЧј2 ДХ8ЗХЦјЕХБХЦј,Old Tideoute CemeteryајИХ8B130B130ајњEЙХЖХЦјајКХ639 years, 7 months, 8 dayајsајqqqqqСХ<onglliam Millins Delong\љЈU(‚DeљУХJљB11ИљФХиPrљФХBљЧХJњ$136; X40Ињ$136; X40ањЪХЧњ2/ЫХЦњЬХШХЦњ"at N.Y."ањЮХJћB51ИћаХJќB51ИќвХJ§$135; X39И§дХL§$135; X39&§Rosendale§$135; X39а§иХЧ§2/йХ6оХЦ§кХжХЦ§лХR"residing in Hurley" at tа§ime of marriageа§нХ>134-135, 137; X39-X40а§а§пХмХЦ§,Kaysar; Keiser; Kyserа§сХJў$135; X39ИўуХLўX39&ўхХЧў2цХ3ыХЦўвЇшХчХЦў$135; X39аўщХ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаўtonаў$135; X39аўвЇьХъХЦўэХBArent Teunissen and Racheаўl PloegаўяХJџ$135; X39ИџёХLџX39&џѓХЧџ2єХ3љХЦџВЉіХѕХЦџ$135; X39аџїХ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаџtonаџ$135; X39аџВЉњХјХЦџћХTLambert Huybertse and Henаџdricke HuybertseаџqqqqЦJ$135; X39ИЦLX39&ЦЧ2Ц3 ЦЦђЊЦЦЦ$135; X39а Ц:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$135; X39ађЊ Ц ЦЦ ЦFThomas Dadelbring and Racаhel PloegаЦJ$135; X39ИЦLX39&ЦЧ2Ц3ЦЦZЌЦЦЦ$135; X39аЦ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$135; X39аZЌЦЦЦЦ€Jacob Van der Mark, AugusаЦtus van der Mark and Eykeа van der MarkаЦJ$135; X39И ЦJ$135; X39И"ЦL&$ЦЧ2%ЦЦ2 п'Ц&ЦЦ$135; X39а"at Walpeck"а)ЦJ$137; X40И+ЦLX40&-ЦЧ2.Ц12ЦЦ2 г0Ц/ЦЦ$137; X40а*Marbletown, New Yorkа$137; X40а3Ц1ЦЦ4Ц6"prob. m. Amelina Sluyterа"аqqqqqqqqqqqAЦJ$135; X39ИCЦLX39&EЦЧ2FЦ3KЦЦ*БHЦGЦЦ$135; X39аIЦ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$135; X39а*БLЦJЦЦMЦNNiclass de Pue and Willemаpjen de Langeа- eнPЦJ$135; X39ИRЦLX39&TЦЧ2UЦ3ZЦЦ"ВWЦVЦЦ$135; X39аXЦ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$135; X39а"В[ЦYЦЦ\ЦDJonas de Lange and Rachelа deLangeа^ЦJ$135; X39И`ЦLX39&bЦЧ2cЦ;hЦ3lЦЦRЕeЦdЦЦ$135; X39аfЦ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$135; X39аiЦgЦЦjЦVFebruary 10, 1717 given aаs date of baptismа$135; X39аRЕmЦkЦЦnЦ`Frederick Van der Merke aаnd Ariaantjen de LangeаpЦJ$135; X39ИrЦL$135; X39&sЦхQr+ qqqqqqqqqqqqЦJ $135; X39И ƒЦ<anAnna Sibella Guterman\ ЈU(‚Gu …ЦJ $135; X39И $135; X39а ˆЦЧ 2-‰ЦЦ ŠЦ†ЦЦ 2Anna Scharman Countrymanа ŒЦJ $135; X39И ŽЦL X39& ЦЧ 2‘Ц3–Ц4›ЦЦ  З“Ц’ЦЦ $135; X39а ”Ц:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа tonа $135; X39а  З—Ц•ЦЦ ˜ЦfNiclaas de Pue, Wtnyjen Rа ™Цoosa and Blandina Paarsenа а $135; X39а œЦšЦЦ ЦTFebruary 1, 1719 given asа  date of baptismа ŸЦ<l†Barent Jacobsen Kool\ ЈU(‚Ko ЁЦJ $135; X39И ЃЦJ $135; X39И ЅЦJ$135; X39ИЇЦJЈЦNB20135-136; XИ39-X40ИЊЦLB20&ЌЦЧ2­Ц1ВЦ3ЗЦ-ЛЦЦšДЏЦЎЦЦ$135; X39аАЦ:Old Dutch Church of KingsаtonаB20аГЦБЦЦДЦj"daughter of [Rachel's] pаЕЦrobable daughter Willemtjаe"аИЦ>B20135; X39аЙЦЖЦЦа(Rachel Pier [Ploeg]а$135; X39аМЦКЦЦNeeltjenаНЦйPrНЦB01348eСЦJ$136; X40ИУЦLX40&ХЦЧ2ЦЦ;ЫЦ3ЯЦЦЊВШЦЧЦЦ$136; X40аЩЦHNew York City Dutch Reforаmed Churchа$136; X40аЬЦЪЦЦЭЦPMarch 21, 1714 given as dаate of baptismа$136; X40аЊВаЦЮЦЦбЦNDaniel Vandevoor and Marrаetje de LangeагЦJ$136; X40ИеЦLX40&зЦЧ2иЦ3лЦЦЪЕйЦЦ$136; X40а$136; X40аЪЕмЦкЦЦнЦ<Jan Lathen and Annatje Deа VoeапЦJ$136; X40И$136; X40атЦЧ2/уЦЦфЦрЦЦхЦZ"van Sluis in Vlaandren" аat time of marriageачЦJ$136; X40И$136; X40аъЦЧ2/ыЦ-юЦЦьЦшЦЦ"of NYC"а$136; X40аяЦэЦЦJohn ThomasаёЦJ$136; X40ИѓЦLX40&ѕЦЧ2іЦ3ћЦЦBЋјЦїЦЦ$136; X40аљЦHNew York City Dutch Reforаmed Churchа$136; X40аBЋќЦњЦЦ§ЦBFrans Langet, Tanneke Vanа DrieseаqqЧJ$136; X40ИЧLX40&ЧЧ2Ч3 Ч8 ЧЦв­ЧЦ$136; X40а$136; X40ав­ ЧЧЦ ЧDDirk Benson, Jr. and Maryаtje Bokeа$136; X40аЧ ЧЦ."Prob. d[ied] y[oung]"аЧJ$136; X40ИЧLX40&ЧЧ2Ч3ЧЦBЎЧЧЦ$136; X40аЧHNew York City Dutch Reforаmed Churchа$136; X40аBЎЧЧЦЧFDirk Benson, Jr. and Maryаtje BokeeаЧJ$136; X40И ЧLX40&"ЧЧ2#Ч3(Ч1-ЧЦГ%Ч$ЧЦ$136; X40а&ЧHNew York City Dutch Reforаmed Churchа$136; X40аГ)Ч'ЧЦ*ЧxJochem Roelofse and his wа+Чife Jannetje, sister of tаhe motherа$136; X40а.Ч,ЧЦ$Twin of Elizabethа0ЧJ$136; X40И2ЧL$136; X40&4ЧЧ25Ч1:Ч3=ЧЦГ7Ч6ЧЦ$136; X40а8ЧHNew York City Dutch Reforаmed Churchа$136; X40а;Ч9ЧЦTwin of Rachelа$136; X40аГ>Ч<ЧЦ@ЧDAlexander Ver Klin and AnаКМetje CrosаBЧJ$136; X40ИDЧJ,136-137; X40ИFЧLX40&HЧЧ2IЧ3NЧЦzЋKЧJЧЦ$136; X40аLЧ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа$136; X40аzЋOЧMЧЦPЧFJacomeyntie Swart and Racаhel PloegаRЧL$136; X40&TЧJ$137; X40ИVЧLX40&XЧЧ2YЧЦ:С[ЧZЧЦ$137; X40а&Kingston, New Yorkа]ЧJ$137; X40И_ЧLX40&aЧЧ2bЧ;fЧЦ"ХdЧcЧЦ$137; X40а&Kingston, New Yorkа$137; X40аgЧeЧЦhЧNMarch 4, 1733 given as daаte of baptismаjЧJ$137; X40ИlЧLX40&nЧЧ2oЧ;sЧЦ‚ЧqЧpЧЦ$137; X40а&Kingston, New Yorkа$137; X40аtЧrЧЦuЧVFebruary 16, 1735 given aаs date of baptismадeqqqqqqqqqЧJ$137; X40ИƒЧLX40&…ЧЧ2†Ч;ŠЧЦ2ЩˆЧ‡ЧЦ$137; X40а&Kingston, New Yorkа$137; X40а‹Ч‰ЧЦŒЧTFebruary 6, 1737 given asа date of baptismаŽЧJ $137; X40И ЧL X40& ’ЧЧ 2“ЧЦ zЫ•Ч”ЧЦ $137; X40а &Kingston, New Yorkа  e- ˜Ч<enElizabeth Van Wagenen\!ЈU(‚Va!šЧJ!$137; X40И!œЧJ"$137; X40И"$137; X40а"ŸЧЧ"21 Ч/ЃЧЦ"ЁЧЧЦ""?Gerritje"а"$137; X40а"ЄЧЂЧЦ"*"of Marbletown 1764"а"ІЧJ#$137; X40И#$137; X40а#ЉЧЧ#2/ЊЧЦ#ЋЧЇЧЦ#*"of Marbletown 1764"а#­ЧJ$$137; X40И$ЏЧJ%$137; X40И%БЧJ&$137; X40И&ГЧL&X40&&ЕЧЧ&2ЖЧ3ЛЧЦ&ZХИЧЗЧЦ&$137; X40а&ЙЧ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа&tonа&$137; X40а&ZХМЧКЧЦ&НЧHHendrik Ploeg and Blandinа&a de Langeа&ОЧцQr. qСЧJ'$137; X40И'УЧJ($137; X40И(ХЧL($137; X40&(ЧЧЧ(2ШЧЦ(еЪЧЩЧЦ($137; X40а(ЫЧp"John Burnet's in Lossingа(ЬЧburgh (south of Poughkeepа(sie)"а(ЮЧJ)$137; X40И)аЧL)$137; X40&)вЧЧ)2гЧ4йЧЦ)ееЧдЧЦ)$137; X40а)жЧp"John Burnet's in Lossingа)зЧburgh (south of Poughkeepа)sie)"а)$137; X40а)кЧиЧЦ)лЧPJanuary 19, 1747 given asа) date of birthа)нЧJ*$137; X40И*пЧL*X40&*сЧЧ*2 тЧчЧ3ьЧ6яЧЦ*ЪфЧуЧЦ*$137; X40а*хЧ"on a list of Foot Companа*цЧy in Hurley, Capt. Cornelа*is Wyncoop's Company"а*ZЕщЧшЧЦ*$137; X40а*ъЧ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа*tonа*$137; X40а*эЧыЧЦ*No sponsorsа*$137; X40а*№ЧюЧЦ*Delongа*ёЧкPr*ёЧB*qqqqqqqqqqqqqШJ+$137; X40И+ШJ,$137; X40И,ШL,X40&,ШЧ,2Ш3 Ш/ШЦ,ъП Ш ШЦ,$137; X40а, Ш:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа,tonа,$137; X40а,ъПШ ШЦ,(Ariaantjen de Langeа,$145; X44а,ШШЦ,Ш@Smithfield, Pennsylvania а,(1750)а,ШлPr,ШB,ШJ-$135; X39И-ШL-X39&-ШЧ-2Ш3 Ш6$Ш/'Ш-+ШЦ-RЎШШЦ-$135; X39а-Ш:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа-tonа-$135; X39а-RЎ!ШШЦ-"ШDJan de Lange and Catherinа-a Kaysarа-$137; X40а-%Ш#ШЦ-Keiserа-$145; X44а-(Ш&ШЦ-)Ш@Smithfield, Pennsylvania а-(1750)а-$145; X44а-,Ш*ШЦ- Dirckа-.ШJ.$137; X40И.0ШJ/$137; X40И/2ШL/X40&/4ШЧ/25Ш39ШЦ/Ъз7Ш6ШЦ/$137; X40а/2Smithfield, Pennsylvaniaа/$137; X40а/Ъз:Ш8ШЦ/;ШHJohannes Dupuy and Maria а/Van Campenа/Y+Жїb+Z203\,>Шd,AШJ0$137; X40И0CШL0X40&0EШЧ02FШЦ0rйHШGШЦ0$137; X40а0(Walpeck, New Jerseyа0JШJ1$137; X40И1LШL1X40&1NШЧ12OШ3TШЦ1‚оQШPШЦ1$137; X40а1RШ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа1tonа1$137; X40а1‚оUШSШЦ1VШHNicholas Robartus and Racа1hel Delongа1XШJ2$137; X40И2ZШL2$137; X40&2\ШЧ22]Ш3bШЦ2z р_Ш^ШЦ2$137; X40а2`Ш:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа2tonа2$137; X40а2z рcШaШЦ2dШFJephta Delong and Corneliа2a Sluiterа2 234e* gШJ3$137; X40И3iШL3X40&3kШЧ32lШ3qШЦ3куnШmШЦ3$137; X40а3oШ@New Paltz Dutch Reformed а3Churchа3$137; X40а3куrШpШЦ30Jacob and Maria Sluyterа3qqqqqqqqqqqqqШJ4$138; X41И4ƒШL4X41&4…ШЧ42†Ш3‹ШЦ4ЊыˆШ‡ШЦ4$138; X41а4‰Ш@New Paltz Dutch Reformed а4Churchа4$138; X41а4ЊыŒШŠШЦ4ШNAdam Hoffman and Elizabetа4h Van Wagenenа4ШJ5$138; X41И5‘Ш”ШL5$138; X41&5“ШFRochester, Ulster County,5 New York5$138; X41'5$138; X41а5—ШЧ521˜ШЦ5™Ш•ШЦ5$"?Rachel (prob.)"а5›Ш<rtusn Nicholas Rubertus\6ЈU(‚Ru6ШJ6$138; X41И6ŸШL6$138; X41&6Germany6$138; X41а6ЃШЧ62/ЄШ1ЇШЦ6ЅШЁШЦ60Hurley, New York (1766)а6$138; X41а6ЈШІШЦ6"widower"а6ЊШJ7$138; X41И7ЌШL7$138; X41&7*Marbletown, New York7$138; X41а7АШЧ72/БШ1ДШЦ7ВШЎШЦ70Hurley, New York (1766)а7$138; X41а7ЕШГШЦ7."widow of Jacob Klein"а7qqqqqqqqqqСШJ8$137; X41И8УШJ9$138; X41И9ХШЦШL9X41&9$138; X41'9ШШЧ92ЩШ1ЮШ7гШЦ9ВЉЫШЪШЦ9$138; X41а9ЬШ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа9tonа9$138; X41а9ЯШЭШЦ9аШfDaughter of Ariaantjen deа9бШ Lange and Thomas Peersonа9а9$138; X41а9дШвШЦ9еШ "Antje may have died ca. а9жШ1741 because Dirk ... wasа9зШ [remarried] ... by ... 1а9742"а9йШJ:$138; X41И:лШL:X41&:нШЧ:2оШ3уШ;чШЦ:ђФрШпШЦ:$138; X41а:сШ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа:tonа:$138; X41а:ђФфШтШЦ:хШHBilly Ennis and Ariaantjeа:n de Langeа:$138; X41а:шШцШЦ:щШTJanuary 30, 1732 given asа: date of baptismа:ыШJ;$138; X41И;эШJ<$138; X41И<яШJ=$138; X41И=ёШJ>$138; X41И>ѓШL>X41&>ѕШЧ>2іШ3ћШЦ>2СјШїШЦ>$138; X41а>љШ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа>tonа>$138; X41а>2СќШњШЦ>§ШHHendrik Ploeg and Margrieа>t De Graafа>qqЩJ?$138; X41И?ЩL?$138; X41&?ЩЧ?2Щ3 ЩЦ?ъЦЩЩЦ?$138; X41а? Peter Lossing'sа?$138; X41а? Щ ЩЦ?.Isaac Lossing and wifeа? ЩJ@$138; X41И@ЩL@$138; X41&@ЩЧ@2Щ3ЩЦ@к ШЩЩЦ@$138; X41а@ЩJPeter Lossing's, " at 7 mа@onths old."а@$138; X41а@к ШЩЩЦ@Щ>Hans Janssen and wife Marа@ritjeа@ЩJA$138; X41ИAЩLAX41&AЩЧA2 ЩЦAZ˜!ЩЦA$138; X41аA#ЩJB$138; X41ИB%ЩJC$138; X41ИC'Щ<art\ina Van De Bogart\DЈU(‚VaD)ЩJD$138; X41ИD+ЩJE$139; X41ИE$139; X41аE.ЩЧE2//Щ-2ЩЦE0Щ,ЩЦE*Kinderhook, New YorkаEB22аE3Щ1ЩЦE ClaesаEqqqqqqqqqqqqAЩ<ersnnetje Claas Beevers\FЈU(‚BeFCЩJF$139; X41ИFEЩFЩLFB22&F$139; X41'F"Albany, New YorkF$139; X41аFJЩЧF27KЩ8OЩЦFLЩHЩЦFMЩPFebruary 8, 1729 given asаF date of deathаF$139; X41аFPЩNЩЦF*"about 94 years old"аFRЩ<ckDominicus Van Schaick\GЈU(‚VaGTЩJGB22ИGVЩLGB22&GXЩ< š†Emanuel Van Schaick\(HЈU(‚VaHZЩJHB22ИH\ЩLHB22&H^ЩJIB22ИIB22аIaЩЧI21bЩЦIcЩ_ЩЦIdЩ4"likely son ..." of ClaasаIаIfЩ< š†Laurens Van Schaick\(JЈU(‚VaJhЩJJB22ИJB22аJkЩЧJ21lЩЦJmЩiЩЦJnЩ4"likely son ..." of ClaasаJаJZeВqЩJK$142; X43ИKsЩLK$142; X43&KqqqqqqqqqqqqЩJL$142; X43ИLƒЩJM$142; X43ИM…ЩJN$142; X43ИN‡ЩLNX43&N‰ЩЧN2ŠЩЦNТмŒЩ‹ЩЦN$142; X43аNЩRRombout/Poughkeepsie PresаNbyterian ChurchаNЩJO$142; X43ИO‘ЩLO$142; X43&O$142; X43аO”ЩЧO23•ЩЦO–Щ’ЩЦO—Щd"Maria de Long, widow of аOThom. [Timothy] Langdon"аO™ЩJP$166; X55ИP›ЩLPX55&P$166; X55аPžЩЧP2ŸЩЁЩ;ЄЩ3ЈЩ-ЌЩ/ЏЩЦP ЩœЩЦPFarmerаP*бЂЩЦP$166; X55аP$166; X55аPЅЩЃЩЦPІЩTFebruary 5, 1745 given asаP date of baptismаP$166; X55аPЉЩЇЩЦPЊЩ:Jacobus and Catherine DelаPongаP$166; X55аP­ЩЋЩЦPJeremiahаP$166; X55аPАЩЎЩЦPБЩŒNine Partners (to 1789) aаPВЩnd Clinton (1790), DutcheаPss County, New YorkаPГЩмPrPГЩBPqqqqqqqqqqqСЩ<er\cobus Van De Water\QЈU(‚VaQУЩJQ$143; X43ИQХЩJR$143; X43ИRЧЩJSШЩ4143-144; X43-X44ИSИSЪЩJT$144; X44ИTЬЩLTX44&TЮЩЧT2ЯЩ3дЩЦT‚цбЩаЩЦT$133; X44аTвЩDFirst Reformed Church of аTHopewellаT$144; X44аTеЩгЩЦT"Peter VanDewaterаTзЩ< DelongMagdelena Delong\UЈU(‚DeUйЩJU$144; X44ИUлЩLUмЩ6144, 146; X44-X45&U&UоЩJPoughquag, Dutchess CountUy, New YorkUрЩЧU2сЩ3фЩ-щЩЦUЊ ЖтЩЦU$146; X45аU$146; X45аUЊ ЖхЩуЩЦUцЩtHenrich Busch, Christina аUчЩSchneiderin and Justina SаUhererinаU$165; X54аUъЩшЩЦU LenaаUьЩ<r†Johann Conrad Weiser\VЈU(‚WeVюЩJV$144; X44ИVяЩнPrVяЩBVqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЪ<linna Magdelena Uebelin\WЈU(‚UeWЪJW$144; X44ИWЪ<eiser Freiderich Weiser\XЈU(‚WeXЪJX$144; X44ИX Ъ<eiser Freiderich Weiser\YЈU(‚WeY ЪJY$144; X44ИY ЪLYX44&YЪЧY2ЪЦYz ЬЪЪЦY$144; X44аYЪ’Nicholas Emigh's in the CаYЪlove, Beekman Patent, DutаYchess County, New YorkаYЪJZ$145; X44ИZЪLZ$145; X44&ZЪЧZ2Ъ;!Ъ3%Ъ-)Ъ/,ЪЦZ БЪЪЦZЪ8145, 164; X44, X54аZаZ&Kingston, New YorkаZ Ъ8145, 164; X44, X54аZаZ"ЪЪЦZ#ЪRJanuary 1, 1713 given as аZdate of baptismаZ$164; X54аZ&Ъ$ЪЦZ'Ъ4Jonas and Greesjen DeLongаZаZ$164; X54аZ*Ъ(ЪЦZ"Arie, Jr."аZ$164; X54аZ-Ъ+ЪЦZ.ЪFSouth Ward (1734), BeekmаZan (1738)аZ/ЪоPrZ/ЪBZqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЪJ[$145; X44И[CЪL[X54&[EЪЧ[2FЪ-JЪ;MЪЦ[bЗHЪGЪЦ[$164; X54а[Poughquagа[$164; X54а[KЪIЪЦ[Margritaа[$164; X54а[NЪLЪЦ[OЪ„February 12, 1719 given aа[PЪs date of baptism, probabа[ly in Poughquagа[QЪпPr[QЪB[TЪJ\$145; X44И\$145; X44а\WЪЧ\21XЪ/[ЪЦ\YЪUЪЦ\"?Arriantje"а\$145; X44а\\ЪZЪЦ\]ЪŒ"of Walpeck [New Jersey] а\^Ъand of Smithfield, Northaа\mpton, PA 1744-48""а\UК|~ЬeщaЪJ]$145; X44И]$145; X44а]dЪЧ]2/eЪЦ]fЪbЪЦ]gЪŒ"of Walpeck [New Jersey] а]hЪand of Smithfield, Northaа]mpton, PA 1744-48""а]jЪJ^$145; X44И^lЪL^X44A&^$165; X54а^oЪЧ^2-pЪ6sЪЦ^qЪmЪЦ^Catherinaа^tЪ@X79, X81X44Aа^uЪrЪЦ^а^vЪZFreelig, Freeligh, Frelicа^h, Freligh, Frolichа^wЪрPr^wЪB^qqqqqqqЪJ_$145; X44И_$145; X44а_„ЪЧ_26…Ъ-ˆЪ/‹Ъ1ЪЦ_†Ъ‚ЪЦ_DeLongа_$145; X44а_‰Ъ‡ЪЦ_$Frans DeLong, Jr.а_$145; X44а_ŒЪŠЪЦ_Ъ–Beekman, Dutchess County,а_ŽЪ New York (1739); Smithfiа_eld, Pennsylvania (1756)а_$145; X44а_‘ЪЪЦ_0"at least two children"а_’ЪсPr_’ЪB_•ЪJ`$145; X44И`$145; X44а`˜ЪЧ`21™ЪЦ`šЪ–ЪЦ`0"at least two children"а`œЪJa$145; X44Иa$146; X45аaŸЪЧa21 ЪЦaЁЪЪЦaЂЪf"1st 2 [children] illeg. аaЃЪafter which they married"аaаaЅЪJb$145; X44ИbЇЪLbX44&b$145; X44аbЊЪЧb2 ЋЪАЪ3ЕЪ-ЙЪЦbЌЪЈЪЦb­Ъœ"... served in the RevoluаbЎЪtion in Smithfield TownshаbЏЪip in Northampton Co., PAаb."аbšЮВЪБЪЦb$145; X44аbГЪDFirst Reformed Church of аbFishkillаb$145; X44аbšЮЖЪДЪЦbЗЪBArie DeLong and Catherineаb DeLongаb$145; X44аbКЪИЪЦb JohnаbЛЪтPrbЛЪBbqqqСЪJc$145; X44ИcУЪJd$145; X44ИdХЪJe$145; X44ИeЧЪLe$145; X44&e$145; X44аeЪЪЧe21ЫЪЦeЬЪШЪЦeЭЪb"Catherine, and prob. Jesаese, Aaron and Margaret"аeЯЪJf$145; X44Иf$145; X44аfвЪЧf2-гЪ1жЪЦfдЪаЪЦf Jacobаf$145; X44аfзЪеЪЦfиЪDHalf-brother of Jacob Winаfans, Jr.аfкЪJg$145; X44ИgмЪJh$145; X44ИhоЪJi$146; X45ИiрЪLi$146; X45&iConnecticuti$146; X45аiфЪЧi2/хЪЦiцЪтЪЦi(Manley, Ohio (1851)аiшЪJj$146; X45ИjъЪJk$146; X45ИkьЪLk$146; X45&kюЪЧk2яЪ4єЪ3јЪЦk аёЪ№ЪЦk$146; X45аkђЪJPoughquag, Dutchess Countаky, New Yorkаk$146; X45аkѕЪѓЪЦkіЪNJanuary 9, 1744 given as аkdate of birthаk$146; X45аk аљЪїЪЦkњЪnJacobus DeLong and MaritjаkћЪe DeLong, the father's siаksterаkqqqqЫJl$146; X45ИlЫЫLl$146; X45&lPennsylvanial$146; X45'l Ohiol$146; X45аl ЫЧl21 ЫЦl ЫЫЦl"?Jonathan"аl ЫJm$146; X45ИmЫJn$146; X45ИnЫLn$146; X45&n$146; X45аnЫЧn24Ы/ЫЦnЫЫЦnЫBAugust 24, between 1785 aаnnd 1788аn$146; X45аnЫЫЦn(Manley, Ohio (1851)аnЫJo$146; X45ИoЫJp$146; X45Иp ЫJq$146; X45Иq"ЫJr$146; X45ИrreG %ЫJs$146; X45Иs&ЫуPrs&ЫBs)Ы<.†Jonathan DeLong, Jr..tЈU(‚Det+ЫJt$146; X45Иt-ЫJu$146; X45Иu.ЫфPru.ЫBu1ЫJv$146; X45ИvZ208\n2ЫdnZ209\p4ЫdpZ209\q6ЫdqZ209\r8ЫdrZ209\s:ЫdsZ210\v<Ыdv$Boulder, ColoradoYvqAЫJw$146; X45ИwCЫJx$146; X45ИxEЫЧx2FЫ3IЫЦx уGЫЦx$146; X45аx$146; X45аx уJЫHЫЦxKЫ:Nicholas and Elizabeth DuаxpuyаxMЫJy$146; X45ИyOЫЧy2PЫ3SЫЦy уQЫЦy$146; X45аy$146; X45аy уTЫRЫЦyUЫ^Benjamin Schoonmaker and аyElizabeth SchoonmakerаyWЫJz$146; X45ИzYЫЧz2ZЫЦz у[ЫЦz$146; X45аz]ЫJ{$146; X45И{$146; X45а{`ЫЧ{2 aЫ6gЫЦ{bЫ^ЫЦ{cЫЌ"He was on a list of Miliа{dЫtia Rolls for 'above Poesа{eЫten Kill' Rensselaerwyck а{ca. 1759."а{$165; X54а{hЫfЫЦ{Kerwelа{jЫJ|$146; X45И|lЫL|$169; X56&|$169; X56а|oЫЧ|2pЫ*sЫvЫ3|Ы/‚ЫЦ|qЫmЫЦ|Farmerа|&170; ;X57а|иtЫrЫЦ|uЫJConstable and Path Masterа| in Beekmanа|bИyЫwЫЦ|xЫ8146, 169; X45, X56а|а|zЫFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа|ed Churchа|$169; X56а|bИ}Ы{ЫЦ|~Ыp"Jacobus Van Den Boogard а|€Ыand Grietjen De Mon, his а|Z210\xwife"а|$169; X56а|ƒЫЫЦ|Beekman (1743)а|„ЫхPr|„ЫB|‡ЫJ}$146; X45И}$146; X45а}ŠЫЧ}26‹ЫЦ}ŒЫˆЫЦ}0Surname possibly "Buck"а}ЫцPr}ЫB}ЫJ~$146; X45И~’ЫL~$146; X45&~”ЫЧ~2•Ы4˜Ы3œЫ/ŸЫЦ~ВК–ЫЦ~$146; X45а~$146; X45а~™Ы—ЫЦ~šЫHMarch, 1722 given as montа~h of birthа~$146; X45а~ВКЫ›ЫЦ~*Cornel Nerr and wifeа~$146; X45а~ ЫžЫЦ~ЁЫ<"They lived in the Clove а~..."а~ЃЫJ$146; X45И$146; X45аІЫЧ2/ЇЫЦЈЫЄЫЦЉЫ<"They lived in the Clove а..."аЋЫ<erAnna Magdelena Tanner\€ЈU(‚Ta€­ЫJ€$146; X45И€ЏЫJ$146; X45ИБЫJ‚$146; X45И‚qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЫJƒ$146; X45ИƒУЫJ„$146; X45И„ „…†‡ˆ‰Š‹eJ ЦЫJ…$146; X45И…ШЫJ†$146; X45И†ЪЫJ‡$146; X45И‡ЬЫJˆ$146; X45ИˆЮЫJ‰$146; X45И‰аЫJŠ$146; X45ИŠвЫJ‹$146; X45И‹$146; X45а‹еЫЧ‹21жЫЦ‹зЫгЫЦ‹""... prob. John"а‹йЫJŒ$146; X45ИŒлЫЧŒ2мЫ3сЫЦŒЄlаkоЫнЫЦŒ$146; X45аŒпЫFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаŒed ChurchаŒ$146; X45аŒтЫрЫЦŒуЫ8Frans Kool and Marytjen PаŒikаŒфЫчPrŒфЫBŒчЫ<t†Johann Henrich Light\ЈU(‚LiщЫJ$147; X45ИыЫ<iedna Elizabeth Schmied\ŽЈU(‚ScŽэЫJŽ$147; X45ИŽяЫJ$147; X45ИёЫL$147; X45&ѓЫЧ2єЫ3јЫ-ќЫЦњ ТіЫѕЫЦ$147; X45а,Pieter Lossing's barnа$147; X45ањ ТљЫїЫЦњЫ@Arie DeLong and sister Jaаnnetjeа$147; X45а§ЫћЫЦ"John DeLong, Jr.аўЫшPrqўЫBЬ<geArie Blandina DeLange\ЈU(‚DeЬJЬ8148, 171; X46, X57ИИЬЬL$148; X46&$174; X59'$175; X59а ЬЧ/Ьd Ь Ь*Ь ЬЬ-"Ь6'Ь3+ЬЦ Ь ЬЦFarmerа$173; X58аЬЬЦЬD5th (Beekman) Regiment ofа Militiaа$171; X57аЬЬЦЬFConstable and Collector iаn Beekmanа$174; X59аЬЬЦЬ’"in a family ground in anаЬ orchard behind the old hаotel in Beekmanville."а2ЗЬЬЦЬ8148, 171; X46, X57ааЬ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsаtonа!ЬL147, 171, 175; X45, X57а, X59а#Ь ЬЦ$ЬZArie Jonas DeLong; Arie Sаr., Area, Ary; Arynа&ЬN148, 171, 190; X46, X5а7, X67а(Ь%ЬЦ)ЬND Long, Delong, De Long, аDeLong, Langsа$171; X57а2З,Ь*ЬЦ-Ь@Mathys Peerson and Thomasа Winneа$171; X57а/0Ь83ЬЦ1Ь.ЬЦBeekmanа$174; X59а4Ь2ЬЦ&"in his 79th year"а5ЬщPr5ЬBqqqqqqqqqAЬJ‘$148; X46И‘CЬL‘$174; X59'‘$174; X59а‘FЬЧ‘2 GЬ/JЬ8MЬЦ‘HЬDЬЦ‘"Verbank Cemeteryа‘$174; X59а‘KЬIЬЦ‘Beekmanа‘$174; X59а‘NЬLЬЦ‘73 yearsа‘OЬъPr‘OЬB‘RЬJ’$148; X46И’TЬL’X46&’VЬЧ’2WЬ3\Ь8`ЬЦ’2ЙYЬXЬЦ’$148; X46а’ZЬ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа’tonа’$148; X46а’2Й]Ь[ЬЦ’^ЬDHendrik Bras and Geertruyа’ Peersonа’$148; X46а’aЬ_ЬЦ’,"Poss d[ied] y[oung]"а’cЬJ“$148; X46И“eЬL“X46&“gЬЧ“2hЬ3mЬ/qЬЦ“bМjЬiЬЦ“$148; X46а“kЬ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа“tonа“$148; X46а“bМnЬlЬЦ“oЬDHendrik Ploeg and Marretjа“e DeLongа“$148; X46а“rЬpЬЦ“sЬD"They later went to Saratа“oga Co."а“qqqqqqqqqqqqЬJ”$148; X46И”$148; X46а”„ЬЧ”2/…ЬЦ”†Ь‚ЬЦ”‡ЬD"They later went to Saratа”oga Co."а”‰ЬJ•$148; X46И•‹ЬJ–$148; X46И–ЬJ—$148; X46И—ЬJ˜$148; X46Ș‘ЬJ™$148; X46И™™š›œže$”ЬJš$148; X46Иš–ЬJ›$148; X46И›˜ЬJœ$148; X46ИœšЬJ$148; X46ИœЬJž$148; X46ИžžЬJŸ$148; X46ИŸ ЬLŸX46&ŸЂЬЧŸ2ЃЬЦŸтОЅЬЄЬЦŸ$148; X46аŸІЬ:Old Dutch Church of KingsаŸtonаŸЈЬJ ЉЬ8148, 175; X46, X59И И ЋЬЌЬL X46& $178; X61' Beekman $175; X59а АЬЧ 2БЬ ДЬКЬ3РЬ/ФЬ-ШЬ6ЬЬ8ЯЬЦ ВЬЎЬЦ Farmerа $175; X59а ЕЬГЬЦ ЖЬЪCaptain in the Colonial Mа ЗЬilitia; refused to assembа ИЬle his troops on order ofа ЙЬ the Continental Congressа а ВРМЬЛЬЦ $175; X59а НЬ:Old Dutch Church of Kingsа tonа $175; X59а qВРСЬОЬЦ ТЬHWillem Ploeg and Barber Sа choonmakerа $175; X59а ХЬУЬЦ ЦЬ>"lifelong resident of Beeа kman"а $175; X59а ЩЬЧЬЦ  Johnа ЫЬ8176, 178; X60, X61а а ЭЬЪЬЦ DeLong, DLongа $178; X61а аЬЮЬЦ &"in his 76th year"а  “Ÿ eьвЬыPr вЬB еЬJЁ$148; X46ИЁ$148; X46аЁиЬЧЁ2/йЬ6оЬЦЁкЬжЬЦЁлЬtBeekman, Halfmoon (1786) аЁмЬand Stephentown (1790), NаЁew YorkаЁ$148; X46аЁпЬнЬЦЁDeLongаЁрЬьPrЁрЬBЁуЬJЂ$149; X46ИЂ$149; X46аЂцЬЧЂ21чЬЦЂшЬфЬЦЂ*"Catherine, (prob.)"аЂъЬJЃ$149; X46ИЃ$149; X46аЃэЬЧЃ26юЬЦЃяЬыЬЦЃClevelandаЃёЬJЄ$149; X46ИЄѓЬLЄ$149; X46&Є$149; X46аЄіЬЧЄ24їЬЦЄшјЬєЬЦЄљЬP"This date seems late forаЄ first child."аЄqqqqqqЭJЅ$149; X49ИЅЭJІ$149; X46ИІЭLІ$149; X46&ІЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouІnty, New YorkІ ЭJЇ$149; X46ИЇ ЭLЇ$149; X46&Ї ЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЇnty, New YorkЇЭJЈ$149; X46ИЈЭLЈ$149; X46&ЈЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЈnty, New YorkЈЉЊЋЌЄeL ЭJЉ$149; X46ИЉЭLЉ$149; X46&ЉЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЉnty, New YorkЉЭJЊ$149; X46ИЊЭLЊ$149; X46&Њ ЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЊnty, New YorkЊ"ЭJЋ$149; X46ИЋ$ЭLЋ$149; X46&Ћ&ЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЋnty, New YorkЋ(ЭJЌ$149; X46ИЌ*ЭLЌ$149; X46&Ќ,ЭNBrunswick, Rensselaer CouЌnty, New YorkЌ.ЭJ­$149; X46И­B33а­1ЭЧ­262Э75ЭЦ­3Э/ЭЦ­Dolsenа­$149; X46а­6Э4ЭЦ­7ЭЦ"She probably died soon aа­8Эfter [marriage] because aа­9Эll [Arie's] children wereа­ by Anne [Wiltsie] ..."а­(eЊZ222\­;Эd­qqqAЭJЎ$149; X46ИЎCЭJЏ$149; X46ИЏEЭJА$152; X48ИАGЭJБ$152; X48ИБIЭLБ$152; X48'БKЭJHillsdale, Columbia CountБy, New YorkБMЭJВ$153; X48ИВOЭJГ$153; X48ИГQЭJД$153; X48ИДSЭLД$153; X48&ДUЭJЕ$153; X48ИЕWЭLЕ$153; X48&ЕYЭJЖ$153; X48ИЖ[ЭLЖ$153; X48&Ж]ЭJЗ$153; X48ИЗ_ЭLЗ$153; X48&ЗaЭJИ$153; X48ИИcЭLИ$153; X48&ИИЙem fЭJЙ$153; X48ИЙhЭLЙ$153; X48&ЙjЭJК$153; X48ИКlЭLЛ$153; X48&ЛnЭJМ$153; X48ИМpЭJН$153; X48ИНZ222\ЎqЭdЎZ222\ЏsЭdЏZ219\ДuЭdДZ220\ЗwЭdЗZ220\ЙyЭdЙZ220\Л{ЭdЛqqqЭJО$152; X48ИОƒЭJП$152; X48ИП…ЭLП$152; X48&П‡ЭJР$152; X48ИР‰ЭJС$152; X48ИС‹ЭJТ$153; X48ИТЭLТ$153; X48&Т$153; X48аТЭЧТ2‘Э3”ЭЦТ’ЭŽЭЦТ,Ghent Reformed ChurchаТ$153; X48аТ•Э“ЭЦТ–Э<Jacob Gaal and Catherine аТRaadаТ˜ЭJУ$153; X48ИУšЭLУ$153; X48&УœЭЧУ2Э3ЂЭЦУЊŸЭžЭЦУ$153; X48аУ Э4Hillsdale Reformed ChurchаУаУ$153; X48аУЊЃЭЁЭЦУЄЭ6James DeLong and Sary EkeаУrаУІЭJФ$153; X48ИФЈЭLФ$153; X48&ФЊЭЧФ2ЋЭ3АЭЦФЊ­ЭЌЭЦФ$153; X48аФЎЭ4Hillsdale Reformed ChurchаФаФ$153; X48аФЊБЭЏЭЦФВЭ>Timothy Smit and Nancy JaаФcksonаФZ221\ОГЭdОZ221\РЕЭdРZ221\ТЗЭdТZ221\УЙЭdУqqqqqСЭJХТЭ8141, 154; X42, X49ИХИХB28аХХЭЧХ26ЦЭЦХЧЭУЭЦХDolsenаХЩЭJЦ$155; X49ИЦЫЭLЦX49&ЦЭЭЧЦ2ЮЭ1гЭ;зЭ3лЭЦЦЊЦаЭЯЭЦЦ$155; X49аЦбЭDFirst Reformed Church of аЦFishkillаЦ$155; X49аЦдЭвЭЦЦеЭD"... probable but not proаЦven ..."аЦ$155; X49аЦиЭжЭЦЦйЭPMarch 21, 1734 given as dаЦate of baptismаЦ$155; X49аЦЊЦмЭкЭЦЦнЭhFrans Delong and Marya VaаЦоЭn Schaak, the grandparentаЦsаЦрЭJЧ$155; X49ИЧтЭLЧ$155; X49&ЧфЭЧЧ2хЭ3ъЭ1эЭЦЧB ЬчЭцЭЦЧ$155; X49аЧшЭFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаЧed ChurchаЧ$155; X49аЧB ЬыЭщЭЦЧ2Abraham and Maria DolsonаЧ$155; X49аЧюЭьЭЦЧяЭ<"... probable but not proаЧven"аЧ№ЭэPrЧ№ЭBЧqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЮJШ$155; X49ИШ$155; X49аШЮЧШ21Ю6 ЮЦШЮЮЦШЮD"... probable but not proаШven ..."аШ$155; X49аШ ЮЮЦШPeLongаШ ЮюPrШ ЮBШЮJЩ$156; X50ИЩ,156-157; X50аЩЮЧЩ2 Ю1Ю6Ю/ЮЦЩЮЮЦЩЮjMember of Loyal American аЩЮRegiment, Revolutionary WаЩarаЩ$156; X50аЩЮЮЦЩЮP"... probable but not proаЩven ... ?John"аЩ$156; X50аЩЮЮЦЩPeLongаЩЮRHalfmoon, New York (1790)аЩ; New BrunswickаЩЮЦЩЦЧыћeЫ!ЮяPrЩ!ЮBЩ$ЮJЪ$156; X50ИЪ&ЮJЫ$156; X50ИЫ(ЮLЫ$156; X50&Ы*ЮFLong Reach, Kings County,Ы New YorkЫ,ЮJЬ$156; X50ИЬ.ЮJЭ$156; X50ИЭ0ЮLЭ$156; X50&Э$156; X50аЭ3ЮЧЭ244ЮЦЭ§1ЮЦЭZ222\Щ5ЮdЩZ222\Ъ7ЮdЪZ222\Ы9ЮdЫZ222\Ь;ЮdЬZ222\Э=ЮdЭqAЮJЮ$156; X50ИЮ$156; X50аЮDЮЧЮ21EЮЦЮFЮBЮЦЮGЮJ"... widow of Amenzie KieаЮrstead ..."аЮIЮJЯ$156; X50ИЯKЮJа$156; X50Иа$156; X50ааNЮЧа21OЮЦаPЮLЮЦаQЮR"a brother-in-law of Aaroааn DeLong of NB"ааSЮJб$156; X50ИбUЮLб$156; X50&бWЮJв$156; X50ИвYЮJг$156; X50Иг[ЮJд$156; X50Ид]ЮJе$156; X50Ие^Ю№Prе^ЮBеaЮJж$156; X50ИжcЮLж$156; X50&ж ухЫЭбжмнe%fЮJз$156; X50ИзhЮJи$156; X50ИиjЮJй$156; X50ИйlЮJк$156; X50ИкnЮJл$156; X50ИлpЮJм$156; X50ИмrЮLм$156; X50&мZ223\ЯsЮdЯO106\кuЮdкNew YorkYкqqqqqqqqЮJн$156; X50ИнƒЮLн$156; X50&н…ЮJо$156; X50Ио‡ЮJп$156; X50Ип‰ЮJр$156; X50Ир‹ЮJс$156; X50ИсЮJт$156; X50ИтЮJу$156; X50Иу‘ЮJф$156; X50Иф“ЮJх$156; X50Их$156; X50ах–ЮЧх21—ЮЦх˜Ю”ЮЦх"David?"ахšЮJц$156; X50Иц$156; X50ацЮЧц21žЮ/ЁЮЦцŸЮ›ЮЦц"?Abraham..."ац$156; X50ацЂЮ ЮЦцЃЮ@Halfmoon, New York (1790,ац 1800)ацЄЮёPrцЄЮBцЇЮJч$156; X50ИчЉЮJш$156; X50ИшЋЮLшX50&ш­ЮЧш2ЎЮЦш љАЮЏЮЦш$156; X50ашБЮ6West Ghent Reformed ChurcашhашВЮђPrшВЮBш37\пДЮdпqqqqqqqqqqСЮJщ$156; X50ИщУЮLщ$156; X50&щ*West Ghent, New YorkщЦЮJъ$156; X50ИъШЮLъX50&ъЪЮЧъ2ЫЮ3аЮЦъТ ћЭЮЬЮЦъ$156; X50аъЮЮ4Claverack Reformed Churchаъаъ$156; X50аъТ ћбЮЯЮЦъParentsаъгЮJы$156; X50ИыеЮжЮLы$156; X50&ы,156-157; X50'ы$156; X50аыйЮЧы2 кЮ1пЮ4тЮ/фЮЦылЮзЮЦымЮjMember of Loyal American аынЮRegiment, Revolutionary Wаыarаы$156; X50аырЮоЮЦы"?Aaron"аы$156; X50аыпсЮЦы$156; X50аыхЮуЮЦыцЮ8Kings County, New BrunswiаыckаычЮѓPrычЮBыъЮJь$156; X50ИььЮ<.†Samuel Kiersted, Jr..эЈU(‚KiэюЮJэ$156; X50Иэ№ЮJю$156; X50ИюL142\ьёЮdьqqqqqqqqqqqqqЯJя$157; X50ИяЯLя$157; X50&яЯJ№$157; X50И№ЯJё$157; X50Иё ЯLё$157; X50&ё ЯJђ$157; X50Иђ ЯLђ$157; X50&ђЯJѓ$157; X50ИѓЯLѓ$157; X50&ѓЯJє$157; X50ИєЯLє$157; X50&єєіїјљњea ЯJѕ$157; X50ИѕЯJі$157; X50ИіЯLі$157; X50&іЯJї$157; X50Иї ЯLї$157; X50&ї"ЯJј$157; X50Иј$ЯLј$157; X50&ј&ЯJљ$157; X50Иљ(ЯLљ$157; X50&љ*ЯJњ$157; X50Ињ,ЯLњ$157; X50&њ.ЯJћ$157; X50Ић0ЯLћ$157; X50&ћ2ЯЧћ2 3Я19ЯЦћ’ё5Я4ЯЦћ$157; X50аћ6Я|Barclay's Company, Loyal аћ7ЯAmerican Regiment, Revoluаћtionary Warаћ$157; X50аћ:Я8ЯЦћ"?Simon"аћ;ЯєPrћ;ЯBћ=ЯчQrc 39\ѓ>ЯdѓAЯ< š†Experience Charlton\(ќЈU(‚ChќCЯJќ$157; X50ИќEЯLќ$157; X50&ќ.Norfolk, MassachusettsќHЯJ§$157; X50И§JЯJў$157; X50ИўLЯJџ$157; X50ИџNЯLџ$157; X50&џPЯJ$157; X50ИRЯSЯL$157; X50&$157; X50'$157; X50аVЯЧ21WЯЦXЯTЯЦ"d. unm."аZЯJ$157; X50И\ЯJ$157; X50И^ЯL$157; X50&`ЯJ$157; X50ИbЯJ$157; X50ИdЯL$157; X50&fЯJ$157; X50ИhЯJ$157; X50ИjЯL$157; X50&  ee mЯJ$157; X50ИoЯJ$157; X50ИqЯrЯL$157; X50&$157; X50'5љeqe qqqqqqqqqqqЯJ $157; X50И ƒЯJ $157; X50И …ЯL $157; X50& $157; X50а ˆЯЧ 25‰ЯЦ ŠЯ†ЯЦ  Rev.а ŒЯJ $157; X50И ŽЯJ $157; X50И ЯL $157; X50& ’ЯJ $157; X50И ”ЯJ$157; X50И–ЯL$157; X50&˜ЯJ$157; X50ИšЯL$157; X50&œЯJ$157; X50ИžЯJ$157; X50И ЯJ$157; X50ИЂЯJ$159; X51ИЄЯL$159; X51&$159; X51аЇЯЧ21ЈЯ4ЋЯ/­ЯЦЉЯЅЯЦ""Frans, (prob.)"а$159; X51аЬЊЯЦ$159; X51аЎЯЌЯЦRombout (1763)аЏЯѕPrЏЯBqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЯ< š†Greitje Linnabecker\(ЈU(‚LiУЯJ$159; X51И$159; X51аЦЯЧ26ЧЯЦШЯФЯЦLinderbeckаЪЯJ$159; X51И$159; X51аЭЯЧ26ЮЯЦЯЯЫЯЦLinderbeckабЯJ$159; X51ИгЯJ$159; X51ИеЯLX51&зЯЧ2иЯ3мЯЦ2ыкЯйЯЦ$159; X51а(New Paltz, New Yorkа$159; X51а2ынЯлЯЦNo sponsorsапЯJ$159; X51ИрЯіPrрЯBуЯJ$159; X51ИхЯLX51&чЯЧ2шЯ3эЯЦњ ЭъЯщЯЦ$159; X51аыЯDFirst Reformed Church of аFishkillа$159; X51ањ ЭюЯьЯЦяЯ<Elias DeLong and Lydia DeаLongаёЯJ$159; X51И$159; X51аєЯЧ2 ѕЯЦіЯђЯЦїЯ^DeLancey's Corps (Loyalisаt), Revolutionary WarајЯїPrјЯBEnglandYqqqqqаJ$159; X51ИаL$159; X51&аЧ2аЦВ юааЦ$159; X51а аDFirst Reformed Church of аHopewellа аJ$159; X51И аLX51&аЧ2а3а-аЦњЮааЦ$159; X51ааFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаed Churchа$159; X51ањЮааЦаNHendrik Bartlet and Lisabаeth Palmatierа$159; X51аааЦ MaryааJ$159; X51ИаJ$159; X51И аLX51&"аЧ2#а3(аЦ" ц%а$аЦ$159; X51а&аDFirst Reformed Church of аHopewellа$159; X51а" ц)а'аЦ*аBLawrence DeLong and wife аNeeltjeа,аJ$159; X51И.аJ $159; X51И 0аL $159; X51& 2аЧ 23а38аЦ Вя5а4аЦ $159; X51а 6аFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа ed Churchа $159; X51а Вя9а7аЦ :аЄJohn Simpson and wife Catа ;аherine DeLong, sister of а <аLawrence and aunt of the а motherа Z162\ =аd qAаJ!$159; X51И! І eЬDаJ"$159; X51И"FаL"X51&"HаЧ"2IаЦ"j ЮKаJаЦ"$159; X51а""Albany, New Yorkа"MаJ#$159; X51И#OаJ$$159; X51И$QаJ%$159; X51И%SаL%$159; X51&%Uа4Dutchess County, New York%%WаЧ%2Xа/]аЦ%ъ№ZаYаЦ%$159; X51а%[аDFirst Reformed Church of а%Hopewellа%$159; X51а%^а\аЦ%_а†Watervliet (1800), Scheneа%`аctady County (1810), Duanа%esburg, New Yorkа%aајPr%aаB%dаJ&$160; X52И&fаL&$160; X52'&$160; X52а&iаЧ&21jа/mаЦ&kаgаЦ&2"Probably by first wife"а&$160; X52а&nаlаЦ&,Duanesburgh, New Yorkа&oаљPr&oаB&Z163\!qаd!Z163\"sаd"Z163\#uаd#Z165\%wаd%qqqqqqqаJ'$159; X51И'ƒаL'$159; X51&'…а8Washington County, New Yo'rk'$159; X51а'ˆаЧ'21‰аЦ'Šа†аЦ'"widow Green"а'ŒаJ($159; X51И(ŽаJ)$160; X52И)аJ*$160; X52И*$160; X52а*“аЧ*21”аЦ*•а‘аЦ*2"Probably by first wife"а*—аJ+$160; X52И+™аJ,$160; X52И,$160; X52а,œаЧ,21аЦ,žаšаЦ,2"Probably by first wife"а, аJ-$160; X52И-$160; X52а-ЃаЧ-21ЄаЦ-ЅаЁаЦ-2"Probably by first wife"а-ЇаJ.$160; X52И.$160; X52а.ЊаЧ.21ЋаЦ.ЌаЈаЦ.2"Probably by first wife"а../ew ЏаJ/$160; X52И/$160; X52а/ВаЧ/21ГаЦ/ДаАаЦ/2"Probably by first wife"а/Z166\(Еаd(Z166\,Заd,Z167\.Йаd.Z167\/Лаd/qqqСаJ0$160; X52И0УаL0$160; X52&0$160; X52а0ЦаЧ021ЧаЦ0ШаФаЦ0."prob. by second wife"а0ЪаJ1$160; X52И1ЬаJ2$160; X52И2ЮаL2$160; X52&2$160; X52а2баЧ221ваЦ2гаЯаЦ2."prob. by second wife"а2еаJ3$160; X52И3заJ4$160; X52И4йаL4$160; X52&4лаЧ42ма3саЦ4ъѓоанаЦ4$160; X52а4паBBrunswick Gilead Lutheranа4 Churchа4$160; X52а4ъѓтараЦ4уа:Peter Kidney and wife Estа4herа4фањPr4фаB4чаJ5$160; X52И5щаL5$160; X52'5ыа6Schoharie County, New Yor5k5$160; X52а5юаЧ521яаЦ5№аьаЦ5"?Arie"а5Z167\0ёаd0Z167\1ѓаd1Z167\2ѕаd2Z168\3їаd3Z168\4љаd4Z168\5ћаd5qqqбJ6$160; X52И6бJ7$160; X52И7бL7$160; X52'7,Duanesburgh, New York7бћPr7бB7 бJ8$160; X52И8 бJ9$160; X52И9бL9$160; X52&9$160; X52а9бЧ921бЦ9ббЦ9"?Jonathan"а9бJ:$160; X52И:бJ;$160; X52И;ббL;$160; X52&;Z91';бJEminence, Schoharie Count;y, New York;Z91а;бЧ;2  б1$бЦ;!ббЦ;"бJEminence, Schoharie Countа;y, New Yorkа;$160; X52а;%б#бЦ;"?Jacob"а;'бJ<(б>160; X52Z68И<И<*бL<Z91&<,бJ=$160; X52И=.бJ>$160; X52И>0бL> 2; Z40&>Z168\61бd6Z168\73бd7Z169\95бd9Z169\:7бd:Z169\=9бd=qqqqqAбJ?$160; X52И?CбL?$160; X52&?EбЧ?2Fб3Kб-OбЦ?ъэHбGбЦ?$160; X52а?IбDFirst Reformed Church of а?Hopewellа?$160; X52а?ъэLбJбЦ?Mб>Peter Deyo and Gertrude Cа?ramerа? 5; Z42а?PбNбЦ?Geertruyа?RбJ@$160; X52И@TбL@$160; X52&@VбЧ@2WбЦ@ТёYбXбЦ@$160; X52а@ZбDFirst Reformed Church of а@Hopewellа@\бJA$160; X52ИA$160; X52аA_бЧA21`бЦAaб]бЦA"?Neeltje"аAcб<r†Jeremias Lindebecker\BЈU(‚LiBeбJB$160; X52ИB$159; X51аBhбЧB26iбЦBjбfбЦBLinderbeckаBlбJC$160; X52ИCnбLCX52&CpбЧC2qбЦCъыsбrбЦC$160; X52аCtбZReformed Dutch Church of аCNew Paltz, New YorkаC$329; N69\AuбdAqqqqqqqqqбJD&C60E, C61ИDƒбLD&C60E, C61&D0Otsego County, New YorkDC60EаD‡бЧD2ˆбЦD‰б…бЦDFarmerаDUnknown;DŒбJEC61ИEŽбLEC61&EC69аE‘бЧE2’бЦE“ббЦEPhotographerаE•бJFC61ИF—бLFC61&F(B140, B144аFšбЧF24›бЦF4s sœб˜бЦF"likely NY"аFUnknown;FžбќPrFžбBFЁбJGC61ИGЃбLGC61&GNew York StateGC69аGЇбЧG2-ЈбЦGЉбЅбЦGCelestinaаGUnknown;GЌбJHC61ИHЎбLHC61&HNew York StateHC69аHВбЧH2-ГбЦHДбАбЦH BetsyаHUnknown;H ФЧШeFqqqqqqqqqСбJIC61ИIУбLIC61&INew York StateIUnknown;IЧбJJ$160; X52ИJЩбJK$160; X52ИKЫбJL$162; X53ИLЭбLL$162; X53&L$162; X53аLабЧL2ббдб1иб/лбЦLвбЮбЦLTavern keeperаL$162; X53аLебгбЦLжбXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаL, Argyle, New YorkаL$162; X53аLйбзбЦL"?Francis"аL$162; X53аLмбкбЦLнбHArgyle, Washington CountyаL, New YorkаLоб§PrLобBLсбJM$162; X53ИMубLM$162; X53&M$162; X53аMцбЧM2чб/ыбЦMшбфбЦMщбXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаM, Argyle, New YorkаM$162; X53аMьбъбЦMэбHArgyle, Washington CountyаM, New YorkаMябJN$162; X53ИN$162; X53аNђбЧN2/ѓбЦNєб№бЦNѕбVArgyle, Washington CountyаN, New York (1790)аN$330; N70\IібdI&137; C405\KјбdK&137; C405\LњбdL&137; C405\NќбdNqqвJO$162; X53ИOвJP$162; X53ИPвLP$162; X53&P$162; X53аPвЧP2 вЦP ввЦP вXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаP, Argyle, New YorkаP вJQ$162; X53ИQвLQ$162; X53&Q$162; X53аQвЧQ2в-вЦQввЦQвXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаQ, Argyle, New YorkаQ$162; X53аQввЦQ BetsyаQвJR$162; X53ИRвLR$162; X53&RвJS$162; X53ИS$162; X53аS!вЧS2"в1&в/)вЦS#ввЦS$вXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаS, Argyle, New YorkаS$162; X53аS'в%вЦS"d. unm."аS$162; X53аS*в(вЦS*"Perhaps to Canada."аS,в< š†Francis Delong, Jr..(TЈU(‚DeT.вJT$162; X53ИT0вLT$162; X53&T$162; X53аT3вЧT24в48вЦT5в1вЦT6вXFirst Presbyterian ChurchаT, Argyle, New YorkаT$162; X53аTў7вЦT&137; C405\O9вdO&136; C405\P;вdP&136; C405\S=вdS&137; C405\TAвJU$162; X53ИUCвJV$162; X53ИV$162; X53аVFвЧV21GвЦVHвDвЦV"d. unm."аV[\]PQTe‡ KвJW$162; X53ИWMвJX$162; X53ИXOвJY$162; X53ИYQвJZ$162; X53ИZSвJ[$162; X53И[UвJ\$162; X53И\WвJ]$162; X53И]YвJ^$162; X53И^[вL^$162; X53&^$162; X53а^^вЧ^2 _в1eв/hвЦ^`в\вЦ^aвš1st Regiment of the Contiа^bвnental Line; 12th Regimenа^cвt of Albany County Militiа^aа^$162; X53а^fвdвЦ^"?Ezekiel"а^$162; X53а^iвgвЦ^jвpHalf Moon (1788) and Chamа^kвplain (1800), New York; Cа^anadaа^lвўPr^lвB^oвJ_$163; X53И_qвL_$163; X53&_Rombout_$163; X53а_uвЧ_21vвЦ_wвsвЦ_"?Maria"а_xвџPr_xвB_&137; C405\UzвdU&137; C405\V|вdV&137; C405\W~вdWвJ`$163; X53И`ƒвL`$163; X53&`…в4Courtland Manor, New York``$163; X53а`ˆвЧ`2/‰вЦ`Šв†вЦ`‹в8Stillwater, New York (178а`0)а`ŒвPr`ŒвB`вJa$163; X53Иa‘вJb$163; X53Иb“вLb$163; X53&b•в4Dutchess County, New Yorkbb—вJc$163; X53Иc™вLc$163; X53&c›вJd$163; X53ИdвLd$163; X53&d(Half Moon, New Yorkd вJe$163; X53ИeЂвLe$163; X53&e(Half Moon, New YorkeЅвJf$163; X53ИfЇвLf$163; X53&f(Half Moon, New Yorkffghijke ЋвJg$163; X53Иg­вLg$163; X53&g(Half Moon, New YorkgАвJh$163; X53ИhВвLh$163; X53&h(Half Moon, New Yorkh$163; X53аhЖвЧh24ЗвЦhЪИвДвЦhЙв4Date of birth not certainаhаhqqqqqqСвJi$163; X53ИiУвLi$163; X53&i(Half Moon, New YorkiЦвJj$163; X53ИjШвLj$163; X53&j(Half Moon, New YorkjЫвJk$163; X53ИkЭвLk$163; X53&k(Half Moon, New YorkkавJl,162-163; X53ИlввЧl2гв3лв/пв1увЦl"ВсевдвтяивзвЦl$163; X53аlжвDFirst Reformed Church of аlHopewellаl$162; X53аlйвFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаled Churchаl$163; X53аlВсмвквЦlнвNPaul Vandervoort and Jannаlet Vandewaterаl$163; X53аlрвовЦlсвFFonda, Montgomery County,аl New Yorkаl$163; X53аlфвтвЦl0"Prob. more [children]"аl L^џ uz|}†eкцвPrlцвBlщвJm$163; X53ИmывJn$163; X53ИnэвLn$163; X53&n$163; X53аn№вЧn23ёвЦnђвювЦnѓв6Frederick and Sara DeGraaаnfаnqкqqqqqqqqqqqгJo$163; X53ИoгLo$163; X53&o&163; ;X53аoгЧo21гЦoггЦo г@"... the only probable [cаohild]"аo гJp$163; X53Иp гЧp2г-г/гЦp"ВѕггтяггЦp$163; X53аpгDFirst Reformed Church of аpHopewellаp$162; X53аpгFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаped Churchаp$163; X53аpггЦp Cattrina Delangаp$164; X54аpггЦp2Hoosick, New York (1790)аpгPrpгBpгJq$163; X53Иq$164; X54аq!гЧq2/"гЦq#ггЦq2Hoosick, New York (1790)аq%гJr$163; X53Иr'г(гLr$163; X53&r$164; X54'r$164; X54аr+гЧr2,г30гЦr-г)гЦr.гFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаred Churchаr$163; X53аr1г/гЦr2гBPeter Murphy and Barbara аrFricherаrqqqqqqqqqqqqqAгJs$164; X54ИsCгЧs2Dг1Iг/LгЦsтяFгEгЦs$162; X53аsGгFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаsed Churchаs$164; X54аsJгHгЦs"?Leonora"аs$164; X54аsMгKгЦsNгFFonda, Montgomery County,аs New YorkаsOгPrsOгBsRгJt$164; X54Иt$164; X54аtUгЧt2/VгЦtWгSгЦtXгFFonda, Montgomery County,аt New YorkаtZгJu$164; X54Иu\г]гLu$164; X54&u$184; X64'u_гLAshford, Cattaraugus Counuty, New Yorku$184; X64аubгЧu2cг eгjг3nг4qг/sг7wгЦudг`гЦuLaborerаuЂgгfгЦu$184; X64аuhгLApplied for Revolutionaryаu War pensionаu$154; X54аukгiгЦulгFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformаued Churchаu$164; X54аuoгmгЦuAbraham Greesаu$184; X64аuTn0npгЦu$184; X64аutгrгЦuuгPPhelps, Ontario County, Nаuew York (1822)аu$184; X64аuТ+xгvгЦuyг>Concord, Erie County, Newаu YorkаuzгPruzгBuqqqqгJv‚г8164, 184; X54, X64ИvИv„гLv$184; X64&v$184; X64аv‡гЧv2-ˆгЦv‰г…гЦv Sallyаv‹гJw$164; X54Иwг8164, 184; X54, X64аwаwгЧw21гЦw‘гŒгЦw’гF"?2nd [wife];" 'widow of аwEbenezer"аw”гJx$164; X54Иx–гLx$164; X54&x˜гЧx2™гЦxВ ї›гšгЦx$164; X54аxœгFFonda, Montgomery County,аx New YorkаxžгJy$164; X54Иy гLy$164; X54&yЂгЧy2ЃгЦyВ љЅгЄгЦy$164; X54аyІгFFonda, Montgomery County,аy New YorkаyЈгJz$164; X54ИzЊгLzЋг8164, 185; X54, X64&z&zЌгPrzЌгBzЏгJ{$164; X54И{БгJ|$164; X54И|ГгL|Дг8164, 185; X54, X64&|&|,Schagticoke, New York|$164; X54а|ИгЧ|2Йг3Нг-Сг/ФгЦ|КгЖгЦ|ЛгFSchaghticoke Dutch Reformа|ed Churchа|$164; X54а|ОгМгЦ|Harmanus Fortа|q,184-185; X64а|ТгРгЦ| Jamesа|$185; X64а|ХгУгЦ|ЦгBHerkimer County, New Yorkа| (1839)а|ЧгPr|ЧгB|ЪгJ}$164; X54И}ЬгL}$164; X54&}$164; X54а}ЯгЧ}23аг/ггЦ}бгЭгЦ}Ellick Schutа}$164; X54а}дгвгЦ}егFMontgomery County, New Yoа}rk (1810)а}жгPr}жгB}йгJ~$164; X54И~лгJ$164; X54ИнгL$164; X54&$164; X54аргЧ21сгЦтгогЦ""m. ?Efa _____."афгJ€$164; X54И€цгJ$164; X54ИшгL$164; X54&ъгЧ2ыг3№гЦв эгьгЦ$164; X54аюгZSt. Paul's Lutheran Churcаh, Minden, New Yorkа$164; X54ав ёгягЦ Andreas GinsmanаqqqqqqqqqqqqqqдJ‚$164; X54И‚дJƒ$164; X54ИƒдLƒ$164; X54&ƒдJ„$164; X54И„ дJ…$164; X54И… дL…$164; X54&… дJ†$164; X54И†дL†$164; X54&†дЧ†2д3дЦ†:ыдЦ†$164; X54а†$164; X54а†:ыддЦ†дHWillem Titsoort and Catheа†rine Youngа†дJ‡$164; X54И‡д<inAnna Elizabetha Hobin\ˆЈU(‚HoˆдJˆ$164; X54Иˆ$164; X54аˆ дЧˆ21!дЦˆ"ддЦˆ#д4"widow of George Schultz"аˆаˆ%дJ‰$164; X54И‰$164; X54а‰(дЧ‰2/)дЦ‰*д&дЦ‰"of Darmsett"а‰,дJŠ$165; X54ИŠ.дLŠ$165; X54&Š0дЧŠ21д36д-:дЦŠ: Э3д2дЦŠ$165; X54аŠ4дJThe Clove, Dutchess CountаŠy, New YorkаŠ$165; X54аŠ: Э7д5дЦŠ8дRGrandparents "Joh. DeLongаŠ and Magdelena"аŠ$165; X54аŠ;д9дЦŠ&"John DeLong Jun."аŠ<дPrŠ<дBŠqqAдJ‹$165; X54И‹CдL‹X54&‹EдЧ‹2Fд3KдЦ‹ ЯHдGдЦ‹$165; X54а‹IдFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа‹ed Churchа‹$165; X54а‹ ЯLдJдЦ‹MдЖMartinus Wiltsie and Maryа‹Nдtje Wilsie "(... her firsа‹Oдt cousin, the daughter ofа‹ Frans DeLong)"а‹QдJŒ$165; X54ИŒSдLŒX54&ŒUдЧŒ2Vд;Yд3]дЦŒ*бWдЦŒ$165; X54аŒ$165; X54аŒZдXдЦŒ[дTFebruary 5, 1745 given asаŒ date of baptismаŒ$165; X54аŒ^д\дЦŒ_д`Thomas Kerwel (Carver) anаŒd Lena (DeLong) KerwelаŒaд<hlich Valentin Frohlich\ЈU(‚FrcдJdдb165; X54B29И142; X43Иfд8142, 165; X43, X54ааhдЧ26iдЦjдeдЦFrelighаlдJŽ$166; X55ИŽ$166; X55аŽoдЧŽ21pд/sдЦŽqдmдЦŽ"?Michael"аŽ$166; X55аŽtдrдЦŽuдTClinton, Dutchess County,аŽ New York (1790)аŽvд PrŽvдBŽqqqqqqqqдJ$166; X55ИƒдJ$166; X55И…дL$166; X55&$166; X55аˆдЧ2‰дЦŠд†дЦ‹д8Wurtenburgh Lutheran ChurаchадJ‘$166; X55И‘дL‘$166; X55&‘‘дЧ‘2’дЦ‘2 ”д“дЦ‘$166; X55а‘•д8Wurtenburgh Lutheran Churа‘chа‘—дJ’$166; X55И’™дL’$166; X55&’›дЧ’2œдЦ’RžддЦ’$166; X55а’Ÿд8Wurtenburgh Lutheran Churа’chа’ЁдJ“$166; X55И“ЃдL“$166; X55'“$166; X55а“ІдЧ“2 Їд8ЋдЦ“ЈдЄдЦ“ЉдRChristian Church Ground, а“Milan, New Yorkа“$166; X55а“: 9ЌдЊдЦ“"51 years, 5 daysа“ЎдJ”$166; X55И”АдL”$166; X55'”$166; X55а”ГдЧ”2 Дд8ЗдЦ”ЕдБдЦ”*Pine Plains Cemeteryа”$166; X55а”к>ИдЖдЦ”Йд842 years, 7 months, 17 daа”ysа”qqqqqqСдJ•$166; X55И•$166; X55а•ФдЧ•21Хд/ШдЦ•ЦдТдЦ•"?Simon"а•$166; X55а•ЩдЧдЦ•ЪдTClinton, Dutchess County,а• New York (1830)а•Ыд Pr•ЫдB•ЮдJ–$166; X55И–адJ—$166; X55И—вдJ˜$166; X55ȘддедL˜$166; X55&˜$166; X55'˜$166; X55а˜идט21йд/мд֘кджд֘"?Benjamin"а˜$166; X55а˜ндлд֘одTClinton, Dutchess County,а˜ New York (1800)а˜пд Pr˜пдB˜тдJ™$166; X55И™$166; X55а™хдЧ™21цдЦ™чдудЦ™("widow of Benjamin"а™щдJš$166; X55ИšыдJ›$166; X55И›эдJœ$166; X55ИœядJ$166; X55ИёдJž$166; X55ИžZ273\—ђдd—Z276\›єдd›Z276\œідdœZ277\žјдdžqqqqqqеJŸ$166; X55ИŸеLŸ$166; X55&ŸеЧŸ2еЦŸк ееЦŸ$166; X55аŸ еnFirst Presbyterian ChurchаŸ е of Pleasant Valley, New аŸYorkаŸ еJ $166; X55И еL $166; X55& еЧ 2еЦ к ееЦ $166; X55а еnFirst Presbyterian Churchа е of Pleasant Valley, New а Yorkа еJЁ$167; X55ИЁеLЁ$167; X55&ЁеЧЁ2еЦЁк ееЦЁ$167; X55аЁеnFirst Presbyterian ChurchаЁ е of Pleasant Valley, New аЁYorkаЁ"еJЂ$167; X55ИЂ$еLЂ$167; X55&Ђ&еЧЂ2'еЦЂк )е(еЦЂ$167; X55аЂ*еnFirst Presbyterian ChurchаЂ+е of Pleasant Valley, New аЂYorkаЂ,е PrЂ,еBЂ/еJЃ$167; X55ИЃ1еLЃ$167; X55&Ѓ3еJPoughquag, Dutchess CountЃy, New YorkЃ$167; X55аЃ6еЧЃ217еЦЃ8е4еЦЃ9еŠ"... had a number of chilаЃ:еdren, among them a ConradаЃ and a Catherine."аЃZ277\Ÿ;еdŸZ277\Ё=еdЁZ273\ЂAеJЄ$168; X56ИЄCеJЅ$167; X55ИЅEеJІ$167; X55ИІGеJЇ$167; X55ИЇIеJеLЇ$167; X55&Ї$186; X65'Ї$185; X64аЇMеЧЇ2Nе Qе4Uе/WеЦЇOеKеЦЇFarmerаЇ$186; X65аЇRеPеЦЇSеd5th (Beekman) Militia RegаЇiment; "British service"аЇ$185; X64аЇаTеЦЇ$185; X64аЇXеVеЦЇYеˆNine Partners (1771), BeeаЇZеkman (1790), PoughkeepsieаЇ (1800), New YorkаЇ[е PrЇ[еBЇ^еJЈ$167; X55ИЈ`еLЈX64&ЈbеЧЈ2cе-fеЦЈК бdеЦЈ$185; X64аЈ$185; X64аЈgеeеЦЈ"Halachi, HeletjeаЈiеJЉ$167; X55ИЉkеLЉ$167; X55&Љ$188; X66аЉnеЧЉ2oе4rе/tеЦЉpеlеЦЉFarmerаЉ$167; X55аЉиqеЦЉ$188; X66аЉuеsеЦЉvеŽBeekman (1775, 1790), HalаЉwеf Moon (1786), and PittstаЉown (1810), New YorkаЉxеPrЉxеBЉZ274\ЅzеdЅZ274\Ї|еdЇе:Middlefield Center, New YYЇorkYЇеJЊ‚е8185, 188; X64, X66ИЊИЊ$188; X66аЊ…еЧЊ2-†еЦЊ‡еƒеЦЊ SaraаЊ‰еJЋ$167; X55ИЋ$167; X55аЋŒеЧЋ2/еЦЋŽеŠеЦЋ&"of Nine Partners"аЋЉќБрњћe_ ‘еJЌ$167; X55ИЌ$167; X55аЌ”еЧЌ2/•еЦЌ–е’еЦЌ "of Saugerties"аЌ˜еJ­$167; X55И­šеL­$167; X55&­œеЧ­2е3ЂеЦ­:іŸеžеЦ­$167; X55а­ еFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа­ed Churchа­$167; X55а­:іЃеЁеЦ­No sponsorsа­ЅеJЎ$167; X55ИЎЇеLЎ$167; X55&ЎЉеЧЎ2Ње3АеЦЎ’ћЌеЋеЦЎ$167; X55аЎ­е†Reformed Dutch Church of аЎЎеNew Hackensack, Dutchess аЎCounty, New YorkаЎ$167; X55аЎ’ћБеЏеЦЎNo sponsorsаЎeЎqqqqqqqqqqqqqСеJЏ$167; X55ИЏУеLЏ$167; X55&ЏХеЧЏ2Це3ЬеЦЏъШеЧеЦЏ$167; X55аЏЩе†Reformed Dutch Church of аЏЪеNew Hackensack, Dutchess аЏCounty, New YorkаЏ$167; X55аЏъЭеЫеЦЏNo sponsorsаЏЯеJА$167; X55ИАбеLА$167; X55&АгеЧА2деЦАт жеееЦА$167; X55аАзеFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаАed ChurchаАйеJБ$167; X55ИБлеLБX55&Б$167; X55аБоеЧБ2 пете3че/ыеЦБремеЦБсеV12th Regiment of the AlbaаБny County MilitiaаБффеуеЦБ$167; X55аБхеFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаБed ChurchаБ$167; X55аБфшецеЦБщеFDavid Railje and Annatje аБReinersseаБ$167; X55аБьеъеЦБэеbWatervliet (1790) and BetаБhlehem (1800), New YorkаБюеPrБюеBБёеJВ$167; X55ИВqqqqqqqqqqqqqqжJГ$167; X55ИГ$167; X55аГжЧГ2/жЦГжжЦГ*"of Washington Town"аГжJД$167; X55ИД ж жLД$167; X55&Д$167; X55'Д жJЕ$167; X55ИЕжLЕ$167; X55'ЕжJЖ$167; X55ИЖжJЗ$167; X55ИЗжLЗ$167; X55&ЗжJИ$167; X55ИИжJЙ$167; X55ИЙжLЙ$167; X55&ЙжJК$167; X55ИКж<.†Jeremiah Delong, Jr..ЛЈU(‚DeЛ!жJЛ$167; X55ИЛ#жJМ$167; X55ИМ%жJН$167; X55ИН'жJО$167; X55ИОЙРТФЦШeЌ *жJП$167; X55ИП,ж<g†Catherine Ann Delong\РЈU(‚DeР.жJР$167; X55ИР0жLР$167; X55&Р.0eДqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAжJС$167; X55ИСCжJТ$167; X55ИТEжLТ$167; X55&ТGжJУ$167; X55ИУIжJФ$168; X56ИФKжLФ$168; X56&Ф$168; X56аФNжЧФ24OжЦФLжЦФQжJХ$168; X56ИХSжJЦ$168; X56ИЦUжLЦ$168; X56&ЦWжJЧ$168; X56ИЧYжJШ$168; X56ИШ[жLШ$168; X56&Ш]жJЩ$168; X56ИЩ_жJЪ$168; X56ИЪaжLЪ$168; X56&ЪcжJЫ$168; X56ИЫeжJЬ$168; X56ИЬgжLЬ$168; X56&Ь$168; X56аЬjжЧЬ2kж8nжЦЬlжhжЦЬ.New Scotland, New YorkаЬ$168; X56аЬoжmжЦЬ""d[ied] y[oung]"аЬqж<ockvid DeLong McCullock\ЭЈU(‚McЭsжJЭ$168; X56ИЭuжLЭ$168; X56&Э$168; X56аЭxжЧЭ2yжЦЭzжvжЦЭ.New Scotland, New YorkаЭE69U\Ъ{жdЪ"Hadley, New YorkYЪqqжJЮ$168; X56ИЮƒжLЮX56&Ю…жЧЮ2†жЦЮR ˆж‡жЦЮ$168; X56аЮ.New Scotland, New YorkаЮŠжJЯ$168; X56ИЯŒжLЯ$168; X56&Я$168; X56аЯжЧЯ2жЦЯ‘жжЦЯ.New Scotland, New YorkаЯ“жJа$168; X56Иа•жLа$168; X56&а$168; X56аа˜жЧа2™жЦаšж–жЦа.New Scotland, New YorkааабвгдeЗ жJб$168; X56ИбŸжLб$168; X56&б$168; X56абЂжЧб2ЃжЦбЄж жЦб.New Scotland, New YorkабІж< š†Elizabeth McCullock\(вЈU(‚McвЈжJв$168; X56ИвЊжLв$168; X56&в$168; X56ав­жЧв2ЎжЦвЏжЋжЦв.New Scotland, New YorkавБжJг$168; X56ИгГжLг$168; X56&г$168; X56агЖжЧг2ЗжЦгИжДжЦг.New Scotland, New YorkагЛж@317; E67E101\ЯЙжdЯ\Я.New Haven, ConnecticutYЯПж@318; E69E69D\бНжdб\бСжJд$168; X56ИдУжLд$168; X56&д$168; X56адЦжЧд2ЧжЦдШжФжЦд.New Scotland, New YorkадЪжJеC60AИеЬжЭжLеC60A&еC60A'еC60AаеажЧе2 бжЦевжЮжЦе&Schenevus CemeteryаеджJжC66ИжжжLж&C60D, C66&ж0Otsego County, New Yorkж&C60D, C66ажкжЧж2лжЦжмжижЦж$Carpenter; farmerажнжPrжнжBжржJзC60BИзтжLзC60B'зC60BазхжЧз2 цж8щжЦзчжужЦз&Schenevus CemeteryазC60AазB?ъжшжЦзыж630 years, 3 months, 9 dayазsазэжJиC66ИияжLи&C60D, C66&и0Otsego County, New YorkиC60EаиѓжЧи2єжЦиѕжёжЦи "Marble cutter"аиqqqqqqqqqqзJй$168; X56ИйзLй$168; X56&й$168; X56айзЧй24зЦй§зЦйзPrйзBй зJк$168; X56Ик з< š†Maritje Slingerland\(лЈU(‚SlлзJл$168; X56ИлззLл$168; X56&л$168; X56'лзJм$168; X56ИмзLм$168; X56&мзJн$168; X56ИнзJо$168; X56ИозLо$168; X56&о$168; X56аозЧо21 зЦо!ззЦо$"... 13 children"аооeЊ $зJп$168; X56Ип&зLп$168; X56&п$168; X56ап)зЧп21*зЦп+з'зЦп$"... 13 children"ап-зJр$168; X56Ир/з0зLр$168; X56&рX44A'рOntarioр$168; X56ар4зЧр25з7з3<з-@з/Dз;JзЦр6з2зЦрFarmerарŠч9з8зЦр$168; X56ар:зFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformарed Churchар$168; X56арŠч=з;зЦр(Annatje Van EnderseарAз@168; X56X44AарleлBз>зЦрар Hendrick; Henryар$168; X56арEзCзЦрFзКRensselaerville (1790), BарGзerne (1790), Bethlehem (1арHз800), and Dutchess Countyар (1801), New YorkарX44AарŠхKзIзЦр.Poughkeepsie, New YorkарLзPrрLзBрOзJсPз@168; X56X44AИсИсRзLсX44A&сNew Yorkс$168; X56асVзЧс2/WзЦсXзTзЦсYз4"of Little Nine Partners"асас[зJт$168; X56Ит]зLт$168; X56&т$168; X56ат`зЧт24aзЦтbз^зЦт"July 3, 1788 (?)атdзJу$168; X56ИуfзJф$167; X55ИфhзkзLфX44A&фjз<Long Island, Queens, New фYorkфX44A'фmз<Adolphustown, Ontario, Caфnadaф$167; X55афpзЧф2/qз6tзЦфrзnзЦф"of Beekman"афX44AафuзsзЦфCole, CoolафqqqqqqqqqqзJх$168; X56ИхƒзLх$168; X56&х…зJц$168; X56Иц‡зLц$168; X56&ц‰зJч$168; X56Ич‹зJш$168; X56ИшзLш$168; X56&ш$168; X56ашзЧш21‘зЦш’зŽзЦш“з8"m. Margaret Covert (probаш)"аш•зJщ$168; X56Ищ—зJъ$169; X56Иъ™зLъ$169; X56&ъ ъюяёѓѕїјeН œзJы$169; X56ИыžзLы$169; X56&ы зJь$169; X56Иь$169; X56аьЃзЧь2/ЄзЦьЅзЁзЦь*"of Ameliasburgh CN"аьЇзJэ$169; X56ИэЉзJю$169; X56ИюЋзLю$169; X56&ю$169; X56аюЎзЧю27ЏзЦюЊ АзЌзЦюБз’"A Lydia Delong died on SаюВзunday morning about four аюo'clock March 21 1824"аюt, Glens Falls, New YorkYчE112\шДзdш$319; H68\ъЖзdъКз@318; E69E106\ыИзdы\ыМзbFirst Presbyterian ChurchYы, Glens Falls, New YorkYыџbыE112\эОзdэСзJя$169; X56ИяУзLя$169; X56&яХзJ№$169; X56И№ЧзJё$169; X56ИёЩзЬзLёЪз@169; X56X44A&ё&ёNew YorkёX44A'ёЮзjSophiasburgh Township, PrёЯзince Edward County, OntarёioёX44AаёвзЧё2 гз6жзЦёдзазЦё(Big Island CemeteryаёX44AаёззезЦёDelong, DeLongаёйзJђ$169; X56ИђлзмзLђX44A&ђX44A'ђX44AађпзЧђ2 рз6узЦђсзнзЦђ(Big Island CemeteryађX44AађфзтзЦђWannamakerађцзJѓ$169; X56ИѓшзLѓ$169; X56&ѓ$169; X56аѓызЧѓ21ьзЦѓэзщзЦѓюзF"m. Anna Barton (or Ellenаѓ Martin)"аѓ№зJє$169; X56ИєE106\№ёзd№,Glens Falls, New YorkY№E108\ђєзdђE108\єізdє,Lake George, New YorkYєqqqqqqqиJѕ$169; X56ИѕиLѕ$169; X56&ѕиJі$169; X56ИіиJї$169; X56Иї иLї$169; X56&їCanadaї иJј$169; X56ИјиLј$169; X56&јиJљ$169; X56ИљиJњ$169; X56ИњиLњ$169; X56&њиЧњ2и3иЦњrшииЦњ$169; X56ањиFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformањed Churchањ$169; X56ањrшииЦњиJAart VandeBogart and Cathањerine Palenањ иJћ$169; X56Ић"иLћ$169; X56&ћ$иЧћ2%и3*иЦћтъ'и&иЦћ$169; X56аћ(иFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаћed Churchаћ$169; X56аћтъ+и)иЦћ,иL"Hannes Peck and Lena Wolаћs, his wife"аћ.иJќ$169; X56Иќ0и1иLќ.X81&ќX81'ќ,New Brunswick, Canadaќ$X79, X81аќ5иЧќ2-6и49иЦќ7и3иЦќEleanorаќX81аќй:и8иЦќ;и>"Poughkeepsie, NY (possibаќly?)"аќE108\і<иdі,Glens Falls, New YorkYіE108\їAиJ§$169; X56И§CиDиL§.X81&§$X82, X83'§,New Brunswick, Canada§X82а§HиЧ§2 Iи*Nи6Sи/Xи4_иЦ§JиFиЦ§Kиl"Sgt., 26th Reg., County а§LиOrange, NY. Loyalist Trooа§ps"а§X82১OиMиЦ§PиŒ"Surveyor of Highways, [Qа§Qиueens County, New Brunswiа§ck] app't for 1 yr"а§TиH169; X56X75, а§UиRиЦ§X82а§VиJAbbet, Abbett, Abbot, Ebbа§et, Ebbettsа§$169; X56а§"YиWи\и[иЦ§ZиZ"of Beekman;" "probably oа§f Pittston in 1790"а§X82а§]и\New Brunswick (1783), "Reа§sidence W. District"а§.X75, X81, X82а§dmРl`и^иЦ§ "Prob. NYC, NY"а§aиPr§aиB§dиJў$170; X57ИўfиLў$170; X57&ўhиЧў2iи-mи3pиЦўђ еkиjиЦў$170; X57аў0Freiderick Beck's houseаў$169; X56аўnиlиЦўMartin, Jr.аў$170; X57аўђ еqиoиЦўrи>Johannes and Elizabeth ScаўhererаўsиPrўsиBўqqqqqqqqqqqиJџ$170; X57ИџƒиLџ$170; X57&џ…и4169-170; X56-X57аџаџ‡иЧџ2ˆи3‹и-иЦџ‰и„иЦџBeekmanаџ$170; X57аџŒиŠиЦџиb"Joh. de Lange and Magdelаџena, the grand-parents"аџ$170; X57аџиŽиЦџ Johnаџ‘иPrџ‘иBџ”иJ$170; X57И$170; X57а—иЧ21˜и/›иЦ™и•иЦ"?Jonas"а$170; X57аœиšиЦиTRoxbury, Delaware County,а New York (1800)аžиPržиBЁиJ$170; X57И$170; X57аЄиЧ21Ѕи/ЈиЦІиЂиЦ"?Thomas"а$171; X57аЉиЇиЦЊи€Roxbury, Delaware County аЋи(1800); Seneca County (18а10), New YorkаЌиPrЌиBЏиJ$171; X57И$171; X57аВиЧ21Ги/ЖиЦДиАиЦ"?Daniel"а$171; X57аЗиЕиЦИи4Kingston, New York (1790)ааЙиPrЙиBqqqqqСиJ$174; X59ИУиФиLX59&$174; X59'$174; X59аЧиЧ2Ши Ьиби/диЦЩиХиЦFarmerаЫи8174, 192; X59, X68ааЭиЪиЦЮиЄProbably "local service iаЯиn the Revolution;" 5th Reааиgiment, Dutchess County MаilitiaаJпвиЦ$174; X59а$174; X59аеигиЦжиJThe Clove, Dutchess Countаy, New YorkазиPrзиBкиJ$174; X59ИмиJ$174; X59ИоиL$174; X59&риJ$174; X59ИтиL$174; X59&&174; ;X59ахиЧ2/циЦчиуиЦBeekmanая  іe щиPrщиBьиJ$174; X59И$174; X59аяиЧ2-№иЦёиэиЦElinorаqqqqqqqqqqqqqqйJ$174; X59ИйJ $174; X59И йJ $174; X59И йJ $174; X59И  йL X59&  йЧ 2 й3йЦ хй йЦ $174; X59а йDFirst Reformed Church of а Hopewellа $174; X59а хййЦ  Blandina DeLongа йJ $174; X59И йL $192; X68& $192; X68а йЧ 2 й-й/"йЦ ййЦ йL5th Regiment, Dutchess Coа unty Militiaа й8174, 193; X59, X68а а  ййЦ Adrian, Arianа $192; X68а #й!йЦ Beekman (1800)а $йPr $йB 'йJ (й8174, 192; X59, X68И И $174; X59а +йЧ 26,йЦ -й)йЦ Terbushа /йJ0й8174, 192; X59, X68ИИ2йLX68&4йЧ25й68йЦšс6йЦ$192; X68а$174; X59а9й7йЦVan VlackаqqqqqqAйJBй>B27174; X59ИИDйJ$175; X59ИFйL$175; X59&HйJ$175; X59ИJйL$175; X59&LйJ$175; X59ИNйL$175; X59&PйJ$175; X59ИRйL$175; X59&e UйJ$175; X59ИWйL$175; X59&YйJ$175; X59И[йL$175; X59&]йJ$175; X59И_йJ$175; X59ИaйJ$175; X59ИcйL$175; X59&eйJ$175; X59ИgйL$175; X59&iйJ$175; X59ИkйL$175; X59&mйJ$175; X59ИoйL$175; X59&qйJrй>B27175; X59ИИtйuйL$193; X68&vй6193-194; X68- X69''xйxHome of Elnathan Haxton, yйBeekman, Dutchess County, New York$193; X68а|йЧ2}й й4…й8‡й/ŒйЦ~йzйЦFarmerаq$194; X69а‚й€йЦƒй\Baptist Church ground, Beаekmanville, New Yorkа$175; X59аю„йЦ$193; X68ак3ˆй†йЦ‰й869 years, 8 months, 18 daаysа‹й4193-194; X68-X69аайŠйЦBeekman (1799)аŽйPrŽйB‘йJC60EИ“йLC60E&•й4Delaware County, New York—йJC60EИ™йLC60E&0Otsego County, New YorkœйJC60EИžйLC60E&0Otsego County, New YorkЁйJ Ђй8C60EC102И И ЄйІйL C60E& 0Otsego County, New York ЇйVC60FC102' C103A' Љй^Home on Chestnut Street,  Cooperstown, New York C60Fа ЌйЧ 2 ­й-Вй/Жй8Йй7Мй.ОйЦ ЎйЊйЦ Џй€Lakewood Cemetery, Town oа Айf Middlefield, Otsego Couа nty, New Yorkа Гй8C60FC60Fа ДйБйЦ а Carrieа C60Fа ЗйЕйЦ ,Cooperstown, New Yorkа C60Fа КйИйЦ 65 yearsа C60Fа В vЛйЦ C60Fа РйНйЦ q"Endocarditis"а ТйZChestnut StreetCooperst; ownNew YorkU.S.A; УйPr УйB ЦйJ!Чй8C60FC60FИ!И!ЩйЫйL!C60E&!0Otsego County, New York!C60F'!C60Eа!ЮйЧ!2Яй вй-зй/кйЦ!айЬйЦ!$Boot & Shoe makerа!C60Fа!гйбйЦ!дй€Lakewood Cemetery, Town oа!ейf Middlefield, Otsego Couа!nty, New Yorkа!C60Eа!ийжйЦ!William A.а!C60Fа!лйййЦ!,Cooperstown, New Yorkа!нйJ"(C60E, C60FИ"пйсйL"(C60E, C60F&"England"тй8C60FC60F'"'",Cooperstown, New York"C60Fа"цйЧ"2 чй8ьй.яй/ђйЦ"шйфйЦ"щй€Lakewood Cemetery, Town oа"ъйf Middlefield, Otsego Couа"nty, New Yorkа"C60Fа"эйыйЦ"68 yearsа"C60Fа"№йюйЦ"Cancerа"C60Fа"ѓйёйЦ",Cooperstown, New Yorkа"qqqqqqqqqqqqкJ#$175; X59И#кL#$175; X59&#кJ$$175; X59И$$175; X59а$кЧ$2/ кЦ$ ккЦ$"of Beekman"а$ кJ%$175; X59И%$175; X59а%кЧ%2/кЦ%к кЦ%"of Beekman"а%кJ&$178; X61И&кL&X61&&кЧ&2к8кЦ&jскЦ&$178; X61а&$178; X61а&ккЦ&."poss. d[ied] y[oung]"а&кJ'$178; X61И' кL'$178; X61&'$178; X61а'#кЧ'2/$кЦ'"%к!к'к&кЦ'"of Beekman"а'$179; X61а'(кd"Catherine and Peter Lossа'ing went to Norwich CN."а'*кJ($178; X61И($179; X61а(-кЧ(2/.кЦ(/к+кЦ(0кd"Catherine and Peter Lossа(ing went to Norwich CN."а(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAкJ)$178; X61И)CкJ*$178; X61И*EкFкL*$178; X61&*$178; X61'*Michigan*&178; X61а*JкЧ*2/KкЦ*LкHкЦ*Canadaа*NкJ+$178; X61И+PкJ,$178; X61И,RкL,$178; X61&,Tк< š†Clymond Vanderburgh\(-ЈU(‚Va-VкJ-$178; X61И-XкL-$178; X61&-YкPr-YкB-\кJ.$178; X61И.$178; X61а._кЧ.25`кЦ.aк]кЦ.Colonelа.cкJ/$178; X61И/eкJ0$178; X61И0gкJ1$178; X61И1iкJ2$178; X61И2kкL2,178-179; X61&2mкJ3$179; X61И3$179; X61а3pкЧ32-qкЦ3rкnкЦ3 Elizaа3e.qqqqqqqqqqqqкJ4$179; X61И4ƒкL4$179; X61&4…кJ5$179; X61И5‡кJ6F10И6‰кL6F10&6‹кJ7F10И7кJ8F10И8кL8F10&8‘к<s†Jack Raymond Roberts\9ЈU(‚Ro9“кJ9И9•кL9&9—кFSamaritan Hospital, Troy,9 New York9а9šкЧ92›кк1Єк3ЈкЦ9œк˜кЦ9Roman Catholicа9ЪЯŸкžкЦ9а9 кžSt. Joseph's Roman Catholа9Ёкic Church, Cohoes, New Yoа9Ђкrk, by Fr. Joseph Robitaiа9lleа9а9rЭЅкЃкЦ9Ік8Twin of Jared James Roberа9tsа9а9ЪЯЉкЇкЦ9Њк@Robert McMahon and Jane Rа9obertsа9ЌкJ:C271И:ЎкВкL:ЏкPC270C271&:F3&:БкbBellevue Maternity Hospit:al, Niskayuna, New York:C278':ДкLEllis Hospital, Schenecta:dy, New York:C275а:ЗкЧ:ккd&Ик'НкТк)ШкЫк Як,дкжкЦ:ФЙкЕкЦ:КкvLast secondary school wasа:Лк Baker Hall, Lackawanna, а:New Yorkа:C275а:ХОкМкЦ:РкxAuto body repair certificа:qСкate, Job Corps, Glenmont,а: New Yorkа:t|P|ФкУкЦ:а:ХкŒMail & Distribution workeа:Цкr, New York State Assemblа:y, Albany, New Yorkа:а:ЩкЧкЦ:Democratа:а:ЬкЪкЦ:ЭкfCapital Area Baptist Churа:Юкch, Schenectady, New Yorkа:а:*ЧбкакЦ:C278а:вкTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа:cester, New Yorkа:F3а:ЂПекгкЦ:&Freed for adoptionа:BРикзкЦ:C272а:.Ballston Spa, New Yorkа:0C278а:.лк1тк/хк-ъкЦ:ЧмкйкЦ:нкєCranial cerebral trauma; а:окkilled in automobile acciа:пкdent at Rynex Corners, Toа:ркwn of Princetown, Schenecа:tady County, New Yorkа:а:укскЦ:Never marriedа:а:цкфкЦ:чк”Schenectady, New York; Toа:шкwn of Halfmoon, Saratoga а:County, New York (1983)а:0C270а:ыкщкЦ:ькHCarl Anthony Bonney; Carlа: Broughtonа:юк„238 Grooms RoadClifton ;:якParkNew York12065U.S.A;:(518) 371-0167;:ёкM:ё"M:ђкPr:ђкB:qqqqqqqqqqqqлJ;$179; X61И;ллL;X61&;$179; X61';&Newark, New Jersey;лЧ;2л4 л-л8лЦ;*х л лЦ;$179; X61а; лDFirst Reformed Church of а;Hopewellа;$179; X61а;r ш лЦ;$179; X61а;ллЦ;Dina, Dianaа;$179; X61а;ллЦ;86 yearsа;лJ<$179; X61И<л< š†Stephen Vanderburgh\(=ЈU(‚Va=лJ=$179; X61И=ллL=$179; X61&=$179; X61'=лJ>$179; X61И> л!лL>$179; X61&>$179; X61'>$179; X61а>$лЧ>21%лЦ>&л"лЦ>'л\Four children by first wiа>fe Catherine Griffenа>)лJ?$179; X61И?$179; X61а?,лЧ?21-лЦ?.л*лЦ?/л>Four children by Henry Haа?gamanа?1лJ@$179; X61И@3лL@$179; X61&@qqqqqqqqqqqqAлJA$179; X61ИACлLA$179; X61&AEлJB$179; X61ИBGлLB$179; X61&BIлJC$179; X61ИCKлLC$179; X61&CMлJD$179; X61ИD$179; X61аDPлЧD21QлЦDRлNлЦD"?Abraham"аD CEFeм UлJE$179; X61ИEWлLE$179; X61&EYлJF$179; X61ИF[лLF$179; X61&F]лJG$179; X61ИG$179; X61аG`лЧG2-aл/dлЦGbл^лЦG MaryаG$179; X61аGeлcлЦGBeekman (1800)аGfл PrGfлBGiлJH$179; X61ИH$179; X61аHlлЧH2mл/pлЦHnлjлЦHHatterаH$179; X61аHqлoлЦH"of Beekman"аHqqqqqqqqqqqqqqл<ongnor Magdelena Delong\IЈU(‚DeIƒлJI$179; X61ИI…лLI$179; X61'IAdolphustownI$179; X61аI‰лЧI2-ŠлЦI‹л‡лЦILanor MadelinаI';RfheK ŽлJJ$179; X61ИJ$179; X61аJ‘лЧJ21’лЦJ“ллЦJ”лFNine children by ElizabetаJh DorlandаJ–лJK$179; X61ИK˜лLK$179; X61&Kšл< š†John Dorland Haight\(LЈU(‚HaLœлJL$179; X61ИLžлLL$179; X61&L лJM$179; X61ИMЂлJN$179; X61ИNЄлJO$179; X61ИOІлLO$179; X61&O$179; X61аOЉлЧO21ЊлЦOЋлЇлЦONine childrenаO­лJP$179; X61ИPЏлJQ$179; X61ИQБлJR$179; X61ИRГлLR$179; X61&R$179; X61аRЖлЧR2Зл/ЛлЦRИлДлЦRFarmerаRКл4179-180; X61-X62аRаRМлЙлЦRНл@Beekman (1810); Michigan аR(1837)аRОл!PrRqОлBRТлJS$179; X61ИSФл<g†Elizabeth Ann Delong\TЈU(‚DeTЦлJT$180; X62ИT$180; X62аTЩлЧT21ЪлЦTЫлЧлЦT"Probable ..."аTЭлJU$180; X62ИUЯлLU$180; X62&U$180; X62аUвлЧU21глЦUдлалЦU"Probable ..."аUжлJV$180; X62ИVилJW$180; X62ИWклLW$180; X62&W$180; X62аWнлЧW21олЦWплллЦW"?Jane Ann"аWслJX$180; X62ИXулJY$180; X62ИYхлLY$180; X62&Y$180; X62аYшлЧY24щл1ылЦYцлЦY$180; X62аYьлълЦY"Probable ..."аYюлJZ$180; X62ИZ$180; X62аZёлЧZ21ђлЦZѓлялЦZ"Probable ..."аZqqqqqqqqqqqqмJ[$180; X62И[$180; X62а[мЧ[21мЦ[ммЦ["Probable ..."а[мJ\$180; X62И\$180; X62а\ мЧ\21 мЦ\ м мЦ\"Probable ..."а\мJ]$180; X62И]мJ^$180; X62И^$180; X62а^мЧ^21мЦ^ммЦ^"Probable ..."а^мJ_$180; X62И_мL_$180; X62'_$180; X62а_мЧ_21мЦ_ммЦ_""his 2nd [wife]"а_!мJ`$180; X62И`#мJa$180; X62Иa%мJb$180; X62Иb'м<orlandn Alstyne Dorland\cЈU(‚Doc)мJc$180; X62Иc$180; X62аc,мЧc2+-мЦc.м*мЦc0United Empire Loyalistsаc0мJd$180; X62ИdF27\a1мdaqqqqqqqqqqqqqAмJe$180; X62ИeCмJf$180; X62ИfEмFмLf$180; X62&f$181; X62'f$181; X62аfIмЧf2Jм/Mм1QмЦfKмGмЦfFarmerаf,180-181; X62аfNмLмЦfOмJBeekman (1810); Norwich, аfConnecticutаf$181; X62аfRмPмЦf"9 children"аfSм"PrfSмBfVмJg$180; X62ИgXмLg$180; X62&gYм#PrgYмBg\мJh$181; X62Иh^мLh$181; X62&h`мJi$181; X62ИibмJj$181; X62ИjdмJk$181; X62ИkfмJl 5; Z42ИlhмJm 5; Z42ИmjмLm 5; Z42&mlмЧm2mмЦm‚џoмnмЦm 5; Z42аm(Claverack, New YorkаmqмJnrм:B644; Z41ИnИntмLn$182; X63&n.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkn,182-183; X63аnxмЧn2/yм-‚м6…мЦnzмvмЦn{м Dutchess County (1773); Tаn|мown of Saratoga, Albany Cаn}мounty (1790); Plattsburghаn~м, Clinton County (1800, 1аn€м810); Amsterdam (1807), NаnF18\hew YorkаnB64аnƒммЦnRachelаn 4; Z41аn†м„мЦn Lewesаn‡м$Prn‡мBnŠмJo$183; X63ИoŒмJp$183; X63ИpŽммLp$183; X63&p$183; X63'p,Plattsburgh, New Yorkp$183; X63аp“мЧp2”м–мЦp•м‘мЦpFarmerаpъ№˜м—мЦp$183; X63аp™мDFirst Reformed Church of аpHopewellаp›мJq$183; X63Иqœм%PrqœмBqŸмJr$183; X63ИrЁмЂмLr$183; X63&r$183; X63'r$183; X63аrЅмЧr2 Ім/ЉмЦrЇмЃмЦr&"near Plattsburgh"аr$183; X63аrЊмЈмЦrЋм:Plattsburgh, New York (18аr11)аrЌм&PrrЌмBrЏмJs$183; X63ИsБмLs$183; X63's$183; X63аsДмЧs2 ЕмЦsЖмВмЦs&"near Plattsburgh"аsqqqqqqqqqСмJt$183; X63ИtУмФмLtX63&t$183; X63't$183; X63аtЧмЧt2ШмЪм/ЯмЦtЩмХмЦtFarmerаtZћЬмЫмЦt$183; X63аtЭмDFirst Reformed Church of аtFishkillаt$183; X63аtамЮмЦtбм:Plattsburgh, New York (18аt11)аt tvxeч гм'PrtгмBtжмJu$183; X63ИuимJv$184; X64ИvкмLvлм@184; X64B167&v&vNew York StatevомЧv2пмЦv:ўтмрмЦvсм@184; X64B168аvаvум^Dutch Reformed Church, Scаvhuylerville, New Yorkаvфм(PrvфмBvчмJw$184; X64ИwщмJx$184; X64ИxымьмLx$184; X64&x$184; X64'x$184; X64аxямЧx2 №м1ѓмЦxёмэмЦx(Day Center Cemeteryаx$184; X64аxємђмЦx("numerous children"аxqqqqqqqqqqqнJy$184; X64ИyннLy$184; X64&y$184; X64'y$184; X64аyнЧy2 н1 н7н-нЦy ннЦy(Day Center Cemeteryаy$184; X64аy н нЦy("numerous children"аy$317; E67аyBP нЦyE69UаyннЦyBetseyаyнJz$184; X64ИzнJ{$184; X64И{нL{$184; X64&{$184; X64а{нЧ{21нЦ{ннЦ{нL"m. Mrs. Abigail Butler (а{or Johnson)"а{нJ|$184; X64И|$184; X64а|"нЧ|2-#нЦ|$н нЦ|%нF"Mrs. Abigail Butler (or а|Johnson)"а|'нJ}$184; X64И})нL}$184; X64&}$184; X64а},нЧ}21-н/0нЦ}.н*нЦ}"?Isaac"а}$184; X64а}1н/нЦ}2нPPhelps, Ontario County, Nа}ew York (1820)а}qqqqqqqqqqqqqAнJ~$185; X64И~CнL~$185; X64&~Eн<y†James Benjamin Dupuy\ЈU(‚DuGнJ$185; X64ИIнJ€$185; X64И€KнL€$185; X64&€Canada€NнJ$185; X64ИPнJ‚$184; X64И‚RнL‚$184; X64&‚‚e’ UнM‚ј BM‚WнJƒ$184; X64ИƒYн< š†Elizabeth C. DeLong\(„ЈU(‚De„[нJ„\н8C60FC102И„И„^нaнL„_н8C60FC103&„&„,Cooperstown, New York„bн8C60FC103'„'„dнXMcDonough Nursing Home, W„orcester, New York„C103а„gнЧ„2hн lн+rн/wн8zнЦ„iнeнЦ„jнXFirst Baptist Church, Cooа„perstown, New Yorkа„mн8C60FC103а„nнkнЦ„а„oн€Lakewood Cemetery, Town oа„pнf Middlefield, Otsego Couа„nty, New Yorkа„0C60Fа„sнqнЦ„tнjOtsego Chapter, Daughtersа„uн of the American Revolutiа„onа„C103а„xнvнЦ„,Cooperstown, New Yorkа„C103а„ЊЋ{нyнЦ„84 yearsа„}нZChestnut StreetCooperst;„ownNew YorkU.S.A;„~н)Pr„q~нB„‚нJ…ƒн8185, 188; X64, X66И…И……нJ†$188; X66И†‡нL†$188; X66&†‰нЧ†2Šн3нЦ†њїŒн‹нЦ†$188; X66а†нFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа†ed Churchа†$188; X66а†њїнŽнЦ†‘нBPeter Burhans and Hannah а†Burhansа†’н*Pr†’нB†•нJ‡$186; X65И‡—н˜нL‡$186; X65&‡$186; X65'‡ Homer, New York‡›нЧ‡2œн3Ђн/Ін8ЊнЦ‡šьžннЦ‡$186; X65а‡Ÿн†Reformed Dutch Church of а‡ нNew Hackensack, Dutchess а‡County, New Yorkа‡$186; X65а‡šьЃнЁнЦ‡Єн4"Conrad Sr. and his wife"а‡а‡$186; X65а‡ЇнЅнЦ‡ЈнLGreene County (1810), Homа‡er, New Yorkа‡$186; X65а‡ЋнЉнЦ‡103 yearsа‡­н<n†Catherine Harrington\ˆЈU(‚HaˆЏнJˆ$186; X65ИˆБнJ‰$186; X65И‰ГнL‰$186; X65&‰$186; X65а‰ЖнЧ‰24ЗнЦ‰ ДнЦ‰qqqqqqqqСнJŠ$187; X65ИŠУнLŠ$187; X65&Š$187; X65аŠЦнЧŠ24ЧнЦŠ ФнЦŠЩнJ‹$187; X65И‹ЫнJŒ$187; X65ИŒЭнLŒ$187; X65&ŒЯнJ$187; X65ИбнL$187; X65&$187; X65аднЧ24енЦвнЦзнJŽ$187; X65ИŽйнJ$187; X65ИлнL$187; X65&$187; X65аонЧ24пн1снЦмнЦ$187; X65атнрнЦ"?Moses"а Œeљ хнJ$187; X65ИчнJ‘$187; X65И‘$187; X65а‘ънЧ‘21ынЦ‘ьншнЦ‘"?David"а‘юнJ’$187; X65И’№нJ“$187; X65И“ђнL“X65&“єнЧ“2ѕн3њн/§нЦ“RюїнінЦ“$187; X65а“јнFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа“ed Churchа“$187; X65а“RюћнљнЦ“,John and Mary Burhansа“$187; X65а“ўнќнЦ“(Poughkeepsie (1800)а“Z283B]“о+Pr“оB“оJ”$187; X65И”о,Pr”оB”оJ•$187; X65И• оJ–$187; X65И– оJ—$187; X65И— оL—$187; X65&—оЧ—2оЦ—ъооЦ—$187; X65а—оFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа—ed Churchа—оJ˜$187; X65ȘоJ™$187; X65И™оL™$187; X65&™оЧ™2оЦ™ЂооЦ™$187; X65а™оFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformа™ed Churchа™!оJš$187; X65Иš#о$оLš$187; X65&š$187; X65'š&оJVillage of Pleasant Vallešy, New Yorkš(оЧš2)о8.оЦšЪ +о*оЦš$187; X65аš,оFPoughkeepsie Dutch Reformаšed Churchаš$187; X65аš/о-оЦš21 yearsаš1оJ›$187; X65И›$187; X65а›4оЧ›215оЦ›6о2оЦ›."poss. m. Susan _____"а›qqqqqqqqqAоJœ$187; X65Иœ$187; X65аœDоЧœ21EоЦœFоBоЦœGоD"poss. m. _____ Potter orаœ Porter"аœIоJ$187; X65И$187; X65аLоЧ21MоЦNоJоЦ2"poss. m. Pamelia _____"аPо<ongtherine Eliza Delong\žЈU(‚DežRоJž$187; X65ИžTоLž$187; X65&žVоJŸ$187; X65ИŸXоJ $187; C65И ZоL $187; X65& \оЧ 2]о3cо/fоЦ Z №_о^оЦ $187; X65а `о†Reformed Dutch Church of а aоNew Hackensack, Dutchess а County, New Yorkа $187; X65а Z №dоbоЦ 2Henrik Pels and his wifeа $187; X65а gоeоЦ hо4Pleasant Valley, New Yorkа а jоJЁ$187; X65ИЁ$187; X65аЁmоЧЁ21nо/rоЦЁoоkоЦЁpо`"prob. son of David and MаЁary (Mabbett) Ketcham"аЁ$187; X65аЁsоqоЦЁtо4Pleasant Valley, New YorkаЁаЁqqqqqqqqqqqоJЂ$187; X65ИЂƒоJЃ$187; X65ИЃ…оJЄ$187; X65ИЄ‡оLЄ$187; X65&Є‰оJЅ$187; X65ИЅ‹оJІ$187; X65ИІ$187; X65аІŽоЧІ2/оЦІоŒоЦІ"of Freedom"аІ’оJЇ$187; X65ИЇ$187; X65аЇ•оЧЇ2/–оЦЇ—о“оЦЇ"of Freedom"аЇ™оJЈ$187; X65ИЈ›оLЈ$187; X65&Ј$187; X65аЈžоЧЈ2-ŸоЦЈ оœоЦЈ"David M. KetchumаЈЁо-PrЈЁоBЈЄоJЉ$187; X65ИЉ$187; X65аЉЇоЧЉ2/ЈоЦЉЉоЅоЦЉ"of Dover"аЉЋоJЊ$187; X65ИЊ­оLЊ$187; X65&ЊЏоJЋ$187; X65ИЋБоJЌ$187; X65ИЌГоLЌ$187; X65&ЌqqqqqqqqqqqqСоJ­$188; X66И­УоL­$188; X66&­ ­ЎЏeЦоJЎ$188; X66ИЎШоLЎ$188; X66&ЎЪоJЏ$188; X66ИЏЬоLЏ$188; X66&ЏЮоЧЏ2ЯоЦЏšаоЦЏ$188; X66аЏвоJА$188; X66ИАдоLА$188; X66&АжоЧА2зо3мо8роЦА2ѓйоиоЦА$188; X66аАкоFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаАed ChurchаА$188; X66аА2ѓнолоЦАооR"Benjamin DuBois and CathаАerine his wife"аА$188; X66аАсопоЦА."Prob. d[ied] y[oung]"аАуоJБ$188; X66ИБхоLБ$188; X66&БчоЧБ2шоЦБ2їъощоЦБ$188; X66аБыоFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformаБed ChurchаБ БВДeІ юоJВ$188; X66ИВ№оёоLВ$188; X66&В$188; X66'В$188; X66аВєоЧВ2 ѕољо8пЦВіођоЦВїоfSt. Luke's Churchyard, MaаВјоtteawan, Town of FishkillаВаВЂљћоњоЦВ$188; X66аВќо†Reformed Dutch Church of аВ§оNew Hackensack, Dutchess аВCounty, New YorkаВ$188; X66аВqпўоЦВ85 yearsаВпJГ$188; X66ИГпLГ$188; X66'Г$188; X66аГпЧГ2  п8пЦГ ппЦГ пfSt. Luke's Churchyard, MaаГ пtteawan, Town of FishkillаГаГ$188; X66аГ‚6п пЦГ"in 69th year"аГпJД$188; X66ИДпLД$188; X66&Дп.PrДпBДпJЕ$188; X66ИЕпLЕ$188; X66&Е*Saugerties, New YorkЕпJЖ$188; X66ИЖпLЖ$188; X66&Ж$188; X66аЖ!пЧЖ2"пЦЖ#ппЦЖ BoghtаЖ%пJЗ$188; X66ИЗ'пLЗ$188; X66&З$188; X66аЗ*пЧЗ2+п3/пЦЗ,п(пЦЗ-пDSchagticoke Dutch ReformeаЗd ChurchаЗ$188; X66аЗ0п.пЦЗ1пJAbraham Nilekerk and AaltаЗje NilekerkаЗqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAпJИ$189; X66ИИCпJЙ$189; X66ИЙEпFпLЙ$189; X66&Й$189; X66'Й$189; X66аЙIпЧЙ2 JпMп3Rп8Uп1XпЦЙKпGпЦЙLпTCoeyman's Hollow, Albany аЙCounty, New YorkаЙbєOпNпЦЙ$189; X66аЙPпDFirst Reformed Church of аЙHopewellаЙ$189; X66аЙbєSпQпЦЙNo SponsorsаЙ$189; X66аЙъAVпTпЦЙ78 yearsаЙ$189; X66аЙYпWпЦЙZп<"She prob. m. George ScheаЙrer"аЙ\пJК$189; X66ИК^пLК$189; X66'К$189; X66аКaпЧК2 bп6fп8iпЦКcп_пЦКdпTCoeyman's Hollow, Albany аКCounty, New YorkаК$189; X66аКgпeпЦКShearsаК$189; X66аК‚6jпhпЦКkп873 years, 5 months, 10 daаКysаКmп< š†George Scherer, Jr..(ЛЈU(‚ScЛoпJЛ$189; X66ИЛqп<erElizabeth Schoonmaker\МЈU(‚ScМsпJМ$189; X66ИМtпКQr qqqqqqqqqqqпJН$189; X66ИНƒпLН$189; X66&Н…пDWillsboro, Essex County, НNew YorkН$189; X66аНˆпЧН21‰пЦН Šп†пЦН‹п‚"... may have married JohаНŒпn Thurston at Coeymans, AаНlbany Co. ..."аНŽпJО$189; X66ИОп’пLО$189; X66&О.Essex County, New YorkО$189; X66'О”пDCoeymans, Albany County, ОNew YorkО$189; X66аО—пЧО21˜пЦО™п•пЦОšп8"... probably another sonаО."аОœпJП$189; X66ИПžпLП$189; X66&П пЧП2ЁпЦПК іЃпЂпЦП$189; X66аПЄпDFirst Reformed Church of аПHopewellаПЅп/PrПЅпBПЈпJР$189; X66ИРЊпLР$189; X66&Р$189; X66аР­пЧР2Ўп3ВпЦРЏпЋпЦРАпDSchagticoke Dutch ReformeаРd ChurchаР$189; X66аРГпБпЦРNo SponsorsаРqqqqqqqqqqqqСпJС$189; X66ИСУпLС$189; X66&СХпЧС2Цп1ЫпЦСZћШпЧпЦС$189; X66аСЩпDFirst Reformed Church of аСFishkillаС$189; X66аСЬпЪпЦС"?Jonas"аСЭп0PrСЭпBСапJТ$191; X67ИТ$191; X67аТгпЧТ2-дпЦТепбпЦТPaulinaаТзпJУ$191; X67ИУ$192; X68аУкпЧУ2/лпЦУмпипЦУ*"of Fishkill [1828]"аУопJФ$191; X67ИФрпLФ$191; X67&ФтпЧФ2уп1шпЦФЂ јхпфпЦФ$191; X67аФцпDFirst Reformed Church of аФFishkillаФ$191; X67аФ јщпчпЦФ(Twin of Mary DelongаФыпJХ$191; X67ИХэпJЦ$191; X67ИЦяпLЦ$191; X67&Ц$191; X67аЦђпЧЦ21ѓпЦЦ јєп№пЦЦ*Twin of Sally DelongаЦqqqqqqqqqqqрJЧ$191; X67ИЧрLЧ$191; X67&ЧрЧЧ2р/ рЦЧкњррЦЧ$191; X67аЧ рDFirst Reformed Church of аЧFishkillаЧ$191; X67аЧ р рЦЧ рjBeekman (1810); Bradford аЧрCounty, Pennsylvania (185аЧ0)аЧр1PrЧрBЧрJШ$191; X67ИШ$191; X67аШрЧШ26рЦШррЦШSicklerаШрJЩ$191; X67ИЩрLЩ$191; X67&ЩрJЪ$191; X67ИЪрJЫ$191; X67ИЫ!рLЫ$191; X67&Ы#рJЬ$191; X67ИЬ%рJЭ$191; X67ИЭ'рLЭ$191; X67&Э$191; X67аЭ*рЧЭ21+рЦЭ,р(рЦЭ"?E. Reuben"аЭ.рJЮ$191; X67ИЮ0рJЯ$191; X67ИЯ2рLЯ$191; X67&Я$191; X67аЯ5рЧЯ246рЦЯ)3рЦЯE114]Ю7рdЮDivorcedZЮE114]Я:рdЯDivorcedZЯqqqAр<g†Francis Losee Delong\аЈU(‚DeаCрJа$191; X67ИаEрFрLа$191; X67&а$191; X67'аHрNHuron Township, Wayne Couаnty, New Yorkа$191; X67ааKрЧа2/LрЦаMрIрЦаNрОBeekman (1796); Durham, UааOрlster County (1820; and HааPрuron Township, Wayne Counааty (1849), New YorkааЧаопe Rр2PrаRрBаUрJб$191; X67ИбWрLб$191; X67&бYрJв$191; X67Ив[рJг$191; X67Иг]р<ongarles Francis Delong\дЈU(‚Deд_рJд$191; X67ИдaрLд$191; X67&дcрFBeekman, Dutchess County,д New Yorkд$191; X67адfрЧд24gр1jрЦдhрdрЦд*"prob. born Beekman"ад$191; X67адkрiрЦдlрX"m. Caroline Chaddock, hiадs brother's widow"адnр<ngFrancis Egbert Delong\еЈU(‚DeеpрJе$191; X67ИеrрLе$191; X67&еE107\дsрdд,Glens Falls, New YorkYдE107\еvрdе,Glens Falls, New YorkYеqqqqqqqр<g†Catherine Ann Delong\жЈU(‚DeжƒрJж$191; X67Иж…рLж$191; X67&ж‡рFBeekman, Dutchess County,ж New Yorkж$191; X67ажŠрЧж24‹рЦжŒрˆрЦж*"prob. born Beekman"ажŽрJз$191; X67Изр< š†Elizabeth L. Delong\(иЈU(‚Deи’рJи$191; X67Ии”рLи$191; X67&и–рFBeekman, Dutchess County,и New Yorkи$191; X67аи™рЧи24šрЦи›р—рЦи*"prob. born Beekman"аирJй$191; X67ИйŸрJк$191; X67ИкЁрJл$191; X67ИлЃрLл$191; X67&лЅрFBeekman, Dutchess County,л New Yorkл$191; X67алЈрЧл24ЉрЦлЊрІрЦл*"prob. born Beekman"алеe­рJм$191; X67ИмЏрJн$191; X67ИнБрJо$192; X68ИоГрLо$192; X68&оДр3PrоДрBоE115\зЖрdз,Fort Edward, New YorkYзE107\иЙрdиМр8Washington County, New YoYиrkYиE109\оНрdоqСрJп$192; X68ИпУрФрLп$192; X68&п$192; X68'п$192; X68апЧрЧп2 Шр1Эр/ар8грЦпЩрХрЦпЪрjPresbyterian Church CemetапЫрery, New Hamburgh, New Yoапrkап$192; X68апЮрЬрЦп"d. unm."ап$192; X68апбрЯрЦп.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkап$192; X68апдрврЦп&22 years, 7 monthsапер4PrперBпирJр$192; X68ИркрЧр2лр-рр/урЦр !нрмрЦр$192; X68арорJExpelled from Beekman Bapарtist Churchар$192; X68арсрпрЦр(Hebsibeth; Hepsibahар$192; X68арфртрЦрхр@Beekman (1815); Michigan ар(1839)арцр5PrрцрBрщрJс$192; X68ИсырJт$192; X68ИтэрJу$193; X68ИуярLу$193; X68&уёрЧу2ђрЦукњєрѓрЦу$193; X68ауѕрDFirst Reformed Church of ауFishkillауE104\рірdрљр‚Home of bride's uncle, ReYрњрv. Dr. J.H. Perkins, PennYр Yan, New YorkYрqqqqqсJф$193; X68ИфсLф$193; X68&фсЧф2с3 с/сЦфъссЦф$193; X68аф сDFirst Reformed Church of афFishkillаф$193; X68афъ с сЦф сN"Thom. Arie DeLong and Raафchel Fergusonаф$193; X68афссЦфс<"of Upper CN;" Ontario (1аф851)афсJх$193; X68Их$193; X68ахсЧх2/сЦхссЦх"of Upper CN"ахсJц$193; X68ИцсLц$193; X68&цсЧц2сЦцJ!с сЦц$193; X68ац"сDFirst Reformed Church of ацFishkillац$сJч$193; X68Ич&сLч$193; X68&ч(сЧч2)сЦчъ +с*сЦч$193; X68ач,сDFirst Reformed Church of ачFishkillач.сJш$193; X68Иш0сLш$193; X68&ш2сЧш23с18сЦш5с4сЦш$193; X68аш6сDFirst Reformed Church of ашFishkillаш$193; X68аш9с7сЦш:сL"She poss. m. Louis ... Dашe La Vergne"аш;с6Prш;сBшO204\х=сdхqAсJщ$193; X68ИщCсLщ$193; X68&щEс<gne\olas De La Vergne\ъЈU(‚DeъGсJъ$193; X68ИъIсJы$193; X68ИыKсJь$193; X68Иь$193; X68аьNсЧь28OсЦьPсLсЦь""d[ied] y[oung]"аьRсJэ$193; X68ИэTсJю$193; X68ИюVсJя$193; X68ИяXсLя$193; X68&яZсЧя2[с/`сЦя ]с\сЦя$193; X68ая^сDFirst Reformed Church of аяFishkillая$193; X68аяaс_сЦяOntario (1851)ая шя№eЭ cс7PrяcсBяfсJ№$193; X68И№hсL№$193; X68&№$192; X68а№kсЧ№2lс/pсЦ№mсiсЦ№nсDFirst Reformed Church of а№Fishkillа№$193; X68а№qсoсЦ№rсD"of Upper Canada;" Ontariа№o (1851)а№qqqqqqqqqqqqqсJё$193; X68ИёƒсLё$193; X68&ёUnited Statesё$193; X68аё‡сЧё26ˆс/‹сЦё‰с…сЦё""Silance Waite?"аё$193; X68аёŒсŠсЦё$"of Upper Canada"аёŽсJђ$193; X68Иђ$192; X68ађ‘сЧђ2’с1–сЦђ“ссЦђ”сDFirst Reformed Church of ађFishkillађ$193; X68ађ—с•сЦђ"?James"ађ™сJѓ$194; X69Иѓ›сLѓ$194; X69&ѓсЧѓ2žс-ЃсЦѓ  сŸсЦѓ$194; X69аѓЁсPFirst Dutch Reformed Churаѓch of Fishkillаѓ$194; X69аѓЄсЂсЦѓMarthaаѓІсJє$194; X69ИєЈсLє$194; X69&єЊсJѕ$194; X69ИѕЌсJі$194; X69ИіЎсJї$194; X69ИїАсБсLї$194; X69&ї$194; X69'їГсPBeekmanville, Dutchess Coїunty, New Yorkї$194; X69аїЖсЧї2 ЗсКс/Рс8УсЦїИсДсЦїЙсPBeekmanville, Dutchess Coаїunty, New YorkаїR МсЛсЦї$194; X69аїНсPFirst Dutch Reformed Churаїch of Fishkillаї$194; X69аїM152\ёСсОсЦїBeekmanаї$194; X69аї’/ФсТсЦїХс837 years, 7 months, 18 daаїysаїЦс8PrїЦсBїЩсJј$194; X69ИјЫсLј$194; X69'јЭсPBeekmanville, Dutchess Coјunty, New Yorkј$194; X69ајасЧј2 бс/ес8исЦјвсЮсЦјгсPBeekmanville, Dutchess Coајunty, New Yorkај$194; X69ајжсдсЦјBeekmanај$194; X69ај’,йсзсЦј&29 years, 3 monthsајлсJљ$194; X69ИљнсJњ$194; X69ИњпсJћ$194; X69ИћссJќ$194; X69ИќусLќ$194; X69'ќCaliforniaќцс<g†Hellin Mariah Delong\§ЈU(‚De§шсJ§$194; X69И§ъсысL§X69&§$194; X69'§$194; X69а§юсЧ§28ясЦ§ %№сьсЦ§1 year, 2 daysа§qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqтJў$194; X69ИўтJџ$194; X69ИџтJ$194; X69ИттLX69&$194; X69'$195; X69а тЧ2  т8тЦ т тЦт\Baptist Church ground, Beаekmanville, New Yorkа$194; X69аЂ4ттЦт838 years, 3 months, 20 daаysат9PrтBтJ$195; X69ИттL$195; X69&$195; X69'тDAurelius, Cayuga County, New YorkтJ$195; X69Ит тL$195; X69&$195; X69'"тxHome of Elnathan Haxton, #тBeekman, Dutchess County, New York$195; X69а&тЧ2 'т7+т40тЦ(т$тЦ)т\Baptist Church ground, Beаekmanville, New Yorkа$195; X69а"@*т*A-т,тЦ$195; X69а.тFBeekman, Dutchess County,а New Yorkа$195; X69а* /тЦ1т:Pr1тBqqqqqqqqqqqqqAтJ$195; X69ИCтJ$195; X69ИEтJ$195; X69ИGтJ$195; X69ИIтJ$195; X69ИKтL$195; X69'$195; X69аNтЧ2 Oт8SтЦPтLтЦQт\Baptist Church ground, Beаekmanville, New Yorkа$195; X69аj1TтRтЦ5 yearsаVтJZ6ИXтLZ6&ZтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ6а]тЧ2 ^тЦ_т[тЦ$Civil War veteranаaтJ Z6И cтL Z6& eтVParishville, St. Lawrence  County, New York Z6а hтЧ 2-iтЦ jтfтЦ Celestiaа lтJ Z6И nтqтL Z6& pтVParishville, St. Lawrence  County, New York Z6' sтVParishville, St. Lawrence  County, New York *Aberdeen, New JerseyYqqqqqqqqqqqтJ Z6И ƒт„тL Z6& Z6' †тVParishville, St. Lawrence  County, New York Z6а ‰тЧ 26ŠтЦ ‹т‡тЦ Capellа тJ Z6И тJ Z6И ‘тJZ6И“т–тLZ6&•тVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ6'˜тVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkšтJZ7ИœтŸтLZ7&žтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7'ЁтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New Yorkeо ЄтJZ7ИІтЉтLZ7&ЈтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7'ЋтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New York­тJZ7ИЏтАтLZ7&Z7'ВтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkM91\Гтd"Seward, New YorkYO90\ЖтdqqqqqqqqСтJZ7ИУтЦтLZ7&ХтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7'ШтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7аЫтЧ2 ЬтЦЭтЩтЦ.Veteran of World War IаЯтJZ7ИбтвтLZ7&Z7'дтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkжтJZ7ИитйтLZ7&Z7'лтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkнтJZ7ИптJZ7ИстфтLZ7&утVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7'цтVParishville, St. Lawrence County, New YorkZ7ащтЧ29ътЦытчтЦStillbornаэтJZ7ИятётLZ7&(Stockholm, New YorkZ7'(Stockholm, New YorkZ7аѕтЧ2ітЦїтѓтЦJoinerа(\јтd(Elk Creek, New YorkYqqqqqу< š†Martin Alfred Dewey\(ЈU(‚DeуJZ7ИууLZ7&(Stockholm, New YorkZ7'(Stockholm, New York уЧ2  уЦI у уЦZ7ау‚Private, Co. H, 7th Vermoауnt Veteran Volunteers, toа July 22, 1865ауJZ7ИуJZ7ИуLZ7&(Lynn, MassachusettsZ7ауЧ28у1уЦууЦ"d. young"аZ7аууЦу:Twin of Harry Frank Hodgkаinsа!у<s†Harry Frank Hodgkins\ЈU(‚Ho#уJZ7И%уLZ7&(Lynn, MassachusettsZ7а)уЧ21*у,у-0уЦ+у'уЦ(Twin of Harry Deweyат V.у-уЦZ7а,Boston, MassachusettsаZ7а1у/уЦ2уPFrank Henry Dewey, Frank аDewey Hodgkinsа4уM-"M5у;Pr5уBM89\7уd$Las Vegas, NevadaYqqqqqqAуJZ7ИZ7аDуЧ2/EуЦFуBуЦ&"of Poland, Maine"аHуJZ7ИZ7аKуЧ2/LуЦMуIуЦ&"of Poland, Maine"аOуJZ7ИQуSуLZ7&&North Anson, MaineZ7'UуJZ7ИWуLZ7&Yу< š†Earl Harry Hodgkins\( ЈU(‚Ho [уJ Z8И ]у_уL Z8& Minot, Maine Z8' Gray, Maine Z8а cуЧ 2dуЦ eуaуЦ Chauffeurа gуJ!Z8И!iуkуL!Z8&!,New Gloucester, Maine!Z8'! Ohio!nу<kinson Roberta Hodgkins\"ЈU(‚Ho"pуJ"Z8И"rуL"Z8&" Portland, Maine"M88\tуd,Dunmore, PennsylvaniaYyу4M84M87\wуd\{у^Town of Cobleskill, SchohYarie County, New YorkYM90\|уdM90\ ~уd у<, Jr.arry Hodgkins, Jr..#ЈU(‚Ho#ƒуJ#Z8И#…уL#Z8&# Portland, Maine#ˆуJ$$X81, X84И$ŠуL$X81&$.Poughkeepsie, New York$уJ%X81И%уL%X84&%‘уJ&X81И&“уL&”у>X81; X88X88&&&&.Poughkeepsie, New York&–у<Pr&–уB&™уJ'X81И'›уžуL'X85&'у<Portland Point, New Bruns'wick'X85''X87а'ЁуЧ'2Ђу Іу/ЊуЦ'ЃуŸуЦ'Єу6Itinerant Baptist preacheа'rа'X87а'ЇуЅуЦ'ЈуbUpper Gagetown Cemetery, а'Gagetown, New Brunswickа'X87а'ЋуЉуЦ'ЌуFSwan's Creek, New Brunswiа'ck (1792)а'­у=Pr'­уB'АуJ(X81И(ВуL(X81&(Зу>X81IGI 1993а(ЕуЧ(24ЖуЦ(jђИуГуЦ(а(""NYC, NY (prob)"а(Йу>Pr(ЙуB(qqqqqСуJ)X81И)УуJ*X81И*ХуL*X81&*а*ШуЧ*2/ЩуЦ*ЪуЦуЦ*,New Brunswick, Canadaа*Ыу?Pr*ЫуB*ЮуJ+X81И+ауL+&+бу@Pr+буB+дуJ,X80И,жуйуL,&,иу@Gagetown, New Brunswick, ,Canada,',луJ-X84И-нуJ.X84И.пуL.X89'.суJ/X84И/ууJ0X84И0хуJ1X84И1чуJ2X84И2щуJ3X84И3ыуJ4X85И4эуюуL4X85&4X85'4№уJ5X85И5ђуѓуL5X85&5X85'5а5іуЧ521їуЦ5јуєуЦ5Never marriedа5qqqqqqqфJ6X85И6ффL6X85&6ф4Swan Creek, New Brunswick66X85'6а6 фЧ62 фЦ6 ффЦ6Farmerа6 фAPr6 фB6фJ7X85И7ффL7&7'7фBPr7фB7ф<s†Elizabeth Estabrooks\8ЈU(‚Es8фJ8X85И8ффL8X85&8ф4Swan Creek, New Brunswick88X85'8(а8 фЧ821!фЦ8"ффЦ8#ф8"There were more childrenа8."а8%ф<brooksPotter Estabrooks\9ЈU(‚Es9'фJ9X85И9)ф+фL9&92Sheffield, New Brunswick9'9(а9.фЧ921/фЦ90ф,фЦ91ф8"There were more childrenа9."а9qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAфJ:X85И:CфDфL:X85&:X85': :<>?ACEGe2Gф<abrookstcher Estabrooks\;ЈU(‚Es;IфJ;X85И;Kф<ooksdee Ring Estabrooks\<ЈU(‚Es<MфJ<X85И<OфPфL<X85&<X85'<RфJ=X85И=TфUфL=&='=WфJ>X85И>YфZфL>X85&>X85'>а>]фЧ>21^фЦ>_ф[фЦ>Never marriedа>aфJ?X85И?cфdфL?X85&?X85'?X85а?gфЧ?27hфЦ?’MiфeфЦ?,"St. John, NB (prob)"а?kф<e†Hannah Ann Blakeslee\@ЈU(‚Bl@mфJ@X85И@oф<ookserine J. Estabrooks\AЈU(‚EsAqфJAX85ИAsфtфLAX85&AX85'AuфCPrAuфBAM94\=wфd=2Providence, Rhode IslandY=M91\>zфd>"Seward, New YorkY>qqqфJBX85ИBƒфLB'B…ф<rooks Haddon Estabrooks\CЈU(‚EsC‡фJCX85ИC‰фŠфLCX85&CX85'CŒф<r†Catrherine Carpenter\DЈU(‚CaDŽфJDX85ИDф‘фLD&D'D“ф< š†Abram J. Estabrooks\(EЈU(‚EsE•фJEX86ИE—ф˜фLEX86&EX86'EX86аE›фЧE27œф1ŸфЦEOф™фЦE,"St. John, NB (prob)"аEаE фžфЦEЁф@"No children by this marrаEiage."аEЃфJFX86ИFЅфLF,68'FаFЈфЧF21ЉфЦFЊфІфЦFЋф@"No children by this marrаFiage."аF­ф<oksrah Marsh Estabrooks\GЈU(‚EsGЏфJGX86ИGБфВфLGX86&GX86'GX44A\CГфdCqqqqqqqqqqqСфJHX89ИHУфJI$X86, X89ИIХфLIX89'IЧфJJX89ИJЩф< š†Elizabeth Ann Hoben\(KЈU(‚HoKЫфJKX89ИKЭфJLX89ИLЯфJMX89ИMбфвфLMX89&MX89'MдфJNX89ИNжфзфLN&N'NйфJOX89ИO(аOмфЧO21нф/рфЦOофкфЦO$"Married 3 times"аO(аOсфпфЦO"moved to NY"аOPRTVXZMe5ффJPX89ИPцфJQX89ИQшфJRX89ИRъфJSX89ИSаSэфЧS21юфЦSяфыфЦS&"Son of Cavalier?"аSёфJTX89ИTM88\PђфdP"Barcelona, SpainYPX44A\QѕфdQ(C76A, V228\RїфdRC76E\SљфdSqqqqqх<s†Elizabeth Estabrooks\UЈU(‚EsUхJUX89ИUаUхЧU21хЦUххЦU("Dau. of Cavalier?"аU хJVX89ИV хJWX89ИWхJXX89ИXхJYX89ИYхJZX89ИZхJ[X89И[хJ\X90И\хJ]X90И]хJ^X90И^хJ_X90И_хJ`X90И``abcdeA!хJaX90Иa#хJbX90Иb%хJcX90Иc'хJdX90Иd)хJeX79Иe+х,хLe&e'e.хJfX79Иf0хJgX79Иg2х3хLg&g'gE108\Z4хdZDivorcedZcdcqqqqqqqqAхJhX79ИhCхJiX79ИiEхFхLi&i'iHх<ooksy Albert Estabrooks\jЈU(‚EsjJхJjX79ИjLхJkX79ИkNхLk&kPхJlX79ИlRх<n†George William Hoben\mЈU(‚HomTхJmX79ИmVхWхLm&m'mаmZхЧm21[хЦm\хXхЦmNever marriedаm knpeD_х<obenietta Rebecca Hoben\nЈU(‚HonaхJn$X79, X80ИncхdхLn&n'nfх<ghtingale Estabrooksoks\oЈU(‚EsohхJoX80Иojх<obenabeth Lavinia Hoben\pЈU(‚HoplхJpX79ИpnхoхLp&p'pqхJqX79ИqE114]krхdkDivorcedZkqqqqqqqqqqqх<s†Lydia Ann Estabrooks\rЈU(‚EsrƒхJrX79Иr…х<brooksh Jane Estabrooks\sЈU(‚Ess‡хJsX79Иs‰х<s†Priscilla Estabrooks\tЈU(‚Est‹хJtX79ИtхJuX79Иuuvwxyz{e8хJvX79Иv’хJwX79Иw”хJxX80Иx–х<rooks Ludlow Estabrooks\yЈU(‚Esy˜хJyX80ИyšхJzX80ИzœхJ{$X79, X80И{žх<brooksHarris Estabrooks\|ЈU(‚Es| хJ|X80И|ЂхЃхL|&|'|Ѕх@Oromocto, New Brunswick, |Canada|ЇхJ}X80И}Љх<tabrooksding Estabrooks\~ЈU(‚Es~ЋхJ~X80И~а~ЎхЧ~2ЏхЦ~АхЌхЦ~БхHFounder of the Red Rose Tа~ea Companyа~E115]rВхdrDivorcedZrE115]sЕхdsDivorcedZsE115]zИхdzDivorcedZzqqqqqСх<tabrookseric Estabrooks\ЈU(‚EsУхJX80ИХх<ksSarah Jane Estabrooks\€ЈU(‚Es€ЧхJ€X80И€Щх<rookst James Estabrooks\ЈU(‚EsЫхJX80ИЭхJ‚X80И‚ЯхJƒX80Иƒƒe;вхJ„X80И„дхJ…X80И…жхJ†X80И†ихJ‡X80И‡кхJˆX80ИˆмхJ‰X80И‰ох<abrooksudson Estabrooks\ŠЈU(‚EsŠрхJŠX80ИŠтхLŠ&Šфх<rooks Turney Estabrooks\‹ЈU(‚Es‹цхJ‹X80И‹шх<brooksGideon Estabrooks\ŒЈU(‚EsŒъхJŒX80ИŒьхJX80ИюхJŽX80ИŽ№х<oksrdsell C. Estabrooks\ЈU(‚EsђхJX80ИE116\€ѓхd€E116\ѕхdE69U\‡їхd‡New YorkY‡E69U\‰њхd‰qqqqц<s†Catherine Estabrooks\ЈU(‚EsцJX80Иц<rooks Haddon Estabrooks\‘ЈU(‚Es‘цJ‘X80И‘‘’“”•–—e> ц<ksJacob Ring Estabrooks\’ЈU(‚Es’ цJ’X80И’цJ“X80И“цJ”X80И”цJ•X80И•цJ–X80И–ц<rooks Walter Estabrooks\—ЈU(‚Es—цJ—X80И—цJ˜&126; C400ȘццL˜&126; C400&˜&126; C400'˜цJ™&126; C400И™!ц"цL™&126; C400&™&126; C400'™'ц@126; C400354а™%цЧ™2*&цЦ™(ц#цЦ™а™)ц\Supervisor, Town of Westfа™ord (also 1830-1832)а™+цJš&126; C400Иš-ц.цLš&126; C400&š&126; C400'š&126; C400аš1цЧš2-2цЦš3ц/цЦš PollyаšN23\—4цd—N25\˜6цd˜$691; N25\™8цd™(Worcester, New YorkY™qqqqqAцJ›&126; C400И›CцDцL›&126; C400&›&126; C400'›222а›GцЧ›2)Hц*Kц/UцЦ›IцEцЦ›0Jeffersonian Republicanа›222а›LцJцЦ›Mц€First known Supervisor ofа›Nц the Town of Worcester (tа›Oцo 1800, and 1805-1806) anа›Pцd Westford (1809-1814); Mа›Qцember of New York State Aа›Rцssembly (eight terms betwа›Sцeen 1800 and 1816) and Seа›nate (1800-1804)а›Vц@126; C400222а›WцTцЦ›а›Xц~Maple Valley, Town of Wesа›Yцtford, Otsego County, Newа› York (1787)а›ZцDPr›ZцB›]цJœ&126; C400Иœ_ц`цLœ&126; C400&œ&126; C400'œbцJ&129; C401ИdцeцL&129; C401&$129;C401'gцJž&129; C401ИžiцjцLž&129; C401&ž&129; C401'žlцJŸ&129; C400ИŸnцoцLŸ&129; C400&Ÿ&129; C400'ŸqцJ &129; C401И sцL &129; C401& &129; C401а vцЧ 21wцЦ xцtцЦ yц4Twin of Gertrude Roseboomа а ЄЅІЇЈeœO104\œ{цdœ(Worcester, New YorkYœO106\ž~цdžцJЁ&129; C401ИЁƒцLЁ&129; C401&Ё&129; C401аЁ†цЧЁ21‡цЦЁˆц„цЦЁ‰ц4Twin of Jesinthe RoseboomаЁаЁЁeSŒц<r.Garrett Roseboom, Jr..ЂЈU(‚RoЂŽцJЂ&128; C401ИЂц‘цLЂ&128; C401&Ђ&128; C401'Ђ–ц@126; C400354аЂ”цЧЂ2*•цЦЂ8—ц’цЦЂаЂ˜цJTown Clerk, Town of WestfаЂord to 1850аЂšцJЃ&128; C401ИЃœццLЃ&128; C401&Ѓ&128; C401'ЃŸцJЄ&129; C401ИЄЁцЂцLЄ&129; C401&Є&129; C401'ЄЄцJЅ&129; C401ИЅІцJІ&126; C400ИІЈцLІ&126; C400'ІЊцJЇ&126; C400ИЇЌц­цLЇ&126; C400&Ї&126; C400'ЇЏцJЈ&126; C400ИЈБцВцLЈ&126; C400&Ј&126; C400'ЈO106\ЃГцdЃ0Mechanicville, New YorkYЃqqqqqqqqqqСцJЉ&126; C400ИЉУцLЉ&126; C400'ЉХцJЊ&126; C400ИЊЧцШцLЊ&126; C400&Њ&126; C400'ЊЪцJЋ&126; C400ИЋЬцLЋ&126; C400&ЋЮцJЌ&126; C400ИЌацJ­&126; C400И­вцL­&126; C400&­дцJЎ&126; C400ИЎжцJЏ&126; C400ИЏицйцLЏ&126; C400&Џ&126; C400'ЏлцJА&126; C400ИАнцLА&126; C400&Апц< š†Robert Roseboom IIII(БЈU(‚RoБсцJБ&126; C400ИБуцфцLБ&126; C400&Б&126; C400'БццJВ&126; C400ИВшцщцLВ&126; C400&В&126; C400'ВыцJГ&127; C400ИГэцLГ&127; C400&ГяцJД&127; C400ИДёцLД&127; C400&ДO107\ЉђцdЉO107\ЋєцdЋ*Hagerstown, MarylandYЋO108\ЌїцdЌS32\БљцdБS30\ГћцdГ Pawlet, VermontYГqqчJЕ&127; C400ИЕчLЕ&127; C400&ЕчJЖ&127; C400ИЖчJЗ&127; C400ИЗ ч чLЗ&127; C400&З&127; C400'З чJИ&127; C400ИИччLИ&127; C400&И&127; C400'ИчJЙ&127; C400ИЙччLЙ&127; C400&Й&127; C400'ЙчJК&127; C400ИКччLК&127; C400&К&127; C400'Кч<ncerine Alberta Spencer\ЛЈU(‚SpЛчJЛ&127; C400ИЛчLЛ&127; C400&Л!чJМ&127; C400ИМ#чLМ&127; C400&М%чJН&127; C400ИН'чJО&127; C400ИО)чLО&127; C400&О+чJП&127; C400ИП-чJР&127; C400ИР/чLР&127; C400&Р1чJС&127; C400ИС3ч4чLС&127; C400&С&127; C400'СS30\Ж5чdЖqqqqqqqqqAчJТ&127; C400ИТCчDчLТ&127; C400&Т&127; C400'ТFчJУ&127; C400ИУHчJФ&127; C400ИФJчJХ&127; C400ИХLч<r.Stanley Roseboom, Jr..ЦЈU(‚RoЦNчJЦ&127; C400ИЦPчJЧ&127; C400ИЧRчLЧ&127; C400&ЧЧeeUчJШ&127; C400ИШWчLШ&127; C400&ШYчJЩ&127; C400ИЩ[чLЩ&127; C400&Щ]чJЪ&127; C400ИЪ_чLЪ&127; C400&ЪaчJЫ&127; C400ИЫcчJЬ&127; C400ИЬeчLЬ&127; C400&ЬgчJЭ&127; C400ИЭiчLЭ&127; C400&ЭkчJЮ&127; C400ИЮmчLЮ&127; C400&ЮoчJЯ&127; C400ИЯqчrчLЯ&127; C400&Я&127; C400'Я$ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈeФS25\УtчdУ Goshen, VermontYУxчdФ&H164-H165\ФzчXParlor of Finn Hotel, PorYФt Leyden, New YorkYФ?LbФH272\Ц|чdЦH266\Ч~чdЧчJа&127; C400Иаƒч„чLа&127; C400&а&127; C400'а†чJб&127; C400ИбˆчLб&127; C400&ббгежйлнe`‹чJв&127; C400ИвчLв&127; C400&вчJг&127; C400Иг‘чLг&127; C400&г“чJд&127; C400Ид•ч–чLд&127; C400&д&127; C400'д˜чJе&127; C400Иеšч›чLе&127; C400&е&127; C400'ечJж&127; C400ИжŸчLж&127; C400&жЁчJз&127; C400ИзЃчJи&127; C400ИиЅчLи&127; C400&иЇчJй&127; C400ИйЉчLй&127; C400&йЋчJк&127; C400Ик­чLк&127; C400&кЏч<seboomk Arthur Roseboom\лЈU(‚RoлБчJл&127; C400ИлГчLл&127; C400&лRTZ^`BeиqqqqqqqqqqqСчJм&127; C400ИмУчLм&127; C400&мХчJн&127; C400ИнЧчLн&127; C400&нЩчJо&127; C400ИоЫчLо&127; C400&оЭчJп&127; C400ИпЯчачLп&127; C400&п&127; C400'пвчJр&127; C400ИрдчечLр&127; C400&р&127; C400'рзчJс&127; C400ИсйчкчLс&127; C400&с&127; C400'смчJт&127; C400ИточпчLт&127; C400&т&127; C400'тсчJу&127; C400ИуучLу&127; C400'ухчJф&127; C400ИфччLф&127; C400&фщчJх&127; C400ИхычJц&127; C400ИцэчLц&127; C400&цячJч&127; C400Ичёч< š†Carlton Roseboom III(шЈU(‚RoшѓчJш&127; C400ИшѕчічLш&127; C400&ш&127; C400'ш&127; C400ашљчЧш2-њчЦшћчїчЦш C.J.ашqqqqшJщ&127; C400ИщшшLщ&127; C400&щ&127; C400'щшJъ&127; C400Иъш шLъ&127; C400&ъ&127; C400'ъ шJы&127; C400Иы шJь&127; C400ИьшшLь&127; C400&ь&127; C400'ьшJэ&128; C401ИэшLэ&128; C401&ээeъ шJю&128; C401ИюшLю&128; C401&юшJя&128; C401ИяшшLя&128; C401&я&128; C401'я шJ№&128; C401И№"ш#шL№&128; C401&№&128; C401'№%шJё&128; C401Иё'ш(шLё&128; C401&ё&128; C401'ё*шJђ&128; C401Иђ,шJѓ-шD128; C401C401ИѓAИѓ/ш0шLѓ&128; C401&ѓ&128; C401'ѓqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAшJєBшD128; C401C401ИєAИєDшEшLє&128; C401&є&128; C401'єJшD128; C401C401аєHшЧє25Iш-MшЦєKшFшЦєAає Rev.ає&128; C401аєNшLшЦє BertаєPшJѕ&128; C401ИѕRшUшLѕSшD128; C401C401&ѕA&ѕ&Westford, New YorkѕC401A'ѕWшrDelaware County CountrysiѕXшde Care Center, Delhi, Neѕw YorkѕC401Aаѕ[шЧѕ2\ш _ш8dшЦѕ]шYшЦѕ^шDWorcester United Methodisаѕt ChurchаѕЊвaш`шЦѕC401AаѕbшTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаѕcester, New YorkаѕC401Aаѕ’вeшcшЦѕ89 yearsаѕfшEPrѕfшBѕiшJіjшD128; C401C401ИіAИіlшLі&128; C401&іаіoшЧі2)pш-tш/wшЦіqшmшЦіrшZRepublican Party Chairmanаі, Town of WorcesterаіаіuшsшЦі MikeаіC401AаіxшvшЦіyш6Worcester, New York (2002аі)аіH287\іzшdі}шXSt. Mary's Church, ConstaYіbleville, New YorkYіqqшJї‚шFC40Иї1AИїаї…шЧї2&†ш/ŠшЦїЊ‡шƒшЦїˆшDGraduate Worcester Centraаїl SchoolаїC401Aаї‹ш‰шЦїŒш6Worcester, New York (2002аї)аїŽшJјшD128; C401C401ИјAИјај’шЧј2&“ш-—ш/šшЦјЎ”шшЦј•шDGraduate Worcester Centraајl Schoolајај˜ш–шЦјEv, EvvieајC401Aај›ш™шЦјœш6Worcester, New York (2002ај)ајžшJљИљаљЁшЧљ2&Ђш-Іш/ЉшЦљЈЃшŸшЦљЄшDGraduate Worcester Centraаљl SchoolаљаљЇшЅшЦљ DonnyаљаљЊшЈшЦљ*Wilmington, DelawareаљЌшJњИњЎшLњ'њањБшЧњ2 ВшЦњГшЏшЦњДшTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worањcester, New YorkањH299\јЕшdјUnited StatesYјH246\њИшdњ.Lewis County, New YorkYњqqqqqСшJћИћУшХшLћ&ћ2West Kortright, New Yorkћ'ћЧшJRobinson Terrace, Stamforћd, New YorkћаћЪшЧћ2Ышаш дш+иш-лш8ош/сшЦћЬшШшЦћЭшpFirst grade teacher, WorcаћЮшester Central School 1937аћ-1972аћаћбшЯшЦћвшDWorcester United Methodisаћt ChurchаћаћешгшЦћжшTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаћcester, New YorkаћаћйшзшЦћ.Worcester Woman's ClubаћаћмшкшЦћ Sallyаћаћ’апшншЦћ89 yearsаћаћтшршЦћ(Worcester, New YorkаћушFPrћушBћцшJќ(ИќаќщшЧќ2&ъш/юшЦќЋышчшЦќьшDGraduate Worcester Centraаќl SchoolаќаќяшэшЦќEast Hamptonаќёш< Jr.ond G. Preston, Jr..§ЈU(‚Pr§ѓшJ§2C401AИ§а§ішЧ§2&їш-ћш/ўшЦ§ЏјшєшЦ§љшDGraduate Worcester Centraа§l Schoolа§а§ќшњшЦ§Rayа§C401Aа§щ§шЦ§H171\ќщ6Worcester, New York (2002а§)а§щJў&128; C401ИўщLў&128; C401&ўC401AаўщЧў2/ щЦў щщЦў щ8Binghamton, New York (200аў2)аў щ< š†M. Elizabeth Grimes\(џЈU(‚GrџщJџ&128; C401ИџщLџ&128; C401&џC401AаџщЧџ2/щЦџщщЦџщ8Binghamton, New York (200аџ2)аџщ<.†Leland Roseboom, Jr..ЈU(‚RoщJ&128; C401ИщL&128; C401&щJ&128; C401И!щL&128; C401&#щJ2C401AИ%щJ&128; C401И'щL&128; C401&)щJ&128; C401И+щL&128; C401&-щJ&128; C401И/щL&128; C401&1щJ&128; C401И3щL&128; C401&&128; C401а6щЧ257щЦ8щ4щЦ Rev.аqqqqqqqAщJ&128; C401ИCщL&128; C401&EщJ&128; C401ИGщL&128; C401&&128; C401аJщЧ25KщЦLщHщЦ Rev.аNщJ &128; C401И PщL &128; C401& RщJ &128; C401И TщL &128; C401& VщJ &128; C401И XщL &128; C401& ZщJ &128; C401И \щL &128; C401& ^щJ &128; C401И `щL &128; C401& &128; C401а cщЧ 25dщЦ eщaщЦ  Rev.а gщJ&128; C401ИiщL&128; C401&kщJ&128; C401ИmщL&128; C401&oщJ&128; C401ИqщL&128; C401&&H192-H193\rщduщHBoonville Presbyterian ChYurch manseYuSbqqqqqqqqqщJ&128; C401ИƒщL&128; C401&…щJ&128; C401И‡щL&128; C401&‰щJ&128; C401И‹щL&128; C401&щJ&128; C401ИщL&128; C401&‘щJ&128; C401И“щL&128; C401&•щJ&128; C401И—щL&128; C401&™щJ&128; C401И›щL&128; C401&e‚žщJ&128; C401И щL&128; C401&ЂщJ&128; C401ИЄщL&128; C401&ІщJ&128; C401ИЈщL&128; C401&Њщ< š†Charles S. Roseboom\(ЈU(‚RoЌщJ­щ:128; C401ИИЏщАщL&128; C401&&128; C401'&126; C400аГщЧ2*ДщЦЕщБщЦЖщ:Supervisor, Town of Westfаordа йклмнодпer!‡!ˆ!‰!eКщdH197\,Port Leyden, New YorkYH205\МщdH206\ОщdСщJ&128; C401ИУщФщL&128; C401&&128; C401'Цщ< š†William G. Roseboom\(ЈU(‚RoШщJЩщ:128; C401ИИЫщЮщLЬщ:128; C401&&&Westford, New YorkЯщ:128; C401''бщ@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, New YorkадщЧ2ещ)йщ*мщущ чщ-ъщ/эщЦжщвщЦзщXFarmer; employee of Lowviаlle Farmers' Co-opаакщищЦRepublicanанщN126; C400аощлщЦапщТSupervisor, Town of Westfарщord, 1936-1940; Otsego Coасщunty Commissioner of Sociаal Services 1940-1949аафщтщЦхщbFirst Presbyterian Churchа of Worcester, New YorkаашщцщЦ$Westford CemeteryааыщщщЦ Billа(ающьщЦящtWestford, Cooperstown, Glа№щenfield, and Schenevus, Nаew YorkаёщGPrёщBqqqqqqqqqqqqqъJ&128; C401ИъL&128; C401&аъЧ2 ъ/ ъЦъъЦ$Westford Cemeteryаа ъ ъЦ ъrWestford, Cooperstown, Glа ъenfield and Schenevus, Neаw YorkаъJ&128; C401ИъъL&128; C401&&128; C401'ъ<I†Garrett Roseboom IIII ЈU(‚Ro ъJ &128; C401И ъL &128; C401& а ъЧ 2-ъЦ ъъЦ  Garyа ъJ!&128; C401И!!ъL!&128; C401'!а!$ъЧ!2.%ъЦ!&ъ"ъЦ!(Automobile accidentа!(ъJ"&128; C401И"*ъJ#+ъ:128; C401И#И#-ъL#&128; C401&#&128; C410а#0ъЧ#2-1ъЦ#2ъ.ъЦ# Alanа#3 5 e!qqqqqqqqqqqqAъJ$&128; C401И$CъL$&128; C401&$EъJ%Fъ:128; C401И%И%HъIъL%&128; C401&%&128; C401'%а%LъЧ%2.Mъ/PъЦ%­NъJъЦ%2Accidental gunshot woundа%а%QъOъЦ%Rъ6Glenfield, New York (1965а%)а%SъHPr%SъB%VъJ&WъR128, 130; C401-C402И&86И&Yъ[ъL&Zъ:128; C401&&&&\ъ:128; C401'&'&а&_ъЧ&2 `ъ/dъЦ&aъ]ъЦ&bъTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа&cester, New Yorkа&а&eъcъЦ&(Worcester, New Yorkа&gъJ'hъ:130; C402И'И'jъlъL'kъ:130; C402&'&'''а'oъЧ'2&pъtъ zъ }ъ-‚ъЦ'˜qъmъЦ'rъDGraduate Worcester Centraа'l Schoolа'154а'uъsъЦ'vъЂTechnician, Wharton Valleа'wъy Artificial Breeders Assа'xъociation, New Berlin, Newа' Yorkа'а'{ъyъЦ'."F1 USNR World War II"а'а'~ъ|ъЦ'€ъTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа'qcester, New Yorkа'а'ƒъъЦ' Dickа'„ъIPr'„ъB'‡ъ<omMiles Arthur Roseboom\(ЈU(‚Ro(‰ъJ(&128; C401И(‹ъŒъL(&128; C401&(&128; C401'(ŽъJ)&128; C401И)ъ‘ъL)&128; C401&)&128; C401')“ъJ*&129; C401И*•ъ–ъL*&129; C401&*&129; C401'*˜ъ<eyWilliam Rufus Bentley\+ЈU(‚Be+šъJ+›ъ8129-130; C401-C402И+И+ъžъL+&129; C401&+&129; C401'+ ъJ,&129; C401И,ЂъL,&129; C401',ЄъJ-&129; C401И-ІъL-&129; C401&-ЈъJ.&129; C401И.ЊъЋъL.&129; C401&.&129; C401'.&129; C401а.ЎъЧ.2'ЏъЦ.АъЌъЦ. M.D.а.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСъJ/&129; C401И/УъФъL/&129; C401&/&129; C401'/ЦъJ0&129; C401И0ШъЩъL0&129; C401&0&129; C401'0ЫъJ1&129; C401И1ЭъЮъL1&129; C401&1&129; C401'1аъJ2&129; C401И2въJ3&129; C401И3дъJ4&129; C401И4жъзъL4&129; C401&4&129; C401'4йъJ5&129; C401И5лъJ6&129; C401И6нъоъL6&129; C401&6&129; C401'6ръJ7съL129; C401137;И7 C405И7уъхъL7фъ<129, 137; C401, C405&7&7&129; C401'7чъJ8&129; C401И8щъъъL8&129; C401&8&129; C401'8ьъJ9&129; C401И9юъяъL9&129; C401&9&129; C401'9ёъJ:&129; C401И:&129; C401а:єъЧ:2-ѕъЦ:іъђъЦ:Cynthiaа:New YorkY3H226\9јъd9ћъVSt. Martin's Church, PortY9 Leyden, New YorkY9qqqqы<eyAaron Webster Bentley\;ЈU(‚Be;ыJ;&129; C401И;ыL;&129; C401&;ыJ<&129; C401И< ыJ=&129; C401И= ыL=&129; C401&= ыJ>&129; C401И>ыL>&129; C401&>ыJ?&129; C401И?ыL?&129; C401&?ыJ@&129; C401И@ыL@&129; C401&@ыJA&129; C401ИAыLA&129; C401&AыJB&129; C401ИBыLB&129; C401&B!ыJC&129; C401ИC#ыLC&129; C401&C%ыJD&129; C401ИD'ыLD&129; C401&D)ыJE&129; C401ИE+ыJF&129; C401ИF-ыJG&129; C401ИG/ыLG&129; C401&G1ыJH&129; C401ИH3ыLH&129; C401&HH225\<4ыd<New YorkY<H225\=7ыd=H226\A9ыdA(Boonville, New YorkYAqqqqAыJI&129; C401ИICыDыLI&129; C401&I&129; C401'IFыJJ&129; C401ИJHыIыLJ&129; C401&J&129; C401'JKыJK&129; C401ИKMыNыLK&129; C401&K&129; C401'KPыJL&129; C401ИLRыLL&129; C401&L&140; C407аLUыЧL2VыЦLWыSыЦLTeacherаLYыJM&129; C401ИM[ы\ыLM&129; C401&M&129; C401'M^ыJN&129; C401ИN`ыLN&129; C401&NbыJO&129; C401ИOdыJP&129; C401ИPfыJQ&130; C402ИQhыiыLQ&130; C402&Q&130; C402'Q&130; C402аQlыЧQ2mы1pыЦQnыjыЦQ"Sawmill operatorаQ&130; C402аQqыoыЦQ"9 children"аQqqqqqqqqqqqqqqы<epardne Webster Shepard\RЈU(‚ShRƒыJR&130; C402ИR…ы†ыLR&130; C402&R&130; C402'R&130; C402аR‰ыЧR21ŠыЦR‹ы‡ыЦR"9 children"аRыJS&130; C402ИSы‘ыLS&130; C402&SRhode IslandS&130; C402'S’ыJPrS’ыBS•ыJT&130; C402ИT—ы˜ыLT&130; C402&T&130; C402'TšыJU&130; C402ИUœыLU&130; C402&UžыJV&130; C402ИV ыЁыLV&130; C402&V&130; C402'VЃыJW&130; C402ИWЅыІыLW&130; C402&W&130; C402'WЈыJX&130; C402ИXЊыLX&130; C402&X&130; C402аX­ыЧX21ЎыЦXЏыЋыЦX"7 children"аXБыJY&130; C402ИY&130; C402аYДыЧY21ЕыЦYЖыВыЦY"7 children"аYqqqqqqqqqСы< š†Thomas Bentley, Jr..(ZЈU(‚BeZУыJZ&130; C402ИZХыЦыLZ&130; C402&Z&130; C402'ZZQ\`eЅЩыJ[&130; C402И[ЫыЬыL[&130; C402&[&130; C402'[ЮыJ\&130; C402И\аыбыL\&130; C402&\&130; C402'\&130; C402а\дыЧ\21еыЦ\жывыЦ\"6 children"а\иыJ]&130; C402И]кылыL]&130; C409&]&130; C402']&130; C402а]оыЧ]21пыЦ]рымыЦ]"6 children"а]тыJ^&130; C402И^фыL^&131; C402&^цыJ_&131; C402И_шыJ`&131; C402И`ъыыыL`&131; C402&`&131; C402'`эыJa&130; C402Иaяы№ыLa&130; C402&a&130; C402'a&130; C402аaѓыЧa21єыЦaѕыёыЦa"4 children"аaqqqqqqqqqqьJb&130; C402ИbььLb&130; C402&b&130; C402'b&130; C402аbьЧb21ьЦb ььЦb"4 children"аb ьJc&130; C402Иc ьLc&130; C402&cьJd&130; C402ИdььLd&130; C402&d&130; C402'dь<ntleym Prescott Bentley\eЈU(‚BeeьJe&130; C402ИeььLe&130; C402&e&130; C402'e&130; C402аeьЧe21ьЦeььЦe"2 children"аe ьJf&130; C402Иf&130; C402аf#ьЧf21$ьЦf%ь!ьЦf"2 children"аf'ьJg(ь:128, 130; C401-C402ИgИg*ь,ьLg+ь:128; C401&g&g-ь:128; C401'g'g2ьX130; C402143аg0ьЧg21ь 7ь/;ьЦg3ь.ьЦg86аg4ь€Metropolitan Life Insuranаg5ьce agent (1941); real estаgate developerаgаg8ь6ьЦg9ьTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаgcester, New Yorkаgаg<ь:ьЦg(Worcester, New Yorkаg=ьKPrg=ьBgqAь<y†Millicent A. Bentley\hЈU(‚BehCьJhDь@130; C402143ИhИhFьLh&130; C402&hаhIьЧh2&Jь'NьRьЦh˜KьGьЦhLьDGraduate Worcester Centraаhl Schoolаh143аhœOьMьЦhPь>Graduate of Cornell Univeаhrsityаh143аhSьQьЦhTьLBuyer, B. Altman & Co., Nаhew York CityаhVь<y†Th. Prescott Bentley\iЈU(‚BeiXьJi&131; C402ИiZьLi&131; C402&iаi]ьЧi2&^ь'bь eь-jьЦiš_ь[ьЦi`ьDGraduate Worcester Centraаil Schoolаi143аicьaьЦi"Utica Inst."аi143аifьdьЦigьrStaff Sergeant, U.S. Air аihьForce, Worcester, MassachаiusettsаiаikьiьЦiPrescottаimь<entleye Charles Bentley\jЈU(‚BejoьJjpьT131; C402143ИjИjrьtьLjsь:131; C402&j&j'jаjwьЧj2&xь'|ь€ь …ь ˆь.Œь-‘ьЦjyьuьЦjzьDGraduate Worcester Centraаjl Schoolаj143аj}ь{ьЦj$"Rochester Inst."аj85аjqь~ьЦj‚ьnMilitary officer; owner oаjƒьf Worcester Hardwood Prodаjuctsаj.143аj†ь„ьЦj$U.S. Navy aviatorаjаj‰ь‡ьЦjŠьTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаjcester, New YorkаjаjПь‹ьЦjŽьnKilled in crash of light аjьairplane that he was piloаjtingаj,85аj’ььЦjGrannie; Benаj“ьLPrj“ьBj–ьJk&131; X402Иk˜ьLk&131; X402&kšьJl&131; C402ИlœььLl&131; C402&l&131; C402'lŸьJm&131; C402ИmЁьJn&131; C402ИnЃьJo&131; C402ИoЅьLo&131; C402'oЇьJp&131; C402ИpЉьJq&131; C402ИqЋьJr&131; C402Иr­ьJs&131; C402ИsаsАьЧs2Бь-ДьЦsВьЎьЦs(Automobile mechanicаs&131; C402аsЕьГьЦs BillаsИь8H240H240\qЖьdq\q Ilion, New YorkYqqqqqqqСьJtИtУьJu&131; C402ИuХьLu&131; C402'uЧьJv&131; C402ИvЩьJw&131; C402ИwЫьJx&131; C402ИxЭьLx&131; C402&xЯьJy&131; C402ИyбьJz&131; C402ИzгьJ{&131; C402И{еьJ|&131; C402И|зьиьL|&131; C402&|&131; C402'|кьJ}&131; C402И}мьL}&131; C402&}оьJ~&131; C402И~рьJ&131; C402ИтьL&131; C402&фьJ€&140; C407И€цьL€&140; C407&€шьJ&140; C407ИъьL&140; C407&ььJ‚&140; C407И‚юьL‚&140; C407&‚№ьJƒ&140; C407ИƒђьLƒ&140; C407&ƒqqqqqqqqqqqqqэJ„&140; C407И„эL„&140; C407&„эJ…&140; C407И…эL…&140; C407&… эJ† э<140, 146; C407, C410И†И† эL†&140; C407&†эJ‡&140; C407И‡ээL‡&140; C407&‡&140; C407'‡&140; C407а‡эЧ‡2эЦ‡ээЦ‡ Dealer in meatsа‡эMPr‡эB‡эJˆ&140; C407ИˆээLˆ&140; C407&ˆ&140; C407'ˆэJ‰&140; C407И‰!эL‰&140; C407'‰#эJŠ&140; C407ИŠ%э&эLŠ&140; C407&Š&140; C407'Š(эJ‹&140; C407И‹*э+эL‹&140; C407&‹&140; C407'‹-эJŒ&140; C407ИŒ/эJ&140; C407И1эJŽ&140; C407ИŽV181\Š2эdŠqqqqqqqqqqqqAэJ&140; C407ИCэDэL&140; C407&&140; C407'Fэ< š†G. Delevan Whiteman\(ЈU(‚WhHэL&140; C407&JэJ‘И‘LэMэL‘&‘'‘189а‘PэЧ‘2*Qэ Uэ+Yэ-]эЦ‘RэNэЦ‘Sэ:Historian, Town of Worcesа‘terа‘а‘VэTэЦ‘WэTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа‘cester, New Yorkа‘а‘ZэXэЦ‘[эPPresident, Worcester Histа‘orical Societyа‘а‘^э\эЦ‘Winnieа‘`э<r†Joanna Marian Butler\’ЈU(‚Bu’bэJ’И’dэL’(&’&Syracuse, New York’gэj215 Wedgewood TerraceSy;’hэracuseNew York13214U.S;’.A;’jэJ“Z117И“lэL“Z117&“nэJ”Z117И”pэJ•Z117И•rэL•Z117'•$Yonkers, New York•qqqqqqqqqqqqэJ–Z117И–ƒэJ—Z117И—…эJ˜Z117Ș‡эJ™Z117И™‰э‹эL™&Z117-Z118&™(Leyden, Netherlands™Z117'™эJšZ117ИšээLšZ117&šZ117'š’эJ›Z118И›”э–эL›Z118&›France›Z118'›˜эJœZ118ИœšэLœZ118'œœэJZ118ИžэLZ118&FranceЁэJžZ118ИžЃэJŸИŸЅэJ Іэ<215, 223; V147, V151И И ЈэЊэL &215; V147& *Danbury, Connecticut &215; V147' "Durham, New York ­э<215, 223; V147, V151а а ЏэЧ 2/АэЦ БэЌэЦ Вэ†"settled in Durham, N.Y. а Гэ...;" "New Durham, Green[а e] county, N.Y."а ДэNPr ДэB qqqqqqqqqqСэJЁ&215; V147ИЁУэLЁ&215; V147'ЁХэJЂЦэ<215, 223; V147, V151ИЂИЂШэ<r.Francis Boughton, Jr..ЃЈU(‚BoЃЪэJЃ&215; V147ИЃЬэЮэLЃ&215; V147&Ѓ*Danbury, ConnecticutЃ&215; V147'ЃЯэOPrЃЯэBЃвэJЄ&215; V147ИЄдэжэLЄ&215; V147&Є*Danbury, ConnecticutЄ&215; V147'Є"Durham, New YorkЄ&215; V147аЄкэЧЄ21лэ/оэЦЄмэиэЦЄ"unmarried"аЄ&215; V147аЄпэнэЦЄ"res. Ohio"аЄсэJЅ&215; V147ИЅуэхэLЅ&215; V147&Ѕ*Danbury, ConnecticutЅ&215; V147'Ѕчэb215, 223; V147, V151аЅ216; V148аЅщэЧЅ2-ъэ/юэ1ёэЦЅыэцэЦЅьэ8Edward, Eliard, Lyard, LyаЅleаЅ&216; V148аЅяэээЦЅ"went west"аЅ&216; V148аЅђэ№эЦЅѓэN"...two other children, nаЅames unknown"аЅєэPPrЅєэBЅH239\ЁіэdЁNew YorkYЁH243\ЃљэdЃќэVSt. Martin's Church, PortYЃ Leyden, New YorkYЃqqqюJІ&216; V148ИІ&215; V147аІюЧІ2-ю1юЦІююЦІThaliaаІ&216; V148аІ ююЦІ юN"...two other children, nаІames unknown"аІ юJЇ&215; V147ИЇююLЇ&215; V147&Ї*Danbury, ConnecticutЇ&215; V147'Ї&216; V148аЇюЧЇ2/ю1юЦЇююЦЇ"went west"аЇ&216; V148аЇююЦЇю6"probably more [children]аЇ"аЇЉН Ћ­ЏАВe| юQPrЇюBЇюJЈ&215; V147ИЈ юLЈ&215; V147&ЈMichiganЈ&216; V148аЈ$юЧЈ2/%ю1(юЦЈ&ю"юЦЈ"went west"аЈ&216; V148аЈ)ю'юЦЈ*ю6"probably more [children]аЈ"аЈ,ю< š†Mary Maria Boughton\(ЉЈU(‚BoЉ.юJЉ&215; V147ИЉ0ю2юLЉ&215; V147&Љ*Danbury, ConnecticutЉ3ю:215-216 ; V147-V148'Љ'Љ.Poughkeepsie, New YorkЉ&215; V147аЉ7юЧЉ28ю-;ю4>ю/BюЦЉ9ю5юЦЉPresbyterianаЉ&215; V147аЉ<ю:юЦЉ PollyаЉ&216; V148аЉ@ю=юЦЉq,West Durham, New YorkаЉ&216; V148аЉCюAюЦЉDюHOak Hill and PoughkeepsieаЉ, New YorkаЉFюJЊ&215; V147ИЊHюJюLЊ&215; V147&ЊEnglandЊ&215; V147'Њ.Poughkeepsie, New YorkЊ&215; V147аЊNюЧЊ2OюRю/UюЦЊPюLюЦЊ(boot and shoe makerаЊ&215; V147аЊSюQюЦЊ,"not a church member"аЊ&216; V148аЊVюTюЦЊWюHOak Hill and PoughkeepsieаЊ, New YorkаЊXюRPrЊXюBЊ[юJЋ&216; V148ИЋ]ю_юLЋ&216; V148&Ћ*Danbury, ConnecticutЋ&216; V148'Ћ&221; V150аЋbюЧЋ2/cюЦЋdю`юЦЋ$"of Hunter, N.Y."аЋfюJЌ&216; V148ИЌ&221; V150аЌiюЧЌ2-jю/mюЦЌkюgюЦЌ AnsilаЌ&221; V150аЌnюlюЦЌ$"of Hunter, N.Y."аЌpюJ­&216; V148И­rюtюL­&216; V148&­*Danbury, Connecticut­&216; V148'­&221; V150а­wюЧ­2-xюЦ­yюuюЦ­Annа­H301\ЊzюdЊH247\Ћ|юdЋH254\Ќ~юdЌюJЎ&216; V148ИЎƒю<r.Francis Boughton, Jr..ЏЈU(‚BoЏ…юJЏ&216; V148ИЏ‡юLЏ&216; V148&Џ*Danbury, ConnecticutЏŠюJА&216; V148ИАŒюŽюLА&216; V148&А,West Durham, New YorkА&216; V148'А Delhi, New YorkА‘юJБ&216; V148ИБ“юJВ&216; V148ИВ•ю—юLВ&216; V148&В,West Durham, New YorkВ&216; V148'В&223; V151аВšюЧВ2-›юЦВœю˜юЦВ ElizaаВžюJГ&216; V148ИГ юLГ&216; V148'Г&216; V148аГЃюЧГ2/ЄюЦГЅюЁюЦГ"Prattsville"аГЇюJД&216; V148ИДЉюJЕ&216; V148ИЕЋюJЖ&216; V148ИЖ­юJЗ&216; V148ИЗЏюJИ&216; V148ИИБюJЙ&216; V148ИЙЗ!И!eЎqqqqqqqqqqqqqСюJК&216; V148ИКУюJЛ&216; V148ИЛХюЧюLЛ&216; V148&Л,West Durham, New YorkЛ&216; V148'Л&216; V148аЛЪюЧЛ2Ыю/ЮюЦЛЬюШюЦЛShoemakerаЛ&217; V148аЛЯюЭюЦЛаюT"of Hunter, N.Y.;" "of PrаЛattsville, N.Y."аЛвюJМ&216; V148ИМ&217; V148аМеюЧМ2/жюЦМзюгюЦМ$"of Hunter, N.Y."аМйюJН&216; V148ИН&217; V148аНмюЧН2/нюЦНоюкюЦН."of Prattsville, N.Y."аНрюJО&217; V148ИОтюLО&217; V148&О,East Durham, New YorkО&217; V148аОцюЧО2чю/ыюЦОшюфюЦОщюP"Congregational church atаО Poughkeepsie"аО&217; V148аОьюъюЦО2"of Poughkeeepsie, N.Y."аОююJП&217; V148ИП№юLП&217; V148'ПNew York CityП&217; V148аПєюЧП2ѕюјю/§юЦПіюђюЦП2Chair painter and gilderаП&217; V148аПљюїюЦПњюj"member of the PresbyteriаПћюan church at New York citаПy"аП&217; V148аПўюќюЦП2"of Poughkeeepsie, N.Y."аПqяJР&217; V148ИРяяLР&217; V148&Р2Preston Hollow, New YorkР&217; V148'Ря6Philadelphia, PennsylvaniРaР&219; V149аР яЧР2/ яЦР яяЦР$"of Hunter, N.Y."аРяJС&217; V148ИСяLС&217; V148'Ся6Philadelphia, PennsylvaniСaС&217; V148аСяЧС2я/яЦСяяЦС(Painter and grainerаС&219; V149аСяяЦС$"of Hunter, N.Y."аСя<n†Elizabeth B. Whitman\ТЈU(‚WhТяJТ&217; V148ИТ яLТ&217; V148&Т2Preston Hollow, New YorkТ&217; V148аТ$яЧТ2/%яЦТ&я"яЦТ'я6"res. Poughkeepsie" (1889аТ)аТ)яJУ&217; V148ИУ&217; V148аУ,яЧУ2/-яЦУ.я*яЦУ("of Poughkeeepsie;"аУ0яJФ1я<217, 219; V148, V149ИФИФ3яLФ&217; V148&Ф5я4Livingstonville, New YorkФФ7я<217, 219; V148, V149аФаФ9яЧФ2/:яЦФ;я6яЦФ<яp"res. Shasta, Cal.;" "of аФ=яHunter, N.Y. and Eureka, аФCal."аФqqAя<h†Cornelius C. Cornish\ХЈU(‚CoХCяJХ&217; V148ИХ&219; V149аХFяЧХ2Gя/LяЦХHяDяЦХIя‚"He worked in the mines iаХJяn Eureka, Cal.; was a joiаХner by trade."аХ&219; V149аХMяKяЦХNяF"of Hunter, N.Y. and EureаХka, Cal."аХPя<Jr.seph B. Whitman, Jr..ЦЈU(‚WhЦRяJЦ&217; V148ИЦTяLЦ&217; V148&Ц2Preston Hollow, New YorkЦ&217; V148аЦXяЧЦ2Yя/\яЦЦZяVяЦЦHarness makerаЦ&217; V148аЦ]я[яЦЦ^я8"res. Hobart [N.Y.]" (188аЦ7)аЦ`яJЧ&217; V148ИЧ&217; V148аЧcяЧЧ2/dяЦЧ9eяaяЦЧ$"of Hobart, N.Y."аЧgяJШ&217; V148ИШiяkяLШ&217; V148&Ш&Oak Hill, New YorkШ&217; V148'ШChestertownШ&220; V150аШoяЧШ2/pяЦШqяmяЦШrяDOak Hill, Warren County, аШNew YorkаШqqqqqqqqqqqqqяJЩ&217; V148ИЩƒяLЩ&217; V148'Щ&217; V148аЩ†яЧЩ2‡я/ŠяЦЩˆя„яЦЩCarpenterаЩ&220; V150аЩ‹я‰яЦЩŒяDOak Hill, Warren County, аЩNew YorkаЩŽяJЪ&217; V148ИЪя’яLЪ&217; V148&Ъ&Oak Hill, New YorkЪ&217; V148'Ъ0Olmsteadville, New YorkЪ&220; V150аЪ–яЧЪ2/—яЦЪ˜я”яЦЪ2"of Poughkeeepsie, N.Y."аЪšяJЫ&217; V148ИЫ&217; V148аЫяЧЫ2/žяЦЫŸя›яЦЫ"Poughkeepsie"аЫЁяJЬ&217; V148ИЬЃяLЬ&217; V148&Ь"Hunter, New YorkЬІяJЭ&217; V148ИЭЈяLЭ&217; V148&Э"Hunter, New YorkЭЋяJЮ&217; V148ИЮ­яLЮ&217; V148&Ю"Walton, New YorkЮАяJЯ&217; V148ИЯВяLЯ&217; V148&Я"Walton, New YorkЯ"eЪqqqqqqqqqqqСяJа&217; V148ИаУяLа&217; V148&а$Hancock, New YorkааeЭЧя< Jrancis B. Whitman, JrrбЈU(‚WhбЩяJб&217; V148ИбЫяLб&217; V148&б,Prattsville, New YorkбЮяJв&217; V148ИваяLв&217; V148&в,Prattsville, New YorkвгяJг&217; V148ИгеяLг&217; V148&г,Prattsville, New YorkгияJд&217; V148ИдкяLд&217; V148&д,Prattsville, New YorkдняJе&217; V148ИепяLе&217; V148&е,Prattsville, New YorkееeЮуяJж&217; V148ИжхяLжця<217, 218; V148, V149&ж&ж*Palenville, New Yorkж&218; V149ажъяЧж2ыя юяѓя/їяЦжьяшяЦжэяFHarness maker and carriagажe trimmerажЊH№яяяЦж&218; V149ажёяHDischarged from 7th New Yажork Riflesаж&218; V149ажєяђяЦжѕяZMember of Poughkeepsie Coажngregational Churchаж&218; V149ажјяіяЦжљя\"... lived twenty years iажn San Francisco ..."ажqЮqqqqq№Jз&217; V148Из№Jи&218; V149Ии№Lи&218; V149&и.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkи&218; V149аи №Чи2 №/№Ци №№Ци №p"...member of the Presbytаи №erian church at Greenbushаи ..."аи&218; V149аи№№Ци(Greenbush, New Yorkаи№Jй&218; V149Ий&218; V149ай№Чй2№№/№Цй№№Цй№f"foreman of the Hudson Riай№ver R.R. shops at Albany"айай&218; V149ай№№Цй№@"...is not a church membeайr ..."ай&218; V149ай №№Цй(Greenbush, New Yorkай"№Jк&218; V149Ик$№Lк&218; V149&к.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkк&218; V149ак(№Чк2/)№1-№Цк*№&№Цк+№6"res. Poughkeepsie" (1887ак)ак&218; V149ак.№,№Цк"unmarried"ак0№< š†Mandeville F. Lewis\(лЈU(‚Leл2№Jл&218; V149Ил4№Lл&218; V149&лNew York Cityл&218; V149ал8№Чл2/9№4=№8@№Цл:№6№Цл;№6"res. Poughkeepsie" (1887ал)ал&218; V149ал<<№Цл&218; V149ал@"A"eйA№>№Цл "d. in infancy"алC№Jм&218; V149ИмE№Lм&218; V149&м.Poughkeepsie, New YorkмH№Jн&218; V149ИнJ№L№Lн&218; V149&н.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkн(218;. V149'н&218; V149анO№Чн28P№Цн\Q№M№Цн&"aged seven years"анS№Jо&218; V149ИоU№W№Lо&218; V149&о.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkо&218; V149'о.Poughkeepsie, New YorkоZ№Jп&218; V149Ип\№Lп&218; V149&п.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkп_№Jр&218; V149Ирa№Lр&218; V149&р.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkрd№Jс&219; V149Исf№Lс&219; V149&сh№6Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniсaсj№Jт&219; V149Итl№Lт&219; V149&тn№6Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniтaтp№Jу&219; V149Иуr№Lу&219; V149&уt№6Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniуaуqqqqqqqqqqq№Jф&219; V149Ифƒ№Lф&219; V149&ф$Windham, New Yorkф†№Jх&219; V149Ихˆ№Lх&219; V149&хNew York Cityх хцчeаŒ№Jц&219; V149ИцŽ№Lц&219; V149&ц$Windham, New Yorkц‘№Jч&219; V149Ич“№Lч&219; V149&ч•№6Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniчaч—№<usRoderic Kinney Andrus\шЈU(‚Anш™№Jш&219; V149Иш›№Lш&219; V149&ш.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkш&219; V149ашŸ№Чш2/ №ЦшЁ№№Цш("of Paterson, N.J."ашЃ№Jщ&219; V149Ищ&219; V149ащІ№Чщ2/Ї№ЦщЈ№Є№Цщ("of Paterson, N.J."ащЊ№<s†Newell Parker Andrus\ъЈU(‚AnъЌ№Jъ&219; V149ИъЎ№Lъ&219; V149&ъ.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkъ&219; V149аъВ№Чъ2/Г№ЦъД№А№ЦъЕ№8Paterson, New Jersey (188аъ6)аъqаqqqqqqqqqС№Jы&219; V149Иы&219; V149аыФ№Чы2/Х№ЦыЦ№Т№ЦыЧ№8Paterson, New Jersey (188аы6)аыЩ№<ruslen Josephine Andrus\ьЈU(‚AnьЫ№Jь&219; V149ИьЭ№Lь&219; V149&ь.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkь&219; V149аьб№Чь2'в№ж№и№Цьг№Я№Цьд№<Graduated from Vassar Colаьlegeаь&219; V149аьз№е№ЦьMusic teacherаь^к№й№Ць&219; V149аьл№^Organist at Poughkeepsie аьCongregational Churchаьн№<druscis Boughton Andrus\эЈU(‚Anэп№Jэ&219; V149Иэс№Lэ&219; V149&э.Poughkeepsie, New Yorkэ&219; V149аэх№Чэ2/ц№Цэч№у№Цэш№8Paterson, New Jersey (188аэ6)аэъ№<s†Edith Stanley Andrus\юЈU(‚Anюь№Jю&219; V149Июю№Lю&219; V149&ю&Brooklyn, New Yorkюё№<rusizabeth Helen Andrus\яЈU(‚Anяѓ№Jя&219; V149Ияѕ№Lя&219; V149&я*Paterson, New JerseyяH293\яї№dя.Hackensack, New JerseyYяqqqqqqё<s†Newell Denton Andrus\№ЈU(‚An№ёJ№&219; V149И№ёL№&219; V149&№*Paterson, New Jersey№ёJё&219; V149Иё ёLё&219; V149&ё ёJђ&219; V149ИђёLђ&219; V149&ђёJѓ&219; V149ИѓёLѓ&219; V149&ѓёJє&219; V149ИєёLє&219; V149&єёJѕ&219; V149ИѕёLѕ&219; V149&ѕѕeвёJі&220; V150ИіёLі&220; V150&і!ёJї&220; V150Иї#ёLї&220; V150&ї%ёJј&220; V150Иј'ёLј&220; V150&ј)ёJљ&220; V150Иљ+ёLљ&220; V150&љ-ёJњ&220; V150Ињ/ёLњ&220; V150&њ1ёJћ&220; V150Ић3ёLћ&220; V150&ћH297\ё4ёdё&Syracuse, New YorkYёqqqqqqqqqAёJќ&220; V150ИќCёLќ&220; V150&ќEёJ§&220; V150И§GёL§&220; V150&§IёJў&220; V150ИўKёLў&220; V150&ўMёJџ&220; V150ИџOёLџ&220; V150&џџeдRёJ&220; V150ИTёL&220; V150&VёJ&220; V150ИXёL&220; V150&ZёJ&220; V150И\ёL&220; V150&^ёJ&220; V150И`ёL&220; V150&bёJ&221; V150ИdёJ&221; V150ИfёJ&221; V150ИhёJ&221; V150ИjёJ&221; V150ИlёJ &221; V150И nёJ &221; V150И  eЩqёJ &221; V150И O23\rёdO24\tёdO24\vёdO24\xёdO23\ zёd qqqqёJ &221; V150И ƒёJ &221; V150И …ёJ&221; V150И‡ёJ&221; V150ИeЪŠёJ&221; V150И&221; V150аёЧ2/ŽёЦё‹ёЦёN"Saugerties;" "of Cornellаsville, N.Y."а’ё<onJoseph Henry Boughton\ЈU(‚Bo”ёJ&221; V150И–ёL&221; V150&0Cornellsville, New York™ё< š†Elisha B. VanDeusen\(ЈU(‚Va›ёJ&222; V151ИёL&222; V151&Michigan&222; V151аЁёЧ2/ЂёЦЃёŸёЦЄёZ68 Sackett Street, Brooklаyn, New York (1888)аІёJ&222; V151ИЈёJ&222; V151ИЊё<usens Leander VanDeusen\ЈU(‚VaЌёJ&222; V151ИЎёАёL&222; V151&Michigan&222; V151'*Binghamton, New York&222; V151аДёЧ21ЕёЦЖёВёЦ"did not m."аO23\ Зёd O23\ Йёd V261\ЛёdОё@Put-In Bay, Ottawa CountyY, OhioYV261\Сё<eusenBlackman VanDeusen\ЈU(‚VaУёJ&222; V151ИХёL&222; V151&Michigan&222; V151аЩёЧ2/ЪёЦЫёЧёЦ,"res. Brooklyn, N.Y."аЭё<n†Henry More VanDeusen\ЈU(‚VaЯёJ&222; V151ИбёL&222; V151&Michigan&222; V151аеёЧ2/жёЦзёгёЦ,"res. Brooklyn, N.Y."айёJ&222; V151ИлёL&222; V151&Michigan&222; V151апёЧ2/рёЦсёнёЦ "res. Brooklyn"аe} фёJ&222; V151ИцёL&222; V151&"Durham, New York&222; V151аъёЧ21ыё/юёЦьёшёЦ"no children"а&222; V151аяёэёЦ,"res. Catskill, N.Y."аёёJ&222; V151И&222; V151аєёЧ21ѕё/јёЦіёђёЦ"no children"а&222; V151аљёїёЦ,"res. Catskill, N.Y."аqqqqqqђJ&222; V151ИђL&222; V151&"Durham, New York&222; V151ађЧ21ђЦ ђђЦ"not married"а ђJ&222; V151И ђL&222; V151&"Durham, New YorkђJ&222; V151ИђL&222; V151&"Durham, New YorkђJ&222; V151ИђL&222; V151&"Durham, New Yorke~ ђJ&222; V151ИђL&222; V151&"Durham, New York ђJ &222; V151И "ђL &222; V151& &222; V151а %ђЧ 2/&ђЦ 'ђ#ђЦ (ђr"... moved to Pennsylvaniа )ђa; res. Morristown, N.J.,а  1888"а +ђ<htonie Asenith Boughton\!ЈU(‚Bo!-ђJ!&222; V151И!/ђ2ђL!&222; V151&!1ђLCotton, St. Lawrence Coun!ty, New York!&222; V151'!V106Aа!5ђЧ!2-6ђ.9ђЦ!7ђ3ђЦ! Nellа!V106Aа!:ђ8ђЦ!0"mangled by The Engine"а!q~ qqqqAђ<n†David Louis Boughton\"ЈU(‚Bo"CђJ"&222; V151И"EђFђL"&222; V151&"&222; V151'"Troy, New York"Iђ<onLibbie Maria Boughton\#ЈU(‚Bo#KђJ#&222; V151И#MђL#&222; V151&#Troy, New York#&222; V151а#QђЧ#2Rђ/UђЦ#SђOђЦ#School teacherа#&222; V151а#VђTђЦ#Wђx"... lives at home and keа#Xђeps house for her father а#in Troy."а#ZђJ$&222; V151И$&222; V151а$]ђЧ$21^ђ/aђЦ$_ђ[ђЦ$"not married"а$&222; V151а$bђ`ђЦ$cђd"... lived Ludington, Micа$h.; went to New Mexico."а$eђJ%&222; V151И%gђ<.†Joseph Boughton, Jr..&ЈU(‚Bo&iђJ&&223; V151И&kђlђL&&223; V151&&&223; V151'&&Schodack, New York&&223; V151а&pђЧ&2qђ vђ4yђ/|ђЦ&rђnђЦ&sђ~A founder and first elderа&tђ of Nassau (N.Y.) Presbytа&erian Churchа&&223; V151а&wђuђЦ&"Nassau, New Yorkа&&223; V151а&zђxђЦ&2"probably, Danbury, Ct."а&&223, V151а&}ђ{ђЦ&~ђnDanbury, Connecticut; Hydа&€ђe Park and Schodack, New а&qYorkа&ђSPr&ђB&„ђJ'&223; V151И'†ђ‡ђL'&223; V151&'&223; V151''&Schodack, New York'&223; V151а'‹ђЧ'2 Œђ4ђ/“ђЦ'ђ‰ђЦ'"Nassau, New Yorkа'&223; V151а'ђŽђЦ'‘ђ:"...probably b. Scotland.а'.."а'&223; V151а'”ђ’ђЦ'•ђnDanbury, Connecticut; Hydа'–ђe Park and Schodack, New а'Yorkа'˜ђJ(&223; V151И(šђL(&223; V151'(&Schodack, New York(&223; V151а(žђЧ(2 Ÿђ/ЂђЦ( ђœђЦ("Nassau, New Yorkа(&223; V151а(ЃђЁђЦ(ЄђL"of Carlisle, Schoharie cа(ounty, N.Y."а(ІђJ)&224; V152И)ЈђЊђL)&224; V152&)*Danbury, Connecticut)&224; V152')&224; V152а)­ђЧ)2Ўђ Бђ/Дђ8ИђЦ)ЏђЋђЦ)Teacherа)&224; V152а)ВђАђЦ)&Carlisle, New Yorkа)&224; V152а)ЕђГђЦ)ЖђH"...settled on a farm in а)Carlisle."а)&224; V152а)ŠWЙђЗђЦ)$72 years, 26 daysа)КђTPr)КђB)qqqqСђJ*&224; V152И*УђФђL*&224; V152&*&224; V152'*ЦђdFamily farm, Carlisle, Sc*hoharie County, New York*&224; V152а*ЩђЧ*27Ъђ/ЬђЦ*8ЧђЦ*&224; V152а*ЭђЫђЦ*Юђd"...probably of Carlisle,а* Schoharie county, N.Y."а*ађJ+&224; V152И+вђL+&224; V152&+*Danbury, Connecticut+&224; V152а+жђЧ+2/зђЦ+иђдђЦ+йђr"...settled on a farm in а+кђWorcester, Otsego county,а+ N.Y."а+мђJ,&224; V152И,ођJ-&224; V152И-рђL-&224; V152&-*Danbury, Connecticut-&224; V152а-фђЧ-2/хђЦ-цђтђЦ-чђH"...settled on a farm in а-Schodack."а-щђJ.&224; V152И.ыђJ/&224; V152И/эђL/&224; V152&/*Danbury, Connecticut/№ђJ0&224; V152И0qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqѓJ1&224; V152И1&224; V152а1ѓЧ12/ѓЦ1ѓѓЦ1ѓJRock City, Saratoga Countа1y, New Yorkа1 ѓJ2&224; V152И2 ѓL2&224; V152&2,Staatsburgh, New York2&224; V152а2ѓЧ22/ѓЦ2ѓ ѓЦ2ѓN"...settled on farm East а2Nassau, N.Y."а22479eрѓJ3&224; V152И3ѓJ4&224; V152И4ѓL4&224; V152&4&Schodack, New York4&224; V152а4ѓЧ42/ѓЦ4ѓѓЦ4 ѓV"...settled Galway, Saratа4oga county, N.Y."а4"ѓJ5&224; V152И5$ѓJ6&224; V152И6&ѓJ7&224; V152И7(ѓL7&224; V152&7&224; V152а7+ѓЧ72/,ѓЦ7-ѓ)ѓЦ7.ѓX"...settled in Parish, Osа7wego county, N.Y."а70ѓJ8&224; V152И8qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAѓJ9&224; V152И9CѓL9&224; V152&9&Schodack, New York9&224; V152а9GѓЧ92/HѓЦ9IѓEѓЦ9Jѓj"...settled near Cobleskiа9Kѓll, Schoharie county, N.Yа9."а9MѓJ:&224; V152И:OѓJ;&224; V152И;&224; V152а;RѓЧ;2/SѓЦ;TѓPѓЦ;2"...of Carlisle village"а;VѓJ<&224; V152И<Xѓ<onJoseph Clark Boughton\=ЈU(‚Bo=ZѓJ=&225; V152И=\ѓL=&225; V152&=&Carlisle, New York=&225; V152а=`ѓЧ=21aѓЦ=bѓ^ѓЦ=2"They had one child ..."а=dѓ<e†Harriet Agnes Wilkie\>ЈU(‚Wi>fѓJ>&225; V152И>&225; V152а>iѓЧ>21jѓЦ>kѓgѓЦ>2"They had one child ..."а>mѓ<ughtonAngelica Boughton\?ЈU(‚Bo?oѓJ?&225; V152И?qѓsѓL?&225; V152&?&Carlisle, New York?&225; V152'?*Cobleskill, New York?&225; V152а?wѓЧ?2/xѓЦ?yѓuѓЦ?zѓF"...settled on her fatherа?'s farm."а?qqqqqѓJ@&225; V152И@ƒѓ„ѓL@&225; V152&@&225; V152'@†ѓJA&225; V152ИAˆѓLA&225; V152&A*Cobleskill, New YorkA&225; V152аAŒѓЧA2/ѓЦAŽѓŠѓЦAѓ|"... settled at SchoharieаAѓ Court House, where they аAres. 1887."аA’ѓJB&225; V152ИB&225; V152аB•ѓЧB2/–ѓЦB—ѓ“ѓЦB˜ѓ|"... settled at SchoharieаB™ѓ Court House, where they аBres. 1887."аB›ѓJC&225; V152ИCѓJD&225; V152ИDŸѓJE&225; V152ИEЁѓJF&225; V152ИFЃѓJG&225; V152ИGGeяІѓJH&225; V152ИHЈѓLH&225; V152&H*Cobleskill, New YorkH&225; V152аHЌѓЧH2/­ѓЦHЎѓЊѓЦHЏѓЌ"They settled at CobleskiаHАѓll. Their post-office wasаHБѓ Grovenor's Corners, N.Y.аH in 1888."аHZ362\GВѓdG Warren, VermontYGqqqqqqqqqqqСѓJI&225; V152ИI&225; V152аIФѓЧI2/ХѓЦIЦѓТѓЦIЧѓЌ"They settled at CobleskiаIШѓll. Their post-office wasаIЩѓ Grovenor's Corners, N.Y.аI in 1888."аIЫѓJJ&225; V152ИJЭѓLJ&225; V152&J*Cobleskill, New YorkJаѓJK&225; V152ИKвѓLK&225; V152&K*Cobleskill, New YorkK&225; V152аKжѓЧK2/зѓЦKиѓдѓЦKйѓЂ"... settled for a time oаKкѓn the old homestead in CoаKлѓbleskill...;" Michigan; KаKansasаKмѓUPrKмѓBKпѓJL&225; V152ИLсѓLL&225; V152'L*Cobleskill, New YorkLфѓJM&225; V152ИMцѓLM&225; V152'MKansasMщѓJN&225; V152ИNыѓLN&225; V152&N*Cobleskill, New YorkN&225; V152аNяѓЧN21№ѓ/ѓѓЦNёѓэѓЦN0"They had no children."аN&225; V152аNєѓђѓЦNѕѓ@Saranac, Ionia County, MiаNchiganаNZ363\LіѓdL Warren, VermontYLqqqqqqqєJO&225; V152ИO&225; V152аOєЧO2/є1 єЦOєєЦOєv"...of Saranac, Ionia Co.аOє, Mich., where they livedаO, 1888."аO&225; V152аO є єЦO0"They had no children."аO є< š†Jane Eliza Boughton\(PЈU(‚BoPєJP&225; V152ИPєLP&225; V152&P&Carlisle, New YorkPєJQZ225ИQєLQZ225&Q$Oneonta, New YorkQUnknown;Qє< š†Patricia E. Robbins\(RЈU(‚RoRєJRZ225ИRєLRZ225&RZ225аR!єЧR2/"єЦR#єєЦR "lived Oneonta"аRUnknown;R&є<ingsne Richard Jennings\SЈU(‚JeS(єJSZ225ИS*єLSZ225&S(Minot, North DakotaS-є<ngsott William Jennings\TЈU(‚JeT/єJTZ225ИT1єLTZ225&T$Oneonta, New YorkT“#”#ePqqqqqqqqqqqqAєJUZ224ИUCєDєLUZ224&UZ224'UZ224аUGєЧU2/HєЦUIєEєЦU "Lived Oneonta"аUKє<rdElizabeth Muriel Bard\VЈU(‚BaVMєJVZ224ИVOєLVZ224&VZ224аVRєЧV2/SєЦVTєPєЦV "Lived Oneonta"аVVє<Jenningszabeth Jennings\WЈU(‚JeWXєJWZ225ИWZєLWZ225&WZ225аW]єЧW2/^єЦW_є[єЦW""lived Syracuse"аWaєJXZ225ИXZ225аXdєЧX2/eєЦXfєbєЦX""lived Syracuse"аXhє<holsabeth Susan Nichols\YЈU(‚NiYjєJYZ225ИYlєLYZ225&Y&Syracuse, New YorkYoє< š†Jessica Amy Nichols\(ZЈU(‚NiZqєJZZ225ИZsєLZZ225&Z$Oneonta, New YorkZqqqqqqqqqqqє<gsDouglas Bard Jennings\[ЈU(‚Je[ƒєJ[Z225И[…єL[Z225&[Z225а[ˆєЧ[2/‰єЦ[Šє†єЦ["lived Texas"а[ŒєJ\Z225И\Z225а\єЧ\2/єЦ\‘єєЦ\"lived Texas"а\“є< š†Malcolm Mackey Bard\(]ЈU(‚Ba]•єJ]Z224И]—єL]Z224&]Z224а]šєЧ]2/›єЦ]œє˜єЦ]є4"Lived Schenectady, N.Y."а]а]Ÿє<n†Virginia May Swanson\^ЈU(‚Sw^ЁєJ^Z224И^Z224а^ЄєЧ^2/ЅєЦ^ІєЂєЦ^Їє4"Lived Schenectady, N.Y."а^а^ЉєJ_Z224И_ЋєL_Z224&_­єJ`Z224И`ЏєL`Z225'`БєJaZ225ИaГєLaZ225&aTroy, New YorkaqqqqqqqqqqqСєJbZ225ИbУєLbZ225&bХєJcZ224ИcЧєLcZ224&cЩє<keyily Elizabeth Mackey\dЈU(‚MadЫєJdZ224ИdЭєLdZ224&dZ224аdаєЧd2/бєЦdвєЮєЦd,"lived Oneonta, N.Y."аdдєJeZ224ИeжєзєLeZ224&eZ224'eZ224аeкєЧe2/лєЦeмєиєЦe,"lived Oneonta, N.Y."аeоєJfZ224ИfрєсєLfZ224&fZ224'fуєJgZ224ИgхєJhZ224ИhчєLhZ224&hZ224аhъєЧh2/ыєЦhьєшєЦh"Lived Medusa"аhюєJiZ224Иi№єёєLiZ224&iZ224'iZ224аiєєЧi2/ѕєЦiієђєЦi"Lived Medusa"аiqqqqqqqqqѕJjZ224ИjѕLjZ224&jѕJk(Z210, Z224ИkѕLkZ210&kZ210аk ѕЧk2/ ѕЦk ѕѕЦk ѕ4"lived at Preston Hollow"аkаkѕJl(Z210, Z224ИlZ210аlѕЧl2/ѕЦlѕѕЦlѕ4"lived at Preston Hollow"аlаlѕJmZ210ИmѕLmZ210&mѕJnZ209ИnѕLnZ209&nѕJoZ209Иo!ѕLoZ209&o#ѕJpZ224Иp%ѕJqZ224Иq'ѕJrZ224Иr)ѕJsZ224Иs+ѕJtZ224Иt-ѕJuZ224Иu/ѕJvZ209Иv1ѕLvZ209&vZ209аv4ѕЧv2/5ѕЦv6ѕ2ѕЦv7ѕ4"Lived at Smiths Corners"аvаvL152\m8ѕdmL152\o:ѕdoВoboqqqAѕJwZ209ИwCѕLwZ209&wZ209аwFѕЧw2/GѕЦwHѕDѕЦwIѕ4"Lived at Smiths Corners"аwаwKѕJxZ224ИxMѕJyZ224ИyOѕJzZ224ИzQѕJ{Z224И{SѕJ|Z224И|Uѕ< š†Millicent Spaulding\(}ЈU(‚Sp}WѕJ}Z224И}YѕJ~Z224И~[ѕJZ224И]ѕ<eyMary Elizabeth Mackey\€ЈU(‚Ma€_ѕJ€Z209И€aѕL€Z209&€Z209а€dѕЧ€2/eѕЦ€fѕbѕЦ€gѕ4"Lived at Preston Hollow"а€а€nkeћjѕJZ209ИZ209аmѕЧ2/nѕЦoѕkѕЦpѕ4"Lived at Preston Hollow"ааqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqѕJ‚Z209И‚ƒѕ„ѕL‚Z209&‚Z209'‚Z209а‚‡ѕЧ‚2/ˆѕЦ‚‰ѕ…ѕЦ‚Šѕ<"Lived at Oak Hill, New Yа‚ork"а‚ŒѕJƒZ209ИƒZ209аƒѕЧƒ2/ѕ-”ѕЦƒ‘ѕѕЦƒ’ѕ<"Lived at Oak Hill, New Yаƒork"аƒZ224аƒ•ѕ“ѕЦƒMinhornаƒ—ѕJ„Z224И„Z209а„šѕЧ„2-›ѕ/žѕЦ„œѕ˜ѕЦ„Winnieа„Z224а„ŸѕѕЦ„"Durham"а„ЁѕJ…Z224И…Z224а…ЄѕЧ…2/ЅѕЦ…ІѕЂѕЦ…"Durham"а…ЈѕJ†Z224И†Z224а†ЋѕЧ†2/ЌѕЦ†­ѕЉѕЦ†"Middleburg"а†ЏѕJ‡Z224И‡БѕJˆZ224ИˆZ224аˆДѕЧˆ2/ЕѕЦˆЖѕВѕЦˆ"Middleburg"аˆL159\…Зѕd…&Maryland, New YorkY…rpb…L160\†Лѕd†*Binghamton, New YorkY†qqСѕJ‰Z224И‰Z224а‰ФѕЧ‰2/ХѕЦ‰ЦѕТѕЦ‰"Oak Hill"а‰ШѕJŠZ224ИŠZ224аŠЫѕЧŠ2/ЬѕЦŠЭѕЩѕЦŠ"Oak Hill"аŠЯѕ<y†James Clinton Mackey\‹ЈU(‚Ma‹бѕJ‹Z206И‹гѕдѕL‹Z206&‹Z206'‹еѕVPr‹еѕB‹иѕ<rdElizabeth Ann Gifford\ŒЈU(‚GiŒкѕJŒZ206ИŒмѕLŒZ206&ŒоѕJZ206ИрѕсѕLZ206&Z206'Z206афѕЧ2/хѕЦцѕтѕЦчѕH"Lived at Potter Hollow, аNew York."ащѕJŽZ206ИŽыѕэѕLŽZ206&Ž,Near Medusa, New YorkŽZ206'ŽяѕJZ206ИёѕђѕLZ206&Z206'Z206аѕѕЧ2/іѕЦїѕѓѕЦјѕ:"Lived at Oneida, New Yorаk."аL159\љѕd.Montrose, PennsylvaniaYЕpbqqqіJZ206ИііLZ206&іbTown of Rensselaerville, Albany County, New YorkZ206'‘’“‹”e  іJ‘Z206И‘ і іL‘Z206&‘Z206'‘іJ’Z206И’ііL’Z206&’Z206'’Z206а’іЧ’2 іЦ’ііЦ’іD"Buried at Horseheads, Neа’w York."а’і<ackeyder Tuthill Mackey\“ЈU(‚Ma“іJ“Z206И“ііL“Z206&“Z206'“Z206а“!іЧ“2."іЦ“#ііЦ“("Killed by Ku Klux"а“%іJ”Z206И”'і(іL”Z206&”Z206'”*і< š†Benjamin Eli Mackey\(•ЈU(‚Ma•,іJ•Z203И•.і/іL•Z203&•Z203'•Z203а•2іЧ•2/3іЦ•4і0іЦ•5іL"Lived at Rensselaervilleа•, New York."а•L164\6іd9іLMethodist Church, WorcestYer, New YorkYіpbL164\’;іd’(Worcester, New YorkY’L164\•>іd•AіJ–Z203И–CіEіL–Z203&–(New Paltz, New York–Z203'–GіJ—Z202И—IіJіL—Z202&—Z202'—Z202а—MіЧ—2 Nі/Tі-XіЦ—OіKіЦ—PіФ"He was a member of the dа—Qіrum corps in the Revolutiа—Rіonary War ... joined whenа— he was 14 years old."а—Z202а—UіSіЦ—VіH"Lived at Preston Hollow,а— New York"а—Z202а—YіWіЦ—Zіp"... was called General Mа—[іackey after the war was oа—ver."а—]іJ˜Z203Ș_іL˜Z203'˜aі< š†Alexander Mackey III(™ЈU(‚Ma™cіJ™Z202И™eіfіL™Z202&™Z202'™New York City™Z202а™jіЧ™2kі/nі4rі.tіЦ™lіhіЦ™Ship captainа™Z202а™oіmіЦ™pі8"...moved to New Paltz ..а™."а™Z202а™ШqіЦ™Z202а™uіsіЦ™vіœ"Killed -- horses ran awaа™wіy and he was thrown from а™xіcarriage in New York Cityа™."а™qqqqqqqіJšZ202Иšƒі„іLšZ202&šZ202'š†іJ›Z203И›ˆі‰іL›Z203&›Z203'›‹іЧ›2ŒіЦ›ВяŽііЦ›Z203а›іRPresbyterian Church of Wiа›ndsor, New Yorkа›‘і<I†Alexander Mackey IIIIœЈU(‚Maœ“іJœZ202Иœ•і—іLœ(Z202, Z214&œ(New Paltz, New Yorkœ(Z202, Z214'œ,Near Medusa, New YorkœZ202аœ›іЧœ2 œі/Ђі-ЇіЦœі™іЦœžіО"... was a member of the аœŸіdrum corps in the Revolutаœ іionary War ... joined wheаœn 12 years old ..."аœZ202аœЃіЁіЦœЄі€"...[moved] to Medusa...;аœЅі" "...came to ... Rensselаœaerville ..."аœZ202аœЈіІіЦœЉі>"... was called Major Macаœkey."аœ—œž ›•eЋіWPrœЋіBœЎіJZ202ИАіLZ202'Z202аГіЧ2/ДіЦЕіБіЦ$Chillicothe, OhioаqqqqqqqqqqСіJžZ202ИžУіФіLžZ202&žZ202'žZ202аžЧіЧž2/ШіЦžЩіХіЦžЪі4"Lived at Preston Hollow"аžаžЬіJŸZ202ИŸЮіLŸZ202'ŸZ202аŸбіЧŸ2/віЦŸгіЯіЦŸді8"Lived at Broome, New YorаŸk"аŸжіJ Z202И иійіL Z202& Z202' Z202а міЧ 2ніріЦ оікіЦ Preacherа Z202а сіпіЦ тіN"Elder and preacher in Baа ptist Church"а фіJЁZ202ИЁціLЁZ202'ЁZ202аЁщіЧЁ2/ъіЦЁыічіЦЁьіL"Lived at RensselaervilleаЁ, New York."аЁюіJЂZ202ИЂZ202аЂёіЧЂ26ђіЦЂѓіяіЦЂєі8McKey, McKay, McKie, MackаЂayаЂѕіXPrЂѕіBЂqqqqqqqqqїJЃZ202ИЃїJЄZ202ИЄїїLЄZ202&Є(New Paltz, New YorkЄ(Z202, Z214'Є,Near Medusa, New YorkЄ їJЅZ202ИЅ їJІZ202ИІїJЇZ202ИЇїїLЇZ202&ЇZ202'ЇZ202аЇїЧЇ26їЦЇїїЦЇKilborneаЇїJЈ(Z202, Z203ИЈїJЉZ203ИЉїJЊZ202ИЊїJЋZ203ИЋ ї!їLЋZ203&ЋZ203'Ћ#їJЌZ203ИЌ%їJ­Z203И­'їJЎZ203ИЎ)їJЏ(Z202, Z203ИЏ+ї,їLЏZ202&ЏZ202'ЏZ202аЏ/їЧЏ2/0їЦЏ1ї-їЦЏ2їZ"Village of Medusa, Town аЏof Rensselaerville"аЏqqqqqqqqqqqqqAїJАZ203ИАZ203аАDїЧА2-EїЦАFїBїЦАSalleyаАHїJБZ203ИБJїJВZ203ИВZ203аВMїЧВ2/NїЦВOїKїЦВ&"....moved to Pa."аВQїJГZ203ИГSїTїLГZ203&ГZ203'ГVїJДZ203ИДXїJЕZ203ИЕZїJЖZ203ИЖ\їJЗZ203ИЗ^їJИZ203ИИ`їJЙZ203ИЙbїcїLЙZ203&ЙZ203'ЙZ203аЙfїЧЙ2/gїЦЙhїdїЦЙiїN"Lived near RensselaervilаЙle, New York"аЙkїJКZ203ИКZ203аКnїЧК2/oїЦКpїlїЦК"Lived in Pa."аКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqїJЛZ203ИЛƒїJМ(Z203, Z218ИМ…ї†їLМZ218&МZ218'МZ203аМ‰їЧМ24Šї/ŒїЦМ‡їЦМZ203аМї‹їЦМŽїV"Went to Pa. then to PeruаМ, South America."аМїJНZ203ИН’їJОZ203ИО”їJПZ203ИП–їLПZ203&ПZ203аП™їЧП2/šїЦП›ї—їЦП*"Lived near Medusa."аПїJРZ203ИРŸї їLРZ203&РZ203'РЂїJСZ203ИСЄїЅїLСZ203&СZ203'СЇїJТZ203ИТЉїЊїLТZ203&ТZ203'ТЌїJУ(Z203, Z214ИУЎїЏїLУZ203&УZ203'УZ203аУВїЧУ2/ГїЦУДїАїЦУЕї>"Lived near Medusa, New YаУork."аУЖїъQr+qqqqqqqqqСїJФZ203ИФУїФїLФZ203&ФZ203'ФЦїJХZ203ИХШїЩїLХZ203&ХZ203'ХZ203аХЬїЧХ2-ЭїЦХЮїЪїЦХ PollyаХХЧЩЫЭeбїJЦZ203ИЦгїдїLЦZ203&ЦZ203'ЦZ203аЦзїЧЦ2 иї.мї/сїЦЦйїеїЦЦкї@Medusa, Albany County, NeаЦw YorkаЦZ203аЦнїлїЦЦоїjCholera; "He was out for аЦпїa visit among his friendsаЦ."аЦZ203аЦтїрїЦЦуїD"Lived at Milo, Yates CouаЦnty, NY"аЦхїJЧZ203ИЧчїLЧZ203&ЧZ208аЧъїЧЧ2/ыїЦЧьїшїЦЧэїH"Lived in town of RensselаЧaerville."аЧяїJШZ203ИШёїђїLШZ203&ШZ203'ШqqqqqqqqqqqqqјJЩZ204ИЩјјLЩZ204&ЩZ204'ЩZ204аЩјЧЩ2/ј- јЦЩ јјЦЩ јH"Lived in Town of RensselаЩaerville."аЩZ214аЩ ј јЦЩWillett L.аЩјJЪZ204ИЪјјLЪZ204&ЪZ204'ЪјJЫZ204ИЫјјLЫZ204&ЫZ204'ЫјJЬZ204ИЬјJЭZ204ИЭјјLЭZ204&ЭZ204'ЭZ204аЭ!јЧЭ21"јЦЭ#јјЦЭ*"She never married."аЭ$јYPrЭ$јBЭ'јJЮZ204ИЮ)јJЯZ204ИЯZ204аЯ,јЧЯ2-ј0јЦЯ.ј*јЦЯMinisterаЯZ204аЯ1ј/јЦЯ"Baptist ministerаЯqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAјJаZ204ИаCјJбZ204ИбZ204абFјЧб21Gј/JјЦбHјDјЦбMarriedабZ204абKјIјЦб "Lived in Ohio"абMјJвZ204ИвOјJгZ204ИгQјJдZ204ИдSјTјLдZ204&дZ204'дZ204адWјЧд2/XјЦдYјUјЦдZј6"Lived in Preston Hollow.ад"ад\јJеZ204Ие^јJжZ204Иж`јaјLжZ204&жZ204'жZ204ажdјЧж2/eјЦжfјbјЦжgјH"Lived at Preston Hollow,аж New York"ажiјJзZ204ИзkјJиZ204ИиZ204аиnјЧи2/oјЦиpјlјЦи "lived in Ohio"аиqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqјJйZ204ИйƒјJкZ204Ик…јJлZ204Ил‡јJмZ204Им‰јJнZ204Ин‹јJоZ204ИојJпZ204ИпјJрZ204Ир‘јJсZ204Иссухчщыe”јJтZ204Ит–јJуZ204ИуZ204ау™јЧу21šјЦу›ј—јЦу"5 children"аујJфZ204ИфZ204аф јЧф21ЁјЦфЂјžјЦф"5 children"афЄјJхZ204ИхІјJцZ204ИцЈјJчZ204ИчЊјJшZ204ИшЌјJщZ204ИщЎјJъZ204ИъАјJыZ205Иы +%,%.%eцqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСјJьZ205ИьУјJэZ205ИэХјЦјLэZ205&эZ205'эШјJюZ205ИюЪјLюZ205'юЬјJяZ205ИяЮјLяZ205&яајJ№Z205И№вјJёZ205ИёдјLёZ205&ёжјJђZ205ИђијJѓZ205ИѓкјлјLѓZ205&ѓZ205'ѓмјZPrѓмјBѓпјJєZ205ИєсјJѕZ205Иѕуј< š†James Bennet Mackey\(іЈU(‚MaіхјJіZ205ИічјLіZ205&і іјњeъјJїZ205ИїZ205аїэјЧї26юјЦїяјыјЦїDicksonаїёјJјZ205ИјѓјLјZ205&ј$29; O157\ёєјdё.Westerly, Rhode IslandYё$29; O157\ђїјdђ$29; O157\єљјdєqqqqqљJљZ205ИљљJњZ205ИњљљLњZ205&њZ205'њљJћZ205Ић љ љLћZ205&ћZ205'ћ љJќZ205ИќZ205аќљЧќ2/љЦќљљЦќ"Lived in Pa."аќљJ§Z205И§љJўZ205ИўZ205аўљЧў2/љЦўљљЦўљJ"Lived in Delaware Countyаў, New York"аўљJџZ205Иџ љJZ205ИZ205а#љЧ2/$љЦ%љ!љЦ""Lived near Pa."а'љJZ205И)љJZ205И+љJZ205ИZ205а.љЧ26/љЦ0љ,љЦHerringtonа$30; O158\1љd$30; O158а5љЯ2 6љЦ7љ3љЦ8љRMarch 23, 1731 given as dаate of marriageаqqqqqqqAљJZ205ИCљJZ205ИEљJZ205ИZ205аHљЧ21IљЦJљFљЦKљF"...Eliza and Deborah werаe twins."аMљJZ205ИOљJZ205ИZ205аRљЧ21SљЦTљPљЦUљb"never married -- Eliza aаnd Deborah were twins."аWљJ Z205И    eZљJ Z205И \љJ Z205И ^љJ Z205И `љJ Z205И bљcљL Z205& Z205' Z205а fљЧ 28gљЦ ђahљdљЦ 87 yearsа jљJZ206Иkљ[PrkљBnљJZ206ИpљJZ206И$53; O162\ qљd $15; O173\sљd$15; O173\uљdqqqqqqqqqљJZ206ИƒљJZ206И…љJZ206И‡љJZ206И‰љLZ206&‹љJZ206ИљŽљLZ206&Z206'љJZ206И’љ•љLZ206&”љBNear Fredersbrough, Upper CanadaZ206'Z206а˜љЧ2 ™љ/љЦšљ–љЦ›љ^"Maybe buried at Leeds orа Catskill, New York."аZ206аžљœљЦ."Lived at Leeds, N.Y."а љJZ206ИЂљJZ206ИЄљJZ206ИІљЇљLZ206&Z206'ЉљJZ206ИЋљЎљLZ206&­љLWashington, Dutchess County, New YorkZ206'Z206аБљЧ2/ВљЦГљЏљЦДљ:"Lived at Gorham, New Yorаk."а$79; O178\ЕљdD17\ЗљdqqqqqqqСљJZ206ИУљФљLZ206&Z206'Z206аЧљЧ2 Шљ/ЭљЦЩљХљЦЪљh"Buried in the Medusa CemаЫљetery in the family plot.а"аZ206аЮљЬљЦЯљ:"Lived at Medusa, New Yorаk."ааљ\PrаљBгљJZ206ИељжљLZ206&Z206'иљJZ206ИкљлљLZ206&Z206'нљJZ206ИпљJZ206ИсљJ Z206И уљJ!Z207И!Z207а!цљЧ!2/чљЦ!шљфљЦ!("lived in Nebraska"а!ъљJ"Z207И"ьљL"Z207'""Oneida, New York"Z207а"№љЧ"21ёљЦ"ђљюљЦ" "Never married"а"&102; O188\"ѓљd"іљ<Partridgefield, MassachusY"ettsY"qqqqqqqqqњJ#Z207И#њњL#Z207&#Z207'#Z207а#њЧ#2/њ1 њЦ# њњЦ# њB"Lived near West Liberty,а# Iowa."а#Z207а# њ њЦ#"No children."а#њJ$Z207И$Z207а$њЧ$2/њ1њЦ$њњЦ$њB"Lived near West Liberty,а$ Iowa."а$Z207а$њњЦ$"No children."а$њJ%Z207И%Z207а%њЧ%2/њЦ%њњЦ% њ:"...lived at Troy, New Yoа%rk"а%"њJ&Z207И&$њL&Z207&&Z207а&'њЧ&2/(њЦ&)њ%њЦ&""Lived in Iowa."а&+њJ'Z207И'-њL'Z207''/њJ(Z207И(1њJ)Z207И)D17\#2њd#&103; O189\$4њd$7њ<Partridgefield, MassachusY$ettsY$D152K\'8њd'D152K\(:њd(D152Lа(>њЯ(2 ?њЦ(в@<њЦ(Aњ<ayNelson Mackey Laraway\*ЈU(‚La*CњJ*Z207И*EњFњL*Z207&*Z207'*Z207а*IњЧ*2/JњЦ*KњGњЦ*$"Lived in Texas."а*MњJ+Z207И+OњJ,Z207И,QњL,Z207&,Z207а,TњЧ,2/UњЦ,VњRњЦ,."...lived at Catskill"а,XњJ-Z207И-ZњJ.Z207И.\њ]њL.Z207&.Z207'.Z207а.`њЧ.2 aњ/eњЦ.bњ^њЦ.cњ:Cherry Valley, Massachuseа.ttsа.Z207а.fњdњЦ.gњ8"Lived at Worcester, Massа.."а.iњJ/Z207И/kњlњL/Z207&/Z207'/nњJ0Z207И0pњqњL0Z207&0Z207'0Z207а0tњЧ02 uњ/xњЦ0vњrњЦ00Pawtucket, Rhode Islandа0Z207а0yњwњЦ00Pawtucket, Rhode Islandа0qqqqqqњ<rawayder Mackey Laraway\1ЈU(‚La1ƒњJ1Z207И1…њL1Z207&1‡њJ2Z207И2‰њJ3Z207И3‹њŒњL3Z207&3Z207'3Z207а3њЧ32 њ1“њ/–њ7šњЦ3‘њњЦ3&Catskill, New Yorkа3Z207а3”њ’њЦ3""Never married."а3Z207а3—њ•њЦ3˜њ6"Lived at Leeds, New Yorkа3"а3Z207а3›њ™њЦ3,"Had rhumatic fever."а3њJ4Z207И4ŸњL4Z207&4ЁњJ5(Z207, Z211И5Z207а5ЄњЧ526ЅњЦ5ІњЂњЦ5Schefieldа5ЈњJ6Z207И6ЊњJ7Z207И7ЌњJ8Z207И8ЎњL8Z207&8Z207а8БњЧ82/ВњЦ8ГњЏњЦ8Дњ@"...lived at Oneida, New а8York."а8qqqqqqqqqqqСњ<rkElliack Smith Newkirk\9ЈU(‚Ne9УњJ9Z207И9ХњL9Z207'9 Leeds, New York9Шњ< š†Stephen Head Farnam\(:ЈU(‚Fa:ЪњJ:Z207И:ЬњL:Z207':ЮњJ;Z207И;ањL;Z207&;Z207а;гњЧ;21дњ/зњЦ;=ењбњЦ;Marriedа;Z207а;ињжњЦ;йњ@"...lived at Oneida, New а;York."а;лњJ<Z207И<нњоњL<Z207&<Z207'<Z207а<сњЧ<21тњ/чњЦ<уњпњЦ<фњŽ"...no children by first а<хњor second marriage. One cа<hild by third wife."а<Z207а<шњцњЦ<щњp"Lived in Chicago, Los Anа<ъњgeles and Camden, New Jerа<sey."а<ьњJ=Z207И=юњL=Z207'=Z207а=ёњЧ=26ђњЦ=ѓњяњЦ=Moochamа=qqqqqqqqqqqqћJ>Z207И>ћL>Z207&>ћJ?Z207И?ћL?Z207&? ћJ@Z207И@ ћ ћL@Z207&@Z207'@ћJAZ208ИAћLAZ208&AћJBZ208ИBћћLBZ208&BZ208'BћJCZ208ИCћћLCZ208&CZ208'CћJDZ208ИDћLDZ208&D DEFe!ћJEZ208ИE#ћLEZ207&E%ћJFZ208ИF'ћLFZ208&FZ208аF*ћЧF2/+ћЦF,ћ(ћЦF-ћ:"lived at Gorham, New YorаFk."аF/ћJGZ208ИG1ћ3ћLGZ208&G"Medusa, New YorkGZ208'GqqqqqqqqqqqqAћJHZ208ИHCћLHZ208&HCooksburghHZ208аHGћЧH2/HћЦHIћEћЦH*"He went to Boston."аHKћJIZ208ИIMћLIZ208&IZ208аIPћЧI2/QћЦIRћNћЦISћJ"...lived at Morton HillаI, New York"аIUћJJZ208ИJWћLJZ208&JYћJKZ208ИKZ208аK\ћЧK21]ћЦK^ћZћЦKMarriedаK`ћJLZ208ИLbћJMZ208ИMdћeћLMZ208&MZ208'MZ208аMhћЧM2/iћЦMjћfћЦM&"Lived at Medusa."аMlћJNZ208ИNnћLNZ208&NpћJOZ208ИOrћLOZ208'OZ208аOuћЧO28vћЦOwћsћЦOxћ43 years, 4 months, 6 daysаOаOqqqqqqqћJPZ208ИPƒћLPZ208'PZ208аP†ћЧP28‡ћЦPˆћ„ћЦP‰ћ83 years, 10 months, 10 daаPysаP‹ћJQZ208ИQћŽћLQZ208&QZ208'QZ208аQ‘ћЧQ2/’ћЦQ“ћћЦQ”ћZ"...lived at Chicago, IllаQ. and Pomona, Cal."аQ–ћJRZ208ИR˜ћJSZ208ИSšћLSZ208&SœћJTZ208ИTžћJUZ208ИU ћЁћLUZ208&UZ208'UЃћ<y†Edward Morgan Mackey\VЈU(‚MaVЅћJVZ208ИVЇћLVZ208&VЉћ<y†Ann Elizabeth Mackey\WЈU(‚MaWЋћJWZ208ИW­ћLWZ208&W"Medusa, New YorkW WY\eБћJXZ208ИXqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСћJYZ208ИYУћФћLYZ208&YZ208'YЦћJZZ208ИZШћЩћLZZ208&ZZ208'ZZ208аZЬћЧZ2/ЭћЦZЮћЪћЦZЯћ8Lived near Medusa, New YoаZrkаZбћ<Goff Milton Mackey Goff\[ЈU(‚Go[гћJ[Z208И[ећ< š†Hamilton Eli Mackey\(\ЈU(‚Ma\зћJ\Z208И\йћкћL\Z208&\Z208'\мћJ]Z208И]оћпћL]Z208&]Z208']сћJ^Z208И^ућфћL^Z208&^Z208'^цћJ_Z208И_шћщћL_Z208&_Z208'_Z208а_ьћЧ_27эћЦ_–ъћЦ_яћJ`Z208И`Z208а`ђћЧ`2/ѓћЦ`єћ№ћЦ`ѕћ4"...of Tracy, Minnesota."а`а`qqqqqqqqqqќ<erMary Elizabeth Mosher\aЈU(‚MoaќJaZ208ИaќLaZ208'aќJbZ208Иb ќLbZ208&b ќJcZ208Иc ќLcZ208'cZ208аcќЧc2-ќЦcќќЦc DencyаcќJdZ208ИdќJeZ209ИeќLeZ209&eZ209аeќЧe2/ќЦeќќЦeќЬ"...lived at Conesville, аeќSchoharie County, New Yorаe ќk then moved to Elmira Heаe!ќights, Chenango Co., N.Y.аe"аe#ќJfZ209Иf%ќLfZ209&f'ќJgZ209Иg)ќ*ќLgZ209&gZ209'gZ209аg-ќЧg2 .ќ11ќЦg/ќ+ќЦg*Horseheads, New YorkаgZ209аgЂL2ќ0ќЦgMarriedаgqqqqqqqqqqqqqAќJhZ209ИhCќLhZ209&hZ209аhFќЧh21Gќ/JќЦhGHќDќЦhMarriedаhZ209аhKќIќЦhLќ:"...lived at Willerton, Pаha."аh hikeOќJiZ209ИiQќLiZ209&iZ209аiTќЧi2/UќЦiVќRќЦiWќ4"Lived at Elmira Heights"аiаiYќJjZ209Иj[ќJkZ209Иk]ќ^ќLkZ209&kZ209'k`ќJlZ209ИlbќJmZ209Иmdќ<keynjamin Palmer Mackey\nЈU(‚ManfќJnZ209ИnhќLnZ209&nZ209аnkќЧn2/lќЦnmќiќЦn2"Lived at Chicago, Ill."аnoќJoZ209ИoqќLoZ209&oqqqqqqqqqqqqqqќJpZ209Иpƒќ„ќLpZ209&pZ209'p†ќJqZ209ИqˆќLqZ209&qŠќJrZ209ИrŒќJsZ209ИsŽќќLsZ209&sZ209'sstuvywze’ќJtZ209Иt”ќ•ќLtZ209&tZ209't—ќJuZ209Иu™ќšќLuZ209&uZ209'uœќJvZ209ИvžќŸќLvZ209&vZ209'vЁќJwZ209ИwЃќЄќLwZ209&wZ209'wІќJxZ209ИxЈќJyZ209ИyЊќЋќLyZ209&yZ209'y­ќJzZ209ИzЏќАќLzZ209&zZ209'zqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСќ<kins Elizabeth Tompkins\{ЈU(‚To{УќJ{Z210И{ХќJ|Z210И|Чќ<ayNelson Mackey Laraway\}ЈU(‚La}ЩќJ}Z210И}Z210а}ЬќЧ}2/ЭќЦ}ЮќЪќЦ}&"...lived in Iowa"а}аќJ~Z210И~Z210а~гќЧ~2/дќЦ~еќбќЦ~жќD"...lived in San Antonio,а~ Texas."а~иќ< š†James Eli Whitehead\(ЈU(‚WhкќJZ210ИмќLZ210&Z210апќЧ2/рќЦсќнќЦтќ4"Lived in New York City."аафќJ€Z210И€Z210а€чќЧ€28шќЦ€щќхќЦ€9 monthsа€ыќJZ210ИэќLZ210&яќ4Blackstone, MassachusettsZ210ађќЧ2/ѓќЦєќ№ќЦѕќ<"Lived at Longment, Colorаado"аqqqqqqqqqq§< š†Frank Hale Stickney\(‚ЈU(‚St‚§J‚Z210И‚§JƒZ210Иƒ§LƒZ210&ƒ §6Barrellville, Rhode IslanƒdƒZ210аƒ §Чƒ2/ §Цƒ§ §Цƒ0"Lived at Reno, Nevada"аƒ§J„Z210И„§J…Z210И…§J†Z210И†§J‡Z211И‡§L‡Z211&‡ Leeds, New York‡§JˆZ211Иˆ§< š†Harriet Leyla Smith\(‰ЈU(‚Sm‰§J‰Z211И‰!§$§L‰Z211&‰#§:Cherry Valley, Massachuse‰tts‰Z211'‰Z211а‰'§Ч‰2/(§Ц‰)§%§Ц‰*§>"Lived at Wheathead, Wyomа‰ing."а‰,§JŠZ211ИŠ.§<wayella Lillian Laraway\‹ЈU(‚La‹0§J‹Z211И‹2§L‹Z211&‹Z211а‹5§Ч‹2/6§Ц‹7§3§Ц‹8§:"Lived at Middleboro, Masа‹s."а‹qqqqqqqA§JŒZ211ИŒZ211аŒD§ЧŒ26E§ЦŒF§B§ЦŒTuthillаŒH§<kills Alexander Turkill\ЈU(‚TuJ§JZ211ИL§<rawayder Mackey Laraway\ŽЈU(‚LaŽN§JŽZ211ИŽP§LŽZ211&ŽZ211аŽS§ЧŽ2/T§ЦŽU§Q§ЦŽ0"Lived at Hudson Mass."аŽW§JZ211ИY§LZ211&[§JZ211И]§J‘Z211И‘_§< š†James Smith Laraway\(’ЈU(‚La’a§J’Z211`И’c§L’Z211&’2Worcester, Massachusetts’Z211а’g§Ч’2/h§Ц’i§e§Ц’j§8"Lived at Oneida, New Yorа’k"а’l§<nallence Amelia Magnall\“ЈU(‚Ma“n§J“Z211И“p§< š†Irene Lydia Laraway\(”ЈU(‚La”r§J”Z211И”Z211а”u§Ч”2/v§Ц”w§s§Ц”x§P"...lived at Olneyville, а”Rhode Island."а”B125A\Žy§dŽ|§8Warren County, PennsylvanYŽiaYŽ&146; C410\’}§d’&146; C410\“§J•Z211И•ƒ§J–Z211И–Z211а–†§Ч–2/‡§Ц–ˆ§„§Ц–‰§P"...lived at Olneyville, а–Rhode Island."а–‹§J—Z211И—§J˜Z211Ș§J™Z211И™‘§JšZ211Иš“§<y†Mary Marrilla Mackey\›ЈU(‚Ma›•§J›Z212И›—§L›Z214&›™§JœZ212Иœ›§JZ212И§ž§LZ214&Z214'Z212аЁ§Ч28Ђ§ЦЃ§Ÿ§Ц"died young"аЅ§JžZ212ИžЇ§LžZ214&žЉ§JŸZ212ИŸЋ§J Z212И Z212а Ў§Ч 21Џ§Ц А§Ќ§Ц "adopted"а qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС§JЁZ212ИЁУ§Ф§LЁZ212&ЁZ212'ЁZ212аЁЧ§ЧЁ27Ш§ЦЁ:jЩ§Х§ЦЁ"?"аЁЫ§<eySarah Sophia Kingsley\ЂЈU(‚KiЂЭ§JЂZ212ИЂЯ§а§LЂZ212&ЂZ212'ЂZ212аЂг§ЧЂ2-д§ЦЂе§б§ЦЂ SallyаЂз§< š†Elizabeth W. Mackey\(ЃЈU(‚MaЃй§JЃZ212ИЃл§LЃZ214&ЃЃЅЇЈЉЊ­e+о§JЄ(Z212, Z214ИЄZ212аЄс§ЧЄ2-т§ЦЄу§п§ЦЄDanаЄх§JЅZ212ИЅч§ш§LЅZ212&ЅZ212'Ѕъ§JІ(Z212, Z215ИІь§э§LІZ212&ІZ212'Ія§<y†Hannah Louise Mackey\ЇЈU(‚MaЇё§JЇZ212ИЇѓ§LЇZ215&ЇZ212аЇі§ЧЇ28ї§ЦЇј§є§ЦЇ"died young"аЇPqЂqqqqqqўJЈZ212ИЈўўLЈZ215&ЈZ215'ЈZ212аЈўЧЈ28ўЦЈ ўўЦЈ"died young"аЈ ўJЉZ212ИЉ ўLЉZ215&ЉўJЊZ212ИЊўLЊZ215&ЊZ215аЊўЧЊ2-ў1ўЦЊўўЦЊAsa H.аЊZ215аЊўўЦЊ*"Married --- Felter"аЊўJЋZ212ИЋўJЌZ212ИЌўJ­Z212И­!ў"ўL­Z215&­Z215'­Z212а­%ўЧ­28&ўЦ­'ў#ўЦ­"died young"а­)ўJЎZ212ИЎ+ўJЏZ212ИЏ-ўLЏZ212'Џ.ў]PrЏ.ўBЏ1ўJАZ212ИАqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAўJБZ212ИБCўJВZ212ИВEўLВZ212&ВGўJГZ212ИГIўJўLГZ212&ГZ212'ГZ212аГMўЧГ2/NўЦГOўKўЦГPў^Lived in Stamford with HoаГward [Edwards] MackeyаГQў^PrГQўBГTўJДZ212ИДZ212аДWўЧД2&Xў-\ў/`ўЦДYўUўЦДZўL"Greenville School, GreenаДville, N.Y."аДZ212аД]ў[ўЦД^ўd"...later legally changedаД name of Howard Mackey."аДZ212аДaў_ўЦДbў`"Later lived in Stamford аДwith Samuel I. Brown."аДdўJЕZ212ИЕZ213аЕgўЧЕ2-hўЦЕiўeўЦЕDorothyаЕkўJЖZ212ИЖmўnўLЖZ212&ЖZ212'ЖZ212аЖqўЧЖ28rўЦЖ|sўoўЦЖ"Age 30"аЖqqqqqqqqqqqqўJЗZ212ИЗƒў…ўLЗZ212&З&Stamford, New YorkЗZ226'ЗZ227аЗˆўЧЗ2 ‰ў4ў.ўЦЗŠў†ўЦЗ‹ўBAshes kept in Stamford, NаЗew YorkаЗZ226аЗVŒўЦЗZ227аЗўŽўЦЗColon cancerаЗ’ўJИZ212ИИ”ў—ўLИZ212&И–ўRSouth Worcester, Otsego CИounty, New YorkИ˜ў8Z212Z226'И'ИZ226аИ›ўЧИОўd&œў' ўЅўЉў ­ў5Аў/Гў4КўЦИbў™ўЦИžўDGraduate of Worcester HigаИh SchoolаИZ226аИЁўŸўЦИЂўpBA Union College (1894); аИЃўMD Albany Medical CollegeаИ 1897аИІў6187Z226аИЇўЄўЦИаИ,Physician and surgeonаИZ226аИЊўЈўЦИЋў\St. Luke's Episcopal ChurаИch, Beacon, New YorkаИZ226аИЎўЌўЦИ&Stamford, New YorkаИZ212аИБўЏўЦИDr.аИДў8Z212Z226аИЕўВўЦИаИЖўІStamford, New York (left аИЗў1900); "Lived Matteawan [аИИўBeacon], Dutchess Co., N.аИY. ..."аИZ226аИBNЛўЙўЦИМў4South Worcester, New YorkаИаИZ226аИ.Рў8ФўЦИqЊСўНўЦИТў>Angina pectoris (heart atаИtack)аИZ226аИЊХўУўЦИ65 yearsаИЦў_PrИЦўBИЩўJЙZ213ИЙZ213аЙЬўЧЙ2/Эў1аўЦЙЮўЪўЦЙ2"Lives in Sharon, Mass."аЙZ213аЙбўЯўЦЙвўВ"Married Doctor ---;" "..аЙгў.has 2 children -- l daugаЙдўhter and 1 son who lives аЙin Honolulu."аЙжў<ntockDouglas McClintock\КЈU(‚McКиўJКZ213ИКкўлўLКZ213&КZ213'КZ226аКоўЧК2пў/тў.чўЦКрўмўЦКCivil engineerаКZ226аКуўсўЦКфўnPhilippines; Bethesda, MaаКхўryland; Pound Ridge, New аКYorkаКZ226аКшўцўЦКCancerаКъўJЛZ213ИЛьўJМZ213ИМюўLМZ213'М"Phoenix, ArizonaМёўJНZ213ИНqqqqqqqqqqqqqqџ< š†Beatrice McClintock\(ОЈU(‚McОџJОZ213ИОџLОZ213&ОџJПZ213ИП џJРZ213ИР џLРZ213&РZ213аРџЧР21џЦРџ џЦР"Married."аРџ`PrРџBРџ< š†Lorraine McClintock\(СЈU(‚McСџJСZ213ИСџLСZ213&Сџ< š†Leo Donald Schimpff\(ТЈU(‚ScТџJТZ213ИТџJУZ213ИУZ226аУ!џЧУ21"џЦУ#џџЦУ""three children"аУ%џJФZ213ИФZ226аФ(џЧФ26)џЦФ*џ&џЦФSealanderаФ,џJХZ213ИХ.џ< š†Patricia McClintock\(ЦЈU(‚McЦ0џJЦZ213ИЦZ213аЦ3џЧЦ2/4џ18џЦЦ5џ1џЦЦ6џ6"Lived at Miami, Florida.аЦ"аЦZ226аЦ9џ7џЦЦ""three children"аЦT162E\У:џdУqqqqAџJЧZ213ИЧCџ<ntockDouglas McClintock\ШЈU(‚McШEџJШZ213ИШGџ<tock Michael McClintock\ЩЈU(‚McЩIџJЩJџ8Z213Z226ИЩИЩLџ<chimpffllendes Schimpff\ЪЈU(‚ScЪNџJЪZ213ИЪPџLЪZ213&ЪZ213аЪSџЧЪ2/TџЦЪUџQџЦЪVџD"...lived at Mahwah, New аЪJersey."аЪXџJЫZ213ИЫZ226аЫ[џЧЫ28\џ._џЦЫ]џYџЦЫ"about age 18"аЫZ226аЫ`џ^џЦЫaџ@"chronic or congenital ilаЫlness"аЫcџJЬZ215ИЬeџLЬZ215&ЬZ215аЬhџЧЬ2-iџЦЬjџfџЦЬDaniel B.аЬlџJЭZ215ИЭnџoџLЭZ215&ЭZ215'ЭqџJЮZ215ИЮsџtџLЮZ215&ЮZ215'ЮO112\ЩuџdЩqqqqqqqqqџJЯZ215ИЯZ215аЯ„џЧЯ2-…џЦЯ†џ‚џЦЯBrittonаЯˆџJаZ215ИаŠџ‹џLаZ215&аZ215'аџ<ckMary Ellen Hollenbeck\бЈU(‚HoбџJбZ215Иб‘џ’џLбZ215&бZ215'б”џJвZ215Ив–џ—џLвZ215&вZ215'в™џJгZ215Иг›џLгZ215&гџJдZ215ИдŸџJеZ215ИеЁџЂџLеZ215&еZ215'еZ215аеЅџЧе21ІџЦеЇџЃџЦе""Never married."аеЉџ<ellow Mackey Goodfellow\жЈU(‚GoжЋџJжZ215Иж­џLжZ215&жЏџJзZ215ИзБџВџLзZ215&зZ215'зC60J\ЯГџdЯC60K\вЕџdвqqqqqqqqqСџJиZ215ИиУџLиZ215&иХџJйZ215ИйЧџJкZ215ИкЩџLкZ215&кЫџJлZ215ИлЭџJм(Z215, Z216ИмЯџLмZ215&мбџJнZ215ИнгџJоZ215ИоеџLоZ215&озџ<r†Joseph Kruppenbacher\пЈU(‚KrпйџJп(Z215, Z216ИпZ215апмџЧп26нџЦпоџкџЦпKurppanbacherапрџJрZ215ИртџJсZ216ИсфџLсZ216&сцџJтZ216ИтшџLтZ216&тъџJуZ216ИуьџLуZ216&уюџJфZ216Иф№џLфZ216&фqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<trongGertrude Armstrong\хЈU(‚ArхJхZ216ИхLхZ216&ххeЄJцZ216Иц LцZ216&ц JчZ216ИчLчZ216&чJшZ216ИшLшZ216&ш<r†Joseph Kruppenbacher\щЈU(‚KrщJщZ216ИщLщZ216&щJъZ216ИъLъZ216&ъ<r†Andrew Kruppenbacher\ыЈU(‚Krы JыZ216Иы"LыZ216&ы$< š†Debra Kruppenbacher\(ьЈU(‚Krь&JьZ216Иь(LьZ216&ь*JэZ218Иэ,-LэZ218&эZ218'э/JюZ218Ию12LюZ218&юZ218'юqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJя(Z218, Z219ИяCDLяZ218&яZ218'яZ219аяGЧя24HЦяЪEЦяJJ№Z218И№LL№Z218&№NJёZ218ИёPQLёZ218&ёZ218'ёSJђZ218ИђUVLђZ218&ђZ218'ђђѓєѕіїјe(YJѓZ218Иѓ[\LѓZ218&ѓZ218'ѓ^JєZ218Иє`aLєZ218&єZ218'єcJѕZ218ИѕefLѕZ218&ѕZ218'ѕhJіZ218ИіjkLіZ218&іZ218'іmJїZ218ИїoLїZ218&їZ222аїrЧї2/sЦїtpЦї""...moved west."аїqqqqqqqqqqqJјZ218Ијƒ„LјZ218&јZ218'ј†JљZ218ИљˆJњZ218ИњŠJћZ218ИћŒJќZ218ИќŽLќZ218'ќJ§Z218И§Z218৓ק2.”Ц§•‘Ц§Drownedа§—JўZ218ИўZ218аўšЧў2.›Цўœ˜Цў8"choked to death in schooаўl"аўўџeЈ JџZ218ИџЂLџZ218'џЄJZ218ИІЇLZ218&Z218'ЉJZ218ИЋЌLZ218&Z218'ЎJZ219ИАJZ219И №'ё'ђ'eњqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJZ219ИУJZ219ИХJZ219ИЧJZ219ИЩJZ219ИЫJ Z219И ЭJ Z219И ЯJ Z219И бJ Z219И гJ Z219И еJZ219ИзJZ219ИeГкJZ219ИмJZ219ИоJZ219ИрJZ219ИтJZ219ИфJZ219ИцLZ219&шJZ219ИъJZ219ИьLZ219&юJZ219И№JZ219ИT264E\ ёd T229A\ѓdіRGreen Ridge Club, ScrantoYn, PennsylvaniaYqqqqqqqqqJZ219ИJZ219ИJZ219ИJZ219И JZ219И JZ219И J Z220И  !"eЉJ!Z220И!J"Z220И"J#Z220И#J$Z220И$L$Z220&$Z220'$J%Z220И%L%Z220&%J&Z220И&!"L&Z220&&Z220'&$J'Z220И'&'L'Z220&'Z220'')J(Z220И(+,L(Z220&(Z220'(Z220а(/Ч(210Ц(1-Ц(."1 son ... 1 daughter"а(M194\2d5VLancaster, Worcester CounYty, MassachusettsYM199\#6d#*Sheboygan, WisconsinY#M193\$9d$<RHarvard, Worcester CountyY$, MassachusettsY$M193\%=d%pЇVLancaster, Worcester CounY%AJ)Z220И)CJ*Z220И*EFL*Z220&*Z220'*HJ+Z220И+JL+Z220&+LJ,Z220И,NOL,Z220&,Z220',QJ-Z220И-SJ.Z220И.UJ/Z220И/WJ0Z220И0(Z217, Z218а0ZЧ02/[Ц0\XЦ0]ˆ"...lives between Prestonа0^ Hollow and Medusa on theа0 Fox Creek Road."а0`J1Z220И1bJ2Z220И2dJ3Z220И3Z220а3gЧ321hЦ3ieЦ3."1 son ... 1 daughter"а3kJ4Z220И4mnL4Z220&4Z220'4pJ5Z220И5qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ6Z220И6ƒL6Z220&6Z221а6†Ч624‡Ц6>„Ц6‰J7Z220И7‹ŒL7Z220&7Z221'7ŽJ8Z220И8‘L8Z220&8Z220'8“J9Z220И9•J:Z221И:—J;Z221И;™J<Z221И<›J=Z221И=J>Z221И>>?eМ J?Z220И?ЂJ@Z221И@ЄЅL@Z221&@Z221'@ЇJAZ221ИAЉЊLAZ221&AZ221'AЌJBZ221ИBЎJCZ221ИCАБLCZ221&CZ221'CqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJDZ221ИDУФLDZ221&DZ221'DЦJEZ221ИEШLEZ221&EЪ<r†Orrin Millard Felter\FЈU(‚FeFЬJFZ221ИFЮLFZ221&FаJGZ221ИGвLGZ221&GдJHZ221ИHжзLHZ221&HZ221'HйJIZ221ИIлJJZ221ИJнJKZ221ИKпJLZ221ИLсJMZ221ИMуJNZ221ИNхJOZ221ИOчJPZ221ИPщJQZ221ИQыJRZ221ИRэJSZ221ИSяJTZ221ИTёJUZ221ИUqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJVZ221ИVJWZ222ИWLWZ222&WJXZ222ИX  LXZ222&XZ222'X JYZ222ИYJZZ222ИZLZZ222&ZZ222'ZJ[Z222И[Z222а[Ч[2-Ц[Ц[Williamа[<n†Mary Augusta Stanton\\ЈU(‚St\J\Z222И\L\Z222'\ J]Z222И]"L]Z222&]$J^Z222И^&J_Z222И_(L_Z222&_*J`Z222И`,JaZ222Иa./LaZ222&aZ222'a1JbZ222Иb34LbZ222&bZ222'bJ55\a5da8@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EYanglandYaJ56\b9db<@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, EYbnglandYbqqqAJcZ222ИcCLcZ222&cEJdZ222ИdGLdZ222'dIJeZ222ИeKLLeZ222&eZ222'eNJfZ222ИfPJgZ222ИgRJhZ222ИhTLhZ222'hVJiZ222ИiXLiZ222&iZ222аi[Чi21\Цi]YЦi"one son"аi_JjZ222ИjZ222аjbЧj21cЦjd`Цj"one son"аjfJkZ222ИkhJlZ222ИljLlZ222&lZ222аlmЧl21nЦlokЦl*"no children listed"аlqJmZ222ИmZ222аmtЧm21uЦmvrЦm*"no children listed"аm$6)7)8)9):);)<)=)№ekJ56\cxdcEnglandYcJ58\d{ddEnglandYdJ57\e~deJnZ222ИnZ222аn„Чn2/…Цn†‚Цn""...moved west."аnˆJoZ222ИoŠ‹LoZ222&oZ222'oLouisianaoZ222аoЧo2/.”Цo‘Цo’@"...They moved to Louisiaаona..."аoZ222аo•“ЦoYellow feverаo–aPro–Bo™JpZ222Иp›LpZ222'pLouisianapZ222аpŸЧp2/ .ЄЦpЁЦpЂ@"...They moved to Louisiaаpna..."аpZ222аpЅЃЦpYellow feverаpЇJqZ222ИqЉЊLqZ222&qZ222'qЌJrZ222ИrЎЏLrZ222&rZ222'rБJsZ223ИsГLsZ223'sqqqqqqqqqqqqСJtZ223ИtУJuZ223ИuХJvZ223ИvЧJwZ223ИwЩJxZ223Иx xyzeЯЬJyZ223ИyЮJzZ223Иzа<illeey Michael Bonville\{ЈU(‚Bo{вJ{И{дL{&{жbBellevue Maternity Hospit{al, Niskayuna, New York{а{йЧ{2кмЦ{лзЦ{Roman Catholicа{*аонЦ{а{пjSt. Mary's Roman Catholicа{р Church, Crescent, New Yoа{rkа{тJ|H28И|H28а|хЧ|2/цЦ|чуЦ|.Utica, New York (1999)а|щJ}"H27-H28И}"H27-H28а}ьЧ}21эЦ}юъЦ}*Twin of Judy Beekmanа}№J~H28И~H28а~ѓЧ~21єЦ~ѕёЦ~,Twin of Wendy Beekmanа~qЯqqqqqqqqqJH28ИbPrBJ€41И€41а€Ч€2/ Ц€ Ц€(Worcester, New Yorkа€ J41И 41, 69аЧ2/Ц ЦŒ"...proprietor of a generаal store and shirt factorаy in Worcester ..."а41аЦ(Worcester, New YorkаcPrBJ‚BR62И‚И‚а‚Ч‚2&-$/'Ц‚­ Ц‚!nGraduate Worcester Centraа‚"l School, Worcester, New а‚Yorkа‚а‚%#Ц‚Bonnieа‚R62а‚(&Ц‚):Douglasville, Georgia (20а‚04)а‚+Jƒ41Иƒ-Lƒ125'ƒ41аƒ0Чƒ21/4.7Цƒ2.ЦƒFarmerаƒ41аƒ53Цƒ(Worcester, New Yorkаƒ125аƒk86Цƒ9fProbably murdered and burаƒ:ned to death in farmhouseаƒаƒ;dPrƒ;BƒqqqA<tockaret Ann McClintock\„ЈU(‚Mc„CJ„41И„EL„125'„41а„HЧ„2/I.LЦ„JFЦ„(Worcester, New Yorkа„125а„kMKЦ„NfProbably murdered and burа„Oned to death in farmhouseа„а„QJ…41И…41а…TЧ…2U/XЦ…VRЦ…Farmerа…41а…YWЦ…Z:Ireland; Worcester, New Yа…orkа…[ePr…[B…^J†41И†41а†aЧ†2/bЦ†c_Ц†d<Scotland; Worcester, New а†Yorkа†fJ‡,41И‡hL‡'‡jJˆ41Иˆl<r†Arnold Joseph Sawyer\‰ЈU(‚Sa‰nJ‰(И‰prL‰&‰(Worcester, New York‰'‰2East Worcester, New York‰а‰vЧ‰˜d&w|)*„‰ Œ+/”Ц‰ЈxtЦ‰ynGraduate Worcester Centraа‰zl School, Worcester, New а‰Yorkа‰а‰}{Ц‰~JProprietor of Sawyer [Welа‰l] Drillingа‰q229а‰‚€Ц‰Democratа‰$227, 229а‰И…ƒЦ‰†pSuperintendent of Highwayа‰‡s, Town of Worcester (to а‰1981)а‰а‰ŠˆЦ‰‹DWorcester United Methodisа‰t Churchа‰zЯŽЦ‰а‰0East Worcester Cemeteryа‰а‰‘Ц‰’NWorcester Wheelers Squareа‰ Dancing Clubа‰а‰•“Ц‰–NWorcester and East Worcesа‰ter, New Yorkа‰а‰-™.œЦ‰š—Ц‰Joeа‰а‰bЯ›Ц‰Cancerа‰žfPr‰žB‰ЁJŠИŠаŠЄЧŠ2&Ѕ/ЊЦŠЎІЂЦŠЇnGraduate Worcester CentraаŠЈl School, Worcester, New аŠYorkаŠ(аŠЋЉЦŠЌ>"of Oneonta [New York]" (аŠ1999)аŠЎJ‹V96И‹АJŒV96ИŒqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJV96ИУJŽ154ИŽХLŽ154'ŽЧJ154ИЩJ154ИЫ<eyDebora Elaine Bentley\‘ЈU(‚Be‘ЭJ‘154И‘ЯJ’100И’100а’вЧ’2г/жЦ’даЦ’Bookkeeperа’100а’зеЦ’(Worcester, New Yorkа’иgPr’иB’лJ“25И“н<low, Sr.on Bigelow, Sr..”ЈU(‚Bi”пJ”"25, 106И”сJ•25И•25а•фЧ•2х ш/эЦ•цтЦ•Storekeeperа•192а•щчЦ•ъhCongregational Church Cemа•ыetery, Worcester, New Yorа•kа•25а•юьЦ•яh"from Vermont;" Up Countyа•№ Road, Worcester, New Yorа•kа•ёhPr•ёB•qqqqqqqqqqqqqJ–32И–160а–Ч–2+/ Ц–Ц–RCharter member, Iroquois а–Chapter, D.A.R.а–32а– Ц–(Worcester, New Yorkа– iPr– B–J—"32, 100И—Ч—2/Ц—eЦ—100а—VPresident, The Bank of Woа—rcester, New Yorkа—"32, 100а—Ц—(Worcester, New Yorkа—jPr—B—<oureton TenEyck LaMoure\˜ЈU(‚La˜J˜432O105ȘȘ "L˜O105&˜(Worcester, New York˜O105'˜$Oneonta, New York˜32а˜&ט2'*+//֘($֘):Livery man for Knapp's Hoа˜telа˜32а˜,*֘-8Town Constable for 11 terа˜msа˜32а˜0.֘(Worcester, New Yorkа˜qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJ™34И™CJš34ИšEJ›34И›34а›HЧ›2I*L/OЦ›JFЦ›&"ran a distillery"а›224а›MKЦ›"Six town officesа›34а›PNЦ›2East Worcester, New Yorkа›QkPr›QB›TJœU:34-35O104ИœИœWYLœO104&œ,Stephentown, New Yorkœ(O104, O105'œLaGrange, Ohioœ34-35аœ]Чœ2^/bЦœ_[Цœ`:Manufacturer of woolen goаœodsаœc:34-35O101аœdaЦœаœe>East Worcester, New York;аœ OhioаœgJ37И37аjЧ2k/oЦlhЦmDFirst Baptist Church of Wаorcesterа37аpnЦ2East Worcester, New YorkаqlPrqBqqqqqqqqqqqqqJž 35, 37Иž"80, 181аž„Чž2…*‹/“Цž†‚Цž‡˜Storekeeper; Postmaster, аžˆEast Worcester, New York аž‰(1849-1853 and 1861-1879)аžаž224аžŒŠЦž‚Town of Worcester SuperviаžŽsor 1858-1859; three otheаžr town officesаž37аž‘Цž&Methodist, Baptistаž 35, 37аž”’Цž2East Worcester, New Yorkаž•mPrž•Bž˜JŸ35ИŸšJ 37И œJЁ37ИЁnPrЁBЁ JЂ37ИЂЂ437, 80, 181, 250аЂаЂЄЧЂ2Ѕ*Њ+Џ/ГЦЂІЁЦЂЇ|Postmaster, East WorcesteаЂЈr, New York (1861-1879); аЂstorekeeperаЂ250аЂЋЉЦЂЌ~Supervisor, Town of WorceаЂ­ster, 1865-1868, 1869-187аЂ0, 1871-1873аЂ194аЂАЎЦЂБ`Chairman of East WorcesteаЂr Cemetery AssociationаЂ37аЂДВЦЂ2East Worcester, New YorkаЂЕoPrЂЕBЂqqqqqqqqqСJЃ37ИЃ37аЃФЧЃ2/ХЦЃЦТЦЃЧ4"of Worcester [New York]"аЃаЃЩJЄ37ИЄЫJЅ37ИЅЭJІ37ИІ37аІаЧІ2б/еЦІвЮЦІгLStorekeeper; partner of LаІeonard CarylаІ37аІждЦІз8"of Middlefield [New YorkаІ]"аІйJЇ37ИЇкpPrЇкBЇнJЈ37ИЈ37аЈрЧЈ2с/фЦЈтоЦЈInnkeeperаЈ37аЈхуЦЈц`East Worcester and West RаЈichmondville, New YorkаЈчqPrЈчBЈъJЉ37ИЉь<r†Philip Ludwig Multer\ЊЈU(‚MuЊюJЊ39ИЊ№LЊ197&ЊGermanyЊ39аЊєЧЊ2ѕ5ј/ћ6ЦЊіђЦЊPhysicianаЊ39аЊљїЦЊDr.аЊ39аЊќњЦЊ§4South Worcester, New YorkаЊаЊ187аЊqўЦЊMolterаЊrPrЊBЊJЋ39ИЋLЋ39&Ћ JЌ39ИЌ J­39И­ L­39&­Germany­39а­Ч­2/Ц­Ц­d"... built a sawmill in Sа­outh Worcester by 1780."а­39а­Ц­f"of Germany;" settled in а­South Worcester, New Yorkа­а­sPr­B­JЎ39ИЎ39аЎ ЧЎ21!ЦЎ"ЦЎ#:"... first son of Jacob .аЎ.."аЎ%JЏ39ИЏ'(LЏ39&Џ99'Џ"39, 182аЏ+ЧЏ2,*1/6ЦЏ-)ЦЏ.Lawyer; Postmaster, SouthаЏ/ Worcester, New York (183аЏ3-1841 and 1847-1868)аЏ224аЏ20ЦЏ3‚Town of Worcester SuperviаЏ4sor 1844-1845; three otheаЏr town officesаЏ39аЏ75ЦЏ84South Worcester, New YorkаЏаЏ9tPrЏ9BЏqqqqqAJА39ИАCJБ39ИБELБ39&БGJВ39ИВILВ187'В39аВLЧВ2M5R/U6YЦВNJЦВOv"... a practicing doctor аВPin South Worcester for 60аВ years."аВ39аВSQЦВDr.аВ39аВVTЦВW4South Worcester, New YorkаВаВ40аВZXЦВStewardаВ[uPrВ[BВ^JГ39ИГ`4South Worcester, New YorkГГ39аГcЧГ21dЦГeaЦГfD" ... sixth child of AbraаГham ..."аГgvPrГgBГjJД 39, 84ИДlLД84'Д84аДoЧД2'pt)w*z/~ЦДqmЦДrDGraduated from Harvard UnаДiversityаД84аДusЦДDairy operatorаД225аДxvЦДRepublicanаД84аД{yЦД|<Mayor of Milwaukee, WiscoаДnsinаД84аД€}ЦДq„Milwaukee, Wisconsin; SouаД‚th Worcester and New YorkаД City, New YorkаДƒwPrДƒBД†JЕ39ИЕ39аЕ‰ЧЕ21ŠЦЕ‹‡ЦЕŒ8"Dr. Multer's oldest chilаЕd"аЕŽJЖ39ИЖJЗ39ИЗ’LЗ197&З”VTown of Worcester, OtsegoЗ County, New YorkЗ197аЗ—ЧЗ2˜/œЦЗ™•ЦЗšRFarmer and stock raiser; аЗowned 200 acresаЗ39аЗ›ЦЗž4South Worcester, New YorkаЗаЗŸxPrЗŸBЗЂJИ39ИИ197аИЅЧИ2/ІЦИЇЃЦИ"of Summit"аИЉ< š†Elizabeth J. Multer\(ЙЈU(‚MuЙЋJЙ39ИЙ39аЙЎЧЙ2/ЏЦЙАЌЦЙ(Worcester, New YorkаЙqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJК39ИКУJЛ39ИЛХЧЛ2Ц/ЫЦЛmШЧЦЛ100аЛЩ\Employee, The Bank of WorаЛcester; cashier 1906аЛ100аЛЬЪЦЛ(Worcester, New YorkаЛЭyPrЛЭBЛаJМ39ИМвJНг>39, 102L142ИНИНеLНL142'НаНиЧН2&йн/уЦНŠкжЦНлhGraduate Worcester High SаНмchool, Worcester, New YorаНkаНŽпоЦН102аНрlEmployee of Bank of WorceаНсster, New York; manager 1аН969аН102аНфтЦН(Worcester, New YorkаНхzPrНхBНшJО39ИОъJП39ИПьJР0L142ИРаРяЧР2&№/ѕЦРЄёэЦРђnGraduate Worcester CentraаРѓl School, Worcester, New аРYorkаРL142аРієЦРї4Dunnellon, Florida (2010)аРаРJ125\КјdКJ125\ЛњdЛJ125\МќўdМJ126]МqJС439L142ИСИСаСЧС2&/ ЦСЈЦСnGraduate Worcester CentraаС l School, Worcester, New аСYorkаСL142аС  ЦС 6Worcester, New York (2010аС)аСJТ439L142ИТИТLТL142&Т*Great Falls, MontanaТL142'ТPBassett Hospital, CoopersТtown, New YorkТL142аТЧТ28/&$')/+3ЦТzкЦТ102 yearsаТL142аТЦТјChicago; Cleveland; GreatаТ  Falls, Montana; New JersаТ!ey (1923); Uppsala, SwedeаТ"n; Decatur (1932) and WorаТcester (1937), New YorkаТL142аТ…%#ЦТ&zGraduated from South OranаТ'ge and Maplewood (N.J.) HаТigh SchoolаТL142аТ*(ЦТ+œB.S. Biology, Barnard ColаТ,lege (1929); University oаТ-f Uppsala; Hartwick ColleаТgeаТL142аТ0.ЦТ1^First Presbyterian ChurchаТ, Worcester, New YorkаТL142аТ42ЦТ5œWorcester Woman's Club; WаТ6orcester Community ChoralаТ7e; Glimmerglass Opera GuiаТldаТ8{PrТ8BТqqqqqqAJУ39ИУCJФ,39ИФаФFЧФ2)G*J/MЦФHDЦФRepublicanаФ,39аФУKIЦФ.New York State SenatorаФаФNLЦФ$Milford, New YorkаФPJХ39ИХRLХ39&Х39аХUЧХ2V1Y/]ЦХWSЦХFarmerаХ39аХZXЦХ[J" ... youngest son of ChrаХistian ..."аХ39аХ^\ЦХ_4South Worcester, New YorkаХаХ`|PrХ`BХcJЦ39ИЦeLЦ39&Ц39аЦhЧЦ21iЦЦjfЦЦ""seven children"аЦlJЧ39ИЧ39аЧoЧЧ21pЦЧqmЦЧ""seven children"аЧqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<isHelen Margaret Hillis\ШЈU(‚HiШƒJШ39ИШ39аШ†ЧШ21‡/‹ЦШˆ„ЦШ‰:" ... youngest daughter .аШ.."аШ39аШŒŠЦШ4South Worcester, New YorkаШаШŽ}PrШŽBШ‘JЩ39ИЩ“JЪ39ИЪ•JЫ39ИЫ—JЬ39ИЬ39аЬšЧЬ2›/žЦЬœ˜ЦЬDairy farmerаЬ39аЬŸЦЬ 4South Worcester, New YorkаЬаЬЁ~PrЬЁBЬЄJЭ39ИЭІJЮ39ИЮЈЧЮ2ЉЦЮ^ЋЊЦЮ100аЮЌbFirst President, The BankаЮ of Worcester, New YorkаЮ­PrЮ­BЮАJЯ40ИЯR63\ШБdШR63\ЩГdЩR63\ЪЕdЪqqqqqqqqqСJа40Иа224ааФЧа2*ХЦаЦТЦа"Six town officesааШJб"40, 224Иб224абЫЧб2*ЬЦбЭЩЦб"Six town officesабЯJва647, 160ИвИвавгЧв2 д+и-м/пЦвебЦвжTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worавcester, New Yorkав160авйзЦвкRCharter member, Iroquois авChapter, D.A.R.ав160авнлЦвFannieав160авроЦв(Worcester, New Yorkавс€PrвсBвф<McLaughlente McLaughlen\гЈU(‚McгцJг47ИгшъLг47&г"Chelsea, Vermontг47'г47агэЧг2ю ё іЦгяыЦг"Military officerаг47агђ№ЦгѓrU.S. Army 1850-1882; Brevагєet Brigadier General, Civагil Warаг47агїѕЦгјTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worагcester, New YorkагљPrгљBгqqqqq<n†Katherine McLaughlen\дЈU(‚McдJд47Ид160адЧд2+- /ЦдЦд RCharter member, Iroquois адChapter, D.A.R.ад47ад  Цд Kittyадад Цд(Worcester, New YorkадJе72-73ИеLе.N26&е(Schenevus, New Yorkе.N26'е(Worcester, New Yorkе72-73аеЧе2 +!/%-(8+ЦеЦе,Operated harness shopаеаеЦеTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаеcester, New Yorkае18ае" Це#D"conducted famous Worcestаеer Band"ае72-73ае&$Це(Worcester, New Yorkае143ае)'ЦеCharleyаеN26ае2U,*Це33 yearsае-‚Prе-Bе0Jж84Иж2Lж84'жS55\д3dд66Sacandaga Bible ConferencYдeYдS55\е7dе,\ж9dж=‚Deposit, New York - (ClosYж ƒ*„*†*eж>est Catholic Church was iYжn Deposit, NY)YжqAJзИзCJи99Ии99аиFЧи2G/JЦиHDЦиBank officerаи99аиKIЦиL4South Worcester, New YorkаиаиMƒPrиMBиPJй"99, 224Ий99айSЧй2T*W/[ЦйUQЦйBank officerай224айXVЦйYNTown of Worcester Superviайsor 1870-1871ай99ай\ZЦй]4South Worcester, New Yorkайай_JкИкакbЧк2&cЦкЋd`ЦкenGraduate Worcester Centraакfl School, Worcester, New акYorkакhJлИл$227, 228алkЧл2*lЦлmiЦлn†Town of Worcester Justiceалo of Peace 1954-1963, 1976ал-1979, 1982-1986алqJмИмqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<low, Jr.on Bigelow, Jr..нЈU(‚BiнƒJн106Ин…†Lн106&н106'н106ан‰Чн2'ŠŽ/‘.”ЦнŽ‹‡ЦнŒNGraduate Cornell Universiанty Law Schoolан106анЦнAttorneyан106ан’Цн(Worcester, New Yorkан106ан’•“Цн–l"... of injuries receivedан— in an automobile accidenанt."ан˜„Prн˜Bн›<IISherburn M. Becker IIIоЈU(‚BeоJо142ИоŸ<IIIerburn M. Becker IIIIпЈU(‚BeпЁJп142Ип142апЄЧп2-ЅЦпІЂЦп PeterапЇ…PrпЇBпЊJр143ИрЌJс143ИсстeфЏJт143ИтБJу197Иу197ауДЧу2 ЕЦуЖВЦуЗ>Jumel Mausoleum, New Yorkау CityауИ†PrуИBу>*eт"51; S71\нЛdн 9; S65\пНdп 9; S65апСJф197ИфУJх197ИхХLх28&х197ахШЧх2 ЩЦхЪЦЦхЫ>Jumel Mausoleum, New Yorkах CityахЭJц197Иц197ацаЧц2 б1еЦцвЮЦцг>Jumel Mausoleum, New Yorkац Cityац197ацждЦц*"...wife and son..."ациJч28Ич28ачлЧч2/м.р8уЦчнйЦчо^Worcester, New York; New ачYork City; New Jerseyач28ачспЦчSuicideач28ачфтЦч79 yearsачцJш28ИшшLш28'ш28ашыЧш2ьЦшэщЦшAdopted nieceашяJщ28ИщёLщ28'щ[*eщqqqqqqqqqqqqqJъ28ИъLъ28'ъ28аъЧъ2-ЦъЦъ BMadame de la Croix; Madamаъe Jumelаъ ‡Prъ Bъ <e†William Inglis Chase\ыЈU(‚ChыJы28ИыLы28&ы<owenge Washington Bowen\ьЈU(‚BoьJь28ИьJэ28ИэLэ28'эаэЧэ2*ЦэЦэ`Vice-President of the Uniаэted States (1801-1805)аэ!Jю198Ию#Lю198&юConnecticutю&Jя198Ия(J№198И№*Jё198Иё198аё-Чё2.81Цё/+Цё Masonаё198аё20Цё76 yearsаё3ˆPrё3BёqqqqqqqqqqqAJђ198ИђCJѓD8Z193Z164ИѓИѓFGLѓZ164&ѓZ164'ѓZ164аѓJЧѓ2 KЦѓLHЦѓM^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roаѓad, Town of JeffersonаѓOJєZ193ИєQRLєZ164&єS8Z164Z192'є'єZ193аєVЧє2 W8[6^ЦєXTЦєY^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roаєad, Town of JeffersonаєZ192аєZ>\ZЦє&11 months, 4 daysаєZ164ає_]Цє MeadаєaJѕZ153ИѕcLѕZ153&ѕeJіZ153ИіgJїZ153ИїikLїZ153&ї.Greenwich, ConnecticutїZ153'ї(Milton, ConnecticutїZ153аїoЧї24pЦїqmЦїrPJanuary 20, 1706 given asаї date of birthаїqqqqqqqqqqqqqJјZ153ИјƒJљZ153Иљ…‡LљZ153&љ.Greenwich, ConnecticutљZ153'љ.Greenwich, ConnecticutљŠJњZ153ИњŒŽLњZ153&њ.Greenwich, ConnecticutњZ153'њ.Greenwich, Connecticutњ‘JћZ153Ић“”LћZ153&ћ&Z153-Z154'ћ.Greenwich, Connecticutћ—JќZ153Иќ™›Lќ(Z153, Z162&ќ,Stamford, Connecticutќ(Z153, Z162'ќ.Greenwich, ConnecticutќžJ§Z153И§ ЃL§(Z153, Z155&§Ђ4Wethersfield, Connecticut§§(Z153, Z155'§.Greenwich, Connecticut§ІJўZ153ИўЈЊLў(Z153, Z156&ў.Greenwich, Connecticutў(Z153, Z156'ў.Greenwich, Connecticutў­JџZ153ИџЏАLџZ153&џZ153'џqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJZ153ИУФLZ153&Z153'.Greenwich, ConnecticutЧJZ153ИЩLZ153&ЫJZ153ИЭЯL(Z153, Z159&$Hereford, England(Z153, Z159'.Fairfield, ConnecticutвJZ153ИдеLZ153&Z153'зJZ153ИйкLZ153&(Z153, Z157'.Greenwich, ConnecticutнJZ153ИпрLZ153&Z153'тJZ154ИфцLZ154&Lydd, EnglandZ154',Stamford, ConnecticutщJZ154ИыэLZ154&EnglandZ154',Stamford, Connecticut№JZ154ИђLZ154&Englandqqqqqqqqqqqq J Z155И  L Z155& England  J Z155И   L Z155& England Z155' ,Stamford, Connecticut  J Z156И   L Z156& England Z156' .Greenwich, Connecticut  J Z156И   L Z156& Z156' .Greenwich, Connecticut  J Z156И   L Z156& (Nottingham, England Z156' .Fairfield, Connecticut ! JZ156И# % LZ156&$Wingrave, EnglandZ156'' JZ156И) + LZ156&$Somerset, EnglandZ156'.Greenwich, Connecticut. JZ156И0 LZ156'.Greenwich, ConnecticutqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA JZ157ИC E LZ157&EnglandZ157',Stamford, ConnecticutH JZ157ИJ L LZ157&EnglandZ157',Stamford, ConnecticutO JZ157ИQ S LZ157&2Stokes, Suffolk, EnglandZ157'"Ipswich, EnglandV JZ157ИX LZ157&Z >Grundisburgh, Suffolk, England\ JZ157И^ a LZ157&` 4Barking, Suffolk, EnglandZ157'Englandd JZ157Иf LZ157&h JZ157Иj LZ157&l >Grundisburgh, Suffolk, Englandn JZ157Иp LZ157&Englandqqqqqqqqqqqqqq JZ157Иƒ … LZ161&2Norton, Suffolk, EnglandZ161'‡ >Grundisburgh, Suffolk, England‰ JZ157И‹ LZ157& JZ157И ‘ LZ157&0Combs, Suffolk, EnglandZ157'2Cambridge, MassachusettsZ157а• Ч27– Ц— “ Ц˜ JMarch 3, 1635 given as daаte of deathаš JZ157Иœ ž LZ157&EnglandZ157'"Suffolk, EnglandЁ JZ157ИЃ Ѕ LZ157&EnglandZ157'EnglandЈ JZ157ИЊ Ќ LZ157&EnglandZ157'EnglandЏ < š†Richard De Lockwood\(ЈU(‚DeБ JZ157ИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС J Z157И У J!Z157И!Х J"Z158И"Ч Щ L"Z158&".Grinton, York, England"Z158'".Fairfield, Connecticut"Ь J#Z158И#Ю а L#Z158&#England#Z158'#,Stamford, Connecticut#г J$Z159И$е L$Z159'$Cusop, England$и J%Z159И%к L%Z159&%England%н J&Z159И&Z159а&р Ч&2-с Ц&т о Ц&*John Butler of Cusopа&ф J'Z159И'ц J(Z159И(ш L(Z159&(.Herefordshire, England(ы J)Z161И)э я L)Z161&)2Norton, Suffolk, England)Z161')"Ipswich, England)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq J*Z161И* L*Z161&*"Ipswich, England* J+Z161И+  L+Z161&+"Ipswich, England+Z161'+ J,Z161И, L,Z161&,"Suffolk, England, J-Z161И- L-Z161&- J.Z161И. L.Z161&. J/Z162И/ L/Z162&/ J0Z162И0  L0Z162&0Z162'0Z162а0# Ч027$ Ц0% ! Ц0& PFebruary 5, 1699 given asа0 date of deathа0( J1Z162И1* L1Z162'1, J2Z162И2. J3Z162И30 J4Z162И4qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA J5Z162И5C J6Z162И6E J7Z162И7G H L7Z162&7Z162'7J J8Z162И8L N L8Z162&8.Greenwich, Connecticut8Z162'8.Greenwich, Connecticut8Q J9Z162И9S U L9Z163&9.Greenwich, Connecticut9Z163'9(Wilton, Connecticut9X J:Z162И:Z \ L:Z163&:.Greenwich, Connecticut:Z163':(Wilton, Connecticut:;їe` J;Z162И;b d L;Z162&;.Greenwich, Connecticut;Z162';Z162а;g Ч;24h Ц;i e Ц;j LMarch 11, 1704 given as dа;ate of birthа;l J<Z163И<n J=Z163И=p J>Z163И>r L>Z163&>qqqqqqqqqqqqq J?Z163И?ƒ L?Z163&?… J@Z163И@‡ L@Z163&@‰ JAZ163ИA‹ LAZ163&AACDѕeŽ JBZ163ИB LBZ163&B’ JCz163ИC” LCZ163&C– JDZ163ИD˜ LDZ163&Dš JEZ163ИEœ  LEZ163&EZ163'EŸ JFZ163ИFЁ JGZ163ИGЃ Є LGZ163&GZ163'GІ JHZ164ИHЈ Љ LHZ165&HZ165'HZ165аHЌ ЧH2 ­ ЦHЎ Њ ЦH2East Jefferson, New YorkаHА JIZ164ИIqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС JJZ164ИJУ Ф LJZ164&JZ164'JЦ JKZ164ИKШ Щ LKZ165&KZ165'KZ165аKЬ ЧK2 Э ЦKЮ Ъ ЦK2Charlotteville, New YorkаKKєe.б JLZ164ИLг д LLZ165&LZ165'LZ165аLз ЧL2 и ЦLй е ЦL2East Jefferson, New YorkаLл JMZ165ИMн LMZ165&Mп JNZ165ИNс LNZ165&Nу JOZ165ИOх LOZ165&Oч JPZ165ИPщ LPZ165&PPe ь JQZ165ИQю я LQZ165&QZ165'Qё < š†Mary Jane Van Buren\(RЈU(‚VaRѓ JRZ165ИRѕ і LRZ165&RZ165'RZ165аRљ ЧR2 њ ЦRћ ї ЦR2Charlotteville, New YorkаRqqqq <d†Delbert Spencer Mead\SЈU(‚MeS JSZ165ИS  LSZ166&SZ166'SZ166аS ЧS2  ЦS  ЦS2Charlotteville, New YorkаS JTZ165ИT  LTZ166&TZ166'TZ166аT ЧT2  ЦT  ЦT2Charlotteville, New YorkаT JUZ165ИU  LUZ166&UZ166'U JVZ165ИV  LVZ165&VZ165'VZ165аV" ЧV2 # ЦV$  ЦV2East Jefferson, New YorkаV& JWZ165ИW( ) LWZ166&WZ166'WZ166аW, ЧW2 - ЦW. * ЦW2East Jefferson, New YorkаW0 JXZ165ИX2 3 LXZ166&XZ166'XZ166аX6 ЧX2 7 ЦX8 4 ЦX2East Jefferson, New YorkаXqqqqqqqA < š†Ida A. Schermerhorn\(YЈU(‚ScYC JYZ166ИYE G LYZ166&Y$Roxbury, New YorkYZ166'YI \Town of Jefferson, SchohaYrie County, New YorkYK JZZ166ИZM LZZ167&ZZ167аZP ЧZ2 Q ЦZR N ЦZ*Cobleskill, New YorkаZT J[Z166И[V W L[Z167&[Z167'[Z167а[Z Ч[2 [ Ц[\ X Ц[2East Jefferson, New Yorkа[^ J\Z166И\` a L\Z166&\Z166'\Z166а\d Ч\2 e Ц\f b Ц\2Charlotteville, New Yorkа\h J]Z166И]j k L]Z167&]Z166A']m JA.O. Fox Hospital, Oneont]a, New York]Z166Aа]p Ч]28q /t w +z   „ Ц] лr n Ц]91 yearsа]Z166Aа]u s Ц]2Charlotteville, New Yorkа]Z166Aа]x v Ц]0Story House Corporationа]Z166Aа]{ y Ц]| РSummit Grange, Charlottevа]} ille Volunteer Fire Deparа]~ tment Auxiliary, Schohariа]e County Home Bureauа]qZ166Aа]‚ € Ц]ƒ 8First Summit Baptist Churа]chа]"л† … Ц]Z166Aа]‡ <Charlotteville Rural Cemeа]teryа]ˆ ‰Pr]ˆ B]‹ J^Z166И^ Ž L^Z166&^Z166'^ J_Z166И_’ L_Z167&_” < š†Lois McIntyre Ryder\(`ЈU(‚Ry`– J`Z166И`˜ JaZ166Иaš › LaZ167&aZ167'aZ167аaž Чa2 Ÿ Цa  œ Цa0Richmondville, New YorkаaЂ JbZ166ИbЄ Ѕ LbZ166&bZ166'bZ166аbЈ Чb2 Љ ЦbЊ І Цb2East Jefferson, New YorkаbЌ JcZ166ИcЎ LcZ167&cА JdZ167ИdВ LdZ168&dqqqqqqqqqqqqqС JeZ167ИeУ LeZ167&eХ JfZ166ИfЧ Ш LfZ168&fZ168'fZ168аfЫ Чf2 Ь ЦfЭ Щ ЦfЮ PEvergreen Cemetery, Jeffeаfrson, New Yorkаfа JgZ166Иgв г LgZ168&gZ168'gZ168аgж Чg2 з Цgи д Цg2East Jefferson, New Yorkаgк JhZ167Иhм н LhZ167&hZ167'hп JiZ167Иiс <wayinton David Nethaway\jЈU(‚Nejу JjZ167Иjх < š†Clinton D. Nethaway\(kЈU(‚Nekч JkZ167Иkщ LkZ167&kы JlZ167Иlэ LlZ167&lя JmZ166Иmё LmZ167&mqqqqqqqqqqqqqq JnZ167Иn JoZ167Иo LoZ169&o Jp 8Z167Z166ИpИp  LpZ167&p :Z167Z166A'p'pge, JqZ167Иq LqZ167&q JrZ167Иr LrZ167&r JsZ167Иs JtZ167Иt JuZ167Иu JvZ167Иv JwZ167Иw! JxZ167Иxxye1$ JyZ167Иy& JzZ167Иz( J{Z167И{* L{Z169&{, J|Z167И|. J}Z168И}142а}1 Ч}2/2 Ц}3 / Ц}(Jefferson, New Yorkа}4 ŠPr}4 B}q1qqqqqqqqqA J~Z168И~C JZ168ИE J€Z168И€G JZ168ИI J‚Z168И‚K JƒZ168ИƒM N LƒZ168&ƒZ168'ƒP J„Z168И„R J…Z168И…T J†Z168И†V J‡Z168И‡X JˆZ168ИˆZ J‰Z168И‰\ JŠZ168ИŠ^ LŠZ168&Š` J‹Z168И‹b JŒZ168ИŒd < š†Thomas Michael Mead\(ЈU(‚Mef JZ168Иh LZ168&j <eadristopher James Mead\ŽЈU(‚MeŽl JŽZ168ИŽn LŽZ169&Žp JZ169Иqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq JZ169Иƒ LZ169&… J‘Z169И‘‡ J’Z169И’‰ L’Z169&’‹ J“Z169И“ J”Z169И” L”Z169&”‘ J•Z169И•“ J–Z169И–• J—Z169И—— J˜Z169Ș™ L˜Z169&˜› J™Z169И™ JšZ169ИšŸ J›(Z169, Z189И›Ё Jœ(Z169, Z189ИœЃ JZ170ИЅ LZ193'Z193аЈ Ч2 Љ 8­ ЦЊ І ЦЋ ^Meed Cemetery, Cottage Roаad, Town of JeffersonаZ193а<Ў Ќ ЦЏ 447 years, 5 months, 1 dayааБ JžZ170ИžqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС JŸZ170ИŸУ <mettklin George Hammett\ ЈU(‚Ha Х J Z173И Ч Ш L Z173& Z173' South America Ы <t†Frederick A. Hammett\ЁЈU(‚HaЁЭ JЁZ173ИЁЯ а LЁZ173&ЁZ173'ЁSouth AmericaЁг <t†Sarah Helena Hammett\ЂЈU(‚HaЂе JЂZ173ИЂз и LЂZ173&ЂZ173'Ђк <t†William Mead Hammett\ЃЈU(‚HaЃм JЃZ173ИЃо п LЃZ173&ЃZ173'Ѓ$ЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋeŽ т <t†Hannah Grace Hammett\ЄЈU(‚HaЄф JЄZ173ИЄц ч LЄZ173&ЄZ173'Єщ <ettarson Grover Hammett\ЅЈU(‚HaЅы JЅZ173ИЅэ ю LЅZ173&ЅZ173'Ѕ№ <t†James Albert Hammett\ІЈU(‚HaІђ JІZ173ИІє ѕ LІZ173&ІZ173'Іqqqqqqqqqq <t†John Stanley Hammett\ЇЈU(‚HaЇ JЇZ173ИЇ  LЇZ173&ЇZ173'Ї <etthel Gertrude Hammett\ЈЈU(‚HaЈ JЈZ174ИЈ  LЈZ174&ЈZ174'Ј <t†Ernest David Hammett\ЉЈU(‚HaЉ JЉZ174ИЉ  LЉZ174&ЉZ174'Љ JЊZ174ИЊ  LЊZ174&ЊZ174'Њ <ettth Catherine Hammett\ЋЈU(‚HaЋ JЋZ174ИЋ  LЋZ174&ЋZ174'Ћ" JЌZ182ИЌ$ % LЌZ166&ЌZ166'Ќ' J­Z182И­) JЎ$329; N69ИЎ+ 8329, 330; N69, N70аЎаЎ- ЧЎ2. 51 ЦЎ/ * ЦЎFarmerаЎ$329; N69аЎ2 0 ЦЎCaptainаЎ3 ‹PrЎ3 BЎqqqqqqqqqqqA JЏB 8322, 329; N62, N69ИЏИЏD F LЏ$329; N69&Џ"Canaan, New YorkЏ$329; N69'Џ(Worcester, New YorkЏ$329; N69аЏJ ЧЏ2 K /N 8R ЦЏL H ЦЏ(Schenevus, New YorkаЏ$322; N62аЏO M ЦЏP P"of Canaan, Columbia CounаЏty [New York]"аЏS 8329; N69аЏj4T Q ЦЏаЏ74 yearsаЏV JА$322; N62ИАX Y LА$322; N62&АZ 8322, 329; N62, N69'А'А(Worcester, New YorkА$329; N69аА^ ЧА2 _  d 8g /k 4o ЦА` \ ЦАa ~Revolution; Capt. Van RenаАb sselaer's Co., Col. WilleаАt's RegimentаА$329; N69аАe c ЦА(Schenevus, New YorkаАh 8329; N69аАК1i f ЦАаА75 yearsаА$322; N62аАl j ЦАm 4"of Worcester [New York]"аАаА$329; N69аАцn ЦАp ŒPrАp BАqqqqqqqqqqqqqq JБ$329; N69ИБƒ JВ$329; N69ИВ… † LВ$329; N69&В$329; N69'В(Worcester, New YorkВ$329; N69аВŠ ЧВ2 ‹ ЦВŒ ˆ ЦВ.War of 1812; pensionerаВŽ JГ$329; N69ИГ ’ LГ$329; N69&ГVermontГ$329; N69'Г(Worcester, New YorkГ• JД$329; N69ИД— ˜ LД&329'; N69&Д$329; N69'Дš JЕ$329; N69ИЕœ  LЕ$329; N69&Е$329; N69'ЕŸ JЖ$330; N70ИЖЁ Ђ LЖ$330; N70&ЖЃ 8330; N70'Ж'Ж(Worcester, New YorkЖІ JЗ$330; N70ИЗЈ Љ LЗ$330; N70&ЗЊ 8330; N70'З'ЗЌ JИ$330; N70ИИЎ Џ LИ$330; N70&И$330; N70'И$330; N70аИВ ЧИ2/Г ЦИД А ЦИ("res. Scriba, N.Y."аИqqqqqqqqqqqС JЙ$330; N70ИЙУ LЙ$330; N70&ЙХ JК$330; N70ИКЧ Щ LКШ 8330; N70&К&К$330; N70'К(Worcester, New YorkК$330; N70аКЭ ЧК27Ю ЦКZ[Ы ЦКа JЛ$330; N70ИЛв д LЛг 8330; N70&Л&Ле 8330; N70'Л'Л$330; N70аЛи ЧЛ27й ЦЛтbж ЦЛл JМ$329; N69ИМн о LМ$330; N70&М$330; N70'М"Canaan, New YorkМ$330; N70аМт ЧМ2у ЦМф р ЦМFarmerаМх PrМх BМш JН$329; N69ИНъ JО$329; N69ИОь JП$329; N69ИПЏe@я JР$330; N70ИРё ђ LР$330; N70&Р$330; N70'РqqqqqqqqqqqqqJС$330; N70ИСLС$330; N70&С$330; N70'С$Chatham, New YorkС$330; N70аСЧС24 ЦСЦС JТ$330; N70ИТ JУ$330; N70ИУLУ$330; N70'У$330; N17аУЧУ28ЦУZЦУ22 yearsаУJФ$330; N70ИФLФ$330; N70&Ф$330; N70'Ф.East Chatham, New YorkФJХ$330; N70ИХLХ$330; N70&Х$330; N70'Х!JЦ$330; N70ИЦ$330; N70аЦ$ЧЦ2/%ЦЦ&"ЦЦ&"rem. to Indiana."аЦ(JЧ$330; N70ИЧ*+LЧ$330; N70&Ч$330; N70'Ч$330; N70аЧ.ЧЧ28/ЦЧ0,ЦЧ"ae. 23?"аЧqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJШ$330; N70ИШCDLШ$330; N70&Ш$330; N70'Ш"Canaan, New YorkШGJЩ$330; N70ИЩIJLЩ$330; N70&Щ$330; N70'ЩLJЪ$330; N70ИЪ$330; N70аЪOЧЪ28PЦЪQMЦЪ92 yearsаЪSJЫ$330; N70ИЫUJЬ&137; C405ИЬWXLЬ&137; C405&Ь&137; C405'ЬZ[LЭ&137; C405&Э&137; C405'Э]JЮ&137; C405ИЮ_LЮ&137; C405&ЮaJЯ&137; C405ИЯcJа&137; C405ИаefLа&137; C405&а&137; C405'ааe iJб&137; C405ИбklLб&137; C405&б&137; C405'бnJв&137; C405ИвpqLв&137; C405&в&137; C405'вqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJг&137; C405Игƒ„Lг&137; C405&г&137; C405'г†Jд&137; C405ИдˆLд&137; C405&дŠJе&137; C405ИеŒLе&137; C405&еŽJж&137; C405ИжLж&137; C405&ж’Jз&137; C405Из”Lз&137; C405&з–Jи&137; C405Ии˜Lи&137; C405&иšJй&137; C405ИйœLй&137; C405&й&137; C405'йŸJк&137; C405ИкЁLк&137; C405&кЃJл&137; C405ИлЅLл&137; C405&лЇJм&137; C405ИмЉLм&137; C405&мЋJн&137; C405Ин­Lн&137; C405&нЏJо&137; C405ИоБLо&137; C405&оqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJп&136; C405ИпУLп&136; C405&п&136; C405апЦЧп21ЧЦпШФЦп$"twelve children"апЪJр&136; C405ИрЬЭLр&136; C405&р&136; C405'р&136; C405араЧр21бЦрвЮЦрг|"... only daughter of Johардn Kelso ...; ...twelve chарildren ..."аржзLс&136; C405&с&136; C405'с&136; C405аскЧс21лЦсмиЦс$"twelve children"асоJт&136; C405ИтрсLт&136; C405&т&136; C405'т&136; C405атфЧт21хЦтцтЦт$"twelve children"атшJу&136; C405ИуъLу&136; C405&уьJф&136; C405ИфюJх&136; C405Их№ёLх&136; C405&х&136; C405'х&136; C405ахєЧх21ѕЦхіђЦхї>"... only one son, Reviloах ..."ахqqqqqqqqJц&136; C405ИцJчb137; C405137,Ич 171; C405, C422ИчLчL137; C405171;&ч C422&ч L137; C405171;'ч C422'ч&171; C422ач Чч26 Цч Цч HulmeачвЁe* Jш&137; C405ИшLш&137; C405&ш&137; C405'шJщ&137; C405ИщLщ&137; C405&щ&137; C405'щLъ&137; C405'ъ&137; C405аъЧъ25Цъ Цъ Rev.аъ"Jы&137; C405Иы$%Lы&137; C405&ы&137; C405'ы'(Lь&137; C405&ь&137; C405'ь*Jэ&137; C405Иэ,-Lэ&137; C405&э&137; C405'э/0Lю&137; C405&ю&137; C405'юqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJя&137; C405ИяCLя&137; C405&яEJ№&137; C405И№GL№&137; C405&№IJё&137; C405ИёKJђ&137; C405ИђMLђ&137; C405&ђOJѓ&137; C405ИѓQLѓ&137; C405&ѓSJє&137; C405ИєUVLє&137; C405&є&137; C405'єXJѕ&137; C405ИѕZ[Lѕ&137; C405&ѕ&137; C405'ѕ]Jі&137; C405Иі_Lі&137; C405&іaJї&137; C405ИїcLї&137; C405&їeJј&137; C405ИјgLј&137; C405&јiJљ&137; C405ИљkLљ&137; C405&љmJњ&137; C405ИњoLњ&137; C405&њqJћ&137; C405ИћsLћ&137; C405&ћqqqqqqqqqqqqJќ&137; C405ИќƒLќ&137; C405&ќ…J§&137; C405И§‡L§&137; C405&§‰Jў&137; C405Иў‹Jџ&137; C404ИџLџ&137; C405&џJ&137; C405И‘L&137; C405&“J&137; C405И•L&137; C405&—J&137; C405И™L&137; C405&›J&137; C405ИL&137; C405&ŸJ&137; C405ИЁL&137; C405&ЃJ&137; C405ИЅJ&137; C405ИЇL&137; C405&ЉJ&137; C405ИЋL&137; C405&­J&137; C405ИЏL&137; C405&БJ &137; C405И qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJ &137; C405И УL &137; C405& ХJ &137; C405И ЧL &137; C405& ЩJ &137; C405И ЫL &137; C405& ЭJ &137; C405И ЯL &137; C405& бJ&136; C405ИгL&136; C405&&136; C405ажЧ2-зЦидЦйH"... Revilo (Oliver backwаards) ..."алJ&136; C405ИноL&136; C405&&136; C405'рJ&136; C405ИтJ&136; C405ИфJ&136; C405ИцL&136; C405&шJ&136; C405ИъыL&136; C405&&136; C405'эJ&136; C405Ия№L&136; C405&&136; C405'qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ&136; C405ИL&136; C405&&136; C405'J&136; C405ИJ&136; C405И  L&136; C405&&136; C405' J&136; C405ИL&136; C405&J&136; C405ИL&136; C405&J&136; C405ИJ&136; C405ИL&136; C405&&136; C405'J&136; C405ИL&136; C405&&136; C405'!J&136; C405И#$L&136; C405&&136; C405'&<s†William Percy Holmes\ЈU(‚Ho(J&136; C405И*L&136; C405&а-Ч2-.Ц/+Ц Percyа1J&136; C405И3L&136; C405&qqqqqqqqqqqqAJ &136; C405И CDL &136; C405& &136; C405' FJ!&136; C405И!HJ"&136; C405И"JJ#&136; C405И#LJ$&136; C405И$NJ%&136; C405И%PJ&&136; C405И&RJ'&136; C405И'&136; C405а'UЧ'2V/YЦ'WSЦ'School teacherа'&136; C405а'ZXЦ'[fCanaan, Connecticut; Westа'\ford and McGraw, New Yorkа'а']ŽPr']B'`J(&136; C405И(bJ)&136; C405И)&136; C405а)eЧ)2*fЦ)gcЦ)h„First Justice of Peace, Tа)iown of Westford, Otsego Cа)ounty, New Yorkа)kJ*&136; C405И*mJ+&147; C410И+oL+&147; C410&+qJ,&147; C410И,qqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ-&147; C410И-ƒL-&147; C410&-…J.&147; C410И.‡<.†William Peeters, Jr../ЈU(‚Pe/‰J/&147; C410И/‹J0&147; C410И0J1&147; C410И1J2&147; C410И2‘J3&147; C410И3“J4&147; C410И4•J5&147; C410И5—L5&147; C410&5™J6&147; C410И6›L6&147; C410&6J7&147; C410И7Ÿ L7&147; C410&7&149; C411'7&149; C411а7ЃЧ724ЄЦ7rЁЦ7ІJ8&147; C410И8ЈJ9&147; C410И9ЊL9&147; C410&9*Van Ray, Netherlands9&147; C410а9ЎЧ921Џ/ВЦ9АЌЦ9"ten children"а9&147; C410а9ГБЦ9&Westford, New Yorkа9ДPr9ДB9qqqqqqqqqqСJ:&147; C410И:УХL:&147; C410&:*Van Ray, Netherlands:&147; C410':&147; C410а:ШЧ:21Щ/ЬЦ:ЪЦЦ:"ten children"а:&147; C410а:ЭЫЦ:&Westford, New Yorkа:ЯJ;&147; C410И;бL;&147; C410&;гJ<&147; C410И<ежL<&147; C410&<&147; C410'<иJ=&147; C410И=кL=&147; C410&=лPr=лB=оJ>&147; C410И>рJ?&147; C410И?тJ@&147; C410И@фJA&147; C410ИAцJB&147; C410ИBшJC&147; C410ИCъJD&148; C411ИDьэLD&148; C411&D&148; C411'DяJE&148; C411ИEёJF&148; C411ИFѓLF&148; C411&Fє‘PrFєBFqqqqqqqqqqJG&148; C411ИGJH&148; C411ИHLH&148; C411&HFHekJI&148; C411ИI JJ&148; C411ИJ JK&148; C411ИKJL&148; C411ИLJM&148; C411ИMJN&147; C410ИN&147; C410аNЧN28.ЦNЦN11 yearsаN&147; C410аNЦN&Influenza epidemicаNJO&148; C411ИOLO&148; C411&O JP&148; C411ИP"JQ&148; C411ИQ$JR&148; C411ИR&JS&148; C411ИS(JT&148; C411ИT*JU&148; C411ИU,JV&148; C411ИV.JW&148; C411ИW0JX&148; C411ИXqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJY&148; C411ИYCJZ&148; C411ИZZ[etFJ[&148; C411И[HJ\&148; C411И\JL\&148; C411&\K’Pr\KB\NJ]&148; C411И]PJ^&148; C411И^RJ_&148; C411И_TJ`&148; C411И`VJa&148; C411ИaXJb&148; C411ИbZJc&148; C411Иc\Jd&148; C411Иd^Je&149; C411Иe`Jf&149; C411ИfbJg&149; C411ИgdJh&149; C411ИhfJi&149; C411ИihJj&149; C411ИjjJk&149; C411ИklJl&149; C411Иl&149; C411аloЧl21pЦlqmЦl"2 sons"аlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJm&149; C411Иm&149; C411аm„Чm21…Цm†‚Цm"2 sons"аmˆJn&149; C411Иn‰“Prn‰BnŒJo&149; C411ИoŽJp&149; C411ИpJq&149; C411Иq‘”Prq‘Bq”Jr&149; C411Иr–Js&149; C411Иs˜Jt™<149, 172; C411, C423ИtИt›Ju&149; C411ИuJv&149; C411ИvŸJw&149; C411ИwЁJx&149; C411ИxЂ•PrxЂBxЅJy&149; C411ИyЇJz&149; C411ИzЉJ{&149; C411И{Ћ<owskily Ann Zawistowski\|ЈU(‚Za|­J|(И|ЏL|&|а|ВЧ|2-ГЦ|ДАЦ|Kimа|ЖŠ21 Canandaigua RoadShor;|ЗtsvilleNew York14548U.;|S.A(716) 289-8402;|qqqqqqqqС<ngZerah Luzerne Lansing\}ЈU(‚La}УJ}&141; C407И}ХL}&141; C407&}ЧJ~&141; C407И~ЩJ&141; C407ИЫJ€&141; C407И€ЭJ&141; C407ИЯL&141; C407&а–PrаBгJ‚&141; C407И‚еL‚&141; C407&‚&141; C407а‚иЧ‚2/йЦ‚кжЦ‚ "of Toddsville"а‚мJƒ&141; C407ИƒоJ„&141; C407И„ртL„&141; C407&„&Schodack, New York„&141; C407'„$Decatur, New York„хJ…&141; C407И…чJ†&141; C407И†щL†&141; C407&†ыJ‡&141; C407И‡эJˆ&141; C407Иˆя№Lˆ&141; C407&ˆ&141; C407'ˆqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ‰&141; C407И‰JŠ&141; C407ИŠJ‹&141; C407И‹JŒ&141; C407ИŒ J&141; C407И  L&141; C407&&141; C407'JŽ&141; C407ИŽJ&141; C407ИL&141; C407&&141; C407'J&141; C407ИJ‘&141; C407И‘L‘&141; C407&‘&141; C407'‘ ‘šœeŠ J’&141; C407И’J“&141; C407И“!L“&141; C407&“#J”&141; C407И”%J•&141; C407И•'J–&141; C407И–)J—&141; C407И—+J˜&141; C407Ș-J™&141; C407И™™e0<nsing Elizabeth Lansing\šЈU(‚Laš2Jš&141; C407Иš4Lš&141; C407&šqqqqqqqqqqqAJ›&141; C407И›CJœ&141; C407ИœELœ&141; C407&œGJ&141; C407ИIJž&141; C407ИžKLž&141; C407&žMJŸ&141; C407ИŸOJ &141; C407И QJЁ&141; C407ИЁSJЂ&141; C407ИЂULЂ&141; C407&ЂWJЃ&141; C407ИЃYJЄ&141; C407ИЄ[JЅ&141; C407ИЅ]JІ&141; C407ИІ_JЇИЇаЇbЧЇ2c)f*i/mЦЇd`ЦЇMusic teacherаЇ229аЇgeЦЇRepublicanаЇ229аЇjhЦЇkNAssessor, Town of WorcestаЇer, 1978-1985аЇаЇnlЦЇoPWorcester, New York; MaryаЇland, New YorkаЇqJЈИЈqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJЉИЉаЉ„ЧЉ2&…ЦЉД†‚ЦЉ‡DGraduate Worcester CentraаЉl SchoolаЉ‰JЊИЊаЊŒЧЊ2&ЦЊЖŽŠЦЊDGraduate Worcester CentraаЊl SchoolаЊ‘JЋИЋаЋ”ЧЋ2&•ЦЋЙ–’ЦЋ—DGraduate Worcester CentraаЋl SchoolаЋ™JЌИЌаЌœЧЌ2&ЦЌНžšЦЌŸDGraduate Worcester CentraаЌl SchoolаЌЁ<s†Anita Marlene DuBois\­ЈU(‚Du­ЃJ­И­а­ІЧ­2&ЇЦ­ТЈЄЦ­ЉDGraduate Worcester Centraа­l Schoolа­­e•ЌJЎZ271ИЎЎЏLЎZ277&ЎZ277'ЎБ<elowy Josephine Bigelow\ЏЈU(‚BiЏГJЏZ271ИЏЕЖLЏZ276&ЏZ276'Џ2Near Worcester, New YorkЏqqqqqqqqСJАZ272ИАУJБZ272ИБХJВZ276ИВЧ<tingtonnnett Huntington\ГЈU(‚HuГЩJГZ276ИГЫЭLГZ276&Г,Middlefield, New YorkГZ276'Г(Worcester, New YorkГаJДZ276ИДвдLДZ273&Д2East Haddam, ConnecticutДZ273'Дж< š†Jenett Mosely Gates\(ЕЈU(‚GaЕиJЕZ276ИЕкLЕZ274'Е,Middlefield, New YorkЕн<gelowHuntington Bigelow\ЖЈU(‚BiЖпJЖZ276ИЖстLЖZ276&ЖZ276'ЖфJЗZ276ИЗц<w†Martha Irene Bigelow\ИЈU(‚BiИшJИZ276ИИъLИZ276&ИьJЙZ276ИЙюJКZ277ИК№ёLКZ277&КZ277'Кqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<namville Kellogg Putnam\ЛЈU(‚PuЛJЛZ277ИЛLЛZ277&Л'ЛаЛ ЧЛ2  -ЦЛ ЦЛ TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаЛcester, New YorkаЛаЛ ЦЛ O.K.аЛJМZ277ИМLМ&М'МаМЧМ2 ЦМЦМTMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаМcester, New YorkаМJНZ277ИНLНZ277&Н JОZ277ИО"JПZ277ИП$LПZ277&П ПСУe& 'JРZ277ИР)<m†Floyd Charles Putnam\СЈU(‚PuС+JСZ277ИС-LСZ277&СаС0ЧС21/5ЦС2.ЦС36Worcester Methodist ChurcаСhаСаС64ЦС(Worcester, New YorkаСqqqqqqqqqAJТИТCJУZ277ИУEFLУZ277&УZ277'УHJФZ277ИФJJХZ274ИХLJЦZ274ИЦNJЧZ273ИЧP<ingtongswell Huntington\ШЈU(‚HuШRJШZ273ИШTVLШZ273&Ш2East Haddam, ConnecticutШZ273'Ш,Middlefield, New YorkШYJЩZ273ИЩ[JЪZ273ИЪ]^LЪZ273&ЪZ273'Ъ`4Sacketts Harbor, New YorkЪЪbJЫZ273ИЫdfLЫZ273&Ы0Canterbury, ConnecticutЫZ273'Ы,Middlefield, New YorkЫiJЬZ273ИЬklLЬZ273&ЬZ273'ЬZ273аЬoЧЬ21pЦЬqmЦЬr:Two children died in infaаЬncyаЬqqqqqqqqqqqqqJЭZ273ИЭƒJЮZ273ИЮ…<ingtondeline Huntington\ЯЈU(‚HuЯ‡JЯZ274ИЯ‰‹LЯZ274&Я2East Haddam, ConnecticutЯZ274'Я<tonry Amelia Huntington\аЈU(‚HuаJаZ274Иа‘“LаZ274&а,Middlefield, New YorkаZ274'а•JбZ274Иб—JвZ274Ив™šLвZ274&вZ274'вœ<gtonel Gates Huntington\гЈU(‚HuгžJгZ274Иг ЂLгZ274&г,Middlefield, New YorkгZ274'гЄ:Middlefield Center, New Yгorkггжикe—ЇJдZ274ИдЉ<leeeline Julia Parmelee\еЈU(‚PaеЋJеZ274Ие­<ntingtoniman Huntington\жЈU(‚HuжЏJжZ274ИжБГLжZ274&ж,Middlefield, New YorkжZ274'ж,Montclair, New Jerseyжq—qqqqqqqqqqС<erMary Ann Noyes Walker\зЈU(‚WaзУJзZ274ИзХ<gtona Almira Huntington\иЈU(‚HuиЧJиZ274ИиЩЫLиZ274&и,Middlefield, New YorkиZ274'иЭ<ardlliam Orrin Brainard\йЈU(‚BrйЯJйZ274Ийб<ngton Elvira Huntington\кЈU(‚HuкгJкZ274ИкезLкZ274&к,Middlefield, New YorkкZ275'кйJл(B140, B142ИллLл(B140, B142&лB140алоЧл24п/тЦлрмЦл"likely NY"ал(B142, B145алусЦл*New York City (1880)алф—PrлфBлчJмш4B140, B142, B146ИмИмъLмы4B140, B142, B146&м&мNew York Stateм(B142, B146амяЧм2№/ѓ-јЦмёэЦмCartmanамєBB142, B146C68амѕђЦмамі6New York City (1880, 1904ам)амC68амљїЦм Frankамњ˜PrмњBмqqqqJн4B140, B142, B146ИнИнLнB142&нNew York Stateн(B142, B146анЧн2/ Цн Цн*New York City (1880)ан ™Prн BнJо(B142, B147ИоLо(B142, B147&оNew York StateоJпB148ИпJрB148Ир< š†Mary Frances Hendry\(сЈU(‚HeсJс(B150, B153ИсLсB150&сVNorth Kortright, Delawareс County, New Yorkс0B150'с IowaсB150ас"Чс26#7&/*Цс$ ЦсHendleyас'<B150, B151асђ†(%Цсас IowaасB151ас+)Цс,D"moved to Montour, Tama Cасo., Ia."ас.JтB150Ит0LтB150&тB150ат3Чт2447/;5@Цт51ЦтPhysicianатB150атR M86Цт9>"likely Montour, Tama Co.ат, IA"атB150ат<:Цт=4Gallup, New Mexico (1926)ататA8B150C60KатqB>ЦтатDr.атDJуB150ИуFGLуB150&уB150'уB150ауJЧу2/K-NЦуLHЦуLeGrande, IowaауC60KауOMЦуKittieауQJфRBB150C60J-C60KИфИфTLфB151'фB150афWЧф26XЦфYUЦфO'Neilаф[JхB150Их]JцB150Иц_`LцB150&цB150'цe8B152C60KацcЧц2-dЦцfaЦцац(Marjorie; Marie Mayацh<y†Emmett Edward Hadley\чЈU(‚HaчjJчk8B150C60JИчИчmoLчC60J&чStuart, IowaчC60K'ч Wichita, KansasчC60JачsЧч2 tЦчuqЦч Wichita, Kansasачqqqqqqqqqq<ngEliza Lucretia DeLong\шЈU(‚DeшƒJшB150Иш…†LшB150&шB150'шшъe( ‰JщŠDB150, B152C60ИщLИщ8B152C60LащЧщ2-Ž6’Цщ‹ЦщащH.A. Piperащ“8B152C60Lащ”‘ЦщащPiper, Peperащ•šPrщ•Bщ˜JъB150ИъšLъ›8B150C60J&ъ&ъ IowaъB150аъŸЧъ2/ -ЃЦъЁЦъ*Gilmore, Iowa (1926)аъЄ8B152C60LаъЅЂЦъаъ&Grace; Grace NancyаъЇJыЈ8B150C60JИыИыЊLыC60J&ыGilman, IowaыC60JаыЎЧы2Џ/В5ЗЦыАЌЦыDoctor/dentistаыГ8B150C60JаыДБЦыаыЕXGilmore (1926) and Greencаыastle (1930), IowaаыC60LаыИЖЦыDr.аыqqqqqqqСJьТ8B151C60KИьИьФХLьC60K&ьC60K'ьC60KаьШЧь21ЩЦьЪЦЦь"4 children"аьЬ<evensAntoinette Stevens\эЈU(‚StэЮJэЯ8B151C60KИэИэбвLэC60K&эC60K'эB151аэеЧэ2-ж1йЦэзгЦэ*Maria Aldria StevensаэC60KаэкиЦэ"4 children"аэмJюB151ИюоLюB151&юC60KаюсЧю21т/хЦюупЦю"unm."аюC60PаюцфЦюч8Naperville, Illinois (196аю8)ающJяъ8B151C60JИяИяьяLяэ8B151C60J&я&яLeGrand, Iowaя(C60J, C60P'яёTCommunity Hospital, Indiaяnapolis, IndianaяC60PаяєЧя2ѕљ-§/8ЦяіђЦяї\School teacher, radiator аяemployee, bookkeeperаяC60PаяњјЦяћTUnion St. Friends Church,ая Kokomo, IndianaаяB151аяўќЦя(Hugh Charles O'Neilаяq(C60J, C60PаяЦяVKokomo and Morristown (19ая52-1968), IndianaаяC60PаяАЦя67 yearsая›PrяBя <alCharles Gibson O'Neal\№ЈU(‚O'№ J№B151И№L№B151&№C60Pа№Ч№2/Ц№Ц№2Vista, California (1968)а№JёB151ИёLёB151&ёC60PаёЧё2/ЦёЦё8Naperville, Illinois (196аё8)аёJђ 8B151C60KИђИђ"LђB151&ђ ђѓєeЌ%Jѓ&8B151C60KИѓИѓ(LѓB151&ѓC60Pаѓ+Чѓ2/,Цѓ-)Цѓ.:Amandaville, Virginia (19аѓ68)аѓ0JєB151Иє2LєB151&єqqqqqqqqqqqqqA<g†Robert Gibson DeLong\ѕЈU(‚DeѕCJѕB151ИѕELѕ(B151, B156&ѕ,East Chicago, IndianaѕH<ongarles Wallace DeLong\іЈU(‚DeіJJіB151ИіLLіB156&і,East Chicago, Indianaі(B151, B157аіPЧі2/Q4TЦіRNЦі,Grinnell, Iowa (1968)аіB151аіŠvUSЦіGary, IndianaаіWJїB151ИїYJјB151ИјC60Kај\Чј25]Цј^ZЦјDr.ај`JљB151ИљC60KаљcЧљ21dЦљeaЦљ"unmar."аљgJњB152ИњB152ањjЧњ21k-nЦњlhЦњ("md. Dr. ____ ____"ањC60KањomЦњAnnањqJћB152ИћC60KаћtЧћ2-u1xЦћvrЦћ TimmyаћC60KаћywЦћ"unm."аћqqqqqqJќB151ИќƒLќB152&ќB156аќ†Чќ24‡ЦќКxˆ„Цќ‰H"likely East Chicago, Lakаќe Co., IN"аќ‹J§Œ8B152C60JИ§И§Ž‘L§8B152C60J&§&§(Ingersoll, Oklahoma§C60J'§C60K৔ק21•Ц§–’Ц§"unm."а§˜<eyWendell Emmett Hadley\ўЈU(‚HaўšJў›8B152C60JИўИўLўC60J&ў&Cherokee, Oklahomaў JџB152ИџЂ<archma Marguerite March\ЈU(‚MaЄJB152ИІLB152&ЈJB152ИЊLB152&ЌJ­8B152C60LИИЏLB152&БJB152ИГLB152&qqqqqqqqqqqqСJB162ИУLB162&B162аЦЧ2Ч/ЪЦШФЦDressmakerаB162аЫЩЦЬ>Cherry Valley, New York (а1850)аЮJB162ИаLB162&бœPrбBдJB162ИжзLB162&B162'B162акЧ2 л8п-уЦмиЦнNHickory Grove Cemetery, Tаown of OtsegoаB162аš8роЦс611 years, 8 months, 3 dayаsаB162афтЦ""Sarah M(aria?)"ацJB162ИшLB162&B162аыЧ2-ьЦэщЦ$Emily A. BardwellаюPrюBёJB162ИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ B162И L B162& Illinois žPr B J B162И  L B162& B162а  Ч 2 Ц  Ц Blacksmithа FЦ B161а 4Private, Co. G, Civil Warа а ŸPr B J B162И L B162' B162а Ч 2 Ц Ц 0Cherry Valley, New Yorkа  J B162И "L B162& # Pr #B &J B162И (L B162& )ЁPr )B ,JB162И.LB162&B162а1Ч2/2Ц3/Ц44"of Cherry Valley" (1885)аа5ЂPr5BqqqqqqqqqAJB162ИCLB162&B162аFЧ2/GЦHDЦI4"of Cherry Valley" (1885)ааKJB162ИMLB162&NЃPrNBQJB163ИSLB163&&Maryland, New YorkV<s†Thomas Scott Burgess\ЈU(‚BuXJB164ИZL$119; S79&Unknown;]JB164И_L$119; S79&Unknown;bJN13ИdJB167ИfgL(B167, B168&B167'0Bennett's Corners, OhioB170аkЧ2l8o/sЦmiЦTavern keeperаB167аЪhpnЦ87 yearsаr4B168, B170, B171ааtqЦuдOhio (1835); Bath Townshiаvp (1840) and Copley Townsаwhip, Summit County, Ohio аx(1850); Cleveland, Ohio (а1870)аyЄPryBqqqqqJB167Иƒ…LB169&New York StateB169'(B167, B170аˆЧ2-‰7Œ8ЦŠ†Ц MaryаB169а: P‹Ц."likely Cleveland, OH"а(B169, B170аŽЦ60 yearsа‘ЅPr‘B”JB167И–˜LB167&,Plattsburgh, New YorkB167'šDMilton, Saratoga County, New York(B167, B172аЧ21ž/ЃЦŸ›Ц r"Spouses ???, Phebe (Mrs.аЁ King)??;" "Married: Bef.а 1850"а(B168, B173аЄЂЦЅЪDay (1855) and Edinburgh аІ(1860, 1865, 1875, 1880),аЇ Saratoga County, New YorаЈk; Cleveland, Ohio (1870)ааЉІPrЉBЌJB167ИЎАL(B167, B175&2Clinton County, New YorkB167'B167аГЧ2 Д/ИЦЕБЦЖZDay Cemetery, Day, Saratoаga County, New YorkаB168аЙЗЦКLDay, Saratoga County, Newа York (1850)аЛЇPrЛBqqqСJB167ИУЦLB174&Х4Saratoga County, New YorkB174'B174аЩЧ2 Ъ7ЭЦЫЧЦ."likely bur. Day Cem."аB174аcЬЦЮЈPrЮBбJB167ИгдLB167&B167'B167азЧ24и7л/оЦДq qйеЦ2"likely Clinton Co., NY"аB167аdtPtмкЦ0"likely Summit Co., OH"а(B168, B190апнЦрюCuyahoga County, Ohio (18ас36); Sharon Township, Medатina County, Ohio (1840); ауCopley Township, Summit Cаounty, Ohio (1850)афЉPrфBчJB167ИB189аъЧ2 ы4яЦьшЦэd"perhaps bur. Perry Townsаhip Cem., Allen Co., IN"аB189а№юЦёL"likely Plattsburgh, Clinаton Co., NY"аqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJB167ИЊPrBJB167ИLB167&New York State(B167, B168а Ч2/ Ц  ЦˆCopley Township, Summit Cаounty, Ohio (1850); Cleveаland, Ohio (1870)аeѓ ЋPrBJB167ИJB167ИLB167&New York StateB168аЧ2/ЦЦ~Clinton County, New York;а  Copley Township, Summit аCounty, Ohioа!ЌPr!B$J B167И &J!(B169, B170И!(+L!B169&!*JCopley Township, Summit C!ounty, Ohio!B169'!0Bennett's Corners, Ohio!-­Pr!-B!0J"B169И"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJ#B169И#CL#(B169, B170&#EJCopley Township, Summit C#ounty, Ohio#FЎPr#FB#IJ$B169И$KL$B169&$ Ohio$MЏPr$MB$PJ%B169И%RSL%B169&%B170'% Cleveland, Ohio%B169а%WЧ%24XЦ%”s€sYUЦ%0"likely Summit Co., OH"а%ZАPr%ZB%]J&B169И&_J'B170И'aJ(B174И(cfL(B174&(eFCorinth, Saratoga County,( New York(B174'(gБPr(gB(jJ)B174И)l< š†Nancy Adelia DeLong\(*ЈU(‚De*nJ*B174И*pL*B174&*B174а*sЧ*24tЦ*dsPsuqЦ*v4"likely Saratoga Co., NY"а*а*wВPr*wB*qqqqqqq<ueluis Livingston Deuel\+ЈU(‚De+ƒJ+B174И+…J,B174И,‡L,B174&,Œ8V126D77Aа,ŠЧ,2 ‹-/“4–Ц,ˆЦ,а,Ž`Private, Co. F, 93rd NYV,а, Civil War (1864-1865)а,B174а,‘Ц,Lafayetteа,(B174, B185а,”’Ц, Michigan (1878)а,B174а,„sps—•Ц,˜4"likely Saratoga Co., NY"а,а,™ГPr,™B,œJ-B174И-žL-B174&-B174а-ЁЧ-24Ђ8ІЦ-9ЃŸЦ-Є4"likely Saratoga Co., NY"а-а-B174а-ЇЅЦ-Јt"prob. d.y. as not mentioа-Љned in mother's will dateа-d 1885)а-ЊДPr-ЊB-­J.B174И.ЏАL.B174&.B174'.B175а.ГЧ.2 Д4И1МЦ.ЕБЦ.ЖHNorthville, Fulton Countyа., New Yorkа.B174а.ФsАsЙЗЦ.К4"likely Saratoga Co., NY"а.а.B174а.НЛЦ.0"[Houseman's] 2nd wife"а.qqСJ/B174И/УФL/B175&/B175'/ЦJ0B174И0ШL0B174&0B174а0ЫЧ024ЬЦ04t tЭЩЦ0Ю4"likely Saratoga Co., NY"а0а0ЯЕPr0ЯB0в<elArthur Benjamin Deuel\1ЈU(‚De1дJ1B175И1жL1B175&1и<Longerick Andrew DeLong\2ЈU(‚De2кJ2B176И2мпL2B176&2оFCorinth, Saratoga County,2 New York2B176'2сPBallston Spa, Saratoga Co2unty, New York2уJ3B176И3хJ4B176И4чL4B176&4B176а4ъЧ421ыЦ4ьшЦ4.Twin of Burnett DeLongа4юJ5B176И5№J6B176И6qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ7B176И7L7B176&7B176'7FCorinth, Saratoga County,7 New York7B176а7 Ч721 . Ц7 Ц7,Twin of Bertha DeLongа7B176а7 Ц7BKilled in the Corinth Papа7er Millа7<ngFayette Philip DeLong\8ЈU(‚De8J8B176И8L8B176&8FCorinth, Saratoga County,8 New York8B176'8,Schenectady, New York86D76B181а8Ч82/"Ц8Ц8а8 BFeed mill owner; insurancа8e agentа8#6D76B182а8$!Ц8а8%fCorinth, Auburn and Portlа8&andville, New York (1938)а8а8'ЖPr8'B8*<ndalearyette Martindale\9ЈU(‚Ma9,J9B176И9./L9B181&9B181'9,Schenectady, New York9qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJ:B177И:CDL:B177&:B177':B177а:GЧ:2H/K1N8RЦ:IEЦ:Physicianа:B177а:LJЦ:,Schenectady, New Yorkа:B177а:OMЦ:P4Married with two childrenа:а:B177а:SQЦ:62 yearsа:UJ;B178И;WXL;B178&;B178';B178а;[Ч;24\Ц;e]YЦ;"likely NY"а;_J<B178И<abL<B178&<B178'<dFCorinth, Saratoga County,< New York<B178а<gЧ<24h8k1nЦ<ъaieЦ<"likely NY"а<B178а<ljЦ<78 yearsа<B178а<omЦ<Unmarriedа<qJ=B178И=sL=B178&=B178а=vЧ=24wЦ=КkxtЦ="likely NY"а=qqqqqqqJ>B178И>ƒ< š†Phyllis Jean DeLong\(?ЈU(‚De?…J?B181И?‡L?B181&?$Oneonta, New York?B181а?‹Ч?2/ŒЦ?‰Ц?Ž’Schenectady, New York; Boа?ston, Massachusetts; Woodа?land Hills, Californiaа?‘J@B181И@B182а@”Ч@2/•Ц@–’Ц@—<"native of San Diego, Calа@if."а@™<r†Lorin Stephen Mohler\AЈU(‚MoA›JAB182ИALAB182&A,Schenectady, New YorkA JBB182ИBЂLBB182&B,Schenectady, New YorkBЅJC(B189, B190ИCЇLCB189&C OhioCЉЗPrCЉBCЌJDB189ИDЎJEB189ИEАLEB189&E OhioEВИPrEВBEqqqqqqqqqqqqС< š†Zopher Isaac DeLong\(FЈU(‚DeFУJFФD317; E672; Z4ИF0ИFЦЩLF$317; E67&FШXTown of Edinburg, SaratogFa County, New YorkFЪ@317; E67E69M'F'F,Glens Falls, New YorkFЭ6317-318; E67, E69аFаFЯЧF2а ж)й*мф/шЦFбЬЦFвЦMerchant; operated generaаFгl store at West Day, New аFдYork; hardware merchant iаFn Glens Falls, New YorkаF$317; E67аFзеЦF0Member of local militiaаFE101аFкиЦFDemocratаF$317; E67аFнлЦFоSupervisor (Town of Day?)аFп 1843-1847 and 1858-1859;аFр Justice of Peace 1848; PаFсresident, Glens Falls vilаFтlage; Supervisor, Town ofаF QueensburyаFE101аFхуЦFцbFirst Presbyterian ChurchаF, Glens Falls, New YorkаFщ@317; E67E101аFъчЦFаFыXWest Day and Glens Falls аF(1860's), New YorkаFьЙPrFьBFяJG$317; E67ИGёђLG$317; E67&G$317; E67'G$317; E67аGѕЧG2.іЦGТ їѓЦGDrownedаGqqqqqqqqJH$317; E67ИHLH$317; E67&HJI$317; E67ИIJJ$317; E67ИJ JK$317; E67ИK LK$317; E67&K JL$317; E67ИL<g†Abraham Hiram DeLong\MЈU(‚DeMJM@317; E67E69UИMИMLM@317; E67E69U&M&MHWest Day, Saratoga CountyM, New YorkME69U'M,Glens Falls, New YorkME69UаMЧM24ЦMZ&ЦMHWest Day, Saratoga CountyаM, New YorkаMMOQSeє "JN#@317; E67E69UИNИN%(LNE69U&N'DHadley, Saratoga County, NNew YorkNE69U'N*DHadley, Saratoga County, NNew YorkNE69UаN-ЧN2 .ЦN/+ЦN&Kingsbury CemeteryаN1JO$317; E67ИO3LO$317; E67&OqqqqqqqqqqqqAJP$317; E67ИPCJQ$317; E67ИQELQ$317; E67&QGJR$317; E67ИRIJS$317; E67ИSKLS$317; E67&SM<ttCatherine Lewis Scott\TЈU(‚ScTOJT$317; E67ИTQTLTE69M&TSXTown of Edinburg, SaratogTa County, New YorkTE69M'T,Glens Falls, New YorkTE101аTXЧT2Y/]ЦTZVЦT[bFirst Presbyterian ChurchаT, Glens Falls, New YorkаTE101аT^\ЦT,Glens Falls, New YorkаT`JU$317; E67ИUbJV$317; E67ИVd<eLongre Sedgwick DeLong\WЈU(‚DeWfJWg@317; E67E101ИWИWimLWj@317; E67E69P&W&WlNTown of Day, Saratoga CouWnty, New YorkWn8E69PE101'W'WpXDr. Otis' Sanitorium, LakWe George, New YorkWE101аWsЧW2tw/{ЦWuqЦW$Hardware merchantаWE101аWxvЦWybFirst Presbyterian ChurchаW, Glens Falls, New YorkаWE101аW|zЦW}JDay and Glens Falls (1853аW), New YorkаW~КPrWq~BW‚JX$317; E67ИX„‡LX…@317; E67E69P&X&X,Glens Falls, New YorkXˆ8E69PE101'X'XŠ^Home at 281 Glen Street, XGlens Falls, New YorkXE101аXЧX2 ŽЦX‹ЦX*Glens Falls CemeteryаX‘JY$317; E67ИY“•LYE69P&Y*Keeseville, New YorkY–8E69PE101'Y'Y˜jIdeal Convalescent Home, Y™South Glens Falls, New YoYrkYE101аYœЧY2+ /ЅЦYžšЦY&Automobile pioneerаYE101аYЁŸЦYЂ~President of PottersvilleаYЃ Fair and Glens Falls AutаYomobile ClubаYE101аYІЄЦYЇжElizabethtown, New York; аYЈSt. Albans, Vermont; TroyаYЉ, New York; Boston, MassaаYЊchusetts; Glens Falls, NeаYw YorkаYЋЛPrYЋBYЎJZ$317; E67ИZАГLZ$318; E69&ZВNTown of Day, Saratoga CouZnty, New YorkZД8E69PE101'Z'ZЖXHome at Glens Street, GleZns Falls, New YorkZE102аZЙЧZ2&КО*ТЧ/ЫЦZЛЗЦZМZWest Day public schools; аZGlens Falls AcademyаZ$318; E69аZРНЦZq$Hardware merchantаZУ@318; E69E102аZФСЦZаZХdGlens Falls village trustаZee; water superintendentаZ$318; E69аZШЦЦZЩ`Elder, First PresbyterianаZ Church of Glens FallsаZ$318; E69аZЬЪЦZ,Glens Falls, New YorkаZЭМPrZЭBZаJ[$317; E67И[веL[$318; E69&[дNTown of Day, Saratoga Cou[nty, New York[E69D'[,Glens Falls, New York[$318; E69а[йЧ[њd&кн)т*хъ+я/ѓ-іЦ[лзЦ[(Glens Falls Academyа[$318; E69а[омЦ[п’Bank teller; store clerk;а[р director of Glens Falls а[Fire Insurance Companyа[$318; E69а[усЦ[Democratа[ц@318; E69E102а[чфЦ[а[шLGlens Falls village trustа[ee and clerkа[ы@318; E69E102а[ьщЦ[а[эbFirst Presbyterian Churchа[, Glens Falls, New Yorkа[E102а[№юЦ[ёBFireman; Masons; Elks; Reа[d Crossа[$318; E69а[єђЦ[,Glens Falls, New Yorkа[їDE69QE101, E10а[јѕЦ[2а[2James Cutler DeLong; Cutа[E69Qа[7ћЦ[ъˆќљЦ[,Glens Falls, New Yorkа[§НPr[§B[q<ngElizabeth Ione DeLong\\ЈU(‚De\J\$317; E67И\ L\@317; E67E69M&\&\NTown of Day, Saratoga Cou\nty, New York\E69M'\$Winona, Minnesota\E103а\ Ч\2-/Ц\ Ц\Ione Elizabethа\E103а\Ц\$Winona, Minnesotaа\<e†William Pliny Tearse\]ЈU(‚Te]J]@317; E67E69MИ]И]L]E69M&]*Stillwater, New York]E69M']E103а]Ч]2/"Ц] Ц]Lumbermanа]E103а]#!Ц]$N"of Eau Claire, WI;" Winoа]na, Minnesotaа]%ОPr]%B](<rsetherine Scott Tearse\^ЈU(‚Te^*J^+@317; E67E69QИ^И^-0L^.@317; E67E69Q&^&^,Eau Claire, Wisconsin^E69Q'^,Glens Falls, New York^E103а^4Ч^275Ц^Z X62Ц^,Glens Falls, New Yorkа^qqqqqqqqqA<rsernelia Pierce Tearse\_ЈU(‚Te_CJ_D@317; E67E69QИ_И_FL_G@317; E67E69Q&_&_,Eau Claire, Wisconsin_E110а_KЧ_2'L4P/SЦ_MIЦ_N4Graduate of Smith Collegeа_а_E110а_кTQOЦ_,Eau Claire, Wisconsinа_E110а_TRЦ_UZ"spent her college vacatiа_ons in Glens Falls"а_W<rsearence Dudley Tearse\`ЈU(‚Te`YJ`Z@317; E67E69MИ`И`\L`]@317; E67E69M&`&`,Eau Claire, Wisconsin`E110а`aЧ`2/bЦ`c_Ц`2"res. Winona MN in 1930"а`e<rsergaret DeLong Tearse\aЈU(‚TeagJah@317; E67E69MИaИajLa$317; E67&aE103аamЧa21n-qЦaokЦa"unm."аaE103аarpЦaMargarettаaqqqqqqqqqqqqq< š†Helen Horton Tearse\(bЈU(‚TebƒJb„@317; E67E69MИbИb†Lb‡@317; E67E69M&b&b,Eau Claire, WisconsinbE103аb‹Чb24Œ/Цbr\‰Цb,Eau Claire, WisconsinаbE103аbŽЦb‘8Milwaukee, Wisconsin (193аb0)аb bcdeв”< š†Robert James Tearse\(cЈU(‚Tec–Jc—@317; E67E69MИcИc™Lcš@317; E67E69M&c&c,Eau Claire, WisconsincE110аcžЧc2*Ÿ4Ѓ/ІЦc œЦcЁT"He served two terms as Mаcayor of Winona."аcE110аcB^ЄЂЦc,Eau Claire, WisconsinаcE110аcЇЅЦc""res. Winona MN"аcЉ<e IIiam Pliny Tearse IIIdЈU(‚TedЋJdЌ@317; E67E69MИdИdЎLdЏ@317; E67E69M&d&d$Winona, MinnesotadE111аdГЧd2/ДЦdЕБЦd2"res. Milwaukee in 1930"аdqqqqqqqqqqС< Sr.el Peck DeLong, Sr..eЈU(‚DeeУJeФ\317; E67E69NИeE69LИeЦЩLe$318; E69&eШNTown of Day, Saratoga Couenty, New YorkeЪ8E69NE103'e'e,Glens Falls, New Yorke$318; E69аeЮЧe2&Яв)ж*й+п/у4ц-эЦeаЬЦe(Glens Falls Academyаe$318; E69аeгбЦeдVDry goods merchant; ownerаe of brick companyаe$318; E69аeзеЦeDemocratаeк8318; E69аeлиЦeаeм’Supervisor, Town of Queenаeнsbury; Member of New Yorkаe State Assembly (1910)аe$318; E69аeроЦeс:Senate Lodge No. 456, Masаeonsаe$318; E69аeфтЦe,Glens Falls, New YorkаeE69Nаe":чх*:ъщЦeшPConklinville, Saratoga Coаeunty, New YorkаeE101аeыNTown of Day, Saratoga Couаenty, New YorkаeE103аeюьЦeDanаeefmqe‰№ПPre№Beqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<Longaretta Eliza DeLong\fЈU(‚DefJf@317; E67E69NИfИfLf$317; E67&f,West Hadley, New YorkfE69N'f0Pawtucket, Rhode Islandf$317; E67аf Чf2- Цf ЦfMargaretаfJg$317; E67ИgLgE69N&g,Glens Falls, New YorkgE104аgЧg2-/ЦgЦgSalesmanаgE69NаgЦg&Joseph W. HavilandаgE104аgЦgВGlens Falls (1880's); Norаg wich (1914) and Greenwichаg!, Connecticut; Pawtucket,аg Rhode Islandаg"РPrg"Bg%<d†Ione DeLong Haviland\hЈU(‚Hah'Jh(@317; E67E69NИhИh*-Lh+@317; E67E69N&h&h,Glens Falls, New YorkhE69N'hE104аh0Чh211Цh2.Цh"unm."аhqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJi$317; E67ИiCLiD@317; E67E69N&i&i,Glens Falls, New YorkiE111аiHЧi2/I1MЦiJFЦiK<Hanover, New Hampshire (1аi963)аiE111аiNLЦi.Perhaps other childrenаiPJj$317; E67ИjRULjS@317; E67E69N&j&j,Glens Falls, New YorkjE69N'jWJk$317; E67ИkYLkZ@317; E67E69N&k&k,Glens Falls, New Yorkk]<d†Theodore J. Haviland\lЈU(‚Hal_Jl`@317; E67E105ИlИlbLlc@317; E67E69N&l&l*Norwich, ConnecticutlE105аlgЧl2-h1k4nЦlieЦl*Theodore Z. HavilandаlE105аlljЦl"unm. in 1914"аlE105аlтeomЦl*Norwich, Connecticutаlq<g†George Palmer DeLong\mЈU(‚DemsJm$317; E67ИmuyLmv@317; E67E69O&m&mxNTown of Day, Saratoga Coumnty, New YorkmE69O'm0Los Angeles, CaliforniamLumbermanаm}Чm2~ /„Цm{ЦmqE105аm‚€Цm$Hudson, WisconsinаmE105аm…ƒЦm†Glens Falls, New York; Wiаm‡nona, Minnesota; Eau Claiаmˆre, Wisconsin (1877); Iowаm‰a; Hudson, Wisconsin; St.аmŠ Paul, Minnesota; Los Angаmeles, Californiaаm‹СPrm‹BmŽJn$317; E67ИnLnE69O'nCalifornianE105аn”Чn2 •/˜1œЦn–’Цn$Hudson, WisconsinаnE105аn™—Цnš:Eau Claire, Wisconsin (18аn77)аnE105аn›Цn0Aunt of Adele HauxhurstаnžТPrnžBnЁJo$317; E67ИoЃLoЄ@317; E67E69O&o&oLansing, IowaoE105аoЈЧo2'Љ ­/БЦoЊІЦoЋbGraduate Carleton Collegeаo, Northfield, MinnesotaаoE105аoЎЌЦoЏ@Dawson County Cemetery, MаoontanaаoE105аoВАЦoГRGlens Falls, New York; Glаoendive, MontanaаoДУProДBoqqqqqqqqqqС<ongott Hauxhurst DeLong\pЈU(‚DepУJpФ@317; E67E69OИpИpЦLpЧ@317; E67E69O&p&p(Zumbrotta, MnnesotapE111аpЫЧp2'Ьбз/лЦpЭЩЦpЮz"believed to have graduatаpЯed from the University ofаp MinnesotaаpE111аpваЦpгž"continued his father's lаpдumber business ... operatаpеed the Rum River Lumber Cаpo."аpE111аpижЦpйPCongregational Church, Anаpoka, MinnesotaаpE111аpмкЦp"Aonka, MinnesotaаpнФPrpнBpр< š†Catherine J. DeLong\(qЈU(‚DeqтJq$317; E67ИqфшLqх@317; E67E69O&q&qчNTown of Day, Saratoga Couqnty, New Yorkqщ8E69OE105'q'qыJFather's home, Glens Fallqs, New YorkqE105аqюЧq2я ѓ.і-љ/ќЦq№ьЦqёbFirst Presbyterian Churchаq, Glens Falls, New YorkаqE105аqєђЦq*Glens Falls CemeteryаqE69OаqЊeїѕЦqChildbirthаqE105аqњјЦq KittyаqE105аq§ћЦq,Glens Falls, New YorkаqўХPrqqўBq<as Coffin Thomas Coffin\rЈU(‚CorJr@317; E67E105ИrИr LrE69O&r,Glens Falls, New YorkrE69O'r.Susanville, CaliforniarE105аr Чr2-1/Цr Цr„Bookkeeper; brick, poultrаry, insurance and real estаrate businessmanаrE69OаrЦr"Harvey R. CoffinаrE105аrЦrH"he had a third wife, namаre unknown"аrE105аrЦr`Glens Falls, New York; Teаrrmo, California (1915)аrЦPrrBr <fineodore DeLong Coffin\sЈU(‚Cos"Js#T317-318 ; E67, E69ИsE69OИs%(Ls&R317-318; E67, E69&sE69O&s,Glens Falls, New YorksE69O's.Fairfield, ConnecticutsE112аs,Чs2&-'15 8Цsi.*Цs/@Graduate of Glens Falls AаscademyаsE112аsn20Цs34Graduate of Union CollegeаsаsE112аs64ЦsCivil engineerаsE112аs97Цs*Glens Falls Cemeteryаs:ЧPrs:BsqqqqA<finldred Newcomb Coffin\tЈU(‚CotCJtD\318; E69E69OИtE106ИtFKLtG\318; E69E69O&tE106&tIhHome at 19 Notre Dame StrtJeet, Glens Falls, New YortktL8E69OE106't'tNdDeLong home on Glen Streett, Glens Falls, New YorktE106аtQЧt2&R'V ZЦtkSOЦtT@Graduate of Glens Falls AаtcademyаtE106аtpWUЦtXDGraduate of Mount Holyokeаt CollegeаtE106аt[YЦt*Glens Falls Cemeteryаt]Ju^@318; E69E69OИuИu`cLua@318; E69E69O&u&u,Glens Falls, New YorkuE69O'u.Susanville, CaliforniauE112аugЧu2h-m/p1sЦuieЦujjRaised mules; cattle breeаukder; real estate; insuranаuceаuE69OаunlЦuErle B. CoffinаuE112аuqoЦu.Susanville, CaliforniaаuE112аutrЦu*three other childrenаuuШPruuBuqqqqqqqqqJv‚@318; E69E69OИvИv„†LvE69O&v,Glens Falls, New YorkvE69O'v,Glens Falls, New YorkvE106аvŠЧv2 ‹8ŽЦvŒˆЦv*Glens Falls Cemeteryаv$318; E69аvЦvDied youngаv‘Jw$318; E69Иw“•LwE69O&w,Glens Falls, New YorkwE69O'w,Glens Falls, New Yorkw$318; E69аw™Чw28š7Цw›—ЦwDied youngаwE106аwњ`žœЦw,Lake George, New YorkаwwіeуЁ<n†Emma Carrie Thompson\xЈU(‚ThxЃJxЄ@318; E69E69PИxИxІЉLxE69P&xЈDMoreau, Saratoga County, xNew YorkxE69P'x,Glens Falls, New YorkxЌ< š†John Smith Thompson\(yЈU(‚ThyЎJyЏ@318; E69E102ИyИyБJzВ@318; E69E102ИzИz$319; E68аzЕЧz2-ЖЦzЗГЦz AnnisаzqqqqqqqqС<g†Bertha Louise DeLong\{ЈU(‚De{УJ{Ф@318; E69E69PИ{И{ЦЪL{Ч\318; E69E69P&{E106&{ЩDElm Street, Glens Falls, {New York{E69P'{,Glens Falls, New York{E106а{ЮЧ{2&Я'гз+л/рЦ{аЬЦ{бBGraduate Glens Falls Highа{ Schoolа{E106а{двЦ{еZMiss Buffum's School, Amhа{erst, Massachusettsа{E106а{ижЦ{йbFirst Presbyterian Churchа{, Glens Falls, New Yorkа{м8D120E106а{нкЦ{а{оTDaughters of the Americanа{ Revolution; PTAа{E106а{спЦ{,Glens Falls, New Yorkа{тЩPr{тB{х<llClifford Barkley Hall\|ЈU(‚Ha|чJ|ш@318; E69E69PИ|И|ъьL|E69P&|"Argyle, New York|E69P'|,Glens Falls, New York|E106а|№Ч|2&ёє*ћ/-8Ц|ђюЦ|0Graduate Argyle Academyа|ѕ@318; E69E106а|іѓЦ|а|їИ"associated with the firmа|ј of DeLong Sons;" businesа|љsmam; master plumber; preа|cision machinistа|E106а|‹ќњЦ|§:Glens Falls city chamberlа|ainа|E106а|џыQrыўЦ|,Glens Falls, New Yorkа|E106а|Ц| Cliffа|E106а|ђЋЦ|90 yearsа|ЪPr|B| J}$318; E69И} L}(E106, E112&},Glens Falls, New York}E112'}(St. Paul, Minnesota}E112а}Ч}2&'8!/$Ц}Ц}HGraduate of Glens Falls Hа}igh Schoolа}E112а}Ц}jGraduate of Potsdam Normaа}l School; MA Music Columbа}iaа}E112а}Ц}TTaught music at Bowling Gа}reen Normal Ohioа}E112а}"Ы" Ц}94 yearsа}E112а}%#Ц}&x"res. for many years on Wа}'est Wooster St., Bowling а}Green OH"а})J~$318; E69И~+-L~E106&~,Glens Falls, New York~E113'~,Glens Falls, New York~E113а~1Ч~2&2'6:/@Ц~3/Ц~4HGraduate of Glens Falls Hа~igh Schoolа~E113а~75Ц~8JWesleyan and Ohio State Uа~niversitiesа~E113а~;9Ц~<„Northeast sales manager fа~=or Imperial Wallpaper Co.а~ of Glens Fallsа~E113а~qA>Ц~BdGlens Falls, New York andа~ Westford, Massachusettsа~CЫPr~CB~FJG@318; E69E69PИИIMLJ\318; E69E69P&E107&LDElm Street, Glens Falls, New YorkE69P',Glens Falls, New YorkE107аQЧ2&RV-^/aЦSOЦTBGraduate Glens Falls Highа SchoolаW@318; E69E69LаXUЦаYв"associated with the firmаZ of DeLong Sons;" Vice-Prа[esident of the Glens Fallа\s Brick and Lumber Co. (1а926)аE107а_]ЦArtаE107аb`Ц,Glens Falls, New YorkаcЬPrcBfJ€$318; E69И€hjL€E69D&€,Glens Falls, New York€k8E69DE102'€'€mTHome on Bay Street, Glens€ Falls, New York€E102а€pЧ€2-q7t8x/{Ц€rnЦ€Minnieа€E102а€r‡usЦ€vTHome on Bay Street, Glensа€ Falls, New Yorkа€E102а€r‡ywЦ€78 yearsа€E102а€|zЦ€,Glens Falls, New Yorkа€}ЭPr€}B€qJ$318; E69И$318; E69а„Ч2/…Ц†‚Ц"of England"аˆJ‚$318; E69И‚$318; E69а‚‹Ч‚2/ŒЦ‚‰Ц‚"of England"а‚Jƒ$318; E69Иƒ‘”Lƒ’@318; E69E69Q&ƒ&ƒ,Glens Falls, New Yorkƒ•8E69QE108'ƒ'ƒ Putney, VermontƒE108аƒ™Чƒ2/šЦƒ›—ЦƒœTGlens Falls, New York andаƒ Putney, Vermontаƒž<t†Charles Francis West\„ЈU(‚We„ J„Ё@318; E69E69QИ„И„ЃЅL„E69Q&„&Fort Ann, New York„E69Q'„,Glens Falls, New York„E108а„ЉЧ„2'Њ­)Б*ДИ+Л/ОЦ„ЋЇЦ„"Elmwood Seminaryа„E108а„ЎЌЦ„ЏRAccountant and insurance а„company cashierа„E108а„ВАЦ„Democratа„E108а„ЕГЦ„Ж8Glens Falls city councilmа„anа„E108а„ЙЗЦ„2Christ Church, Methodistа„E108а„МКЦ„*Old Glens Falls Clubа„$318; E69а„РНЦ„q""of Glens Falls"а„СЮPr„СB„ФJ…Х@318; E69E69PИ…И…ЧЩL…E69P&…,Glens Falls, New York…E69Q'…(Hamden, Connecticut…ЬJ†Э@318; E69E69QИ†И†ЯбL†E108&†,Glens Falls, New York†E108'†0Home at Putney, Vermont†E108а†еЧ†2&ж'к/о1тЦ†згЦ†иBGraduate Glens Falls Highа† Schoolа†E108а†„лйЦ†м>Graduate Mount Holyoke Coа†llegeа†E108а†пнЦ†рNGlens Falls, New York; Puа†tney, Vermontа†E108а†усЦ†"unm."а†фЯPr†фB†чJ‡ш@318; E69E69QИ‡И‡ъьL‡E108&‡,Glens Falls, New York‡E108'‡2Lexington, Massachusetts‡E108а‡№Ч‡2&ё'ѕњ+ў8/1 Ц‡ђюЦ‡ѓBGraduate Glens Falls Highа‡ Schoolа‡E108а‡ієЦ‡їhGraduate Wesleyan Universа‡јity; PhD Chemistry Harvarа‡dа‡E108а‡ћљЦ‡ќBEmployee of Polaroid Corpа‡orationа‡E108а‡§Ц‡qLAmerican Academy of Arts а‡and Sciencesа‡E108а‡ЩЦ‡89 yearsа‡E108а‡Ц‡2Cambridge, Massachusettsа‡E108а‡ Ц‡"unm."а‡ аPr‡ B‡Jˆ$318; E69ИˆLˆE108&ˆE108аˆЧˆ21/ЦˆЦˆ"unm."аˆE108аˆЦˆŠ"res. Glens Falls in 1940аˆs; later at Putney VT, alаˆive there in 1993"аˆ<stKatharine Louisa West\‰ЈU(‚We‰J‰@318; E69E69QИ‰И‰!L‰E108&‰$318; E69а‰$Ч‰2-%4(Ц‰&"Ц‰Catherineа‰E108а‰тu'Ц‰‰eђ+JŠ,@318; E69E69DИŠИŠ.1LŠ/@318; E69E69Q&Š&Š,Glens Falls, New YorkŠE69Q'Š*Binghamton, New YorkŠE108аŠ5ЧŠ26: >-B/FЦŠ73ЦŠ88Librarian, Crandall LibraаŠryаŠE108аŠ;9ЦŠ<bFirst Presbyterian ChurchаŠ, Glens Falls, New YorkаŠE108аŠ@=ЦŠqђ*Glens Falls CemeteryаŠC@318; E69E69QаŠDAЦŠаŠAnne; AnnieаŠE108аŠGEЦŠ,Glens Falls, New YorkаŠIJ‹$318; E69И‹KML‹E69Q&‹,Glens Falls, New York‹E69Q'‹$Massena, New York‹$318; E69а‹QЧ‹2/R-UЦ‹SOЦ‹""of Glens Falls"а‹V8E69QE115а‹WTЦ‹а‹XBJames H. Warren, James J.а‹ Warrenа‹ZJŒ$318; E69ИŒ\_LŒ]@318; E69E69Q&Œ&Œ,Glens Falls, New YorkŒE69Q'Œ Gardiner, MaineŒE109аŒcЧŒ2d h4k/nЦŒeaЦŒfbFirst Presbyterian ChurchаŒ, Glens Falls, New YorkаŒE109аŒigЦŒ*Glens Falls CemeteryаŒE69QаŒ"SljЦŒ,Glens Falls, New YorkаŒE109аŒomЦŒpzGlens Falls, New York; AlаŒqexandria, Virginia; GardiаŒner, MaineаŒqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ$318; E69Иƒ…L„8E69QE109&&†8E69QE109''ˆ^Home at 325 Glen Street, Glens Falls, New YorkE109а‹Ч2&Œ'•*˜œ/ 4ЃЦd‰ЦŽ@Graduate of Glens Falls AаcademyаE109а‘Ц’tCornell University; graduа“ate of Columbia Universitаy, 1897аE109а–”ЦAttorneyаE109а™—Цš4Glens Falls city attorneyааE109а›ЦžbFirst Presbyterian Churchа, Glens Falls, New Yorkа$318; E69аЁŸЦ""of Glens Falls"аE109аšRЂЦЄбPrЄBЇ< š†Howard Clendon Bush\(ŽЈU(‚BuŽЉJŽЊ@318; E69E69QИŽИŽЌЎLŽE109&Ž,Glens Falls, New YorkŽE109'Ž*Alexandria, VirginiaŽE109аŽВЧŽ2&Г'ЗК-Р/УЦŽДАЦŽЕBGraduate Glens Falls HighаŽ SchoolаŽE109аŽИЖЦŽ2Graduate Amherst CollegeаŽE109аŽЛЙЦŽМ|Washington, D.C. branch oаŽНfficer for General AdjustаŽment BureauаŽ$318; E69аŽqСОЦŽClendonаŽE109аŽФТЦŽХ8Alexandria, Virginia (196аŽ0)аŽЧ<ongtherine Scott DeLong\ЈU(‚DeЩJ$318; E69ИЫЯLЬ\318; E69E69Q&E103&ЮPBucker Station, Louisa County, Virginiaа8E69QE109''вRKoch Nursing Home, Glens Falls, New YorkE110аеЧ2ж к+н-сЦзгЦиbFirst Presbyterian Churchа, Glens Falls, New YorkаE109алйЦ*Glens Falls CemeteryаD120аомЦпJDaughters of the Americanа Revolutionат@318; E69E69QаурЦа*Catherine; Katharineах<erRobert Cameron Carter\ЈU(‚CaчJш@318; E69E69QИИъьLE69Q&&Lafayette, IndianaE69Q',Glens Falls, New York&E109-E110а№Ч2'ёѕљ+§/-ЦђюЦѓ^Elmwood Seminary; Glens Fаalls Business CollegeаE110аієЦїROfficer of Glens Falls Inаsurance CompanyаE110ањјЦћbFirst Presbyterian Churchа, Glens Falls, New YorkаE110аўќЦјCrandall Library; Crandalаql Trust; Red Cross; Chambаer of Commerce; Old Glenаs Falls Club; Glens Fallsа Historical Associationа$318; E69аЦ""of Glens Falls"аE109а ЦRobа вPr B <arterr Katherine Carter\‘ЈU(‚Ca‘J‘@318; E69E69QИ‘И‘L‘(E110, E116&‘,Glens Falls, New York‘<erRobert Cameron Carter\’ЈU(‚Ca’J’@318; E69E69QИ’И’L’(E110, E116&’,Glens Falls, New York’E116а’Ч’2&'#'Ц’ Ц’!@Graduate of Glens Falls Aа’cademyа’E116а’$"Ц’%<Graduate of Alfred Univerа’sityа’E116а’(&Ц’)мWorked for First Nationalа’* Bank of Glens Falls; latа’+er had an employment agenа’,cy; worked at Glens Fallsа’ Hospitalа’.<e†Emily Pittman Tearse\“ЈU(‚Te“0J“1@318; E69E69NИ“И“37L“4@318; E69E103&“&“6LStillwater, Saratoga Coun“ty, New York“88E69NE103'“'“:VHome on Glen Street, Glen“s Falls, New York“E103а“=Ч“2>+C/HЦ“@;Ц“qAbFirst Presbyterian Churchа“, Glens Falls, New Yorkа“E103а“DBЦ“ExAid Society; Woman's Missа“Fionary Society; Woman's Cа“ivic Clubа“E103а“IGЦ“JJStillwater and Glens Fallа“s, New Yorkа“KгPr“KB“N< š†Archibald C. Tearse\(”ЈU(‚Te”PJ”$318; E69И”RJ•$318; E69И•TJ–$318; E69И–VYL–W@318; E69E69N&–&–,Glens Falls, New York–E69N'–[8South Glens Falls, New Yo–rk–E104а–^Ч–2_ cЦ–`\Ц–abFirst Presbyterian Churchа–, Glens Falls, New Yorkа–E104а–dbЦ–*Glens Falls Cemeteryа–eдPr–eB–h< š†Archibald Z. DeLong\(—ЈU(‚De—jJ—$318; E69И—loL—m@318; E69E69N&—&—,Glens Falls, New York—E69N'—E104а—rЧ—2s-v/yЦ—tpЦ— Insurance agentа—E104а—wuЦ— Archа—E104а—zxЦ—{fGlens Falls, New York; Vaа—|ncouver, British Columbiaа—а—}еPr—}B—qJ˜$318; E69ȘƒL˜E69N'˜…HVancouver, British Columb˜ia, Canada˜E104а˜ˆט2‰ +/•֘Š†֘‹DShaughnessy Heights Uniteа˜d Churchа˜E104а˜ŽŒ֘,Glens Falls, New Yorkа˜E104а˜‘֘’|Glens Falls Woman's Civicа˜“ Club, Vancouver YWCA, Geа˜orgian Clubа˜E104а˜–”֘—fGlens Falls, New York; Vaа˜˜ncouver, British Columbiaа˜а˜™жPr˜™B˜œL™$319; E68&™$319; E68а™ŸЧ™2/ Ц™ЁЦ™"of Boston"а™Ѓ<g†Robert Tearse DeLong\šЈU(‚DešЅJšІ@319; E68E69NИšИšЈЋLšЉ@319; E68E69N&š&š,Glens Falls, New YorkšЌ8E69NE104'š'šЎZWestmere Nursing Home, Gušilderland, New YorkšE69LаšБЧš2В)З*К+О-Т4Х7Ч1ЫЦšГЏЦšДzSecretary/Treasurer, GlenаšЕs Falls Brick and Lumber аšCo. (1926)аšE104аšИЖЦšDemocratаšE104аšŸЛЙЦšМJGlens Falls city chamberlаšain to 1961аšE104аšРНЦšq Masonаš$319; E68аšУСЦš"Robert B. DeLongаšE104аšXФЦšE104аšŠ ЎШЦЦšЩZWestmere Nursing Home, Guаšilderland, New YorkаšE104аšЬЪЦš"unm."аšЭзPršЭBšа<g†Chester Scott DeLong\›ЈU(‚De›вJ›г@319; E68E69NИ›И›еиL›ж@319; E68E69N&›&›,Glens Falls, New York›E69N'›,Glens Falls, New York›лJœ$319; E68ИœнпLœE69M&œ,Glens Falls, New YorkœE69M'œ,Glens Falls, New Yorkœœ"eку<seWilliam Hunter Tearse\ЈU(‚TeхJ$319; E68ИчL$319; E68&,Glens Falls, New York$319; E68аыЧ2+ь/яЦэщЦ Masonа$319; E68а№юЦ,Glens Falls, New Yorkаqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Jž$319; E68Иž < š†Peter Bailey Tearse\(ŸЈU(‚TeŸ JŸ$319; E68ИŸ  LŸ$319; E68&ŸNew YorkŸ$319; E68'Ÿ$319; E68аŸ ЧŸ2   * / ЦŸ  ЦŸLawyerаŸ$319; E68аŸ  ЦŸ `Adjutant in Continental AаŸrmy, Revolutionary WarаŸ$319; E68аŸ  ЦŸ xMember of New York State аŸ Assembly 1786-1789; town аŸmoderatorаŸ$319; E68аŸ  ЦŸ BFort Edward and Albany, NаŸew YorkаŸ иPrŸ BŸ J $319; E68И ! LЁ$319; E68&Ё" йPrЁ" BЁ% JЂ$319; E68ИЂ& кPrЂ& BЂ) JЃ$319; E68ИЃ$319; E68аЃ, ЧЃ2- /0 ЦЃ. * ЦЃ$Church of EnglandаЃ$319; E68аЃ1 / ЦЃ"Argyle, ScotlandаЃ2 лPrЃ2 BЃqqqqqqqqqqqqA JЄ$319; E68ИЄC LЄ$319; E68&Є0Invernesshire, ScotlandЄ$319; E68аЄG ЧЄ2H /K ЦЄI E ЦЄ$Church of EnglandаЄ$319; E68аЄL J ЦЄM –Argyle, Scotland; Town ofаЄN  Queensbury, Warren CountаЄy, New York; Fort EdwardаЄO мPrЄO BЄR JЅ$319; E68ИЅ$319; E68аЅU ЧЅ2/V ЦЅW S ЦЅX L"of Balrain, InvernesshirаЅe, Scotland"аЅZ JІ$319; E68ИІ\ JЇ$319; E68ИЇ^ LЇ_ 8319; E68'Ї'Їa †Albany County, New York; Їb later Town of Stillwater,Ї Saratoga CountyЇ$319; E68аЇe ЧЇ2 f .j ЦЇg c ЦЇh VGeneral in British Army, аЇRevolutionary WarаЇаЇBёk i ЦЇl  Gunshot wound suffered atаЇm  Barber Wheatfield OctobeаЇn r 7, 1777, Battle of SaraаЇtogaаЇp JЈ$319; E68ИЈ$319; E68аЈs ЧЈ2/t ЦЈu q ЦЈv XTown of Queensbury, WarreаЈn County, New YorkаЈqqqqqqqqq JЉ$319; E68ИЉƒ JЊ$319; E68ИЊ… JЋ$319; E68ИЋ‡ JЌ$319; E68ИЌ‰ J­$319; E68И­‹ JЎ$319; E68ИЎЎАeŽ JЏ$319; E68ИЏ JА$319; E68ИА’ JБ$319; E68ИБ” JВ• D4; Z41182; X6ИВ3ИВ— LВ 4; Z41'В™ JГš D4; Z41182; X6ИГ3ИГœ ЧГ2 ЦГBРŸ ž ЦГ 4; Z41аГ&Kingston, New YorkаГЁ JД 4; Z41ИДЃ JЕ 4; Z41ИЕЅ JЖ 4; Z41ИЖЇ LЖ 2; Z40&ЖЉ JЗ 4; Z41ИЗЋ JИ 4; Z41ИИ­ LИ 2; Z40&ИЎ нPrИЎ BИБ JЙ 4; Z41ИЙГ LЙ 2; Z40&ЙqqqqqqqqqqqqС JК 4; Z41ИКУ JЛ 4; Z41ИЛХ LЛ 2; Z40&ЛЧ JМ 4; Z41ИМЩ JН 4; Z41ИНЫ JО 5; Z42ИОЭ LО 5; Z42&ОЯ ЧО2а ЦОВв б ЦО 5; Z42аО(Claverack, New YorkаОд JПИПж з LП&П'ПаПк ЧП2 л ЦПм и ЦПн TMaple Grove Cemetery, WorаПcester, New YorkаПп JРИРаРт ЧР2/у ЦРф р ЦРх 4"of Worcester [New York]"аРаРч JСИС(аСъ ЧС2/ы ЦСь ш ЦСэ >"of Oneonta [New York]" (аС1999)аСя JТИТ(аТђ ЧТ2/ѓ ЦТє № ЦТѕ >"of Decatur [New York]" (аТ1999)аТqqqqqqqqqq!JУИУ(аУ!ЧУ2/!ЦУ!!ЦУ!>"of Decatur [New York]" (аУ1999)аУ !JФИФ !JХИХ !JЦV180ИЦ!LЦV180&Ц!JЧ!:V180T235AИЧИЧ!LЧV180&Ч!JШV180ИШ!LШV180&Ш!JЩV180ИЩ!LЩV180&Щ!JЪV180ИЪ !LЪV180&Ъ"!JЫV180ИЫ$!LЫV180&Ы&!JЬV180ИЬ(!LЬV180&Ь*!< š†Georgie A. Chopelas\(ЭЈU(‚ChЭ,!JЭV180ИЭ.!LЭV180&Э0!JЮV180ИЮ2!LЮV180&ЮqqqqqqqqqqqqqA!JЯV180ИЯC!LЯV180&ЯE!JаV180ИаG!LаV180&аI!JбV180ИбK!LбV180&бM!JвV180ИвO!LвV180&вQ!JгV180ИгS!LгV180&гU!JдV180ИдW!LдV180&дY!JеV180Ие[!LеV180&е$Эeь ^!JжV180Иж`!LжV180&жb!JзV180Изd!e!LзV180&зV180'зf!оPrзf!Bзi!JиV180Ииk!LиV180'иV180аиn!Чи24o!Ци”ssl!Циq!JйV181Ийs!LйV181'йV181айv!Чй24w!Цй”sst!Цйqqqqqqqq!JкV180Икƒ!„!Lк&V180-V181&кV181'к†!JлV180Илˆ!‰!Lл&V180-V181&лV181'л‹!JмV180Им!Ž!Lм&V180-V181&мV181'м!JнV180Ин’!“!Lн&V180-V181&нV181'ннопрe•!пPrн•!Bн˜!JоV180Иоš!›!Lо&V180-V181&оV181'о&V180-V181аоž!Чо21Ÿ!Цо !œ!Цо*"Child Sep 29, 1900"аоЁ!рPrоЁ!BоЄ!JпV180ИпІ!Ї!Lп&V180-V181&пV181'пЈ!сPrпЈ!BпЋ!JрV180Ир­!Ў!Lр&V180-V181&рV181'рЏ!тPrрЏ!BрqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС!JсV181ИсУ!Ф!LсV181&сV181'сЦ!JтV181ИтШ!LтV181&тЪ!JуV181ИуЬ!LуV181&уV181ауЯ!Чу21а!Цуб!Э!Цу "Without issue"ауг!JфV181Ифе!LфV181&фз!JхV181Ихй!LхV181&хл!JцV181Ицн!LцV181&ццчeр!JчV181Ичт!LчV181&чф!JшV181Ишц!LшV181&шV181ашщ!Чш21ъ!Цшы!ч!Цш "Without issue"ашэ!JщV181Ищя!№!LщV181&щV181'щqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"< š†Eleanora K. Meister\(ъЈU(‚Meъ"JъV181Иъ"LъV181&ъ"JыV181Иы "LыV181&ы "JьV181Иь "LьV181&ь"< š†Catherine Schneider\(эЈU(‚Scэ"JэV181Иэ""LэV181&эV181'э&V180-V181аэ"Чэ21"Цэ""Цэ*"Child Sep 29, 1900"аэ"Jю&V180-V181Ию"LюV181&ю"Jя&V180-V181Ия!"LяV181&я#"J№&V180-V181И№%"L№V181&№'"Jё&V180-V181Иё)"LёV181&ё+"Jђ&V180-V181Иђ-"LђV181&ђђѓєѕe0"Jѓ&V180-V181Иѓ2"LѓV181&ѓqqqqqqqqqqqqqA"< š†Wendelin A. Meister\(єЈU(‚MeєC"Jє&V180-V181ИєE"LєV181&єG"Jѕ&V180-V181ИѕI"LѕV181&ѕK"JіV180ИіM"N"LіV180&іV180'іP"JїV180ИїR"LїV180&їV180аїU"Чї21V"ЦїW"S"Цї "Without issue"аїY"JјV180Иј["LјV180&јV180ај^"Чј21_"Цј`"\"Цј "Without issue"ајb"JљV180Иљd"e"LљV180&љV180'љg"JњV180Ињi"LњV180&њk"JћV180Ићm"LћV180&ћo"JќV180Иќq"LќV180&ќqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"J§V180И§ƒ"L§V180&§…"JўV180Иў‡"LўV180&ў‰"< š†Elizabeth K. Person\(џЈU(‚Peџ‹"JџV180Иџ"LџV180&џ"JV180И‘"LV180&“"JV180И•"LV180&—"JV180И™"LV180&›"JV180И"LV180&Ÿ"JV180ИЁ"LV180&Ѓ"JV180ИЅ"LV180&Ї"JV180ИЉ"LV180&Ћ"JV180И­"JV180ИЏ"LV180&Б"J V180И Г"L V180& qqqqqqqqqqqqС"J V180И У"L V180& Х"J V180И Ч"L V180& Щ"J V180И Ы"J V180И Э"JV180ИЯ"JV180Иб"LV180&г"JV180Ие"LV180&з"JV180Ий"LV180&л"JV180Ин"LV180&п"JV180Ис"LV180&у"JV180Их"JV180Ич"LV180&щ"JV180Иы"LV180&э"JV180Ия"LV180&ё"JV180Иѓ"LV180&qqqqqqqqqqqq#JV180И#LV180&#JV180И#LV180& #JV180И #JV180И #LV180&#JV180И#LV180&#JV180И#LV180&#JV180И#LV180&#J V180И #L V180& #J!V180И!!#L!V180&!##J"V180И"%#L"V180&"'#J#V180И#)#L#V180&#+#J$V180И$-#L$V180&$/#J%V180И%1#J&V180И&3#L&V180&&qqqqqqqqqqqqA#J'V180И'C#L'V180&'E#J(V180И(G#L(V180&(I#J)V180И)K#L)V180&)M#J*V180И*O#L*V180&*Q#<s†Christopher Chopelas\+ЈU(‚Ch+S#J+V180И+U#L+V180&+W#J,V180И,Y#L,V180&,[#J-V180И-]#L-V180&-_#J.V180И.a#L.V180&.c#J/V180И/e#L/V180&/g#J0V180И0i#L0V180&0k#J1V180И1m#L1V180&1o#J2V180И2q#L2V180&2qqqqqqqqqqqqqq#J3V180И3ƒ#L3V180&3…#J4V180И4‡#L4V180&4‰#J5V180И5‹#L5V180&5#J6V180И6#L6V180&6‘#J7V180И7“#L7V180&7•#J9V180И9—#L9V180&9™#J:V180И:›#J;V180И;#L;V180&;Ÿ#J<V180И<Ё#L<V180&<Ѓ#J=V180И=Ѕ#L=V180&=Ї#J>V180И>Љ#L>V180&>Ћ#J?V180И?­#L?V180&?Џ#J@V180И@Б#L@V180&@qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС#JAV180ИAУ#LAV180&AХ#JBV180ИBЧ#LBV180&BЩ#JCV180ИCЫ#LCV180&CЭ#JDV180ИDЯ#LDV180&Dб#JEV180ИEг#JFV180ИFе#JGV180ИGз#JHV180ИHй#LHV180&Hл#JIV180ИIн#LIV180&Iп#JJV180ИJс#LJV180&Jу#JKV180ИKх#LKV180&Kч#JLV180ИLщ#LLV180&Lы#JMN13ИMэ#JNN13ИNя#LNN13'Nё#JON13ИON13аOє#ЧO2/ѕ#ЦOі#ђ#ЦOMiami, FloridaаO.MiamiFloridaU.S.A;Oqqqqqqqq$JP$6N13N12BИPИPN13аP$ЧP2/$ЦP$$ЦP&Maryland, New YorkаP $6MarylandNew YorkU.S.;PA;P $JQ $RN13N12BИQN12CИQ$RN13N12BаQ$ЧQ2/$ЦQ$ $ЦQN12CаQ$LOneonta and Maryland (200аQ3), New YorkаQ$4OneontaNew YorkU.S.A;Q;Q$JRN13ИR$JSN13ИS$JTN13ИTN13аT$ЧT25$/"$ЦT $$ЦTDr.аTN13аT#$!$ЦT$Rantoul, IllinoisаT%$JUN13ИUN13аU($ЧU25)$/,$ЦU*$&$ЦUDr.аUN13аU-$+$ЦU*Saugerties, New YorkаU/$JVN13ИVN13аV2$ЧV2/3$ЦV4$0$ЦV.Woodhaven, Long IslandаVqqqqqqqqqqqA$JWN13ИWN13аWD$ЧW2/E$ЦWF$B$ЦW0Newark Valley, New YorkаWžeXI$JXN13ИXK$JYN13ИYM$O$LYN13&Y"Sharon, New YorkYN13'YQ$THome on Smoky Avenue, SchYenevus, New YorkYN13аYT$ЧY2 U$/X$ЦYV$R$ЦY&Schenevus CemeteryаYN13аYY$W$ЦY(Schenevus, New YorkаY[$PSmoky AvenueSchenevusN;Yew YorkU.S.A;Y\$уPrY\$BY_$JZN13ИZa$J[N13И[c$J\N13И\N15а\f$Ч\2/g$Ц\h$d$Ц\,Schenectady, New Yorkа\j$J]N13И]l$J^m$6N15L157И^И^o$L^L157&^N15а^r$Ч^2/s$Ц^t$p$Ц^&Hartwick, New Yorkа^qqqqqqqqqqq$J_N15И_ƒ$J`N15И`…$JaN15ИaN15аaˆ$Чa2/‰$ЦaŠ$†$Цa$Roxbury, New YorkаaŒ$JbN15ИbN15аb$Чb2/$Цb‘$$Цb"Summit, New Yorkаb“$Jc”$LQ7N15ИcL25Иc–$LcQ7&cN15аc™$Чc2/š$Цc›$—$Цc*Chaseville, New Yorkаc$JdN15Иdаd $Чd2Ё$)Ѕ$ЦdЂ$ž$ЦdЃ$FSupervisor of the Town ofаd MarylandаdаdІ$Є$ЦdRepublicanаdЈ$JeN15ИeN15аeЋ$Чe2/Ќ$Цe­$Љ$Цe(Worcester, New YorkаeЏ$JfN15ИfД$8L160L164аfВ$Чf23Г$ЦfЕ$А$ЦfаfMauro, MorrowаfqqqqqqqqqqС$JgN15ИgN15аgФ$Чg2/Х$ЦgЦ$Т$Цg(Schenevus, New Yorkаg$џ$e‚Щ$JhO53ИhЫ$JiO53ИiЭ$а$LiЮ$66, 12; O134, O140&i&i2Portsmouth, Rhode Islandi$12; O140'i.Westerly, Rhode Islandi$12; O140аiд$Чi2е$*к$о$4у$/ц$6ъ$Цiж$в$Цiз$„Owned a blacksmith shop aаiи$nd grist mill; Indian intаierpreter (1680)аi$12; O140аiл$й$Цiм$^Constable, Westerly, Rhodаie Island (1680, 1693)аi$12; O140аiп$н$Цiр$’Member, Seventh Day Baptiаiс$st Church of Newport and аiWesterly, Rhode Islandаi,6; O53, O140аinф$т$Цi "(?)"аi$12; O140аiч$х$Цiш$DSettled at Westerly, Rhodаie Islandаi$12; O140аiы$щ$ЦiBadcockаiь$фPriь$Biя$JjO53Иjё$Lj$12; O140'j.Westerly, Rhode Islandj$12; O140аjѕ$Чj27і$ЦjГї$ѓ$Цj "(?)"аjqqqqqqqq%JkO53Иk%%Lk%66, 13; O134, O141&k&k2Portsmouth, Rhode Islandk$13; O141'k.Westerly, Rhode IslandkO53аk %Чk24 %Цkp %%Цk "(?)"аk%JlO53Иl%%Ll$13; O141&lRhode Islandl$13; O141'l$13; O141аl%Чl2*%5%Цl%%Цl%ьJustice of Peace, Westerlаl%y, Rhode Island; Deputy tаl%o Rhode Island General Asаl%sembly various years betwаleen 1690 and 1712аl$13; O141аl%%Цl Capt.аl %JmO53Иm"%#%Lm"6; O134&m$13; O141'm%%<North Stonington, Connectmicutm'%Чm2(%,%4/%ЦmъЭ*%)%Цm$14; O142аm+%\Joined North Stonington Cаmongregational ChurchаmъЭ-%Цm$14; O142аmO53аm†0%.%Цm"?"аmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA%JnO53ИnC%Ln$13; O141'nE%JoO53ИoG%JpO53ИpI%JqO53ИqK%LqO53'qO53аqN%Чq27O%ЦqP%L%ЦqQ%NJanuary 2, 1719 given as аqdate of deathаqS%JrO53ИrU%Чr2V%ЦrrœX%W%ЦrO53аrY%6First Church of StoningtoаrnаrZ%хPrrZ%Br]%JsO54Иs_%JtO54Иta%JuO54Иuc%Lud%411-12; O139-O140&u&u.Westerly, Rhode Islandu.12; O54, O140аuh%Чu24i%Цuj%f%Цu "(?)"аul%JvO54Иvn%Lvo%411-12; O139-O140&v&v.Westerly, Rhode Islandv.12; O54, O140аvs%Чv24t%Цvƒu%q%Цv "(?)"аvv%цPrvv%Bvqqqqqqqq%JwO55Иwƒ%†%Lw„%411-12; O139-O140&w&w.Westerly, Rhode Islandw$18; O146'w.Westerly, Rhode Islandw$18; O146аwŠ%Чw2*‹%4“%5–%ЦwŒ%ˆ%Цw%Fence Viewer, Assessor, CаwŽ%ouncilman, Town Clerk, Juаw%stice of Peace, Westerly,аw% Rhode Island; Deputy to аw‘%Rhode Island General Asseаwmblyаw.12; O55, O140аw…”%’%Цw "(?)"аw$13; O141аw—%•%Цw Capt.аwy{} ~€eš%Jx›%>O5513; O141ИxИx%JyO55ИyŸ%Ђ%Ly %411-12; O139-O140&y&y.Westerly, Rhode Islandy$19; O147'yЄ%:South Kingston, Rhode Islyandy$19; O147аyЇ%Чy2*Ј%4Ў%ЦyЉ%Ѕ%ЦyЊ%КCouncilman, South KingstoаyЋ%n, Rhode Island (1723); DаyЌ%eputy to Rhode Island Genаyeral Court (1727)аy.12; O55, O140аy‡Џ%­%Цy "(?)"аyБ%JzO55ИzqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС%J{O55И{У%Ц%L{Ф%411-12; O139-O140&{&{.Westerly, Rhode Island{$19; O147'{Ш%:South Kingston, Rhode Isl{and{$20; O148а{Ы%Ч{2Ь%*Я%б% з%й%8м%Ц{Э%Щ%Ц{Farmerа{$20; O148а{а%Ю%Ц{"Justice of Peaceа{ Ћг%в%Ц{$20; O148а{д%tJoined Seventh Day Baptisа{е%t Church of Newport and Wа{esterlyа{$20; O148а{и%ж%Ц{.Babcock burying groundа{ Ћк%Ц{$20; O148а{$19; O147а{ мн%л%Ц{83 yearsа{о%чPr{о%B{с%J|O55И|у%L|$19; O147'|х%:South Kingston, Rhode Isl|and|ч%Ч|2ш% ю%8ё%Ц|ЂЋъ%щ%Ц|$20; O148а|ы%tJoined Seventh Day Baptisа|ь%t Church of Newport and Wа|esterlyа|$20; O148а|я%э%Ц|.Babcock burying groundа|$19; O147а|B тђ%№%Ц|91 yearsа|qqqqqqqqqqqqq&J}O55И}&L}&@10-12; O55, O138- O140&}&}.Westerly, Rhode Island}O55а}&Ч}21 &Ц} &&Ц} "unm"а} &шPr} &B}&J~O55И~&&L~&411-12; O139-O140&~&~.Westerly, Rhode Island~$24; O152'~.12; O55, O140а~&Ч~24&Ц~‘&&Ц~ "(?)"а~&JO55И&J€O55И€&!&L€&411-12; O139-O140&€&€.Westerly, Rhode Island€$24; O152'€$25; O153а€$&Ч€2 %&*)&4-&50&Ц€&&"&Ц€'&RConnecticut volunteer in а€Naragansett Warа€$25; O153а€*&(&Ц€+&PDeputy to Rhode Island Geа€neral Assemblyа€.12; O55, O140а€“.&,&Ц€ "(?)"а€$24; O152а€1&/&Ц€ Col.а€2&щPr€2&B€qqqqqqqqqqqqA&JO55ИC&L$24; O152&.Westerly, Rhode IslandF&Ч2G&ЦЋI&H&Ц$24; O152аJ&tJoined Seventh Day BaptisаK&t Church of Newport and WаestburyаM&J‚O55И‚O&JƒF14ИƒP&ъPrƒP&BƒS&J„F14И„U&J…F26И…а…X&Ч…21Y&8\&Ц…Z&V&Ц…"No Children"а…а…]&[&Ц…"Died young"а…_&J†`&4F14F26И†И†F14а†c&Ч†2-d&Ц†e&a&Ц†Wilfordа†g&J‡h&4F14F26И‡И‡j&Jˆk&4F14F26ИˆИˆ ˆ‰ŠeЁ n&J‰o&4F14F26И‰И‰q&JŠr&4F14f26ИŠИŠF14аŠu&ЧŠ2-v&ЦŠw&s&ЦŠIdellaаŠqqqqqqqq&J‹F14И‹ƒ&JŒF14ИŒ…&JF14И‡&JŽF15ИŽ‰&JŠ&4F15F26ИИŒ&JF15ИŽ&J‘F15И‘&J’F15И’’&J““&4F15F26И“И“•&J”–&4F15F26И”И”˜&J•™&4F15F26И•И•ž&4F15F26а•œ&Ч•21&Ц•Ÿ&š&Ц•а• &BTwin of Kenny Gervais; unа•marriedа•Ђ&J–Ѓ&4F15F26И–И–Ј&4F15F26а–І&Ч–21Ї&Ц–Љ&Є&Ц–а–Њ&BTwin of Kevin Gervais; unа–marriedа–Ќ&J—F15И—Ў&J˜Џ&4F15F26ȘȘБ&J™F15И™qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС&JšТ&4F15F26ИšИšФ&J›F15И›Ц&JœF15ИœШ&JЩ&4F15F26ИИЫ&JžF15ИžЭ&JŸЮ&4F26F14ИŸИŸа&J F15И в&JЁF15ИЁд&JЂF15ИЂж&<Sr.omas F. Hickman, Sr..ЃЈU(‚HiЃи&JЃй&4F15F31ИЃИЃл&JЄ$F15, F17ИЄн&LЄF17&Єп&< Sr.ld Dennis Need, Sr..ЅЈU(‚NeЅс&JЅт&>F15, F17F27ИЅИЅф&LЅF17&Ѕц&<elli, Sr.ulianelli, Sr..ІЈU(‚GiІш&JІщ&>F15, F17F27ИІИІы&LІF17&Іэ&<est, Jr.r LaForest, Jr..ЇЈU(‚LaЇя&JЇF15ИЇё&ђ&LЇF19&ЇF19'ЇF19аЇѕ&ЧЇ2.і&8љ&ЦЇї&ѓ&ЦЇ(Automobile accidentаЇF19аЇz Фњ&ј&ЦЇ33 yearsаЇqqqqq'JЈ'4F15F25ИЈИЈF15аЈ'ЧЈ2-'ЦЈ''ЦЈ GarryаЈЇe2 'JЉF15ИЉ 'JЊ '4F15F25ИЊИЊ'JЋF15ИЋ'<est IIIhur LaForest IIIIЌЈU(‚LaЌ'JЌF15ИЌ'J­'4F15F25И­И­F15а­'Ч­2-'Ц­''Ц­ Jaredа­'JЎ'NF15F19ИЎF32ИЎ 'JЏ!'4F15F19ИЏИЏ#'LЏF19&ЏF19аЏ&'ЧЏ2-''ЦЏ('$'ЦЏJane LaForestаЏ*'JА+'4F15F19ИАИА-'LАF19&АF19аА0'ЧА2-1'ЦА2'.'ЦА Pamela LaForestаАOЎqqqqqqqqqqqqA'JБF19ИБC'LБF19&БE'JВF'4F15F19ИВИВаВI'ЧВ2-J'ЦВK'G'ЦВ JackаВM'JГF16ИГO'< š†Garfield Manchester\(ДЈU(‚MaДQ'JДR'4F14F25ИДИДF14аДU'ЧД2-V'ЦДW'S'ЦДBudаДY'JЕZ'4F14F25ИЕИЕ\'LЕF18&Е^'JЖ_'4F14F25ИЖИЖa'LЖF32&Жc'JЗd'4F14F25ИЗИЗf'LЗF32&ЗF14аЗi'ЧЗ2-j'ЦЗk'g'ЦЗJoanneаЗm'< Jr.ld Dennis Need, Jr..ИЈU(‚NeИo'JИp'4F17F27ИИИИr'LИF17&Иqqqqqqqqqqqqq'< š†William Armand Need\(ЙЈU(‚NeЙƒ'JЙ„'4F17F27ИЙИЙ†'LЙ‡'4F17F27&Й&ЙF27аЙŠ'ЧЙ21‹'-Ž'ЦЙŒ'ˆ'ЦЙUnmarriedаЙF27аЙ''ЦЙ BillyаЙ‘'<anelliJoann Giulianelli\КЈU(‚GiК“'JК”'4F17F27ИКИК–'LКF17&К˜'<nelliArthur Giulianelli\ЛЈU(‚GiЛš'JЛ›'4F17F27ИЛИЛ'LЛF17&ЛF27аЛ 'ЧЛ24Ё'ЦЛ" Уž'ЦЛЃ'JМF17ИМЅ'<elli, Jr.ulianelli, Jr..НЈU(‚GiНЇ'JНF17ИНЉ'LНF17&НF27аНЌ'ЧН24­'ЦН2БЊ'ЦНЏ'<ianellioyce Giulianelli\ОЈU(‚GiОБ'JОF17ИОГ'LОF17&ОqqqqqqqqqqqqС'< Jr. Peter Terrell, Jr..ПЈU(‚TeПУ'JПФ'4F17F27ИПИПЦ'<l†Tonya Ursula Terrell\РЈU(‚TeРШ'JРЩ'4F17F27ИРИРЫ'LРЬ'4F17F27&Р&РЮ'JСЯ'4F17F27ИСИСб'LСF27&СF27аСд'ЧС2-е'ЦСж'в'ЦС MaryаСи'JТй'4F17F27ИТИТл'LТF27&Тн'JУF17ИУп'LУF27&Ус'JФт'4F17F27ИФИФф'JХх'4F17F27ИХИХч'LХF27&Хщ'<kinson IIIWilkinson IIIIЦЈU(‚WiЦы'JЦь'4F17F27ИЦИЦю'<kinson IVh Wilkinson IVVЧЈU(‚WiЧ№'JЧё'4F17F27ИЧИЧѓ'LЧF27&Чqqqqqqqqqqqq(JШF17ИШ(<Jr.thaniel Babcock, Jr..ЩЈU(‚BaЩ(JЩ.53; O56; O162ИЩ(LЩ$53; O162&Щ$53; O162аЩ (ЧЩ24 (ЦЩ ((ЦЩ (PJanuary 24, 1735 given asаЩ date of birthаЩ(JЪO56ИЪ((LЪ$53; O162&Ъ(653-54 ; O162-O163'Ъ'Ъ"Albany, New YorkЪ(453-54; O162-O163аЪаЪ(ЧЪ2 (4(.!(ЦЪ((ЦЪ(bFought in French and IndiаЪan War; died of diseaseаЪ$53; O162аЪ((ЦЪ(RFebruary 21, 1737 given aаЪs date of birthаЪ$54; O163аЪzл"( (ЦЪ0Taken sick after battleаЪ#(ыPrЪ#(BЪ&(JЫO56ИЫ((LЫ$54; O163&Ы$54; O163аЫ+(ЧЫ24,(ЦЫ-()(ЦЫ.(RFebruary 12, 1742 given aаЫs date of birthаЫ0(JЬO56ИЬ2(LЬ$54; O163&ЬqqqqqqqqqqqqqA(JЭO56ИЭC(D(LЭ$54; O163&Э$54; O163'Э2Genesee County, New YorkЭG(JЮO56ИЮI(LЮ$54; O163&ЮK(JЯO56ИЯM(JаO56ИаO(JбO56ИбQ(JвO56ИвS(JгO56ИгU(JдO56ИдW(JеO56Ие езжepZ(JжO56Иж\(LжO56&жO112аж_(Чж2 `(Цжa(](Цжb(TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worажcester, New Yorkажd(JзO56Изf(JиO56Ииh(JйO56Ийj(JкO56Икl(LкO56&к.South Valley, New Yorkкo(JлO56Илq(JмO56Имqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(JнO56Инƒ(LнO56&н2East Worcester, New YorkнO56ан‡(Чн2/ˆ(Цн‰(…(ЦнŠ(8Salt Lake City, Utah (190ан2)анŒ(JоF18ИоŽ(JпF18ИпFC30ап‘(Чп2-’(Цп“((Цп Rickап•(JрF18Ир—(Jс˜(4F18F30ИсИсš(LсF18&сœ(JтF18Итž(LтF18&т (< š†James R. Zehner IIII(уЈU(‚ZeуЂ(JуF18ИуЄ(LуF18&уІ(< š†Alexander M. Zehner\(фЈU(‚ZeфЈ(JфЉ(4F18F30ИфИфЋ(LфF18&фF30афЎ(Чф24Џ(ЦфЯЌ(ЦфБ(JхF18ИхГ(LхF18&хqqqqqqqqqqqqС(JцF18ИцУ(LцF18&цХ(JчЦ(4F18F20ИчИчШ(JшЩ(4F18F20ИшИшЫ(LшF33'шF33ашЮ(Чш28Я(Цша(Ь(Цш72 yearsашб(ьPrшб(Bшд(JщF19Ищж(LщF19&щи(JъF19Иък(LъF19&ъм(JыF19Иыо(LыF19&ыр(< Kelly, Sr.l Kelly, Sr..ьЈU(‚Keьт(JьF19Иьф(LьF19&ьц(JэF19Иэш(JюF19Июъ(LюF19&юF19аюэ(Чю2-ю(Цюя(ы(ЦюGlenn LaForestаюё(Jя(Z281, Z283Ияѓ(LяZ283&яqqqqqqqqqqqq)< š†Marrietta Kinnicutt\(№ЈU(‚Ki№)J№Z281И№))L№Z283&№*Cobleskill, New York№Z283'№*Cobleskill, New York№ )<, Sr.m Henry Coons, Sr..ёЈU(‚Coё )JёZ281Иё))LёZ281&ё*Cobleskill, New YorkёZ283'ё)<d†Asenath M. MacDonald\ђЈU(‚Maђ)Jђ(Z281, Z283Иђ))LђZ285&ђ*Cobleskill, New YorkђZ285'ђ)<, Jr.m Henry Coons, Jr..ѓЈU(‚Coѓ)JѓZ281Иѓ) )LѓZ281&ѓ"Albany, New YorkѓZ285'ѓ"Walton, New YorkѓZ281аѓ$)Чѓ21%)Цѓ&)")Цѓ')жDaughter is Hester Ann Coаѓ()ons born July 5, 1936 in аѓ))Walton, New York; she is аѓ*)grandmother of Steven P. аѓMcCallаѓ,)JєZ281Иє.)LєZ295'є"Walton, New Yorkє1)< š†Helen Carolyn Money\(ѕЈU(‚Moѕ3)JѕZ281Иѕ5)7)LѕZ285&ѕ0Barre, Montreal, CanadaѕZ285'ѕ"Walton, New YorkѕqqqqqqqA)JіB)>109, 338R32ИіИіD)G)Lі338&іF)8Rensselaer County, New Yoіrkі338'і(Worcester, New Yorkі338аіK)Чі2 L)ЦіM)I)ЦіN)Private, Capt. RockefelleаіO)r's Company, Col. Henry LаіP)ivingston's Regiment, 10tаіQ)h Regiment, Albany CountyаіR) Militia, Revolutionary WаіarаіT)Jї110ИїV)Jј338ИјX)Y)Lј338&ј338'ј(Worcester, New YorkјR32ај])Чј26^)Цј_)[)ЦјReghtmyreајa)Jљ338Иљc)Lљ338&љ(Worcester, New Yorkљf)Jњ338Ињh)Lњ338&њ(Worcester, New Yorkњ њћќeƒl)Jћ338Ићn)Lћ338&ћ(Worcester, New Yorkћq)Jќ338Иќs)Lќ338&ќ(Worcester, New Yorkќqqqqqqqqqqq)< š†Johannis Peter Russ\(§ЈU(‚Ru§ƒ)J§338И§…)L§338&§233а§ˆ)Ч§2-‰)/Œ)Ц§Š)†)Ц§ Johnа§233а§)‹)Ц§Ž)6Claverack, New York (1790а§)а§)эPr§)B§’)Jў233Иў”)Lў233&ў–)Jџ233Иџ˜)Lџ233&џš)<ussrmanus Johannis Russ\ЈU(‚Ruœ)J233Иž)Ÿ)L233&233'Ё)8Montgomery County, New YorkЃ)J233ИЅ)J233ИЇ)L233&Љ)J233ИЋ)J233И­)Џ)L233&0Otsego County, New York233',South Cairo, New YorkqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС)J233ИУ)Х)L233& Cairo, New York233'"Athens, New YorkШ)J234ИЪ)L234&e{Э)J234ИЯ)JZ282Иб)LZ283&*Cobleskill, New Yorkд)J Z282И ж)и)L Z286& *Cobleskill, New York Z286' к)J (Z282, Z283И м)L Z283& *Cobleskill, New York  \ e7р)J Z282И т)L Z283& *Cobleskill, New York х)J Z282И ч)L Z286& *Cobleskill, New York ъ)<onsmuel Kinnicutt Coons\ ЈU(‚Co ь)J (Z282, Z283И ю)L Z283& *Cobleskill, New York ё)<nicuttewoulfe Kinnicutt\ЈU(‚Kiѓ)JZ283Иѕ)ї)LZ283&(Warren, ConnecticutZ283'2Charlotteville, New Yorkqqqqqqq*JZ283И**LZ283&*Cobleskill, New YorkZ283'*Cobleskill, New York*JИа *Ч2/ *Ц * *Ц*6Ann Arbor, Michigan (1999а)а*JИа*Ч2/*Ц**Ц*6Ann Arbor, Michigan (1999а)а*JИ*JZ285И*LZ286&$Bourhunt, England*<s†Amelia Bridget Walls\ЈU(‚Wa!*JZ285И#*%*LZ286&$Limerick, IrelandZ286'0Staten Island, New York(*JZ285И**,*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkZ285'"Walton, New York/*<oonsence Lockwood Coons\ЈU(‚Co1*JZ285И3*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkqqqqqqqqqqqA*<on, Jr.on Peterson, Jr..ЈU(‚PeC*JZ285ИE*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkH*JZ285ИJ*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkM*<ryRichard Ralph Gregory\ЈU(‚GrO*JZ285ИQ*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkT*JZ285ИV*LZ285&"Walton, New YorkY*<y†Ralph Miller Gregory\ЈU(‚Gr[*JZ285И]*JZ285И^*юPr^*Ba*JZ285Иc*JZ285Иe*<onsorge Macdonald Coons\ЈU(‚Cog*JZ286Иi*LZ286&k*<t Coons Kinnicutt Coons\ ЈU(‚Co m*J Z286И o*L Z286& *Cobleskill, New York qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq*< š†Roswell E. Lockwood\(!ЈU(‚Lo!ƒ*J!Z286И!…*J"Z286И"‡*J#Z286И#‰*L#Z286&#$Limerick, Ireland#Œ*J$Z286И$Ž*L$Z286&$$Limerick, Ireland$‘*J%Z286И%“*•*L%Z287&%,Bristol, Rhode Island%Z287'%—*< š†Nancy Potter DeWolf\(&ЈU(‚De&™*J&Z286И&›*L&Z287&&,Bristol, Rhode Island&ž*J'Z286И' *L'Z287&'Ђ*J(Z286И(Є*L(Z287&(І*J)Z287И)Ј*L)Z287&)*Cobleskill, New York)Ћ*<t†Hester Ann Kinnicutt\*ЈU(‚Ki*­*J*Z287И*Џ*L*Z287&**Cobleskill, New York*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС*J+Z287И+У*L+Z287&+*Cobleskill, New York+Ц*J,Z287И,Ш*Ъ*L,Z287&,,Bristol, Rhode Island,Z287',Ь*J-Z287И-Ю*а*L-Z287&-,Bristol, Rhode Island-Z287'-,Swansea, Ehode Island-г*J.Z287И.е*з*L.Z287&.$Lyme, Connecticut.Z287'.,Bristol, Rhode Island.к*J/Z287И/м*о*L/Z287&/,Bristol, Rhode Island/Z287'/,Bristol, Rhode Island/с*J0Z287И0у*J1Z287И1х*J2Z287И2ч*J3Z287И3щ*J4Z287И4ы*J5Z287И5э*<ryTeresa Elaine Gregory\6ЈU(‚Gr6я*J6*Z283A, Z297И6ё*L6*Z283C, Z297&6.Milford, Massachusetts6qqqqqqqqqqqqq+< š†Deborah Ann Gregory\(7ЈU(‚Gr7+J7*Z283A, Z297И7+L7*Z283C, Z297&7+VDelaware Valley Hospital,7 Walton, New York7 +< š†Connie Lynn Gregory\(8ЈU(‚Gr8 +J8*Z238A, Z297И8 +L8*Z283C, Z297&8+JSmith Nursing Home, Walto8n, New York8+<goryiam Richard Gregory\9ЈU(‚Gr9+J9*Z283A, Z297И9+L9*Z283C, Z297&9+BSmith Hospital, Walton, N9ew York9+J:*Z283A, Z297И:+L:*Z283C, Z297&:+BSmith Hospital, Walton, N:ew York:;:e‡ +<ryTimothy Wayne Gregory\;ЈU(‚Gr;"+J;*Z283A, Z297И;$+L;*Z283C, Z297&;&+BSmith Hospital, Walton, N;ew York;(+J<Z283BИ<*+L<Z298&<,+VDelaware Valley Hospital,< Walton, New York<.+<ert Gregorybert Gregory\=ЈU(‚Gr=0+J=*Z283B, Z298И=2+L=*Z283C, Z298&=4+@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, Ne=w York=qqqqqqqqqqqA+J>Z283BИ>C+L>Z283C&>E+<rrymie Lynn Marie Terry\?ЈU(‚Te?G+J?*Z283B, Z298И?I+L?*Z283C, Z298&?"Sidney, New York?L+J@Z283BИ@N+L@*Z283C, Z299&@$Oneonta, New York@Q+< š†Brittany Anne Terry\(AЈU(‚TeAS+JAT+8Z283B, Z283C, Z299ИAИAV+LA*Z283C, Z299&A$Oneonta, New YorkAZ283BаAZ+ЧA2-[+ЦA\+X+ЦABrittenyаA^+< š†Kimberly Marie Mead\(BЈU(‚MeB`+JB*Z283B, Z298ИBb+LBZ298&Bd+VDelaware Valley Hospital,B Walton, New YorkBf+<ryLogan William Gregory\CЈU(‚GrCh+JC*Z283B, Z298ИCj+LC*Z283C, Z298&Cl+@Fox Hospital, Oneonta, NeCw YorkCn+<chtrk Anthony Lambrecht\DЈU(‚LaDp+JD*Z283B, Z298ИDr+LDZ298&D"Walton, New YorkDqqqqqqqqqqqq+<rechty Claire Lambrecht\EЈU(‚LaEƒ+JE*Z283B, Z298ИE…+LE*Z283C, Z298&E"Sidney, New YorkEˆ+<htMandy Marie Lambrecht\FЈU(‚LaFŠ+JF*Z283B, Z298ИFŒ+LF*Z283C, Z298&F"Sidney, New YorkF+<brechtMichael Lambrecht\GЈU(‚LaG‘+JG*Z283B, Z298ИG“+LG*Z283C, Z298&G"Sidney, New YorkG–+JH*Z283B, Z298ИH˜+LHZ298&Hš+<e†Jason Timothy Budine\IЈU(‚BuIœ+JI*Z283B, Z298ИIž+LIZ298&I"Sidney, New YorkIЁ+<e†Jacklyn Amber Budine\JЈU(‚BuJЃ+JJ*Z283B, Z298ИJЅ+LJZ298&J"Sidney, New YorkJЈ+JK*Z283B, Z298ИKЊ+LKZ298&KЌ+<l†Christina Mae McCall\LЈU(‚McLЎ+JLZ283BИLА+LL*Z283C, Z298&L"Sidney, New YorkLqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС+<rd, Jr.ard Safford, Jr..MЈU(‚SaMУ+JM*Z283B, Z299ИMХ+LMZ283C&MЧ+<fordandra Renee Safford\NЈU(‚SaNЩ+JNЪ+8Z283B, Z283C, Z299ИNИNЬ+LN*Z283C, Z299&N"Sidney, New YorkNZ283BаNа+ЧN2-б+ЦNв+Ю+ЦNCassendraаNд+JO*Z283B, Z299ИOж+LOZ299&Oи+JP,Z283B,. Z299ИPк+LP*Z283C, Z299&P$Norwich, New YorkPн+< š†Fayne Edward George\(QЈU(‚GeQп+JQ*Z283B, Z298ИQс+LQZ298&Q"Sidney, New YorkQф+< š†Lindsey Cole George\(RЈU(‚GeRц+JRZ283BИRш+LR*Z283C, Z298&R"Sidney, New YorkRы+<e†Garrett David George\SЈU(‚GeSэ+JSZ283BИSя+LS*Z283C, Z298&S"Sidney, New YorkSqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq,<sleeram Henry Beardslee\TЈU(‚BeT,JT*Z283B, Z297ИT,LTZ298&T,<llMichael Edward McCall\UЈU(‚McU ,JUZ283BИU ,LU*Z283C, Z298&U"Sidney, New YorkUZ298аU,ЧU2-,ЦU, ,ЦUMichealаU,JVZ283BИV,LV*Z283C, Z299&V"Sidney, New YorkV,<Calllyn Danielle McCall\WЈU(‚McW,JW*Z283B, Z299ИW,LW*Z283C, Z299&W"Walton, New YorkW,<llHunter Micheal McCall\XЈU(‚McX!,JX*Z283B, Z299ИX#,LX*Z283C, Z299&X"Walton, New YorkX&,JYZ283BИY(,JZZ283BИZ*,LZ*Z283C, Z298&Z"Sidney, New YorkZZ283BаZ.,ЧZ2/,-3,ЦZ0,,,ЦZ1,FAdopted, but by whom not аZindicatedаZZ283BаZ4,2,ЦZ(Steven John GregoryаZqqqqqqqqqqqA,<s†Paula Aurelia Rogers\[ЈU(‚Ro[C,J[*Z283B, Z299И[E,L[*Z283C, Z299&[$Norwich, New York[H,<ry McCallGregory McCall\\ЈU(‚Mc\J,J\Z283BИ\L,L\*Z283C, Z299&\(Escanaba, Michigan\O,J]Z295И]Q,R,L]Z295&]Z295']T,J^Z295И^V,< š†Keith Bernard Coons\(_ЈU(‚Co_X,J_Z295И_Z,\,L_Z295&_"Walton, New York_Z295'_"Walton, New York__,J`Z295И`a,<n†Eric Steven Peterson\aЈU(‚Peac,JaS297Иae,LaZ297&a"Sidney, New Yorkah,< š†Suzanne Ellen Silva\(bЈU(‚Sibj,JbZ297Иbl,LbZ297&b,Boston, Massachusettsbo,<sonnnor Joseph Peterson\cЈU(‚Pecq,JcZ297Иcs,LcZ297&c,Boston, Massachusettscqqqqqqqqqqq,<rsonron Thomas Peterson\dЈU(‚Pedƒ,JdZ297Иd…,LdZ297&d,Boston, Massachusettsdˆ,JeZ297ИeŠ,JfZ297ИfŒ,JgZ297ИgŽ,JhZ298Иh,JiZ298Иi’,LjZ298&j”,JkZ298Иk–,JlZ298Иl˜,JmZ298Иmš,JnZ298Иnœ,JoZ298Иož,JpZ298Иp ,JqZ298ИqЂ,JrZ298ИrЄ,JsZ298ИsІ,JtZ298ИtЈ,JuZ298ИuЊ,JvZ299ИvЌ,JwZ299ИwЎ,JxZ299ИxА,JyZ299ИyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС,<rd, Sr.ard Safford, Sr..zЈU(‚SazУ,JzZ299ИzХ,J{Z299И{Ч,<lowrrick DeShawn Pillow\|ЈU(‚Pi|Щ,J|Z299И|Ы,L|Z299&|*Nashville, Tennessee|Ю,<neSierra Jatarra Budine\}ЈU(‚Bu}а,J}Z299И}в,L}Z299&}(Columbia, Tennessee}е,< š†J. Carroll Grosfent\(~ЈU(‚Gr~з,J~И~й,л,L~&~(Worcester, New York~'~н,\A.O. Fox Memorial Hospita~l, Oneonta, New York~а~р,Ч~2с,х, ш,+э,-ё,/є,8ї,Ц~т,о,Ц~у,:Dairy farmer; raised turkа~eysа~а~ц,ф,Ц~ч,VSecond Baptist Church, Woа~rcester, New Yorkа~Ъаъ,щ,Ц~(а~ы,TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа~cester, New Yorkа~а~ю,ь,Ц~я,RWorcester Grange; Easternа~ Milk Producersа~а~ђ,№,Ц~Carrollа~а~ѕ,ѓ,Ц~(Worcester, New Yorkа~а~КЯј,і,Ц~79 yearsа~љ,яPr~љ,B~qqqqq-< š†Frank Grosfent, Sr..(ЈU(‚Gr-JИ-J€И€-JИ -J‚И‚ -J„И„‡ˆ‰Š~­e. -J…И…-<mersan Sidney VanWormer\†ЈU(‚Va†-J†O90И†-L†O90'†-J‡И‡-< š†Frank Grosfent, Jr..(ˆЈU(‚Grˆ-JˆИˆ-LˆC424'ˆ-J‰И‰ -JŠИŠаŠ#-ЧŠ2/$-ЦŠ%-!-ЦŠ*Ellenville, New YorkаŠ'-J‹(-B33, T333T162AИ‹И‹*-+-L‹T162A&‹T334'‹--\6656-C SR 32Greenville;‹New York12083U.S.A;‹/-JŒ0-B33, T333T162AИŒИŒ2-3-LŒT162A&Œ4-@4; T304T162A'Œ'ŒAlaskaŒ"4; T304аŒ8-ЧŒ2.9-ЦŒ:-6-ЦŒ.Private plane accidentаŒUnknown;ŒqqqqA-< š†Thomas Pence Osborn\(ЈU(‚OsC-JD-`33; T333T162EИT162GИF-LT162E&H-<bornence Melissa Osborn\ŽЈU(‚OsŽJ-JŽK-B33; T333T162GИŽИŽM-LŽT162G&ŽT162GаŽP-ЧŽ26Q-4T-ЦŽR-N-ЦŽ Osborn-ChalmersаŽT162EаŽr ЊS-ЦŽV-<n†Margaret Elsa Osborn\ЈU(‚OsX-JY-<T162ET162GИИ[-LT162G&`-B33; T333T162Eа^-Ч2-_-Цa-\-Ца Maggie, Melissaаc-J$19; T319И$19; T319аf-Ч2g-/j-Цh-d-ЦAttorneyа$19; T319аk-i-Цl-6Richmond Hill, Long Islanаdаn-J‘$19; T319И‘$19; T319а‘q-Ч‘2r-/u-Ц‘s-o-Ц‘School teacherа‘$19; T319а‘v-t-Ц‘w-6Richmond Hill, Long Islanа‘dа‘qqqqqqqq-J’$19; T319И’ƒ-J“$33; T333И“…-J”†-\T29619; T319И”T355И”T355а”‰-Ч”2Š-Ц”‹-‡-Ц”Physicianа”-J•Ž-@19; T319T355И•И•-’-L•‘-@19; T319T355&•&•T355'•(Cape Coral, Florida•˜-@20; T320T355а•–-Ч•2/—-8ž-&Ё-'Ѕ-Љ-+­-Г-Ц•™-”-Ц•а•š-žWorcester, East Worcesterа•›-, Altamont and Dunkirk, Nа•œ-ew York; Cape Coral, Florа•idaа•T355а•z кŸ--Ц•86 yearsа•T355а••Ђ- -Ц•Ѓ-JGraduate of Worcester Cenа•tral Schoolа•T355а•І-Є-Ц•Ї-VBS and MS in Nursing, Rusа•sell Sage Collegeа•T355а•Њ-Ј-Ц•Ћ-ZRegistered nurse; high scа•hool health teacherа•T355а•Ў-Ќ-Ц•Џ-ШVolunteer for American Reа•А-d Cross, hospice, hospitaа•Б-l, humane society, Salvatа•ion Army and Girl Scoutsа•T356а•Д-В-Ц•Е-@Cape Coral Christian Fellа•owshipа•Ж-№Pr•Ж-B•qqqqqqqqС-J–$33; T333И–У-J—,T162E, T162JИ—Х-J˜R52ȘЧ-<sonmes Whitney Robinson\™ЈU(‚Ro™Щ-J™R52И™Ы-Jš$33; T333ИšЭ-J›$33; T333И›"6; T306а›а-Ч›2/б-Ц›в-Ю-Ц›"Hunter, New Yorkа›д-Jœ$33; T333Иœ"6; T306аœз-Чœ2/и-Цœй-е-Цœ"Hunter, New Yorkаœл-J"2; T302И"2; T302ао-Ч2/п-Цр-м-Цс-@"... lived in Gloversvillаe ..."ау-Jž$33; T333Иžх-JŸ$33; T333ИŸч-J $33; T333И щ-JЁ$33; T333ИЁы-JЂ$33; T333ИЂэ-JЃ$33; T333ИЃя-JЄ$33; T333ИЄё-JЅ$33; T333ИЅqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.JІ$33; T333ИІ.JЇ$33; T333ИЇ.JЈ$33; T333ИЈ.JЉ"2; T302ИЉ"2; T302аЉ .ЧЉ2/ .ЦЉ ..ЦЉ .:" ... lived in Michigan .аЉ.."аЉ.JЊ"2; T302ИЊ.JЋ"2; T302ИЋ.<n†Charles Harold Brown\ЌЈU(‚BrЌ.JЌ.@5; T305T162EИЌИЌ..LЌ.<T162ET162V&Ќ&Ќ*Southampton, EnglandЌT162V'Ќ .@5; T305T162VаЌ.ЧЌ2/.-&. ).2.4.+8.ЦЌ!..ЦЌаЌ".КBournemouth, England; AusаЌ#.tralia; Germany; Canada; аЌ$.Cape Coral; Ft. Myers, FlаЌorida (1966-2009)аЌT162VаЌ'.%.ЦЌCharlieаЌT162VаЌ*.(.ЦЌ+.рRoyal Electrical and MechаЌ,.anical Engineers, 9th ArmаЌ-.oured Division, British AаЌ..rmy, World War II; NormanаЌdy invasionаЌ0.lVickers Aircraft; owner oаЌ1.f taxi company; Ace HardwаЌareаЌ/.ЦЌT162VаЌ5.3.ЦЌ6.:Covenant Presbyterian ChuаЌrchаЌT162VаЌ9.7.ЦЌ.Husbands of the D.A.R.аЌ:.ёPrЌ:.BЌqqqqA.J­R52И­C.E.L­R52&­"Albany, New York­R52'­(Worcester, New York­H.<onHenry Alvord Robinson\ЎЈU(‚RoЎJ.JЎR52ИЎ­eg M.< WilsonDickinson Wilson\ЏЈU(‚WiЏO.JЏR52ИЏQ.S.LЏR52&Џ&Kingston, New YorkЏR52'Џ(Worcester, New YorkЏV.< š†Emma Whitney Wilson\(АЈU(‚WiАX.JАR52ИАZ.LАR52&А Omaha, NebraskaА].JБR52ИБ_.LБR52&Бa.<n†Louise Alvord Wilson\ВЈU(‚WiВc.JВR52ИВe.LВR52&Вg.JГR52ИГR10аГj.ЧГ2-k.ЦГl.h.ЦГ"Indian Tom"аГn.JДR52ИДp.r.LДR52&Д,Bristol, Rhode IslandДR52'Д$Bethany, New YorkДR52аДv.ЧД24w./{.ЦДx.t.ЦДy.PJanuary 28, 1747 given asаД date of birthаДR52аДкё|.z.ЦД}.ЖLeft Warren, Rhode IslandаД~.; Rensselaer (1790), AlbaаД€.ny (1790) and Genesee CouаДqnties, New YorkаД.ђPrД.BД„.JЕR52ИЕ†.JЖR52ИЖˆ.JЗR52ИЗŠ.<s†Samuel Wheaton Jolls\ИЈU(‚JoИŒ.JИR52ИИŽ.JЙR52ИЙ.“.LЙR52&Й’.8Bridgewater, MasssachusetЙtsЙR52'Й,Bristol, Rhode IslandЙR52аЙ—.ЧЙ21˜.ЦЙ™.•.ЦЙ"12 children"аЙ›.JКR52ИК.LКR52&К0Theoboth, MassachusettsКR52аКЁ.ЧК21Ђ.ЦКЃ.Ÿ.ЦК"12 children"аКЅ.JЛR52ИЛЇ.JМR52ИМЉ.JНR52ИНЋ.JОR52ИОПРСТУФДeŽЎ.JПR52ИПА.JРR52ИРqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС.JСR52ИСУ.JТR52ИТХ.JУR52ИУЧ.JФR52ИФЩ.JХR52ИХЫ.Э.LХR52&Х,Boston, MassachusettsХR52'Х,Bristol, Rhode IslandХR52аХб.ЧХ27в.ЦХг.Я.ЦХд.PJanuary 17, 1739 given asаХ date of deathаХж.JЦR52ИЦи.к.LЦR52&Ц0Scituate, MassachusettsЦR52'Ц,Bristol, Rhode IslandЦR52аЦо.ЧЦ24п.1у.ЦЦр.м.ЦЦс.RFebruary 22, 1677 given aаЦs date of birthаЦR52аЦф.т.ЦЦх.P"grand-daughter of Capt. аЦJohn Holbrook"аЦч.JЧR52ИЧщ.JШR52ИШы.JЩR52ИЩR52аЩю.ЧЩ2я.5ђ.1ѕ.ЦЩ№.ь.ЦЩMarinerаЩR52аЩѓ.ё.ЦЩCaptainаЩR52аЩі.є.ЦЩ "four children"аЩї.ѓPrЩї.BЩqqqqqqq/JЪR52ИЪ/LЪR52'Ъ,Boston, MassachusettsЪ/JЫR52ИЫ/LЫR52'Ы /єPrЫ /BЫ /JЬR52ИЬ/JЭT273ИЭ/JЮ$2; T109BИЮ/LЮ$2; T109B&Ю$2; T109BаЮ/ЧЮ2/3/ЦЮ//ЦЮ/FAthens Lutheran Church, LаЮoonenbergаЮ$2; T109BаЮ//ЦЮ/DDieterich and Eva Maria MаЮatestockаЮ/JЯ$2; T109BИЯ /LЯ$2; T109B&Я$2; T109BаЯ#/ЧЯ2$/3(/ЦЯ%/!/ЦЯ&/FAthens Lutheran Church, LаЯoonenbergаЯ$2; T109BаЯ)/'/ЦЯ*/4Lennert and Juliana LucasаЯаЯ,/Jа$2; T109BИа./Lа$2; T109B&а$2; T109Bаа1/Ча22/36/Ца3///Ца4/FAthens Lutheran Church, Lааoonenbergаа$2; T109Bаа7/5/Ца8/4"Joh. Maurer and Susanna"ааааqqqqqqqA/Jб$2; T109BИбC/Lб$2; T109B&б$2; T109BабF/Чб2G/3L/ЦбH/D/ЦбI/lat West Camp by itinerantабJ/ Schoharie Lutheran preacабherаб$2; T109BабM/K/ЦбN/>Cornelius Brenck and wifeаб Annaаб‡ eh Q/Jв$3; T109CИвS/Lв$3; T109C&в&Kingston, New YorkвV/Jг$3; T109CИгX/Lг$3; T109C&г&Kingston, New Yorkг$3; T109Cаг\/Чг24]/Цг^/Z/Цг_/PJanuary 23, 1737 given asаг date of birthагa/<itzelerentz Schwitzeler\дЈU(‚Scдc/Jд$3; T109CИдe/Чд2f/;k/ЦдЂ­h/g/Цд$3; T109Cадi/BOffenbach-an-der-Queich, адGermanyад$3; T109Cадl/j/Цдm/TJanuary 20, 1709 given asад date of baptismадo/Jе$6; T109FИе$6; T109Fаеr/Че2/s/Цеt/p/Цеu/b"of Genheim, Pfalz;" Stroаеmberg region of Germanyаеqqqqqqqqqq/Jж$6; T109FИжƒ/<wick Elisabeth Risswick\зЈU(‚Riз…/Jз$6; T109FИз‡/Lз&з‰/Чз2Š/Цзz‡‹/Цз$6; T109FазŒ/ѕPrзŒ/Bз/<chJohannes Von Risswich\иЈU(‚Voи‘/Jи$6; T109FИи“/Jй$6; T109FИй•/JкИк—/<sonstin Matthew Johnson\лЈU(‚Joл™/JлИл›/Lл&лUnknown;лž/<helleyristopher Shelley\мЈU(‚Shм /JмИмЂ/Lм&мUnknown;мЅ/JнИнЇ/Ј/Lн&н'нанЋ/Чн21Ќ/Цн­/Љ/ЦнNine childrenанЏ/< š†Elizabeth Ann Yuhar\(оЈU(‚YuоБ/JоИоГ/Д/Lо&о'оаоЗ/Чо21И/ЦоЙ/Е/ЦоNine childrenаоqqqqqqС/JпИпУ/JрИрХ/JсИсасШ/Чс2/Щ/ЦсЪ/Ц/Цс*Wilmington, DelawareасЬ/JтИтатЯ/Чт2/а/Цтб/Э/ЦтEast Hamptonатг/Jу2C401AИуC401Aауж/Чу2-з/Цуи/д/Цу Mikeаук/JфИфафн/Чф2/о/Цфп/л/Цф(Worcester, New Yorkафс/JхИху/JцИцC68ацц/Чц21ч//ъ/Ццш/ф/Цц Eleven childrenацC68ацы/щ/Цць/:Cairo and Westford, New Yацorkацю/JчC68ИчC68ачё/Чч2/ђ/Цчѓ/я/Цчє/6Worcester, New York (1904ач)ачqqqqqqqqqqq0JшC68Иш0JщC68ИщC68ащ0Чщ2/0Цщ00Цщ 06Worcester, New York (1904ащ)ащ 0JъC68ИъC68аъ0Чъ2/0Цъ0 0Цъ0Albany, New York (1904)аъ0JыC68ИыC68аы0Чы2/0Цы00Цы2Waycross, Georgia (1904)аыeœ0<galaey Catherine Lagala\ьЈU(‚Laь0JьT162AИь0LьT162A&ь 0<a†Jessica Ardon Lagala\эЈU(‚Laэ"0JэT162AИэ$0LэT162A&э&0JюC96BИю(0LюC96C&ю*0JяC96BИя,0LяC96C&яC96BNая/0Чя2/00Ця10-0Ця20:Freeport, Long Island (19ая42)аяqqqqqqqqqqqqqA0J№E19И№C96BNа№D0Ч№2-E0Ц№F0B0Ц№H.B. Johnsonа№H0JёИёJ0JђL70BИђL0LђM08L70BM151'ђ'ђ(Jefferson, New YorkђP0JѓC96JИѓR0LѓC96J&ѓC96JаѓU0Чѓ2/V0ЦѓW0S0Цѓ("of East Worcester"аѓY0<saCarolina Amelia Roosa\єЈU(‚Roє[0JєE69MИє]0b0Lє^08E69PE101&є&є`0pFather's summer home, Betєa0hel, Sullivan County, Newє Yorkєc08E69PE101'є'єe0`Family home, Glen Street,є Glens Falls, New YorkєE101аєh0Чє2-i08l0Цєj0f0Цє"Caroline, CarrieаєE101аєZpm0k0Цє57 yearsаєo0Jѕ&E69N-E69OИѕE105аѕr0Чѕ21s0Цѕt0p0Цѕu06Niece of Cynthia Hauxhursаѕtаѕqqqqqqqqqq0JіE69OИіƒ0„0LіE69O&іE69O'і…0іPrі…0Bіˆ0JїE69OИїE112аї‹0Чї2/Œ010Цї0‰0ЦїŽ0<Susanville, California (1аї983)аїE112аї‘00Цї*three other childrenаї“0JјE69OИјE112ај–0Чј2—0-›0Цј˜0”0Цј™0X"operated family businessај at Susanville CA"ајE69Oајœ0š0ЦјMildred Cainајž0< š†Edward Cochrane Gow\(љЈU(‚Goљ 0JљE69OИљЂ0Є0LљE69O&љ0Schuylerville, New YorkљЅ08E69OE106'љ'љЇ0XGlens Falls Hospital, Gleљns Falls, New YorkљE106аљЊ0Чљ2&Ћ0'Џ0Г0 Ж0+Л0.О05У0/Ц0ЦљЌ0Ј0Цљ­0:Schuylerville public schoаљolsаљE106аљА0Ў0ЦљБ0TCornell University; Univeаљrsity of BuffaloаљE106аљД0В0ЦљPhysicianаљE106аљЗ0Е0ЦљИ0ŽArmy doctor during MexicaаљЙ0n troubles 1916; in Panamаљa during World War IаљE106аљМ0К0Цљ American LegionаљE106аљ‚ˆР0Н0ЦљqС0:Operation for diverticuliаљtisаљE106аљФ0Т0ЦљDr.аљE106аљЧ0Х0ЦљШ0^Schuylerville and Glens Fаљalls, New York (1920)аљЩ0їPrљЩ0BљЬ0<owJames E. Cochrane Gow\њЈU(‚GoњЮ0JњE69OИња0LњE69O&њE106ањг0Чњ2д0/з0Цње0б0ЦњAdoptedањE106ањи0ж0Цњй0@"res. at Hoosick Falls inањ 1940"ањл0<r†Aury Huntington Poor\ћЈU(‚Poћн0JћE69OИћп0р0LћE69O&ћE69O'ћ.Fairfield, ConnecticutћE112аћф0Чћ2'х0 щ0Цћpц0т0Цћч0>Graduate Mount Holyoke CoаћllegeаћE112аћъ0ш0Цћ*Glens Falls Cemeteryаћь0<fin, Jr.ong Coffin, Jr..ќЈU(‚Coќю0Jќя08E69OE116ИќИќё0Lќ(E112, E116&ќ,Glens Falls, New YorkќE116аќѕ0Чќ2'і0љ0Цќї0ѓ0ЦќUnion CollegeаќE116аќњ0ј0Цќћ0"worked for the Westchestаќќ0er County Park Commissionаќ§0 and county engineering oаќў0ffice. In 1942 he went toаќ1 work for the Remington Aаќq1rms Co. at Bridgeport CT аќ1as a quality control engiаќneer, retiring in 1970."аќ1J§E69OИ§1L§(E112, E117&§,Glens Falls, New York§E117а§ 1Ч§2& 1'11 1/1Ц§ 11Ц§Exeter Academyа§E117৓1 1Ц§1:Graduate of Hamilton Collа§egeа§E117а§11Ц§1xGlens Falls Insurance Comа§1pany; Centronics, Washingа§ton, D.C.৕11Ц§E117а§1dDrafted into U.S. Army; rа§etired as Lt. Col., 1967а§E117а§11Ц§16Arlington, Virginia (1982а§)а§1JўE69OИў!1LўE69O'ўE111аў$1Чў2'%1*11.1/41Цў&1"1Цў'1|"believed to have graduatаў(1ed from the University ofаў Minnesota"аўE111аў+1)1Цў,1PCongregational Church, Anаўoka, MinnesotaаўE111аў/1-1Цў01И"granddau. of the founderаў11 of the Melgaard banking аў21empire in the northern Reаўd River Valley."аўE111аў5131Цў"Anoka, MinnesotaаўqqqqqqqqqqA1JџE69OИџC1LџE111&џE1JE69OИG1LE111&E111аJ1Ч2-K1ЦL1H1ЦAnn LoisаN1JE69OИP1LE111&R1<ong, Jr.rst DeLong, Jr..ЈU(‚DeT1JE69OИV1LE111&X1JE69OИZ1LE111&eт]1JE69OИ_1LE111&a1<n†Howard Robert Watson\ЈU(‚Wac1JE69OИE105аf1Ч2g1 j1-n1/q1Цh1d1ЦBank ownerаE105аk1i1Цl1@Dawson County Cemetery, MаontanaаE105аo1m1Ц*Robert Howard WatsonаE105аr1p1Цs1Z"of Northfield MN;" Glendаive, Montana (1899)аt1јPrt1Bqqqqqqqqqq1< š†William DeLong Hall\(ЈU(‚Haƒ1JE69PИ…1LE106&,Glens Falls, New YorkE113а‰1Ч2'Š1Ž1‘1+•1/™1Ц‹1‡1ЦŒ1<Graduate of Dartmouth ColаlegeаE113а11Ц Lumber salesmanаE113а’11Ц“1VChoir member, Bay Road Prаesbyterian ChurchаE113а–1”1Ц—1<North Queensbury Rescue SаquadаE113аš1˜1Ц›1^Barrington, Rhode Island;а Queensbury, New Yorkа1JE69PИŸ1Ё1LE69P&$Bradford, EnglandE69P',Glens Falls, New YorkЄ1<ngAnnis Margaret DeLong\ЈU(‚DeІ1JE69PИЈ1Њ1L(E107, E113&,Glens Falls, New YorkE113'Ќ1nHome at 974 Hudson River ­1Road, Mechanicville, New YorkE113аА1Ч2&Б1Е1/Л1ЦВ1Ў1ЦГ1HGraduate of Glens Falls Hаigh SchoolаE113аЖ1Д1ЦЗ1ФRetired in 1980 as executаИ1ive director of the NorthаЙ1east Association of the Bаlind, Albany, New YorkаE113аМ1К1ЦН1z"res. Glens Falls, BenninаО1gton VT, Albany and Mechaаnicville."аqС1J E69PИ У1L E107& ,Glens Falls, New York E114а Ч1Ч 2'Ш1Э15б1Ц Щ1Х1Ц Ъ1pGraduate of University ofа Ы1 Maine; MD Columbia Univeа rsityа E114а Ю1Ь1Ц Я1ZObstetrical practice at Rа ome and Glens Fallsа E114а в1а1Ц Dr.а г1љPr г1B ж1J E69PИ и1к1L (E107, E114& ,Glens Falls, New York E114' .Etowah, North Carolina E114а о1Ч 2&п1'у1ц1/ы1Ц р1м1Ц с1HGraduate of Glens Falls Hа igh Schoolа E114а ф1т1Ц  Pratt Instituteа E114а ч1х1Ц ш1hLong commercial advertisiа щ1ng career in New York Citа yа E114а ь1ъ1Ц ,"res. Garden City LI"а ю1J E69PИ №1ђ1L (E107, E114& ,Glens Falls, New York E114' (Burlington, Vermont E114а і1Ч 2ї1 њ1ў1/2Ц ј1є1Ц (Automotive engineerа E114а ћ1љ1Ц ќ1:U.S. Air Force, World Warа  IIа E114а 2§1Ц q2rDeacon, First Presbyteriaа 2n Church, Glens Falls, Neа w Yorkа E114а 22Ц 2P34 Hunter Street, Glens Fа alls, New Yorkа 2J E69PИ  2L E107& ,Glens Falls, New York E114а 2Ч 2/2Ц 2 2Ц 2VLynbrook, Suffern and Queа ensbury, New Yorkа  e№2<Longles Thompson DeLong\ ЈU(‚De 2J 28E69PE102И И 22L E69P& ,Glens Falls, New York E69P' ,Glens Falls, New York E101а 2Ч 2 2+$21'2/*2Ц !22Ц "26Clerk at insurance companа yа E102а %2#2Ц Masonsа E102а (2&2Ц "unm."а E102а +2)2Ц ,Glens Falls, New Yorkа ,2њPr ,2B /2JE69PИ1232LE69P&,Glens Falls, New York428E69PE107''62fSummer home, Assembly Poi72nt, Lake George, New YorkE107а:2Ч2&;2@2.D21H2/L2Ц<282Ц=2BGraduate Glens Falls Highа SchoolаE107аq№A2>2ЦB2bFirst Presbyterian Churchа, Glens Falls, New YorkаE107а"•E2C2ЦF2@Stroke suffered ten days аbeforeаE107аI2G2ЦJ2BSecond wife of Frederick аChapmanаE107аM2K2ЦN2RGlens Falls, New York; Duаrango, ColoradoаO2ћPrO2BR2<inHarry Burnside Austin\ЈU(‚AuT2JE69PИV2X2LE69P&,Glens Falls, New YorkE69P'$Durango, ColoradoE107а\2Ч2']2a2.f2/i2Ц^2Z2Ц_28Graduate Cornell Law SchoаolаE107аb2`2Цc2|Attorney; partner with J.аd2 Ward Russell, Glens Fallаs, New YorkаE107аZ~g2e2ЦInfluenzaаE107аj2h2Цk2RGlens Falls, New York; Duаrango, Coloradoаl2ќPrl2Bo2JE69PИq2t2Lr2LE69P&E107&,Glens Falls, New YorkE115' Venice, FloridaE115аx2Ч2&y2'}2ƒ2 ‡2+‹2/2Цz2v2Ц{2BGraduate Glens Falls Highа SchoolаE115а~2|2Ц€2tGraduate Phillips Exeter аq2Academy and Princeton UniаversityаE115а„2‚2Ц…26Salesman, Fitch, Pruyn Coа.аE115аˆ2†2Ц‰2PPineview Cemetery, Queensаbury, New YorkаE115аŒ2Š2Ц2‚President of Queensbury SаŽ2chool Board and Glens Falаls Rotary ClubаE115а‘22Ц’2`Queensbury, New York; Engаlewood, Florida (1969)а“2§Pr“2B–2<hapmank Braydon Chapman\ЈU(‚Ch˜2J™28E69PE107ИИ›2ž2LE69P&2HQueensbury, Warren County, New YorkE69P'"Orlando, FloridaE107аЂ2Ч2+Ѓ2-Њ2ЦЄ2 2ЦЅ2кTreasurer, Finch, Pruyn aаІ2nd Co.; bank president; pаЇ2resident, Northeast RetaiаЈ2l Lumbermen's Associationа; RotaryаE107аЋ2Љ2ЦFred, F.B.аЌ2ўPrЌ2BЏ2< š†Cutler James Warren\(ЈU(‚WaБ2JE69QИГ2Е2LE109&$Massena, New YorkE108',Glens Falls, New YorkE108аЙ2Чм2d&К2'О2У2 Ъ2Ю2 в2+е2-й2ЦЛ2З2ЦМ2:Graduate Massena High SchаoolаE109аР2Н2ЦqС2BGraduate St. Lawrence UniаversityаE109аФ2Т2ЦХ2ЮEmployed by Glens Falls IаЦ2nsurance Company, Hertz, аЧ2and Glens Falls Housing aаШ2nd Urban Development AgenаcyаE109аЫ2Щ2ЦЬ2BOfficer, U.S. Navy, Worldа War IIаE109аЯ2Э2Ца2bFirst Presbyterian Churchа, Glens Falls, New YorkаE109аг2б2Ц$Pineview CemeteryаE109аж2д2Цз2@Glens Falls Cemetery CommаissionаE109ак2и2ЦJ. CutlerаE109а1н2/т2Цо2л2Цп2”"he m. (1) name unk., divар2.; (2) Arlene ---, div.; а3) Barbara L. PattersonаE109ау2с2Ц,Glens Falls, New Yorkах2<renlen Elizabeth Warren\ЈU(‚Waч2JE69QИщ2ъ2LE109&E115'E115аэ2Ч2ю2/ђ2Ця2ы2Ц№26Physical education teacheаrаE115аѓ2ё2Ц$"res. Binghamton"аqqqqqqqqqqqq3JE69QИ33LE109&,Glens Falls, New YorkE109'Augusta, MaineE109а 3Ч2& 3'33 383/31"3Ц 33Ц 3ЊGraduate of Glens Falls Aа 3cademy (1930) and Philipsа3 Academy at Andover, MassаachusettsаE109а33Ц Amherst CollegeаE109а33Ц3’Manager of General Adjustа3ment Bureau, Augusta, Maiаne; insurance adjusterаE109а33Ц*Glens Falls CemeteryаE109аЂЦ33Ц77 yearsаE109а33Ц 3ZFarmingdale (1960) and Auаgusta (1984), MaineаE109а#3!3Ц$3|"he was survivced by fourа%3 grandchildren and a greaаt-grandson"а'3< š†William Lott Miller\(ЈU(‚Mi)3JE69QИ+3LE69Q&E110а.3Ч2/3-43/73Ц03,3Ц13zCivil engineer, City of Wа23inona (1901); building coаnstructionаE110а5333Ц BillаE110а8363Ц2Winona, Minnesota (1901)аqqqqqqqA3< š†Mabel Eleanor Leavy\(ЈU(‚LeC3J(E69M, E69QИE3L(E69M, E69Q&E110аH3Ч2/I3ЦJ3F3Ц2"res. Winona MN in 1930"аL3< š†John Dunning Tearse\(ЈU(‚TeN3J(E69M, E69QИP3LE110&R3<olemane Eleanor Coleman\ЈU(‚CoT3JU38E69ME110ИИW3LE69M'Y3< š†Vern Howard Boswick\(ЈU(‚Bo[3JE69MИ]3LE69M&E103а`3Ч26a3Цb3^3Ц"?Bosworth"аd3JE69MИf3LE69M&E110аi3Ч2/j3Цk3g3Ц""res. Winona MN"аm3JE69MИo3LE110&q3< š†James Wright Tearse\(ЈU(‚Tes3JE69MИu3LE110&qqqqqqqqqq3<seWilliam DeLong Tearse\ЈU(‚Teƒ3JE69MИ…3LE110&‡3JE69MИ‰3LE69M'‹3JE69MИ3LE69M&E111а3Ч2/‘3Ц’3Ž3Ц2"res. Milwaukee in 1930"а”3< š†Patricia Ann Tearse\( ЈU(‚Te –3J E69MИ ˜3L E111& š3<arseick Leighton Tearse\!ЈU(‚Te!œ3J!E69MИ!ž3L!E111&!E111а!Ё3Ч!2-Ђ3Ц!Ѓ3Ÿ3Ц!,Peter Leighton Tearseа!Ѕ3< Jr.el Peck DeLong, Jr.."ЈU(‚De"Ї3J"Ј38E69ME69LИ"И"Њ3­3L"Ћ38E69ME104&"&",Glens Falls, New York"Ў38E69ME104'"'"А3TIdeal Nursing Home, Glens" Falls, New York"E69Lа"Г3Ч"2Д3Й3+Н34Т37Х3-Щ3Ц"Е3Б3Ц"Ж3ŽPresident and General Manа"З3ager, Glens Falls Brick aа"nd Lumber Co. (1926)а"E104а"К3И3Ц"Л3bFirst Presbyterian Churchа", Glens Falls, New Yorkа"E104а"О3М3Ц"Р3VPresident, Glens Falls Chа"qamber of Commerceа"E104а"Т_У3С3Ц",Glens Falls, New Yorkа"E104а"КЌЦ3Ф3Ц"Ч3TIdeal Nursing Home, Glensа" Falls, New Yorkа"E104а"Ъ3Ш3Ц"Danа"Ы3џPr"Ы3B"Ю3<chards Perkins Richards\#ЈU(‚Ri#а3J#б38E69ME104И#И#г3L#E69M'#,Glens Falls, New York#E104а#з3Ч#2и3+л3/о3Ц#й3е3Ц#,Church of the Messiahа#E104а#м3к3Ц#Girl Scoutsа#E104а#п3н3Ц#"of Buffalo"а#р3Pr#р3B#у3< š†Robert C.N. Monahan\($ЈU(‚Mo$х3J$E69NИ$ч3ш3L$E69N&$E69N'$E111а$ы3Ч$2ь3/я3Ц$э3щ3Ц$Architectа$E111а$№3ю3Ц$0Pawtucket, Rhode Islandа$qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq4J%E69NИ%E111а%4Ч%24Ц%44Ц%4jForester at Dartmouth Colа%4lege in the 1950s and 196а%0sа% 4J&E69NИ& 4L&E69N&&4J'E69NИ'4L'E69N&'4J(E69NИ(E111а(4Ч(24Ц(44Ц(4Ž"she was working c. 1963 а(4at Reed and Barton, silveа(rsmiths, Taunton MA"а(4J)C60GИ)44L)V65&)44V42V65')')(Oakland, California)V42а)#4Ч)2 $4+'4Ц)%4!4Ц)*Petaluma, Californiaа)V65а)(4&4Ц)Odd Fellowsа)*4J*O204И*,4/4L*-48O204C67A&*&*New York State*048C60GO209'*'*C60Gа*34Ч*2 44684Ц*5414Ц*64PElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cа*reek, New Yorkа*O204а*9474Ц*Hughson, Husenа*:4Pr*:4B*qqqqA4J+O204И+C4E4L+D48O204O209&+&+F48C60GO209'+'+C60Gа+I4Ч+2 J4Ц+K4G4Ц+L4PElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cа+reek, New Yorkа+N4J,O4NV42C75И,C14И,Q4R4L,V65&,S44V42V65',',U4V603 Eddy Street, San Fran,cisco, California,V65а,X4Ч,2 Y4.\4/_4-c4Ц,Z4V4Ц,*Petaluma, Californiaа,V42а,ъn]4[4Ц,$Acute pneumonitisа,V69а,`4^4Ц,a4NSan Francisco and Petalumа,a, Californiaа,C76а,d4b4Ц, J.J.а,e4Pr,e4B,h4J-$V65, V68И-j4l4L-V65&-"Cincinnati, Ohio-m44V65V68'-'-*Petaluma, California-V65а-q4Ч-2 r48u4.y4Ц-s4o4Ц-*Petaluma, Californiaа-V65а-’ Vv4t4Ц-w4829 years, 6 months, 12 daа-ysа-V68а-’ Vz4x4Ц-Heart diseaseа-qqqqq4<d†George L. Sutherland\.ЈU(‚Su.ƒ4J.V65И.…4ˆ4L.V65&.‡44San Francisco, California..‰44V65V68'.'.*Petaluma, California.V65а.4Ч.2 Ž48‘4.•4Ц.4‹4Ц.*Petaluma, Californiaа.V65а.bU’44Ц.“484 years, 10 months, 24 daа.ysа.V68а.bU–4”4Ц."soar throat"а.˜4J/V68И/š4L/C75&/œ4J0V68И0ž4J1$V65, V68И1 4Ё4L1V65&1Ђ44V65V68'1'1Є4^Home on Polk Street, San 1Francisco, California1V65а1Ї4Ч12 Ј4-Ћ4.Ў4/Б4Ц1Љ4Ѕ4Ц1*Petaluma, Californiaа1$V65, V68а1Ќ4Њ4Ц1Lettieа1V68а1škЏ4­4Ц1Apoplexyа1V68а1В4А4Ц1,"native of Minnesota"а1qqqqqqqqqqqqqС4J2И2У4Ф4L2&2'2а2Ч4Ч22 Ш48Ы4Ц2Щ4Х4Ц2*Middlefield Cemeteryа2а2Ъ*Ь4Ъ4Ц2Э441 year, 2 months, 10 daysа2а2Я4J3M151И3б4J4M151И4г4J5M151И5е4J6M151И6M151а6и4Ч624й4Ц6 ж4Ц6к4Pr6к4B6н4J7M151И7п4L7M151'7M151а7т4Ч724у4Ц7 р4Ц7х4J8M151И8ч4L8M151&8M151а8ъ4Ч82/ы4Ц8ь4ш4Ц8э4`Charlestown, Montgomery Cа8ounty, New York (1816)а8я4J9M151И9ё4L9M151&9New York State9qqqqqqqqqqqqq5J:M151И:5J;M151И;5J<M151И<5J=M151И= 5J>M151И> 5J?M151И? 5J@M151И@5L@M152&@"Summit, New York@5JAM151ИA5LAM151&ANew York StateAEG@Ae˜5JBM151ИB5JCM151ИC5JDM151ИD5JEM151ИE 5JFM151ИF"5JGM151ИG$5JHM151ИH&5LHM151&HNew York StateH)5JIM151ИI+5LIM151&INew York StateI.5JJM151ИJ05LJM151&JNew York StateJqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA5JKM151ИKC5D5LKM151&KM151'KM151аKG5ЧK2 H58K5ЦKI5E5ЦK"Summit, New YorkаKM151аKb RL5J5ЦK21 year, 5 months, 7 daysаKN5JLM151ИLP5<k†Drusilla Easterbrook\MЈU(‚EaMR5JMM151ИMT5JNM152ИNV5JOM152ИOX5JPM152ИPZ5JQM152ИQ\5JRM152ИR^5<ermerhorne Schermerhorn\SЈU(‚ScS`5JSM152ИSb5e5LSM152&Sd5FGilboa, Schoharie County,S New YorkSM152'S*Cobleskill, New YorkSh5ЧS2 i5ЦSЛk5j5ЦSM152аSl5NBreakabeen, Schoharie CouаSnty, New YorkаSn5<hornham J. Schermerhorn\TЈU(‚ScTp5JTM152ИTqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq5JUM152ИUƒ5<n†Herbert Draper Brown\VЈU(‚BrV…5JVM152ИV‡5Š5LVM152&V‰5NBreakabeen, Schoharie CouVnty, New YorkVM152'V*Cobleskill, New YorkVM152аVŽ5ЧV25 ”5—5ЦV5Œ5ЦV‘5rElectrician; farmer; gameаV’5 warden; deputy sheriff; аVjailerаVM152аV•5“5ЦV–5NBreakabeen, Schoharie CouаVnty, New YorkаVˆ™5˜5ЦVM152аV&Hartwick, New YorkаVš5PrVš5BV5<rownorie Winifred Brown\WЈU(‚BrWŸ5JWM152ИWЁ5LWM152&WЃ5NBreakabeen, Schoharie CouWnty, New YorkWЅ5JXM152ИXЇ5Љ5LXM152&X,Grand Gorge, New YorkXM152'XЋ5NBreakabeen, Schoharie CouXnty, New YorkX­5ЧX2 Ў5Б5ЦXКЦА5Џ5ЦXM152аX&Stamford, New YorkаXˆГ5В5ЦXM152аX&Hartwick, New YorkаXqqqqqqqqqqqqС5JYM152ИYУ5<w†Elizabeth Ann Conrow\ZЈU(‚CoZХ5JZM152ИZЧ5<n†Kenneth Draper Brown\[ЈU(‚Br[Щ5J[M152И[Ы5Э5L[M152&[&Stamford, New York[M152'[2North Blenheim, New York[M152а[б5Ч[2 в5е5Ц[г5Я5Ц[д5NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couа[nty, New Yorkа[ˆз5ж5Ц[M152а[&Hartwick, New Yorkа[й5< š†Elizabeth Ann Brown\(\ЈU(‚Br\л5J\M152И\н5п5L\M152&\,Grand Gorge, New York\M152'\(Schenevus, New York\M152а\у5Ч\2 ф5ч5Ц\х5с5Ц\ц5NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couа\nty, New Yorkа\"щ5ш5Ц\M152а\2North Blenheim, New Yorkа\ы5J]M152И]э5L]M152&]2North Blenheim, New York]№5Ч]2ё5Ц]"ѓ5ђ5Ц]M152а]2North Blenheim, New Yorkа]qqqqqqqqqqqq6J^M152И^6L^M153&^2North Blenheim, New York^6Ч^26Ц^" 66Ц^M153а^2North Blenheim, New Yorkа^ 6< š†Norman Robert Brown\(_ЈU(‚Br_ 6J_M152И_6L_M153&_,Grand Gorge, New York_M153а_6Ч_26 66+6Ц_66Ц_6LLicensed and certified coа_urt reporterа_M153а_66Ц_6LU.S. Navy, six years; Korа_ean Conflictа_"66Ц_M153а_2North Blenheim, New Yorkа_M153а_ 66Ц_!6‚National, California and а_"6San Diego court reportersа_' associationsа_ _`aeё$6Pr_$6B_'6J`M152И`)6L`M153&`+6NBreakabeen, Schoharie Cou`nty, New York`-6Ч`2.6Ц`Ÿ06/6Ц`M153а`16NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couа`nty, New Yorkа`qёqqqqqqqqqqqqqA6JaM152ИaC6E6LaM152&a&Stamford, New YorkaM152'a&Stamford, New YorkaM152аaI6Чa2 J6ЦaK6G6ЦaL6NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couаanty, New YorkаaN6< š†Harold Louis Muller\(bЈU(‚MubP6JbM152ИbR6LbM152&bNew York CitybU6JcM152ИcW6JdM152ИdY6JeM152Иe[6LeM153&e]6JfM152Иf_6LfM153&fa6<er, Jr.ward Miller, Jr..gЈU(‚Migc6JgM152Иge6g6LgM152&g Bronx, New YorkgM152'g(Schenevus, New Yorkgj6Чg2 k6ЦgВРm6l6ЦgM152аgn6NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couаgnty, New Yorkаgp6<erWilliam Edward Miller\hЈU(‚Mihr6JhM152Иhqqqqqqqqqqqqq6JiM152Иiƒ6<er IIIEdward Miller IIIIjЈU(‚Mij…6JjM152Иj‡6LjM153&j"Albany, New YorkjM153аj‹6Чj2Œ6Цj6‰6Цj,Middleburgh, New Yorkаj6JkM152Иk‘6LkM152&k"Albany, New Yorkk”6JlM152Иl–6JmM152Иm˜6LmM153&m*Cobleskill, New Yorkm›6JnM152Иn6Ÿ6LnM152&n"Albany, New YorknM152'n"Albany, New YorknЂ6Чn2 Ѓ6Ї6ЦnВСЅ6Є6ЦnM152аn,Middleburgh, New YorkаnM152аnЈ6І6Цn,Middleburgh, New YorkаnЊ6JoM152ИoЌ6< š†Cornelia Jane Waldo\(pЈU(‚WapЎ6JpM152ИpА6JqM152ИqВ6Д6LqM152&q*Cobleskill, New YorkqM152'q*Cobleskill, New YorkqM152аqИ6Чq2 Й6ЦqК6Ж6ЦqЛ6NBreakabeen, Schoharie Couаqnty, New YorkаqqqqqС6JrM152ИrУ6Х6LrM152&r*Cobleskill, New YorkrM152'r*Cobleskill, New YorkrШ6JsM152ИsЪ6LsM152&s*Cobleskill, New YorksЭ6<onNeil Leslie Robertson\tЈU(‚RotЯ6JtM152Иtб6<wnKenneth Charles Brown\uЈU(‚Bruг6JuM152Иuе6LuM152&u*Cobleskill, New Yorkuи6< š†William Edwin Brown\(vЈU(‚Brvк6JvM152Иvм6о6LvM152&v*Cobleskill, New YorkvM152'v*Cobleskill, New YorkvM152аvт6Чv2 у6Цvф6р6Цv,Middleburgh, New Yorkаvveѕч6<isSarah Margaret Harris\wЈU(‚Hawщ6JwM153Иwы6LwM153&w,Schenectady, New YorkwM153аwя6Чw2№6Цwё6э6Цw,Schenectady, New Yorkаwqqqqqqqqqqqqqq7<s†George Edmond Harris\xЈU(‚Hax7JxM153Иx7JyM153Иy7< š†Jeffrey Erwin Brown\(zЈU(‚Brz 7JzM153Иz 7LzM153&z,Schenectady, New Yorkz7<wnStephen Herbert Brown\{ЈU(‚Br{7J{M153И{7L{M153&{,Schenectady, New York{7< š†Cecelia Alice Broch\(|ЈU(‚Br|7J|M153И|7L|M153&|,San Diego, California|7J}M153И}7J~M153И~ 7<rownitte Jeannine Brown\ЈU(‚Br"7JM153И$7LM153&,San Diego, California'7Ч2(7Цв­*7)7ЦM153а0Lemon Grove, Californiaа,7<wnElizabeth Leigh Brown\€ЈU(‚Br€.7J€M153И€07L€M153&€,San Diego, California€37Ч€247Ц€Ђ ­6757Ц€M153а€774Spring Valley, Californiaа€а€qqqqqqqqA7JM153ИC7J‚M153И‚E7L‚M153&‚&Brooklyn, New York‚M153а‚I7Ч‚2J7Ц‚K7G7Ц‚&Brooklyn, New Yorkа‚M7<teNicholas Joseph Forte\ƒЈU(‚FoƒO7JƒM153ИƒQ7<derosaLoretta Verderosa\„ЈU(‚Ve„S7J„M153И„M153а„V7Ч„2-W7Ц„X7T7Ц„ Elsieа„Z7< š†James Wheeler Forte\(…ЈU(‚Fo…\7J…M153И…^7L…M153&…"Albany, New York…a7<teSusan Elizabeth Forte\†ЈU(‚Fo†c7J†M153И†e7L†M153&†"Albany, New York†h7< š†Thomas Edward Forte\(‡ЈU(‚Fo‡j7J‡M153И‡l7L‡M153&‡"Albany, New York‡o7<perrnard William Cooper\ˆЈU(‚Coˆq7JˆM153Иˆs7LˆM153&ˆ(Schoharie, New Yorkˆqqqqqqqqqqq7< š†Bernard John Cooper\(‰ЈU(‚Co‰ƒ7J‰M153И‰…7<Woodorie Elizabeth Wood\ŠЈU(‚WoŠ‡7JŠM153ИŠ‰7J‹M153И‹‹7<onJennifer Ann Davidson\ŒЈU(‚DaŒ7JŒM153ИŒ7LŒM153&Œ,Schenectady, New YorkŒ’7< š†Brenda Lee Davidson\(ЈU(‚Da”7JM153И–7LM153&,Schenectady, New York™7<n†Cynthia Ann Davidson\ŽЈU(‚DaŽ›7JŽM153ИŽ7LŽM153&Ž.Morristown, New JerseyŽ 7JM153ИЂ7JM153ИЄ7J‘M153И‘І7<llBridgette Ann Maxwell\’ЈU(‚Ma’Ј7J’M153И’Њ7L’M153&’*Cobleskill, New York’­7J“M153И“Џ7L“M153&“*Cobleskill, New York“qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС7J”M153И”У7L”M153&”Х7@Copiague, Long Island, Ne”w York”M153а”Ш7Ч”2Щ7Ц”Ъ7Ц7Ц”Massachusettsа”Ь7J•M153И•Ю7<ultea Elizabeth Schulte\–ЈU(‚Sc–а7J–M153И–в7<er IVm Edward Miller IVV—ЈU(‚Mi—д7J—M153И—ж7L—M153&—*Cobleskill, New York—й7< š†Tyler Joseph Miller\(˜ЈU(‚Mi˜л7J˜M153Șн7L˜M153&˜*Cobleskill, New York˜р7< š†Matthew Adam Miller\(™ЈU(‚Mi™т7J™M153И™ф7L™M153&™*Cobleskill, New York™ч7JšM153Иšщ7LšM153&šMiami, Floridašь7J›M153И›ю7L›M153&›"Albany, New York›ё7Ч›2ђ7Ц›ЂСє7ѓ7Ц›M153а›"Albany, New Yorkа›qqqqqqqqqqq8< š†Joshua Denton Lopez\(œЈU(‚Loœ8JœM153Иœ88LœM153&œ"Albany, New YorkœM153'œ"Albany, New Yorkœ 8Чœ2 8ЦœЂС 8 8ЦœM153аœ"Albany, New Yorkаœ8< š†Stephanie Ann Lopez\(ЈU(‚Lo8JM153И8LM153&"Albany, New York8<r†Brian Todd Ballinger\žЈU(‚Baž8JžM153Иž8LžM153&žNew Jerseyž8<ingerlexander Ballinger\ŸЈU(‚BaŸ8JŸM153ИŸ!8J M153И #8<linger Joseph Ballinger\ЁЈU(‚BaЁ%8JЁM153ИЁ'8LЁM153&Ё*Freehold, New JerseyЁ*8< š†Kelly Mae Ballinger\(ЂЈU(‚BaЂ,8JЂM153ИЂ.8LЂM153&Ђ*Freehold, New JerseyЂ18JЃE77ИЃE77аЃ48ЧЃ2858.98ЦЃ6828ЦЃ78D"... killed when a small аЃboy ..."аЃE77аЃ:888ЦЃ;86"... killing woodpeckers.аЃ"аЃqqqqA8JЄE77ИЄ ІЌ ­ eЉ D8JЅE77ИЅE77аЅG8ЧЅ21H8ЦЅI8E8ЦЅ"Twin of PermeliaаЅK8JІE77ИІE77аІN8ЧІ21O8ЦІP8L8ЦІ"Twin of CordeliaаІR8JЇИЇT8V8LЇ&Ї$Oneonta, New YorkЇ'ЇX8\A.O. Fox Memorial HospitaЇl, Oneonta, New YorkЇаЇ[8ЧЇ2\8 c8g8 k8+o8-u8/x8ЦЇ]8Y8ЦЇ^8жSecretary, International аЇ_8Studies Program, SUC OneoаЇ`8nta, 20 years; BookkeeperаЇa8, Shearer's Express, nineаЇ yearsаЇаЇd8b8ЦЇe88WAC Volunteer, World War аЇIIаЇаЇh8f8ЦЇi8<Milford Center Baptist ChаЇurchаЇаЇl8j8ЦЇm8HEvergreen Cemetery, OtegoаЇ, New YorkаЇаЇp8n8ЦЇq8ФNew York State Retiree AlаЇr8umni Association, SUC OneаЇs8onta, New York; Strike anаЇd Spare Bowling LeagueаЇаЇv8t8ЦЇ JaneаЇаЇy8w8ЦЇ0Colliersville, New YorkаЇz8PrЇz8BЇqqqq8JЈИЈƒ8JЉИЉ…8JЊИЊаЊˆ8ЧЊ25‰8/Œ8-8ЦЊŠ8†8ЦЊDr.аЊаЊ8‹8ЦЊ0Honolulu, Hawaii (2000)аЊаЊ8Ž8ЦЊ BrittаЊ’8JЋИЋаЋ•8ЧЋ2/–8ЦЋ—8“8ЦЋ˜8FGreenfield Center, New YoаЋrk (2000)аЋš8JЌИЌœ8J­И­а­Ÿ8Ч­2- 8/Ѓ8Ц­Ё88Ц­Sallieа­а­Є8Ђ8Ц­Georgia (2000)а­І8JЎИЎаЎЉ8ЧЎ2/Њ8ЦЎЋ8Ї8ЦЎЌ86Schenevus, New York (2000аЎ)аЎЎ8JЏИЏаЏБ8ЧЏ2/В8ЦЏГ8Џ8ЦЏД8BRock City Falls, New YorkаЏ (2000)аЏqqqqqqqqqqqС8< š†Blade Robert Osborn\(АЈU(‚OsАУ8JАИАХ8JБ(ИБ(аБШ8ЧБ2Щ8-Ь8/Я8ЦБЪ8Ц8ЦБBlacksmithаБ(аБЭ8Ы8ЦБNathanаБ(аБа8Ю8ЦБ&Westford, New YorkаБв8JВ(ИВд8<znerke Carissa Stelzner\ГЈU(‚StГж8JГM91ИГи8LГM91&Г"Denver, ColoradoГл8JДM91ИДн8LДM91&Дп8JЕр86O90O106ИЕИЕт8у8LЕO90&ЕO90'ЕO90аЕц8ЧЕ23ч8ЦЕш8ф8ЦЕStiverаЕъ8JЖB116AИЖь8JЗ(ИЗю8LЗ2T264E&З,Boston, MassachusettsЗUnknown;Зqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq9JИ9BO90ИИИИ99LИO90&ИPennsylvaniaИ('И(аИ 9ЧИ2  949ЦИ 99ЦИ 9HDecatur Cemetery, DecaturаИ, New YorkаИ(аИ"9 999ЦИPennsylvaniaаИ(аИPennsylvaniaаИ9JЙ(ИЙ9LЙ(&Й9<kiDaniel J. Zawistowski\КЈU(‚ZaК9JКИКаК9ЧК2/9ЦК99ЦК$Buffalo, New YorkаК 9d18 Fairfield AvenueBuff;КaloNew York14223U.S.A;К"9JЛF20ИЛ$9%9LЛF20&ЛF20'Л'9NBassett Hospital, CobleskЛill, New YorkЛF20аЛ*9ЧЛ2+9+/9/39.79ЦЛ,9(9ЦЛ-9^Truck driver, Carbonic SaаЛles, Albany, New YorkаЛF20аЛ09.9ЦЛ196Drummer with several bandаЛsаЛF20аЛ4929ЦЛ59LCohoes and Esperance (199аЛ5), New YorkаЛF20аЛJа8969ЦЛ$Struck by vehicleаЛ99PrЛ99BЛqqqqqA9JМИМC9\RD#1, Box 18CFly Creek;МNew York13037U.S.A;МD9PrМD9BМG9JНИНаНJ9ЧН2K9/N9ЦНL9H9ЦН&Insurance salesmanаНаНO9M9ЦНP9XWestford, Worcester and FаНly Creek, New YorkаНR9\RD#1, Box 18CFly Creek;НNew York13337U.S.A;НT9JОF20ИОF20аОW9ЧО2/X9ЦОY9U9ЦО."of Watervliet" (2000)аО[9JПF20ИПF20аП^9ЧП2/_9ЦП`9\9ЦП,"of Esperance" (2000)аПb9JРB116AИРd9JСB116AИСf9LСB116A&Сh9JТF20ИТF20аТk9ЧТ2/l9ЦТm9i9ЦТ."of Watervliet" (2000)аТo9JУF20ИУF20аУr9ЧУ2/s9ЦУt9p9ЦУ,"of Esperance" (2000)аУqqqqqqqqqqq9JФ‚94F20F33ИФИФ„9JХ…94F20F33ИХИХF20аХˆ9ЧХ2/‰9ЦХŠ9†9ЦХ0"of Deshler, OH" (2000)аХŒ9JЦ94F20F33ИЦИЦF20аЦ9ЧЦ2/‘9ЦЦ’9Ž9ЦЦ2"of Hudson Falls" (2000)аЦ”9JЧ•94F20F33ИЧИЧF20аЧ˜9ЧЧ2/™9ЦЧš9–9ЦЧ""of Troy" (2000)аЧёЛe19JШИШŸ9LШ154'Ш154аШЂ9ЧШ2&Ѓ9'Ї9Ћ9ЦШzЄ9 9ЦШЅ9JGraduated from Worcester аШHigh SchoolаШ154аШЈ9І9ЦШЉ9@Graduate of Syracuse UnivаШersityаШ154аШЌ9Њ9ЦШ­9кAgriculture teacher at WoаШЎ9rcester High School; prinаШЏ9cipal of Westford Union FаША9ree School; School superiаШntendentаШБ9 PrШБ9BШqqqqqqqqqqqqqС9JЩТ94M84M89ИЩИЩФ9Ц9LЩM89&Щ,Holtville, CaliforniaЩM89'Щ0Los Angeles, CaliforniaЩЩ9JЪИЪаЪЬ9ЧЪ2Э9/б9ЦЪЮ9Ъ9ЦЪЯ94Elementary school teacherаЪаЪаЪв9а9ЦЪг9lWestford, Worcester, BurnаЪд9t Hills and Scotia, New YаЪorkаЪж9<, Jr.m L. Dormandy, Jr..ЫЈU(‚DoЫи9JЫИЫаЫл9ЧЫ2м9/п9-ф9ЦЫн9й9ЦЫ0Industrial arts teacherаЫаЫр9о9ЦЫс9pBroadalbin, Worcester, BuаЫт9rnt Hills and Scotia, NewаЫ YorkаЫаЫх9у9ЦЫBill, PopаЫч9JЬ&161; C417ИЬщ9LЬ&161; C417&Ь152аЬь9ЧЬ2э9/ё9ЦЬю9ъ9ЦЬя9@School teacher; insuranceаЬ agentаЬ89аЬђ9№9ЦЬ(Worcester, New YorkаЬqqqqqqqqqqqqq:JЭИЭаЭ:ЧЭ2-:ЦЭ::ЦЭSandeeаЭ:JЮИЮаЮ :ЧЮ2- :ЦЮ : :ЦЮSueаЮ:JЯИЯ:JаИа:JбИб:JвИв:Jг:4F20F33ИгИгF20аг:Чг2/:Цг::Цг"of NV" (2000)аг:JдИдUnknown;д":JеИе$:Lе&е%: Prе%:Bе(:JжM84Иж*:LжM87&ж*Hyndsville, New YorkжM84аж.:Чж2//:Цж0:,:Цж "of Hyndsville"ажqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA:<e†Philip Earl Tissiere\зЈU(‚TiзC:JзD:4M84M87ИзИзF:LзM87&зM84азI:Чз2/J:ЦзK:G:ЦзL:>"of Stamford, Delaware Coазunty"азN:JиM84ИиP:LиM87&и"Seward, New YorkиM84аиT:Чи2/U:ЦиV:R:Ци,"of Torrance, Calif."аиX:JйB116AИйZ:\:LйB116A&йPennsylvaniaйB116A'й$Polk County, Iowaй_:JкB116AИкa:b:LкB116A&кB116A'к$Polk County, Iowaкe:JлИлалh:Чл2-i:Цлj:f:ЦлJinnieалl:<erNathan Pomeroy Potter\мЈU(‚Poмn:Jм(Имp:r:Lм(&м&Westford, New Yorkм('м(амu:Чм2v: y:4}:/:Цмw:s:ЦмBlacksmithам(амz:x:Цм{:HDecatur Cemetery, Decaturам, New Yorkам(ам~:|:Цм&Westford, New Yorkамq(ам‚:€:Цм$Decatur, New Yorkам„:Jн(Ин†:ˆ:Lн(&н&Westford, New Yorkн('н(ан‹:Чн2Œ: :Цн:‰:ЦнPainterан(ан:Ž:Цн‘:TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worанcester, New Yorkан“:<t†Samuel Hammond Grant\оЈU(‚Grо•:JоO93Ио—:›:Lо˜:4O90O93&о&оš:LSmithville, Chenango Counоty, New YorkоO90'оO93аоž:Чо2Ÿ:*Ђ:-Ї:/Њ:Цо :œ:Цо$Teacher; attorneyаоO93аоЃ:Ё:ЦоЄ:ŽCounty Superintendent of аоЅ:Schools; Justice of Peaceао; Member of AssemblyаоO90аоЈ:І:Цо(Samuel Howard GrantаоO93аоЋ:Љ:ЦоЌ:@MIlford and Worcester, Neаоw Yorkао­: Prо­:BоА:JпO90ИпВ:Г:LпO90&пO94'пqqqqqqqqqqqqС:<antlliam Ransford Grant\рЈU(‚GrрУ:JрO90ИрO90арЦ:Чр28Ч:ЦрШ:Ф:Цр""lived one year"арЪ:<t†George Morcomb Grant\сЈU(‚GrсЬ:JсO90ИсЮ:LсO90&са:JтO90Итв:LтO90&тд:JуO90Иуж:LуO90&уэ№оИхсуeй:JфO90Ифл:LфO90&ф(Davenport, New Yorkфо:JхO90Ихр:LхO90&хO90аху:Чх21ф:Цхх:с:Цхц:f"m. Schuyler Crippen Worcахч:ester N.Y. 1794-1872" [?]ахахщ:< š†Joseph Benson Grant\(цЈU(‚Grцы:JцO90Ицэ:<e†Robert Leon Tissiere\чЈU(‚Tiчя:Jч№:4M84M87ИчИчђ:LчM87&ч"Seward, New YorkчM88ачі:Чч2&ї:њ:/§:Цчј:є:Цч.Cobleskill High SchoolачM88ачћ:љ:ЦчFarmerачM84ачў:ќ:Цч "of Hyndsville"ачq;JшИш;Jщ(Ищ;;Lщ(&щ('щ(ащ ;Чщ2  ;Цщ ;;Цщ ;TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worащcester, New Yorkащ;JъO90Иъ;JыO90Иы;;LыO90&ыO90'ы;< š†James Hammond Grant\(ьЈU(‚Grь;JьO90Иь;;LьO90&ьO90'ьO90аь;Чь27;ЦьЪU;Ць ;JэO90Иэ";#;LэO90&эO90'э"Morris, New Yorkэ&;<e†Stratford Burlingame\юЈU(‚Buю(;JюO90ИюO90аю+;Чю2/,;Цю-;);Цю"of Morris"аю/;Jя$O90, O91ИяO90ая2;Чя2/3;Ця4;0;Ця"of Morris"аяqqqqqqqqqqqA;J№O90И№C;D;L№O90&№O90'№(Schenevus, New York№G;Jё(ИёI;Jђ(ИђK;Jѓ(ИѓM;Lѓ(&ѓ(аѓP;Чѓ2-Q;ЦѓR;N;ЦѓJ. StanleyаѓT;JєИєV;JѕИѕC424аѕY;Чѕ2/Z;Цѕ[;W;Цѕ\;6Worcester, New York (2004аѕ)аѕ^;Jі.254Иіаіa;Чі2b;/g;Ціc;_;Ціd;jOffice manager, Chase Cheаіe;vrolet, Worcester, New YoаіrkаіC424аіh;f;Ціi;6Worcester, New York (2004аі)аіk;Jї.254Иїаїn;Чї2o;/t;Цїp;l;Цїq;jMerchant, Chase Chevroletаїr;, Inc., Worcester, New YoаїrkаїC424аїu;s;Цїv;6Worcester, New York (2004аї)аїqqqqqqqqq;JјC424ИјC424ај„;Чј2/…;Цј†;‚;Цј‡;6Worcester, New York (2004ај)ај‰;JљИљ‹;JњИњ;<ldonamin Gideon Sheldon\ћЈU(‚Shћ;JћO103Ић‘;”;LћO103&ћ“;<South Kingstown, Rhode IsћlandћO103'ћ,Stephentown, New Yorkћ—;JќИќ™;J§O104И§›;;L§O104&§,Stephentown, New York§O104'§,Stephentown, New York§ ;<issiereizabeth Tissiere\ўЈU(‚TiўЂ;JўM96ИўЄ;LўM96&ў,Mt. Holly, New JerseyўЇ;<achett Lewis Lauterbach\џЈU(‚LaџЉ;JџM96ИџЋ;LџM96&џ­;<ereerie Amanda Tissiere\ЈU(‚TiЏ;JM92ИБ;LM92&,Cooperstown, New YorkqqqqqqqqqqqqqС;JM92ИУ;LM92&&Cortland, New YorkЦ;<leyndace Alaine Stanley\ЈU(‚StШ;JM96ИЪ;LM96&Ocala, FloridaЭ;<erwax Daniel Weatherwax\ЈU(‚WeЯ;JM96Иб;<waxniel John Weatherwax\ЈU(‚Weг;JM96Ие;LM96&з;<bach Allyson Lauterbach\ЈU(‚Laй;JM96Ил;LM96&н;<Tumbullhristine Tumbull\ЈU(‚Tuп;JM96Ис;LM96&Abilene, Texasф;J(Иц;L(&ш;J(Иъ;J M92И ь;L M92& ю;<erLogan Thomas Stelzner\ ЈU(‚St №;J M91И ђ;L M91& "Denver, Colorado qqqqqqqqqqqq<J M90И <J M90И <J M91И <L M91&  <JM94И <LM95& <<iereel Patrick Tissiere\ЈU(‚Ti<JM95И<LM95&<JM93И<JM93И<J(И<L(& н:e<J(И<L(& <<llBen Belmore Broadwell\ЈU(‚Br"<JM92И$<LM92&,Schenectady, New York'<<dwella Claire Broadwell\ЈU(‚Br)<JM92И+<LM92&,Schenectady, New York.<<chJohn Kevin Lauterbach\ЈU(‚La0<JM95И2<LM95&qqqqqqqqqqqqqA<< š†Sean James Tissiere\(ЈU(‚TiC<JM95ИE<LM95&G<JM95ИI<JM95ИK<JM95ИM<LM95&O<JM95ИQ<LM95&S<JM95ИU<LM95&W<<reQuinn Robert Tissiere\ЈU(‚TiY<JM93И[<LM93&,Cooperstown, New YorkM93а_<Ч2&`<c<e<Цa<]<ЦHome schooledаM93аd<b<ЦLutheranавЦg<f<ЦM93а"Seward, New Yorkаi<<issierearoline Tissiere\ЈU(‚Tik<JM93Иm<LM93&*Chesapeake, VirginiaM93аq<Ч2&r<u<w<Цs<o<ЦHome schooledаM93аv<t<ЦLutheranаŠ Уy<x<ЦM93а2Central Bridge, New Yorkаqqqqqq<JM93Иƒ<<ereexander Lee Tissiere\ ЈU(‚Ti …<J M94И ‡<L M94& ‰<J!M94И!‹<L!M94&!<<ierehew Sultan Tissiere\"ЈU(‚Ti"<J"M94И"‘<L"M94&"M94а"”<Ч"2•<Ц"–<’<Ц" "Adopted child"а"˜<<Tissiereichele Tissiere\#ЈU(‚Ti#š<J#M94И#œ<L#M94&#ž<J$M94И$ <L$M94&$Ђ<J%M94И%Є<L%M94&%І<J&M93И&Ј<L&M93&& Bronx, New York&M93а&Ќ<Ч&2&­<'А<Д<З<Ц&Ў<Њ<Ц&2Schoharie Central Schoolа&M93а&Б<Џ<Ц&В<dHerkimer and Fulton-Montgа&omery Community Collegesа&M93а&Е<Г<Ц&"Registered nurseа&M93а&И<Ж<Ц&Lutheranа&qqqqqqqС<J'M90И'У<<iereelle Marie Tissiere\(ЈU(‚Ti(Х<J(M91И(Ч<L(M91&(Щ<<ereurtney Lynn Tissiere\)ЈU(‚Ti)Ы<J)M91И)Э<L)M91&)Я<J*M91И*б<L*M91&*г<J+M90И+е<J,M90И,,e5и<J-M90И-к<<ongwrence Albert DeLong\.ЈU(‚De.м<J.н<8X44AX44BИ.И.п<т<L.р<8X44AX44B&.&.&Hibbing, Minnesota.X44B'.ф<jUniversity Medical Center.х<-Mesabi, Hibbing, Minneso.ta.X44Bа.ш<Ч.28щ<-ь</я<ђ< є<Ц.Њжъ<ц<Ц.56 yearsа.X44Bа.э<ы<Ц. Larryа.X44Bа.№<ю<Ц.&Hibbing, Minnesotaа.X44Bа.ѓ<ё<Ц.Roman Catholicа.Тжі<ѕ<Ц.X44Bа.ї<PMaple Hill Cemetery, Hibbа.ing, Minnesotaа.ј< Pr.ј<B.qqqqqq=J/(И/=J0M86И0=J1(И1=J2(И2 =J3X44AИ3 =L3X44A'32Benton County, Minnesota3X44Aа3=Ч32 =Ц3= =Ц3=^Sauk Rapids Cemetery, Benа3ton County, Minnesotaа3=J4(И4==L4=BO90&4&4*Lenox, Massachusetts4O90'4(Worcester, New York4O93а4=Ч42=!=5$=Ц4==Ц4Preacherа4O93а4"= =Ц4Methodistа4(а4%=#=Ц4 Rev.а4&= Pr4&=B4)=J5(И5(а5,=Ч52/-=Ц5.=*=Ц5&"of Norwich, N.Y."а50=J6(И62=4=L6O90&6$Norwich, New York6O90'6(а67=Ч62/8=1;=Ц69=5=Ц6&"of Norwich, N.Y."а6O90а6<=:=Ц6==Z"dau. of Hon. Samuel Hammа6ond & Hannah Tracy"а6qqA=< š†Farrington Ferguson\(7ЈU(‚Fe7C=J7X44AИ7E=H=L7X44A&7G=dHallowell Township, Princ7e Edward County, Ontario7X44A'7X44Aа7K=Ч724L=7N=Ц7хI=Ц7X44Aа72M=Ц7P=J8Q=8X44AX44BИ8И8X44Bа8T=Ч82/U=Ц8V=R=Ц8W=4Hibbing, Minnesota (2006)а8а8Y=J9M86И9Z=Pr9Z=B9]=J:(И:_=L:(&:(а:b=Ч:2-c=Ц:d=`=Ц: James A. Potterа:f=J;O102И;h=J<O102И<j=m=L<O102&<l=6Narragansett, Rhode Islan<d<O102'<o=<South Kingstown, Rhode Is<land<q=J=O102И=s=v=L=O102&=u=<South Kingstown, Rhode Is=land=O102'=x=<South Kingstown, Rhode Is=land=qqqqqqq=J>O102И>ƒ=„=L>O102&>O102'>†=<South Kingstown, Rhode Is>land>ˆ=J?O102И?Š=L?O102&?Œ=<South Kingstown, Rhode Is?land?Ž=J@M86И@=JAX44AИA’=”=LAX44A&ACanada WestAX44A'A–=BStaples, Todd County, MinAnnesotaAX44AаA™=ЧA2 š=ЦA›=—=ЦAœ=^Sauk Rapids Cemetery, BenаAton County, MinnesotaаAž=JBM86ИB =LBM86'BЂ=<g†Michael David DeLong\CЈU(‚DeCЄ=JCЅ=8X44AX44BИCИCЇ=LCX44A&CX44BаCЊ=ЧC2/Ћ=ЦCЌ=Ј=ЦC­=:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20аC06)аCЏ=JDА=8X44AX44BИDИDВ=LDX44A&DX44BаDЕ=ЧD2/Ж=ЦDЗ=Г=ЦDИ=4Hibbing, Minnesota (2006)аDаDqqqqqqqС=JEX44AИEУ=JFM86ИFХ=JGM87ИGЧ=JHM87ИHM87аHЪ=ЧH28Ы=ЦHЬ=Ш=ЦHStillbornаHЮ=JIM87ИIа=JJM87ИJв=<reBarbara Jean Bellmore\KЈU(‚BeKд=JKM88ИKж=LKM88&K,Tupper Lake, New YorkKM88аKк=ЧK2&л=о=ЦKм=и=ЦK.Cobleskill High SchoolаKM88аKп=н=ЦKHomemakerаKс=JLO103ИLу=LLO103&Lх=<South Kingstown, Rhode IsLlandLч=JMO103ИMщ=ь=LMO103&Mы=<North Kingstown, Rhode IsMlandMO103'Mю=<South Kingstown, Rhode IsMlandM№=JNM88ИNqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq><e†Daniel Earl Tissiere\OЈU(‚TiO>JOM88ИO>LOM88&O*Cobleskill, New YorkO>JPM88ИP >JQM90ИQ > >LQM90&QM90'Q>< š†Jaime Leon Tissiere\(RЈU(‚TiR>JRM90ИR>LRM90&R*Cobleskill, New YorkR>< š†Sheryl Lynn Simpson\(SЈU(‚SiS>JSM89ИS>LSM90&S>JTM89ИT>LTM89&T"Phoenix, ArizonaT!>JUM89ИU#>LUM89&U%>JVM88ИV'>LVM88&V,Dunmore, PennsylvaniaV*><e†Robert Alan Tissiere\WЈU(‚TiW,>JWM88ИW.>LWM88&W*Cobleskill, New YorkW1>JXM88ИX3>LXM88&XqqqqqqqqqqqqA><e†Denise Mary Tissiere\YЈU(‚TiYC>JYM88ИYE>LYM88&Y*Cobleskill, New YorkYH>< š†Jamie Lynn Tissiere\(ZЈU(‚TiZJ>JZM88ИZL>LZM88&Z*Cobleskill, New YorkZ Wede&P>J[M90И[R>L[M90&[T>J\M90И\V>L\M90&\X><reJason Thomas Tissiere\]ЈU(‚Ti]Z>J]M90И]\>L]M90&]M90а]_>Ч]2`>Ц]a>]>Ц] "Adopted child"а]c>J^M90И^e>L^M90&^g>J_M89И_i>L_M89&_0Harbor City, California_l>J`M89И`n>p>L`M89&`"Phoenix, Arizona`M89'`Colorado`M89а`t>Ч`2.u>Ц`v>r>Ц`w>JDied in fall while mountaа`in climbingа`qqqqqqqq>JaM89Иaƒ>LaM89&a…>8Manhattan Beach, Californaiaa‡><r†Eugene Walter Ditmar\bЈU(‚Dib‰>JbM89Иb‹>LbM89&b>4Redondo Beach, Californiabb>JcM89Иc‘>LcM89&c*Cobleskill, New Yorkc”>JdM88Иd–>LdM88&d˜><e†Brett James Tissiere\eЈU(‚Tieš>JeM88Иeœ>LeM88&e*Cobleskill, New YorkeM93аe >Чe2&Ё>'Ѕ>Ј> Ќ>А>ЦeЂ>ž>ЦeЃ>4Cobleskill Central SchoolаeаeM93аeІ>Є>ЦeЇ>@Hudson Valley Community CаeollegeаeХЊ>Љ>ЦeM93аeЋ>6Network operations, PSINeаetаeОЎ>­>ЦeM93аe(U.S. Navy (to 1988)аeM93аeБ>Џ>ЦeLutheranаeqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС>JfM88ИfУ>LfM88&fХ>JgX44AИgЧ>JhX44AИhЩ>JiЪ>8X44AX44BИiИiЬ>LiX44A&iX44BаiЯ>Чi2/а>Цiб>Э>Цiв>6Chisholm, Minnesota (2006аi)аiд>JjX44AИjж>и>LjX44A&jIllinoisjX44A'j2Benton County, Minnesotajл>JkX44AИkн>п>LkX44A&k2Benton County, MinnesotakX44A'kс>JlX44AИlу>ф>LlX44A&lX44A'lц>JmO102Иmш>ы>LmO102&mъ><South Kingstown, Rhode IsmlandmO102'mэ>JnO102Иnя>JoO102Иoё>LoO102&oѓ><South Kingstown, Rhode Isolandoqqqqqqqqqqqq?JpO102Иp?LpO102&p?<South Kingstown, Rhode Isplandp p=reI?JqO102Иq ?LqO102&q ?<South Kingstown, Rhode Isqlandq?JrO102Иr??LrO102&r?<South Kingstown, Rhode IsrlandrO103'r?4Dutchess County, New Yorkrr?JsO103Иs??LsO103&sO103's?JtO103Иt?JuO103Иu ?JvO103Иv"?LvO103&v$?<South Kingstown, Rhode Isvlandv&?JwO103Иw(?+?LwO103&w*?<South Kingstown, Rhode IswlandwO103'w-?<North Kingstown, Rhode Iswlandw/?JxO103Иx1?LxO103&x3?<South Kingstown, Rhode IsxlandxqqqqqqqqqqqqA?JyO103ИyC?F?LyO103&yE?<South Kingstown, Rhode IsylandyO103'yvŠ‹Œћe.I?JzO103ИzK?N?LzO103&zM?<South Kingstown, Rhode IszlandzO103'zP?NPine Plains, Dutchess Couznty, New YorkzR?J{X44AИ{T?W?L{X44A&{V?4Dutchess County, New York{{X44A'{Y?J|Z?jC75C76B, C76DИ|[?C76A, V228И|И|]?L|^?8C76AC60G'|'|C60Gа|a?Ч|2 b?/g?Ц|c?_?Ц|d?nElk Creek Cemetery, Elk Cа|e?reek, Otsego County, New а|Yorkа|C76Aа|h?f?Ц|("of Westford, N.Y."а|i?Pr|i?B|l?<hardmon Wesley Southard\}ЈU(‚So}n?J}(C76A, V228И}p?r?L}(C76A, V228&}"Hudson, New York}s?DC76A, V228V22'}9'}"Anoka, Minnesota}y?DC76A, V228V24а}w?Ч}2 x?.?-„?Ц}z?u?Ц}3а}{?иCremated at Forest Hill Cа}|?emetery, St. Paul, Minnesа}}?ota; ashes in family lot а}~?in (probably Elk Creek) Nа}ew Yorkа}q(C76A, V228а}b r‚?€?Ц}"Gunshot; suicideа}C75а}…?ƒ?Ц}Wesleyа}2AnokaMinnesotaU.S.A;}‡?Pr}‡?B}Š?J~‹?jC75C76B, C76DИ~Œ?C76A, V228И~И~Ž??L~(C76E, V200&~&Westford, New York~C76F'~"Anoka, Minnesota~V200а~”?Ч~Р?d&•?'˜?œ?)Ђ?І? Ј?+Ў?/К?Ц~–?’?Ц~$"local academies"а~V200а~_™?—?Ц~š?@M.D. Minnesota College Hoа~spitalа~?BC76E184; V203а~ž?›?Ц~а~Ÿ?fPhysician; specialist in а~ ?eye, ear, nose and throatа~а~&V222-V223а~Ѓ?Ё?Ц~Є?NDemocrat; Presidential elа~ector in 1920а~&184; V203а~Ї?Ѕ?Ц~Episcopalianа~’Њ?Љ?Ц~V205а~Ћ?JAshes scattered in Missisа~sippi Riverа~­?HV200-V201, V220, V222-Vа~223а~Џ?Ќ?Ц~А?ЦHennepin County Medical Sа~Б?ociety; Minnesota State Mа~В?edical Soiciety; Americanа~Г? Medical Association; Minа~Д?nesota Public Health Assoа~Е?ciation; Philolectians; Sа~Ж?tate Federation of Women'а~З?s Clubs; Chairman, Democrа~И?atic Women of Anoka Countа~yа~Л?DC76AC76E, V20а~М?Й?Ц~0а~Н?XWestford, New York; Anokaа~, Minnesota (1883)а~C76Aа~q5С?.Ф?Ц~Т?О?Ц~Dr.а~V205а~šХ?У?Ц~&Acute endocarditisа~Ч?j1900 Third Avenue South;~Ш?AnokaMinnesota55303U.S;~.A;~Щ?Pr~Щ?B~Ь?J(C76A, V228Иб?8C76AV221аЯ?Ч2/а?Цв?Э?Цаг?‚"of (probably Westford) Nад?ew York;" "of Schenectadyа, N.Y." (1921)аUnknown;ж?Prж?Bй?<ichanson George Aldrich\€ЈU(‚Al€л?J€м?BC76E181; V202И€И€о?с?L€п?B181; V202V238&€&€*Adams, Massachusetts€V205'€"Anoka, Minnesota€&181; V202а€х?Ч€@d&ц?'ъ?№?)і? ј?+§?/@5 @Ц€ч?у?Ц€ш?PPublic schools of Adams, а€Masssachusettsа€&181; V202а€ы?щ?Ц€ь?ЖUniversity of Vermont; M.а€э?D. College of Physicians а€ю?and Surgeons, Baltimore, а€Maryland (1879)а€ё?BV200182; V202а€ђ?я?Ц€а€ѓ?fPhysician; specialist in а€є?eye, ear, nose and throatа€а€&182; V202а€ї?ѕ?Ц€Democratа€’њ?љ?Ц€V205а€ћ?JAshes scattered in Missisа€sippi Riverа€&182; V202а€ў?ќ?Ц€@кHennepin County Medical Sа€q@ociety; Minnesota State Mа€@edical Society; American а€@Medical Society; Masons; а€Shrinersа€@DC76E, V200C76а€@@Ц€Aа€@f"of Adams, Massachusetts;а€ @" Anoka, Minnesota (1883)а€а€C76Eа€ @ @Ц€Dr.а€V205а€.@1@Ц€š|@ @Ц€Pneumoniaа€(V241, V249а€@@Ц€""Had no familly"а€@j1900 Third Avenue South;€@AnokaMinnesota55303U.S;€.A;€@Pr€@B€@<Laren IIIan McLaren IIIIЈU(‚Mc@JT162DИ@<loyristopher Lee Molloy\‚ЈU(‚Mo‚ @J‚,T162E, T162JИ‚"@L‚T162E&‚T162Eа‚%@Ч‚2&@-*@Ц‚'@#@Ц‚(@:"Don adopted Chris and Doа‚ug"а‚T162Vа‚+@)@Ц‚ Chrisа‚-@<y†Douglas Lance Molloy\ƒЈU(‚Moƒ/@JƒT162EИƒ1@LƒT162E&ƒT162Eаƒ4@Чƒ25@-9@Цƒ6@2@Цƒ7@:"Don adopted Chris and Doаƒug"аƒT162Eаƒ:@8@Цƒ DougаƒqqqqqA@J„M79И„C@J…M79И…E@I@L…F@4M84M87&…&…H@VTown of Sharon, Schoharie… County, New York…J@4M84M87'…'…L@PBassett Hospital, Coopers…town, New York…M87а…O@Ч…2P@ S@/V@8[@Ц…Q@M@Ц…Homemakerа…M84а…T@R@Ц…Zion Cemeteryа…W@4M82M82а…X@U@Ц…а…Y@DHyndsville, New York (193а…7, 1968)а…M84а…\@Z@Ц…92 yearsа…]@Pr…]@B…`@J†E101И†b@< š†William P. Richards\(‡ЈU(‚Ri‡d@J‡E104И‡f@JˆE104Иˆh@J‰E104И‰E104а‰k@Ч‰25l@Ц‰m@i@Ц‰Rev. Dr.а‰o@<andniel Sisson Haviland\ŠЈU(‚HaŠq@JŠE104ИŠqqqqqqqqqqqqqq@J‹E104И‹ƒ@JŒE104ИŒ…@JE105И‡@JŽE105ИŽ‰@JE105И‹@JE105И@J‘E105И‘@J’E106И’‘@J“E106И““@J”E106И”•@J•E106И•—@J–E107И–™@J—E107И—›@J˜E107Ș@< Keyese Elizabeth Keyes\™ЈU(‚Ke™Ÿ@J™E107И™Ё@JšE107ИšЃ@J›E107И›Ѕ@JœE107ИœЇ@JE107ИЉ@JžE107ИžЋ@<n†Juliet Gould Goodman\ŸЈU(‚GoŸ­@JŸE107ИŸЏ@LŸE107&Ÿ,Glens Falls, New YorkŸБ@PrŸБ@BŸqqqqqqqqqqqqqС@< š†Samuel Boyd Goodman\( ЈU(‚Go У@J E107И Х@JЁE107ИЁЧ@JЂE107ИЂЩ@JЃE108ИЃЫ@JЄE108ИЄЭ@<stinence Stanley Austin\ЅЈU(‚AuЅЯ@JЅE108ИЅб@LЅE108&Ѕ"Concord, VermontЅE108аЅе@ЧЅ2/ж@ЦЅз@г@ЦЅ$"of Naugatuck CT"аЅй@< š†George Frank Austin\(ІЈU(‚AuІл@JІE108ИІн@<ingtonFrances Remington\ЇЈU(‚ReЇп@JЇE108ИЇс@JЈE108ИЈE108аЈф@ЧЈ2/х@ЦЈц@т@ЦЈ("res. Naugatuck CT"аЈш@JЉE108ИЉъ@LЉE108&ЉE108аЉэ@ЧЉ2/ю@ЦЉя@ы@ЦЉ№@6"res. Pasadena CA in 1993аЉ"аЉqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJЊE108ИЊA<hnDavid Austin St. John\ЋЈU(‚StЋAJЋE108ИЋALЋE108&Ћ AJЌE108ИЌ ALЌE108&ЌE108аЌAЧЌ2/AЦЌA AЦЌA6"res. Cheshire CT in 1993аЌ"аЌAJ­E108И­AJЎE108ИЎALЎE108'ЎE108аЎAЧЎ2A/ AЦЎAAЦЎAlProfessor of mineralogy, аЎAUniversity of Toronto (19аЎ37)аЎE108аЎ!AAЦЎ$"of Cambridge MA"аЎ#A<cockara Clendon Peacock\ЏЈU(‚PeЏ%AJЏE108ИЏ'ALЏE108&ЏE108аЏ*AЧЏ2/+AЦЏ,A(AЦЏ-A>"res. London, England in аЏ1993"аЏ/AJАE108ИА1A< š†Nancy Bligh Peacock\(БЈU(‚PeБ3AJБE108ИБ5ALБE108&БE108аБ8AЧБ2/9AЦБ:A6AЦБ;A8"res. Arlington MA in 199аБ3"аБqqqqAAJВE108ИВCAJГE108ИГEAJДE109ИДGA<n†Barbara L. Patterson\ЕЈU(‚PaЕIAJЕE109ИЕE109аЕLAЧЕ2/MAЦЕNAJAЦЕ,Glens Falls, New YorkаЕPAJЖE109ИЖRAJЗE109ИЗTAJИE109ИИE109аИWAЧИ2/XAЦИYAUAЦИZA\"of Glens Falls;" AlexandаИria, Virginia (1960)аИ\AJЙE109ИЙ^AJКE109ИКE109аКaAЧК2/bAЦКcA_AЦК0Laurel, Maryland (1984)аКeAJЛE109ИЛE109аЛhAЧЛ2/iAЦЛjAfAЦЛ0Cobden, Illinois (1984)аЛlAJМE109ИМnA< š†Margaret Kilpatrick\(НЈU(‚KiНpAJНE109ИНqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJОE109ИОE109аО„AЧО2/…AЦО†A‚AЦО0"res. Mountain View CA"аОˆAJПE109ИПE109аП‹AЧП2/ŒAЦПA‰AЦП$"res. Augusta ME"аПAJРE109ИРE109аР’AЧР2/“AЦР”AAЦР$"res. Danvers MA"аР–AJСE109ИС˜AJТE109ИТšA<r†Julia Griffin Gayger\УЈU(‚GaУœAJУE109ИУžA<lleribald Tearse Miller\ФЈU(‚MiФ AJФE110ИФЂAЄALФE110&ФButte, MontanaФE110'ФE110аФЇAЧФ2'ЈAЌA/АAЦФЉAЅAЦФЊABUniversity of Minnesota; аФCornellаФE110аФ­AЋAЦФЎAVEngineer and manufacturerаФ's representativeаФE110аФБAЏAЦФ2"res. Shaker Heights OH"аФqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСAJХE110ИХУALХE110'Х*Shaker Heights, OhioХЦA<lerrnelia Tearse Miller\ЦЈU(‚MiЦШAJЦE110ИЦE110аЦЫAЧЦ2ЬA/ЯAЦЦЭAЩAЦЦAdoptedаЦE110аЦаAЮAЦЦ"res. Chicago"аЦвA<Miller Josephine Miller\ЧЈU(‚MiЧдAJЧE110ИЧжALЧE110&ЧButte, MontanaЧE110аЧкAЧЧ2-лA/оA1сAЦЧмAиAЦЧGretchenаЧE110аЧпAнAЦЧ,"res. Minneapolis MN"аЧE110аЧтAрAЦЧ,"m. and had two sons"аЧфA<lerewart Warwick Miller\ШЈU(‚MiШцAJШE110ИШшALШE110&Ш$Winona, MinnesotaШE110аШьAЧШ2/эAЦШюAъAЦШ""res. Beloit WI"аШ№AJЩE110ИЩqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqB< š†Mary Olivia Dunning\(ЪЈU(‚DuЪBJЪE110ИЪBJЫE111ИЫBJЬE111ИЬ BJЭE111ИЭE111аЭ BЧЭ2/ BЦЭB BЦЭ&"of New London CT"аЭBJЮE112ИЮBJЯE112ИЯBJаE112ИаE112ааBЧа2B/BЦаBBЦаBdDirector of Athletics at ааBowling Green UniversityааE112ааBBЦа0"res. Bowling Green OH"ааBPrаBBа!B<erRobert Edward Steller\бЈU(‚Stб#BJбE112ИбE112аб&BЧб2'B/*BЦб(B$BЦб$College professorабE112аб+B)BЦб.Minneapolis, Minnesotaаб-BJвE112ИвE112ав0BЧв21B/4BЦв2B.BЦвPsychologistавE112ав5B3BЦв.Minneapolis, MinnesotaавqqqqqqqqqqAB< š†Christopher Steller\(гЈU(‚StгCBJгE112ИгE112агFBЧг2'GBЦгHBDBЦг Yale UniversityагJBJдE112ИдLB<r†David DeLong Steller\еЈU(‚StеNBJеE112ИеE112аеQBЧе2RB/UBЦеSBOBЦе(Consulting engineerаеE112аеVBTBЦе("res. Fullerton CA"аеXBJжE112ИжZBJзE112Из\BJиE112Ии^BJйE112Ий`BJкE113ИкE113акcBЧк2/dB.gBЦкeBaBЦк""of Woodbury NJ"акE113акhBfBЦкiBB"d. after birth of secondак child"акkBJлE113ИлmBJмE113ИмE113амpBЧм2/qBЦмrBnBЦм""of Warrensburg"амqqqqqqqqqqqqqBJнE113ИнE113ан„BЧн2…BˆB/ŒBЦн†B‚BЦн&"had a restaurant"анE113ан‰B‡BЦнŠBbFirst Presbyterian Churchан, Glens Falls, New YorkанE113анB‹BЦнŽBXCranbury, New Jersey; Gleанns Falls, New YorkанBPrнBBн’BJоE113Ио”BJпE113ИпE113ап—BЧп2˜B/œBЦп™B•BЦпšB@"self-employed in construапction"апE113апB›BЦп&"res. Ooltewah TN"апŸBJрE113ИрE113арЂBЧр2ЃB-ІB/ЉBЦрЄB BЦрMusic teacherарE113арЇBЅBЦр CyndyарE113арЊBЈBЦр(Claverack, New YorkарЌBJсE113ИсE113асЏBЧс2АB/ГBЦсБB­BЦсBeauticianасE113асДBВBЦсЕBJWilmot Street, Glens Fallасs, New YorkасqqqqqqqqqqСB< š†Kevin A. Richardson\(тЈU(‚RiтУBJтE113ИтE113атЦBЧт2ЧB/ЪBЦтШBФBЦт0City building inspectorатE113атЫBЩBЦтЬBJWilmot Street, Glens Fallатs, New YorkатЮBJуE113ИуE113аубBЧу2/вBЦугBЯBЦу."res. ... Schenectady"ауеBJфE113ИфE113афиBЧф2/йBЦфкBжBЦф Delhi, New YorkафмB< š†Marguerite Wardwell\(хЈU(‚WaхоBJхE113ИхрBJцE113ИцE113ацуBЧц2+фBЦцхBсBЦццB<North Queensbury Rescue SацquadацшBJчE113ИчE113ачыBЧч2-ьB/яBЦчэBщBЦчDeeDeeачE113ач№BюBЦч."res. with dau. in NH"ачqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqCJшE113ИшCJщE113ИщE113ащCЧщ2.CЦщCCЦщ CЌ"killed in a motorcycle aащ Cccident the night bef. heащ C was to graduate from higащh school."ащ CJъE113ИъCJыE113ИыE113аыCЧы2/CЦыCCЦы*"of Kansas City MO"аыE113аьCЧь2/CЦьCCЦь,"of Saratoga Springs"аьC<g†John DeLong Buecking\эЈU(‚BuэCJэE113ИэE113аэ CЧэ2!C/$CЦэ"CCЦэStock brokerаэE113аэ%C#CЦэ,"res. ... Queensbury"аэ'CJюE113Ию)CJяE113Ия+CJ№E113И№-CJёE114ИёE114аё0CЧё2/1CЦё2C.CЦё"of Auburn"аёqqqqqqqqqqqqqACJђE114ИђCCJѓE114ИѓECJєE114ИєGCJѕE114ИѕE114аѕJCЧѕ2/KCЦѕLCHCЦѕ""of Glens Falls"аѕNCJіE114ИіE114аіQCЧі2/RCЦіSCOCЦі""of Glens Falls"аіUCJїE114ИїE114аїXCЧї2YCЦїZCVCЦї2Educator and folk singerаї\CJјE114Иј^CJљE114ИљE114аљaCЧљ2/bCЦљcC_CЦљ$"res. Queensbury"аљeCJњE114ИњgCJћE114ИћiCJќE114ИќE114аќlCЧќ2/mCЦќnCjCЦќ "res. Tampa FL"аќpCJ§E114И§qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqCJўE114ИўE114аў„CЧў2…C/ˆCЦў†C‚CЦўBankerаўE114аў‰C‡CЦў,Glens Falls, New Yorkаў‹CJџE114ИџCJE114ИE114аCЧ2‘C/”CЦ’CŽCЦEngineerаE114а•C“CЦ."res. San Clemente CA"а—CJE114ИE114аšCЧ2/›CЦœC˜CЦ0"res. Mechanicsburg PA"аžCJE114И CJE114ИE114аЃCЧ2ЄC/ЇCЦЅCЁCЦTeacherаE114аЈCІCЦ""res. Glenville"аЊCJE114ИE114а­CЧ2/ЎC1БCЦЏCЋCЦ&"res. Glens Falls"аE114аВCАCЦГC:First husband's name unknаownаqqqqqqqqqqqqСCJE114ИE114аФCЧ21ХCЦЦCТCЦЧC<Second husband of Dale DeаLongаЩCJE114ИE114аЬCЧ2/ЭCЦЮCЪCЦ&"res. Glens Falls"ааCJE114ИE114агCЧ2дC/иCЦеCбCЦжCPAutomobile dealer, educatаional salesmanаE114айCзCЦкCVLynbrook, Suffern and Queаensbury, New YorkамCJE114ИоCJ E114И рCJ E114И E114а уCЧ 2/фCЦ хCсCЦ  "res. Keene NH"а чCJ E114И E114а ъCЧ 2/ыCЦ ьCшCЦ эCH"res. Keene NH, then at Qа ueensbury"а яC< š†Mabel Cowles Bascom\( ЈU(‚Ba ёCJ E115И ѓCѕCL E115& ,Fort Edward, New York E115' &Davenport, Florida E115а љCЧ 2&њC'ўCD D+ D-DЦ ћCїCЦ ќCHGraduate of Glens Falls Hа igh Schoolа E115а D§CЦ qDpGraduate of Goddard Seminа Dary; attended Skidmore Coа llegeа E115а DDЦ DLWorked at her father's leа gal practiceа E115а  DDЦ  DPPineview Cemetery, Queensа bury, New Yorkа E115а  D DЦ DЪActive in church, school а Dand garden groups; regentа D, Chepontuc Chapter, D.A.а DR., Glens Falls, New Yorkа а E115а DDЦ  Babeа D< š†Wyman Samuel Bascom\( ЈU(‚Ba DJ E115И D<s†Esther Louise Cowles\ЈU(‚CoDJE115ИDJE115И DLE115&(Cambridge, New Yorkа$DЧ25%DЦ&D"DЦ Judgeа'DPr'DB*DJE115И,D.DLE115&,Fort Edward, New YorkE115'*Queensbury, New YorkE69Sа2DЧ23D 7D/:DЦ4D0DЦ5DLTeacher, Queensbury Elemeаntary SchoolаE115а8D6DЦ&Sunnyside CemeteryаE115а;D9DЦ"of Paterson NJ and Lowelа<l MA"а<qqqqqqqСE<finne Hutchinson Coffin\=ЈU(‚Co=УEJ=E116И=ХEL=E116&=E116а=ШEЧ=2'ЩEЭE/вEЦ=ЂЪEЦEЦ=ЫELGraduate of University ofа= Connecticutа=E116а=ЮEЬEЦ=ЯEtSupervisor of computer deа=аEsign systems, AT&T, Whiteа= Plainsа=E116а=гEбEЦ=("res. Fairfield CT"а=еE<enWilliam Allen Grauzen\>ЈU(‚Gr>зEJ>E116И>йE<en, Jr.len Grauzen, Jr..?ЈU(‚Gr?лEJ?E116И?нEL?E116&?пE< š†David DeLong Coffin\(@ЈU(‚Co@сEJ@E116И@уEL@E116&@E116а@цEЧ@2'чEэE/ђEЦ@шEфEЦ@щEАArchitectural degree, Uniа@ъEversity of Pennsylvania (а@ыE1962); Master's degree Haа@rvard (1965)а@E116а@юEьEЦ@яE’Principal partner, Kelly-а@№ECoffin architectural firmа@, Danbury, Connecticutа@E116а@ѓEёEЦ@*"res. Ridgefield CT"а@qqqqqqqqqqqqFJAE116ИAFLAE116&AFJBE116ИBE116аBFЧB2/ FЦB FFЦB F:"of Westport and Milford аBCT"аB F<inPeter Tristram Coffin\CЈU(‚CoCFJCE116ИCFLCE116&CF<n†William Jared Coffin\DЈU(‚CoDFJDE116ИDFLDE116&DF< š†Samantha Ann Coffin\(EЈU(‚CoEFJEE116ИEFLEE116&EFJFE117ИF!FJGE117ИGE117аG$FЧG2/%FЦG&F"FЦG"of Albany"аG(FJHE117ИH*FLHE117&H,FJIE117ИIE117аI/FЧI250FЦI1F-FЦI MajorаIqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAFJJE117ИJCFLJE117&JEFJKE117ИKGFLKE117&KIFJLE117ИLKFJME117ИMMFLME117&MOF<Jr.och Briggs Gray, Jr..NЈU(‚GrNQFJNE69UИNSFJOE69UИOUFJPE69UИPWFZFLPE69U&PYFDHadley, Saratoga County, PNew YorkPE69U'PE69UаP]FЧP2/^FЦP_F[FЦP,Glens Falls, New YorkаPaFJQE69UИQE69UаQdFЧQ2/eFЦQfFbFЦQ,Glens Falls, New YorkаQhFJRE69UИRjFmFLRE69U&RlFDHadley, Saratoga County, RNew YorkRE69U'RE69UаRpFЧR2qF/tFЦRrFnFЦRFarmerаRE69UаRuFsFЦRvFNKingsbury, Washington CouаRnty, New YorkаRqqqqqqqqqFJSE69UИSƒF„FLSE69V&SE69V'S†FJTE69UИTˆF‰FLTE69U&TE69U'T‹FJUE69UИUFŽFLUE69U&UE69U'UFJVE69UИV’F< š†Catherine G. DeLong\(WЈU(‚DeW”FJWE69UИW–F—FLWE69U&WE69U'WUWeЪšFJXE69UИXœFJYE69UИYFPrYFBY FJZE69VИZЂFLZE69V&ZE69VаZЅFЧZ2ІF/ЉFЦZЇFЃFЦZTeacherаZE69VаZЊFЈFЦZЋFFWesttown, Pennsylvania (1аZ921-1922)аZ­FJ[E69VИ[ЏFJ\E69VИ\БFL\E69V&\E69Sа\ДFЧ\2ЕF1ЙFЦ\ЖFВFЦ\ЗFX"Elwin helped Herb with tа\he dairy business"а\E69Vа\КFИFЦ\"unm."а\qЪqqqqСFJ]E69VИ]УFL]E69V&]ХFJ^E69VИ^ЧFJ_E69VИ_ЩFL_E69V&_E69Sа_ЬFЧ_2ЭFЦ_ЮFЪFЦ_ЯFLTeacher, Queensbury Elemeа_ntary Schoolа_бFJ`E69VИ`E69Sа`дFЧ`26еFЦ`жFвFЦ`Wakeleyа`иFJaE69VИaкFLaE69V&aE69SаaнFЧa2оF/тF-хF6шFЦaпFлFЦaрF6Operator of DeLong's DairаayаaE69VаaуFсFЦa,Glens Falls, New YorkаaE69SаaцFфFЦa HerbаaE69SаaщFчFЦaDelongаaae‡ыFPraыFBaюFJbE69VИb№FLbE69W&bq‡qqqqqqqqqqqqqqG< š†Warren Edwin DeLong\(cЈU(‚DecGJcE69WИcGLcE69W&cGJdE69WИd GLdE69X&d GJeE69WИe GLeE69W&eGJfE69WИfGLfE69X&fGJgE69XИgGLgE69X&gGJhE69XИhGLhE69X&hGJiE69XИiGLiE69X&iGJjM82ИjM82аj"GЧj2/#GЦj$G GЦj%G:Canajoharie, New York (19аj68)аj'GJkM82Иk)GJlM82ИlM82аl,GЧl2/-GЦl.G*GЦl0Phoenix, Arizona (1968)аl0GJmM82ИmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAG<r.John Clark Handy, Jr..nЈU(‚HanCGJnM82ИnM82аnFGЧn2/GGЦnHGDGЦnIG@Central Bridge, New York аn(1968)аnKG<erWilliam Henry Spooner\oЈU(‚SpoMGJoNG4M82M86ИoИoPGQGLoM86&oM86'oSGЧo2 TGЦo2FVGUGЦoM86аoWGx16th New York Heavy ArtilаoXGlery; mustered out Augustаo 24, 1865аoZGJpM82Иp\GLpM86'p^G<e†Leon Robert Tissiere\qЈU(‚Tiq`GJqaGhM82M82ИqbGM84M87ИqИqdGLqM87&qM87аqgGЧq2hGЦqiGeGЦqFarmerаqkGJrM82ИrM82аrnGЧr2/oGЦrpGlGЦrqG4"of Richmondville" (1937)аrаrqqqqqqqqqqqqqqGJsM82ИsM82аs„GЧs2/…GЦs†G‚GЦs‡G6Worcester, New York (1937аs)аs‰GJtM82Иt‹GJuM82ИuM82аuŽGЧu2/GЦuGŒGЦu‘G8Cobleskill, New York (193аu7)аuwІe_”GJvM82Иv–GJwM82ИwM82аw™GЧw2/šGЦw›G—GЦwœG<Johnson City, New York (1аw937)аwžGJxM82Иx GJyM82ИyЂGJzM82ИzЄGJ{M82И{M82а{ЇGЧ{2/ЈGЦ{ЉGЅGЦ{""of Troy" (1973)а{ЋGJ|M82И|­GJ}M82И}M82а}АGЧ}2/БGЦ}ВGЎGЦ}2"of Gloversville" (1973)а}qqqqqqqqqqqqqСGJ~M82И~M82а~ФGЧ~2/ХGЦ~ЦGТGЦ~."of Fort Plain" (1973)а~ШGJM82ИM82аЫGЧ2/ЬGЦЭGЩGЦ."of Fort Plain" (1973)аЯGJ€M82И€M82а€вGЧ€2/гGЦ€дGаGЦ€."of Fort Plain" (1973)а€жGJN23ИиGкGLN25&(Worcester, New YorkN25'Ames, IowaN23аоGЧ2пG тG1хG/шGЦрGмGЦHarness makerаN25ауGсGЦ,Yankton, South DakotaаN23ацGфGЦ0"married a second time"аN23ащGчGЦъG‚"went to either South or аыGNorth Dakota" (1867); Ameаs, Iowa (1882)аьGPrьGBяG<amberlainth Chamberlain\‚ЈU(‚Ch‚ёGJ‚N25И‚ѓGL‚N25&‚N25а‚іGЧ‚2 їG/њG-§GЦ‚јGєGЦ‚,Yankton, South Dakotaа‚N23а‚ћGљGЦ‚"of Worcester"а‚N23а‚ўGќGЦ‚Minnieа‚qHJƒ.N23ИƒHHLƒ&ƒ'ƒаƒHЧƒ2 H/ HЦƒ HHЦƒ HTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаƒcester, New YorkаƒN23аƒ H HЦƒ"of Worcester"аƒH<llsttie Elizabeth Mills\„ЈU(‚Mi„HJ„N25И„HHL„N25&„N25'„HJ…N25И…HHL…N25&…'…а…HЧ…2 HЦ…HHЦ…HTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа…cester, New Yorkа…!HJ†N25И†#HJ‡N25И‡%HJˆ&H8691; N25ИˆИˆ(H)HLˆ&ˆ'ˆаˆ,HЧˆ2 -HЦˆ.H*HЦˆ/HTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаˆcester, New Yorkаˆ1HJ‰$691; N25И‰$691; N25а‰4HЧ‰215HЦ‰6H2HЦ‰7Hz"married the second time а‰8H... to Mrs. Mary Cooley, а‰nee Queal"а‰qqqqqqqAHJŠO103ИŠCHLŠO103&ŠEH<South Kingstown, Rhode IsŠlandŠGHJ‹O103И‹IHLHL‹O103&‹KH<South Kingstown, Rhode Is‹land‹O103'‹,Stephentown, New York‹OHJŒO103ИŒQHTHLŒO103&ŒSH<South Kingstown, Rhode IsŒlandŒO103'ŒVH<South Kingstown, Rhode IsŒlandŒXHJO103ИZH]HLO103&\H<North Kingstown, Rhode IslandO103',Stephentown, New York`HJŽO103ИŽbHJO103ИdHfHLO103&,Stephentown, New YorkO103',Stephentown, New YorkiHJO103ИkHmHLO103&,Stephentown, New YorkO103',Stephentown, New YorkpHJ‘O103И‘rHtHL‘O103&‘,Stephentown, New York‘O103'‘,Stephentown, New York‘qqqqqqqqqqHJ’O103И’ƒH…HL’O103&’,Stephentown, New York’&O103-O104'’New York’’“e-‰HJ“O104И“‹HHL“O104&“,Stephentown, New York“O104'“,Stephentown, New York“HJ”O104И”’H”HL”O104&”,Stephentown, New York”O104'”&Spafford, New York”—HJ•˜H>O101, O104, O109-O110И•И•šH›HL•O104&•œHDO101, O104O10'•1'•žHZHome of Nelson H. Smith, •Worcester, New York•O101а•ЁHЧ•2 ЂH8ІHЦ•ЃHŸHЦ•ЄHT"near Stanford at Stephenа• burial ground."а•O101а•ъYЇHЅHЦ•84 yearsа•ЈHPr•ЈHB•ЋHJ–O104И–­HЏHL–O104&–,Stephentown, New York–O104'–(Oppenheim, New York–qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСHJ—O104И—УHХHL—O104&—,Stephentown, New York—O104'—Saybrook, Ohio—ШH< š†Benjamin S. Sheldon\(˜ЈU(‚Sh˜ЪHJ˜O104ȘЬHЮHL˜O104&˜,Stephentown, New York˜O104'˜"Sweden, New York˜œ™š›œže˜ вHJ™O104И™дHжHL™O104&™,Stephentown, New York™O104'™,Stephentown, New York™йHJšO104ИšлHнHLšO104&š,Stephentown, New YorkšO104'š&Spafford, New YorkšрHJ›O104И›тHфHL›O104&›,Stephentown, New York›O104'›2East Worcester, New York›чHJœO104ИœщHыHLœO104&œ,Stephentown, New YorkœO104'œэHJO104ИяHёHLO104&,Stephentown, New YorkO104',Stephentown, New YorkqqqqqqqqqqqqqIJžO104ИžIILžO104&ž,Stephentown, New YorkžO104'ž,Skaneateles, New YorkžI< š†Mary de Les Dernier\(ŸЈU(‚DeŸ IJŸO104ИŸ I ILŸO105&ŸO104'ŸSaybrook, OhioŸIJ O105И IIL O105& O105' Saybrook, Ohio O105а IЧ 2-IЦ IIЦ  Pollyа IJЁO105ИЁILЁO105&ЁIJЂO105ИЂ!I#ILЂO105&Ђ(Worcester, New YorkЂO105'ЂNelson, OhioЂ&I<ldonman Francis Sheldon\ЃЈU(‚ShЃ(IJЃO105ИЃ*I,ILЃO105&Ѓ0Monroe County, New YorkЃO105'Ѓ Hillsboro, OhioЃ/I< SheldonDernier Sheldon\ЄЈU(‚ShЄ1IJЄO105ИЄ3I5ILЄO105&Є0Monroe County, New YorkЄO105'Є(St. Paul, MinnesotaЄqqqqqqqqqAI<onLaura Melvina Sheldon\ЅЈU(‚ShЅCIJЅO105ИЅEIGILЅO105&Ѕ"Sweden, New YorkЅO105'Ѕ$Lambert, MichiganЅJI< š†Orrilla Ann Sheldon\(ІЈU(‚ShІLIJІO105ИІNIPILІO105&ІNew YorkІO105'ІRI<eldonsa Julissa Sheldon\ЇЈU(‚ShЇTIJЇO105ИЇVIXILЇO105&Ї&Lockport, New YorkЇO105'ЇZIJЈO105ИЈ\I^ILЈO105&Ј&Lockport, New YorkЈO105'ЈGeneva, OhioЈaI<n†Lionel Allen Sheldon\ЉЈU(‚ShЉcIJЉO105ИЉeIhILЉfI8O105O101&Љ&Љ2East Worcester, New YorkЉO105'Љ*Pasadena, CaliforniaЉO101аЉlIЧЉ2 mI*pI5sI/vIЦЉnIjIЦЉ$Civil War veteranаЉO101аЉYqIoIЦЉ.Governor of New MexicoаЉO101аЉtIrIЦЉ$General; GovernorаЉO101аЉwIuIЦЉxIVEast Worcester, New York;аЉ Ohio; New MexicoаЉyIPrЉyIBЉqqqqqIJЊO105ИЊƒI<eyCharles Henry Whitney\ЋЈU(‚WhЋ…IJЋO105ИЋ‡ILЋO105&Ћ‰I4Pittsfield, MassachusettsЋЋ‹IJЌO105ИЌILЌO105'ЌI<oureces Rosalia LaMoure\­ЈU(‚La­‘IJ­O105И­“I•IL­O105&­(Worcester, New York­O105'­—I<ourelia Orcelia LaMoure\ЎЈU(‚LaЎ™IJЎO105ИЎ›ILЎO105&Ў(Worcester, New YorkЎЎЏБВe ŸI<oureabeth Viola LaMoure\ЏЈU(‚LaЏЁIJЏO105ИЏЃILЏO105&Џ(Worcester, New YorkЏІIJАO105ИАЈILАO105&А,Middleburgh, New YorkАЋIJБO105ИБ­ILБO105&Б(Worcester, New YorkБАIJВO105ИВВILВO105&В(Worcester, New YorkВqqqqqqqqqqqqСIJГO106ИГУIХILГO106&Г(Worcester, New YorkГO106'ГЧIJДO106ИДЩIJЕO106ИЕЫIJЖO106ИЖЭIЯILЖO106&Ж*Cobleskill, New YorkЖO106'ЖбIJЗO106ИЗгIJИO106ИИеI<oureiam TenEyck LaMoure\ЙЈU(‚LaЙзIJЙO106ИЙйIлILЙO106&Й(Worcester, New YorkЙO106'ЙнI4Somerville, MassachusettsЙЙпIJКO106ИКсIуILКO106&К(Worcester, New YorkКO106'К$Oneonta, New YorkКцI<e†Catherine S. LaMoure\ЛЈU(‚LaЛшIJЛO106ИЛъILЛO106&ЛьIJМO106ИМюI№ILМO106&М&Westford, New YorkМO115'М&O112-O113аМѓIЧМ2'єIљIќI J5JЦМѕIёIЦМіI’Laurel Bank Academy, DelhаМїIi, New York; Honorary D.DаМ., Syracuse UniversityаМ&O112-O113аМњIјIЦМћI`Carpenter; Methodist circаМuit preacher 1860-1910аМCўI§IЦМO112аМJxJoined Methodist EpiscopaаМqJl Church, East Worcester,аМ New YorkаМO115аМJJЦМJJGlenwood Cemetery, OneontаМa, New YorkаМO106аМJJЦМRev. Dr.аМ J<finstin LaMoure Griffin\НЈU(‚GrН JJН J8O106O112ИНИНJJОO106ИОJLОO106&О(Worcester, New YorkОJJПO106ИПJLПO106&П(Worcester, New YorkПJJРO106ИРJLРO106&Р(Worcester, New YorkРJJСO106ИС J"JLСO106&С0Mechanicville, New YorkСO106'С$J4Somerville, MassachusettsСС&JJТO106ИТ(JJУO106ИУ*JJФO106ИФ,J.JLФO106&Ф.Valley Falls, New YorkФO106'Ф,Malden, MassachusettsФ1J<ellvid Jackson Caldwell\ХЈU(‚CaХ3JJХO106ИХ5JLХO106&Х7J4Somerville, MassachusettsХХqqqqqqqqAJ<insorge Alford Simpkins\ЦЈU(‚SiЦCJJЦO107ИЦEJFJLЦO107&ЦO107'ЦHJJЧO107ИЧJJLJLЧO107&Ч$Oneonta, New YorkЧO107'Ч$Oneonta, New YorkЧOJJШO107ИШQJLШO107'Ш$Oneonta, New YorkШTJJЩO107ИЩVJWJLЩO107&ЩO107'Щ$Oneonta, New YorkЩZJ<pkinsrd George Simpkins\ЪЈU(‚SiЪ\JJЪO107ИЪ^J`JLЪO107&Ъ$Oneonta, New YorkЪO107'Ъ,Schenectady, New YorkЪcJJЫO107ИЫeJ< š†Isaac Snyder Wilber\(ЬЈU(‚WiЬgJJЬO107ИЬiJJЭO107ИЭkJLЭO107'ЭmJJЮO107ИЮoJqJLЮO107&Ю$Oneonta, New YorkЮO107'Ю"Sidney, New YorkЮqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ<nsPatricia Ann Simpkins\ЯЈU(‚SiЯƒJJЯO107ИЯ…J†JLЯO107&ЯO107'ЯˆJJаO107ИаŠJ‹JLаO107&аO107'аJ<ckerred Virginia Packer\бЈU(‚PaбJJбO107Иб‘JLбO107&б,Elkins, West Virginiaб”JJвO108Ив–JJг—J8O102O104ИгИг™JœJLгšJ8O102O104&г&г2East Worcester, New YorkгO102'гžJHHome of Mrs. Henry Darlinгg, WindsorгO102агЁJЧг2ЂJЄJ ЈJ5ЋJ/ЎJ.ЕJЦгЃJŸJЦг(Merchant; physicianаг-ІJЅJЦгO102аг,Joined Baptist ChurchагO102агЉJЇJЦг2East Worcester, New YorkагO102агЌJЊJЦгDr.агO102агЏJ­JЦгАJвEast Worcester, Seward, CагБJharlotteville, Worcester,агВJ Albany and New York CityагГJ (1860), New York; CalifoагrniaагO102агЪbЖJДJЦгHeart failureагЗJPrгЗJBгqqqqqqqСJJдO104ИдУJJеO104ИеХJJжS32ИжЧJJзS32ИзЩJJиS32ИиЫJJйS32ИйS32айЮJЧй28ЯJЦйаJЬJЦй"died [young]"айвJJкS32ИкдJJлS32Ил лмнeЛ зJJмS32ИмйJJнS32ИнкJPrнкJBннJJоS32ИопJJпS32ИпсJ<essorge Everett Burgess\рЈU(‚BuруJJрS32ИрхJ<s†Rose Minerva Burgess\сЈU(‚BuсчJJсшJ4S32S23ИсИсъJJтS32ИтьJ<rgessick Warren Burgess\уЈU(‚BuуюJJуS32Иу№JJфS32ИфђJLфS32&фqqqqqqqqqqqqqKJхS32ИхKJцS32ИцK<bePearl Ceceilia McCabe\чЈU(‚McчKJчS32Ич KLчS32&ч Clyde, New Yorkч KJшS32ИшKLшS32&шK<essbert Matthew Burgess\щЈU(‚BuщKJщS32ИщKLщS32&щ$Detroit, MichiganщK<ess, Jr.do Burgess, Jr..ъЈU(‚BuъKJъS32ИъKLъS32&ъ(Wyandotte, MichiganъK<gesse Elizabeth Burgess\ыЈU(‚Buы KJыS32Иы"KLыS32&ы(Wyandotte, Michiganы%KJьS32Иь'KLьS32&ь(Wyandotte, Michiganь*KJэS32Иэ,KJюS32Ию.KLюS32&юS32аю1KЧю22KЦю3K/KЦю"Adopted"аюqqqqqqqqqqqqAKJяS27ИяS27аяDKЧя2EK/HKЦяFKBKЦяPhysicianаяS27аяIKGKЦяAlaskaаяJK PrяJKBяMKJ№S31И№OK<r†Katherine McAllister\ёЈU(‚McёQKJёS31ИёS37аёTKЧё2-UKЦёVKRKЦёCatherineаёXKJђS30ИђZKJѓS30Иѓ\KJєS30Иє^KJѕS30Иѕ`KJіS30ИіbKLіS30&іMassachusettsіeKJїS30ИїgKLїS30&їiK:Massachusetts or ConnectiїcutїkKJјS30ИјmKLјS30'ј"Rutland, VermontјS36ајqKЧј2 rK8wKЦјsKoKЦјtKfPrivate, Co. K, 123rd NewајuK York Infantry, Civil WarајајS30ајкbxKvKЦј77 yearsајqqqqqqqKLљS29&љƒKJњS30Ињ…K†KLњS30&њ‡K4S30S36'њ'њ"Rutland, VermontњS30ањ‹KЧњ2 ŒK KЦњK‰KЦњWar of 1812ањS36ањKŽKЦњ‘KXSpafford Cemetery, North ањClarendon, Vermontањ“KJћS30Ић•KJќS30Иќ–K!Prќ–KBќ™KJ§S30И§›KL§S30&§&Cavendish, Vermont§žKJўS30Иў KЂKLўS30&ў Pawlet, VermontўS30'ў0Center Rutland, VermontўЅKJџS29ИџЇKLџS29&џЉKJS29ИЊK"PrЊKB­KJS29ИЏKJS29ИБKJS29ИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСKJS29ИУKJS29ИХKJS29ИЧKJS29ИЩKJS29ИЫKJ S29И ЭKJ S29И ЯKJ S29И бKJ S29И гKJ S29И еK< š†Joseph Wilkins, Jr..(ЈU(‚WiзKJS29ИйKLS29&S29амKЧ2 нK1сKЦоKкKЦпK4Revolutionary War soldierааS29атKрKЦуKFHis second marriage was tаo a PhebeахKJS29ИчKLS29&S29аъKЧ21ыKЦьKшKЦэKHHis second marriage was tаo a EuniceаяKJS29ИёKJS28ИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqLJS28ИLJS28ИLLS25&Canada EastS25а LЧ2/ LЦ LLЦ0Brandon, Vermont (1860)а LJ$S25, S28ИLJS24ИLJS24ИLJC96XИLJL@H38, H41H158ИИLLL(H158, H163&LJLorraine, Jefferson County, New YorkL4H158, H163. H165''LzHome at French SettlementL, Lyonsdale, Lewis County, New York&H164-H165а"LЧCLd#L)'L*L .L+5L48L.;L/>LЦ$L LЦ%LTTannery worker; lumbermanа, jobber, farmerаH165а(L&LЦDemocratаH166а+L)LЦ,LjMember of St. Martin's Chа-Lurch, Port Leyden, New YoаrkаZˆ1L/LЦ0L8H163H166аа2LnCalvary [St. Martin's] Ceа3Lmetery, Port Leyden, New аYorkаH166а6L4LЦ&Port Leyden GrangeаH163а"87L79LЦH165аH165аJˆЈU(‚Sc>оMJ>V194И>рM<rsendore Scott Petersen\?ЈU(‚Pe?тMJ?V194И?фML?V194&?$Cornell, New York?чM<enCarl Francis Petersen\@ЈU(‚Pe@щMJ@V194И@ыML@V194&@*Ferndale, California@юMJAV194ИA№M<h†John Rexford Aldrich\BЈU(‚AlBђMJBѓMN181; V202V210ИB, V239ИBѕMLB(V210, V239&BV242аBјMЧB2љMЦBњMіMЦBDay laborerаBћM(PrBћMBBqqqNJCNv181; V202V210ИCN, V239V241, V24ИC9ИCNJD&181; V202ИDN NLD(V210, V239&D2Gloucester, Rhode IslandD(V210, V239'D*Adams, MassachusettsD&181; V202аD NЧD2NN/NЦDN NЦDPreacherаD&181; V202аDNNЦDQuakerаD&181; V202аDNNЦDNew EnglandаDN)PrDNBDNJEC96AIИEC96AIаENЧE2/NЦENNЦEN4"of Plymouth, Pa." (1920)аEаE!N<ichhn Archibald Aldrich\FЈU(‚AlF#NJF$N8V224V226ИFИF)NDV226V241, V24аF'NЧF2(N/,N-1NЦF*N%NЦF9аFAttorneyаF-NDV224V241, V24аF.N+NЦF9аF/NbSpringfield (1916) and LoаFngmeadow, MassachusettsаF(V241, V249аF2N0NЦFArchieаFqqqqqqqqqqqqqANJGBN8V224V241ИGИGV224аGENЧG2/FNЦGGNCNЦG&"of Boston" (1916)аGINJH(V210, V239ИHKNLHV239'HV239аHNNЧH28ONЦHњAPNLNЦH87 yearsаHRNJIV239ИITNJJ(V210, V239ИJVNLJ(V210, V239&JXNJK(V210, V239ИKZNJLV239ИL\NLL(V210, V239&LV210аL_NЧL2-`NЦLaN]NЦLTobathaаLcNJM(V210, V239ИMeNJN(V210, V239ИNgNLN(V210, V239&NiNJO(V210, V239ИOkNJPV210ИPmN<ichrdan Rexford Aldrich\QЈU(‚AlQoNJQ(V210, V239ИQqNrNLQ(V210, V239&Q(V210, V239'QqqqqqqqqqqqqqNJR(V210, V239ИRƒNLR(V210, V239&R(V241, V249аR†NЧR2-‡NЦRˆN„NЦRViennaаR‰N*PrR‰NBRŒNJSV210ИS‘NDV239V241, V24аSNЧS2-N/”NЦS’NNЦS9аSDanielаS(V241, V249аS•N“NЦS"of Adams"аS—NJT(V210, V239ИT™NLTV210&TV239аTœNЧT24NЦTК šNЦTŸNJU(V210, V239ИUЁNJV(V210, V239ИVЃNJWV239ИWЅNJXV239ИXЇNJYV239ИYЉNJZ(V210, V239ИZЋNLZ(V210, V239&Z­NJ[V239И[ЏNJ\V239И\БNJ]V239И]qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСNJ^(V210, V239И^УNL^(V210, V239&^(V241, V249а^ЦNЧ^21ЧNЦ^ШNФNЦ^"no family"а^ЪNJ_(V210, V239И_ЬNJ`(V210, V239И`ЮNЯNL`(V210, V239&`(V210, V239'`бNJaV239ИaгNеNLaV239&a.Scituate, Rhode IslandaV239'a*Adams, MassachusettsaиNJbV239ИbкNJcV239ИcмNLcV239&cV239аcпNЧc2 рN/уNЦcсNнNЦc$Revolutionary WarаcV239аcфNтNЦcхN8Adams, Massachusetts (178аc1)аcчNJdV239ИdщNJeV239ИeыNJfV239ИfэNLfV239&fяNJgV239ИgёNJhV239ИhqqqqqqqqqqqqqqOJiV239ИiOLiV239'iSmithfieldiV239аiOЧi27OЦi OOЦi OLMarch 17, 1735 given as dаiate of deathаi OJjV239ИjOJkV239ИkOJlV239ИlOJmV239ИmOJnV239ИnnoeшOJoV239ИoOJpV239ИpOJqV239ИqOJrV239ИrOJs(V241, V249Иs(V241, V249аs"OЧs28#OЦs$O OЦs$"died in infancy"аs&OJt(V241, V249Иt(V241, V249аt)OЧt28*OЦt+O'OЦt$"died in infancy"аt€eT.OJu(V241, V249ИuV241аu1OЧu2/2OЦu3O/OЦu"of Adams"аuqqqqqqqqqqqqAOJv(V241, V249ИvCOJw(V241, V249ИwEOJx(V241, V249ИxGOJy(V241, V249ИyIOJz(V241, V249Иz(V241, V249аzLOЧz28MOЦzNOJOЦz$"died in infancy"аzzeлQOJ{(V241, V249И{SOJ|(V241, V249И|UOJ}(V241, V249И}WOJ~(V241, V249И~YOJ(V241, V249И(V241, V249а\OЧ25]OЦ^OZOЦDr.а`OJ€H160И€bOdOL€H153&€Canada€H153'€New York€fO+Pr€fOB€iOJH160ИkOmOLH153&CanadaH153'New YorkpO<leVirtil Vital Manville\‚ЈU(‚Ma‚rOJ‚H156И‚tOL‚H156&‚Canada‚vO,Pr‚vOB‚qqqqqqqqOJƒH157ИƒƒOLƒH157&ƒCanadaƒ†OJ„H156И„ˆOL„H156&„Canada„‹O<leMarie Louise Vandalle\…ЈU(‚Va…OJ…H156И…OL…H156&…‘O<llean Baptiste Vandalle\†ЈU(‚Va†“OJ†H156И†•OJ‡H156И‡—OJˆH156Иˆ™OLˆH156&ˆ›OJ‰H156И‰OL‰H156&‰ŸOJŠH153ИŠЁOLŠH153&ŠH154аŠЄOЧŠ2ЅOЦŠІOЂOЦŠFarmerаŠЇO-PrŠЇOBŠЊOJ‹H153И‹ЌOL‹(H153, H154&‹Canada‹H154а‹АOЧ‹2БOЦ‹ВOЎOЦ‹Laborerа‹ГO.Pr‹ГOB‹qqqqqqqqqqqСO<n†Clara Clarissa DePan\ŒЈU(‚DeŒУOJŒH153ИŒХOЦOLŒH153&ŒH153'ŒШOJH153ИЪOLH153&Ž‘eЭOJŽH153ИŽЯOбOLŽ(H153, H286&ŽCanadaŽ(H153, H286'ŽгO<Greig, Lewis County, New ŽYorkŽH286аŽжOЧŽ2.зOЦŽЪ IиOдOЦŽConsumptionаŽкOJH154ИмOоOL(H154, H286&CanadaпODH154, H286H28'7'сO`Home at 612 Hamilton Street, Syracuse, New YorkH154афOЧ2хO чO-ьOЦцOтOЦLaborerа’}щOшOЦH286аъONSt. Agnes Cemetery, Syracаuse, New YorkаH287аэOыOЦ LouisаюO/PrюOBёOJH154ИѓOѕOLH154&Canada(H154, H299'H299ајOЧ2 љOЦњOіOЦћOPAssumption Cemetery, Syraаcuse, New YorkаqqqqPJ‘H154И‘PPL‘H154&‘H154'‘PJ’H154И’PL’H154&’ PJ“H154И“ PL“H154&“PJ”H154И”PL”H154&”PJ•H154И•PJ–H152И–PPL–H152&–Canada–H152'–PDLeRay, Jefferson County, –New York–P0Pr–PB–PJ—H152И— PJ˜H158Ș"P$PL˜(H158, H245&˜,Brownsville, New York˜(H158, H245'˜H245а˜'Pט2 (P8,P֘)P%P֘*PPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа˜yden, New Yorkа˜-P4H245H5а˜b^.P+P֘а˜&35 years, 5 monthsа˜e1PJ™H159И™3PL™H159&™New York™qqqqqqqqqqqAPJšH159ИšCPLšH159&šEPJ›H159И›GPL›H159&›New York›JPJœH168ИœLPPPLœ(H168, H169&œNPjFrench Settlement, LyonsdœOPale, Lewis County, New YoœrkœH168'œRPBFaxton Hospital, Utica, Nœew YorkœH169аœUPЧœ2VP XP/]PЦœWPSPЦœLumbermanаœZ‹ZPYPЦœH168аœ[PPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаœyden, New YorkаœH169аœ^P\PЦœ,Port Leyden, New Yorkаœ_P1Prœ_PBœbPJH168ИdPgPL(H168, H185&fPDLyonsdale, Lewis County, New York(H168, H185'iPjFrench Settlement, LyonsdjPale, Lewis County, New YorklPЧ2 mP.rP8uP4xP1zPЦт goPnPЦH185аpPPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаyden, New YorkаH185ав gsPqPЦConsumptionаH185ав gvPtPЦ&25 years, 4 monthsаH185аzMwPЦH185а{PyPЦ "Never married"аqqqqPJžH168ИžƒP‡PLž(H168, H186&ž…PjFrench Settlement, Lyonsdž†Pale, Lewis County, New Yožrkž(H168, H186'ž&Syracuse, New YorkžH186аž‹PЧž2 ŒPЦžP‰PЦžŽPPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаžyden, New YorkаžPJŸH168ИŸ’PLŸ(H168, H187&Ÿ”PDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ŸNew YorkŸH187аŸ—PЧŸ2/˜PЦŸ™P•PЦŸ.Utica, New York (1907)аŸ›P<n†Joseph William DePan\ ЈU(‚De PJ H168И ŸPЂPL (H168, H187& ЁPDLyonsdale, Lewis County,  New York (H168, H187' ЄPDLyonsdale, Lewis County,  New York H187а ЇPЧ 2 ЈPЌP3БPЦ ЉPЅPЦ ЊPPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа yden, New Yorkа H188а ­PЋPЦ ЎPjSt. Mary's Catholic Churcа ЏPh, Constableville, New Yoа rkа H188а ВPАPЦ ГPDTuffield DePan and Josephа ine Rubyа qqqqqqqqqqqqСPJЁH168ИЁУPЦPLЁ(H168, H188&ЁХPDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЁNew YorkЁ(H168, H188'ЁШPDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЁNew YorkЁH188аЁЫPЧЁ2-ЬPЦЁЭPЩPЦЁLizzieаЁЯP<Panederick Arthur DePan\ЂЈU(‚DeЂбPJЂ(H168, H190ИЂгPжPLЂ(H168, H189&ЂеPDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЂNew YorkЂ*H168, H189'ЂиPDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЂNew YorkЂкPЧЂ2 лP пPфP4щP8ыP.юP-ёP1єPЦЂ’pнPмPЦЂH190аЂоPXCo. A, 110 Rgt. Heavy ArtаЂillery, U.S. ArmyаЂ’qсPрPЦЂH189аЂтPPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЂyden, New YorkаЂH190аЂхPуPЦЂцPjSt. Mary's Catholic ChurcаЂчPh, Constableville, New YoаЂrkаЂH190аЂ"VшPЦЂH190аЂzqьPъPЦЂ28 yearsаЂH190аЂzqяPэPЦЂTyphoid feverаЂ(H168, H192аЂђP№PЦЂFredrick; FredаЂ190аЂѕPѓPЦЂ "Never married"аЂіP2PrЂіPBЂqqqqqqqqQJЃH168ИЃQQLЃQDH168, H191H19&Ѓ2&ЃQjFrench Settlement, LyonsdЃQale, Lewis County, New YoЃrkЃ(H168, H191'Ѓ QNOneida City Hospital, OneЃida, New YorkЃH192аЃ QЧЃ*QdQ Q QQ-Q3Q/!Q4%QЦЃQ QЦЃFarmerаЃ&H191-H192аЃQQЦЃQVCo. A, 110 Rgt. Heavy ArtаЃillery, U.S. ArmyаЃH191аЃQQЦЃQXPort Leyden Cemetery, PorаЃt Leyden, New YorkаЃт WQЦЃH192аЃ2H168, H191-H192аЃQQЦЃ FelixаЃH192аЃт WQQЦЃ,John and Zilpha BrownаЃH192аЃ"Q QЦЃ#QRLyonsdale and Canastota (аЃ1928), New YorkаЃH192аЃъW&Q$QЦЃ'QjFrench Settlement, LyonsdаЃ(Qale, Lewis County, New YoаЃrkаЃH192аЃ.+QЦЃКœ,Q)QЦЃ&Surgical operationаЃ-Q3PrЃ-QBЃ0QJЄH168ИЄ2Q5QLЄ(H168, H195&Є4QDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЄNew YorkЄ(H168, H195'Є,Port Leyden, New YorkЄ8QЧЄ2 9Q=Q-CQ3HQЦЄђt;Q:QЦЄH195аЄQЦЄH195аЄqAQTSt. Anthony's Church, LyoаЄnsdale, New YorkаЄDQ8H195H195аЄEQBQЦЄаЄFQFCrescenzia (baptismal namаЄe); FannyаЄH195аЄ"YIQGQЦЄJQ6Joseph and Catherine DePaаЄnаЄKQ4PrЄKQBЄNQJЅH168ИЅPQSQLЅ(H168, H199&ЅRQDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЅNew YorkЅ(H168, H199'ЅUQTLowville Nursing Home, LoЅwville, New YorkЅH199аЅXQЧЅ2 YQЦЅZQVQЦЅ[QPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЅyden, New YorkаЅ]QJІH168ИІ_QbQLІ(H168, H203&ІaQDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ІNew YorkІ(H168, H203'ІNew YorkІeQ< š†Julia Augusta DePan\(ЇЈU(‚DeЇgQJЇH168ИЇiQlQLЇ(H168, H203&ЇkQDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЇNew YorkЇ(H168, H203'ЇnQDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЇNew YorkЇpQЧЇ2 qQ.vQЦЇвosQrQЦЇH203аЇtQPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЇyden, New YorkаЇH203аЇТowQuQЦЇDiphtheriaаЇqqqqqqqqQJЈH168ИЈƒQ†QLЈ(H168, H203&Ј…QDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЈNew YorkЈ‡QNH168, H203H20'Ј3-H204'Ј‰QZHome at 508 Main Street, ЈBoonville, New YorkЈH204аЈŒQЧЈ2&QQ”Q —Q+œQЦЈŽQŠQЦЈ0Port Leyden High SchoolаЈH204аЈ‘QQЦЈ’Q4Port Leyden Knitting MillаЈаЈH204аЈ•Q“QЦЈ–QRSt. Joseph's Church, BoonаЈville, New YorkаЈЂЎ™Q˜QЦЈH203аЈšQVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, BoаЈonville, New YorkаЈH204аЈQ›QЦЈ"Boonville GrangeаЈžQ5PrЈžQBЈЁQJЉH169ИЉЃQLЉH169&Љ,Beards Town, IllinoisЉH179аЉЇQЧЉ2-ЈQЦЉЉQЅQЦЉ(Marie A. BurlingameаЉЊQ6PrЉЊQBЉ­Q<Panseph Andrew H. DePan\ЊЈU(‚DeЊЏQJЊH171ИЊБQДQLЊ(H171, H172&ЊГQDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЊNew YorkЊЕQDH171, H172H17'Њ2'ЊЗQŠJohnston's Camp, White LaЊИQke, Town of Webb, HerkimeЊr County, New YorkЊH173аЊЛQЧЊ2 МQ.СQ1ФQЦЊНQЙQЦЊОQZSt. Martin's Cemetery, PoаЊrt Leyden, New YorkаЊqH172аЊ’~ТQРQЦЊPneumoniaаЊH172аЊХQУQЦЊUnmarriedаЊЦQ7PrЊЦQBЊЩQJЋH171ИЋЫQЮQLЋ(H171, H173&ЋЭQBMt. Ida, Anderson County,Ћ KansasЋ(H171, H173'ЋRome, New YorkЋбQЧЋ2 вQ1зQ-кQЦЋв •дQгQЦЋH173аЋеQVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, BoаЋonville, New YorkаЋH173аЋиQжQЦЋ&Twin of Ruth DePanаЋH170аЋлQйQЦЋ RubyаЋмQ8PrЋмQBЋпQJЌH171ИЌсQфQLЌ(H171, H179&ЌуQBMt. Ida, Anderson County,Ќ KansasЌ(H171, H179'Ќ*Ogdensburg, New YorkЌH173аЌшQЧЌ21щQЦЌъQцQЦЌ&Twin of Ruba DePanаЌыQ9PrЌыQBЌюQJ­H171И­№QёQL­(H171, H184&­(H171, H184'­qqqqqqqqqqqqqqRJЎH171ИЎRRLЎ(H171, H184&ЎRDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЎNew YorkЎ(H171, H184'ЎRDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ЎNew YorkЎЎeќ RJЏH172ИЏ RRLЏH184&ЏUnited StatesЏH184'Џ*Binghamton, New YorkЏH184аЏRЧЏ2 RЦЏRRЦЏRPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЏyden, New YorkаЏR< š†Edwin Roland Sharon\(АЈU(‚ShАRJАR8H173H174ИАИАRRLАH174&А0Sterlingville, New YorkА R8H173H174'А'А"RPOneida County Hospitalk, АRome, New YorkАH174аА%RЧА2&R *R -R/1RЦА'R#RЦА(RbOwner of Bethel gas statiаАon, Boonville, New YorkаАH174аА+R)RЦАU.S. ArmyаАH174аА.R,RЦА/RVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, BoаАonville, New YorkаАH174аА2R0RЦА(Boonville, New YorkаА3R:PrА3RBАqќqqqqqqqqqqARJБH174ИБCRLБH174&БERJВH174ИВGRLВH174&ВIRJГH178ИГKRJДH178ИДMRLДH178&ДH178аДPRЧД2 QR.UR8XRЦДRRNRЦДSRVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, BoаДonville, New YorkаДH179аДVRTRЦДPneumoniaаДH179аДYRWRЦД14 yearsаД[RJЕH178ИЕ]R^RLЕH178&ЕH178'Е`R<lingerRussell Bellinger\ЖЈU(‚BeЖbRJЖH178ИЖdR< Leafon F. Michael Leaf\ЗЈU(‚LeЗfRJЗH179ИЗhRlRLЗH179&ЗjRjFrench Settlement, LyonsdЗkRale, Lewis County, New YoЗrkЗH179'ЗH179аЗoRЧЗ2 pR-tRЦЗqRmRЦЗrRPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЗyden, New YorkаЗ(H179, H182аЗuRsRЦЗvR:Napolean; Napoleon BonapaаЗrteаЗqqqqqqqqqRJИH179ИИƒR„RLИH179&ИH179'И†RJЙH179ИЙˆR‰RLЙH179&ЙH179'Й‹RJКH180ИКR‘RLКH180&КRjFrench Settlement, LyonsdКRale, Lewis County, New YoКrkКH180'К“R6Harrisonburg, PennsylvaniКaКH180аК–RЧК2-—RЦК˜R”RЦК(Jacob Napolean LeafаКšRJЛH180ИЛœRŸRLЛ(H180, H181&ЛžRFBoonville, Oneida County,Л New YorkЛ(H180, H181'ЛЁRPHolland Patent, Oneida CoЛunty, New YorkЛЃR<f†William Francis Leaf\МЈU(‚LeМЅRJМH180ИМЇRЉRLМ(H180, H181&М,Port Leyden, New YorkМ(H180, H181'М&Herkimer, New YorkМH181аМ­RЧМ2 ЎRЦМЏRЋRЦМ Utica, New YorkаМБR< š†Mary Genevieve Leaf\(НЈU(‚LeНГRJНH180ИНЕRИRLН(H180, H182&НЗRPHawkinsville, Herkimer CoНunty, New YorkН(H180, H182'НКR\St. Luke's Memorial HospiНtal, Utica, New YorkНH182аННRЧН2&ОRТRХR ШR+ЮRЦНРRЛRЦНq "local schools"аНH182аНУRСRЦН2Licensed practical nurseаНH182аНЦRФRЦНЧRHMember of Tabernacle BaptаНist ChurchаНКЩЫRЩRЦНЪR8H182H183аНаНЬRHSt. Agnes Cemetery, UticaаН, New YorkаНH182аНЯRЭRЦНаRhBusiness and ProfessionalаНбR Women's Club, Circle NinаНeаНвR;PrНвRBНеRJОH180ИОзRLОH180&ОйRJПH181ИПлRLПH181&ПнR<Sr.uis J. Mazzatti, Sr..РЈU(‚MaРпRJРH182ИРсRуRLРH183&РNew YorkРH182'РхR<Jr.uis J. Mazzatti, Jr..СЈU(‚MaСчRJСH183ИСщRJТH183ИТыRJУH183ИУэRJФH183ИФяRJХH184ИХёRLХH184&ХqqqqqqqqqqqqqqSJЦH187ИЦSLЦH187&ЦSJЧH186ИЧS SLЧH186&Ч&Syracuse, New YorkЧH186'Ч SjFrench Settlement, LyonsdЧ Sale, Lewis County, New YoЧrkЧSЧЧ2 S.S8SЦЧ:oSSЦЧH186аЧSDLyonsdale, Lewis County, аЧNew YorkаЧH186аЧ2oSSЦЧDiphtheriaаЧH186аЧ2oSSЦЧ$6 years, 6 monthsаЧSJШH186ИШH187аШSЧШ2-S4!S7#SЦШSSЦШEva F.аШH41аШbg SЦШH41аШ2o"SЦШ%SJЩH189ИЩ'S(SLЩH189&ЩH189'Щ*S< š†Lillian Eliza Higby\(ЪЈU(‚HiЪ,SJЪH192ИЪ.S1SLЪH193&Ъ0S<Greig, Lewis County, New ЪYorkЪ2S8H193H193'Ъ'Ъ4STSt. Elizabeth's Hospital,Ъ Utica, New YorkЪH194аЪ7SЧЪ28S ;S+AS/ESЦЪ9S5SЦЪ:S<Boonville Presbyterian ChаЪurchаЪbЏ=SSXPort Leyden Cemetery, PorаЪt Leyden, New YorkаЪqH194аЪBS@SЦЪCSHBoonville Grange and CommаЪunity ClubаЪFS8H192H194аЪGSDSЦЪаЪHSV"of Boonville" (1908); CaаЪnastota, New YorkаЪIS<PrЪISBЪLS< š†Leonard Gates Higby\(ЫЈU(‚HiЫNSJЫH193ИЫPSQSLЫH193&ЫH193'ЫSSJЬH193ИЬUSVSLЬH193&ЬH193'ЬXSJЭH193ИЭZSLЭH194'Э\SJЮH195ИЮ^S`SLЮH195&ЮNew YorkЮaS8H195H195'Ю'Ю.Home in Rome, New YorkЮH196аЮeSЧЮ2fS jS-nSЦЮgScSЦЮhSRParry Coal Company, WhiteаЮsboro, New YorkаЮH195аЮkSiSЦЮlSXPort Leyden Cemetery, PorаЮt Leyden, New YorkаЮH195аЮoSmSЦЮ JackаЮqSJЯH195ИЯsStSLЯH195&ЯH195'ЯuSяQrqqqqqqqqqqSJаH195ИаƒS„SLаH195&аH195'а†SJбH196ИбˆSŒSLбH196&бŠSjFrench Settlement, Lyonsdб‹Sale, Lewis County, New YoбrkбH196'бŽSBFaxton Hospital, Utica, Nбew YorkбH196аб‘SЧб2’S•S™SЦб“SSЦб NurseабH196аб–S”SЦб—SŒSt. Martin's Church, Portаб˜S Leyden, New York (converабt); Assembly of Godаб z›SšSЦбH196абœSVSt. Martin's Church, Portаб Leyden, New YorkабžS< š†Joseph Elden Redner\(вЈU(‚Reв SJвH196ИвЂSЅSLв(H196, H199&вЄSDLyonsdale, Lewis County, вNew Yorkв(H196, H199'вЇSDLyonsdale, Lewis County, вNew YorkвЉSЧв2 ЊS8ЏSЦвsЌSЋSЦвH199ав­SXPort Leyden Cemetery, Porавt Leyden, New YorkавH199авъsАSЎSЦв$8 months, 18 daysавqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСSJгH197ИгУSLгH197&гХSFBoonville, Oneida County,г New Yorkг&H196-H197агШSЧг2ЩSЬSЦгЪSЦSЦгMinisterагH196агЭSЫSЦг Assembly of GodагЯSJдH197ИдбSвSLдH197&дH197'дH197адеSЧд2/жSЦдзSгSЦд Utica, New YorkадйSJеH197ИеH197аемSЧе2/нSЦеоSкSЦе.Utica, New York (1970)аерSJжH197ИжH198ажуSЧж2/фSЦжхSсSЦж.Marcy, New York (1970)ажчSJзH197ИзH198азъSЧз2/ыSЦзьSшSЦзэS:Hoffmeister, New York (19аз70)азяSJиH197ИиH198аиђSЧи2/ѓSЦиєS№SЦи.Utica, New York (1970)аиqqqqqqqqqqqT<r†Mable Pauline Meeker\йЈU(‚MeйTJйH197ИйH198айTЧй2/TЦйTTЦй.Utica, New York (1970)ай TJкH197ИкH198ак TЧк2/TЦкT TЦкT<Westmoreland, New York (1ак970)акT< š†Ione Shirley Meeker\(лЈU(‚MeлTJлH197ИлH198алTЧл2/TЦлTTЦлT6Boonville, New York (1970ал)алTJмH197ИмTJнH197Ин TJоH197Ио"TJпH197Ип$T&TLп(H197, H199&п(Boonville, New Yorkп(H197, H199'п(Boonville, New Yorkп)TJрH198Ир+T<dseyibald Lewis Birdsey\сЈU(‚Biс-TJс&H199-H200Ис/T0TLсH202&сH202'с2TTLewis County Hospital, Loсwville, New YorkсH202ас5TЧс2 6T/:TЦс7T3TЦс8TPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leасyden, New YorkасH200ас;T9TЦс0"of Lyons Falls" (1953)асqqqqATJтH201ИтCTGTLтH201&тETjFrench Settlement, LyonsdтFTale, Lewis County, New YoтrkтH201'тITjFrench Settlement, LyonsdтJTale, Lewis County, New YoтrkтH201атMTЧт2NT QTVT3ZT.^TЦтOTKTЦтPT4Port Leyden Knitting MillататК„STRTЦтH201атTTPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leатyden, New YorkатH201атWTUTЦтXTVSt. Martin's Church, Portат Leyden, New YorkатH201ат[TYTЦт\TBJoseph and Domina Josephuатs DePanатH201атЂ„_T]TЦтInfluenzaат`T=Prт`TBтcTJуH200ИуeTgTLуH200&у,Port Leyden, New YorkуH200'уiT<Home at Port Leyden, New уYorkуH200ауlTЧу2mT pT+uT.xTЦуnTjTЦуoTLWoodsman, teamster, schooауl bus driverауB ›rTqTЦуH200ауsTPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leауyden, New YorkауH201ауvTtTЦу.Lodge 669, Free MasonsауH200ау* ›yTwTЦуHeart attackауzT>PrуzTBуqqqqT<y†Monica Rosalie Higby\фЈU(‚HiфƒTJфH201Иф…T‡TLфH201&ф,Port Leyden, New YorkфH201'ф,Port Leyden, New YorkфŠTЧф2 ‹TЦфђxTŒTЦфH201афŽTPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leафyden, New YorkафT< š†Nelson Peter Hansen\(хЈU(‚Haх’TJхH204Их”T–TLхH204&х0Perth Amboy, New JerseyхH204'х,Port Leyden, New Yorkх™TЧх2 šTT-ЁTЦхœT›TЦхH204ах,Port Leyden, New YorkахњxŸTžTЦхH204ах0Asbury Park, New JerseyахH204ахЂT TЦх&Miles Peter HansenахЄTJцH240ИцІTЈTLцH204&ц(Sherburne, New YorkцH204'ц(Boonville, New YorkцH204ацЌTЧц2 ­T-БTЦцЎTЊTЦцЏTVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, Boацonville, New YorkацH204ацВTАTЦцKayацqqqqqqqqqqqqqСTJчH204ИчУTLчH204&чХT< š†Ellena M. Rasmussen\(шЈU(‚RaшЧTJшH204ИшЩTЪTLшH204&шH204'шЬTJщH205ИщЮTJъH205ИъаTвTLъH205&ъ&Syracuse, New YorkъH205'ъдTTSt. Elizabeth's Hospital,ъ Utica, New YorkъH205аъзTЧъ2 иTЦъйTеTЦъкTVSt. Joseph's Cemetery, Boаъonville, New YorkаъмT<t†Howard Francis Swift\ыЈU(‚SwыоTJыH205ИырTтTLыH205&ы&Logmount, ColoradoыH205'ы(Boonville, New YorkыхTЧы2 цT/ъTЦы РшTчTЦыH205аы(Boonville, New YorkаыH205аыыTщTЦы*"of Casper, Wyoming"аыэTJьH206ИьяTђTLьH206&ьёT<Murray Bay, LaMalbaie, QuьebecьH206'ьєTDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ьNew YorkьH207аьїTЧь2јT њT6U4UU.UЦьљTѕTЦь Laborer, farmerаьzќTћTЦьH206аь§TPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаьyden, New YorkаьH206аьqUўTЦьBoivinаьH206аь0UЦьв[UЦьH206аьH207аьbUUЦьHeart diseaseаь U?Prь UBь UJэH206ИэULэH206&эU@PrэUBэUJюH206ИюULюH206&юUJяH207ИяUULяH207&яUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, яNew YorkяU8H207H208'я'яUxHome on Moose River Road,яU Lyonsdale, Lewis County,я New YorkяH208ая"UЧя2#U 'U-,UЦя$U UЦя%UjSt. Martin's Church, Portая&U Leyden, New York (converаяt)аяrЏ)U(UЦяH207ая*UPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаяyden, New YorkаяH208ая-U+UЦяDolphineая.UAPrя.UBя1UJ№H207И№3U4UL№H207&№H207'№qqqqqqqqqqqAUJёH207ИёCUDULёH207&ёH207'ёH5аёGUЧё2 HU7KUЦёIUEUЦё,Port Leyden, New Yorkаё0H5H5аёІJUЦёMUJђH207ИђOURULђ(H207, H245&ђQUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ђNew Yorkђ(H207, H245'ђTUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ђNew YorkђH245ађWUЧђ2.XUЦђђfYUUUЦђMeningitisађ[UJѓ(H207, H208Иѓ]U`ULѓH208&ѓ_UHHigh Market, Lewis Countyѓ, New YorkѓH208'ѓbUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ѓNew YorkѓgU8H208H209аѓeUЧѓ2fUlU pU+uUЦѓhUcUЦѓаѓiUŒLumberman; farmer; laboreаѓjUr; hotel owner, Moose Rivаѓer, New York (1885)аѓH209аѓmUkUЦѓnUjSt. Martin's Church, PortаѓoU Leyden, New York (converаѓt)аѓв ‹rUqUЦѓH208аѓsUPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаѓyden, New YorkаѓH209аѓvUtUЦѓ&Port Leyden GrangeаѓwUBPrѓwUBѓqqqqqqqUJєH247ИєƒU†ULєH247&є…UHHigh Market, Lewis Countyє, New YorkєH247'є Utica, New Yorkє‰UЧє2 ŠUЦє"xŒU‹UЦєH247аєU\St. Mary's Cemetery, Consаєtableville, New YorkаєUMєMє‘UJѕH208Иѕ“U”ULѕH208&ѕH208'ѕ–U<, Sr. James McHale, Sr..іЈU(‚Mcі˜UJіH209ИіšUULіH209&іœUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, іNew Yorkі(H209, H210'іŸUJSt. Luke's Hospital, Uticіa, New YorkіH209аіЂUЧі2&ЃUІU ­U БU/ЖUЦіЄU UЦі0Port Leyden High Schoolаі&H209-H210аіЇUЅUЦіЈUвCook, then representativeаіЉU of Prudential Insurance аіЊUCompany in Watertown; U.SаіЋU. Railway Mail Service, UаіticaаіH210аіЎUЌUЦіЏUpSergeant, Motor TransportаіАU Corps, U.S. Army, World аіWar IаіR—ГUВUЦі(H209, H210аіДUPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаіyden, New Yorkаі&H209-H210аіЗUЕUЦіИUhLyonsdale, Watertown (191аіЙU1), Utica (1915), New YorаіkаіqqqqqqСU<alewrence Joseph McHale\їЈU(‚McїУUJїH209ИїХUШULї(H209, H215&їЧUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, їNew Yorkї(H209, H215'ї*Ogdensburg, New Yorkї(H215, H216аїЬUЧї2 ЭUЦїЮUЪUЦїЯUPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаїyden, New YorkаїбUJјH209ИјгUжULј(H209, H216&јеUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, јNew Yorkј(H209, H216'јиUHMoose River, Lewis Countyј, New YorkјкUЧј2 лU.рUЦј dнUмUЦјH216ајоUPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leајyden, New YorkајH216ајJ dсUпUЦјScarlet feverајуU<e†William David McHale\љЈU(‚McљхUJљH209ИљчUъULљ(H209, H217&љщUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, љNew Yorkљ(H209, H217'љьUDLyonsdale, Lewis County, љNew YorkљH217аљяUЧљ2 №UєU1љU3ќUЦљёUэUЦљђUPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаљyden, New YorkаљH217аљѕUѓUЦљіUjSt. Martin's Church, PortаљїU Leyden, New York (converаљt)аљH217аљњUјUЦљ "Never married"аљH217аљ§UћUЦљўUFJoseph Trombley and Mariaаљ MullaneyаљqV<Haleas Frederick McHale\њЈU(‚McњVJњH209ИњVVLњ(H209, H217&њVDLyonsdale, Lewis County, њNew Yorkњ(H209, H217'њ VTLowville Nursing Home, Loњwville, New YorkњH217ањ VЧњ2V VV+V3VЦњV VЦњJunk dealerањH217ањVVЦњVPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leањyden, New YorkањЪТVVЦњH217ањVjSt. Martin's Church, PortањV Leyden, New York (converањt)ањH217ањVVЦњVhAssistant chief observer,ањV Army Air Observation posањtањH217ањЪh VVЦњHanna Bolandањљњћќ§ў e#VJћH209Ић%V(VLћ(H209, H217&ћ'VDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ћNew Yorkћ(H209, H217'ћ*VDLyonsdale, Lewis County, ћNew Yorkћ,VЧћ2 -V2V37V.:V8>VЦћBs/V.VЦћ(H217, H218аћ0VPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаћyden, New YorkаћH218аћ3V1VЦћ4VjSt. Martin's Church, Portаћ5V Leyden, New York (converаћt)аћH218аћ8V6VЦћ2James and Matilda LaFaveаћH218аћ*s;V9VЦћ H224И> X<ryTimothy Joseph Kotary\? ЈU(‚Ko? ’XJ? H225И? ”X<aryllion Michael Kotary\@ ЈU(‚Ko@ –XJ@ H225И@ ˜XJA H225ИA šXJB H225ИB H225аB XЧB 21žXЦB ŸX›XЦB Twin of CrystalаB ЁXJC H225ИC &San Antonio, TexasC Twin of ChristiаC ЅXЧC 21ІXЦC ЃXЦC ЈX<n†Roberta Jeanne DePan\D ЈU(‚DeD ЊXJD H335ИD ЌXJE H226ИE ЎXJF H226ИF АXВXLF H226&F ,Port Leyden, New YorkF H226'F (Boonville, New YorkF H226аF ЖXЧF 2 ЗXЦF ИXДXЦF ,Port Leyden, New YorkаF qqqqqqqСXJG H226ИG УXJH H226ИH ХXJI H226ИI ЧXJJ H226ИJ ЩXJK H226ИK ЫXJL H226ИL ЭXJM H227ИM H227аM аXЧM 2-бXЦM вXЮXЦM Dee DeeаM дXJN H227ИN жXJO H227ИO иXJP H227ИP кXJQ H227ИQ мXJR H227ИR оXJS H228ИS рXJT H228ИT тXJU H228ИU фXJV H229ИV цXLV H229'V шXJW H230ИW ъXьXLW H230&W New YorkW H230'W (Watertown, New YorkW H230аW №XЧW 2 ёXЦW ђXюXЦW ,Port Leyden, New YorkаW qqqqqqqqqqqqqYJX H230ИX YLX H230&X YJY H230ИY YLY H230&Y  YJZ H239ИZ H230аZ YЧZ 21 YЦZ Y YЦZ Foster childаZ YJ[ H230И[ YYL[ H230&[ H231'[ YJ\ H230И\ YYL\ H230&\ H231'\ YJ] H230И] YJ^ H231И^ New York^ YJ_ V180И_ !YL_ V108&_ #YJ` V180И` %YL` V180&` 'Y< š†Margaret K. Meister\(a ЈU(‚Mea )YJa V180Иa +YLa V180&a -YJb V180Иb /YLb V180&b 1YJc V180Иc 3YLc V180&c qqqqqqqqqqqqAY<r†John Patrick Meister\d ЈU(‚Med CYJd V180Иd EYLd V180&d d e&HYJe V180Иe JYLe V180&e LYJf V180Иf NYLf V180&f PYJg V180Иg RYLg V180&g TYJh V180Иh VYLh V180&h XYJi V180Иi ZYLi V180&i \YJj V180Иj ^YLj V180&j `YJk V180Иk bYLk V180&k dYJl V180Иl fYLl V180&l hYJm V180Иm jYLm V180&m lYJn V180Иn nYLn V180&n pYJo V180Иo qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqYJp V181Иp ƒYLp V181&p …Y< š†Wendelin G. Meister\(q ЈU(‚Meq ‡YJq &V180-V181Иq ‰YLq &V180-V181&q ‹Y< š†Kathleen A. Meister\(r ЈU(‚Mer YJr &V180-V181Иr YLr &V180-V181&r ‘YJs V180Иs “YLs &V180-V181&s •YJt V181Иt —YLt V181&t ™YJu V181Иu ›YLu V181&u YJv V181Иv ŸYLv V181&v ЁYJw V181Иw ЃYLw V181&w ЅYJx V181Иx ЇYLx V181&x ЉYJy V181Иy ЋYLy V181&y y z { | e#ЎYJz V181Иz АYLz V181&z qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСYJ{ V181И{ УYL{ V181&{ ХYJ| V181И| ЧYL| V181&| ЩYJ} V181И} ЫYL} V181&} ЭYJ~ V181И~ ЯYL~ V181&~ бYJ V181И гYL V181& еYJ€ V181И€ зYL€ V181&€ йYJ V181И лYJ‚ V181И‚ нYJƒ V181Иƒ пYJ„ V181И„ сYJ… V181И… уYL… V181&… хY< š†Mary Louise Winters\(† ЈU(‚Wi† чYJ† V181И† щYL† V181&† ыYJ‡ V181И‡ эYJˆ V181Иˆ яYLˆ V181&ˆ ёYJ‰ V181И‰ ѓYL‰ V181&‰ qqqqqqqqqqqqZJŠ V181ИŠ ZJ‹ V181И‹ ZL‹ V181&‹ ZJŒ V181ИŒ ZLŒ V181&Œ  ZJ V181И ZL V181& ZJŽ V181ИŽ ZLŽ V181&Ž ZJ V181И ZJ V181И ZL V181& ZJ‘ V181И‘ ZL‘ V181&‘ ZJ’ V181И’ ZL’ V181&’ !ZJ“ V181И“ #ZJ” V181И” %ZL” V181&” 'ZJ• V181И• )ZL• V181&• +ZJ– V181И– -ZL– V181&– /ZJ— V181И— 1ZJ˜ V181Ș qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAZJ™ V181И™ CZJš V181Иš EZLš V181&š GZJ› V181И› IZL› V181&› KZJœ V181Иœ MZLœ V181&œ OZJ V181И QZL V181& SZJž V181Иž UZLž V181&ž WZJŸ V181ИŸ YZLŸ V181&Ÿ [ZJ  V181И  ]ZL  V181&  _ZJЁ V181ИЁ aZLЁ V181&Ё cZJЂ V181ИЂ eZLЂ V181&Ђ gZJЃ V181ИЃ iZLЃ V181&Ѓ kZJЄ V181ИЄ mZLЄ V181&Є oZJЅ V181ИЅ qZLЅ V181&Ѕ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqZJІ V181ИІ ƒZLІ V181&І …ZJЇ V181ИЇ ‡ZLЇ V181&Ї ‰ZJЈ V181ИЈ ‹ZLЈ V181&Ј ZJЉ V181ИЉ ZLЉ V181&Љ ‘ZJЊ V181ИЊ “ZLЊ V181&Њ •ZJЋ V181ИЋ —ZLЋ V181&Ћ ™ZJЌ V181ИЌ ›ZLЌ V181&Ќ ZJ­ V180И­ ŸZL­ V180&­ ЁZJЎ V180ИЎ ЃZLЎ V180&Ў ЅZJЏ V180ИЏ ЇZJА V180ИА ЉZLА V180&А ЋZJБ V180ИБ ­ZLБ V180&Б ЏZJВ V180ИВ БZJГ V180ИГ ГZLГ V180&Г qqqqqqqqqqqqСZJД V180ИД УZLД V180&Д ХZJЕ V180ИЕ ЧZLЕ V180&Е ЩZJЖ V180ИЖ ЫZLЖ V180&Ж ЭZJЗ V180ИЗ ЯZLЗ V180&З бZ< š†Christopher Meister\(И ЈU(‚MeИ гZJИ V180ИИ еZLИ V180&И зZJЙ V180ИЙ йZLЙ V180&Й лZJК V180ИК нZLК V180&К пZ<dtChristopher Reinhardt\Л ЈU(‚ReЛ сZJЛ V180ИЛ уZLЛ V180&Л хZJМ V180ИМ чZLМ V180&М щZJН V180ИН ыZLН V180&Н эZJО V180ИО яZLО V180&О ёZJП V180ИП ѓZLП V180&П qqqqqqqqqqqq[JР V180ИР V180аР [ЧР 21[ЦР [[ЦР StepdaughterаР [JС V180ИС [LС V180&С  [JТ V180ИТ [LТ V180&Т [JУ V180ИУ [LУ V180&У [JФ V180ИФ [LФ V180&Ф [JХ V180ИХ [LХ V180&Х [JЦ V180ИЦ [LЦ V180&Ц  [JЧ V180ИЧ "[LЧ V180&Ч $[JШ V180ИШ &[LШ V180&Ш ([JЩ V180ИЩ *[LЩ V180&Щ ,[JЪ V180ИЪ .[LЪ V180&Ъ 0[JЫ V180ИЫ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA[JЬ V181ИЬ C[LЬ V181&Ь E[JЭ V181ИЭ G[LЭ V181&Э I[JЮ V181ИЮ K[JЯ V181ИЯ M[LЯ V181&Я O[Jа V181Иа Q[Lа V181&а S[Jб V181Иб U[Lб V181&б W[Jв V181Ив Y[Lв V181&в [[Jг V181Иг ][Lг V181&г _[Jд V180Ид a[Lд V180&д c[Jе V180Ие e[Lе V180&е g[Jж V180Иж i[Lж V180&ж k[Jз V180Из m[Lз V180&з o[Jи V180Ии q[Lи V180&и qqqqqqqqqqqqqq[Jй V180Ий ƒ[Lй V180&й …[Jк V180Ик ‡[Lк V180&к ‰[Jл V180Ил ‹[Lл V180&л [Jм V180Им [Lм V180&м ‘[Jн V180Ин “[Jо V180Ио •[Lо V180&о —[Jп V180Ип ™[Lп V180&п ›[Jр V180Ир [Lр V180&р Ÿ[Jс V180Ис Ё[Lс V180&с Ѓ[Jт V180Ит Ѕ[Lт V180&т Ї[Jу V180Иу Љ[Lу V180&у Ћ[Jф V180Иф ­[Lф V180&ф Џ[Jх V180Их Б[Lх V180&х qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС[Jц V180Иц У[Jч V180Ич Х[Lч V180&ч Ч[Jш V180Иш Щ[Lш V180&ш Ы[Jщ &V180-V181Ищ Э[Lщ &V180-V181&щ Я[Jъ &V180-V181Иъ б[Lъ &V180-V181&ъ г[Jы &V180-V181Иы е[Lы &V180-V181&ы з[< š†Kimberly Heckathorn\(ь ЈU(‚Heь й[Jь &V180-V181Иь л[Lь м[BV180-V181V182&ь &ь Reno, Nevadaь п[Jэ &V180-V181Иэ с[Lэ т[BV180-V181V182&э &э Reno, Nevadaэ х[Jю ц[BV180-V181V182Ию Ию ш[Lю &V180-V181&ю ъ[Jя &V180-V181Ия ь[Lя э[BV180-V181V182&я &я &San Antonio, Texasя V182ая ё[Чя 2/ђ[Ця ѓ[я[Ця є[>Fort Sumner, New Mexico (ая 2006)ая qqqqqqqqqqq\J№ &V180-V181И№ \L№ &V180-V181&№ \Jё &V180-V181Иё \Lё &V180-V181&ё  \Jђ &V180-V181Иђ \Lђ &V180-V181&ђ  \Jѓ &V180-V181Иѓ \Lѓ &V180-V181&ѓ \Jє &V180-V181Иє \Lє &V180-V181&є &V180-V181ає \Чє 21\Цє \\Цє Stepsonає \Jѕ &V180-V181Иѕ \Lѕ &V180-V181&ѕ &V180-V181аѕ \Чѕ 2 \Цѕ !\\Цѕ Adoptedаѕ #\Jі &V180-V181Иі %\Lі &V180-V181&і '\Jї &V180-V181Иї )\Jј &V180-V181Иј +\Lј &V180-V181&ј -\Jљ &V180-V181Иљ /\Lљ &V180-V181&љ 1\Jњ V181Ињ 3\Lњ V181&њ qqqqqqqqqqqqA\Jћ V181Ић C\Lћ V181&ћ E\Jќ V181Иќ G\Lќ V181&ќ I\J§ V181И§ K\L§ V181&§ M\Jў V181Иў O\Lў V181&ў Q\Jџ V181Иџ S\Lџ V181&џ U\J!V181И!W\L!V181&!Y\J!V181И![\L!V181&!]\J!V181И!_\L!V181&!a\J!V181И!c\L!V181&!e\J!V181И!g\L!V181&!i\J!V181И!k\L!V181&!m\J!V181И!o\L!V181&!q\J!V181И!qqqqqqqqqqqqqq\J!V181И!ƒ\L!V181&!…\J !V181И !‡\L !V181& !‰\J !V181И !‹\L !V181& !\J !V181И !\L !V181& !‘\J !V181И !“\L !V181& !•\J !V181И !—\L !V181& !™\J!V181И!›\L!V181&!\J!V181И!Ÿ\L!V181&!Ё\J!V181И!Ѓ\L!V181&!Ѕ\J!V181И!Ї\L!V181&!Љ\J!V181И!Ћ\L!V181&!­\J!V181И!Џ\L!V181&!Б\J!V181И!Г\L!V181&!qqqqqqqqqqqqС\J!V181И!У\L!V181&!Х\J!V181И!Ч\L!V181&!Щ\<d†Christopher Bernhard\!ЈU(‚Be!Ы\J!V181И!Э\L!V181&!Я\J!V181И!б\L!V181&!г\J!V181И!е\L!V181&!з\J!V181И!й\L!V181&!л\J!V181И!н\L!V181&!п\J!V181И!с\L!V181&!у\J!V181И!х\L!V181&!ч\J!V181И!щ\L!V181&!ы\J!V181И!э\L!V181&!я\J !V181И !ё\L !V181& !qqqqqqqqqqqqqq]J!!V181И!!]L!!V181&!!]J"!V181И"!]J#!V181И#! 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^LR!H232&R! ^JS!H232ИS!^LS!H232&S!^JT!H233ИT!H234аT!^ЧT!21^ЦT!^^ЦT! Twin of PhyllisаT!^JU!H234ИU!^^LU!H234&U!H234'U!^JV!H234ИV!^LV!H234&V! ^<r†Phyllis Laura Simser\W!ЈU(‚SiW!"^JW!H234ИW!H234аW!%^ЧW!21&^-)^ЦW!'^#^ЦW!Twin of LillaаW!H234аW!*^(^ЦW!(Philippa LillaverneаW!,^<serizabeth Susan Simser\X!ЈU(‚SiX!.^JX!H234ИX!0^<e†David Charles McHale\Y!ЈU(‚McY!2^JY!H234ИY!qqqqqqqqqqqqqA^JZ!H234ИZ!H235аZ!D^ЧZ!2'E^ЦZ!2 ­F^B^ЦZ!G^dGraduate of Quadrangle CoаZ!llege, Potsdam, New YorkаZ!I^J[!H234И[!K^J\!H234И\!M^J]!H234И]!H235а]!P^Ч]!21Q^Ц]!R^N^Ц]! "Has two boys."а]!T^J^!H234И^!V^J_!H234И_!X^J`!H235И`!Z^Ja!H235Иa!\^Jb!H235Иb!^^Jc!H235Иc!H235аc!a^Чc!2b^Цc!c^_^Цc!d^Ђ"...a child from the wifeаc!e^'s first marriage. Adopteаc!f^d by David when they marrаc!ied."аc!h^Jd!H235Иd!j^Je!H236Иe!l^Jf!H236Иf!n^Jg!H236Иg!p^<s†Sarah Marie Schilies\h!ЈU(‚Sch!r^Jh!H236Иh!qqqqqqqqqqqqq^Ji!H236Иi!ƒ^Jj!H236Иj!…^Jk!H236Иk!‡^Jl!H236Иl!‰^Jm!H236Иm!‹^Jn!H236Иn!^Jo!H237Иo!^<alearles Michael McHale\p!ЈU(‚Mcp!‘^Jp!H237Иp!“^Jq!H240Иq!•^–^Lq!H319&q!H319'q!H5аq!™^Чq!2 š^4^7Ÿ^Цq!›^—^Цq!,Port Leyden, New Yorkаq!0H5H5аq!Eœ^Цq!0H5H5аq!~ž^Цq!Ё^< š†Ambrose J. Trombley\(r!ЈU(‚Trr!Ѓ^Jr!H240Иr!Ѕ^Ї^Lr!H240&r!,Port Leyden, New Yorkr!H240'r!Љ^FRome City Hospital, Rome,r! New Yorkr!Ў^8H240H240аr!Ќ^Чr!2­^Ж^ Л^+Р^Цr!Џ^Њ^Цr!аr!А^*Road worker; lumberjack; аr!Б^farmer; carpenter; employаr!В^ee at Gould PAper, Lyons аr!Г^Falls; Remington Arms, Ilаr!Д^ion; and Rose Gardens Apaаr!rtments, Rome, New Yorkаr!H240аr!З^Е^Цr!И^hMember of First Presbyterаr!Й^ian Church, Rome, New Yorаr!kаr!H240аr!М^К^Цr!Н^JEvergreen Cemetery, Stokeаr!s, New Yorkаr!H240аr!qС^О^Цr!Т^šRome Men's Garden Club, Pаr!У^oint Rock Fish and Game Cаr!Ф^lub, Cooperative Extensioаr!nаr!Ц^Js!H240Иs!Ш^Ы^Ls!H240&s!Ъ^:Ava, Oneida County, New Ys!orks!Ь^8H240H241's!'s!Ю^:Rome City Hospital, New Ys!orks!H241аs!б^Чs!2&в^ж^й^ н^+т^ы^-ю^Цs!г^Я^Цs!д^DGraduate of Boonville Higаs!h Schoolаs!H241аs!з^е^Цs!Teacherаs!H241аs!к^и^Цs!л^hMember of First Presbyterаs!м^ian Church, Rome, New Yorаs!kаs!КЦп^о^Цs!H240аs!р^JEvergreen Cemetery, Stokeаs!s, New Yorkаs!H241аs!у^с^Цs!ф^BNew York State Retired Teаs!х^achers Association, Indepаs!ц^endent Homemakers of Oneiаs!ч^da County, Eastern Star, аs!ш^Daughters of the Americanаs!щ^ Revolution, Oriental Rebаs!ekah Lodgeаs!H240аs!ь^ъ^Цs!*Oswego Normal Schoolаs!я^TH240H241аs!№^э^Цs!H241аs!ё^@Harrietta, Henriette, Harаs!rietteаs!qqqqqqqqqqqqqq_Jt!H240Иt!_Lt!H240&t!_Ju!H241Иu!_Lu!H240&u!H240аu! _Чu!26 _Цu! __Цu!Gilsonаu!_Jv!H241Иv!H241аv!_Чv!2/_Цv!__Цv!(Boonville, New Yorkаv!_Jw!H241Иw!_Jx!H241Иx!_Jy!H241Иy!z!{!|!}!!s!eœ_Jz!H241Иz!_J{!H241И{! _J|!H241И|!"_J}!H241И}!$_J~!H241И~!&_J!H241И!(_J€!H241И€!*_J!H241И!,_<bleyabeth Anne Trombley\‚!ЈU(‚Tr‚!._J‚!H241И‚!0_Jƒ!H241Иƒ!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA_< š†Lorena May Trombley\(„!ЈU(‚Tr„!C_J„!H319И„!E_F_L„!H319&„!H319'„!H_<leyward Joseph Trombley\…!ЈU(‚Tr…!J_J…!H318И…!L_M_L…!H318&…!H318'…!O_J†!(H239, H319И†!Q_U_L†!(H239, H319&†!S_jFrench Settlement, Lyonsd†!T_ale, Lewis County, New Yo†!rk†!(H239, H319'†!(Ventura, California†!H239а†!Y_Ч†!2Z_Ц†![_W_Ц†!\_VSt. Martin's Church, Portа†! Leyden, New Yorkа†!^_<leyving Eugene Trombley\‡!ЈU(‚Tr‡!`_J‡!(H242, H319И‡!b_f_L‡!(H242, H319&‡!d_jFrench Settlement, Lyonsd‡!e_ale, Lewis County, New Yo‡!rk‡!(H242, H319'‡!h_jFrench Settlement, Lyonsd‡!i_ale, Lewis County, New Yo‡!rk‡!H242а‡!l_Ч‡!2 m_p_3t_-w_Ц‡!n_j_Ц‡!,Port Leyden, New Yorkа‡!H242а‡!q_o_Ц‡!r_VSt. Martin's Church, Portа‡! Leyden, New Yorkа‡!H242а‡!u_s_Ц‡!Joseph Bellа‡!x_LH242H5а‡!y_v_Ц‡!H5а‡!Irvin, Irvingа‡!qqqqqq_Jˆ!(H242, H243Иˆ!ƒ_„_Lˆ!(H242, H243&ˆ!(H242, H243'ˆ!†_< š†Erma Marie Trombley\(‰!ЈU(‚Tr‰!ˆ_J‰!H243И‰!Š__L‰!H243&‰!Œ_DLyonsdale, Lewis County, ‰!New York‰!H243'‰!,Port Leyden, New York‰!H243а‰!‘_Ч‰!2’_-–_.™_Ц‰!“__Ц‰!”_VSt. Martin's Church, Portа‰! Leyden, New Yorkа‰!H243а‰!—_•_Ц‰!Maria Ermaа‰!H243а‰!ђЂš_˜_Ц‰!Childbirthа‰!œ_JŠ!H319ИŠ!ž_< š†Dawn Marie Trombley\(‹!ЈU(‚Tr‹! _J‹!H238И‹!Ђ_< š†Audrey Ann Trombley\(Œ!ЈU(‚TrŒ!Є_JŒ!H238ИŒ!H238аŒ!Ї_ЧŒ!2-Ј_ЦŒ!Љ_Ѕ_ЦŒ!AudreeаŒ!Ћ_J!H238И!­_JŽ!H238ИŽ!Џ_J!H238И!Б_J!H238И!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС_J‘!H238И‘!У_J’!H239И’!Х_J“!H239И“!Ч_J”!H239И”!Щ_Ъ_L”!H239&”!H240'”!Ь_HSaticoy, Ventura County, ”!California”!Ю_J•!H242И•!а_б_L•!H242&•!H242'•!г_Ч•!2 д_,й_.м_Ц•!b ж_е_Ц•!H242а•!з_PCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа•!yden, New Yorkа•!0H5H5а•!к_и_Ц•! Annaа•!H242а•!J н_л_Ц•!о_XShe and sister Laura drowа•!ned in Black Riverа•!р_J–!H242И–!т_у_L–!H242&–!H242'–!х_J—!H242И—!ч_ш_L—!H242&—!H242'—!H242а—!ы_Ч—!2.ь_Ц—!‹э_щ_Ц—!.Drowned in Black Riverа—!я_J˜!H242Ș!ё_ђ_L˜!H242&˜!H242'˜!H242а˜!ѕ_ט!2.і_֘!J ї_ѓ_֘!ј_fShe and sister Ann Tromblа˜!љ_ey drowned in Black Riverа˜!а˜!qqqqqq`J™!H242И™!`<waynest William Longway\š!ЈU(‚Loš!`Jš!H243Иš!` `Lš!H243&š! `DLyonsdale, Lewis County, š!New Yorkš!H243'š! `PHolland Patent, Oneida Coš!unty, New Yorkš!`Чš!2 `Цš!О``Цš!H243аš!`PCalvary Cemetery, Port Leаš!yden, New Yorkаš!`<y†Rhonda Marie Longway\›!ЈU(‚Lo›!`J›!H243И›!``L›!H243&›!,Port Leyden, New York›!H243'›!,Port Leyden, New York›!H243а›!`Ч›!2 `Ц›! ``Ц›!!`PCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа›!yden, New Yorkа›!#`<eldlvin Bross Wakefield\œ!ЈU(‚Waœ!%`J!H244И!'`L!H244&!)`Jž!H244Иž!+`Lž!H244&ž!-`<eldger Joseph Wakefield\Ÿ!ЈU(‚WaŸ!/`JŸ!H244ИŸ!1`<eldnald James Wakefield\ !ЈU(‚Wa !3`J !H244И !qqqqqqqqqqqqA`<d†Jean Marie Wakefield\Ё!ЈU(‚WaЁ!C`JЁ!H244ИЁ!E`< š†Joan Mary Wakefield\(Ђ!ЈU(‚WaЂ!G`JЂ!H244ИЂ!I`JЃ!H244ИЃ!Ѓ!Є!Ѕ!І!Ї!eЄL`<eldonda Marie Wakefield\Є!ЈU(‚WaЄ!N`JЄ!H244ИЄ!P`JЅ!H244ИЅ!R`JІ!H244ИІ!T`V`LІ!H245&І!PennsylvaniaІ!H245'І! TexasІ!Y`<eldborah Lynn Wakefield\Ї!ЈU(‚WaЇ![`JЇ!H244ИЇ!]`^`LЇ!H245&Ї!H245'Ї!``JЈ!H246ИЈ!b`d`LЈ!H246&Ј!,Port Leyden, New YorkЈ!H246'Ј!H246аЈ!g`ЧЈ!2 h` k`8o`ЦЈ!i`e`ЦЈ!0Co. K, 117 Reg., N.Y.V.аЈ!H246аЈ!l`j`ЦЈ!m`PCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЈ!yden, New YorkаЈ!0H5H5аЈ!p`n`ЦЈ!72 yearsаЈ!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq`JЉ!‚`8H246H300ИЉ!ИЉ!„`†`LЉ!(H246, H300&Љ!,Port Leyden, New YorkЉ!‡`8H246H300'Љ!'Љ!‰`ZHome at 1331 Milton AvenuЉ!e, Solvay, New YorkЉ!‹`ЧЉ!2 Œ`ЦЉ!R–Ž``ЦЉ!H300аЉ!`PAssumption Cemetery, SyraаЉ!cuse, New YorkаЉ!‘`JЊ!H246ИЊ!“`LЊ!H246&Њ!•`<Colemanlizabeth Coleman\Ћ!ЈU(‚CoЋ!—`JЋ!H246ИЋ!™`œ`LЋ!(H246, H247&Ћ!›`DLyonsdale, Lewis County, Ћ!New YorkЋ!(H246, H247'Ћ!ž`HAntwerp, Jefferson CountyЋ!, New YorkЋ! `ЧЋ!2 Ё`7І`ЦЋ! pЃ`Ђ`ЦЋ!H247аЋ!Є`PCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаЋ!yden, New YorkаЋ!H247аЋ!Z pЇ`Ѕ`ЦЋ!.Philadelphia, New YorkаЋ!Љ`JЌ!H246ИЌ!Ћ`Ў`LЌ!(H246, H254&Ќ!­`DLyonsdale, Lewis County, Ќ!New YorkЌ!(H246, H254'Ќ!&Syracuse, New YorkЌ!H254аЌ!В`ЧЌ!2 Г`ЦЌ!Д`А`ЦЌ!Е`PAssumption Cemetery, SyraаЌ!cuse, New YorkаЌ!qqqqqqqqqqС`J­!H246И­!У`L­!H246&­!­!Ў!eњЦ`<anPeter Wilhelm Coleman\Ў!ЈU(‚CoЎ!Ш`JЎ!H246ИЎ!Ъ`LЎ!(H246, H262&Ў!,Port Leyden, New YorkЎ!H262аЎ!Ю`ЧЎ!2Я`3д`ЦЎ!а`Ь`ЦЎ!б`zSt. Anthony's Church, FreаЎ!в`nch Settlement, LyonsdaleаЎ!, New YorkаЎ!H262аЎ!е`г`ЦЎ!0Sabourin and Mary LymanаЎ!з`<bleyard Edward Trombley\Џ!ЈU(‚TrЏ!й`JЏ!H319ИЏ!л`<leyis Margaret Trombley\А!ЈU(‚TrА!н`JА!H319ИА!п`<leynald Joseph Trombley\Б!ЈU(‚TrБ!с`JБ!H318ИБ!Б!В!e ф`<bleyldine Mary Trombley\В!ЈU(‚TrВ!ц`JВ!H319ИВ!ш`JГ!H318ИГ!ъ`JД!H319ИД!ь`JЕ!H319ИЕ!ю`JЖ!H319ИЖ!№`JЗ!H318ИЗ!qњqqqqqqqqqqqqqqaJИ!H318ИИ!a<y†Christopher Trombley\Й!ЈU(‚TrЙ!aJЙ!H318ИЙ!aJК!H318ИК! aJЛ!H319ИЛ! aJМ!H319ИМ! a<eyBruce Edward Trombley\Н!ЈU(‚TrН!aJН!H318ИН!Н!eЏaJО!H247ИО!aLО!H247&О!aJП!H247ИП!aLП!H263&П!New YorkП!a<e†Anthony James McHale\Р!ЈU(‚McР!aJР!H248ИР!a"aLР!H248&Р!!aHHigh Market, Lewis CountyР!, New YorkР!H248'Р!Rome, New YorkР!%aЧР!2 &aЦР!‚Д(a'aЦР!H248аР!)aJEvergreen Cemetery, StokeаР!s, New YorkаР!+aJС!H208ИС!-a.aLС!H208&С!H208'С!0aJТ!H248ИТ!2a5aLТ!(H248, H249&Т!4aHHigh Market, Lewis CountyТ!, New YorkТ!H249'Т!,West Allis, WisconsinТ!H249аТ!9aЧТ!2 :aЦТ!;a7aЦТ!,West Allis, WisconsinаТ!qqqqAaJУ!H248ИУ!CaFaLУ!(H248, H251&У!EaHHigh Market, Lewis CountyУ!, New YorkУ!(H248, H251'У!Ha\Lewis County Nursing HomeУ!, Lowville, New YorkУ!H251аУ!KaЧУ!2LaOa SaЦУ!MaIaЦУ!WoodsmanаУ!H251аУ!PaNaЦУ!QaVSt. Martin's Church, PortаУ! Leyden, New YorkаУ!H251аУ!TaRaЦУ!UaPCalvary Cemetery, Port LeаУ!yden, New YorkаУ!Wa< š†David Hubert McHale\(Ф!ЈU(‚McФ!YaJФ!H248ИФ![a^aLФ!\a:H248,H252&Ф!&Ф!&Carthage, New YorkФ!H252'Ф!`aTSt. Elizabeth's Hospital,Ф! Utica, New YorkФ!H252аФ!caЧФ!2da ia la7qa.ua4yaЦФ!eaaaЦФ!fahOwned McHale's Bar and GrаФ!gaill, Alder Creek, New YorаФ!kаФ!H252аФ!jahaЦФ!U.S. NavyаФ!H252аФ!makaЦФ!nazAlder Creek Cemetery, AldаФ!oaer Creek, Herkimer CountyаФ!, New YorkаФ!H251аФ!jКrapaЦФ!saNAlder Creek, Herkimer CouаФ!nty, New YorkаФ!H252аФ!vataЦФ!waBInjuries received in an aаФ!ccidentаФ!H251аФ! lzaxaЦФ!{aHHigh Market, Lewis CountyаФ!, New YorkаФ!qqqqaJХ!H248ИХ!ƒa†aLХ!(H248, H253&Х!…aHHigh Market, Lewis CountyХ!, New YorkХ!H253'Х!WisconsinХ!Х!eŠaJЦ!H248ИЦ!ŒaaLЦ!H248&Ц!H248'Ц!aJЧ!H248ИЧ!‘aJШ!H248ИШ!“aJЩ!H249ИЩ!•a—aLЩ!H249&Щ!$Buffalo, New YorkЩ!H249'Щ!,West Allis, WisconsinЩ!H249аЩ!›aЧЩ!2œaЦЩ!a™aЦЩ!("worked on tunnels"аЩ!ŸaJЪ!H249ИЪ!ЁaЃaLЪ!(H249, H250&Ъ!,West Allis, WisconsinЪ!(H249, H250'Ъ!*Milwaukee, WisconsinЪ!H251аЪ!ЇaЧЪ!26ЈaЦЪ!ЉaЅaЦЪ!SchonesаЪ!ЋaJЫ!H249ИЫ!­aЏaLЫ!(H249, H250&Ы!,West Allis, WisconsinЫ!H250'Ы!,West Allis, WisconsinЫ!H251аЫ!ГaЧЫ!26ДaЦЫ!ЕaБaЦЫ!SchonesаЫ!qqqqqqqqqqСaJЬ!H252ИЬ!УaХaLЬ!H252&Ь!2Constableville, New YorkЬ!Цa8H252H252'Ь!'Ь!ШaTSt. Elizabeth's Hospital,Ь! Utica, New YorkЬ!H252аЬ!ЫaЧЬ!2&Ьaаaеa йa4пaЦЬ!ЭaЩaЦЬ!ЮaTGraduate of ConstablevillаЬ!e Central SchoolаЬ!H252аЬ!бaЯaЦЬ!вahOwned McHale's Bar and GrаЬ!гaill, Alder Creek, New YorаЬ!kаЬ!H252аЬ!жaдaЦЬ!зahSt. Patrick's Catholic ChаЬ!иaurch, Forestport, New YorаЬ!kаЬ!RЩлaкaЦЬ!H252аЬ!мazAlder Creek Cemetery, AldаЬ!нaer Creek, Herkimer CountyаЬ!, New YorkаЬ!H252аЬ!B {рaоaЦЬ!сaHHigh Market, Lewis CountyаЬ!, New YorkаЬ!уaJЭ!H252ИЭ!хaLЭ!H252&Э!чaJЮ!H252ИЮ!щaLЮ!H252&Ю!ыaJЯ!H253ИЯ!эaJа!H253Иа!яaJб!H254Иб!ёaLб!H254&б!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqbJв!H254Ив!bJг!H254Иг!bJд!H254Ид!bLд!H254&д! Utica, New Yorkд! bJе!H254Ие! bJж!H254Иж!bJз!H254Из!bbLз!(H254, H255&з!(H254, H255'з!bL102 Caroline Avenue, Solvз!ay, New Yorkз!H255аз!bЧз!2 bЦз!bbЦз!bPSt. Mary's Cemetery, Syraаз!cuse, New Yorkаз!b<vetteick Joseph Rivette\и!ЈU(‚Riи!bJи!H254Ии!b"bLи!(H254, H255&и!!bHForestport, Oneida Countyи!, New Yorkи!(H254, H255'и!.Long Beach, Californiaи!H256аи!&bЧи!2'b-,bЦи!(b$bЦи!)bnEmployee of Holcomb Steelаи!*b Mill and Syracuse Auto Pаи!artsаи!H256аи!-b+bЦи! Fredаи!/bJй!H255Ий!1b4bLй!(H255, H260&й!3bHForestport, Oneida Countyй!, New Yorkй!(H255, H260'й!(Rochester, New Yorkй!H260ай!8bЧй!2 9bЦй!:b6bЦй!;bPAssumption Cemetery, Syraай!cuse, New Yorkай!qqqqAbJк!H255Ик!CbEbLк!H255&к!$Yonkers, New Yorkк!H255'к!GbL102 Caroline Avenue, Solvк!ay, New Yorkк!H255ак!JbЧк!2 KbЦк!LbHbЦк!MbPSt. Mary's Cemetery, Syraак!cuse, New Yorkак!ObJл!H255Ил!QbRbLл!H255&л!H255'л!Franceл!UbJм!H255Им!WbJн!H255Ин!YbJо!H255Ио![bJп!H255Ип!]bJр!H256Ир!_babLр!H256&р!New Yorkр!H256'р!*Lakewood, Californiaр!dbJс!H256Ис!fbhbLс!(H256, H257&с!&Syracuse, New Yorkс!(H256, H257'с!,La Mirada, Californiaс!kbЧс!2 lbЦс!в”nbmbЦс!H257ас!obšEnlisted, U.S. Army; Sergас!pbeant, World War II; woundас!qbed in France; Purple Hearас!tас!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqbJт!H256Ит!ƒb„bLт!(H256, H259&т!(H256, H259'т!†b<ivettek William Rivette\у!ЈU(‚Riу!ˆbJу!H256Иу!ŠbbLу!(H256, H259&у!ŒbTTown of Geddes, Onondaga у!County, New Yorkу!(H256, H259'у!New Yorkу!H256ау!‘bЧу!2-’bЦу!“bbЦу! Fredау!•bJф!C96ALИф!—bJх!C96ALИх!C96ALах!šbЧх!2/›bЦх!œb˜bЦх!"of Worcester"ах!žbJц!H257Иц! bЃbLц!H257&ц!ЂbFEnnis, Muhlenberg County,ц! Kentuckyц!H257'ц!.Long Beach, Californiaц!ІbJч!H257Ич!Јb<e†Randall Earl Rivette\ш!ЈU(‚Riш!ЊbJш!H257Иш!Ќb<nsGarland LeRoy Collins\щ!ЈU(‚Coщ!ЎbJщ!H257Ищ!Аb<s†Ronald LeRoy Collins\ъ!ЈU(‚Coъ!ВbJъ!H257Иъ!qqqqqqqqqqqqqСb< š†Lewis William Lentz\(ы!ЈU(‚Leы!УbJы!H257Иы!Хb< š†Loretta Jane Marcum\(ь!ЈU(‚Maь!ЧbJь!H257Иь!ЩbJэ!H257Иэ!Ыb< š†Janice Lee Peterson\(ю!ЈU(‚Peю!ЭbJю!H257Ию!Яb<insthony Joseph Collins\я!ЈU(‚Coя!бbJя!H258Ия!гbJ№!H258И№!еb<e†Randall Earl Rivette\ё!ЈU(‚Riё!зbJё!H258Иё!йb<riea Dale Ellen Corriea\ђ!ЈU(‚Coђ!лbJђ!H258Иђ!нbJѓ!H259Иѓ!пbJє!H259Иє!сbуbLє!H259&є!New Yorkє!H259'є!*Lakewood, Californiaє!цb<etteard William Rivette\ѕ!ЈU(‚Riѕ!шbJѕ!H259Иѕ!ъbJі!H259Иі!ьbэbLі!H259&і!H259'і!яb<ettette Loraine Rivette\ї!ЈU(‚Riї!ёbJї!H259Иї!qqqqqqqqqqqqqqc<g†Kenneth Hill Budlong\ј!ЈU(‚Buј!cJј!H259Иј!c<g†Kimberly Ann Budlong\љ!ЈU(‚Buљ!cJљ!H260Иљ! c<g†Kenneth Mark Budlong\њ!ЈU(‚Buњ! cJњ!H260Ињ! c< š†Donald Earl Rivette\(ћ!ЈU(‚Riћ!cJћ!(H259, H260Ић!cJќ!H260Иќ!c< š†Carolyn Ann Rivette\(§!ЈU(‚Ri§!cJ§!H260И§!c<ttendolf Robert Rivette\ў!ЈU(‚Riў!cJў!H260Иў!c<e†Kathern Mary Rivette\џ!ЈU(‚Riџ!cJџ!H260Иџ!cJ"H260И"!c"cL"H260&"H260'"&Syracuse, New York"%cЧ"2 &cЦ"Z В(c'cЦ"H260а")cNSt. Agnes Cemetery, Syracа"use, New Yorkа"+cJ"H261И"-cJ"H261И"/cL"H261&"New York"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAcJ"H261И"CcJ"H261И"EcJ"H261И"GcJ"Hc6H264H43И"И"JcL"H264&"KcDPr"KcB"NcJ"H266И"PcScL"H266&"RcFWevertown, Warren County," New York"H266'"UcЧ"2 VcЦ"sXcWcЦ"H266а"YcJNorth Creek, Warren Countа"y, New Yorkа"[cJ"H266И"]cL"H266&"_cJ "H266И "acL "H266& "ccJ "H266И "echcL "H266& "gcNIndian Lake, Hamilton Cou "nty, New York "H266' "H266а "kcЧ "2&lc'pcsc vc/zcЦ "mcicЦ "ncPGraduate of East Rutherfoа "rd High Schoolа "H266а "qcocЦ "2M.D. Long Island Collegeа "H266а "tcrcЦ "Physicianа "H266а "wcucЦ "xcbSt. Mary's Cemetery, Soutа "h Glens Falls, New Yorkа "H266а "{cycЦ ",Arlington, New Jerseyа "qqqqcJ "‚c8H266H336И "И "„c†cL "(H266, H271& "New York "(H266, H271' "New York "H271а "ŠcЧ "2 ‹cЦ "ŒcˆcЦ "cJNorth Creek, Warren Countа "y, New Yorkа "cJ "H266И "‘c’cL "H272& "H272' "H266а "•cЧ "2-–cЦ "—c“cЦ " Emmaа "™c<rthyline Agnes McCarthy\ "ЈU(‚Mc "›cJ "H266И "cŸcL "H267& ",Glens Falls, New York "H267' ",Glens Falls, New York "H267а "ЃcЧ "2 ЄcЦ "ЅcЁcЦ "ІcbSt. Mary's Cemetery, Soutа "h Glens Falls, New Yorkа "Јc<n†Harry McCarthy DePan\"ЈU(‚De"ЊcJ"H267И"H267а"­cЧ"2'ЎcБcЦ"ЏcЋcЦ" M.D.а"H267а"ВcАcЦ"Physicianа"qqqqqqqqqqqqqСc<n†Marie Madeline DePan\"ЈU(‚De"УcJ"H267И"Хc<erMary Elizabeth Natter\"ЈU(‚Na"ЧcJ"H267И"H267а"ЪcЧ"2-ЫcЦ"ЬcШcЦ" Bettyа"ЮcJ"H267И"аc< š†Josephine M. Lennon\("ЈU(‚Le"вcJ"H267И"дcJ"еc8H267H336И"И"H267а"иcЧ"25йcЦ"кcжcЦ"Dr.а"мc<DePanne Josephine DePan\"ЈU(‚De"оcJ"пc8H267H336И"И"сcJ"H267И"уcхcL"(H267, H269&",Glens Falls, New York"(H267, H269'"H269а"шcЧ"2 щcЦ"ъcцcЦ"ыcbSt. Mary's Cemetery, Soutа"h Glens Falls, New Yorkа"эc< š†Mark Tuffield DePan\("ЈU(‚De"яcJ"H267И"ёcJ"ђc8H267H336И"И"qqqqqqqqqqqqqdJ"d8H267H336И"И"dJ"H268И"dJ"d8H269H336И"И" dJ" d8H269H336И"И" d<hyEdward Joseph Herlihy\"ЈU(‚He"dJ"H270И"ddL"H270&",Glens Falls, New York"H270'",Glens Falls, New York"d<y†Edward DePan Herlihy\"ЈU(‚He"dJ"H270И"dJ"H270И"d<y†Brooke Peter Herlihy\"ЈU(‚He"dJ"H270И"dJ "H270И "!dJ!"H270И!"#d< š†Peter Harry Herlihy\(""ЈU(‚He""%dJ""&d8H270H336И""И""H271а"")dЧ""2'*dЦ""+d'dЦ"" Ph.D.а""-dJ#"H271И#"/d<erlihye Betters Herlihy\$"ЈU(‚He$"1dJ$"H271И$"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAd<hyBrent Corbett Herlihy\%"ЈU(‚He%"CdJ%"H271И%"EdJ&"Fd8H271H336И&"И&"H271а&"IdЧ&"26JdЦ&"KdGdЦ&"Hodsonа&"MdJ'"Nd8H271H336И'"И'"PdRdL'"H271&'"New Jersey'"H271''"2Fort Lauderdale, Florida'"UdJ("Vd8H271H336И("И("XdZdL("(H271, H272&("&Brooklyn, New York("(H271, H272'("\dJ)"]d8H272H336И)"И)"_d`dL)"H336&)"H336')"bdJ*"cd8H272H336И*"И*"edhdL*"H272&*"gdNIndian Lake, Hamilton Cou*"nty, New York*"id8H272H336'*"'*"H272а*"ldЧ*"2 mdЦ*"ndjdЦ*""Albany, New Yorkа*"pd< š†Martha D. Hitchcock\(+"ЈU(‚Hi+"rdJ+"sd8H273H336И+"И+"udwdL+"H273&+""Albany, New York+"H273'+"&Brooklyn, New York+"H273а+"{dЧ+"2 |dЦ+"}dydЦ+""Albany, New Yorkа+"qqdJ,"H273И,"ƒdL,"H273&,"…dJ-"H273И-"‡dL-"H273&-"‰dJ."H273И."‹dJ/"H273И/"dL/"H273&/"dJ0"H273И0"‘dL0"H273&0"“dJ1"H274И1"•dL1"H274&1"—dDLyonsdale, Lewis County, 1"New York1"™dJ2"H274И2"›ddL2"H274&2",Port Leyden, New York2"H274'2" Utica, New York2"H275а2"ЁdЧ2"2Ђd ІdЦ2"ЃdŸdЦ2"ЄdLSt. Patrick's Church, Utiа2"ca, New Yorkа2"H274а2"ЇdЅdЦ2"ЈdPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа2"yden, New Yorkа2"ЊdJ3"H275И3"ЌdL3"H275&3"New York3"H275а3"АdЧ3"26БdЦ3"ВdЎdЦ3"Claussenа3"qqqqqqqqqqqqqСdJ4"H275И4"УdХdL4"H275&4",Port Leyden, New York4"H275'4"ЧdPHolland Patent, Oneida Co4"unty, New York4"H275а4"ЪdЧ4"2&ЫdЯd жd/лd4пd7тdЦ4"ЬdШdЦ4"Эd6Oriskany, New York schoolа4"sа4"H275а4"аdЮdЦ4"бdWorked in Rome, New York а4"вdDepartment of Public Workа4"гds and at Mele's Manufactuа4"дdring Company, Utica, New а4"еdYork; construction foremaа4"n;а4"rИиdзdЦ4"H275а4"йdPCalvary Cemetery, Port Leа4"yden, New Yorkа4"H275а4"мdкdЦ4"нdFOriskany, Utica and Rome,а4" New Yorkа4"H275а4"jnрdоdЦ4"&Oriskany, New Yorkа4"H276а4"RИсdЦ4"уdEPr4"уdB4"цdJ5"H275И5"шdыdL5"(H275, H281&5"ъdHWhitesboro, Oneida County5", New York5"(H275, H281'5" Utica, New York5"юdJ6"H275И6"№dђdL6"(H275, H282&6"New York6"(H275, H282'6"Rome, New York6"qqqqqqqqqqqqeJ7"H275И7"eeL7"(H275, H282&7"&Lowville, New York7"(H275, H282'7"eDPoland, Herkimer County, 7"New York7" eJ8" e8H275H276И8"И8" eeL8"H276&8""Camden, New York8"e8H276H276'8"'8"e<Rome Hospital, Rome, New 8"York8"H276а8"eЧ8"2e eЦ8"eeЦ8"enEmployee of Marcy Psychiaа8"etric Center and Rome Hospа8"italа8"H276а8"eeЦ8"Rome Cemeteryа8"eJ9"H276И9"eL9"H276&9"!eJ:"H276И:"#eL:"H276&:"%eJ;"H276И;"'eJ<"H276И<")eJ="H276И="+eJ>"H276И>"-eJ?"H276И?"/eJ@"H276И@"1eJA"H276ИA"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAeJB"H277ИB"CeJC"H277ИC"EeJD"H277ИD"GeJE"H277ИE"IeJF"H277ИF"KeJG"H277ИG"G"H"eоNeJH"H277ИH"Pe< š†James A. Williamson\(I"ЈU(‚WiI"ReJI"H277ИI"TeJJ"H278ИJ"VeJK"H278ИK"XeJL"H278ИL"ZeJM"H278ИM"\eJN"H278ИN"^e_eLN"H279&N"H279'N"aeJO"H279ИO"ceJP"H279ИP"eeJQ"H279ИQ"geJR"H280ИR"ieJS"H280ИS"keJT"H280ИT"meJU"H280ИU"oeJV"H280ИV"qeJW"H281ИW"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqeJX"H281ИX"ƒeJY"H281ИY"…e‡eLY"H281&Y",Port Leyden, New YorkY"H281'Y"FloridaY"Še< š†Christopher N. Leaf\(Z"ЈU(‚LeZ"ŒeJZ"H281ИZ"ŽeLZ"H281&Z"eJ["H281И["’e“eL["H281&["H281'["•eJ\"H282И\"—e™eL\"H282&\"New York\"H282'\"New York\"H282а\"eЧ\"21žeЦ\"Ÿe›eЦ\""two sons"а\"ЁeJ]"H282И]"ЃeЄeL]"H282&]"H283']"ІeDPoland, Herkimer County, ]"New York]"H282а]"ЉeЧ]"2-ЊeЦ]"ЋeЇeЦ]" Fredа]"­eJ^"H283И^"ЏeL^"H283&^"БeJ_"H283И_"ГeL_"H283&_"H284а_"ЖeЧ_"2-ЗeЦ_"ИeДeЦ_"Achsahа_"qqqqqqqСeJ`"H284И`"УeJa"H284Иa"ХeJb"H285Иb"ЧeLb"H285&b"ЩeJc"H285Иc"ЫeLc"(H285, H286&c" LeRay, New Yorkc"ЮeJd"H287Иd"аeвeLd"H287&d"(Watertown, New Yorkd"гe8H287H287'd"'d"еe`Home at 612 Hamilton Stred"et, Syracuse, New Yorkd"зeJe"H287Иe"йeLe"H287&e"лeJf"H287Иf"нeLf"H287&f"пeJg"H287Иg"сeLg"H298&g"&Franklin, New Yorkg"фeJh"H287Иh"цeLh"H287&h".Lewis County, New Yorkh"щeJi"H287Иi"ыeLi"(H287, H288&i".Lewis County, New Yorki"юeJj"H287Иj"№eђeLj"(H287, H288&j"&Syracuse, New Yorkj"(H287, H288'j"єeFWeedsport, Cayuga County,j" New Yorkj"H288аj"їeЧj"2јeЦj"љeѕeЦj"Decoratorаj"qqqqqqfJk"H287Иk"ffLk"(H287, H289&k"(H287, H289'k"fJl"(H287, H289Иl"f fLl"(H287, H289&l"&Syracuse, New Yorkl" fDH287, H289H28'l"9'l" fPUniversity Hospital, Syral"cuse, New Yorkl"H289аl"fЧl"2f f-fЦl"ffЦl"f>Janitor; employed at shoeаl" firmаl"rЂffЦl"H289аl"fNSt. Agnes Cemetery, Syracаl"use, New Yorkаl"(H287, H289аl"ffЦl" Frankаl"l"m"k"n"eіfJm"H287Иm"f fLm"(H287, H290&m"H290'm" Cleveland, Ohiom"H290аm"$fЧm"2%fЦm"&f"fЦm"Bridgemanаm"(fJn"H287Иn"*f,fLn"(H287, H291&n"&Syracuse, New Yorkn"(H287, H291'n".fJMattydale, Onondaga Countn"y, New Yorkn"H291аn"1fЧn"22f 5f.:fЦn"3f/fЦn"4fTDied at work; Cane and Roаn"ach Machine Shopаn"z”7f6fЦn"H291аn"8fPAssumption Cemetery, Syraаn"cuse, New Yorkаn"H291аn"b”;f9fЦn"Heart attackаn"qіqqqAfJo"H287Иo"CfLo"H287&o"H287аo"FfЧo"24GfЦo"@DfЦo"IfJp"H289Иp"KfLp"H289&p"Irelandp"NfJq"H289Иq"PfLq"H289&q"Irelandq"SfJr"H289Иr"UfLr"H289&r"Irelandr"XfJs"H289Иs"Zf[fLs"H289&s"H289's"]f< š†Margaret I. Lechner\(t"ЈU(‚Let"_fJt"H290Иt"afLt"H290&t"&Syracuse, New Yorkt"dfJu"H290Иu"ffLu"H290&u"Germanyu"ifJv"H290Иv"kfLv"H290&v"Germanyv"nfJw"(H290, H335Иw"pfrfLw"H290&w" Cleveland, Ohiow"H290'w" Cleveland, Ohiow"qqqqqqqqqqqqf< š†Anna Veronica Flynn\(x"ЈU(‚Flx"ƒfJx"H291Иx"…fˆfLx"H292&x"‡f4Fall River, Massachusettsx"x"‰f8H292H292'x"'x"‹f‚Home at 103 Brookline Roax"Œfd, Mattydale, Onondaga Cox"unty, New Yorkx"ŽfЧx"2 fЦx" ˜‘ffЦx"H292аx"’fPAssumption Cemetery, Syraаx"cuse, New Yorkаx"”fJy"H292Иy"–f˜fLy"H292&y"&Syracuse, New Yorky"H292'y".Gibsonia, Pennsylvaniay"›fJz"H292Иz"fJ{"H292И{"ŸfЁfL{"(H292, H297&{"&Syracuse, New York{"(H292, H297'{"&Syracuse, New York{"ЄfJ|"H292И|"ІfЈfL|"(H292, H298&|"&Syracuse, New York|"(H292, H298'|"&Endicott, New York|"ЋfJ}"H292И}"­fJ~"H293И~"ЏfJ"H293И"БfГfL"(H293, H294&".Hackensack, New Jersey"(H293, H294'"qqqqqqqqqqqqСfJ€"H293И€"УfJ"H293И"ХfJ‚"H293И‚""ƒ"eяШfJƒ"H293Иƒ"ЪfЬfLƒ"*H293, H296A&ƒ"Canton, Ohioƒ"*H293, H296A'ƒ"Canton, Ohioƒ"H296Aаƒ"аfЧƒ"28бfЦƒ"šЊвfЮfЦƒ"2 hoursаƒ"дfJ„"H294И„"жfJ…"H294И…"иfJ†"H294И†"кfJ‡"H294И‡"мfJˆ"H294Иˆ"оfJ‰"H295И‰"рfJŠ"H295ИŠ"тfJ‹"H295И‹"фfJŒ"H295ИŒ"цfJ"H295И"шfJŽ"H296AИŽ"ъfJ"H296AИ"ьfJ"H297И"юfJ‘"H297И‘"№fJ’"H298И’"qяqqqqqqqqqqqqqqgJ“"H298И“"gL“"H298&“"gJ”"H299И”"gJ•"H299И•" g gL•"(H299, H300&•" g<Greig, Lewis County, New •"York•" gDH299, H300H30'•"0'•"gЂHome of son Elmer E. DePa•"gn, 809 Second Avenue, Sol•"gvay, Onondaga County, New•" York•"gЧ•"2 g.gЦ•"вˆggЦ•"H300а•"gPAssumption Cemetery, Syraа•"cuse, New Yorkа•"H300а•"КˆggЦ•"Heart diseaseа•"gJ–"H299И–"g gL–"H299&–"Canada–"H299'–""g|Home of son David DePan, –"#g110 Charles Avenue, Solva–"y, New York–"%gЧ–"2 &gЦ–"кx(g'gЦ–"H299а–")gPAssumption Cemetery, Syraа–"cuse, New Yorkа–"+gJ—"H300И—"-gL—"H300&—"/gJ˜"H300Ș"1g2gL˜"H300&˜"H300'˜"qqqqqqqqqqqqqAgJ™"H300И™"CgL™"H300&™"EgJš"H300Иš"GgLš"H300&š" š"›"œ""ž"Ÿ" "Ё"eјJg<anHarriet Adeline DePan\›"ЈU(‚De›"LgJ›"H300И›"NgL›"H300&›"PgJœ"H300Иœ"RgLœ"H300&œ"TgJ"H300И"VgL"H300&"XgJž"H300Иž"Zg[gLž"H300&ž"H300'ž"]gJŸ"H300ИŸ"_gLŸ"H300&Ÿ"agJ "H300И "cgL "H300& "egJЁ"H300ИЁ"gghgLЁ"H300&Ё"H300'Ё"jg<n†Jane Elizabeth DePan\Ђ"ЈU(‚DeЂ"lgJЂ"H301ИЂ"ngLЂ"H301&Ђ"pgJЃ"H300ИЃ"rgLЃ"H301&Ѓ"qјqqqqqqqqqqqqg<anMichael Charles DePan\Є"ЈU(‚DeЄ"ƒgJЄ"H301ИЄ"…g†gLЄ"H301&Є"H301'Є"ˆg<n†La Vern Alvina DePan\Ѕ"ЈU(‚DeЅ"ŠgJЅ"H301ИЅ"ŒggLЅ"H301&Ѕ"H301'Ѕ"g< š†Dorothy Mae Primeau\(І"ЈU(‚PrІ"‘gJІ"H335ИІ"“g<eyAlice Loretta Mahaney\Ї"ЈU(‚MaЇ"•gJЇ"H335ИЇ"—gJЈ"H335ИЈ"™gJЉ"H335ИЉ"›g<y†Simone DePan Herlihy\Њ"ЈU(‚HeЊ"gJЊ"H336ИЊ"ŸgLЊ"H336&Њ"ЁgJЋ"H336ИЋ"ЃgJЌ"H336ИЌ"ЅgJ­"H336И­"ЇgL­"H336&­"ЉgJЎ"H336ИЎ"ЋgLЎ"H336&Ў"­gJЏ"H336ИЏ"ЏgLЏ"H336&Џ"БgJА"M115ИА"ГgLА"M115&А"qqqqqqqqqqqqСgJБ"M115ИБ"УgLБ"M115&Б"ХgJВ"M115ИВ"M115аВ"ШgЧВ"28ЩgЦВ"ЪgЦgЦВ"""died as a baby"аВ"ЬgJГ"M115ИГ"ЮgLГ"M115&Г"Г"e^бgJД"M115ИД"гg< š†Elgina Schermerhorn\(Е"ЈU(‚ScЕ"еgJЕ"M115ИЕ"зgJЖ"M115ИЖ"йgЧЖ"2 кgЦЖ"FмgлgЦЖ"369аЖ"нgФEnlisted Co. I, 121st RegаЖ"оgiment, New York VolunteerаЖ"пgs, Civil War; killed at BаЖ"attle of Hatcher's RunаЖ"рgFPrЖ"рgBЖ"уgJЗ"M115ИЗ"хgJИ"M115ИИ"чgJЙ"M115ИЙ"щgJК"O24ИК"ыgLК"O24&К"O24аК"юgЧК"2яgЦК"№gьgЦК"FarmerаК"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqhJЛ"O24ИЛ"hhLЛ"O24&Л"O24'Л"O24аЛ"hЧЛ"2h  h/hЦЛ" hhЦЛ"CarpenterаЛ"O24аЛ" h hЦЛ" hXRiverside Cemetery, WhitnаЛ"ey Point, New YorkаЛ"O24аЛ"hhЦЛ""of Lisle"аЛ"hJМ"O24ИМ"hhLМ"O24&М"O24'М"O24аМ"hЧМ"2 hЦМ"hhЦМ"hXRiverside Cemetery, WhitnаМ"ey Point, New YorkаМ"hJН"h4O24O28ИН"ИН" hLН"O24&Н""hJО"O24ИО"$hLО"O24&О"ШП"Р"Ю"Щ"Я"а"e'hJП"O24ИП")hLП"O24&П"+hJР"O24ИР"-hLР"O24&Р"O24аР"0hЧР"21h/5hЦР"2h.hЦР"3h6Butter maker and farm hanаР"dаР"O24аР"6h4hЦР"7hRWhitney Point and Owego NаР"Y; Worcester MAаР"8hGPrР"8hBР"qqqqqqAhJС"O24ИС"ChJТ"O24ИТ"Eh<k†Lettie Jerusha Clark\У"ЈU(‚ClУ"GhJУ""O23-O24ИУ"HhHPrУ"HhBУ"Kh<ssMarjorie Jessie Bliss\Ф"ЈU(‚BlФ"MhJФ"O23ИФ"OhLФ"O23&Ф"QhJХ""O23-O24ИХ"O24аХ"ThЧХ"21UhЦХ"VhRhЦХ"Whф"Bruce Clark Bell ... wasаХ"Xh adopted by Lettis's mothаХ"Yher, Violet Barrows, and hаХ"Zher second husband, ArchelаХ"aus Bell ..."аХ"\hJЦ"O24ИЦ"^hJЧ""O23-O24ИЧ"O24аЧ"ahЧЧ"2/bhЦЧ"ch_hЦЧ"""of Harford, NY"аЧ"ehJШ"O24ИШ"ghLШ"O24&Ш"O24аШ"jhЧШ"2/khЦШ"lhhhЦШ"mhb"... living on Pruyne StrаШ"eet in Endwell." (2001)аШ"ohJЩ"O24ИЩ"qhrhLЩ"O24&Щ"O24'Щ"O24аЩ"uhЧЩ"2 vh/zhЦЩ"whshЦЩ"xhXRiverside Cemetery, WhitnаЩ"ey Point, New YorkаЩ"{h4O24O26аЩ"|hyhЦЩ"аЩ"&"of Whitney Point"аЩ"}hIPrЩ"}hBЩ"qh<eyCharles Gordon Dauley\Ъ"ЈU(‚DaЪ"ƒhJЪ"O24ИЪ"O26аЪ"†hЧЪ"2-‡hЦЪ"ˆh„hЦЪ"GordonаЪ"‰hJPrЪ"‰hBЪ"ŒhJЫ"O24ИЫ"ŽhLЫ"O24'Ы"O24аЫ"‘hЧЫ"2 ’h/–hЦЫ"“hhЦЫ"”hXRiverside Cemetery, WhitnаЫ"ey Point, New YorkаЫ"O26аЫ"—h•hЦЫ"0Whitney Point, New YorkаЫ"™hJЬ"O24ИЬ"O26аЬ"œhЧЬ"2h/ hЦЬ"žhšhЦЬ" "retired nurse"аЬ"O26аЬ"ЁhŸhЦЬ".Johnson City, New YorkаЬ"ЃhJЭ"O24ИЭ"O26аЭ"ІhЧЭ"2Їh-Њh/­h1АhЦЭ"ЈhЄhЦЭ"&"retired from IBM"аЭ"O26аЭ"ЋhЉhЦЭ"KenаЭ"O26аЭ"ЎhЌhЦЭ"0Whitney Point, New YorkаЭ"O26аЭ"БhЏhЦЭ"ВhH"6 children ... 4 girls aаЭ"nd 2 boys"аЭ"ГhKPrЭ"ГhBЭ"qqqqqqqqqqqСhJЮ"O24ИЮ"УhLЮ"O24&Ю"O24аЮ"ЦhЧЮ"27ЧhЦЮ" lФhЦЮ"Щh<eyFrances Louise Dauley\Я"ЈU(‚DaЯ"ЫhJЯ"O24ИЯ"ЭhLЯ"O24&Я"ЯhJа"O24Иа"бhвhLа"O24&а"гhr(see Albert section, De'а"дhLong Family Photographs)'а"'а"жhr(see Albert section, Deаа"зhLong Family Photographs)аа"аа"йhЧа"2 кhЦа"лhеhЦа"2Braintree, Massachusettsаа"нhJб"O24Иб"пhсhLб""O23-O24&б"$Harford, New Yorkб""O23-O24'б"уhNLourdes Hospital, Binghamб"ton, New Yorkб"O24аб"цhЧб"2чhъh.ёh/єhЦб"шhфhЦб"Machinistаб""O23-O24аб"ыhщhЦб"ьhЪ"He was adopted at birth аб"эhby Lettie's mother, Violeаб"юht Barrows, and her secondаб"яh husband, Archelaus Bell"аб"аб"O24аб"т Кђh№hЦб"Cancerаб""O23-O24аб"ѕhѓhЦб"іhD"of Johnson City;" "of Maаб"ine, NY"аб"јhMб"Mб"љhLPrб"љhBб"qqqqqiJв"O23Ив"O23ав"iЧв"2/iЦв"iiЦв"."of Whitney Point, NY"ав"iJг"O23Иг"O23аг" iЧг"2/ iЦг" i iЦг"."of Whitney Point, NY"аг"iJд"O23Ид"iLд"O23&д""Greene, New Yorkд"O23ад"iЧд"2ii/iЦд"iiЦд"iBMinister, United Church oад"f Genoaад"O23ад"iiЦд".United Church of Genoaад"O23ад"iiЦд".Genoa, New York (2001)ад" iJе"O23Ие""iLе"O23&е"O23ае"%iЧе"2&i-+i/.iЦе"'i#iЦе"(ivAssociate Professor at Toае")impkins Cortland Communityае" Collegeае"O23ае",i*iЦе"Annetteае"O23ае"/i-iЦе".Genoa, New York (2001)ае"1iJж"O23Иж"O23аж"4iЧж"2/5iЦж"6i2iЦж"("of W. Windsor, NY"аж"qqqqqqqqqAiJз"O23Из"O23аз"DiЧз"2/EiЦз"FiBiЦз"("of W. Windsor, NY"аз"HiJи"O23Ии"JiLи"O23&и"LiJй"O23Ий"NiLй"O23&й"PiJк"O23Ик"RiLк"O23&к""Greene, New Yorkк"O23ак"ViЧк"2/WiЦк"XiTiЦк"Yi>Whitney Point, New York (ак"2001)ак"[iJл"O23Ил"O23ал"^iЧл"2_i/ciЦл"`i\iЦл"ai^Musician, teacher and ownал"er of Joe's Drum Shopал"O23ал"dibiЦл"ei>Whitney Point, New York (ал"2001)ал"giJм"O23Им"iiLм"O23&м"ki<a†Benjamin Joseph Roma\н"ЈU(‚Roн"miJн"O23Ин"oiLн"O23&н"qi<omabecca Catherine Roma\о"ЈU(‚Roо"siJо"O23Ио"uiLо"O23&о"qqqqqqqqqqiJп"O23Ип"ƒiLп"O23&п"…iJр"O23Ир"‡iLр"O23&р"&Endicott, New Yorkр"O23ар"‹iЧр"2/ŒiЦр"i‰iЦр"Ži8Masonville, New York (200ар"1)ар"i<osCharles William Yacos\с"ЈU(‚Yaс"’iJс"O23Ис"O23ас"•iЧс"2–i/™iЦс"—i“iЦс".Health care technicianас"O23ас"ši˜iЦс"›i8Masonville, New York (200ас"1)ас"iJт"O23Ит"ŸiLт"O23&т",Cooperstown, New Yorkт"Ђi<s†Garrett Steven Yacos\у"ЈU(‚Yaу"ЄiJу"O23Иу"ІiLу"O23&у""Walton, New Yorkу"ЉiJф"O26Иф"O26аф"ЌiЧф"2­i/Бi1ДiЦф"ЎiЊiЦф"Џi6"teacher in Whitney Pointаф""аф"O26аф"ВiАiЦф"0Whitney Point, New Yorkаф"O26аф"ЕiГiЦф"ЖiH"6 children ... 4 girls aаф"nd 2 boys"аф"qqqqqqqqqСiJх"O26Их"УiLх"O26'х"ХiJц"O26Иц"ЧiJч"O27Ич"ЩiJш"O27Иш"O27аш"ЬiЧш"2/ЭiЦш"ЮiЪiЦш"&Marathon, New Yorkаш"аiJщ"O27Ищ"вiJъ"гir(see Albert section, DeИъ"дiLong Family Photographs)Иъ"Иъ"жiJы"V260Иы"иiLы"V260'ы"кiJь"лit(see Albert section, DeИь"мiLongh Family Photographs)Иь"Иь"оiJэ"V261Иэ"рiJю"V261Ию"тiJя"V261Ия"фiJ№"V262И№"цiJё"V262Иё"шiJђ"V263Иђ"ъiLђ"V263&ђ"ьiJѓ"V263Иѓ"юiLѓ"V263&ѓ"№iJє"V263Иє"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjJѕ"V263Иѕ"jLѕ"V263&ѕ"jJі"V263Иі"jLі"V263&і" jJї"V263Иї" j<roLaura Catherine Petro\ј"ЈU(‚Peј" jJј"V263Иј"j< š†Suzanne Marie Petro\(љ"ЈU(‚Peљ"jJљ"V263Иљ"jJњ"V263Ињ"jJћ"V263Ић"jLћ"V263&ћ"jJќ"V263Иќ"jLќ"V263&ќ"j<burgerine VanValkenburg\§"ЈU(‚Va§"jJ§"&275; V267И§"!jL§"&276; V268'§"#jЧ§"2$jЦ§"Тё&j%jЦ§"&275; V267а§"&Katsbaan, New Yorkа§"(jJў"&275; V267Иў"&276; V268аў"+jЧў"26,jЦў"-j)jЦў" Wolfаў"/jJџ"&275; V267Иџ"1jLџ"&275; V267'џ"3jЧџ"24jЦџ"кє6j5jЦџ"&275; V267аџ"&Katsbaan, New Yorkаџ"qqqqqqqqqAjJ#&275; V267И#CjL#&276; V268'#EjЧ#2Fj;JjЦ# іHjGjЦ#&275; V267а#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#&275; V267а#* іKjIjЦ#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#MjJ#&276; V268И#&276; V268а#PjЧ#2/QjЦ#RjNjЦ# "of Saugerties"а#Tj<g†Rachel VanValkenburg\#ЈU(‚Va#VjJ#&276; V268И#XjL#&276; V268'#ZjЧ#2[jЦ#Њ ј]j\jЦ#&276; V268а#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#_jJ#&276; V268И#&276; V268а#bjЧ#2/cjЦ#dj`jЦ#2"of Blue Mountain, N.Y."а#fj<burgabeth VanValkenburg\#ЈU(‚Va#hjJ#&276; V268И#jjkjL#&276; V268&#&276; V268'#mjЧ#2njЦ#bћpjojЦ#&276; V268а#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj<ronkrt Livingston Bronk\#ЈU(‚Br#ƒjJ#&276; V268И#…j†jL#&276; V268&#&276; V268'#&276; V268а#‰jЧ#26ŠjЦ#‹j‡jЦ#Brink, Brinckа#j<urgrgaret VanValkenburg\#ЈU(‚Va#jJ#&276; V268И#‘jL#&276; V268&#(West Camp, New York#”j< š†Sarah VanValkenburg\(#ЈU(‚Va#–jJ#&276; V268И#˜j™jL#&276; V268&#&276; V268'#›jЧ#2œj4ŸjЦ#" jЦ#&276; V268а#&276; V268а#ЊžjЦ#ЁjJ#&276; V268И#ЃjЄjL#&276; V268&#&276; V268'#&276; V268а#ЇjЧ#2/ЈjЦ#ЉjЅjЦ#,"of Saugerties, N.Y."а#ЋjJ #&276; V268И #­jL #&276; V268& #Џj<Jr.vid Schoonmaker, Jr.. #ЈU(‚Sc #БjJ #&276; V268И #qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСjJ #&276; V268И #УjJ #&276; V268И #Хj<rgRebecca VanValkenburg\ #ЈU(‚Va #ЧjJ #&276; V268И #ЩjЪjL #&276; V268& #&276; V268' #Ьj<rgWilliam VanValkenburg\#ЈU(‚Va#ЮjJ#&276; V268И#аjЧ#2бjЦ#ђвjЦ#&276; V268а#дjJ#&276; V268И#жjJ#&274; V267И#&274; V267а#йjЧ#2-кj/нj6рjЦ#лjзjЦ#(Jeronus, Heeronymusа#&274; V267а#оjмjЦ#$"of Albany, N.Y."а#&275; V267а#сjпjЦ#VanValkenburgа#уj<yerstje Elizabeth Myers\#ЈU(‚My#хjJ#&274; V267И#чjшjL#&274; V267&#&274; V267'#&274; V267а#ыjЧ#2-ьjЦ#эjщjЦ# Mariaа#яjJ#&274; V267И#&274; V267а#ђjЧ#2/ѓjЦ#єj№jЦ#("of Kingston, N.Y."а#qqqqqqqqqqqkJ#&274; V267И#kJ#0274, 275; V267И#kL#0274, 275; V267&#kЧ#2k3 kЦ#ђЩ k kЦ#&274; V267а#*Loonenburg, New Yorkа#&274; V267а#ђЩ k kЦ#k:Christian Meyer and Gert.а# V.а#k< š†Zacharias Schneider\(#ЈU(‚Sc#kJ#&274; V267И#kJ#0274, 275; V267И#kL#&275; V267&#2Hoogduitchland (Germany)#&274; V267а#kЧ#2-kЦ#kkЦ# Franzа#kJ#&274; V267И# kL#&274; V267&#&274; V267а##kЧ#29$kЦ#%k!kЦ#&kPJanuary 18, 1739 given asа# date of birthа#(k<g†Catharina Valkenburg\#ЈU(‚Va#*kJ#.274-275; V267И#,kL#&274; V267&#&274; V267а#/kЧ#290k/4kЦ#1k-kЦ#2kNJanuary 5, 1741 given as а#date of birthа#&275; V267а#5k3kЦ#("of Katsbaan, N.Y."а#qqqqqqqqqqAkJ#&274; V267И#&275; V267а#DkЧ#21EkЦ#FkBkЦ#Gkp"probably s. of Lucas L. а#HkLangendyck and Christina а#Wolf"а#JkJ#&274; V267И#LkJ#&274; V267И#NkL#&274; V267&### #e#QkJ#0274-275; V267И#SkЧ#2TkЦ#: бVkUkЦ#&274; V267а#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#XkJ#.274-275; V267И#Zk<rgChristian Falckenburg\#ЈU(‚Fa#\kJ#&275; V267И#^kL#&275; V267&#`k<g†Margriet Falckenburg\#ЈU(‚Fa#bkJ#&275; V267И#dkЧ#2ek3ikЦ#виgkfkЦ#&275; V267а#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа#&276; V268а#jkhkЦ#VanValkenburgа#lkJ #&275; V267И #&276; V268а #okЧ #26pkЦ #qkmkЦ #Pels, Postа #qqqqqqqqqqqqqqkJ!#&275; V267И!#ƒkL!#&275; V267&!#…kJ"#&275; V267И"#‡kL"#&275; V267&"#‰kJ##&275; V267И##‹kЧ##2Œk3kЦ##вуŽkkЦ##&275; V267а##&Katsbaan, New Yorkа##&275; V267а##ву‘kkЦ##*Jerome VanValkenburgа##“kJ$#&275; V267И$#•kL$#&275; V267&$#—k< š†Lucas L. Langendyck\(%#ЈU(‚La%#™kJ%#&275; V267И%#›kJ&#&275; V267И&#kJ'#&275; V267И'#ŸkJ(#&275; V267И(#Ёk< š†Corneles Langendyck\()#ЈU(‚La)#ЃkJ)#&275; V267И)#ЅkЧ)#2ІkЦ)#BцЈkЇkЦ)#&275; V267а)#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа)#ЊkJ*#&275; V267И*#ЌkЧ*#2­kЦ*#jшЏkЎkЦ*#&275; V267а*#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа*#БkJ+#&275; V267И+#ГkЧ+#2ДkЦ+#RщЖkЕkЦ+#&275; V267а+#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа+#qqqqqqqqqСkJ,#&275; V267И,#УkЧ,#2ФkЦ,#2 ыЦkХkЦ,#&275; V267а,#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа,#Шk<k†Catharina Langendyck\-#ЈU(‚La-#ЪkJ-#&275; V267И-#ЬkЧ-#2ЭkЦ-#ЂюЯkЮkЦ-#&275; V267а-#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа-#-#e)вkJ.#&275; V267И.#дkЧ.#2еkЦ.#rѓзkжkЦ.#&275; V267а.#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа.#йkJ/#&275; V267И/#&275; V267а/#мkЧ/#2нkЦ/#оkкkЦ/#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа/#рkJ0#&275; V267И0#тkL0#&275; V267&0#&275; V267а0#хkЧ0#2цkЦ0#чkуkЦ0#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа0#щkJ1#&275; V267И1#ыkL1#&275; V267&1#&275; V267а1#юkЧ1#2яkЦ1#№kьkЦ1#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа1#qqqqqqqqqqqqqqql< š†Catharina VanKeuren\(2#ЈU(‚Va2#lJ2#&275; V267И2#lL2#&275; V267&2#&275; V267а2#lЧ2#2 lЦ2# llЦ2#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа2# lJ3#&275; V267И3#lL3#&275; V267&3#&275; V267а3#lЧ3#2lЦ3#llЦ3#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа3#lJ4#&276; V268И4#lЧ4#2lЦ4#эllЦ4#&276; V268а4#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа4#lJ5#&276; V268И5#lЧ5#2lЦ5#" я!l lЦ5#&276; V268а5#,Schagticoke, New Yorkа5##lJ6#&276; V268И6#%lЧ6#2&lЦ6#Jё(l'lЦ6#&276; V268а6#,Schagticoke, New Yorkа6#*lJ7#&276; V268И7#,lЧ7#2-lЦ7#Ђѓ/l.lЦ7#&276; V268а7#,Schagticoke, New Yorkа7#1lJ8#&276; V268И8#2lMPr8#2lB8#qqqqqqqqqqqqAlJ9#&276; V268И9#ClJ:#&276; V268И:#ElL:#&276; V268&:#GlЧ:#2HlЦ:#BJlIlЦ:#&276; V268а:#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа:#LlJ;#&276; V268И;#NlL;#&276; V268&;#PlЧ;#2QlЦ;#jSlRlЦ;#&276; V268а;#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа;#Ul<olftharina Rebecca Wolf\<#ЈU(‚Wo<#WlJ<#&276; V268И<#YlL<#&276; V268&<#[l< š†James Froeligh Wolf\(=#ЈU(‚Wo=#]lJ=#&276; V268И=#_lL=#&276; V268&=#alJ>#&276; V268И>#clJ?#&276; V268И?#elJ@#&276; V268И@#glL@#&276; V268&@#ilЧ@#2jlЦ@#њ llklЦ@#&276; V268а@#&Katsbaan, New Yorkа@#nlJA#&276; V268ИA#plLA#&276; V268&A#rlЧA#2slЦA#2ultlЦA#&276; V268аA#&Katsbaan, New YorkаA#qqqqqqqqqqlJB#&276; V268ИB#ƒlJC#&276; V268ИC#…lJD#&276; V268ИD#‡lJE#O120ИE#‰lŠlLE#&E#O120'E#O120аE#lЧE#2 Žl-’lЦE#l‹lЦE#ldEast Worcester Cemetery, аE#East Worcester, New YorkаE#O120аE#“l‘lЦE#Aunt ZaleаE#”lNPrE#”lBE#—lJF#ИF#™lšlLF#&F#'F#аF#lЧF#2 žlЦF#Ÿl›lЦF# ldEast Worcester Cemetery, аF#East Worcester, New YorkаF#ЂlJG#(B69A, B69CИG#ЄlLG#Ѕl8B69AZ361&G#&G#CanadaG#B69CаG#ЉlЧG#2/ЊlЦG#ЋlЇlЦG#"Bristol, VermontаG#ЌlOPrG#ЌlBG#ЏlJH#B69AИH#БlLH#Z361&H#B69CаH#ДlЧH#2/ЕlЦH#ЖlВlЦH#Зl6Granville, New York (1831аH#)аH#ИlPPrH#ИlBH#qqqqqqСlJI#B69BИI#УlLI#B69B&I#B69CаI#ЦlЧI#2/Чl1ЬlЦI#ШlФlЦI#Щl”Starksboro (1828) and BriаI#Ъlstol (1831), Vermont; SheаI#lby County, Ohio (1835)аI#B69CаI#ЭlЫlЦI#UnmarriedаI#ЮlQPrI#ЮlBI#бlJJ#B69BИJ#гlJK#B69CИK#B69CаK#жlЧK#2/зl6лlЦK#иlдlЦK#йl6Granville, New York (1831аK#)аK#B69CаK#мlкlЦK# EnnisаK#оlJL#B69CИL#рlJM#B69CИM#тlJN#B69CИN#фlJO#B69CИO#I#eИчlJP#B69DИP#щlJQ#B69DИQ#ыlJR#B69EИR#эlюlLR#B69E&R#B69E'R#B69EаR#ёlЧR#2-ђl8ѕlЦR#ѓlяlЦR#$Elizabeth, BessieаR#B69EаR#FіlєlЦR#13 monthsаR#qqqqqqqqqmJS#B69EИS#mJT#B69EИT#mJU#B69EИU#mJV#B69EИV# mLV#B69E&V# mЧV#2 mЦV#T mЦV#B69E&V#mJW#B69EИW#mJX#B69EИX#mLX#B69E&X#mJY#B69EИY#mJZ#B69EИZ#mJ[#B69EИ[#mJ\#B69EИ\#m<ieMary Elizabeth Willie\]#ЈU(‚Wi]#mJ]#B69EИ]#!m< š†Eldon Foster Delong\(^#ЈU(‚De^##mJ^#B69EИ^#%mL^#B69E&^#,Stanley, North Dakota^#'mRPr^#'mB^#*mJ_#B69EИ_#B69Eа_#-mЧ_#2/.mЦ_#/m+mЦ_#0m:Moretown, Connecticut (19а_#77)а_#qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAmJ`#B69EИ`#B69Eа`#DmЧ`#28EmЦ`#FmBmЦ`#Died youngа`#HmJa#B69EИa#JmJb#B69EИb#LmJc#B69EИc#d#^#eCOmJd#B69EИd#QmJe#B69EИe#B69Eаe#TmЧe#2/UmЦe#VmRmЦe#Wm6Goochland, Virginia (1997аe#)аe#Ym<sePhillipe Maton Wiltse\f#ЈU(‚Wif#[mJf# B39revИf#]m_mLf# B39rev&f#Luxembourgf# B39rev'f#Delawaref#bmJg# B39revИg#dmLg# B39rev&g#Hollandg#gmJh#Z362Иh#imkmLh#Z362&h#"Lincoln, Vermonth#Z362'h#mm:North Reading, Massachuseh#ttsh#Z362аh#pmЧh#2.qmЦh#2ЊrmnmЦh# Cardiac failureаh#smSPrh#smBh#qqqqqqqqqqqmJi#Z362Иi#Z363аi#„mЧi#2.…mЦi#†m‚mЦi#*Cancer of the uterusаi#ˆmJj#Z362Иj#h#eр ‹mJk#Z362Иk#mmLk#Z362&k#&Rochester, Vermontk#Z362'k# Warren, Vermontk#’mJl#Z362Иl#”mJm#Z362Иm#–mJn#Z362Иn#˜mšmLn#Z362&n# Warren, Vermontn#Z362'n#Vermontn#mJo#Z362Иo#Ÿm mLo#Z362&o#Z362'o#ЂmJp#Z363Иp#ЄmJq#Z363Иq#ІmJr#Z363Иr# t#o#n#eGЉmJs#Z363Иs#ЋmJt#Z363Иt#­mJu#Z363Иu#ЏmJv#Z363Иv#БmJw#Z363Иw#ГmLw#Z363&w#Irelandw#qGqqqqqqqqqqСmJx#Z363Иx#УmJy#Z363Иy#ХmJz#Z363Иz#ЧmJ{#Z363И{#ЩmJ|#Z363И|#Ыm<insone Everett Robinson\}#ЈU(‚Ro}#ЭmJ}#Z363И}#Яm<sonssie Garnet Robinson\~#ЈU(‚Ro~#бmJ~#Z363И~#гm< š†Myron George Brooks\(#ЈU(‚Br#еmJ#Z363И#зmиmL#Z363&#Z363'#.Laconia, New Hampshire#лmJ€#Z363И€#нmJ#Z363И#пmJ‚#Z363И‚#сm< š†Patricia Ann Brooks\(ƒ#ЈU(‚Brƒ#уmJƒ#Z363Иƒ#хm<ooksva Sophronia Brooks\„#ЈU(‚Br„#чmJ„#Z363И„#щm< š†Myron George Brooks\(…#ЈU(‚Br…#ыmJ…#Z363И…#эmюmL…#Z363&…#Z363'…#Z364а…#ёmЧ…#2-ђmЦ…#ѓmяmЦ…# Buddyа…#qqqqqqqqqqqqn<s†Meriden James Brooks\†#ЈU(‚Br†#nJ†#Z364И†#‡#…#eLn< š†Merton Allen Brooks\(‡#ЈU(‚Br‡#nJ‡#Z364И‡# nJˆ#Z364Иˆ# nJ‰#Z364И‰#n<reCorinne Irish Wilfore\Š#ЈU(‚WiŠ#nJŠ#Z364ИŠ#n<e†Kathleen Edrie Dupre\‹#ЈU(‚Du‹#nJ‹#Z364И‹#n<ntainn Alden LaFountain\Œ#ЈU(‚LaŒ#nJŒ#Z364ИŒ#nJ#Z364И#nJŽ#Z364ИŽ#n<untainolleen LaFountain\#ЈU(‚La# nJ#Z364И#"n<ainanine Ann LaFountain\#ЈU(‚La#$nJ#Z364И#&n<ainnn Caroll LaFountain\‘#ЈU(‚La‘#(nJ‘#Z364И‘#*n<ntaink Allen LaFountain\’#ЈU(‚La’#,nJ’#Z364И’#.n<taine Brooke LaFountain\“#ЈU(‚La“#0nJ“#Z364И“#qLqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAn<ountainffery LaFountain\”#ЈU(‚La”#CnJ”#Z364И”#EnJ•#Z364И•#Gn< š†Timothy John Currie\(–#ЈU(‚Cu–#InJ–#Z364И–#Kn<a†Michael Raymond Duga\—#ЈU(‚Du—#MnJ—#Z365И—#OnJ˜#Z365Ș#QnJ™#Z365И™#Sn< š†Matthew Joseph Duga\(š#ЈU(‚Duš#UnJš#Z365Иš#WnJ›#Z365И›#Yn<euBrooke Renee Beaulieu\œ#ЈU(‚Beœ#[nJœ#Z365Иœ#Z365аœ#^nЧœ#2-_nЦœ#`n\nЦœ#Brandyаœ#bn<u†Darcy Leigh Beaulieu\#ЈU(‚Be#dnJ#Z365И#fn<ulieuElizabeth Beaulieu\ž#ЈU(‚Bež#hnJž#Z365Иž#Z365аž#knЧž#2-lnЦž#mninЦž# Beckyаž#onJŸ#Z365ИŸ#qnJ #Z365И #qqqqqqqqqqqqqqn<thSally Jean Arrowsmith\Ё#ЈU(‚ArЁ#ƒnJЁ#Z365ИЁ#…n<h†Adam Glen Arrowsmith\Ђ#ЈU(‚ArЂ#‡nJЂ#Z365ИЂ#‰nJЃ#Z365ИЃ#‹nŒnLЃ#Z365&Ѓ#Z365'Ѓ#*Enfield, ConnecticutЃ#Z365аЃ#nЧЃ#2.‘nЦЃ#ВЯ’nŽnЦЃ#Heart diseaseаЃ#”nJЄ#Z365ИЄ#–nJЅ#Z365ИЅ#˜n<olsristopher John Swols\І#ЈU(‚SwІ#šnJІ#Z366ИІ#œn<olsnnis Theordoer Swols\Ї#ЈU(‚SwЇ#žnJЇ#Z366ИЇ# nJЈ#Z366ИЈ#ЂnJЉ#Z366ИЉ#Єn<leasonernadette Gleason\Њ#ЈU(‚GlЊ#ІnJЊ#Z366ИЊ#Јn<s†Edward Alden Squires\Ћ#ЈU(‚SqЋ#ЊnJЋ#Z366ИЋ#Ќn<esVeronica Lynn Squires\Ќ#ЈU(‚SqЌ#ЎnJЌ#Z366ИЌ#АnJ­#Z366И­#qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСn<untainEileen LaFountain\Ў#ЈU(‚LaЎ#УnJЎ#Z366ИЎ#Хn<untainatrick LaFountain\Џ#ЈU(‚LaЏ#ЧnJЏ#Z366ИЏ#ЩnJА#Z366ИА#ЫnJБ#Z366ИБ#Эn<uintrick Gilbert Drouin\В#ЈU(‚DrВ#ЯnJВ#Z366ИВ#бnгnLВ#Z366&В#ConnecticutВ#Z366'В#ConnecticutВ#жn<n†Robert Victor Drouin\Г#ЈU(‚DrГ#иnJГ#Z366ИГ#кnмnLГ#Z366&Г#ConnecticutГ#Z366'Г#ConnecticutГ#пn< š†Lynai Brooke Drouin\(Д#ЈU(‚DrД#сnJД#Z366ИД#уn< š†Carol Keating Verny\(Е#ЈU(‚VeЕ#хnJЕ#Z366ИЕ#чn<ainett Alden LaFountain\Ж#ЈU(‚LaЖ#щnJЖ#Z366ИЖ#ыn<tain Michael LaFountain\З#ЈU(‚LaЗ#эnJЗ#Z366ИЗ#яn<ntain Thomas LaFountain\И#ЈU(‚LaИ#ёnJИ#Z366ИИ#Z366аИ#єnЧИ#2ѕnЦИ#іnђnЦИ#AdoptedаИ#qqqqqqqqqoJЙ#Z367ИЙ#oJК#Z367ИК#oJЛ#Z367ИЛ#o<ardmie-Lee Glendon Ward\М#ЈU(‚WaМ# oJМ#Z367ИМ# oJН#Z367ИН# o<mblinzie Brooke Hamblin\О#ЈU(‚HaО#oJО#Z367ИО#o<oorhiesValarie Voorhies\П#ЈU(‚VoП#oJП#Z367ИП#oJР#Z367ИР#o<aulieungelique Beaulieu\С#ЈU(‚BeС#oJС#Z367ИС#oJТ#Z367ИТ#oJУ#Z367ИУ#oJФ#Z367ИФ#!oJХ#Z367ИХ#Z367аХ#$oЧХ#2-%oЦХ#&o"oЦХ# A.J.аХ#(o<Paretany Elizabeth Pare\Ц#ЈU(‚PaЦ#*oJЦ#Z367ИЦ#,oJЧ#Z367ИЧ#.oJШ#Z367ИШ#0o<s†Cheyenne Edrie Bates\Щ#ЈU(‚BaЩ#2oJЩ#Z368ИЩ#qqqqqqqqqqqqqAo< š†Richard Tyler Bates\(Ъ#ЈU(‚BaЪ#CoJЪ#Z368ИЪ#Eo< š†Christopher LaRusso\(Ы#ЈU(‚LaЫ#GoJЫ#Z368ИЫ#Io<Russoia Jeanene LaRusso\Ь#ЈU(‚LaЬ#KoJЬ#Z368ИЬ#MoJЭ#Z368ИЭ#OoJЮ#Z368ИЮ#Qo<uroexander Henry Maturo\Я#ЈU(‚MaЯ#SoJЯ#Z368ИЯ#UoJа#Z368Иа#WoJб#Z368Иб#YoJв#Z368Ив#[o<olsrlee Elizabeth Swols\г#ЈU(‚Swг#]oJг#Z368Иг#_oJд#Z368Ид#aoJе#Z368Ие#coJж#do<C116AC116BИж#Иж#foLж#C116B'ж#(Worcester, New Yorkж#C116Bаж#joЧж#2 ko/oo.uo8xoЦж#lohoЦж#moJGlenwood Cemetery, Oneontаж#a, New Yorkаж#po:C116AL159аж#qonoЦж#аж#ror"of Fleishmanns" at time аж#soof marriage; Maryland, Neаж#w Yorkаж#C116Bаж#votoЦж#"Bright's Diseaseаж#C116Bаж#yowoЦж#32 yearsаж#zoTPrж#zoBж#qqqqoJз#C116AИз#ƒoLз#C116A&з#…oJи#L150Ии#‡oLи#L150&и#‰oJй#L150Ий#‹oLй#(L150, L156&й#2Charlotteville, New Yorkй#Žo< š†Isaac Benjamin Gage\(к#ЈU(‚Gaк#oJк#(L150, L152Ик#’o•oLк#(L150, L152&к#”o<Near Charlotteville, New к#Yorkк#L152'к#L152ак#˜oЧк#2 ™oЦк#šo–oЦк#(Worcester, New Yorkак#фe> oJл#L152Ил#ŸoLл#L152'л#L152ал#ЂoЧл#2/ЃoЦл#Єo oЦл#Ѕo<"of Quaker Street [New Yoал#rk]"ал#ЇoJм#L152Им#ЉoJн#L152Ин#ЋoJо#L152Ио#­oJп#L152Ип#Џo<geElizabeth Amelia Gage\р#ЈU(‚Gaр#БoJр#L152Ир#Вo№QroqqqqqqqqqqqqqСoJс#L152Ис#Уo<ngameeth Ann Burlingame\т#ЈU(‚Buт#ХoJт#L152Ит#ЧoJу#L152Иу#Щo<urlingameell Burlingame\ф#ЈU(‚Buф#ЫoJф#L152Иф#ЭoJх#L152Их#Яo<amery Eloise Burlingame\ц#ЈU(‚Buц#бoJц#L153Иц#гo<antymir James Konstanty\ч#ЈU(‚Koч#еoJч#жo>L152208-209Ич#Ич#"208-209ач#йoЧч#2кoЦч#лoзoЦч#мoLRelief pitcher, Philadelpач#hia Philliesач#оoJш#209Иш#209аш#сoЧш#2тo/хoЦш#уoпoЦш#Attorneyаш#209аш#цoфoЦш#$Oneonta, New Yorkаш#шoJщ#209Ищ#209ащ#ыoЧщ#2/ьoЦщ#эoщoЦщ#$Oneonta, New Yorkащ#яo<ngamer Loxia Burlingame\ъ#ЈU(‚Buъ#ёoJъ#L153Иъ#qqqqqqqqqqqqqqpJы#L153Иы#pJь#L154Иь#pJэ#L154Иэ#pJю#L154Ию# pJя#L154Ия# pJ№#L154И№# pJё#L154Иё#ё#ѓ#є#і#empJђ#L154Иђ#pJѓ#L154Иѓ#pJє#L154Иє#pJѕ#L154Иѕ#pJі#L154Иі#pJї#L154Иї#pJј#L156Иј#L156ај#pЧј#25 pЦј#!ppЦј#Dr.ај##pJљ#L156Иљ#%pJњ#L157Ињ#'pJћ#L157Ић#)pJќ#L157Иќ#+pJ§#209И§#-pJў#L158Иў#/pJџ#L158Иџ#1pJ$L158И$qmqqqqqqqqqqqqqApJ$L158И$L158а$DpЧ$2/EpЦ$FpBpЦ$ Michigan (1993)а$HpJ$L158И$JpJ$L158И$LpJ$L158И$e‚OpJ$L158И$QpJ$L158И$SpJ$L159И$C116Bа$VpЧ$2Wp/\pЦ$XpTpЦ$YpxEmployee of Eitapence Harа$Zpdware Company, Worcester,а$ New Yorkа$L159а$]p[pЦ$"of Worcester"а$_pJ$L160И$apcpL$L160&$0Richmondville, New York$L160'$L159а$fpЧ$2/gpЦ$hpdpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$jpJ $L160И $L159а $mpЧ $2/npЦ $opkpЦ $(Worcester, New Yorkа $qpJ $L160И $rpёQr…qqqqqqqqqqqqqpJ $L160И $ƒpJ $„p8L160L159И $И $L159а $‡pЧ $2/ˆpЦ $‰p…pЦ $(Worcester, New Yorkа $‹pJ $L160И $pJ$L160И$а$pЧ$2‘p-”p/—pЦ$’pŽpЦ$Veterinarianа$а$•p“pЦ$Docа$0L164а$˜p–pЦ$™p6Worcester, New York (1930а$)а$›pJ$L160И$pJ$L160И$ŸpJ$L160И$$e†ЂpJ$L160И$ЄpJ$L160И$L160а$ЇpЧ$21Јp/ЋpЦ$ЉpЅpЦ$"4 chln"а$L164а$ЌpЊpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$ЎpJ$Џp8L160L164И$И$L164а$ВpЧ$2/ГpЦ$ДpАpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$ЕpђQrqqqqqqqqqqСpJ$L160И$УpJ$L160И$ХpJ$L159И$L159а$ШpЧ$2&Щp'Эp/бpЦ$ЪpЦpЦ$ЫpDGraduate of Schenevus Higа$h Schoolа$L159а$ЮpЬpЦ$Яp`Bookkeeping coursework, Lа$owell Business Collegeа$L159а$вpаpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$дpJ$L159И$L159а$зpЧ$2/иpЦ$йpеpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$лpJ$L161И$L161а$оpЧ$2/пpЦ$рpмpЦ$(Schenevus, New Yorkа$тpJ$L161И$L161а$хpЧ$2/цpЦ$чpуpЦ$ Otego, New Yorkа$щpJ$L164И$L164а$ьpЧ$2/эpЦ$юpъpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$№pJ$L164И$L164а$ѓpЧ$2/єpЦ$ѕpёpЦ$(Worcester, New Yorkа$іpѓQrqqqqqqqqqqJ$L164И$qJ$L164И$qJ$L164И$L164а$qЧ$2/ qЦ$ qqЦ$0Ravena, New York (1935)а$ qJ $L164И $qqL $L164& $&Maryland, New York $L164' $L164а $qЧ $2&qqЦ $qqЦ $,Schenevus High Schoolа $L164а $qqЦ $Methodistа $'$($*$,$ $e‡qUPr $qB $qJ!$L164И!$qJ"$L164И"$!qJ#$L164И#$#qJ$$L164И$$%qJ%$L164И%$'qJ&$L164И&$&$e’*qJ'$L164И'$L164а'$-qЧ'$2/.qЦ'$/q+qЦ'$0q6Schenevus, New York (1939а'$)а'$q’qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAqJ($L164И($L164а($DqЧ($2/EqЦ($FqBqЦ($GqBRochelle Park, New Jerseyа($ (1939)а($IqJ)$L164И)$KqJ*$L164И*$L164а*$NqЧ*$2/OqЦ*$PqLqЦ*$Qq6Schenevus, New York (1939а*$)а*$SqJ+$L164И+$UqJ,$L164И,$L164а,$XqЧ,$2/YqЦ,$ZqVqЦ,$[q6Schenevus, New York (1939а,$)а,$]qJ-$L164И-$L164а-$`qЧ-$2aq-dq/gqЦ-$bq^qЦ-$Mechanicа-$а-$eqcqЦ-$ Dekeа-$L164а-$hqfqЦ-$(Worcester, New Yorkа-$jqJ.$L164И.$L164а.$mqЧ.$2nq/sqЦ.$oqkqЦ.$pqhOwner of Patsy's Beauty Pа.$qqarlor, Worcester, New Yorа.$kа.$L164а.$tqrqЦ.$uq6Worcester, New York (1938а.$)а.$qqqqqqqqqqqJ/$L164И/$ƒqJ0$L164И0$…qJ1$I24И1$‡qL1$I24'1$‰qJ2$C116BИ2$C116Bа2$ŒqЧ2$2/qЦ2$ŽqŠqЦ2$"of Roxbury"а2$qJ3$C96BKИ3$’qJ4$“q<C96BLC96BNИ4$И4$C96BLа4$–qЧ4$2/—qЦ4$˜q”qЦ4$™q<Roosevelt, Long Island (1а4$941)а4$›qJ5$C96BNИ5$qJ6$C96BNИ6$ŸqJ7$C96BNИ7$ЁqJ8$C96BFИ8$ЃqJ9$C96BFИ9$ЅqJ:$C96BFИ:$ЇqJ;$$53; O162И;$ЉqJ<$$54; O163И<$ЋqJ=$$54; O163И=$­qJ>$$54; O163И>$ЏqJ?$$54; O163И?$БqJ@$Вq828, 54; O156, O163И@$И@$ДqЖqL@$$54; O163&@$0Stonington, Connecticut@$$54; O163'@$Иq4North Canaan, Connecticut@$@$КqЧ@$2ЛqЦ@$’ АНqМqЦ@$$54; O163а@$0Stonington, Connecticutа@$qqСqJA$"6; O134ИA$УqЪqLA$"6; O134&A$ХqЧA$2ЦqЭq*аqеq/лqЦA$iШqЧqЦA$"7; O135&A$Щq:Portsmouth, Rhode Island A$(?)A$"7; O135'A$.Westerly, Rhode IslandA$"7; O135аA$ЮqЬqЦA$,Blacksmith and farmerаA$"7; O135аA$бqЯqЦA$вqЊDelegate to Rhode Island аA$гqGeneral Assembly (1681, 1аA$дq683, 1689); Town CouncilmаA$an (1696)аA$œзqжqЦA$"7; O135аA$иq–Member of Seventh Day BapаA$йqtist Church of Newport anаA$d Westerly, Rhode IslandаA$"7; O135аA$мqкqЦA$.Westerly, Rhode IslandаA$нqVPrA$нqBA$рqJB$"6; O134ИB$тqLB$"7; O135'B$"7; O135аB$хqЧB$2цq7ыqЦB$чqуqЦB$шq–Member of Seventh Day BapаB$щqtist Church of Newport anаB$d Westerly, Rhode IslandаB$"7; O135аB$ЗьqъqЦB$ "(?)"аB$юqJC$"7; O135ИC$№qJD$"8; O136ИD$ђqLD$$14; O142&D$.Westerly, Rhode IslandD$qqqqqqqqqqqqrJE$"8; O136ИE$rLE$"8; O136'E$"8; O136аE$rЧE$2/rЦE$rrЦE$*Exeter, Rhode IslandаE$ rJF$"8; O136ИF$"8; O136аF$ rЧF$2/rЦF$r rЦF$*Exeter, Rhode IslandаF$rJG$"8; O136ИG$rJH$"8; O136ИH$rJI$"8; O136ИI$rJJ$"8; O136ИJ$rJK$"8; O136ИK$rJL$"8; O136ИL$rJM$"8; O136ИM$M$O$e  rJN$"8; O136ИN$"rJO$"8; O136ИO$$rLO$"8; O136'O$&rJP$"8; O136ИP$(rJQ$"8; O136ИQ$*rJR$"8; O136ИR$"8; O136аR$-rЧR$2/.rЦR$/r+rЦR$ "of Portsmouth"аR$1rJS$"8; O136ИS$qqqqqqqqqqqqqqArJT$$12; O140ИT$$12; O140аT$DrЧT$2ErHr5LrЦT$FrBrЦT$ClergymanаT$$12; O140аT$IrGrЦT$Jr:Seventh Day Baptist minisаT$terаT$$12; O140аT$MrKrЦT$ Rev.аT$OrJU$$13; O141ИU$QrJV$$13; O141ИV$SrJW$$13; O141ИW$UrJX$$13; O141ИX$WrJY$$13; O141ИY$YrJZ$$13; O141ИZ$Z$\$^$`$a$eJ\rJ[$$13; O141И[$^rJ\$$13; O141И\$`rJ]$$13; O141И]$brJ^$$13; O141И^$drJ_$$13; O141И_$frJ`$$13; O141И`$hrJa$$13; O141Иa$jrJb$$13; O141Иb$lrJc$$13; O141Иc$nrJd$$13; O141Иd$prLd$$26; O154'd$qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrJe$$26; O154Иe$ƒrLe$$26; O154&e$…rJf$$13; O141Иf$‡rJg$$27; O155Иg$‰rLg$$27; O155&g$‹rJh$$14; O142Иh$rLh$$14; O142&h$0Stonington, Connecticuth$$14; O142аh$‘rЧh$24’rЦh$“rrЦh$”rPJanuary 29, 1698 given asаh$ date of birthаh$–rJi$$14; O142Иi$˜rLi$$14; O142&i$šrJj$$14; O142Иj$œr<h†Abigail Cheesebrough\k$ЈU(‚Chk$žrJk$$14; O142Иk$ rJl$$14; O142Иl$ЂrLl$$14; O142&l$$14; O142аl$ЅrЧl$24ІrЦl$ЇrЃrЦl$ЈrPFebruary 2, 1730 given asаl$ date of birthаl$ЊrJm$$14; O142Иm$ЌrJn$$14; O142Иn$ЎrLn$Џr814, 27; O142, O155&n$&n$0Stonington, Connecticutn$qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСr<s†Christopher Billings\o$ЈU(‚Bio$УrJo$$14; O142Иo$ХrLo$$27; O155&o$0Stonington, Connecticuto$$27; O155аo$ЩrЧo$24ЪrЦo$ЫrЧrЦo$ЬrRFebruary 10, 1723 given aаo$s date of birthаo$ЮrJp$$14; O142Иp$аrLp$$14; O142&p$$27; O155аp$гrЧp$2 дrЦp$еrбrЦp$,Revolutionary soldierаp$зrJq$$14; O142Иq$йrJr$$14; O142Иr$лrJs$$14; O142Иs$нrLs$$14; O142&s$пrJt$$15; O143Иt$сrJu$$15; O143Иu$уrJv$$15; O143Иv$хrJw$$17; O145Иw$чrLw$шr817, 29; O145, O157&w$&w$.Westerly, Rhode Islandw$$17; O145аw$ьrЧw$24эrЦw$юrъrЦw$яrPFebruary 8, 1691 given asаw$ date of birthаw$ёrJx$$25; O153Иx$ѓrLx$$25; O153&x$qqqqqqqqqqqqsJy$$17; O145Иy$sLy$s817, 29; O145, O157&y$&y$.Westerly, Rhode Islandy$$17; O145аy$sЧy$24 sЦy$ ssЦy$ sRFebruary 15, 1697 given aаy$s date of birthаy$ sJz$$17; O145Иz$sLz$O157&z$sЧz$2sЦz$ВЇsЦz$$29; O157аz$sJ{$$17; O145И{$ssL{$s817, 29; O145, O157&{$&{$.Westerly, Rhode Island{$$29; O157'{$.Westerly, Rhode Island{$sJ|$$17; O145И|$sL|$$29; O157&|$$29; O157а|$"sЧ|$24#sЦ|$$s sЦ|$%sNJanuary 1, 1701 given as а|$date of birthа|$'sJ}$$18; O146И}$)s,sL}$*s818, 30; O146, O158&}$&}$.Westerly, Rhode Island}$$30; O158'}$ }$$€$e/sJ~$0sH18; O14630; OИ~$158И~$2s4sL~$$30; O158&~$.Westerly, Rhode Island~$$30; O158'~$.Westerly, Rhode Island~$$30; O158а~$8sЧ~$29s5>sЦ~$:s6sЦ~$;sfSeventh Day Baptist Churcа~$Joined North Stonington Cає$hurchає$ ЌчuцuЦє$$52; O161ає$0Stonington, Connecticutає$щuJѕ$$28; O156Иѕ$ыuJі$$28; O156Иі$эuJї$$28; O156Иї$яuLї$O156&ї$ёuЧї$2ђu;ѕuЦї$ZВѓuЦї$$28; O156аї$$28; O156аї$іuєuЦї$їuTJanuary 11, 1714 given asаї$ date of baptismаї$qqqqqqqqvJј$$28; O156Иј$vLј$$28; O156&ј$ј$њ$ћ$§$џ$%eчvJљ$$28; O156Иљ$vJњ$$28; O156Ињ$ v vLњ$&28; O156&њ$$28; O156'њ$$28; O156ањ$vЧњ$24vЦњ$v vЦњ$vHMarch, 1717 given as montањ$h of birthањ$vJћ$$28; O156Ић$vvLћ$vF28; O1561; O1&ћ$67&ћ$v<North Stonington, Connectћ$icutћ$$13; O171'ћ$(Worcester, New Yorkћ$"1; O167аћ$vЧћ$2v !v%v (v+v41v/6v8>vЦћ$vvЦћ$Farmerаћ$$77; O176аћ$"v vЦћ$#v4Was at Battle of Yorktownаћ$аћ$"2; O168аћ$&v$vЦћ$Congregationalаћ$$14; O172аћ$)v'vЦћ$*vbBadeau Hill (Grogh) Cemetаћ$ery, Westford, New Yorkаћ$ З-v,vЦћ$"1; O167аћ$.vjFirst Congregational Churаћ$/vch, Stonington, Connecticаћ$utаћ$$28; O156аћ$2v0vЦћ$3vPJanuary 29, 1719 given asаћ$ date of birthаћ$5vX1, 5, 13-15; O167, O169аћ$, O171-O173аћ$7v4vЦћ$8vVoluntown, Connecticut; Pаћ$9vartridgefield, Berkshire аћ$:vCounty, Massachusetts (17аћ$;v72); Worcester and Westfoаћ$%ЈU(‚Ba>%ГwJ>%"2; O168И>%ЕwИwL>%Жw62, 15; O168, O173&>%&>%0Stonington, Connecticut>%$15; O173'>%$Windham, New York>%$16; O174а>%МwЧ>%2 НwТw Хw/Шw8ЭwЦ>%ОwКwЦ>%РwFLikely served in Revolutiа>%qonary Warа>%$16; O174а>%УwСwЦ>%,Congregational Churchа>%$16; O174а>%ЦwФwЦ>%$Windham, New Yorkа>%$15; O173а>%ЩwЧwЦ>%ЪwvVoluntown and New Fairfieа>%Ыwld, Connectcut; Windham, а>%New Yorkа>%$15; O173а>%’#ЮwЬwЦ>%86 yearsа>%ЯwYPr>%ЯwB>%вwJ?%"2; O168И?%дwL?%"2; O168&?%жwJ@%"2; O168И@%иwL@%"2; O168&@%кwJA%"2; O168ИA%мwLA%"2; O168&A%оwJB%"2; O168ИB%рwLB%"2; O168&B%B%C%D%E%F%G%eьуwJC%"2; O168ИC%хwLC%цw62, 72; O168, O175&C%&C%0Stonington, ConnecticutC%$72; O175аC%ъwЧC%2*ыw/ёwЦC%ьwшwЦC%эwЌSurveyor of Highways (177аC%юw3, 1781) and Hog Reave (1аC%яw775), Partridgefield, MasаC%sachusettsаC%$72; O175аC%ђw№wЦC%ѓwJPartridgefield, MassachusаC%etts (1772)аC%qqqqqqqqqqqqxJD%"2; O168ИD%xxLD%x42, 77 O168, O176&D%&D%0Stonington, ConnecticutD%$77; O176'D%&Sauquoit, New YorkD%$77; O176аD% xЧD%2/ x7xЦD% xxЦD% x<Partridgefield, MassachusаD%ettsаD%$78; O177аD%/xЦD%xJE%"2; O168ИE%xxLE%"2; O168&E%$81; O180'E%0West Berkshire, VermontE%xЧE%2 x/ x1&x8)xЦE%š ёxxЦE%$80; O179аE%xžEnlisted; served to 1780;аE%x Corporal; fought at SaraаE%xtoga, in Carolinas, YorktаE%ownаE%x879, 81; O178, O180аE%аE%!xxЦE%"xzPartridgefield, MassachusаE%#xetts (1772); West BekshirаE%e, VermontаE%%x480-81; O179-O180аE%аE%'x$xЦE%12 childrenаE%$81; O180аE%b /*x(xЦE%82 yearsаE%,xJF%"2; O168ИF%.x1xLF%/x62, 95; O168, O181&F%&F%0Stonington, ConnecticutF%2x>96; O182D17'F%'F%&Westford, New YorkF%5xЧF%2 6x*;x@x Dx+Hx/Nx5Sx8VxЦF%ѓ8x7xЦF%$95; O181аF%9xPEnlisted as Private; ColoаF%nel in MilitiaаF%$95; O181аF%xЦF%BxTCongregational Church, WeаF%stford, New YorkаF%$95; O181аF%ExCxЦF%FxRBadeau Hill Cemetery, WesаF%tford, New YorkаF%$95; O181аF%IxGxЦF%JxФMason, Partridgefield, MaаF%Kxssachusetts; first MasoniаF%Lxc lodge in Otsego County аF%organized in his houseаF%$95; O181аF%OxMxЦF%Px€Partridgefield, MassachusаF%Qxetts (1772); Westford, NeаF%w York (1795)аF%$95; O181аF%TxRxЦF% Col.аF%$96; O182аF%в/WxUxЦF%75 yearsаF%XxZPrF%XxBF%[xJG%"2; O168ИG%]x`xLG%^x82, 102; O168, O188&G%&G%0Stonington, ConnecticutG%&104; O190'G%&Westford, New YorkG%&102; O188аG%dxЧG%2 exkx px/ux8yxЦG%fxbxЦG%gxоRevolution; "Private, CapаG%hxt. Thayer's Co., Col. BarаG%ixnes Regt. marched on alarаG%jxm to Stillwater. Service аG%ten days."аG% mxlxЦG%&104; O190аG%nxdDeacon, Congregational ChаG%urch, Westford, New YorkаG%&104; O190аG%qxoxЦG%rxfCongregational Church CemаG%sxetery, Westford, New YorkаG%аG%&102; O188аG%vxtxЦG%wxJPartridgefield, MassachusаG%etts (1772)аG%zxB104; O190D151аG%к7{xxxЦG%аG%83 yearsаG%|x[PrG%|xBG%qqxJH%$15; O173ИH%ƒx…xLH%$15; O173&H%.Voluntown, ConnecticutH%$15; O173'H%$15; O173аH%ˆxЧH%2/‰x8xЦH%Šx†xЦH%‹x>Stonington, Connecticut (аH%1763)аH%$15; O173аH%jшŽxŒxЦH%23 yearsаH%xJI%$15; O173ИI%’x“xLI%$15; O173&I%$15; O173'I%$15; O173аI%–xЧI%28—xЦI% ˜x”xЦI%46 yearsаI%šxJJ%$15; O173ИJ%œxxLJ%$15; O173&J%$15; O173'J%$15; O173аJ% xЧJ%28ЁxЦJ%ZЂxžxЦJ%55 yearsаJ%ЄxJK%$15; O173ИK%ІxЇxLK%$15; O173&K%$15; O173'K%$15; O173аK%ЊxЧK%28ЋxЦK%zљЌxЈxЦK%&16 years, 3 monthsаK%ЎxJL%$15; O173ИL%АxБxLL%$15; O173&L%$15; O173'L%$Windham, New YorkL%$16; O174аL%ЕxЧL%2 Жx4Йx8НxЦL%ЗxГxЦL%$Windham, New YorkаL%$15; O173аL%КxИxЦL%ЛxPJanuary 20, 1743 given asаL% date of birthаL%$15; O173аL%: 'ОxМxЦL%86 yearsаL%qСxJM%$72; O175ИM%УxJN%$72; O175ИN%$72; O175аN%ЦxЧN%2 Чx5ЫxЦN%ШxФxЦN%ЩxPPeru Hill Cemetery, Peru,аN% MassachusettsаN%$72; O175аN%ЬxЪxЦN% MajorаN%ЮxJO%$72; O175ИO%$72; O175аO%бxЧO%2 вxЦO%гxЯxЦO%дxPPeru Hill Cemetery, Peru,аO% MassachusettsаO%жx<ockebe Rockwell Babcock\P%ЈU(‚BaP%иxJP%$72; O175ИP%кxЧP%2лxЦP%мxЦP%$72; O175аP%оxJQ%$72; O175ИQ%рxЧQ%2сxЦQ%тxЦQ%$72; O175аQ%фxJR%$72; O175ИR%$72; O175аR%чxЧR%2шxЦR%щxхxЦR%Jul 1798аR%ыxJS%$72; O175ИS%$72; O175аS%юxЧS%2яxЦS%№xьxЦS%Jul 1798аS%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyJT%$72; O175ИT%yЧT%2yЦT%yЦT%$72; O175аT%T%U%eyJU%$72; O175ИU% yЧU%2 yЦU% yЦU%$72; O175аU%yJV%$77; O176ИV%yJW%$77; O176ИW%yyLW%$77; O176&W%$77; O176'W%$77; O176аW%yЧW%2 y8y/yЦW%yyЦW%yZSauquoit Valley Cemetery,аW% Sauquoit, New YorkаW%$77; O176аW%yyЦW%84 yearsаW%$77; O176аW%yyЦW% y<Partridgefield, MassachusаW%ettsаW%"yJX%$79; O178ИX%$yLX%$81; O180'X%0West Berkshire, VermontX%$81; O180аX%(yЧX%28)yЦX%Њ @*y&yЦX%98 yearsаX%,yJY%$79; O178ИY%.yJZ%$79; O178ИZ%0yJ[%$96; O182И[%2y3yL[%D17&[%$96; O182'[%$96; O182а[%6yЧ[%27y yRBadeau Hill Cemetery, Wesа[%tford, New Yorkа[%q$96; O182а[%в6By@yЦ[%83 yearsа[%D20а[%EyCyЦ[% Kinneа[%GyJ\%$96; O182И\%IyLyL\%$96; O182&\%Ky<Partridgefield, Massachus\%etts\%$96; O182'\%NyJ]%$96; O182И]%PyL]%$96; O182&]%Ry<Partridgefield, Massachus]%etts]%TyJ^%$96; O182И^%VyYyL^%$96; O182&^%Xy<Partridgefield, Massachus^%etts^%$97; O183'^%$97; O183а^%\yЧ^%2 ]y8`yЦ^%^yZyЦ^%&Schenevus Cemeteryа^%$97; O183а^%JGay_yЦ^%by679 years, 9 months, 9 dayа^%sа^%dyJ_%$96; O182И_%fygyL_%D17&_%$97; O183'_%$97; O183а_%jyЧ_%2 ky8nyЦ_%lyhyЦ_%&Schenevus Cemeteryа_%$97; O183а_%Ъ>oymyЦ_%py875 years, 2 months, 13 daа_%ysа_%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyJ`%$96; O182И`%ƒyL`%$96; O182&`%…y<Partridgefield, Massachus`%etts`%‡yJa%$96; O182Иa%‰yJb%$96; O182Иb%‹yLb%$96; O182&b%&Westford, New Yorkb%o%^%`%b%d%k%eyJc%$96; O182Иc%‘yJd%$96; O182Иd%“yLd%$96; O182&d%&Westford, New Yorkd%–yJe%$96; O182Иe%˜yJf%$96; O182Иf%šyJg%$96; O182Иg%œyLg%$96; O182&g%&Westford, New Yorkg%$96; O182аg% yЧg%2 ЁyЦg%ЂyžyЦg%0Cherry Valley, New Yorkаg%ЄyJh%$96; O182Иh%ІyJi%$96; O182Иi%ЈyJj%$96; O182Иj%Њy<BabcockHamilton Babcock\k%ЈU(‚Bak%ЌyJk%$96; O182Иk%ЎyLk%$96; O182&k%&Westford, New Yorkk%БyJl%$96; O182Иl%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСyJm%$96; O182Иm%УyLm%$96; O182&m%&Westford, New Yorkm%ЦyJn%$96; O182Иn%ШyJo%$96; O182Иo%ЪyLo%$96; O182&o%&Westford, New Yorko%ЭyJp%$96; O182Иp%$96; O182аp%аyЧp%25бy/дyЦp%вyЮyЦp% Rev.аp%$96; O182аp%еyгyЦp%$"of Aurora, Ill."аp%зyJq%$97; O183Иq%йyJr%$97; O183Иr%лyJs%$97; O183Иs%нyJt%$97; O183Иt%пyJu%$98; O184Иu%u%v%x%y%z%{%w%eтyJv%$98; O184Иv%фyJw%$98; O184Иw%цyчyLw%D17&w%D17'w%щyJx%$98; O184Иx%ыyJy%$98; O184Иy%эyJz%$98; O184Иz%яyJ{%$98; O184И{%ёyJ|%&102; O188И|%ѓyL|%&102; O188&|%qqqqqqqqqqqqzJ}%&103; O189И}%zL}%&103; O189'}%&Westford, New York}%&103; O189а}%zЧ}%21zЦ}% zzЦ}%Ten childrenа}% zJ~%&102; O188И~% zzL~%&102; O188&~%z<Partridgefield, Massachus~%etts~%&102; O188'~%&102; O188а~%zЧ~%28zЦ~%к /zzЦ~%53 yearsа~%zJ%&102; O188И%zJ€%&102; O188И€%zzL€%&102; O188&€%&102; O188'€%&102; O188а€%zЧ€%28 zЦ€%"S!zzЦ€%86 yearsа€%#zJ%&102; O188И%%zJ‚%D17И‚%'z(zL‚%D17&‚%D17'‚%*zJƒ%D17Иƒ%,z-zLƒ%D17&ƒ%D17'ƒ%/z<rickas St. John Patrick\„%ЈU(‚Pa„%1zJ„%D17И„%3z4zL„%D17&„%D17'„%qqqqqqqqqqqAz<trickce William Patrick\…%ЈU(‚Pa…%CzJ…%D17И…%EzFzL…%D17&…%D17'…%HzJ†%D17И†%JzL†%D17&†%Lz<k†Doris Louise Patrick\‡%ЈU(‚Pa‡%NzJ‡%D17И‡%PzL‡%D17&‡%&Westford, New York‡%SzJˆ%&103; O189Иˆ%UzLˆ%&103; O189&ˆ%&103; O189аˆ%XzЧˆ%21YzЦˆ%ZzVzЦˆ% "d. in infancy"аˆ%\zJ‰%&103; O189И‰%^zazL‰%_z<103, 105; O189, O191&‰%&‰%&Westford, New York‰%&105; O191'‰%&Westford, New York‰%D152Kа‰%ezЧ‰%24fz7hzЦ‰%ЊczЦ‰%D152Kа‰%ТYgzЦ‰%jzJŠ%&103; O189ИŠ%lzozLŠ%mz<103, 105; O189, O191&Š%&Š%&Westford, New YorkŠ%&105; O191'Š%"Manchester, IowaŠ%&105; O191аŠ%szЧŠ%21tz7wzЦŠ%uzqzЦŠ%Seven childrenаŠ%D152KаŠ%‚SvzЦŠ%qqqqqqqqzJ‹%&103; O189И‹%ƒz…zL‹%&103; O189&‹%&Westford, New York‹%†zD105; O191D152'‹%K'‹%"Albany, New York‹%‰zJŒ%&103; O189ИŒ%‹zŒzLŒ%&103; O189&Œ%D152K'Œ%Œ%%%%‘%e$zJ%&103; O189И%‘zL%&103; O189&%“zJŽ%&103; O189ИŽ%•zJ%&103; O189И%—z˜zL%&103; O189&%D152K'%šzJ%&103; O189И%œzzL%&103; O189&%&103; O189'%ŸzJ‘%&103; O189И‘%ЁzL‘%&103; O189&‘%ЃzJ’%&105; O191И’%ЅzІzL’%D152K&’%D152L'’%Јz< š†Harriet Emmons Rice\(“%ЈU(‚Ri“%ЊzJ“%ЋzB105; O191D149И“%И“%­zАzL“%ЎzD105; O191D152&“%K&“%$Oneonta, New York“%&105; O191'“%Бz\Pr“%БzB“%q$qqqqqqqqqqqqСzJ”%&105; O191И”%УzФzL”%D152J&”%&105; O191'”%(Elk Creek, New York”%&105; O191а”%ШzЧ”%2/Щz8Ьz.аzЦ”%ЪzЦzЦ”%*"of Elk Creek, N.Y."а”%D152Jа”%К3ЭzЫzЦ”%Юz648 years, 8 months, 2 dayа”%sа”%,D152J, D152Lа”%К3бzЯzЦ”%0"lingering consumption"а”%гzJ•%&105; O191И•%еzL•%&105; O191'•%зzJ–%&105; O191И–%йzлzL–%&105; O191&–%&Maryland, New York–%&105; O191'–%D152Lа–%оzЧ–%24пzЦ–%в#мzЦ–%сzJ—%&105; O191И—%уzL—%&105; O191'—%хzJ˜%цzD105; O191D152Ș%LȘ%шzыzL˜%щzD105; O191D152&˜%L&˜%&Maryland, New York˜%ьzF105; O191DF15'˜%2L'˜%D152Lа˜%яzט%28№z.ѓz֘%т&ёzэz֘%&11 months, 15 daysа˜%D152Lа˜%т&єzђz֘%Scarlet feverа˜%qqqqqqqqqqq{J™%{D105; O191D152И™%LИ™%{{L™%{D105; O191D152&™%L&™%&Maryland, New York™%&105; O191'™%&105; O191а™% {Ч™%2- {Ц™% {{Ц™% Walter L. Perryа™%{Jš%&105; O191Иš%{J›%&105; O191И›%{{L›%{D105; O191D152&›%L&›%&Maryland, New York›%&105; O191'›%{Jœ%&105; O191Иœ%{J%&105; O191И%{L%&105; O191&%&Maryland, New York%D152Lа%{Ч%24 {Ц%Š,{Ц% %Ÿ%Ё%e-#{Jž%&105; O191Иž%%{Lž%&105; O191'ž%'{JŸ%&105; O191ИŸ%){LŸ%*{D105; O191D152&Ÿ%L&Ÿ%&Maryland, New YorkŸ%-{J %&105; O191И %/{JЁ%&105; O191ИЁ%1{4{LЁ%2{D105; O191D152&Ё%L&Ё%&Maryland, New YorkЁ%&105; O191'Ё%D152LаЁ%7{ЧЁ%288{.<{ЦЁ%ђ29{5{ЦЁ%:{41 year, 2 months, 25 daysаЁ%аЁ%D152LаЁ%ђ2={;{ЦЁ%ConsumptionаЁ%qqA{JЂ%&105; O191ИЂ%C{LЂ%&105; O191'Ђ%"Manchester, IowaЂ%F{JЃ%&105; O191ИЃ%H{LЃ%&105; O191'Ѓ%"Albany, New YorkЃ%D152KаЃ%L{ЧЃ%27M{ЦЃ%"SJ{ЦЃ%O{JЄ%&106; O192ИЄ%Q{LЄ%&106; O192&Є%(Worcester, New YorkЄ%T{JЅ%&106; O192ИЅ%V{LЅ%&106; O191&Ѕ%(Worcester, New YorkЅ%Y{JІ%&106; O191ИІ%[{JЇ%D152JИЇ%]{LЇ%D152J&Ї%_{JЈ%D152JИЈ%a{b{LЈ%D152J&Ј%D152J'Ј%D152JаЈ%e{ЧЈ%28f{ЦЈ%jg{c{ЦЈ%h{623 years, 5 monts, 28 dayаЈ%sаЈ%j{JЉ%D152JИЉ%l{LЉ%D152J&Љ%n{JЊ%D152JИЊ%p{LЊ%D152J&Њ%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq{JЋ%D152JИЋ%ƒ{LЋ%D152J&Ћ%Ћ%Ќ%e6†{JЌ%D152JИЌ%ˆ{LЌ%D152J&Ќ%Š{J­%D152KИ­%Œ{L­%.D152K, DF152L'­%Ž{JЎ%D152KИЎ%{‘{LЎ%D152K&Ў%D152K'Ў%“{JЏ%D152JИЏ%•{–{LЏ%D152J&Џ%D152J'Џ%D152JаЏ%™{ЧЏ%28š{ЦЏ%:/›{—{ЦЏ%œ{869 years, 2 months, 16 daаЏ%ysаЏ%ž{JА%D152JИА% {LА%D152J'А%Ё{]PrА%Ё{BА%Є{JБ%14ИБ%І{LБ%(M184, M187&Б%Ј{VLancaster, Worcester CounБ%ty, MassachusettsБ%107аБ%Ћ{ЧБ%2Ќ{Џ{В{-З{/К{ЦБ%­{Љ{ЦБ%"Operated sawmillаБ%18аБ%А{Ў{ЦБ%Б{>First Baptist Church of SаБ%ummitаБ%:!Д{Г{ЦБ%18аБ%Е{>First Baptist Church of SаБ%ummitаБ%14аБ%И{Ж{ЦБ% FredаБ%210718аБ%Л{Й{ЦБ%М{^Towns of Summit and WorceаБ%ster (1797), New YorkаБ%Н{^PrБ%Н{BБ%qС{JВ%14ИВ%У{<ezNelan William Sanchez\Г%ЈU(‚SaГ%Х{JГ%T264AИГ%Ч{LГ%Ш{<T264AT264E&Г%&Г%$Las Vegas, NevadaГ%Ы{< š†Joseph Lincoln, Jr..(Д%ЈU(‚LiД%Э{JД%18ИД%Я{JЕ%O200ИЕ%б{JЖ%O200ИЖ%г{JЗ%O200ИЗ%е{JИ%O204ИИ%з{LИ%O209&И%O204аИ%к{ЧИ%2 л{5р{6у{4ц{ЦИ%м{и{ЦИ%н{€Loyalist; Lieutenant, RevаИ%о{olutionary War; killed atаИ% White PlainsаИ%O204аИ%с{п{ЦИ%Lt.аИ%O204аИ%ф{т{ЦИ%HughsonаИ%O209аИ%ч{х{ЦИ%ш{LJanuary, 1740 given as moаИ%nth of birthаИ%ъ{JЙ%O204ИЙ%ь{LЙ%O209&Й%ю{JК%O204ИК%№{LК%O209&К%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq|<n†David Tompkins Huson\Л%ЈU(‚HuЛ%|JЛ%O204ИЛ%|LЛ%O204&Л%New York StateЛ%|JМ%O204ИМ% |LМ%O204&М% |JН%O204ИН%|LН%O204&Н%|JО%|VO205, O208ИО%C30ИО%||LО%|^C67A146; C410&О%O209&О%New York StateО%|B146; C410O209'О%'О%O205аО%|ЧО%24|6|ЦО%+|ЦО%&146; C410аО%||ЦО%HousenаО% |JП%!|6C31O208ИП%ИП%#|&|LП%$|8C67AO209&П%&П%New York StateП%O209'П%C67BаП%)|ЧП%2*|--|40|ЦП%+|'|ЦП%TeacherаП%O205аП%.|,|ЦП% JaneаП%O205аП%-/|ЦП%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA|JР%H43ИР%C|LР%H43&Р%CanadaР%E|_PrР%E|BР%H|JС%H43ИС%J|LС%H43&С%CanadaС%M|JТ%H43ИТ%O|LТ%H43&Т%CanadaТ%H43аТ%S|ЧТ%2T|6W|ЦТ%U|Q|ЦТ%LaborerаТ%H44IаТ%X|V|ЦТ%LaFaveаТ%Z|JУ%H43ИУ%\|LУ%H43&У%0Oneida County, New YorkУ%_|JФ%H43ИФ%a|LФ%H43&Ф%0Oneida County, New YorkФ%d|JХ%H43ИХ%f|LХ%H43&Х%0Oneida County, New YorkХ%i|JЦ%X105ИЦ%k|n|LЦ%X105A&Ц%m|DHallton, Elk County, PennЦ%sylvaniaЦ%X105A'Ц%p|LBradford, McKean County, Ц%PennsylvaniaЦ%r|ЧЦ%2 s|1y|-||ЦЦ%‚Љu|t|ЦЦ%X105AаЦ%v|ŒMcKean Memorial Park CemeаЦ%w|tery, Lafayette, McKean CаЦ%ounty, PennsylvaniaаЦ%X105AаЦ%z|x|ЦЦ%"12 kids"аЦ%X105аЦ%}|{|ЦЦ%Ray J. RaughtаЦ%qq|JЧ%R57ИЧ%R58аЧ%„|ЧЧ%2/…|ЦЧ%†|‚|ЦЧ%‡|8Forest Dale, Vermont (200аЧ%3)аЧ%‰|JШ%.R59ИШ%аШ%Œ|ЧШ%2&|/’|-–|ЦШ%ЖŽ|Š|ЦШ%|tGraduate of Worcester CenаШ%|tral School, Worcester, NаШ%ew YorkаШ%R59аШ%“|‘|ЦШ%”|<Durham, North Carolina (2аШ%003)аШ%R59аШ%—|•|ЦШ% GregаШ%™|JЩ%R59ИЩ%R59аЩ%œ|ЧЩ%2/|ЦЩ%ž|š|ЦЩ%Ÿ|<Durham, North Carolina (2аЩ%003)аЩ%Ё|JЪ%R59ИЪ%Ѓ|JЫ%R59ИЫ%Ѕ|JЬ%R59ИЬ%Ї|JЭ%.R59ИЭ%аЭ%Њ|ЧЭ%2&Ћ|/А|-Г|ЦЭ%МЌ|Ј|ЦЭ%­|tGraduate of Worcester CenаЭ%Ў|tral School, Worcester, NаЭ%ew YorkаЭ%R59аЭ%Б|Џ|ЦЭ%2Norwich, New York (2003)аЭ%R59аЭ%Д|В|ЦЭ%PamаЭ%qqqqqqqqqqqС|JЮ%R59ИЮ%R59аЮ%Ф|ЧЮ%2/Х|ЦЮ%Ц|Т|ЦЮ%2Norwich, New York (2003)аЮ%Ш|JЯ%R59ИЯ%Ъ|Jа%R59Иа%Ь|Jб%R59Иб%Ю|Jв%.R59Ив%ав%б|Чв%2&в|/з|-л|Цв%Ог|Я|Цв%д|tGraduate of Worcester Cenав%е|tral School, Worcester, Nав%ew Yorkав%R59ав%и|ж|Цв%й|6Worcester, New York (2003ав%)ав%R59ав%м|к|Цв%Robав%о|Jг%R59Иг%R59аг%с|Чг%2/т|Цг%у|п|Цг%ф|6Worcester, New York (2003аг%)аг%ц|Jд%R59Ид%ш|Jе%R59Ие%ъ|Jж%.R59Иж%аж%э|Чж%2&ю|/ѓ|-і|Цж%Ря|ы|Цж%№|tGraduate of Worcester Cenаж%ё|tral School, Worcester, Nаж%ew Yorkаж%R59аж%є|ђ|Цж%0Elmira, New York (2003)аж%R59аж%ї|ѕ|Цж%Jimаж%qqqqqqqq}Jз%R59Из%R59аз%}Чз%2/}Цз%}}Цз%0Elmira, New York (2003)аз%}Jи%R59Ии% }Jй%R59Ий% }Jк%Z226Ик%}Lк%Z226&к%ак%}Чк%24}Цк%G}Цк%}Jл%Z226Ил%}Lл%Z226&л%}Jм%Z226Им%}Jн%Z227Ин%}}Lн%Z227&н%United Statesн%Z227'н% }4South Worcester, New Yorkн%н%Z227ан%#}Чн%2$}Цн%%}!}Цн%Farmerан%'}Jо%Z227Ио%)}*}Lо%Z227&о%Z227'о%,}<, Sr. Nelson Pitts, Sr..п%ЈU(‚Piп%.}Jп%S36Ип%0}Jр%S36Ир%1}`Prр%1}Bр%qqqqqqqqqqqqqA}Jс%S36Ис%C}Jт%X105AИт%E}Jу%X105AИу%G}<nTasselabitha VanTassel\ф%ЈU(‚Vaф%I}Jф%X105AИф%K}N}Lф%X105A&ф%M}LGypsy, Jefferson County, ф%Pennsylvaniaф%X105A'ф%P}NSmethport, McKean County,ф% Pennsylvaniaф%R}Чф%2 S}1Y}Цф%zЄU}T}Цф%X105Aаф%V}ŒMcKean Memorial Park Cemeаф%W}tery, Lafayette, McKean Cаф%ounty, Pennsylvaniaаф%X105Aаф%Z}X}Цф%"12 kids"аф%\}Jх%X105BИх%^}Lх%X105B&х%`}Jц%X105BИц%b}Lц%X105B&ц%d}Jч%X105BИч%f}Lч%X105B&ч%h}Jш%X105BИш%j}Lш%X105B&ш% Ц%ш%щ%eЁ m}Jщ%X105BИщ%o}p}Lщ%X105B&щ%X105B'щ%X105Cащ%s}Чщ%2 t}Цщ%u}q}Цщ%v}ˆKahletown Cemetery, Eldreащ%w}d Township, Jefferson Couащ%nty, Pennsylvaniaащ%qqqqqqqq}< š†Percy Vernon Raught\(ъ%ЈU(‚Raъ%ƒ}Jъ%X105BИъ%X105Bаъ%†}Чъ%28‡}Цъ%ˆ}„}Цъ%2 yearsаъ%Š}Jы%X105Иы%Œ}Lы%X105&ы%Pennsylvaniaы%}Jь%X105Иь%‘}Lь%X105&ь%“}Jэ%X105Иэ%•}Lэ%X105&э%—}Jю%X105Ию%™}Lю%X105&ю%Pennsylvaniaю%œ}Jя%X105Ия%ž}Lя%X105&я%Pennsylvaniaя%Ё}J№%X105И№%Ѓ}L№%X105&№%Pennsylvania№%І}Jё%X105Иё%Ј}Lё%X105&ё%Pennsylvaniaё% ё%ђ%ѓ%eGЌ}Jђ%X105Иђ%Ў}Lђ%X105&ђ%Pennsylvaniaђ%Б}Jѓ%X105BИѓ%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС}<ntzchel Elizabeth Mantz\є%ЈU(‚Maє%У}Jє%T231Иє%Х}Lє%T231&є%Ч}Jѕ%T264BИѕ%Щ}Lѕ%Ъ}<T264BT264E&ѕ%&ѕ%$Las Vegas, Nevadaѕ%Э}Jі%N12BИі%N12Bаі%а}Чі%2/б}Ці%в}Ю}Ці%Florida (2003)аі%д}Jї%N12BИї%N12Bаї%з}Чї%2/и}Цї%й}е}Цї%к}6Niskayuna, New York (2003аї%)аї%м}<roBenjamin Donald Petro\ј%ЈU(‚Peј%о}Jј%T264CИј%р}Lј%T264C&ј%т}^Petaluma Valley Hospital,ј% Petaluma, Californiaј%ф}Jљ%T264CИљ%ц}Lљ%T264C&љ%ш}^Petaluma Valley Hospital,љ% Petaluma, Californiaљ%ъ}Jњ%S35Ињ%S35ањ%э}Чњ%2/ю}Цњ%я}ы}Цњ%№}4Lockport, New York (2003)ањ%ањ%qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq~Jћ%S35Ић%S35аћ%~Чћ%2/~Цћ%~~Цћ%~4Lockport, New York (2003)аћ%аћ% ~Jќ%S35Иќ%S35аќ% ~Чќ%2/ ~Цќ%~ ~Цќ%~4Winthrop, New York (2003)аќ%аќ%~J§%S35И§%S35а§%~Ч§%2/~Ц§%~~Ц§%~4Winthrop, New York (2003)а§%а§%~< š†Lorraine A. Burgess\(ў%ЈU(‚Buў%~Jў%S33Иў%~~Lў%S33&ў% Lyons, New Yorkў%S33'ў%!~NSt. Peter's Hospital, Albў%any, New Yorkў%S33аў%$~Чў%2%~ )~+,~/0~Цў%&~"~Цў%'~REmployee of Suburban Propаў%ane Gas Companyаў%S33аў%*~(~Цў%0Evergreen Memorial Parkаў%S33аў%-~+~Цў%.~<Colonie Elks Ladies Auxilаў%iaryаў%S33аў%1~/~Цў%2~RAlbany and Colonie (1955-аў%2002), New Yorkаў%3~aPrў%3~Bў%qqqqqqqqqqqA~Jџ%S33Иџ%&3e­D~J&S33И&F~J&S33И&H~J&S33И&J~J&S33И&L~J&S33И&S33а&O~Ч&2/P~Ц&Q~M~Ц&2Colonie, New York (2002)а&S~J&S33И&S33а&V~Ч&2/W~Ц&X~T~Ц&Y~6Rotterdam, New York (2002а&)а&[~J&S33И&]~J&S33И&_~J&H70И&a~J &H70И &c~J &H70И &e~J &H70И &g~<h†Edward William Smith\ &ЈU(‚Sm &i~J &H70И &k~L &H70& &m~4Fall River, Massachusetts & &o~J &H70И &q~L &H70& & Utica, New York &qqqqqqqqqqqqq~J&H70И&ƒ~<ithrina Josephine Smith\&ЈU(‚Sm&…~J&H70И&‡~‰~L&H70&& Utica, New York&H70'&0Colchester, Connecticut&;&&&e ~J&H70И&~J&H70И&‘~”~L&H70&&“~4Fall River, Massachusetts&&H70'&*Norwich, Connecticut&—~J&H70И&™~J&H70И&›~~L&H70&&*Adams, Massachusetts&H70'&0Concord, North Carolina&H66а&Ё~Ч&2-Ђ~Ц&Ѓ~Ÿ~Ц& Bettyа&Ѕ~J&H70И&Ї~J&H70И&Љ~L&H70&&*Adams, Massachusetts&Ќ~J&H70И&Ў~J&H66И&А~J&H66И&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС~J&f26И&У~J&F26И&Х~J&F26И&Ч~J&F26И&Щ~J&Ъ~4F26F26И&И&Ь~J&F26И&Ю~J&F26И&а~J &F26И & &!&eVг~J!&F26И!&е~J"&F26И"&з~J#&F26И#&й~J$&F26И$&л~J%&F33И%&н~J&&F33И&&п~J'&F33И'&с~J(&F33И(&у~J)&F33И)&х~J*&F33И*&ч~J+&F33И+&щ~J,&F33И,&,&.&0&2&3&4&5&e\ь~J-&F33И-&ю~J.&F33И.&№~J/&F33И/&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ0&F33И0&J1&F33И1&J2&F33И2&J3&F33И3& J4&F33И4& J5&F33И5& J6&F25И6&J7&F25И7&L7&"F24-F25&7&"F24-F25'7&F24а7&Ч7&2 Ц7&Ц7&JPvt. 301 Engineers 76D1, а7&World War Iа7&J8&"F24-F25И8&L8&F25&8&F25'8&J9&"F24-F25И9&!J:&F25И:&#J;&F25И;&%L;&F25';&'J<&(4F25F51И<&И<&F51а<&+Ч<&2/,Ц<&-)Ц<&0Cohoes, New York (2005)а<&/< š†Christopher Brammer\(=&ЈU(‚Br=&1J=&F25И=&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAJ>&F25И>&CJ?&F25И?&EL?&&?&GJ@&F25И@&IL@&&@&KJA&F25ИA&MLA&&A&OJB&F25ИB&QLB&&B&SJC&F25ИC&ULC&&C&WJD&F25ИD&F25аD&ZЧD&2-[ЦD&\XЦD& PattyаD&^JE&F25ИE&`JF&F25ИF&bJG&F25ИG&dJH&F25ИH&fJI&F25ИI&hJJ&F25ИJ&jJK&F25ИK&lJL&F28ИL&nJM&F28ИM&pJN&F28ИN&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJO&F28ИO&ƒJP&F28ИP&…JQ&F28ИQ&‡JR&F32ИR&‰JS&F28ИS&‹JT&F28ИT&JU&F28ИU&JV&F28ИV&‘JW&F28ИW&“JX&F28ИX&•JY&F28ИY&—JZ&F28ИZ&™J[&F29И[&›J\&F29И\&<.†Lawrence Cusack, Sr..]&ЈU(‚Cu]&ŸJ]&F29И]&ЁJ^&F29И^&ЃJ_&F29И_&ЅJ`&F29И`&ЇJa&F29Иa&ЉJb&F29Иb&ЋJc&F29Иc&­Jd&F29Иd&ЏJe&F29Иe&БJf&F29Иf&ГLf&F29'f&qqqqqqqqqqqqСJg&F29Иg&УJh&F29Иh&ХJi&F29Иi&ЧJj&F29Иj&ЩJk&F29Иk&ЫJl&F29Иl&ЭJm&F29Иm&Я< IIwrence Ed. Cusack IIIn&ЈU(‚Cun&бJn&F29Иn&гJo&F29Иo&еJp&F29Иp&з< IIIence Ed. Cusack IIIIq&ЈU(‚Cuq&йJq&F29Иq&лJr&F29Иr&нJs&F29Иs&пJt&F29Иt&сJu&F29Иu&уJv&F29Иv&хJw&F29Иw&чJx&F31Иx&щ<Jr.omas F. Hickman, Jr..y&ЈU(‚Hiy&ыJy&F31Иy&эюLy&F31&y&F31'y&№Jz&F31Иz&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq€J{&F32И{&€J|&F32И|&€J}&&F25, F32AИ}&€J~&F32AИ~& €J&F25И& €J€&F25И€& €J&F26И&€J‚&F26И‚&€Jƒ&F26Иƒ&€J„&F26И„&€J…&И…&€J†&И†&€J‡&И‡&€L‡&&‡&€Jˆ&Иˆ&€Lˆ&&ˆ&!€J‰&И‰&#€L‰&&‰&%€JŠ&ИŠ&'€LŠ&&Š&)€J‹&И‹&+€L‹&&‹&-€JŒ&ИŒ&/€LŒ&&Œ&1€J&И&3€L&&&qqqqqqqqqqqqA€JŽ&ИŽ&C€LŽ&&Ž&E€J&И&G€L&&&I€J&И&K€J‘&И‘&M€J’&И’&O€J“&И“&Q€J”&И”&S€J•&И•&U€J–&И–&W€J—&И—&Y€J˜&Ș&[€J™&И™&]€Jš&Иš&_€J›&И›&a€Jœ&F27Иœ&c€J&F27И&e€L&F27&&g€<ellia Storm-Giulianelli\ž&ЈU(‚Stž&i€Jž&F27Иž&k€Lž&F27&ž&m€< š†Carissa Giulianelli\(Ÿ&ЈU(‚GiŸ&o€JŸ&F27ИŸ&q€J &F27И &qqqqqqqqqqqqqq€< š†Michael Giulianelli\(Ё&ЈU(‚GiЁ&ƒ€JЁ&F27ИЁ&…€<r.Hilton I. Bonney, Jr..Ђ&ЈU(‚BoЂ&‡€JЂ&F46ИЂ&F46аЂ&Š€ЧЂ&2/‹€ЦЂ&Œ€ˆ€ЦЂ&€:Schenectady, New York (20аЂ&02)аЂ&€JЃ&F46ИЃ&F46аЃ&’€ЧЃ&2/“€ЦЃ&”€€ЦЃ&.Marcy, New York (2002)аЃ&–€JЄ&F46ИЄ&F46аЄ&™€ЧЄ&2/š€ЦЄ&›€—€ЦЄ&œ€>Victory Mills, New York (аЄ&2002)аЄ&ž€JЅ&F46ИЅ&F46аЅ&Ё€ЧЅ&2/Ђ€ЦЅ&Ѓ€Ÿ€ЦЅ&,Belmont, Texas (2002)аЅ&Ѕ€JІ&F46ИІ&Ї€JЇ&F46ИЇ&F46аЇ&Њ€ЧЇ&2/Ћ€ЦЇ&Ќ€Ј€ЦЇ&­€:Schenectady, New York (20аЇ&02)аЇ&Ї&e‹А€JЈ&F46ИЈ&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС€JЉ&ИЉ&У€JЊ&B125AИЊ&Х€Ч€LЊ&B125A&Њ&$Pomfret, New YorkЊ&B125A'Њ&Щ€JЋ&B125AИЋ&Ы€Ю€LЋ&B125A&Ћ&Э€8Warren County, PennsylvanЋ&iaЋ&B125A'Ћ&New YorkЋ&б€JЌ&B125AИЌ&г€е€LЌ&B125A&Ќ&PennsylvaniaЌ&B125A'Ќ&CaliforniaЌ&и€J­&B125AИ­&к€м€L­&B125A&­&New York­&B125A'­&California­&п€JЎ&B125AИЎ&с€LЎ&B125A&Ў&у€<erAvery Hartwell Miller\Џ&ЈU(‚MiЏ&х€JЏ&ИЏ&ч€LЏ&2T264E&Џ&.Beverly, MassachusettsЏ&ъ€JА&C401AИА&ь€JБ&C401AИБ&ю€JВ&C401AИВ&№€JГ&C401AИГ&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJД&C401AИД&JЕ&B146; C410O209ИЕ&ИЕ&LЕ&&146; C410&Е&&146; C410'Е& JЖ&&146; C410ИЖ&  LЖ&&146; C410&Ж&&146; C410'Ж&JЗ&&146; C410ИЗ&LЗ&&146; C410&З&&146; C410'З&&146; C410аЗ&ЧЗ&2/ЦЗ&ЦЗ&&Westford, New YorkаЗ&bPrЗ&BЗ&JИ&&146; C410ИИ&LИ&&146; C410&И&&146; C410'И&JЙ&&146; C410ИЙ&!LЙ&&146; C410&Й&&146; C410аЙ&$ЧЙ&2&%(*++//4ЦЙ&&"ЦЙ&*Westford High SchoolаЙ&&146; C410аЙ&)'ЦЙ&.Operated grocery storeаЙ&&146; C410аЙ&,*ЦЙ&->Postmaster, Westford, NewаЙ& YorkаЙ&&146; C410аЙ&0.ЦЙ&1jPresident of Westford HigаЙ&2h School Alumni AssociatiаЙ&onаЙ&&146; C410аЙ&53ЦЙ&&Westford, New YorkаЙ&qqqqqqqqqqAJК&&146; C410ИК&CLК&&146; C410&К&EJЛ&&146; C410ИЛ&GHLЛ&&146; C410&Л&&146; C410'Л&&146; C410аЛ&KЧЛ&2L/OЦЛ&MIЦЛ&,Handyman; taxi driverаЛ&&146; C410аЛ&PNЦЛ&&Westford, New YorkаЛ&RJМ&&146; C410ИМ&TULМ&&146; C410&М&&146; C410'М&WJН&&146; C410ИН&YZLН&&146; C410&Н&&146; C410'Н&\JО&&146; C410ИО&^LО&&146; C410&О&`JП&&146; C410ИП&bcLП&&146; C410&П&&146; C410'П&eJР&&146; C410ИР&gLР&&146; C410&Р&iJС&&146; C410ИС&kLС&&146; C410&С&mJТ&&146; C410ИТ&oLТ&&146; C410&Т&q<s†Katherine VanVoorhis\У&ЈU(‚VaУ&sJУ&&146; C410ИУ&uLУ&&146; C410&У&qqqqqqqqqqJФ&&146; C410ИФ&ƒLФ&&146; C410&Ф&…JХ&&146; C410ИХ&‡LХ&&146; C410&Х&‰JЦ&&146; C410ИЦ&‹LЦ&&146; C410&Ц&JЧ&&146; C410ИЧ&LЧ&&146; C410&Ч&‘JШ&&146; C410ИШ&“LШ&&146; C410&Ш&•JЩ&&146; C410ИЩ&—LЩ&&146; C410&Щ&™JЪ&&146; C410ИЪ&›LЪ&&146; C410&Ъ&JЫ&&146; C410ИЫ&ŸLЫ&&146; C410&Ы&ЁJЬ&&146; C410ИЬ&ЃLЬ&&146; C410&Ь&ЅJЭ&&146; C410ИЭ&ЇLЭ&&146; C410&Э&ЉJЮ&&146; C410ИЮ&ЋJЯ&&146; C410ИЯ&­LЯ&&146; C410&Я&ЏJа&&146; C410Иа&БLа&&146; C410&а&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJб&&146; C410Иб&УLб&&146; C410&б&ХJв&&146; C410Ив&ЧLв&&146; C410&в&ЩJг&&146; C410Иг&ЫJд&&146; C410Ид&ЭLд&&146; C410&д&ЯJе&&146; C410Ие&бLе&&146; C410&е&&146; C410ае&дЧе&2е*й/нЦе&жвЦе&з\Operator of country storeае&, Westford, New Yorkае&&146; C410ае&киЦе&л^Town Clerk and Tax Collecае&tor, Town of Westfordае&&146; C410ае&омЦе&&Westford, New Yorkае&рJж&&146; C410Иж&тLж&&146; C410&ж&фJз&&146; C410Из&цLз&&146; C410&з&шJи&&146; C410Ии&ъLи&&146; C410&и&ьJй&&146; C410Ий&юJк&&146; C410Ик&№Lк&&146; C410&к&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq‚Jл&&146; C410Ил&‚Lл&&146; C410&л&‚Jм&D97AИм&‚Jн&D97AИн& ‚Jо&D97AИо& ‚<rieomas Lawrence Powrie\п&ЈU(‚Poп& ‚Jп&T93AИп&T93Aап&‚Чп&2/‚Цп&‚‚Цп&*Massachusetts (2001)ап&‚< š†Jane Kathryn Schell\(р&ЈU(‚Scр&‚Jр&‚4J53J87Ир&Ир&‚Lр&J53'р&‚Jс&J53Ис&J53ас&‚Чс&2/‚Цс& ‚‚Цс&.DeLand, Florida (2003)ас&"‚Jт&J53Ит&$‚Jу&J53Иу&J53ау&'‚Чу&2/(‚Цу&)‚%‚Цу&*‚8Wilmington, Delaware (200ау&3)ау&,‚Jф&I26Иф&I26аф&/‚Чф&2/0‚Цф&1‚-‚Цф&0Auburn, New York (1938)аф&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqA‚Jх&I26Их&C‚Jц&I26Иц&I26ац&F‚Чц&2/G‚Цц&H‚D‚Цц&.Utica, New York (1938)ац&J‚Jч&I26Ич&L‚Jш&I26Иш&I26аш&O‚Чш&2/P‚Цш&Q‚M‚Цш&.Utica, New York (1938)аш&S‚Jщ&I26Ищ&U‚Jъ&I26Иъ&I26аъ&X‚Чъ&2/Y‚Цъ&Z‚V‚Цъ&.Utica, New York (1938)аъ&\‚Jы&I26Иы&^‚Jь&I26Иь&`‚Jэ&I26Иэ&b‚Jю&Z91Ию&d‚Lю&Z91&ю&f‚Jя&Z91Ия&h‚J№&Z91И№&j‚Jё&Z91Иё&Z69аё&m‚Чё&2/n‚Цё&o‚k‚Цё&p‚T"of Blenheim, Schoharie Cаё&ounty, New York"аё&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq‚Jђ&Z91Иђ&ƒ‚„‚Lђ&Z91&ђ&Z91'ђ&†‚Jѓ&Z91Иѓ&Z91аѓ&‰‚Чѓ&2/Š‚Цѓ&‹‚‡‚Цѓ&Œ‚B"of Red Falls, Greene Co.аѓ&, N.Y."аѓ&Ž‚Jє&Z91Иє&‚Jѕ&Z91Иѕ&’‚Jі&Z91Иі&”‚Jї&z91Иї& 'љ&'ђ&ю&ў&ћ&'e‚ —‚Jј&Z91Иј&Z70ај&š‚Чј&2 ›‚Цј&œ‚˜‚Цј&‚H"killed in action in the ај&Civil War"ај&Ÿ‚Jљ&Z91Иљ&Ё‚Lљ&Z91&љ&Ѓ‚< š†Henry C. Rivenburgh\(њ&ЈU(‚Riњ&Ѕ‚Jњ&Z91Ињ&Ї‚<ngStephen Mayham DeLong\ћ&ЈU(‚Deћ&Љ‚Jћ&Z91Ић&Ћ‚Ќ‚Lћ&Z91&ћ&Z91'ћ&Ў‚Jќ&Z91Иќ&А‚J§&Z91И§&В‚L§&Z91'§&Д‚JEminence, Schoharie Count§&y, New York§&qqqqqqqqqqqС‚Jў&Z91Иў&У‚Ф‚Lў&Z91&ў&Z91'ў&Ц‚Jџ&Z91Иџ&Ш‚Щ‚Lџ&Z72&џ&Z72'џ&Ы‚J'Z91И'Э‚J'Z91И'Я‚а‚L'Z91&'Z91''Z91а'г‚Ч'2 д‚Ц'е‚б‚Ц'ж‚JParks Cemetery, Bainbridgа'e, New Yorkа'и‚J'Z91И'Z91а'л‚Ч'2 м‚Ц'н‚й‚Ц'о‚JParks Cemetery, Bainbridgа'e, New Yorkа'р‚J'Z91И'т‚L'Z91''"Sidney, New York'х‚J'Z91И'ч‚L'Z91&'Z91а'ъ‚Ч'2-ы‚Ц'ь‚ш‚Ц'Alma Janeа'ю‚J'Z91И'№‚J'Z91И'qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqƒJ'Z91И'ƒJ'O94И'O94а'ƒЧ'25ƒЦ'ƒƒЦ'Dr.а' ƒJ 'O94И ' ƒJ 'O94И 'ƒJ 'O94И 'ƒJ 'O94И 'ƒJ 'O94И 'ƒJ'O94И'ƒJ'O94И'O94а'ƒЧ'26ƒЦ'ƒƒЦ' Hullа'ƒJ'ƒDO208И'И' ƒJ'O209И'"ƒ#ƒL'O209&'O209''%ƒJ'O209И''ƒ(ƒL'O209&'O209''*ƒ< š†Irene Diana Goddard\('ЈU(‚Go',ƒJ'O209И'.ƒ/ƒL'O209&'O209''1ƒJ'O209И'3ƒL'O209&'qqqqqqqqqqqqAƒJ'O209И'CƒL'O209&'EƒJ'O209И'GƒL'O209&' '*'e;JƒJ'O209И'LƒL'O209&'NƒJ'O209И'PƒL'O209&'RƒJ'V271И'TƒUƒL'V273&'V273''V273а'XƒЧ'28YƒЦ'’1ZƒVƒЦ'74 yearsа'\ƒJ'V271И'^ƒ<ullochGregory McCulloch\'ЈU(‚Mc'`ƒJ'V271И'bƒL'V272&'dƒHSt. Albans, Queens County', New York'fƒ<h†George Lee McCulloch\'ЈU(‚Mc'hƒJ'V271И'jƒ<llDorothy Clair Crabill\'ЈU(‚Cr'lƒJ'V271И'nƒJ'V272И'pƒ<ochorge Frank McCulloch\'ЈU(‚Mc'rƒJ'V272И'tƒL'V272&'qqqqqqqqqqqƒ<chMelissa Ann McCulloch\ 'ЈU(‚Mc 'ƒƒJ 'V272И '…ƒL 'V272& ' Cleveland, Ohio 'ˆƒ<chMandy Marie McCulloch\!'ЈU(‚Mc!'ŠƒJ!'V272И!'ŒƒL!'V272&!' Cleveland, Ohio!'ƒ<ullochGregory McCulloch\"'ЈU(‚Mc"'‘ƒJ"'V272И"'“ƒL"'V272&"' Cleveland, Ohio"'–ƒ<Cullochzabeth McCulloch\#'ЈU(‚Mc#'˜ƒJ#'V272И#'šƒL#'V272&#' Cleveland, Ohio#'#'$'eќ žƒ<cCullochopher McCulloch\$'ЈU(‚Mc$' ƒJ$'V272И$'ЂƒL$'V272&$' Cleveland, Ohio$'ЅƒJ%'V273И%'ЇƒL%'V273&%'ЉƒJ&'V273И&'ЋƒL&'V273&&'­ƒJ''V273И''ЏƒАƒL''V273&''V273'''qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСƒJ('V273И('УƒL('V273&('ХƒJ)'V273И)'ЧƒJ*'V273И*'ЩƒJ+'V273И+'Ыƒ< š†Margaretha Niziolek\(,'ЈU(‚Ni,'ЭƒJ,'V273И,'ЯƒJ-'T162EИ-'бƒ<rnRobert Emerson Osborn\.'ЈU(‚Os.'гƒJ.'дƒ<T162ET162GИ.'И.'жƒL.'T162G&.'T162Eа.'йƒЧ.'24кƒЦ.'ZЎзƒЦ.'мƒJ/'T162EИ/'оƒJ0'пƒ<T162ET162GИ0'И0'сƒL0'T162G&0'T162Eа0'фƒЧ0'24хƒЦ0'J­тƒЦ0'.'eД шƒJ1'T162EИ1'ъƒJ2'T162EИ2'ьƒ<lloy Christopher Molloy\3'ЈU(‚Mo3'юƒJ3'T162EИ3'№ƒL3'T162E&3'qД qqqqqqqqqqqqqq„<lloyell Cisneros Molloy\4'ЈU(‚Mo4'„J4'T162EИ4'„L4'T162E&4'„<d Molloye Edward Molloy\5'ЈU(‚Mo5' „J5'T162EИ5' „L5'T162E&5' „J6'T162EИ6'T162Vа6'„Ч6'2-„Ц6'„„Ц6' Jennyа6'„J7'C424И7'„„L7'C424&7'(Worcester, New York7'C424'7'„ZFox Hospital Nursing Home7', Oneonta, New York7'C424а7'„Ч7'2„ "„Ц7'„„Ц7' „TFirst Baptist Church, Schа7'enevus, New Yorkа7'C424а7'#„!„Ц7'$„TMaple Grove Cemetery, Worа7'cester, New Yorkа7'%„cPr7'%„B7'(„J8'C424И8'C424а8'+„Ч8'2/,„Ц8'-„)„Ц8'.„6Worcester, New York (2004а8')а8'0„J9'C424И9'qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA„J:'C424И:'C„J;'C424И;'E„J<'C424И<'G„J='C424И='I„J>'C424И>'7'eФL„J?'C424И?'N„J@'C424И@'P„<troisabeth Amelia Petro\A'ЈU(‚PeA'R„JA'T264DИA'T„LA'T264D&A'V„JB'O111ИB'X„LB'O111'B'O111аB'[„ЧB'2\„ _„8c„ЦB']„Y„ЦB'FarmerаB'O111аB'`„^„ЦB'a„LWestford Cemetery, WestfoаB'rd, New YorkаB'O111аB'Ad„b„ЦB'43 yearsаB'f„JC'O111ИC'h„JD'O111ИD'O111аD'k„ЧD'2-l„ЦD'm„i„ЦD'Quaker JohnаD'o„JE'O111ИE'q„JF'O111ИF'qqqqqqqqqqqqqq„JG'O111ИG'ƒ„…„LG'O111&G'&Westford, New YorkG'O111'G'O111аG'ˆ„ЧG'2 ‰„8„ЦG'Š„†„ЦG'‹„LWestford Cemetery, WestfoаG'rd, New YorkаG'O111аG'FŽ„Œ„ЦG'21 yearsаG'„JH'O112ИH'’„<cocka Josephine Babcock\I'ЈU(‚BaI'”„JI'O112ИI'–„JJ'O111ИJ'˜„LJ'O111&J'$Decatur, New YorkJ'›„JK'O112ИK'„ž„LK'O112&K'O112'K'O112аK'Ё„ЧK'28Ђ„ЦK'r~Ѓ„Ÿ„ЦK'31 yearsаK'Ѕ„JL'O112ИL'Ї„JM'O112ИM'Љ„LM'O112&M'Ћ„JN'R62ИN'­„JO'R62ИO'R62аO'А„ЧO'2/Б„ЦO'В„Ў„ЦO'Г„<New Orleans, Louisiana (2аO'004)аO'qqqqqqqqqqqqС„JP'R62ИP'R62аP'Ф„ЧP'2/Х„ЦP'Ц„Т„ЦP'Ч„<New Orleans, Louisiana (2аP'004)аP'Щ„JQ'R62ИQ'Ы„JR'R62ИR'Э„JS'R62ИS'Я„JT'R62ИT'R62аT'в„ЧT'2/г„ЦT'д„а„ЦT'2Kennesaw, Georgia (2004)аT'ж„JU'R62ИU'R62аU'й„ЧU'2/к„ЦU'л„з„ЦU'2Kennesaw, Georgia (2004)аU'н„JV'R62ИV'R62аV'р„ЧV'2/с„ЦV'т„о„ЦV'у„<New Hope, Pennsylvania (2аV'004)аV'х„JW'R62ИW'R62аW'ш„ЧW'2/щ„ЦW'ъ„ц„ЦW'ы„<New Orleans, Louisiana (2аW'004)аW'э„JX'C60JИX'я„JY'C60JИY'ё„JZ'C60JИZ'ѓ„LZ'C60J&Z'qqqqqqqqqqqq…J['C60JИ['…L['C60J&['Indiana['C60J&['…Ч['2… …1…Ц[' ……Ц['Age 20 in 1880['C60Jа[' … …Ц['"Adopted daughterа['C60Lа['… …Ц['"twins"а['…J\'C60KИ\'…J]'C60KИ]'…J^'C60KИ^'C60Kа^'…Ч^'25…Ц^'……Ц^'Dr.а^'…J_'C60KИ_'…J`'C60KИ`' 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Stahlnecker\((ЈU(‚St([‡J(T230AИ(]‡J(T230AИ(_‡< š†Raymond Stahlnecker\((ЈU(‚St(a‡J(T230AИ(c‡<n†Robert Thomas Jordan\ (ЈU(‚Jo (e‡J (T264EИ (g‡L (T264E& (2Port Jefferson, New York (j‡J (L158AИ (L158Aа (m‡Ч (2 n‡/r‡Ц (o‡k‡Ц (p‡:Master Sergeant; Afghanisа (tanа (L158Aа (s‡q‡Ц (*McDade, Texas (2005)а (qqqqqqqqqqqq‡J (L158AИ (L158Aа („‡Ч (2/…‡Ц (†‡‚‡Ц (*McDade, Texas (2005)а (ˆ‡J (L158AИ (L158Aа (‹‡Ч (2/Œ‡Ц (‡‰‡Ц ((Elgin, Texas (2005)а (‡J (L158AИ (‘‡J(L158AИ(“‡J(L158AИ(•‡J(L158AИ(L158Aа(˜‡Ч(2/™‡Ц(š‡–‡Ц(›‡6Worcester, New York (2005а()а(‡J(L158AИ(L158Aа( ‡Ч(2/Ё‡Ц(Ђ‡ž‡Ц(Ѓ‡6Worcester, New York (2005а()а(Ѕ‡J(T230BИ(Ї‡J(T230BИ(Љ‡J(T230BИ(Ћ‡J(T230BИ(­‡J(T230BИ(Џ‡J(T230BИ(Б‡J(T230BИ(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС‡J(T230BИ(У‡J(T230BИ(Х‡<alleerly Lauren LaSalle\(ЈU(‚La(Ч‡J(T264FИ(Щ‡L(T264F&(California(Ь‡<r.Joseph M. Darwak, Sr..(ЈU(‚Da(Ю‡J(F51И(а‡в‡L(F51&("Cohoes, New York(F51'(д‡HSt. Mary's Hospital, Troy(, New York(F51а(з‡Ч(28и‡/л‡о‡ ф‡Ц(Rей‡е‡Ц(62 yearsа(F51а(м‡к‡Ц(0Cohoes, New York (2005)а(F51а(п‡н‡Ц(р‡š31 years at mechanical deа(с‡partment, Capital Districа(т‡t Transportation Authoritа(yа(F51а(х‡у‡Ц(ц‡JSt. Agnes Cemetery, Cohoeа(s, New Yorkа(ч‡fPr(ч‡B(ъ‡J(F51И(ь‡J(F51И(ю‡J(F51И(F51а(ё‡Ч(2/ђ‡Ц(ѓ‡я‡Ц(0Cohoes, New York (2005)а(qqqqqqqqqqqqˆ<r.Joseph M. Darwak, Jr.. (ЈU(‚Da (ˆJ (F51И (F51а (ˆЧ (2-ˆ/ ˆЦ (ˆˆЦ (Joe, Jr.а (F51а ( ˆ ˆЦ (0Latham, New York (2005)а ( ˆJ!(F51И!(F51а!(ˆЧ!(2/ˆЦ!(ˆˆЦ!(0Latham, New York (2005)а!(ˆJ"(F51И"(F51а"(ˆЧ"(2/ˆЦ"(ˆˆЦ"(0Cohoes, New York (2005)а"(ˆJ#(F51И#(F51а#(ˆЧ#(2/ˆЦ#( ˆˆЦ#(0Cohoes, New York (2005)а#("ˆJ$(F51И$(F51а$(%ˆЧ$(2/&ˆЦ$('ˆ#ˆЦ$(0Cohoes, New York (2005)а$()ˆJ%(F51И%(+ˆJ&(V182И&(-ˆJ'(V182И'(/ˆL'(V182&'(.Las Cruces, New Mexico'(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAˆ<orn-Chavezathorn-Chavez\((ЈU(‚He((CˆJ((V182И((EˆL((V182&((Reno, Nevada((HˆJ)(P173И)(P173а)(KˆЧ)(24Lˆ-OˆЦ)(т ЙMˆIˆЦ)(Uncertain dateа)(P173а)(PˆNˆЦ)( Carlyа)(RˆJ*(P173И*(P173а*(UˆЧ*(2-VˆЦ*(WˆSˆЦ*( Chuckа*(YˆJ+(P173И+([ˆ<nsonk Armstrong Johnson\,(ЈU(‚Jo,(]ˆJ,(P173И,(_ˆL,(P173&,(aˆJ-(M170И-(cˆL-(dˆ8M170M184&-(&-(fˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun-(ty, Massachusetts-(hˆЧ-(2iˆ-nˆЦ-(BЫkˆjˆЦ-(M184а-(lˆVLancaster, Worcester Counа-(ty, Massachusettsа-(M184а-(oˆmˆЦ-(Phradrickа-(qˆJ.(M170И.(sˆL.(&M184-M185'.(uˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun.(ty, Massachusetts.(M170а.(xˆЧ.(24yˆЦ.(ТvˆЦ.(qqqqqqˆJ/(M170И/(ƒˆ„ˆL/(M170&/(…ˆ8M170M184'/('/(‡ˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun/(ty, Massachusetts/(‰ˆJ0(M170И0(‹ˆL0(M184&0(ˆJ1(M196И1(ˆˆL1(M196&1(M196'1(’ˆJ2(M196И2(”ˆ•ˆL2(M196&2(M196'2(–ˆgPr2(–ˆB2(™ˆJ3(M196И3(›ˆˆL3((M196, M199&3(2Orleans County, New York3(M196'3(ŸˆJ4( ˆPM196, M199, M208И4(M195И4(ЂˆL4((M196, M199&4(0Otsego County, New York4(ЅˆJ5(Іˆ8M196M195И5(И5(ЈˆЋˆL5((M196, M206&5(Њˆ6Schoharie County, New Yor5(k5((M196, M206'5(­ˆHClarendon, Orleans County5(, New York5(M206а5(АˆЧ5(2/БˆЕˆЦ5(ВˆЎˆЦ5(ГˆVClarendon, Orleans Countyа5(, New York (1880)а5(M206а5(ЖˆДˆЦ5(Farmerа5(ЗˆhPr5(ЗˆB5(qqqqqqqСˆJ6(M196И6(УˆФˆL6(M197&6(M197'6(ЦˆJ7(M197И7(ШˆL7(M197&7(ЪˆJ8(M184И8(ЬˆJ9(M184И9(ЮˆL9(&M184-M185&9(аˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun9(ty, Massachusetts9(вˆJ:(M184И:(дˆL:(&M184-M185&:(жˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun:(ty, Massachusetts:(иˆJ;(M184И;(кˆL;(&M184-M186&;(мˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun;(ty, Massachusetts;(оˆJ<(M184И<(рˆуˆL<(&M184-M186&<(тˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun<(ty, Massachusetts<(&M184-M186'<(хˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun<(ty, Massachusetts<(чˆJ=(M184И=(щˆL=((M184, M187&=(ыˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun=(ty, Massachusetts=(эˆJ>(M187И>(яˆJ?(&M183-M184И?(ёˆL?(M184&?(ѓˆVLancaster, Worcester Coun?(ty, Massachusetts?(ѕˆЧ?(2іˆЦ?(z СјˆїˆЦ?(M184а?(љˆVLancaster, Worcester Counа?(ty, Massachusettsа?(qqqqqq‰J@(M198И@(‰L@(M198&@(New York State@(‰JA(M198ИA(‰LA(M198&A(0Otsego County, New YorkA( ‰JB(M198ИB( ‰LB(M198'B(‰JC(M198ИC(‰‰LC(M198&C(M198'C(‰JD(M198ИD(‰LD(M198&D(‰JE(M198ИE(‰LE(M198&E(0Otsego County, New YorkE(‰JF(M198ИF(‰LF(M198&F(!‰JG(M198ИG(#‰LG(M198&G(G(L(M(H(e&‰JH(M198ИH((‰LH(M198&H(,Erie County, New YorkH(+‰JI(M198ИI(-‰LI(M198&I(/‰JJ(M198ИJ(1‰LJ(M198&J(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqA‰JK(M198ИK(C‰LK(M198&K(E‰JL(M198ИL(G‰LL(M198&L(I‰JM(M198ИM(K‰LM(M198&M(M‰JN(M199ИN(O‰LN(P‰4M17M65'N('N(0L121аN(S‰ЧN(2-T‰8W‰ \‰ЦN(U‰Q‰ЦN(Seba, SebeаN(X‰4M17M65аN(т;Y‰V‰ЦN(аN(Z‰650 years, 2 months, 8 dayаN(sаN(]‰4M17M65аN(^‰[‰ЦN(аN(_‰TSummit Baptist Church SetаN(tlement CemeteryаN(a‰JO(M199ИO(c‰JP(M199ИP(e‰JQ((M199, M208ИQ(g‰LQ(M199&Q(New York StateQ(j‰JR(k‰4M199, M208, M221ИR(ИR(m‰o‰LR(M199&R(,Erie County, New YorkR(M199'R(,Letcher, South DakotaR(M199аR(s‰ЧR(2-t‰ w‰ }‰‰ЦR(u‰q‰ЦR( HenryаR(x‰8M195M209аR(y‰v‰ЦR(аR(z‰tCaptain, Co. E. 7th RegimаR({‰ent, Missouri Cavalry, CiаR(vil WarаR(M208аR(~‰|‰ЦR(0Storla Trinity CemeteryаR(qM209аR(‚‰€‰ЦR($Carpenter, farmerаR(ƒ‰iPrR(ƒ‰BR(†‰< š†Salina Adelia Still\(S(ЈU(‚StS(ˆ‰JS(‰‰4M199, M208, M222ИS(ИS(‹‰Ž‰LS((M199, M208&S(‰@Macedon, Wayne County, NeS(w YorkS(M208'S(M208аS(‘‰ЧS(21’‰ ˜‰ЦS(“‰‰ЦS(”‰Є"we have her Still tree bаS(•‰ack to Ebenezer Still in аS(–‰the Revolutionary army frаS(om NY"аS(M208аS(™‰—‰ЦS(0Storla Trinity CemeteryаS(›‰JT((M199, M208ИT(‰LT(M199&T(TennesseeT( ‰JU((M200, M208ИU(Ђ‰Є‰LU(M200&U(PennsylvaniaU((M200, M208'U(VanBuren, IowaU(M208аU(Ј‰ЧU(2.Љ‰ Ќ‰ЦU(Т FЊ‰І‰ЦU(KilledаU(M208аU(­‰Ћ‰ЦU(Union ArmyаU(Џ‰JV((M200, M208ИV(Б‰LV(M200&V(MichiganV(qqqqqqqqqqqqqС‰JW(M193ИW(У‰LW(M193&W(Х‰VLancaster, Worcester CounW(ty, MassachusettsW(Ч‰ЧW(2Ш‰ЦW(R ХЪ‰Щ‰ЦW(M193аW(Ы‰VLancaster, Worcester CounаW(ty, MassachusettsаW(Э‰JX(&M193-M194ИX(Я‰LX(M193&X(б‰VLancaster, Worcester CounX(ty, MassachusettsX(г‰ЧX(2д‰ЦX(ZУж‰е‰ЦX(M193аX(з‰VLancaster, Worcester CounаX(ty, MassachusettsаX(и‰jPrX(и‰BX(л‰JY(M193ИY(н‰JZ(M193ИZ(п‰LZ(M193&Z(с‰VLancaster, Worcester CounZ(ty, MassachusettsZ(M193аZ(ф‰ЧZ(24х‰ш‰ЦZ(ц‰т‰ЦZ(ч‰81735 given as year of birаZ(thаZ(ZШъ‰щ‰ЦZ(M193аZ(ы‰VLancaster, Worcester CounаZ(ty, MassachusettsаZ(-(](eю‰J[(M193И[(№‰L[(M193&[(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqŠJ\(M193И\(ŠJ](M193И](ŠŠL](M193&](ŠVLancaster, Worcester Coun](ty, Massachusetts](M193'](,Berlin, Massachusetts]( ŠЧ](2 ŠЦ](к ЮŠ ŠЦ](M193а](ŠVLancaster, Worcester Counа](ty, Massachusettsа](ŠJ^(M193И^(ŠJ_(M193И_(ŠJ`(M193И`(ŠJa(M194Иa(ŠŠLa(M194&a(M194'a(ŠJb(M194Иb(ŠJc(M194Иc( ŠJd(M194Иd("ŠJe(M194Иe($ŠJf(M194Иf(&ŠJg(M194Иg((Š< LynchChristopher Lynch\h(ЈU(‚Lyh(*ŠJh(+Š4I36I37Иh(Иh(-ŠLh(I37&h("Washington, D.C.h(I38аh(1ŠЧh(2-2Š/5ŠЦh(3Š/ŠЦh( Mattаh(I38аh(6Š4ŠЦh(0Laurel, Maryland (2007)аh(qqqqqqqqqAŠJi(BŠ8M212M215Иi(Иi(DŠJj(L121Иj(FŠJk(L121Иk(HŠJl(L121Иl(JŠJm(M206Иm(LŠOŠLm(M206&m(NŠ6Schoharie County, New Yorm(km(M206'm(QŠJn(M206Иn(SŠLn(M206&n(UŠJo(M206Иo(WŠXŠLo(M206&o(M206'o(ZŠHClarendon, Orleans Countyo(, New Yorko(\ŠJp(M206Иp(^Š`ŠLp(M206&p(2Orleans County, New Yorkp(M206'p(bŠJq(M206Иq(dŠeŠLq(M206&q(M206'q(gŠHClarendon, Orleans Countyq(, New Yorkq(M206аq(jŠЧq(2/kŠЦq(lŠhŠЦq(mŠBMurray, Orleans County, Nаq(ew Yorkаq(oŠJr(M206Иr(qŠrŠLr(M206&r(M206'r(qqqqqqqqqqqqqŠJs(M206Иs(ƒŠ…ŠLs(M206&s(New York States(M206's("Holley, New Yorks(ˆŠJt(M206Иt(ŠŠLt(M206&t(Michigant(ŠJu(M206Иu(Š‘ŠLu(M206&u((South Bend, Indianau(M206'u(“ŠHClarendon, Orleans Countyu(, New Yorku(•ŠJv(M206Иv(—Š˜ŠLv(M206&v(M206'v(šŠJw(M206Иw(œŠLw(M206&w(žŠJx(M206Иx( ŠJy(M206Иy(ЂŠЃŠLy(M206&y(M206'y(ЅŠ< š†Elizabeth A. Evarts\(z(ЈU(‚Evz(ЇŠJz(M206Иz(ЉŠЊŠLz(M206&z(M206'z(ЌŠJ{(M206И{(ЎŠL{(M206&{(АŠJ|(M206И|(ВŠГŠL|(M206&|(M206'|(ЕŠHClarendon, Orleans County|(, New York|(qqqqqqqqqqСŠ< š†Beulah H. Wadsworth\(}(ЈU(‚Wa}(УŠJ}(M206И}(ХŠЧŠL}(M206&}(Michigan}(M206'}(ЩŠJ~(M207И~(ЫŠЭŠL~(M207&~(2Orleans County, New York~(M207'~(ЯŠHClarendon, Orleans County~(, New York~(бŠ<rcerdelia Amanda Pierce\(ЈU(‚Pi(гŠJ(M207И(еŠиŠL(M207&(зŠBMurray, Orleans County, N(ew York(M207'(кŠJ€(M207И€(мŠL€(M207&€(2Orleans County, New York€(€((e/рŠ< š†Elfreda Jane Albert\((ЈU(‚Al(тŠJ(M207И(фŠL(M207&(цŠJ‚(M199И‚(шŠL‚(M199&‚(ъŠJƒ(M199Иƒ(ьŠLƒ(M199&ƒ(юŠJ„(M199И„(№ŠђŠL„(M199&„(Wisconsin„(M199'„(0Los Angeles, California„(qqqqqqqqqqqq‹<eyRobert Scadden Vessey\…(ЈU(‚Ve…(‹J…(M199И…(‹‹L…(M199&…(&Oshkosh, Wisconsin…(M199'…(*Pasadena, California…(M199а…( ‹Ч…(25 ‹*‹)‹Ц…( ‹ ‹Ц…(Governorа…($482, 526а…(*u‹‹Ц…(‹XGovernor of South Dakota а…(to January 7, 1913а…($482, 526а…(‹‹Ц…(Republicanа…(‹< š†Harry Albert Vessey\(†(ЈU(‚Ve†(‹J†(M199И†(‹L†(M199&†(‹J‡(M199И‡(‹L‡(M199&‡( ‹Jˆ(M199Иˆ("‹Lˆ(M199&ˆ($‹<eyRobert Scadden Vessey\‰(ЈU(‚Ve‰(&‹J‰(M199И‰((‹L‰(M199&‰(*‹JŠ(M199ИŠ(,‹<t†George Monroe Albert\‹(ЈU(‚Al‹(.‹J‹((M209, M221И‹(0‹2‹L‹((M209, M210&‹(&Charles City, Iowa‹(M210'‹(*Oacoma, South Dakota‹(M210а‹(6‹Ч‹(2 7‹Ц‹(8‹4‹Ц‹(*Oacoma, South Dakotaа‹(9‹kPr‹(9‹B‹(qqqqqA‹<ertarles Madicus Albert\Œ(ЈU(‚AlŒ(C‹JŒ((M209, M222ИŒ(E‹F‹LŒ(M209&Œ(M209'Œ(M209аŒ(I‹ЧŒ(2 J‹ЦŒ(K‹G‹ЦŒ(0Storla Trinity CemeteryаŒ(M‹J(M209И(O‹<Albertk Heartily Albert\Ž(ЈU(‚AlŽ(Q‹JŽ((M209, M222ИŽ(S‹T‹LŽ(M209&Ž(M209'Ž(V‹<t†Francis Henry Albert\(ЈU(‚Al(X‹J((M209, M222И(Z‹[‹L(M209&((M209, M222'("Siren, Wisconsin(M209а(_‹Ч(2-`‹ c‹/g‹Ц(a‹]‹Ц( Frankа(M209а(d‹b‹Ц(e‹XMud Hen Cemetery, Burnettа( County, Wisconsinа(M222а(h‹f‹Ц("Siren, Wisconsinа(j‹J(M209И(l‹L(M209'(M209а(o‹Ч(2 p‹Ц(q‹m‹Ц(r‹XMud Hen Cemetery, Burnettа( County, Wisconsinа(qqqqqqqqqqqqq‹J‘((M209, M222И‘(ƒ‹„‹L‘(M209&‘(M209'‘(†‹J’((M209, M222И’(ˆ‹< š†Mary Adeline Albert\(“(ЈU(‚Al“(Š‹J“(M209И“(Œ‹‹L“(M209&“(M209'“((M209, M222а“(‹Ч“(2-‘‹ ”‹Ц“(’‹Ž‹Ц“(Addy, Addieа“(M209а“(•‹“‹Ц“(0Storla Trinity Cemeteryа“(“(”(˜(š(ž(Ÿ( (e#˜‹J”((M209, M222И”(š‹L”(M209&”(œ‹J•((M209, M222И•(ž‹J–((M209, M222И–( ‹J—((M209, M222И—(Ђ‹<t†Hattie Salina Albert\˜(ЈU(‚Al˜(Є‹J˜((M209, M222Ș(І‹L˜(M209&˜(Ј‹J™((M209, M222И™(Њ‹< š†Arthur Orren Albert\(š(ЈU(‚Alš(Ќ‹Jš((M209, M222Иš(Ў‹Џ‹Lš(M209&š((M209, M222'š(Б‹4Sioux Falls, South Dakotaš(š(M209аš(Д‹Чš(2 Е‹-Й‹Цš(Ж‹В‹Цš(З‹dSt. Michael's Cemetery, Sаš(ioux Falls, South Dakotaаš(M209аš(К‹И‹Цš(Artаš(Л‹lPrš(Л‹Bš(q#qqС‹J›((M209, M222И›(M209а›(Ф‹Ч›(2 Х‹Ц›(Ц‹Т‹Ц›(Ч‹dSt. Michael's Cemetery, Sа›(ioux Falls, South Dakotaа›(Щ‹Jœ((M209, M222Иœ(Ы‹Ь‹Lœ(M209&œ(M209'œ(M222аœ(Я‹Чœ(2а‹Цœ(б‹Э‹Цœ(Adoptedаœ(г‹J(M209И(е‹и‹L(M209&(з‹4Sioux Falls, South Dakota((M209'(к‹bSioux Valley Hospital, Si(oux Falls, South Dakota(м‹Jž((M209, M222Иž(о‹п‹Lž(M209&ž(M209'ž(с‹JŸ((M209, M222ИŸ(у‹ф‹LŸ(M209&Ÿ(M209'Ÿ((M209, M222аŸ(ч‹ЧŸ(2.ш‹ЦŸ( Yщ‹х‹ЦŸ(ъ‹4"choked on a coffee bean"аŸ(аŸ(ь‹<ertnnyson Eugene Albert\ (ЈU(‚Al (ю‹J ((M209, M222И (№‹ё‹L (M209& ((M209, M222' ("Portland, Oregon (M209а (ѕ‹Ч (2-і‹ љ‹Ц (ї‹ѓ‹Ц (Tedа (M222а (њ‹ј‹Ц ("Portland, Oregonа (ћ‹mPr (ћ‹B (qqqŒ<elnphia Catherine Hjeln\Ё(ЈU(‚HjЁ(ŒJЁ((M209, M222ИЁ(ŒLЁ(M209'Ё(M209аЁ(ŒЧЁ(2  ŒЦЁ( ŒŒЦЁ(0Storla Trinity CemeteryаЁ( ŒJЂ((M210, M222ИЂ(ŒJЃ(M210ИЃ(M210аЃ(ŒЧЃ(2ŒЦЃ(ŒŒЦЃ(Music producerаЃ(ŒJЄ((M210, M222ИЄ(ŒJЅ((M210, M222ИЅ(Œ<shaw Celestine Grimshaw\І(ЈU(‚GrІ(ŒJІ((M210, M221ИІ(Œ ŒLІ((M210, M221&І(ŒFNear Olewein, Bremmer CouІ(nty, IowaІ(M210'І(M210аІ(#ŒЧІ(2 $ŒЦІ(%Œ!ŒЦІ(*Oacoma, South DakotaаІ(&ŒnPrІ(&ŒBІ()ŒJЇ((M210, M221ИЇ(+Œ,ŒLЇ(M210&Ї(M210'Ї($Corvallis, OregonЇ(/ŒJЈ(M210ИЈ(1ŒLЈ(M210&Ј(M210аЈ(4ŒЧЈ(2-5ŒЦЈ(6Œ2ŒЦЈ( BonesаЈ(qqqqqqqqqAŒJЉ(M210ИЉ(CŒLЉ(M210&Љ(M210аЉ(FŒЧЉ(2,GŒ/JŒ5MŒЦЉ(HŒDŒЦЉ( CappyаЉ(M210аЉ(KŒIŒЦЉ($Corvallis, OregonаЉ(M210аЉ(NŒLŒЦЉ(ColonelаЉ(PŒJЊ(M210ИЊ(RŒJЋ(M210ИЋ(TŒJЌ(M210ИЌ(VŒLЌ(M210&Ќ(M210аЌ(YŒЧЌ(2-ZŒЦЌ([ŒWŒЦЌ(RoseannaаЌ(]ŒJ­(M210И­(_ŒL­(M210&­(aŒJЎ(M210ИЎ(cŒLЎ(M210&Ў(eŒJЏ((M210, M221ИЏ(gŒhŒLЏ(M210&Џ(M210'Џ($Superior, ArizonaЏ(M210аЏ(lŒЧЏ(2-mŒЦЏ(nŒjŒЦЏ( ScoutаЏ(pŒJА(M210ИА(rŒLА(M210&А(qqqqqqqqqqqqqŒJБ(M210ИБ(ƒŒLБ(M210&Б(…ŒJВ(M210ИВ(‡ŒLВ(M210&В(‰ŒJГ(M210ИГ(‹ŒLГ(M210&Г(Œ< š†Lyra Estelle Albert\(Д(ЈU(‚AlД(ŒJД((M210, M221ИД(‘Œ’ŒLД(M210&Д(M210'Д(2Rapid City, South DakotaД(M210аД(–ŒЧД(2 —ŒЦД(˜Œ”ŒЦД(™ŒRNational Cemetery, SturgiаД(s, South DakotaаД(›ŒJЕ(M210ИЕ(ŒžŒLЕ(M210&Е(M210'Е(M210аЕ(ЁŒЧЕ(2 ЂŒЦЕ(ЃŒŸŒЦЕ(ЄŒRNational Cemetery, SturgiаЕ(s, South DakotaаЕ(ІŒJЖ(M210ИЖ(ЈŒЉŒLЖ(M210&Ж(M210'Ж(ЋŒJЗ(M210ИЗ(­ŒJИ(M210ИИ(ЏŒLИ(M210&И(БŒJЙ(M210ИЙ(ГŒLЙ(M210&Й(qqqqqqqqqqqqСŒJК(M210ИК(УŒLК(M210&К(ХŒJЛ(M210ИЛ(ЧŒLЛ(M210&Л(ЩŒJМ(M210ИМ(ЫŒLМ(M210&М(М(Н(eHЮŒJН(M210ИН(аŒLН(M210&Н(вŒJО(M210ИО(дŒLО(M210&О(M210аО(зŒЧО(2-иŒЦО(йŒеŒЦО(AlbertаО(лŒJП(M210ИП(нŒJР(M210ИР(пŒLР(M210&Р(сŒ<t†Stella Evelyn Albert\С(ЈU(‚AlС(уŒJС((M210, M221ИС(хŒцŒLС(M210&С(M210'С(шŒJТ(M210ИТ(ъŒLТ(M210&Т(ьŒJУ(M210ИУ(юŒLУ(M210&У(№ŒJФ(M210ИФ(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJХ(M210ИХ(JЦ(M210ИЦ(JЧ(M210ИЧ(JШ(M210ИШ( < š†Donna Jeanne Hodgin\(Щ(ЈU(‚HoЩ( JЩ(M210ИЩ( LЩ(M210&Щ(JЪ(M210ИЪ(JЫ(M210ИЫ(JЬ(M210ИЬ(JЭ(M211ИЭ(LЭ(M211&Э(M211'Э(M211аЭ(ЧЭ(2.ЦЭ(rЋЦЭ(Auto accidentаЭ(JЮ((M211, M221ИЮ(!"LЮ(M211&Ю(M211'Ю(Ю(в(eC%JЯ(M211ИЯ('LЯ(M211&Я()Jа(M211Иа(+Lа(M211&а(-Jб(M211Иб(/Lб(M211&б(1Jв((M211, M221Ив(34Lв(M211&в(M211'в(.Reliance, South Dakotaв(qqqqqqqqqqAJг(M211Иг(CFLг(M211&г(EBFarm near Reliance, Southг( Dakotaг((M211, M221'г(HBHospital in Pierre, Southг( Dakotaг(M221аг(KЧг(27LЦг(JpIЦг(NJд((M211, M221Ид(PLд(M211&д(R<cherld William Fletcher\е(ЈU(‚Flе(TJе((M211, M221Ие(VLе(M211&е(XJж((M211, M221Иж(ZLж(M211&ж(M211аж(]Чж(2-^Цж(_[Цж( Rogerаж(a<herVerne Carol Fletcher\з(ЈU(‚Flз(cJз((M211, M221Из(eLз(M211&з(M211аз(hЧз(2-i/lpЦз(jfЦз( Carolаз(M170аз(mkЦз(nBChamberlain, South Dakotaаз( (2006)аз(M221аз(qoЦз(.Retired school teacherаз(qqqqqqqqqqqqqq<heruglas LeRoy Fletcher\и(ЈU(‚Flи(ƒJи(M211Ии(…Lи(M211&и(и(й(eOˆ<r†Martin Neal Fletcher\й(ЈU(‚Flй(ŠJй(M211Ий(ŒLй(M211&й(ŽJк(&M215-M217Ик(&M216-M217ак(‘Чк(2’/•Цк(“Цк(Baptistак(&M215-M217ак(–”Цк(—6Worcester, New York (1858ак()ак(˜oPrк(˜Bк(›Jл(M215Ил(Jм(M215Им(ŸJн(M215Ин(ЁЂLн(&н('н(ан(ЅЧн(2 ІЦн(ЇЃЦн(ЈTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worан(cester, New Yorkан(н(п(e-ЋJо(M215Ио(­ЎLо(&о('о(ао(БЧо(2 ВЦо(ГЏЦо(ДTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worао(cester, New Yorkао(qqqqqqqqqqqСJп(Т:M215-M216Ип(Ип(ФХLп(&п('п((M 215-M216ап(ШЧп(2-Щ ЬЦп(ЪЦЦп(Sally Annап(ап(ЭЫЦп(ЮTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worап(cester, New Yorkап(аJр(M216Ир(вгLр(&р('р(&Evanston, Illinoisр(ар(зЧр(2 иЦр(йеЦр(кTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worар(cester, New Yorkар(мJс(M221Ис(о<sonegory James Anderson\т(ЈU(‚Anт(рJт(M221Ит(тLт(M221&т(M221ат(хЧт(2-ц/щЦт(чуЦт( Gregат(M221ат(ъшЦт(ыBEngelhard, North Carolinaат( (2006)ат(ьpPrт(ьBт(я<onMichael John Anderson\у(ЈU(‚Anу(ёJу(M221Иу(ѓLу(M221&у(M221ау(іЧу(2їЦу(јєЦу(љŒOwner of Invincible Costuау(њme and Theatrical Shop, Sау(t. Cloud, Minnesotaау(qqqqqŽJф(M221Иф(ŽŽLф(M221&ф(M221'ф(M221аф(ŽЧф(28ŽЦф(BЊ ŽŽЦф(3 yearsаф( Ž<n†Jeffrey Lee Anderson\х(ЈU(‚Anх( ŽJх(M221Их(ŽLх(M221&х(M221ах(ŽЧх(2-Ž/ŽŽ5Ž  ŽЦх(ŽŽЦх( Jeffах(M221ах(ŽŽЦх(Ž>Hill City, South Dakota (ах(2006)ах(M221ах(ŽŽЦх(2Emergency room physicianах(M221ах(ŽŽЦх(Dr.ах(M221ах(!ŽŽЦх("Ž4Colonel in National Guardах(ах($ŽJц(M221Иц(&ŽJч(M221Ич((ŽJш(M221Иш(*ŽJщ(M221Ищ(,ŽJъ(M221Иъ(-ŽqPrъ(-ŽBъ(0ŽJы(M221Иы(qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAŽJь(M222Иь(CŽJэ(M222Иэ(EŽJю(Ию(GŽHŽLю(&ю('ю(аю(KŽЧю(2 LŽ PŽЦю(MŽIŽЦю(NŽTMaple Grove Cemetery, Worаю(cester, New Yorkаю(аю(QŽOŽЦю(RŽ>G.A.R. inscription in cemаю(eteryаю(TŽJя(M216Ия(VŽ< š†William C. Houghton\(№(ЈU(‚Ho№(XŽJ№(M216И№(ZŽJё(M216Иё(\Ž<m†Jenifer Lynn Abraham\ђ(ЈU(‚Abђ(^ŽJђ(_Ž4I37I37Иђ(Иђ(aŽLђ(I37&ђ(Marion, Ohioђ(I38ађ(eŽЧђ(2/fŽЦђ(gŽcŽЦђ(2Worthington, Ohio (2007)ађ(iŽ<LynchGrace Nicole Lynch\ѓ(ЈU(‚Lyѓ(kŽJѓ(I37Иѓ(mŽLѓ(I37&ѓ(oŽJє(T354Иє(T354ає(rŽЧє(2sŽЦє(tŽpŽЦє(Germanає(uŽrPrє(uŽBє(qqqqqqqqqŽJѕ(T280Иѕ(T280аѕ(„ŽЧѕ(2/…ŽЦѕ(†Ž‚ŽЦѕ(‡ŽdTown of Wright, Schoharieаѕ( County, New York (2006)аѕ(‰ŽJі(T280Иі(T280аі(ŒŽЧі(2/ŽЦі(ŽŽŠŽЦі(,North Carolina (2006)аі(ŽJї(T280Иї(’Ž< Kelly, Jr.l Kelly, Jr..ј(ЈU(‚Keј(”ŽJј(Иј(–ŽLј(&ј(˜ŽPAlbany Medical Center, Alј(bany, New Yorkј(šŽ<anOlive Margaret Jordan\љ(ЈU(‚Joљ(œŽJљ(T264GИљ(žŽLљ(T264G&љ( Ž< š†Kaitlyn Nicole Pula\(њ(ЈU(‚Puњ(ЂŽJњ(I37Ињ(ЄŽLњ(I37&њ(ІŽLMount Carmel Hospital, Coњ(lumbus, Ohioњ(ЈŽJћ(X44BИћ(X44Bаћ(ЋŽЧћ(2/ЌŽЦћ(­ŽЉŽЦћ(ЎŽ6Chisholm, Minnesota (2006аћ()аћ(АŽJќ(X44BИќ(X44Bаќ(ГŽЧќ(2/ДŽЦќ(ЕŽБŽЦќ(ЖŽ:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20аќ(06)аќ(qqqqqqqqqСŽJ§(X44BИ§(X44Bа§(ФŽЧ§(2/ХŽЦ§(ЦŽТŽЦ§(ЧŽ:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20а§(06)а§(ЩŽJў(X44BИў(X44Bаў(ЬŽЧў(2/ЭŽЦў(ЮŽЪŽЦў(ЯŽ:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20аў(06)аў(бŽJџ(X44BИџ(X44Bаџ(дŽЧџ(2/еŽЦџ(жŽвŽЦџ(зŽ:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20аџ(06)аџ(йŽJ)X44BИ)X44Bа)мŽЧ)2/нŽЦ)оŽкŽЦ)пŽ:Brookfield, Wisconsin (20а)06)а)сŽ<tahlhoferude Stahlhofer\)ЈU(‚St)уŽJ)J54И)хŽчŽL)J54&) Utica, New York)J54').New Hartford, New York)ъŽJ)J54И)ьŽюŽL)J54&)England)J54')№Ž4Fall River, Massachusetts))qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ)J54И)L)J54&)England)J)J54И)L)J54&)New York State) J)J54И) L)J54&)New York State)J)J55И)L)J55&)England)J)J55И)L)J55&)England)J)J55И)L)J55&)VWoodbrook, Saddleworth, Y)orkshire, England)J55')!TSnip Croft, Crompton, Lan)cashire, England)#<isMargaret Peggy Travis\ )ЈU(‚Tr )%J )J55И )'*L )J55& ))FMosshey, Shaw, Lancashire ), England )J55' ),TSnip Croft, Crompton, Lan )cashire, England ).J )J56И )03L )J56& )2@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )J56' )5@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )qqqqqqqqqqAJ )J56И )CFL )J56& )E@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )J56' )H@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )JJ )J56И )LOL )J56& )N@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )J56' )Q@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )SJ )J56И )UL )J56& )W@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E )ngland )YJ)J56И)[L)J56&)]@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E)ngland)_J)J56И)aL)J56&)c@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E)ngland)eJ)J57И)giL)J57&)England)J57')England)J57а)mЧ)24nЦ)okЦ)pRFebruary 19, 1723 given aа)s date of birthа)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ)J57И)ƒL)J57&)…dNarrowgate, Oldham, Cromp)ton, Lancashire, England)‡J)J57И)‰‹L)J57&)England)J57')England)ŽJ)J57И)’L)J57&)England)J57')England)•J)J57И)—L)J57&)™J)J57И)›œL)J57&)J57')žJ)И) J)J61И)ЂL)J61&)Є@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E)ngland)ІJ)J61И)ЈL)J61&)Њ@Saddleworth, Yorkshire, E)ngland)ЌJ)J61И)ЎL)J61&)А<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСJ)J61И)УL)J61&)Х<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land) ))))) )д!)eaШJ)J61И)ЪL)J61&)Ь<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)ЮJ)J61И)аL)J61&)в<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)дJ)J61И)жL)J61&)и<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)кJ)J61И)мL)J61&)о<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)рJ)J61И)тL)J61&)ф<Crompton, Lancashire, Eng)land)цJ )J61И )шL )J61& )ъVNetterhouse, Crompton, La )ncashire, England )ьJ!)J61И!)юL!)J61&!)№VNetterhouse, Crompton, La!)ncashire, England!)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq< š†Dennis Rocco Sabino\(")ЈU(‚Sa")J")J97И")J#)J103И#)J$)J103И$) J%)J103И%) J&)J103И&) J')J103И')J()J103И()< š†Michael Bruce Lynch\())ЈU(‚Ly))J))И))L))&))\Holy Cross Hospital, Silv))er Springs, Maryland))J*)T229AИ*) T230AAа*)Ч*)2/Ц*)Ц*)<Skippack, Pennsylvania (2а*)011)а*)!J+)E19BИ+)#%L+)E19D&+)$Oneonta, New York+)E19D'+)'J,)I45И,)I45а,)*Ч,)2/+Ц,),(Ц,)$"of Minoa" (2009)а,).J-)I44И-)I44а-)1Ч-)2/2Ц-)3/Ц-)("of Webster" (2009)а-)qqqqqqqqqqqqAJ.)I44И.)I44а.)DЧ.)2/EЦ.)FBЦ.)("of Webster" (2009)а.)HJ/)I44И/)JJ0)I44И0)LJ1)I44И1)I44а1)OЧ1)2/PЦ1)QMЦ1)R<New Hartford, New York (2а1)009)а1)TJ2)I44И2)I44а2)WЧ2)2/XЦ2)YUЦ2)Z<New Hartford, New York (2а2)009)а2)\J3)I44И3)I44а3)_Ч3)2/`Ц3)a]Ц3)$California (2009)а3)cJ4)I44И4)I44а4)fЧ4)2/gЦ4)hdЦ4)$California (2009)а4)jJ5)I44И5)I44а5)mЧ5)2/nЦ5)okЦ5)"Wisconsin (2009)а5)qJ6)I44И6)I44а6)tЧ6)2/uЦ6)vrЦ6) Virginia (2009)а6)qqqqqqqqqJ7)I44И7)I44а7)„Ч7)2/…Ц7)†‚Ц7)2Clinton, New York (2009)а7)ˆJ8)I44И8)ŠJ9)I44И9)ŒJ:)I44И:)ŽJ;)I44И;)J<)I44И<)’J=)I44И=)”J>)T162VИ>)–J?)T162VИ?)˜J@)T162VИ@)T162Vа@)›Ч@)2.œЦ@)™Ц@)Cancerа@)ŸJA)T162VИA)ЁJB)T162VИB)ЃJC)T162VИC)ЅJD)T162VИD)ЇJE)T162VИE)ЉJF)T162VИF)ЋJG)T162VИG)­JH)J110ИH)ЏLH)J110&H)J110аH)ВЧH)2/ГЦH)ДАЦH)ЕBStephens County, ArkansasаH) (2009)аH)qqqqqqqqqqС<ttArnold Lewis Bramlett\I)ЈU(‚BrI)УJI)J110ИI)ХЧLI)J110&I)Paris, TexasI)J110'I)0Benton County, ArkansasI)ЪJJ)J110ИJ)ЬLJ)J110&J)ЮJK)J110ИK)аJL)J110ИL)в<rsClarence Harvey Myers\M)ЈU(‚MyM)дJM)J113ИM)жLM)J113&M)иJN)J113ИN)кLN)J113&N)мJO)J113ИO)оLO)J113&O)рJP)J113ИP)тLP)J113&P)ф<s†Zachary Xavier Myers\Q)ЈU(‚MyQ)цJQ)(J113, J131ИQ)шLQ)J113&Q)ъ< š†Lois Emma Alexander\(R)ЈU(‚AlR)ьJR)J116ИR)юLR)J116&R)№<erGrace Helen Alexander\S)ЈU(‚AlS)ђJS)J117ИS)єLS)J130&S)qqqqqqqqqqq‘<r†Earl Leroy Alexander\T)ЈU(‚AlT)‘JT)J130ИT)‘LT)J130&T)аT)‘ЧT)2/ ‘ЦT) ‘‘ЦT) ‘>Wellsboro, Pennsylvania (аT)2009)аT) ‘JU)‘8J130J126ИU)ИU)‘‘LU)J130&U)J130'U)‘JV)J130ИV)‘‘LV)J132&V)J132'V)‘JW)J130ИW)‘‘LW)J132&W)J132'W)‘<anderce Allen Alexander\X)ЈU(‚AlX)‘JX)(J127, J130ИX)!‘"‘LX)J130&X)J130'X)J130аX)%‘ЧX)21&‘ЦX)'‘#‘ЦX)Two childrenаX))‘< š†Gertrude E. Wurster\(Y)ЈU(‚WuY)+‘JY),‘8J130J125ИY)ИY).‘LY)J130'Y)J130аY)1‘ЧY)212‘-5‘ 8‘ЦY)3‘/‘ЦY)Two childrenаY)J127аY)6‘4‘ЦY)GertieаY)J125аY)9‘7‘ЦY):‘6Woodward Township CemeterаY)yаY)qqqqqA‘JZ)J130ИZ)C‘D‘LZ)J125&Z)J125'Z)E‘sPrZ)E‘BZ)H‘J[)J130И[)J‘K‘L[)J125&[)J125'[)M‘<xanderinfield Alexander\\)ЈU(‚Al\)O‘J\)(J127, J130И\)Q‘T‘L\)(J127, J130&\)S‘>Lancaster County, Pennsyl\)vania\)(J127, J130'\)V‘bWoodward Township, Lycomi\)ng County, Pennsylvania\)J130а\)Y‘Ч\)21Z‘]‘`‘Ц\)[‘W‘Ц\)Ten childrenа\)J127а\)^‘\‘Ц\)Carpenterа\)J127а\)a‘_‘Ц\)b‘lFuneral service was held а\)c‘at Lycoming Christian Chuа\)rchа\)e‘<lenrgaret Marshall Olen\])ЈU(‚Ol])g‘J])h‘4J127, J128, J130И])И])j‘m‘L])(J127, J130&])l‘<Lycoming County, Pennsylv])ania])J130'])J130а])p‘Ч])21q‘-t‘Ц])r‘n‘Ц])Ten childrenа])(J127, J130а])u‘s‘Ц])"Margaret A. Olenа])qqqqqqqqqq‘J^)(J127, J130И^)ƒ‘J_)(J127, J130И_)…‘J`)J130И`)J130а`)ˆ‘Ч`)21‰‘Ц`)Š‘†‘Ц`)Three childrenа`)Œ‘< Marshallenter Marshall\a)ЈU(‚Maa)Ž‘Ja)(J127, J130Иa)‘‘‘La)J130&a)J130'a)J130аa)”‘Чa)21•‘Цa)–‘’‘Цa)Three childrenаa)˜‘Jb)J130Иb)J130аb)›‘Чb)2,œ‘Цb)‘™‘Цb)"half Indian"аb)Ÿ‘Jc)J130Иc)J130аc)Ђ‘Чc)21Ѓ‘Цc)Є‘ ‘Цc) Twelve childrenаc)І‘< š†Elizabeth Carpenter\(d)ЈU(‚Cad)Ј‘Jd)J130Иd)Њ‘Ld)J130&d)J130аd)­‘Чd)21Ў‘Цd)Џ‘Ћ‘Цd) Twelve childrenаd)Б‘Je)J130Иe)J130аe)Д‘Чe)21Е‘/И‘Цe)Ж‘В‘Цe) Eleven childrenаe)J128аe)Й‘З‘Цe)К‘`"of Loyalsock, Lycoming Cаe)ounty, " Pennsylvania"аe)qqqqqС‘Jf)J130Иf)У‘Ф‘Lf)J130&f)(J128, J130'f)Ц‘6Williamsport, Pennsylvanif)af)J130аf)Щ‘Чf)21Ъ‘Цf)Ы‘Ч‘Цf) Eleven childrenаf)Э‘Jg)J130Иg)Я‘б‘Lg)J130&g)Irelandg)(J128, J130'g)*Milton, Pennsylvaniag)J130аg)е‘Чg)21ж‘й‘/м‘Цg)з‘г‘Цg)Eight childrenаg)J130аg)к‘и‘Цg)Farmerаg)J128аg)н‘л‘Цg)*Milton, Pennsylvaniaаg)о‘tPrg)о‘Bg)с‘Jh)J130Иh)J130аh)ф‘Чh)21х‘6ш‘/ы‘Цh)ц‘т‘Цh)Eight childrenаh)J128аh)щ‘ч‘Цh)Staltz, Stutsаh)J128аh)ь‘ъ‘Цh)э‘P"of Bucks County;" Miltonаh), Pennsylvaniaаh)я‘Ji)J131Иi)ё‘<ipChristine Blankenship\j)ЈU(‚Blj)ѓ‘Jj)J131Иj)ѕ‘Lj)J131&j)qqqqqqqqqq’Jk)J131Иk)’Lk)J131&k)’Jl)J131Иl)’Ll)J131&l) ’Lm)J131&m) ’Jn)J131Иn) ’Ln)J131&n)’Jo)J113Иo)’Lo)J113&o)J126аo)’Чo)2-’Цo)’’Цo)Lu Annаo)’Jp)J113Иp)’Lp)J113&p)’Jq)J113Иq)’Lq)J113&q) ’Jr)J113Иr)"’Lr)J113&r)$’Js)J113Иs)&’Ls)J113&s)(’Jt)J113Иt)*’Lt)J113&t),’Ju)J131Иu).’Lu)J131&u)0’Jv)J113Иv)2’Lv)J113&v)qqqqqqqqqqqqqA’Jw)J131Иw)C’Lw)J131&w)E’Jx)J113Иx)G’Lx)J131&x)I’Jy)J113Иy)K’L’Ly)J113&y)J113'y)N’Jz)J113Иz)P’Q’Lz)J113&z)J131'z)S’J{)J131И{)U’L{)J131&{)W’J|)J114И|)Y’L|)J126&|)J114а|)\’Ч|)2-]’Ц|)^’Z’Ц|) Jillа|)`’<dernger Robin Alexander\})ЈU(‚Al})b’J})J114И})d’L})J114&})f’J~)J114И~)h’L~)J114&~)j’<l†Alison Michele Hamel\)ЈU(‚Ha)l’J)J114И)n’L)J114&)p’< š†Andrea Nicole Hamel\(€)ЈU(‚Ha€)r’J€)J114И€)t’L€)J114&€)qqqqqqqqqqq’<r†Carol Jean Alexander\)ЈU(‚Al)ƒ’J)J114И)…’L)J114&)‡’< š†Carla Ann Alexander\(‚)ЈU(‚Al‚)‰’J‚)J114И‚)‹’L‚)J114&‚)’<r†Lester Gindlesperger\ƒ)ЈU(‚Giƒ)’Jƒ)J114Иƒ)‘’Lƒ)J114&ƒ)“’< š†Junia Gindlesperger\(„)ЈU(‚Gi„)•’J„)J114И„)—’L„)J114&„)™’J…)J114И…)›’L…)J114&…)’<pergerrey Gindlesperger\†)ЈU(‚Gi†)Ÿ’J†)J114И†)Ё’L†)J114&†)Ѓ’<ergerHope Gindlesperger\‡)ЈU(‚Gi‡)Ѕ’J‡)J114И‡)Ї’L‡)J114&‡)Љ’<erSandra June Alexander\ˆ)ЈU(‚Alˆ)Ћ’Jˆ)J114Иˆ)­’<e†Phillip Randall Gioe\‰)ЈU(‚Gi‰)Џ’J‰)J114И‰)Б’L‰)J114&‰)J131а‰)Д’Ч‰)2-Е’Ц‰)Ж’В’Ц‰) Randyа‰)qqqqqqqqqС’<ddychard Meridith Maddy\Š)ЈU(‚MaŠ)У’JŠ)J116ИŠ)Х’Ц’LŠ)J116&Š)J116'Š)Ш’J‹)J116И‹)Ъ’L‹)J116&‹)J131а‹)Э’Ч‹)2-Ю’Ц‹)Я’Ы’Ц‹) David Ray Maddyа‹)б’< š†Crystal Lynn Thomas\(Œ)ЈU(‚ThŒ)г’JŒ)J116ИŒ)е’LŒ)J116&Œ)з’J)J116И)й’L)J116&)л’JŽ)J116ИŽ)н’LŽ)J116&Ž)п’J)J131И)с’L)J116&)у’J)J116И)х’L)J116&)ч’J‘)J116И‘)щ’L‘)J116&‘)ы’J’)(J116, J131И’)э’L’)J116&’)я’J“)J116И“)ё’L“)J116&“)J116а“)є’Ч“)2-ѕ’Ц“)і’ђ’Ц“) Tyler Ray Maddyа“)qqqqqqqqq“<y†Alexa Meridith Maddy\”)ЈU(‚Ma”)“J”)J116И”)“L”)J116&”)“J•)J116И•) “L•)J116&•) “J–)J116И–) “L–)J116&–)“< š†Shane Michael Cillo\(—)ЈU(‚Ci—)“J—)J116И—)“L—)J116&—)“<lloather Michelle Cillo\˜)ЈU(‚Ci˜)“J˜)J116Ș)“L˜)J116&˜)“J™)J116И™)“L™)J116&™)“< š†Jacob Edward Winter\(š)ЈU(‚Wiš)!“Jš)J116Иš)#“Lš)J116&š)%“<terchard Francis Winter\›)ЈU(‚Wi›)'“J›)J116И›))“L›)J116&›)+“Jœ)J117Иœ)-“.“Lœ)J131&œ)J131'œ)0“<oneyey September Cooney\)ЈU(‚Co)2“J)J117И)4“L)J117&)qqqqqqqqqqqA“< š†Patrick Thomas Paul\(ž)ЈU(‚Paž)C“Jž)J117Иž)E“Lž)J117&ž)G“<ulThomas Alexander Paul\Ÿ)ЈU(‚PaŸ)I“JŸ)J117ИŸ)K“LŸ)J117&Ÿ)M“<ulAlexis Elizabeth Paul\ )ЈU(‚Pa )O“J )J117И )Q“L )J117& )S“JЁ)(J117, J131ИЁ)U“V“LЁ)(J117, J131&Ё)J131'Ё)X“<Johnsonlexander Johnson\Ђ)ЈU(‚JoЂ)Z“JЂ)J131ИЂ)\“LЂ)(J117, J131&Ђ)^“JЃ)J118ИЃ)`“<andere Eileen Alexander\Є)ЈU(‚AlЄ)b“JЄ)J118ИЄ)d“LЄ)J118&Є)f“JЅ)J118ИЅ)h“i“LЅ)J118&Ѕ)J118'Ѕ)k“JІ)J118ИІ)m“LІ)J118&І)o“<kinselle Suzanne Atkins\Ї)ЈU(‚AtЇ)q“JЇ)J118ИЇ)s“LЇ)J118&Ї)qqqqqqqqqqqq“<erLisa Louise Alexander\Ј)ЈU(‚AlЈ)ƒ“JЈ)J118ИЈ)…“<r†Carl Allen Alexander\Љ)ЈU(‚AlЉ)‡“JЉ)J118ИЉ)‰“LЉ)J118&Љ)‹“JЊ)J118ИЊ)“LЊ)J131&Њ)“JЋ)J131ИЋ)‘“LЋ)J131&Ћ)““JЌ)J131ИЌ)•“LЌ)J131&Ќ)—“J­)J131И­)™“L­)J131&­)›“<r†Tyler Earl Alexander\Ў)ЈU(‚AlЎ)“JЎ)J131ИЎ)Ÿ“LЎ)J131&Ў)Ё“JЏ)J118ИЏ)Ѓ“LЏ)J118&Џ)Ѕ“JА)J118ИА)Ї“LА)J118&А)Љ“<r†David Earl Alexander\Б)ЈU(‚AlБ)Ћ“LБ)J118&Б)­“JВ)J131ИВ)Џ“LВ)J131&В)Б“JГ)J131ИГ)Г“LГ)J131&Г)qqqqqqqqqqqqС“JД)J131ИД)У“LД)J131&Д)Х“<nderen Edward Alexander\Е)ЈU(‚AlЕ)Ч“JЕ)J127ИЕ)Щ“Ъ“LЕ)J127&Е)J127'Е)Ь“JЖ)J127ИЖ)Ю“Я“LЖ)J127&Ж)J127'Ж)б“<anders Elwood Alexander\З)ЈU(‚AlЗ)г“JЗ)J127ИЗ)е“ж“LЗ)J127&З)J127'З)и“<erAlfred Mack Alexander\И)ЈU(‚AlИ)к“JИ)J127ИИ)м“LИ)J127&И)J127аИ)п“ЧИ)2-р“ЦИ)с“н“ЦИ)Uncle MackаИ)т“uPrИ)т“BИ)х“< š†Robert M. Alexander\(Й)ЈU(‚AlЙ)ч“JЙ)J127ИЙ)щ“ъ“LЙ)J127&Й)J127'Й)Й)М)О)П)С)Т)e}ь“vPrЙ)ь“BЙ)я“JК)J127ИК)ё“LК)J127'К)ђ“wPrК)ђ“BК)qqqqqqqqqqqq”JЛ)J127ИЛ)”<anderlizabeth Alexander\М)ЈU(‚AlМ)”JМ)J127ИМ)””LМ)J127&М)J127'М)J127аМ) ”ЧМ)2- ”ЦМ) ” ”ЦМ)Aunt LizzieаМ)”JН)J127ИН)”<r†William E. Alexander\О)ЈU(‚AlО)”JО)J127ИО)”LО)J127&О)J127аО)”ЧО)28”ЦО)””ЦО)("died as an infant"аО)”< š†Walter S. Alexander\(П)ЈU(‚AlП)”JП)J127ИП) ”!”LП)J127&П)J127'П)#”JР)J127ИР)%”&”LР)J127&Р)J127'Р)(”JС)J127ИС)*”+”LС)J127&С)J127'С)-”<r†Jennie Mae Alexander\Т)ЈU(‚AlТ)/”JТ)J127ИТ)1”2”LТ)J127&Т)J127'Т)3”xPrТ)3”BТ)qqqqqqqqqqqA”JУ)J127ИУ)C”JФ)J127ИФ)E”JХ)J127ИХ)G”JЦ)J127ИЦ)I”JЧ)J127ИЧ)K”JШ)J129ИШ)M”JЩ)J129ИЩ)O”P”LЩ)J129&Щ)J129'Щ)J129аЩ)S”ЧЩ)28T”ЦЩ)U”Q”ЦЩ),"died six months old"аЩ)W”<anderlizabeth Alexander\Ъ)ЈU(‚AlЪ)Y”JЪ)J129ИЪ)[”\”LЪ)J129&Ъ)J129'Ъ)^”< š†George Reeser Koons\(Ы)ЈU(‚KoЫ)`”JЫ)J129ИЫ)b”c”LЫ)J129&Ы)J129'Ы)e”<anderet Annie Alexander\Ь)ЈU(‚AlЬ)g”JЬ)J129ИЬ)i”LЬ)J129&Ь)k”JЭ)J129ИЭ)m”n”LЭ)J129&Э)J129'Э)p”JЮ)J129ИЮ)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq”<derra Blanche Alexander\Я)ЈU(‚AlЯ)ƒ”JЯ)J129ИЯ)…”LЯ)J129&Я)‡”Jа)J129Иа)‰”Jб)J129Иб)‹”<r†Ethel Mary Alexander\в)ЈU(‚Alв)”Jв)J129Ив)”Lв)J129&в)$Я)в)д)е)з)й)л)н)п)eЁ’”Jг)J129Иг)””Jд)J129Ид)–”Lд)J129&д)J129ад)™”Чд)28š”Цд)›”—”Цд)*"died six weeks old"ад)”<nderl Rebecca Alexander\е)ЈU(‚Alе)Ÿ”Jе)J129Ие)Ё”Lе)J129&е)Ѓ”Lж)J129&ж)Ѕ”<erLaura Mable Alexander\з)ЈU(‚Alз)Ї”Jз)J129Из)Љ”Lз)J129&з)Ћ”Jи)J129Ии)­”<nderise Olive Alexander\й)ЈU(‚Alй)Џ”Jй)J129Ий)Б”Lй)J129&й)qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС”Jк)J129Ик)У”<r†Pearl Alma Alexander\л)ЈU(‚Alл)Х”Jл)J129Ил)Ч”Lл)J129&л)Щ”Jм)J129Им)Ы”<ander Harriet Alexander\н)ЈU(‚Alн)Э”Jн)J129Ин)Я”Lн)J129&н)б”Jо)J129Ио)г”<nderha Esther Alexander\п)ЈU(‚Alп)е”Jп)J129Ип)з”Lп)J129&п)й”Jр)J129Ир)л”Jс)J129Ис)н”Jт)J129Ит)п”Jу)J129Иу)с”Jф)J125Иф)у”Lф)J125&ф)х”Jх)J125Их)ч”Lх)J125&х)щ”Jц)J125Иц)ы”Lц)J125&ц)э”Jч)J125Ич)я”Lч)J125&ч)ё”Jш)J125Иш)ѓ”Lш)J125&ш)qqqqqqqqqqqq•Jщ)Ищ)•Lщ)J125&щ)•Jъ)J125Иъ)•Lъ)J125&ъ) •Jы)J125Иы) •Lы)J125&ы) •Jь)J125Иь)•Lь)J125&ь)•Jэ)J126Иэ)•Lэ)J126&э)•Jю)J126Ию)•Lю)J126&ю)•Jя)J132Ия)••Lя)J132&я)J132'я)•J№)J132И№) •!•L№)J132&№)J132'№)#•Jё)J132Иё)%•&•Lё)J132&ё)J132'ё)(•Jђ)J132Иђ)*•+•Lђ)J132&ђ)J132'ђ)-•Jѓ)T355Иѓ)T355аѓ)0•Чѓ)2/1•Цѓ)2•.•Цѓ)3•rWorcester and Glens Fallsаѓ)4•, New York; Cape Coral, Fаѓ)loridaаѓ)qqqqqqqqqqqA•Jє)T355Иє)T355ає)D•Чє)2/E•Цє)F•B•Цє)G•4Fredonia, New York (2010)ає)ає)I•Jѕ)T355Иѕ)K•Jі)T355Иі)T355аі)N•Чі)2/O•Ці)P•L•Ці)Q•HGuilderland Center, New Yаі)ork (2010)аі)S•Jї)T355Иї)U•Jј)T355Иј)T355ај)X•Чј)2/Y•Цј)Z•V•Цј)[•4Altamont, New York (2010)ај)ај)]•Jљ)T355Иљ)_•Jњ)T355Ињ)T355ањ)b•Чњ)2/c•Цњ)d•`•Цњ)e•6Pittsford, New York (2010ањ))ањ)g•Jћ)T355Ић)i•Jќ)L142Иќ)L142аќ)l•Чќ)2m•Цќ)n•j•Цќ)o•LMetallurgist, Anaconda Coаќ)pper Companyаќ)q•J§)L142И§)qqqqqqqqqqqqqq•Jў)L142Иў)ƒ•Lў)L142'ў)…•Jџ)0L142Иџ)‡•J*L142И*L142а*Š•Ч*2/‹•Ц*Œ•ˆ•Ц*•LNorth Attleboro, Massachuа*setts (2010)а*•J*L142И*‘•J*L142И*L142а*”•Ч*2/••Ц*–•’•Ц*—•:Boston, Massachusetts (20а*10)а*™•J*L142И*›•J*L142И*•J*R63И*Ÿ•L*R63&*Ё•J*R63И*Ѓ•L*R63&*Ѕ•< Jr.erick Grantier, Jr..*ЈU(‚Gr*Ї•J*R63И*Љ•J*R63И*Ћ•L*R63&*­•J *R63И *Џ•L *R63& *Б•J *R63И *Г•L *R63& *qqqqqqqqqqqqС•J *R63И *У•J *R63И *Х•L *R63& *Ч•J *R63И *Щ•L *R63& *Ы•J*R63И*Э•L*R63&*Я•J*R63И*б•J*И*г•J*Z166AИ*е•J*Z166AИ*з•<s†Christopher Williams\*ЈU(‚Wi*й•J*Z166AИ*л•J*O49BИ*O49Bа*о•Ч*2/п•Ц*р•м•Ц*с•:Springfield, Virginia (20а*10)а*у•J*O49BИ*O49Bа*ц•Ч*2/ч•Ц*ш•ф•Ц*,Springfield, Missouriа*ъ•J*S59И*ь•J*S59И*ю•J*S59И*№•J*S59И*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq–J*S59И*–J*S59И*–J*S59И*–J*S59И* –J*S59И* –J*S55И*S55а*–Ч*2/–Ц*– –Ц*–<Clarksville, Tennessee (1а*996)а*–< š†Garret James Herman\( *ЈU(‚He *–J *S55И *–L *S55& *–fBlanchfield Army Hospital *–, Fort Campbell, Kentucky * *–J!*S55И!*S55а!*–Ч!*2/ –Ц!*!––Ц!*,Ocala, Florida (2011)а!*#–J"*S55И"*%–L"*S55&"*'–J#*ыЏ6T230ACИ#*)–,–L#* T230AC&#*+–RCollierstown, County West#* Meath, Ireland#*ФЏ6T230AC'#**Downsville, New York#*ЊЏ6T230ACа#*0–Ч#*;–d 1–/4–4ЦЏА(А< А,SАVАЦ#*2–.–Ц#*ЉЏžSt Pauls Cemetery, Hancocа#* T230ACа#*5–3–Ц#*6–D"To US late 1840s or earlа#*y 1950s"а#*8– of school taxes, road-maа#*sterа#*:–y Catholic cemetery in arа#*ea.а#*"<–MАЦ#*9=–>–Ц#*?–bFrom Liverpool at age 31 а#*,а#*- port of entry unknownа#*A–J$* T230ACИ$*C–J%* T230ACИ%*E–J&* T230ACИ&* T230ACа&*H–Ч&*26I– ЇЏ_БЦ&*"J–F–y–z–Ц&*Kingsleyа&*L–J'*"96; S74И'*N–J(*"96; S74И(*P–< š†Margaret McClintock\()*ЈU(‚Mc)*R–J)*"96; S74И)*T–J**"96; S74И**V–X–L**"96; S74&**(Lynn, Massachusetts**"96; S74'**(Lynn, Massachusetts**‘eЄ\–< š†Florence M. Cattell\(+*ЈU(‚Ca+*^–J+*"96; S74И+*`–a–L+*"96; S74&+*"96; S74'+*(Lynn, Massachusetts+*d–J,*"88; S73И,*f–g–L,*"88; S73&,*"88; S73',*i–4Fall River, Massachusetts,*,*"88; S73а,*l–Ч,*24m–o–(r–/u–Ц,*j–Ц,*"88; S73а,*p–n–Ц,*Machinistа,*"88; S73а,*s–q–Ц,*$Mariner; watermanа,*"88; S73а,*2v–t–Ц,*w–6Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniа,*aа,*Downsville NY&*Kinchellaа&*а&*qqqqq–J-*"88; S73И-*ƒ–†–L-*"88; S73&-*…–6Philadelphia, Pennsylvani-*a-*"88; S73'-*ˆ–4Fall River, Massachusetts-*-*Š–J.*"88; S73И.*Œ–J/*"88; S73И/*Ž–J0*"88; S74И0*–L0*"88; S73&0*"88; S74а0*“–Ч0*2-”–Ц0*•–‘–Ц0*Josephа0*—–<ellorge William Cattell\1*ЈU(‚Ca1*™–J1*"88; S73И1*›–J2*"88; S74И2*–L2*"88; S74&2*Ÿ–6Philadelphia, Pennsylvani2*a2*Ё–J3*"88; S73И3*"88; S73а3*Є–Ч3*21Ѕ–Ц3*І–Ђ–Ц3*"no issue"а3*Œ2*eлЉ–J4*"88; S73И4*"88; S73а4*Ќ–Ч4*21­–Ц4*Ў–Њ–Ц4*"no issue"а4*А–J5*"88; S73И5*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС–J6*"51; S71И6*У–L6*"51; S71&6*Х–@Near Philadelphia, Pennsy6*lvania6*Ц–yPr6*Ц–B6*Щ–J7*"51; S71И7*Ы–J8*"33; S70И8*Э–L8*S69&8*"33; S70а8*а–Ч8*21б–д–Ц8*в–Ю–Ц8*"six children"а8*"32; S69а8*е–г–Ц8*Quakerа8*ж–zPr8*ж–B8*й–J9*"33; S70И9*л–L9*"33; S70&9*н–J:*"33; S70И:*п–L:*"33; S70&:*с–J;*"33; S70И;*у–J<*L21AИ<*х–L<*L21A&<*&Maryland, New York<*&Maryland, New York<*L21Aа<*ъ–Ч<*2 ы–Ц<*ш–Ц<*э–<hesfant daughter Hughes\=*ЈU(‚Hu=*я–J=*L21AИ=*ё–ѓ–L=*L21A&=*&Maryland, New York=*L21A'=*&Maryland, New York=*qqqqqqqqqqq—J>*05, 9; S64, S65И>*——L>* 9; S65&>* 9; S65'>* 9; S65а>*—Ч>*2—Ц>* ——Ц>*Quakerа>* —J?* 9; S65И?* —L?* 9; S65&?* 9; S65а?*—Ч?*2—Ц?*——Ц?*Quakerа?*—J@* 9; S65И@*—L@* 9; S65&@*—JA* 9; S65ИA*—LA* 9; S65&A*—JB* 9; S65ИB*—LB* 9; S65&B* —JC* 9; S65ИC*"—LC* 9; S65&C*B*C*E*G*eп%—JD* 9; S65ИD*'—JE* 9; S65ИE*)—LE* 9; S65&E*+—JF* 9; S65ИF*-—JG* 9; S65ИG*/—LG* 9; S65&G*1—JH* 9; S65ИH*qпqqqqqqqqqqqqqA—JI* 4; S63ИI*C—D—LI* 4; S63&I* 4; S63'I*F—NChester, Burlington CountI*y, New JerseyI*H—ЧI*2I—/M—ЦI*ЪK—J—ЦI* 5; S64аI*CarpenterаI* 5; S64аI*N—L—ЦI*O—<Burlington County, New JeаI*rseyаI*Q—JJ* 4; S63ИJ*S—JK* 4; S63ИK*U—JL* 4; S63ИL*W—JM* 4; S63ИM*Y—LM* 4; S63&M* 4; S63аM*\—ЧM*21]—ЦM*^—Z—ЦM*2"with [Haines] children"аM*`—JN* 4; S63ИN*b—JO* 5; S64ИO*d—JP* 5; S64ИP*f—LP* 5; S64'P*h—JQ* 5; S64ИQ*j—JR* 5; S64ИR*l—LR* 5; S64&R*n—JS* 5; S64ИS*p—JT* 5; S64ИT*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq—JU* 3; S62ИU*ƒ—„—LU* 3; S62&U* 3; S62'U* 3; S62аU*‡—ЧU*2/ˆ—‹—Ž—ЦU*Б‰—…—ЦU*.Burlington, New JerseyаU* 3; S62аU*Œ—Š—ЦU*QuakerаU* 3; S62аU*——ЦU*BlacksmithаU*‘—JV* 3; S62ИV*“—LV* 4; S63'V*•—JW* 3; S62ИW* 3; S62аW*˜—ЧW*2/™—ЦW*š—–—ЦW*›—TCame from England to CohaаW*nsey, New JerseyаW*—JX* 4; S63ИX*Ÿ—LX* 4; S63&X*Ё—JY* 4; S63ИY*Ѓ—LY* 4; S63&Y* 4; S63аY*І—ЧY*24Ї—ЦY*Ј—Є—ЦY*$February 25, 1719аY*Њ—JZ* 4; S63ИZ*Ќ—LZ* 4; S63&Z*Ў—J[* 4; S63И[*А—Б—L[* 4; S63&[* 4; S63'[*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqС—J\* 4; S63И\*У—J]* 4; S63И]*Х—J^* 4; S63И^*Ч—J_* 4; S63И_*Щ—J`* 4; S63И`*Ы—Ja* 4; S63Иa*Э—Jb* 4; S63Иb*Я—Jc* 4; S63Иc*c*eюв—Jd* 4; S63Иd*д—Je* 4; S63Иe*ж—<t†Nathaniel Lippincott\f*ЈU(‚Lif*и—Jf* 4; S63Иf*к—Jg* 4; S63Иg*м—Jh* 4; S63Иh*о—Ji* 4; S63Иi*р—с—Li* 4; S63&i* 4; S63'i*у—Jj*"15; S66Иj*х—ц—Lj*"15; S66&j*"15; S66'j*015-17; S66-S68аj*щ—Чj*2 ъ—/ю—,ђ—Цj*ы—ч—Цj*ь—bPrivate, New Jersey regimаj*ents, Revolutionary Warаj*015-17; S66-S68аj*я—э—Цj*№—<Gloucester County, New Jeаj*rseyаj*"15; S66аj*єѓ—ё—Цj*є—dThe Chaplain of Congress аj*conducted Jonas' marrigeаj*ѕ—{Prj*ѕ—Bj*qqqqqqqqq˜Jk*"15; S66Иk*"15; S66аk*˜Чk*2˜Цk*˜˜Цk*Quakerаk*˜Jl*"15; S66Иl* ˜Jm*"15; S66Иm* ˜Jn*"15; S66Иn*˜Jo*"15; S66Иo*˜Jp*"15; S66Иp*˜Jq*"15; S66Иq*˜Jr*"15; S66Иr*˜Lr*"15; S66'r*˜Js*"15; S66Иs*˜Ls*"15; S66&s*˜Jt*"15; S66Иt*˜Ju*E19DИu* ˜"˜Lu*E19D&u*$Oneonta, New Yorku*E19D'u*$˜<d†Dorothy Jean Safford\v*ЈU(‚Sav*&˜Jv*E19DИv*(˜Lv*E19D&v**˜Jw*E19DИw*,˜.˜Lw*E19D&w*$Oneonta, New Yorkw*E19D'w*0˜Jx*E19DИx*2˜Lx*E19D&x*E19Dаx*5˜Чx*266˜Цx*7˜3˜Цx*Prostakаx*qqqqqqqqA˜dmB˜6H19C200\m\mD˜\49-1/2 Clinton St., New YYmork Mills, New YorkYmMarriage NoteЮFL; 0 ўџp˜ЦG˜|QrmG˜bmJ˜dnC3\n(Worcester, New YorkYnL˜}QrnL˜bnO˜doP˜>H15H30, H32\o\oR˜rSt. Agnes Roman Catholic YoS˜Church Rectory, Utica, NeYow YorkYoT˜~QroT˜boW˜dqC293\qY˜LMethodist Church, WorcestYqer, New YorkYqZ˜QrqZ˜bq]˜dt(\t_˜^La Galleria Restaurant, OYtrchard Park, New YorkYta˜duC320\uc˜`St. Mark's Episcopal ChurYuch, Penn Yan, New YorkYud˜€Qrud˜bug˜dvB148\vi˜dwj˜jE78T224\wk˜P61P68\w\wm˜rHome of the bride, hamletYwn˜ of Tuscan, Worcester, NeYww YorkYwo˜Qrw*Marriage (Alternate)Юqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq˜Цš€АЦFL; 6 ўџХšЦH1а{„˜Я{2 …˜Ц{‡‚˜Ц{‡˜d~V262\~*Petaluma, CaliforniaY~Š˜d€‹˜4L80N15\€\€M78\‚Œ˜d‚New York CityY‚˜d„"B9, B67\„‘˜‚Qr„‘˜b„”˜d…$149; X46\…–˜DFirst Reformed Church of Y…FishkillY…˜˜d†C116\†&Delanson, New YorkY†š˜ƒQr†š˜b†˜d‡ž˜6C113C79\‡\‡ ˜4Rensselaerville, New YorkY‡Y‡Ё˜„Qr‡Ё˜b‡Є˜dˆ&C111, D98\ˆІ˜Њ˜d‰Ї˜XC149D117, T21\‰2\‰Љ˜H1 Water Street, WorcesterY‰, New YorkY‰0D109]‰Ќ˜>Also given as date of marZ‰riageZ‰­˜…Qr‰­˜b‰А˜dD46\qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqјd‘D46\‘,Middlefield, New YorkY‘Ԙd’B161\’D46а’טЯ’2 ؘЦ’:՘Ц’ژd–D46\–,Cooperstown, New YorkY–ݘd™C96J\™ޘ‡Qr™ޘb™б˜dšB148\šг˜dŸд˜4C18C79\Ÿ\Ÿе˜ˆQrŸе˜bŸи˜d й˜4E43C79\ \ л˜hResidence of Awry DeLong,Y м˜ Tuscan, Town of WorcesteY rY н˜‰Qr н˜b р˜dЂс˜\E16, S13D75\ЂC96AF\Ђу˜rHome of Emma DeLong, 1 WaYЂф˜ter Street, Worcester, NeYЂw YorkYЂх˜ŠQrЂх˜bЂш˜dЃщ˜4P54P62\Ѓ\Ѓ(Worcester, New YorkYЃь˜ю˜dЄ"96; S74\Є(Lynn, MassachusettsYЄ"96; S74]ЄDivorcedZЄ™T169T64\Ѕqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\Ѕ™TMethodist Church, CornwalYЅlville, New YorkYЅ™ЯЅ2™ЦЅBw™™ЦЅ"3; T303\Ѕ™JFrance home, CornwallvillYЅem New YorkYЅ ™‹QrЅ ™bЅ ™dІ ™>E16, S13D75\І\І"Albany, New YorkYІ™dЈE16\Ј(Southern CaliforniaYЈ™dЉ™4E16D75\Љ\Љ"Albany, New YorkYЉ™dЊE16\Њ™dЋ™4E18S57\Ћ\Ћ"Ushers, New YorkYЋ™dЌE18\Ќ™d­S19\­!™dЎ"™>E16119; S79\Ў\Ў$™dЏ%™>E17119; S79\Џ\Џ'™dАE17\А)™dБ$119; S79\Б+™dВS19\В-™dД.™BIrene M. Smith research\Д\ДПkbЕПzdјq™qqqqqqqqqqqqqqB™<T227T230AA\Ж@™dЖ\ЖD™zRectory, St. Joseph's RomYЖE™an Catholic Church, WorceYЖster, N.Y.YЖF™QrЖF™bЖI™dЗT251\ЗK™PPerlacher Forst Chapel, MYЗunich, GermanyYЗL™ŽQrЗL™bЗO™R™dИT264\ИQ™HMethodist Church, Smyrna,YИ New YorkYИT264E]ИS™QrИS™bИV™dЙV28\Й"Mohawk, New YorkYЙY™dК.V28\К[™ZUnited Methodist Church, YКWorcester, New YorkYК]™dЛV29\Л$Oneonta, New YorkYЛ`™dМV29\М$Oneonta, New YorkYМc™dНT280\Нe™dОT264E\Оg™dСT268\Сi™PClausen Farms, Sharon SprYСings, New YorkYСk™dТT232\Тm™dУT234\Уo™`Armstrong State Park, SonYУoma County, CaliforniaYУ\вНydвqqqqqqqqqqqqqq™dўD3\ўƒ™dD3\…™dD8\$15; O143\†™d.Westerly, Rhode IslandYŠ™d"1; O129\O53а™Я2 Ž™Ц…™‹™Ц "(?)"а‘™d O53\ “™d R57\ .Holyoke, MassachusettsY –™d —™6C114N10\ \ ™™`Home of Mrs. Arthur DeLonY g, Worcester, New YorkY š™‘Qr š™b ™d"181; N4\Ÿ™Я2 ™ЦKЁ™ЦC96AL\Ѓ™dЄ™XC166, H8H34\H38\І™ŒSt. Anthony of Padua ChurYЇ™ch, French Settlement, PoYrt Leyden, New YorkYЈ™’QrЈ™bЋ™dH1\­™lSt. Steven's Episcopal ChYЎ™urch, New Hartford, New YYorkYJ32\Џ™dqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqEnglandYТ™dJ55\EnglandYХ™dK8\Ч™d!Ш™6E13P111\!\!Ъ™VZion Lutheran Church, CobY!leskill, New YorkY!Ы™”Qr!Ы™b!Ю™d#Я™LE12\#C96BK\#б™FSt. John's Church, Olean,Y# New YorkY#в™•Qr#в™b#е™d$ж™NN4N12\$N12C\$и™~Methodist Church parsonagY$й™e, Schenevus, Otsego CounY$ty, New YorkY$к™–Qr$к™b$н™d&C96AL\&п™d'"181; N4\'с™d("181; N4\(у™d*"181; N4\*х™d+"181; N4\+"181; N4а+ш™Я+2 щ™Ц+ъ™ц™Ц+ы™RMarch 11, 1708 given as dа+ate of marriageа+ь™—Qr+ь™b+я™d,"181; N4\,109\G№™dGqqqqqqqqqqqqqqšdPR4\PEnglandYPšd\P39\\šde0P7P2\eš–Fredericksburg, Dutchess Ye šCounty, New York (later PYeatterson, Putnam County)Ye š›Qre šbe šdwQ5\wšd{P39\{šd|P39\|šd}Q5\}šd€C96AW\€"Albany, New YorkY€šd‚Q7\‚šdƒ234\ƒšd‰š4J49J90\‰\‰2New York Mills, New YorkY‰dŠ!šd‹J50\‹2New York Mills, New YorkY‹$šdŒ%šRJ19J102\ŒJ103\Œ'š6Washington Mills, New YorYŒkYŒJ50аŒ*šЯŒ2 +šЦŒb•,š(šЦŒ.Westmoreland, New YorkаŒ-šœQrŒ-šbŒП€d@š4Newberry Methodist ChurchYqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqYAšQrAšbDšd‘.I15\‘FšNSt. Francis Church, HerkiY‘mer, New YorkY‘Hšd’.I15\’JšvBeekman Home, 12 ProspectY’Kš Street, New York Mills, Y’New YorkY’Mšd—J68\— Utica, New YorkY—Pšd˜J68\˜ Utica, New YorkY˜Sšd Tš4I45I44\ \ VšXSt. Mary's Church, New YoY rk Mills, New YorkY XšdЉK9\ЉK6\ЌYšdЌ&Westminster ChurchYЌ\šžQrЌ\šbЌK1\Џ^šdЏašhChurch of St. Andrew and YЏbšSt. Paul, Montreal, CanadYЏaYЏcšŸQrЏcšbЏ0K2K7\АešdАhšhChurch of St. Andrew and YАišSt. Paul, Montreal, CanadYАaYАjš QrАjšbАmšdВJ130\ВošdГJ40\Гu=bИqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqšdЙJ113\ЙƒšdХ$I24, I26\Х…šdЬ†š4J17J68\Ь\Ь Utica, New YorkYЬ‰šdЭJ32\Э(Lancashire, EnglandYЭŒšdвš4Eunice H. Jordan\в\вšdгJ18\г‘šdз110\з“šdйQ50\й,Schenectady, New YorkYй–šdк—š4Q19Q50\к\к Utica, New YorkYк™šЂQrк™šbк›šЃQrл›šbлžšdмQ7\мŸšЄQrрŸšbрЂšdьZ281\ь(Worcester, New YorkYьЅšdёL164\ёЇšpSt. Joseph's Roman CatholYёЈšic Church, Worcester, NewYё YorkYёЉšЅQrёЉšbёЌšdђ­š4L24N15\ђ\ђЏšdP40\0Los Angeles, CaliforniaYGqџšqqqqqqqqqqqqqq342\РšdУšd342\$Oneonta, New YorkY"Order of SpousesЮFL; < ўџАЦB121а!ЪšЯ!d!2 ЫšЦ!ЬšЧšЦ!ЭšN1. Robert Valentine; 2. Fа!rancis DeLongа!Яšd#B125\#бš:Limestone/Lewistone TownsY#hipY#B125а#дšЯ#2 еšЦ#"жšвšкšйšЦ#зšˆBetsy married 1. Philo D.а#иš Martin; 2. Peter Barr; 3а#. Cyrus W. DeLongа#B125а#лšŒCyrus married 1. Jennett а#мšTuttle; 2. Betsy Barr; 3.а# Margaret Jane Luceа#оšd$$148; X46\$рšDFirst Reformed Church of Y$FishkillY$тšd1P41\10Asbury Park, New JerseyY1хšd7Z281\7*Cobleskill, New YorkY7шšd:щš<21325; N65\:\:ыšNSpencertown, Columbia CouY:nty, New YorkY:ьšІQr:ьšb:яšd<T229\<$Milford, New YorkYQqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq›dT›`T269T270, T27\T1T272\T›‚Christ Church United MethYT›odist, Port Jefferson StaYTtion, New YorkYT›ЇQrT›bT ›dUV28\U ›>Syosset, Long Island, NewYU YorkYU ›dVN13\V&Westford, New YorkYVN15аV›ЯV2 ›ЦV m›ЦV›d[M115\[›ЈQr[›b[›d`L73\`2East Worcester, New YorkY`›ЉQr`›b`›daM82\a›dgM199\g!›dlL50\l#›dm0L34, L50, L151\m%›NHome of the bride, WorcesYmter, New YorkYm'›dnM34\n.Middle Brook, New YorkYn)›ЊQrn)›bn,›doL20\o.›dpL20\p0›Я{2@›Ц{qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq`A›Ц{L151\{C›d}L26\}(Worcester, New YorkY}F›dƒL23\ƒ,Warnerville, New YorkYƒI›d„L21\„K›d…L23\…(Schenevus, New YorkY…N›d‡L25\‡P›dˆL27\ˆR›dO24\T›d’U›>458; O43O50\’\’W›dЄM151\Є,Middleburgh, New YorkYЄZ›dІM152\І\›NConesville, Schoharie CouYІnty, New YorkYІ^›dЋ"B9, B67\Ћ`›LHinesburg, Chittenden CouYЋnty, VermontYЋ&149; X46аЌd›ЯЌdЌ2 e›ЦЌf›a›ЦЌg›nArie Delong married 1. AnаЌh›natje Dolson; 2. Anna WilаЌtsieаЌi›ЌQrЌi›bЌl›dЎB22\Ўn›ZGerrit Van Esch's house, YЎGreenbush, New YorkYЎ;‹ЯЎ?‹dЏqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq›ZRoundout Precinct, DutcheYЏss County, New YorkYЏƒ›dА B39rev\А…›dБB19\Б‡›dДB20\Дˆ›ЎQrДˆ›bД‹›dЖB19\ЖB19аЖŽ›ЯЖ2 ›ЦЖ"rX›Œ›rX‘›ЦЖ"Amsterdam?"аЖаЖ“›dЗB19\ЗаЗ–›ЯЗ2 —›ЦЗb†˜›”›ЦЗ™›FMarch 12, 1670; Brooklyn,аЗ New YorkаЗš›ЏQrЗš›bЗ›dЙB69C\Й"Bristol, VermontYЙ ›dКЁ›:B9, B69Z6\К\К"Lincoln, VermontYК,Z6аКЅ›ЯК2 І›ЦКR Ї›Ѓ›ЦКЈ›XFirst recorded marriage iаКn Lincoln, VermontаКЉ›АQrКЉ›bКЌ›dМB84\М,Leeds County, OntarioYМЏ›dСГ‹:B9, B67B9\С$150; X47\ЦА›dЦqqqqqqqqqqqqqqС›dШB42\ШУ›ЯШ2 Ф›ЦШКоХ›ЦШ$152; X48аШЦ›ВQrЩЦ›bЩЩ›dЬ$157; X50\Ь&Fishkill, New YorkYЬЬ›dЭB28\Э&Fishkill, New YorkYЭ$141; X42аЭа›ЯЭ2 б›ЦЭв›Ю›ЦЭ$February 13, 1737аЭд›dЮB28\Юж›dЯB29\Яи›dа$142; X43\аB29аал›Яа2 м›Цапй›Цао›dбB29\б&Fishkill, New YorkYб$142; X43абт›Яб2 у›Цбф›р›Цбх›XFebruary 13, 1743 given aабs date of marriageабч›dг$20; T320\гш›ГQrгш›bгы›dд$142; X43\дэ›dеB29\ея›dиB30\и\лqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqœDFirst Reformed Church of YлFishkillYл$143; X43алœЯл2 œЦлœœЦлœRMarch 20, 1743 given as dалate of marriageалœДQrлœbл œdмB32\м œTDutch Reformed Church, FiYмshkill, New YorkYмœЕQrмœbмœdн$135; X39\нœdоB21\оœЯо2 œ œЦо  œЦо$135; X39ао$135; X39аоœœЦоœpTeunis married: 1. Marritаоœje Gerrits; 2. Willemje LаоangenаоœdрB21\р œЯр2 !œЦр"Г"œЦр$136; B40ар#œЖQrр#œbр&œdс$136; X40\с(œdт$136; X40\т*œHNew York City Dutch ReforYтmed ChurchYт,œdу$136; X40\у-œЗQrф-œbфПŒdч\чqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAœNOld Dutch Church of KingsYчton, New YorkYчCœdшDœ>B21138; X41\ш\шFœNOld Dutch Church of KingsYшton, New YorkYшHœdщ$144; X44\щJœNOld Dutch Church of KingsYщton, New YorkYщLœЯщ2 MœЦщъАNœЦщ$144; X44ащPœdъ$138; X41\ъRœNOld Dutch Church of KingsYъton, New YorkYъTœdыUœ>B21138; X41\ы\ыWœDFirst Reformed Church of YыFishkillYыB21аыZœЯы2 [œЦыФXœЦы\œИQrы\œbы_œdь$147; X45\ьaœdюC116A\юPine HillYюdœdёG1\ёfœdђG1\ђhœdѓG1\ѓjœdєG1\єlœdѕG1\ѕnœdіD11\іpœd $458; O43\ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq(Worcester, New YorkY ‚œd $273; O43\ $Decatur, New YorkY O45а †œЯ 2 ‡œЦ :„œЦ ‰œd D14\ ‹œd O47\ œd Žœ4O47O49\ \ (Worcester, New YorkY ‘œd O46\ ’œМQr ’œb •œd O46\ —œd O47\ ™œd! O49A\! ›œVSecond Baptist Church, WoY! rcester, New YorkY! œd% C96BL\% Ÿœd& Z276\& Ёœd' E19D\' Ѓœd( B150\( ЅœVNorth Kortright, DelawareY( County, New YorkY( B151а( ЈœЯ( 2 ЉœЦ( "ТKЊœІœKЎœЌœЦ( ЋœVNorth Kortright, Delawareа( County, New Yorkа( ­œ<March 19, 1867; C60Iа( а( ЏœVNorth Kortright, Delawareа( County, New Yorkа( АœОQr+ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСœd, O70\, Уœd. Фœ8T164T115\. \. ЦœRHome of the bride's parenY. ts, Athens RoadY. ЧœПQr. Чœb. Ъœd/ C96F\/ (Kortright, New YorkY/ Эœd2 Z271\2 Яœd4 D85\4 бœd: C60F\: ,Cooperstown, New YorkY: гœРQr: гœb: жœd< P40\< иœ4South Kortright, New YorkY< Y< кœd@ R33\@ мœdB $327; N67\B оœdF $327; N67\F рœdM E79\M тœdQ .T72, T81, T83\Q &Catskill, New YorkYQ хœdR T9-T10\R чœdT (T126, T128\T "Durham, New YorkYT ъœdU T299\U ьœlFirst United Methodist ChYU эœurch, New Hartford, New YYU orkYU яœdV O70\V ТэЦ\ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq$142; X43а\ Hopewell Churchа\ СQr\ b\ d] B29\] &Hopewell, New YorkY] d_ 8165; X54\_ \_ DFirst Reformed Church of Y_ FishkillY_ di šArbitraty date inserted t\i o keep spouses in proper \i order in database\i \i ТQrj bj dk B31\k dn $144; X44\n DFirst Reformed Church of Yn HopewellYn УQrn bn dq B32\q dr B32\r JNew Hackensack Dutch RefoYr rmed ChurchYr "d† F13\† $LSacred Heart Church, AlbaY† ny, New YorkY† &d O70\ (dŽ )4O80199\Ž \Ž +ZTown of Middlefield, OtseYŽ go County, New YorkYŽ -d O70\ /d {“4O70O73\ &Roseboom, New YorkY‘ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAd“ O79\“ Cd˜ O104\˜ ,Stephentown, New YorkY˜ Fd™ O70\™ Hdš O70\š Jdœ O70\œ Ld O75\ NdЊ O78\Њ PdЋ O78\Ћ RdА 154\А TdЕ C96AI\Е UФQrЕ UbЕ XdЖ S19\Ж ZdЗ S27\З &Pittsford, VermontYЗ `4S27S18аЗ ^ЯЗ 2 _ЦЗ ђ^\ЦЗ аЗ aХQrЗ abЗ ddИ S30\И fdК S18\К "Brandon, VermontYК hЦQrК hbК S32\М jdМ "Warsaw, New YorkYМ ndН S32\Н Nunda, New YorkYН \Х qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&Berkshire, VermontYХ S31\Ш dШ "Rutland, VermontYШ „ЧQrЫ „bЫ ‡dЭ S24\Э &Pittsford, VermontYЭ S24\Ю ‰dЮ ,West Rutland, VermontYЮ dЯ S24\Я "Rutland, VermontYЯ S24\а dа ,West Rutland, VermontYа “dв T156\в •dг T8\г —dе S19\е ™dз &170; C422\з ›dи R35\и dм &137; C405\м Ÿdя V261\я Cleveland, OhioYя V82\ѓ Ёdѓ Cleveland, OhioYѓ Ѕdѕ І6T152T51\ѕ \ѕ Јdќ &V271-V272\ќ Њ:Parma, Cuyahoga County, OYќ hioYќ Ќd &137; C405\ Ўd &171; C422\ П—d (Worcester, New YorkY qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСd ТD171; C422C422\ A\ ФTMcClintock residence, WorY cester, New YorkY Цd &171; C422\ Шd &171; C422\ Ъd &171; C422\ Ьd &171; C422\ Юd &159; C416\ аd &159; C416\ вd &159; C416\ дd R36\ жd зJ170; C422R30,\ R32\ &Westford, New YorkY кd &170; C422\ мd &170; C422\ оd R32\ р@Exeter, Otsego County, NeY w YorkY х@170; C422R32а уЯ 2 фЦ -сЦ а чd! &170; C422\! щd" &170; C422\" ыd$ R32\$ эHMeredith, Delaware CountyY$ , New YorkY$ яd* &136; C405\* L131\> №d> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqžd@ L131\@ ždD ž6L131L77\D \D ždJ ž6L135N14\J \J (Worcester, New YorkYJ žШQrJ  žbJ ždK L136\K žrBride's family home, DiviYK žsion Street, Milford, NeYK w YorkYK žЩQrK žbK ždL L136\L (Worcester, New YorkYL žЪQrL žbL ždM L133\M žVBride's family home in ScYM henevus, New YorkYM žЫQrM žbM ždR L138\R (Worcester, New YorkYR !ždS L158\S &Westford, New YorkYS $ždT N15\T &ždU L136\U 'žЬQrU 'žbU *ždY &160; C417\Y ,žd[ T43\[ .žd\ T136\\ /žЭQr\ ?ždШ qžqqqqqqqqqqqqqqT132\^ @žd^ Cžda R63\a Eždd R52\d ,Bristol, Rhode IslandYd Hžde Iž4R35R52\e \e "Hudson, New YorkYe Lždg R52\g "Albany, New YorkYg Oždj R34\j Qžd{ G1\{ Sžd| G1\| Užd} G1\} Wžd€ G1\€ Yžd‚ G1\‚ [žd„ G1\„ ]žd… G1\… _žd† G1\† ažd‡ G1\‡ cždˆ G1\ˆ ežd‰ G1\‰ gždŠ &141; C407\Š iždŒ &159; C416\Œ kžd‘ &159; C416\‘ mžd” &160; C417\” ožd˜ &160; C417\˜ \Ш qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.Chatham, MassachusettsYШ ‚ždЫ ƒž8T9-T10T5\Ы \Ы T5аЫ †žЯЫ 2 ‡žЦЫ ˆž„žЦЫ ‰žXFebruary 13, 1649 given aаЫ s date of marriageаЫ ‹ždЮ Œž8T9-T10T5\Ю \Ю Žždд T8\д ždз T150\з ’ždи T151\и &Catskill, New YorkYи •ždк –ž6T152T72\к \к ˜ždн ™ž6T152T83\н \н &Catskill, New YorkYн ›žЯQrн ›žbн žždо $T72, T83\о &Catskill, New YorkYо Ёždп T152\п T152ап ЄžЯп 2 ЅžЦп ІžЂžЦп ЇžXFebruary 15, 1751 given aап s date of marriageап ЈžаQrп Јžbп Ћždс U1\с &Kingston, New YorkYс ­žбQrс ­žbс Ÿdш \ш qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqFranceYш Тždэ T16\э Фždю T17\ю ХžгQrю Хžbю Шždє $T42, T43\є &Kingston, New YorkYє Ыždї T18\ї Эždњ Юž46-7; T109F-T109G\њ \њ аžd T43\ бžдQr бžb &216; V148\ гžd Cairo, New YorkY зžd T140\ йžd T115\ лž4Green Village, New JerseyY Y &221; V150а оžЯ 2 пžЦ TмžЦ рžеQr рžb уžd фž6T90T119\ \ цžd T104\ чžжQr чžb ъžd T104\ ыžзQr ыžb юžd# T140\# яžиQrA Cairo, New YorkY€ q?ŸqqqqqqqqqqqqqqT74\E ŸdE ŸdG T74\G ŸdI T75\I ŸdY T94\Y ŸЯY 2 ŸЦY R ŸЦY $1; T109AаY Ÿd[ T90\[ Ÿd\ T90\\ Ÿd_ T90\_ Ÿd` T91\` Ÿda T91\a Ÿdb T90\b Ÿde T91\e Ÿdj T96\j Ÿdm T96\m T96аm ŸЯm 2 !Ÿ $ŸЦm "ŸŸЦm #ŸVFebruary 9, 1729 given asаm date of marriageаm JС&Ÿ%ŸЦm $5; T109Eаm 'ŸPFebruary 9, 1729 given asаm date of bannsаm )Ÿdn T96\n +Ÿdo $4; T109D\o -Ÿd| &215; V147\| /Ÿd} &220; V150\} \€ ?Ѕd€ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAŸd‚ &221; V150\‚ CŸd„ $T48, T49\„ EŸd‡ T48\‡ GŸdŠ &126; C400\Š IŸd (Z112, Z113\ .Highland, PennsylvaniaY LŸdŽ Z111\Ž NŸd Z111\ .Scranton, PennsylvaniaY QŸd‘ Z111\‘ 0Glamorgan County, WalesY‘ TŸd’ Z111\’ *Binghamton, New YorkY’ WŸd“ Z111\“ YŸ6Wayne County, PennsylvaniY“ aY“ [Ÿd” Z111\” ]ŸNCincinnatus, Cortland CouY” nty, New YorkY” _Ÿd• Z114\• aŸJMcDonough, Chanango CountY• y, New YorkY• cŸd™ Z111\™ eŸdš Z111\š gŸdЁ Z115\Ё iŸ6South Wallingford, VermonYЁ tYЁ kŸdЂ Z114\Ђ mŸDVirgil, Cortland County, YЂ New YorkYЂ oŸdЄ Z114\Є pŸоQrю qПŸqqqqqqqqqqqqqqB41\З €ŸdЗ ‚ŸкQrИ ‚ŸbИ „ŸлQrМ „ŸbМ ‡ŸdР B42\Р ‰ŸdЮ R59\Ю $Norwich, New YorkYЮ ŒŸdв R34\в ŽŸdг R61\г *Cobleskill, New YorkYг ‘Ÿdе \е Utica, New YorkYе “ŸмQrи “Ÿbи –Ÿdк B93\к ˜Ÿdл B69D\л šŸdм B107\м œŸdр B108\р žŸdу ŸŸ6B59B108\у \у "Huntington"Yу ЂŸdф B51\ф ЄŸdх B69E\х ІŸdц B108\ц ЈŸdч ЉŸD182; X635; Z4\ч 2\ч .Poughkeepsie, New YorkYч ЌŸdь B71\ь B71аь ЏŸЯь 2 ЗЊЦь ПЋd qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСŸd O54\ УŸd O46\ ХŸd ЦŸ4O51O56\ \ 2East Worcester, New YorkY ЩŸd O56\ ,Middlefield, New YorkY ЬŸd O48\ ЮŸd R36\ R36а бŸЯ 2 вŸЦ гŸЯŸЦ дŸVJanuary 30, 1722 given asа date of marriageа жŸd R34\ иŸd$ R36\$ R36а$ лŸЯ$ 2 мŸЦ$ нŸйŸЦ$ оŸ<Elizabeth Kingsley "1st wа$ ife"а$ R36а% тŸЯ% d% 2 уŸЦ% фŸпŸЦ% 0Johanna Root "2nd wife"а% R36а& шŸЯ& d& 2 щŸЦ& ъŸхŸЦ& ыŸ@Elizabeth Strickland "3rdа& wife"а& эŸd' R37\' R37а' wЌЯ' EnglandY, qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqR37а,  Я, 2  Ц,   Ц, 2Johanna Kerch "1st wife"а,  d- R37\- R37а-  Я- 2  Ц-    Ц-  dLydia Brown "3rd wife;" "а- widow of Thomas Parsons"а-  d4 407\4  dA R32\A  dC R32\C &Westford, New YorkYC  dD R32\D "Sidney, New YorkYD  dW R33\W  d\ R40\\  4Marshfield, MassachusettsY\ Y\  dh B75\h B75\i  di CanadaYi # dk &472; X102\k % dm $153; X48\m ' 4Herkimer County, New YorkYm Ym &472; X102аy + Яy dy 2 , Цy - ( Цy . dDiadama "m. after [Allen'аy s] demise Artemus Ward."аy &475; X103\| / d| qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqA d} &475; X103\} (Hartwick [New York]Y} D d &473; X102\ E пQrƒ E bƒ H d† &476; X104\† J d‡ &476; X104\‡ L d‰ &477; X104\‰ N dŒ B94\Œ P d B94\ ,Springfield, New YorkY S d• T B474; X103C60F\• \• V VTown of Richfield, OtsegoY• County, New YorkY• W рQr• W b• &477; X104\š Y dš 2Manlius Square, New YorkYš ] dЁ X105A\Ё _ dЊ B87\Њ ` сQrЊ ` bЊ c dЋ B90\Ћ e dЌ B84\Ќ g XMariposa Township, VictorYЌ ia County, OntarioYЌ i dГ B90\Г 2Mecosta County, MichiganYГ l dД B90\Д n dЖ B91\Ж ЙБЯЯ dЯ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq dп $182; X63\п Troy, New YorkYп ƒ тQrп ƒ bп † @1. Susan Basset; 2. Dorcaах s Coleах ‰ Ях dх 2 Š Цх … Цх Œ dъ &172; C423\ъ Ž dњ B108\њ "Lincoln, VermontYњ ‘ d§ B119\§ “ 8Chautauqua County, New YoY§ rkY§ • dў B121\ў B121аў ˜ Яў 2 ™ Цў š – Цў › vFrancis married 1. Julia аў œ Scott; 2. Joanna (Owen) Vаў alentineаў ž d B121\ B121а Ё Я 2 Ђ  Є Ц *Ÿ Ц B121а Ѕ Ѓ Ц І vFrancis married 1. Julia а Ї Scott; 2. Joanna (Owen) Vа alentineа B122\ Ј d Ћ 8Warren County, PennsylvanY iaY ­ d Ў 8O204O209\ \ &Westford, New YorkY ПГd qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq\ Т 8Lafayette County, WisconsY inY Ф d B118\ (Ottawa County, OhioY B119а Щ Я d 2 Ъ Ц Ы Ц Ц Ь F1. xxx Phelps; 2. Corneliа us Delongа Ю d B123\ а d B123\ 2Enterprise, PennsylvaniaY г d B123\ е d B123\ з d B125\ B125а к Я 2 л  н Ц Cи Ц B125а о м Ц п bMargaret married 1. Cyrusа DeLong; 2. Hugh Beattyа с d B125\ у 8Warren County, PennsylvanY iaY х d ц :B125B125A\ \ ш NLimestore, Warren County,Y PennsylvaniaY B125Aа ы Я 2 ь Ц 6щ Ц ю d B127\ |ЕЯ3 d3 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq2. Cornelia Sluyterа3 Ёd4 $138; X41\4 ЁЯ4 2 Ё ЁЦ4 цЁЦ4 $138; X41а4 $138; X41а4  ЁЁЦ4 ЁˆCornelia Sluyter married а4 Ё1. Jacob Klein; 2. Johan а4 Nicholas Rubertusа4 $138; X41\6 Ёd6 ЁNOld Dutch Church of KingsY6 ton, New YorkY6 Ёd7 $138; X41\7 ЁNOld Dutch Church of KingsY7 ton, New YorkY7 Ёd8 $138; X41\8 Ёd< $146; X45\< Ёd> $164; X54\> ЁdE $145; X44\E ЁbMachackemack (Deerpark), YE Orange County, New YorkYE ЁdJ $146; X45\J !ЁDFirst Reformed Church of YJ FishkillYJ #ЁdK $175; X59\K %ЁdL $149; X46\L 'ЁdQ $156; X50\Q )Ёd] $156; X50\] +Ёd^ $156; X50\^ -Ёd_ $156; X50\_ /Ёda $156; X50\a ЗЗЯk dk qqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЁdl $157; X50\l CЁdp $159; X51\p EЁDFirst Reformed Church of Yp HopewellYp FЁшQrs FЁbs IЁd $163; X53\ KЁDFirst Reformed Church of Y HopewellY MЁd $163; X53\ .Schaghticoke, New YorkY PЁd’ $184; X64\’ $Newtown, New YorkY’ SЁd“ $184; X64\“ UЁdž $166; X55\ž .Poughkeepsie, New YorkYž XЁdЁ $166; X55\Ё ZЁnFirst Presbyterian ChurchYЁ [Ё of Pleasant Valley, New YЁ YorkYЁ ]ЁdІ $185; X64\І _ЁFPoughkeepsie Dutch ReformYІ ed ChurchYІ aЁdЉ $167; X55\Љ cЁ†Reformed Dutch Church of YЉ dЁNew Hackensack, Dutchess YЉ County, New YorkYЉ fЁdЌ $167; X55\Ќ "Albany, New YorkYЌ iЁdК $168; X56\К kЁdЛ $168; X56\Л mЁdЩ X81\Щ X81аЩ ПКЯЩ э€ЁnЁЦЩ qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЁJ"Poughkeepsie, New York (аЩ possibly?)"аЩ ƒЁdЪ $174; X59\Ъ …ЁdЭ $193; X68\Э ‡Ёdи $178; X61\и ‰ЁJNorwich, Connecticut MontYи hly MeetingYи ‹Ёdй $179; X61\й ЁJNorwich, Connecticut MontYй hly MeetingYй Ёdк $179; X61\к *Norwich, ConnecticutYк ’Ёdн $179; X61\н ”Ёdо $179; X61\о –Ёdр $179; X61\𠘨dя 5; Z42\я 5; Z42ая ›ЁЯя 2 œЁЦя Z ўЁ™ЁЦя *"m. prob. Claverack"ая ŸЁdљ $186; X65\љ ЁЁ4Dutchess County, New YorkYљ Yљ ЃЁd§ $187; X65\§ ЅЁdў $187; X65\ў ЇЁd$187; X65\ЉЁnFirst Presbyterian ChurchYЊЁ of Pleasant Valley, New YYorkYЌЁd$187; X65\ЎЁnFirst Presbyterian ChurchYЏЁ of Pleasant Valley, New YYorkYРЁ\Canning, Queens County, NY8qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqew Brunswick, CanadaY8ТЁd9X85\9ФЁd;X85\;ЦЁd<X85\<ШЁd>X85\>ЪЁd@X86\@ЬЁdAX86\AЮЁdDX89\DаЁdK\KвЁdL\LдЁdM\MжЁdO\OиЁdP\PкЁdQ\QмЁdS&126; C400\SоЁdT&129; C400\TрЁdU&128; C401\UтЁdW&126; C400\WфЁdX&126; C400\XцЁdY&126; C400\YшЁd\&126; C400\\ъЁd]&127; C400\]ьЁd^&127; C400\^юЁd_&127; C400\_№Ёdm&127; C400\mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЂdn&127; C400\nЂdq&127; C400\qЂdr&127; C400\rЂds&127; C400\s Ђdt&127; C400\t Ђdu&128; C401\u Ђdv&128; C401\vЂdw&128; C401\wЂdy&128; C401\yЂdzЂD128; C401C401\zA\z(Schenevus, New YorkYzЂd~\~$Oneonta, New YorkY~Ђd‚&128; C401\‚Ђd„&128; C401\„Ђd†&128; C401\† Ђd‡&128; C401\‡"Ђd‰&128; C401\‰$ЂdŠ%Ђ:128; C401\Š\Š(Schenevus, New YorkYŠ(Ђd‹&128; C401\‹*ЂdŒ&128; C401\Œ,Ђd&128; C401\.ЂdŽ&128; C401\Ž0Ђd™&129; C401\™qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЂd›&129; C401\›CЂdœ&129; C401\œEЂd&129; C401\GЂdŸ&129; C401\ŸIЂdЁ&129; C401\ЁKЂdЂ&140; C407\ЂMЂdЅ&130; C402\ЅOЂdЈ&130; C402\ЈQЂdЋ&130; C402\ЋSЂdЌ&130; C402\ЌUЂd­&130; C402\­WЂdЏ&131; C402\ЏYЂdА&131; C402\А[ЂdГ&131; C402\Г]ЂdЕ&131; C402\Е_ЂdЙ&140; C407\ЙaЂdК&140; C407\КcЂdО&140; C407\ОeЂdСZ117\СgЂdТZ118\Т$Haarlem, New YorkYТjЂdУZ118\У&216; V148\ШkЂdШ,West Durham, New YorkYШoЂdЫ&216; V148\Ы.Grand Rapids, MichiganYђqПЂqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&217; V148\ж€ЂdжƒЂdз&218; V149\з…Ђdи&219; V149\и"Cincinnati, OhioYиˆЂdй&219; V149\й*Paterson, New JerseyYй‹Ђdп&223, V151\пЂdр&223; V151\рЂdс&224; V152\с&Carlisle, New YorkYс’Ђdт&224; V152\т&224; V152\у“Ђdу&Schodack, New YorkYу—Ђdф&224; V152\ф&Schodack, New YorkYфšЂdц&224; V152\ц(Hyde Park, New YorkYцЂdч&224; V152\ч&Schodack, New YorkYч Ђdш&224; V152\шЂЂdщ&224; V152\щ&224; V152\ъЃЂdъ&Schodack, New YorkYъЇЂdы&224; V152\ыЉЂdэ&225; V152\эЋЂdю&225; V152\ю­Ђ6Schoharie County, New YorYюkYюЏЂdя&225; V152\я&225; V152\ђАЂdђqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЂdѓZ224\ѓУЂdєZ225\єХЂdѕZ225\ѕЧЂdіZ224\іЩЂdїZ224\їЫЂdњZ224\њЭЂdћZ206\ћЯЂd Z203\ бЂd Z206\ гЂd Z206\ еЂdZ206\зЂdZ206\йЂdZ206\лЂdZ206\нЂdZ206\пЂdZ202\,New Windsor, New YorkYтЂdZ202\фЂd%Z203\%цЂd(Z218\(шЂd)Z203\)ъЂd*Z203\*ыЂщQr*ыЂb*юЂd+Z203\+<Ш4Rensselaerville, New YorkY+Ыdxq?ЃqqqqqqqqqqqqqqZ203\-Ѓd-Ѓd.Z204\.Ѓd/Z204\/ЃdCZ205\C ЃdDZ205\D ЃdSZ207\S ЃdTZ207\TЃdUZ207\UZ207\WЃdW&West Liberty, IowaYWЃdXZ207\XЃdZZ207\ZЃd^Z207\^Ѓd_Z207\_ЃdaZ207\aЃdbZ207\b ЃddZ208\d"ЃdeZ208\e$ЃdfZ208\f&ЃdgZ208\g(ЃdhZ208\h*ЃdjZ208\j,ЃdkZ208\k.ЃdlZ208\l"Pueblo, ColoradoYxZ211\z0Ѓdzqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"Laramie, WyomingYzZ211\{AЃd{&Longmont, ColoradoY{EЃd‰FЃ@317; E67E101\‰\‰&West Day, New YorkY‰IЃdŠJЃ@318; E69E101\Š\Š,Glens Falls, New YorkYŠMЃd‹E110\‹OЃdŒE105\Œ$Durand, WisconsinYŒRЃdŽR52\Ž,Bristol, Rhode IslandYŽDivorcedZdWЃd•Z212\•YЃd—Z226\—&Stamford, New YorkY—Z213\š[Ѓdš"Washington, D.C.Yš_ЃdœZ213\œaЃdŸZ215\Ÿ"Durham, New YorkYŸdЃd Z215\ fЃdЁZ215\ЁZ215]ІgЃdІ"divorced"ZІkЃdЉZ219\ЉmЃdЊZ220\ЊoЃdЋZ220\Ћ?вdTqПЃqqqqqqqqqqqqqqN23\і€ЃdіƒЃdњ28\њ…Ѓdќ28\ќ‡Ѓdў198\ў‰ЃdZ153\.Greenwich, ConnecticutYŒЃdZ154\,Stamford, ConnecticutYЃdZ155\,Stamford, ConnecticutY’ЃdZ154\EnglandY•ЃdZ155\,Stamford, ConnecticutY˜Ѓd Z153\ New YorkY ›Ѓd Z157\ Ѓd Z159\ ConnecticutY  ЃdZ156\ЂЃdZ157\0Combs, Suffolk, EnglandYZ157аІЃЯ2 ЇЃЦЈЃЄЃЦЉЃPMarch 9, 1592 given as daаte of marriageаЋЃdZ157\­Ѓ>Grundisburgh, Suffolk, EnYglandYЏЃdZ157\?еdЂqџЃqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&137; C405\XРЃdXУЃdY&137; C405\YХЃdZ&137; C405\ZЧЃd[&137; C405\[ЩЃd\&137; C405\\ЫЃd]&137; C405\]ЭЃdb&136; C405\bЯЃdd&136; C405\dбЃde&136; C405\eгЃdf&136; C405\fеЃdi&147; C410\iзЃdj&147; C410\jйЃdk&147; C410\kлЃdn&147; C410\nнЃd‡&141; C407\‡пЃd‰&141; C407\‰сЃd‹&141; C407\‹уЃd&141; C407\хЃdŽ&141; C407\ŽчЃd&141; C407\щЃd‘&141; C407\‘ыЃd’&141; C407\’эЃd”&141; C407\”яЃd–Z276\–,Glens Falls, New YorkYбq?ЄqqqqqqqqqqqqqqZ274\ЈЄdЈ,Middlefield, New YorkYЈЄdЉZ274\ЉЄdЋC60K\ЋЄdЎB150\Ў ЄdЏC60J\Џ ЄdВB162\ВЄL"D.E. Ch, Fort Plain, MonYВtgomery Co."YВЄdГB167\Г Cleveland, OhioYГЄdДB167\ДЄdЕB167\Е,Cuyahoga County, OhioYЕЄdЖB190\Ж,Cuyahoga County, OhioYЖB190аЖЄЯЖ2 ЄЦЖz ?ЄЄЦЖ(Medina County, OhioаЖ ЄdЙB169\Й(Summit County, OhioYЙ#ЄdКB170\К(Summit County, OhioYК&ЄdУB176\У(ЄJHome of the bride, MilforYУd, New YorkYУ*ЄdХB181\Х,ЄBMilford, Otsego County, NYХew YorkYХ.ЄdЦB189\Ц(Summit County, OhioYЦE102абqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЄЯб2 BЄЦбђOCЄ0ЄЦб,Glens Falls, New YorkабEЄdвE103\вGЄ^Zopher DeLong residence, YвGlens Falls, New YorkYвIЄdдE110\д$Winona, MinnesotaYдLЄdеE110\еNЄdжE110\жPЄdзE103\зRЄdиE111\иTЄdйE111\йVЄdкWЄ8E69LE103\к\к.Grand Rapids, MichiganYкE103ак[ЄЯк2 \ЄЦк’Q]ЄYЄЦк.Grand Rapids, Michiganак_ЄdлE104\л,Glens Falls, New YorkYлbЄdнE111\нdЄdоE105\оfЄdпE111\пhЄdсE105\с(St. Paul, MinnesotaYсkЄdуE105\у,Glens Falls, New YorkYуnЄdчE106\чГзdDeLong home on Glen StreeYч?иdїqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq,Lake George, New YorkYї‚ЄdљE109\љ„ЄdћE109\ћ†ЄdќE109\ќˆЄdўE116\ў,Glens Falls, New YorkYў‹ЄdE116\,Ridgewood, New JerseyYŽЄdЄ@318; E69E104\\,Boston, MassachusettsYE104а“ЄЯ2 ”ЄЦвq•Є‘ЄЦ,Boston, Massachusettsа$12; O140\J–ЄdJ.Westerly, Rhode IslandYJšЄdL$13; O141\LœЄdM$13; O141\M$13; O141аMŸЄЯM2  ЄЦMЁЄЄЦMЂЄTJanuary 1, 1729 given as аMdate of marriageаMЄЄdO$18; O146\O$18; O146аOЇЄЯO2 ЈЄЦOЄЉЄЅЄЦO "(?)"аOЋЄdQ$19; O147\Q­ЄdS$24; O152\SЏЄdT$24; O152\TмdhqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЄdiF18\iУЄdjF18\jХЄdkF27\kЧЄdsF18\sЩЄdtZ286\t2East Worcester, New YorkYtЬЄdxZ285\x.Scranton, PennsylvaniaYxЯЄd}233\}бЄd€233\€(Worcester, New YorkY€дЄd‚Z287\‚*Warren, Rhode IslandY‚зЄdƒZ287\ƒйЄd†Z285\†*Hagerstown, MarylandY†мЄd‡Z285\‡"Walton, New YorkY‡пЄd‰Z286\‰сЄd‹Z287\‹,Bristol, Rhode IslandY‹фЄцЄd‘Z298\‘"Walton, New YorkY‘Z283B]‘DivorcedZ‘щЄъЄd’Z298\’Z283B]’DivorcedZ’эЄџнd“Z298\“яЄPCongregational Church, WaY“lton, New YorkY“DivorcedZ“qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЅd”Z298\”"Walton, New YorkY”Ѕd•Z298\•ЅB2 Fitch Street, Walton, NY•ew YorkY•Ѕd—Z298\— ЅPCongregational Church, WaY—lton, New YorkY— Ѕd Z299\ *Bainbridge, New YorkY ЅdЇ*Z283C, Z299\ЇЅ6South New Berlin, New YorYЇkYЇЅdЊZ295\ЊЅdЋZ297\ЋЅ:East Weymouth, MassachuseYЋttsYЋЅdЏC424\Џ(Worcester, New YorkYЏЅdВT162E\ВЅdМR52\МNew York CityYМ!ЅdНR52\Н0Scituate, MassachusettsYНR52аН%ЅЯН2 &ЅЦН'Ѕ#ЅЦН(ЅXFebruary 24, 1703 given aаНs date of marriageаН*ЅdШE116\Ш,ЅdЩE117\ЩE113]Ь-ЅdЬDivorcedZЬПсAЅdёqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&Stamford, New YorkYёM152]ё,San Diego, CaliforniaZёDЅdђM152\ђFЅNBreakabeen, Schoharie CouYђnty, New YorkYђHЅdєM152\є,Middleburgh, New YorkYєKЅdѕM152\ѕ,Middleburgh, New YorkYѕNЅdіM153\і,Middleburgh, New YorkYіQЅSЅdїM153\ї0Lemon Grove, CaliforniaYїM153]ї,San Diego, CaliforniaZїVЅdјM153\ј"Albany, New YorkYјYЅdљM153\љ,Grand Gorge, New YorkYљ\ЅdћM153\ћ,Middleburgh, New YorkYћ_ЅdўM153\ў*Cobleskill, New YorkYўbЅcЅdM152\M152]*Salt Lake City, UtahZfЅdM153\$Oneonta, New YorkYiЅdM152\,Middleburgh, New YorkYlЅdM153\,San Diego, CaliforniaYoЅdM153\€ЅNZion Lutheran Church, SewY qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqard, New YorkY ‚Ѕd!M89\!$Las Vegas, NevadaY!…Ѕd&M88\&‡Ѕd-O103\-2Washington, Rhode IslandY-ŠЅd.O103\.ŒЅd/M96\/0Tom Green County, TexasY/Ѕd0M95\0‘ЅVZion Lutheran Church, CobY0leskill, New YorkY0“Ѕd2M92\2"Seward, New YorkY2–Ѕd3M96\3˜ЅVZion Lutheran Church, CobY3leskill, New YorkY3šЅd4M92\4"Seward, New YorkY4Ѕd6M91\6ŸЅd7M95\7ЁЅ€St. Vincent de Paul RomanY7ЂЅ Catholic Church, CobleskY7ill, New YorkY7M95\9ЃЅd9 Laveen, ArizonaY9ЇЅd:M95\:"Phoenix, ArizonaY:ЊЅd;M93\;2Central Bridge, New YorkY;­Ѕd<M93\<ЏЅ\United Methodist Church, Y<Cobleskill, New YorkY<РЅNIndian Lake, Hamilton CouYЧqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqnty, New YorkYЧТЅdШ(H206, H207\ШФЅDLyonsdale, Lewis County, YШNew YorkYШЦЅdЪH284\ЪШЅFTrinity Church, Lowville,YЪ New YorkYЪЪЅdЬH186\Ь2Constableville, New YorkYЬЭЅdЭ(H188, H189\ЭЯЅ`Congregational Parsonage,YЭ Port Leyden, New YorkYЭбЅdвV191\в0Santa Maria, CaliforniaYвдЅdдV193\д&Lompoc, CaliforniaYдзЅdжV194\ж&Eureka, CaliforniaYжкЅdзV194\змЅdи(V210, V239\и*Adams, MassachusettsYипЅdйV239\йSmithfieldYйтЅdнV239\нфЅdшV239\шSmithfieldYшчЅd№H156\№щЅRRichelieu, Saint Pierre-DY№e-Sorel, QuebecY№ыЅdёH156\ёэЅPSaint-Michel-d'Yamaska, YYёamaska, QuebecYёяЅdєH154\єџшdќqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqІZCongregational Church, PoYќrt Leyden, New YorkYќІd§H185\§ІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY§ Leyden, New YorkY§ІdH192\ ІdH196\ ІHLyons Falls, Lewis CountyY, New YorkY ІdH200\ІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY Leyden, New YorkYH200аІЯ2 ІЦКsІЦІэQrІbІd&H199-H200\ІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY Leyden, New YorkYІюQrІbІdH204\ІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY Leyden, New YorkY!ІdH204\,Port Leyden, New YorkY$Іd%І8H173H173\\'ІDLyonsdale, Lewis County, YNew YorkY)ІdH179\$Pinney SettlementY,Іd H178\ .ІdH182\0ІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY Leyden, New YorkYqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqH207\@ІdCІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY Leyden, New YorkYH209аFІЯ2 GІЦђ\DІЦIІdH248\(Boonville, New YorkYLІdH211\NІpSacred Heart Roman CatholYOІic Church, Rochester, NewY YorkYQІdH216\New YorkYTІd H219\ VІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY  Leyden, New YorkY XІd!H223\!ZІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY! Leyden, New YorkY!\Іd"]І8H229H229\"\"(Boonville, New YorkY"`Іd#H230\#bІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY# Leyden, New YorkY#dІd$H232\$fІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY$ Leyden, New YorkY$hІd%H234\%jІVSt. Martin's Church, PortY% Leyden, New YorkY%lІd*H213]*,Exeter, New HampshireZ*oІd3H221\3ПёdqПІqqqqqqqqqqqqqqH261\­€Іd­ƒІdАH248\А…ІHLee Center, Oneida CountyYА, New YorkYА‡ІdБH249\БNew YorkYБŠІdВH252\ВŒІXSt. Mary's Church, ConstaYВbleville, New YorkYВŽІdГH254\ГNew YorkYГ‘ІdКH257\К“ІdШH267\Ш,Glens Falls, New YorkYШ–ІdЫH270\Ы,Glens Falls, New YorkYЫ™ІdеH272\е›ІdжH273\ж(Whitehall, New YorkYжžІdйH276\й&Herkimer, New YorkYйЁІdкH282\к"Mohawk, New YorkYкЄІdмH276\мІІdщH289\щЈІPSt. Joseph's Church, SyraYщcuse, New YorkYщЊІdъH289\ъЌІdыH290\ы&Syracuse, New YorkYыЏІdьH292\ь Cleveland, OhioYqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСІdV262\ Cleveland, OhioYФІdV263\ЦІ@Put-In Bay, Ottawa CountyY, OhioYV263\ЧІd Cleveland, OhioYЫІЭІdV263\ Cleveland, OhioYV263]ЯІd&276; V268\&Katsbaan, New YorkYвІd&276; V268\&Katsbaan, New YorkYеІd&276; V268\&Katsbaan, New YorkYиІd&276; V268\кІd&276; V268\&Katsbaan, New YorkYнІd#&274; V267\#&Kingston, New YorkY#рІd'&275; V267\'&Katsbaan, New YorkY'уІd*&275; V267\*хІd+&275; V267\+чІd,&276; V268\,*Kinderhook, New YorkY,ъІd1&276; V268\1ьІd5B69C\5Essex, VermontY5яІdCB69E\CЇLMethodist Church, WorcestY•qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqer, New YorkY•ЇєQr•Їb•Їd™C96BO\™ЇѕQr™Їb™Їd$54; O163\ ЇdА$26; O154\А ЇdБ$27; O155\БЇdВ$14; O142\ВЇdЖ$27; O155\ЖЇdЙ$29; O157\Й$29; O157аЙЇЯЙ2 ЇЦЙЎЇЇЦЙ "(?)"аЙЇdК$29; O157\КЇdЛ$29; O157\Л$29; O157аЛЇЯЛ2 ЇЦЛЛ ЇЇЦЛ "(?)"аЛ"ЇdМ$30; O158\М$ЇdН$30; O158\Н&ЇdО$30; O158\О(Їdг$22; O150\г*Їdц$52; O161\ц,Їdщ$52; O161\щ0Stonington, ConnecticutYщ/Їdь"1; O167\ь§d“qЇqqqqqqqqqqqqqqD17\)@Їd)CЇd*D17\*EЇd,&105; O191\,GЇd-&105; O191\-D152Lа-JЇЯ-2 KЇЦ-Т"HЇЦ-MЇd.NЇB105; O191D149\.\.PЇd0&105; O191\0RЇd1&105; O191\1,D152K, D152Lа1UЇЯ12 VЇЦ1MSЇЦ1XЇd2&105; O191\2ZЇd3&105; O191\3\Їd4&105; O191\4^Їd7D152K\7`Їd9M184\9bЇVLancaster, Worcester CounY9ty, MassachusettsY9dЇd:M187\:fЇVLancaster, Worcester CounY:ty, MassachusettsY:hЇd;O209\;jЇdGX105A\GlЇVBrookville, Jefferson CouYGnty, PennsylvaniaYGnЇdUH70\U,Clay County, ArkansasYUty, MassachusettsY%qПЇqqqqqqqqqqqqqq&146; C410\”€Їd”ƒЇd•&146; C410\•…Їd—(146; C 410\—‡Їd˜&146; C410\˜‰Їd™&146; C410\™‹Їdš&146; C410\šЇd›&146; C410\›Їdœ&146; C410\œ‘Їd&146; C410\“ЇdŸ”Ї4J53J87\Ÿ\Ÿ*Wilmington, DelawareYŸ—ЇdЌZ91\Ќ™Їd­Z91\­›ЇdЏZ91\ЏЇdАZ91\АŸЇdГZ91\ГЁЇdЗO209\З,Cooperstown, New YorkYЗЃЇіQrЗЃЇbЗІЇdЙV273\ЙЈЇЊЇdКV272\К(Fort Wayne, IndianaYКV272]КЌЇdЛV271\ЛЎЇdМV273\МАЇd&M193\&qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЇVLancaster, Worcester CounY&ty, MassachusettsY&УЇd(M194\(ХЇVLancaster, Worcester CounY(ty, MassachusettsY(ЧЇd,I36\,ЩЇ@The Villa, Beltsville, MaY,rylandY,ЫЇd3M206\3ЭЇdCM210\CЯЇdDM210\DбЇdFM210\FM210\GвЇdGеЇBWessington Springs, SouthYG DakotaYGM210]IжЇdIDivorcedZIкЇdNM211\NмЇdOM211\OM221]RнЇdRDivorcedZRсЇdXI37\X$Las Vegas, NevadaYXфЇdYT354\Y Berlin, GermanyYYчЇd^J54\^EnglandY^ъЇd_J54\_New York StateY_эЇd`J55\`EnglandY`EnglandYe/ЈЯпq?ЈqqqqqqqqqqqqqqJ57\fЈdfEnglandYfЈdhJ97\hЈPSt. Paul's Church, WhitesYhtown, New YorkYhЈdzJ114\z Јd{J130\{ Јd|J125\|Јd}J130\}Јd€J130\€Јd‚J130\‚Јd„J130\„ЈdŽJ114\ŽЈdJ114\ЈdJ114\Јd‘J116\‘Јd’J116\’ Јd“J116\“"Јd”J116\”$Јd•J116\•&Јd–J117\–(Јd—J117\—*Јd˜J117\˜,Јd™J118\™.ЈdŸJ118\Ÿ2 0ЈЦпŠуПЦпqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЈdр 9; S65\рCЈdт 4; S63\тEЈdх 4, S63\хGЈNChester, Burlington CountYхy, New JerseyYхIЈdщ 3; S62\щKЈ€Home of James Shinn; SpriYщLЈngfield, Burlington CountYщy, New JerseyYщNЈdы 4; S63\ы0Haddonfield, New JerseyYыQЈdь 4; S63\ьSЈdє 4; S63\єUЈdі"15; S66\іWЈ8Christ Church, PhiladelphYіiaYіYЈdї"15; S66\ї[Јdњ"15; S66\њ]ЈPObituary of William E. DeКPanBookК_ЈPObituary of William M. DeКPanBookКaЈPObituary of William RosebКoomBookКXЙHObituary of Wilson HigbyКdЈnOfficers of the Town of WКeЈorcester 1797-1964КBookКgЈ@Old Times in WindhamКBookКiЈZOneonta Daily Star, July К26, 1938BookКkЈXObituary of Bernard F. HoКye, Jr.BookК0Oneonta StarBookКnЈROneonta Star, August 30, К1957BookКpЈVOneonta Star, February 19К, 1957BookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЈ`Oneonta Daily Star, OctobКer 19, 1985BookКƒЈTOneonta Star, November 8,К 1957BookК…ЈTOneonta Star, October 16,К 1987BookК‡ЈfOrder of Adoption of CarlКˆЈ Albert DeLongBookККŠЈJOrlando D. Aldrich letterКBookКŒЈpOswego Palladium-Times arКЈticle, May 25, 1977КBookК\ЙDOtsego County GED siteКЈPOtsego County Postal HistКoryBookК’Ј”Otsego Herald (index at NК“Ј.Y.S. Historical AssociatКion Library)BookК]Й:Patricia L. SmithBК–ЈJPatricia S. Hoye researchКBookʘЈPPetersen Family Group RecКordBookКšЈNPetro Construction web siКteBookКœЈNPhilip France of SaugertiКesBookКfЙ>Photograph notationКŸЈZPlatt-Martin Wedding AnnoКuncementBookКЁЈ‚Probate Judge Winifred A.КЂЈ Casey letter, October, 1К938BookКЄЈLCheryl A. Pula informatioКnBookКІЈNOneonta Star, June 14, 19К63BookКЈЈ\Walter Cattell Honorable КDischargeBookКЊЈLObituary of Nellie B. BusКhBookКЌЈNJudith B. Smith informatiКonBookКЎЈNObituary of William H. BuКshBookКАЈdPensabene-Cattell MarriagКe CertificateBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЈ`Raide-Zawistowski weddingК invitationBookКУЈfRalph Cavan, Jr. letter, КФЈMarch 25, 1998BookККЦЈ^Ray H. Ebbett research (cКonrad.ftw)BookКШЈˆRebecca A. DuBois Letter КЩЈto Awry DeLong, January 5К, 1869BookКЫЈzRecords of Second BaptistКЬЈ Church, Worcester, N.Y.КBookКЮЈbRegister of Birth of ArthКur S. DeLongBookКаЈ–Report of the Adjutant GeКбЈneral of the State of NewК York, No. 36BookКгЈxResolving DeLong-Lewis CoКдЈnfusion, by John AustinКBookКжЈ^Robert J. Burgess, Jr. coКnversationBookКиЈVRobert M. Darmetko converКsationBookКкЈDRobert M. Platt letterКBookКмЈjRobert M. Platt letter, FКнЈebruary 20, 1997BoКokКпЈNDonna Pensabene informatiКonBookКhЙHRuss Family Genealogy IIКтЈ@Ruth S. All researchКBookКфЈRObituary of Matthias E. SКmithBookКцЈRSanchez-Smith Wedding ProКgramBookКшЈ:Schenevus MonitorBКookКъЈdSchenevus Post Office SesКquicentennialBookКьЈ:Schoharie PatriotBКookКюЈRSchoharie Reformed ChurchКbookBookК№Ј<Smith family BibleКBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЉZSmith-DeLong wedding annoКuncementBookКЉZSmith-France wedding annoКuncementBookКЉNSmith-Platt wedding articКleBookКЉNObituary of Harriet BabcoКckBookК ЉŽStatement by Patricia SmiК Љth Hoye and Harriet SmithК CornwellBookК ЉДStatement of Esther Ann PК Љlatt VanVliet to Mrs. FraКЉnces Lane, November 12, 1К941BookКЉJSteven J. McCall researchКBookКЉRObituary of Alice C. CornКwellBookКЉ~Soldiers' Monument plaqueКЉ, Schenevus, N.Y. CemeterКyBookКЉ^Susan S. Harmon letter, AКpril, 1998BookКЉjSusan S. Harmon letter, FКЉebruary 15, 1996BoКokКЉ\Susan Hahn message, AprilК 14, 1999BookКЉXThe Lamoureux Family in КAmericaBookК ЉbThe Broadcast, Special BuКlletin, 1966BookК"Љ„The Hewit Family by Rev. К#ЉDr. Hewitt, Bridgeport, CКonn.BookК%ЉHRose Wright conversationКBookК'Љ†The Mudge Family, by AlfrК(Љed Mudge, Boston, May 20,К 1865BookК*ЉТThe Settlers of the BeekmК+Љan Patent, Vol. IV, by FrК,Љank J. Doherty, Pleasant КValley, NYBookК.Љ\Sally Peake letter, AprilК 13, 1841BookК0ЉVTown of Worcester HistoryК, 1954BookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqAЉJTusculum District programКBookКCЉJTwo Centuries in WestfordКBookКEЉVUlster County in the RevoКlutionBookКGЉdUtica Daily Press articleК, May 4, 1983BookКIЉvUtica Observer-Dispatch aКJЉrticle by Dave DudajekКBookКLЉtUtica Observer-Dispatch aКMЉrticle, June 10, 1973КBookКOЉtUtica Observer-Dispatch aКPЉrticle, June 14, 1953КBookКRЉVPula-Lynch wedding announКcementBookКTЉ>Terry Ruth researchКBookКVЉvSusan Dunn conversation (КWЉSchenectady Co.D.S.S.)КBookКYЉ\Town of Worcester CemeterКy RecordsBookК[Љ”The History of the First К\ЉChurch of Stonington, by КR.A. WheelerBookК^ЉZObituary of Joseph M. DarКwak, Sr.BookК`ЉRShirley J. Wright informaКtionBookКrЙBVicki Bolleman FisherКcЉJW. Fern Ferguson researchКBookКeЉnWaddell-Raide wedding proКfЉgram, July 4, 1997КBookКtЙFWill of Flora A. BeldenКiЉPWinifred L Pula conversatКionBookКkЉHWinifred L Pula researchКBookКmЉlWinifred L. Pula letter, КnЉFebruary 26, 1997BКookКpЉJWinifred L. Pula researchКBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЉWorcester Central School К‚Љcommencement program, JunКe 22, 1980BookКuЙHWill of Frederick AlbertК…ЉZWorcester Central School КHandbookBookК‡ЉLWill of Mary Louise AlberКtBookК‰ЉhWorcester School DistrictКŠЉ No. 10 programBooКkКzЙ6Worcester TimesBooКЉ\Worcester Times, DecemberК 17, 1952BookК Й>Larry Bell researchКЉZWorcester Times, January К13, 1972BookК’ЉTWorcester Times, July 30,К 1885BookК”ЉtWorcester Historical SociКyЙety genealogical fileК–ЉZWorcester Times-SchenevusК MonitorBookʘЉzWorcester Times-SchenevusК™Љ Monitor, April 10, 1975КBookК›ЉZWorcester Times, DecemberК 4, 1929BookК2World AlmanacBookКžЉVVanValkenburg Family in AКmericaBookК ЉNPatrick LaFountain researКchBookКЂЉjHarriet Babcock letter, FКЙebruary 26, 2001BoКЄЉjAnita E. Axtell letter, FКцИebruary 27, 2001BoКІЉjAnita E. Axtell letter, FКхИebruary 22, 2001BoКЈЉJObituary of Michael TumanКBookКЊЉLObituary of William KaiseКrBookКЌЉXObituary of Mrs. Leonard КWheelerBookКЎЉVObituary of Elizabeth A. КPutnamBookКАЉNObituary of Cora E. BoyntКonBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЉNObituary of Vera B. UsalaКtzBookКУЉLEarl L. Alexander researcКhBookКХЉ\Obituary of Mrs. CatherinКe CrippenBookКЧЉfDoris Louise Patrick D.A.К ЙR. applicationBookКЩЉRHarriet Rice Diary, 1845-К1846BookКcЙ>Perry family ledgerКЬЉмHistorical Sketch of the КЭЉFirst Baptist Church of tКЮЉhe Town of Summit, by ThoКЙmas Bruxholm (ca. 1910)КюИ@Becky Hakes researchКЙDGwen Petro informationКкИ@Alan Bunner researchКгЉfHarriet Babcock letter, AКЙugust 13, 2001BookКеЉnWorcester Baptist AssociaКxЙtion Minutes, 1920КзЉ\Birth certificate of DereКk RobertsBookКdЙFPetition to change nameКкЉPObituary of Willard F.WriКghtBookКмЉPObituary of Robert H. WriКghtBookКоЉNMarcia H. Lynch informatiКonBookКрЉXWorld Almanac perpetual cКalendarBookКтЉZWorcester Times, October К17, 1907BookКфЉLObituary of George BoyntoКnBookКцЉNMichael S. Pula informatiКonBookКшЉVBiography of Leonard McClКintockBookКъЉvA Bicentennial History ofКыЉ the Town of WorcesterКBookКэЉbA Conversation with DorotКhy S. DeLongBookКяЉPLowell E. Smith conversatКionBookКЊ`Agnes Bennett letter, AugКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqust 2, 1938BookКЊPAlan J. Burgess conversatКionBookКЊfObituary of Rev. Robert JКTЙ. Burgess, Jr.BookКЊRObituary of Raymond F. AxКtellBookКЊRAlbert S. DeLong conversaКtionBookК ЊJAlbert S. DeLong researchКBookКaЙBPenny Miller researchК Њ^Obituary of June F. KenneКdy RobertsBookКЊNObituary of Jane A. RoberКtsBookКЊZObituary of Hilton I. BonКney, Sr.BookКЊXAlbany County Board of ElКectionsBookКЊNAmy S. Bonville informatiКonBookКЊVAncestral chart of AmandaК SmithBookКЊЄAncestors and some DescenКЊdants of John D. Mead, byКЊ Donald H. Hull, Jr.КBookКЊbAncestral chart of David КAlan JohnsonBookКЊVAncestral chart of Anna WКiltsieBookК!ЊNObituary of Robert J. PlaКttBookК#ЊjArmy Separation Record ofКщИ Stanley J. PulaBoК%ЊHAnita E. Axtell researchКBookК'ЊrArmy Discharge CertificatКшИe of Stanley J. PulaК)Њ`Anita E. Axtell letter, MКay 31, 1998BookКkЙFSteve Jamba informationК,ЊVArlene G. Bartlett converКsationBookК.ЊXAncestral chart of GilberКt SmithBookК0ЊvArthur Aylsworth and His К@ЊDescendants in AmericaКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКBЊPObituary of Winifred S. PКulaBookКDЊZConstance Lance Brown infКormationBookКFЊRDorothy Bruce Hicock reseКarchBookКHЊTObituary of Charlotte S. КSmithBookКJЊ^Obituary William StahlneКcker - PSHBookКLЊ†Records of United MethodiКMЊst Church, Worcester, NewК YorkBookКOЊ\Carolee Coye-Demidenko inКformationBookКQЊPArthur DeLong ancestry chКartBookКSЊPObituary of Pauline E. SmКithBookКUЊXFuneral card of Pauline EК. SmithBookКWЊ`Obituary of Richard LawreКnce LaSalleBookКYЊNObituary of Lowell E. SmiКthBookКЙFDawn Sanderson researchК\ЊlAnita E. Axtell lettter, КчИDecember 25, 2000BК^ЊFAlice Perry informationКBookК`ЊPThomas P. Osborn informatКionBookКbЊRMichael G. McCulloch reseКarchBookКdЊRArthur S. DeLong conversaКtionBookКfЊJArthur S. DeLong researchКBookКhЊdArthur S. Golden letter, КJuly 14, 1938BookКjЊTAuction notice, March 29,К 1855BookКlЊ@Aylesworth GenealogyКBookКnЊnBabcock Genealogy, by SteКoЊphen Babcock, 1903КBookК€ЊZBernard F. Hoye, Jr. convКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqersationBookК‚ЊFBetty Eaton informationКBookК„ЊfAlfred H. Manzer gravestoК…Њne inscriptionBookКК‡ЊPObituary of Cora Mary KaiКserBookК‰ЊhBirth Certificate of CarlКŠЊ Anthony BonneyBooКkКŒЊXBirth Certificate of JameКs PlattBookКŽЊfBirth Certification of AlКЊbert S. DeLongBookКК‘ЊnBirth Certification of DoК’Њrothy Shires SmithКBookК”ЊpBirth Certification of IrК•Њene Marjorie DelongКBookК—ЊrBirth Certification of LaʘЊwrence Albert DeLongКBookКšЊhObituary of Anita Elva (GКEЙriswold) AxtellBooКœЊ^Bonville-Roberts wedding КinvitationBookКlЙHSusan Harmon informationКŸЊNBrian D. Petro conversatiКonBookКЁЊNBruce A. Smith conversatiКonBookКЃЊRThe Cattell Family in AmeКricaBookКЅЊ8C.C. Ring letterBoКokКЇЊNBurgess/Bump family summaКryBookКЉЊNBrett L. Petro conversatiКonBookКЋЊXBonville-Roberts wedding КprogramBookК­ЊpCarolee Coye-Demidenko leКЎЊtter, June 22, 1999КBookКАЊNArline H. Smith informatiКonBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЊpCharloltte S.Smith letterКТЊ, February 19, 1998КBookКФЊVCharlotte Celia Snyder anКcestryBookКЦЊVAncestral chart of AlbertК SmithBookКШЊTCharlotte S. Smith informКationBookКЪЊbCharlotte S.Smith letter,К August 1997BookКЬЊ„Albany, Capital City on tКЭЊhe Hudson, by John J. McEКnenyBookКЯЊ~A.R. France memorial cardКаЊ, by Mrs. Rebecca A. ClarКkBookКвЊVMary Powrie Schacht inforКmationBookКдЊjConnecticut Men in the ReКеЊvolution, Vol. IBoКokКзЊPObituary of Milton V. WriКghtBookКйЊbCornwallville (N.Y.) cemeКtery recordsBookКлЊzD. Hamilton Hurd's HistorКмЊy of Otsego County, 1878КBookКоЊ`Daniel Burdick letter, JuКne 17, 1993BookКрЊ^Daniel Burdick letter, MaКy 12, 1993BookКтЊ^Daniel Burdick letter, MaКy 22, 1993BookКфЊRDavid A. Johnson conversaКtionBookКцЊbDeath Certificate of AlbeКrt S. DeLongBookКшЊDCompton's EncyclopediaКBookКъЊfDeath Certificate of DoroКыЊthy S. DeLong,BookККэЊbDeath Certificate of GilbКert F. SmithBookКяЊdBarbara Allen Empey ElmorКe informationBookКЙFCarol Anderson researchКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЋRAllen's Lake Cemetery recКordsBookКЋ`Cornelius DeLong letter, КMay 4, 1846BookКЙFDarlene Martin researchКЋVShirley VanValkenburgh reКsearchBookКЋNFoote History and GenealoКgyBookК ЋfBirth Certificate of CarlК Ћ Albert DeLongBookКК Ћ^Death Certificate of CarlК A. DeLongBookКЋBCarl A. DeLong resumeКBookКЋVCharlotte S. Smith converКsationBookКЋ`Biography of Louise BrownК McClintockBookКЋVObituary of Edith Krejci КBulsonBookКЋpChapman Historical MuseumКЋ genealogical chartКBookКЙ>Clendon Family TreeКЋZPlatt-Hiller marriage cerКtificateBookКЋ^Death Certificate of StanКley J.PulaBookКЋTDeath notice of John B. FКranceBookК!ЋTDeath notice of Napoleon КSmithBookК#ЋNDeath notice of Orra DeLoКngBookК%Ћ>DeLong Family BibleКBookК'ЋbDeath certificate of IsabКel C. HillerBookК)ЋXDeLong-Morse wedding certКificateBookК+Ћ†DeLong-Smith Golden AnnivК,Ћersary Program, June 29.,К 1986BookК.ЋRDerek R. Roberts conversaКtionBookК0Ћ~Descendants of Hiram SpooК@Ћner, by Elisabeth TissierКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeBookКBЋšDeLong-Bailey wedding notКCЋice, Freeman's Journal, OКDЋctober 29, 1874BooКkКFЋrDescendants of John BoutoКGЋn, by James BoughtonКBookКIЋvDescendants of Parley BroКJЋwn, by Norman R. BrownКBookКLЋdDescendants of Robert WatКerman, Vol. IBookКNЋ–Descendants of William ChКOЋeseborough by Anna ChesebКorough WildeyBookКQЋFDonald H. Hull researchКBookКSЋrDescendants of John SheldК Йon, by Nancy McNicolКUЋXDonald H. Hull, Jr. conveКrsationBookКWЋlDonald H. Hull, Jr. letteКXЋr, August 2, 1998BКookКZЋ€Donald H. Hull, Jr. conveК[Ћrsation, September 17, 20К00BookК]ЋrDonald H. Hull, Jr. letteК^Ћr, December 21, 1998КBookК`ЋPDonald P. Petro conversatКionBookКbЋHDonald P. Petro researchКBookКdЋlDorothy L. Burgess letteКeЋr, March 11, 1998BКookКgЋlDorothy B. Smith letter, КhЋFebruary 24, 1999BКookКjЋRDorothy Broughton informaКtionBookКlЋpDorothy D. O'Brien letterК Й, November 25, 2000КnЋVDorothy L. Burgess converКsationBookКpЋTDorothy L. Burgess informКationBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЋjDorothy L. Burgess letterК‚Ћ, April 14, 1998BoКokКЙ:Dorothy ParmerterBК…ЋTDorothy S. DeLong conversКationBookК‡Ћ4Doty GenealogyBookКК‰ЋXDouglas A. Cornwell conveКrsationBookК‹ЋrBirth certificate of AlfrК№Иed Shires Platt, Jr.КЋfElection advertisement, WКŽЋorcester TimesBookККЋNElizabeth Delong gravestoКneBookК’ЋHElla Cattell informationКBookК”ЋLElva Albert funeral recorКdBookК–ЋdDr. Uriah Bigelow death rКecords reportBookʘЋfEstimate from children's К™Ћdates of birthBookКК›ЋREthel L. Johnson conversaКtionBookКЋ\Ethnic Utica (Utica ColleКge, 1994)BookКŸЋ„Eunice VanVliet HollisterК Ћ Jordan letter, July 10, К1991BookКЂЋ@Estabrooks GenealogyКBookКЄЋZExtrapolated from date ofК baptismBookКІЋhExtrapolated from gravestКЇЋone inscriptionBooКkКЉЋrDonald H. Hull, Jr. letteКЊЋr, December 13, 1998КBookК0Family BibleBookК­ЋdArthur J. DeLong letter, КJuly 13, 1938BookКЏЋZChristopher M. Kelly convКersationBookКРЋPObituary of Frances GrosfКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqentBookКТЋTWalter Jay Palmer conversКationBookКФЋTEvan Miller birth announcКementBookКЦЋTObituary of Lawrence A. DКeLongBookКШЋ<Anoka County UnionКBookКЪЋpDeath certificate of SoloК Йmon Wesley SouthardК0Anoka HeraldBookКЭЋjAnoka County Historical SКЮЋociety documentsBoКokКаЋjOneonta Herald Death and КЏИMarriage NoticesBoКвЋŒCertificate for DispositiКгЋon of Remains of Flora L.К AldrichBookКеЋCertificate for DispositiКжЋon of Remains of Alanson КG. AldrichBookКиЋ`Biographical Review of OtКsego CountyBookКкЋPFayette DeLong business cКardBookКмЋ<Ferrisburg RecordsКBookКоЋdFirst Commencement of HarКtwick CollegeBookКрЋJFox family ancestry chartКBookКтЋ`France-Boughton marriage КcertificateBookКфЋNFrances C. Johnson researКchBookКцЋNFrank J.Doherty informatiКonBookКшЋfFreeman's Journal articleКщЋ, May 29, 1998BookККЙFBonnie Bump informationКьЋVFuneral notice of Cora McКClaskyBookКлИ>Albert Family BibleКяЋ\Funeral program of ArthurК H. SmithBookКЌ\Funeral program of Earl FКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. JohnsonBookКЌ`Funeral notice of Jeanne КEllen SmithBookКЌjGallt's History of Dear OКЌld Greene CountyBoКokКЌbFuneral program of ElizabКeth M. ParksBookКЙFHoughton Family ProjectК ЌzGeorgia Ryder Cavan and RК Ќalph Cavan, Jr. researchКBookК ЌPGerald G. Smith conversatКionBookКЌRGilbert F. Smith conversaКtionBookКЌŽGolden family genealogicaКЌl chart by John Miller GeКritz, Jr.BookКЌtGrace Johnson pension appКЌlication, May 8, 1839КBookКЌDGravestone inscriptionКBookКЌhGenealogy of the Jolls FaКЙmily in AmericaBooКЌˆGriswold Family in AmericКЌa, Vol. 2 by Glenn E. GrКiswoldBookКЌbDeath certificate of ShirКley R. PlattBookК Ќ\Guy Wallis letter, AugustК 31, 1994BookК"ЌŠHamilton Broughton -- CivК#Ќil War Years, by Donald PК. PetroBookК%ЌPHarriet Babcock conversatКionBookК'ЌNHarriet Babcock informatiКonBookК)ЌfHarriet Babcock letter, JК*Ќanuary 4, 1997BookКК,ЌJHelen Teller conversationКBookКЙDHelene McHale researchК/Ќ:Gravestone markerBКookК@ЌJHistory of Danby, VermontКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКBЌpHistory of Greene County,КCЌ New York 1788-1884КBookКEЌhHistory of Iowa County, WКFЌisconsin (1881)BooКkКHЌNGynger O'Connor informatiКonBookКJЌ`History of the Ninety-thiКrd RegimentBookКLЌlHours to Cover Years, by КЙMatthias E. SmithBКNЌXHudson and Mohawk Valley,К Vol. IBookКPЌŽHudson-Mohawk GenealogicaКQЌl and Family Memoirs, VolК. I, 1911BookКSЌ‚Huguenot Refugees in the КTЌSettling of Colonial AmerКicaBookКVЌdHuntington Family AssociaКtion web siteBookКXЌbIda K. Roberts letter, MaКrch 25, 1994BookКZЌdInez F. Reedy letter, OctКober 13, 1979BookК\ЌDIrene D.Smith researchКBookК^Ќ`Irene DeLong Smith D.A.R.К membershipBookК`ЌfIsaiah Babcock, Sr. and HКaЌis DescendantsBookККcЌhHistory of the Glens FallКЙs Brick CompanyBooКeЌfObituary of Leah Snyder BКPЙenjamin WrightBookК2Gary W. MantzBookКЙFHistory of Anoka CountyКiЌREileen N. Bernier informaКtionBookКkЌ:Aldrich GenealogyBКookКmЌRNicole Heckathorn informaКtionBookКoЌTDorothy D. O'Brien informКationBookК€ЌTObituary of Lorraine A. CКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqondonBookК‚ЌPDavid A. Johnson informatКionBookК„Ќ€St. Mary's Parish ArchiveК…Ќs, New York Mills, New YoКrkBookКwЙ@Will of William CookКˆЌvCongressional Quarterly GКЙuide to U.S. ElectionsКŠЌTHoye-Ryan wedding announcКementBookКpЙTTimothy Hoye information КЌLJames Platt funeral recorКdBookКЌLJames S. Pula conversatioКnBookК‘ЌBJames S.Pula researchКBookК“ЌPJane A. Roberts conversatКionBookКъИHBarb Prostak informationК–ЌhBirth certificate of AlfrКяИed Shires PlattBooʘЌJJane Shires memorial cardКBookКšЌNJane A. Roberts informatiКonBookКЙFJohn D. Austin researchКЌfJohn D. Baldwin letter, AКžЌugust 21, 1994BookККgЙHRobert A. Platt researchКЁЌbJohn D. Baldwin letter, JКune 11, 1993BookКЃЌbJohn D. Baldwin letter, JКune 17, 1993BookКЅЌbJohn D. Baldwin letter, JКune 10, 1993BookКЇЌdJohn D. Baldwin letter, MКarch 15, 1994BookКЉЌlJohn D. Baldwin letter, SКЊЌeptember 22, 1994BКookКЌЌ`John D. Baldwin letter, JКune 9, 1993BookКЎЌHJohn D. Baldwin researchКBookКАЌnJohn J. Sutherland letterКРЌ, November 7, 1874КqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКТЌDJohn M. Lewis researchКBookКФЌXJoseph Broughton II conveКrsationBookКЦЌzJoseph Johnson pension apКЧЌplication, June 30, 1830КBookКЩЌbJoseph Johnson pension doКcument, 1830BookКЫЌdDeath notice of ConstanceК Molloy BrownBookКЭЌbJoyce M. Drew letter, AugКust 18, 1988BookКЯЌ^Joyce M. Drew letter, JulКy 25, 1988BookКбЌ`Judith B. Smith letter, MКay 15, 1968BookКгЌLKaren McIntyre informatioКnBookКеЌJObituary of Stella PilawaКBookКзЌTKimberly Brothers conversКationBookКйЌnLast Will and Testament oКкЌf Arthur S. DeLongКBookКмЌfLast Will and Testament oКнЌf Joseph HewitBookККпЌhLast Will and Testament oКрЌf Samuel HewettBooКkКтЌPLavinia Smith funeral recКordBookКфЌ<Lawrence A. DeLongКBookКцЌTLawrence A. DeLong informКationBookКшЌNLawrence A. DeLong researКchBookКъЌJLawrence A. DeLong resumeКBookКьЌPObituary of Shirley R. PlКattBookКюЌJKeith Butler conversationКBookК№ЌDLillian E. Smith BibleКBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq­RLillian E.Smith memorial КcardBookК­LLincoln, Vermont 1780-198К0BookК­NLinda J. Raide conversatiКonBookК"ЙFLinda Robinson researchК2Lisa S. MantzBookК ­8Mackey GenealogyBoКokК ­JJoyce M. Drew informationКBookК ­PLeRoy France funeral progКramBookК­XMarilyn E. Dufresne conveКrsationBookК­jJohn D. Baldwin letter, SК­eptember 9, 1993BoКokК.LDS RecordsBookК­FJim Murrell informationКBookКЙDJeanne Ferris researchК­PMarie D. Herlihy informatКionBookКЙ:Bloomville MirrorBК­<Freeman's Journal,КBookК­LObituary of Chester PilawКaBookК­VMarilyn E. Dufresne inforКmationBookК!­ZMary Austin letter, July К25, 1963BookК#­XMary Austin letter, July К6, 1965BookК%­nMaster Mason certificate К&­of Albert E. SmithКBookК(­LMatthias E. Smith researcКhBookК*­zMatthias France ancestralК+­ chart, by Henry Z JonesКBookК-­ЄMayflower passengers descК.­endant chart, originally К/­from Merwin L. SmithКBookК@­@Meister family chartКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКB­VMelissa M. Roberts converКsationBookКD­RMemorial article, Awry DeКLongBookКF­`Mertia Howland letter, JaКnuary, 1953BookКH­hMerwin L. Smith letter, JКI­anuary 12, 1927BooКkКK­hMerwin L. Smith letter, OКL­ctober 23, 1926BooКkКN­VMichael C. Bonville inforКmationBookКP­RMichael R. Raide conversaКtionBookКR­rMiller-Smith wedding progКS­ram, August 23, 1997КBookКU­’Mont Pleasant High SchoolКV­ Commencement Program, JuКne 24, 1983BookКX­tNehemiah Johnson depositiКY­on, November 20, 1838КBookК[­6Nettie GriswoldBooКkК]­dNew Amsterdam and Its PeoКple, by InnesBookК_­xNew England Historical anК`­d Genealogical RegisterКBookКb­„New York in the RevolutioКc­n as Colony and State, VoКl. IBookКe­:New York Red BookBКookКg­:Newspaper articleBКookКi­:Newspaper captionBКookК(Й6Norman R. BrownBooКl­PObituary of A. Joseph SawКyerBookКn­NObituary of Albert E. SmiКthBookКp­PObituary of Albert S. DeLКongBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq­XObituary of Alfred S. PlaКtt, Jr.BookКƒ­XObituary of Alfred S. PlaКtt, Sr.BookК…­JObituary of Alfred ShiresКBookК‡­HObituary of Alice SiegelКBookК‰­VObituary of Ambrose J. TrКombleyBookК‹­JObituary of Amos W. SmithКBookК­LObituary of Anna E. AlcotКtBookК­RObituary of Bertha VredenКburgBookК‘­RObituary of Berton G. JohКnsonBookК“­RObituary of Beverly H. GaКllupBookК•­NObituary of Brayton JohnsКonBookК—­NObituary of Charles CatteКllBookК™­PObituary of Charles GriswКoldBookК›­LObituary of Charles HilleКrBookК­NObituary of Clarice BabcoКckBookКŸ­ZObituary of Col. CorneliuКs DeLongBookКЁ­NObituary of Esther H. FooКteBookКFЙDObituary of D.J. DePanКЄ­JObituary of Dewitt DelongКBookКІ­NObituary of Donald C. MorКseBookКЈ­NObituary of David H. McHaКleBookКЊ­LObituary of Dorothy DeLonКgBookКЌ­TObituary of Dorothy L. BuКrgessBookКЎ­HObituary of Earl JohnsonКBookКGЙHObituary of Edwin SharonКР­DObituary of Ella EsmayКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКТ­NObituary of Emerson CorneКllBookКФ­PObituary of Emery J. BabcКockBookКЦ­NObituary of Ernest W. SmiКthBookКШ­HObituary of Ethel PotterКBookКHЙHObituary of Fanny RednerКIЙFObituary of Felix DePanКЬ­JObituary of Floyd CornellКBookКЮ­TObituary of Frances C. JoКhnsonBookКJЙFObituary of Frank DePanКб­NObituary of Frank J. PalmКerBookКг­NObituary of Fred J. RivetКteBookКе­RObituary of Genevieve BozКanicBookКз­NObituary of George O. TylКerBookКй­xObituary of Marion ElizabКRЙeth (Potter) OsterhoudtКл­PObituary of Gilbert F. SmКithBookКн­LObituary of Georgia SawyeКrBookКп­ZObituary of Howard F. McHКale, Sr.BookКс­TObituary of Irene DeLong КSmithBookКу­VObituary of J. Carroll GrКosfentBookКх­HObituary of J.C. McLauryКBookКKЙFObituary of Jacob DePanКш­PObituary of James B. JohnКsonBookКъ­PObituary of James D. RobeКrtsBookКь­DObituary of James GageКBookКLЙHObituary of James McHaleКя­FObituary of James PlattКBookКЎFObituary of Jane ShiresКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqBookКЎTObituary of Jeanne Ellen КSmithBookКЎLObituary of John B. FrancКeBookКЎLObituary of John D. BolicКhBookКЎZObituary of Harriette B. КTrombleyBookКNЙFObituary of John McHaleК ЎFObituary of John RednerКBookК ЎVObituary of Joseph AndrewК DePanBookКOЙHObituary of Joseph DePanКЎBObituary of L. WaymanКBookКMЙDObituary of John DePanКЎBObituary of Lena HoyeКBookКЎNObituary of Leta C. PashlКeyBookКЎJObituary of Levi A. DePanКBookКQЙDObituary of Levi DePanКЎHObituary of Levi JohnsonКBookКЎNObituary of Lillian E. JuКddBookКЎLObituary of Lizzie WhynalКlBookК ЎLObituary of Laura O. DePaКnBookК"ЎJObituary of Lois A. DePanКBookК$ЎPObituary of Luman E. BabcКockBookК&ЎPObituary of Luther H. AlbКertBookК(ЎJObituary of Marjorie GageКBookКSЙDObituary of Mary DePanК+ЎJObituary of Mary E. HigbyКBookК-ЎLObituary of Mary E. McHalКeBookК/ЎRObituary of Mary Ellen BoКlichBookК@ЎTObituary of Mary Hendry DКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeLongBookКBЎTObituary of Mary Leaf MazКzattiBookКDЎNObituary of Maude R. PirnКieBookКFЎPObituary of Mildred MorriКsonBookКHЎ`Obituary of Miss ElizabetКh C. DeLongBookКJЎRObituary of Miss Mabel ShКiresBookКLЎNObituary of Mrs. A.E. SmiКthBookКNЎTObituary of Mrs. Alfred SКhiresBookКPЎZObituary of Mrs. Anna FlyКnn DePanBookКRЎTObituary of Mrs. Arthur HКughesBookКTЎNObituary of Mrs. C. CatteКllBookКVЎRObituary of Mrs. D.W. CorКnellBookКXЎXObituary of Mrs. DolphineК McHaleBookКZЎNObituary of Mrs. E. JohnsКonBookК\ЎRObituary of Mrs. Edith ShКiresBookК^ЎZObituary of Mrs. ElizabetКh DeLongBookК`ЎPObituary of Mrs. Elva AlbКertBookКbЎ^Obituary of Mrs. Emerson КJ. CornellBookКdЎPObituary of Mrs. Emma DeLКongBookКfЎLObituary of Mrs. Eva MilkКsBookКhЎVObituary of Mrs. Harriet КDeLongBookКjЎVObituary of Mrs. Isabel КPllattBookКlЎNObituary of Mrs. J.C. HanКdyBookКnЎPObituary of Mrs. James PlКattBookКpЎXObituary of Mrs. Jennie HКastingsBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqЎXObituary of Charles HarolКd BrownBookКƒЎHObituary of Mrs. JohnsonКBookК…ЎRObituary of Mrs. Levina SКmithBookК‡ЎRObituary of Walter H. CatКtellBookК‰ЎZObituary of Mrs. MargaretК MumfordBookК‹ЎZObituary of Mrs. Marion FК. FranceBookКЎZObituary of Mrs. MarjorieК FreemanBookКЎZObituary of Mrs. Jessie MК. HodgesBookК‘ЎPObituary of Mrs. Mary DeLКongBookК“ЎLObituary of Mrs. Mary WinКeBookК•ЎTObituary of Mrs. May L. GКriggsBookК—ЎJObituary of Mrs. N. JambaКBookК™Ў^Obituary of Mrs. Nettie EК. GriswoldBookК›ЎVObituary of Mrs. Nina A.К BakerBookКЎVObituary of Mrs. Thomas WКhynallBookКŸЎZObituary of Mrs. VictoriaК ChabottBookКЁЎXObituary of Mrs. MadelineК McHaleBookКЃЎ^Obituary of Mrs. Mary ColКeman DePanBookК2Wurster family genealogyКІЎNObituary of Nannie D. BetКtsBookКЈЎLObituary of Napoleon SmitКhBookКЊЎFObituary of Ora FrawleyКBookКЌЎHObituary of Oscar DeLongКBookКЎЎNObituary of Oscar S. AxteКllBookКАЎFObituary of Ray BaldwinКBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqСЎRObituary of Reginald J. SКmithBookКУЎRObituary of Richard M. FrКanceBookКХЎRObituary of Robert D. BabКcockBookКЧЎHObituary of Robert PlattКBookКЩЎNObituary of Robert S. PlaКttBookКUЙFObituary of Ruba SharonКVЙDObituary of Sally AmesКЭЎNObituary of Stanley J. PuКlaBookКЯЎPObituary of Sydney A. ShiКresBookКбЎPObituary of Thomas F. McHКaleBookКгЎLObituary of Thomas WhynalКlBookКеЎRObituary of Timothy J. KoКtaryBookКзЎLObituary of Verna TissierКeBookКWЙHObituary of W.W. MumfordКкЎJObituary of Walter ShiresКBookКмЎ0€h€Йp€…ЙнЎА€И€оЎпЎрЎсЎтЎуЎфЎхЎцЎчЎшЎщЎъЎыЎьЎэЎ>ydЦHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqVЗBШ*аЭ*qUSB002qUSB002qwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qTimes New Roman8ќ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџq2МArialХ(Roma8ќ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*q2МArialХ(8ќ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*qW‚WƒW„W…W†W‡WˆW‰WŠW‹WŒWWŽWWW‘W’W“W”W•W–W—W˜W™WšW›WœWWžWŸW WЁWЂWЃWЄWЅWІWЇWЈWЉWЊWЋWЌW­WЎWЏWАWБWВWГWДWЕWЖWЗWИWЙWКWЛWМWНWОWПWРWСWТWУWФWХWЦWЧWШWЩWЪWЫWЬWЭWЮWЯWаWбWвWгWдWеWжWзWиWйWкWлWмWнWоWпWрWсWтWуWфWхWцWчWшWщWъWыWьWэWюWяW№WёWђWѓWєWѕWіWїWјWљWњWћWќW§WўWџWXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'Xўџџџ§џџџ§џџџ+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X:X;XX?X@XAXBXCXDXEXFXGXHXIXJXKXLXMXNXOXPXQXRXSXTXUXVXWXXXYXZX[X\X]X^X_X`XaXbXcXdXeXfXgXhXiXjXkXlXmXnXoXpXqXrXsXtXuXvXwXxXyXzX{X|X}X~XX€XPd&ѓ7$Ђ) >ілл_W/ZDШZ#љЛЩ› юК3MУ^Ц  Xќn-L[LЁ).єЧhџS­(ЗФДП'У)СЧ&ОМШТНХ*И+ЛЖГРЩЙn)k)œБГl)ˆ&LДm)Ў ‡&‰& m$’ р љ( (Hс  q+ё*Эiu!шщa е— † “ ”•u vї"$$$џ#$54н04/213ю0413Бј(ьы ВЪШЩ–э­)Є%Ѓ%Ѕ%р}{z*&(&4&5&&&.&2&,&ш?3&0&Я*НТТыьпщъ #=щљWђђєК•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^exƒˆ)~(””УмЪ‚t' Ќк„><2юјU(Ќк„>Z0V(Wъ^ nьTЬЁ) fм„K<2џјU(fм„KZ0V(Wъ^ nіUЬЁ “Љ@’K’Theophilus Baldwinongthur Stanford DeLong\ЈU(‚De Xэ@JŽJennie M. 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Rivetteongthur Stanford DeLong\ЈU(‚Dej@JŽWilber A. Russ, Jr. š†Wilber A. Russ, Jr..(ЈU(‚RuьIrene D.Smith researchyкХObituary of Joseph DePan“~Obituary of Joseph M. Darwak, Sr.зџџџџiИ– 2В  б  ‡†(ЗТС !"#а‰ИІА.ИЖЏхА”$%&žы'(™)*+,-ЌЪ./0@ABCDкЯE>ГьЏFGH7БIJKLMуNOPрQШRSTUVWЋXйЉYZ[\№]^_`aєЏbcdefghijklmnop€‚ƒ„…†ЫЅ‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒТГŽ Ÿ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œЈИžŸ„ГgВУ ЁЂЃЄЅЏИЖІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАРСТУФХ•ЦЧШЩ—…Ъ‘ЫЬ“ЭЮЯабвTБлгдежзийoБклллллллллллллллFь зЈ”•щ–—˜™š›œЄдžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІжЇˆЈЩЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮŠЯабвгдежзийклмноюпрсЎтЂуЃгфхœРцчшщэъыьэюя№› ‰шўГЖUЕ„ЏЏАоГђГ     ВЖ„І’mЖšям !Ю"#$ь%&'()*+,oАХАБ-./0@ ФABCDEъFGХHIJKLїЏtВMNOPQRSрВlГЬГяЏТЏTUVWXYZ[\ƒ]^_­`но6ГсСЖabcd˜eghijklmnop€‚ }лм2ГhЖнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ф f    eД пjБNИжИ­ЏА !"#$%&'()*Ц+ч,-./0@ABCDИDиДАEЭFВ,ВЖ БЂБ’ДЫБ+ГHЖЋВЄЕdБВŽДѕВ@ЖiДIДНБŒВёБƒА<ГFGHIJKцLMNеOтPQRSTUVЁWXŒвYZ[\]^_ `‹abcdefghiЧjklmŽnopх€Њ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ŠЇ‹ŒŽ‘’“ХХWorld Almanac perpetual calendar‚ БObituary of Joseph DePan“Wurster family genealogy •World Almanac perpetual calendar‚џџџџUVWЋXйЉYZ[\№]^_`abcdefghijklmnop€‚ƒ„…†ЫЅ‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ Ÿ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸУ ЁЂЃЄЅЏІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАРСТУФХ•ЦЧШЩ—…Ъ‘ЫЬ“ЭЮЯабвлгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ф f     пА !"#$%&'()*Ц+ч,-./0@ABCDиEFGHIJKцLMNеOтPQRSTUVЁWXŒвYZ[\]^_ ‹ЧŽхЊЇз~}Oneonta Star, February 19, 1957  „Wurster family genealogy ЄObituary of Joseph M. Darwak, Sr.зџџџџ  ВЖ„ІЪИ’mЖšРИям !Ю"#$ь%&'()*+,oАХАБ-./0@ ФABCDEъFGХHIJKLїЏtВMNOšИPQRSрВlГЬГяЏТЏTUVWXYZ[\ƒ]^_­VИВ`но6ГсСЖabcd˜eghijklmnop€‚ „Џ€€@€h€ИЏp€Иx€ИА€ЏИ€ˆ€шД>˜€шД>Џ €яюю=H €PNЏЏЏЏ Џ Џ Џ Џ ЏЏЏЏЏЏЏwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qЏю= €шД>ЏЏ Џ!Џ"Џ#Џ$Џ%Џ&Џ'Џ(Џ)Џ*Џ+Џ,Џ-Џ.Џ/ЏwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002q5Џ€шД>˜€яюю= €шД>6Џ7Џ8Џ9Џ:Џ;Џ<Џ=Џ>Џ@ЏqAЏBЏCЏDЏEЏFЏGЏHЏHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqUSB002qHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqwinspoolqwinspoolqЗBhqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqUSB002qSЏTЏUЏVЏWЏXЏYЏZЏ[Џ\Џ]Џ^Џ_Џ`ЏaЏbЏcЏdЏeЏHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqqUSB002qkЏИ€˜€И>lЏmЏnЏoЏpЏqЏrЏsЏtЏuЏvЏwЏxЏyЏzЏ{Џ|Џ}ЏwinspoolqqUSB002q†ЏJ‚*ЁЏ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesHP Photosmart 6520 seriesq‰ЏЙ‚**œ*zyCБёА2s,И‚*"ЎЏЙЏ`КЏЛЏЦ‚*USB002­ИJObituary Sarah Hoye - PSHКwinspoolqqЏp‚Џ0€Џ xˆЏŽЏ8€А€И€Џ€шД>˜€яюю= €шД>ЏH €Ь‘Џ’Џ“Џ”Џ•Џ–Џ—Џ˜Џ™ЏšЏ›ЏœЏЏžЏŸЏwinspoolДЏЃЏL&*'&*ІЏ>St Paul's Cemetery, Hancoа&*PАB&*ck NYа&*ЄЏЈЏЦ&*а&*9–k, New York - at time onlа#*а#*ЌЏ>Gorey, County Wexford, Ir&*eland&*ЏЏЙЕЏLCollege of Physicians in а‚*ГЏbMary Ellen Hoye Sanborn lКа&*DHoye-Ricverzs mariiage arqticle, Tqetters - PSHBookК&&*Baltimore MDа‚*ЗЏЙИЏ„BE Hoye Doctor at 100 recКьИalls 73 years hard work -Ка‚*(New York Universityа‚*а‚*winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qT229ИHBЦ*чЏЙэЏJ*'#*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesq?ИюЏёЏЦ#*€ИBФ*нЏLЭ*ЪЏА€И€˜€яюю=ЫЏ €шД>ЬЏЭЏЮЏЯЏаЏбЏвЏгЏдЏеЏжЏзЏиЏйЏкЏлЏмЏ&Э*USB002qUSB002qwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqтЏ'PrЭ*тЏBЭ*qq Times New Roman8ќ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџqqЙLTimothy Hoye Memento - PSКДB#*winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqИ#*ђЏЙИ*2County Longford, Irelandа#*№ЏЙoЙRTimothy Hoye data sheet -К,а#*ѓЏXCemetery stone, Hancock NКY - PSHBookКѕЏЙіЏxDelaware County (NY) ClerК Йks Office records - PSHКјЏЙљЏdSylvester F Flynn cemeterКy stone - PSHBookКqUSB002q§ЏH€P€`ўЏ0€А€И€џЏ€шД>˜€яюю= €шД>(s Flynn "Flinn" MortgageFlinn/F4єйНžМ‡iK'§эЩ$Ц–T; їьХЃˆi?.Downsville NYSee obituary in NotesSee notesHamden Cemetery.Ideal-Wilson Medical Center, Jolynn Bible - coy of pagesFlinn/Flynn Bible - copy of pagesDoroэ§ ї№цсквЪТЛ–ЖБ­ЊЇžŠ{uc]NV-?АJy*АњPrŠ* АЧy*АїPry*Иy*АBŠ*2АJŒ*АћPrƒ*\lААBy* АJz*Иz*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqПА2-АЦy* Mary's RectoryYlАEmploymentЮААЦy*Bernard Hoyаy*аy*z*{*2sАJ{*И{*ААЦ#*АD1 - New Haven Conn. paperа#* factoryа#*а#*ААЦ#*АЂTanning business with Uncа#*#Аle James in or near Downsа#*а#*Occupation (3)ЮFL;=n ўџмАЦ!А"АЦ#*-АFarmer - purchased farm 4а#*а#*$Аville NY & then in Hauferа#*'s NYа#*2+3+4+|*5+eз'АJ}*И}*)АЯж2*АЦж<+А,АЦжDeposit NYYж\ж.А miles north of Downsvillа#*ZАe NY from Uncle Alick. Thа#*0А<eдю(X>[ММИю(‘žv€*0>[лžv2€*…*+&**†*‡*2sИŒ*USB002qqqqqqqqqqqqqLeasehold farmer in Ireland.hnson CityCalvary Cemetery, Johas VegasDeposit NYDeposit, Newnson CityAfton & Chenango Bridge NYChenango Bridge NY, also Afton NYNew York State Dept. of TTraveled to the US from Ireland via sailing vessel - The Bark ?Y‚YƒY„YЗY†Y‡YˆY‰YŠY‹YŒY‘YŽYYYšY’Y“Y”Y•Y–Y—Y˜YЄYчY›YœYYžYŸY YЁYЂYЃYДYЅYІYЇYЈYЉYЊYЋYЌY­YЎYЏYАYБYВYГYРYЕYЖYПYИYЙYКYЛYМYНYОY„ZшYСYТYУYФYХYЦYЧYіYЩYЪYЫYЬYЭYЮYЯYаYбYвYгYдYеYжYзYиYйYкYлYмYнYоYпYрYсYтYуYфYхYцYьYZщYъYыYэYўџџџюYяY№YёYђYѓYєYѕYџYїYјYљYњYћYќY§YZ§џџџZ2A"yЇБІБЩБ/АDАЄБжМБІ€сˆаЄuBernard William HoyЊБУЏ1АІсŽFЃŽsAlick Kinsellac| rEЊБLБЏБж…ЏDБІ€В NЄ’tBartholomew E HoyeБ*FJЉААjАFА†АжlАЦРрE‹ЃЯsMary Ellen Hoye % ˆА*JТuББ†БHАJА:БжІ€сHЄгtCharles Edward Hoye"Б1АІРрMЃMsXXXX Kinsella}cш OА^А1АІ€тЬЄuBartholomew Kinsell`АhА1АІсŽFЃŽsFelix KinsellacАЌ R:A†­АЅАыГ“АšАЊАlАІ€сЅUuStephen Chase Sanbo•Аiz‡ЌАВАПАœЖбГlАІ€БHOЅ–uWilliam Edward SanbЧГ›АГlАААyЗІ€сЯˆЃЯsCharles Sanbornp ГБlАФБфАЦ€сЯˆЃЯsDorothy Sanbornu JВАААЦ@сЯ‡ЃЯsLorena Traffini  Ѕ РАФИyЗТАІ€сЅUuWilliam Chase SanboеАУАШАЬАТАЦ@сЧЄгtSharon Lynne HolmesЯАчАЭАЬАІс†HЃŽsElmer J HolmescА› %Б)БББІ@сŽGЃŽsRobert Niemannc&   БфАІР€ ХЂ sXXXX Niemann}c|ž ~'БХБфАБІ@сŽGЃŽsRobert Niemannc e цБ“ ДJБSБQБPБ4БЦ@сЫ‡ЂЫrSheila Hoye}cъ БІРрЫ…ЂЫrXXXX Thomas}c˜™ В№БІ€сШЃtLincoln Eldridge! ВВбБІРрE‡ЂЫrLynn E Hoye}c & ВZ_ЪМяБшБВВВ№БбБЦРрMЃMsMary Eldredge}cЈ c ьБЦ@сЯ‡ЃЯsLouise LeClaire”б Т_в КЪБЯБЧББиБЭБМБбБІ@с‡аЄuEdward Bertrand HoyвБМБЦс†ˆЃЯsSusan C Primmer` Ÿ GБ4БЦРрMsMsFour childrenє†ь†єЈKБ@ИMБ…ЏPБІ€т NЄ’tBartholomew K HoyeоИ†OБмИAБ…ЏЦс†ЬЃtLeona Marie Wolf' ЦРсЯ‰ЃЯsCaroline Wilson”В БЦ@сЯ‡ЃЯsLouise LeClaireP­ AАJ~*И~*CАJ*И*EАJ€*И€*GАJƒ*Иƒ*IА<Јц(ˆl`lЈц(РпhЄ!Œц(‘žv„*`lлžv"В„*KАJ„*И„*Timothy Hoy#*LАNАЦ#*,И#*]А<aЈц(H№o №oЈц(Am "Œц(‘žv†*PАјPr&**Likely at Downsville~*winspoolqTАUАЦ#*7–nSchool trustee, collectorа#*а#*WАYАЦ#*XАdHis family attended Mass а#*at Ballymore in Ireland.а#*а#*[Аe place was late named Brа#*\Аookside Farm by Margaret.а#* .а#* №oлžvf†*_АJ†*И†*aАЧ†*2bАЦ†*cАeАЦ†*dАHRoyal Contsabulary - Dublа†*in Irelandа†*а†*АdlАkА|АЦƒ*iАJ‡*И‡*АBƒ*mАˆFarm Home, Farm Bureau, Rаƒ*ˆ*ƒ*‰*Š*‹*ZhnАfА2s{Аed Cross, Mothers Club , аƒ*АRTomah, Wisconsin at SaintYlАpАЙqАfSanborn Hoye wedding annoКiЙuncement - PSHBookКsАPto become a teacher - locаƒ*ation unknown.аƒ*uАyАЦƒ*vАЌCivil service appointmentаƒ*wА to teach in US Indian inаƒ*xАdustial school near Tomahаƒ* Wisconsinаƒ*аƒ*аƒ*catechism classesаƒ*аƒ*iБ`Auburn WA at home of brot~*АЧ~*28bБЦ~*Industry or ?Inclusbry - into New York Harbor( a 4 month trip). Brother Felix who traveled with her was detained from landing & sent to quarantine with smallpoxransportation3 childrenBinghamton NYRoscoeBeverkill CemeteryIwo Jima - killed in action20 thy Sanborn Niemann Thomas - Theyears 6 months 5 daysWorld War York - Closest Catholic Church was in Deposit, NYTomah Wiscons Sacramento Union 1972SylvesterII - Army - see details in NotesWalton cemeteryWaltonFox Hosp. (Mary Ellen Hoye Sanborn letters) Niece Sarah ?Kingsley lived with Timothy & Sarah & family because of the death of her mother. (Tmothy Hoye Memento) Nephew Lawrence Kingsley came to live with the family when 7 or 8 year6$HoyeKinsellaSanbornThomasWs old in an arrangement made by his father.(Timothy Hoye Memento) Lawrence Kingsley later came F Flynn cemetery stoneObituaryinTomah, Wisconsin at Saint Mary's RectoryUS Indian School, Tomah WisconsinSacred Heart Churcital Nursing Home, Oneonta NYWa "30 Count Certificate" - NoFL;џџџџЦ‚АNa Fairfield Hospital (Winƒ*ters CA area)ƒ*„АЙ…АdObituary Mary Ellen Hoye КSanborn - PSHBookК‘А‡АLƒ*'ƒ*‰АЧƒ*2 ŠАŽАtА+gАЦƒ*‹А’АЦƒ*ŒАHFamily plot in Winters Cаƒ*A cemeteryаƒ*(Delaware County, NYƒ*"АzАrАЦƒ*А6Delaware Academy, Delhi Nаƒ*Yаƒ*&ƒ*аƒ*”А<rn„э(hL?88hэ(‘žvˆ*@L?лžv+Bˆ*–АЧˆ*2/—АœА КА(МАЦˆ*"˜А™АhЁАЄАЦˆ*0native of New Hampshireаˆ*аˆ*›АJˆ*Иˆ*А АЦˆ*žА’Superintendent of the schаˆ*ŸАool & agent for the Winneаˆ*bago tribe of indians.аˆ*аˆ*ЂАŒmoved to California - 100аˆ*ЃА0 acre Wolfskill tract soаˆ*utneast of Winters.аˆ*аˆ*Winters CAˆ*ЇАЙЈА\Bartholomew E Hoye MD letКter - PSHBookКUSB002qЗАЋАLˆ*,'ˆ*њГRIdaho - near Glenn's Ferr‰*ЎА4Allenstown, New Hampshireˆ*ˆ*ГАЙŠ*Œ*2sБАљPr‰*БАB‰*ЖА`Obituary Stephen Chase SaКЕАЙ'Й@Niemann letter - PSHКnborn - PSHBookК&ˆ*ЙА<Masonic cemetery, Wintersаˆ*, CAаˆ*ИАЛАЦˆ*аˆ*НАОАЦˆ*Orchardistаˆ*аˆ*›Ж<orn(8G?G@GAGBGCGDGEGFGGGHGрIPGOGLGMGўџџџtHTGeGRGfGVGYGSHWGЭGZGЯG[G\G]G_GUG`GaGbGcGdGoGSGgG3IщIjGўџџџlGўџџџnGўџџџpGqGrGsGtGuGvGwGxGyGzG{G|G}G~GG€Glton NY90St Dominic Nursing Home, Houston TXYonkers GeneralSee obitualry in NotesTown of Covember 18-20,1890 "Law Student's Certficate" - 1890 "Teacher's Certifcate of the Second Grade" - 1891 "State Civil Servce Commission - application for state of county service" - Supervisor of Farm Rochester State Cottage Industrial School 'State Civil Service Commission" Veal Inspect"Charles died in 1947 from injuries received in an auto accident while driving from his mother's home to his own in Woodland." Mary Ellen Hoye Sanborn obituarylchesterDelaware Valley HospitaApril 16, 1896 - Location - Crow Agency, Montana (This would be located near the Little BigHorn Battlefield National Monument & south east of Billings MT.) Several family letters (concerning the possible sale of the Gregory Hollow farm & the deaths of Sarah Kinsella Hoye & Margaret Hoye) indcate that Mary Ellen came east from CA to NY state to the Gregory Hollow farm, Downsville NY to care for her mother & sister. These dates are not clearly defined but possibly were from the spring of 1905 until February of 1908. Her children were with her. Information from Mary Ellen Hoye Sanborn obituary from "The Winters Express", Winters, Yolo County, California: "received an appointment in the civil service to teach in a US Indian industrial school near Tomah Wsconsin. Here she met her future husband, Stephen Chase Sanborn, a native of New Hampshire, who was superintendent of the school and agent for the Winnebago tribe of Indians." "the couple cor application Above mentioned certificates contained in notebook with various Hoye family obituaries.lliam E Sanborn, a formerLetter to niece - possibly AgnesObituary Mrs. ajoan Stahlneckeraa; "Joan Marie Hoye Stahlnecker, 49, of Independence, OH died June 2 at her home. She was brn in Walton Feb. 10, 1931 to Lena Terry Hoye and the late Bernard Hoye. She was graduated from Schenevus High school in 1948 and attended Notre Dame college in South Euclid, OH. Surviving is her husband, William Sthlnecker; two sons, William,Jr. and Raymond; two daughters, Linda, and Mrs. Gene (Judith) McNichol, all of Independence; her mother, Lena; one brother, Bernard. The funeral was at St. Michael's church Friday, June 5 in Independence. She was buried n Calvery cemetery, Cleveland,OH." Also: "J Sylvester F FlynnTelegram 3/27l, Walton NYSt. Mary's CemeteryMr & Mrs Elmer Holmes - Fort Jones, Siskiyou County (Sanborn newspaper clippings)h, Fort Jones CAAuburn WACherr, KingstonMasonic Cemetery, WinСА<rnЈц(ИЙfЙfЈц(0ŽdTŒц(‘žv*Йfлžv&i**Ž*вЈьАЪА2sФА<„э(˜мfTThэ(‘žvŽ*pмfлžvТbŽ*ЦАЙЧАZSanborn newspaper clippinКgs - PSHBookКЩАJŽ*ИŽ*ЫАdТА\ТА*Ž*2sЮАJ*И*аАЧŽ*2бАЦŽ*вАдАЦŽ*гАVEtna High School & SacramаŽ*ento City CollegeаŽ*аŽ*жАЧ*2зА=оА шАЦ*иАлАЦ*йАІChristan Brothers high scа*кАhool and Sacramento City а*ыАCollege majoring in enginа*а*EmploymentЮFL;џџџџЦЈпАсАЦ*рАDAerojet Corporation in Saа*cramentoа*а*уА<„э(иЩWшшhэ(‘žvЉ*АЩWлžvŽЌЉ*‘*‹*’*к }(И2sяАЙцАќPr*цАB*щАъАЦ*"U S Marine Corpsа*а*eering.а*эАFSacred Heart Church, FortYТА Jones CAYТАq*№АtBE Hoye Pioneer Doctor neКэИwspaper article - PSHК@Бd…ЏyЗ‚q*qqqqqqqqqqqqqБJ”*,И”*БЙ БpSanborn, Niemann & MurrayКБPr‚*&near Downsville NY„* Б<eЈц(8ddЈц( fd*Œц(‘žv™*БB•**Ÿ*2sБB’* БЙdлžvІЬ™*БXObituary Bartolomew E HoyКB‘*БB—*BЁ*‡БRSeattle Washington - Prov„*e - PSHBookКБL‚*&‚*Б§Pr’* БB™*Hamden NY‚*БЧ‚*24Б‡ЏЦ‚*rEБ!БЦ‚*Б6Family Farm, Downsville Nа‚*’*Ё**Ђ*І*2sБB*Yа‚*БPrЂ*ЫГB‹*jЙ/Hoye letters - PSHК*а‚*3БЧ„*#БPrІ*$БPr*$БB*B–*БB’*B**БJ*И*#БBІ*БBЂ*Ђ*Ѓ*Є*Ѕ*2s/БJІ*ИІ*1БJЂ*ИЂ*І*Ї*Ј*Љ*2s2 5Б?Б8ˆБ'ƒБЦ„*“*›*2su6Б=БЦ„*Hancock NYа„*8БЙ9БxCharles Edward Hoye, MD -КЙ In Memoriam book - PSHК;Б<БL„*&„*'„*а„*Eddie Hoye„*>Б€БЦ„*/1963Obituary Stephen Chase SanBusiness:Wayside Lumber 11277 Trade Center Drive Rancho CoObituary Paul E FlynnObituary ters, CAIndependence OH - homeEldridgrFlynnDeeringGalvinQMargaret E HoyeObituary Leo E FlynnLeo Flynn rites heldObituaQuotes from a Jane Franes MurrayCalvery cemetery, Cleveland OHE Hoye letter to Bea (Mary Beatrce Deering Hoye) January 6, 1974:"The day after Christmas I received a religious card from David ilsonEldredgeEldridgeDavidsonPerez, Shiela's 2nd husband and father of her two little girls. She had a son & daughter by first husband (the PhD from Stanford). Some time ago (Oct. 1971) she called & told me they were livibornObituary William E. Sanbornrdova CA 95670 xxx-635-9090 Home: 371 Pera Drive EБ\БDБЦРрХЄгtJane Frances MurrayWБББЦ€QЄQtMaryann Carrahgan €В,Б0ББ-БІ€сЯˆЃЯsStephen NiemannV -БЦ@сЯ‡ЃЯsJudith Anderson ы Њ-БЎРр ХЂ sXXXX Niemann}chч Ќ-БЮРр ХЂ sXXXX Niemann}cV +Б.ББ2БІ@сŽGЃŽsThomas Niemannc 8 2БЦРсЯ‰ЃЯsCaroline Wilsonфї 2БЦРр ХЂ sXXXX Niemann}cАi вЕтА2БЦ€сˆŒЄгtKathryn Ann NiemannВ№БЦРрMЃMsLucy Davidson}c . ТkЊШ…В†ВžВЃВŽВ<’ВЦРрNЄ’tMary Beatrice Hoye‰В,т]ГKВeВ-ГdВІсЦMЄ’tJames Joseph Flynn/ГКn†ИЧИjВŸИ_ЖdВЦРАEЃMsMary E Murphy}cќu ”ИЪRŠ мГсГйГЬГкГdВГІВŠ ЄQtSylvester F Flynn хГrX zГГАИ ГdВ ГІРрEЧЂ sJohn V Flynn}c8Œ 2PЄИЯЖЎИdВГІсЫ†ЂЫrJames Flynn}cP& вЋsВlВwВФБІ@БMЃMsNorman Thomas}cВ ЩГЪlТЬšВАŠ“¡ВжВ’ВІ€сШЭЄuGilbert Paul DeerinГВъ ‘`И^ИbИжВЦтЪЃtKatherine Galvin• ђВжВІРсЩЃtLawrence Deeringь шВeЊ ЛзВѓВхВжВІ@сЧЩЃtThomas A DeeringO кВГRИщГUИГЦРсIЯЄuGertrude Marie VateГ ГЦРр ХЂ sMame Trudden}cVд nб ВДДДГД ГГІРАEЧЂ sPaul E Flynn}cs ДГГЦ€сЯˆЃЯsBernice Darling<l К SšГ Г&ЗГ9Г\ЗГЦ€сЯˆЃЯsElspeth JacksonJ‰ CД’ NТ`Г"Г$ГdВІ@сЧIЃŽsThomas W FlynncРК 'ГTkГGИ-ГІ@с ЧЂ sThomas Flynn}cТ bГr/„lИ@ГœГ-ГІРрХMЄ’tJohn William FlynnЇГ"+)ИEГfГ-ГBГЦРсŽIЃŽsMargaret FlynncNЇ hГCГBГІ€сMЃMsFrancis Quinn}cжR hart/Flinn wedding certificateO? 4 sons or possibly 5 children ?Brian Scott NiemanDraftsman with Pacific Gas & Electric Raises pheasantBusiness partner with father Robert - lumberng in California on 16 acres of ,\…ЏBБL*'*Auburn WAY…Џ‚* *Љ2sFБ<„э(ˆ€`Ш$Ш$hэ(‘žv *`€`лžvЭ* *HБJ›*И›*IБPr“*IБB“*Tacoma WAœ*БB‚*NБLœ*'œ*Auburn WA*œ*++“*2sRБL“*'“*VБJ“*UБЙHoBookКИ“*XБЧ *2YБЦ *ZБ[БЦ *Teacher а *а *]БJ *,И *Downsville NY** kБАЏЦ&*`БџPr~*`БB~*cБfБЦ~*84а~*eБЙ,ЙJObituary James Hoye - PSHК,а~*hБL~*'~*her Bartholomew E Hoye~*mБЙnБ6Kilanerin Chapel - Irelanа&*Mag Hoye*rБlMargaret E Hoye - In MemoКdа&*pБЙqБ€Ireland and the Irish in КЙAmerica by James Hoye - PК#Йriam - book - PSHBКtБŒБL*&*vБЧ*2wБ{Б‘Б–Б  Б'›Б4ДЦ*xБyБЦ* Irishа*а*Maggie Hoye*"lБfИzБ|БЦ*И*~БšGregory Hollow farm, Down*Бsville NY at age at death*‚Б 50 years 6 months 26 day*Auburn Globe-News 2/1/1961: "Dr BE Hoye, pioneer doctor and surgeon of Slaughter and Auburn, will observe his 100th birthdayannivesary at his present address, the Ozanam Nursing Home, 1812 S Yakima, Tacoma, February 14. Dr Hoye was born in New York Sate February 14, 1861. He was graduated from medical school and completed his internship before coming west in 1888. He was appointed local surgeon of Slaughter by the Northern Pacific Railway Co. in 1890 retaining that position when Slaughter became Auburn. He was apointed consulting surgeon in 1930. Recognition of Dr Hoye's long career of service to the residents of Auburn and the surrounding communities is espressed by another Auburn pioneer, Chester A. Crisp, who was born in the village of Slaughter June 12, 1883. "As I rmember it," Crisp told the Globe-News, "after graduation from medical scho0ol, Dr Hoye served his internship at Bellvue Hospital in New York City. He came west, locating in what was then Slaughter, about 1888. I was one of Doc's first patients when I was just five years old. he pulled me through a severe illness and saved my life on another occasion after I had been kicked by a horse and critically injured. I have, thanks to him, lived to the age of 77 - and now Doc is 100! The life of a pioneer doctor was pretty rugged. As I remember him, he made his first rounds on horseback, later by horse and buggy. In the winter, the mud was often a foot deep on our country roads. The Doc was a rugged individual, possessed of a wonderful physique. He was a great athlete and a proweful swimmer. I have seen him swim across the channel from Redmond to the island several times, a round-trip distance of about ten miles, I believe. No boat accompanied him on these swims, either. An example of his endurance was shown when we had a tyophoid epidemic in the Valley about 1892. There were one or more cases in alost every househld in the Green River Valley, and for many weeks Doc was on the go day and night. There were two cases of tyhoid in our own home but my mother, who had had nurses' training, felt so sorry for Doc that she offered her services and nursed many cases for him. Doc was more than a doctor for the pioneers; he was their friend and adviser, a fine doctor with a great soul, and one of the greatest blessings that came to this little community in its infancy. His charitable acts and free service given to the more unfortunate residents of the valley are known to all who lived throgh those early days ," Crisp concluded. Dr Hoye's brother, Dr Charles Edward Hoye, was also a pioneer of the distrct, coming to the White River area in 1891. He practiced in this area until 1893 when he moved to Seattle where he remained until the time of his death in 1909. Dr Hoye was married to Miss Leona Marie Wolf in Auburn January 15, 1913. The couple had one son, Barty, now deceased. Mrs. Hoye died n August 1926, at the age of 33 years. Dr Hoye continues in excdellent health and drove his own car until 15 months ago." XXX Tribune Wednesday, March 29, 1961: "Dr Bartholomew E Hoye, who celebrated his 100th birthday here on Valentines Day, may well be the oldest physiscian in the United States. And he may be the finest physical specimen for his age in the world. Less in the realm of doubt is his love for the mild climate of Puget Sound. It was his reading about the climate of this region during the famous blizzard of 1888 while he was in New York City that caused his decision to pack up and head west - to begn in Auburn his medical career 73 years ago. I came from upper New York State where the winters ae harsh and that blizzard did it, Dr Hoye said yesterday, his eyes twinkling as he recalled his early youth. I had been reading about the weather out here - so I lit out with no idea of where I was going or what I'd run into when I got here. Frontier Doctor What Dr Hoye ran into was the beginning of a medical career that in every detail parallels those of the frontier doctor who contributed so much to health and well-being of the pioneers who settled the West. He also liked the country so much that he settled here for life - a busy, physically active life that touched the lives of thousands of pioneers who settled in the Auburn-Black Diamond area. Looking back over his long medical career, Dr Hoye leaned back in his comfortable chair beside his bed at the Ozanam Nursing Home across the street from St Joseph's Hospital and recalled what medical practice was like before and after the turn of the century. I was the only doctor in the Auburn area, he sad, his booming voice releasing the words in a torrent as the memories stumbled over each other in their rush to get out. I worked hard, seven days a week. It was hard physical work combined with the delicate work of the physician. Wherever Called I traveled to wherever I was called. During good weather I'd go in my own buggy, in bad I'd hire a conveyance from a livery stable. I carried my instruments in a saddle bag. I went out in all kinds of weather. I've forded rivers on horseback, in canoes, in buggies. I've amputated legs in sawmills, arms on the kitchen table. I also brought babies into the world, took out tonsils in the kitchen. The only anesthetic I've ever used was chloroform. I had no nurses and usually I'd bring in someone frm off the street to asssist me during surgery. Dr Hoye has no idea how many babies he's brought into the world. But he does recall with consderable pride the reputation he developed for pullliing teeth. That's right, he said. I got to be known as the best around for extracting teeth. Remarkable Health Speaking of teeth, Dr Hoye didn't have to pull his own. The sparkling molars and bicuspids he flashes so frequently as he talks are his own. They are but one of the readily observable aspects of his remarkable health. The texture and color of his skin would be a source of pride in a man 40 years his junior. His general health is also reflected in robust physique. He stands, he said, between 5 foot 9 or 10 and I weigh about 185 pounds. I was born on a farm in Delaware County, NY, Feb. 14 1861, he said. I was blessed with a good, solid Irish physique. As a youngster I worked hard on our farm and I never stopped, I guess. Dr Hoye graduated from New York University in1888 after earlier attendng the College of Physicians in Baltimore, MD. A btother, James, was a lawyer who practiced in Ottawa, Canada. Another brother, Charles, also took up the law and came to nearby Kent to practice. Both are dead. However, longevity as a hereditary trait runs deep in his family. His sister, Mrs Mary Hoye Sanborn of Winter, Calif. lived to her 99th year and died Feb 10 four days before Dr Hoye celebrated his 100th birthday here. Service to others apparently is also a strong trait in the Hoye family. Mrs. Sanborn spent over 50 years of devoted sevice helping lepers in the once-celebrated leper colony on the island of Moloai, Hawaii. Dr Hoye's wife Leona Mary, died in Auburnn in 1926. Their only son, Bartholomew K died in Tacoma a year ago. As with most persons who reach 100, Dr Hoye was asked if he had any magic formula for living a long life. Born lucky All I can say is to be lucky enough to be born with a strong Irish physique he checkled. No, I've never even had a glass of beer or a glass of whiskey. And I've ony smoked one cigar in my life. He paused a moment and added: But don't forget, there are lots of others who live to be 100 who have smoked and drunk hard liquar all their lives. If you're Dr Hoye, your 100th birthday also means receiving letters of congratulations from many prople, one of whom was a man who visited St Josephs Hospital two years ago. He signed his name: John F Kennedy." December 2, 1961 - Married Jane Frances Murray. Obituary; XXXX News Tribune Februasry 4, 1962 Information same as contained in above articles. Services to be aG‚GƒG„G…G†G‡G0I‹KŠG‹GŒGG›GўџџџG‘G’G“G”G•Gўџџџ—G˜GўџџџšG;IœGGžGŸG GЁGЂGЃGЄGЅGІGЇGўџџџЉGЊGЋGЌG­GЎGЏGАGБGВGГGДGЕGЖGЗGИGЙGКGЛGМGНGОGПGРGСGТGУGФGХGЦGЧGШGпHЪGЫGЬG†KЮGбGаGјG HгGдGеGжGзGиGйGкGлGмGнGоGпGрGсGтGуGфGхGцGчGшGщGъGыGьGэGюGяG№GёGђGѓGєGѕGіGїGљG HњGћGќG§GўGџGHland with horses & swimming pool. She sounded very happy, & later she sent me pictures of the little Perezes. I had sent Sheila Christmas card. Below is a copy of the letter her husband sent. Dear Jane, I don't know you but thanks for asking about the family. Their fine and in good health. Thanks again. I can't undestand why ____ or____ or____ haven't said any word of my beloved wife being past away, an accident Come down in May of 72 and Im here in a Conservation Camp for this acident. Im sorry & sad of this, but only God knows. My best wishes David S Perez" B13-48906 Rt A Box 170 Lower Lake CA 95457 The name John Davison has come to me via converstaions with Mary Beatrice Hoye Deering - unclear if he was 1st husband of Sheila's. Patricia S Hoye Flynn Hoye - dated April 18, 18ed Nov. 21, 1927 - Matron at Christan Bros. College, Sacramento, CA - "I am still matron at the college. I seem to get along better with my sorrows here than anwego NYrn, near Seattle, Washinther: Lillian - died March 22, 1nnounced by the Lightle Funeral Home of Auburn (WA). 966 per fueral home card/Monfreal Funeral Homes - Cleveland OH unknown relationship: Margaret A Stahlnecker, died January 5, 1961 per funeral home card/Monreal Funeal Homes - Cleveland OH ome" (end of clipping) Funeral home card - Lawrence A. Deering - May 19, 1962hool at Beaverkill Stahlnecker - PSHWilliam Edward Stahlnecker Funeral home Card ywhere. The chapel is near by, I am able to attend mass every morning. I keep fresh flowers on the alters, gathering them myself from the flower beds on the campus. I have made a set of altar clothes among odd moments, and this all helps to keep my mind occupied, altho there is an ever present sadness. Charlie is operating the ranch this year." Address had been: Rt 1, Box 88, Winters CAmers. Our home was alwayObituar for Alfred Barnhart: "Alfred Barnhart, one of our aged and esteemed residents. died last Friday morning, aged 75 years. Mr. Barnhart suffered an apopletic stroke about two months ago and three weeks ago had another, since which he steadily declined until his death. He had been in poor health for a number of years. Deceased is survived by a wife. He was the last of his family. Funeral service were held Sunday, at 1 o'clock, at the 1st Presbyterian church, of which he was a member, Rev. O. E. Shaffer officiating. Mr Barnhart was born on the farm at Lower Shavertown which he sold last year, and had resided there all of his life up to last summer, when he bought and moved into the Tidd house at this place. He was an excellent citizen, a kind neighbor and a true friend, and his widow has the sympathy of all in her berevement. In the death of Alfred Barnhart on Friday last Shavertown loses one of its oldest residents and the Presbyterian church one of its oldest menbers, he having been a member of the church for 35 years, an elder of th to purchase the farm & reside there - following the death of Sarah and Timothy. (James Hoye obituary) Timothy Hoye Mementory Kathryn LaidlawObituary John E. LaidlawObituary Edith Ferreuclid OH - Cuyahoga countyEulclid OH, Cuyahoga CuntyEuclid, OHra FlynnObituary Robert J Flynn"Charles Edward Hoye, MD - In Memoriam" exerpts: "In the fall of 1886 he entered the office of a prominent doctor of Oneonta, NY as a medical student. He pursued his studies in this office duИ„*БPr*s*„БŽБЦ„*БFUniversity of the City ofа„*…БўPr„*…БB„*idence Hospital„*‰БЦ„*ŠБ:42 years, 11 months, 19 dа„*aysа„*1896а*'* New Yorkа„*а„*Hancock NYа*БB*’Б•БЦ*“Б "common school", academy а*”Бat Delhi, State Normal Scа*‹Бhool at Oneonta Class of а*а*—Б˜БЦ*™БјTeacher in Downsville, Deа*а*šБLancey, Hamden, Colchesteа*Бer & New York City (Queenа*hœБПБЦ*ŸБ6Oneonta Sate Normal schooа*žБs Borough Public School #а* 80) & Long Island Cityа*lа*БЁБЦ*а*ЃБ Й*ЙRObituary Bernard W Hoye -КЅБЉБL€*&€*Oneonta NY€*ЈБ>Colchester NY, Delaware C€*ounty€*'€*ЋБЧ€*2'ЌБАБ(ГБ+ЖБ)ЙБ ТБЦ€*]­БЏБЦ€*ЎБPUnion college at Albany, а€*law departmentа€*а€*ББВБЦ€*&Teacher - 8 yearsа€*а€*ДБЕБЦ€*Lawyerа€*а€*ЗБИБЦ€*Masonic orderа€*а€*КБЛБЦ€*Republicanа€*а€*€*š*™*2sОБЙAЙTObituary Margaret E Hoye Ка*ZZZZ%ZZZZ Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ$ZZZZ Z!Z"Z#Z2Z&Z:Z'Z(Z)Z*Z+Z,Z-Z.Z/Z0Z1Z;Z3Z4Z5Z6Z7Z8Z9ZBZdZZ?Z@ZAZJZCZDZEZFZGZHZIZ\ZKZLZMZNZOZPZ[ZRZSZTZUZVZWZXZYZZZЭ[eZ]Z^Z_Z`ZaZbZcZlZЁZfZgZhZiZjZkZtZmZnZoZpZqZrZsZ|ZuZvZwZxZyZzZŒZ§џџџ}Z~ZZ€Zring the following year. He then enteered the University of the City of New York, and was gaduated three years later. Returning to Oneonta, where an elder brother was and still is a lawyer, he practiced his profession for a brief time. In the early winter of 1890-91 he crossed the continent to the State of Washington, and located in the White River Valley of the Puget Sound country, where a brother was a physician of good repute. In Auburn and Kent, small cities on White River, he pursued his calling until 1893, when he moved to Seattle, which city was alwas afterward regarded as his western home. " "During two years he was in charge of a hospital for a mining corporation at Berner's Bay, Alaska. For three years he was surgeon for Northern Pacific interests at Ravensdale, near Seattle." "Dr. Hoye had an aptitude for public life. He accepted the appointment of physician to King County Hospital, and served two hears. Later he was elected and re-elected coroner of the same county, serving four years." The Ha - Cuyahoga CountySt Joseph's Cncock herald, February 4, 1909: "Funeral services of Dr. Charles E. Hoye, a physician of Seattle for eighteen years, who died Sunday night at Providence Hospital, were held this morning at 10 o'clock at the Church of our LaHHHHHHHHўџџџH HH HHHHHHHoJHTHHHRHHHHHHH H!H"H#H$H%H&H'H(H)H*H+H,H-H.H/H0H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8H9H:H;HH?H@HAHBHCHDHEHFHGHHHIHJHKHLHMHNHOHPHQHўџџџUH‹HsHVHrHXHYHZH[H\H]H^H_H`HaHbHcHdHeHfHgHhHiHjHkHlHmHnHoHpHqHzHнHоHЩJvHwHxHyHƒH{H|H}H~HH€Hdy of Good Help." "The body will lie in state in the funeral parlors of the Bonney-Watson Company from 5 o'clock to 9 o'clock this evening, after which time it will be placed on the North Coast Limited and taken to Hancock, Delaware County New York, for interment."Obituary Henry Francis FlynnObemetery, Worcester NYBovina, Near Andes & Clochester & PepactonExcerpts from book "Margaret E Hoye - In Memoriam": "The funeral was held from St. Paul's Church, Hancock, on Monday with a requiem high mass. Interment in the village cemetey at Hancock." Informationattributed to Walton (NY) Reporter Obituary Miss MarBovina & later near Andes & Cloituary Robert C FlynnObituary Bchester & PepactonGreat Bend PAUnion HillGranville, NYColcheСБ8Plains cemetery, Oneonta а€*NYа€*РБУБЦ€*а€*Б*‹*2sіБL’*ЦБPr™*ЦБB™*ШБPr€*ШБB€*Oneonta NY™*ЬБЙ+ЙPObituary Edward B Hoye - КЮБзБL™*&™*аБBOneonta Nursing Home, One™*onta NY™*™*—*–*к} В2sгБЧ™*2+дБ кБ=нБ фБЦ™*еБжБЦ™**Oneonta Lodge F & AMа™*а™*'™*йБJ™*И™*лБмБЦ™*2Army veteran World War 1а™*а™*оБсБЦ™*пБtRemlngton Rand Corporatioа™*рБn time study executive - а™*retiredа™*а™*уБ8Plains Cemetery, Oneonta а™*NYа™*тБхБЦ™*а™*чБЧ’*2/ѓБЦ’*щБ4Fox Hospital, Oneonta, NY—*—*ыБ:Oneonta Plains Cemetery (а—*NY)а—*эБЧ—*2 юБ'В=В!ВЦ—*ъБВЦ—*Oneonta NY—*•*Њ*—*2sђБ ЙCЙLObituary Mary E Hoye - PSКЦєБѕБЦ’*$Rancho Murieta CAа’*а’*&’*qqqqqqqqqsterGraduated hig schoolIowa /Obituary - Oneonta Daily Star - Oneonta NY - Wednesday, November 5, 1913 "Death of Bernard W Hoye Prominentj Citizen of Oneonta Expires After Four Weeks' Illness. Bernard W Hoye, for 28 years a resident and one of the best known citizens of Oneonta, died at 9 a.m. Tuesday morning at his home on Clinton Street in this city. Death was caused by hemorrhages of the stomach, and his ilness was of four weeks' duration. Mr. Hoye was born in Colchester, Delaware county, September 6, 1857, and was the son of Timothy and Sarah (Kingston) Hoye of that township. His early education was in the schools of his native town, and thereafter for eight years he was a teacher. In 1885 he graduated from the law department of the Union college at Albany, and in September of that year opened an office in Oneonta. He was for several years justice of the peace of the town of Oneonta and clerk of the village; and from the organization of the Oneonta Building and Loan association to the time of his death was secretary of that organization, no small measure of its success being due to his efforts. He was a member of the Masonic order and in politics was a reublican. As an attorney he had been very successful and had a large clientage. Mr. Hoye is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Susan C. Primmer, and by one son, Edward Bertrand Hoye. He leaves aso several brothers and sisters. The funeral, which will be strictly private, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at his late home on Clinton street. Dr. James C. Russell of the First Presbyterian church will officiate and interment will be in the Hoye plot in the Plains cemetery. It is probable that no business man of the city of Oneonta was better known than Mr. Hoye. He leaves many friends who will deeply regret his death in te prime of life and of usefulness."Sergeant BluffWilliam Edward StuinnJenningsBarnhartFlinnCatarbara J. Wolcott-Flynn-RaceObiahlneckerGreat Bend, Pennsylvania - Susquehanna CountyClochestObituary - Daily Star (Oneonta NY) 5/27/1978: "Edward B. Hoye, 90, of the Oneonta Nursing Home, formerly of Richfield Springs, died Friday, May 26 at Oneonta Nursing Home. He was born on Nov.24,1887 in Oneonta, the son of Bertram W. and Susan C. (Primmer) Hoye. He married Mary Eldredge on July 27, 1917. Mr. Hoye was a retired timer study executive for Remington Rand Corporation, Ilion. He was a life-long central New York resident. He was a former member of the Oneonta Lodge F&AM, and an army veteran of World War One. Surviving are his wife, of the Oneonta Nursing Home; a son, Lynn E. Hoye of Hicksville, L.I.; three grandchildren and two great-randchildren. A private funeral will be at the family's convenience. Burial will be later in Plains Cemetery, Oneonta. There are no calling hours. Arrangements are by the Lewis Funeral Home, Oneonta." erColchester, Pepacton, Shaverttuary Florence A FlynnPeter Flyy Valley (NY)Walton NYLiberty Conflict regarding date of Marriage - Obituarty of Edward B Hoye states: July 27, 1917. ObituaryВJ•*И•*ВJЊ*ИЊ*ВJ–*И–*ВЧ–*2 ВЦ–*Lynne Hoye–*В ВЦ–*И–*&Cherry Valley (NY)YбБ В Pr–*Mary Eldridge—* ВB–*ЂЖЙВPr—*ВB—*ВВL—*&—*а—*'—*ВJ—*И—*tВВЦ—*ВFOneonta Normal School (Onа—*eonta NY)а—*а—*ВВЦ—*ВBTeacher - Richfield Sprinа—*gs (NY)а—*а—*&ВB В"ВЦ—*И—*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002q&В Pr(В@St. Paul's cemetery, Hancаock NYа*ВЧ2 +В=0В6ВЦ'В/ВЦ-ВЙ.ВXObituary Alexander A. HoyКe - PSHBookКа"Dv0v1В4ВLВ]ВЦTeacher а3ВЙфИNAlexander A Hoye data - PКаAlex Hoye5В7ВЦИqqqqqqqq of Mary E Hoye states: June 6, 1919. Spelling conflict: Obitua Conflict regarding date of marriage: Obituary above of Edward B. Hoye states July 27, 1917. Obituary of wife, Mary E. Hoye, states June 6, 1919. Note also in above spelling of maiden name of H‚H†H„H…H‰H‡HˆHўџџџŠHŒHТIHŽHHH‘H’H“H”H•H–H—H˜H™HšH›HœHHžHŸH HЁHЂHЃHЄHЅHІHЇHЈHЉHЊHЋHўџџџ­HЎHЏHАHБHВHўџџџДHЕHЖHЗHИHЙHКHЛHМHНHОHПHРHСHТHУHФHХHЦHЧHШHЩHЪHЫHЬHЭHЮHЯHаHбHвHгHдHеHжHзHиHйHкHлHмHџF I IрHсHтHуHфHхHцHўџџџшHщHъHыHўџџџэHюHяH№HёHђHѓHєHѕHіHїHјHљHњHћHќH§HўHџHIwife as Eldredge - in obituary of Mary E.Hoye spelling is Eldridge. Conflict noted regarding nary of Edward B Hoye states Mary Eldredge - Obituary of Mary E Hoye states Eldridge. 1980 calandme of father of Edward which in all other references available is Bernard W (William) Hoye.ar shows Sunday August 25 to have been the 24th which is in confherineFlynnVatatVatetLaidlawlict with obituary statement of death on Sunday, August 25. Note: Obituary below refers to Husband as Edward G. Hoye - all other references to Mr. Hoye are Edward B. Hoye. Obtuary Mary E. Hoye - The Daily Star, Wednesday, August 27, 1980: "Mrs. Mary E. Hoye, 93, of Oneonta, formerly of Richfield Springs, died Sunday, Aug. 25, at Fox Hospital, Oneonta, after a lengthy illness. She was born in Oneonta Aug. 11 1887, a daughter of Lincoln and Lucy (Davidson) Eldridge. She married Edward G. Hoye June 6, 1919, in Cherry Valley. Mrs. Hoye was a housewife and a former member of the Oneonta Main Street Baptist Church. She graduated from Oneonta Normal School in 1908 and taught school in Richfield Springs in earlier years. urviving are a son, Lynne Hoye, Millville, Del.; and several cousins. Private funeral services will be held at the family's convenience. Burial will be in Oneeonta Plains Cemetery. There are no calling hours. Arrangements are by the Lewis Funeral Home, Oneonta."Lynn Hoye locations : Hicksville, LI - 1978 - ? 17 Cloister Lane ? Millville, Del. - 1980 Obituary of father, Edward B. Hoye, refers to "three grandchildren and two great-grand-children". Obituary - Alexander A. Hoye: The death of Alexander A. Hoye on Sunday, Jan. 2, at 6:30 in the evening saddened his many friends. Mr. Hoye was 84 years of age and had been in poor health for the past four years. At the time of his death he was at his home, 102 Townsend street. Born in Gregory Hollow, town of Hamden, Nov.3, 1864, Mr. Hoye was the son of Timothy and Sarah Kingsley Hoye. Before moving to Walton 44 years ago, her lived for a time on a farm in the town of Hamden. His marraige to Agnes Flynn took place on Jan. 13, 1897. He was a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Walton. Quiet and unasssuming, Mr. Hoye was widely known and well liked in Walton and vicinity. He worked in the Crawford Brothers feed mill for about 40 years. His wife survives, also a son, Bernard F. Hoye, Worcester; a daughter, Mrs. Mary B. Deering, Cleveland, Ohio; one brother, Dr. B.E. Hoye, Auburn Wash.; one sister, Mrs. Mary Sanborn, Winters, Calif.; two grandchildren, Joan Marie Hoye and Bernard F. Hoye, Jr. Funeral services were held in St. John the Baptist church at 10:30 in the morning, Wednesday, Rev. Raymond F. Downey officiating. The body was placed in the vault at Walton cemetery and burial will take place in St. Paul's cemetery at Hancock in the spring. A rosary was said a the late home at 8 in the evening Tuesday."ownPer pension forms - Mary E Fnn Christmas messageObituary Joe same for 25 years, and as long@В Pr@ВBCВЧ2+DВPВ bВЦTВDEВIВUВWВXВYВЦVFW auxilliaryаGВЙHВVObituary Agnes Flynn HoyeК - PSHBookКаfВЧ‹*[ВJЌ*MВfCrawford Brothers Feed Miа\Вll - beginning about 1905а*Woman's Relief CorpsааQВSВЦRВTSt John the Baptist Romanа Catholic ChurchааNВOВЦVВ<Catholic Daughters of AmeаricaааRosary SocietyааЉoВuВЦ‹*,ИЌ*аа New York Walton, New YorkaВ>St Paul's Cemetery, Hancoаck NYа`ВcВЦаЌ*­*Ў*Џ*А*Г2snВУИLЌ*26pВ/ZВ=РГ}ВЦ‹*hВRЙiВnFlynn family tree chart -КЙ Peter Flynn - PSHКkВJ­*‚ИBИ­*mВJБ*ИБ*,&Ќ*Winters CAа‹*qВrВЦ‹*Thomasа‹*а‹*Winters CAБ*vВЙа‹*mЙHTelegram 3/27/1963 - PSHКxВLБ*'Б*ъЋzВ|ВЦБ*{ВHFuneral at St. Anthonys -аБ*Winters CAаБ*аБ*B }~В+ИЦ‹*,Graduated high schoolа‹*ИЙIIIIIIII III I IўџџџJJIIЛIQIIIIIIIIIIII I!I"I#I$I%Iўџџџ'I(I)I*Iўџџџ,I-I.I/I9I1I2Iўџџџўџџџ5Iўџџџ7I8Iўџџџ:IўџџџCharity Hospital, ClevelaВ*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqUSB002qВ PrЋ*ВBЋ* ВfGraduate work - Case WestаЋ*ЁВern Reserve, Cleveland OHаЋ*аЋ*аЋ*ЄВJЋ*ИЋ*аЋ*Walton NYY’ВЈВd’В\’В™ВBВ*nd OHВ*ЌВ Й­ВZObituary Gilbert P. DeeriКng - PSHBookКЏВЖВLВ*&В*Worcester NYВ*ВВ>St. Pauls Cemetery, HancoаВ*ck NYаВ*ДВЧВ*2 ЕВ+КВЦВ=ЯВЦВ*БВЗВЦВ*'В*аВ*winspoolqqТВDЛВНВОВСВвВдВЦВ*МВbSt. Joseph's Roman CatholаВ*ic Church, Worcester NYаВ*аВ*РВDKnights of Cloumbus, ClevаВ*qay of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty six and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and tenth." Signed by the acting Secretary of the Interior and the Acting Commissioner of Pensions On May 1, 1886 the pension was incraased to twelve dollars per month commencing March 19,1886. Hand written on the side of the above document: "Otherwise overnor Morgan's 2 Regiment United States Light ArtilleryolSee notes under James Joseph Flynn describing pension awarded to Mary E Flynn and children following his death by the United States government.s a lover of sporPer Mary Beatrice Hoye: "Little Mamie, mothers little sister died very young" Pension Bureau document to Mary E Flynn shows a child Mary E. born March 28,1882.Family verbal history indicates Sheila was 20 years old when her father, Barty, died.in London, Rancho Murieta CA 95683e andAlvin Wolff/Wolf - brother of Leona Wolfespeciallly baseball, to3/19/1942 Co.K Platoon 2 - Squad 1 US Coast Guard Station Manhattan Beach Brooklyn NYng many Possible alternate date of 3/29/1882.everal months traveling th- PSHDelaware County (NY) Clerks Office records - PSH, Spain. He is survived by a nephew, Bernie Hoye of Worcester, and several nieces and nephews in Ohio and New York. He was predeceased by his brother, Tomas Deering. A funeral will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 27, at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Worcester, with the Rev. William W. Crandall officiating. Burial will be at a later date at St. aul's emetery, hancock. There will be no calling hours. Those wishing to make a remembrance of Gilbert, may give to the Worcester Emergency Squad and the Worcester Fire Department. Arrangements are by E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, 115 Main St., WorcesObituary - Mary Deering: "Worcester - Mary Beatrice Deering, 93,of Worcester, died Monday, Dec. 21, 1992 at her residence. She was born Feb. 24, 1899 in Downsville, the daughter of Alexander and Agnes (Flynn) Hoye. She married Gilbert Deering June 26, 1939, in Walton. She moved to Worcester in 1965 from Cleveland, Ohio. She graduated from Walton High School and the Sargent College- Boston University. She did her gaduate work at Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio. She was a P.E. and Science teacher in the Cleveland, Ohio, school system for 37 1/2 years, retiring in 1962. She was first director of the Walton Summer Recreation Prrogram, head counselor of the Girls Fresh Air Camp in Pittsburg, Pa., and past president of the Catholic Conference of Women of St. Agnes Church, Cleveland. She was a past president of the FortNightly Club for two terms; a member of the Worcester Women's Club and the Worcester Historical Society of St. Joseph's Church. She organized the rug hookers and ceramics class at theWorcester Methodist Church. She was very interested in many things including music and organ recitals and participated in recitals in the Albany area. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Gilbert Deering at home; one nephew, Bernard Hoye of Worcester; nieces, nephews and grand nieces and grand nephews in both the Worcester and Cleveland areas. A Mass of Chistian Burial will be at 10 a.m., Wednesteay, Dec.23, at St . Joseph's Church, Worcester, with the Rev. William Crandall of St. Joseph's officiating. Burial will be in St. Paul's Cemetery, Hancock, in the spring. There will be no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contriutions be sent to Claudine Cook, Responsive Pet Ownership Inc., 8 Monroe Ave., Latham N.Y. 12110 or the Catskill Area Hospice, Oneonta. Funeral arrangementsare by the E.J. Skinner Funeral home, Worcester." Summer 1918 - worked at Sunset Park Inn in Haines Falls, NY Family verbal history & memories: Bea was a collector of all things family and brought many items that had moved with her parents froom the farm in Gregory Hollow, Downsville NY to Walton on to Worcester NY when she moved to Worcester at the time of her retirement. She was an excellant rug hooker frequently dying her own wool to achieve the colors wanted. She sometimes designed her own patterns. Many family members have items she hooked. Bea had an organ at home and took lessons. She loved playing. Bea loved jewelry - especially rings. She is missed. 1925 East 89th Street, Cleveland OHter." Cleveland OH address: urphy newspaper articleAnn BarnThis obituary was found in household effects of Gilbert P Deering and Mary Beatrice Hoye Deering. It is entered here as possible **** but unlikely ****obituary of Lawrence Deering, father of eland OHаВ*аВ*УВХВЦВ*ФВTSt. Agnes Holy Name SocieаВ*ty, Cleveland OHаВ*аВ*ЬВ3ЧВШВЭВЮВЩВЫВЦВ*&Loyola High SchoolаВ*аВ*ЪВ4Cleveland Business SchoolаВ*аВ*аВ*ЦВ*0Case Reserve UniversityаВ*аВ*аВбВЦВ*еВLU.S. Steele - 41 years - аВ*аВ*гВPSemi Pro Basketball - CitаВ*y of ClevelandаВ*аВ*retired 1961аВ*Д*Г*В*Е*2sCleveland OHЕ*йВFCalvary Cemetery, Sec. 41аЕ*, Lot 512аЕ*лВЧЕ*2 мВ,нВЦЕ*в ЛиВфВЦЕ*оВуВЦЕ*пВVBrickman & Sons Funeral HаЕ*ome arrangementsаЕ*сВЙтВ`Thomas A Deering memorialК card - PSHBookКаЕ*аЕ*цВчВLЕ*&Е*'Е*щВЧД*2,ъВЦД*ыВЦД*ьВDSee possible obituary undаД*er notesаД*winspoolqPq?ГяВPrД*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqяВBД*BЕ*USB002qіВЙ.ЙPObituary John V. Flynn - КqqqqqqqqqI‚IƒI„I…I†I‡IˆI‰IŠI‹I–GџџџџџџџџIџџџџ‘I’I“I”I•I–I—I˜I™IšI›IœIIžIŸI IЁIЂIЃIЄIЅIІIЇIЈIЉIЊIЋIЌI­IЎIЏIАIБIВIГIДIЕIЖIЗIИIЙIКIўџџџСIНIОIПIРIўџџџЭIбIФIХIЦIЧIШIЩIЪIЫIЬIGLЮIЯIаIвIЂJгIhGеIжIзIиIйIкIлIмIнIоIпIўџџџсIтIуIфIхIцIчIшI•KIыIьIэIюIяI№IёIђIѓIєIѕIіIїIјIљIњIћIќI§IўIџIJGilbert P Deering or possibly a brother unknown to this writer. Family verbal history indicated estrangement except with mother Katherine Galvin Deering and brother Thomas A. Deering. Notes indicate it was published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer in May of ? Obituary - Lawrence A. Deering: "Lawrence A. Deering Dies at 75 Lawrence A. Deering, active in veterans affairs here since World War 1, died yesterday in Crile Veterans Administration Hospital. He was 75. A native Clevelander, Mr. Deering first became associated with the American Legion as a delegate to the founding caucus in St. Louis in 1919 when he was still in uniform. He was born on old Dodge Street , and attended St. Ignatius High School and John Carroll University. He later earned a law degree at Lake Eire Law School. Prior to world War 1 he was a professional football player with the Old Broadways. He joined the United States Veterans Bureau in 1922 and retired from the Verterans Administration in 1952 as contact officer for the VA regional office coverng 38 northern Ohio counties. Active in all veterans activities directly or indirectly related to his official job, Mr. Deering was one of the campaigners for establishing a veterans hospital here in 1938. It was in that year he was elected commander of the Cyahoga County Council of the American Legion. His wife, Olive Payne Deering, an attorney, died in 1951. He made his home at 1860 Noble Road, E ast Cleveland. He is survived by a brother, John. Another brother, Dr. James F. Deering, died recently. Services will be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in Christ the King Catholic Church. The Flynn-Froelk funeral home is handl- 1925 East 89th Street, Cleveland OH - 1936 1893 East 81st Strhart newspaper articleObituary eet, Cleveland OH - laterГLŠ*ГЧŠ*BЙye Deering - PSHBoКЋ*Ў*Ж*2{TИ[И2s'Š*2/ГЦŠ*Г ГЦŠ*Woodlawn CAаŠ*"Wheaton IllinoisЏ*ЯИ ГLЏ*аŠ*'Џ*Џ*З*И*2sGranville, NYК*ГJЗ*ИЗ*И*Й*2sГJЙ*ИЙ*ГJИ*ИИ*А*К*Ы*б*ч*я*žЕ2sГJК*ИК*ГPrЛ*ГPrЏ*ГBЏ*ColchesterК*ЁИBЌ*ГBЛ*Л*1+edВ ГЙ!ГXThomas W Flynn prayer carКd - PSHBookК#ГJЛ*ИЛ*&Г%ГLЛ*'Л*&Л*(ГЧЛ*2.)ГЦЛ**ГЦЛ*See notesаЛ*,ГЙ8ГXObituary Elizabeth J FlynКМ*Ш*Р*Щ*Ъ*Т*LГ2sHancock NYаЌ*0ГЧЌ*2 1Г4‰Г ’ИЦЌ*.Г5ГЦЌ*3ГЙ4ГXJames Flynn cemetery stonКe - PSHBookКаЌ*7Г ЙvЙLWill of Thomas Flynn - PSКn - PSHBookК:Г;ГLК*&К*'К*=ГЙDЙTObituary Mrs. Mary Flynn К?ГЙІИvCatalogue Distrct #5 ColcКObituary John V. Flynn - Walton Reporter 12/05/1914: "John V. Flynn Killed - Fell Between Cars When Boarding Electric Train - Life Was Crushed Out - Walton Man Meets Death at Wheaton, Illinos, Tuesday, While Coming Home From West" "John V. Flynn of Walton, aged 35 years, was killed at Wheaton, Illinois, when attemptling to board a Chicago bound electric train on the A., E. & C. road. Mr. Flynn tried to get on after the train started and missed his footing. He fell between the wo cars and was struck in the back by the steps of the second car. His body was shoved a distance of thirty feet and the life literally crushed out of him. His identy was established from a letter in his pocket written by his nephew, Bernard Hoye, of Walton. A telegram was sent by the coroner to the Walton relatives. A.A. Hoye left Wednesday afternoon for Wheaton, being joined at Oswego by Sylvester Flynn. They will bring the body to Hancock , where the funeral service will be held in St. Paul's church. Mr. Flynn had been at Surgeon's Bluff, Iowa, where an aunt, Mrs. Byron Wilson, lives. He recently wrote home that he had given up his position there and expected to be home for the hlidays. He is survived by his wife and one son, Paul; two brothers, James J. Flynn of Walton, and Sylvester Flynn of Oswego; and one sister, Mrs. A.A.Hoye of Walton."tion Vicki Eileen Flynn-John J F"Tommy was killed by a log rolling on him one day after saying his prayers with the family" Mary Beatrice Hoye Deering verbal family history.y.innBartholomew E Hoye MD letterHoerning11IIIIIDoigXXXXBeyMortgage - dated May 29, 1847 between Thomas Flinn and Marcelia Flinn (wife) and Charles Knapp to purchase 110 acres of land on the Delaware River in the Town oZ‚ZƒZZ…Z†Z‡ZˆZ‰ZŠZ‹ZэZ•ZŽZZZ‘Z’Z“Z”Z–ZžZ—Z˜Z™ZšZ›ZœZZЎZŸZ ZЂZКZЃZЄZЅZІZЇZЈZЉZЊZЋZЌZ­ZЖZЏZАZБZВZГZДZЕZСZЗZИZЙZЛZ[МZНZОZПZРZЩZТZУZФZХZЦZЧZШZЪZнZЫZЬZЭZЮZкZаZбZвZгZдZеZжZзZиZйZўџџџлZмZфZоZпZрZсZтZуZьZхZцZчZшZщZъZыZѕZ§ZюZяZ№ZёZђZѓZєZ([іZїZјZљZњZћZќZ[ўZ [§џџџAГJН*ИН*П*О*2sDГJП*ИП*FГJО*ИО*С*Р*2sIГJС*ИС*KГJР*,ИР*О*Ќ*Н*Ф*Ц*e-ГУ*Т*++2sOГJУ*ИУ*QГJТ*ИТ*Х*Ф*šIИ2sTГJХ*ИХ*VГJФ*ИФ*Ч*Ц*2sYГJЧ*ИЧ*[ГJЦ*ИЦ*]ГJШ*ИШ*Hancock NYаШ*`ГЧШ*2 aГ-sГЦШ*^ГЦШ*cГЧМ*2,dГ-pГЦМ*7eГoГЦМ*See NotesаМ*gГLО*&О*iГЧО*2,vГ/yГЦО*jГPrМ*jГBМ*mГЙnГ^Thomas Flynn "Flinn" MortКgage - PSHBookКаМ*7qГrГЦМ*Thomas FlinnаМ*аМ*7tГuГЦШ*Marcelia FlinnаШ*аШ*wГxГЦО*Margaret FlinnаО*аО*tzГ{ГЦО*Great Bend PAаО*аО*t}Г~ГЦЦ*.Iowa - ?Sergeant BluffаЦ*аЦ*@ЗLУ*BИJГ-ГGГЦРрХIЃŽsMary Ann Flynnc А ‹ГHГGГІсŽFЃŽsJames Jenningscœ š)Сu,З'ЗPГ•Г-ГMГЦ€рФIЃŽsAnn Jane Flynnc —ГeNГГMГІ@сЧ ЄQtAndrew A Barnhart Z2ЧЏžГUГ Г-ГRГЦс†ЅUuSarah Catherine FlyЂГƒИSГRГІ@сЯ‡ЃЯsAlfred Barnhart  „Иb5СЏЌГZГЎГ-ГWГЦсFЯЄuJulia Marcelia FlynАГXГWГІс ЦЂ sByron Wilson}cб №Ў\Г-ГЦтРЁrMarceliaОt^–Оt}cў’ _ГЪ#RC‡Г-ГІ@с ЧЂ sThomas Flynn}cи6 * (-ГЦсЫ†ЂЫrMaria Flynn}chэ Г2j:—MДFДGД!ДKДГ#ДeИІ€АDЫЃtLeo Edward Flynnм RД$Д#ДЦ€сЯˆЃЯsDeborah MaloneyЎ уЏ&ДШЏ#ДЦ@с ЧЂ sEileen Flynn}cDU ;ДуИД(Д#Д*ДІ€рDгЅvLeo Edward Michael -Д+Д*ДЦРсЩЃtVirginia KennedyЛ 2Д@Д#ДЦРрŠEЂŠrMary FlynnОt}cР) [Дj lrЕhДmД‘ДЕkДГ€ДЦ€сMЃMsKathryn Flynn}c rД’‡ЂиД–Д“ДД”Д€ДžДІРрEGЃŽsJohn E Laidlawcђ ˜ДƒД€ДбДЦтQ ЄQtElizabeth Laidlaw зДФД…Д€ДмДЦ€сЯˆЃЯsKathryn Laidlawо фДЊn‚ОPИ€ДІ€сЯˆЃЯsVeyrill Laidlawњ žДЦРсQ ЄQtPatricia Hoerning ЬДžДЧДІРр…ˆЃPtJohn E. Laidlaw IIЗžДЯДІ€сЯˆЃЯsPatrick Laidlawњ ЗžДІ€сЯˆЃЯsMichael LaidlawzB ЗžДІ€сЯˆЃЯsWilliam LaidlawŠ<  ЗžДЮДЦсMЃMsSusan Laidlaw}cŠ<  ЗžДЦРр ХЂ sMary Laidlaw}cŠ< ЗžДаДЦ€сЯˆЃЯsKathryn LaidlawŠ< ЪДЧДЦ€ ШЂ sYung-Ji XXXX}c|[ ШДЧДІРрEGЃOtJohn E Laidlaw IIIf Colchester, Delaware County, NY. Recorded August 2, 1847 Delaware County Clerks Office Mortage pages 104 &5. Property boundry description in mortgage. WillBartholomew R Hoye MD letterNewspaper article 4/10/1926 "Confirms Flynn Deed"Wedding anouncemwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002q…ГЙ†ГfFlinn/Flynn Bible - copy КЙof pages - PSHBookКˆГLЩ*'Щ*J%ŠГЦЌ*аЌ*ŒГЧР*2-ГЦР*ŽГГЦР*Mary Ann FlinnаР*аР*‘ГЧЪ*2-’ГЦЪ*“Г”ГЦЪ*Maria FlinnаЪ*аЪ*–Г+ЗLТ*&Т*˜ГЧТ*2-™Г8.ЗЦТ*šГ›ГЦТ*Ann Jane FlinnаТ*аТ*ГIИLН*&Н*ŸГ<nnЈц(8е^е^Јц(р\^|Œц(‘ПtФ*е^лПt@8Ф*ЁГLФ*&Ф*ЃГЧФ*2-ЄГ/ИЦФ*ЅГІГЦФ*,Sarah Catherine FlinnаФ*аФ*ЈГЧН*2-ЉГ/AЗЦН*ЊГЋГЦН*&John Willian FlinnаН*аН*­Г<nЈц(з^№ж^Јц(р\^|Œц(‘ПtЦ*№ж^лПt@8Ц*ЏГLЦ*&Ц*БГЧЦ*2-ВГ/|ГЦЦ*ГГДГЦЦ**Julia Marcelia FlinnаЦ*аЦ*qqqqqqqqqqqent Vatet-FlynnFuneral home carrerMcNultyChantryFerreraBokmdMargaret E Hoye LettersAgnes Flynn Hoye notes (2/8/1949)BarnSociety Editor & reporter for the Winters Express in Winters, CA for 23 yeaars. The Sacramento Union - reporter late 1920's. (1СГЦГЦ‹*See notesа‹*УГЙФГ˜Dorothy Sanborn Niemann TКХГhomas - The Sacramento UnКЙion 1972 - PSHBookКа‹*вГЧ‰*ШГPrˆ*ЪГЧБ*2ЮГ,yВЦБ*ЫГPr‹*жГJЎ*ЭГPrЎ*ЯГаГЦБ*attorneyаБ*аБ*зГL‰*2-гГиГ8ћГ …Ж ЄЖ+™ЖЦ‰*"дГеГ­ЖЎЖЦ‰* Lt. W.E.Sanbornа‰*а‰*ИЎ*'‰*"{№ГѕГ~іГљГЦ‰*ЭГBЎ*лГтГLЎ*ЮИX&Ў*нГ4Pepacton, Delaware countyЎ*Ў*пГЙрГXObituary Sylvester F FlynКn - PSHBookКOswego NYЎ*'Ў*фГ@St. Paul's Cemetery, HancаЎ*ock NYаЎ*цГЧЎ*2 чГ4ьГЦЎ*уГшГЦЎ*аЎ*ъГJЖ*ИЖ*ШГBˆ*юГэГЦЎ*аЎ*1876 or 1877аЎ*USB002qёГ<Graduated Winters High Scа‰*hoolа‰*ѓГЙєГZObituary William E. SanboКrn - PSHBookКа‰*їГ~University of California а‰*јГ- ground school & aeronauа‰*tical schoolа‰*а‰*y and King Hill‰*ќГ§ГЦ‰*30а‰*а‰*ДЙq926-1929) Worked in advertising field in Los Angles. City Clerk - 2 four year terms County Library advisory board Fortnightly Woman's Club - president Raised dachshunds Yolo County Federation of Women's Clubs - president Yolo County Grand Juryoan M Stahlnecker (nee Hoye), beloved wife of William E., dear mother of William E. Jr , Raymond B., Judith A. McNichol (Mrs. Eugene J)and Linda L., grandmother of Matthew and Adam McNichol, daughter of Lena and the late Bernard Hoye, sister of Bernard Hoye Jr. The family would appreciatbituary Mrs. Mary FlynnThe HancObituary Sylvester F. Flynn: "Sylvester F. Flynn, retired Oswego buisness man, died today at the family residence, 121 East Third St., following a short illness. Born in Papacton, Delaware coJJJJJJJJ J J J J JJJJўџџџHJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ J!J"J#J$J%J&J'J(J)J*J+J,J-J.J/J0J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J9J:J;JJ?J@JAJBJCJDJEJFJўџџџkJlJJJKJLJMJNJOJPJQJRJSJTJUJVJWJXJYJZJ[J\J]J^J_J`JaJbJcJdJeJfJgJhJiJjJўџџџЧJ JnJtKpJqJrJsJtJuJvJwJxJyJzJ{J|J}J~JJ€Junty, the son of the late James and Mary Murphy Flynn, he spent his early life in that place. In 1910, Mr. Flynn entred the employ of the Thing Shore (beleive it should read Shoe) Co. in Troy and four years later was transferrred to Oswego as manager of the company's store, 3 East Bridge St. He continued in this capacity until 1935 wen he opened the Brown-bilt Shoe Store at 7 West Bridge St. He retired from business in 1943. Mr. Flynn was a communicant of St Paul's church and a member of the Holy Name society. He was a member of the Sons of Veterans of the Civil War. Surviving besides his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Vatet Flynn, are a sister, Mrs. A.A. Hoye of Walton and several nieces and nehews. Frends are invited to call at the Dain funeral home at their convenience on Tuesday. The body wil be taken to Hancock, N.Y. on Wednesday where friends may call at the Henderson funeral home. The funeral will be held at St. Paul's Catholic church at Hancock, Thursday morning. Burial will be in St. Pauls's cemetery at Hancock." 52Family letter dated June 1919er 10, 1926 - Obituary Stehen Chase Sanborn: "Mr. Sanborn, prominent orchardist of the Wolfskill distrect was stricken with a paralytic stroke Friday night. Three years ago he rallied from a stroke, but never fully recovered his health. Saturday's stroke was very severe and his condition was grave from the first. He passed away at his ranch home in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Stephen Chase Sanborn was born in Allenstown, New Hampshire, March 10,1850. He was the only child of Stephen Sanborn and Lydia Moses Sanborn. His young manhood was spent in the public school service. Previous to his coming to California he was employed by the United States government in the Indian school service and acted as agent for the Winnebago tribe in Wisconsin. Mr. Sanborn was united in marriage in 1896 to Miss Hoye of New York who was also in the employ of the Indian Bureau of Education.Coming to California about thirty one years he, with his wife, located on the ranch where he resided until his death. Besides his widow, three children survive, William of Salt Lake, Dorothy M. Niemann of Sacramento and Charles of Mexico. Funeral sevices will be held at the late residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ross C. Wilson has change of arrangements. Rev. Mortimer Chester, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal church, Woodland will officiate. Song service will be rendered at the request of Mr. Sanborn before his death by C.P. and C.S. Culton accommmpanied by Mrs. E.W. Fisher on the piano. Interment will be in Masonic cemetery, Winters." "Glad did I live and I gladly die, and I lay me down with a will; Home is the sailor, home from the sea. And the hunter is home from the hills." Exerpts from obituary - The DailCatalogue Distrct #5 ColchesterSchenectady Gazette, Wednesday, May 27, 1970 Flynn Rites Tomorrow in Gloversville : " Funeral services for Paul E. Flynn, 67, of 72 Forest St., who died yesterday at Littauer Hospital where he had been a patient one day, wYЙNObituary Paul E Flynn - PКДДLИ*&И*Colchester VTИ* Gloversville NYИ*'И*$Ferndale CemeteryаИ*ДЧИ*2  Д= Д Д+ДЦИ*ДДЦИ* Д ДЦИ* Д<Scotia Naval Depot - 15 yаИ*earsаИ*аИ*Д<Flynn^№№hэ(‘GuЮ*№П^лGuZлЮ*”y`yДДЦИ* ArmyаИ*ДPrИ*ДBИ*ДPr#*BДЦ*аИ*ДДЦИ*ДhDisabled American VeteranаИ*Дs post & Fulton County VFаИ*WаИ*аИ*аИ*–Д7ДЦЮ* Д@Cemetery monument in Hancа*,Graduated high schoolаЮ*ock NYа*"ДJЫ*,ИЫ*Ы*Ь*Э*Ю*а*2s%ДJЬ*ИЬ*'ДJЭ*ИЭ*)ДJЮ*ИЮ*Ю*Я*2s,ДJЯ*ИЯ*.ДЧЮ*21/ДД 8ДЦЮ*0Д1ДЦЮ*5 childrenаЮ*аЮ*3ДЧЯ*214ДЦЯ*5Д6ДЦЯ*5 childrenаЯ*аЯ*аЮ*–9Д:ДЦЮ*Coast GuardаЮ*аЮ*<ДЧЭ*2'=ДЦЭ* –>ДёЎЦЭ*?Д>Graduated New Rochelle CoаЭ*llegeаЭ*ill be conducted at 9 a.m. tomorrow at the Finocan Funeral Home, followed by a Mass of resurrection at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. Viewing hours will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. Burial will be in Ferndale Cemetery. Mr. Flynn was in ill health several years. He was born Oct. 2, 1902, in Colchester Vt. and had lived most of his life in Gloversville. He was employed about 15 years at Sotia Naval Depot until retiring several years ago. He served in the Army from 1942 to 1945, and ws a member of the Disabled American Veterans post and the Fulton County VFW. Mr. Flynn was a member of St. Mary's Church. Survivors are two cousins, Bernard Hoye and John Redigun, both of Worcester Mass." Problems noted in above obituary: 1 - Paul E Flynn more likely born in Colchester NY - Delaware County. 2 - Bernard Hoye located in Worcester NY. y Star, May 21, 2014; "She was 1885-1886Photo of grave stone Timothy Hoye Memento booklet: '"This farm was purchased from Uncgaret E. Hoye - from our DelancyJ‚JƒJ„J…J†J‡JˆJ‰JŠJ‹JŒJJŽJJJ‘J’J“J”J•J–J—J˜J™JšJ›JœJJžJŸJўџџџЁJQLхJЄJЅJІJЇJЈJЉJЊJЋJЌJ­JЎJЏJАJБJВJГJДJЕJЖJЗJИJЙJКJЛJМJНJОJПJРJСJТJУJФJХJЦJўџџџKфJЁKЫJЬJЭJЮJЯJаJбJвJгJдJеJжJзJиJйJкJлJмJнJоJпJрJсJтJуJўџџџцJчJјJKщJъJыJьJэJюJяJ№JёJђJѓJєJѕJіJїJўџџџљJњJћJќJ§JўJџJK Cor. "Miss Margaret E. Hoye died very suddenly Saturday morning at the homestead, Brookside Farm, Gregory Hollow, where she was residing with her mother and sister, Mrs. Sanford. She had been in feeble health because of pulmonary trouble for several years, and had given up teaching during the past two years in the hope of regaining her health. Her death at this time was entirely unexpected. She was about 50 yers of age, and was one of the older of the seven living children of Timothy and Sarah Hoye, was born in Gregory Hollow and had resided nearly all her life in the town of Hamden. She began teaching when very young and followed that profession assiduously until about two years since, teaching several years in Downsville, and having taught in DeLancey, Hamden and most of the larger distrect schools in Hamden and Colchester. Her last work was in a high school in Long Island City, in which she was very sucessful and popular. She was a woman of many and varied accomplishments, of a genial and sociable disposition, a charming conversationalist, which characteristics made her a universal favorite. Her funeral was held Monday at Hancock, Rev. Father Thornton officiation. Burial in the Catholic cemetery at Hancock." (Mrs. Sanford noted in above obituary is sister Mary Ellen Hoye Sanborn) Source unknown: "B.W. Hoye was called to Downsville on Saturday by intelligence of the death of his sister, Miss Margaret Hoye, who was a member of the class of '96 of the Oneonta State Normal school."AДJа*Иа*USB002qZДЧК*DДPrЫ*winspoolqHД>Veterans Hospital, BrooklЫ*DДBЫ*yn NYЫ*JДЙ@ЙLObituary Leo E Flynn - PSКOДLДLЫ*'Ы*NД8Colchester or Downsville Ы*NYЫ*&Ы*QДRSt John's cemetery , QueeаЫ*ns village L.I.аЫ*SДЧЫ*2 TД VДЦЫ*PДUДЦЫ*аЫ*WДXДЦЫ*World War 1аЫ*аЫ*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesq2]Д ZЗЦК*aДЧа*$Elizabeth JacksonК*\Д^ДЦК*ИК*Bn"Bx"2dДЦа*qMaura Flynnа*cДgДЦа*fДЙ!ЙLLeo Flynn rites held - PSКИа*Downsville NYб*jДЙ0ЙTObituary Kathryn Laidlaw КlДoДLб*&б*nД<Roscoe Community Nursing б*Homeб*'б*qД6Paige Cemetery, Downsvillаб*eаб*sДЧб*2 tД8ŠДЦб*pДuДЦб*аб*qqqqqqqqqq- James FlynnPension Bureau document to Mary E FlynnMary BeatranTupySchadtJrConrowTitusWObituary Kathryn Laidlaw; Downsville - : "Mrs. Kathryn F. Laidlaw, 72, of Downsville, died Saturday, April 14, at Roscoe Community Nursing Home. A Requiem Maе*б*в*г*д*z †‡ДˆД2s‚ДJв*Ив*„ДJг*Иг*†ДJд*Ид*Liberty NYY€Д‰Дd€Д\€Д‹ДЦб*72аб*ч*ш*щ*ъ*ы*2sДPrв*ДЙ-ЙTObituary John E. Laidlaw КДPrб*ДBб*АД ЙДBв*ЉД•ДLв*'в*—Д6Colchester at hunting camв*pв*™ДЧв*2›Д= ДЅД+ЊД ЎД,ВД ХДЦв*Jack Laidlawв*šДœДЦв*Ив* Delhiв*в*ж*з*и*й*к*Т žŸДРД2s(Delhi at St Peter'sYžДЁДЄДЦв*ЂД”New York City Board of Waав*ЃДter Suply, Walton as an aав*ssistant civil engineerав*ав*ІДЈДЦв*ЇДd33 years with New York Ciав*ty Board of Water Supplyав*Obituary - Leo E Flynn: "Leo Edward Flynn of 90-24 51st avenue, Elmhurst, L.I., died at 5 a.m., Thursday, January 7, at Veterans' hospital in Brooklyn, of cerebral hemorrhage. He was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, Jan. 5, for a general checkup. Leo Edward Flynn was born in the town of Colchester on Jan. 6, 1898, eldest son of the late James F Flynn and Elizabeth Jackson. He received his education in Walton schools. He was a veteran of World war 1 and was at the time of his death a U.S. appraiser in the U.S. Custom House, New York City. Services were held at the Waters-Newfield funeral parlors, Elmhurst on Saturday by 107th American Legion post of Astoria and on Sunday services were held by the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name society and the U.S. Customs, of which organizations he was a member. The funeral services were held Monday, Jan. 11, at 10 a.m., at St. Bartholemew's church with requiem high masss. Burial was made in St. John's cemetery, Queens village, L.i., with military service. Surviving are his wife, Anna Blood; two dauughters, Eileen and Mary, one son, Leo, Jr., in service with the U.S. Coast Guard; also his mother, Mrs. J.J. Flynn, and sister, Florence , in Granville; a sister, Mrs. Kathryn Laidlaw, Delancey; three brothers, Sylvester, Deposit; Robert, Roscoe, and Henry, in service in Hawai, also several nephews and nieces. " Rites Held for Leo Flynn, Former Walton Resident: Walton, Jan.12 - "Funeral services for Leo Flynn, 45, of Elmhurst, L.I., former Walton resident, who died suddenly Thursday, were held this morning at Elmhurst. A requiem mass was held at the St. Bartholomew's Church at 10 a.m. Burial was in St. John's Cemetery. Mr. Flynn was born Jan. 6, 1898 in Downsville. He enlisted in the army during World War 1 with members of Company F of the New York State Guard. After the war Mr. Flynn was employed in New York City. At the time of his death he worked with the customs office. Surviving are his wife, his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn, Grandville; a son, Leo, U.S. N.; two daughters , Eileen and Maura; three brothers, Sylvester, Deposit, Robert, Roscoe, and Sergt. Henry Flynn, U.S.A., two sisters, Mrs. Verl Laidlow, Delancey, and Miss Florence Flynn, Grandville, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Hoye, Walton, and an uncle, Will Jackson, Walton. Regarding above article - likely Grandville to be Granville NY - daughter Maura likely also known as Mary - sister Mrs. Verl Laidlow to be Kathryn (Mrs. Veyrill) Laidlawав*&в*ЋД­ДЦв*ЌДTClub Royal Oasis, Walton ав*American Legion ав*ав*ЏДЦв*See Notesав*БД\Obituary Edith Ferrera FlКynn - PSHBookКГДЦв*See Notesав*winspoolqqqqqqqqqqqqss will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Church of the Holy Family, Downsville, with the Rev. Eugene Willis as Celebrant. Burial will be in Paige Cemetery, Downsville. There will be a recitation of the Rosary at 8 p.m. at the Knorr Funeral Home, Downsville. She was born June 13, 1900. in Downsville, daughter of James J. and Elizabeth (Jackson) Flynn. She married Veyrill Laidlaw on May 15, 1926, in Liberty. She was a comunicant of St. John the Baptist Church in Walton and was a charter member of the Catholic Daughters Court of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is survived by her husband, at home, one son, John E. of Walton; two daughters, Mrs. George (Elizabeth) McNulty of Port Salerno, Fla., and Mrs. David (Kathyrn) Chantry of Pougheepsie; one sister, Miss Florence A. Flynn, Houston, Texas; 25 grandchildren and one great-grandchild also survive. Friends may call at the funeral home at their convenience Monday. The family will be in attendance from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday."first employed at Scintilla duriObituary - Robert J Flynn: WalNYDelhi at St Peter'sIndependeExxerpts from Obituary John E. Laidlaw "Jack was also a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, having served post World War 2 during the Berlin crisis; a member of the Air Force Reserve and recentlly retired from the Army National Guard." "Jack was a dedicated supporter of Boy Scouts. He was a scoutmaster for many years of the St. John's Chapter 87 of the Boy Scouts of America, and a district committee member of the otschodela District of Boy Scouts." 'He was an avid sportsman who loved hunting and fishing." "grandchildren John E.III, Scott, Patricia K., LuzAmeliaand Kellyann Laidlaw, David and Christpher Doig, and Carmine Ramazio; great-gand-children, Grace, Nora and Isla; two sisters, л*м*н*ežДщДJю*USB002q?ЕыДьДЦд*Bд*ЪиЦДЦв*"Hamden Cemetery.ав*з*о*п*2sЩДJп*Ип*ЫДJо*Ио*ЭДJз*Из*р*л*с*т*2sи*у*2sф*н*2sх*г*2sгДЧх*21дДЦх*еДжДЦх*8 childrenах*ах*иДЧг*21йД/эДЦг*кДлДЦг*8 childrenаг*аг*ц*д*2sоДJц*Иц*рДЧц*21сДЦц*тДуДЦц*10 childrenац*ац*хДЧд*21цД/УДЦд*чДшДЦд*10 childrenад*ад*Ию*єДЧю*Richmond Va.ад*ад*юДяДЦг*Stuart Fla.аг*аг*ёДTIdeal-Wilson Medical Centш*er, Johnson Cityш*ѓДLш*,'ш*21ѕД/јДЦю*іДїДЦю*3 childrenаю*аю*љДњДЦю*MЕ@Chenango Bridge & Binghamаю*аю*qqqqqKathryn Chantry, Richmond,Va.,and Elizabeth McNulty, Stuart, Fla.; several nieces , nephews and cousins." ton - "Robert J. Flynn, 55, of RolcottFinnMichaelSpeersMurphoscoe, brother of Henry F. FlynnyFenneseeStahlneckerMcNicholЮДІРрIЂIrXXXX Doig^–+u}c4V ЮДІсŠFЂŠrDavid Doig+u}cюN ЮДІ€тЬЃtChristopher Doig> ЯДЦР€IЂIrAlex XXXX^–+u}cьZ аДІ€ŽHЃŽsTimothy Beyrerc 0 бДІ@сŽGЃŽsGeorge McNultyc4b вДнДмДІсMЃMsDavid Chantry}cђ. пДZА ЕAЕГŒДІтŠ ЄQtSylvester W Flynn YЕ№ДЕђДŒДЦсMЃMsEdith Ferrera}cМe ЕЕŒДЕЦРрŠEЂŠrMary Flynn+u}cц_ ЕЕŒД*ЕЦ@с ЧЂ sSylvia Flynn}cш: 2ЕFЕЕŒД:ЕІс†ЃMsJames W Flynn}c6s ;ЕЕІс ЦЂ sHenry Bokman}c J "Е0Е*ЕІРрIЂIrJohn Tupy^–+u}cцl +ЕСД:ЕЦ€с ШЂ sBarbara Spak}c„‹ ъДRor ІPЕQЕeЕNЕWЕГRЕІ@сЧIЃŽsRobert J Flynnc:4 `ЕSЕRЕЦтЪЃtMillicent Schadtb fЕRЕhЕІ@сЧЃЯsRobert Flynn Jr<ў pЕ€ЕRЕ‡ЕІРрŠEЂŠrPaul Flynn+u}c&А ‚Е—ЕRЕЕЦсЫ†ЂЫrSusan Flynn}c0$ ™ЕiЕhЕЦ€сQЄQtBeverly Stecknann kЕˆЕ‡ЕЦтЪЃtGeraldine Hesterˆ ŠЕЕЕІ@сMЃMsRodney Conrow}c~1 ’Е2pŠЈЎЕЁЕКЕŸЕЂЕЇЕГАЕЦЕІсŽЄгtHenry Francis FlynnЉЕ ЖАЕЦсЫ†ЂЫrHelen Titus}c8Й ЖК„т™ЖТЕЖРЕФЕАЕІ@сЧIЃŽsRobert C Flynnc6  ЖZƒт оЖЖЖЖ ЖЦЕЦ€сЯˆЃЯsBarbara WolcottBФ %ЖŸЧЕЩЕјЕЦЕбЕІ€сHЯЄuPatrick Robert FlynйЕЫЕЦЕоЕЦсЦMЄ’tVicki Eileen FlynnцЕЭЕЯЕЦЕыЕЦРрŽЄгtGina Elespeth FlynnѓЕвЕбЕЦс ЦЂ sCarol Fisher}cця дЕпЕоЕІРАE‡ЂЫrJohn J Finn}cX5 сЕЕJщ*Ищ*ЕJъ*Иъ*ЕJы*Иы*Е>Calvary Cemetery, Johnsonаш* Cityаш* ЕЧш*2  Е/Е,ЕЦш*Е ЕЦш*аш* ЕJч*,Ич*ЕJб*Иб*ЕЕЦш*ЕDChenango Bridge NY, also аш*аш*Afton NYаш*ЕЦш*See Notesаш*winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qЕPrш*ЕBш*ь*щ*2sЕЧщ*21Е/'ЕЦщ* Е!ЕЦщ*4 childrenащ*ащ*#ЕЧь*21$ЕЦь*%Е&ЕЦь*4 childrenаь*аь*(Е)ЕЦщ*Orchard Parkащ*ащ*э*ъ*2s,ЕЧэ*21-ЕЦэ*.Е/ЕЦэ*5 childrenаэ*аэ*1ЕJэ*,Иэ*3ЕЧъ*214Е/7ЕЦъ*5Е6ЕЦъ*5 childrenаъ*аъ*8Е9ЕЦъ*Johnson Cityаъ*аъ*ы*ю*2s<ЕЧы*2=Е1EЕ/IЕЦы*>ЕЦы*@ЕNNew York State Dept. of Tаы*qExerpts from Obiuary Edith (Ferrera) Flynn; "12 grandchcildren" "Sister, Sylvia Kenney, Coopersburg. PA" "Member St. Catherine's Church, Hillcrest; its Alter Rosary Society and its 50+ Club. Member of the Monday Club and the American University Club in Sidney, NY. She was a founding member of the Fortnightly Club in Deposit. Member of the Chenango Bridge Fire Company Auxilliary and a Volunteer at the Chenango Bridge Nursing Home ." "J.A. McCormack Sons Funeral Home, 141 Main St., Binghamton."[[[[[[[ [][ [ [[ [[[[[[[[P[[[[[[[[4[[[ [!["[#[$[%[&['[0[)[*[+[,[-[.[/[­[1[2[3[ўџџџ5[6[7[8[9[:[;[<[=[J[?[@[A[B[C[D[E[F[G[H[I[ч[K[L[M[N[O[_[Q[R[S[T[U[V[W[X[Y[Z[[[\[^[[g[`[a[b[c[d[e[f[[h[‰[j[k[l[m[n[o[p[q[r[s[t[u[v[w[x[y[z[{[|[}[~[[ўџџџransportationаы*CЕLч*BЕPrя*'ч*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqGЕHЕЦы*Bы*3 childrenаы*аы*JЕKЕЦы*LЕ@Chenango Bridge & Binghamаы*аы*ton NYаы*ton NYаю*OЕJя*Ия*Downsville NYя*Roscoeя*я*№*ё*ђ*ѓ*2sTЕJ№*И№*VЕЙЅИRObituary Robert J Flynn -КXЕ^ЕLя*&я*ZЕЧч*2/[ЕЦч*\Е]ЕЦч*Afton Lakeач*ач*'я*&Beverkill Cemeteryая*aЕЧя*2 bЕЦя*_ЕcЕЦя*ая*qBЕBя*gЕJё*Иё*ё*є*2sjЕJє*Иє*lЕЧє*21mЕЦє*nЕoЕЦє*3 childrenає*ає*qЕЧё*21rЕЦё*sЕtЕЦё*3 childrenаё*аё*qqqqqqqqqqqKKKKKKKK K K K K KKўџџџKKўџџџKKKKKKKKKKKKK K!K"K#K$K%K&K'K(K)K*K+K,K-K.K/K0K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K:K;KK?K@KAKBKўџџџСKEKFKGKHKIKJKKKLKMKNKOKPKQKRKSKTKUKVKWKXKYKZK[K\K]K^K_K`KaKbKcKdKeKfKgKhKiKjKkKlKmKnKoKpKqKrKsKўџџџuKvKwKxKyKzK{K|K}K~KK€K, died Saturday, June 14 in Roscoe. He was born in Downsville on March 10, 1903, a son of James and Elizabeth (Jackson) Flynn. He spent most of his youth in this vicinity, graduating from Walton High School. He served in various stations as state trooper for 27 years. He was county clerk of Sullivan County. Rosary service will be held 8 p.m. Monday and the funeral service will be held in the Gate of Heaven Church at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Roscoe. Burial will be in the Beaverkill Cemetery. Mr. Flynn is survived by his wife, one daughter, Susan; two sons, Robert Jr. and Paul, two sisters, Mrs. Veryl Laidlaw, Cannonsville, Miss Florence Flynn, Houston Texas; two brothers, Henry Fynn of Walton and Sylvester Flynn, Afton Lake."PerkinsJacksonTerryBoiceWolfЕJђ*Иђ*ƒЕЧђ*21„ЕЦђ*…Е†ЕЦђ*3 childrenађ*ађ*ђ*ѕ*2s‰ЕJѕ*Иѕ*‹ЕЧѕ*21ŒЕЦѕ*ЕŽЕЦѕ*3 childrenаѕ*аѕ*і*ѓ*2s‘ЕJі*Иі*“ЕЧі*21”ЕЦі*•Е–ЕЦі*2 childrenаі*аі*˜ЕJѓ*Иѓ*šЕЧѓ*21›ЕЦѓ*œЕЕЦѓ*2 childrenаѓ*аѓ*ї*+eГ Е<Јц(ЈаT€аTЈц(@ыR\ Œц(‘,uї*€аTл,uЕКї*.Smith Hospital, Waltonї*ЃЕJї*Иї*ЅЕ ЙІЕ\Obituary Henry Francis FlКynn - PSHBookКЏЕЈЕLї*'ї*ЊЕЧї*28ЋЕ БЕ МЕ+ЕЕЦї*ЌЕ­ЕЦї*56аї*аї*Downsville NYї*&ї*ї*ј*љ*ƒ2sВЕДЕЦї*ГЕVWorld War II - Army - seeаї* details in Notesаї*аї*ЖЕЗЕЦї*,See obituary in Notesаї*аї*winspoolqЙЕPrї*ЙЕBї* Walton cemeteryаї*ЛЕНЕЦї*аї*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqng World War II. She then was seeMarieVatetcretary for the Columbia Gas Corporation. She also worked at various part-time jobs in Walton besides being a homemaker for her family. She was an active member of the Democratic Party Women'СЕJљ*Иљ*УЕ8Iwo Jima - killed in actiљ*onљ*ХЕLљ*'љ*ї*њ*ћ*ќ*§*œ2sШЕ<nЈц((бSбSЈц(P7R@ Œц(‘,uћ*бSл,u 0ћ*ЪЕJћ*Ић*ЬЕJќ*Иќ*ЮЕ<Јц(XmV0mVЈц(P7R@ Œц(‘,u§*0mVл,u 0§*аЕJ§*И§*ћ*ў*2sгЕJў*Иў*еЕЧў*21жЕЦў*зЕиЕЦў*2 childrenаў*аў*кЕЧћ*21лЕЦћ*мЕнЕЦћ*2 childrenаћ*аћ*џ*ќ*ЊЕ%И2sрЕJџ*,Иџ*тЕЧџ*21уЕИЦџ*фЕхЕЦџ*3 childrenаџ*аџ*чЕЧќ*21шЕЦќ*щЕъЕЦќ*3 childrenаќ*аќ*+§*2sэЕJ+И+яЕЧ+21№ЕЦ+ёЕђЕЦ+2 childrenа+а+єЕЧ§*21ѕЕЦ§*іЕїЕЦ§*2 childrenа§*а§*љЕLћ*&ћ*qUSB002qqqqqUnfortunate Accident - Aug. 21, 1944 - exerpts form newspaper article: "Chief Warrant Oficer Henry Flynn of Walton writes friends in Walton that he has been evacuated to a hospital in the rear area. Hank has been on New Britain island. Under date of Aug. 21 he writes: I had an unfortunate acident last Sunday and as a result I was evacuated the following day to our rear area. My injuries consist of a broken jaw, injured skull, nose and the loss of four upper teeth and three lower teeth. I have a cast on my head and chin, the two casts being wired together by a firm leather strap. Naturally , it has all been very painful, but at present I am resting comfortably with the aid of various sedatives.. If my injuries heal rapidly, I shall remain here at the hospital during my period of convalescence, other wise I shall be evacuated." Obituary Henry Francis Flynn: Mayor Flynn Dies, was active in community life "Mayor Henry Francis Flynn of Walton died Sunday, July 17, 1960, in Smith hospital here where he had been a cancer patient for five months. He was 56 years old. Mr. Flynn compacted many endeavors into a busy career. He was born Mar. 6, 1904, in Downsville, son of James J. and Elespeth Jackson Flynn. He attended Walton schools where he developed an interest in athletics, a field in which he never starred but effected many a victory by inspiring the players beyond their gifts. He was in his forties when he helped rejuvenate the Walton Tigers baseball team by donning a uniform and stinging them into action from third base. That he was happiest when he was in the thick of things was demonstrated before World War II when Henry enlisted in Company F. He took a years training with the company at Fort McClelland, Ala. but was discharged because he was overage. When war was declared, however, he asked for active duty and became a chief warrant officer, later a first lieutenant with the 40th Infantry division. He was badly hurt in an accident in the Pacific area and also suffered malaria. A son, Robert, was killed in action in 1945 on Iwo Jima. Before going into service he had become manager of the Columbia Gas company office here, a cumulation of a series of jobs which included ownership of a confectionery store, "The Meadowbrook" which he ran for some years here in the Harby building. At the time of his death he was district manager for Columbia Gas. He was elected a trustee of Walton village in 1950 and in March 1957, was elected mayor. He was re-elected to this office in 1959. During his board tenure improvements were made including the contruction of the community swimming pool. Mr. Flynn was a member of St. John the Baptist church here, the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and was president of the Quarter Century club of Columbia Gas company. He wьЕыЕІ€рЫ„ЂЫrRoy Michael}cl юЕ!Ж ЖІсMЃMsGusse Wolcott}cђ+ #Ж ЖЦ@сЧЃtJennie Christian# sB ЩEЖCЖQЖOЖГGЖЦРсIЫЃtFlorence A Flynn SЖMЖGЖfЖІс†ЃMsPeter R Flynn}cФF KЖGЖІ€сŠЃЯsMichael X FlynnŽ{ 1АЦсР qXXXXCўџџџQm+u^–+u}c  `ЖjЖfЖЦс ЦЂ sLaura Speers}cФ‰ €ЖfЖgЖІс†LЃŽsPeter Flynn Jrcм" aЖpЖfЖЦ@с ЧЂ sKelsey Flynn}c Й gЖЦ†с†@Ё†qAndreaџџQm+u^–+u}cФ‰ gЖЦ††@Ё†qHudsonџџQm+u^–+u}cм" ƒЖ_ЖˆЖІ€сŽHЃŽsWilliam Murphycмw ˆЖЦРрMЃMsMary Fennesee}cЬL *n2ЏЖŽЖ†Ж‰Ж–ЖˆЖІ@сЧ‰ЃЯsJoseph V MurphyX‘ ’ЖJЏІЖ‹ЖКЖˆЖЦРрХЄгtAnna Frances MurphyРЖУЖЦРрEKЅ–uBeth Marie Stahlnecj дЪЖУЖЦ@сGOІšvOlivia Kathryn StahrИйЖёЖфЖІ€сШЃtMatthew McNichol` ЊКлЖІРрJЄ’tAdam Jude McNichol"УтЖЦ€сЯˆЃЯsJessica Perkins6` ЂехЖэЖчЖфЖЦс†ЬЄuEydie Marie McNichoЪзщЖыЖяЖфЖЦ@БG‹ЄгtAudrey Mae McNicholZйžЖЕЖЏЖфЖІ@с‡ЬЄuEugene Jude McNichoЗЗЗЗ_ЖІс ЦЂ sJames Murphy}cr! З$З_ЖІРрЫ…ЂЫrLuke Murphy}c  "З_ЖЦтQ ЄQtAnastasia Gleason EЗDЗMГІ€qrJ’Colonel T BarnhartGЗOЗMГІс†ШЃtJames P Barnhartœ QЗ<…]З_З\ЗЦРр…LЄ’tMary Esther Elwood'rbЗgЗdЗ\ЗІсЦЭЄuSimon Graham JacksoiЗ\ЗpЗЦ@сŽGЃŽsJennie Jacksoncr! kЗas married in 1948 to Miss Barbara Wolcottt of Walton and leaves besides his widow three children, a son, Patrick Robert, and two daughters, Vicki Eileen and Gina Elespeth; a brother Sylvester, Afton, and two sisters, Mrs. Veyrill N. (Katherine) Laidlaw of Cannonsville and Miss Florence Flynn, of Houston , Tex. Another brother, retired Sergent Robert Flynn, of the state police, Roscoe, and Sullivan county clerk, is dead. Services were held at 10 Wednesday morning at St. John the Baptist church with Rev. John Harzynski officiating and burial was in Walton cemetery. A rosary service was held at 7:30 Tuesday evening at Lyon Brothers funeral chapel. In lieu of flowers those wishing to do so may contribute to the Memorial fund which has been established at Smith hospital in the name of Henry Flynn.ЖPrљ*ЖЧј*2-ЖЦј*ЖЖЦј*Ж<Mrs. Helen Bisbee, Hancocај*k NYај*ЖЙЃИRObituary Robert C Flynn -Кај* ЖJј*Иј* ЖЧљ*2  ЖЦљ*ЖЖЦљ*Ж:See obituary in Notes - Uаљ*аљ*Waltonљ*USB002q Walton cemeteryањ*ЖLFox Hospital Nursing Homeњ*ЖBљ*SMCаљ*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesq, Oneonta NYњ*DЖBњ*Ж ЙЖpObituary Barbara J. WolcoК)Йtt-Flynn-Race - PSHКЖЖLњ*'њ*Walton NYњ*&њ*++њ*2s"ЖJ+И+$ЖJ+И+&ЖЧњ*2'Ж8+Ж=.Ж11Ж 6ЖЦњ*•(Ж*ЖЦњ*)Ж:Graduated Walton High Schањ*oolањ*ањ*,Ж-ЖЦњ*90ањ*ањ*/Ж0ЖЦњ*See notesањ*ањ*2Ж3ЖЦњ*See notesањ*ањ*winspoolqqЖ7ЖЦњ*ањ*qqqqqqqqiЖЙAЖ Pr +BЖPr+BЖB+DЖPrњ*FЖHSt Dominic Nursing Home, +Houston TX++++2sIЖЙJЖVObituary Florence A FlynnК - PSHBookКLЖJ+И+NЖJ+И+PЖL+Obituary Sergeant Robert C. Flynn: "Deeply regret to inform you that your ward, Sergeant Robert C. Flynn, USMC, died Feb. 28, 1945, of wounds received in action at Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, in the performance of his duty and service of his country. A.A. andefrift, Lieut. General U.S.M.C. Commandant fo the Marine Corps, U.S.M.C.P. This message was received Monday by Sylvester W. Flynn of Deposit, an uncle of Sergeant Flynn, brought sorrow to many hearts in Walton. Of the many fine, outstanding youths who have gone from Walton to fight on foreign soil, Bobby Fynn was one of the best known and liked. In high school he was an outstanding athlete and possessed of a disposition which made him a friend of all who knew him. Bob's father, Chief Warrant Officer, Henry Flynn, is with the 40th Division in the Philippines. Bob ws born in Walton, Aug.23, 1924. He was a member of Company F, 10th Regiment, New York National Guard, when the guard was federalized in October, 1940, and ordered to Fort McClellan, Alabama, for trainng. At that time he was only 16 years of age. His father was a sergeant in Company F and the two were together at Fort McClellan, where Henry Flynn became first sergeant. In the fall of 1941 in line with the army's policy at that time, father and son were released from service. Sergeant Flynn was placed on the enlisted reserve and Bob was given an honorable discharge to return to Walton and resume his schooling. Bob arived home on Dec.6, 1941, the day before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Father and son immedialtellly sought re-entry into service. Sergeant Henry Flynn was recalled to duty in February and assigned to the 185th Infantry of the 40th Division, then training on the Pacific coast. Bob remained in school for a time, since because of his age the services would not accept his enlistment. He eventually dropped school for work while waiting. In the meantime he continued his military training in the State Guard. Immediatelly after his 18th birthday,he enlisted n the marine corps and recceived his boot training at Paris Island, South Carolina. He had one furlough home before being sent to the Pacific theatre of war with the 25th Marines, 4th Marine Division. He had taken part in the capture of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands, in which he was in the first assault wave, and later particpated in battles in the Marshall islands, Saipan and Tinian. At Saipan he met some of his former Company F buddies with the 27th Divsion in the front lines. In his letters home Bob gave expression to a deep relgious faith. He will be remembered for his friendy disposition and happy smile which endeared him in the hearts of family and friends. When last heard from his father, Chief Warrant Officer Henrry Flynn, was in the Philippines. His mother, Mrs. Helen Bisbee, is a resident of Hancock. The invasion of Iwo Jima began on Feb. 19." Funeral home card - (Ivan P Clark, Walton NY) - Sergeant Robert Charles Flynn - Company E, 25th Marines, 4th Divsion Died of Wounds - February 28, 1945 - Iwo Jima Services '+RЖJ+И+TЖЧ+2UЖ1YЖ+\ЖЦ+VЖXЖЦ+WЖ<Yonkers General Hospital а+- RNа+а+ZЖ[ЖЦ+,See obituary in Notesа+а+]Ж^ЖЦ+,See obituary in Notesа+а+++­* ++2sbЖЧ+AЖB +2dЖЦ+*Grandmother Kinsella+cЖeЖЦ+И++++ +2s+ + +2srЖЙ/ЙTObituary Joseph V Murphy КlЖJ+BЂИ+nЖЙoЖ^Peter Flynn Christmas mesКsage - PSHBookКqЖJ +И +sЖ`James Murphy newspaper arКticle - PSHBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqs Club, Eastern Star, women's bowling leagues, Meals on Wheels & other organizatons in Walton and Binghamton." Other places she lived: Delhi Senior Community Apartments; Countryside Care Center Nursing Home. Survived by: son - Patrick (Carol) Flynn - Franklin daughter - Vicki (Jack) Finn - Clinton daughter - Gina (Roy) Michael - Hernando, Fla stepson - Greg (Lynda) Race and 2 daughters Grandchildren: Sean (Kathy) Flynn - Columbus Ga Kimberley (Glenn) McMullen - Maryland Major Shane (Gina) Finn - military in Virginia Ryan (Megan) Finn - Malta Monica (Matt) Carpenter - North Andover Mass. Kelen Finn - Clinton Shannon Michael - Arcadia Fla Dithanne Michael - Hernando Fla Great Grandchildren: Alexandra McMullen Joshua Flynn Cole Finn Ryder Finn Madison Finn Gavin Finn Connor Carpenter Cayla Carpenter "Predeceased by her first husband, Henry Francis Flynn, a former Walton Mayor, district manager of Columbia Gas Cmpany in Walton and the father of her children. She was also predeceased by her second husband, Frank A. Race, a Delaware County Fire Coordinator and plumber, baby, Cindy Lou Flynn, brother, Howard Wolcott, sister, Eliabeth Kinch, nephew, Ralph Kinch and a stepson, Robert Race."Obituary Mrs. Elizabeth J. FlynnObituary Florence A Flynn - The Reporter, June 23, 1993; "Florence A. Flynn, 86, died June 8 at St. Dominic Nursing Home in Houston TX. Born and raised in Walton, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr. James Flynn, she was the youngest of six children, four boys and two girls. Her brother, Henry (Hank) Flynn , was a well-known figure in Walton for many years and at one tme held the office of Mayor. Mrs. Flynn retired from a distinguished career as a registerd nurse in the mid 1970's, receiving her training from Yonkers General hospital with an advanced degree from Columbia university. She practiced her profession in many areas of nursing: public health, operating room supervision and as school nurse in northeastern New York state. She was affiliated with Homer Folks Hostital n Oneonta and finally as head nurse in the private wards of M.D. Anderson Medical Center, the cancer research institution, in Houston. After that she was the administrator the then Harris County Center for the Retarded in Houston.. She loved to travel and visited the Middle East , Europe and Ireland on a number of occasions, one of them as a member of the Houston Grand Opera asociation She is survived by two sons, Michael X. of Houston and Peter R. of Montclair, NJ. A memorial mass will be celebrated Saturday , Aug, 14 at 10 a.m. at St. john the Baptist Church in Walton. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to the Center for the Retarded Volunteer Program, 3550 W. Dallas, P.O. Box 130402, Houston TX 77219."le Alick, who had occupied it several years with his mother." Farm at Gregory Hollow, Downsville NY known as Brookside Farm. Timothy Hoye Memento booklet refers to an uncle, James Delahunty, as being in the United Sates prior to the arrival of Timothy. "Thence he came up to Delaware Conty, new York, where his uncle James was employed in tanning hides." Memento booklet states "K‚KƒKўџџџ…Kўџџџ‡KˆK‰KŠKўџџџRLKŽKKK‘K’K“K”Kўџџџ–K—K˜K™KšK›KœKKžKŸK Kўџџџ0LЃKЄKЅKІKЇKЈKЉKЊKЋKЌK­KЎKЏKАKБKВKГKДKЕKЖKЗKИKЙKКKЛKМKНKОKПKРKўџџџТK LLХKЦKЧKШKЩKЪKЫKЬKЭKЮKЯKаKбKвKгKдKеKжKзKиKйKкKлKмKнKоKпKрKсKтKуKфKхKцKчKшKщKъKыKьKэKюKяK№KёKђKўџџџєKѕKіKїKјKљKњKћKќK§KўKџKLGrandmother Kinsella happened to be with us at the time" - indicating she lived with the family at some point on the farm.Birth mother of child Gram. Jaime - wife of Kelsey. booklet - "Grandmother Kinsella happened to be with us at the tЖJ+И+‚Ж!Pr+‡ЖJ +ŸЖ<Masonic Cemetery, Wintersа‰*šЖЁЖЦ‰*‚ЖB+И + + +++2sŠЖJ+И+ŒЖJ+,И+&Town of Colchester+ЖHDelaware Valley Hospital,+ Walton NY+‘Ж<St. Mary's Cemetery, Kingа+stonа+“ЖЧ+2 ”ЖЦ+Ж•ЖЦ+а+˜Ж—ЖL+'+&+ЃЖЌЖЦ‰* ЖVWorld War I - Army - seeа‰*Qr Funeral home Card - PSHКЭЖ8Euclid OH - Cuyahoga counџ'tyџ'PЄQлмtЮ&+бЖJА*HP Photosmart 6520 seriesq?ЗИА*USB002qдЖ6Eulclid OH, Cuyahoga Cunt(y(жЖL(&(иЖd\кЖJ+И+мЖL+&+оЖ:Euclid, OH - Cuyahoga Cou(nty(рЖL(&( Independence OHYуЖL+&+++++2sцЖ<lЈц(8шRшRЈц(poN8Œц(‘мt+шRлмtЮ&+шЖL+&+ъЖ<Л(8ŸQ88Л(‘мt+ŸQлмtB{+ьЖJ+И+юЖJ+И+№ЖL+&+ђЖL+&+qqqqqqqqqqqqqand O. 44107. Funeral Mass St. Michaels Church (Independence), Friday, June 6 at 9:30 a.m. Interment Clavary Cemetery. Friends may call at the Nosek & Sons, Gerber-McCreery & Hather Funeral Home, 8150 Brecksville Rd. Wednesday 7-9 P.M.and Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. nce OHSt. John the Baptist RomObituary: Bernard F. Hoye,Sr: "Bernard F. Hoye Sr., 72, died at his home in Worcester, June 12, 1970 after an extended illness. A requiem mass was held at 10 a.m. June 15 at St. Joseph's chuЗ%PrТ*З#PrhЗ$Pr+ЗJ+ЗJи*Ии*ЗJй*Ий* ЗJк*Ик* ЗJл*Ил* ЗJм*Им*ЗJн*Ин*ЗFSt Joseph's Cemetery, Worаhcester NYаhаhЗ&PrК*ЗB+И+ЗЧ+2 З/ЗЦ+ЗЗЦ+Civil Warа+а+ЗL+0County Wexford, Ireland+&+З!ЗЦ+ ЗdBovina & later near Andesа+ & Clochester & Pepactonа+а+#ЗJ+И+%ЗJ+И+ЗBК*ЗBТ*)З Й*З`Ann Barnhart newspaper arКticle - PSHBookК'Т*-З4Binghamton State hospitalТ*Т*/З0ЗЦТ*75аТ*аТ*winspoolqЗqUSB002qqqqqqqqqqqqqrch, Worcester, the Rev. William Crandall, celebrant. Burial was made in St. Joseph's cemetery, Worcester. Mr. Hoye was born Oct. 13, 1897 in Downsville, the son of Alexander A. and Agnes Flynn Hoye. He married Lena Terry on Aug. 18, 1929 in Walton. He was a veteran of World War I and was a retired partner of the Farrell Timber Co. , Cliffside. He lived in Worcester 23 years, formerly living in Poland and Maryland. He was a member of St. Joseph's church, Worcester, the American Legion and Oneonta Elks club. He is survived by his wife; a son, Bernard Jr. of Worcester; a daughter, Mrs. William Stahlnecker of Independence, Ohio; a sister, Mr Gilbert Deering of Worcester; seven grandchildren and serveral cousin. Skinner funeral home was in charge of arrangements.": "Mrs. Elizabeth J Flynn, a former resident of Walton, died at"C.T. Barnhart, wife and daughteJames Murphy newspaper article: "Pepacton Man Finds Walton Much Different than on Former Visit" "James Murphy, a Civil War veteran residing at Pepacton, was a Walton caller Friday, Nov. 10. It was his first visit at Walton in thirty years, and it was like magic he found our village transformed to the beautiful place it now is, from what it appeared thirty years ago. He spoke of the beautiful buildings, especially the churches and admired the many pretty homes with the well kept lawns and remarked at the cleanliness of the streets. Mr. Murphy, although eighty-three years of age, is a well preserved man physically and his agile step and alertness of mind is worthy of a person many years his junior. He is a great reader and keeps up to date in the current topics of the day. James Murphy was born in County Wexford and came to America nearly seventy years ago with his parents, Luke and Anastasia Gleason Murphy. They resided at Bovina a few years when they purchased a tract of land in the wilds, bordering on the towns of Andes and Colchester, three miles from Pepacton, and moved there. They cut the forests and cleared the land, endured the privations and hardships due the early pioneers. The farm is now owned and ocupied by William Murphy, a younger brother, with whom James Murphy makes his home. James Flynn, 102 North street, Walton, is a nephew, also Mrs. A.A. Hoye of Townsend street is a niece, both __ whom Mr. Murphy called during ___short stay in Walton." "Mrs. Ann Barnhart died Feb. 24th, at the Binghamton Sate hospital aged 75 years. Her reains were brough to Shavertown and the funeral held Sunday." Mrs. BarnhLLLLУKLLL L Lўџџџ L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'L(L)L*Lўџџџ,L-L.Lўџџџ1LŽG2L3L4L5L6Lўџџџ8L9L:L;LL?L@LALBLCLDLELFL‰GHLILJLKLLLMLNLOLPLўџџџ™GSLўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџart was a former resident of Shavertown and has many friends here. She leaves two sons, Colonel of Binghamton and James P. of Union Hill; one brother, John Flynn of Pepacton, and four sisters, Mrs. Bryon Wilson of Iowa, Mrs. Maragret Quinn of Great Bend, Pa, Mrs. Alfred Barnhart and Mrs. Mary Jennings of this place. Her husband died some 15 years ago. Grief over his death caused her mind to become affected. " r of Binghamton, Jas. P. Barnhart of Union Hill and Mrs. Alex. Hoye, Jas. Flynn and S.F. Flynn o'У*tBЗCЗЦН*PepactonаН*аН*L+FЗJ+И+HЗЧ+21IЗ/LЗЦ+JЗKЗЦ+ Wife & daughterа+а+tMЗNЗЦ+Binghamtonа+а+PЗJ+И+RЗЧ+2/SЗЦ+tTЗЦ+Union Hillа+winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqеЗHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqq Walton cemeteryаК*YЗ[ЗЦК*аК*++К*+!+#+šЗ2s^ЗJ+И+`ЗaЗL+&+'+cЗ<nЈц(јџFаџFЈц(АЛBŒŒц(‘мt+аџFлмtвž+eЗfЗL+&+'+hЗJ+И+jЗJ+И+lЗЧ+21mЗ/qЗЦ+nЗoЗЦ+6 childrenа+а+ ++2srЗsЗЦ+Beerstonа+а+USB002qwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qŠ*,+*-+2sqqqqqqf Walton attended the funeral of Mrs. Ann Barnhart at the place Sunday." Granville, N.Y., where she had been living witih her daughter, Miss Florence Flynn, on Monday F__ 19. Death was caused by acute__gina after an illness of about ___ weeks. Mrs. Flunn was born in the ____ of Colchester May 23, 1875___daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S___ Jackkson. She was united in ___riage to the late James Flynn___from 1908 to 1932 she reside____Walton where she had a ___circle of friends. She is survived by two daugh____Mrs. Veryl Laidlaw of Delan___and Miss Florence Flynn of Granville; three sons, Sylvester Flynn of Deposit, Chief Warrant Officer Henry Flynn with the 185th Infantry regiment now on Luzon and Robert J Flynn of Roscoe, one brother, William T. Jackson of Beerston and two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Terry of Beerstown and Mrs. William Terry of Honey Brook Pa. She was a member fo the Catholic church at Granville. The funeral was held in the Churc of St. John the Baptist in Walton on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Joseph Bolt officiated. Burial was made in the Walton cemetery.""scholarship to John's Hopkins School of Nursing at Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia & to Baltimore on 9/29/1946"July 9, 1939 letter written by B€ЗpЗІРсŽIЃŽsAugustus Terryc.• ‚З‡З\З‰ЗЦсMЃMsIrene Jackson}c“ ‘ЗŠЗ‰ЗІРрŠEЂŠrJohn Boiceлt}cк& ŒЗ–З˜З\ЗЦРрХЭЄuMary Jardine Jackso›З\ЗЂЗЦтQ ЄQtJosephine Jackson ЗЃЗЂЗІРрŠEЂŠrWill Terryлt}cx ЅЗЊЗ\ЗЌЗІ€с ЄQtWilliam T Jackson ВЗ­ЗЌЗЦ@сЯ‡ЃЯsJennie JacobsonЖE ЏЗ\ЗБЗІ@сŽGЃŽsRobert JacksoncЦ& ЧЗРЗБЗЦ@сŽGЃŽsBertha RadekercЂ  ТЗbdЮЗЬЗ\ЗІсMЃMsRalph Jackson}cDч 4И,ИPБЦ€рIЂIrXXX Blair^–Fu}c”B LИyЗЦEсEЁEqEthelўџџџQm‚v^–‚v}c@ CИyЗЦ@сŽGЃŽsMartha SanborncZ] YИUИІРрEЧЂ sLeon R Vatet}c6P В*ИЦЧсЧ€ЁЧqLillianQm‚v^–‚v}c@Л nИpИeИЦРрEЯЄuAnna Gallagher BloorИтZЩИаИdВЦРрEЧЂ sMary E Flynn}c˜ž вИзЦРрIЂIrxxxx Hoye^–ъt}cю зЦРрIЂIrxxxx Hoye^–ъt}cю зЦРрIЂIrxxxx Hoye^–ъt}cю 6+жРрIЂIrxxxx Hoye^–ъt}cю 7+8+9+:+;+<+=+>+?+ЗJ +И +ƒЗЧ +21„ЗЦ +…З†ЗЦ +8 childrenа +а +ˆЗJ!+И!+"+!+2s‹ЗJ"+И"+ЗЧ"+21ŽЗЦ"+ЗЗЦ"+6 childrenа"+а"+’ЗЧ!+21“ЗЦ!+”З•ЗЦ!+6 childrenа!+а!+—З<nЈц(ˆьF`ьFЈц(pМBŒŒц(‘мt#+`ьFлмtвž#+™ЗJ#+И#+$+&+(+*+e\ЗœЗJ$+И$+žЗЧ$+21ŸЗ/ЗЗЦ$+ ЗЁЗЦ$+3 childrenа$+а$+%+$+2sЄЗJ%+И%+ІЗЧ%+21ЇЗЦ%+ЈЗЉЗЦ%+3 childrenа%+а%+ЋЗJ&+,И&+&+'+2sЎЗJ'+И'+АЗJ(+И(+(+)+2sГЗЧ&+2/ДЗЦ&+ЕЗЖЗЦ&+Beerstonа&+а&+ИЗЙЗЦ$+Honey Brook Paа$+а$+qqqqqqСЗJ)+И)+УЗЧ)+21ФЗЦ)+ХЗЦЗЦ)+2 childrenа)+а)+ШЗЧ(+21ЩЗЦ(+ЪЗЫЗЦ(+2 childrenа(+а(+ЭЗаЗL*+&*+ЯЗJ*+И*+'*+winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqwinspoolqИзЗ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB0022Times New RomanlЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџ2МArial(RomalЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*2МArial(lЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*нЗ˜ЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏоЗЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏпЗЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏЏ2Arial(lЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*2ArialРЌ2ArialРЌ2 МArial(lЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*2Arial(lЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџџџœ*Notes:2ArialЈхЗхЗ2 Times New RomanlЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџ2 Times New RomanlЧ(CFЅu^+‰˜ўџUSB002qwinspoolьЗ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesўЗ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002USB002HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqwinspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqwinspoolїЗ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002qUSB002qwinspoolqqwinspoolqwinspoolИ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002winspoolИ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002winspoolqHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqqUSB002qwinspoolИ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002winspoolИ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002ИL/+HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqПЙ'/+HP Photosmart 6520 seriesqИ†Wedding invitation Vicki КsЙEileen Flynn-John J Finn КJack Finnџ*И$ИЦџ*winspoolИ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002winspool"И4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002Иџ*&ИnSt. John the Baptist RomYоЕ'Иan Catholic Church, WaltoYоЕn NYYоЕ*ИdфАBО*\фАа‹*-ИJ++,И++/ИЙ0ИPBartholomew R Hoye MD letКterBookКUSB002qq3И(Pr++3ИB++USB002qwinspoolqqqqqqqqqq - 1936 1893 East 81st Street, Cleveland, OH - lateran Catholic Church, Walton NYOsartholomew E Hoye MD to family states that his son "Barty" is married to daughter of John L Blair, Warren PA - president of The New Process Company. Her name not given.ame to California in 1896 establishing a home in the 1000 acre Wolfskill tract southeast of Winters." "Mrs Sanborn was a charter member of the Sacramento Chapter, No 1, American War Mothers of World war 1 and was recently made an honorary life member of the organization. She was also a charter member of the Winters American Legion Auxilliary Post #242 and of the Alter Society of St Anthony's Catholic Church." "her favorite charity was for inmates of a leper colony in the Philippine Islands" Letter dat - Dated October 31, 1874 - listBœ*AИ)PrР*AИBР*KИJ-+EИЙFИ†Newspaper article 4/10/19К&Й26 "Confirms Flynn Deed" КHИLМ*'М*'Н*BАИ-+MИJ,+И,+]ИЙHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqQИ_ИLе*&е*SИ<tЈц(H%m %mЈц(`ŠkшŒц(‘ƒvЖ* %mлƒvНяЖ*Oswego NYYГ.+Ж*2sWИЙXИbWedding anouncement VatetК-Flynn - PSHBookКZИJ.+И.+\ИdГ\Г$ЙRMargaret E Hoye Letters -КaИJГ*'е*BГ*ИГ*cИLГ*'Г*USB002qЫ*0+2sИ*- Susquehanna CountywinspoolqjИЙkИfAgnes Flynn Hoye notes (2КйИ/8/1949) - PSHBookКBН*qoИ<d„э(XT””hэ(‘‹t0+0Tл‹t—s0+qИJ0+И0+sИЧ0+2,tИЦ0+uИЦ0+vИ^Children of Anna 1st marrа0+iage: David & Vincentа0+qqqqqqqqqs wife Marcelia and children John Flynn, Margaret (wife of Francis Quinn), James Flynn, Mary (wife of James Jennings), Ann (wife of Andrew A Barnhart), Sarah (wife of Alfred Barnhart), Julia (wife of Byron Wilson) & grandchildren (children of son James) Thomas, Aggie, James, Sylvester.ice Hoye notesObituary Williamr son, Edward. Written from Binghamton NY.Obituary - Walton Repoter -Friday, April 12, 1940: James Hoye "James Hoye, a former Delhi resident, died Apr. 5 at the home of his brother Bartholomew E Hoye, at Auburn, near Seattle, Washinton, aged 84. Deceased was born in Gregory Hollow, Colchester. He was the oldest of the seven children of the late Mr. and Mr. Timothy Hoye, who for nerly fifty years resided i the picturesque little brook valley, the home being known as Brookside farm. He attended the district school and taught school at Beaverkill when seventeen.He then entered the old Delaaware academy where Professor Smith was principal. He had a brilliant mind and was rated as one of the brightest pupils. Finshing his academic course he attended the University of Ottawa, where he made a fine schoastic record. Returning home he becamea law student in the office of the late General Ferris Jacobs. Upon his admission to the New York bar General Jacobs took the young student in as a law partner, the firm name being Jacobs and Hoye. Shortly after this General Jacobs was elected to congress, leaving the law office to young Hoye, who in a short time received an appointment as a special examiner civil war pension claim agent investigating claims in midwestern states. He had resided on the Pacific coast for a number of years, the greater part of the time in Washington State, where he had two brothers, Dr. Bartholomew Hoye and the late Dr. Charles Edward Hoye. A.A. Hoye of Walton is a brother, as was Judge B.W. Hoye, late of Oneonta. The late Miss Margaret Hoye, who for many years was a teacher in New York city , was a sister. Surviving are the two brothers above mentioned, A.A.Hoye of Walton and Dr. Hoye, and a sister, Mrs. Stephen Chase Sanborn of Winters, California, and a cousin, Lawrence Kingsley of Hamden, who resides at the old Hoye homestead in Gregory Hollow. Old -time friends throughout Delaware county will regret to hear of Mr. Hoye's death and will sympathize with the survivors of this originally large family now narrowed down to three." Letter dated February 6, 1902 - written from Cripple Creek, Colo. Business card: James E Hoye - Special Agent, Pension Department Author: "Ireland and the Irish in America - A Pamphlet for the Kinsmen of James Hoye - Subject: The Part Taken by American Irish in the Foundation and Upbuilding of the United States; and Something Concerning the Irish People in Their Own Land. Object: To Indicate the Imprtance of Ireland's History to Americans, and Its Especial Interest and Benefit to American Decendants of the Irish Race, Such as are the Children, Including a Foster Child and nephew, of Timothy Hoye and Sarah Kinsella. April, 1910" Author: "Memento of Timothy Hoye 1818 - 1902" "In Memoriam Charles Edward Hoye MD 1866 - 1907" "In Memoriam Margaret E. Hoye 1856 - 1907" Mary Hoye Sanborn letter indicates James also wrote a memoriam booklet following the death of her son, William Edward Sanborn.at St. John the Baptist Church, Walton NY - June 18, 1948 Fnal resting place - Walton Cemetery, Walton NYObituary - Gilbert P. Deering: Worcester - "Gilbert P. Deering, 96, of Worcester, died Wednesday, April 24, 1996, at home. He was born Jan. 25, 1900, in Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Lawrence and Katherine (Galvin) Deering. H married Mary Beatrice Hoye June 26, 1936 in Walton. She died Dec. 21,1992. Mr. Deerng moved to Worcester in 1965. He worked for U.S. Steele for 41 years in the management department, before retiring in 1961. He was a member of the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church of Worcester, Cleveland Knights of Culumbus and St. Agnus Holy Name Society, Cleveland , Ohio. He grduated from Loyola High School and attended Cleveland Busness School and Case Reserve University. He was a lover of sports all his life. He played Semi Pro Basketball for the City of Cleveland and won many championships. He also had a love for the theater. He and his wife would take weekend trips to New York City to see Broadway shows. They also were at openings in London, England. After retiring, he and his wife followed the Cleveland teams, especiallly baseball, to New York City, Pittsburg and Detroit. They also spent much of their time traveling, taking many freighters trips, including one for several months traveling the world , and spent several winters on the Cota Del Sol, Spain. He is survived by a nephew, Bernie Hoye of Worcester, and several nieces and nephews in Ohio and New York. He was predeceased by his brother, Tomas Deering. A funeral will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 27, at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Worcester, with the Rev. William W. Crandall officiating. Burial will be at a later date at St. Paul's Cemetery, Hancock. There will be no calling hours. Those wishing to make a remembrance of Gilbert, may give to the Worcester Emergency Squad and the Worcester Fire Department. Arrangements are by E.J. Skinner Co. Funeral Chapel, 115 Main St., Worcester." Cleveland OH address: 1925 East 89th Street, Cleveland OH - 1936 1893 East 81st Street, Cleveland OH - later Family verbal history indicates estrangemnet between Gilbert Deering & other family mebers with the exception of his Mother Katherine Galvin Deering & brother Thomas Deering. Following the death of Gilbert & wife Mary a sort of household effects uncovered an obituary & funeral home card for Lawrence A. Deering - died May 19, 1962 - ?a brother? A Funeral mass missal inscribed Dr. James Deering with date Dec. 11, 1961 found. The Flynn-Froelk Company Funeral Homess - Cleveland OH A funeral home card with name Mary Gillmore Deering - Died January 29, 1948 found.\ўџџџ\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\ўџџџ+\,\-\.\/\0\1\2\3\4\ўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџObituary - Mrs. Agnes Hoye Dies in Walton - Binghamton Press Bureau: "Mrs. Agnes Flynn Hoye died Monday at 11:30 PM in the Delaware Valley Hospital, Walton, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Hoye was born March 16, 1868, at Great Bend, Pa.,the daughter of James and Mary Murphy Flynn. She was married Jan. 13, 1897 to Alexander A. Hoye, at Hancock, and they have made their home in Walton for the past 48 years. Mrs. Hoye andd her husbanc, the late Alexander A. Hoye, were among the first families to start a program for building the first Catholic Church in Walton. She was a member of St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, Walton, The Women's Relief Corps, Catholic Daughters of America and the Rosary Society. Surviving are one son, Bernard F. Hoye of Worcester and one daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Deeering, Cleveland,Ohio; one grandson, Bernard F. Hoye ., Jr; one grand-daughter, Mrs. William Stahlnecker, Cleveland; one great grandson, four cousins and several nieces and nephews. Rosary service will be held tonight at Mrs. Hoye's home, 102 Townsend Street. High Mass of Requim will be celebrated Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Church, Walton. The body will be placed in the Walton Vault until Spring, when burial will be in St. Paul's Cemetery, Hancock. The Rev. James C. Hickey will officiate at the services." Agnes Flynn Hoye notes Feb. 8, 1949: "I was born in 1868 March 18th Susquehanna Co. Pa was christened Agnes Ann. When I was still a baby came back to Pepacton Del co NY lived all my life on what is still the old Thos. Flynn farm. Beside the peaceful East Branch of the Del. River where was born five boys and 1 sister 7 in family, 5 brothers 2 sisters. The little cottage Grandma the oldest there we lived as farmers. Our home was always so cosy & pretty with maple trees & always something to give us pleasure & something different. There was the grand old river pretty birds the whippoorwill the lark with his ____ song the early Robin & bluebird. I was the oldest of 7 children only 2 of us left. I had the plesure of helping my mother & father take care of the chi ldren as they came along. The River was not far from our little cottagesurrounded by maples fruit trees & berry bushes as well as trees like butternut chestnut walnut trees. We had to walk about a mile to go to School with other children went along throgh a lovely piece of woods listening to birds, singing, then evening song the lark all the sweetest song birds I ever heard to get to school we had to cross a bridge the Pepacton to get to School. We called it a district School there was perhaps 50 or more pupils we recited our lessons joined in. I learned to play quite well later on drifted here & there. Some went to higher schools I went to Stamford Seminary Stamford Del Co happy time. We did not have many Catholic in our vacinity Methodist & Presp the Priest came to my Grandfather Flynns at Easter time and my father & mothers home later where the few catholics baptised. If a sick call sent for the priest around May was this time people made their Easter duty. Now we have more churches I never cared to much we said our prayer I think our people must have instilled the religion of our forefathers well in our hearts I know I always loved my religion I was taught still I loved most of my protestant friends still ignorant. They still like to put you to to your ____but I always play my part."€И+PrФ*И*PrХ*И­*ИBХ*…ИЧХ*2/‡ИЦХ*Pepacton NY­*ˆИŒИЦХ*“ИZAndes NY, Lover ShavertowаХ*ŠИЙ‹ИhBarnhart/Flinn wedding ceКыИrtificate - PSHBooКаХ*ŽИdRГ\RГИ‘ИЦФ*ЂИBColchester, Pepacton, ShaаФ*аФ*ЇИЋИЦЌ*n, South ShavertownаХ*•ИЧ­*2 –И7™ИЦ­*—ИžИЦ­*˜И>St Paul's Cemetery, Hancoа­*ck NYа­*‚nИЦ­*›ИЙœИxThe Hancock Herald,ThursdКnЙay, Nov. 27, 1952 - PSHКа­*а­* ИL­*'­*ЁИ,PrЌ*vertownаФ* PSHBookКBА* PSHBookКЙhester 1885-1886 - PSHК,Civil War - see notesаЌ*ЉИЙЊИ^Family letter dated June К1919 - PSHBookКаЌ*winspoolqЙBookКЭИLА*okКБИJЏ*ИЏ*qqqqqqqqqqqqqqСИЙТИhPhoto of grave stone - JaКeЙmes Flynn - PSHBooК'Ќ*L*ХИ.Pr1+ЦИ-Pr­*ЦИB­*ШИ/Pr*ХИB1+ЫИЙЬИrPension Bureau document tКbЙo Mary E Flynn - PSHК&А*&Ў*&Џ*бИL1+&1+гИЧ1+2-дИЦ1+еИиИЦ1+ Mamieа1+зИЙ%ЙTMary Beatrice Hoye notes Ка1+КBookКBookКШИB*нИ0PrЮ*пИЧœ*27рИЦœ*’ЇсИтИЦœ*? strokeаœ*аœ*нИBЮ*SHBookКokКokКookКBookКokКBookКkК PSHBookКBookКBookКkКBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookККBookКookКККBookКBookКkКBookККokКBookКBookКBookКkКBookКookКSHBookКBookКBookКBookКHBookКBookКookК PSHBookК- PSHBookК- PSHBookКBookКkКBookК PSHBookКPSHBookКBookК- PSHBookКPSHBookК- PSHBookК- PSHBookКqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqHBookК- PSHBookКokКHBookК- PSHBookКkКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookКBookККBookКBookКBookККBookКBookКBookКBookКSHBookКHP Photosmart 6520 seriesqUSB002qBookКookКwinspoolqqkКBookКBookКBookКBookКkКBookКBookКBookККBookКBookКBookКBookКBookК PSHBookК- PSHBookКHBookКBookК- PSHBookКBookКBookКHBookКBookКBookКBookКkКqqqqqUSB002winspoolŽЙ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesЊн„ЙЦFЙRCypress Hill Memorial ParаF†Й4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002winspoolŠЙ4HP Photosmart 6520 seriesUSB002Petaluma, CAFwinspoolk, Petaluma, CAаFqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq2000, April 19 -- "The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families," compiled by Lawrence A. DeLong and Donald P. Petro, is published.2000, April 19 -- "The DeLongs of Worcester, New York and Associated Families," compiled by Lawrence A. DeLong and Donald P. Petro, is published. 2013, September 18 -- "Donald Peter Petro passed away on September 13, 2013, at the home he shared with his wife of 50 years, Gwen Petro. Don was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 21, 1933, the son of Helen and William Petro. "While in high school, he was Captain of the wrestling team, winning many competitions. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps, Reconnaissance Company, Headquarters Division, as a Weapons Armorer and then attended Ohio State. In 1963 he married Gwen Smith in Munich, Germany. "The family moved to Petaluma in 1968, where he became active in the community, serving on the Petaluma Water Commission, the Site Design Review Committee and on the Board of the Petaluma Concert Association. In 1980, Don conceived and founded the primary fundraiser for the Casa Grande High School Music Association. He also supported his children's interests by teaching 4-H projects in Electricity and Rocketry. "In 1979, Don formed 'Petro Construction' as a company specializing in commercial and industrial metal buildings. His buildings won numerous design awards for their aesthetics and creativity. His work can be observed throughout Sonoma County and beyond at wineries, warehouses, fire-stations, a forestry building, an air-craft hangar, bowling alley, grocery store, and refrigerated storage buildings; his contribution to the community remains. "Don ran the 'Safe and Sane' Fireworks business. He also served as a member of the Safe and Sane Fireworks Advisory Committee to the State Fire Marshal in Sacramento. "Don is survived by his wife, Gwen, daughters Monika Petersen (Fred) and Cheryl LaSalle (Derek), son, Brian Petro (Brett), and grandchildren Daniel and Gregory Petersen, Kimberly LaSalle, and Benjamin, Samuel and Elisabeth Petro. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, William Petro. "Funeral services will be held at the Petaluma United Methodist Church, 410 D Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 on Saturday, September 21, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. Donations in Don's memory can be made to: EFM (Eastside Friends of Music), Casa Grande High School, Attention: Sean Millard, 333 Casa Grande Road, Petaluma, CA 94954 -- (Please include a memo saying that the donation is in memory of Don Petro.) Family assisted by PARENT-SORENSEN MORTUARY & CREMATORY, Petaluma." [Obituary, T252-T253]